Thick green mucus


2022.11.22 18:54 redstonebrain40 whytfwouldyouwantthat

This is a subreddit solely dedicated to the are or sin of nosepicking. Together we can find light in the deranged tendency of humor! (Plus thick-mucus like dialouge!)

2019.07.21 19:32 Green Berets

News, discussion, and media about US Special Forces, commonly referred to as Green Berets.

2010.09.13 19:49 djstangl Pearl Jam

A subreddit about all things Pearl Jam. Of course we're talking about the best band from the 1990s featuring Eddie Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament, and Matt Cameron. See wikipedia for additional info about other band members. Pearl Jam fans are usually members of the "Ten Club" named after the bands debut album "Ten".

2024.05.21 17:34 philosophiaehistoria Review - breezy summer

I posted on here 2 days ago about my first purchase since the dream drop, maybe 2 years ago? Here are my thoughts...
Delivery: I'm in London and this arrived 48-72 hours after I purchased, which is amazing.
Sizing: I'm 7 months pregnant and I bought everything in a size small, which I would've done as I did pre-pregnancy. Everything fits fine, so maybe size down on these items? Overall I'm happy with these items and I'm waiting to see what the next drop is and perhaps I'll commit to the new breezy pants too
submitted by philosophiaehistoria to djerfavenue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:22 Fun-Yogurtcloset521 The Locust Man

 Every town has their own version of “The Boogeyman”. A monster, cryptid, phantom, whatever you want to call it, it’s all essentially the same thing- just a scary story they tell kids in an attempt to get them to behave. An urban legend is just a life lesson disguised as a horror story after all. For us folk living up in the tiny and once prosperous gold-mining town of Trillium, ours was known simply as The Locust Man. Now, let me start by saying, I realize how ridiculous that name must sound to you. “The Locust Man”?? Pftt…What’s he do, besides get stuck in the grill of someone’s pick-up truck. Destroy some crops? Oooh, he sounds real scary... yeah, I know. But yet, as I sit here today 20 years after the fact - a grown woman who’s wiser, stronger, and even more grounded in reality than she was at 12, I still hesitate to even write down that name. 
As a young child I had always thought it to be a little weird that our town was called Trillium, considering I had never seen a single one growing there. If you don’t know, a trillium is a small flower, usually white but they come in other color varieties as well, with three pedals and a bright yellow center. They sort of look like if you took a lily and tore off every other pedal playing “He loves me, he loves me not”. In school, about 2nd grade or so, we were taught everything about this elusive flower I’d never seen in real life, and told how proud our town was to be named after it. Trillium, Colorado was established in 1922 - A new town born in the wake of a great tragedy which befell the town that had previously sat in the same location. For us, and those that came before us, the trillium was supposed to be a symbol of hope. Knowing all that I know now, that sentiment almost makes me want to laugh - in a morbid way.
 Growing up in a small, mostly isolated town, there really wasn’t much for a kid to do. You’d have to drive 45 minutes to get to the closest mall and movie theater. The high school kids would usually all hang out at the roller rink downtown or at the old run-down burger joint called Slim’s that sat across it. But at that age, I wasn’t allowed to go hang out there by myself yet and for me, going with my parents tagging along wasn’t an option I was open to. My neighborhood was on a long dead end road leading up to a large patch of woods that separated the main part of town from the abandoned mine. The old trail the miners used was still accessible up until a point, and so me and the other kids from my street would hang out in those woods all the time. We had a “secret spot” which was, what we thought at the time, about half way through the woods, 10 steps away from a small shallow creek that pretty much ran the length of the area. Rain Creek, we called it. There was a small clearing there, and we had created our own little clubhouse using old milk crates as supports, half- broken wooden pallets as walls, along with some old lawn chairs one of the neighbors was throwing out one day. I made my contribution by bringing a tarp we had in our basement that served as the roof of our establishment. Our parents didn’t love the idea of five 10 to 12 year olds running around in the woods by ourselves, but as long as we stayed within earshot and made it back before the streetlights came on, they probably figured it was safer than us being across town galavanting unsupervised. 
It was me, Lacey, Devin, Mikey and Michelle. We were all best friends - pretty much inseparable, except the boys weren’t invited to the girls’ sleepovers and vise versa. Everyday after school, we’d get dropped off by the bus at the very beginning of our road, and it was a running joke between the Rain Street Gang (as we liked to call ourselves) for all of us to try and run off the bus as quickly as possible, while me, Lacey and Devin would all yell in unison ‘Last two home are some rotten eggs!!’, as Mikey and Michelle tried to push past us to get a head start. The aforementioned two were siblings, and lived in the very last house on our row right next to the woods, so they’d always get home last, regardless of their efforts. Although, the year that Mikey got a pair of Heelys for Christmas he finally got his edge over the rest of us, leaving Michelle to be the lone “rotten egg” until the next summer when one of his wheels broke off. The whole point of it all was just to get home and get our chores and homework done as fast as possible, so we could meet up at Mikey and Michelle’s house with enough daylight left to make our trek into the woods and back - together as a group. All five of us had made a pact to never visit the clubhouse without all members present, although us girls always had a sneaking suspicion that the boys thought themselves exempt from that rule. They, after all, were the ones that had discovered the spot in the first place, and not to mention, did most of the physical labor of dragging our provisions out there. Me and Lacey initially only heard about the spot a day after the boys found it; Michelle had walked into Mikey’s room in the middle of him and Devin talking about it, and immediately relayed the message to us. Michelle wasn’t necessarily more loyal to the girls than the boys, she was just the youngest among us and honestly couldn’t resist blurting out any mildly relevant information she thought she might have, in an effort to be included. But in that regard, if the boys had ever gone out there on their own, they would’ve had to be extremely sneaky about it, because Michelle’s number one objective in life was to gather any piece of intel she could. It was a seemingly normal Saturday morning when we learned our suspicions about the boys may have been warranted.
I had slept over at Lacey’s house the night before. We had just woken up and were still sitting on her bed discussing our possible plans for the day, when Michelle busted through the door with a look on her face that immediately told us she had finally gotten a hold of some juicy information, before she could even open her mouth to stutter out, “You-you-you guyssss, guess w-w-what!?!” Lacey gestured the nail file that was in her hand toward her, raising her eyebrows bluntly as Michelle tried to catch her breath. “So… Devin came to sleep over last night, annnnnd I was pretending to go to the bathroom so I could spy on them. Seeeeee, I was supposed to be sleeping but I -“ “Ughh come on Michelle, get to it! What’d you hear?” Lacey snapped “Ughh okay okay. So, I heard the boys talking, anddddd…. they’re planning to go explore the old mine today!!” “Alright Michelle! Good spying!” I chuckled, trying to encourage her after Lacey’s impatience. Lacey rolls her eyes, then immediately stands up. She takes the scrunchie off her wrist, ties her long blonde hair into a messy bun, and simply said, “Let’s go.” “Lacey..” I said “What??” She responds as if she hadn’t registered the tone of my voice at all. As I opened my mouth to begin explaining all the logical and practical reasons why even if the boys were stupid enough to go play around somewhere dangerous, we shouldn’t be, Michelle exclaims, “That’s where the Locust Man lives!!” I close my mouth in defeat, as I know Lacey will take this nonsense as a challenge, and because of that, no amount of my warnings concerning actual dangers would have any effect on her decision. Lacey dismisses her comment as she attempts to shove her foot into one of her new pink sneakers that she refuses to admit are too small for her. “Pshhh, don’t be such a baby Michelle, he’s not real, you do know that right?” Michelle crinkled her face and yelled back, “Yes he is Lacey! He is!! And th-th- that’s where he lives, and he eats kids that go there!” Lacey laughs at her and says “Oh yeah? You still believe in Santa clause too? What about the tooth fairy?” Michelle looked down at her shoes, and although she could admittedly be annoying, I found myself feeling bad for her. “Come on Lacey, she’s just scared.” Lacey shot me a look like she was expecting me to burst into laughter, but I just gave her a smirk and a shrug, and she rolled her eyes and said “Get dressed.”
 We walked in silence toward the end of the road, though the reasons for all three differed drastically. Lacey’s was determination and resolve, mine was comtemptousness and defeat, and Michelle’s was just fear. I found myself half-way hoping the boys had left already, but as we approached the driveway we caught them just as they were about to step off the porch. 
“Hey!!” Lacey yelled, in her trademark cheerleader cadence. “Where do you boys think you’re going without us?”. Mikey let a groan and rolled his eyes, while Devin said through a coy smile, “Well, we were actually just heading out to go to find you girls.” “Liar.” Lacey snapped, quickly wiping the grin off Devin’s face. “Michelle already blabbed- we know where you two are going and we’re coming too.” The boys looked at each other, then Mikey shot Michelle an angry look as she tried to shrink herself behind me, and said, “Fine, whatever, but no cry baby snitches allowed!!” Michelle then proceeded to prove both of his accusations correct by yelling back, “I am not a cry baby!! I’m telling mom if you don’t let me come with you!!” At that point I finally spoke up. “Alright, listen.” I said sternly, then once I had their attention I lowered my voice a bit to say, “Just for the record, I think us going to that grody old mine is a dumb idea and a big waste of time, but if one of us goes, we all go. That’s the deal, so make your decisions.” Lacey folded her arms in solidarity beside me, and with that we all had an unspoken understanding. So, with the boys out ahead leading the way, we headed toward the tree line.
 As we entered the woods, I felt a sense of dread wash over me - but to be fair, as a preteen emo kid who had already reached an adult level of cynicism, I felt a certain level of dread towards almost everything in life. So take my premonition with a grain of salt, but for some reason, this felt… different. I remember the woods being abnormally quiet that day. It took some time for me to even notice, but as soon as I did, I interrupted the mindless chatter going on to say, 
“Where are all the freakin’ birds?” Everyone turned to look at me as if I’d completely lost my mind. “Uhhh… What are you talking about?” Devin asked me. I pointed up toward the treetops. “Listen…. ” They all looked up, then looked around at each other in confusion. “Every time we’ve ever been in these woods, there’s always birds chirping back and forth. We’ve been walking almost 5 minutes now and I haven’t heard a single bird, have you guys?” “Damn, yeah, that is weird.” Mikey agreed. “They probably all just migrated!!” Devin goofily offered. “That’s stupid Devin, it’s spring. If anything, there should be more birds here, not less you moron.” Lacie argued. Devin flipped Lacie off, which was the best rebuttal he could usually come up with, and then turned toward me and said, “Okay whatever, what’s your point exactly?” “Just that - “ I looked over to Mikey, then back at Devin. “It’s weird.” I didn’t want to say what I was actually thinking. That the woods being too quiet was never a good thing. That when birds aren’t chirping, it could mean there’s a predator nearby. Besides, I was pretty confident that the boys, having both been in the scouts, knew what I knew, so saying it out loud would only serve to annoy Lacie and further frighten Michelle. Mikey broke his gaze that had been fixed on me, and while scanning our surroundings he said, “Let’s stop by the clubhouse on the way.” With a nod from me, we continued. When we arrived at our pit stop, Lacey hobbled over to the closest lawn chair and plopped herself down in it. “Ughhh, my feet are killing me!!” “I wonder why.” I mutter under my breath. “Excuse me, what was that?” “Just saying. Those shoes are gonna be the death of you Lace, you can barely walk in them.” “Pshhh, shut up. They just need to be broken-in okay? You’re just jealous cuz you’re still wearing your dirty old Vans from last year.” “Oooh yeah, you got me there. I am so sad I don’t have a pair of ugly pink Sketchers that don’t fit me.” She stuck her tongue out at me and we both laughed. I was just about the only person who could go toe to toe with Lacey’s sass. It’s part of the reason we ended up being best friends, besides being neighbors. In regard to style, personality and interests, we were almost polar opposites. But when it came to humor we were equals. And more importantly, we both had a mutual understanding when it came to our differences- I was me and she was her, and neither of us felt the need to try and make the other one be more like us. Besides, I was the only person who had ever really stood up to Lacey and didn’t take any of her crap, so I think she respected that. While that exchange had been going on, Michelle had started picking tiny pink flowers, and the boys were rummaging in the clubhouse for something. I yelled in their direction, “Hey! Big Mike and Dirty D!!” Me and Lacey giggled and she mouthed the word “big” with air quotation marks. They didn’t respond, so I walked over to the entryway and looked in. They were standing with their backs to me while looking down at an open metal box, and Mikey was reaching to grab whatever was in it. As he stood back up, I could see what it was. “What the fuck Mikey, seriously?” Hearing me cuss, Lacey and Michelle crowded in behind me. “Chill, it’s just a BB gun.” “I know it’s a BB gun Michael, what are you doing with it, and why is it here?” I was livid at the thought that he might be coming out here and shooting at animals just to be a shithead. I expected something like that from a goober like Devin, but not Mikey. Michelle butted in, “I’m telling mom!!!” “Nice try, dad knows I have it.” He looked at me and softened his tone. “It’s for protection, just in case we come across a black bear, or some weirdo creep out here. Seriously… it’s just to scare off something, not hurt it.” He knew how I felt about killing animals, especially for no good reason. A lot of people out here are poor and hunt for food, which I could accept as a reality. But hurting animals just for fun is psycho behavior, so I was relieved to hear him dispel my fear; I really didn’t want to have to hate him. “Do you even know how to shoot that thing?” Lacey asked. “Yeah, my dad showed me.” Devin clapped his hands together, making us all jump and himself laugh. “Well alright then, let’s get going!” I turned to Michelle, still holding the flowers. “You okay?” She nodded. “If you want me to walk back with you, I can.” I was slightly hoping she’d say yes so I’d have an excuse to get out of this excursion, but she just shook her head and forced a smile. I knew she was scared, but she was just too curious. Maybe I was too.
 We walked for what felt like half an hour. The trees had gotten more dense and the path narrowed from the overgrowth. Still no birdsong. I kept scanning the area in search of any sign of life other than us. Looking for movement of creatures scurrying away, listening for the sound of rustling as we passed, hoping for a squirrel, a lizard, even a bug. Nothing. 
“How much further is this damn thing?” Lacey groaned. Mikey answered without even turning around. “We should be coming up on it any time now.” “You said that like 10 minutes ago.” “Yeah, and now we’re like 10 minutes closer to it. And hey guess what, you insisted on inviting yourself - so suck it up buttercup.” “Hahahaha!” Devin laughed like a maniac at Mikey’s quip, while Lacey folded her arms and for once in her life didn’t have a snappy comeback. This time however, I did. “Well we really only came along to make sure you idiots didn’t kill yourselves.” “Oh, so you girls came out here with us to be our protectors, huh?” Devin laughed. “Ehh, more like babysitters.” Needless to say, I was flipped off for that statement. We rounded the next bend and suddenly all came to an abrupt stop one after another, starting with Mikey. Devin positioned himself beside him and let out a disappointed groan. “Shit Mikey!” A huge tree had fallen and was blocking the trail completely. There was no way we could climb over it because of all the leaves and branches - we’d have to go around it, which meant leaving the safety of the trail and crossing Rain Creek twice to get back to it. “Seriously???” Lacey exclaimed. “Maybe it’s a sign that we shouldn’t be going.” I shrugged. Mikey didn’t seem fazed by the obstruction at all. In fact, he seemed more confident. More calm. More sure of his intended mission. “It’s fine, we’ll just go around.” Michelle, who had been mostly quiet this whole time, finally broke her fear induced silence. “We are NOT supposed to leave the tr-tr-trail Michael! We could get lost!” “We aren’t gonna get lost Michelle, I have a compass. Plus, it’s literally just a few paces that way, then we cross the creek and circle back once we pass the tree and we’re right back on the trail.” “Oh you have got to be kidding me” Lacey said, “I’m not treading through that nasty water!” “Yeah Mikey, what about Lacey’s brand new shoes??” I laughed, and she playfully slapped me in the arm. Mikey’s patience was wearing thin with us. “Look, we already walked this far - if we turn back now, we’ve wasted the whole day for nothing. If you girls wanna be lame and turn around, then go for it - but me and Dev are going.” That’s all Lacey needed. A challenge to accept; someone to prove wrong. “I’ll show you lame.” She pushed past the boys and lead the way into the thick brush towards Rain Creek. It wasn’t very wide across, and there were lots of fallen limbs and large rocks spread throughout it. The current was barely that of a trickle, and the depth was no more than knee deep for us. It was definitely doable - just an inconvenience. And of course, one more ominous obstacle lying directly in our path. Another hint from the universe telling us to turn around. We didn’t listen. Lacey placed one foot on the closest limb and pushed down a few times to test its sturdiness. “I got this.” She stepped out onto it with both feet, then shimmied sideways until she was close enough to the large exposed rock in the middle of the creek, and hopped onto it. She turned around with a full grin and said, “Coming?” Mikey made his way across the limb as Lacey hopped onto a different limb which led her to the other side of the creek. Devin followed, then me, and then it was Michelle’s turn. “I’m scared to fall in!” Of course she is, I should have made her go before me. “It’s okay Michelle, it’s easy!” I reassured her. She didn’t look convinced in the slightest. “Come on Chelle, we’re leaving you!” Mikey yelled, already walking away. “Nooo!! I’m coming! Wait!” She made it across, but instead of just walking like everyone else did, she got down on her hands and knees and gripped the limb as if it were the only thing in between her and a 50 foot drop to the ground, which was funny to see but prolonged the whole process further. After all, we were about to have to do all of this again. Next go round went a lot smoother. The creek was more shallow here, and there were a whole lot more stepping rocks and debris built up. Having just crossed successfully a few minutes ago, we were all more confident in our abilities, including Michelle - who this time we made go first. “Just walk across like it’s a bridge! You got this!!”, we all cheered for her, and then clapped when she made it to the other side. Before we knew it we were back on the trail, and it wasn’t long after that we finally arrived at our intended destination.
 We all stopped and stared at it for a minute, carefully examining the dilapidated exterior of the place that had brought both prosperity and destruction upon our town. Mikey bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the entrance. We heard it bounce a few times before it stopped. 
“Just to make sure nothing’s in there.” he turned around to clarify. “Did anyone think to bring a flashlight?” I asked. “It’s dark as hell in there.” I was hoping for just one more reason not to go. Devin reached into his cargo shorts pocket and pulled out a small keychain-sized flashlight, smiling with the satisfaction of finally being useful. “Okay, Mikey’ll hold the gun, I’ll shine the light and you girls follow behind us. Let’s go.” Mikey shifted the BB gun from its position of resting on his shoulder, to holding the barrel in his left hand and the butt in his right; trying his best to emulate a soldier’s stance. Something his dad had taught him I’m sure. We ducked down a bit to enter. “How far in we going?” Lacey asked. “Until we see something cool.” Mikey answered. I turned around to check on Michelle, still hovering in the doorway. “You coming?” I could see in her eyes that fear had finally gotten the better of her, and curiosity had taken a backseat. With wide eyes she shook her head. “The-the Locust Man lives in there.”, she tried to whisper. “I knew you were gonna be a baby about this!” Mikey yelled. I crouched down and put my hand on her shoulder. Against my better judgment, I say “How bout you just wait here for us and pick some more flowers. We won’t be long, there’s nothing in there, I promise. Just.. don’t move from this spot and we’ll be right back, okay?” I could feel her unease, but she seemed to accept my reassurance nonetheless. “Okay.” I smiled, then stood up and looked down at my watch to check the time. 12:46 PM. I turned and headed into the darkness, trying to catch up with everyone else. I didn’t feel good about leaving Michelle, but I didn’t feel good about letting the rest of them go in there alone either. And if I’m being honest, maybe a little part of me wanted to see what was in there too. When I caught up to Lacey she asked, “Where’s Michelle?” “Stayed behind at the entrance, she was too scared. I told her to pick flowers and wait there for us.” “Pshh, figures.” “Yeah. How’s your feet?” “At this point, numb actually.” It was so dark in there that even Devin’s rinky dink flashlight was illuminating the area enough for me to start taking a closer look at my surroundings. I looked around at the rock walls, they were covered in what looked like orange mold and green algae. There was a slight breeze coming in from the entrance, but the whole place just had a staleness to it. The boys stopped and turned around as we arrived at the first curve. “So ladies, what do you think? Cool huh?” Devin asked excitedly. “Smells like a fart in here.” I said.
 The most dangerous thing about exploring an old mine wasn’t getting lost in the maze of tunnels, or tripping on the rusted tracks and slamming your head against the wall - it was something simply referred to as bad air. Pockets of still air that have dangerously low levels of oxygen, the old men in town would call it “black damp”. There was also something produced from the old chemicals they once used called “stink damp”, which smelled like rotten eggs. Both were lethal. 
“I wonder if there’s dead bodies in here!” “Uh, Dev… we’re gonna be the dead bodies in here if we go in too far. I wasn’t just making a joke, you know that rotten egg smell can mean bad air.” Mikey interjected. “The entrance isn’t far behind us, there’s still enough fresh air coming in. We won’t go in too far, let’s just get to the end of this tunnel where it splits off and look around a bit, then we’ll turn around.” The fork in the tunnel really wasn’t that much further, and even though I knew once we rounded this curve I wouldn’t be able to see the entrance behind me anymore, I decided what the hell. Maybe a hundred more steps, then we can finally turn around and this whole dumb situation would be closer to being over with. When we got there, we looked down the length of the connecting tunnels each way. Everything looked unusually identical in its deterioration. I could see how someone could easily get disoriented and lost down here. “Hellooooo…” Mikey yelled to the left, his voice echoing through the corridor. Devin turned to the opposite direction and called out, “Hey yo, Locust Man!! You in here?” We all giggled, which made me think about Michelle, still waiting at the entrance for us, alone in the woods. I looked down at my watch. 12:46 PM. “Hey what the f-“ My cuss word was interrupted by a loud bang that came from the passageway Devin had just been hollering into. We all froze. I didn’t have time to process that my watch had stopped right as we entered the tunnel, or that Michelle had been left alone for who knows how long now, or that we had just heard what sounded like a support beam crashing to the ground, because next came a horrifying screeching buzzing sound. It sounded distant at first, but was quickly increasing in volume. We silently looked around at each other and backed away stunned at what we were hearing. Mikey never took his eyes off the tunnel though, and slowly he began to raise the BB gun to firing position. Without even thinking, I grabbed the barrel and pushed it downward. He quickly tore his eyes away from his target to look at me. I shook my head and managed to barely choke out the word, “Explosion.” He nodded and I let go. I looked down at the gun in his hands, and seeing his finger had already been on the trigger, I realized how lucky it was that I didn’t make him shoot himself in the foot. All of a sudden, the noise stopped. “What the hell was that?” Lacey asked. “I don’t know, nothing good.” I said. “Let’s just get the fuck out of here before this whole place caves in on us or something.” Another loud bang erupted from the right, extremely close to us. “Shit!!!” We all turned around and ran as fast as we could back toward the entrance. Devin tried to push past me, but as he did my elbow knocked the flashlight out of his hand. “My flashlight!!!” “Leave it!” Mikey shouted “The turn is right here, we won’t need it!” We rounded the corner, and using what little light there was illuminating from the entrance to guide us back, we ran like our lives depended on it. And they may have- none of us dared to look back, not like we would have been able to see anything anyway. When we finally made it out, we were all completely out of breath. I felt like I was going to throw up. I have to admit though, once we had made it back to safety I felt a rush of adrenaline like I had just had a near death experience. That feeling quickly faded into sheer panic when I looked around and realized Michelle was nowhere to be seen. “Uh, where’s Michelle?” Mikey asked me. “I told her to stay right here, she can’t be very far… Michelle!!!!” We all called her name, as loud as we could. No answer, no sign of her anywhere. “Alright look, she probably went off a little further looking for flowers to pick.” I tried to rationalize. “Let’s just split off in 4 directions and walk in a straight line while calling for her. She’s bound to hear one of us.” Everyone agreed, and even though I appeared outwardly as the level-headed calm person you need to take control in an emergency, inside I was petrified that something had happened to her, and that it would be my fault. I took the east, and headed out. It didn’t take too long before I passed a large tree and saw her sitting down behind it, looking at something on the ground. “Michelle! Oh thank god!! Didn’t you hear us calling for you??” She didn’t answer me, or even turn around. “Michelle, didn’t I tell you to stay by the entrance and not move?!?” My relief was quickly turning into annoyance as she continued to ignore me. I walked up closer to see what she was looking at, and my mouth dropped in awe of what she had found. It was a single white trillium.
 They say it takes 8 years for a trillium plant to produce a flower, and conditions have to be just right for it to bloom. That’s what makes them so special and rare. I stared down at it almost in a trance, like I was seeing a mythical creature. Michelle slowly reached out her hand towards it and I snapped out of it. 
“No!!” I grabbed her by the arm and she finally turned around to look at me. “If you pick the flower, the plant will die.” She ripped her arm away from my grasp and whined, “But I want to show my mom!” We heard Mikey calling from the north and I cupped my hands over my mouth to yell back, “I found her, she’s over here!!” I looked back at her. “No Michelle, come on, you can just tell her about it when we get back home.” I had enough, I was beyond ready to go and we still had at least another 45 minutes of walking to even get back to the clubhouse; an hour if Michelle kept up her crap. I grabbed her arm again and pulled her up to a standing position, looking back at the trillium as I walked her away. Mikey caught up to us, breathless but trying to hide his concern. “You little shit, we should have left you out here! What the hell were you doing?” I let go of her arm and she walked toward Mikey. “She was trying to pick a flower over there.” “It was a trillium!!” Michelle said, with the biggest smile on her face. “Wait, really?” He looked at me in disbelief. Before I could respond, a blood curdling scream echoed through the forest, coming from the west. It was Lacey. My heart dropped into my stomach and once again, every molecule in my body went into full blown panic mode. This time, I couldn’t contain my composure. “Laceyyyyyy!!!!!” A panicked shriek erupted from my lungs and I took off running. Mikey grabbed Michelle and sprinted after us. The trees became a blur; I didn’t even feel all the scratches and scrapes. Had she come across a coyote? A mountain lion? A bear? I didn’t even stop to think about the danger I might be about to come in contact with, I just ran. And then I found her. She was lying on the ground, holding her left foot. “Lacey!!” I said, trying to choke back the tears that were building up. “I think I twisted my ankle!!” “Oh god damn it, you bitch.” I struggled to catch my breath. “I thought you were dead.” “I might as well be, I have cheerleading practice on Monday!” Mikey and Michelle caught up to us. “What happened?” He asked “She’s being a drama queen, she just rolled her ankle.” I was angry. “Can you get up?” He asked her. She was able to stand, but as soon as she tried to put any pressure on her foot at all, she screamed in pain. We spotted Devin running over from the south as he was yelling out, “Hey yo, everyone alive and accounted for?” “Yeah, Lacey hurt her ankle.” Mikey yelled back. As he approached he looked concerned. “Can you walk on it?” He asked her. “No.” Without hesitation he replied, “Well alright then, looks like you’re gonna have to piggyback it all the way back home.” He lowered himself enough to where she could hop up onto his back, and we headed back toward the trail. Even though my nerves had begun to settle a bit, I knew we were still far from being out of the woods, in more ways than one.

submitted by Fun-Yogurtcloset521 to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:11 legitfunwriting [M4F] Congratulations Space Colonist! You Have Been Matched with a Mate!

The twin suns of the alien planet were high in the sky outside your window. Birds with four wings chirped and flitted between shoulder high blades of purple grass. Outside your kitchen window a brook babbled quietly between enormous trees twice the size of the giant sequoias of Earth. In the distance you could hear a few of your fellow colonists chatting cheerily. The BUZZ of your communicator interrupted the moment. It read:
Congratulations! The Colonial Supercomputer has located a suitable mate for you. He will arrive in fourteen (14) standard days. His information is as follows:
Category Specifications
Name Dr. Paul Stevens
Age 29
Education PhDs in Astronomy, Astrometrics, and Physics
Height 6'6
Weight 195
Flaccid Length 6.9''
Average Seminal Emission (Volume) testing error
Average Seminal Emission (Frequency) 3.2 Per Standard Rotation
Paul enjoys nature, good food, a good book, and everything to do with the stars. Please prepare for your mate's arrival. Contact the Colonial Authority if you have any questions.
A picture of a ruggedly handsome man with wavy, dirty blond hair, green eyes, and just a bit of stubble followed the message. His eyes were warm and friendly, as was his soft smile.
Aboard the colonial transport starship, Ares, Paul and a few hundred other male colonists had woken from cryosleep just a few weeks ago. It had taken Paul a few days to adjust, but the anti-atrophy system that had been developed a few years ago was really working wonders. He felt stronger than ever. He was playing Spaceball with his friends in the gym when he got the notification.
"Here! Pass!" His friend Tom shouted. Paul threw him the ball. Tom dodged by one opponent, turned as he was blocked by another, and then through the ball back to Paul who was now in full sprint. Paul caught the ball in midair and immediately threw it at full speed toward the goal. The BUZZ of the goal sounded almost at the same time as Paul's communicator. Paul wiped sweat from his forehead as he high fived Tom and looked down at his communicator. His heart skipped three beats. He had been matched. His heart pounded more and more as he read your profile. His jaw visibly dropped when he got to your photo.
"Hey man! What's up?" Mark, another friend, walked up to Paul and clapped him on the back as he looked over Paul's shoulder. He immediate saw what was 'up' and he let out a dramatic. "Damn... son! Good for you!"
The rest of the guys ran up to peep over Paul's shoulder. Various comments filtered through. "She is fucking gorgeous," "Holy fucking shit dude," and "You lucky bastard," were some of them.
Finally the guys got back to the game, but Paul's mind never left the profile on his phone or the photo. His head was in the clouds and amongst the stars the rest of the day as he showered after the game, ate dinner, and worked half-heartedly on his usually consuming research.
Paul and the other three guys that he shared quarters with finally went to bed. He took one more glance at your profile as the lights went out and he tucked himself into his twin-sized bunk cut out from the wall. He drifted off peacefully to sleep to the gentle hum of the engines. He dreamed of the woman in his match message, his future mate. At around 2:00 a.m., the bulge between his legs swelled as he dreamed. The soft fabric of his pajama pants shifted and rose, and rose, and rose... Soon his bedsheets were a mountain in the darkness of the bed quarters. And Paul dreamed even more vividly of his mate. The bulging mountain tensed and shuddered visibly. And then again. And again even more powerfully. A moment later, wetness soaked his pajama bottoms and then the bedsheets over them. The wetness flowed and spread. More, and more and more, until it oozed to cover a large portion of the lower half of the bed. As it finished, the outline of a raging hard penis was clearly shown by the soaked bedsheet and pajamas that clung to it so tightly the thick veins would have been visible if there were a little more light in the dark room. Paul simply smiled in his sleep and rolled over. He would have to change, shower, and wash his sheets in the morning. He would also have to endure some playful teasing from his roommates. But Paul was the happiest man in the universe.
Two weeks later.
It was another beautiful day on the alien planet. It was the day Paul and the other male passengers of the Ares arrived. Paul waved goodbye to his friends as he followed the map on his datapad to your home. He passed an elk like creature with antlers almost the size of its body that was grazing between the huge trees. Paul's jaw almost never left the grown as his eyes passed from one alien wonder to the next. Finally he arrived outside your front door, his heart racing. He knocked twice. His deep voice followed. "Hello. It's Paul, Paul Stevens."
Hello! I thought it would be fun to set a smutty, romantic romp on an alien world.
I was also toying with the idea of our characters being somehow genetically enhanced to make them sexy as fuck, which explains Paul's absurd statistics early in the prompt. I am happy to discuss that though. Perhaps they are just hot from centuries of natural selection. Perhaps they were engineered from birth to be perfect space colonists, or perhaps they were given genetic treatment while in cryostasis on the journey, or we can totally ignore the issue and just have them be hot for hotness sake! I do like the idea of our characters being very attractive though. I also have to say I am a HUGE fan of big boobs and big booties.
I know I wrote your part in second person, and mine in third person. I am happy to write my character in either first or third person. I am also happy to write the parts of third party characters that flit in and out of our story, and I would be happy if you also share the burden!
Another idea that might be fun to explore is if additional "mates" are added to our "family" at some point. Not sure on this, happy to hear your thoughts if you are interested.
Some other kinks and interests that may work for the story: detailed writing, creative writing partners, fit characters, big tits, big butts, big cock, lots of cum, passionate fucking, outdoor sex, group sex (when it fits the story), voyeurism, exhibitionism, playful competition and comparison, and I am sure much more!
Limits: noncon, violence, poop, animals, underage, anything else gross or illegal.
Let me know your ideas, or feel free to just jump write in where I left off and answer the door!
I prefer to write by PM, by chat and discord also work. Hope to hear from you soon!
submitted by legitfunwriting to u/legitfunwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:08 baldtwonk This letter of the alphabet is painting itself black and yellow. B.E.

Bonus 15 Taiwan:
  1. A classic blue and white porcelain vase featuring detailed floral and dragon motifs.
  2. A pale blue glazed bowl with delicate, incised decorations, typical of refined ceramic art.
  3. A double gourd shaped vase with a crackle-glazed celadon finish.
  4. An earthenware pot with a three-color glaze (green, brown, and cream) and lion head motifs.
  5. A porcelain plate with intricate, multi-colored enamel paintings of flowers and birds.
  6. A brown stoneware teapot renowned for its use in brewing tea and retaining its flavor.
  7. A black-glazed tea bowl with oil spot markings, favored for tea ceremonies.
  8. A large plate with a thick celadon glaze and subtly incised lotus patterns.
  9. An elegantly simple ceramic pillow finished in a pure white glaze.
  10. A jar featuring an intricate design of mythical creatures and waves in cobalt blue on white.
  11. A white porcelain sculpture of Guanyin, known for its ivory-like finish.
  12. A vibrant, three-colored glazed ceramic camel figure, often used as a tomb offering.
  13. A storage jar with a green lead-based glaze, used for storing grains or wine.
  14. A vase with a stunning peach bloom glaze, showcasing a modern interpretation of classic techniques.
  15. A vase with a white and black slip design, typical of the folk kilns of a renowned ceramic style.
submitted by baldtwonk to rockbusters [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:24 Historical_Heron8282 Major declutter- 100 off on everything!

Major declutter- 100 off on everything!
  • Denim skirt - Selling price- 450+$. Waist - 29 inches. Height - 19 inches. Non stretchable and thick material.
  • SHEIN checkered skirt - Selling price- 400+$. Waist - 28 inches but can fit 30 too. Height - 17 inches. Stretchable material.
  • Smocked skirt and top - Selling price- 600+$. For skirt, Waist - 26-30 inches. Length - 16 inches. For top, Bust- 28-32 inches. Height - 11 inches. Can ask for individual pieces too. Extremely stretchy material.
  • HRX Pink Sweatshirt - Selling Price- 600+$. Bust - 34 inches. Height - 19 inches. Very soft material. Has a hood too.
  • SHEIN oversized sweater - Selling price - 650+$. Bust- 36 inches. Height- 24 inches. Supposed to be oversized so can fit lower bust sized too, very warm and soft.
  • Lifestyle Purple Trousers - Selling price- 650+$. Waist- 28-29 inches. Height- 38 inches. Slightly stretchy and great material.
  • CODE Black Coulotte - Selling price- 650+$. Waist- 30-34 inches. Height- 33 inches. Waist is very stretchable.
  • Beige Trousers - Selling price- 650+$. Waist - 30 inches. Height - 37 inches. Stretchy and thick material.
  • SCULLERS Green Jeans - Selling price- 650+$. Waist - 31 inches. Height- 36 inches. Mid rise.
  • Lifestyle Grey Jeans - Selling price- 600 +$. Waist- 28 inches. Height - 37 inches. The waist is altered to fit perfectly and not leave any gaps at the back. Mid rise.
  • Black Crop Top - Selling price - 500+$. Bust - 28-32 inches. Height- 17 inches. Has elastics at the back.
  • Black and Green top - Selling price - 500+$. Free size. Height - 26 inches. Supposed to be very flowy. Can be worn off shoulder too.
  • ZUDIO Yellow Satin Shirt - Selling price- 500+$. Bust- 34 inches. Height- 24 inches. Not stretchable at all. Looks better very worn as an oversized shirt.
Dm for negotiations and inquiries!
submitted by Historical_Heron8282 to IndiaThriftStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:01 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cold Steel Revolver

Best Cold Steel Revolver
Get ready to explore some of the hottest new products on the market! In this roundup, we'll be diving into the world of the Cold Steel Revolver. Packed with powerful features and innovative designs, these products are sure to make a splash. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or simply looking for the latest and greatest in consumer goods, you won't want to miss this exciting article!

The Top 14 Best Cold Steel Revolver

  1. World War I and II Era 1911 Webley Revolver Replica - Transform your gun collection with the historic DX1119 - Denix Webly British Revolver, a non-firing replica inspired by the Mk IV Webley Revolver featured in the "Indiana Jones" movies, offering a unique blend of functionality and aesthetics.
  2. 1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters - Experience the timeless charm and reliability of the 4 Barrel Pistol with this Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, a piece of history sure to impress any gun enthusiast.
  3. Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips - Experience the authenticity of the Old West with the Denix 1106N 1873 Revolver, boasting a 4.8-star rating and featuring a 5.5-inch black cast metal barrel, wood grips, and a boxed presentation.
  4. Authentic Western Revolver with Gallery Stand (Metal Frame, 13-inch Overall) - Add a touch of western charm to your décor with this ornate, navy-style 4 Barrel Pistol, featuring a flint mechanism and silver finish, accompanied by a handsome study stand.
  5. Nickel-Finished 4-Barrel Non-Firing Revolver Replica - Replicate the classic feel of a Navy Revolver with the Denix CA Classic M1851, featuring a nickel finish and simulated ivory grips. Perfect for collectors with its boxed set and rotating barrel design.
  6. Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix - Elegantly crafted replica, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver boasts both style and authenticity, creating an impressive display for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike.
  7. Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica - Experience the authenticity of the Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver replica with its nickel silver finish and original "single action" and "top break" loading mechanisms.
  8. Authentic 1860 Civil War Revolver Replica for Display and Roleplay - Bring the spirit of the Civil War era to life with the Denix Replicas 1007G, a non-firing replica 22 Magnum revolver with intricate metal construction, wood grips, and an authentic design inspired by the iconic M1860 revolver.
  9. Authentic 45 Peacemaker Replica Revolver by Denix - Experience the authenticity of the iconic 19th-century "Peacemaker" with the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L, a non-firing replica that captures the essence of the M1873 Single-Action Army Revolver.
  10. Giclee Canvas Artwork with Premium Epson Inks - Elevate your home decor with the iCanvas Midtown Moonlight Canvas Print, offering vibrant colors, premium materials, and easy installation.
  11. Authentic Nickel-Finished M1849 Dragoon Revolver Replica - This Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver replica boasts a beautiful brown wood grip, antique nickel finish, and is safe and non-fireable for collection and display purposes. Made in Spain.
  12. Realistic 19th Century Smith & Wesson Revolver Replica with Antique Blue Finish - Experience a piece of American West history with the Denix Replicas 1008L Antique Brass & Blue Finish .45 Caliber Model Replica, complete with wood grips and the "single action" mechanism of the legendary 1869 "First Model American" Army Revolver.
  13. High-Quality, Realistic Training Revolver for Martial Arts and Defense - Train effectively and safely with the Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Rubber Training Revolver, featuring a durable polymer design perfect for martial arts and defense training.
  14. Realistic Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica - The DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica is a non-firing replica with an antique nickel silver finish barrel and engraved artwork, perfect for collectors and enthusiasts.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗World War I and II Era 1911 Webley Revolver Replica
As a history buff, I was drawn to the Denix Webley Revolver replica, with its ties to the Indiana Jones movies. The first thing that struck me was its weight, which made it feel like a real gun. The details were incredibly accurate, right down to the checkered grip and the engraving on the barrel.
However, I found it a bit disappointing that the break-open action didn't work. It may be a minor issue for some, but for me, it took away a bit of the authenticity.
Nevertheless, it's a great display piece and does justice to its historical origins.

🔗1851 Navy Revolver: A Reliable and Handsome Sidearm for Gunfighters
This antique beauty, the Polished Gold and Nickel M1851 Navy Revolver by Medieval Collectibles, is a sight to behold. The intricate details on this 4-barrel pistol bring it to life, transporting you back to the Civil War era, and even beyond.
The 7.5-inch barrel, with its octagonal design, has a timeless charm that's impossible to ignore. The solid frame exudes confidence and strength, much like the times it was used. At 13 inches in total length and a weight of 2.3 lbs. , it's a well-balanced sidearm for gun enthusiasts.
However, there are a few areas that might require attention. Some users have reported loose moving parts and issues with the plating, which could affect its overall durability. Additionally, there's been mention of sharp edges and misaligned fittings, which might not be ideal for those handling this piece.
Despite these setbacks, the M1851 Navy Revolver remains a coveted collectible. With the right care, it could become a prized possession, adding an element of history to your collection.

🔗Denix 1106N 1873 Old West Revolver .45 - 12.25 Inch Metal Barrel with Wood Grips
I was pleasantly surprised by this 1873 Old West Revolver from Denix, it felt tough and well-constructed. The 5.5 inch black cast metal barrel and trigger give it a solid, weighted feel, while the genuine wood grips lent a touch of authenticity. In my daily life, it served as a perfect replica for a western-themed event and even in my holster, it looked great.
However, I did notice that the action of the trigger wasn't as smooth as it could be, but overall, this was a good purchase.

🔗Authentic Western Revolver with Gallery Stand (Metal Frame, 13-inch Overall)
I've been using this decorative western-style navy revolver with a flint mechanism in my study, and it's quite a conversation starter. The ornate engravings on the barrel have made it a standout piece, drawing attention from my friends and family. The revolver's silver finish adds a touch of elegance to my space, making it a unique addition to my decor.
One thing I should mention, though, is the size. With an overall length of 13 inches, it takes up some room on my desk. It might be a bit too large for those with smaller studies, but it fits nicely in mine. The display stand provided is also quite handsome, complementing the revolver's design perfectly. Overall, I'd highly recommend this decorative piece to anyone looking for a standout addition to their study or office.

🔗Nickel-Finished 4-Barrel Non-Firing Revolver Replica
The Denix CA Classic M1851 Navy Revolver, Nickel, is a replica that truly captures the essence of the original. This non-firing piece of artistry perfectly mimics the iconic revolver, with its nickel-finished metal barrel and imitation ivory grips. The simulated firing mechanism, rotating barrel, and overall design make it a showstopper, reminding me of classic Western movies.
Despite its impressive appearance, the replica weighs in at a mere 2.3 lbs, making it an easy piece to handle and carry around with pride. However, one downside I've noticed is the overall length, which measures at 13 inches, making storage a bit of a challenge – but it's a small price to pay for such an authentic and beautiful replica.

🔗Historic 4-Barrel Pistol Replica by Denix
As a fan of Civil War reenacting, the Denix 1849 Wells Fargo Revolver has been a game-changer for me. Its realistic look and feel are top-notch, making it an excellent addition to my outfit, giving it that authentic touch.
The black metal and nickel body, with its wood grips, is a delight to hold and adds a sense of weight to it - a detail that's hard to find in other replicas. However, I've also experienced some minor downsides, like the non-firing replica being the only type available. But overall, I'm thrilled with my purchase, and it has become a favorite in my collection.

🔗Nickel Finish Smith and Wesson 1869 Army Revolver Replica
As someone who's always been fascinated by the era of the Old West, I couldn't resist trying out this non-firing replica of the 1869 Army Revolver. Featuring a sleek nickel silver finish, this replica brought me back to the iconic "Cowboy" days.
Handling the replica felt like holding a piece of history, with the original's "single action" and "top break" mechanisms. It even had the added bonus of being a non-firing model, which meant I didn't have to worry about accidentally accidentally discharging it.
However, the size and weight of the replica were a bit more challenging to deal with, given that it's a faithful replica of the original. Despite this, I appreciated the fact that it gave me a better understanding of the real gun without the need to purchase one.
All in all, the Denix 1869 Army Revolver replica is a solid choice for anyone looking to step into the boots of a "Cowboy" in the Old West. Just be prepared to handle its size and weight!

🔗Authentic 1860 Civil War Revolver Replica for Display and Roleplay
This Denix replica of the Civil War M1860 Revolver has been a fascinating addition to my collection. It's a fun and affordable way to appreciate the rich history of firearms while staying in compliance with safety regulations. The nickel finish metal construction with wood grips is a lovely touch, not to mention the realistic weight that really helps complete the illusion. With its simulated mechanism of firing and loading, it's like handling the genuine article - just without the risk of accidentally discharging it.
However, there's one thing I wish they had addressed. The replica does make a bit of noise and rattle when shaken, which can be a bit bothersome. Overall, I've found this non-firing replica to be a thrilling and authentic-feeling prop that any history or firearms enthusiast would enjoy.

🔗Authentic 45 Peacemaker Replica Revolver by Denix
I recently added the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L to my collection, and it's been a fantastic addition. This non-firing replica, featuring a gold patina finish and a wooden grip, brings the 45 Peacemaker look to life. I'm impressed with its weight and the realistic feel it provides—almost like I'm holding a piece of history.
The engraving on this magnificent replica adds to its allure, making it a beautiful conversation starter. As a collector, I appreciate the authentic details—from the barrel length of 3.875 inches to the gold patina finish. The wooden grip not only enhances its aesthetic value but also makes it feel like a genuine piece from the past.
One thing to note, some users have mentioned they would have liked a red tip at the end of the barrel, like on the real 1873 Single-Action Army Revolver. However, this does not seem to be a deal-breaker as the majority of reviews praise its realism and quality.
Overall, I highly recommend the Denix 0.45 Army Revolver Engraved Brass FD1280L to anyone who loves history and wants a realistic replica in their hands.

🔗Giclee Canvas Artwork with Premium Epson Inks
I recently fell in love with the iCanvas Midtown Moonlight by Emma Bell Canvas Print. This stunning piece is a true testament to the beauty of fine-art paintings, offering a texture and feel that's second to none. What really sets this print apart is the use of professionally hand-stretched Premium Epson Inks, which have proven to be vivid, fade-resistant, and water-resistant—perfect for any living space!
One of my favorite aspects of this print is that it's ready to hang straight out of the box with no assembly needed. It even includes hanging accessories, making installation a breeze. With a 26x40 deep frame in 1.5" thickness, this canvas print has a premium quality that's both visually stunning and durable.
Having this iCanvas Midtown Moonlight on display has brought a sense of calm and wonder to my living space, and I'm grateful for the craftsmanship and care put into creating it.

🔗Authentic Nickel-Finished M1849 Dragoon Revolver Replica
As a history enthusiast, I was thrilled to add the Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver (DX1055G) to my collection of antique replicas. The overall aesthetic of this piece is simply stunning, with its antique nickel finish and rich brown wood grips.
Handling this replica feels quite authentic, thanks to Denix's attention to detail in recreating the feel of a genuine revolver. However, it's important for collectors to remember that while the locks on these replicas are mechanically functional, they are completely safe and non-fireable, requiring no federal license to buy or sell.
One of the most impressive aspects of this replica is its accuracy in capturing the historical design of the M1849 Dragoon Revolver. From its 14 1/4" overall length to its 4 3/4" barrel, every element has been meticulously crafted to ensure an accurate representation of the original firearm.
While some may argue that this replica is slightly more expensive than others on the market, I believe the high-quality craftsmanship and historical accuracy make it well worth the investment. Overall, the DX1055G Denix M1849 Dragoon Revolver is a stunning addition to any antique weapon collection.

🔗Realistic 19th Century Smith & Wesson Revolver Replica with Antique Blue Finish
I recently added the Denix Replicas 1008L to my collection, and let me tell you, it's quite the impressive addition. The brass and blue finish blend beautifully, capturing the essence of the original Smith and Wesson "First Model American" Army Revolver. It's interesting to see how the hinged frame and automatic ejection system were pivotal in the evolution of firearms.
Despite its antique charm, the replica still brings a sense of realism with its single action mechanism and top break loading design. The wood grips add a touch of refinement to the overall design. However, using it brought to light a minor flaw – the wood grip's durability. In my experience, the grip began to show signs of wear, which was a bit of a letdown.
Overall, the Denix Replicas 1008L is a delightful addition to any collection, and it serves as a great reminder of the technological advancements made in the field of firearms. Despite its minor flaw, the replica still holds a special place in my heart.

🔗High-Quality, Realistic Training Revolver for Martial Arts and Defense
Using the Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Rubber Training Revolver has been quite an experience. This training revolver stands out with its lime green color, making it perfect for anyone looking to train safely without the fear of accidentally shooting someone. The thickness of 1.88 inches and the overall length of 13 inches provide a realistic feel when practicing drawing techniques from the holster or disarming moves in close quarter situations. The polymer material makes it sturdy enough for rigorous training without being too harsh, thanks to the softness that allows for safe hand-to-hand striking.
However, it's essential to note that the barrel might have a bit of give and could bend a little under pressure, which could raise some concerns for serious martial artists or defense trainers. Nonetheless, this Cold Steel Ruger Super Redhawk Revolver is a reliable training partner, especially considering its affordable price and the fact that it's modeled after one of America's popular pistols, offering a practical yet cost-effective solution for gun enthusiasts or martial arts professionals.

🔗Realistic Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica
I recently had the pleasure of using the DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica in my daily life and I must say, it was quite an experience. The stunning Navy Blue color of the gun immediately caught my attention, and the intricate engravings on the barrel made it look like a piece of art.
One of the features that stood out to me was the wood grips. They not only added to the overall aesthetic of the pistol, but also provided a comfortable grip that made it easy to hold and handle. The 13-inch overall length of the replica was just the right size for displaying and admiring it.
However, the replica did have some limitations, such as the fact that it is non-functional and intended only for collection and decoration. This might be a letdown for those looking for a fully realistic or firing replica. Additionally, the mechanics of the locks on the replica firearms are completely safe, but the unrealistic use of purchasing and possessing it should be double-checked in your local area.
Despite the minor drawbacks, the DENIX Navy Engraved Civil War Revolver Pistol Replica is a beautiful and reliable addition to any collection, and it certainly turned heads when I displayed it in my home.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing a Cold Steel Revolver, there are several factors you need to consider to ensure you get the best product for your needs. Here's a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make an informed decision.

Materials and Build Quality

The materials and build quality of a Cold Steel Revolver are crucial factors to consider, as they directly affect the revolver's durability and performance. Look for revolvers made from high-quality materials like stainless steel or zinc-alloy, which are more resistant to corrosion and provide better strength and longevity.

Size and Weight

Consider the size and weight of the Cold Steel Revolver based on your intended use. If you plan to carry the revolver for self-defense, a compact and lightweight design is more suitable. Conversely, if you need a larger caliber for hunting or professional use, a heavier and more robust model is recommended.

Concealed Carry Features

If you plan to use the Cold Steel Revolver for self-defense purposes, look for revolvers with concealed carry features, such as a built-in guard, short barrel, or slim profile. These features help to keep the revolver hidden and easily accessible when needed.

Safety Features

Safety is a critical aspect when choosing a Cold Steel Revolver. Look for models with built-in safety features, such as a transfer bar or hammer block, to prevent accidental discharges. Additionally, consider models with manual safeties, like a trigger guard or grip safety, for added security.

Ammunition Compatibility

Different Cold Steel Revolvers are designed to work with different types of ammunition. Make sure the revolver you choose is compatible with the type of ammunition you plan to use, such as self-defense or hunting rounds.

Price and Budget

Finally, consider your budget when purchasing a Cold Steel Revolver. While higher-priced models may offer advanced features and better build quality, there are still quality options available at a more affordable price. Determine what features are most important to you and find a revolver that fits within your budget.
When shopping for a Cold Steel Revolver, keep these factors in mind to ensure you find the best product for your needs. Happy shopping!


What is the Cold Steel Revolver?

The Cold Steel Revolver is a popular self-defense tool designed for individuals who want to carry a reliable and powerful tool for personal protection. It is a compact and easy-to-carry device that can be used in various self-defense scenarios.

How does the Cold Steel Revolver work?

The Cold Steel Revolver operates by using a spring-loaded mechanism that quickly deploys a sharp, pointed spike when the user pulls the trigger. The spike is retracted once the trigger is released, making it safe to carry without accidentally deploying the spike.

What materials is the Cold Steel Revolver made of?

  • The Cold Steel Revolver is made from high-quality materials, including a durable stainless steel body and a textured rubber grip for optimal comfort and control.
  • Some models also have a glass-reinforced nylon construction to provide strength and durability while maintaining a lightweight design.

What is the Cold Steel Revolver's size and weight?

The Cold Steel Revolver is a compact self-defense tool, measuring approximately 4.25 inches in length, 0.75 inches in width, and 0.95 inches in height. It weighs around 2.2 ounces, making it easy to carry and conceal.

How easy is it to use the Cold Steel Revolver?

The Cold Steel Revolver is designed to be user-friendly, easy to understand, and intuitive to operate. Once the user pulls the trigger, the spring-loaded mechanism quickly deploys a sharp spike for self-defense. The spike is retracted automatically once the trigger is released, making it easy to use and carry without accidents.

Are there different models of the Cold Steel Revolver?

Yes, there are several models of the Cold Steel Revolver available, each offering unique features and specifications. Some popular models include the Cold Steel Revolver Pocket, Cold Steel Revolver Pro, and Cold Steel Revolver 2.0.

What is the Cold Steel Revolver's warranty?

The Cold Steel Revolver comes with a limited lifetime warranty. If there are any defects in materials or workmanship, Cold Steel will repair or replace the product at no additional cost to the customer.

Can the Cold Steel Revolver be used as a keychain?

Yes, the Cold Steel Revolver can be used as a keychain. Some models, such as the Cold Steel Revolver Pocket, come with a built-in lanyard hole, allowing the user to conveniently attach it to their keychain or belt loop. This provides an easy-to-access self-defense tool while ensuring that the device remains securely attached.

What precautions should I take when using the Cold Steel Revolver?

  • Always carry the Cold Steel Revolver in a secure and concealed manner to prevent accidental deployment or injury when in close proximity to others.
  • Practice safe handling and properly store the device when not in use to avoid potential accidents.
  • Do not use the Cold Steel Revolver as a weapon against another person, as it is intended for self-defense purposes only.

How should I clean and maintain the Cold Steel Revolver?

To ensure the longevity of the Cold Steel Revolver, it should be cleaned and maintained regularly. Wipe the device with a clean, damp cloth after each use to remove any dirt or debris. For more thorough cleaning, use a mild soap and warm water solution, and gently scrub the stainless steel surface and rubber grip with a soft-bristled brush or cloth. Always dry the device completely before storing it away to prevent rust or damage.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:52 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cloth Resistance Bands

Best Cloth Resistance Bands
Looking for a versatile workout tool that offers both comfort and strength? Look no further! In this roundup article, we are presenting your ultimate guide to the best Cloth Resistance Bands available in the market. These bands not only provide a great way to increase your workout intensity but also offer a comfortable and stylish workout experience. So, buckle up and dive into our comprehensive selection of the top Cloth Resistance Bands that will transform your fitness journey!

The Top 16 Best Cloth Resistance Bands

  1. Resistance Bands Set for Diverse Exercise and Fitness Needs - Bob and Brad Resistance Bands: Affordable, versatile, and eco-friendly workout bands with customizable resistance up to 125lb, perfect for diverse exercises and quick results.
  2. Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts - Whatafit Resistance Bands Set: 11 colorful, adjustable resistance bands for versatile home workout sessions, marked with equivalent weights for easy use.
  3. Fabric Resistance Bands Set for Multiple Strengths - Experience effective resistance training with Vive's 3-band set, perfect for shaping muscles and enhancing workouts while remaining gentle on your skin.
  4. Perform Better 4-Pack Mini Resistance Bands for Training and Warmup - Experience versatile workout options with these durable, professional-grade Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands, available in sets of 4 or 10 with varying resistance levels for both upper and lower body training.
  5. Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts - Enhance your home workout routine with Blogilates Loop Bands (4pk) - perfect for fitness enthusiasts of all levels and ideal for staying fit during travel. Only available at Target.
  6. 5-Level Resistance Bands Set for Home Workouts - Transform your workout routine with HPYGN's versatile 150lb Resistance Bands Set, perfect for strength training, physical therapy, and home workouts.
  7. 5 Piece Black Exercise Resistance Bands Set with Handles, Door Anchor, Ankle Straps - Experience versatile full-body training with the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands Set, offering durable, secure and customizable workout options for all skill levels, including door anchor, ankle straps, handles, and a carry bag.
  8. Cloth Resistance Bands - Set of 4 by WODFitters - WODFitters Fabric Pull Up Resistance Bands: Unmatched Durability and Versatility for Home or On-the-Go Workouts.
  9. Thick Cloth Booty Bands for Exercise & Fitness - Versatile Gymbee Resistance Bands for Men and Women offer three levels of resistance, non-slip cloth booty bands, and high-quality fabric to enhance home workouts and fitness training.
  10. Ultra-Light Cloth Resistance Band for Beginners (Orange) - Discover the new ultra-light & comfy Level 1 1" Fabric Booty Building Band (orange) by The x Bands - perfect for warming up, burning out, and targeting your abs with 20 lbs. resistance, suitable for all fitness levels.
  11. RDX Cloth Resistance Bands for Fitness Enthusiasts - Experience the ultimate workout with RDX Fabric Resistance Bands - perfect for fitness enthusiasts and those recovering from injuries.
  12. WODFitters Fabric Hip Bands Set for Glute Activation - Experience the unparalleled comfort and effectiveness of WODFitters Hip Resistance Bands, offering a versatile and fabric-based solution for seamless glute activation, booty exercises, and overall fitness improvement.
  13. Comprehensive Fitness Training Set - Odoland Cloth Resistance Bands - Enhance workout performance with light, medium, and heavy resistance bands suitable for yoga, Pilates, and gym sessions; perfect for lower body warming up and strengthening muscles, including glutes, hamstrings, and more.
  14. Fabric Resistance Bands 3-Piece Set with 3-Month Centr Membership - Elevate your workout routine with the Centr Fabric Resistance Bands set, featuring premium woven fabric and a 3-month Centr membership for personalized coaching and workout support.
  15. Bosu Fabric Resistance Band - Orange - Discover the comfortable and versatile BOSU Fabric Resistance Band - perfect for shaping and toning your legs, inner thighs, and glutes at home or on-the-go, with three resistance options for a total body workout.
  16. Fabric Resistance Bands: 3 Piece Set - Calia Fabric Bands offer versatile workout options, with light, medium, and heavy resistance bands that combine to create 7 levels. These comfortable fabric bands have silicone ridges to stay secure during studio and at-home workouts.
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🔗Resistance Bands Set for Diverse Exercise and Fitness Needs
As someone who's been using these resistance bands in my daily workout routine, I must say they are quite effective in providing a challenging workout. One of the highlights has to be their ability to stack up to 125-150 lbs, offering various resistance levels based on color coding. For instance, yellow represents 15 lbs, red 20 lbs, and so on. This flexibility allows me to customize my training sessions based on my fitness level.
Made from 100% natural latex, these bands are not only eco-friendly but also boast good elasticity and non-slip handles. The door anchor included further enhances the workout options by enabling wall-mounted exercises. I've found these resistance bands particularly useful for toning muscles, increasing strength and flexibility.
However, one downside might be that they don't appear to last as long as I would like. After heavy use, I've had to replace them more frequently than anticipated. Nevertheless, considering their affordability and effectiveness, they remain a valuable addition to my home gym equipment.
In conclusion, these resistance bands from Bob and Brad offer a versatile and effective way to enhance your workout routine. With adjustable resistance levels and additional accessories like door anchors and ankle straps, they provide a complete fitness solution right at home. While their durability could be improved, overall, they definitely deliver for their price point.

🔗Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts
I've been using the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set for a few weeks now and it's been a game-changer in my home workout routine. The different colored bands are adjustable, which means I can get just the right resistance for each exercise. Plus, they're super portable, making them perfect for taking on trips or storing in a small apartment.
One of the standout features of this set is the quality of the materials. Each band is clearly marked with its equivalent weight, so I know exactly how much resistance I'm getting. And unlike some cheaper sets, these bands have held up well even after multiple uses.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this product. The handles can be a bit small for some people, making them a bit uncomfortable to use. Plus, the clips that attach the bands to the handles can be a bit difficult to snap on.
Overall, I'd say the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set is a great addition to anyone's home gym. It's versatile, easy to use, and made with good quality materials. Just be prepared to potentially double up on the straps and wear gloves if you have larger hands!

🔗Fabric Resistance Bands Set for Multiple Strengths
Using Vive's Fabric Resistance Bands has been a game changer in keeping my workout routines diverse and challenging. The set includes three resistance bands with varying levels of resistance – light, medium, and heavy – catering to different fitness levels. The light teal band provides a gentle resistance that's perfect for beginners and those looking for a more manageable workout. The dark teal band ramps up the resistance, making it ideal for intermediate workouts. And the black band is a heavy-duty option that's suitable for advanced fitness enthusiasts.
What I particularly love about these bands is their comfortable fabric blend. They're soft against the skin, making them a pleasure to use, even during long workout sessions. Plus, the non-slip lining ensures they stay in place throughout your workout, eliminating any distractions.
However, one drawback I noticed is the limited color options. While the light and dark teal colors are appealing, I would have appreciated a wider color palette to choose from.
Despite this minor issue, I have to say that these resistance bands have significantly enhanced my workout experience. They're lightweight, easy to use, and incredibly effective, making them a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their fitness game.

🔗Perform Better 4-Pack Mini Resistance Bands for Training and Warmup
As a fitness enthusiast who's been using these Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands, I can attest that they've made a significant difference in my workout routine. Not only are these bands incredibly versatile, allowing me to target different muscle groups with varying resistance levels, but they're also incredibly durable.
The professional-grade quality of these bands is evident right out of the box. They come in four different colors, each representing a different level of resistance: Yellow for light, Green for medium, Blue for heavy, and Black for extra-heavy. This feature allows me to tailor my workouts based on my fitness level and goals.
One of the things I particularly love about these bands is how easy they are to transport. I can take them with me wherever I go, whether it's to the gym, the office, or even on vacation. This portability means I never have to miss a workout, and that's a big plus in my book.
Not only have these resistance bands improved my physical fitness, but they've also helped me recover from injuries. I experienced a knee injury a few months back, and using these bands during my physical therapy sessions has accelerated my recovery process.
However, there is one downside to these bands. They can be quite slippery, especially when getting started with a new exercise. This can make it difficult to maintain proper form and can potentially lead to injuries if not handled properly.
In conclusion, these Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands have been a game-changer for my fitness routine. They offer a versatile, durable, and portable solution for adding resistance to my workouts, and their professional-grade quality ensures that I'll be using them for years to come. While there's a minor inconvenience with their slipperiness, that's a small price to pay for the tremendous benefits they provide.

🔗Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts
I recently got my hands on the Blogilates Loop Bands - 4pk, and oh boy, these have been a game-changer in my daily workout routine! Having four different resistance levels, from light to crazy, has allowed me to tailor my workout sessions according to my mood and energy levels.
The highlight of my experience has been the fact that these loop bands are incredibly easy to pack. This feature has made maintaining a fitness routine while traveling so much simpler for me. Plus, the designs are developed by none other than Cassey Ho, a leading fitness personality and Pilates instructor. Her expertise guarantees that these loop bands will take your home workouts to the next level!
However, there were also a few minor drawbacks. The light resistance bands, while serving beginners, weren't as effective for me when I desired an intense workout. Additionally, the plastic-like texture of the bands can be a bit off-putting at first, especially if you're used to fabric resistance bands.
Despite these minor issues, I've seen a significant improvement in my overall fitness since incorporating these loop bands into my workout regimen. Their portability and various resistance levels make them a must-have for anyone looking to diversify their home workout sessions.

🔗5-Level Resistance Bands Set for Home Workouts
I never thought I'd enjoy resistance training until I discovered the HPYGN Resistance Bands Set. This set is perfect for a variety of muscle groups, making them an essential part of my home workout routine. The bands are easy to use and adjust, and the door anchor allows me to create custom workout setups with ease.
The quality of the bands is impressive, especially considering the 150lb tension level. I've been using these bands for body shaping and weight loss, and I've definitely noticed a difference in my strength and endurance. However, some of the bands can be quite bulky, making them difficult to store when not in use.
Overall, I would highly recommend the HPYGN Resistance Bands Set to anyone looking to build strength, endurance, and stamina. They are a versatile and effective exercise tool that can be easily incorporated into any workout routine.

🔗5 Piece Black Exercise Resistance Bands Set with Handles, Door Anchor, Ankle Straps
In my fitness journey, I've tried countless tools and gadgets for strength training - but the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands have truly taken the cake. This set of five resistance bands comes with different levels of tension, allowing me to challenge myself as my fitness level progresses.
The first thing that caught my eye was the sturdiness of these bands. Unlike some cheaper options out there, these are designed with a dual security loops on the handle and made from TPE material to ensure maximum durability. It feels like they're built to last, even after hours of intense workout sessions.
Another significant feature is how versatile they are. Whether it's training my chest, shoulders, back, or even thighs, these resistance bands have helped me target different muscle groups without needing a full gym set up. Plus, since they're so lightweight and easy to store, I can take them anywhere, making them perfect for those who travel often or simply prefer working out at home.
However, one thing worth mentioning is that while these bands are great for women and even most men, if you're looking for something extremely challenging for male workout enthusiasts, you might need to look elsewhere. These bands are perfect for maintaining strength and toning up, but don't quite offer the level of resistance some muscle-bound workout warriors might require.
Overall, I would recommend the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands to anyone looking for an effective and versatile strength training tool. They're durable, easy to use, and can help you achieve your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home.

🔗Cloth Resistance Bands - Set of 4 by WODFitters
I've been using the WODFitters Fabric Resistance Bands for a while now, and I must say, I'm impressed. The bands are made with a fabric and latex blend that doesn't slip or break. I love how versatile they are – perfect for stretching, working out at home or on the go, and even for physical therapy. The best part is how compact these bands are; they don't take up much space at all.
These WODFitters resistance bands have given my workouts that extra kick that I've been missing. Not only do they help me get stronger and leaner, but they also ensure my joints remain intact and healthy. I find the bands incredibly useful for Pull Ups, Ring Dips, and Muscle Ups as well as powerlifting sessions with banded lifts. Plus, combining the bands in different ways gives me an adjustable level of resistance and makes my training more efficient.
The product comes with a set of four resistance bands – Red (10 to 35 pounds), Black (30 to 60 pounds), Purple (40 to 80 pounds), and Green (50 to 125 pounds). I've had the pleasure of using all four of them and can say that they are all of great quality and offer excellent resistance.
However, there was one review that pointed out some disappointment with the bands. The user found them to be less resistant than the original ones. Nevertheless, considering most other users' positive experiences, it seems that this might be an isolated case.
To sum it up, the WODFitters Fabric Resistance Bands are a high-quality and versatile addition to any home workout routine or physical therapy practice. These resistance bands help you achieve your fitness goals while keeping your joints safe. Definitely worth investing in!

🔗Thick Cloth Booty Bands for Exercise & Fitness
I've been using the Gymbee Resistance Bands for a few weeks now, and I must say, they have truly revolutionized my home workout routine. I used to struggle with finding the time to hit the gym, but with these bands, I can get in a quick workout right in my living room. The three levels of resistance allow me to challenge myself as I progress, while the soft cloth fabric feels comfortable against my skin.
But it's not just about the product itself; the included training videos have been incredibly helpful in showing me how to make the most out of these bands. From simple glute exercises to more intense leg routines, there's no shortage of ways to use these bands to build strength and flexibility.
Of course, no product is perfect. One minor concern I have is that the bands can be a bit difficult to roll up once I've finished my workout. However, this is a small inconvenience compared to the overall benefits these resistance bands provide.
Overall, I absolutely love my Gymbee Resistance Bands and would recommend them to anyone looking to incorporate more strength training into their fitness routine without leaving the comfort of their own home.

🔗Ultra-Light Cloth Resistance Band for Beginners (Orange)
Alright folks, let me tell you about my little adventure with the new Level 1 1" Fabric Booty Building Band from the x Bands. This unassuming orange band has quickly become a staple in my workout routine, and I'm not the only one who loves it.
To begin with, it's incredibly light and comfortable, making it perfect for those just starting out with resistance bands. I can attest to its effectiveness as a warm-up tool and a burn-out finisher. Plus, if you're looking to work on your abs, this band is going to stay put as you move your legs back and forth.
Now, this band is no joke when it comes to resistance; it offers about 20 lbs. of resistance, which is ideal for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. It's even better that the x Bands offer a variety of sizes, colors, and designs, allowing you to feel like a true workout boss!
One potential drawback, however, is that some users have reported that their bands lost resistance after just a few uses. While this happened to me only once, it's worth considering if you're planning on using the band daily.
Overall, I've been incredibly happy with my Level 1 Fabric Booty Building Band, and I can't recommend it enough. The quality, versatility, and effectiveness make it an excellent addition to any home gym. So, grab your orange band, and let's get those glutes firing!

🔗RDX Cloth Resistance Bands for Fitness Enthusiasts
I recently got my hands on these resistance bands from RDX and let me tell you, they're a game-changer for anyone looking to incorporate effective workouts into their daily routine. . The soft, odor-free fabric is comfortable and easy to work with, and the three levels of resistance help me switch up my exercises for variety. .
What I really love about them is how versatile they are - from quads to glutes to calves, there's a workout for everything. . Plus, they're perfect for physical therapy, helping to gently yet effectively engage my muscles and improve strength in different areas. . I've seen a noticeable improvement in my strength and physique since using these bands. .
My one complaint would be that the heaviest band can be a bit difficult to stretch, but overall, these are definitely worth adding to your fitness arsenal. .

Buyer's Guide

1. Material and Durability

Cloth resistance bands are made from a mix of fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and elastic. When shopping for the best cloth resistance bands, check the material quality and ensure it's durable enough to handle regular workouts without wearing out quickly.

2. Resistance Levels
Cloth resistance bands come in different resistance levels, ranging from light to heavy. Consider your fitness level and workout goals to choose a band that offers the right challenge without being too difficult. If you're unsure about the resistance level, look for a set that includes multiple bands of varying resistance.

3. Size and Fit

Cloth resistance bands are available in different sizes and can be wrapped around the ankles, knees, thighs, or even used as arm resistance bands. Ensure you pick a size and fit that offers the flexibility and functionality you need for your workout routine. Look for adjustable bands for a customized fit.

4. Versatility and Exercise Choices

  • Cloth resistance bands can be used for a variety of exercises, including stretches, strength training, yoga, pilates, and more.
  • Choose a brand with detailed instructions or online resources for exercise ideas to maximize the use of your cloth resistance bands.

5. Washing and Care Instructions

Proper care and maintenance of your cloth resistance bands can prolong their lifespan. Look for bands with clear washing and care instructions, preferably ones that are machine-washable for easy maintenance.

6. Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Choose a brand with a strong reputation for quality and performance. Check customer reviews and feedback to ensure your chosen resistance bands are highly rated by other users.

7. Pricing and Value

Before making a purchase, compare prices and value between different brands. Look for deals, promotions, or discounts to maximize your investment in quality cloth resistance bands without breaking the bank.


What are Resistance Bands?
Resistance bands are elastic bands used for strength training and physical therapy. They provide resistance and can be used in a variety of exercises. Cloth resistance bands are thicker and softer than latex or rubber bands, making them more comfortable to use.

What are the benefits of using Cloth Resistance Bands?

Cloth resistance bands offer several benefits including improved muscle strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. They also help with corrective exercises and physical therapy. Their soft texture makes them suitable for people with skin sensitivities as well.

How do you use Cloth Resistance Bands?

Cloth resistance bands can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them for squats, bicep curls, chest presses, deadlifts, and other strength training exercises. Start with lower resistance bands and gradually move to higher resistance ones as you get stronger.

How often should I use Cloth Resistance Bands?

You can use cloth resistance bands daily if you wish. However, it's important to give your muscles time to recover after each workout. Aim for at least one day of rest between sessions.

How do I clean Cloth Resistance Bands?

Before storing or reusing a resistance band, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse well and let it air dry completely to prevent mildew.

How much resistance do Cloth Resistance Bands offer?

The amount of resistance offered by cloth resistance bands depends on their thickness and size. Typically, bands come in varying levels of resistance, from light to heavy.

Which exercises can be done with Cloth Resistance Bands?

  • Squats
  • Bicep curls
  • Chest presses
  • Deadlifts
  • And many more strength training exercises

Are Cloth Resistance Bands suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Cloth resistance bands are great for beginners because they provide adjustable resistance and are easy to use. Starting with lower resistance bands can help beginners build muscle strength gradually.

How long do Cloth Resistance Bands last?

The lifespan of a cloth resistance band depends on how frequently it's used, how well it's cared for, and the quality of the product. Generally, good-quality bands can last several years with proper care.

How do I store Cloth Resistance Bands?

After washing and drying, store your cloth resistance bands in a cool, dry place. Keeping them away from direct sunlight will help prolong their life.

How do I choose the right Resistance Band?

To choose the right resistance band, consider your fitness level, the types of exercises you plan to do, and the amount of resistance you need. It's advisable to start with a lower resistance band and progress to higher ones as you become stronger.
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2024.05.21 06:27 Obvious_Relation_400 I (23F) just did it - now hopefully you can, too!

Hello, fellow gastrointestinally-dysfunctional people! I just got my colonoscopy done this morning, and I wanted to share some of my experience so the next scared sod that comes across this subreddit can clear their mind off things.
First off, I’m 23F - I know, quite literally half the age that is generally recommended for this procedure. But fear not! All I was doing it for was to confirm that there was nothing structurally wrong with my colon to confirm an IBS diagnosis. I don’t know if this is the norm everywhere or with every insurance policy (I’m US based), but thankfully mine completely covered the cost of the prep and the procedure, so I was all good.
Secondly, the worst part was, of course, the prep. Words cannot describe how disgustingly salty Gavilyte is, even with the lemon flavoring packet. But still - get that shit done!!! Drink it nice and chilled through a thick straw, hang out by the bathroom, and most importantly, finish it. Your stooling water will look neon yellow-green with next to no sediment present once done - that is normal due to the natural pigmentation of bile, not to worry! And if you’re on any prescription laxative medications like Linzess, then go ahead and pop that before you start the prep as nice little kickstart in cleaning your bowels.
Lastly, the procedure itself was fantastic! I’ve never been hospitalized and have had an amazing immune system, so it wasn’t until I’ve gotten my current insurance as an adult that I’ve needed to do any procedures. I previously experienced propofol for a dental surgery, and that waking process was less than ideal (I walked out of the recovery room because I couldn’t find my nurses. Don’t do that!!). However, my CRNA was very kind, and he even asked what drink I wanted when I woke up (ginger ale, the superior drink). The least pleasant part was definitely the propofol - I was damn near crying at how much it burned as it spread. Once again, shout out to my CRNA - he rubbed my arm so sweetly when he saw that I was freaking out and kept reassuring me that it was almost time to sleep. I woke up in the hallway on the way to recovery, asking my RN if I could go to the bathroom, and nearly all my anal soreness gone with a bit of hemorrhoid cream - thanks, team! A near painless procedure, indeed.
My post-op results came back negative for structural irregularities. I’m so happy to be on the other side of this, and rewarded myself immediately by eating a soft, bread pudding slice. Many thanks to my scope team, and many thanks to all of you reading who do this on the daily! Every nurse, tech, physician, etc. who participated in my care helped me through this so well that it felt like a well-oiled machine in the best way possible.
For you 45+ folks who are getting your screenings, or for anyone who’s on the fence about rescheduling, please don’t be scared - if this 23F healthcare workegrad student who hates getting jabbed herself can do it, then you can, too! Best wishes, and take care of your colon.
submitted by Obvious_Relation_400 to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:21 melusina_ Coughing up smelly hard chunks of green mucus(?)

19F, 172cm, 66kg, on Qlaira, no underlying health conditions, don't smoke, barely drink.
I've been having a mild cough since a couple of days, it's worse at night. Yesterday I went on a trip but was very short of breath and didn't feel great (headache, shortness of breath, chills, exhausted). This morning I woke up with a lot of pain in my throat and the feeling like something was "obstructing" it very klein my throat/chest area. I could breathe but it just felt like a large chunk of food or something. So I started coughing and coughed up a very hard chunk of green stuff, ever since I've been coughing up chunks of it every time I cough, sometimes hard sometimes not. It smells and tastes horrible and makes me gag, and I need to spit it out. I need to go on a trip with my college class today to Friday. Is there anything I can do to stop this? It's highly embarrassing. And also, should I let a doctor know?
submitted by melusina_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:15 GreatRecipeCollctr29 Boudin's Milkshakes

I went to Boudin to order some dinner, and took few pictures without the employees watching. It is a popular and a well known bakery and cafe that sell their signature sourdough in 1849. Their classic sourdough mother culture in 1849. Their San Francisco Clam Chowder is also a signature item. The clam chowder is often eaten in a bread bowl. But I love the variety of sandwiches, different bread types and baked goods, and soups they sell here. It is better than Panera. You get what you paid for on quality, subtance and ingredients.
Here are some recipes of their milkshakes:
All of the serving sizes of these recipes are 12 fluid ounces.
The flavors are French Vanilla, Sea Salt Caramel, Cold Brew, Dark Chocolate and Strawberry
French Vanilla: 3- #12 green scoops of Tillamook Old-Fashioned French Vanilla ice cream 1/3 cup whole milk 4 pumps (1 fl oz) Monin French vanilla syrup
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Cover and pulse on HIGH until smooth and thick. Pour in a cup.
Sea Salt Caramel Toffee: 3-#12 green scoops of Tillamook Old-Fashioned French Vanilla Ice crream 1/3 cup whole milk 4 pumps (1 fluid ounce) of Monin Sea Salt Caramel Sauce
Drizzle some sea salt caramel sauce on the inside of the cup. combine the vanilla ice cream, milk and 4 pumps of sea salt caramel sauce in a jug of blender. Cover and pulse on high until smooth and thick. Pour the milkshake in a prepared cup or glass. Add 1 tsp crushed toffee bits on top (Skor or Heath) for garnish.
Cold Brew Coffee: 3-#12 green scoops of Tillamook Old-Fashioned French Vanilla ice cream 1/3 cup whole milk 4 pumps (1 fluid ounce) of Monin Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate
Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Cover and pulse on HIGH until smooth and thick. Pour in a cup.
Strawberry: 3-#12 green scoops of Tillamook Old-Fashioned French Vanilla ice cream 1/3 cup whole milk 4 pumps (1 fluid ounce) of Monin Strawberry Puree Combine all of the ingredients in a blender. Cover and pulse on HIGH until smooth and thick. Pour in a cup.
Dark Chocolate: 3-#12 green scoops of Tillamook Old-Fashioned French Vanilla ice cream 1/3 cup whole milk 4 pumps (1 fluid ounce) of Monin Dark Chocolate Sauce
Drizzle some dark chocolate sauce on the inside of the cup. combine the vanilla ice cream, milk and 4 pumps of dark chocolate sauce in a jug of blender. Cover and pulse on high until smooth and thick. Pour the milkshake in a prepared cup or glass.
Below the serving size is 20 fluid ounces which is a large
Just replace the # of pumps to make 16 fluid ounces. Process to make milkshakes mentioned above are similar, here is the base recipe making a 20 fluid ounce milkshake.
5-#12 green scoops of Tilliamook Old-Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream 1/2 cup whole milk 7 pumps (1.75 fl oz) Monin Syrup, Sauce or Puree - to flavor your milkshakes
Review - I had tasted their Cold Brew Coffee milkshake when it came out January 2024. It was very good and perfect for a hot day. It was sunny and hot in an area where I was at. Think, creamy and not too sweet. Great milkshake!
submitted by GreatRecipeCollctr29 to TopSecretRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:13 GuiltlessMaple Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables

Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables
Get ready to conquer the heights with our Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables roundup! In this article, we'll dive into the world of hunting accessories and bring you a curated list of top-quality replacement cables for your climbing tree stand. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a beginner, we've got you covered with our reliable and comprehensive guide.

The Top 19 Best Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables

  1. Safety Enhancing 30" Nylon Tree Stand Cables - Ensure safety while hunting with the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Nylon Rope System, a durable and versatile solution for ascending and descending tree stands.
  2. Safe and Easy Tree Stand Gear Rope 25ft - Easily and safely hoist your gear with Realtree's 30-foot nylon braided EZ Rope, featuring a coated carabiner and reflective threads for convenient gear access.
  3. Stainless Steel Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cable - Ensure a reliable and durable climbing experience with Eder Stainless Steel Cable, priced per foot, featuring a 3/32" diameter for optimal performance and durability.
  4. Safe-Line Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables for Hunting - Stay safe while climbing tree stands with Muddy's durable 30" Nylon rope system, designed to prevent accidents and protect hunters.
  5. Tough, versatile 7/16 climbing rope for arborist and tree work - Arborist-24 Climbing Rope - 5.0-star rated, Pelicans 24-strand braided rope with tough chemical resistance and ideal for arborist tree work.
  6. Tough Winch Cable for Tree Stand Replacements - Experience unmatched durability and strength with the Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable, featuring a rugged aircraft grade braided wire construction and a drop forged clevis hook, perfect for climbing tree stand replacement cables.
  7. Versatile 30ft Braided Steel Cable for Secure Locking - Upgrade your locks' efficiency and security with the Trimax VMAX30CBL Replacement Cable, designed to fit perfectly with the Versa-Cable Lock for a wide range of applications, including bikes, tools, patio furniture, and more.
  8. No-Burn Treestand Hoist Rope for Tree Stands Up to 25 Feet - Safely ascend and descend to your tree stand with ease using the 22 ft 30-06 No Burn Treestand Hoist Rope, featuring a large carabiner clip and 4 inch tubing to protect your fingers.
  9. 30' Safety Line for Hunting Tree Stands - Elevate your hunting safety with Summit Treestand's 30-Feet Safety Line - 3 Pack, featuring dual prussic knots for a secure grip while climbing up and down trees, perfect for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.
  10. Helo Hang On Tree Stand Replacement Cables - Hang On Cables provide a seamless replacement for Echo, Helo, or Raider Hang On Treestands, ensuring a secure and robust climbing experience.
  11. High-Strength Industrial Accessory Cord for Climbing and Industrial Applications - The Cypher 300' Accessory Cord is a versatile, high strength nylon cord perfect for climbing, rescue, and industrial applications, as well as arts and crafts projects, available in various diameters and made in the USA.
  12. Secure Tree Stand Cable Lock Set for Protection - Secure your climbing tree stand and other valuables with ease thanks to HME's durable, 4.3-rated 3-pack of self-coiling, lockable cable systems, perfect for all outdoor gear.
  13. Outdoor-Ready Tree Stand Security Cable - Secure your precious camping gear with the Muddy Defender Security Cable, featuring a versatile 7' long steel cable, a reliable pin tumbler lock, and rugged outdoor-proof lock components. An essential must-have for your next wilderness escapade.
  14. Safe Treestand Climbing Cable for Avid Hunters - The Millennium Safe-Link 35 ft. Safety Line is a reliable and safest option for treestand accidents, providing a controlled ascent and descent with a prusik knot and carabiner included, perfect for climbing into and out of your stand safely.
  15. Powerful ANSI-Compliant Tree Stand Safety Rope for Hunting and Climbing - VE Vor's 9 and 30 ft Tree Stand Ropes offer exceptional durability, safety, and versatility for hunters, with 2 carabiners and 2 prusik knots, ensuring secure and reliable climbing experiences.
  16. Summit Treestands Climbing Cable Replacement Shrink Tubing - Replace worn-out shrink tubing on your Summit climbing treestand cables with the convenient, easy-to-apply 67-inch replacement tubings for durable performance.
  17. LIVOSA Climbing Rope for Tree Arborists: Blue 612 - The LIVOSA Flip Line Tree Climbing Rope offers unmatched safety and durability with its 7/25" steel wire inner core and 20 kN/4400lbs max breaking strength, making it the perfect choice for all your arborist equipment needs.
  18. Reflective Treestand Rope for Easy Hunting Accessories - Experience the convenience and safety of Allen Reflective Treestand Gun & Bow Rope, the 25' braided rope with lockdown jaws, designed for treestands, camping, and beyond.
  19. Ultimate Treestand Accessory for Safe Transportation - Safely hoist your gear with the durable and stylish 30' Treestand Rope from Allen, designed to suit any budget and ensure satisfaction.
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🔗Safety Enhancing 30" Nylon Tree Stand Cables
As an avid hunter, I've always prioritized safety while trekking through the wilderness. When I first heard about the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Durable Nylon Outdoor Hunting & Tree Stand System, I knew it would revolutionize my outdoor experiences.
One day, I ventured into the dense forest, armed with nothing but my rifle and the Muddy Safe-Line System. As I climbed my tree stand, I felt a strong sense of security. This 30-inch long nylon rope, durable enough for its advertised 300-pound weight capacity, stretched before me. The Prusik knots felt reassuringly comfortable as they guided me up the tree. In the low light of the forest, the rope's visibility played a crucial role.
However, this wasn't all about safety; it also made my climbing experience seamless. The nylon rope was flexible enough to adjust to my movement, making climbing and descending a fluid affair. Yet, it maintained a solid grip, ensuring I never lost my footing.
In essence, the Muddy Safe-Line System is a vital tool for hunters seeking a balance between safety and ease of use. Its unique features ensure it's worth the investment for any hunter. Whether it's your first time climbing a tree stand or you're a seasoned pro, this durable nylon rope system is a game-changer, promising a safer and more enjoyable hunt.

🔗Safe and Easy Tree Stand Gear Rope 25ft
I recently gave the Realtree EZ Rope a shot, and let me tell you, it made my tree stand experience so much better. With its 25-foot length, hoisting my gear up was a piece of cake, thanks to the easy-to-handle plastic handle.
The EZ Rope even came with an extra-sturdy coated carabiner that securely locked onto my tree stand. The nylon braided rope, with its reflective threads, allowed me to locate my stand in the dark with ease.
But be careful - if you're not careful, the rope can get tangled up in a mess. All in all, the Realtree EZ Rope was a handy addition to my tree stand setup, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to make their hunting life a bit easier.

🔗Stainless Steel Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cable
Sometimes, you need a reliable replacement cable for your climbing tree stand. That's when the Eder Stainless Steel Cable comes in handy. This durable cable is priced per foot, so you only order the exact length you need.
A 3/32" diameter ensures it's sturdy yet lightweight. I've had great experiences with this cable, but the drawback is that you have to calculate the number of feet you need before placing the order.

🔗Safe-Line Climbing Tree Stand Replacement Cables for Hunting
I recently had the chance to try the Muddy Safe-Line 30" Durable Nylon Outdoor Hunting & Tree Stand System, and I must say, it has become my go-to for all my hunting tree stand adventures. The first thing that stood out was the safety aspect - knowing that I had a reliable system to climb up safely, no matter the condition, was a relief.
The product's durability was impressive too, as it withstood the wear and tear of climbing up and down trees numerous times. The nylon rope stretched to 30 inches, making it perfect for my needs and providing a smooth climbing experience.
However, it's not all smooth sailing. One downside I've noticed is that when the weather gets rainy, it can take some time to dry, which can be inconvenient. But overall, this Muddy Safe-Line system has made my hunting excursions much safer and more enjoyable.

🔗Tough, versatile 7/16 climbing rope for arborist and tree work
As an arborist, I've always been on the lookout for a reliable climbing rope that can withstand the harsh elements and resist chemical damage. The 7/16" Arborist-24 Climbing Rope was a game changer for me. It's not your standard rope – it's made specifically for professionals like me, who need to tackle complex tree work.
One of the most impressive features of this rope is its 24-strand construction. This doubles the strength, making it a reliable option for heavy-duty tree maintenance. The nylon core is both durable and flexible, ensuring a seamless climbing experience. And I love the double-ply braid design – it gives the rope an added level of toughness.
The polyester cover is what really sets this rope apart. Its chemical resistance is top-notch, meaning it'll stand up to all kinds of environmental hazards without a hitch. Plus, it's incredibly smooth to the touch, making it a pleasure to handle.
The 7/16" diameter is ideal for my line of work, providing a good balance of strength and control. The rope is also lightweight, which is a big plus when you're spending long hours in the tree canopy.
There are a couple of downsides to this rope, though. First, it needs more maintenance than some other ropes – the chemical resistant polyester cover can be a bit more high-maintenance. Also, the factory splicing eyes can be beneficial but they do lower the minimum breaking strength to 5,400 lbs, which might be a concern for some users.
All in all, the 7/16" Arborist-24 Climbing Rope is a fantastic choice for arborists and anyone else dealing with demanding tree work. Its toughness, smoothness, and ideal diameter make it a standout product in its category.

🔗Tough Winch Cable for Tree Stand Replacements
The Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable with Hook is a sturdy and versatile aid for those needing to tackle tough tasks that require a winch. As someone who has personally put this cable to use, I can attest to its reliability and effectiveness.
The cable's heavy gauge steel construction and zinc plating make it a formidable force against rust, ensuring durability in even the harshest environments. Its aircraft grade braided wire design gives it the strength to handle some seriously heavy loads without fraying or snapping.
I appreciated how the cable comes equipped with a heavy-duty drop forged clevis hook, which makes it easy to attach to various objects needing to be pulled or lifted. The hook's robust build added an extra layer of confidence when tackling challenging jobs.
One of the most significant advantages of this product is its versatility. Users have reported using it for a wide range of tasks, from assisting with tree removal and stump pulling to towing large truck trailers out of tricky situations.
However, the cable's longer length might prove a bit unwieldy for some users who only require a shorter cable for their tasks. It could be helpful if there were options available in different lengths to cater to various needs.
In summary, the Badland 3/8 in. x 65 ft. Replacement Winch Cable with Hook is an excellent tool for those who need a long, heavy-duty winch cable with enough strength to tackle even the most challenging jobs. Despite its occasional limitations, it remains a top choice for those who require a dependable and versatile winch cable.

🔗Versatile 30ft Braided Steel Cable for Secure Locking
Imagine a cable that's not just flexible, but strong and durable enough to secure your precious gear. That's what you get with the Trimax Versa-Cable Trimaflex Braided Steel Cable.
Its unique weave design allows you to easily lock up items like bikes, tools, patio furniture, and more, while its interchangeable nature lets you customize its length to your needs. The cable effortlessly transitions from securing a bike rack to locking up your jet ski, making it the ultimate versatile solution for various scenarios.
It's the perfect addition to your security arsenal and a must-have for all your outdoor adventures.

🔗No-Burn Treestand Hoist Rope for Tree Stands Up to 25 Feet
Recently, I had the opportunity to use the 30-06 No Burn Treestand Hoist Rope in my tree stand hunting setup. I was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly it worked, and the no-burn aspect made it incredibly safe to use.
The large carabiner clip made clipping and unclipping the rope simple, while the 4-inch tubing helped protect my fingers as I let the rope down. However, I did notice that the rope wasn't long enough for my 25-foot tree. Overall, this product stood out for its safety features and easy use, but it would be ideal if it came in a longer length too.

🔗30' Safety Line for Hunting Tree Stands
When I first got my hands on the Summit Treestand SU83102 Safety Line, I could feel the quality in the materials. The 30-foot length allows for plenty of range when ascending and descending the tree. One of the standout features for me was the dual slide-and-grip prusik knots. They made it easy to adjust and move without needing more than one hand, making the entire process smooth and efficient.
However, I did notice that the safety line wasn't the most affordable option on the market. It's a bit of an investment, but for those who prioritize safety while hunting, it's well worth the price. With a weight capacity of 300 lbs, it's a reliable and secure choice for anyone looking to climb trees with ease. Overall, I'd recommend the Summit Treestand SU83102 Safety Line to anyone seeking a high-quality, dependable climbing safety line.

🔗Helo Hang On Tree Stand Replacement Cables
I recall last season when I decided to invest in brand new climbing tree stand replacement cables for my Lone Wolf Alpha, after learning about the importance of safety. This product, Hang On Cables, turned out to be an excellent purchase that I couldn't be happier with. Not only did the cables fit perfectly into the stand, but they also came with all the necessary hardware for installation. The peace of mind that came with this purchase has made a significant difference in my hunting experience.
However, I did encounter one minor issue with the knob of the platform leveling assembly on one of my cables. It required some creativity with needle nose pliers to remove the nylon lock nut, but I managed to get it done. But aside from this small hurdle, the customer service and overall quality of the product have been above my expectations.
With Hang On Cables in place, I've been able to enjoy a safer and more secure hunt, knowing that I have the right protection to prevent any unwanted incidents.

🔗High-Strength Industrial Accessory Cord for Climbing and Industrial Applications
I've been using this Cypher 300' Accessory Cord for climbing, and I must say, it has made my life so much easier. The vibrant green color not only looks great but also makes it easier for me to spot as I'm scaling the tree. The high-strength nylon construction of this cord is impressive, and it has handled the rigorous demands of my climbing adventures without any issues.
However, one thing I noticed was that the spool it comes in can sometimes be a bit tricky to close, but overall, I'm quite satisfied with my purchase.

🔗Secure Tree Stand Cable Lock Set for Protection
I've been using HME Treestand Cable Locks to secure my hunting gear and tree stands every season. Out of the 3 pack of cable locks bundled together, they all have unique keys that match only the corresponding lock, making it convenient for storage. The 6-feet coiled cable is sturdy and self-contained, simplifying the process of securing around any tree. These cable locks are also suitable for securing other outdoor gear like kayaks, patio furniture, and even duck boats.
While these locks provide ample security and ease of use, I did notice some downsides. The keys aren't the same for all locks, which can be a minor inconvenience. Additionally, the cable's durability can be a concern because of potential weather-related rusting. Despite these minor drawbacks, the HME Treestand Cable Locks are a reliable and easy-to-use option for securing your hunting gear.

🔗Outdoor-Ready Tree Stand Security Cable
Since I've started using the Muddy Defender Security Cable, I can't help but feel more secure knowing my treestand is locked up tight. The 7' x 5/16" braided steel cable is incredibly versatile, adjusting from 6" to 7', which is perfect for my needs out in the woods. The pick and hook on the cable make it even more reliable, giving me peace of mind that my camera will remain secure.
The lock housing components are super resistant and designed to last outdoors, and I appreciate the scratch-resistant coating on the rubber-coated steel cable. I must say though, there have been a few times when I struggled a bit to lock the cable, and I wished it came with an easier-to-use lock. However, overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Muddy Defender Security Cable and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable security solution for their treestand.

🔗Safe Treestand Climbing Cable for Avid Hunters
I recently had the chance to use the Millennium Safe-Link 35 ft. Safety Line during my tree stand hunting adventure, and I must say it made all the difference.
This reliable piece of equipment provided me with that extra level of safety as I made my way up and down my stand. The prussic knot and carabiner ensured a smooth and controlled ascent and descent, giving me peace of mind throughout my hunting experience. One of the standout features for me was its sleek black color, which blended seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
Overall, the Millennium Safe-Link proved to be a reliable and essential addition to my tree stand hunting gear, and I highly recommend it to all fellow hunters seeking a safer and more enjoyable outdoor adventure.

Buyer's Guide

Climbing tree stand replacement cables are essential components for deer hunting and other activities that require a stable and secure tree stand. These cables replace the ropes and straps used to hoist and secure the tree stand to the tree, providing a safer and more efficient way to climb and set up your tree stand. When selecting climbing tree stand replacement cables, there are several important features to consider.

Material Type
The material type plays a crucial role in the durability, strength, and resistance to wear and tear of climbing tree stand replacement cables. Common materials used in tree stand cables include nylon, polypropylene, and steel. Nylon and polypropylene are lightweight, flexible, and easy to handle, while steel provides additional strength and durability. Consider your needs, budget, and the expected use of the cables when choosing the material type.


Ensure the replacement cables have the appropriate length to secure your tree stand safely and effectively. The length should be long enough to accommodate different tree diameters and heights, allowing for easy adjustment and ensuring a snug fit. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the recommended length of the cables before making a purchase.


The diameter of the climbing tree stand replacement cables is another important factor to consider, as it determines the cable's strength and thickness. A thicker cable will generally be stronger and more durable than a thinner one. However, also consider the ease of use and comfort when handling the cables. Larger diameter cables may be more difficult to handle, but they provide better support and stability.

Weight Capacity

Ensure that the climbing tree stand replacement cables you choose have a weight capacity suitable for your needs. The weight capacity should not only account for your own weight but also consider the weight of the tree stand, hunting equipment, and any additional accessories. Choose cables with a higher weight capacity to ensure a safe and secure tree stand setup.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Research the brand reputation and customer reviews of the climbing tree stand replacement cables before making a purchase. Look for brands with a proven track record of producing high-quality, durable products that meet the needs of their customers. Positive customer reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of the cables.
When choosing climbing tree stand replacement cables, consider factors such as material type, length, diameter, weight capacity, and brand reputation. A well-informed decision will ensure a safe, secure, and efficient tree stand setup for your hunting or outdoor activities. Always follow proper safety guidelines and maintain your cables to prolong their lifespan and ensure optimal performance.


What are climbing tree stand replacement cables used for?

Climbing tree stand replacement cables are used as an alternative to the default cables provided with climbing tree stands. These replacement cables ensure the tree stand is safe and functional, providing support for hunting or other purposes.

Why do I need to replace the cables on my climbing tree stand?

Cables on climbing tree stands can wear out over time, causing the stand to become unstable or unsafe for use. By replacing the cables regularly, you can ensure that your tree stand continues to function safely and effectively.

What are some signs that my climbing tree stand cables need to be replaced?

Signs that your cables may need to be replaced include obvious wear, fraying, or damage to the cable, difficulty in climbing or descending the tree, or a feeling of instability or wobbling when using the stand.

How do I replace the cables on my climbing tree stand?

  • Carefully remove the stand from the tree, detaching it from the cable.
  • Cut or untie the old cables from the tree, and remove the old cables from the stand.
  • Attach the new replacement cables to the tree and to the stand following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Return the stand to the tree, ensuring it is secure and stable before use.

What types of replacement cables are available for climbing tree stands?

There are several types of replacement cables available, including polypropylene, nylon, and steel cable. The best choice depends on your specific needs, such as weight capacity, durability, and ease of use.

What are the benefits of using replacement cables on my climbing tree stand?

  • Increased safety due to the improved stability and durability of the cables.
  • Reduced chances of damaging the tree due to less stress on the tree when climbing or descending.
  • A more comfortable and enjoyable hunting or tree stand experience.

What precautions should I take when replacing the cables on my climbing tree stand?

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation and maintenance. Be cautious when using the stand, and ensure that it is secure before climbing or setting up the tree stand. Regularly visually inspect the cables for any signs of wear or damage.
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2024.05.21 06:12 RLOclen A Hike to Remember

I want to thank Meatcanyon and Wendigoon for starting Creepcast. I've played around with writing horror, and here is my first short story. I will post it for free in a few other places to see what people think. Please enjoy!
A Hike to Remember
By R.L. Oclen
Chapter 1
A woman sits with hastily pulled-up fire-red hair in the waiting room of the state patrol station. The procedurally sterile off-white walls and decade-old magazines do little for comfort. With her head hanging low, her shoulders pushing forward, and her boots rapidly tapping on the floor, something has to give.
"Please just let her be okay." The woman growls as a pair of officers come in from the field. The officers' demeanors quickly change when they see the familiar face.
"Tabitha, did Officer Nichols call you?" one of the state patrol officers asked sympathetically.
"Yes, he asked me to come in and pick up a few things," Tabitha said, shooting back a muted look.
" I'll let them know you're here." The officer said, nodding to Tabitha as they passed the security door. Tabitha leaned back against the hard plastic chair, staring blankly into the fluorescent light. She had done this dance in the macabre repeatedly over the past month. The last image of her younger sister, Lisa, still burned in her mind. Tabitha had always been protective over her younger sister after their parents died. A pang of guilt shoots through her chest as she thinks about her and Lisa's argument.
"Tabitha Hymm, Officer Nichols is ready for you."
"Okay," she stood up, shaking off her guilt, and followed the officer back. The familiar surroundings of the state patrol station blurred as Tabitha stared forward. She followed the officer as they came to a rustic wooden office door, which was embossed with "Officer Nichols."
The escorting officer turns the old brass door knob. "Sir, I have Tabitha Hymm here." A grizzled West Virginia Highway State Patrol veteran sits behind the desk and nods. The escorting officer steps aside, pushing the door open as Tabitha pushes past him and slumps in the awaiting chair like so many times before. An uncomfortable relationship had formed between the two, born out of necessity and duty.
"Cup of coffee?"
"No thanks. Let's just cut to the chase. You don't have anything new?"
The worn laugh lines and Officer Nichols's face flattens. His eyebrows contour sympathetically as he shakes his head.
"Tabitha, I don't have anything else new for you. I wanted to give you the clothes returned from the lab." Her face darkened at the same response she had heard many times.
"As we discussed two weeks ago, there is nothing new and no signs of struggle or foul play," Officer Nichols said while placing a box marked evidence on the table and sliding it forward. Tabitha began to weep at the realization of Lisa's clothes in front of her. In a coordinated queue, Officer Nichols brought out a box of tissues. Reluctantly, Tabitha took a few moments to unblur her vision.
"How does someone stop their car in the middle of the Remington West Virginia State Park, lock it, and then walk into the woods?" Officer Nichols clasped his hands together and sighed at her worn question.
"Tabitha, I wish I had an answer for why your sister stopped her car in the woods and simply walked off. We're still going through her cell phone, but no signs exist that anyone forced her. On that Tuesday morning, she pulled over to the side of the road, secured her car, and walked away." Officer Nichols said empathetically.
Tabitha became stoic at the same explanation she had heard many times before. " So what next?"
"You should go back to Ohio, and I'll contact you as soon as I have more information." She winced at Officer Nichols's words. Reality began to pull at her that bills and work wouldn't wait much longer.
"If I leave, she's gone for good."
" You staying won't bring her back." Officer Nichols said sympathetically.
" So is that it? She's just gone?"
" Tabitha, I'll be honest with you. In cases like this… when people do things like this. Recovery is harder in the spring due to the weather and the animals. You know her mental condition better than I do. I can't explain why she did what she did. But until I find a solution, a suicide note, some intention, or body. She's not here. Tabitha, I'm-"
" Don't you fucking say sorry!" Tabitha stood up, screaming at Officer Nichols, throwing the plastic chair backward against the wall. " I should just look for myself."
"No!" Officer Nichols said momentarily, gripping the desk as his face hardened, then relaxed. Tabitha was caught off guard by Officer Nichols, who was normally composed. "Tabitha, I know this is unbearable. I've sat on this side of the desk and had these conversations. Trust me; I need you to be safe if I need your help later."
Tabitha nods, knowing Officer Nichols is right. She reaches down, picks up the evidence box of her sister's belongings, and leaves.
" Tabitha, if you're heading home, don't stop your car; just keep driving." Tabitha stops to look at Officer Nichols, feeling an eeriness to his words.
" Goodbye, Officer Nichols," Tabitha said as she closed the rustic wooden door behind her. She counted the tiles as she exited the West Virginia State Patrol Station. Placing her sister's belongings carefully in the back seat of her Jeep, Tabitha then sat momentarily behind the steering wheel, staring at the emblem. The familiar numbness washed over Tabitha as she pushed the start button. She pulled onto the highway, driving to the motel that had been home for the last month or so. Muted pop music accented the drive back as her mind raced with questions. Once inside the two-and-a-half-star motel room, Tabitha sat her sister's belongings on the corner table, crumbled onto the bed, and cried.
Tabitha wiped the steam from the slightly spotted mirror above the bathroom sink. The hot water from the shower felt good and loosened some of the stress from her body. Looking back at her, Tabitha's face was framed by damp curls around her shoulders. Her face marked the stress of the past month. Frowning, she examined the bags under her eyes; sleep had to come tonight. Walking into the living area, She changed into her favorite gym shorts and oversized sleep shirt. The alarm on her phone flashed "7:00 am," so she could drive home five hours after breakfast.
Tabitha hated feeling comfortable in this once strange room, but falling asleep was getting easier now. Her eyes closed slowly as the ceiling fan droned evenly. At first, nothing came in her dreams, but she let her guard down and slipped further into sleep.
As she dreamed of floating overhead like a bird of prey, Tabitha soared over the vast Remington National Park. The high noon sun bore down on the crisp woods, perfectly contrasting sky and forest. The heat of the sun felt good on her feathers. Distant cries rang out through the dream-like forest, catching her attention. Tabitha tilted her wings toward the screams, feeling a sense of familiar curiosity.
She now recognized the sobs and cries for help as she flew closer, her sharp eyes locked on her sister leaning against a large oak tree. She glided overhead without care, examining the situation below. Lisa clung to the tree, her eyes darting back and forth, scanning upwards. Lisa's face reflected desperation, looking for help in any direction. Tabitha lazily circles Lisa several times before perching on a sturdy branch higher in one of the oak trees. She watched Lisa intently with hunger. She bellowed deeply, hearing the unnatural sound she made, catching Lisa's eyes. Lisa's expression changed; she became calm, almost uncaring, as she stared back at Tabitha's form. Hunger grew exponentially in Tabitha as she spread her large wings. Her large eyes gaze down at Lisa before diving straight for her sister.
Tabitha jolts awake to the alarm on her phone flashing "7:23 AM." She breathes in sharply, shaking off the last horrible thoughts from the reoccurring nightmare. The strange details become more vivid each time. The lingering memories of folk stories her mother told sat in the back of her mind. In those stories, the dead would reach out in dreams as a matter of warning. Leaning back on the headboard, she searched for the advice her psychologist gave her. During their last session, Dr. Ryland explained dreams are a form of self-actualization of guilt. He told Tabitha that it was natural to feel responsible when losing a loved one in this manner.
Tabitha grumbled, lightly running her hands through her red hair; she pushed everything to the back of her mind. "Get it together!" She grumbled to herself. She pushed herself off the bed and got ready to leave. It was going to be a long trip home, and the only thing she could do now was leave things in the authorities' hands. Packing up was pretty easy since she only cycled through the outfits she brought. The local laundromat must have made a small fortune off her. Tabitha took one last look at the box of Lisa's belongings before throwing them in her duffle bag. She was thankful she didn't have to spend another night in this room.
Tabitha sat behind the wheel, waiting for the 90's model minivan to finish their order so she could grab a breakfast burrito on the way out. Considering the situation, the Deer Stop Family Restaurant did have a good breakfast. Finally, pulling up to the 70-style drive-in board, Tabitha rolled off the order she had been accustomed to. " I'll take a large iced tea with the double breakfast burrito meal and hash browns, please."
" Would you like some happy hot sauce with that?"
" That's fine, and a few ketchup packets as well."
" Your total is $8.79. Please pull around."
She pulled around to her window, flashed her debit card, got the receipt, and waited for her food. Luckily, the young woman serving her wasn't very talkative in the morning. The last thing she wanted was a conversation about the weather or meaningless small talk.
" Here's your large iced tea and breakfast meal. Ketchup and happy hot sauce are inside."
" Thanks," Tabitha said while mustering her best fake smile. The woman only smiled and nodded as the service window automatically closed. She pulled into the parking lot and dug into breakfast. Turning the radio to the weather, Tabitha sat back and enjoyed her meal. The local DJ read through the headlines, making nonpartisan comments about politics and grumbling about improving the economy. Tabitha powered through the updates of the "out-of-state woman" who'd gone missing. It was nice that the local radio station gave Lisa's name, description, and a missing person's number for sightings or leads. Tabitha even interviewed with the local news and radio stations, hoping it would bring Lisa home. But she soon found all it brought was a sorrowful look from the locals as she interacted with them in her day-to-day life.
Finishing the last of her hash browns, Lisa wadded up everything in the paper bag and threw it in the back seat. The 9 AM weather report said it was nothing but clear skies and sun the rest of the week. Tabitha flipped the radio over to the greatest hit station, pulled out of the parking lot, and began her trip home. She memorized the roads, every bend and turn in the early weeks as she frantically looked for Lisa. There's something hypnotic about the trees: the way they flow together. The trees' green tops and the oak trees' wide trunks were a relaxing view. Tabitha enjoyed the lazy s-curves of the road, bending and winding around the hills and the trees. The occasional farmhouse or field dotted the sides of the road as she made her way to the main highway.
The blur of a semi-truck snapped Tabitha's attention as she pulled up to the mouth of the highway. She had four and a half hours ahead of her, which would be a long ride. Tabitha pulled onto the highway and picked up speed, noting sparse traffic. She relaxed into her seat, letting her gaze gloss over the blur of green foliage. Without warning, Tabitha caught a large shadow from the corner of her left eye. When she registered the black feathery form, Tabitha tensed up and slammed on the brakes as it swooped across the vehicle's hood. Quickly, she pulled the car safely off the road. She couldn't determine exactly what it was, but it was bigger than any bird she'd seen. It was a bird, right? Tabitha turned off her Jeep and grabbed the keys and cell phone. Standing before the Jeep, she looked over the grill to see if she made contact with the entity.
Bewildered, she scanned the tree line, spotting something in the distance. Sitting in the clearing of the large oak forest was an enormous black owl. It stared intently at Tabitha with bright, shiny yellow eyes. She pushed the lock button on her keys, causing the jeep to beep securely. She turned, looking across the open field, an enormous black owl perched in the upper branches of an old oak tree. Each step she took away from the road piqued her curiosity. Soon, Tabitha stood in the middle of the open field, staring intently into the eyes of the enormous owl.
The horn of a passing semi-truck blared, pulling Tabitha's attention away from the mysterious large creature. She looked back and saw that she had walked farther away from the Jeep than she had thought. She glanced back to the forest line only to see the enormous owl was deeper into the woods than before. She narrowed her vision to find the two large, bright yellow eyes staring back. Had it moved? The day's stress, care, and worry suddenly poured out of Tabitha. It was replaced by only curiosity and overbearing tranquility. She warmly smiled for the first time in months as her feet pulled her further into the woods.
Chapter 2
The tug of gravity pulls Tabitha to her senses as her body reacts, falling forward. Her arms thrust forward, bracing for impact. Water rushes around her face as she struggles to get her bearings. Quickly, Tabitha pushed herself up in the ankle-high stream she fell in. The haze slowly clears from her mind as she stares at the muddy water. The dull ache throbs up her legs. Tabitha can smell the sweat from her clothes. Her face contorted in panic as she quickly stood up in the water, looking for her cell. Thankfully, the device was still in her pocket, dry and unscathed.
"One o'clock. How can that be?" Tabitha says, slowly looking up from the screen to see the vast, dense West Virginia forest encompassing her view. She shakes her head back and forth with disbelief. A smile gently spreads across her face, with the last bit of tranquility leaving her body. How did I get out here? Her breathing becomes faster as her pulse begins to quicken. I'm in the forest. I'm all alone—just like Lisa!
"NO, NO, NO, NO! THIS FUCKING CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME!" Tabitha screams into the void of trees. Her eyes well up with tears as she crumbles to her knees, gripping her phone tightly to her chest. Her sobs ring out through the thick oak trees. Her breath slows a little as she regains her composure. She begins to search her mind for anything. What is the last thing I can remember? The image of the black shadow crossing her vision while driving flashes into her mind.
"Okay, I got out of the Jeep, the…then what?" Tabitha says, trying to refresh her memories. She thinks her memory is not just gone; it's a black void in her mind. Complete blackness fills her mind right after remembering locking the Jeep and then turning to see the…
"Fuck I saw something. What was it!" Tabitha says, frustrated with her mind. She knew there must be a logical reason she was out here. Officer Nichols warned her not to go looking for her sister. She wasn't stupid; she just said that as a last-ditch effort to get him to do anything. Now I'm here.
"Run!" Tabitha heard Lisa's voice in her ear. Before she could turn around, she heard a loud bellowing coming from overhead. Fear shot down her back, reminding her of the nightmares she had over the past month. She shot forward full bore as something crashed to the ground behind her. Glancing back as she ran, a black mass of feathers convulsed between the broken branches of the trees. Its slick black feathers rippled across its surface as its bones crackled and flesh tore. Its body contorted and twisted from the shape of an owl to something bigger.
"Run, Tabby! Don't let it catch you!" Tabitha pushed forward, hearing Lisa's scream beside her face. Her breath burned in her chest, and she moved past the old oak trees bent over the creek bed. Her feet slammed rapidly, splashing along the side of the creek. Another loud bellow comes from behind as the trees bend and break to the force behind her. A small opening in the rocky creek bed catches her sight from the left. She dives into the crevasses, not caring where the fathoms lead. Tabitha tumbles in the pitch black, taking scrapes and sharp jabs from the rocks as she tumbles further into the void.
She finally tumbles to a stop on the sandy, wet floor of the cave. Her body aches from the sudden burst of exhaustion. The cool water running around her body from the creek is soothing despite her bumps and bruises. Pushing herself up, she scoots out of the water. Feeling her way forward, she finds a dry spot to collect herself. Quickly pushing her hand into her pocket, she finds her phone undamaged.
The sound of footsteps pushing against the creek fills the void around Tabitha as the light steps move closer to each other up the underground creekbed. She slowly removes her cell from her pocket and then shines the camera light toward the sound. A pair of scratched and bruised pale bare legs hold up a frail form in front of her in the creek. She wears the darkness as a shroud with nothing else to clothe her. Tabitha froze, not wanting to shine the light further in the pale form before her.
"Tabby, turn your light off. You need to save your battery." Tabitha turned off the light and then rushed forward, embracing Lisa—the how or why didn't matter, only the now. The pale form hugged her tightly. Tabitha felt her cold, bare skin. The darkness couldn't hide the feeling of the marks across her back and torso.
"Lisa, I'm-"
"Hush! I don't have much time. This wasn't your fault! I'm with Mom and Dad now. You have to survive, Tabby! Listen. Wait until the sun shines through the cracks, making a trail out. Follow it down the creek until you come to the opening. You'll see a large hill you hike up for a cell signal. And remember…If you can't see it… It can't hurt you. I love you-"
Tabitha stumbled forward before catching herself. The void in front of her arms was only filled by cool air. She looked up and noticed a faint glimmer of light pushing through the ceiling. She sat down, relaxing against the limestone wall of the cave, waiting for the trail of light to form.
After a few hours, the light shining through the cracks of the cave ceiling was bright enough to lead Tabitha to the other side. She stepped onto the creek bed, thankful for the sun hanging lower in the sky. Scanning the sky, Tabitha saw only a few clouds. The foothills of Appalachia backdropped the forest as she scanned for the hill. Her eyes found the trail leading up the steady slope of an impressive hill. The top of the hill was bare. Part of the hill must have sheared off in a landslide, leaving the top void of trees and a jagged cliff face. Tabitha started her hike up the back of the hill. She was careful to stay under the heavy canopy of the old trees, hopefully avoiding the creature's eyes.
She did her best to quiet her mind while hiking up the trail. Come on, almost to the top, then I can call 911, she replayed repeatedly in her mind. Her adrenaline made up for the lack of food since morning. She drank some water from a clean spot in the creek. She was placing her bet on rescue rather than worrying about the water.
Leaning against one of the trees, Tabitha took out her cell and measured the signal.
"Damn it, nothing!" She swore under her breath. She listened nervously and cautiously peered her head out from the tree line. Standing at the tree line, the cell phone still had a low signal. She pushed her anxiety down with a swallow and slowly stepped forward onto the bare rock. Tabitha was now out in the open. She walked with the cell phone pointed upwards, measuring the signal. Within three feet of the cliff face, her signal bar punched up to full. Tabitha began to punch in the numbers just as a pair of large yellow eyes appeared. She felt her legs become weak, and her vision blurred as the creature snared her in its gaze.
Tabitha ducked, missing the giant owl's claws as it swooped for her. She squinted her eyes shut, momentarily breaking the hold of the infernal beast as it crashed to the ground, tumbling down the path of old trees. On her hands and knees, she tucked the dialed phone back into her pocket. She heard the creature's loud bellowing, followed by the snapping of bone and flesh ripping. It was changing its shape to finish her off.
Tabitha tried to get up, but the flash of its eyes did something to her. Her legs were numb, her stomach was in knots, and she could barely put a few thoughts together.
"If you can't see it, it can't hurt you." Tabitha heard clearly in her left ear. She quickly pushed herself into a sitting position and fumbled for the key chain in her right pocket. Pulling the long chain of keys, luck charms, and keepsakes, her father's Swiss army knife dangled at the end. She slowly opened the half-inch blade. Her body wholeheartedly rejected her plan and tried to fight her. Every internal warning system sounded as her body fought against her as she brought the blade against the corner of her left eye.
She didn't know if she could do it until the creature bellowed in her direction. With one quick motion, the half-inch blade sliced across her left eye. The world dimmed and then went black on her left side. Behind her, the beast's thundering gallop was getting closer. Tabitha plunged herself into total darkness with the last bit of her strength. Her hand gripped tightly around the bloody knife as she folded forward onto the ground. She could feel herself weeping blood. She squinted, doing her best to stem the tide of blood loss.
A large feathered paw drove into Tabitha's right side, flipping her onto her back. She lay still as the hulking creature stood over her. It remained motionless, and Tabitha was confused about why it didn't move or bite her. Then she started to giggle, just a little at first. Then, laughing madly into the creature's face as it growled back at her. She could not see it; she couldn't see anything. Her mind couldn't be eaten!
The creature roared into Tabitha's face while plunging one of its sharp claws into her shoulder. Tabitha screamed in pain, slashing the knife downward. The blade hit something soft, and she ripped the blade down, rending whatever she had hit on the abomination. A bright yellow, foul-smelling liquid gushed in a torrent over Tabitha's face. She turned to cough, having swallowed a portion of it. The creature reared back, squealing in pain. Its hind leg came down hard on Tabitha's leg, snapping her tibia. She jerked her leg up, causing the creature to tumble forward and fall over the edge of the cliff side.
Tabitha heard the creature crash below at the base of the hill. A large dead tree speared the creature through its chest. Tabitha could hear the labored whines of the creature as its cries became weak and slowed. A wave of sickness hit her as she rolled over and vomited. The foul smell drenched her. She did her best to focus, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the phone. By memory, she typed in the unlock pin. She held her breath and placed her thumb where the call button should be.
She could hear the call being made then, "911. What is your emergency?"
"Please help me! A bear has attacked me, and I can't see. I think I am on a hill."
"Ok, ma'am, stay with me! Do you know where you are located?"
"No, I'm lost. Please send help."
"It's okay. Stay with me on the phone, and I'll use the cell signal to try to find you."
"I'm on top of one of the hills. I think I am lying on a bare roc-" Tabitha slipped unconscious with the cell still tightly in her hand. Her body began to tremble and convulse.
"Ma'am! Ma'am! Stay with me. I have help on the way."
Chapter 3
A young man in military fatigues frantically compiles images and reconnaissance data from his drone feed. Confirming his hunch, he commands the winged surveillance drone to make a hard left and send a live video feed. His eyes widened as he saw a large owl-shaped shadow crash onto the top of a hill. He watches in awe as the sleek black owl twists and shifts into something much larger, like a grizzly. As the drone turns, he sees a woman at the cliff's edge trying to steady yourself on her hands and knees.
He bolts up from the command module, jotting down the drone's coordinates on one of the printouts. The drab government-issued office motif for the watch station blurs in the corner of his eye as he rushes down the hallway to the watch commander's office.
"Sir, recon has eyes on AMOS! And it's feeding!" the man said, swinging the heavy wooden door open. He took the hastily compiled file and pushed it forward to the commanding officer.
An older, tanned man quickly stands, reaching for the files. His brow furls, seeing his charge is awake. "Keep eyes on it! Go Adams!" The young man nods, turning on his heel and bolting for the drone command module. As his office door slams shut from the subordinate officer, he grabs his headset and frantically dials the closest military outpost to the coordinates.
"Hello, Sergeant Klein; this is Agent Smith of Black Watch outpost 7948! Shadow is active, code Alpha, Mike, Oscar, Sierra. The coordinates and data package have been sent. A civilian is on the ground; deploy strike-and-rescue ASAP.
"We'll be up in five, Agent Smith! The line cuts as Agent Smith closes out the call on his headset and rushes to the door. The normally quiet watch station buzzes alive, with personnel flooding the central command station. The background echoes resource allocation calls, frantic typing, and the hum of cold computers warming up.
"Adams, get our eyes back on Amos!"
"Coming back around in 30 seconds." Thirty sets of eyes stare at the three giant screens, anxiously waiting for the drone feed to clear the bank of trees. The camera clears the tre top to see the giant feathered grizzly rear back slinging its massive head away from its prey. Its large yellow right eye spews bright yellow liquid all over the red-haired woman and the cliff face. The giant feathered grizzly missteps, crushing the woman's leg and causing the creature to tumble over the cliff face.
"Fuck!" Agent Smith yells in horror as he watches AMOS fall four stories, impaling a sharp, 3-meter-tall log lodged in the boulders. The command center freezes wide-eyed at the flailing dying creature on screen. Agent Smith pulls his cell out quickly and dials.
"Klein, Scrub the current request! AMOS is down! Switch to rescue and harvest now!
"What, someone took out AMOS?"
"YES! It's at the bottom of the cliff, bleeding out essence! The woman is covered in it as well. Clean as much of it off her as possible before you take her to the ER.
Agent Smith, in a rage, slings his phone straight forward, connecting with Private Adams's skull. Adams flinches at the sudden impact of the hard plastic and covers his head. Agent Smith grabs the table in front of him and flips it over, sending the computer equipment crashing to the government-issued tiled floor.
"A two-year cycle gone! All that essence is gone! Now I have to wait another 24 months for AMOS to resurrect!" Agent Smith screams, causing the rest of the staff to recoil away in fear.
"Jones!" Agent Smith says sternly, turning to a petite woman on his left. She stares at him, pleading.
"Yes Sir?'
"Get Officer Nichols on my office line. That fuck up has some explaining. He should have told us AMOS was awake."
"Right away!" Jones quickly sits back down and begins dialing Nichols, thankful she doesn't have to deal with Agent Smith further. The command center quickly shifts gears as Agent Smith returns to his office.
Two Weeks later…
"Tabitha… Tabitha… This is Doctor Wilhelm. Wake up." The kind older gentleman said as they gently nudged Tabitha in her hospital bed.
"Where am I?" Tabitha asked, waking from what felt like years of sleep. She sat up, the world still pitch black, but an odd sense of the world around her seemed to hum just behind her eyes.
"You're in the hospital, dear; you scared us. Do you remember anything?" He said as he sat down on the side of her bed.
Tabitha thought for a moment the last parts after she slashed her eyes were a blur. She remembers people yelling and the sound of two or three helicopters over her. " No, it's really all just a blur."
"Well, it's probably for the best. You had some very serious injuries. The first night, we honestly didn't think you would make it. Then…" The doctor trailed off with a concerned expression, not knowing how to explain things further.
Tabitha felt his pulse quicken somehow. She didn't understand it but fully felt or sensed the doctor beside her. She sensed the two other nurses standing at the end of the bed. Her body didn't hurt. She felt great. She felt hungry.
"Doctor, you said had. What happened to my injuries?" She said calmly, trying not to startle the old doctor further.
"Well, Tabitha, it's the closest thing to a miracle I've ever seen. You had violent seizures from the minute you hit the entrance of the ER. We couldn't even set your leg. The medications we gave you had a minimal effect, and you thrashed so much that we had to restrain you. Then, the early morning check-in found you in a deep sleep. All but your eyes were completely healed. So we switched gears to support care and treated your eyes the best we could." He said, watching her reaction.
Tabitha leaned back in her bed, taking in the wild account. "Do you know how I healed so quickly?"
"What happened to you is beyond all scientific reason. A miracle is the only way the staff and I can explain it. I know you have been through a lot, but I want to check your eyes."
"Thank you for all your help, Doctor Wilhelm." She said, sitting up in bed.
"You are most welcome, dear. Now I am going to unwrap your eye-dressing. Hold still, please." he said as he reached up and pulled on the bandage tape. Tabitha felt a quick tug and felt the bandages loosen from around her head. The doctor slowly unwrapped the bandages. The doctor's brow wrinkled as he examined the two large black scabs covering Tabitha's eyes.
"Tell me if this hurts at all, ok?"
"Yes, doctor." She relaxes as the doctor's gloved fingers pass over the scab. He pushes and gently tugs at the side of one, and it starts to lift. He pulls on the scab more, and Tabitha begins to sense the light as it hits her eyelid.
"Oh, I can sense the light, Doctor Wilhelm!" She said, smiling.
"Wonderful! Nurse Allen, please hand me some saline solution. I think a little water will loosen these right up. Hold still; this may feel cold," he said as he reached for the solution. She felt the cool liquid flush over the left eye, then the right. The scabs fell away with a gentle tug from the doctor. She could see the light shine through her eyelids. She grinned widely, happy to have some form of sight left.
"Please open your eyes for me," he said as he sat back on the bed. Tabitha slowly opened her eyes. The flood of light was almost too much, causing her to squint. After a few moments, she adjusted to the fluorescent lights. Three figures began to take shape in front of her. First, the distinguished older features of Doctor Wilhelm came into view quickly, followed by the brunette and blonde younger nurses standing at the end of the bed. Suddenly, her vision snapped into place, crisp and clear.
"I can see perfectly! This is amazing! Thank you, Doctor Wilhem!" she said, turning to look directly into his eyes, but he stared back at her unmovingly.
"Doctor Wilhelm?" she said as her expression became more worried. Doctor Wilhelm just sat staring, intensely focused on her eyes. His expression was overbearingly calm. She glanced at the nurses, rigidly staring back at her with trapped, calm expressions. Doctor Wilhelm began to twitch slightly. It traveled from the base of his spine out to his limbs, finally convulsing.
"Doctor Wilhelm, are you okay?" Tabitha yelled as the doctor began to have a seizure and fell on top of her bed.
"Help Him!" She screamed at the two nurses only to see both of them crumble to the tiled floor. One of them bashed her head off the bed frame. Tabitha recoils back from Doctor Wilhelm in terror as he starts foaming at the mouth. She climbs over the bed rail and hits the tiled concrete floor with a thud. Her adrenaline surges as she bolts for the door, looking for help.
At the entrance of her hospital room, she sees another nurse leaving the adjacent room. "Please, my doctor and staff need help!" As the male nurse turns to see Tabitha, he suddenly goes stiff before collapsing into a violent seizure, spilling his cart over with him.
"What's happening!" Tabitha screams, thinking something is in the air, or everyone has come down with something. A pair of security guards round the corner, hearing the screams and commotion.
"Ma'am, are yo-" The guard freezes mid-stride as he makes eye contact with Tabitha. Both men start to convulse and topple over, thrashing violently on the hard tile.
"No, no, no, no!" Tabitha yells as she darts into the women's bathroom, a few doors up the hall. She runs in, terrified of the situation. She approaches one of the sinks, bracing herself against the cool porcelain. Her stomach turns, and she dry heaves in the sink. She steadies herself while turning on the cold water. Leaning in, she takes a drink. As she looks up, a glint of two yellow eyes catches her. Tabitha stumbles backward on reflex. Then, she sees her reflection in the mirror. Two completely bright yellow eyes stare back at Tabitha. She screams at herself in the mirror, not feeling hungry anymore.
The end.
I will
submitted by RLOclen to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:06 Sure_Elevator_2446 Some updates I'd like to see added

There are really a lot of things I'd like to see added, but here are a few that seem to be really important glaring errors:
  1. quick casting: like in the Witcher 3. What's the point of 20 powers if can only use one at a time in combat. It'd be really nice if you could use 4-5 in combat without having to pause the game. Witcher 3 solved this problem nicely with quick casting. Hold RB, then press x,y,a,or b. Gives you access to 4 different spells on demand.
  2. Vary enemy numbers and locations: The game has become so utterly simple because I know how many enemies are going to be in each location, and exactly where they spawn. I even know what direction they'll be facing. Why can't the game generate enemy NPC's in random locations and numbers in each POI? I mean, why wouldn't that have been the default setup? Who's idea was it to have the NPC's, numbers, loot, locations, and etc... be exactly the same every time you go to a certain POI? Come on guys...
  3. So tired of killing pirates: Why is it that there isn't a single other sentient alien in the entire galaxy? There are humans and there are animals. But there are no intelligent aliens of any kind. Seems like kind of a huge gap in the game. I mean, at the end of the day, every time I play the game, the bottom line is that I ran around and killed a bunch of pirates. That's it.... I mean, have the creators never seen Star Trek before? I mean, at the very least, you could make a planet of green people. Obviously I'm joking. But seriously, the ONLY opponents in this game are humans and occasional alien animals. Why aren't terrormorphs intelligent?
  4. Every planet and moon is essentially identical: I know there's a lot of variety, but really there isn't. I can land my ship on every planet, get out and run around, there are ZERO rivers, ZERO large scale mountains, ZERO canyons.... I mean, if you really travelled to 100 different planets and moons in the galaxy, there would be places where the whole moon was ice, or molten magma, or whatever, and there would be planets that had more holes than swiss cheese, and planets with super huge rivers of liquid metal or magma, and planets with huge cracks and canyons that you couldn't possibly cross, or mountains that were 10's of thousands of feet high, and planets with forests and or plants that are so overgrown and thick that you couldn't possibly walk through them. I mean, every planet and moon in this game, is basically like a state park. No real changes in elevation, no real hazards, no thick forests that you can't just run through.
  5. Why is there nothing to do for fun: I mean this is a problem in most every game. Once you play through the story, that's it, you're done. There's nothing else to keep your attention or give you a reason to play more. Well, here's a solution. What do people do in real life? They have ENTERTAINMENT.... Bowling, concerts, go-kart racing, bumper cars, carnivals, sailing, juggling, cycling, mountain biking, going to strip clubs, going to dance clubs, you get the idea. Why is it that there is not a single example of this in the entire game? I mean, okay, I guess you can say that the Astra Lounge sort of qualifies. But it's a total failure at an attempt to make a night club. There is nobody gambling, nobody getting in bar brawls, there are no attractive women dancing, etc... Don't the game's creators have lives? Don't any of them go out and have fun ever? Seems like nobody at Bethesda has any concept of what people enjoy doing in their personal time. Let me give you some suggestions. Sex, drugs, rock and roll, sports, competitions, hobbies, tinkering, cosplay, etc...
I mean, how is there not a single strip club in Neon? How is there not a single bowling alley in New Jemison? How is there not a baseball field anywhere? For god sake, put some real life into this galaxy! You created an absolutely beautiful game that has the potential to keep me locked in and playing for the rest of my life. But not if there isn't anything fun and enjoyable to do.
I could go on and on. But I have other things I have to do...
submitted by Sure_Elevator_2446 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:11 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: Ch 3

First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow (Native American) and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
What a week. 18 year old me had gone from a dry spell since AIT and graduation to a blow job, facial, and quick hard sex with a married captain at my first duty station. I was falling fast and hard for him. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to think of me when he thought of being intimate. I wanted to be his release to do everything she wouldn't.
Dustin snapped me this morning, a pic of his obvious buldge greeting my day. "How's my little Private this morning? I wish you were here to help with this"....You have no idea Dustin. Now that the bandaid has been ripped off, I want nothing more than to keep going. I send him a snap back of my semi sheer, black athletic thong, holding it open in the front with the caption "you could drop your load right in here sir". Naughty I know. For some reason, the thought of him filling my underwear with cum is erotic and in the moment, I crave the feel of his warmth between my legs.
"Come by the house on your lunch break and you can have it" I get in reply. Fuck.
I get dressed in my camo uniform with a generic sports bra and the same black athletic thong underneath and try make it through the morning as routinely as possible. Not possible. All I can think of is what I'm willing to do for the married man I'm lusting for and it's got my mind anywhere but at work.
Dustin let's me know he left early for lunch so he's ready whenever I am. The whole drive over, my mind is racing at the prospect of what's about to happen. I knock and find the door open, with Dustin on the couch, laptop open to some semi sexy photos I'd sent to tease him over the last week while he strokes his firm shaft. "Private Hannah reporting as ordered sir" I say as sexily as I can muster in the spur of the moment.
"Private Hannah, you said you'd found a place to hold my cum" completely keeping character.
"Yes sir" I say, stepping around to stand in front of him, undoing my belt and the buttons on my pants, letting them drop to the floor around my ankles.
"Open up then, I'm already close since you decided to be late"
I hold open the front of my black athletic thong, exposing my shaved pubic area for his inspection.
"At least you remembered to shave to start the week" he says and he builds the pace of his stroking and touches the tip of his penis against my smooth skin. In moments I see him start to swell as he nears his release. A thick rope of white cum erupts from his tip and is followed by a second, third, and fourth. My underwear is filled with his thick, warm release and soon its soaked, mixing with my own minor arousal that has built at the situation. As he finishes, I let go of my waistband and allow my cum soaked thong to cling to my lower lips, teasing me with what could have been.
I pull my pants back up and stand breathless in front of eachother. It's been less than 10 minutes since I walked through the door, we've barely spoken and now his cum is dripping down my inner thigh. What has happened? I feel like an incredibly erotic play thing that's been used for a passing moment of pleasure and right then, I know I'm hooked.
"Hannah, I'm sorry if that was too much" Dustin says, coming to the realization that I'm now back in uniform with his cum filling my panties.
I kiss him square on the lips. "Shhhh babe. I wanted this. I want all of you"
"So you really liked that?"
"Dustin that has got to be one of the hottest things I've ever tried. I'm not changing for work"
I sit on his couch in a pool of his release while we chat for the remainder of our lunch hour. When it's time to go, I feel a glob of him drip down my leg. "Can I come spend the night tonight?" I ask, hoping to get my own release after work.
"Sure hun, I just have a few calls to make but it's okay"
I head back to work with a kiss goodbye and the rest of the day I can feel the stickiness between my legs and it keeps me on edge. I run back to my barracks room, take a fast shower, grab a change of clothes for tomorrow, and something special for tonight. I throw on some gym shorts and a hoodie over my sports bra. Coupled with my slides and I'm back across post and find a note on the door "on a call, be quite when you come in"
I come in and quietly shut the door and make my way past Dustin in the livingroom, obviously on a video chat with someone with the screen facing the wall to the garage. I hear a woman's voice say "oh man those walls are paper thin, I think I just heard the neighbors kids come home from school"
Oh shit, he's on with his wife I realize as I tiptoe my way to the master bedroom where I change into my suprise. Naked in his bedroom, I slip into a teal, sheer lace bra with enough underwire support to give me a little cleavage. I pull on a matching set of panties with an intricate sheer lace front and a single thin string between my cheeks in the back. I fold up my sticky cum soaked thong from earlier and walk back into the livingroom.
Dustin does a double take as I come around the corner. He covers this with a coughing fit as his wife asks if he's okay. "Yeah hun just had an itch in my throat" and they continue chatting, her oblivious to the fact that I've just sat down across from him.
I look him square in the eyes as I begin to tease my dark brown nipples through my sheer lace bra. As he tries to hold a conversation, I do everything I can to lightly tease him. I pinch and massage my breasts, softly run a finger between my legs on top of my lacy bottoms. I stand up and start to stretch, bending forward to let my small breasts hang just out of sight of his camera before turning around and bending forward, reaching back to spread my bum and letting the g-string bury itself between my cheeks, barely keeping my other tight hole from view.
I turn back around and unfold the sticky thong he came in earlier and hold it up for him to see the stain his release left on them, right between the legs. I pull my teal lace thong down in the front, and standing right behind his computer, I begin to lightly tease myself with the soft fabric of the back athletic thong, gently massaging my clit, resoaking the nearly dry panties with another round of sexual arousal.
As my arousal grows, I gradually push into my slick entrance and with one finger and then another, the soft athletic fabric of my underwear once again getting soaked as I rub my clit with them, teasing myself with the over stimulating feel against my raw bundle of nerves. I squat down, my face now right behind the computer screen as I squeeze my breast and open my mouth in a silent moan, performing for the man who can't respond.
All of a sudden I stop, ending my tease at the edge of release, not wanting to slip and give away what's going on...and to tease Dustin further. I stand up, place the arousal and cum soaked black thong on the table right behind his laptop and I walk to the kitchen and begin working on dinner with whatever ingredients I can scrounge up in the kitchen. It's such a turn on to do such a normal task in such a small set of lingerie and I secretly hope that Dustin is sneaking peeks at me from across the house.
At long last I feel warm, strong hands wrap around my waist and a kiss finds my cheek. "How's my baby girl, you little tease?"
I blush at the pet name the gentle touch. "I'm almost done, go sit down you silly boy" I say as I start to plate our dinner of chicken and grilled veggies, sauntering into the dining room like a server at one of those lingerie sports bars.
"So you sure know how to put on a show, Hannah" Dustin says as we begin to eat
"I can be anything you want me to be" I say as I begin a speech I'd thought through in my head, telling Dustin that I don't want casual, I want to be the girl he craves, the one who does the things that no one else does, who let's him try the things he's only imagined I'm his wildest sessions alone with himself.
"What do you get out of all of this?" He asks, questioning this step towards commitment.
"I get to explore myself and act out my cravings without having to deal with all the rumors of barracks and searching for guys to feel safe with. I don't want to be your wife. I just want you to forget her when your with me, and I want you to think of me when you choose how to play"
"Well if you're going to explore, we're going to have to push you out of your comfort zone and actually find new places and things to try"
My heart is racing as fantasies flood through my mind. "What do you have in mind?"
"Just play along with different roles and we'll see what happens baby girl"
Baby this role number one? Does Dustin think that with our 8 year age gap and my petite frame that we could play out what I think he wants to play? I did just tell him that I want to be the one he thinks of.
"Yes daddy"
"Good Girl"
I. Am. Wet.
"So what did you have in mind for dessert baby girl?"
I stand up, clean up, take Dustin by the hand. "These can end up on the floor too" i say motioning to my sheer lingerie.
"Not yet" he replies, guiding me back to the bedroom.
I find myself once again on Dustin's bed, this time guided into the center, onto my hands and knees. With gentle pressure between my shoulder blades, I drop to my elbows, arching my back and exposing my entrances to open view, my modesty preserved only by the thin g-string buried between my cheeks.
Dustin pulls that to the side, bringing my arousal fully into view. I shudder as a soft, wet tongue traces it's way teasingly between my parted lips, beginning at the bundle of nerves aching in my core and ending in the tight wet hole that's been longing to be filled since I started my teasing back at lunch. I moan a soft sigh of want as Dustin licks me again and again, using his thumbs to spread me open before teasing the inner entrance of my now soaked vagina with his oral stimulation.
After a few breathless minutes of almost over the edge teasing with his tongue, Dustin traces his tongue higher. My eyes go wide and my breath catches in my throat as his tongue glides across my other hole. After a brief pause, he repeats his elongated trail of tongue teasing a second and third time, ending on my bum every time.
I moan "Don't stop, daddy" as his tongue lingers on my hole, swirling around my rear entrance as his calloused fingers reach between my legs to tease my clit. I am so close as his tongue makes headway into my hole which is opening up for him at his constant stimulation.
"I'm going to fill you up baby girl" Dustin leans down and whispers in my ear, his tongue momentarily replaced by his thumb pressing further into my bum, slick with his saliva.
"Please daddy" I moan in reply, eager to keep my promise to do everything his wife won't do.
Dustin pulls away completely and reaches into his wife's nightstand. I see him pull out a bottle of lube and a silver plug with a red jeweled heart on the end, still in its packaging, unopened, unplayed with. I know what's coming and why we're playing this out right now.
Dustin removes the plug from its package and holds it tip first up to my lips. I know what he wants without saying a word. I stick out my tongue and lightly tease the cold metal tip, softly swirling circles around it, further and further down until I bob my head down, taking the whole plug in my mouth and closing my lips around the base. I look up at Dustin, the jeweled heart of the plug between my lips and softly moan in anticipation.
He pulls it out of my mouth and I seductively tease the tip one last time. "Wanna stick it in my ass daddy?" I beg as sexily as possible. After a few seconds of fumbling around with the lube bottle, I feel the cold liquid land on my hole, followed by a finger gently probing my already relaxed entrance. A moment later, the finger is replaced by the cold lubed plug and my breath catches in my throat as I stretch around the plug before closing down tightly on the base. Dustin moves my g-string back into place, covering my soaking wet lips and holding the plug firmly in my butt.
I look back at him pleadingly. I know I teased you hard earlier but if you stop now, this is just cruel. "Daddy please" I say breathlessly, not wanting the stimulation to stop while also acutely aware of the fullness inside my rear.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me daddy"
"You have two options Hannah. You teased me, so this is a tease for you. You can go to bed, right now, right like this, or you can get your punishment and then a reward like a good girl. Bed or a spanking, your choice"
"Spank me Daddy" I beg without a moment's hesitation
smack the sharp crack of Dustin's hand on my bare cheek takes me by suprise and I clench hard on the plug inside my bum. "Oh fuck daddy" I moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. smack smack smack come three more successive blows, landing on alternating cheeks. I moan almost tearfully as my arousal builds to the point that I'm literally ready to beg for release.
"Daddy please fuck me. Do whatever you want just let me cum please"
A firm tug pulls my g-string down to my knees, still on all fours with my face in the pillows. A hard shaft rubs between my lower lips, finds my eager entrance, and in one firm thrust is buried all the way inside me. I cry out, looking back over my shoulder at Dustin who looks like a man possessed with the overwhelming urge to use me for his pleasure, and in that moment, it's all I want as well.
His firm hands grip my hips and I arch my back, throwing myself back against him to meet his own rapid thrusts. My cheeks clap a faster and faster pace as the overwhelming feeling of being completely filled mixes with the intense pleasure of the moment. I'm red faced and breathless, moaning Dustin's name as he continues in an unrelenting pace, thrusting in and out, in and out. At one point he pulls my face out of the pillows, gripping my long dark hair by my ponytail and commands "You're gonna be a good girl and cum for daddy"
He releases my hair but I remain facing forward, head up and moaning through the moment "Yes daddy, oh my fuuuuuuuuuckkkk" comes from my innocent lips as he simultaneously pulls out the buttplug and buries himself all the way inside me as I can feel him swell and begin to release against my cervix.
"That's right daddy, cum inside my pussy" I beg as he thrusts again and again as my inner walls clench down and my own release spills out of me, uncontained as I find one of the strongest orgasms of my life. His thrusts slow and eventually he pulls out, leaving me leaking cum and lube from both my holes.
He returns with a warm towel and begins to clean me off as I sit up, still in my sheer bra, and kiss him firmly on the lips. "That was incredible, daddy" I whisper, my forehead resting against his as he finishes cleaning my sensitive areas.
"Would you like to rinse off?"
I reply yes and he runs us a sensual warm shower, where nothing but gentle washing and a few lingering kisses happens. He's patient as I take extra time under the soothing water and wraps me in a soft towel when I get out.
As we get dressed into comfy pajama shorts and tshirts, I ask "so was I a good girl, daddy?"
"The best. I think we should stick with this role for awhile if you're into it"
After the time I had tonight, I'm more than willing to play along. We discuss some likes and dislikes and limits (nothing that leaves a mark where I'll have to answer questions about it at work), and reagree that none of this is a thing on the few occasions that his wife visits during her internship. And duh, no telling work, that would fuck us both.
We end the night with gentle pillow talk, and he asks if,for the role, I'd be willing to let him help me get dressed in the mornings, helping me pick out bras and undies from a selection of things I'd actually wear to work. I welcome the increased interaction and dedicated time to talk every morning without a second thought, and I fall asleep with his arm wrapped around me from behind, his strong hand under my tshirt, soothingly placed on my bare stomach, just below my belly button and just teasingly far enough into the area covered by a bikini. I'm in heaven.
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:10 HannahAveryWrites Army Affair: CH 1

As the title implies, this is the first in a series of stories about affairs I had in the military. I've never been married, not really interested in being married, but I have been with four married men in my life. In each case, I knew what I was doing, but I loved the rush of doing something I shouldn't as much as I liked the relationship itself. I'll save you all the negative comments. I was the homewrecking whore, etc, etc. If that's what you're here to comment about, save your breath, I'll just block you so people who want to actually read my content don't have to deal with you. If this is your sort of story, I'd love to hear your feedback on content or how I can improve my writing! One quick author's note, i will not be using people's real names or naming specific units that my stories happened in. I was never caught in my sexual affairs, no wives found out and left their husband over me, and no one's military career ended because of me and I intend to keep it that way. This is for fun writing, not doxing someone's past transgressions to the world. Also let me know if you want to see more stories! <3 Hannah
First, a little about me. I'm 5'5ish, 135ish depending on the day, and have dark brown hair that falls part way down my back with brown eyes. My mom is a Crow and my dad is Italian so the olive complexion genes are active in my family. I've got a fairly petite/athletic build with a 32B chest and a toned butt. My nipples are dark brown, on the smaller side, and I shave everywhere. I'm a fan of tattoos and have a feather on my foot, flower pieces on my right hip into my lower ribs, left shoulder, and lower back, a small script piece in my left side bra line, a green carebear in my left bikini line and a large dream catcher down my left ribs. If there's a detail I've left out, feel free to ask ;)
Without further ado, my story:
I was an 18 year old private, 92F (fuel handler) working on a base in the heart of Bourbon Country. It was a huge culture shock for me, coming from a small town in Maine to a massive military base with more people in my division than my home town. I honestly felt a little lost and overwhelmed, which probably contributed to why I sought out a relationship where I felt wanted. It's easy on a base like that to feel completely ignored. My unit had long been integrated and was about 30-40% female on any given day, so no I wasn't getting hit on constantly, and no I wasn't sleeping with every guy in my barracks.
Speaking of my living situation, I was in a 4-story building with all of the junior enlisted soldiers in my battalion. There wasn't open bays and there wasn't all girls areas. We roomed by company in our own room with a bedroom, closet, bathroom, and a fridge/sink/1 burner stove setup by the door as a kitchenett. Barracks could definitely be a wild time, similar to a college dorm but contrary to your favorite porno, gangbang orgies with 20 guys "running a train" are something I never saw or heard of in my 4 years living there and I was/am a fairly sexually active adult.
Given my situation of being totally new and massively out of my element in terms of culture shock, I quickly turned to Bumble to help sort out my dating scene because the base really was a city and everyone is pretty insular when it comes to their unit, so trying to meet guys who also aren't your coworkers means turning to the swipe game. After a few days online and connections with everyone from the local off base that definitely has fewer teeth than fingers to the obviously fake bot that just screams scam, and swiping left on some guys from my own company (hey, 18-25 year old demographic has the same needs, I get it), I finally matched with a 26 year old, Dustin, from another brigade on our post.
Given 10 seconds on Dustin's profile, I could tell he was an officer and anyone with 10 seconds to spare on my profile could tell I was junior enlisted, but we matched anyway. He was handsome in a gentle sort of way. Sandy brown hair in a military cut, athletic features that let you know he was fit without screaming chiseled gymrat, and a style that screamed more laid back homebody than the stereotypical "bro vet" vibe that you get with some young officers....and a ton of junior enlisted. I took a pause and decided to message him despite knowing our ranks didn't line up because the way I saw it, we were in totally seperate brigades and there'd be no reason we would ever interact or influence eachother at work.
A few minutes later I got a reply back and soon I was texting back and forth getting to know a genuinely sweet guy with a love of the outdoors, fishing, camping, and an eye for photography, particularly some truly astounding landscape photos. The conversation came easy and I found myself happy to have a guy so interested in me. Before I got completely swept off my feet, I brought up the elephant in the room and mentioned that I was an E2 and he was an O3. He dropped the bombshell that "yeah but I'm just a guy on staff, that's not a big issue, the real issue is I need to be discreet because I'm married. Please don't hate me"
Boom. Of course the super easy to talk to makes me feel wanted and moves past my mention of our rank differences drops the counter-bomb of he has a wife. In all of my 18 years I thought I would have run away instantly. Nope. Not me. I was intrigued. I didn't run away, and I came to find out that his wife was doing a year long internship with a major corporation out of state and only really came to visit on long weekends and holidays. So Dustin had turned to Bumble to fill a piece of his love life that was currently 4 states away. Not ideal I told myself, but at least she isn't on post with him and he's not coming home because he's with someone else...right? To 18 year old me trying to convince myself it was okay to be with the guy I obviously was attracted to it was sound logic. It worked. I replied back that I was up for seeing what happened with the understanding that no one was gonna leave their wife over this and no one was gonna get anyone in trouble over the rank thing.
A week of texting back and forth after moving off Bumble found Dustin and I building a fast relationship that came with similar interests and easy conversation. He wasn't overly pushy about becoming anything romantic and wasn't like "Omg send nudes". I guess he was feeling this whole thing out as much as I was. Eventually I got the text one evening of "you know you look really good in that pic you have with your friends at the beach on your profile"...I know the one. I'm wearing an electric blue string sided bikini that has pretty full coverage, rides moderately low on my hips and has basic triangle cups and string ties for the top. Okay, Dustin likes me in a bikini...this is the first obvious flirting from Dustin and I decide to be a little bold and sent him a mirror selfie in the generic black bra I had worn under my uniform that day with my uniform pants still on. I get a reply back in some stereotypical guy lingo that he really likes what he sees. I told him that if he wanted to hang out, I wouldn't put my uniform shirt back on. Cue the FaceTime call, yes Dustin I will video chat with your handsome shirtless self while wearing a bra and my uniform pants thank you very much. We talked for at least an hour and things didn't turn super sexual or anything but we did agree we needed a date that weekend. The week ahead though definitely saw a spike in "tension" between us.
I was more than a little excited by the prospect of being with someone again. I had had a little fling during AIT, but since coming to my first duty station, I had been in a bit of a dry spell. Bumble had finally come through for me, and the combined rush of potentially being with a guy again, plus the fact he was one of those forbidden officers, and married? I was on edge. I definitely had my moments of "holy shit I shouldn't be doing this" but those feelings were replaced by a feeling of almost insatiable excitement that had me counting down the days to Saturday. For the first time since highschool, I found myself putting some serious effort into some scandalous but not too "revealing" snaps to Dustin, teasing him with a peak of which panties I wore to work today, or hoping in the shower after PT with just my black Army tshirt on and sending a pic of it clinging to every curve and hiding just enough below my waist. Like I said, hard-core tease mode for four whole days.
Flash forward to Saturday and I was in my barracks room, getting ready to meet a guy I was 100% falling for just a little and I decided that no matter what happened tonight, I was not gonna be the girl who gives it all up on the first date. Definitely set myself up to potentially cock block myself, but I saw it as I didn't want to be the girl he slept with and left, I wanted to continue to tease him and leave him wanting more. I wanted him to want me. I slipped into a pair of almost painted on skinny jeans with a cute teal thong underneath with a black tanktop and matching pushup bra on top. I drove to Dustin's house somewhere in the on base housing that I'd never been and took a deep breath before walking to the door.
This was it. I was the new Private about to go see a married officer behind his wife's back. I almost chickened out and drove away, but found myself ringing the doorbell and quickly being invited in, pulled into a warm hug and a "wow you look even cuter in person" from the handsome man of my DMs, Dustin. He had apparently spent the day smoking some brisket because he had quite the spread laid out for us in the dining room as I got a quick tour of the common spaces of his home. Definitely nicer than my barracks room.
Dinner accompanied the two of us loudly cheering on a random football game on TV, sorta snuggled on the couch but at a "almost together " sort of distance. There were all sorts of reasons for us to brush up against eachother and it was almost this cat and mouse game of how far do we go as the evening progressed. Don't get me wrong, there was a ton of conversation and it came just as naturally as it had online, but now we had the palpable tension of two of us who had never been this far deciding where the limit for tonight would be.
Eventually Dustin cut the tension, saying, "you really do love to tease don't you?". Yes. Let's talk about how I've driven you wild for days and now you want me. I leaned into him, kissed him quickly but firmly on the lips before pulling away, leaving an inch between us as I looked into his eyes and whispered "yes sir". I found my face immediately in his hands, my lips pressed to his and our tongues intertwined. I gasped as he suddenly held me close and we made every effort to close any space between us as we passionately made out, his fingers running through my hair, my nails scraping his back over his tight tshirt and soon I was hot, breathless, and sure I wanted more.
I pulled away and told him he didn't get all of me tonight but he could still have dessert. I had him sit up on the edge of the couch and pulled his shorts to the floor, tossing them aside towards an end table holding pictures of him and his wife and our dirty dishes from dinner. I in turn lifted my tanktop off over my head, unclasped my black pushup bra and let it fall to the floor, kneeling between Dustin's spread legs as my small brown nipples hardened into firm nubs in arousal. I pulled back my long brown hair and tied it in a messy ponytail before bringing my face down to his firm, six inches between his legs.
I teased the length of his shaft with the tip of my tongue, feeling him twitch in expectation as I repeatedly, softly traced his length before circling his tip and heading back down the way I came. I grasped his base and swallowed half his length in one wet mouthful, a gasp of pleasure escaping his lips as my own pushed further towards his base, attempting to take his entire firm cock before the tip slipped down into my throat, triggering a slight gag reflex as I tightened around his shaft and I came up for air, a slight trail of drool connecting my lips to his tip. I stroked his now well lubed cock in a twisting motion as I asked him if his little private was doing well for him. A hand on the back of my head guiding me back to his shaft told me this wasn't too far for him. I swallowed him nearly to his base, grasping him with one hand as my free hand unbuttoned my jeans and slipped into the front of my now soaked panties, the arousal of the situation I found myself bringing me close to an edge myself.
I worked Dustin's shaft with a bobbing head, sucking lips and twisting hand that matched the rhythm I was working against my clit with the hand buried in my jeans. I increased my pace, with Dustin's hand making sure I still brought myself far enough down his length as my own pleasure came more and more to the forefront as my now soaked vagina craved more attention. I popped off his cock as I felt it begin to swell and told him to stand up as I scooted back from the couch, kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as one hand held my jeans open while the other furiously rubbed my clit as I came close to cumming myself. I moaned for Dustin to cum for me as I looked up at him, the inner walls of my vagina clenching in orgasm as the filthy phrase left my lips and I was greeted with thick streams of cum shooting over my head before falling on my uplooking face and bare breasts and Dustin climaxed after an apparently decent dry spell.
I knelt between his legs, cum covering my face and chest, my own arousal soaking my panties and in that moment I felt like the hottest woman on earth. I made a man forget his entire world and do this with me in a home that wasn't mine but his. I was addicted to the rush. Dustin reached down and offered me a hand to pull me up. He led me topless to the guest bathroom where I cleaned up, washing my face and chest before walking back to the livingroom and redressing. Neither of us made mention of the line we had just crossed together, but we sat on the couch, now cuddled like a couple with the ice broken and finished the football game that had been forgotten awhile ago.
After the game we both agreed that I should probably get going, but we agreed to see eachother again and made a date for a midweek hangout. I kissed Dustin goodnight and drove back to my barracks in my still wet panties that I hadn't changed out of. I sent Dustin a snap in them, a wet spot still visible in the front with a caption "the things you do to me(; "...needless to say he was proud of himself. I went to bed dreaming of what could come from this, and truly happy to feel wanted, even if it was from a man who wasn't all mine.
Thank you all for reading this far. Again, like I said before, any rude comments will just get you a block. If that's what you need to do to feel good about yourself, so be it. For those of you who enjoyed this, please let me know if you'd like to read more! I'm always open to constructive feedback and critiques to improve my writing! Have a great evening! <3 Hannah
submitted by HannahAveryWrites to u/HannahAveryWrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:00 Crobbi1993 Help grow these tall and thick

Hello everyone, I just planted podocarpus. I do not have a green thumb at all. How often do I water them? Any particular fertilizer to make sure they grown nice thick and tall? If so, how often do I fertilize them? I live in south Florida and get plenty of sun light. Here are some pics for reference, thank you!
submitted by Crobbi1993 to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:57 MX5_Galaxy Blue Barium Glazes

Blue Barium Glazes
A few of you asked for the recipe for the blue barium matte glaze a couple of weeks ago. Side note, these pictures are not edited at all. Here are two that I love. I’m not sure where they came from, but the first one I had to change a lot because a couple of ingredients they used are no longer available. It changes color a lot depending on the thickness of the application. When applied thick it is purple and teal blue green when thin. The blue everyone asked about is in the middle. It’s a beautiful glaze over texture. The second one is the glaze that was originally requested. I think it’s really close to the color that shown in the original post. I have not tried subbing out Barium for Strontium but I think it can be done if you are think about using them for functional work. I would check out if you want to go that route. Tony Hansen is the man for glaze information. Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by MX5_Galaxy to Ceramics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:16 pr0jektile Wishlist for some prior military folks after about 50 hours of gameplay

Madfinger Devs:
First off, thank you. This game is scratching an itch for me and some of my prior service buddies that I wasn't sure was ever going to be scratched unless we made it ourselves. So, thank you. I've got about 50 hours of playtime in so far and there are some kinks to work out, but there are overall a ton of great things about this game and we are thoroughly enjoying it thus far. So, the following is a wishlist of sorts that the group of guys I play with have come up with. We are fully aware that this is in Early Access and I expect bugs, imbalance, and issues. This is not a complaint, it's meant to be a mostly constructive criticism, with some wish list sprinkled in that we think would really send this game to the next level for those who are similarly-minded.
Item Interaction
Interacting with items is much harder than it should be. Opening and closing doors, picking things up, it feels like I have to hover around looking for some magical point on the item in order to interact with it. Maybe this is an adjustment in the radius of the pointer, or the interactable sphere of the model itself but this should be just a *little* more forgiving, so that opening and closing doors/windows and picking up items can happen just a little bit faster.
For the love of god. Please add some way to ID friendlies, even if just my own squad besides the map. A name plate, maybe a green dot on the compass, something. I'm all for immersiveness, but it's hard to maintain formation when i can't see who my teammates are half of the time. Even if it's a name plate that only appears when i aim directly at them, something.
We love that there is more of an emphasis on how one heals than simply using a medkit. However, it seems like this process is a little more arduous than necessary. For instance, the healing of teammates is unfortunately abysmal at the moment. The "Examine" system is fine, but then if I move my mouse even a few pixels, I have to re-examine the teammate before I can "heal" them. Then, I have to have the items out and on my chest rig or in my pockets to use items on a teammate or faction member. This seems a little odd. So, Suggestions for healing:
  1. **Edit** It seems like the medical items are in fact accessible, according to other commenters. I'll continue playing and testing this myself, it just felt like it wasn't working consistently for me. However, sounds like user error here!
  2. **Edit** to clarify improvements for rendering aid to other players: As of now, if I switch into my inventory or move my cursor for any reason, I have to re-examine the casualty in order to administer aid. This wastes precious time when a teammate is bleeding out. I suggest that Once a player examines a casualty, they should not have to examine them again unless they either sustain more injuries, or some appropriate amount of time has passed. Once I know they have a broken arm and GSW to the neck, I don't forget that if I look in my inventory. Please fix this.
  3. When I was in the military, we always harped on using the casualty's own IFAK to render aid first, before dipping into our own. We carry our IFAK so that we are essentially providing the supplies needed for our own first level of care. It would make a lot of sense to when examining the casualty, it also checks to see if any of the necessary medical supplies to treat the casualty's wounds are actually in their own inventory (can be restricted to medical bags affixed to their belt/chest rig) and use those first, before using our own supplies. I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to stop and try to help a random faction mate bleeding in the street only for them to die, and I've wasted my precious bandages and blood packs on them. in PvP, you could maybe loot their body, but in PvE it's a total loss. You can't recover your items and the player is just gone. Applying their own aid first would alleviate a lot of this waste and also give it a little more realistic edge.
  4. We should be able to drag unconscious/coma teammates. If a teammate goes down, we should be able to drag their body back into cover. Maybe limit this to squadmates only, so that there's less of a chance of griefing/trolling but it should be possible to drag a comrade to safety to administer aid, rather than having to kneel in the middle of the road to do so.
A More Dynamic LZ system
What we have currently works on a basic level. It's essentially a bunch of roller coasters that give the player a bird's eye view of the map as they traverse from one point to another. However, this system could use some improvements.
  1. Ability to extend the time a bird is on an LZ. Sometimes things happen, and for the bird to touch down for 10s and take off because you're bandaging after an unexpected contact can be rough. That wait can be 10-15 minutes and in some cases longer. Either A) make the wait time 30s and once all squad members "ready up" the bird can lift off immediately, OR B) the wait time stays +/-10s and squad members on the LZ can "Press Y" to request the bird stays on deck for another 10 seconds.
  2. 4 birds per faction can be extremely frustrating, especially when there are lots of solos and duos. We have to find a way to make more birds available or to better use the 4 that are available:
    1. Simply make more birds available. 1xhelicopter per squad on server.
    2. Make it so that players can "ride back" on birds that are dropping off players. (Yes, this could extend in-flight time for birds in the air, but it could also reduce number of requests). If a bird drops a team off at Charlie 1, and I am there, the bird can show on map Destination: C1 > RTB, and I would know that bird is returning to base after dropping off at Charlie 1. If I hop onto that bird, it flies back to base, if I do not, it can fly off-map to the nearest edge. I think this could easily be implemented and would cut down on a lot of helo requests to LZ's.
    3. Implement a fuel system on the birds. For instance, I'm at Foxtrot 2 and want to go to India 1. If I request to India 1, and there's a bird already en route to an F-2 or a nearby LZ, and it has fuel capacity to get to India 1, it can drop off its team, pick me up and take me to India 1. Once fuel capacity is reached, it flies off-map at nearest edge
    4. Any one of these or hybrid method could reduce the amount of wait times for teams to get birds, and also be more efficient for getting teams to and from locations using the same birds already in play, especially if Patrol Bases or faction Main Bases could be opted as helo refueling options?
  3. Maybe able to purchase an emergency Pickup? It can be expensive ($10K+), but being able to call in a bird to any open, flat area for an emergency pickup would be cool. It would also give us a reason to use the currently pointless smoke grenades.
    1. Emergency Pickup only useable in area that has 30m+ radius of open ground with no trees.
    2. Call in Bird, at 30 seconds out, you have to pop a colored smoke, the bird will confirm color and land on your smoke.
Death Penalty/Loot - Okay, so it is nice that when a player dies, they have an opportunity to return to their corpse and get their loot back. This is a nice touch and has saved me a bit of money and gear over the past couple weeks. However, even in PvE there should be a way for some to loot a dead body. I am thinking of maybe 2 ways to do this:
  1. Now, I say maybe keep the first-death grace period to go back and get your loot, assuming you can make it. However, if you die a second time, that corpse should become lootable. Perhaps, a time limit can be imposed so that there aren't just dead bodies cluttering up the game and wasting resources, but maybe for 2-3 minutes, the corpse becomes lootable to all (or maybe just faction or even squad). This allows for teammates to help pick up the gear one may lose, if they die during PvE, and also provides some scavenging opportunities for others.
  2. After the first PvE death, maybe there is a 15-minute timer to return to the body, where it is not lootable. This gives the player (in most cases) enough time to return to the body if they move quickly, and can protect their gear from opportunists. After 15 minutes, the body becomes lootable for another 5 minutes, for a total of 20 minutes of recovery time, the last 5 of which can be looted by other players. After 20, the body disappears for all. this helps to save resources and adds some scavenging, but also allows for teammates to help pick up the slack. If the player dies a second time before the 15 minutes expires, the 5 minute lootable period begins immediately.
Suppressors, Camouflage, Concealment
Suppressors and camouflage should work on AI. I don't know what system is in place to "alert" AI, but it seems like I get one suppressed shot, then anyone within 50-100m locks on to my precise location, regardless of concealment or camouflage and I come under immediate effective fire, even if I one-shot an unaware AI with a suppressed weapon. As of now, the only reason to spend the money on a suppressor in this game is if I just want my own shots to be quieter for myself and my squad. There's no tactical advantage for the money spent in PvE and the effect is limited in PvP.
  1. Maybe a system that rewards players for taking controlled shots? A suppressed one-shot kill from >100m should only alert AI within immediate proximity. They can alert to the general direction of the player's shot (maybe 90-degree sector) and begin scanning.
  2. Suppressed weapons fired within 50-75m of enemy AI should still alert them, but maybe to a lesser extent than they currently do. Maybe a 60-degree cone of "alerted" status for enemies in this 50-100m range when firing suppressed.
  3. <50m suppressed weapons have no effect.
  4. AI should not be able to see me at 50m+ through dense vegetation. I cannot see them, they should not be able to see me. Sure, if they want to spray an AK into a tree line as suppressing fire, fine. However, they should not be taking point-target shots on me because a 4-pixel by 4-pixel patch of my glove was detected.
AI- We have to talk about this
I don't know why, but it feels like I am constantly on a pendulum swinging between the extremes of AI who couldn't shoot me if their muzzle was pressed into my chest, and AI who are able to nail me in the T-Box through 12-inch thick reinforced concrete.
  1. I don't know the magic middle ground, but having the AI be slightly disoriented when fired upon, maybe taking 1-2 seconds to react and get their bearings would help add a more realistic edge to the gun fights.
  2. AI should behave somewhat tactically. I would love to see some bounding movements, suppressive fire, and flanking. I don't know how to implement, but maybe if there are more 4+ AI in a 20m radius, they get grouped up and become a fireteam. Two of them set a base of fire from some covered position while another two make a flanking maneuver
  3. Clipping is an issue. I've died several times to AI shooting me through the floors and walls in the YBL-1 bunker. Thankfully the gear isn't prohibitively expensive, but it is an annoyance.
Flesh out this world
The island is huge. It's huge and the whole thing can be traversed on foot. It's just that there's really no reason to do so. I'd much rather just ride my helicopter to the LZ closest to my objective, in and out. Get my reward. There's no incentive to walk between points of interest unless we are trying to PvP and want to go largely undetected across the map to our ambush site. Here are some ways to accomplish a more immersive island.
  1. There are no civilians. I know this can be explained away by an evacuation, but that's no fun. There could be civilians in these villages and it could be very engaging. Why am I running boxes of medical supplies out to villages where the only inhabitants are enemy combatants? Add non-combatant civilians.
    1. Make villages have non-combatants. If you kill them, it can cost you a fine and hurt your faction's standing within that village among the civilians.
    2. Civilians, if faction standing becomes too negative with them, will become hostile toward your faction. (kill too many, they arm themselves and fight back). Each faction has its own unique standing with the civilians in that village on the server, so each village can have its own diplomatic stance.
    3. Civilians can function as in-game vendors. Some dude in a market stall may sell fish, or crafting items for features I read were anticipated in later iterations of the game.
    4. If a faction's standing becomes strong enough, civilians may even arm themselves and help to drive out the hostiles occupying the village. Maybe this part is something that becomes a part of a dynamic event later.
    5. Even if they do nothing, it adds a layer of complexity to the missions, and makes it so that players must get Positive ID before taking a shot. In some cases, hostiles can pose as civilians, and pick up a weapon adding an even more immersive element to asymmetric warfare.
  2. Patrol Bases - This can be done in a way that gives players a way to seek refuge and operate out of forward bases. Something like Elder Scrolls Online did the castle/keep system in their PvP where the NPC's in some neutral zones captured by one faction or another would then guard that area on behalf of the faction.
    1. Points of Interest can be captured as patrol bases. This gives another "objective" to players and can encourage more PvP interactions.
    2. Once captured, a patrol base (PB) gets assigned a number of NPC's that will fight hostile NPC's and other factions that come within a pre-determined distance of the PB.
    3. Helicopters can fly in and out of patrol bases owned by that faction. Gives an additional LZ that is less prone to LZ camping.
  3. AI Patrols - Each faction should have some AI patrolling its immediately controlled areas.
    1. Dense presence in the town/area between the main base and starter town for each faction. These can be 4-6 man patrols, moving tactically and in conventional military formations. They can be engaged by players and hostile AI.
    2. Less dense patrols in forward areas. Mostly on roads between points of interest.
      1. Patrol between Crimson Shield base camp and Kiu Vongsa, between KV Gas Station and the ridge west of Hunter's paradise, along the main road, for example. Just 4-6 man patrols that walk the roads and can be engaged.
      2. Similar routes in other faction areas.
Miscellaneous Gear and Feature Wish List
  1. Belt-fed weapons. Please.
    1. This could be game changing for PvE and PvP. They should be expensive. They should be heavy, and they should be more of a cone of fire. They can be powerful, suppressive weapons, balanced by the fact that they aren't meant for accurate point-target system.
    2. This gives squads an opportunity to use more immersive tactics. Setting up bases of fire, support and assault elements, etc..
    3. Should probably limit this to SAW/RPK and other lighter weapon systems
  2. Laser Range Finders and Binoculars
    1. Binoculars for scouting out enemy positions.
    2. Laser Range finders for getting good distance measurements for zeroing weapons
    3. These should have weight, cost money and take up inventory space. Choosing to carry this means leaving something else behind.
  3. Radios - These are a necessity.
    1. Make Radios available for purchase from one of the vendors.
    2. They have multi-channel capabilities. Faction, which is also audible in the command tent at main base. Squad, which can be heard by anyone in your squad with a radio equipped and on the squad frequency.
    3. Maybe make VOIP always on for PVP. If you're communicating, you should be audible. Can reduce range of hearing, but I think this would add a very interesting dynamic to communicating as a team and being weary of possible enemies listening to you.
  4. Mortars. They're already there. Let us use them.
    1. the mortars on our main base can be put into effect and used by the players
    2. Have the radios above allow for calling fire missions. Call up main faction on radio, request fire mission from anyone on base who is listening and willing to use the mortars.
    3. Provide the "mortar team" a position for enemy fire. It can be your position and distance/direction or just a grid location to the enemy. This is where binoculars and Laser Range finders become handy.
    4. Can limit the rounds fired from base to X rounds per minute, to avoid spamming.
    5. Can also limit range. As of now, 81mm mortars can basically engage targets to Ground Zero from each base and the contested points of interest between each main base i.e YBL, Midnight Sapphire and Ban Pa.
    6. Could allow for maybe 60mm mortars with shorter range and less firepower inside of the patrol bases mentioned above, and give fire mission support to squads operating further out or omit that feature and keep
  5. Make smoke grenades do something -right now, they don't have any real reason in the game other than beautifying the main base while waiting for a helicopter.
    1. Allow them to signal incoming birds at an LZ.
    2. Allow grey/white smoke but more dense for providing concealment while moving/retreating in a firefight
    3. Allow them to signal a resupply drop that could potentially be called in later in the game at a forward location. I.e. call for resupply, 15 seconds out, mark Drop zone with colored smoke and the drop occurs within 150m of that smoke.
  6. Mines - I'm hit or miss on this, but I've heard others ask for it
    1. Claymores, PWN, IED, whatever. Some form of anti-personnel mine that can be used to protect avenues of approach, kick off ambushes, or defend sniper hides and machine gun nests (assuming you implement the LMG suggestion above)
  7. Speaking of Command and Signal - Star Clusters and parachutes, please add these.
    1. These could be a great way to signal squad location, objectives, or signal ambush start.
  8. Shared Mission Board.
    1. There should be a way for us to draw on a map, on the objective and have our team see it. Maybe everyone has a tablet that can pull up a mission brief, similar to a Ready or Not or maybe Rainbow Six style satellite imagery. We can draw on it, share it with the team and have us know various rally points, lines of departure, etc within the squad.
  9. Arm bands or helmet covers to help ID squad/Team/Clan
    1. We should have a way to ID our squad. Even if it's just an orange patch on the left sleeve, or something to that effect so that we can quickly see who our friendlies and immediate squad are while on mission or in the field. Since camouflage is customizable, I wouldn't suggest removing a customization feature, but add a way for us to be able to ID one another quickly and tactically.
    2. This can later be used to implement clan regalia, etc..
  10. Ghillie suits.
  11. Expensive, heavy, hot, but make them available.
  12. Maybe add a way to customize them with vegetation, especially once crafting items are released.
These are just a handful of the items we've come up with to add some more immersiveness and depth to the game. Overall, I'm very happy with what's come out so far in Early Access. I hope they continue in the direction they've been going so far.
**EDIT** Thanks to all for the suggestions, comments and feedback to this list. I've updated the medical items to account for the fact that accessing them from outside med bags sounds like my error. Again, this is not a complaint. This is simply a "wish list" a few of us have dreamt up that we think would just add a chef's kiss to the game.
Super happy with current Early Access showing, and this is what EA is all about. Player feedback and interaction during development, so that the final product has a greater chance at success!
submitted by pr0jektile to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:58 scopus17 Hard time catching green waves

Hard time catching green waves
Hello, I am looking for some advice or just some suggestions on what I might be doing wrong. To put things into perspective, I am 6'3" and 230 lbs. I’ve been surfing for about two months, and I am having a really hard time catching green waves. When I try to catch a wave, I feel like I have to paddle extra hard, and most of the time it just passes underneath me. However, when I try to catch a wave on my friend's board, which is 9 ft, 24 inches wide, 4.5 inches thick, and 105 liters, I have a lot more success. The board that I have is 9'2" and 54 liters. The picture shows the board that I use. Any tips or further guidance would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by scopus17 to BeginnerSurfers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:55 That_Sweet_971 Atypical / adult CF

Hi all, Hopefully this post doesn’t come across as annoying, I’m just trying to get as much info as I can. So…anyways I’ve had chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps for years (5 surgeries, they keep coming back) and a chronic productive cough (green mucus) for years. Recently I’ve been having GI issues. I always wrote the cough off as part of the sinusitis, but a few months ago I began doing some research and came across atypical CF cases, seeing that some of the symptoms matched up. I’m finally seeing a pulmonologist in a couple months, and I was curious if anyone had thoughts or could share their experience. I know there are various testing methods and I want to make sure I advocate for myself so they don’t miss anything. Thanks for reading, I’d appreciate any advice!
submitted by That_Sweet_971 to CysticFibrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:33 CreatedCharacter Session 1 Recap - Last Things Last

Delta Green is a covert group inside the United States federal government. Its mission is to investigate, contain, and conceal unnatural events, because the unnatural is real and it kills. Agents of Delta Green have limited knowledge of these forces and those who know more suffer that burden unable to turn back. Sometimes it is better to know just enough to get the job done, and nothing more.
New agents Schel, Palmer and Kurtz have drawn the attention of Delta Green after recent exposures to the unnatural. We join their journey as they pay the price (physical and mental) to save those who never knew they were at risk.
Kurtz: A computer scientist with dangerous interests.
Schel: An astrophysicist scarred by exposure to unnatural forces.
Palmer: An anthropology professor and amateur photographer with deep experience in the occult.
Last Things Last:
Each agent receives a call from a blocked number at precisely 3:17pm, leaving a voice message containing nothing but indistinct background chatter. Family members think nothing of it in this day and age, but underneath the mundane exists a message detailing a where to find the beginnings of the new mission.
Respectively they make their way to post office building in their city, and into a conference room where the see their case manager Stephen Dennison. A stocky aged man with a distinctive thick moustache and crew cut gives the agents a dossier with their next assignment.
Clyde Baughman a former Delta Green agent active in the 1970s has died unexpectedly of a heart attack in his apartment. Delta Green does not suspect anything unnatural about his death, but record keeping was relaxed in the past, and Delta Green need to be certain anything deemed unnatural that Clyde may have kept be removed from play.
Baughman’s children are expected to be in the city within 48hrs to clean up his affairs and his apartment, and the agents are to ensure they find nothing. Handing them the key, he wished them luck and said one way or another report back here in 48hrs.
The agents head to the apartment building via Uber. Taking a cautious approach, they notice an old lady who is watching the comings and goings to potentially interrupt or spy on to breakup her loneliness. Palmer drew her attention, investigating the building and when she “popped” up walking her dog he explained he was into urban photography.
Clear to approach the apartment without obstacle, Kurtz and Schel search the house starting with the kitchen and lounge. The house showed signs of not being lived in for months despite Clyde dying her mere days ago.
Palmer joined as the detailed search continued towards the bedrooms and bathroom. The bathroom was a grizzly scene, cleared of a body but not the evidence of the fall. In the bedroom used as an office the agents a vast pile of miscellaneous papers. Schel’s experience with administration roles saw them create a system to get through the papers at pace without missing anything. Nothing out of the natural realm was found but there was a clear indication Clyde had bought a cabin in recent years. Knowing he died here; they deduced the key must be here also and began searching. They found the key on a hook inside a cardboard door, intended to be hidden from any casual visitor but not inaccessible. Memorising the address from the paperwork, they destroyed any paperwork that might lead the children from finding the cabin prematurely. The agents went to a vehicle rental company, hired a car so they could set off for the cabin.
Arriving at the cabin in the dead of night, after navigating some rough country roads for several hours, the agents calculated what to do next. Palmer decided to case the outside of the house and report back. He found a well, a well pump, power connecting to the house, an outhouse, and a shed. Reporting back the agents tentatively entered the cabin with the key and turned on the lights. A quick inspection showed that this cabin was more “lived in” than the apartment. Looking around the bathroom, the agents noticed the plumbing had been reconfigured in an odd manner. Flushing the toilet caused water to erupt out of the kitchen sink. Kurtz and Palmer decided to investigate the well, the pump and anything plumbing related. While they did, Schel found a footlocker finding curious items such as a bloody suit, animal hair, infant teeth, a feather with a mystical rainbow shine, tear gas grenades, a letter, and a magnetic orb.
Schel’s understanding how many rules of physics the magnetic orb was breaking caused her to black out. Kurtz and Palmer returned finding nothing wrong with the well but wondering why the outhouse was needed. Finding Schel they rushed to her aid, reviving her. After a brief exchange of findings Schel remembered the letter and they opened together.
The letter was from Clyde. It presumed if reading that he had died and was too cowardly to follow through his final mission. It directed the agents to 20 gallons of gasoline hidden in the shed, pleading with them to pour it into the septic tank and ignite it. Saying that would be happier if they did not look but under no circumstances should his children’s ever see the remains.
The agents find the gasoline as advertised and make their way to the septic tank. Opening the tank enough to put the hose down they hear a cry of desperation. A woman is trapped in the tank, identifying herself as Marlene. Clyde’s wife who had died years ago. Faced with the dilemma, the agents asked for more information. It appears as though four years ago, Marlene became terminally ill, Clyde unable to let go told Marlene of the unnatural events he had witnessed in secret and that he could save her. That he did some Pagan spell, and she began to heal, she thought life would get better. He bought a cabin and said they could retire out there, when she came to look, he trapped her down here and has been keeping her alive in secret. She didn’t know others thought she had died, but she harbours no bad intent now that he’s gone, she just wants to see her kids.
Schel convinced this woman needed their help entertained letting her out, Palmer remained neutral, but Kurtz heeding the letters advice began pouring gasoline.
At that moment Marlene or what was once Marlene jumped with otherworldly force at the lid to the tank, and through luck and tactical placement, Palmer holding the lid was able to block her exit. Wary of the strength the lid was braced further, so the creature tried to bargain. Identifying as the Other, a creature that inhabits the bodies of others when their souls move on. Clyde had not saved Marlene, she died and the Other took her place. Retaining memories and the emotional strings to pull the Other thought it had Clyde fooled until he trapped her down here. However Clyde could not destroy her, and so they did the dance until Clyde died and the agents arrived. The Other offered unnatural knowledge in exchange for freedom, Palmer entertained it but Kurtz stayed steady on the gasoline as Schel’s world was shaken. The Other offered lucrative windows into untapped psychic potential for Palmer and as he was ready to discuss the potential with the team Kurtz through the match in removing the Other from this plane… for now.
Considering the apartment clear and the cabin sanitised, the agents met with Stephen to confirm evidence of the unnatural was found at the cabin, protocol had been violated with Marlene and handing the letter over. Asked if “it” was handled, the agents confirmed it was but omitted any interaction with the creature, preferring the narrative the followed the letter perfectly.
Stephen took the unnatural items for Delta Green inspection before allowing the agents to keep. His farewell to the agents were, I always hope there will be no next time, but unfortunately agents there will be a next time, until then live your lives as best you can.
submitted by CreatedCharacter to DeltaGreenRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:29 Ok_Coconut_2560 Noodles

My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had for breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.
"...umm "My family has always been of great minds. I hated it. Growing up and having to study day and night to try and live up to them was extremely exhausting when I couldn't care how things worked as long as I was happy. I gave up but somehow everything kept turning out to be true.
Over my lifetime I have become the Gorden Ramsey of the science world. Known for my temper and also for huge things like curing world hunger using play-doe and cancer with baby powder I got in a back street ally while drunk.
To get my family off my back I started making random ideas so they could see me as a failure and leave me alone but...they keep working. And soon people started to praise me. Fame has left me with nothing but more and more attention. So today I plan to make sure that everyone can just think I'm insane and leave me alone and not some king.
I chuckled like a kid who was opening a Christmas present as I heard the crowd of people chatting and talking loudly as I hid behind my stage in a grey tight suit that my sister had picked out. I sighed and was ready to walk out and make a fool out of myself but my brother stopped me.
" Jack... I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Dad would have loved to see you right now. "
I thought it was ironic because last night while chilling on the couch watching TV and eating chips I made this theory up. He dusted off my shoulders held them tight and looked me in the eyes taking in the moment.
" go give them hell man. "
He had a goofy smile just like Dad but spoke with confidence.
" you got it, man. "
I heard my name being called onto the stage and the uproar startled me for a second but I collected myself and headed out after giving him a nod just to entertain him.
The lights were blinding as I grabbed the mic and looked at the table in front of me with a small box with the ingredients I needed and a chalkboard behind me.
After I stood still for a minute the crowd died down. I had not told anyone what I was presenting so the whole world was watching without a clue of what I was doing this time.
"Hello everyone. Today I believe I have my most important presentation yet..."
The crowd grew silent and hung on every word. And I heard my voice around the room through the speakers.
" Today I have with me a box...and inside is spaghetti I had breakfast. "
The crowd laughed thinking it was a joke
" shut up "
The crowd grew silent once more
"Behind me is a chalkboard and I will now present my new findings to all of you...I have found out how to make portals to other worlds. "
A man in the far back of the audience yelled bullshit in a heavy Indian accent but he was so far it was a faint sound for me. I smiled at that thinking I had finally found something that would make me lose my title and I could go ahead and live a life without people making me feel like an evil man for not helping others.
I opened the box got a handful of the noodles and threw them at the chalkboard. I then grabbed a paper towel on standby to clean myself.
The noodles hit the board and slowly moved and rested on a spot on the board. I made eye contact with my brother backstage and he had a look on his face showing he believed in me.
I spun the board dropping the noodles to the ground I then grabbed the chalk and drew around the sauce and noodles that stuck to the board then drew my attention to the others that had fallen on the floor and drew an outline of that.
After it finished I threw the chalk in the crowd violently hitting an old lady in the face.
" Quickly I want a show of hands who thinks I'm a crazy guy "
Everyone raised their hands and I laughed to myself
I then went behind the board and laid it horizontally. I grabbed a small knife in my pocket and poked my finger with it. The crimson blood fell and hit the chalk and then as more and more blood hit the chalk it started glowing.
" you have got to be joking. "
I said out loud as it started to spark an orange glow and it slowly grew color to the rest of the chalk in orange sparks.
Once the symbol was fully sparking with orange the sauce began to swell and move around in a counterclockwise manner. I stepped away from it in shock as small parts of the blood in my finger began to float to the parts where it fell on the floor I drew my outlines on and started sparking those as well.
It started to smoke and hiss as if lightning could whisper and the orange began to take shape and the sauce made a doorway. The parts that were not on the board began to grow ice around them and started to make designs on the floor circling me and the board. Suddenly it grew in size and a large booming voice was heard through the portal as I felt panic of people start to set in.
A huge claw came out and scrapped the sides of my table trying to crawl out from the world it had been trapped in. Cold winds hit me as they cut my skin and threw around my clothes. As I saw the table was now melting from its touch.
A slimy green claw with mucus like a face-hugger egg from the movie Alien carved through the floor and pulled the rest of its body out slowly. A beast stood at 12 feet tall adjusting to our world as goop grew and shaped its body as people screamed, ran, and stood frozen in fear.
As it looked around it locked its spider-like eyes and swerled around coming out from the portal and twisting and turning around the body as it made its way to its head finding a place to rest. It then locked its eyes with me and its jaw twisted slowly from an ant-like maw to mine and slowly shrunk and it soon took the shape of me and knelt on the floor and spoke to me.
" master. "
I stood in shock as everyone seemed to calm down and watched to see what I would do.

"...umm "

Part two of the noodle demon.
Now that this creature knelt before me I realized that the room I was in was so terrible quietly you could hear everyone's ass get tight in anticipation of what would happen next.
" ...what...are you. "
I spoke carefully to the being that had taken the shape of myself. It still took my breath away and my throat was dry.
The beast was a deep green. The color mixed with shades of grey streaming from it. The longer I looked at it I could see it getting closer to what I looked like shaping itself.
From small flowing green tendrils to an arm they grew as they twisted and made bone then muscle and finally skin.
It locked eyes with me and it smiled deeply at me. As it formed the face finally.
" Your vassle. "
My eyes had not moved to the crowd at all but even though the lights hit the stage so hard it was enveloped in smoke.
The creature's eyes glowed as it answered brightly, not figuratively. This thing's eyes were glowing.
"To serve you, We are bound by blood magic. I am a reflection of your desires, Master, " it said, its voice now a whisper in my mind.
It began to stand up as my grey suit began to form on it and by the time it stood fully up it had copied what I looked like.
" let me explain everything. "
My body frozen in fear woke up with adrenaline as I blinked and a flash of green smoke covered my vision as he teleported right to me face to face.
Its body turned to smoke and went into the slits of my eyes. I felt visions follow me in my peripheral vision but surprisingly no pain followed power filled me and it felt like one hell of a drug.
My body and mind altered.
I was now in a very dark place with no walls or light except my reflection on the floor which waved like water.
I took a step back looking around and back to the reflection of me on the ground.
Soon the water rippled and my reflection fell through the floor like gravity was inverted. he flew upright and water fell off of him as he looked at me as he now stood straight ahead of me. He was just reflecting in the water but now eyed me down.
Collecting my nerves.
I begin to speak.
" what do you want..."
He was still in my form and stood perfectly straight. Now with water dripping from hair.
Slight stubble with hair that hung down and my hazel eyes were not present within him but I was greeted with a swelling acidic green that doubled the size of my pupil.
" to serve you. "
He made no other movement than putting his hands behind his back like a soldier at ease.
I could not tell if it was lying or not.
" that it? "
" I am the embodiment of your fear desires and brilliance. You have shaped me. Your desire for solitude birthed me. I will aid you in shaping the world how you see fit. Your reality becomes mine. "
There was a slight echo in the room as he spoke.
" wait...where are we "
I questioned haphazardly
" your mind. "
An awkward silence was in the air until I spoke
" I just standing on the stage not making a sound? "
He gave me a concerned look.
" no...time has frozen outside for you. You may sleep here without having to in the real world so to others you look as if you never rest and you may think and plan what to do in battle here. For them, it will be about two you not have any knowledge of what I am? "
Suddenly I felt bad like I had encountered someone famous and I had no idea who they were. A slap in the face like a popular kid meeting someone who had never heard of them. Ego shattered.
" ok sorry no. I...don't go around reading about...monsters?"
I felt like was I saying the n-word of the demon realm not knowing if that word was offensive.
He folded his arms a little upset.
"Are you not a warrior? "
" I...just watch TV and cook here and there- "
The demon cut me off
" weak. "
" excuse me? "
" look. I am an immortal being and after a while you get bored. So I'm sorry if I may be a little upset after being bonded with some nobody. "
I got quiet and I was a little annoyed that I was being roasted by some demon that I just met.
Its form wavers and eyes begin to open on its skin. Cheeks forhead etc.
"After being a god for so long it's fun to play with limitations. Makes things extremely exciting. "
" what do you mean by that? "
" look. You can only be so entertained by the same things. Life gets boring and are going to help me with this. I get to have pure entertainment while you get every wish you could ever want. A mutual bond no? "
He then closed his eyes annoyed and the other eyes meshed back to his skin.
" though... the TV is not that is what gets the blood pumping"
I felt the need to quickly change the topic
"Are there others like you? "
The room began to take shape very slowly as the water floor turned to wood and walls went around us.
" of course. You may meet them one day "
Confused and curious I pressed.
"Meet them? "
" yes. Summoning one of us is considered a threat to them. "
He spoke while opening and closing his newly found hand except backward.
" that don't look right "
I quickly responded
" Wait! How is doing that a threat! "
"Well, one doesn't just accidentally Summon one of us to suddenly get powers beyond human control. "
I thought back to how I summoned him by accident with some food I made.
" well...funny story but I summoned you using my breakfast..."
I had never regretted speaking so much as in that moment.
" What... "
Acid dripped from his words. Literally. His pupils split in half and his bottom jaw ripped open like an ant and curved giving sharpness to the bone.
"Please don't kill me. "
The room began to look like a cozy cabin with a fireplace and he slowly went back to normal.
" I would if I could. I've never felt so disrespected. We are bonded by your blood. If you die...I die. "
Suddenly I felt at ease by this new information.
Then a thought came to my mind
" ...God's can die? "
" you did hear me, right? "
The SAS from this guy was unneeded and I was starting to miss him being on his knees as weird as that sounds.
" so...all that power gone.... in an instant... "
" actually God's powers don't just disappear they transfer to whoever killed them...wait...hold up."
He suddenly had an epiphany.
A smile grew on his face and he grabbed my shoulders
" you! You are going to help me kill the other gods! "
He sounded proud but I let him down.
" ha! No. "
" oh come on! Don't be like that. "
He did a pout.
"Look, man. I'm not killing gods for you. Just because you are bored. "
" hey...they might send people to kill you because you bonded with me. "
"What did I ever do to them? "
"They have a system to this stuff. They like to build and watch things play out. You're a problem. That can mess it up. So...they kill be honest, I don't know any other way to explain it, man. You know people normally just use my power to kill people and become a king and know this already. "
"This is outrageous. "
" bro. Look if you do this I will be able to get their powers and you will be able to do so much more than what I offer "
I tilted my head
" what can you do? Know what never mind. I will just talk to them and figure things out. "
He groaned and his form melted down sagging and it shot back up reforming
"Is there not anything that you want? Anything in the world? Gods don't put themselves in physical forms. They give people power and can make beings to hunt you. And if they care enough to come down themself. Ha, good luck."
I stopped and thought about it trying to weigh the options of pissing off higher beings.
Suddenly. I found something.
"Can you bring back the dead..."
He stopped confused.
" "
" then I don't want anything "
" wait! "
He threw his arms out pleading
"I don't...but another God does..."
He crosses his arms smiling. He had left the question hanging letting me reconsider his offer.
I stopped and thought for a while before looking back up to him.
I let out a sigh and looked him in the eyes
" are going to help me get my father back. "
The demon smirked.
submitted by Ok_Coconut_2560 to dontmindthis9 [link] [comments]