Example of a thesis statement for a commemorative essay

Pictures of things that look like other things.

2009.08.30 06:52 PlasmaWhore Pictures of things that look like other things.

Pictures of things that are recognizable as other objects. For example, a picture of a cloud that happens to look like a whale sword fighting a leprechaun.

2008.01.25 08:48 philosophy

/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy

2011.07.21 14:25 pconwell Discuss and debate religion

A place to discuss and debate religion

2024.06.03 10:53 PiscisAeternitas37 Misconception on Jiu Niangzu's moral predicament of self-identity and the dichotomy of Intellect and Spirit (An analysis regarding Arcanism, Platonic idea, Existence of God and the Will of Nature)

To be honest I was planning to write a whole separate essay about Arcanism and arcanists and their true nature in regards to "Being" (Friedrich Hölderlin's conception of it which Schelling also used in his philosophy. The structure of the relationship of subject to object in consciousness as grounded in a whole of which subject;our self-consciousness and object;things external to it as parts of the whole.) and the manifestation of their "Will" (in Schopenhaurian sense) through arcanism. But this might be a perfect time to address things that needed to be addressed.
Since I don't think one could completely understand the root of the problem regarding Jiu and pretty much arcanists in general as inherently beings that seeks the "freedom of nature" as their whole existence oppose to human reason to begin with.
This might be long so I hope you bare with my exposition if you have time to spare. Although I strongly recommend to also do your own critical research since some terms will be complicated if you're new to it, which I could relate to since I'm also learning myself. But I'll try to make it easier to understand without downplaying the ideas. Obviously as just a theory of my own, it's your own choice to reflect if the interpretations have any truth or not pertaining to the story. If you hate reading and engaging the story's narrative to begin with, then this might not help you that much.

Thing-in-itself, Being, and God

If you're someone familiar with continental philosophy then you might have an idea that concerns a whole debate in philosophy that had sparked for hundreds- perhaps even thousand of years even dating back to Plato's Theory of Forms, proceeding to the cessation of the belief on polytheistic Hellenism, the birth of Christianity in the first century into the modern era, following the Enlightenment Era and the philosophical revolution that took place in it. Especially the German idealism revolution contributed to the awakening of humanity's "self-consciousness" that consequentially brought to realized the surfacing doubts regarding our knowledge of the "Thing-in-itself"; that is if they are truly knowable to us. (about the "true" knowledge of nature and the external world outside of our conception of them, if they are truly knowable or unknowable within only our senses intuition and to our understanding of them. Or that if they even truly exist beyond our own conception of them.) This "awakening" also partially contributed to the complete separation of the Roman catholic and the government that gave way to the Romantic era, not downplaying the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars that ultimately materialized the ideals and freedom of the people into reality of that time.
This "thing-in-itself" was fiercely debated by many philosophers throughout history, concerning the existence of the soul, reincarnation, and ultimately of God if they are truly logically or spiritually graspable by our understanding.
The issue regarding the existence of God and its great significance in the story of Reverse 1999 should not be omitted. The existence of Gnosis, arcanum, and mythical arcane creatures, etc. existing as actual phenomenon in this world, I claim to have already presupposed the existence of a polytheistic-Monotheistic "Gods".
That is of the Demiurge; as the Great Artificer or the Grand Architect of the Universe of the "material world", or as 37 have put it- the "world of matters". (something to note about is that 37 and the Apeiron group was unaware of the truth that the material world is "transcendental" in a way. Since they are more of a neo-Platonist who believes in the true essences of things that emanates from the "first cause", but interesting enough that they are also aware of gnosis as we've seen and even did the oath ourselves. I suspect of someone from their ancestor or perhaps the first leader expunge that detail, reason probably that the island was more or less unreachable within the "river of time" as it exist outside of it. Unfortunately after the inception of the storm, the material world's "Will" is slowly catching up to them. Sophia and 37's parents was only "their" first target.)
While the "real God", the transcendental God that is above all forms is what is known as the Monad, the "first cause". And where the supreme Monad reside is where Plato's theory of Forms is. The world that appears to our senses is in some way defective and filled with error (our world and ourselves are just a gleaming reflection of the supreme Monad), but there is a more real and perfect realm, populated by entities (called “forms” or “ideas”) that are eternal, changeless, and in some sense paradigmatic for the structure and character of the world presented to our senses, let it be known that mathematics is also part of this metaphysical transcendental forms. (Imannuel Kant have called it the Noumenal realm; This "superiority of reason over nature" consists in the fact that reason contains supersensible ideas, such as the ideas of God, the soul and immortality that refer to what Kant calls the thing-in-itself (das ding an sich), which exist independent of nature.)
Platonism about mathematics (or mathematical platonism) is the metaphysical view that there are abstract mathematical objects whose existence is independent of us and our language, thought, and practices. Just as electrons and planets exist independently of us, so do numbers and sets. And just as statements about electrons and planets are made true or false by the objects with which they are concerned and these objects’ perfectly objective properties, so are statements about numbers and sets. Mathematical truths are therefore discovered, not invented. (source)
The topic regarding the "Being" (again,relationship of subject to object in consciousness as grounded in a whole of which subject and object are the parts. The "finite" and the "infinite" within ourselves.) also open up the importance of Insights and "Intellectual Intuition" or as some of the post-Kantian Philosophers called as the "Absolute" (in Schellingian sense rather than Hegel's).
For example, To elucidate Friedrich Holderlin's "Being" and poetry:
Prior to our reflective awareness of ourselves and even prior to our awareness of objects of experience (which always presupposes our making a distinction between those objects and our experience of them), there is an “intellectual intuition” of “being” as something that “is” even prior to any statement of identity at all.
Since all consciousness requires a judgmental articulation of this pre-reflective unity of “being” – again, a primordial division of that which is originally undivided – we are, as it were, intuitively aware of this unity of “being” in our consciousness of the world, and it remains a presence in our conscious lives, holding out the promise of a restored unity of the divisions that occur as necessary conditions of our leading self-conscious lives at all. In apprehensions of beauty we get an inkling of what that unity might be like as the “supersensible” ground of both nature and freedom, and such apprehensions of beauty prompt us to take an interest in those things that can matter to us in holding our lives together, matters to which we might otherwise be blind.
Since this apprehension, this mode of “intellectual intuition” cannot itself be judgmentally or propositionally articulated, it can only be indirectly hinted at through the careful use of metaphor to evoke this apprehension without directly expressing it (or, to appropriate a familiar metaphor from Wittgenstein: to “show” it without being able to “say” it). This mode of indirectly indicating is, of course, the realm of art. The artist – and for Holderlin and Novalis, particularly the poet – evokes this awareness of the “being” of the world and our own existence in the world in terms of our own temporally drawn out modes of existence. All our other judgmental activities take their orientation from this sense of the “one and all” in which we immediately find ourselves placed (and do not “place,” or “posit” ourselves).
(The 1790s after Fichte: the Romantic appropriation of Kant (I): Holderlin, Novalis, Schleiermacher, Schlegel; The Legacy of German Idealism by Terry Pinkard.)
Compared to the use of Intellectual Intuition by the more systematical philosophers like Friedrich Schelling in his "Naturphilosophie" of the "Absolute" (which is more identical to Holderlin's "Being", that we seek meaning of our self-consciousness through nature).
Contrast to Georg Wilhelm Hegel's more "systematic" understanding of the absolute "Idea"— the absolute unity of the notion and objectivity in its more "social" grounding within the "space of reason" of the congregation of normative human spontaneity of asking and acquiring reasons. And his determination that knowledge of "thing-in-itself", that is nature as pure unknowable and hence, a synthesization of "the identity of identity and non-identity" of nature and spirit (of Geist, different from Schelling's Geist.) of knowledge into objective or "absolute knowledge" is the only way we can understand and "make use" of nature as our own, that is through only science.
It is thus that Hegel has effected the transition from a phenomenology of the individual’s subjective mind to one of objective spirit, thought of as culturally distinct objective patterns of social interaction to be analysed in terms of the patterns of reciprocal recognition they embody. (“Geist” can be translated as either “mind” or “spirit”, but the latter, allowing a more cultural sense, as in the phrase “spirit of the age” (“Zeitgeist”).
Hegelian idealism in its conception of the "thing-in-itself", from what I suspect is the philosophical system the Foundation uses in their domination and reduction of nature through science.
“Nature is to be regarded as a system of stages (Stufen), one proceeding necessarily from the other and being the resulting truth of the stage from which it results; but not so that one naturally generates the other but that it is generated in the inner Idea constituting the ground of nature,”
― Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, § 249.
The use of "objective" (in the Hegelian sense) of knowledge that humanity uses and applying it as Arcanism to the Arcanists blurs their natural characteristic of "faith", molding them into Agnosticism. I will claim that "faith" is the most essential nature of gnosis as arcanum is formed through deep "passion", their pure belief in something that is pertaining to their being (of one's consciousness of finite and the infinite) as the nature of "Spirit" (spiritus) that essentially comes only from the heart and not through the binding of reason, the intellect alone. We've already seen countless example of arcanists struggling and suffering within human society norms, and hence they live in a state of seclusion. But what ultimately contributes to their disbelief of humanity is when those moral rules created by humanity easily bow down to them if they deemed it necessary for themselves. To that, humanity exposes themselves as being a bunch of hypocrites!
“When liberty is mentioned, we must always be careful to observe whether it is not really the assertion of private interests which is thereby designated.” ― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
But it is also true that from great passion (that is from the heart) comes evil (radical evil) in our view as "rational" creatures. As Hegel wrote in his “Introduction” for the Lectures on the Philosophy of World History:
The aim of human cognition is to understand that the intentions of eternal wisdom are accomplished not only in the natural world, but also in the realm of the [spirit] which is actively present in the world.
From this point of view, our investigation can be seen as a theodicy, a justification of the ways of God (such as Leibniz attempted in his own metaphysical manner, but using categories which were as yet abstract and indeterminate). It should enable us to comprehend all the ills of the world, including the existence of evil, so that the thinking spirit may be reconciled with the negative aspects of existence; and it is in world history that we encounter the sum total of concrete evil.

Jiu Niangzu and the schism of Double Identity and the "Will"

Fortunately, Pei city is one of fairness and the people there does really Jiu, as it seems to be as well to their gods even after the "great separation".
Sadly that itself has its own deep rooted contradiction from nature's perspective of that era, even more to an existential Xiangrui.
There is an ongoing opinion of blaming the Daoist for making Jiu search for her mother, I personally believe that there is no right answer regarding this.
On one hand Jiu is entitled to follow her heart into searching her mother and to know the present truth of the world and what her mother have been gone through, no one can blame her for that. On the other hand an ancient arcane creature - a Lushu like her no longer have any place in the human world. And the divine tales of Xiangruis that she look up to, perhaps also as reminiscent of her mother is just a thing of the past. (Primarily Xiangruis was also aren't supposed to have any personal feelings to. Her mother's love to her and Jiu's reciprocal feeling to it begs to be pondered if these emotion, this passion was a mistake to begin in being a guardian to humanity. Adding to that, running a liquor store was also a mistake and any Dionysian tendencies she experienced would further led her astray to her path as a Xiangrui.)
The Daoist sealed her power for these reasons. whether you think it as an act of pity of the child, ill motivation towards humanity, or as a penultimate act of judgment towards the world itself after the separation - That is if Jiu, a Luxu could still find balance to live with humanity; as if leaving destiny to the "the way" itself. Perhaps one of those, all of those, or none of those. The truth is open to interpretation.
Nevertheless, this opposing dualism of Jiu's self-identity of seeking one's essence, and the impeding opposition of identities between reason and nature; that is one in partaking of human morality, the other her true essence as a Luxu, and to become a Xiangrui in granting the joy and people's wishes as the answer she seek in consolidating her conflicted self and the current world. (one could say that the over romanticisation of the gods from human perspective in their story adds distortion to her true identity.)
This passion will further fuel her "Will". Unable to consciously control her arcanum, the materialization of the "Shape of Will" is the proof of this uncontrollable passion of the "Will" of nature seeking its freedom. As she herself is a "thing-in-itself" - an arcane being that is beyond our reason. The materialization of her "Will" through her arcanum is instilled in the creation of her wooden dolls as I believe it is a part of her being. And we've saw that this wooden dolls harbors some grudge towards humanity. ( and this theme of nature's grudge against reason and vice versa have been already a recurring theme of the story.)
As Getian have stated: "They gave up everything so that you would have gods to worship. They became symbols, totems... except themselves." or "Now that I see it, the destruction of the bridge was inevitable. It was bound to happen, like I was bound to be left in the mountain and be the last of us."
Quoting Zhuangzi, a pivotal figure in Classical Philosophical Taoism and a naturalist philosopher which I find to be appropriate in this subject.
“Therefore the Way that is sagely within and kingly without has fallen into darkness and is no longer clearly perceived, has become shrouded and no longer shines forth. The men of the world all follow their own desires and make these their “doctrine.” How sad!—the hundred schools going on and on instead of turning back, fated never to join again. The scholars of later ages have unfortunately never perceived the purity of Heaven and earth, the great body of the ancients, and “the art of the Way” in time comes to be rent and torn apart by the world.”
― Zhuangzi, The World;The Complete Works of Zhuangzi
\"We have been deserted by the principles of this world. As though we were born to be so... eccentric... and marginalized.
To this issue, Arcana was absolutely correct. One could argue that this separation of nature and humanity is inevitable on the fact that the evolving "Intellect" of humanity, the spontaneity of taking and giving reasons to the unknown would only lead to the self destruction of the arcanists where freedom of nature and their unknowable faith (through the Anima Mundi) through Gnosis sparks the expression of themselves where it reside deeply in their Being. (self consciousness and the Intellectual Intuition of the world itself.)
In fully understanding this "Will" of nature, it is extremely important to bring up Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy of the "Will" (Wille) in nature. (link)
For Schopenhauer, this "Will" is not the principle of self-consciousness and rationally-infused will, but is rather what he simply calls “Will” A mindless, aimless, non-rational impulse at the foundation of our instinctual drives, and at the foundational being of everything. Schopenhauer’s originality does not reside in his characterization of the world as Will, or as act – for we encounter this position in Fichte’s philosophy – but in the conception of Will as being devoid of rationality or intellect.
Behind the realm of appearance – which Schopenhauer interprets as more like a dream, illusion, the veil of Maya (which we will talk more about her correlation with Arcana some other time. As well as the interconnecting web of stories and figures in mythology and theology with Gnosticism. For example of Prometheus and Sophia Achamoth.) – stands the reality of the thing-in-itself as a restless, non-purposive striving “one,” the “will” that strives without a goal at which it aims. This is the true “supersensible substrate” of nature, the “one” (finite) that underlies the “all.” (infinite) And this fits perfectly to the God of material world in the Gnostic. The Demiurge as the blind god who strives towards perfection as the reflection of the Monad, for all of nature and all material are a part of him. (This Demiurge could also be correlated to Descartes "evil deceiver".)
In conclusion, people who fail to see the ever apparent motif regarding the dichotomy of nature and reason will completely fail to understand Jiu Niangzu as simply a victim of this ongoing tragedy of their world. The tragedy resulting from the separation of gods and humanity's "self-proclaimed" attainment of self-conscious autonomy of leading ones life without relying on "thing-in-itself".
But pessimism aside, how beautifully divine was this whole scene? For the "final coming" of the Xiangrui brought down to the world below, had her own troubles, pains, confusion, and hardships eventually overcoming them. As she performs the final miracle that restores the people's faith (albeit temporarily) bridging them once again to the heaven's abode.
Leap of Faith
In fields of green, where faith does grow,
A miracle unfolds, a tale to show.
From below, a light does shine so bright,
A divine gift, a wondrous sight.
The earth does tremble, the skies do weep,
As heavens open, a final leap.
A river of gold, a path to take,
To the place of grace, a final make.
The final miracle, a gift so true,
A promise kept, a dream come through.
The divine below, a light so bright,
A final miracle, a wondrous sight.
submitted by PiscisAeternitas37 to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:47 homeandsoul Essential Home Decor Accessories and How to Style Them

Creating a beautifully styled home involves more than just choosing the right furniture. Accessories play a crucial role in adding personality, warmth, and style to your space. From rugs to wall art, the right decor accessories can transform a house into a home. In this blog, we'll explore some essential home decor accessories and how to style them effectively, incorporating keywords like "rugs Dubai," "round carpet," and "home furniture shop near me."
1. Rugs: The Foundation of Style
Rugs are foundational pieces that can anchor a room and define its aesthetic. They add warmth, texture, and color to any space.
- Rugs Dubai: When looking for high-quality, stylish rugs, Dubai offers a plethora of options. From traditional Persian rugs to modern, minimalist designs, there's something for every taste. When choosing a rug, consider the size of your room and the color scheme. A large rug can make a small room feel bigger, while a vibrant pattern can become the focal point of a neutral space.
- Round Carpet: A round carpet can add a unique touch to your decor, breaking away from the conventional rectangular shapes. It works well in smaller spaces or under round furniture like a dining table. Style it with complementary colors and textures to create a cohesive look.
2. Throw Pillows: Comfort and Style
Throw pillows are an easy and affordable way to update your home decor. They add color, texture, and comfort to your sofas, chairs, and beds.
- Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to mix different patterns and textures. Combine solid colors with prints, and use various fabrics like velvet, linen, and faux fur to create a layered look.
- Seasonal Updates: Change your throw pillows seasonally to keep your decor fresh. Light, airy fabrics work well in summer, while heavier, textured fabrics add coziness in winter.
3. Wall Art: Express Your Personality
Wall art is essential for adding character and personal style to your home. It can range from framed prints and paintings to tapestries and photo galleries.
- Gallery Wall: Create a gallery wall with a mix of photos, artwork, and even mirrors. This is a great way to display a collection of your favorite pieces and make a statement in your living room or hallway.
- Statement Piece: Sometimes, less is more. A single large piece of art can serve as a striking focal point. Choose something that resonates with your personal style and complements the color scheme of your room.
4. Lighting: Setting the Mood
Lighting is both a functional and decorative element in home decor. The right lighting can transform the ambiance of a room.
- Layered Lighting: Use a combination of overhead lighting, floor lamps, and table lamps to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Dimmer switches can also help adjust the lighting to suit different moods and occasions.
- Accent Lighting: Highlight specific areas or decor pieces with accent lighting. For instance, use a spotlight to showcase a piece of artwork or a beautiful piece of furniture.
5. Plants and Greenery: Bringing Nature Indoors
Indoor plants add life, color, and a touch of nature to your home. They can also improve air quality and create a calming environment.
- Variety of Sizes: Use a mix of large floor plants and small tabletop plants to add depth and interest. Place taller plants in empty corners and smaller ones on shelves, coffee tables, or window sills.
- Stylish Planters: Choose planters that complement your decor style. Whether it’s modern, rustic, or bohemian, the right planter can enhance the aesthetic of your plants and overall room decor.
6. Mirrors: Enhancing Space and Light
Mirrors are versatile decor accessories that can make a room feel larger and brighter.
- Strategic Placement: Place mirrors opposite windows to reflect natural light and create the illusion of more space. In smaller rooms, a large mirror can make the area appear more spacious.
- Decorative Frames: Choose mirrors with decorative frames that complement your home’s style. Whether it’s an ornate vintage frame or a sleek modern design, the right mirror can serve as both a functional and decorative piece.
7. Vases and Decorative Objects: Adding Finishing Touches
Vases, sculptures, and other decorative objects add the finishing touches to your home decor.
- Groupings: Group decorative objects in odd numbers for a balanced and aesthetically pleasing look. Combine different heights, textures, and colors to create an interesting arrangement.
- Functional Decor: Choose items that are both beautiful and functional. For example, a stylish vase can hold fresh flowers, while a decorative bowl can store keys or other small items.
Finding the Right Accessories
When shopping for home decor accessories, visiting a home furniture shop near me can provide inspiration and a hands-on experience. Local stores often carry unique pieces that you won’t find online, allowing you to discover accessories that perfectly match your style.
By incorporating these essential home decor accessories and styling tips, you can create a space that is not only beautiful but also reflects your personal taste and lifestyle. From luxurious rugs in Dubai to the perfect round carpet, the right accessories can transform your home into a warm, inviting haven.
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

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2024.06.03 10:34 adulting4kids Figures of Speech

1. Simile:
Definition: A figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as."
Example: The night sky was like a vast canvas, scattered with stars as bright as diamonds.
2. Metaphor:
Definition: A figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things, stating that one thing is another.
Example: Time is a thief, silently stealing moments from our lives.
3. Hyperbole:
Definition: A figure of speech involving exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally.
Example: The suitcase weighed a ton, making it nearly impossible to carry.
4. Understatement:
Definition: A figure of speech where a writer deliberately represents something as much less than it actually is.
Example: The storm brought a bit of rain; nothing too major, just a small flood in the living room.
5. Personification:
Definition: A figure of speech where human qualities are attributed to non-human entities.
Example: The wind whispered secrets through the ancient trees.
6. Assonance:
Definition: The repetition of vowel sounds within nearby words in a sentence.
Example: The melody of the evening breeze gently swept through the fields of wheat.
7. Onomatopoeia:
Definition: The use of words that imitate the sound they describe.
Example: The door creaked open, and footsteps echoed in the empty hallway.
8. Alliteration:
Definition: The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words.
Example: The playful puppy pranced through the park, chasing butterflies.
*9. Oxymoron:
Definition: A figure of speech that combines contradictory terms.
Example: The comedian's humor was both dark and lighthearted, creating an unsettling joy.
10. Irony:
Definition: A figure of speech in which words express a meaning opposite to their literal interpretation.
Example: The fire station burned down while the firefighters were on vacation—what a twist of irony.
11. Pun:
Definition: A play on words that have multiple meanings or sound similar but have different meanings.
Example: Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
12. Juxtaposition:
Definition: Placing two elements side by side to present a contrast.
Example: In the bustling city, the serene park offered a juxtaposition of tranquility amid the urban chaos.
13. Synecdoche:
Definition: A figure of speech where a part represents the whole or the whole represents a part.
Example: "All hands on deck" implies the need for the assistance of the entire crew.
14. Metonymy:
Definition: A figure of speech where one term is substituted with another closely related term.
Example: The White House issued a statement on the recent policy changes.
15. Zeugma:
Definition: A figure of speech where a word applies to multiple parts of the sentence.
Example: She stole both his wallet and his heart that fateful night.
16. Epiphora:
Definition: The repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.
Example: The forest was mysterious, the mountains were majestic, and the rivers were enchanting.
17. Euphemism:
Definition: Substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for a harsh or blunt one.
Example: She passed away peacefully in her sleep, euphemizing the concept of death.
18. Anthimeria:
Definition: The use of a word in a grammatical form it doesn't usually take.
Example: She bookmarked the page to return to the thrilling story later.
19. Chiasmus:
Definition: A figure of speech in which the order of terms in one of the clauses is inverted in the other.
Example: "Do I love you because you're beautiful, or are you beautiful because I love you?" - Cinderella
20. Allusion:
Definition: A brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance.
Example: His ambition was Caesar-like; he aimed to conquer not only Rome but the hearts of its people.
21. Allegory:
Definition: A narrative in which characters and events represent abstract ideas or moral qualities . Example: Orwell's "Animal Farm" serves as an allegory for political corruption and the abuse of power.
22. Metonymy:
Definition: A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted with another closely associated with it.
Example: The pen is mightier than the sword, emphasizing the power of the written word over physical force.
23. Sarcasm:
Definition: The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Example: "Nice job on the presentation," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as the audience chuckled.
24. Understatement:
Definition: A figure of speech where a writer deliberately represents something as much less than it actually is.
Example: The mountain climber faced a slight challenge as he ascended Everest, navigating only a few treacherous crevices.
25. Cliché:
Definition: An expression or idea that has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning.
Example: The detective followed the suspect's trail like a bloodhound, relying on the cliché methods of his trade. *
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:34 Tom_Bombadil_1 What does it mean to be all knowing?

I know many more things than I am currently aware of. For example, I know the quadratic formula, what a mitochondria is, how many wives King Henry VIII had, etc etc. However, months or years might go by without my ever bringing that knowledge before my mind by thinking about it actively.
Is the statement then that God is all knowing actually a greater claim? That not only is God all knowing, but that all things are before his mind and in his attention at all times?
Does anyone know any theological or philosophical thinking that addresses this knowing / before the mind distinction?
submitted by Tom_Bombadil_1 to AskTheologists [link] [comments]



Jewelry has the remarkable ability to elevate any outfit, adding a touch of glamour, sophistication, or whimsy depending on your personal style. Whether you prefer minimalistic elegance, bohemian chic, or bold statements, there’s a piece of jewelry out there that perfectly complements your unique taste. However, navigating the vast array of options can be overwhelming. Fear not! This ultimate guide is here to help you navigate the world of jewelry and choose pieces that resonate with your individual style.

Understanding Your Personal Style

Before diving into the jewelry selection process, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your personal style. Take some time to reflect on the clothes you feel most confident in and the overall aesthetic you’re drawn to. Are you a fan of classic, timeless pieces, or do you prefer to make a statement with bold, trendsetting designs? Consider your lifestyle, preferences, and the occasions you’ll be wearing your jewelry to.

Identifying Key Pieces

Once you’ve defined your personal style, it’s time to identify the key pieces that will anchor your jewelry collection. These are the versatile staples that you can mix and match with various outfits to effortlessly enhance your look. For example, a pair of classic diamond studs or a simple gold chain necklace are timeless pieces that work well with any style.

Experimenting with Trends

While timeless classics form the foundation of your jewelry collection, don’t be afraid to experiment with trends to add a modern twist to your look. Keep an eye on current fashion trends and incorporate them into your jewelry selection selectively. Whether it’s chunky chain necklaces, statement earrings, or stacking rings, experimenting with trends allows you to express your creativity and stay fashion-forward.

Considering Proportions

When choosing jewelry, consider the proportions of your body and the scale of your outfit. Petite frames may be overwhelmed by oversized statement pieces, while larger frames can carry bold jewelry with ease. Similarly, delicate, dainty jewelry may get lost against voluminous clothing, whereas statement pieces can shine against simpler, more streamlined outfits.

Adapting to Occasions

Different occasions call for different types of jewelry. While a casual brunch with friends may warrant delicate layering necklaces and stackable bracelets, a formal evening event may call for more extravagant pieces like chandelier earrings or a statement cocktail ring. Consider the dress code and atmosphere of the occasion when selecting your jewelry.

Expressing Individuality

Above all, remember that jewelry is a form of self-expression. Don’t feel confined by fashion rules or trends—choose pieces that resonate with your personality and make you feel confident and empowered. Whether it’s a vintage heirloom, a quirky charm bracelet, or a personalized name necklace, let your jewelry tell your unique story.


Choosing the best jewelry for your personal style is a delightful journey of self-discovery and expression. By understanding your style preferences, experimenting with trends, mixing metals, considering proportions, adapting to occasions, and embracing individuality, you can curate a jewelry collection that not only enhances your outfits but also reflects the essence of who you are. So, go ahead, adorn yourself with pieces that speak to your soul and let your style shine bright!
submitted by Pritam_Jewellers to u/Pritam_Jewellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:08 LilibuttDumbarton Working Actress blog (London edition. TW’s work?)

Working Actress blog (London edition. TW’s work?)
I’m certain I found TW’s blog from 2010. As I was trying to find an archived version of TW’s anonymous Working Actress blog—confirmed to be her writing in a Daily Mail article—I came across another Working Actress blog which was started only 9 months after TW’s. TW’s original Working Actress blog didn’t pick up steam until later, and even then, it was barely successful (The X/Twitter and Facebook pages are still up and have almost no engagement. Archived copy of X page: https://archive.ph/fGRn2).
Curiosly, this blog’s writing style is identical to The Tig, contains copious swearing (as TW admitted to this habit on Tig), but the author is supposedly from London. She also linked to TW’s Working Actress Blog in the Resources/interesting reading page and devoted a short, gushing blog post to this “American inspiration” in 2013—complete with a link to said American inspo. TW had abruptly stopped posting in 2012 but didn’t delete her page until her engagement with H. The Londoner didn’t explain why she chose an identical blog name or mention the US blogger until 3 years later. Knowing TW’s litigious nature, it’s surprising she didn’t send a formal cease and desist letter or take other action to shut down the copycat. The London blogger never formally acknowledged the same blog name or similarities, even as a passing joke. There are some differences, but given the tells that this person is not from the UK, I suspect they were introduced to create some confusion.
This Londoner is decidedly not from the UK and leads me to believe that this was TW’s work. Although she may spell colour with a u and replace z with s in some words, there are a number of giveaways. Blog name aside, first, the use of am/pm as opposed to the 24 hour clock. Am/pm isn’t typically used in the UK. Second, using the American spelling of granny as opposed to grannie. This was used in the context of an actor willing to rob their granny for a chance at success. This spelling was repeated by TW via H’s statement on the death of his grandmother. (SMM posters speculated that TW wrote that letter because of the phrasing and because she’s been documented in Daily Mail articles as being the voice behind the old Sussex Royal Instagram. Not surprisingly, people picked up on the occasional US wording on those posts). Also, this supposed Londoner wrote drivers license instead of the UK’s driving license. In a separate post, the London author described how she was fine driving in the UK, but got into two car accidents in LA within the span of a few days. (Nothing catastrophic, but in TW’s usual writing, puffed up). In one instance, the blogger allegedly swiped a city bus. (How did they know the bus driver was Mexican? TW has an obsession with bringing up ethnicity/heritage as mentioned in Oprah, Spare, Maltese and Nigerian trips leading me to conclude that this is her work). Third, as we know TW over eggs the pudding to deny something. In the London blogger’s case, she claimed to hate LA with a passion (except the food) but later stated she wanted to move her parents over, just for a while. In December 2010, she claimed to have been in a bad relationship in the prior year and put off from dating, but a good looking guy in a rom com meet-cute became her boyfriend. The same boyfriend she called “This thing” like TW’s “That one” comment about H.(TW was engaged in 2010 to Trevor and started dating him in 2003). Elsewhere, there’s an admission to smoking cigarettes when depressed and going on a mountain retreat to clear her brain—with a passing reference to yoga and cliche references about caring for your body. The London blogger went out of her way to clarify that she has never done illegal drugs and didn’t use alcohol to cope with stress. In 2011, TW gave marijuana to her Jamaican wedding guests. She also took part in its smoking and was photographed smoking cigarettes on a beach with Jessica Mulroney. (MJ info confirmed in leaked emails published in part by The Sun. They’ve never been sued for this article suggesting it is very accurate and well sourced). TW also spoke about using wine to cope with rejection in interviews and blog posts. Thematically, yoga retreats, smoking, sadness, and car accidents have all been repeated by TW and H many times.
There’s also the overlap of participating in student films during summer of 2007. TW mentioned this scenario as an explanation for how she was discovered in a few interviews. Interestingly, the London blogger recounts this story and about calling her father excitedly, wondering if she’ll ever succeed in acting. The father responds with “Yes, this could be it”. This comment strikes me as something Tom Sr. would say. He had a long career in the industry and saw many upstarts fizzle out. In another post, the Londoner dedicated an entry to Jennifer Aniston—an actress TW has publicly admired and went by her first name of Rachel during the Friends era to coincide with Aniston’s Friends character, whose name was Rachel. (Tom Bower describes this in his book, Revenge. She also had a bit part on an Aniston movie
This London persona is as delusional as TW. On one hand, she is perpetually underemployed and unknown, while on the other hand she has done everything from plays, TV, and a movie in Asia involving being thrown off a cliff without safety equipment or a background in stunts. This slots in nicely with TW’s outright lies and manifestations of grandeur. (Too many examples to list. Plenty available on SMM).
Something salacious—when discussing the costs of acting, the Londoner mentioned “£160 a month. That's like a yacht a month to a rich person.” Was this a Freudian slip about her yacht salary after expenses? Hahaha.
If you’re interested in reading this blog, I archived its entirety below. (Please don’t leave hateful comments on the actual blog as I don’t want it pulled from the internet. It’s always great to have the original material as opposed to snapshot versions).
About page: http://workingactress.weebly.com/about.html
Archived: https://archive.ph/tKaBp
November 2010 (Two posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/11-2010
Archived: https://archive.ph/hRNCK
December 2010 (Five posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/12-2010
Archived: https://archive.ph/13DbC
Goes immediately to February 2013 (Seven posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/02-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/RVOjz
March 2013 (Five posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/03-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/cx2y5
Skips to June 2013 (Two posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/06-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/QmzQ4
July 2013 (Four posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/07-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/slA71
August 2013 (Two posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/08-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/9Y8kq
Skips to December 2013 (Two posts): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/12-2013
Archived: https://archive.ph/LNUkE
Skips to April 2014 (One post): http://workingactress.weebly.com/home/archives/04-2014
Archived: https://archive.ph/uElOt
Resources page: http://workingactress.weebly.com/resources.html
Archived: https://archive.ph/O2BHg
[I am not archiving the links from the resources tab. Some of them don’t work, others are industry pages]
I found one entry from TW’s blog that was reprinted and it sounds the same. https://archive.ph/aHOMh
submitted by LilibuttDumbarton to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:00 Zeal_2221 Instructions

Hello, everyone! We are 2nd year BA in Psychology students and we are conducting our study entitled “Loudest pleas, clamor”: Making meaning on the hashtag activism of #LigtasNaBalikEskwela.
The researchers' username are listed below:
u/julrecto u/_meongchongi u/Zeal_2221 u/pinkyyycatty
• You are expected to participate in the focus group discussion for #LigtasNaBalikEskwela.
• You can reply and discuss any questions, and freely go back to previous threads to add thoughts from December 27 until Dec 30.
• You can use English, Filipino, and Ilonggo.
• You are also expected to reply and create discussion to at least two participants’ replies per discussion board topic.
• Discussion should be thoughtful, reflective, and respectful while prompting further discussion using content knowledge, critical thinking skills, questioning, and relevant information of the topic.
Review the resources below for guidelines on how to participate in the online forum discussions.
• Participate in online forums as you would in constructive, face-to-face discussions. There should be little to no repetition in the initial posts so it is important to get a sense of what is already being discussed before leaping into the discussion.
• Postings should continue a conversation and provide avenues for additional continuous dialogue. A good post includes: • What do you think? • What would you do? • What problem or challenge will follow the original question?
• Do not SIMPLY post “I agree,” or post similar statements. Elaborate on why you agree or expand your thoughts by bringing in related examples, concepts, and experiences.
•Stay on the topic of the thread – do not stray.
• Don’t post just to post. Don’t repeat what has already been stated. Be sure your post addresses a new opinion or thought not yet discussed.
Remember this to keep the quality of online discussion postings
• Substantial – posts should relate to the topic and provide information, opinions, or questions
• Concise – messages should be clear. Lengthy messages do not get many replies
• Provocative – prompts others to reply or object
• Explanatory – explore, explain or expand on a concept of connection
Online communication lacks verbal cues. Respond carefully, be clear, and keep your sentences and posts brief.
You may contact the moderators If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant, questions regarding the forum, or if problems arise.
submitted by Zeal_2221 to Psych116 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:59 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

June 3, 2024
The literal definition of "adultery" in your dictionary is: "The voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with someone not the spouse." Now the reason for this law, which still applies now, was that well before and at the time that the Commandments were presented by Moses to the people, they were mostly simple-minded, ignorant, illiterate and God-FEARING because of their previous teachings given by the religious/empire leaders of their "time".
The problem was that (throughout your "past" history) many young men and soldiers would lustfully spread their fertile seed in the sexual act to MANY various young , willing women whom they met within their daily lives and in their travels from village to village. (Times have not changed much, have they?).The obvious result was that many women became pregnant, and usually by that time the man was long gone, to war or to the next village. So she would be left alone with the responsibility of birthing and raising her child. Many women could not "handle" this unexpected responsibility AND the desertion of who they usually thought to be THEIR man. Many women, overcome by the horror, shame and guilt of the circumstance, killed themselves and their unborn by trying to abort the child. Many women were left on the streets, unless they had friends or family who would take care of them. And many women abandoned their birthed child, sometimes at the doorstep of a church or orphanage, but also some would leave the child to die in some dark and desolate place. So thus the necessity of this law. "You must NOT commit adultery." (See law #15, "You must obey the wisdom of God for the responsibility you have of BALANCED Pro-Creation of your species". [Already presented])
So in His loving mercy and infinite wisdom, God created the commitment of Marriage or Wedlock defined In your dictionary as: "A legal contract by a man and woman to live together as husband and wife." (In the higher realms it is a very serious and joyful commitment and is called DIVINE UNION.) In this way HE planted the seed of JOINT responsibility of this husband and wife to each other AND to any offspring they produced. This is why Marriage is to be considered one of the MOST serious and SACRED commitments TO GOD!
Now we will quote some of the actual teachings on this subject of THE FATHER'S WORD given by The Master Teacher Jesus, Esu, Immanuel from the book (now in print, as part of the Phoenix Journal Series) entiltled "AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL: I AM SANANDA". Nearly 2000 years ago when the Master Jesus, Esu, Immanuel was asked about the commitment of marriage and the rights of men and women. This is what he said:
"All good things were given unto you and you received the Laws according to which you are to live. You should adhere to these and additional laws, so that you shall prosper on Earth and have peace In your families; remove the old law that women should be subject to man, since she is equal to man in spirit respect, and has equal rights and obligations. There are many distortions in the laws since they were given by God and the Celestial Sons, for men have built them to be suitable unto themselves.
"When a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward the handling of her possessions, as a price of security, lest she suffer from lack of her necessities. The price should be calculated in such a way that for each year of her life one hundred pieces of silver should be the basis, measured according to her knowledge, her ability, and her strength, provided her health is not lacking. The price is not considered as that of a "purchase", for no person may be sold or bought, but as security for the woman lest she suffer lack. (Amount and type of financial security for "modern" times will be adjusted accordingly. For further clarification of Immanuel's statements read "Phoenix Journal Express Volume 1 and 2" pages 34-40.)
"The bond of matrimony between man and woman should be permitted only if both are of mental competence and capable of leading a marriage in.accordance with the law. (Note: that is GOD'S LAW).
"If, according tp predetermined agreement, no price is paid, the law applies; the man must supply the needs of the wife regarding her necessities.
"The inability of a wife to bear children, or a man's inability to sire children is no reason for divorce, nor does she or he deserve other opinions or actions.
"The only reason for divorce is that of adultery, that is the destruction or endangering of spirit, the body, or the life of the members of one's own family unit. If a person is divorced by his own actions of adultery, he should be sterilized, for he is unworthy of life and its laws for he has responded to the selfish lustful drives of pleasure-seeking and has cast aside all responsible behavior." (End of quoting).
Now, in the literal translation in order for ADULTERTY to occur, then one or both of the adulterers would have to have made the vow of marriage. In God's Kingdom of Truth, this vow of DIVINE UNION made between two, a man and woman live together as ONE, is taken most seriously indeed because it is a commitment made to THE FATHER WITHIN, EACH TO GTHE OTHER for that entire life-stream. It is a contract with GOD rather than a legal contract of the human experience. This means that a man and woman who cohabit together as "lovers" without a "so-called legal contract must make THE SAME COMMITMENT to God as those who have the "so-called" legal contract, whether they realize it or not. It is NOT necessarily always a contract made to God to PRO-CREATE the species mbecause many who choose DIVINE UNION may not choose, be able, or be qualified to fulfill that (pro-creation) service to THE ONE FATHER. (RE-READ Commandment number 6 where we discussed the responsibility of PRO-CREATION). But both "lovers" STILL HAVE THEW SAME RESPONSIBILITY (as a "legally" married couple) for the offspring they may produce. If they choose cohabitation because of sexual lust or other selfish reasons, they have, thus, denied THEIR responsibility to GOD, and they will suffer the consequences of their actions at the hands of evil. (See law #13, "As you sow, so shall you reap" also known as, "The Law of Cause and Effect".)
Does this mean that DIVORCE, defined as:
I. Dissolution of a marriage bond by a legal process OR accepted custom.
II. Any radical or complete separation", goes against the laws of God and The Creation? YES AND NO! You see it depends on the TRUE circumstances experienced by the divorcing couple. For example: Since your commitment in life is always FIRST IN SERVICE TO GOD, then ideally, your chosen partner in marriage must support YOUR commitment as well, as his/her commitment to THE HOLY FATHER.
If, for example, your partner batters you and/or your children physically or emotionally and thus does not support or honor either his or YOUR commitment in service to GOD, then you are no longer bound by your contract/bond of marriage. Why would GOD bind you and your children to a commitment of SUFFERING and PUNISHMENT? It is not logical. But, if your partner decides that he/she wants to divorce you because you are just no longer attractive to him/her physically and sexually, THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE REASON FOR DIVORCE. Let's take that example further. Say your partner is no ,anger attracted to you and decides to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere; he/she has committed ADULTERY, (re-read above quote by Jesus Immanuel) and if you choose to do so, it IS an acceptable reason for divorce. The reason is that not only has your partner broken his/her commitment with YOU and HIMSELF, but in the act of Adultery he has broken his commitment TO SERVE GOD...because by the act of fulfilling his lust he has invited the Anti-Christ within his temple. Of course, the choice you make about whether or not to divorce an adulterous mate will ultimately be made BY THE FATHER WITHIN YOU.
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:50 premierbuildersny As is Home Sale: What to Know to Attract Buyers

During the home sale boom in 2021 6.12 million homes were sold. Even though home sales have slowed, with existing home sales totaling 5.03 million homes in 2022, many markets remain competitive, and housing inventory remains tight. While many still consider it a sellers market, selling a home can be a complex and emotionally charged process. Homeowners often find themselves weighing the pros and cons of various selling strategies. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is the as-is property sale. In this method, homeowners sell their property in its current condition, without making any major repairs or renovations. While this can save sellers time and money, it requires a strategic approach to attract potential buyers. This blog explores the key considerations and strategies involved in an as-is-home buying process to ensure a successful transaction.

Understanding the As Is Home Sale Concept

The term “as is” essentially means that the home is being sold in its present condition, and the seller is not obligated to make any repairs or improvements. An as is house is priced lower than a comparable move-in ready house. A purchase agreement for an as is home can be advantageous for both the buyer and the seller. For the seller, for example, it means less hassle and financial burden, while the buyer may want to save money thus be attracted to a lower asking price. However, for this arrangement to work smoothly, it’s crucial for the seller to be transparent about the condition of the as is property and for the buyer to be fully aware of what they are getting into when buying a house as is.

Transparency is Key in As Is Sales

One of the fundamental aspects of a successful as is home sale is transparency. Sellers must be upfront about any known issues or defects with the property. This can include anything from a leaky roof to outdated plumbing or electrical systems. Providing your agent and potential buyers with a detailed disclosure statement can help build trust and manage expectations. Failure to disclose known issues can lead to legal troubles down the road, making transparency not just good practice but a legal obligation in many jurisdictions.

Setting the Right Price

Determining the right asking price is crucial in any home sale, but it becomes even more significant in an as is transaction. Since the buyer is taking on the property in its current condition, they will likely expect a lower price to account for potential repairs or renovations.
It’s essential for sellers to conduct a thorough assessment of the property’s value in its current state and consult with real estate Realtor in Cincinnati professionals to arrive at a fair and attractive asking price. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while under pricing the properties may lead to financial losses for the seller.

Marketing Strategies for As Is Homes

Effectively marketing an as is property requires a different approach compared to traditional home sales. Emphasizing the house as is means the buyer has a lot of potential for customization and personalization can appeal to buyers who are looking for a project.
Highlighting the savings they can make by purchasing a home at a lower price and investing in renovations themselves can be a compelling selling point. Utilizing online platforms and social media to showcase the property’s unique features and potential can also attract a wider audience.

Professional Home Inspection

To alleviate some of the concerns potential buyers may have about the condition of the property, sellers can consider investing in a pre-listing home inspection. This involves hiring a professional inspector to assess the home’s condition and provide a comprehensive report.
While this may reveal issues that the seller was not aware of, it allows them to address critical concerns before listing the property. Providing the inspection report to potential buyers can demonstrate that you sought expert advice which means you are operating with transparency. This can instill confidence in the property’s condition and the risk for the buyer.

Legal Protections for Buyers and Sellers

When buying and selling a house as is, understanding the legal implications is crucial for both buyers and sellers. While the seller is not obligated by law alone to make repairs, they must adhere to all relevant real estate laws and regulations. There should be no hidden issues or major problems that go unmentioned.
Buyers, on the other hand, should be aware of their rights and the limitations of an as is sale. Buyers in as-is sales must exercise due diligence to uncover any issues, as sellers may not be obligated to provide information about the condition of the item being sold. However, legal safeguards exist to prevent fraudulent misrepresentation. If a seller actively conceals or makes false statements about defects, the buyer may have grounds for legal action.
Nevertheless, certain jurisdictions impose restrictions on the extent to which sellers can disclaim warranties in as-is sales. Some states require sellers to disclose known defects even in as-is transactions, and federal laws, such as the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, provide additional consumer protection.
While as is sales offer sellers more protection, buyers are not entirely without recourse. In some cases, buyers may still have the option to negotiate necessary repairs or adjustments to the sale price based on inspection findings. Additionally, legal systems strive to strike a balance, ensuring that buyers are not unfairly taken advantage of while respecting the autonomy of sellers in conveying goods or property.

Negotiation Strategies

Negotiation plays a pivotal role in any real estate transaction, and as is home sales are no exception. Sellers should be prepared for buyers to negotiate the price based on the property’s condition. But establishing a fair asking price based on the home’s current condition and market comparables is crucial to avoid overpricing disputes.
Additionally, sellers should be prepared to prioritize non-negotiable terms and be open to compromise on others to ensure the buyer accepts. Offering incentives, such as covering closing costs or including essential appliances, can sweeten the deal without compromising the as-is nature of the transaction.
Buyers, on the other hand, should be realistic in their expectations and focus on negotiating for essential repairs or adjustments rather than seeking a significant reduction in price. Finding a middle ground that satisfies both parties is the key to a successful contract negotiation.

The Role of Real Estate Professional

Engaging the services of experienced Real Estate Agent in Cincinnati and mortgage professionals is highly advisable in an as is home sale. In an as is home sale, the role of a real estate agent becomes crucial in navigating the unique challenges associated with marketing and selling a property in its existing condition, without any repairs or improvements.
The real estate agent serves as a guide and expert, helping sellers understand the implications of selling a home in “as is” condition and advising them on pricing strategies that reflect the property’s current state. Their expertise in the local market allows them to set realistic expectations for both sellers and potential buyers.


Selling a home as is can be a viable and efficient option for homeowners looking to streamline the selling process. However, success in an as is home sale requires careful planning, transparency, and strategic decision-making. From setting the right price to effectively marketing the property and navigating negotiations, sellers must be proactive in addressing potential challenges.
By understanding the nuances of the as is home sale concept and leveraging the expertise of real estate professionals, both buyers and sellers can achieve a smooth and successful transaction. Ultimately, the key to attracting buyers in an as is sale lies in transparency, fair pricing, and effective communication throughout the entire purchase process.
Oyler Hines can provide valuable insights into local market conditions, help set an appropriate asking price, and assist with the negotiation process. Call 513-547-2997 or email us at [info@oylerhines.com](mailto:info@oylerhines.com) today to kick-start your home-buying or selling journey.
submitted by premierbuildersny to u/premierbuildersny [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:39 Walk1000Miles HH Continuing Disability Review (CDR)

lll🛠 UNDER CONSTRUCTION ⚒️ The information detailed in this narrative is undergoing review and in the process of being updated.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is required by law to periodically review the eligibility status (financial and / or medical) of every beneficiary who is receiving monthy disability payments.
The Continuing Disability Review (CDR) is meant to identify recipients who may no longer be eligible to receive SSA disability payments.
Your initial award notice will tell you when you can expect your first medical review.
The law requires that Social Security review your case from time to time to verify that you still have a disability. We will tell you if it is time to review your medical condition and keep you informed about your benefit status. Generally, if your health hasn’t improved, or if your disability keeps you from working, you’ll continue to receive your benefits.
Your disability case will be examined periodically to ensure you still qualify for benefits you are currently receiving. The SSA needs to verify that you are still disabled and unable to work.
If you are notified that you will need to have a CDR? You could experience insrant trepidation that your SSA disability benefits will end.
It's very common to receive CDRs and maintain your SSA disability benefits. Most SSA beneficiaries who receive a CDR are approved for continued benefits.
The eligibility criteria for SSA disability programs are the same. SSA does not pay disability benefits for any condition that is considered temporary.
You need to be disabled, unable to work, and have a disability that will last for at least a year or end in their death.
We pay disability benefits to people who can't work because they have a medical condition that's expected to last at least one year or result in death. Federal law requires this very strict definition of disability. While some programs give money to people with partial disability or short-term disability, we do not.

CDRs and Consulative Exams (CEs)

A Consulative Exams (CE) - click here is required during the CDR proces if the evidence collected does not support a decision to continue benefits via any one of the numerous disability programs SSA supports.
For continuing disability reviews (CDRs), a CE is necessary only when the evidence as a whole, both medical and non-medical, is not sufficient to support a determination.

Could a CDR Be Triggered?

Your original Awards Letter will detail how often your CDR will occur (every 6 - 18 months).
If you work consistently? It could cause SSA to review your disability status by triggering a CDR.
Events other than a medical alert, for example, work activity or voluntary report of medical improvement (MI), may initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR).
There are certain events that could trigger a CDR.
In addition to holding regularly scheduled CDRs, the SSA may conduct a continuing disability review in any of the following situations:
You return to work (unless you've been receiving SSDI benefits for at least 24 months).
You inform the SSA that your condition has improved.
Your medical evidence indicates that your condition has improved.
A third party informs the SSA that you are not following your treatment protocol, or
A new treatment for your disabling condition has recently been introduced.
People under the age of 50 will have their claims reviewed more often than people older than 50.

CDRs and Periodic Reviews

If you are receiving SSA disability benefits? You must have periodic CDRs in order to maintain your benefits. You will be notified in your initial award notice regarding how often you will receive a CDR (from every 6-18 months to every 7 years).
Supplemental Security Income (SSI or Title XVI) with sub-categories (i.e. disabled workers, disabled adults, disabled children, etc.). Section 1614(a) (4) of the Act gives us discretionary authority to conduct periodic CDRs on SSI recipients.

How to Prepare for a CDR

You might want to create a medical journal to keep track of your symptoms and all of your medication even over-the-counter medication. Maybe personal notes regarding how you feel. Make surevyou keep records of doctor apportnmrnts or tesrs you have had.
Also? A filing process you understand and create is imperative to make sure all of your records are in one place.
The more prepared you are? The better things will go for you.
At the review, we'll ask how your medical condition affects you and whether it's improved. We'll ask you to bring: Your doctors' names, addresses, and phone numbers. Any patient record numbers for any hospitals and other medical sources that have treated you since we last contacted you.

Types of Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs)

CDRs are performed to determine if recipients of SSA disability are still eligible.
There are two types of CDRs: full medical reviews and mailers.
We conduct two types of CDRs: full medical reviews and mailers. Using computer-scoring models, we identify cases for which there is a lower likelihood of demonstrating medical improvement. In those cases, we send a questionnaire (mailer) to the beneficiary in order to obtain additional information, which we then use to determine if a full medical review is appropriate. Full medical reviews are expensive because each one requires a new medical evaluation and disability determination.
Based on the criteria discussed above? The SSA will decide the type of CDR you will receive.
We send some cases to the State Disability Determination Services (DDS) for a full medical review; we complete others using the mailer process.
Depending on the type of CDR that has been assigned to you? You will need to complete different processes.
We will reach out to you to obtain updated information about your condition using the SSA-454 (Continuing Disability Review Report) or SSA-455 (Disability Update Report) form.

Long Form SSA-454-BK Continuing Disability Review Report - Full Medical CDR

Medical reviews will be performed to verify continued medical eligibility.
We perform Continuing Disability Reviews to determine if disabled beneficiaries still meet the medical requirements for eligibility.
During the medical CDR? The SSA will want to look at all of your medical records and any supporting medical evidence.
To increase your chances of completng a medical CDR satisfactorily? It's important to make sure all of your medical documentation are accurate, up-to-date, and detailed.
For example, keep records of doctor visits, medical test reports, treatment history, lab results, and other relevant documents.
The medical review is performed to determine if a beneficiary continues to meet all medical criteria to continue medical eligibility status. If they do not meet the medical requirements, SSA may discontinue their disability benefits.
During this review, we will determine if your current medical condition(s) meets the disability requirements as an adult. When we initiate the medical redetermination, we will use the adult criteria to determine if you are eligible for disability benefits.
Recent medical reoorts will be gathered, accessed and examined during this process.
The report records the most current information about the disabled individual’s condition since the most recent favorable medical decision or the comparison point decision (CPD).

Types of Questions / Information Required for the Medical CDR

The Medical CDR (long form) collects numerous types of data.
■ The long CDR form asks extensive questions about your disability, including:
■ whether your condition has changed
■ whether you've worked since your last review
■ what your daily activities and limitations are, and
■ what the details are of all your visits with doctors and treatment facilities.
■ You'll need to provide your healthcare providers' names and contact information so that Social Security can request your medical records.
■ Social Security will then do a full medical review (FMR) of your case, which could take three to five months.
It's possible to complete SSA-454-BK online.
SSA periodically reviews the current medical condition of all people receiving disability benefits to determine if they continue to have a qualifying disability. Requests for updated disability reports are sent by mail. Eligible beneficiaries now have the option to either return the report by mail or complete the forms using their personal mySocialSecurity account. If eligible, the person can log in to their account and complete the Continuing Disability Review Report (Form SSA-454) and Authorization to Disclose to Information to the Social Security Administration (Form SSA-827). Once submitted, they will receive an email confirmation.

Short Form SSA-455 Disability Update Report - Mailer CDR

Mailer CDRs will be performed to verify continued financial eligibility.
During the CDR, we will also review your income, resources, and living arrangements to ensure that you continue to meet the non-medical program requirements.
Complete this form only if you have received notification to do so.
Those who receive the SSA-455 now have the option to complete the Disability Update Report (SSA-455) form online.
SSA will investigate assets and earnings, etc., to determine if a beneficiary is eligible for continued monthly benefits from a financial aspect.
Form SSA-455 is a self-help mailer form designed to solicit key information from disabled beneficiaries about their medical conditions and recent treatment for same. "Recent" usually means within the last 2 years. The mailer form also asks for information about recent education or training, and recent attempts to (return to) work.
Directions for Completing SSA-455 Disability Update Report - click here.

Types of Questions / Information Required for the Mailer CDR

This form, called the "Disability Update Report," asks just a few simple questions, including:
■ whether your health has improved
■ if you and your doctor have discussed your ability to work
■ whether you've visited a doctor, clinic, or hospital
■ if you've done any recent work, and
■ whether you've recently had any kind of schooling or training.

Protection from a Medical CDR

It is possible to receive protection from a medical CDR by participating in a Ticket to Work program.
A disabled beneficiary will not have to undergo a medical continuing disability review (CDR) based on work activity alone if he or she:
■ has received disability benefits for at least 24 months; or
■ is participating in the Ticket to Work program.
Unless a Ticket to Work ticket is used? The protection is forfeited.
If a beneficiary qualifies for protection from a medical CDR based on work activity, he or she will still undergo a regularly scheduled medical CDR unless they are “using" their ticket under the Ticket to Work program.

How Long Does a CDR Take?

Most CDRs take from 1 to 6 months to complete.
Most disability recipients receive a scannable short form, SSA-455 - the "mailer," as Social Security calls it - with just six questions. Others must complete the long-form, SSA-454, the Continuing Disability Review Report. CDRs can take as little as one to three months or upwards of six month to complete.

Verifying Changes in Resources or Medical Status

An initial entitlement that you were assigned may change after a CDR.
If the SSA concludes (after the CDR) that your medical condition has improved enough so that you can return to work, your Social Security benefits will end.
After further review? A decision might be made that improvement is not expected.
All new evidence regarding your medical or non- medical status must be presented during a CDR.
During the CDR? It could be determined that your medical needs have not improved (and have in fact, deteriorated to the point that your physician may believe that your medical conditions should be reclassified as medical improvement, not expected (MINE).
It is up to the SSA to determine whether or not your original entitlement / classification should be altered (not your physician).

Frequency of CDRs?

The frequency of CDRs will vary based on your original diagnosis.
*We must review permanently disabled beneficiaries on a schedule determined to be appropriate by the Commissioner.
The policy and review schedules governing the frequency of a CDR are discussed in Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 28001.020 Frequency of Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs.

Medical Improvement Expected (MIE)

(CDRs take place every 6 - 18 months).
We will schedule a review of an individual, with an impairment expected to improve, at intervals from 6 to 18 months following the most recent determination or decision that the individual is disabled, or that disability is continuing. This review will apply to individuals with impairments, which, at the time of initial entitlement or after further review, are expected to improve sufficiently to permit the individuals to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA). This review is also applicable to Title XVI children whose impairments expect to improve to the extent in which they no longer meet or equal a medical listing.

Medical Improvement Possible (MIP)

(CDRs takes place every 3 years).
We will schedule a review (at least once every three years) of an individual with an impairment in which any improvement is possible, but which cannot be accurately predicted within a given period of time (see DI 28001.020A). This review is applicable to individuals with impairments at the time of initial entitlement or after subsequent review in which we consider any improvement possible. In these cases, improvement may occur to permit the individuals to return to SGA, but we cannot predict improvement with accuracy based on current experience and the facts of the particular case. Such impairments are not at the level of severity of impairments in which improvement is not expected.

Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE)

(CDRs takes place every 7 years).
SSA schedules reviews of an individual with an impairment not expected to improve no less frequently than once every seven years but no more frequently than once every five years. These reviews apply to individuals with impairments at initial entitlement or after further review in which any improvement is not expected. These are extremely severe impairments shown, on the basis of administrative experience, to be at least static but more likely to be progressively disabling of themselves or by reason of impairment complications. The individual is unlikely to engage in SGA. We consider the interaction of the individual's age, impairment consequences, and the lack of recent attachment to the labor market in determining whether impairment expects to improve.

What Event Could Initiate a CDR?

There are certain events that could initiate a CDR and cause a change in your benefits.
Certain events that may initiate a CDR are detailed here. Also? In addition to holding regularly scheduled CDRs, the SSA may conduct a CDR if any of the following events should occur:
You return to work (unless you've been receiving SSDI benefits for at least 24 months).
You inform the SSA that your condition has improved.
Your medical evidence indicates that your condition has improved.
A third party informs the SSA that you are not following your treatment protocol, or
A new treatment for your disabling condition has recently been introduced.
Events other than a medical alert, for example, work activity or voluntary report of medical improvement (MI), may initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR). If an individual with a Medical Improvement Expected (MIE) diary alleges medical recovery, conduct a CDR. A disabled individual may voluntarily report medical improvement or recovery. Unless the report clearly indicates no medical improvement, initiate a CDR.

CDRs and Age

Age has nothing to do with the type of CDR you might receive. It has to do with your medical status.
Your diagnosis determines how often a CDR will occur.
If you are over age 50? You will have reviews less often than someone who is not.
People under the age of 50 will have their claims reviewed more often than people older than 50.

Possible Medical Improvement

If your medical condition has improved? It does not necessarily mean that a continuing disability issue will be raised (due to the continued severity of the impairment).
Reported medical improvement does not automatically raise a CDR issue. If it is clear that a beneficiary or recipient's impairment(s) still meets or equals the severity of a listing (e.g. a double amputee), then any reported medical improvement could not reasonably be expected to result in a cessation. In a CDR review where a listing is met or equaled, only the non-medical exceptions such as fraud or similar fault, failure to cooperate, or return to work would be expected to result in a cessation.

Chances of a CDR Ending Your SSA Benefits

It's quite possible that you may lose SSA disability benefits after a CDR.
If it is determined by the SSA that your health has improved enough so that you are able to return to work?
A claims examiner or vocational specialist decides that you are capable of SGA.
You will lose your benefits.


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SSA Source Links

Note for publications: If the link won't work with your browser? Type "POMS XX XXXXX.XXX" or "SSA Publication EN-XX-XXXX" egarding a particular publication (as detailed below) in your browser / search engine.
Code of Federal Regulations §404.1590. When and how often we will conduct a continuing disability review (CDR).
Open Initiative - Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for Periodic Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) Processed and Backlog.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 13001.005 Events That May Initiate a Continuing Disability Review (CDR).
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 13004.005 An Overview of Processing Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Mailer Forms SSA-455 and SSA-455-OCR-SM.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 13005.022 Field Office (FO) Overview of the Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Process for Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE) or MINE-Equivalent Cases.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 13005.040 Completion of the Form SSA-454-BK (Continuing Disability Review Report) in Adult and Title XVI Child Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Cases.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 22510.006 When Not to Purchase a Consultative Examination (CE).
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 26525.045 Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE) or MINE-Equivalent Criteria.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 28001.003 An Overview of Processing Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Mailer Forms SSA-455 and SSA-455-OCR-SM.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 28001.020 Frequency of Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 28040.001 Background of Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE) or MINE-Equivalent Cases.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 28040.215 Full Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Required in Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE) or MINE-Equivalent Cases.
Program Operations Manual System (POMS) DI 40505.100 Medical Improvement Expected (MIE) Cases with Work Activity.
Protection From Medical Continuing Disability Reviews.
Social Security Open Government Initiative Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for Periodic Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) Processed and Backlog.
SSA Publication EN-05-10029 - Disability Benefits.
SSA Publication EN-05-10053 - How We Decide if You Still Have a Qualifying Disability.
Understanding Supplemental Security Income Continuing Disability Reviews.

Non-SSA Source Links

Continuing Disability Reviews.
Disability Secrets Understanding Continuing Disability Reviews.
How Long Does a Social Security Disability Review Take? When Will I Know if I Pass?.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Continuing Disability Review Report Now Available in my Social Security.
09-23-2022 Created 06-02-2024 Updated
submitted by Walk1000Miles to SSDI_SSI [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:29 Newrid It doesn't work. Can someone give me the exact reason why? The ai didn't help me enough.

I just don't understand the explanation. Even though not the best, it seems like it should still work.


Charon the Ferryman carries souls across the river Styx to the world of the dead but does so only for a fee. It's a business after all.
Check whether the recently deceased has a coin. If they do, print Welcome to Charon's boat!
The variable coin stores a Boolean value, so it qualifies as a condition. If coin has False value, alas! There's nothing to be done about it.
In the end, let's warn everyone in the underworld (both those in the boat and those overboard) by printing the message There is no turning back.
My code:
coin = bool(int(input())) # don't modify this line, please
if coin == True:
print("Welcome to Charon's boat!")
print("There is no turning back.")
why doesn't my way work?
AI Advisor, 03:22:57
Your original code is checking if the value of coin is equal to True. However, since coin is already a boolean value, this comparison is not necessary.
In Python, boolean values are considered "truthy" or "falsy" depending on their value. For example, True is considered "truthy" and False is considered "falsy".
So, instead of checking if coin is equal to True, you can simply check if coin is "truthy" by using it as a boolean value directly.
Here's an example:
# read the value from the input coin = bool(int(input())) # don't modify this line, please if coin: print("Welcome to Charon's boat!") else: print("There is no turning back.") 
In this modified version of your code, we're checking if coin is "truthy" by simply using it as a boolean value in the if statement.
I hope this helps clarify things! Let me know if you have any further questions.
edit: *****SOLUTION*****
It wasn't about truthyness. My code worked for what I was trying to do. However, it said to give the warning regardless. So solution:

read the value from the input

coin = bool(int(input())) # don't modify this line, please
if coin == True:
print("Welcome to Charon's boat!")
print("There is no turning back.")
print("There is no turning back.")
submitted by Newrid to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 09:15 Ihavenofslefttogive In Regards To Pregnant Primarchs 2: Atlanta

Hello once again all, this comes at the request of u/Arrancar113 from my last post of a similar name involving Kassandra Kurze and the potential reactions of her being pregnant, that said, this will follow the same layout which is:
  1. How would the Primarchs react to learning they are pregnant?
  2. How would everyone else (Their Legion, The Emperor, Etc.) react to learning they are pregnant?
  3. How bad would their mood swings/cravings be?
  4. How long would it take the Apothecaries to heal their SOs hips?
  5. How would they handle learning they are having more than one child, such as twins or triplets?
  6. What kind of parent would they end up being to the child?
I also wish to say that I make these as discussion posts, but since that is not a tag I don't really know what to use, so please feel free to list your own thoughts on what you feel the Primarch would be like in the comments, with that bit said, let us begin.
  1. In contrast to Kurze, who all reacted to with horror and dread, this one is more a case of genuine awe, sure there is no small amount of dread at the thought of what will happen later on in the future, especially with mood swings, but at the same time there is genuine shock and awe as they try and process the image of Atlanta, a woman that is carnage incarnate, being pregnant.
There is also genuine respect for her Rose and their bravery and endurance to have managed to impregnate the war machine made flesh, though it is also mixed with pity from each of the Primarchs as they realize just what kind of hell the Rose is going to be going through over the course of said pregnancy.
Freya hosts a feast in honor of the Rose, sure she may want a child of her own now, but first they must properly honor the brave soul that has managed to impregnate the living force of nature that is her sister, the Space Wolves and her Slayer each offering prayers to the Empress for the poor fool and the World Eaters as they drink in their honor.
Fulgrim is torn between wanting to put her Muse through their paces and the inspiration she feels as she picks up her art supplies once more and begins work on a new series of masterpieces, each commemorating the brave Rose and the sacrifice they and the World Eaters have made.
Though once she is done with said art, her Muse will not be leaving the room for a while, I would say the bed but...Fulgrim...I don't feel like I need to say that there is likely not a single piece of furniture in that room they have not gone at it on or against.
Regalia is already drafting up plans to improve the fortifications on both Terra and her home, one Atlanta causes enough collateral damage as it is, two of them will likely result in her needing to rebuild her fortresses many times if she does not pre-emptively prepare for them.
Her Dear One is put to work as the caffeine supply agent for her, something that is made quite easy given that each of her sisters, and the Emperor himself, have been sending her the strongest coffees and caffeine heavy drinks to insure she is able to fortify everything in time, with her life becoming Work, be forced to sleep every few days, drink a lot of coffee and work until the birth and sometime afterwards.
Aurelia prays for the Imperium and the stability of its bases, even as she likewise prays their enemies are smart enough to know to surrender, she likewise prays for the sanity and safety of Hathor and Juno who are likely going to be dealing with a sizable amount of political incidents due to Atlanta's mood swings.
Her Little Light joins her in the prayers despite their lack of faith, with the rest of the Word Bearers similarly following suit, even Erebus mutters a prayer for the sake of the Rose if for no other reason than respect for their audacity.
That said, the Little Light still gets put through their paces once the prayers are done, if for no other reason than stress relief for both of them.
Hathor and her Consort, along with Juno and her Centurion, are buried in work as they try and prepare for any political disaster that may occur because someone sets Atlanta off, alongside of many worlds and rebel elements that have heard the news surrendering and pleading for mercy before the World Eaters and their mother arrive on their worlds.
Any intercourse either of the pairs have is purely for stress relief at this point, true the news may have sparked their own desire for children, but that can wait for once they are no longer concealed behind mountains of paperwork.
At least their legions are being good and doing all they can to help with the workload and reduce the stress their mothers and their lovers are under.
Petra has begun to improve her own fortifications similar to Regalia, though she has also begun to improve her armor as much as she can, a desire to put as much ceramite between her and her pregnant sister and any potential fits of rage she may have.
Her Assistant is thankfully spared the pelvis breaking as the two of them are too busy trying to make sure that nothing will be broken by Atlanta and her potential Mini-me, sure there may be some jealousy from Petra and a though of having a child of her own, , but that can wait till they are done making sure their home and them are secured.
Lion may be jealous and want a child of her own now that she knows it is possible, but primarily she is worried about the sheer amount of potential damage that Atlanta and her child could bring, especially in regards to their own forces and infrastructure should they be provoked.
Her squire and Legion have their training increased once more, this time more so to have a hope of holding out long enough to get the hell out of there than anything else, likewise she has reached out to Petra in hopes of convincing her to help them fortify their home once she finished with her own in exchange for her legion helping with security, a deal the Countess of Iron is all too happy to accept.
Ferrus and Hestia are both in their forges, trying to make something, anything, that can reliably protect themselves, their legion, and their lovers from the Berserker and her child to come, with the addition of making something that, worst case, be used to restrain the pair.
The pair's focus on safety outweighs any desire for children of their own in this case, though they still go at it with their respective lovers for stress relief and perhaps a slight amount of desire for a child that is not buried under worry for how much carnage will soon be unleashed.
Magna, similar to with Kassandra, orders Prospero reinforced, likewise she begins to have her Legion aid her in researching for spells and such that can aid them in evacuating the battlefield the moment her sister arrives, along with any and all things that can protect them from Atlanta's fury should it be provoked.
A part of her wants a child of her own, and manifests in her increased amorous nature with her Magistrate, along side of research into fertility enhancing methods, something her sisters are very interested in the results of, but largely she wants to insure that her and hers have a reliable means of either getting the hell out of there quickly, or at least holding the mountain of a woman back till help can arrive.
Morrigan is exceptionally glad that she is on the opposite end of the Imperium as her Lily and her try and find a way to potentially incapacitate the World Eaters leader and her child should they go berserk with some form of non-lethal toxin or chemical in the event they are on the same battlefield as the pair, along with finding a suitable place to flee to should said efforts fail.
That said, the idea that Atlanta of all of her siblings is with child does make Morrigan more than a little jealous and as such her Lily has had to endure Morrigan's own growing desire for a child of her own flesh and blood, with the Primarch having begun her own research into fertility enhancing methods with her chemicals, something which has yielded...interesting results.
Alakhai, similar to with Kassandra, has been finding way to improve her and her legions speed so that they could be able to get out of any situation that involves Atlanta and her temper being roused in this current state, along with being bale to potentially rescue anyone unlucky enough to be caught in said blast radius.
While her slight envy of her sister does still lead to the Whirlwind being put through their paces, it is not quite so as bad as with the case of Kassandra becoming pregnant, though they still have trouble walking whenever the pair are done and more often than not have to be carried around by Alakhai.
Kassandra...oh boy...the moment she learns that her sister is with child is the moment she realizes her visions never accounted for something like that occurring, and it is also the moment her envious desire to have a child of her own, to have something to hold and call her own flesh and blood, reaches its zenith.
The Night Lords come to learn to not mention the pregnancy around her, that is if they yet wish to maintain the current position of their head...and their skin, though such a thing has become quite rare as, outside of battle or when something demands her attention, she is not seen outside of her chambers.
None of the Night Lords can recall when they last saw their Primarch's beacon for that matter, but none of them are dumb enough to bring that up, nor are they dumb enough to mention the way that the Apothecaries tend to vanish for several hours and then re-appear, all they do is give them a nod out of respect and keep their mouths shut.
Emperor willing they will all live long enough to actually have cause to worry about a miniature Atlanta running around.
The Twins are running around as they adjust their plans to account for the new variable that is their sisters child, along with researching any and all means of avoiding being within fighting range of her, and of discovering a safe and secret place for them to withdraw to should the worse come to pass.
Though, the idea that Atlanta of all of their kin his managed to become with child is something that has lit a fire in them, they will not permit the most unsubtle of their sisters to be the only one to have a child, something the Detective has had to contend with as the twins alternate between which one of them is at work on their projects, and which one is shattering hips and beds.
One of them will become pregnant, they will not take no for an answer.
Corva has begun to research ways completely erase any and all traces of her presence even more than she already can, along with attempting to create or find any form of stealth based technology that she can find in order to make sure that her and her legion are able to escape should Atlanta an or her child loose themselves on the battlefield.
That said, like the twins it is the idea that someone who is the polar opposite of how she operates has managed to become pregnant before her that strikes a chord in her, not quite envy, but some form of it mixed with a damaged professional pride.
She will have a hatchling of her own, and her Nightingale is going to help her in this quest...and the Apothecary is going to help the Nightingale on their quest to help the Primarch become with child.
Sanguinia, good birb that she is, is already gathering material to help teach the little one even as she likewise baby proofs her own stronghold in the event she has to watch over her new niece/nephew, an offer which made Atlanta actually gape at her in shock for a moment before she smiled and nodded at her as she patted her head before she walked off.
Sanguinia had a headache for the rest of the day afterwards.
That said, the knowledge that she can get pregnant like her sister, that she can have a physical manifestation of her love with her Dove, is something that has driven her to be a great deal more...amorous lets say, with her Dove than before, with the pair rarely being seen outside of their room save for the need to be on the battlefield or to attend to something else...or get the Apothecary...or wine.
  1. The World Eaters were in a state of such total dumbfounded shock that they were convinced that the entire thing had been a shared mass hallucination incited by a servant of the Four, especially when they saw heard their Primarch's breathless statement before she fell on her back in a faint.
The earth shaking impact jolting them to their senses as they raced to get Atlanta to her feet again, before they all had a moment of dumbfounded shock as they realized they would be elder siblings to an actual flesh and blood child of their Primarch.
What followed could only be described as the World Eaters channeling the Iron Warrior and Imperial Fists as they fortified and renovated their main stronghold and main ship to accommodate a child, they also ended up channeling the Thousand Sons as they researched as much as they could on the matter of how to take care of a child, and that says nothing of their...renewed approach to battle shall we say.
Before hand, the World Eaters were already a force dreaded for their brutality and efficiency on the field of battle, but now?
Now they are the tide sanguine come to wash all away, they will cleans and claim as much as they can before their little sibling joins this material world, something which ahs launched Atlanta's part of the Crusade well ahead of all of her siblings as they burn a path across the stars.
As for the Emperor, in his case it is something else that helps to tie his daughter to humanity and to keep her grounded, his own scientific curiosity as to just how the child will turn out makes him even more interested in the child and their potential.
That said, it also increases the need to get the Butcher's Nails out of Atlanta's head, something he already wanted to do, but now it has become a much greater necessity, something which has lead to him and Malcador hunting down anything they can to find a means of removing the nails, a hunt that has lead to many pieces of Dark Age medical technology being found along with old breakthroughs being re-discovered.
Now to find something that works on the nails and a means to destroy them afterwards.
As for the 4, or rather 1 as Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh are only mildly interested in this unexpected outcome, with Slaanesh being more interested in the how the Primarch became pregnant, in regards to what form of intercourse finally lead to it happening than anything else.
Khorne however is very interested in this development, as not only could this be a potential means of inciting Atlanta to fall to his designs, but it could also become another champion of his if nurtured properly, something which has made him consider taking steps to insure the child's own fall when necessary or...hmm...there is always the option of seeing what would happen if he were to spare some of his blood and power to corrupt the young one.
Only time would tell which option the Lord of War takes.
  1. Oh...Oh Fuck...Yeah that is not going to be fun to be a witness to for those who get the misfortune of seeing the already violent warrior completely enraged beyond comprehension as she tears limbs from bodies and tramples all others under her feet as she surges forward.
What is worse, at least for her legion and Rose, is the times when she will begin to cry, the nails sparking as tears leak from the towering woman's eyes over the smallest of things, something that leads to the World Eaters searching for their mother's Rose and carrying them over to her as soon as possible to try and calm her down.
The image of their Primarch, sometimes caked in blood and viscera, holding her lover and sobbing over the fact that one of her axes has a slight chip to it is arguably more horrifying to them than any display of savage brutality, at least they are used to the carnage.
As for her cravings, for some reason I feel that the majority of her cravings would be centered around meats of various kinds, typically as rare as possible...somewhat alive works as well at times, though there is also the likelihood of her going for random other cravings that causes the Legion to drop everything and hotfoot it to get what they need before she decides she wants to see how they taste.
The less they say about the time she decided to see what an Ork tastes like when one made the mistake of getting too near to her is for the better...as it the time she went to Catachan and...they don't really know what happened there, only that she said the Barking Frogs did not taste as good as she thought they would.
They did not ask, nor will they ever do so under penalty of threat.
  1. They are at the point of considering swallowing their pride and dragging Bile from their lab to help them deal with this, or to at least enhance them because they are running out of medical supplies, patience, and alcohol to help them regain their patience.
Many of them are considering fleeing the ship and finding some quiet place to try and sleep in, but they know that Kharn would hunt them down and haul them back to the ship if they did so, though some of them have reached the point of considering the idea of fighting Kharn to be worth the chance to rest.
Arguably the engineers that are tasked with constantly repairing her bed are the ones that get the truly horrible end of this deal, as they are locked in an endless struggle to try and make an unbreakable bed, so far they have tried the plating used on Dreadnoughts and are now moving on to 'liberating' pieces of battleship plating to use in their next experimental bed design.
  1. The World Eaters have tripled the speed of their impromptu Crusade, they now have to make the stars ready for multiple little siblings after all, though the other Legions would very much appreciate if they would wait for them to catch up and stop making them all look inefficient with their work ethic.
As for Atlanta herself, she was silent, the nails sparking and humming as she felt something leak from the corners of her eyes as she felt her Rose place their hand on her stomach as they looked up at her with a tearful smile of their own as their towering lover fell to her knees to embrace them as the pair wept in joy.
The pair spent the rest of the day in each others arms, both of them smiling as they laid their hands over Atlanat's stomach even as they slept, Kharn being the sacrificial lamb sent forth to cover them with a blanket before he fled back to his brothers, vowing that they were going to know hell the next time they sparred.
The other Primarchs have accelerated the speed of their fortifications, Ferrus and Regalia have both received enough requests to fortify their sisters strongholds, along with various other worlds, that they their lovers and them have made miniature fortresses of them when they need to decompress.
They are of the opinion that those Mini-Forts are soon to be as massive as a normal fortress at the rate they are accumulating them.
(This part was inspired by a comment by u/CountDVB made on the last post concerning Kassandra) Juno has been approached by the Rose and Atlanta separately in the hopes of convincing her to reach out to herm other for some advice on the matter of how to take care of the children when they are born.
She has been busy trying to figure out how to word her request to her mother, and how she can convince Atlanta and Rose to not follow her to her homeworld to beg her mother for her wisdom in person, she does not want to try to explain to her mother that the giantess, the relatively small person next to her, and the legion of armor clad warriors kneeling to her begging for wisdom are her pregnant sister, her lover, and their Legion.
She would never hear the end of it.
  1. You ever hear about Mama Bears? Think an over 9ft tall Mama Bear clad in near impervious armor and madder than a bull hopped up on a pound of the finest Peruvian Nose Candy that ahs just been stabbed in the ass by a particularly fucked Matador and you are on the right track.
A single glance in her child's direction with what she assumes to be hostile intention and the walls, floors, and ceilings will have a new paint job once she is done, don't worry about a burial, there won't be enough left of them to be put in a match box once she is done with them.
Battles become a simple equation of, Atlanta wants to see her child, to see her child and Rose again she has to win the battle, therefore the equation is: Mama Atlanta + Desire to see child and Rose again + Mounting anger at the thought of the enemy hurting her child (illogical yes but a Mama Bear will always assume the worst) = A thoroughly red planet and Atlanta being shooed into a shower by her Rose when she returns under threat of being hosed down if she does not shower as Khorne revels in the bloodshed he has witnessed.
After the child is first born, she will be worried about hurting them if she holds them, though her Rose is able to convince her to hold them and look at them, at that tiny and frail thing that is starting to look up at her with eyes so full of innocence that she feels something within her roar to shield them from the world, to hide them away so that nothing could soil that innocence.
It is as she holds her child, watches as they reach up their tiny hands and pull her finger down to suckle on as her Rose moves to lay beside her, that she feels something shift inside of her, the world blacking out as she hears her lover cry out as her baby begins to cry.
When she awakens, it is to a world no longer tinted red as she looks at her lover and child, curled up on top of her, tears leaking from her eyes as she wraps her arms around them, uncaring of why it is she no longer feels the endless rage within her, or why it is that her head is wrapped in gauze, only that her family is in her arms and she can hold them close.
Yet only a fool assumes that the nails absence has mitigated her fury and might, if anything the ability to feel all that she should have been able to before the nails were put into her, has driven her to fight to heights not seen before by her Legion as she fights to insure that her child will be able to enjoy this wonderous feeling that grants her warmth as she does.
This feeling her tearful Rose had called 'Happiness' as they held her and kissed her as their baby giggled at them like they were the most amusing thing in the universe.
Yes, for that small cub and the one she loves, she will tear Khorne from his throne and drown his worlds in his own blood.
And nothing will stop her.
And that's all she wrote for this one folks! As before, please let me know your own thoughts on the matter in the comments.
I'll either be working on Sanguinia or Leona next, I will leave it up to a coinflip.
Heads, Sanguinia.
Tails, Leona.
The result are...
To be revealed in the next post!
See you then folks!
submitted by Ihavenofslefttogive to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:49 JumpyOccasion5004 Is it OK to say "I have a mixed feeling/answer" in indepent speaking question?

Hi everyone. I find that some questions are quite hard to pick a single side. Just like: "Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All workers should be required to stop working and retire by age 65. Use details and examples to explain your opinion."
Can I say that " Tbh, I don't have a specific answer for this question. On one hand....... On the other hand,......."?What do you think of this? Any comment wll be hightly appreciated, thanks
submitted by JumpyOccasion5004 to ToeflAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:27 dandy_vagabond What is it called when my (M35) girlfriend (F35) does this?

My girlfriend (f35) and I (m35) have been together for about four years. Sometimes, it feels like we're speaking different languages and
We are currently in an argument, and I have said "I try to be very careful and specific about what I say. I get frustrated because it is often the case that you bring up my statements in arguments, but the version that you present is often the opposite of what I said, or it's a twisted/exaggerated version of what I said. For instance...[shows texts messages as examples]."
She responded with something close to "You're right. I'm sorry I'm such a manipulative b____ who twists your words to fit my agenda. I'm f___ing horrible, aren't I?"
What is that type of response called? I don't have a name for it. How do I constructively call it out and respond?
TL:DR: Girlfriend gets mad during arguments and starts blaming herself for everything and saying she's terrible- idk how to respond.
submitted by dandy_vagabond to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:25 anonymouse781 I'm new to C/C++ and have a question about i++ increment in a for/if statement.

I'm testing a button build. Simply, serial print the state when pressed and not pressed.
It seems ridiculous to have a loop look at each button state individually, instead of checking all button states at the same time. I think this should increase button response time, since there isn't a wait time for the loop to cycle through button state checks before it gets back to the button in question.
But, i cant find an example of where the for statement doesn't have an i++ incremental counter of each button state.
Am I thinking about this all wrong? if there were 1 million buttons and we are using the i++ increment it would take forever before the state of the millionth button is known. Why aren't we looking at all button states at the same time? why incrementally, one at a time?
How would I write it so the increment math isnt i = i + 1 and instead just checks all button states at the same time, each time?
submitted by anonymouse781 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:08 Stevecharles01 How To Improve Essay Writing

Improving essay writing skills involves a combination of understanding the fundamentals of essay structure, enhancing your language and grammar proficiency, and refining your ability to develop and communicate ideas clearly. Here are some steps and tips to help you improve your essay writing:

1. Understand the Essay Structure

2. Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

3. Plan and Outline

4. Enhance Your Vocabulary and Grammar

5. Use Clear and Concise Language

6. Develop Your Argument and Analysis

7. Improve Your Research Skills

8. Practice Writing Regularly

9. Edit and Revise

10. Read and Analyze Good Writing

11. Seek Feedback

12. Use Writing Resources

By following these steps and consistently practicing, you'll see improvement in your essay writing skills. Remember, writing is a skill that develops over time, so be patient and persistent.
submitted by Stevecharles01 to u/Stevecharles01 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:08 tempmailgenerator Deciphering PHP Syntax: Understanding Special Symbols

Exploring PHP's Unique Syntax

In the vast expanse of web development, PHP stands out as a cornerstone for creating dynamic web pages and applications. This scripting language, embedded within HTML, offers a blend of simplicity for beginners and profound depth for seasoned developers. Understanding PHP's syntax is akin to learning the grammar of a new language, where each symbol and structure has a distinct purpose and meaning. Special symbols in PHP, often overlooked, play a critical role in the language's functionality. They are the keystones that unlock PHP's flexibility and power, enabling developers to perform operations, control data flow, and manage variables with precision.
As we delve deeper into the nuances of PHP syntax, the significance of these symbols becomes increasingly apparent. They are not merely decorative; they are the gears that drive the machine. For instance, symbols like the dollar sign ($) signify variables, the arrow (->) accesses object properties, and the double colon (::) refers to static properties or methods. Each symbol serves as a compact expression of an operation or relationship, streamlining code and enhancing readability. By mastering these symbols, developers can harness PHP's full potential, crafting code that is both efficient and elegant.
Symbol Description
$ Variable declaration
-> Object property access
:: Static property or method access
== Equality comparison
=== Identity comparison (value and type)

Delving Deeper into PHP Symbolism

Understanding the nuances of PHP symbols is fundamental for any developer looking to master web development with this language. PHP, a server-side scripting language, is imbued with a rich set of symbols that dictate the flow of operations, data manipulation, and the overall logic of the application. Symbols in PHP go beyond mere variable declaration or function calls; they embody the essence of the language's syntax and are pivotal in defining the behavior of scripts. For instance, the use of parentheses () in function calls and if statements precisely controls the execution flow, ensuring that operations are carried out in the correct sequence. Similarly, curly braces {} not only define the scope of loops and conditional statements but also encapsulate blocks of code, providing clarity and structure to the script.
Beyond these basic symbols, PHP's syntax includes a variety of operators that serve different purposes, from mathematical operations to string concatenation and comparison. The equality (==) and identity (===) operators, for example, are crucial in comparing values within conditions, with the latter ensuring type safety in comparisons. Moreover, the concatenation operator (.) is a simple yet powerful tool for combining strings, allowing for dynamic content creation within PHP scripts. These symbols, when used effectively, enhance the readability and maintainability of code, allowing developers to express complex logic succinctly. As such, a deep understanding of PHP's symbolic language is not just about syntax; it's about embracing a methodology that facilitates elegant and efficient programming.

Variable Declaration and Usage

Programming Language: PHP

Accessing Object Properties

Scripting Language: PHP
property; ?> 

Using Static Properties and Methods

Code Language: PHP

Unveiling the Secrets of PHP Syntax

PHP, standing as one of the most popular server-side scripting languages, is designed primarily for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. The richness of PHP lies in its simplicity for beginners, while still offering advanced features for professional developers. Its syntax is intuitive yet powerful, allowing for the creation of complex web applications with minimal code. PHP's symbols and structures, such as variables, loops, and conditional statements, form the backbone of its syntax, enabling developers to manipulate data, control program flow, and interact with databases seamlessly. This flexibility is crucial for developing dynamic web pages that can adjust content based on user input or external data sources.
Moreover, PHP integrates seamlessly with HTML, making it a versatile choice for embedding server-side code within web pages. This integration allows for a smooth workflow where PHP scripts can generate HTML content on the fly, leading to interactive and dynamic user experiences. PHP's extensive standard library further extends its capabilities, offering a wide range of functions for file handling, database interaction, and network communication, among others. Understanding PHP's syntax and how its symbols contribute to its functionality opens up endless possibilities for web development, making it an essential skill for developers looking to create feature-rich web applications.

FAQs on PHP Syntax

  1. Question: What does the dollar sign ($) symbolize in PHP?
  2. Answer: The dollar sign ($) is used to declare a variable in PHP.
  3. Question: How do you comment code in PHP?
  4. Answer: You can comment code in PHP using // for single line comments and /* */ for block comments.
  5. Question: What is the difference between == and === in PHP?
  6. Answer: == is used for value equality comparison, while === is used for value and type comparison.
  7. Question: How do you access an object property in PHP?
  8. Answer: You can access an object property using the -> operator.
  9. Question: What is the purpose of the include() function in PHP?
  10. Answer: The include() function is used to include and evaluate a specified file in the script.
  11. Question: Can PHP scripts be combined with HTML pages?
  12. Answer: Yes, PHP scripts can be embedded within HTML pages to create dynamic web content.
  13. Question: What is the use of the $_GET array in PHP?
  14. Answer: The $_GET array is used to collect data sent in the URL query string.
  15. Question: How can you create a constant in PHP?
  16. Answer: You can create a constant using the define() function.
  17. Question: What is the purpose of the isset() function?
  18. Answer: The isset() function checks if a variable is set and is not null.
  19. Question: How do you start and end a PHP block of code?
  20. Answer: A PHP block of code starts with .

Wrapping Up PHP's Symbolic Syntax

As we conclude our exploration of PHP's symbolic syntax, it's evident that the language's symbols are not just arbitrary characters; they are the very building blocks of PHP programming. Each symbol we've discussed, from the variable declaration symbol ($) to the object property accessor (->), plays a crucial role in how developers write and understand PHP code. These symbols contribute to PHP's flexibility and power, allowing for clear, concise, and effective coding practices. Mastery of PHP syntax and its symbols is more than a technical skill—it's a gateway to creating robust, dynamic web applications that can cater to a myriad of web development needs. Whether you're a beginner looking to make your mark in the world of web development or a seasoned developer honing your skills, understanding PHP symbols is indispensable. Embracing the depth and nuances of PHP syntax opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to craft solutions that are not only functional but also elegant and efficient. Thus, the journey through PHP's symbolic landscape is both a foundational step and a continual learning path in the ever-evolving domain of web development.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 08:04 Chameleonizard Decided to do the 40q questionnaire to hopefully resolve any lingering doubts about my type

So I made a post yesterday where I only compared the two types I was considering the most which received a lot of helpful answers but also a couple of suggestions to do a questionnaire so here's me doing just that with the hopes of giving a more comprehensive view of myself and reaching a resolution.
Section 1
  1. How do you work? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters that determine whether you can do work or not? What are they?
There’s no consistent rhythm to my work, I’m just interested in getting whatever needs to be done regardless of the means. Maybe there are some patterns to my work style like excessively validating what I do but even that depends on the situation. I’m also inclined to take advantage of what I’d like to call reasonable delay where I’m happy to wait to do something or even submit something I’ve already done to make some free time for myself, especially working from home.
People go to work because it’s basically like a necessary stage of life for those who aren’t privileged enough to avoid it. It’s a means for them to obtain the things they actually want. Although ironically this endeavour also robs people of a lot of the time they can spend on that.
Well, I suppose job interviews are one way of determining the suitability of a person to do the work or not. Beyond that, their continued performance in the role. Of course there may also be factors involved not even related to the work such as politics and office dynamics.
  1. How do you determine the quality of work? How do you determine the quality of a purchase? Do you pay any attention to it?
I mostly determine the quality of work based on the results and how well it reflects the process. For example, there’s a difference between a hastily submitted report clearly done at the last minute without much thought and a comprehensive one covering all the relevant bases in a way that’s formatted perfectly. I determine the quality of a purchase by how fulfilling it is. I only consider objective parameters like price when comparing similar items and am willing to overspend for something I desire.
  1. There is a professional next to you. How do you know they are a professional? How do you evaluate their skill?
By how they’re working. There’s a certain self-assuredness and confidence that often characterises a professional. You can tell they have a lot of experience in that role and are almost working on auto-pilot. Of course there are also more obvious indicators like their job title.
  1. If you struggle to do something, how do you fix that? Do you know if your performance is better or worse than others?
I try to get to the root of the issue first which might require some tests or trial and error sessions. That’s honestly the most important part because there are times when there isn’t really something to fix but a thing that was overlooked and which is affecting the whole process.
  1. How do you measure the success of a job? What standard do you use? Do you pay attention to it? When should you deviate from this standard?
Not particularly different from how I look at quality of work or a professional. But I suppose the success of a job from a personal perspective can be measured by how well it’s enabling you to live your life. To me a job is a way to either survive or get the resources you need to invest in things you value. If a job is making me feel miserable while also not doing anything to improve my conditions, it is not a successful job.
Section 2
  1. What is a whole? Can you identify its parts? Are the parts equivalent to the whole?
A whole is something in its entirety. Like a big circle of everything it encompasses. You can identify its parts by diving deeper. A part can be equivalent to the hole depending on how influential it is to that system and especially in comparison to the others.
  1. What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? How do you know you are being logical?
Forgive the obvious answer but logical is simply what makes sense, particularly in terms of cause and effect. In a way it’s about identifying the truth of what happens or what’s the consequence of any action. If I decide to bang my head against a wall, it’s logical if my desire was to feel pain or express my frustration without any concern for my physical well-being.
  1. What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Explain how hierarchy is used in a system you are familiar with.
A hierarchy is basically an arrangement of people or things based on their perceived importance, status, influence, etc. A very obvious hierarchy is a corporation structure but there are also hierarchies that are not so well-defined but more implicit that usually concern social status or even a friend group. I think a lot of people are maintaining some kind of hierarchy in their heads or at least a ranking which could conceivably work as one. There are some obviously problematic hierarchies but I don’t think they are inherently as such. It’s basically you arranging your priorities or values.
  1. What is classification? How does classification work? Why is it needed and where is it applied? Give examples.
Classification is organising people or things into groups based on shared characteristics or their significance to some common theme. Classifications are a way of facilitating how we understand the world. We create neat little boxes and sort whatever we experience into one or more of them. Like with hierarchies, there are definitely bad approaches to classification, really any way of rationalising how we see the world can be used for nefarious means. Socionics itself is a good example of classification.
  1. Are your ideas consistent? How do you know they are consistent? How do you spot inconsistency in others' ideas?
I don’t particularly concern myself with the consistency of my ideas. I just believe in what I think to be true and if there are contradictions arising between two things I happen to value, so be it. People are complex and it’s often those who have neatly packaged all their ideas and beliefs to deliberately be in accordance with a general agenda they seek to convey that I find to be suspect. Although, I do value consistency in an idea if it concerns the same subject and don’t like hypocrisy. For example, if someone has certain standards for evaluating one person but different for another, I dislike that.
Section 3
  1. Can you press people? What methods do you use? How does it happen?
Not really, I’ve always been lacking in this department. I’m not a pushover but I’m not capable of pushing people, even the idea of politely urging them to do something can occasionally be difficult. This doesn’t mean I don’t try it when there’s an urgent situation or when I’m not in a good mood though. But even then my approach is more passive-aggressive where I almost try to appeal to their guilt for not doing something I’d asked or wanted. Or perhaps I’ll come up with sound rational reasons for doing it.
  1. How do you get what you want? What do you do if you have to work to get what you want?
Depends on what it is that I want to get and what’s the best way to get it. I typically don’t like to have to work or do something I don’t like doing to obtain something that I do desire, but obviously that can depend on how much I value the thing I want. But generally I avoid engaging in any process I know I won’t enjoy.
  1. How do you deal with opposition? What methods do you use to defend your interests?
I think I’m fairly stubborn and capable of holding on to my interests. I’m not aggressive but it’s hard for someone to make me budge on something especially if I really value it. I can often be a rock.
  1. When do you think it's ok to occupy someone's space? Do you recognize it?
When you’re absolutely sure they’re comfortable with it. I think I have a good understanding of boundaries and recognise when someone needs their space but I also have a general reluctance to invade space where it takes a lot more to convince me to do it even if I’ve been invited.
  1. Do others think you are a strong-willed person? Do you think you have a strong will?
I don’t think so. I probably appear as someone who’s rather passive and unclear on what they want to do, which I won’t disagree with. My goals and interests feel like they’re heavily obscured by some mental fog and I’m often just going through the motions or in pursuit of whatever fancy I happen to have at the time. Even when I feel passionately about something, I have trouble communicating or manifesting it unless my actions subconsciously betray it.
Section 4
  1. How do you satisfy your physical senses? What examples can you give? What physical experiences are you drawn to?
Conventionally, I suppose. I don’t particularly seek out physical experiences for them alone. There’s always some other goal in mind. I eat according to what I think would keep me fit, I drink to eradicate my anxiety, etc. I don’t mind having a suboptimal experience if it has a positive effect on what I want to do. A good example is when I’m travelling with a group and they stop to admire some view. I sort of just take the atmosphere in for a moment and then I’m already ready to move on lol. Travelling itself is not really something I’m interested in as something contributing to my record of exciting physical experiences but a possible avenue for improving my mental health or as a social activity.
  1. How do you find harmony with your environment? How do you build a harmonious environment? What happens if this harmony is disturbed?
By having a comfortable space where I have whatever I need. Something that allows my mental state to be in the optimal condition and helps me think clearly. Often just being alone and left to my devices might be enough.
  1. What does comfort mean to you? How do you create it?
I sort of addressed it in the previous question. Comfort to me is basically the elimination of discomfort, unease, and anxiety. Anything that keeps the unwanted thoughts anyway, nourishes my mind, and gives me the autonomy to be myself. I have a good idea of what spaces I’d like to avoid and which ones I’m drawn to.
  1. How do you express yourself in your hobbies? How do you engage yourself with those things?
I like expressing my creativity in my hobbies if they’re of that sort. In public I also like it as a way of letting people know me and what I’m about. For example, I can be particular about what book I want to read or what movie I want to watch, even if no one’s actually looking. I also like feeling as if what I’m engaging in is having a salubrious or intellectual effect on my psyche.
  1. Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself, or trust someone else to do it? Why?
I’m not sure I would care too much. I’d just trust someone else to do it. Maybe give them a theme to work with without going into the aesthetics.
Section 5
  1. Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
Yes, maybe not if they’re incongruent with the atmosphere, unless the message they want to convey is quite urgent or important and specifically with the intention of changing the emotional state of the room. It’s only inappropriate if it’s harmful and with bad intent, or oblivious in a way that’s detrimental. An obvious example of an inappropriate expression of emotions would be someone maybe chortling at a joke during a funeral.
  1. How do you express your emotions? Can you tell how your expressions affect others in a positive or negative way?
I’m not really an expressive person and am actually quite stoic most of the time, but I think my social anxiety plays some part in that. I have insecurities because of which I have a certain reluctance to emote or express myself. People say I rarely if ever smile for example although that’s not necessarily because of how I feel. That said, I do have other ways of expressing myself, usually to convey some sort of frustration lol. I think I’m too self-absorbed to really tell how my expressions affect others to be honest. Too preoccupied with how I’m feeling and the anxiety of not offending others.
  1. Are you able to change your demeanor in order to interact with your environment in a more or less suitable way? How do you determine what is suitable?
I can do that to a degree but again, the confidence issues I have sort of limit the full spectrum of what I can do. Generally I know what mask should be worn for what situation and I’m able to recognise the right way of conducting myself even if I can’t do it. A lot of my internal tension actually comes from knowing I have to act a certain way but not being able to do it or not wanting to do it. I can tell what is suitable by observing other people and just having a general knowledge of what’s the norm from my experiences.
  1. In what situations do you feel others' feelings? Can you give examples of when you wanted to improve the mood of others?
I can feel them almost always. Don’t think there’s a particular trigger that activates this sense. I can feel compelled to improve the moods of others when, for lack of a better team, I can clearly sense the bad vibes in the room. However, I’m often inclined to just leave the room if I can see the situation devolving into something messy. I don’t take the initiative to lift the spirits by default because of my tendency to shy away from attention.
  1. How do others' emotions affect you? How does your internal emotional state correlate or contrast with what you express?
Depends on the nature of the emotion and also my internal state at the time. In real-life social situations I tend to just process them quietly without necessarily reciprocating them. I’d react or judge in my head. Online or anonymously I suppose I’m more capable of matching the wavelength of that emotion and further offering my response to it. My internal state is often at odds with what I’m expressing, or rather, the lack of expression. I’m often just commenting on things in silence and running an inner monologue.
Section 6
  1. How can you tell how much emotional space there is between yourself and others?
It’s just evident to me, there’s no deliberate measures I take to identify the emotional space between myself and others. I’m subconsciously aware of it based on what I’ve observed about people.
  1. How can you affect this space?
By considering how I feel about this person, although it rarely goes beyond that. I’m rather passive in this regard and my approach is often more about changing things about myself and hoping they notice rather than directly entering this space.
  1. How do you determine how much you like or dislike someone else? How does this affect your relationships?
Again, I don’t have some objective parameters to determine this, it’s something I’m just aware of innately. I don’t necessarily have rational reasons to like or dislike someone and a lot of it is based on vibes. Although I suppose a major factor in making me decide whether I like or dislike someone is what they’re saying and how they’re saying it, particularly in relation to what I value. I don’t actively let my thoughts about a person manifest in my relationships but I probably have tells which betray my feelings and the most obvious way to determine them is in the amount of time I choose to spend with them.
  1. How do you move from a distant relationship to a close one? What are the distinguishing characteristics of a close relationship?
To be honest, I haven’t really had a close relationship so this is difficult to answer, but maybe that fact is sort of an answer. Part of it is probably because I’m a rather avoidant person who unconsciously tries to maintain an emotional distance from other people. A somewhat peculiar characteristic of mine is that although I’m an introvert, I prefer to be in a group setting to hanging out with someone. I think a close relationship is one where two people are comfortable sharing their undesirable aspects or vulnerabilities with each other, comfortable in the knowledge that they won’t be judged harshly for what they reveal, and basically fully accepting of each other. A close relationship can develop organically and gradually through little gestures and signals of wanting something more than what's currently on the surface, often it's simply just time bringing people closer.
  1. How do you know that you are a moral person? Where do you draw your morality from? Do you believe others should share your beliefs on what's moral? Why?
I’d say no one truly knows whether they’re a moral person because we’re all heavily influenced by our own perspectives and beliefs but one can definitely consider themselves to be a moral person for having them, regardless of how they’re perceived or even any actual thought given to the morality of what they believe. You can gaslight yourself to think you’re doing the right thing. That’s an important distinction. For me, what’s moral is linked to empathy and believing in things that benefit humanity, and not in the utilitarian sense often used to justify despicable actions. For me, morality does not exclude caring about the well-being of people. Obviously this empathy and kindness doesn’t have to extend to people who are clearly harming other people for no good reason other than their own satisfaction or ego. I’m not advocating for being considerate to people regardless of what they do, for example I’m fine with murderers and sexual abusers receiving the most severe punishment.
I don’t draw my morality from an external source and one of my beliefs is that if you can’t find it within yourself to come up with a set of moral beliefs your foundation is suspect. I don’t necessarily believe others have to share my strict beliefs on morality as long as whatever they’re doing is motivated by empathy and consideration. People who don’t care about anything that doesn’t concern them in a moral sense are a turn-off for me.
  1. Someone you care about is acting distant to you. How do you know when this attitude is a reflection of your relationship?
This can be hard for me to parse because I’m naturally inclined to blame myself for a lot of things or feel like a bad external situation is possibly a result of my doing. But I think eventually you get a sense of what’s really happening by observing them over a longer period, whether their bad attitude is specifically tied to something you might have done. It’s easy to fall into the misconception of believing that a person’s disagreeable expression has to be pertinent to something you might have done.
Section 7
  1. How can you tell someone has the potential to be a successful person? What qualities make a successful person and why?
By looking at their process. How often they’re making the right moves, how they’re reacting and adapting to situations, what initiatives they’re taking, and even their aura. You definitely get a particular impression from such people. They’re just built different, I guess you could say.
  1. Where would you start when looking for a new hobby? How do you find new opportunities and how do you choose which would be best?
I don’t actively look for new hobbies but when I feel like I should have a new hobby, I think about what I want to create or what I’d like to learn more about. Perhaps think about the activities I enjoyed in the past but gave up for whatever reason. I also consider whether the hobby would help me develop as a person or open up opportunities.
  1. How do you interpret the following statement: "Ideas don't need to be feasible in order to be worthwhile." Do you agree or disagree, and why?
Depends on what domain that idea concerns. Every idea is worthwhile in art but in a business or social event scenario there would evidently be ideas that would be discarded for not being useful, although maybe they can be stored for possible use in the future where there might be tools to implement them.
  1. Describe your thought process when relating the following ideas: swimming, chicken, sciences. Do you think that others would draw the same or different connections?
For some reason I thought of progress after a while which makes sense for swimming and sciences but no so much for chicken. I can think of a way a chicken might change but not sure if that would be described as progress at least from their perspective. I’m sure others would draw different connections as there’s no obvious relationship between the three ideas, meaning there’s a lot of room for creativity.
  1. How would you summarize the qualities that are essential to who you are? What kind of potential in you has yet to be actualized and why?
I’m not sure what I am essentially. I think I’m just an amalgamation of my experiences and beliefs. The things I’ve decided to focus on shape who I am. My unrealised potential is not doing anything. I am mainly consumed by a lethargy that makes me miss out on a vast majority of what the world has to offer, and a relative inability to make things happen. At full potential I’m an active participant out there and actually feeling like I exist.
Section 8
  1. How do people change? Can you describe how various events change people? Can others see those changes?
Mostly because of time and the beliefs, expectations, and experiences they accumulate over that time. Sometimes a person might change simply because they reflect on the time they have remaining or the time they have wasted. External factors also drive them. Sudden change mostly happens because of an extremely significant situation that forces the person to reevaluate their whole belief system. Obviously people can quickly change in various small ways such as what food they dislike or how they feel about a sports team but real change of someone’s personality or character is a slow process unless prompted by the aforementioned agent. I think whether other people can see these changes depend primarily on the degree to which the change manifests outwardly but also the relationships of the people involved. Someone close would not take as much time to notice a change in someone as a relative stranger or acquaintance. That said, even if the change is mostly internal, eventually someone’s actions would betray their nature to anyone interested in noticing them.
  1. How do you feel and experience time? Can time be wasted? How?
I feel and experience it almost all the time, and it largely informs my actions. Nothing I do is independent of some consideration given to the space it occupies in time and even when I do something without worrying about time, it’s because I might have already accounted for it.
Time can certainly be wasted by spending it on doing things you don’t value and which don’t benefit you in any way. You’re wasting time if you’re doing something you don’t enjoy and the end result doesn’t give you any satisfaction either. I believe you can deliberately spend some time doing nothing in particular but not consider it to be wasted because you simply need to relax or prepare yourself for something that’s actually quite worth the time spent.
  1. Is there anything that cannot be described with words? What is it? If so, how can we understand what it is if language does not work?
I think a lot of things you innately experience or feel cannot be at least adequately described with words, either because they don’t capture the significance of them or diminish their value. For example, I’ve found that while journaling could help me organise my thoughts, the activity doesn’t really satisfy me in terms of translating the emotional or intellectual depth of the subject. Some things are meant to be experienced or seen. You don’t need to necessarily understand it either, but simply digest what it means to you.
  1. How do you anticipate events unfolding? How can you observe such unfoldments in your environment?
I do it instinctively through a combination of the experiences I’ve accumulated and the intuition to process how they vary with different contexts. It’s just a default part of my thought process. Not sure what is meant by the second question, I just observe them as they happen.
  1. In what situations is timing important? How do you know the time is right to act? How do you feel about waiting for the right moment?
Mostly when you need something to happen or be done within clear constraints relating to time, or when something you need to do requires some strict synchronization with a particular moment. I know the right time to act by basically considering how an event would turn out depending on when I decide to act. I also take into consideration whether I feel ready in the moment or my mood at the time. I attribute my passive nature to often waiting for the right moment to act and even getting lost in pondering what the right moment is. I’m happy to wait for things to develop before participating, with the exception being high-stress situations suddenly caused by external factors where I can occasionally panic as I hadn’t prepared for them or was already in a particular state of mind where I had ruled out their possibility.
submitted by Chameleonizard to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:56 KatBeagler A shady broker reported around $600,000 in gains to the IRS when I transferred my positions to a more reputable one, and now the IRS wants me to pay the tax bill or prove the error.

This is for United States federal taxes so I don't think I need to worry about state laws. Also I have hired a lawyer for this, but I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do or should be aware of.
Here's the gist of the situation:
In 2018 i started using a broker called ustocktrade. In 2021 realized they weren't actually buying stocks for me, and requested an ACAT transfer of all my shares to TD Ameritrade.
In all the time I used Ustocktrade I never sold a single share. I did feel like they were Shady so I took the time to download all of my share purchase history because I was concerned the cost basis data at the time they completed the transfer would be different from the cost basis of when I actually asked them to purchase the shares for me.
Basically I suspected they were only giving me an IOU without ever purchasing the shares, and figured an ACAT transfer woodforce them to actually make that purchase and give me my shares.
It is my belief that my thesis is correct, because the cost basis reported to the IRS claims the date of my stock purchases was the date my ACAT transfer was completed. They inappropriately reported the transfer as a sale, and bungled the math horribly- it's pretty straightforward though. They took the entire sum of what each of my positions were worth, and claimed that was what each share was worth. So (for example)if I had a position such that I paid $1 each for 100 shares, and thus that position was worth $100, they claimed that I sold that entire position for $100 per share for a total of $10,000.
Not too long after this the Securities Exchange Commission revoked ustocktrade's registration status, and the company along with all their accounts) were acquired by Apex clearing.
I have contacted Apex and have been unsuccessful in acquiring any of my ustocktrade records- such as my deposit history which would prove my account was never worth the amount the IRS has been led to believe I'm good for. I do have all of my bank records used to deposit those shares, but I'm not sure I can prove that's the only bank I used to make deposits into Ustocktrade. Again I do have my asset purchase history and all my transfer documents... it was all i thought i would need when i still had access to the account.
My lawyer says the low-level people at the IRS will play dumbass to cover their asses; just send me on to tax Court, and a judge will be able to see that I really don't belong there.
So that is my situation- any advice or other options I can pursue are very appreciated... I'm especially interested in what I might be able to do to leverage APEX to dig up a complete history of my statements and transfers-in. They're supposed to have a team dedicated to Ustocktrade accounts, but I've only ever been able to get ahold of one guy who keeps telling me I need to talk to another team I can never get in touch with. APEX acquired that company; it seems like some really shady business if they did not retain that companies records.
submitted by KatBeagler to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:50 Ashamed_Frame_2119 I just had a debate with a couple of Muslims on discord

It wasn't very good. My main question that started the debate was "How can God punish evil people if he made evil people" after that the first answer presented was "because evil people have free will, god didn't make them evil"
Now I was confused by this and asked him does he not believe in destiny? These to things are interchangeable, no? Also God know everything that I will ever do does that mean that I can't do what God hasn't forseen for me. One replied with a simple statement "you are confusing destiny and free will" this statement was not elaborated on and was later called an answer by them, it's not.
The other made an analogy he said "if you go to the ice cream store with your brother and you know what he will get, does that mean you had control over your brother?" Now Mt response to this was to point out the fact that this analogy is flawed. Yet I could've worded my response better I said "I am not God don't compare my prediction to his knowledge" another thing I should've said was I never claimed to be able to know the future. Also what I am making here is an educated guess. I don't know what he will get I simply guess. If he gets strawberry in that analogy wouldn't that conflate with the analogy? And show its flaws?
We keep going like this for a while and this he says a statement that is so utterly contradictory I don't even know how he sleeps at night. I asked him what free will is he responded "free will isn't real its a human construct, to humans free will is real but to God it isn't." So I asked, then "how can god punish an evil person" and I shit you not, he said "because that person acted in free will."
HUH!? Does free will exist or does it not? I was pulled in by another Muslim that started debating me as well but I don't remember them, rest assured their arguments weren't doing it for me either. The main guy then asked be to respond to what he said so I did.
"Your point is irrelevant, what you think humans believe is irrelevant to this conversation, since from God's pov free will isn't real" then someone (an outsider) links me a Wikipedia article for compatibilism and says "read this and put your argument to rest lol" I responded "Huh? You just liked me with an article for compatiblism and told me to put my argument to rest. Should I link you an article to incompatiblism and tell you to shut up too?"
Then the main guy replies to my refutation of his point and baisaicly says "lol, you said not to compare you with God, now you want to be God. Keep your story straight." I was kind of confused in the moment I thought I made a blunder but then I realised( after the debate was over) no, I didn't. my first question was about God's pov, how can God punish evil doers when he created them, I kept to that question and I stayed very much consistent. Because it doesn't matter what humans believe, god is the judge and if free will doesn't exist in reality then the judge has no right to punish or reward anyone, it doesn't matter that it seems like I am free it only matters to God that I am indeed free, If I am the God can do whatever. If I am not then God isn't righteous.
Then he says " you don't want an answer" I told them that "He gave me no answer" he claims that he did and I told him to point to it... remember that statement from earlier? The one where he simply said "you are confusing destiny and free will" Yeah that's what he pointed to. I told him that wasn't an answer but just a statement and he links me to an essay from leibniz (couldn't read it the essay was locked behind a pay wall. I'll find it later.) And that's how it ended. After a while someone cam and say "I don't understand how some people can't understand this" I just deleted all my messages and left the server.
Yeah that was... interesting. To me, even if their beliefs were valid, their beliefs didn't seem to be ground on a solid bases. Just simple statement, no arguments and argument refutation is not pushed back neither does it make them refine their argument if I was right. They ignore it and say other things. Like, I don't know what to say. Like genuinely, I tried to see the other side (even if it a small opinion) but all I saw was... nothing? Even if there was something there, I wasn't shown it. If there was a genuinely good perfect argument for this, I was not told of it. I am not trying to plead ignorance here. I just want the truth, yet it doesn't seem like they have it. And it's hard to ask people who are qualifies because I know damn well ill be bet up if I refuted such argument to a sheihk.
What do you think?
submitted by Ashamed_Frame_2119 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:57 InventionCode Essential Writing Tips to Ace the End of the Study Year

Hey fellow students!
As we approach the end of the study year, many of us are facing a mountain of essays, research papers, and final projects. Here are some writing tips to help you finish strong:
  1. Start Early and Plan: Procrastination is the enemy. Break down your assignments into manageable chunks and set deadlines for each part. An outline can be incredibly helpful to organize your thoughts.
  2. Understand the Assignment: Make sure you fully understand what is being asked. Review the rubric, clarify any doubts with your professor, and ensure you know the required format and citation style.
  3. Research Thoroughly: Use reliable sources to gather information. Academic journals, books, and credible websites are your best friends. Take detailed notes and keep track of your sources for easy referencing later.
  4. Create a Strong Thesis: Your thesis statement is the backbone of your paper. Make it clear, concise, and arguable. Everything in your essay should support this central idea.
  5. Write Clear and Concise: Avoid overly complex sentences and jargon. Clarity is key. Make sure each paragraph has a clear main idea and flows logically to the next.
  6. Revise and Edit: Your first draft is just that – a draft. Set your work aside for a day or two, then come back to it with fresh eyes. Look for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and logical inconsistencies. Tools like Grammarly can help, but nothing beats a thorough read-through.
  7. Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from peers, tutors, or your professor. A second set of eyes can catch errors you might have missed and provide valuable perspective.
  8. Manage Your Time: Allocate specific times for writing, and stick to them. Use tools like the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused and avoid burnout.
  9. Stay Healthy: Don’t neglect your health. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and take regular breaks. Your brain works best when you’re feeling good.
  10. Stay Positive: Writing can be challenging, but keep a positive mindset. Celebrate small victories along the way, and remember that improvement comes with practice.
Good luck to everyone wrapping up their study year! You've got this!
submitted by InventionCode to LexiLooms [link] [comments]
