1 in how many people die from car crashes


2012.02.13 18:28 jeanlejean CarCrash

Videos, Gifs and Pictures of Car Crashes

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2013.08.05 22:27 dp85 OSHA

Post FUNNY scenes from: the workplace (not from your own home) .gifs and pics from safety training videos .gifs and pics from instructional videos Although this subreddit is named /OSHA, submissions do not have to be from the US. Safety violations from all countries are welcome. -Mods may allow or remove any post at their discretion- -No one on this subreddit, nor its moderators have any connection or experience with safety or regulatory issues.-

2024.05.21 15:42 MyInnerCulture Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery - Untethering / What do we get out of being sick?

Hello...again. I'm still crusading with everything that has helped me live (mostly) Chiari symptom free for many years, and the next idea I want to share is uncomfortable. It won't feel good to read but if you think it doesn't relate to you I promise you--it relates to everyone and anyone who has a chronic condition or is sick in any way.
Little info about me:
Type 1 Chiari, 20mm. Diagnosed 2016; surgery was offered but not taken. My primary symptom was/occasionally is debilitating head pain from strain/pressure.
Links to my previous posts on the subject:
Living Well With Chiari - Without Surgery
Take a Life Inventory
Reducing Triggers
Improving Overall Health
Don’t hate me for asking, but…what do you get out of being sick?
No one consciously likes being sick. No one longs for the skull-splitting pain that can accompany a Chiari malformation. No one relishes dizzy spells and nausea and eye sensitivity and poor coordination or the other twenty dozen symptoms that our doctors may or may not take seriously, that there may or may not be treatment for, and that may or may not rule our lives BUT with every illness there is always some kind of advantage.
At my worst, Chiari was the BEST at getting me out of things. Excruciating pain excused me from everything. Family gatherings, friend parties, work events…cleaning the house, taking care of myself, or doing anything other than watching TV and drinking wine. I didn’t have to do SHIT. Because I couldn’t. And the Chiari was permission to give no fucks what anyone else wanted or needed or how they felt about my withdrawal from life. It was the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card.
I mean, I was miserable…but I was basking in that misery.
I was in so much pain I couldn’t think about how to live better. I couldn’t worry about such things as my weight or the future of my writing or how filthy my floors were. I was barely living. And it was awful.
It was also a way out.

i was a sick person.

To my core, that was me: SICK. I didn’t realize how bad it was until my husband—who never gets a cold—complained of a virus and my internal dialogue went something like this: What? He thinks he’s sick? What a laugh! He’s not sick. NOBODY is sick like me.
I owned illness above all else. I hated it, but it was MINE. Every coughing fit, every spike of head pain, every wall I stumbled into, every night I cried myself to sleep. Being sick was who I became.
And I would never get well until I stopped being a sick person.
The Chiari had its sneaky tendrils snaked into every facet of my life, like we were woven together in a most elaborate tapestry of illness and pain. To begin healing, I had to untether from it. I had to separate myself from every Chiari strand until every fiber of my being was free.
If it sounds metaphorical, it’s not. It’s literal and simple (though seldom easy). Every time Chiari became a thought or an excuse, that was my cue to change the dialogue. For example, when I was contemplating changing jobs, I remembered my brief stint as a bartender in 2011 and immediately my brain said: I can’t do that anymore; what if I have a coughing fit behind the bar? Limiting beliefs running rampant in my brain needed to get shut down and rewritten into something more supportive, like: I would love to work with animals or in nature. That’s the kind of job I should be looking for!
In that kind of rewrite, I’m not denying that I might encounter pain or discomfort, but I’m choosing not to let pain or discomfort be the focus or run the show. Instead of looking at what I don’t want to experience, I’m putting my attention on the things that I do.
More than changing my thoughts, I had to stop using Chiari as an excuse to get out of living…and everything else…which meant showing up one minute at a time in all the places that I used to avoid, being present with all the people and situations the Chiari had shielded me from.

if i wanted to live without its pain, i also had to live without its protection.

Now, it’s true that there are plenty of legitimate physical limitations that accompany illnesses, Chiari included, but the problem comes when you talk yourself out of anything and everything because of them. I could get out of bed, I just chose not to. I could show up in life, I just chose not to. I could write a book or clean my house or have a kid…I just chose not to.
Or, rather, the Chiari chose for me.
Pandering to Chiari’s whims wasn’t limited to thoughts. It was in every decision I made, every choice to live small, every act to hide and shut down. It was in the purse that I carried (will it fit a water bottle to stave off a coughing fit?), the places that I went (can’t go there, the air in that store is guaranteed to tickle my lungs), the way I spent my time (I can’t visit those friends…I’ll have too much fun and want to laugh and laughing hurts so my head so much), and plans for the future (how can I have children when I can’t even take care of myself?).
Untethering from Chiari took work. And it’s still ongoing. Most of the ways that I have used Chiari to limit myself have been eradicated. My life, as a result, looks vastly different than it did in 2016 at the height of the pain. Today I’m a stay at home mom with a son, I have energy, I take Zumba classes, I write every day, my fiction has been produced by podcasts, I spend time outdoors every day, I laugh (sometimes it still hurts), I go into stores (sometimes) without bottles of water, I don’t drink wine every night (I don’t need to), and I’m free from the anxiety and depression that was once as crippling as the head pain that I only seldom experience. I am living.
If there’s one strand that I haven’t untethered from yet, it’s the fear around getting sick. I am terrified of being around sick people. I can’t even blame COVID, though it certainly contributed to the anxiety. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with someone coughing in my vicinity, knowing how bad it will hurt my head if I catch whatever they’re hacking up, and I don’t know if it’s necessarily a bad thing to keep my distance when I know someone is sick (I mean, shouldn’t we be doing that anyway?) but I’m trying to be less afraid. Or, at least, I’m trying to be less of a jerk about it when that fear takes over and people don’t understand why their cold is literally my kryptonite.
What I don’t do is use Chiari as an excuse to get out of living. I show up every day in every way and life keeps getting better. Bigger. Chiari Free.
submitted by MyInnerCulture to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 beigers Employer changing their “unwritten” flex time policy, but only for the lowest level workers who I manage. Everyone else seems to be taking flex time. How would you handle this?

I’m a middle manager - I’m 2nd from the bottom in my department and manage a small team.
I was told today after my team worked a conference this weekend that I couldn’t provide them flex time to make up for the extra 12 hours they each worked, despite that being the policy every time I worked an event since I’ve started in February. They’ll also be working another conference this weekend. Our work at these conferences is very important to our bottom line and is VERY external, so being in good spirits and not completely burnt out is actually very important from a business perspective, which is why I encouraged them to take time off this week.
I think that’s utter bullshit personally because every other place I’ve worked offered flex time in exchange for these kind of events. Even the stingiest places did and my current workplace is big on advertising “work/life balance.”
I’ve tried making that argument but was somewhat shut down by being told that as exempt employees sometimes the expectation is for them to work over 40 hours and that it is the “nature of our work.” There is absolutely nothing on fire this week that anyone on my team needs to address and flex time would have only a positive business outcome. It’s also bizarre because my boss has been obsessed with retaining my team despite their low pay and has been on me to make sure they’re 100% happy. I’m also afraid that with so many of these conferences being “voluntold” situations, they’re going to start saying no to attending them if they’re expected to work mulitiple 6 day weeks with no extra pay or time off. I mean, I would if I were them.
It’s also worth noting that I, unlike my team, was encouraged to take flex time by my boss after this weekend and was told that taking flex time after working a conference was considered business as usual. Now it’s a sudden 180…except that later in the conversation, I mentioned having to do something at my son’s school tomorrow and I was told “oh, don’t bother logging that, just take the time.” She’s also taking flex time this week. So for us, it’s fine, but for some strange reason she’s throwing down the gauntlet on the idea of the team taking that same time. I’m wondering if one of my employees told someone in another department that’s stingier with flex time that they were taking time and it got back to my boss so she’s doing her due diligence by telling me they don’t officially have flex time.
There’s also a weird element here where myself, my boss and everyone my boss manages (who she has allowed this privilege to) are white while I manage a team that includes people of color. So beyond just being blatantly unfair and a poor business decision, it’s also absolutely terrible optics and one of my employees is very active in racial equity initiatives, so it could really turn out badly if they notice the injustice of the inconsistent policy.
Thoughts on what you would do? So far I’ve encouraged my team to at least work remote this week and if they don’t do shit while remote, I don’t care. I’m planning to talk to each of them in 1:1s about how they should just take the time they need between conferences for laundry, errands, etc. and just don’t advertise to anyone that they’re doing so since I imagine that’s what put it on my boss’s radar in the first place.
Any other ideas/feedback?
submitted by beigers to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:41 Linuxologue VFIO success: Linux host, Windows or MacOS guest with NVMe+Ethernet+GPU passthrough

After much work, I finally got a system running without issue (knock on wood) where I can pass a GPU, Ethernet device and NVMe disk to the guest. Obviously, the tricky part was to pass the GPU as everything else went pretty easily. All defvices are released to the host when the VM is not running it.
Hardware: - Z790 AORUS Elite AX - 14900K intel with integrated GPU - Radeon 6600 - I also have an NVidia card but it's not passed through
Host: - Linux Debian testing - Wayland (running on the Intel GPU) - Kernel 6.7.12 - None of the devices are managed through the vfio-pci driver, they are managed by the native NVMe/realtek/amdgpu drivers. Libvirt takes care of disconnecting the devices before the VM is started, and reconnects them after the VM shuts off. - I have set up internet through wireless and wired. Both are available to the host but one of them is disconnected when passed through to the guest. This is transparent as Linux will fall back on Wifi when the ethernet card is unbound.
I have two monitors and they are connected to the Intel GPU. I use the Intel GPU to drive the desktop (Plasma 5). The same monitors are also connected to the AMD GPU so I can switch from the host to the VM by switching monitor input. When no VM is running, everything runs from the Intel GPU, which means the dedicated graphic cards consume very very little (the AMDGPU driver reports 3W, the NVidia driver reports 7W), fans are not running and the computer temperature is below 40 degrees (Celsius)
I can use the AMD card on the host by using DRI_PRIME=pci-0000_0a_00_0 %command% for OpenGL applications. I can use the NVidia card by running __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia %command% . Vulkan, OpenCL and Cuda also see the card without setting any environment variable (there might be env variables to set the prefered device though)
This was quite a lot of trial and error. I made a lot of changes to make this work so I can't be sure everything in there is necessary, but here is how I finally got macOS to use the passed through GPU: - I have the GPU on host bus 0a:00.0 and pass it on address 00:0a.0 (notice bus 0 again, otherwise the card is not visible) - Audio is also captured from 0a:00.1 to 00:0a.1 - I dumped the vbios from the Windows guest, sent it to the host through ssh (kind of ironic) so I can pass it to the host - Debian uses apparmor and the KVM processes are quite shielded, so I moved the vbios to a directory that is allowlisted (/usshare/OVMF/) kind of dirty but works. - In the host BIOS, it seems I had to disable resizable BAR, above 4G decoding and above 4G MMIO. I am not 100% sure that was necessary, will reboot soon to test. - the Linux dumped vbios didn't work, I have no idea why. The vbios dumped from Linux didn't have the same size at all, so I am not sure what happened. - macOS device type is set to iMacPro1,1 - The QXL card needs to be deleted (and the spice viewer too) otherwise macOS is confused. macOS is very easily confused. - I had to disable some things in the config.plist: I removed all Brcm Kexts (fro broadcom devices) but added the Realtek kext instead, disabled the AGPMInjector. Added agdpmod=pikera in boot-args.
After a lot of issues, macOS finally showed up on the dedicated card.
When passing through the AMD gpu to the guest, I ran into a multitude of issues: - the host Wayland crashes (kwin in my case) when the device is unbound. Seems to be a KWin bug (at least KWin5) since the crash did not happen under wayfire. That does not prevent the VM from running anyway, but kind of annoying as KWin takes all programs with it when it dies. - Since I have cables connected, kwin seems to want to use those screens which is silly, they are the same as the ones connected to the intel GPU - When reattaching the device to the host, I often had kernel errors ( https://www.reddit.com/NobaraProject/comments/10p2yr9/single_gpu_passthrough_not_returning_to_host/ ) which means the host needs to be rebooted (makes it very easy to find what's wrong with macOS passthrough...)
All of that can be fixed by forcing the AMD card to be bound to the vfio-pci driver at boot, which has several downsides: - The host cannot see the card - The host cannot put the card in D3cold mode - The host uses more power (and higher temperature) than the native amdgpu driver I did not want to do that as it'd increase power consumption.
I did find a fix for all of that though: - add export KWIN_DRM_DEVICES=/dev/dri/card0 in /etc/environment to force kwin to ignore the other cards (OpenGL, Vulkan and OpenCL still work, it's just KWin that is ignoring them). That fixes the kwin crash. - pass the following arguments on the command line: video=efifb:off video=DP-3:d video=DP-4:d (replace DP-x with whatever outputs are connected on the AMD card, use for p in /sys/class/drm/*/status; do con=${p%/status}; echo -n "${con#*/card?-}: "; cat $p; done to discover them) - ensure everything is applied by updating the initrd/initramfs and grub or systemd-boot. - The kernel gives new errors: [ 524.030841] [drm:drm_helper_probe_single_connector_modes [drm_kms_helper]] *ERROR* No EDID found on connector: DP-3. but that does not sound alarming at all.
After rebooting, make sure the AMD gpu is absolutely not used by running lsmod grep amdgpu . Also, sensors is showing me the power consumption is 3W and the temperature is very low. Boot a guest, shut it down, and the AMD gpu should be safely returned to the host.
WHAT DOES NOT WORK: due to the KWin crash and the AMDGPU crash, it's unfortunately not possible to use a screen on the host then pass that screen to the guest (Wayland/Kwin is ALMOST able to do that). In case you have dual monitors, it'd be really cool to have the right screen connected to the host then passed to the guest through the AMDGPU. But nope. It seems very important that all outputs of the GPU are disabled on the host.
submitted by Linuxologue to VFIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 SB_EveSimp Why are people so hung on Neferpitou's sex when she's clearly a female?

I'm not sure how controversial this is but I don't even understand how is this a debate. Before I entered spaces like reddit & tiktok I had no question that Pitou was 100% female but now we have like half the fanbase talking about "That's man, why are you attracted to a boy" or "It's THEY/THEM or HE not a SHE". I'm here having that "bruh what" jackie chan meme reaction. She is portrayed as a female, you can clearly see her body structure and physical features. Very feminine now that doesn't mean she HAS to be female because characters like Kurapika who resembles a girl is actually a boy.
My point is there's enough evidence for her to be female, if people want to believe otherwise that's fine. There's another group of people that are dead set on Gon and Killua having a deeply romantic relationship and gay vibes coming from them...frankly ridiculous. Here are some examples from the anime:
  1. Pitou being referenced as a "Mother trying to protect their child" when absolutely NO man has been ever referenced like that.
  2. All chimera ants are male/female coded meaning they are all capable of reproduction. Which means they are one or the other. There's no other ambiguious chimera ant it's clear that from the beggining.
  3. Pitou has tits, ass, and wide hips. Look at the evolution of Togashi's drawing you can clearly see he's into a stereotype and even joked about it once.
Any confusion stemming from databooks, translators, or producers it's their fault. I know there are some sources that say it wasn't sure whether it's a boy/girl I think has led to many confusions in the fanbase.
Ready for the downvotes but someone had to say something it's just annoying fanboys ruining the experience.
submitted by SB_EveSimp to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:36 notthatkindoforc1121 Returned to my childhood game: Morrowind

Wow. I can't explain this in any objective way why I've had such a good time. This is definitely partly fueled by Nostalgia, but even still. The game my brother still teases me about pronouncing Fatigue as "Fatigoo"
Checking out the current Elder Scrolls community, they're pretty divided. ESO is still going strong, Skyrim mods are absolutely crazy now, and there is a constant dispute about which game is the best one, as they are all so so different.
I grew up with Morrowind, and I can see how nostalgia blinds your perspective of older games. When people say "Morrowind is great! Can be hard to get past the graphics, though" or just "Dated graphics", that isn't the way I see it in my head. Back when I ran this thing on an original Xbox (I had no idea the number of issues the Xbox version had, I was a dumb kid that loved getting lost in a huge world) the graphics were mind blowing to me.
And tons more I have no idea about. I know very little compared to this community.
For me, I grew up with Morrowind, and returning to it has been incredible to say the least. I have this modded to look like what I remember, I have patch mods to fix potential issues, and I'm running it in OpenMW. I have not been immersed in an RPG like this in a very long time. That isn't to say no newer game is as immersive, but somehow this ticks all the boxes for making me lose myself in a game.
I started off in Seyda Need. I knew little to nothing about the world. I have no idea why as a prisoner I was released here. I'm exposed to a weird dialog system, it's more like a menu that gets more options unlocked as you select the items or gain favor with the person. It comes off more confusing than anything else initially, but wow did it quickly immerse me when I realized how hands off they were showing me this world is.
I don't know what to do in Seyda Neen. I get slight hints about the goings on of the area, and I don't need to pursue any of them.
Do you want to steal that awkwardly extremely expensive armor you see and use it or sell it? You can. Do you want to provoke villagers to attack you so you can legally kill them in front of guards and take all of their belongings and their house? Do it. Do you want to run off into the swamp and find caves to pillage? Yep do it.
It really made me stop thinking of "What do I need to do", and really just sparked my creativity. I started asking who I am in the world. Stealing is clearly lucrative, do I have morals? What is my characters in this world? I haven't been able to have that sort of feeling since I was a kid.
As I leveled, I asked myself the same question about my character. Am I a sly persuasive con-man? Do I want to pay for training to persuade people better? Do I want to be an Assassin? what would that entail? Casting spells to fly, walk on water, open doors, summon daggers? Or do I go the physical route and keep magic out of this?
My questions led me to the Mages Guild. The first town I saw that had them, they refused their services. They were polite (Unlike everyone else in the racist-filled world, love it actually), but stern that I needed to join their guild to have access to their services throughout the world.
So I made my way to Balmora to join them. Being greeted by someone who simply says "Yeah you're a Mages Guild member now", I now had an entire world to explore of increasing my rank to gain respect and more access, stories of competing guild members, and all of these free materials, finally free beds, it felt like my first family in such a hostile world. I see ways going forward of paying for training, buying tons of different spells, modifying them to be anything I want them to be, so much going on. The spells themselves open up entire worlds of possibilities. Not only can you make spells that explode the size of a city (I doubt this is intended, I just remember doing what my brother told me as a kid and it was more of an exploit). You can summons minions, you can fly, you can magically open doors, you can create badass conjured weapons on the fly, my imagination ran wild with every spell.
My review of this game has gone off the deep-end. I apologize for my rambling about my journeys, I'm just that ecstatic to find a game that grabs me in a way I haven't experienced since childhood. I 100% recommend this to anyone wanting to get absolutely lost in a massive world, I couldn't even guess what your experience will be like compared to mine.
That's it. Found out my childhood game is (In my nostalgia filled terrible opinion) as great as I remember and I'm very happy to be exploring it. I've replayed Oblivion and Skyrim many times, and maybe it's just that I've overplayed them, but they do not get my creative immersed brain going like Morrowind has.
submitted by notthatkindoforc1121 to ElderScrolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:35 Ragntard Letter "to" the chairman - The future of game loops

I wasn't able to post this on spectrum for some reason so I'm sending it here! (Might be too long?) Maybe someone sees it, maybe not? But at-least I've posted my thoughts :)
Since SC is moving into a phase where more focus is going to actual gameplay loops, I think now's the time to give ideas and feedback on what directions this should take. I've had a growing concern the last 2 years or so that the type of gameplay that CIG is moving towards won't hold up in the long run. We can have the most advanced game ever, but if the essential game loops consist of "fly to marker X, shoot or deliver something, fly to next marker" this game simply will not be enjoyable in the long run for most players.
Instead I think CIG should focus on what makes their game great, the sandbox experience! How many of us have jumped into the PTU only to spend hours experimenting with what ship fits in what, or how we can use different systems in unexpected ways?
So here's my open letter with ideas from a long time backer!

Quantum jumps

QT jumps should have the potential to be dangerous, and possibly even damage your ship, but once a jump is performed it leaves behind a trace that others can use to easier calculate a safe jump. The more people that use the same QT point, the safer it gets.
There should also be specific areas that can boost QT jumps in different ways (or make them more dangerous).

Bounty hunters

Since QT jumps leave traces, these could be scanned for ship ID codes, satellites could also help players pinpoint where a specific ship ID has been and how often they've been there. This would be used to find locations that the target is at often as if playing hot or cold. When in a "warm area" with lots of trace of the target, the hunter could then land and visit different locations and talk to NPCs for the last bit.


Explorers could help out scanning for interesting locations in space, and good QT spots, but the most important part of this to make it fun for everyone would be procedural generation. Exploration simply won't be as fun if you can only find shipwrecks or prebuilt places.
So this is a big one, but the only true solution I see here would be procedurally generated systems. Random wormholes could show up that leads to random generated systems (these would of course not have the same fidelity as built ones, but wouldn't need cities or NPCs for the most parts).
When exploring such a system there could be a time limit until the wormhole closes again, or you could spend resources to stabilize it, you would also have to rely on crafting to actually survive in systems with potential dangers such as solar storms (that might force you to land in the safety of an atmosphere) or weather systems.


With the more defined QT lanes, pirates would have an easier time finding common travel routes for merchants where they could get a location to sit and wait for victims. But the larger lanes would have more security, and the best merchants would use more secret lanes with QT boosts that pirates would also want to find.
Players would want to keep these secret as if more people know about these lanes, more merchants/pirates would flock there and its value would decrease.


Much like pirates it would be a game of constantly finding new stable QT lanes that are safe and quick, the QT boosts could be temporary (lets say that an area gives a boost for maybe a week or so), and after they expire a new one would have to be found.


The QT lanes would also help here, and scanning ships for ID codes that can be marked as stolen. Traveling these lanes and getting interdicted would also simply give them free targets to shoot down, and more danger for pirates hanging out at the same place.


Apply the same systems that ships are getting to landing zones, a mechanic could start working for a company in their distribution centers, fixing them after battles and restoring things that intruders have broken (like if an intruder has turned off the lights, or locked down a door). If you don't have markers and specific quests other than "fix the light", a good mechanic would have to have some knowledge about a certain locations systems, while a novice mechanic could do simpler tasks or work as an apprentice where someone says what to do (and gives markers to the player, a sort of "hey you! Go here and replace this thing so the lights start working").
A mechanic with lots of experience would get offered jobs at larger locations and eventually cities or maybe navy NPC ships in dry dock. They would also be able to do it alone without NPC assistance for more money.

Guilds and factions

The factions could sell some or all of the above data that their members hand in for rewards (another explorer loop) and the better the data, only the higher members would have access to it.

Radio stations

LOTS of streamers love SC, why not give them an in-game platform? (and something to do during QT for everyone else). Imagine the radio stations of GTA but live with people broadcasting things in game.
A gameplay loop would be to build broadcast towers in each system (on land you have to acquire) and maintaining them. We already have technology to send video streams during calls in game, why not let the reliant mako some purpose in game?
You could broadcast races, or just host a news show about the lore stuff.

Ship systems

These are in a really good state already, but try not to create a game loop with the systems you have, simply make them work together and see what players do with them.
If fire depends on oxygen and invaders jump onboard, let us increase the oxygen in one room for a fun explosion when they fire weapons for instance, or increase pressures to dangerous amounts for anyone without a helmet!


Some people have already lured animals onto their ships, so give us cages (simple boxes with doors we can open and close) and some form of lures like food?
These could be used simply to trap and keep creatures, or to drop the cages into enemy camps and remote unlock them! (could also be used to trap other players and NPCs?).

No-fly zones and anti pad rammers

Give us a max speed limit in some areas, this would help beginners that are landing as they have to take it slow, and pad ramming etc. would be harder as turrets could shoot down players a lot easier.
This could be done via mastermodes or some sort of "tractor beam field" thing that slows items in its area (would not exist at all stations).

Crashed ships

This is already being worked on, this is just a reminder of how great of a feature this would be, and that it should not be forgotten!
The idea that ships shot down in orbit crash to the surface and generate crash sites that in time can become dwellings is just incredible for sandbox type gameplay.
The idea is simply give us fun tools, that aren't 100% designed for only one profession or use case, but things that we can experiment with. A lot of these stated above have been described for only one profession, but like the mechanic role above, a good pirate would know how to turn off certain systems or hack into things to download maps and schematics that the mechanic also uses in day to day work (or maybe even simply kidnap a poor mechanic that already has insider info?).
And please move away from nav markers as much as possible!
Those are my thoughts, hope someone reads this and adds some ideas of their own!
submitted by Ragntard to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:32 ROMYNALEDivE Communism is when people with a higher in than 50 go to the gulag

Communism is when people with a higher in than 50 go to the gulag submitted by ROMYNALEDivE to CommunismMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 WAARHIED Stacy lynn refuses to admit theres more she can do

See the thing about stacy is she refuses to admit that there are resources so I complied a list of where to send candyman shelters that are open
https://www.revivecenter.org has beds open but candy man cant afford to get there okay maybe dont buy him a ipad buy him a bus pass cost 10 dollars for a complete 1 day pass so he can get there
Heres more resources https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/emerg.html but she will say i tried he wont go okay then stop showering him with gifts and follow what preach behind close doors consequences if you truly believe in rock bottom stop helping him watch how fast things change
There a ton of free rehabs free programs free aa free na he has a ipad he can go to online meetings that our free for mental health there are so much stuff he could be doing but stacy says he refuses to maybe if he got pushed harder no more gifts no more food no more anything he would choose to get help when you live in luxury on street why go anywhere you get everything he needs trips to the hotel restaurants people houses to watch football games for a mentally ill person this ain’t rock bottom this moving up in the world he got so many people showering him with gifts every holiday why leave why take the help at this point stacy needs to step away so maybe he can one day say okay ill go cause there plenty places he can go it ain’t about removing him from the park but lets get him help and moved on the state offers section 8 and vouchers it would cost him 100 bucks to live in a section maybe 300 and stacy gets plenty of stars on facebook to be able afford to help him live in a section 8 i can keep going i dont get why she preaches consequences and rock bottom but refuses to give candy man consequences or a rock-bottom he’s living high people saw him the other day with fruit water yeast ice stuff to make jail house hooch like is this needed in a park full of kids in stacy eyes yes if you want change sign the petition https://chng.it/7yZFFPKnSd i think the change needs to happen so we can get our park back
submitted by WAARHIED to stacylynncandyman [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:31 xfallenangelx95 [28/F] Seeking a friendship with emotionally mature people who want to have serious yet warm discussions - People who love long messages and need someone to talk to on a daily basis.I want to meet honest and understanding people who really want to have friends. 🌺🌷 I'm not a fan of sarcasm.

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:30 idahhan 1 Week in Peru (May 2024)

1 Week in Peru (May 2024)
Trip Report in May: Lima, Cusco, Pisac, Machu Picchu
  • We went on May 12th 2024.
  • We don't speak Spanish but learned basic words to come by.
  • I suggest you get some Sol currency from your home country before arriving. We took 400 Sol with us.
  • I saw some posts suggesting BCP ATM to get cash, I would recommend against it. We used Cajero Banco de la Nacion ATM and we were not charged extra fees (although limit is 400 Sol).
  • You can use credit card in most restaurants in Lima, Cusco, Pisac an Machu Picchu.
  • We bought SIM card in Lima airport from Peru SIM before leaving the free zone. Only passport required. 80 Sol for 5Gb/1week. I suggest you get more than 5G if you are going to browse the internet during your trip.
How to recharge Peru SIM:
  1. Install Mi Cuy App
  2. Choose "Peru SIM" from multiple choice question in the beginning.
  3. Use phone number to login and your passport number as password.
  4. Personally, none of my cards worked to recharge the SIM, I tried both Visa & Master Card).
  5. There is an option to recharge but texting a WhatsApp number were they send someone to you to recharge it but I didn't explore that option.
  • Stayed: 1.5 days (2 days ideal).
  • We used Uber in Lima with no issues.
  • We stayed in Miraflores, I would have stayed in Barranco but there were more options in Miraflores.
  • Explored: Miraflores, Barranco, Centro Histórico.
  • Before booking a restaurant check their opening hours. A lot of restaurants allow reservations half an before closing which can be frustrating.
  • Tips: Book restaurants in advance, locals dine around noon. Tried: Isolina (100 Sol/person, good vibe, food okay) and Al Toke Pez (30 Sol/person, not worth >30 min wait). Other recommended spots: Jose Antonio, Cerveceria Del Valle Sagrado, Don Fernando Restaurant, La Petite France, Central, La Mar, Maido, Osaka.
  • Bars: La Noche De Barranco, Juanito De Barranco.
  • Walk/Visit:
    • Miraflores: If the sky is clear, go to Parque Del Amor and walk on Mal. Cisneros.
    • Barranco: Walk on Av. Almte. Miguel towards Parroquia La Santisima Cruz, Bajada De Baños, Bridge of Sighs, C. La Ermita, Biblioteca Municipal, Museo Pedro De Osma.
    • Centro: St. Martin Square, Jiron de la Union, Lima Main Square, Basilica & Convent of San Francisco, Mercado Central & Chinatown, Larco Museum.
  • Stayed: 3 days (2 days for altitude acclimation).
  • We used Uber in Lima with no issues.
  • Some recommend you go directly from Cusco airport to Ollantaytambo (2 hours drive) to acclimate better to altitude, we didn't do that.
  • Regardless how many days you are planning to stay, if you are visiting museums in cusco or planning to visit Archaeological sites. Consider buying "Tourist tickets" in cash at some sites entrances or in Cusco from "Boleto Turístico Cusco" Av. El Sol 103, Cusco 08002 ,Peru), I added table below but for more or updated details check here
  • YOU CAN NOT get Tourist tickets from "COSITUC CENTRAL OFFICE" outside the Centro area. It's just management office.
  • To acclimate to the elevation, consider the following tips: drink coca tea, avoid alcohol, eat light meals, and rest for the first two days.
  • I took half a 25mg "Acetazolamide" pill from a pharmacy in Lima twice a day without consulting a doctor, but you should consult a doctor before doing so. Stay hydrated, and expect more frequent visits to the washroom due to the medication.
  • Stayed: Airbnb near San Blas Market (east part quieter).
  • Walk/Visit:
    • Explore San Blas Market square, walk east until the end of C. Carmen Alto, then walk up and take a right on C. Tandapata, then up on C. Pasñapakana to reach San Blas Viewpoint (great at sunset). LIMBUS RestoBar looks cool.
    • Explore the city center: Plaza Mayor de Cusco, Museo de Arte Religioso, Museo de Sitio Qorikancha, Plazoleta Espinar, Plaza Regocijo, San Pedro Market.
  • Best prices for souvenirs I found are on C. Hatunrumiyoc & open market in Plaza Regocijo.
  • Shopping: None of the shops have unique merchandise. Compare prices at multiple places, especially shops outside busy zones and away from the Marriott.
  • I doubt that any pure Alpaca wool is sold in these shops, so price items based on their quality and softness unless you are certain it's pure Alpaca.
For food spots, I recommend:
  • Pachapapa for dinner (better call and reserve if you're arriving after 7 PM).
  • Sepia Cusco for a nice lunch (they have a great courtyard).
  • Qura for breakfast or lunch.
  • I heard Pizza is very good in Cusco, so you should try it.
  • I liked Alpaca meat more than Cuy.
Pisac trip:
  • To enter Pisac Archaeological site you need to buy a Tourist ticket circuit 3 which cost 70 Sol/Person. You can buy it in cash at the site entrance or in Cusco from "Boleto Turístico Cusco" at Av. El Sol 103, Cusco 08002 ,Peru more details here here
  • We only visited Pisac from towns around Cusco to hike down from the Archaeological site, which takes about 2 hours. Our trip was short, and we wanted to focus on this hike.
  • If I had another day, I would have also done the Rainbow Mountain hike. For Rainbow Mountain, consider staying in Tinki the night before to start the hike early, as it gets cloudy later. Tinki is 2.5 hours from Cusco.
  • Most agencies offer group trips for around $50 USD/person and private trips for $120/person. We didn't want to visit multiple towns, so we hired an Uber driver (outside Uber) with a good car for 200 Sol for the whole trip (Cusco-Pisac and back), which was cheaper than any agency. We left at 7:30 am and returned by 2 pm. We took food and water to avoid stops on the way to Pisac except for view points of the sacred valley.
  • A cheaper alternative is taking a public colectivo from 28 Puputi St in Cusco to Pisac, then a taxi from Pisac town to the top of the Archaeological site (25 Sol one way). Some posts said taking Collective can be dangerous so avoid this if you are not an experienced traveler.
  • The hike itself is great. Although the car takes you to the top, you still need to climb for about 15 minutes before heading down. The altitude can be challenging, so take your time.
Machu Picchu
Booking Machu Picchu site tickets
  • Which ticket to buy for Machu Picchu? If you just want to visit the site choose " Circuit 1,2 + Inca bridge" or "Circuit 1,2".
  • Circuit 1 is half circuit 2. Take circuit 2 unless you physically can't take around 50 stairs.
  • You have to provide passport number when you book the ticket. They will check your passport when you arrive at the site.
  • We bought Circuit 1,2 + Inca bridge ticket two months before the trip. You can try to book it directly from the government website Gov website but we couldn't find available tickets "Cerrado" there so we bought it from the Joinn us site which worked the same for the same price
  • Don't believe posts that say Joinn Us is a scam. They say that because they have not received the tickets in the email. This is because tickets are not sent to you by email. It would be available on the site on side menu under "tickets" or "Mis entradas". You can download the tickets from Joinnus site.
  • If you are not able to buy Machu Picchu tickets online, you have to be in Agaus Calientes the morning before your visit to buy the tickets.
  • You don't need to print your tickets.
Booking a ride to Machu Picchu:
To arrive to Machu Picchu from Cusco you need to:
  1. Take a bus from Cusco to the train station as no trains leave from Cusco center (Except one, see below).
  2. Take train a to Aguas Calientes.
  3. Take a Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu site OR hike up dusty mountain road for 2 hours swarmed by buses with no much room.
Steps 1 & 2 are included in train tickets from Peru Rail or Inca Rail. A few things to note:
  • The main difference between Inca Rail and Peru Rail is step 1. Inca Rail provides a bus ride from Cusco to Ollantaytambo (2 hours + traffic), then a train to Aguas Calientes (1h 40min). They ensure you reach Aguas Calientes, so no need to worry about connections.
  • Peru Rail offers a bus ride from Cusco to Poroy station (30 min) and then a train to Machu Picchu or from San Pedro (5 min) in Cusco center.
  • We chose Inca Rail's "The Voyager Bimodal - light" option, which includes a bus ride from Cusco to Ollantaytambo and then a train to Aguas Calientes in the lowest-cost cabin. The 2-hour bus ride was pleasant, and the cabin quality was good. Paying extra for the 1h 40min train ride isn’t necessary. If I had known about Peru Rail's San Pedro departure, I would have chosen that.
  • Arrive at the station half an hour before boarding. Our Inca Rail bus left early to beat traffic as everyone was present.
For Step 3: Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu
  • Only one bus service runs frequently, about every 5 minutes.
  • Tickets can be bought in person, where you'll need to stand in line, or online at Consettur.
  • We bought tickets online to avoid lines, which weren't bad during our visit on May 16th.
  • The round trip costs $24. I don’t recommend hiking up the mountain.
Note: According to EyeWitness: Peru travel book, there’s a cheaper way to get to Machu Picchu if you're on a strict budget. You can take a bus from Cusco to the Hydroelectric station and walk for 3 hours beside the railway tracks to Machu Picchu.
What time is best to visit Machu Picchu
  • If you are doing circuit 2 (which you should as it's the longest hike in Machu Picchu) Temple of the Sun is only open between 1PM-4PM. Temple of the Condor 10am-1PM, Pyramid del Intiwatana 7am -10am.
  • We didn't have a preference, but because we left Cusco at 8:30 am, we arrived Machu Picchu at 1PM. We took the 2PM time slot as we wanted to leave the next morning. No regrets.
  • We didn't hire a guide (you don't need to hire a guide regardless of what other posts say). There are three things you need to know: 1) Follow signs for Circuito 2. 2) Make sure you don’t take the “platforma inferior” turning that happens 250m into the walk. Take "Platforma Superior". 3) If you bought the Inca Bridge ticket, know where to turn to see it. I found this travel blog helpful blog.
  • I used google to read about the different sites.
Aguas Calientes
  • We stayed at Gringo Bill's Hotel. It was decent, but I’d avoid hotels on the main streets due to noise. I didn’t like Aguas Calientes much (we stayed one night). If I had more time, I would have planned a same-day return trip to Ollantaytambo.
  • Some posts mention the hot springs in Aguas Calientes, "Baños Termales (Machu Picchu)." It's more like a public bath and not really worth it, but the hike there is nice.
  • Be cautious with food in Aguas. Many highly-rated restaurants are actually bad. I met a cook who worked there and got the inside scoop. Stick to safe food—avoid raw food and fish, and ask for well-cooked meat, especially burgers. Check the lowest and most recent reviews on Google.
  • We ate at Ponchos, and it tasted good without making us sick. However, we had pizza at Pueblo Viejo, and I’ve had better frozen pizza.
After Aguas Calientes, we took the train and bus back to Cusco, then flew to Lima the same day. Flights from Cusco to Lima are often delayed, so check your flight history if you're on a tight schedule. We left for Lima Airport on a Sunday morning, and the roads leading to the highway were blocked, taking an extra hour to reach the airport.
Overall, it was an amazing trip. Next time, I would stay for two weeks and follow the EyeWitness: Peru travel book's two-week itinerary. I would also definitely do the Salkantay hike.
submitted by idahhan to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:30 Angel-M007 Ladies, it's not all the Men's fault. It's yours as well. Both equally yoked.

The older I get and with being in a relationship now and also traveling outside of the world i grew up in, Its finally dawn on me. Women are just as much to blame as Men when it comes to the unrealistic standards, bad treatment and judgement we recieve.
It's not all women, of course, but man the older generation of women especially.
The negative remarks on a women's physical appearence or even her breasts come more from women I realize.
The beauty standards. Calling a woman average looking seriously? Maybe if she constantly died her hair and did her nails, waxed her eyebrows, maybe lip injections and or maybe she should try fake eyelashes she'd "look better"?
Materialistic things. So what she's got a Target purse, why does she needs a Kate Spade bag to declare her value? Leave her alone.
No morals. Your twerking on top of a car or making out with total strangers. Yeah these men gonna think your easy.
And the one that shocked me the most, the man's treatment of women. Your son thinks he should be worshipped like a god or can cheat and be "forgiven" or is never wrong because you didn't teach him any damn morals. Or how to treat women period. He can't be a man because your tit is still in his mouth. He can't keep a woman because your literally IN love with your son and can't let him go. You've no boundaries sis.
I'm not no feminist, mysgonist or whatever the hell yall throw at people for speaking facts. I'm simply a woman, a human who keeps it 💯. All this MenVsWomen crap is b.s. Your both to blame. Period. I'm done now.
TL;DR Women and Men are both equally yoked when it comes to the failings of society.
submitted by Angel-M007 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 The_Better_Devil Moderation Update: Thank you and goodbye

Hey ya'll, it's Devil, your friendly neighborhood mod man again... though I won't be called that for much longer here.
Thank you
First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank each and every one of you. The past few months have been incredibly troubling for us all, but you guys have made it easier to find my way through it. The community and the podcast will always hold a special place in my heart. For three and a half years I have worked as a mod of FUCKFACEPOD to build a thriving community of comment leavers. In that time we have done incredible things together.
We left our mark on Place in 2022, we held meetups at RTX, the mod team even tried streaming for Extra Life one year. And when the company was closing down around us, and we moved to a new subreddit, we quickly built a brand new space full of the same joy and humor that defined the old subreddit. However... this will unfortunately be my last stop.
It is with deep sorrow that I tell you all that I have been removed from the moderation team of this subreddit. After three and a half years, I will no longer be a moderator here for subreddit. I am so incredibly proud of this community and how far we have come. I will be forever grateful to the podcast, and to all of you for the memories and the laughter you guys gave to me.
But this isn't goodbye forever. I'll still be hanging around the subreddit as a regular ol comment leaver. I also will continue to moderate for SoAlrightPod so go check out that place. I will also continue modding for roosterteeth at least for now, though I do plan on leaving that one soon.
To ANEGGG I say thank you. I cannot overstate the impact Rooster Teeth has had in my life. From my very first Achievement Hunter video in 8th grade, to the final episode of the Rooster Teeth Podcast. You guys are what ignited my passion for creating things, and you're what pushed me to pursue a degree in Film. Seeing you guys pop up in the subreddit has always been a joy (Eric's comments are always fucking hilarious) and I was overjoyed when I got to meet some of you at RTX 22/23. Thank you.
To the OG mods of FUCKFACEPOD I say thank you. Some of you have only been mods for a months before we had to switch subreddits and you all adapted to the change wonderfully. The rest of you have been in the game almost as long as I have. I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to have worked with, nor better friends to accompany me. Thank you.
And finally, to the community I say thank you. I've had some pretty dark moments over the past few years, but being able to come to this subreddit and laugh at whatever random bullshit was happening has always managed to pull back into the light. I say this of not just the F**k Face/Regulation Pod community but for the wider Rooster Teeth community as well. Thank you.
I leave you now with this Spotify playlist I made.
Now if you'll forgive me, I'd like to do some reminiscing about my time here:
submitted by The_Better_Devil to theregulationpod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:28 xfallenangelx95 28/F Seeking a friendship with people who know what they want! People who talk a lot, need someone to talk to on a daily basis and really want to make new friends 🌸 I don't need shallow conversations. I want to talk to friendless and understanding people who are emotionally mature.

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:27 Wourly Reinier vs Scarlita as priority for Arena and Abyss?


TL;DR section with actual questions below.

I am aware of rule 7, so that there should be no duplicates. This comparison was asked few times already, but most (not all) of the questions were clueless, since they only asked who should they pull, regardless of the character skills/roles.
I have single copy (epic) of both of them and I am not totally sure about who of them should I prioritize. I am aware of some of their strengths, but I got these characters just recently and still finding proper situations to use them.
I am aware, that they have different roles (although to some extent, they are both supports - Scarlita for first 15 seconds).
I also haven't yet reached Abyss.
If I miss something in my opinion, then please correct me. I might be overlooking a critical benefit of one of the characters.
(you can skip my summarization, though)

My opinion on Reinier

I am aware, that investment into Reinier will significantly help me with Dream Realm and he is totally awesome for offense in PvP (using Enlightening spell - you can drag out critical enemy without swapping your character and generally fight 5v4).
But while he might help you with a difficult specific stage or enemy, he feels very cumbersome, since the lineup is not always the same and he may actually not do anything, if you go on auto-battle mode. Not sure if he is even able to give the ally Legendary+ ATK boost, when no swap is triggered.
So as far as I am concerned, he is Dream Realm king (25% damage taken to boss + extra sustain for a specific character) and exceptionally strategic character for arena offense. Not to mention, that his utimate spell makes the fight eventually 5v3, which obviously is very bad situation for enemy.

My opinion on Scarlita

While Reinier seems not to be a good fit for auto-battling, Scarlita seems like a perfect choice.. since if any of your characters die early (tank especially) you are usually dead.. Scarlita prevents this by adding a shield to the allies, which need it the most. So she allows tank to survive longer, so tank may activate some of its skills to be capable surviving on his own. At S+, she also give these allies pretty decent defense.
So when Scarlita made sure, that the early fight went well and tank's survival is established, she then comes to battlefield to finish, what is left undone. Providing heavy crowd control and dealing true damage. She also executes enemies under 20% health (but up to 25%) - somewhat similar to Odie, if I am correct.



...while Reinier is obviously powerful for offense in Arena with Enlightening spell..
Is there some viability to use Reinier in DEFENSE arena team? (how?) I am slightlly worried about it. Worst case scenario I can come up with would be, that he will teleport enemy S+ Grannie Dahnie to me. Which would cause HUGE problems, especially if enemy has Scarlita and Hewynn too.
Also even for offense with Reinier some enemies are already aware of this possibility, so they put tanks behind their DPS characters and Arena map 5 may limit quite a lot. My core damage unit is Supreme (without +) Carolina, so she should be able to deal with tanks (except Thoran and Grannie).
Does Reinier deal some damage at higher rarity, or is his damage laughable compared to carries like Carolina, Odie, Florabelle and Cecia?
How to protect myself from Reinier attacks in my Arena defense team?
As I already said, map 5 may provide some advantage, but I haven't tested that out, but I think I will figure it out eventually, how to place units, since I can always peek into enemy configuration and check, what he is capable and what he cannot do.
What happens if I will only use two columns in my arena defense and the last in these columns will be Damian and Scarlita?
Will Reinier just pull the toy chariot or the unit before Damian?
Will Reinier just fail to do his job at all, when doing his swap against Scarlita or he swaps the targer before her?
Concerning Scarlita for PvP, I have very little doubts about her consistency and efficiency. She seems to be an ideal pick for arena defense especially.
At most I wonder, how she compares to Koko in overall arena performance..?
I do not seem to have any further questions. But I might be missing some informations, so if you fill me in, I would be really glad.
As for the Abyss, I have not many informations, so I only expect it to be a very hard strategical challenge. Scarlita seems to be ranked better than Reinier for it and I am already building Grannie Dahnie (I am somehow not a big fan of Thoran even though I have him on wishlish, because he is a must for King Croaker and he amplifies team damage - maybe because so many people claim, that he is the best tank, but then I see so many AFK challenge proxy battle and their only invested tank Thoran simply cannot hold the line, where Antandra would have no problems).
So yes, basically I have last question.
Reinier will certainly help me getting more Dream Realm currency, but if Scarlita is stronger in Abyss.. does not she actually help me get more ex-weapon currency?

Thanks for reading and possible feedback!

submitted by Wourly to AFKJourney [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 unnacompanied_minor The discourse regarding cait, Tyler, and their biological daughter Carly.

So for those who don’t know, cait and Tyler were on the show 16 and pregnant where they gave up their biological daughter Carly. In the show you could see how much pain it caused both of them to make that decision. The agency they used was predatory asf, and the AP’s Brandon and Teresa were also predatory because they promised an open adoption and then like so many other disgusting AP’s, backed out of the contract.
Cait and Tyler have been pretty vocal about their feelings regarding this and for some reason, everybody thinks they’re wrong?
The discourse is so triggering, with the majority of people bashing cait and Tyler saying they aren’t Carly’s parents, they gave up all their rights, and that it’s probably Carly who doesn’t want to see them. Why do so many people believe that it’s Carly who’s making this choice, when it’s been clear from the very beginning that Brandon and Teresa only agreed to an open adoption because they knew they didn’t have to stick with it, and that it wasn’t legally binding. Why are we all just ignoring how gross Brandon and Teresa are? It’s making me physically sick.
The way people talk about adoptees and adoption has always been triggering but this for some reason is hitting way harder! What are your thoughts?
submitted by unnacompanied_minor to Adopted [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:26 ThatPlasmaGuy Ensuring an ASI has it's peoples best interests at heart

A human ruler has many motivations to govern well:
1) A well run state confers power onto the ruler
2) Popular support
3) Retribution from revolting peasents
4) Re election
5) Legacy
In addition most humans have a deep want for fellow humans to prosper, and the species to continue even after the individual dies.
In a supercratic state, where presumable there are no elections, no vehicle for regime change, no ability for the people to revolt, what would motivate the immortal ASI to act in the best interest of the people?
Is the ASI subject to negative / positive reinforcement from some metrics? If so, what would stop the super intellegence from out manourvering these carrots / sticks?
submitted by ThatPlasmaGuy to Supercracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:25 utopian_potential DFV Meme'd us his story: here is my interpretation of it - Pt 6/7

DFV Meme'd us his story: here is my interpretation of it - Pt 6/7
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Meme 92: \"I need your help\"... \"Whose car we taking\"... Cuts to Mad Max Speaker on the truck pumping up the convoy...
Meme 93: \"Cause sometimes, when you fuck around, you find out..\". A simple message to the hedgies.
Meme 94: And so the killing blow is prepared.
Meme 95: simple continuation. Did hedgies really think they would get away with this? Did they really think they would win??
Meme 96.1: This meme gets a double mention. First, it points out clearly, APE NO FIGHT APE. Then it warns us things are going to get bumpy.
Meme 96.2: This meme gets a double mention. First, it points out clearly, APE NO FIGHT APE. Then it warns us things are going to get bumpy.
Meme 97: Starts with pirates of the Caribbean, with Captain Barbossa returning from the dead, and it cuts to Men in Black, with Kay telling Jay to push the red button that turns the car into a rocket ship, and make sure you BUCKLE UP.
Meme 98: The horde forms and rides together. Holding on to their shares.
Meme 99: A standoff at first from an old western movie. Then Thor comes crashing in, wrecking things, but not before a sneaky little Ethereum logo overlays him... Does the killshot involve the chain somehow?
Meme 100: About the avengers, and the ASSEMBLE scene from Endgame... as we all just gather and hold.
Meme 101: Starts with a blade at the neck, the soon to be executed is told to wait for the single, then the Dog days will be over... Itll be KITTY's TIME TO SHINE.
Meme 102: Starts with a car driving peacefully along, before transitioning to this car making its rapid turn... Indicating to me the lull period where we sat 10-15$ for a long time.
Meme 103: Gangs of new york. The little kid is told to keep the blood on the blade. So he remembers how it go there. And what he went through. Then, the gangs line up, and ON MY CHALLENGE, it cuts to the song \"stand up\". Telling us all to get ready.
Meme 104.1: This sequence is an explanation of what is about to happen. \"But first, the overture\", before cutting to 'ready player one' where the protaganist solves the riddle in the message, and start to go backwards! A backwards message? Like the one posted on his twitter timeline?
Meme 104.2: Driving backwards - This whole meme story, posted \"backwards\"
Meme 104.3: This will awaken the dragons, who'll see red (in anger) or cause the price to crash... AGAIN...
Meme 105.1: This sequence is a message to us. They (the media) will come out of the wordwork, and tell you its over again, you missed it, again...
Meme 105.2: But they dont get to control that anymore. Hedgies window to leave... that closed ages ago
Meme 105.3: Kitty is going to get some rest...
105.4: At the end of this meme is embedded the audio clip for this. Hang in there team...
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

submitted by utopian_potential to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:24 pohltergiest Boaty boaty mcfloaty all the way north

Boaty boaty mcfloaty all the way north
Today started gentler than expected, both of us awake before the alarm. I forgot how early first light is, already the city was waking up in the dim blue of the predawn. We brushed our teeth and got dressed and muttered about how ridiculous it was that we needed to be at the ferry terminal an hour early. They weren't going to check anything besides our tickets, but then again, we've heard worse stories about dumber technicalities. Just after 430 we were outside and a few minutes later we were away.
The city in the morning was mostly quiet, a few trucks rumbling on the highway. Luckily the forecasted rain had already ended, I had fully expected to have the added misery of being wet and cold to the headache of being up too early. We arrived somewhat breathless to the ferry terminal, a giant ferry awaiting us. Lines and lines of heavy trucks were waiting their turn to load while lots of cars were also waiting. Looks like everyone took the hour before rule seriously. An attendant looked at our QR codes and told us to put a sign that he gave us on our bikes and put them to the side while we waited for general boarding, which was in 45 minutes. Grumbling, we parked our bikes and went inside the terminal.
The terminal was simple but clean, I double checked the reservation with someone at a computer as I had nothing better to do. Upstairs there was a small gift shop where we bought a box of cookies for our upcoming host. Seemed like we should try to get them something from a region they're not from, though I'm sure they'll appreciate the sentiment. The cookies do look tasty though. We shared a drink from a machine and stared out the window, a little dazed. Framed tourism posters were hung about the space, one for each region in Japan. I initially thought they were anime posters, but it seems that's just how ads are made. Maybe one inspired the other.
Eventually it was time to board, we were the last as is usual when we're biking. We walked our bikes up the ramp to the second deck and were ushered to one side where after we had removed our bags our bikes were wrapped in blankets and secured to the wall. We thanked them and headed into the ferry. The third deck had a check in counter where we got a key to our room, which was a private room but not facing the ocean. We only wanted the room to nap in, so that was fine. The third deck had bunk rooms as well as a room where you just got a section of the floor, while the fourth deck had the private rooms, the ones facing in like ours and the more expensive ones facing out. The fifth deck had the deluxe rooms as well as the suites (which I don't think were even available to rent). We plunked down our bags and I went back to sleep.
I found the rocking motion of the ship rather soothing while laying down, and settled into a light nap for a few hours. Around 830, both of us needed something to eat, so we went to explore the ship's amenities. We found the cafe, which had a disappointingly small selection of things to eat. We later would find out that the restaurant that serves breakfast did not open, probably leading to a run on the pastries. We got a cookie and coffee and sat at a table, watching the waves go by. Bryce informed me that he gets seasick around this time, leading me to ask him why he wanted to do this then. He just likes boats I guess.
After breakfast we wandered around to see the amenities. We found the grill restaurant that was more expensive than we cared to spend on, a small arcade with machines from the 80's, some air hockey tables (the sports corner), a theatre with a 10am showing of Tom and Jerry, some vending machines (ice cream time), the onsens, a yellowed smoking room straight out of 1994, a business corner, and a kids corner with blocks. I wanted to play with the blocks but didn't. They would never understand. Also kids are gross and I'm sick enough already. Overall, the same as anything else we've seen in Japan, a relic of the 80's, still spotless, still running, but at 10% capacity. More employees than you can shake a stick at, all doing their very best job.
I felt a little ill after writing for awhile so I went to go lay down while Bryce went to the arcade, promising to nobody in particular that he was going to wait til lunch to crack open a cold one. I said I didn't care but good luck with that as I went back to bed. Being horizontal with nowhere to go felt good for awhile. I had a lot of writing to catch up on.
Towards lunch I got up and found Bryce in front of a slot machine with a strong zero in his hand. I said nothing about the pre lunch drink, but asked if he won anything. One of the machines you could spin all you like, so we did that for awhile. There was one machine that looked fun, so I played a top down shooter for awhile while Bryce tried his luck at some godawful prize machine full of dusty crap. Eventually the restaurant opened for lunch and we filed. There was a 25th anniversary ramen available, and we both got that, along with a croissant. The ramen was pretty good, I found the shio broth comforting. The croissant was because it didn't fill us up enough.
After lunch I was in the mood for a bath. An onsen on a ship felt like a luxury I wanted to try and I thought it would be restful. Bryce had no interest in trying his luck at hiding his tattoos, I didn't care if I got kicked out at this point. What're they gonna do, tell me to get off at the next stop? I did what I always do, hold a hand towel over my arm and mind my business. As expected, not many people were using the bath after lunch and I had it to myself aside from a mother and her babbling toddler who only spent a few minutes there. The bath had a view of the mountains of hokkaido in the distance, and Hakodate a little closer. It was a neat sight to be in a hot open bath while watching the ocean go by. The rest of the ship was whatever but this was nice. I did a few laps of the bath and cold water, and sat in the steam room, hoping the hot air would somehow cure my ailments. I got a chance to properly wash my hair, which had become just fouled from all the road dust, sweat, and body oils that had built up. Gross. I don't usually shampoo as I don't usually need to, but once a week or so I definitely need it while on the road.
After the onsen I went to go see how Bryce was doing, happily reading his book in a chair by the ocean. He accompanied me to the room to lay down for awhile, the hot water and sloshing of the rough seas making me feel a little ill again. In our room, we heard a faraway bang like we hit something. I'm sure it's nothing. The ship sure seemed like it was leaning more to one side though. We didn't do too much else for the rest of the ride, we did a few more laps of the ship trying to find more things. We did find the forward saloon, which sounds wild but is merely a room facing forward with comfy couches. Unfortunately all the windows are blocked off, so the room is a little pointless other than a private space to talk or read in a dim room. The ship overall was comfortable, but I definitely got a little nauseated from the rough seas.
The ship finally docked, late, and we were let out to the open air of Hokkaido. It's a bit chilly here! I immediately noticed the change in air, it's less humid for sure. It will be a shift to go back to cool temperatures but a welcome one. Nights in the tent should be much less sticky at least! Good thing we still have our biking tights, riding in just shorts is pretty cold here in the evening. Truthfully though the cool temperatures is better for biking and I wasn't really enjoying the heat, so this is a welcome surprise.
We docked at the east port of Tomakomai, which meant we had to bike into the city where we planned to stay another night. I needed another really solid sleep to finally kick this illness, so one more hotel night before we braved the wilderness south of Sapporo. We braced ourselves and headed west, directly into a heavy crosswind that was some of the steadiest and toughest wind we've seen yet. It swept right over the flat grassy areas on the coast, really reminding us of the prairies. Everything is so spread out here compared to the rest of the country, I wonder if Sapporo is like this too.
After a rough push through the wind on roads that were somewhat falling apart from the truck traffic and a lack of maintenance, we got to a town about halfway. The nausea from the boat was getting to me and we were both too hungry to go further without a bite to eat. Luckily Hokkaido has their own brand of conbinis and we were more than happy to see some new products. We got their take on fried chicken, some Hokkaido grown potato wedges and some soft drinks we hadn't seen yet. The wedges were great, the chicken was good and one of the drinks was terrible. Sour bubbly water with no flavor. What's the point?
Biking further into the city now, we rode over bumpy roads on very wide, very long roads designed entirely for cars in mind. Don't get me wrong the bike path was nice but the distances between buildings reminded me again of the prairies. It takes forever to get anywhere! I might find the streets of Hokkaido a little dull if things are this spread out, but then again we couldn't even scratch the surface of things before so maybe we won't feel like we're missing out as much.
We stopped twice for bike parts, Bryce getting a new tube to hold on reserve, I got a spoke wrench that I'm excited to try out. My rear wheel should be well tensioned, so I can go off of that. Next we headed to the hotel. We debated laundry tonight, but ultimately there were a few too many things to do and I'd rather enjoy myself, get to bed on time and then get up and do laundry over breakfast tomorrow. The hotel was lovely enough, with little surprises for later. First we needed a proper dinner.
Barbecue was on the mind, but we landed up at an izakaya. We ordered edamame, a green salad, chicken wings, a plate of assorted skewers and more hokkaido potatoes. The potatoes, again, were far and away the best part of the meal. The company was a group of red-faced salarymen watching a baseball game along with the rest of the staff who were also eagerly watching the action. The Izakaya had all sorts of baseball accoutrements which made watching fun. Normally I'd rather peel off my fingernails one by one then watch baseball, but with some friendly folks letting me know when to be excited with their cheering I can enjoy it. As we were leaving one man gave us some lemon candies he had and Bryce surprised him by having maple candies for everyone in the building, much to their delight.
Bryce needed to recoat his jacket, so we went to a parking lot and did that under a streetlight. It would need to dry overnight, another reason to do the laundry in the morning. I wanted a piece of the onsen on the top level. Inside there were three baths, two hot and one cold, with one of the hot baths being outside. I luxuriated outside by myself for some time in the cool air, as well as the hot bath indoors in the wood panelled room, and a sauna with a tv inside! All very nice. I took advantage of the cleaners and lotions available, and the freezer full of popsicles outside the onsen.
Back in the room, there was a fruit jelly waiting for us in the fridge which we enjoyed, a strawberry puree. But the treats weren't over yet, from 930-11pm we could enjoy the hotel's original late night ramen. Now this isn't something I want to have late at night normally, but this is exactly the kind of thing that makes me smile. Time limited free food? I'll set an alarm. The soup itself was nothing special, but the presentation and the fact I could have it in hotel jammies made it all the better. Truly, a good rest day. I could have done without the 20km ride in the wind, but I can't have everything I guess.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:22 dunsmuirnc Finally done with the 2023 EV Tax Credit! ... and Fisker!

This has been a ridiculously long journey but I'm finally done with this ownership fiasco. I just got a notification that about $8100 from the IRS is about to hit my account despite the amended status return page still showing it's being "reviewed". Geez! I mean, I can't complain ... although $500ish in interest seems low given my original filing was 11/1! It took two attempts to get this through. My first 1040X ended up fizzling out because a previous 1040X I filed (for completely unrelated reasons) hadn't quite finished being processed (they DID warn me "don't submit another one if the first one hasn't been completed"). This last one took barely a month, start to finish. If yours has taken more than 16-20 weeks, call it in (you'll be redirected a few times as the person you're initially connected with handles collections, not refunds). Speak with the agent and if it has taken the requisite amount of time, they'll ask you a bunch of questions to see if you qualify for a re-do. In this case the redo was a slam dunk.
Between this and the $69K I got from Progressive for my accident on 11/26 (car was deemed totaled with just $5K in damaged plastics), I am made 100% whole but I still can't help but feel that HF totally lied to us and swindled us (and pretty much all his partners, vendors, and employees). I am extremely fortunate and grateful that I got out unscathed, physically first and foremost ... and I even made a couple of big ones on the stock, in which I didn't stay long, about a year ago. My heart goes out to everyone who's still feeling the daily pain of a car with mechanical and software issues or just the possibility of it becoming a financial liability while only serving as a garage ornament. I had such high hopes for this car but I think the recent business winds have been ones of "go cheap, grab the money, and run" so Fisker is not alone in their MO. We have seen such little progress across so many industries. If it's not a "con" of some sort, they're not interested in growing and investing. Let's hope we get out of this stagnation funk by next year.
I hope everyone learns from this experience to not be so impulsive (which will be very hard for yours truly) but also not to slam people who sound the alarms early on. See something, say something. If you go back to some of my comments from late 2022 through mid-2023, I correctly predicted quite a few things that ended up happening. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". We can't make accurate predictions 100% of the time but we also shouldn't be vilified for being genuinely concerned by what is happening.
Good luck to all!
submitted by dunsmuirnc to Fisker [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:21 unavngiven My mom died... [Very long post]

This is my first reddit post, although I have been a long time lurker of many subreddits. I am 23 years old and an only child. I am not a native english speaker, so please forgive any weird formatting or any spelling/grammar mistakes.
As the title states, my mom died ... and I am currently writing this to try and process this whole situation. I've tried to section all the paragraphs in chronological order, to make reading easier. Sorry for the extremely long post - I just needed to get it all out.
We only just celebrated her 60th birthday back in february. She did all the cooking, cleaning and planning without any trouble - even down to picking out the perfect napkins and flowers for her white and gold theme.
My mother was without a job. She had been jobless for almost 2 years now, after she was fired from her old cleaning job due to frequent sick days because of stomach cramps and pain. She was seen by a doctor back in 2022 for her stomach aches, and they found no physical cause - hence why we concluded it must've been due to stress. The stress and stomach pains subsided after she'd been fired. So we thought no more of it.
In march she was doing a 4-week internship in a local supermarket to see if she might've been a good fit for a permanent paid position. This is common practice for unemployeed people here in Denmark.
My mother started having stomach pains again during this internship, soon followed by back pains as well. She figured this was due to her spending most of the day sitting as a cashier in an uncomfortable position. My mother wasn't very tall, so she had trouble reaching the floor pedals that control the cashier conveyer belt.
In the beginning of april, she went to the doctor. Her stomach and back pains hadn't gone away although the internship was over. Her doctor also concluded it was most likely due to her uncomfortable working position, and that it would pass in a few weeks time. The doctor did some bloodwork, and found that she was severely lacking vitamin D, but nothing else seemed concerning at the time.
In the middle of april, her pains had only gotten worse, and she went to the doctor again. Her doctor did more bloodwork, and did a phisycal exam of my mothers stomach. Her doctor ordered a CT scan to check for anything serious.
19th of april. I accompany my mother to the hospital for her CT scan. We get told that we'll have the results in a week or so. My mother is not looking good when I pick her up at the bus station. She is more pale than usual, and has trouble walking at her usual pace.
23th of april. My mother received a referral to a meeting at the hospital with a doctor and nurse, to discuss the results of the CT scan. This referral is sent from the hospitals cancer department. My mother and I speak on the phone, she is concerned, but I tell her that this type of referral must just be standard pratice, and that she shouldn't worry untill we have spoken with the doctor. I cried that night.
25th of april. The day before her meeting with the doctor, I received a phone call from my mother. She tells me that she had fallen while at home, but that I shouldn't worry. I, of course, worry.
I pack my things and leave for my mothers house, I live an hour away by bus. When I finally arrive my mother seems okay-ish, but the house is another story. My mother is normally known for being a clean freak, and her house has always been clean and organized, But it wasn't anymore.
Her kitchen was a mess, and the dishwasher hadn't been empited or loaded for at least two weeks. Her bathroom is even worse, and I won't even begin to describe the state of the toilet it self. It is a sight that will horrify me for the rest of my life. I cleaned everything, while my mother rested.
My mother had also started sleeping on the guest bed, saying her own was too uncomfortable for her.
While cleaning the bathroom, my mother wakes up. Despite her state, she says she wants to help. But before I can even tell her no, my mother has another fall. Her legs essentially just crumble beneath her, and she falls backwards and lands head first on the floor. We argue back and forth about calling an ambulance, but she refuses to let me - so I don't, even though I should have. I guess I still respected my moms authority too much.
My mother lives alone, as my parents are divorced (they are very good friends though). My mother refuses to let me call my dad and tell him about this whole situation. She is stubborn and too proud to admit defeat.
26th of april. We take a taxi to the hospital. The taxi driver has a help my mother into the car. During the carride my mother says very little, but seems slightly delirious and very tired. When we arrive at the hospital, I quickly borrow a hospital wheelchair for my mother. She is almost unable to walk unassisted at this point.
After waiting for a while in the waiting area, a nurse comes and guides us to a meeting room. My mother is very tired at this point, and still delirious, and I have to handle most of the conversation with the doctor.
The CT scan results showed Pancreatic cancer. The cancer had already spread to her liver and abdomial cavity.
I had read about this cancer a few days prior, trying to figure out what was wrong with my mother. I knew what this meant, and I knew that it was effectively a death sentence. The doctor told us that an operation was out of the question, since the cancer had already spread. And due to the clearly weak state of my mothers health, chemo would also not be offered, as it would finish her.
I told the doctor of her two falls and the state of her home, and that she would not be safe on her own. The doctor had her admitted to a nearby bed department for stomach- and gastrointestinal surgery patients.
The hospital did a ton of bloodwork on my mother when she got admitted, and everything was off. All numbers were either too high or dangerously low. My mothers health was in fact so bad, that I was told she was a heart attack risk. I was also told that if a heart attack happened, she would not be brought back - as it would only prolong a very short and painful life.
I called my dad.
27th of april. My mother slept most of the day.
28th of april. My mother had another fall during the night, trying to get to the bathroom.
29th of april. My dad shows up to the hospital. He wasn't able to get off work until now, as he works in the other end of the country. He is shocked to see my mother in this state. We are told once again by a different doctor that nothing can be done. They are looking into getting her a spot at a nearby hospice.
The rest of the remaining week is spent in hospital. My dad and I are by my mothers side every day. She doesn't leave her hospital room, apart from a few times a day for a smoke break outside. My dad and I take her outside in a wheelchair, which she needs help to get in and out of.
Her bloodwork is showing some slight improvements, but she is still having trouble with infections and receives a lot of antibiotics. She eats like a mouse, but drinks a lot of fluids.
My mother is often very confused or tired most days. She gets referred for an MR scan, to see if the cancer has spread to her brain, or if one of her falls has caused permanent damage. Lucikly the MR scan shows that nothing is wrong with her brain.
She gets confused about her diagnosis a few times, thinking that she had brain cancer instead due to the MR scan. I have to remind her a couple times about what the doctor actually said.
6th of may. My mother seems to have stabilized somewhat so my dad has gone back to work.
7th of may. I get told by the hospital staff that my mother is to be transferred to a different hospital, which is one hour away. I become very upset by this news, and unfortunately yell at one of my mothers nurses in frustration. I yell at her that It'll be harder for me to get to my mother in time if something were to happen. I am ashamed of this childish behavior, as the transfer was the best desicion for my mother in hindsight.
I leave with my mother as we get transferred to the new hospital and their department of palliative care.
I am very ashamed by my behavior to my mothers old nurse, as this department for palliative care was truly the best place for my mother. She seemed very satisfied and happy to have been transferred. They have a large garden with wild flowers, and lovely staff. And my mother got a much bigger room all to herself. She also meets with their physical therapist, who helps my mother relieve some of her pain.
My mother and I have dinner together in the evening in her hospital room. My mom is her old self, although with some delayed speaking. I unfortunately have to rush a bit when leaving, as to not miss my bus home, so I quickly say goodbye to her and leave.
8th of may. In the morning on my way to the new hospital, I received a phone call from her new doctor. My mothers liver has suddenly started to fail due to the cancer. When I arrive, she is asleep. I am told she wont wake up again.
I called my dad, but he wont arrive until the evening, due to the distance from his workplace.
I spend most of the day in my mothers hospital room, listening to her sleep. She occasionally attempts to cough in her sleep, but it mainly just sounds like yells. It is terrifying. The nurses give her pain medication and some sleep medication to help her body relax.
My dad arrives in the late evening. We drive to my mothers house and stay the night there. We spend most of the late evening looking at pictures and scrapbooks of my mother, and packing a bag with clothes for her, for when she passes.
When prepareing the guest bed for my dad, we find a blanket that my mother slept on. It is stained, matching the previous state of the bathroom. We throw the blanket out.
9th of may. Mom is sleeping. Dad and I spend the day at the hospital, but we don't sit in her hospital room. It is too eerie and uncomfortable. We check on her occassionally. Towards the evening, her breathing becomes slightly more rapid and quick. But the nurses tell us to go home. There is no reason for us to sit by her side during the night - as it'll only make it worse for us.
10th of may. I wake at 6.12 am to my phone ringing. It is a nurse. My mother has passed away in her sleep at 6.05 that morning due to liver failure. My dad and I drive to the hospital. I am the first to see her body after the nurses prepared and dressed it in the clothing we picked.
(warning: the following paragraph may be slightly upsetting to some readers)
It it eerie and uncomfortable to see my mother like this. A symptom of pancreatic and liver cancers is that your skin will yellow. Something that I hadn't noticed in my mother till now. I cant help but think that she looks like a wax doll, although I feel horrible for thinking it. I finally touch her hand, after gathering the courage to, almost like I am afraid to distrub her. Her hands are cold, and only get colder as I sit by her side. I am supposed to say my goodbyes to her, and tell her how much she means to me, but in this moment I am speechless. I can't say anything, even on my mothers deathbed. I feels wrong to speak to a corpse. I should've said those things while she could hear them instead. I kiss her forehead before I leave the room.
17th of may. Funeral. The church and casket was beautifully decorated with colorful flowers, like my mother had requested. She didn't want anything white or depressing. I cried all the way through the funeral service, stopping only when it was time to carry the casket out. My dad on the left side, and me on the right, and some other family members behind us. Purple rain by Prince was played on the church piano as we carried the casket. I knew the casket would be heavy, but nothing prepared me for the sheer weight of that thing.
21th of may. Today. I don't really know what to think of my mothers death. Some days I almost forget that shes gone or that all this has been happening, until something reminds me of it.
In a way, I am thankful. Of course I didn't want my mother to die, but I'm glad that her suffering wasn't prolonged for months while she slowly withered away to cancer. And I'm thankful that my mother didn't live to suffer from alzheimers, like her own mother. And I am glad that if anything, my mothers death has brought my dad and I closer.
But at the same time, I am angry that she didn't get to live more of her life. She was only 60 years old, and should have had 20 more years at least. If she at least was 70, it might've been easier to lose her but I doubt it.
I think mostly of all the things she will miss out on, which saddens me the most. I am 23 and my mother wont get to see most of my life or my achivements. If I have kids, she'll never meet them, and she I get married, she'll never see it. My 24th birthday is coming up soon, and I don't know how I'll handle that day without my mother for the first time - or christmas for that matter.
I want my mom.
submitted by unavngiven to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:21 Squallvash Do you think 1 of each gang is enough to start arbitrating?

So my group is getting into Necromunda. We're dipping our toes into the water.
Me- Arbitrator Friend- undecided Brother- slave ogryn
I'm going to be Arbitrator. I'd like for this campaign to be as narrative as possible, with both players playing most if not all the games and various NPCs taking part.
I've got access to an Escher gang, the full range of Orlock gang, goliath, slave ogryn, delaque, the full range of palatine enforcers, vehicles, terrain, 40k armies, (sisters, eldar, tau, marines, tyranids, genestealers, guardsmen, 5 or 6 kill teams) cultists, just random assortments of monsters,, and HELLA proxies as well as a few of the rule books though i'm purchasing a copy of the newest core rulebook just to have something physical to read. And thanks to my wife I have a TON of terrain I can use.
Ideally i'd like 1 of every gang as opposition to them. Some stronger than others to make Necromunda more of a vibrant world.
The biggest reason we want Necromunda is because we want to play a narrative setting. 2/3s of us like 40k but we all still play, and we all like the way Kill Team plays. The problem with those games is that Narrative is "at best" tacked on and uninventive and at worst just bad.
Necromunda seems to blend what I like from Cyberpunk settings (games like Shadowrun) with what I like about 40k (the people, the common folks and how shitty life can be).
And I can see Necromunda becoming our go to TTRPG Skirmish game. The size of the gangs leads to a smaller (read cheaper) investment.
My idea (ideally) would be that they have their separate gangs and just as a narrative twist, they have Juve characters that go off and build their own gang (with blackjack and hookers) using money they've been skimming off the top while leveling up themselves in the process.
Sort of a "started from the bottom now we here".
ssentially giving them each 1 gang along with a joint gang they can both play as for other missions. Making the game a 2 part game of sorts. 1 part is their life in their original gangs while both helping and undermining the gang and part 2 would be building the other gang.
I'd like to try them keeping their stats on their character card and roleplaying with them in a 1 page RPG style (fate, monster of the week, PBTA) using their stats as how many dice they get to achieve a successful action for them obtaining new characters and exploring the world.
Is this too much?
Does the system even work for this?
Have others done this that I can work with?
Would my campaign idea even work?
Is this wholly unnecessary?
Have I missed the mark on what Necromunda is and can bring to the table?
Am I just replacing one plastic crack addiction with another?
Are there online resources one can use to streamline learning after legally purchasing a copy of the book?
Any other resources or knowledge any of you experienced players can provide would be excellent.
submitted by Squallvash to necromunda [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:18 Affectionate-Pool442 Survivor 46 Finale Predictions.

It’s finally time for this truly crazy season to come to an end. 46 has been such a journey, starting out with one of the worst pre-merges of all time, a bit of a boring early merge, then suddenly building momentum like crazy and delivering a great 5-episode run. I’ve enjoyed this season, and it’s currently ranked 3rd out of the new-era seasons for me, under 45 and 42. Anyway, time for the final predictions.
🦎5th Place: Maria. 🦎
Through out the new era, a pattern has emerged with its fifth placers: players who, on the island, are big threats, likely to win if they get to the end, and are shown to be solid strategic players, but with edits that are smaller than they should be, given their perceived win equity on the island; players like Lindsey (42) Lauren (44) and Julie (45), Maria fits in that lineup perfectly.
After her blindside of Charlie failed, she’s left with no allies and is the biggest target by far. I think Maria is going to go out unanimously. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to keep her.
🦎4th Place (Fire Making Loser.) : Ben. 🦎
Ben is going to lose to Kenzie in fire. I’ve been predicting this for awhile, and while I’m no longer as certain of this happening as I used to be, to me, it still seems like what the season has been building up to for a while now.
Kenzie and Ben both got fire making content extremely earlier in the season and has colored how I’ve seen their relationship all season; Kenzie will no longer be the comforter but will be the competitor; taking out one of her closest relationships of the season and sending a strong supporter to the jury. I see this has her finally showing off a “killer instinct” or something along those lines. Ben will be the winning vote for Kenzie in an incredibly close final tribal council.
Oops. I’ve spent Ben’s section talking about Kenzie. Ben is a supporting character in the story of Kenzie’s win. And no, I don’t think he’ll break any sort of tie.
🦎3rd Place: Liz.🦎
Liz lands here by default. I’m leaning towards Charlie winning the final immunity challenge, and sending Ben and Kenzie to fire with the main goal of getting Kenzie out. We saw in episode 12 that Liz is horrible at fire, so I think Charlie won’t pick her; also, she’s just an easy person to beat at the end.
I don't think Liz is well liked or respected by the majority Nami jury–who I’m guessing will be bitter at her for whatever reason–and will be seen as a goat. Which I don't think is really fair; Liz has played an okay game, but against Charlie and Kenzie, she won't get a single vote.
Liz has been a great character and is responsible for the most iconic moment of the season. IM PISSED that Liz has been overlooked by the editors. I’m hoping she has a good finale.
🦎Second Place: Charlie.🦎
The strategic figure head of the season, top-ten new-era player, and Swiftie, Charlie, is going to get second place. It’s really hard to have Charlie at second; I’d love to see him win; he truly deserves it; and on any other new-era season, I think he does win, but just not this one.
The only reason I think Charlie doesn’t win is purely from reading the edit.
  1. His social game isn’t as prevalent in his edit, which leans way more toward the strategic. When considering Kenzie's edit, that’s really bad, as it gives Kenzie a clear reason why she wins over Charlie—that being her better social game.
  2. A few weeks ago, Charlie talked about not wanting to be seen as “one of the bad people,” which makes me think that the jury might be bitter.
  3. After such a visibly dominant winner like Dee, Charlie and Maria’s complete control of the game wasn’t shown off to the extent it could have been.
  4. Kenzie has one of the strongest edits of the new-era.
That being said, I don’t think Charlie’s edit is as bad as people are making it seem; sure, I don’t think it’s as strong as Kenzie’s from a story arc or personal content perspective, but I don’t think we’ve really been shown explicitly why Charlie loses. My main line of thinking is that the jury is going to be bitter, or that Charlie’s final tribal speech doesn’t do his game justice. The final tribal council will be a battle between the strategically dominant Charlie and the social butterfly Kenzie. It’ll be a close vote. this is the highest I’ve ever been on a Charlie win happening. I don’t think it’s impossible as others do, but Kenzie’s edit is just too strong for me to really consider anything else.
🦎The Winner Of Survivor 46: Kenzie.🦎
As predictable as it is, Kenzie seems to be locked in for a win. Kenzie has one of the strongest new-era edits and one of the strongest edits for a woman ever. Kenzie has been consistently visible throughout the entirety of the season. Her pre-merge did an excellent job of setting her up as a strong social player. We were consistently shown her reads on players and situations and her reactions to the game. Come the merge, we got more of the same, which was odd considering Kenzies lack of importance to the merge game over all. She’s been playing, no doubt, but to have as many confessionals as Charlie and more than Maria doesn’t exactly make sense, unless she wins. From the start, Kenzie has been a strong narrator.
We also get a strong view of Kenzie’s relationships. We know how she feels about the majority of the players on the jury. Which strengthens her social player storyline.
We know that: She was close to Hunter, and after Tevin was blindsided, she became his number one. She was extremely close to Tiffany all season. They were arguably the second-strongest duo of the season. She had a developing relationship with Venus, and they were growing close up until her eventual blindside. She was done with Q after his antics and all the drama he brought, but they did have a working relationship on Yanu.
Speaking of Yanu, the majority of the Yanu comeback content was framed from Kenzie's perspective. She got that really strong opening in episode two about staying strong and making it to the end.
Overall, Kenzie is the total package. She’s got the storyline, the narration, the social game, a jury full of friends, the backstory package, a challenge win, an episode dedicated to erasing her negativity (episode 7), she’s never had a zero confessional episode, and most importantly, the edit to back it all up!!!
The reign of the mermaid dragon is here! 🧜🏻‍♀️🐉
submitted by Affectionate-Pool442 to survivor [link] [comments]
