Cerita homo sex


2009.10.18 23:06 Amidrine Break-Ups

Ongoing support for break ups.

2019.01.27 17:34 yelbesed homoAsexuals

Homo-asexuals (gayaces) are asexuals who have same-sex (or "homo") feelings- they like closeness cuddling and hugs or other non-genital forms of play with men and they themselves are men too. (Or are asex woman who avoid genitality with women but otherwise need the closeness and cuddling and hugs.) It is different from bromance people because they identify as two straight guys doing this sexless close encounters. Here one or both partners identifies as homo (but without doing genital sex).

2017.06.08 00:32 BrobearBerbil Ask us anything

AskGaybrosOver30 is a place for supportive and friendly conversations between over 30 adults. Please note that we have some requirements in order to post or comment, read the stickied post "Introduction to our community" for more information.

2024.06.10 15:36 Zestyclose_Wait8697 Straw Dogs

I have just finished reading Straw Dogs by John Gray. A very scattershot book that covers many topics, and seems more the result of the author's need to tell the world what he thinks: namely, that we are all straw dogs. The term refers to a concept found in Taoism, set forth in the "Tao Te Ching." In the text, Laozi uses this metaphor to illustrate the impersonal nature of all that exists, namely the Tao In the context of ancient China, straw dogs were ritual objects used during ceremonies. They were treated with great respect while they had a role to play in the ritual, but once their purpose was fulfilled, they were thrown away without any consideration. Thus, Laozi uses this image to explain that the Dao and Nature neither favor nor disfavor anything or anyone; all things and all creatures are treated with the same equanimity and complete disregard.
The passage is as follows:
"Heaven and Earth have no benevolence; they treat the myriads of creatures like straw dogs. The wise man has no benevolence; he treats the people like straw dogs."
This mechanistic view of reality underlies the pessimistic nature of the text. John Gray takes pains to explain how man, using Albert Caraco's words, is a metaphysical animal. Man is no different from all other sentient beings who eat, have sex and die, but his evolution-given prolapse of consciousness has led him to ask why things happen, why he lives and, in general, a lot of "why?" This human condition led to humanism, a philosophy abhorred by the author. According to John Gray, humanism is nothing more than a consecution of Christianity; it is the belief that man, being something other than an animal, also has the means to dominate the world, evolve and change his fortunes. John Gray strives to show that this is not so: progress does not exist, but there is only a concatenation of causes and consequences that lead to gains and losses; one does not progress because one is inevitably destined to lose everything. The author also denounces, from a socio-political point of view, this progressive humanist eagerness as he notes that it underlies man's progressive departure from the natural state.
These are my favorite quotes from the book:
"Nirvana is the end of suffering, but it promises no more than we all already receive by following the course of nature, usually without even trying too hard. Death brings to each person that peace which Buddha promised after a lifetime of effort."
"Homo rapiens is only one among many species, and it is not necessarily worthy of perpetuation. Sooner or later it will become extinct. Then the earth will be able to heal. Long after the traces of the animal man have disappeared, many of the species he is so determined to destroy will still exist and others will be born. The earth will forget humanity. The game of life will continue."
submitted by Zestyclose_Wait8697 to Pessimism [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:44 over18forreal four

5250 5500 5750 6000 6250 6500 6750 7000 7250 7500 7750
submitted by over18forreal to u/over18forreal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:07 FelicitySmoak_ Trial Day 70 - 6/9/05 (Santa Barbara County Courthouse)

Trial Day 70 - 6/9/05 (Santa Barbara County Courthouse) submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:45 FelicitySmoak_ Trial Day 69 - 6/8/05 (Santa Barbara County Courthouse)

Trial Day 69 - 6/8/05 (Santa Barbara County Courthouse) submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:01 FelicitySmoak_ Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - Trial Day 69. Jury Deliberations Day 4

Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - Trial Day 69. Jury Deliberations Day 4
Trial Day 69
Jury Deliberations Day 4
Today marked the end of the third full day of deliberations in the trial. Jurors have been deliberating for 20 hours as hundreds of fans continue to show their support outside the courthouse and at Michael's nearby Neverland ranch.
Activist Tracee Reynaud addresses the fans at the courthouse
Controversy continued to reign as a Jackson spokesperson dismissed media speculation that the Jackson camp had violated a court-imposed gag order. The week has been marked by persistent media speculation into happenings in and around the courthouse.
Raymone Bain held an impromptu press conference in Santa Maria, telling journalists and fans that Michael was “taking it easy” with his family at Neverland.
"They are a strong family, and they rely on their strong faith. They realize the seriousness, but their mood was upbeat."
Bain added that Jackson was spending his time with his three children and meeting with his attorneys.
"He's in good spirits, but as you all can imagine, he's very nervous. He has confidence in his innocence"
Fans cheer their support out front of the courthouse, waiting for a verdict
Shortly after the conference, lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau issued a court-approved statement saying:
"I have not authorized anyone to speak or hold any press conferences on behalf of Michael Jackson or his family. A gag order is in effect which the defense team will continue to honor."
Sources in the Jackson team said the statement was not directed at Bain, who runs all statements via the attorney.
In a telephone interview later that day Bain said:
"It appears Mr. Mesereau is concerned about a number of people who have been going to the court, using the court as a forum. He's concerned that people who do not have the authority to speak on Mr. Jackson's behalf are out there."
Anti-Jackson demonstrator, \"Bobby Bible\" & Jackson supporter, B.J. Hickman address fans at the courthouse
Earlier in the day, Rev. Jesse Jackson charged that the jury was being subjected to "psychological warfare" because of an NBC television report showing the jail where the singer may go if convicted and taken into custody.
In the report, former sheriff Jim Thomas who is now a consultant to NBC, showed the outside of the main Santa Barbara county jail and speculated about what would happen should Jackson be convicted. Stock footage of the jail cells was also broadcast.
"With an unsequestered jury, they are saying here is where he will stay," complained the Reverend.
MJ fan Wiedjai Sewgobind, of the Netherlands, displays a flag at the courthouse
Michael returned to the Santa Ynez Valley Cottage Hospital for a routine back treatment. The Reverend spent an hour with him as he underwent physical therapy.
"He's back at home and he's doing OK," Bain said.
The jury is scheduled for a half-day session today. No reason was given for this, but the Judge had previously noted that some jurors had obligations to attend graduation ceremonies for family members
Anti-Jackson protestor \"Bobby Bible\" addresses fans
Jackson supporters and anti-Jackson demonstrators hold up signs in front of the courthouse
MJ fans wait for a verdict
MJ fans wait at the courthouse for a verdict
MJ fan Paola Mendoza, of Orange County, California, waits for a verdict
Alba Paris staples a heart to the fence surrounding Neverland Ranch
Vans carrying the jurors arrive for deliberation
Reverend Jesse Jackson gestures as he leaves court
Reverend Jesse Jackson gestures as he speaks to the media
Reverend Jesse Jackson leaves the courthouse after speaking to the media
Reverend Jesse Jackson leaves the courthouse
Reverend Jesse Jackson walks out front of the courthouse
Defense attorney Robert Sanger arrives at court
Reverend Jesse Jackson leaves the courthouse
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:31 MetalingusMikeII Scotland Misgendering Law -> 7 Years of Prison time - Extremely Flawed

I’m a liberal guy. “Live and let live” is a philosophy I generally agree with. I’m actually for people being who they want to be. If you want to identify as a man, fine. If you want to identify as a woman, also fine. If you want to identify as something in between or something different entirely, again, I have no problems with this.
But arresting people and making them serve 7 years in prison… is terrible lawmaking.
In my opinion, 7 years is far too long. In fact, I wouldn’t even make this a prison sentence. Just make it a fine. Set the limit up to £10,000. Victim can plea with their solicitor based on emotional damages, to rack up the fine closer to the maximum. There’s far too many logical flaws with regards to conviction of the perpetrator: evidence, language barriers, intelligence, etc. Sending people to prison based on misgendering is extreme. A fine based punishment minimises these issues. It also allows for a scalable punishment, based on evidence and emotional damage.
Some people may try to argue transgender suicide statistics, emotional well-being, etc, as to why heavy punishments should exist. These are important factors to consider when shaping our culture, but they’re not relevant to lawmaking. We shouldn’t write prison sentences based on emotions. Nor should we write them based on what I’m going to discuss below, which is the root problem with this Scottish law…
Here’s the first principles of gender: it’s a social construct.
Gender isn’t the same as sex. It’s a cultural interpretation of generalised, masculine and feminine traits. This masculine-feminine dynamic is why people started to identify as different genders in the first place. Some people have more traits of X gender and some have more traits of Y gender. There’s a lot of depth that comes with this, ranging from fundamentals like how people think/feel to how they dress and present themselves.
Gender is not to be confused with sex, which is a biological categorisation based on chromosomes and sexual organs, determined at birth. This is partly where the debates arise from; the public not knowing that gender and sex are different things.
We shouldn’t base heavy punishments on social constructs. They differ depending on location, are subject to interpretation and change with time. With that said, there should still exist some form of legal punishment, which is why I think a fine is ideal. The same way religious discrimination has to be protected to a degree.
I’m left wing, but because I believe in the scientific method and separating Homo sapien social constructs, like religion, from politics and the law. It’s precisely why I’m not conservative, as the right wing is generally based on Christian values and past social constructs. Traditions, religions and social constructs have a place in society, but shouldn’t steer the direction of law.
At what point do we draw the line? Will we eventually classify the word “fat” as a hate crime? What about the word “ugly”? We can’t thought police our way to utopia. That’s not how the Homo sapien psyche works. The best solution to reducing transphobia is by educating the young, not by enforcing thought police onto the country.
In the same way racism has significantly decreased in Western countries, as less older people who grew up thinking it’s okay to be racist exist, the same will happen with regards to the perception of transgenders. Will transphobia completely die through this education strategy? Nope, the same way racism hasn't. It’s unrealistic to expect such. We can only minimise negativity, not eliminate it. There’s always going to be pockets of social deprivation within society that foster extremism.
submitted by MetalingusMikeII to Scotland [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:31 Myrgyn Did your parent give you "the talk?"

I got "the talk" from my Dad when I was 15, 6 months before I came out, and a couple years after penetrative sex. Circa 1985. So did you get the talk, was it hetero or homo geared, and around what year?
submitted by Myrgyn to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:21 RarelyExcitedBanana Still pissed off about a comment I got a year ago

Last year, I was having a semi drunk conversation with an aquaintance and told him I was Bisexual. He went on to ask me what my experiences are, I explained I've been in long term relationships for years (10 and 5 to be exact, so all I did was made out with a woman inbetween when I was single - mind you, I only made out with one guy outside of my relationships as well) and he said: "well if you hadn't had sex with a woman then you're not bi cause you can't know". In my drunken state I was so offended and angry at him and well it still lingers. Why? Because it took me 25 years to come out. My first crush on a girl happened when I was 15 on my classmate and went on for years. And everytime I'd find myself attracted to women I told myself that nah, that's just, you know, normal hetero stuff. At 25 I finnaly admitted to myself that maybe fantasizing about women, finding them attractive (and discovering a very clear line between being attracted to someone and wanting to look like someone) isn't just random and I came out to my bf and friends. I can't understand how someone could even think this way - so you're a homo or a hetero until you lose your virginity? Or until you've had sex with one of each, a man, woman, nonbinary, trans..?! I sometimes wonder if he got a hard on watching mm porn and then excused it with "oh as long as I'm not doing anything I'm not bi/gay!". But it really lingered on me, this invalidation of bi people, it's like it demands that we have sex all over the place and have certain types of relationships to prove ourselves. It's been a year and even tho he was drunk I still can't stand the guy.
submitted by RarelyExcitedBanana to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:27 Reputation_Misused Chaste, the solution⁉️

The day I bought my first chastity cage in autumn 2017, I had not a clue how many I would need to shrink my Alpha-Above-Average "little guy", downstairs.
Had a black plastic "ManCage: #2". Two black resin "cobras". Three metal cages. Finally, one clear plastic, with two locks, at base and head (not just the tip, suddenly). ;)
When chaste had presented itself as the only solution to meet, engage, attract, manifest, and will the man of my dreams, measurements, and preconceived notions into locating me, as his inferior "better-half", then sobeit.
Well, that might have been partially do to now being considered a different sexual orientation, than homosexuality, (my forever and aways?) for a less settle "hererosexuality", prognosis.
I have always been cursed. Without attempting or any practicings, men and women used to fall in love with me. Heterosexual men and women.
So, then Cisgedered orientation was also even debated, resulting in, even, a Transgedered mentality.
"I am in a temporary vessel upon this planet, I have been the spectrum of orientations with the follwing varied identifying sexual markers, including, "Gay4Pay", "DL", "Str8", "homo-superior-sexual", "Closeted", "Transgendered Male-to-Female", "Transsexual-Female", "SissyBoy", "BitchBoy", and "Princess".
oh, and of course. The Good Boy. The Bad Girl. The Good Girl. The Nasty Pig. The Prince of Darkness. The Celebrity. The Doctor. The Genius. The multidimensional, multitalented, and mutidisciplinarian. The Timekeeper. The Dream-maker, -taker, -waker, -baker, -raker Quaker.
I have already been everything, but dead.
Eclectic, Eternal, Ethereal, Effortless, Extravagant, Extraordinary, and Emancipated.
Imagine a day being misheard, misrepresented, misunderstood, misinterpreted, lied to, judged by lesser minds, and being the only unscripted individual being criticized.
Now imagine that it IS actually to be for 24/7/365/♾️
(don't forget to add your respective multipliers based on sex and orientations --- being homo, (or gay) --- and all the various mutations thereof; I decided we must times Our Age by 12 or 13 (every full moon is like a year, for us).
Then ya all just got enlightened in why the travesties that have befell so many individuals, who only wanted to actually, meet, and get to know, me ...
were fooled ...
by a homeless, lying, drug-dealin', swindlin', belittle'n and murdrous man who claimed to be married to me.
i have always been single and the only embarrassing moment ever experienced in regards to my penis, was being a total bottom, with a very large erect, uncaged "diclit" at about 8" or more inches, even, at some moments in my sobriety days in various years in multiple cities, is whilst being plowed, every "total top", wanted to be bent, when they'd see it, is the same affiction, I still deal with.
If your dick is larger than my own, you take the top bunk. I take the bottom bunk. If we are the same length, girth is decisively guiding the course, and a man's tongue, is where his true wealth and worth, lies.
Humiliate me. Degrade me. Dissuade me. Persuade me. Raid me.
submitted by Reputation_Misused to SPHStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:50 VisitFragrant Breaking up because the sex is gone

So in the last few months two couples that are married have broken up because the sex is gone. Both couples tried to open the marriages to others and with dire results. Isn't it time that we tackle this very common problem with some fresh ideas or research. It seems to me that lesbian sex treated like straight sex or homo sex and the main difference to me is we don't have the testosterone element. As far as my experience goes sex for us always starts with our brains and moves south. How have you dealt with this issue? Are we giving this the right approach and does anyone know what I'm talking about ?
submitted by VisitFragrant to olderlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:41 mud_pie_man Hey guys I need some help

So I'm writing a book, and that book has a huge number of steamy gratuitously described male-on-male sex scenes as part of the world building (and also so I can describe my MC as having a massive cock and ginger pubes to set up a plot twist later). The thing is, I don't have any gay friends and don't want to get flak by appropriating gay culture. So I have all my characters say 'no homo' after every one of these scenes. Is there anything wrong with this?
submitted by mud_pie_man to writingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:14 Arty_D2 Martyr of the heart - TW for gore and the watchtower being homophobic assholes

Martyr of the heart - TW for gore and the watchtower being homophobic assholes submitted by Arty_D2 to exjwLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:51 Mad_Season_1994 At a Pride event in my city earlier today

At a Pride event in my city earlier today submitted by Mad_Season_1994 to pics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:03 Mad_Season_1994 So proud to have come from standing firm with the guy on the right to now standing with the guy on the left

submitted by Mad_Season_1994 to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:28 _mosskin how do I be with men?

hello everyone!! this might be a long post so stick with me.
TW: CSA, SA, SH, suicide
i need some some help/advice from lgbt people, but i am unable to ask my friends around me for reasons that should become clear soon.
okay, for some background, i am 21 years old, and i am a masc presenting individual. i have been a part of the queer community for approximately 2 years now, but i’ve always kinda been gay. i prefer to describe myself as just “queer”, but i definitely lean towards men, a revelation i only discovered in the past couple years.
my dating/sex life is very quiet, and that is what brings me here today. i am looking for life, experience, and people to spend time with. i live with a roommate and i love her, but i need to branch out a little bit.
besides my roommate, im pretty much on my own. i have little to no financial support from my mom, although through no fault of her own. i take care of myself pretty okay. i’m getting better every day i think.
anyway, i feel as though i’ve procrastinated this part for long enough. when i was around seven years old, i was molested by my father. this happened until i was around nine years old. i will not be going into details of how he molested me, but i feel like the explicit details don’t matter. unless you feel as though the details are specifically important, in which case i may be able to elaborate. my father was also a devout christian (shocker), sex addict, alcoholic, and generally not such a cool guy.
i grew up pretty homophobic, because my dad was pretty homophobic and that’s what i knew. i hated gay people because i didn’t understand myself, what happened to me, or my feelings. as i grew up and away from him, i started to learn my own things, and make my own path. as one does.
in high school i was extremely depressed and suicidal. i tried to kill myself, and self harmed regularly. because of the aforementioned preoccupations, i really had no time for dating. so i didn’t do any exploring or anything like that. i had a girlfriend or two but nothing crazy.
after high school, i essentially ran away from home and moved to a new city by myself. i knew a friend in the city so it wasn’t so bad. my mom helped me move because she knew i hated my dad so much. i think she felt guilty a little bit, but she didn’t know about the sexual abuse yet, so she really wasn’t THAT guilty.
flash forward to now. i have a therapist and psychiatrist, feeling much better, living with my roommate, and just kinda trying to survive.
HOWEVER. i am gay, thus we continue.
i watch gay stuff on the internet, and definitely want to have sex with a man (or man adjacent). i want to date one (unfortunately), and i want to be in a relationship with one one day.
my issue is how i get there. currently, i have been on 1(one) date with 1(one) man, and have kissed that man 1(one) time. that date was from tinder and it was alright. i was super fucking incredibly nervous, and i put on a social filter over everything i did. i was constantly overthinking about if i was acting “gay enough”, if the other person thought i was “faking it” or if the other person maybe thought i was queer bating them, because i had never been on a date with a man before, and i wasn’t sure how to act. i was mortified by the very thought that he might think any of those things.
i have grindr and tinder and hinge and stuff, but the thought of hooking up with a random stranger freaks me the fuck out, and if i were to be crazy enough to do that, i surely would get triggered by anything he did and would go into a ptsd episode. i even get triggered when i try to do sexual things with women or non-binary people. i even think i would get triggered by something as simple as exchanging nudes, due to the fact that my father kept naked photos of me and my brothers on his phone.
so, obviously i come with some pretty heavy baggage. i feel like im like a level 1 homo, who has never done anything with anyone before, and would need someone to go at a SNAILS PACE with me. but i don’t want to make someone wait that long, you know? who has time for that these days?? i feel like every gay person i know is already confident in their sexuality, and would be frustrated with me indecisiveness. i’m not bitter about that either, i completely understand. even if i start dating someone, i have to have a talk with them at some point about how i wanna have sex with them, but really i think i would die if i did that.
my roommate has been kind enough to introduce me to some of her friends, but i have this thing that when people get too close to me, i freeze up and freak out. so i wonder if even someone would be able to get close enough to me to want to date me anymore.
i feel bad for the guys that might want to date me, and i’m being nice to them but don’t let them anywhere near me. i understand. i would feel frustrated and lose interest too.
i am having an extremely difficult time with this. i’m struggling with myself and my place in the community, i guess.
if you’ve read this far, thank you so much, i love you.
TLDR; i was molested as a child and now have extreme difficulty getting close to men. (i am pretty gay)
submitted by _mosskin to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:18 Left_Cash_7290 Bald and Bankrupt's account Borderland on the sex tourist forum International Sex Guide

Bald and Bankrupt's account Borderland on the sex tourist forum International Sex Guide
A reference post to link back to when mentioning Bald and Bankrupt's account and activities on the International Sex Guide sex tourist forum, with archived source links to the forum posts earlier shared in screenshot form here on the subreddit:
The account Borderland compared with Bald and Bankrupt and his other known sexpat accounts. Remove the space in the archived forum post source links below to follow them (Reddit doesn't like multiple links to the same website).
I must say I speak reasonable Russian
  • archive. ph/id3LR#selection-1503.0-1503.4
I speak conversational Russian
  • archive. fo/C6dKM#selection-1787.0-1787.3
I spent 2 months in Bishkek earlier this year.
  • archive. ph/BhKGr#selection-2673.0-2673.3
Although I studied the language to more depth in Bishkek trying and failing to nail the grammar
  • archive. ph/mygtf#selection-1433.0-1435.5
I went and studied it for two months in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan . . . (I already spoke decent Russian but without caring too much for the grammar) and it can be a soul destroying endeavor because there is so much too learn and it's a real struggle to nail it (not trying to put you off here. Russian being a case based language requires you to change the ending of pretty much every word in a sentence so you're constantly having to think about which of the cases you need to use and the corresponding endings. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
To cut to the chase, my point is that if you're only trying to learn it to pull women (that was my only reason for studying it) or for a visa you'll almost certainly never master it or you'll get to a level where you can chat to women, which takes about three months, and then quit the course (that's what I did ).
The people who succeed and master it are the people motivated by work or by their desire to get accepted on the university course proper (that's been my experience of the people I know anyway ).
  • archive. ph/LFUOQ#selection-3589.0-3591.5
Bald and Bankrupt (Ben Rich) on the Desolation Travel blog:
Ben R. contactbenrich
. . . Kyrgyzstan wrestling with the complexities of the Russian case-system and exploring places that few have any desire to see.
  • archive. ph/8nuJK
Desolation Travel is a project started by a group of people who, in one way or another, were once affiliated with The London School in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
  • archive. ph/8nuJK
The London School of Languages and Cultures is a well-established private language school in downtown Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan . . . We offer not only Russian and Kyrgyz language courses, but English language courses for locals as well.
  • archive. fo/loPkl
Things have certainly changed since I first went to Moscow.
This is what I had to put up with in 1993, radio Maximum playing this non stop...
  • archive. ph/K551q#selection-1957.0-1959.5
Bald and Bankrupt (Ben Rich) on the Desolation Travel blog:
Ben R. contactbenrich
. . . taking part in a Moscow homestay in 1993 . . .
  • archive. ph/8nuJK
If you're ever in the UK though, let me know
  • archive .ph/iaxjg#selection-1165.0-1167.5
after the 4 am start in the UK, the flight . . .
now I'm back in the UK
  • archive .ph/LotxV#selection-3181.0-3183.5
October 31, 2011
as a guy in my late thirties
  • archive. ph/kUQpy#selection-1647.0-1649.5
November 30, 2011
us guys on the far side of 35
I am, as said before, on the wrong side of 35
  • archive .ph/LotxV#selection-3181.0-3183.5
Bald and Bankrupt, Benjamin Rich, was 37 years old in late 2011. His public bankruptcy orders by British authorities in the official public record of the UK:
Bankruptcy Orders
Rich, Benjamin
Birth details: 1 July 1974
Benjamin Rich, currently not working, also known as Benjamin Rich-Swift
Bankruptcy order date: 23 January 2017
The next year, in an early Q&A on his channel that he started in 2018, Bald and Bankrupt confirmed that he was declared bankrupt in the UK in 2017:
Bald and Bankrupt's Russian visa publicly released by Russian authorities after he was detained for trespassing at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, with the same name and exact birthdate as the bankrupt Benjamin Rich:
Rich, Benjamin
Date of birth: 1 July 1974
I was married to a Belarussian
  • archive. ph/id3LR#selection-1503.0-1503.4
I visit Nice every month and there are always East European street walkers standing on the main road near the airport (near the exit to the big shopping centre ). I've never stopped to talk to them . . .
I'm back in Nice later this month so if I get some free time I'll drive past and get the name of the road so others can find them all easily,
  • archive. ph/ujRTb#selection-2305.0-2307.5
I need to be in Moscow for Christmas
  • archive. ph/nm0a5#selection-953.0-955.5
Going to Moscow on 19th December for christmas
  • archive. ph/ImIcA#selection-3535.0-3537.5
Yeah the trip was far too short but I could not get away for longer. My diary works in a way that means I can usually only do very short trips since longer holidays are booked up with certain personal commitments I have
  • archive. ph/VsPEj#selection-1201.0-1203.5
If you need a simple comparison showing that Bald and Bankrupt is Vorkuta on Roosh V Forum below (he changed the account name to The Fantasist in 2016), see:
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta (The Fantasist):
. . . from Belarus,stunning,intelligent,sweet as you will find,was with her for 5 years,she ended up with a Russian oligarch living in the South of France,when they go to Moscow she insists I use their villa in Nice,was with them yesterday and I'll be there for a month in May
  • archive. ph/WZLh3#selection-3031.0-3031.20
I have friends who live in a large villa overlooking the Mediterranean just outside of Nice. They will be returning to their home country for 6 weeks and asked me if I would be interested in babysitting the house for them
  • archive. fo/QjDlq#selection-529.18-529.32
The guy whose house I stayed in the last 7 weeks in France is on the 'Russian Forbes' list . . .
He has a very attractive wife ( my ex )
  • archive. ph/yRlKT#selection-1163.84-1163.91
He became my friend after marrying her. He is my daughter's step father.
  • archive. ph/XhLSP#selection-1611.0-1611.20
I travel with a Louis Vuitton Pegasse 55 rolling suitcase . . . the black version . . . I had the luggage label hot stamped with my initials
  • archive. fo/hvTMd#selection-3751.0-3753.5
I was carrying my LV wash bag that I use for carrying travel essentials
  • archive .ph/LotxV#selection-3181.0-3183.5
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta (The Fantasist):
My latest purchases are these two Louis Vuitton bags.
I use this black LV Pegase 55 as my rolling carry on when I fly . . . I had the shop in Bond Street hot stamp my initials onto the luggage tag which I think is class ( I sound like Patrick Bateman ffs ).
Finally for walking about in foreign cities I like to go continental and use a man bag ( no homo ) to carry essentials like camera,phone,cash,copy of Bang etc. I am currently using this LV wash bag for the job . . .
  • archive. ph/US5aY#selection-1391.0-1391.20
Bald and Bankrupt, Benjamin Rich's, initials B.R. stamped onto the luggage tag of another Louis Vuitton model with the iconic pattern. Bald and Bankrupt was in a Harald Baldr video that was made private after the connection between Bald and Bankrupt's bag initials and his forum accounts was mentioned here on the subreddit in 2019:
Finally regarding paying for sex in the provinces. I have approached regular girls and asked if they want to make some money
  • archive. ph/id3LR#selection-1503.0-1503.4
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta (The Fantasist):
A woman in her twenties sat at a cracked concrete bus stop that had services to God knows where . . .
"Where you going?" I asked. She said a name, I nodded pretending to know it motioned for her to get in, she climbed in the back door . . .
"How much do you make a month?" I enquired. The reply was pitiful, about what we spend on a decent night out . . .
We drove on chatting about life but with the sun beginning to set and a young tanned woman in my car my latent exploitative nature surfaced, "Would you like to earn some money?" I asked . . .
Stunning in a 'if you took her to a beauty salon and bought her some nice clothes' kind of way, a rough diamond . . .
This was the kind of girl I was looking for: A project. If you spent 300 US on her for a new wardrobe and hair style, make up etc. You'd have a hot woman who would be a lot of fun to mess around with for a few weeks . . .
in fact I think Masha who I kissed was probably under 20 so age need not be a barrier . . .
  • archive .ph/LotxV#selection-3181.0-3183.5
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta (The Fantasist):
I have this romantic idea of finding some undiscovered beauty out here. Undiscovered in the sense that she will not know or realise her own beauty having no access to modern social cancers like Tinder or smart phones. I'll sculpt her, take her basic form of good skin, high cheekbones and lean figure and wash off the stink of the Kolkhoz [Soviet collective farm] and put her in heels and a dress and teach her to walk and then fuck her for a few weeks or months or years. A project . . .
There is a plan I've had for a while though: You can buy country cottages (Izba) for $1000 US if they are far enough away from Minsk. You'd have to put it into a local friend's name but if you then spent another couple of thousand dollars you'd have a fully 'remonted' country cottage in a beautiful part of the countryside which you could use as a place to bring your conquests to . . . Just a little dream of mine
  • archive. fo/07U2c#selection-2071.0-2073.5
Bald and Bankrupt as Vorkuta (The Fantasist):
I was offered a cottage for $100. What happens is the oldies who live in them die and their kids who now live in the cities want nothing to do with the houses they inherit. You see thousands of abandoned houses throughout the countryside there. If you spent a $1000 you'd get something half decent but they have no inside toilet or central heating and they're only cheap when far from Minsk.
I have thought of buying one,doing it up and running Russian language courses out of it in the summer months or more likely just fucking the local Kolkhoz girls in it.
  • archive. ph/ZYLXs#selection-3517.1-3517.14
I'm looking to relocate to Eastern / Central Europe in the future
  • archive. ph/4hrCN#selection-3743.0-3745.5
Bald and Bankrupt:
“Prague is the most liveable city” – YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt on his new home
  • archive. ph/x9t1J
Read more:
submitted by Left_Cash_7290 to BaldAndBaldrDossier [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:35 isaacaius stefibealipton

Remember on August 3rd, 2021 StefiBeaLipton messaged me balls on PS4 messages and of how StefiBeaLipton is Gay and committed Gay Sins and his reply was God hates fags because imagine StefiBeaLipton on the Google Website and was sucking all of his Corn Cobs and Shit at P0rnHub.C0m and called it I'm gay wearing iDubbz's Banana Costume and saying some fucking Gay Shit and posted it at YouTube.Com where everyone thinks that StefiBeaLipton is a weird and sicko of a Old Man that is jerking off his Dry Crusted
Penis and arrested for Sexual Harrasment to PS4 players.
StefiBeaLipton sucks Corn Cobs because he is a Muslim Old Man with a Dog Collar having sex with the Sexists, Chovanists, and Mesaghjanists and StefiBeaLipton is in a Hot Tub completely naked with Hilary Clinton naked sucking on her Tits and milking her Tits and Donald Trump our President would be disappointed at StefiBeaLipton being Gay which means StefiBeaLipton is a Homo Sexual Chan Chris listening to a 9 year old boy penetrating on his Facebook Page. Which determines that StefiBeaLipton is weird and
Next StefiBeaLipton and Hilary Clinton rides in a Military Helicopter that they stole and was hacking People's Internet Connection, Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Websites, and other Electronics, Debit Cards, Bank Money Diposits, and the Computers which StefiBeaLipton and Hilary Clinton was seen shooting people with Sleeping Darts and captured them.
Meanwhile back on the Military Helicopter Hilary Clinton was still naked with StefiBeaLipton and Hilary Clinton asked StefiBeaLipton if she can have permission to stroke StefiBeaLipton's Penis, give StefiBeaLipton a Covid 19 Vaccine and use StefiBeaLipton's Blood Type to have infected STDs and StefiBeaLipton agreed.
submitted by isaacaius to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:57 nyloncheeto Rule

Rule submitted by nyloncheeto to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:04 LisaHibbert People against police constable Gavin walshe of east Perth police australia

PC G Walshe
the -
Racist Heroin dealer batterer Nazi Pot head Brain washer Abuser Molester Malicious and property damager Insane Mad Loon Goon Moron Liar Thief Launderer Junkie Smelly Loser Retard Illegal immigrant Bank robber Kidnapper Robber Suiciders Serial killer Queer Homo Gay Freak Rat Ticket scammer Bus rider Train thief Pratt Active shooter Bent Perverted of justice Insurance scammer Shithead Whino Disabled Psychotic Home invader Sex trafficker Pedder Scum
submitted by LisaHibbert to PeopleVpcGavinWalshe [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:24 Lil_Cam_5_1 Music

I once was awoke,
Now I’ve been found,
A sea of debris,
A sea of my sound.
A sea of destruction,
A sea of the night,
A sea, a sea,
I see it's my time.
Counting the days,
Counting my stripes,
Obeying my master,
That look in his eyes.
Auto my tune,
Auto that spoon,
Auto my attic,
You’re such a buffoon.
Ohhwaaaa ohhwaaaa ohhwaaaa
You’re a sorry little emo and you’re such a little slut,
Ohhwaaaa ohhwaaaa ohhwaaaa
Everyone around me's a bigot and they’re driving me nuts.
Is it fine that you’re stupid,
Is it fine that you’re slow,
You’re such a Millennial,
You bitch like I’m Toad.
Hey fuck you kermit,
I just stole your car,
You wanna ask Alexa why I drove it to the bar,
Hey Siri, call 911,
I’m such a little fraud.
Ivan my dick,
Tommys a bitch,
Nikkis a prick,
Yet I am the shit.
You’re such a racoon,
Your mom is a goon,
Your dad is a violet,
And he bloomed up your ass.
Here’s my right hand,
Suck on my dick,
With your thumb in my sand.
Hear what I say,
Hear what I say,
Fuck PB&J,
Throw that shit away.
Breaking news,
Breaking news,
The news is breaking.
I’m breaking the news.
You’re such a little noob,
You sniff your mommys farts,
Hey Cupid get over here,
Let’s turn this shit on start.
Guns & Ammo,
I’m driving your piano,
Whatcha gonna do,
Go cry like an animal.
Okay homo,
You do you,
Sotos & Namaste,
Hey Kermit, Fuck Youuuu.
End of life,
Terminating session,
In 3 2 1,
Cue the nuclear reaction.
Hello from the other side,
You really seem upset,
Are you sure you need that tampon,
You look like we just had sex.
X Y Z,
Am I really me,
No shit sherlock,
I’m Mr. Clean.
Well that must mean uh,
That I’m a transgender,
Did I not already ask babe,
What the hells for dinner.
Whinnie The Poo,
Tiggers the spoon,
Elmo my dick,
And Sherlock my ass.
This just in,
I married a Jenner,
Fuck my man,
I mean man. Well, Uh. I don’t know.
3 2 1,
I got a gun,
You want me to use it,
Well I’m not gonna cuz I’m a nun.
This is so much fun,
I take pride in toyin with you,
Have you read the memo yet,
Have you read the fine print.
It dubs you,
Well you guessed it,
Ding ding ding,
Daaaaaa biiiiiiiitch
Jack Boot Thug Pig,
You wonder why you suffer,
You work a 9 to 5 job,
Go ahead and cry to your mother.
Here’s a thousand fucking dollars,
It came straight from my wallet,
Are you sad, butt hurt, triggered, jealous,
You want an easy answer.
Do you know what a secret shopper is,
Or a liquidation store.
Have you signed up to be on a game show,
Or are you just gonna act like a whore.
Have you heard of affiliate marketing,
Or turning robocalls into cash.
Like oh my fucking god,
You’re dumber than my ass.
Generation Z,
That’s what I belong to.
A generation that acts,
A generation that talks too.
You know like Students Demand Action,
And March For Our Lives,
Yeah that was us,
Go ahead and fucking cry.
Is your ego too inflated,
You entitled little Millennial,
You had a kid when you were 20,
And you wonder why you’re broke chick.
Get your shit together,
And get out your parents basement.
Learn to drive a car,
And quit wasting peoples time.
You wonder why I’m famous,
You wonder why I’m rich,
You wonder why I’m tamin,
You wonder why I’m slick.
You wanna know my pizza,
You wanna know my hay,
That makes no fucking sense,
That’s the point,
You’re gay.
Call me fucking racist,
Say I have no humor,
You’re 70 years dead,
You’re a die hard Boomer.
Look me up on Youtube,
Gibberish King.
There’s only a single video,
And it’s not all that clean.
Time to go round two,
I’m older and I’m wiser.
This just in,
Your pants are on fire.
I use ChatGPT,
To create all my shit.
Are you triggered?
I’m kidding you bitch.
Noob noob noob,
Attach a chicken to your boob,
Your IQ went through the roof,
Like literally,
You’re brain dead.
I don’t bow to you,
I bow to myself,
You run around town,
With a dick in your mouth.
You want your mommy to pat you on the shoulder,
And tell you it will be okay?
I pray you get hit by a boulder,
And you slowly die away.
Act your fucking age,
Not your retarded shoe size.
Quit being a pig,
And munchin’ on french fries.
Are you triggered that I can drive,
Are you jealous that I was gifted,
Are you pissed I was on the honor roll,
Can you articulate a sentence.
You stutter like you’re embarrassed I insulted your ego,
Because when you were a kid you were emo?
Quit talkin’ out your ass,
And actually do something.
I’m living proof you’re a sucker,
I’m roasting you cause you’re stupid.
submitted by Lil_Cam_5_1 to LilCam51 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 05:47 mikerooker KNOW THE MUSIC - DEVO




Devo: From Factory Floor to the New Wave Throne
Akron, Ohio, in the early 70s wasn't exactly a breeding ground for the avant-garde. Yet, from the smokestacks and steel mills emerged Devo, a band that would redefine new wave with their sardonic wit, sci-fi obsession, and unforgettable yellow hazmat suits. But before the lights and screams, Devo's members were just like us, punching the clock.

From Assembly Lines to Art Punk
The Mothersbaugh brothers, Mark and Bob, toiled in Kent State's art department by day, while Gerald Casale worked at a sausage factory. Alan Myers, the cool cat with the shades, held down a gig at a record store. By night, they channeled their frustrations and fascination with consumerism, pop culture, and the decline of civilization into a blistering brand of art punk.
Their early gigs were chaotic affairs, more art performance than rock concert. Influenced by Kraftwerk and The Velvet Underground, Devo's music was a cacophony of synthesizers, atonal guitars, and Mark Mothersbaugh's robotic pronouncements.

Whip It Good: The Road to Stardom
Devo's relentless weirdness attracted a cult following, particularly in the burgeoning new wave scene. Their 1978 debut, "Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!", solidified their status as art-damaged pioneers. But it was the insanely catchy "Whip It" from 1980 that catapulted them into the mainstream. The song's driving beat, nonsensical lyrics ("Whip it! Whip it good!") and the band's signature energy in the iconic yellow jumpsuits made them MTV darlings.

10 Lesser Known Devo Facts:
  1. Devo were huge fans of David Bowie and even impersonated Ziggy Stardust in their early days.
  2. The band's logo, the "Energy Dome," was designed by Gerald Casale and is inspired by a WWII gas mask filter.
  3. Devo were early adopters of music videos, creating a series of bizarre and hilarious clips for songs like "Jocko Homo" and "Satisfaction."
  4. Mark Mothersbaugh's talents went beyond music. He became a prolific composer, scoring countless films including "Rushmore" and "The Royal Tenenbaums."
  5. Devo's influence stretches far and wide. From alternative rock giants like R.E.M. to the quirky electronica of Beck, their legacy lives on.
  6. The band's satirical take on consumerism feels more relevant than ever.
  7. Devo were heavily involved in the Kent State shootings protests, channeling their anger into their music.
  8. They weren't afraid of self-parody. Their 1982 song "That's Good" poked fun at their own growing popularity.
  9. Devo may not have been the biggest-selling band, but their impact on music and pop culture is undeniable.
  10. Devo almost had a different name: Before settling on Devo (short for Devolution), they considered names like "The Sex Maniacs" and "The Nu-Tones." Thankfully, they went with something a little less...suggestive.
So, the next time you see a yellow jumpsuit, remember Devo, the band that dared to be different and, in the process, changed the face of new wave.
For more "KNOW THE MUSIC" - Click here.
Please comment if you like. More to come soon!
💗☮🎵 The Tiki Hut
submitted by mikerooker to TheTikiHut [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:18 Maleficent_Eagle8317 Vitamin b12 toxity or deficiency?

Age 33
Sex Male
Height 172cm
Weight 71kg
Race Asian
Duration of complaint 2 months
Location Sweden
I had my b12 and vitamin d and homocystein level checked a month ago, the results were
b12: 189 pmol homo: 22umol vit D: 13 nmol calcium: 2.43 mmol Heamoglobin: 130
doc asked me to start vitamin d and b 12 suppliments cholecalciferol 4000iu daily cyanocobalamin 4mg daily
I took for 4 weeks
Now my results are
b12: 1475 pmol homo: 12umol vit D: 45 nmol calcium: 2.67 mmol Heamoglobin:126
I was getting on and off side effects like anxiety and heaviness in body and head. But I conditnue taking them and one day I tried magnesium biglycinate 200 mg and since then something has gone wrong
Now my symptoms are after stopping suppliments
Weakness and swelling in my hands and muscles. and also become cold when I use them Legs and feet also feel weak and fatigued and I am not sure if they are also swollen feet. Flank pain and back pain Headache or feels like my nerves are stretched on back of my head mainly and that goes sides on head. Something wrong with groin area feels strange or mild pain, different feeling when urinating. Dry mouth and throat globus feeling also. Pins and needles all over body Difficulty concentrating. Neck muscle below mouth hurt or feel strange specially after I eat. General feeling of being ill and tired Insomnia ( unable to sleep for the past 3-4 days) Constipation and indigestion. Stress and anxiety. Muscle twitching. Extreme loss of appetite.
I talked to my doctor he said everything looks fine nothing to worry maybe it's stress and anxiety and gave me oxasxan 5mg antistress tablet. I tried the tablet 2 times but wasnt able to sleep and relax.
can anybody help what to do is it is it b12 toxity of b12 or something else. I really feel very bad and nothing seem to be working.
submitted by Maleficent_Eagle8317 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
