Aka castro bottoms


2021.04.18 15:01 LadySwords DogPawHyperkeratosis

This community is for people struggling to manage the symptoms of dog paw hyperkeratosis (aka hairy dog paw) - a syndrome most often characterized by the growth of excess keratin on the bottoms of the dog’s paws, manifesting as little fronds of growth that appear like coarse stringy fibers of dog hair growing from the pads and made of paw pad material. It also sometimes shows up on the nose. Join this community to talk about the ways you manage it and to ask questions and share product reviews.

2013.03.07 19:08 Mao Spontex

The term *Mao-spontex* designates a political movement at the turn of Marxism and libertarian movements in Western Europe in 1960 and 1970. This neologism is a portmanteau derived from "Maoist" and "spontaneity". *Mao-Spontex* can also refer to de-Stalinized post-Marxism-Leninism-Maoist currents that have broken with orthodox Marxism-Leninism-Maoism on the question of internationalism and on the socialist nature of China and the USSR.

2024.05.22 03:59 Proper_Age_5158 Finally!

Himself (aka husband) has been in the hospital for 13 days. His hospitalist and infectious disease specialist were both ready to discharge him to ortho rehab on Friday, but his podiatrist did not agree, and wanted to wait for pathology to come back. They only just got it back today. (I used to work in the microbiology lab in that hospital and I know most things do not take that long unless they are trying to grow a hard-to-grow bug.)
His podiatrist was waiting so that if his cultures were clear, they could go in and do one more surgery, to straighten what was left of his foot out. Because he'd had a transmetatarsal amputation, there was nothing to keep his forefoot on the ground, and because of his high arch, the foot ended up with a twist to the left, which was causing pressure sores on the forefoot bottom and right side. During the surgery he had almost two weeks ago, they did a calf-lengthening and something else, besides removing diseased bone. That has already flattened put his foot some. The new surgery will be a tendon swap, which will hopefully fix the twist even more. This requires hardware, which poses an infection risk, thus why they wanted to make sure he was infection-free.
The podiatrist gave him two options--discharge and come back another day, or stay and get it done. Since insurance is dragging their feet about approving ortho rehab, Himself decided to stay three extra days to get the surgery done. After that, social work will try their darndest to find a rehab placement for him.
So finally forward movement.
submitted by Proper_Age_5158 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:50 nilayj Morse Code, Polish, "At I", and Crypts (This is a Continuation/Part 2)

This is a continuation of my work (making a new post instead of a bigger wall of text, previous posts url: Translating to German and then Flipping : KryptosK4 (reddit.com))
Hello, I did some more work and seem to think I have figured something definitive out (which might not have been a question to begin with in the first place).
So my mind couldn't stop thinking about "AT I", which I derived out previously. Adding to my rush was another post made by another user on codes (url: Thoughts on Kryptos : codes (reddit.com)) mentioning IOCs (Index of Coincidence), which has the same acronym as IOC (International Olympic Committee), which is something I figured out may be tied to BERLIN CLOCK beforehand. Maybe something regarding Index of Coincidence needs to be used with K4. In turn, this may indirectly strengthens "AT I" being something real too.
In short, I wanted to focus more on "at I". So I began to think, seeing if it is actually an encryption key and/or a clue. What I found is interesting. When Mr. Sanborn gave his first clue in 2010, he only revealed Berlin, nothing else. Then later he revealed Clock. The placement of the words, and the timing of it seems to indicate that these two are related of course, but maybe more so than we previously thought.
Here is the an overlay of the Kryptos text, with the plain text below. The spacing is to keep the two words separate and thus easier to see what I will write below.
Now what I noticed is that for Berlin, the first "T" leads to an "I", and the second "T" leads to an "N". Now I don't exactly know how I formulated this out, but the first "T" I imagined to be related to "AT I". It just kinda felt right. But then I connected this with "T is your position" and thought position is actually related to abscissa (note I later learned it doesn't need to be), and went to the right side keyed Vigenère, and using "T" as the abscissa and "A" as the other index for the vertical, I found it gives me "N".
Now, this all likely still isn't enough to be proof that "AT I" is valid phrase that should be looked into, but more proof is building for it. This next thing however really is interesting.
I wondered if instead of code per say, should "AT I" be taken literally. As in "at 'I'". With this, I used the Vigenère (I am gonna call it Vinny from now on), and found there are two diagonals consisting of "I"'s. Now I feel like I have found something incredible. For the top portion "I" line in Vinny, I traced its endpoint in both directions, and saw two "Q"'s at each end. Yep. And then when I again applied Q being one coordinate, and K being the other (last Kryptos letter for CLOCK) I saw it end up at "K" again.
It's not over. Then I saw in Vinny something I had already seen before hand, now I see in the Wikipedia article too. Vinny is an optical illusion. "BETWEEN SUBTLE SHADING AND THE ABSENCE OF LIGHT LIES THE NUANCE OF IQLUSION" Note the "I" leads into the "Q" for K1. Note how at least in the Wikipedia article, above the "I" line is "subtle shading" and below it is "the absence of light" that is the "MNQ" wall...
Now this isn't absolute proof that "AT I" is in fact a legitimate thing. For starters, the Wikipedia article has black text. Kryptos actually will be yellow or white text, as the light shines into and through the letters. But we can apply the logic of inversing the colors as another "flip" per say, and even more so even with white text on black backgrounding, the optical illusion exists, and "I" leading to "Q" matches. Also this use of Vinny only applies to BERLIN CLOCK right now. I did try to apply this for EAST NORTHEAST, but I couldn't find any bigger patterns or proof. But I don't think it is needed. BERLIN CLOCK was stated long before EAST NORTHEAST, that the timing is suspect, making me think BERLIN CLOCK is its own thing, and a frequency of two is enough, especially with other things considered. I think we can trust this is what ABC was supposed to lead to as well.
So... yeah. I feel that gives a lot of validity to "AT I", and also my previous work in regard to that. But I wasn't done yet and found one last thing, bringing further proof that the Swedish Dodo is actually legitimate.
"T IS YOUR POSITION E" is strange. It can be just taken at face value, or as commonly thought "WHAT IS YOUR POSITION E" rather. I also added to that by stating it maybe "IT IS YOUR POSITION E". Well, focusing on "T is" rather than the next two variants, I happened to see one last thing in Vinny. The first row has an "E". Below that, is a "T". "T IS YOUR POSITION E" is actually a question we are sending to his holiness, KING TUT. So basically, in my last post I realized that the Morse Code has a joke where in a sense King Tut, who's discovery is stated in K3, is actually trying to communicate with us. Well, turns out, in Vinny, the "T" below the "E" (the "E" being an abscissa) is actually the last letter in the first portion of the second line, that matters.
aka. "A KRYPT!"
Yep. It's right there. Now, I may have at least had some subconscious and reddit help. See, in this very subreddit, of which I still a very new part, there is one pinned post for the all the letters in K4. However, underneath it, is a unique comment. Only one, by u/Infinite_Force1227.
"Tosa tosa tosa tosa"
I have no idea what plane this person is thinking on. Maybe he is the legendary man who responded to Steve Harvey's "Pork", with "Upine", but holy moly (I wanna avoid curse words), but below the "T" of "A KRYPT" is in fact TOSA. I don't know how... But at least the ABC does in fact match with TOS, thus indicating a kinda bridge present, and filling it in gives of course King Tut letting us know where he is you know.
Now, here is the final dash of sprinkles. KRYPT is technically Polish for crypt. Google translate to the rescue again. But as mentioned, there are two clocks (technically more) in Berlin. One, the true Berlin Clock, and the other, the World Clock itself. The world clock has a compass at the bottom. Going EAST NORTHEAST gets you too POLAND.
So there isn't just German involved here, but also definitely Polish, and very likely Swedish. That did bug me as to why the Dodo was Dront, but now I know. Anyhow, this is my progress so far. If you have read this far, then thank you.
submitted by nilayj to KryptosK4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:48 markToMarket357 Could someone please explain EXACTLY how to pray the Divine Office?

I recently became Catholic and have been researching the Divine Office (aka Liturgy of the Hours), but I have yet to find an explanation that provides, step by step, what I’d need to do if I want to start praying it. (My main question is listed as SQ-1 below if you want to skip the rest of my background questions).
Here’s what I know:
I have some general questions and some specific questions listed below.
General Questions:
Specific Questions:
I know this a lot of questions (and I'm mainly interested in SQ-1), but I have searched all around and still haven't found anything that makes me feel confident I'd be praying the Divine Office correctly, so I'd really appreciate any help!
submitted by markToMarket357 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:54 KalElDebarge Tips for Beginners from a Beginner

I recently started collecting ouch plants and wanted to share everything I’ve learned in hopes that it will help others. These tips come from a mix of places—personal experiences, conversations with growers, reading cactus forums, Reddit, YouTube videos—and because I’m a weirdo, I’ve organized this list from essentials to less important.
Anyway… hope this is helpful and for all you experts, if I’m saying anything dumb, feel free to tell me. I’m still learning!
Miracle Gro = The Worst
Don’t use Miracle Gro. It contains coagulants that cause the soil to hold moisture for obscene amounts of time, making it incredibly easy to overwater your plants.
Personally, I prefer Uni-Gro, which comes with a good mix of organic and mineral ingredients. Depending on the type of cacti (especially those known to grow at higher elevations), I will amend it with pumice and akadama to ensure solid drainage and mineral content.
If your cacti are already planted in Miracle Gro and you don’t plan to repot them, I suggest purchasing a moisture meter from Amazon or Home Depot. Use it to keep an eye on how wet the soil is. If it’s not dry, don’t water them. If it is dry, a little goes a long way!
I’m a Plants Wetter (and Not Afraid to Admit It)
I am historically terrible when it comes to overwatering and have to remind myself that cacti are not humans--they are plants that have evolved to go years, if not centuries, without direct access to water. Take the Copiopoa, for example—they grow in the mountains of Chile, eat rocks, cook in the sun all day, and can live for hundreds of years getting moisture only from the coastal fog. Wild stuff!
I get that that’s an extreme example, but less is more and whatever I define as “less” is still probably too much. In practice, that means I’ll check my plants every 1-2 weeks (or less) and give them a soak if their soil is fully dry.
If you’re not sure whether the soil is moist or not, check the hole in the bottom of your pot—if it’s dry, then it’s time to water. If it’s moist—check again in a few days. If there’s no hole, repot your plant immediately.
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Spring is cactus season! That means new growth, flowers, and action. The rest of the year? Your cacti are using that time to chill, grow, and get thicc—growth will still be taking place, it’s just less noticeable.
Don’t let that trick you into thinking your plant needs more water.
Merry & Bright
Cacti need as much light as possible. Even though I know this, you know this, and dogs know this it bears repeating.
If your plants are inside, put them by the window or under an extremely powerful grow light. Many moisture meters also come with a light meter, so it’s easy to check how much light you’re getting—but ultimately, brighter is always better.
If you’re putting them outside—morning light is the best light. Just be careful about how much exposure they’re getting in the afternoon. Here in the Coachella Valley, for example, the sun turns into a giant death ray in the sky every summer, which means most of my cacti need afternoon shade.
For everyone else, if you’re moving your cacti outdoors, like many on this subreddit have suggested, the best approach is to increase afternoon sun exposure over time; otherwise, they’ll burn.
Repotting & The Many Dumb Mistakes I’ve Made
Much like overwatering, I have made a lot of dumb mistakes when repotting in the past. C’est la vie.
Spring and summer = cactus growing season and the best time to repot. This is true of most plants, but for some reason, I didn’t figure it out until recently. I’ve killed a handful of plants because I repotted them in December and January, thinking it was OK because it’s warm here. Don’t be like me.
When it is time to repot, consider watering your plants a day or two beforehand. Take care to avoid damaging the roots and once you’re done, let them chill in a shady spot for two weeks before giving them any more water. I learned this from watching the Peter W. episode of Cactus Quest. The idea here is that the shade will reduce the shock, your plant won’t be thirsty, and it can use those two weeks to repair any root damage that occurred.
Buying plants from big box stores like Lowes, Home Depot, etc.? Check your soil! Most of these store’s wholesalers are using garbage soil that doesn’t drain and will kill your new buddies if they’re not repotted.
It’s crazy to me just how easy it is to grow new plants from cuttings. You can literally leave some species of cactus lying on a pile of dirt and they’ll start growing roots and eventually pop out new growth.
If you’re propping from a cutting—make sure to give your plant a few days to callus over, then put it in some dry soil or perlite and wait 2-4 weeks for them to take root. They’ll rot if you water them without roots because they won’t be able to drink anything.
Not sure whether it’s got roots? Give it a very gentle yank to see whether it comes out of the soil. If there’s any tension, then you’re making good progress!
Don’t Get Pricked
Cactus thorns suck. They’re a lot like splinters and can be a giant pain in the ass to remove. In situations where I have to handle them with my hands, I will do one of two things:
  1. BBQ Tongs: Use these to pick up or plant smaller specimens without having to worry about my precious digits.
  2. 2 Pairs of gloves: I go this route when handling heavier guys. The first layer is leather work gloves. The second layer is cheap raptor gloves from Amazon. I’ve found this prevents 80-90% of surprise punctures but reduces finger mobility.
Feed Me, Seymour
The right substrate (meaning it has a good balance of mineral and organic ingredients) should provide your ouch plants with almost everything they need, so you probably won’t need to worry about fertilizing.
If you do want to hook them up with some food, many folks on this subreddit recommend Schultz’s, which has worked well for me so far—I only use it sparingly only once in spring and early fall. I dilute it by 50% when I do.
If I’ve just repotted a plant, I’ll wait two weeks, then give it a sip of Moon Juice (which is 0-0-0, but full of micronutrients) to help it get established.
I Swear, it’s Not an Addiction
If it were up to me, I’d only buy from my local ouch plant dealer, but after spending some time online, I’ve found some great places to grow my collection! Here's a few:
Other Helpful Resources
Link Roundup: Everything I Mentioned in This Post
Plant Food
Growers, etc.
submitted by KalElDebarge to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:30 yelpvinegar The 7 Types of Startup Founders: Why It Matters To You

What’s the #1 thing every founder needs to know?

I’ll give you a few minutes to make a list — top of mind might include sales, marketing, technology, product management (especially product-market fit), technical skills, fundraising, team building, leadership, management, finance, and planning/executing strategic growth and scaling.
Sure… but, sorry, none of that is the correct answer. Because, of course, you know that founders typically are expected to be jacks of all trades. So yes, to all of the above, but that’s not the secret sauce.
The #1 thing every founder needs to know is… themself.
Here’s the truth: founders start companies, and entrepreneurs build them. While not every entrepreneur is a founder (think franchise owners), every founder is an entrepreneur (at least initially).
If you’re like me, you are a forward-obsessed founder. That means where you are now is always building toward where you want to go. That person is always an entrepreneur. Once the company is started, you’ll do what it takes — including relinquishing control — to keep it growing.
Does that sting? We founders think of our companies as our babies, but statistics say we’re likely to be the ones kicked out of the nest. Also, research shows that in the US, only 14 out of the top selling 500 companies still have the original founder running the company. And the Harvard Business Review reports that most founders relinquish control long before their companies go public — and that four out of five are forced to step down as CEO.
It doesn’t have to be that way if you have one critical attribute: self-awareness. That way, you can decide as your company grows how you want to evolve your role in the overall day-to-day running of the company (i.e., learn, delegate, hire, move on). And ultimately, you can make better choices at critical growth junctures in your business progression.
So, to help you become more self-aware, it’s helpful to understand the different types of founders. Let’s dive in.

The Types of Founders

A couple of notes before we get into specifics:
The bottom line: knowing your strongest/weakest points is a critical piece of the self-awareness pie. That way, you can conduct your business in what I call the Green Zone — aka the Genius Zone, where you have both high passion and high competence — and make the best choices for you and your company.

1. The Solo Founder

Example: Sara Blakely, Spanx Founder
Ten years ago, in 2012, when she was just 38, Sara Blakely became the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire. Her business, built on a significant industry gap (the lack of comfortable, effective shapewear) and her incredible sales hustle, also benefited greatly from Blakely’s abundant self-awareness. Here’s her advice to solo founders at a 2020 business conference:
“I tell people as soon as you can afford to hire your weaknesses, do it… As soon as I could afford to hire someone to do more of the operations side of the business, I did. As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is to stay in your lane.”
In other words, know what your Green Zone is and play there.
If you’re like Blakely, it’s usually big ideas and sales ability (she could easily qualify as a Visionary Founder, too) or operations and execution (what Blakely realized she needed help with).
Pro tip: If you’re a solo founder, you’ll likely want to lean into an entrepreneurial framework like the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) to help you define and settle into which side you skew toward.

2. The Visionary Founder (or Co-founders)

Example: Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
Considering that Steve Jobs’ name is pretty much synonymous with “visionary,” I don’t think I need to list more than the products and industries Jobs’ revolutionized at Apple and beyond — Apple Computers, iPod (iTunes), iPad, iPhone, Pixar, iCloud — with many products and points in between. George Lucas, from whom Jobs bought the Graphics Group at Lucasfilm and renamed it “Pixar,” perfectly summarizes his superpower:
“The magic of Steve was that while others simply accepted the status quo, he saw the true potential in everything he touched and never compromised on that vision.”
Steve Wozniak was the technological yin to Jobs’ sales and marketing yang, bringing the vision of a computer with a graphic interface to life. From the visionary files, “Woz” also invented the first programmable universal remote and was an early innovator of wireless GPS (thanks to his clever dogs who routinely evaded electronic fences).

3. The Serial Disruptor

Example: Elon Musk
Like him or loathe him, Elon Musk is perhaps the most prolific (and successful) serial founder of all time with startups including Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company, and Neuralink, among others. His drive to design opportunities to evolve humanity has redefined both hustle culture and the art of serial entrepreneurship.
For serial founders, having a set of principles is key to their success. In Musk’s case, his use of “first principles” — reducing a process to its essential parts — has served him well, from helping him figure out how to make rockets cheaper and reusable (SpaceX) to shifting the narrative of electric vehicles (Tesla).

4. The Engineer

Example: Mark Zuckerberg
Much like the other examples I’m sharing, Mark Zuckerberg’s story has been widely told, so you probably know about his development of Facebook. But at his core, Zuckerberg is an engineering prodigy and geek. At just 13 in 1997, he built “ZuckNet,” which enabled the family’s home computers to communicate via Ping (a precursor of AOL’s Instant Messenger) with his father’s dental office computers. He was using AI in his senior year in high school, so the roots of his Meta(verse) focus today are apparent.
A common weakness for engineers is they tend to have a lower EQ, which has been well-researched. As a former engineer, I understand how logic and technology come easier than understanding human behavior. This is why tech founders should seek out mentors early and bring in competent leaders with high EQ and leadership skills — for example, Zuckerberg credits his former COO of 14 years, Sheryl Sandberg, for turning the company into a multi-billion dollar company.

5. The Personality Founder

Example: Oprah
I’m using Oprah as an example, as her products are an outgrowth of her — her eponymous talk show, which ran for 25 years, the OWN network, O Magazine, her book club, and a variety of charitable endeavors comprise her vast empire. But of course, we know plenty of other personality brands that have racked up billions in sales and even transformed, from the Kardashians/Jenners, to Bethany Frankel and Ryan Reynolds (just watch Deadpool 3 to see his brands — coming in 2023).
In today’s age of influence, we’ve seen a surge of personality brands and founders who leverage built-in audiences and communities to scale quickly. All these names are business mavericks in their own right, but many didn’t start out this way — they deftly utilize their charisma and ability to entertain to shape their brands and pave the way to success.

6. The Accidental Founder

Example: Yvon Chouinard
Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard has been in the news lately for giving away his company to fight climate change. He’s an OG accidental entrepreneur whose passion for rock climbing led him to develop reusable pitons (rock climbing spikes) and, later, heavy-duty shirts. Famously Chouinard called himself a “dirtbag climber” and didn’t want to become a business mogul. Sixty-five years later, this accidental founder’s company is valued at $3 billion, and his latest innovation is a way of giving away the profits of a company to continue his contribution to society — protecting and preserving the natural world.
As I always say, there are riches in the niches, and accidental entrepreneurs are the leading type of founders to discover a marketplace with little or no competition.

7. The Intentional Founder

Example: Jessica Alba
While Jessica Alba does have some touches of a Personality Founder (she is an actor) and an Accidental Founder (an allergic reaction to detergent made her worry about her new baby’s sensitive skin), she is an excellent example of an intentional founder. Back in 2008, when Alba had that allergic reaction, influencer marketing wasn’t what it is today — plus, she had some success but was by no means a household name. Ditto for eco-conscious consumer packaged goods — a plus, sure, but didn’t have the same urgency and importance it does today. Alba then spent years researching ingredients in everyday products and even went to DC to lobby for updates to the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act. Convinced that consumers need safe, affordable, environmentally friendly products for kids and home, Alba launched The Honest Company in 2011.
Now, she did have seasoned co-founders, her own wealth to use out the gates, and VC support shortly after that, but it has always been Alba’s commitment to and alignment with the brand’s core principles that have kept the brand growing and thriving — today, as a publicly traded company with a 2021 $412.8 IPO.
What type of founder are you? Definitely feel free to share in the comments.
submitted by yelpvinegar to analyzeoptimize [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:58 thesuntalking CRIMEAPPLE & Big Ghost LTD announce collab album "BAZUKO" dropping 5/31

Announced via Big Ghost's IG
Raps by @crimeapple
Produced by #BigGhostLtd
Back in 2017 I came across a video of a dude who had one the illest names I ever heard kickin a freestyle on a radio show…spittin pure liquid fire. Some dots got connected n eventually we had the opportunity to build.. it just seemed like a no brainer… Long story short we cooked up a little album by the name of Aguardiente. This set a lot of things into motion for what was to come from all parties involved. For over half a decade MFs been begging n pleading for a sequel. But a sequel ain’t always a) necessary or b) possible. When your primary focus is artistic growth…ain’t a lot of time for reminiscing n revisiting the past. So lets fast fwd to 2024... As far as resources n exported goods…Colombia is known for a few things. Mainly coffee. Before Starbucks…we had Juan Valdez. Truthfully coffee ranks like 3rd or 4th after petroleum n charcoal… but of course we also got the black sheep of the family…cocaína. When c0cain3 is produced.. the filth left behind at the bottom of the barrel (aka coca paste) is often sold for mad cheap to the locals. This is the inspiration for this album…but not literally of course. We don’t think of yall as degenerate bazuko heads fiending for another hit of cheap addictive illicit drugs. But you get the idea…
More details to come
submitted by thesuntalking to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:31 kmrbtravel For those asking 'Please make me an itinerary' / 'hidden gems?' / 'what should my budget be?'

One of the hardest questions to answer on this subreddit is when people ask what their itinerary should be, followed by questions on what an appropriate budget would be, and then suggestions on hidden gems.
The TL;DR is that all three questions need more details if you want them to be answered.
"But kmrbtravel!" you say, "I need an itinerary if I want a budget, and a budget if I want to make an itinerary! It's all so overwhelming, and I don't know where to start! Oh but I also want to find places that have little to no tourists and are your secret hidden gems, just for that variety!"
I'm hoping this post will be a good starting point for the people above but also to let people know that for the vast majority of us, the 'basic' things recommended on Google and YouTube will be perfect! Travelling Japan is fun because there are so many things to be distracted by, and you will be spending a lot of your time wandering and trying things out, even without a detailed itinerary.

About Me

I write this spiel every time, but I'm a 25F solo traveller with friends I stay with in Japan. Played a Japanese martial art for years, and I visit Japan 3-4x every year (usually 1-2 weeks in April, 1 week in September, 1-2 weeks in late Oct/early Nov, and 1 month in December).
I'm currently on a mission to visit all 47 prefectures across Japan, and I'm at 9 right now (Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Shimane, Mie, Hiroshima, Okayama, Hyogo, and most recently Nagoya). You can read about my biggest and craziest trip here (especially if you're looking for suggestions outside of Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka!)
I speak and understand very basic and noob Japanese. Enough for me to get around, barely enough for me to talk to random obaasans in the onsen who are curious about my travels. I can read hiragana/katakana, and kanji still eludes me (but we'll get there!)
One thing to note about me is that I'm mostly temple/shrine oriented when I travel Japan, so I personally cannot answer questions regarding things like museums/amusement parks/etc.

What Makes Planning a Japan Trip So Hard? (And why is it harder for us to answer your questions?)

Out of any other country that I've visited, I genuinely believe that Japan has the most variety in terms of what you can do and see and can cater wildly to different kinds of people, which sometimes makes it very difficult for us to give you detailed answers. While we all have the same goal of 'exploring Japan,' I personally want to give the best answers possible. I will have different suggestions (and routes!) depending on if you can walk 30,000 steps/day, if you have young kids, if you like anime, if you like martial arts, if you like nature and hiking, if you like shrines/temples, if you don't mind crowds, if you want to just do what everyone else is doing, if you want to do more traditional things, etc. etc. This is why general questions on 'what should my itinerary be' can never fully be answered. We are not mind readers, but we're happy to help with more information.
'They all sound good to me though, and that's why I can't choose!'
Unfortunately, the reality is that you will have to choose by some point. Japan is so much fun because there is an endless amount of things to do, and you have to pick what sounds the most entertaining to you. After 9 prefectures and multiple visits to Japan, I have very, very little things that I personally didn't enjoy. We do not know who you are, and we do not know your preferences. You need to either pick for us, or give us that guidance so we can suggest appropriate itineraries for you.
In harsher terms, for the vast majority of us, an AI-made itinerary, or suggestions from Google or YouTube will satisfy your trip. What us humans can do on Reddit, is to give you specific suggestions, but we cannot give specific suggestions if you do not provide us with (somewhat) specific questions.

1. The Budget Question

I have travelled Japan with less than ¥2000/day, and have travelled with more than ¥20,000/day. The great thing about Japan is that you have the option to do both. Are you broke after plane tickets + hotels? No worries, there are tons of free sightseeing options and you can konbini or street food breakfast/lunch/dinner for very little. Do you want to splurge because this is your 'once-in-a-lifetime-trip?' Don't worry! There are tons of ways for you to sink your money in.
But to be more helpful, I'll break it down just a bit further. After hotels/planes, these are the biggest money sinks:
I'm probably forgetting things (and will update as I remember them), but Japan is REALLY good at chipping away at your wallet little bits at a time. It's not like Europe or North America where your cost is just expensive food + an expensive experience. Japan is a lot of cheap, little things that adds up quickly.
Some prices are baked in/unchanging (e.g. TeamLabs tickets or Shinkansen tickets), but many of those 'smaller things that adds up' can be quite random. I always add up my expected costs, subtract it from my total budget, and divide the remainder with the days I will be in Japan for.

2. The Itinerary Question

There are tons of great itineraries on YouTube and Google and I promise you, most of them are good enough for you to just copy/paste and experience. Use us for specific questions you may have in regards to them (e.g. I'm planning on going to xyz on abc dates, is there anything to keep in mind?) (and then we can inform you of any closures, tips, tricks, etc.).
As someone who travels a lot, I want to point out that hotspots are hot for a reason and the ones in Japan are all worth going to unless you can somehow tell it's not going to be your thing (and that's ok!) or you have a serious aversion to crowds.
How one makes an itinerary is always varied, but as someone who's good at going with the flow when travelling (and often plans very last minute), this is how I usually rumble:
0. BRING AN EMPTY SUITCASE: I usually have a slightly smaller suitcase inside of my big suitcase, and the smaller suitcase has all of my clothes + shoes. If you do this, please cover or cushion the wheels of your smaller suitcase inside. I have no idea what happens in the cargo, but I've smashed the wheels of two small suitcases (even though they were fine when they're not inside the larger suitcase). I usually just put some shoes/scarves/dark hoodies for cushioning.
My itinerary recommendations are nothing special as I literally pick things off Google. But hotspots are hot for a reason, and these were some of my favourites for Tokyo and Kyoto!

3. The 'Hidden Gem' Question

If this is your first trip to Japan, you don't need hidden gems (unless they're food-specific). The major sightseeing attractions are popular for a reason and will be more than enough unless you're literally here for months.
Secondly, and more importantly, I've realized that 'hidden gems' are pretty personal to an individual's tastes. For example, I revealed a few of my hidden gem shrines and temples a few months ago, and immediately got immediately told that it's not actually very great. Well yeah, but that's why it was a hidden gem for me, because I loved it. We will not know what a 'hidden gem' means for you unless you specify the type. Are we looking for hidden gems that are about food? Temples? Specific anime references?
I can promise you that 99% of places worth going to are already spread across social media, and they're popular for good reasons. I personally don't think it's worth travelling far or trying spend so much time and effort looking for that 1%, especially on a first trip.
Lastly, I personally do not reveal my hidden gems unless I know you in person or it's a small business that may appreciate more support. While you may disagree, I think overtourism/overcrowding is pretty real in Japan right now, and I'm hesitant to put smaller places up on public platforms.
With that being said though, for tourists who have already been to Japan and want 'hidden gems' beyond Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka, I highly recommend the Kyushu/Chugoku region trip that I did back in January. I don't have specific itinerary 'hidden gems' but I definitely have 'hidden prefectures' that I loved (and even preferred) to Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka! (They're not actually hidden, just less visited compared to the trifecta).
Full itinerary/trip report here.
My itinerary for these prefectures are nothing special and none of them are 'hidden gems' as they're literally the most popular attractions for each place. But a. I think this proves that the 'top search' on Google is perfectly fine (because that's what I did, and I had an amazing time), and b. the popular attractions are very much worth going to.
There is a special promotion for foreign tourists that lets you take the bus to and from Shimane to Hiroshima for only 1000 yen, and the bus is only around 3 hrs from Izumo to Hiroshima! You can either start in Kyoto and move down, or start in Hiroshima and move up. I did all in 6 days which I do NOT recommend because I had to rush / clocked 30k+ steps in every day / thought I was going to die by the last day / was in a new prefecture every day.
  1. Kyoto → Osaka → Kobe → Himeji → Okayama → Izumo → Hiroshima
  2. Hiroshima → Izumo → Okayama → Himeji → Kobe → Osaka → Kyoto
Other prefectures nearby that are worth checking out are Nara and Mie.

Thanks for reading!

If you made it to the end, thanks for reading and I hope this was helpful. I definitely don't know everything about Japan and tons of people have amazing tips (that I still learn from every day). This was hopefully to help address some of the more common issues / repeated questions that people had. The TLDR is really just that we need specifics on who YOU are for us to answer your questions better, especially if you're looking for 'hidden gems' that are specific to your interests.
Have an amazing trip, everyone!
EDIT: no idea awards were back on Reddit? Thank you everyone, I’m not sure what they are but I appreciate them :D
submitted by kmrbtravel to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:39 Mosthated21_ Tsunamifire on tik tok aka Cherelia begging for $511 for “traveling costs” she’s also a fake reader reads message at the bottom of cards & claims they are from “spirit”

Tsunamifire on tik tok aka Cherelia begging for $511 for “traveling costs” she’s also a fake reader reads message at the bottom of cards & claims they are from “spirit” submitted by Mosthated21_ to Tiktokbeggars [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:35 SOMETHINGcooler5 Tag yourself, I’m glorbo trancendental male

Tag yourself, I’m glorbo trancendental male submitted by SOMETHINGcooler5 to 196 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:10 DissedFunction Someone explain the El Salvador Consulate & Scientology connection!

One of the reasons I cringe when I hear the LA livestreamers call themselves journalists is because it's really hard to get information unless you watch a 4 hour stream or even 2 or 3 four hour streams and even then there is no summary or explanation of what is happening. It's not very informative in most ways. Anyways, Danny along with a few others went to LRH cult way on Friday night? to document the setting up of some Celebration of El Salvador apparently being put on the the El Salvadoran government on the weekend. Ok so they were going to block off a public street (again) and needed a permit. It wasn't clear who got the permit, was it the El Salvador consulate or was it cult of scientology or was it both?
It wasn't clear if the event was invite only or whether the public was invited. But Danny and crew show up the day of the event (b/c some lady from the consulate personally invited them) and I don't know how long it took before some chunky Hispanic looking guy with a big belly and 2 cops come up to the livestreamers and trespass them from a public event. Guy kicks out livestreamers from El Salvador Govt /Scientology eventat 1:32:57 No reason given. Just get out. It was unclear if the guy was representing the El Salvadoran government or whether he was a Scientologist. But the bottom line is that people exercising their 1st amendment rights were kicked off a public street by either a cult or a foreign government...or both.
I'm still not clear what the event was. Not one of the journalists of course did a follow up or a write up or anything resembling reportage of event other than live jerky camera footage and really bad audio, but this is something that deserves attention.
Was this basically just a joint Scientology and El Salvador government event? If not, how come the cult of Scientology had the power to take control over who could be or not be at the event.
And why is an LA City street constantly being limited in access and why are LA City offices issuing permits which basically are violating the rights of the public for access to taxpayer supported streets?
Drama of which LA protestors are schtupping each other is fun in a trashy kind of way, but despite what William Gud (aka Streets) likes to claim, it doesn't seem like Scientology recruiting or influence in Hollywood or LA City government is even remotely over. (
submitted by DissedFunction to protestingScientology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:43 softestbabypink How to pretend to be the perfect Christian daughter until I leave for university? Need advice on coping and navigating Pentecostal household and church

tl;dr at the bottom of the post! sorry for any spelling mistakes or formatting issues, this is my first time posting here! :)
hello, I (F17) am the oldest child of two in my family. my family consists of my mom (F54) dad (M56) younger brother (M15), and my grandmother (F73) on my mom’s side. I've got a super religious household: every Sunday we go to a large but close-knit Apostolic / Pentecostal church that’s a 25-minute drive away. sometimes members of the church come over to our house for prayer meetings. my mom hosts the bible study every Thursday night on Zoom. our church holds many conventions and events every year and we’re a known family in the church. and my parents are very strong in their faith. they’ve got titles too, my mom is an evangelist and my dad is a church elder.
Christianity is just not for me. I’m a closeted atheist, barely have a conservative bone in my body and I’m queer (bisexual) myself. I don’t have anyone to confide in about my struggles IRL aside from my younger brother. but even then I don’t feel comfortable. I’m more myself with friends and anyone who isn’t my family / super religious. I’d be much happier going to school on Sundays instead of going to church. I feel like I’ve missed out on so many experiences teens from agnostic/atheist families get to do. every major holiday is spent at church and a lot of the fun ones, like Halloween, are sinful. I can’t even wear what I want to wear. it’s always shirts or tops that cover my butt and there was a time when I could only wear skirts and not jeans / pants.
I had to come to terms recently that my family may or may not have been abusive towards me. I’ve had my privacy violated, had my door kicked down because I didn’t want to go to in-person bible study, and had more traumatic experiences. I’ve realized that during all these times my grandma (who I get along with best) has been an enabler during these times. there have been times I’ve experienced mental exhaustion, struggled with depression and breakdowns over church and these expectations put on me. I want to get a therapist but my family does not believe in therapy :/ and if they did it would have to be a Christian therapist nonetheless.
we just had a convention weekend and there was an altar call for prayer and tarrying for the holy ghost. I’m always on edge because me and my brother don’t “have it” and my past experiences with it have not been great, even when I did consider myself a Christian. I’m not a fan of others touching me, getting olive oil on my forehead, or feeling hot breath and aggressive whispers in my ear telling me what to do “to be filled”. when I told my mom I didn’t want to go up to the altar, she told me I needed it, to “put away my pride” and kept trying to drag me there. it got the attention of a lady who was visiting our convention who told me she’d give my mom her phone number and we’d call sometime for advice. She prayed with me to get rid of my fear. I'm praying she loses my number.
I hate being the center of attention in church, and I’d rather just ignore everything and not participate. but I’ve slowly realized I need to fake it sooner or later to get it over with. If I “get” the holy ghost and speak in tongues there’s a chance I’ll get called to be more involved in church (which I don’t want), or I could be left alone and not bothered anymore. but if I don’t I’ll experience more pressure and questioning of my faith. ironically, I am battling with my pride. I feel like if I fake it I’m betraying myself and what I believe, even if it’s for a good cause AKA everyone else leaving me the fuck alone. just imagining my mom praising me and saying how happy she is, how she prayed for this day of me to be a better Christian makes me upset.
on the bright side, I’ve gotten accepted into my dream university program in a big city 1hr away from my town, and I will be attending this fall. when that time comes, I'll be out of my house more often via commuting by public transportation or I'll be away for good by staying on campus if I get into residence. I’m paying out of provincial student loans, a grant from the university, future summer job money, and scholarships I hope to receive. it’s been hard but the good thing is that I’ll have 0 ties to my family financially for school. all I need to do is survive until then every Sunday and stupid convention and fake it 'til I make it. that way I can distance myself once I’m away from home and maybe go contact / put strict boundaries with them.
so, how can I survive and fake being the perfect Christian daughter at church? how can I reassure myself this is for the best (temporarily) without feeling like I’m not being true to myself for acting like this perfect Christian girl that I’m not? I need help with getting better at prayer, greetings, small talk, and faking tongues. all advice, personal experience, and acting tips are appreciated right now since I see myself frequenting this subreddit for more! :)
tl;dr i’m a 17-year-old living in a strict Pentecostal household and struggling because i'm actually an atheist and bisexual. my family is heavily involved in church, and i feel pressured to fake my faith to avoid conflict. despite the challenges, i’ve got into my dream university and will soon be financially independent. until then, i need advice on how to fake being a perfect christian daughter and manage my guilt about not being true to myself. any advice is appreciated!
submitted by softestbabypink to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:17 BeccaMarie70 My 2 tanks 20 gallon high & 10 gallon

My 2 tanks 20 gallon high & 10 gallon
Top has my Betta (male - Blue Cheese) & 2 mystery snails (Ham Sammich aka Hammy & ongion), bottom has Betta (female - Miracle Whip aka Miri), 6 female guppies (Salt, Pepper, Garlic, & Cayenne, plus 2 fry), & a mystery snail (cabbich).
submitted by BeccaMarie70 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:01 rafnsvartrrr Senua's Saga: a theory that you've never thought of

Senua's Saga: a theory that you've never thought of
"You might see me as weak. But l will show you what lies behind my eyes."
\"I see through your lies. I will show them how to see as I do.\"
Senua's journey, in all verity, is never-to-be-forgotten. Her sheer will power to overcome and embark on the nightmarish path with no glimmer in sight is something to be inspired by. When I was playing Senua's Sacrifice for the first time, I felt like I was present in her wakening as one of the many disquieting voices, constantly expressing concern, sadness, disturbance and pain about the devouring grief, raging in hunger and trying to swallow her like the ominous Sea of Corpses. After finishing it, I have replayed the game right away and collected all 44 rune stones to immerse myself in the story of this valiant Celtic maiden warrior even deeper.
Senua's world perception is so fascinating and unique, damned by crippling evil of human kind born in ignorance and disdain. There's no denial that she was permanently damaged and may see things different due to the "constructions of psychosis", as professor Paul Fletcher calls it. Brain is a magnificent gift... one that can also be distorted into an all-consuming and obliterating curse. But there is a way to break this curse, and it is full of both present and internal tribulations.
When I attempt to grasp on Senua's journey - I want to believe everything she believes in, coming into it with a humble perspective of a follower rather than a critical thinker. It's important to synchronize ourselves with her visceral reality as we are breaking through the darkest places of fear and fury, together. What is true and what is an illusion, I hope we find when she finds it. In the end, we are all but day dreamers.
"The darkness does not bargain. It does not reason."
Apart from being a ground-breaking masterpiece of art about mental suffering and psychosis, Hellblade is probably one of the best video-games set in the Scandinavian mythos. Ninja Theory recreated it in such an authentic and scrupulous way that it would be utterly offensive of us to ignore. Senua's Sacrifice is filled with lots of mentions of sagas of old, told through environment, characters and stories, which are incredibly articulated by Druth via greatest collectables ever aka rune stones. In this modest theory of mine, I want to share my vision of Senua's journey, and how grounded merges with supernatural in Senua's Sacrifice and Senua's Saga. I could very well miss something, so I welcome anyone's personal insight and perspective. With this, forgive me my extended discourse & here we go
"To these Gods you cannot pray."
\"They can break you. But not your promise.\"
First and foremost, the name of our beloved heroine comes from Celtic Goddess Senuna, who was associated with springs, rivers, war, wisdom, protection and healing. According to Pomponius Mela regarding the cult at the island of Sena, she could literally cure the incurable, which is quite intriguing and mystifying in the context of the Hellblade's main theme. Origins of Senua's name play a possible motive in Hela's special interest towards this brave female warrior, so I thought I had to mention it. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
As soon as we arrive to the land of the dead and befriend our destined companion, Druth keeps on speaking of Ragnarok in the disturbing ever urging fashion, warning us about the inevitability of what's going to happen. There are many possible hidden meanings for that and many reasonable interpretations can be made, but, ultimately, it's about one last fatal clashing of the Gods and Giants in the final hours of the world as Druth depicts it. It's almost like he prepares Senua for her personal role in this grand apocalyptic outcome. And so our hero wanders down this torturous vicious path to become something far more terrifying and deadly to her foes in Hellblade 2 Senua's Saga...
"In your sword still beats... a heart."
\"You fought for your dreams, now there is no way to win.\"
After the initial meet and greet with the bloodcurdling Hela and countless nightmares of both present and past, Senua learns not to be afraid of the towering Goddess, relentlessly pushing forward for the sake of her loved one, proving her resilience in the wake of the chthonic horrors. It's almost if Hela noticed something about her right away, and the rotten mark on Senua was a treacherous binding more than anything. Now there's no turning back. She is going to come and give in...
Giants cannot win Ragnarok. It is foreshadowed for them to lose the battle in the prophecy Odin received from the witch that he revived from the dead. Now, Hela could have learned about the prophecy, since Odin himself made it known to both humans and giants for his own reasons. She probably felt very lucky and saw an undeniable potential in acquiring Senua's power, so she could bring a certain end to the Gods of Asgard. And what better way to do this than to exhaust Senua completely that she will even avow herself that she is going to fight on her side during Ragnarok.
In the end, the sacrifice should be made. Senua's desperate soul in exchange for release from shackles of excruciating struggle, of an unforgiving inability to save Dillion. Hela strikes Senua's chest with Gramr, a sword that is also a source of immense divine force, a weapon blessed by Odin that Senua brought to her. Final words have been spoken, final deeds have been done. Ritual is completed. We see Hela and Senua merging together, or replace one another, and our furies playfully taunt us in delightful anticipation "Hela? Hela?". Shining in revelation, Senua is overjoyed to feel the absence of crushing burden. Something new and so thrillingly powerful took its place. And now, with obtained radiant clarity, there are more stories to tell...
"And she said, with our swords we will forge new stories to strike the Gods that haunt us!"
\"We will embrace our suffering, soothe our scars and grief, and break their siege on our minds.\"
In Hellblade 2, we might witness Senua taking possession of her powers, contrary to being possessed by them. It will be a tale of struggle once again, but the stakes are different this time around. She may not even fully understand what is now inside of her at the beginning. What is she destined to be for her own kind... and for others? In TGA's 2021 gameplay showcase, we were presented with the Giant Siege. At the apex of this astonishing scene, Giant says "Help me, Senua", and she returns "I know you". How can she know this creature? And why the sudden realization? Can it be that Giant saw Hela in her? Can it be that Hela speaks to Senua as one of the furies? Or she just viscerally feels the connection?
"You may see them as Gods, but We will show you what lies behind their eyes."
All those mere mortals Senua leads to certain death is something to reflect on as well. Hela, a Giant and a godlike entity that rules the dead, is essentially a metaphor of Senua in her awakened hour. They are good as dead, yet they follow her almost obsessively like they are cultists in her name. When she enters the cave with surreal visions on the walls in 2023 Xbox Game Showcase cinematic trailer, she probably already knows or about to find out who she truly is. "Wisdom has a price. There's always a part of you that changes. A part of you that darkens. And a part of you that dies." All of this can be interpreted as hints towards her incarnating Hela, half beautiful, half rotten Goddess of the dead. "Who are these around you, Senua? Those you have saved? Or those you led to death."
"This is a journey into darkness. There will be no more stories after this one."
\"I will not appease your Gods. I will destroy them.\"
My ultimate theory is that we are about to behold Ragnarok from the Senua's perspective, with her taking a large part in it as none other than A FREAKING HELA HERSELF! She may not appear at this ball of epos and death on a Naglfar, although it would be insane, but she's going to seriously break the shit down, somehow or other. There are hints layered through out and I can't wait!
My firmest belief that Ninja Theory makes these insinuations on purpose for those who are looking for them, but not many people do. Pretty much no one is even discussing the mythical part of the plot at all. So it might be an entire different thing, and I'm just crazy! :D
Anyway, that's my little theory on Senua's journey. Hope someone finds it interesting. My hype levels are through the roof for the sequel, and I was carrying this thought all this time inside of my head, barely sharing it with anyone. I love this franchise to bits, it's my favorite one hands down, and I'm gonna thoroughly enjoy Hellblade 2 Senua's Saga regardless of what lies ahead!
From the bottom of my sword heart - thank you, Ninja Theory!
submitted by rafnsvartrrr to hellblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:04 M00n_Slippers The Wisdom of Stone: Crystallians, the Crystal Cadre, The Primeval Current and Japanese practice of "Suiseki"

The Wisdom of Stone: Crystallians, the Crystal Cadre, The Primeval Current and Japanese practice of
I was looking into the ‘Wisdom of Stone’ because someone else’s Lore Question was tangentially related and I made a ‘real life’ connection to the Crystalians with Suiseki/Gongshi, AKA Chinese Scholar Stones. It’s nothing real ground-breaking, but I believe it could be convenient for some people to just have this information in one place to reference, and I do think the suiseki connection may be 'new' to the greater community. So I figured I would do a little write-up for ya’ll.

Crystalian's Aesthetic Inspiration

So there have been a couple sources noted to be likely inspirations for the Crystalians at least aesthetically.
Zullie the Witch notes that they may have been directly pulled from the game Magic the Gathering, which is a notable inspiration of Miyazaki's.
From Zullie the Witch's video \"Elden Ring - It's Probably Fine\"
They bare an extremely close resemblance to the "Crystal Warriors" of the choose-your-own-adventure style Fighting Fantasy books, right down to their game mechanics and origins:
"A crystal warrior was hewn from pure crystal, mostly in the shape of a human warrior with a helmet...Crystal warriors were usually created by powerful sorcerers or warlocks as guardians for their lairs...The structure of Crystal Warriors made them very tough opponents. Next to their durability, their crystal bodies were virtually immune to edged weapons, such as swords and axes. Only blunt weapons with strong heads, for example maces or war hammers, had any chance of damaging them."
Fighting Fantasy novel \"Heir of Skull Crag\"
There have been other notable inspirations which may have been part of their initial conception by those first creators, or tied in later by Miyazaki or Martin.
Such as the titular Golem from the German horror film "Der Golem" (1915) released in the US as "the Monster of Fate". inspired by the jewish folktale of the Golem creature, a sorcery created being with a frankenstein-like story. You can actually watch the whole thing in 4k on Youtube for free. The trailer itself is ripe with what may have been inspiration for Raya Lucaria.
Left: Film Still from \"Der Golem\". Notice the windows and ceiling shapes?
Another is the Stained Glass Knight from the film Young Sherlock Holmes (1985), notable for being the first fully polygonal CGI character in film and may also have inspired an enemy in the Castlevania series. The clip itself I linked shows a priest encountering this 'bring' in a church which itself looks like heavy inspiration for the cathedrals of Raya Lucaria. These two inspirations added together may have been key themes for the Carians and Sorcerers themselves.
Left: Stained Glass Knight scene from Young Sherlock. Are we sure this isn't the same room?

What are the Crystalians and where did they come from?

We actually have a lot of information about the Crystalians and their creation, strung between all of the various crystal items and other related sorceries and flavor text.
The Crystallians are inorganic beings created by sorcery, and carved from crystal glintstone\1]). As Sellen tells you, glintstone is residual life--the enduring essence of the dead that rejoined the cosmic cycle of the heavens\2])--these beings have faint cognition and deep knowledge of the life-death-rebirth cycle of the heavens that is the primeval current\1]). Sorcerers call this knowledge the "Wisdom of Stone"\3]).
[1] Shattering Crystal: The Crystalians are inorganic beings, yet they live. They cleave close to the ideals of the primeval current, and as such, they are revered guests of the sorcerers." [2] Sellen: "Our art draws upon the powers embedded in glintstone. But what is the nature of such power? Glintstone is the amber of the cosmos. Golden amber contains the remnants of ancient life, and houses its vitality, while glintstone contains residual life, and thus the vitality of the stars. It should not be forgotten, that glintstone sorcery is the study of the stars, and the life therein. A fact lost on most sorcerers, these days..." [3] Crystal Staff: Staff fashioned from pure crystal; a deed impossible for a human. Enhances Crystalian sorceries. The Crystalian's faint cogitation is known as the "wisdom of stone." This staff can only be wielded by those of intellect high enough to grasp such wisdom. [4] Crystal Sword: Sword fashioned from pure crystal; a deed impossible for a human. Enwreathed with powerful magic, its attack scales with intelligence. The inscrutable Crystalians have but one clear purpose; to safeguard their crystals unto the end. One theory posits that they yearn for the return of their creator who will carve for them new brethren. [5] Crystal Barrage: One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria…A sorcery of the Crystal Cadre, a group of sorcerers who pursue the wisdom of stone—the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.
Who exactly created these beings is somewhat ambiguous, but we may be able to piece it together with the various hints given by the game.
The Crystal Sword and Staff\3]), say they are weapons "fashioned from pure crystal; a deed impossible for a human." This could suggest that the Crystalians themselves made the weapons, or it may be a hint that the Crystallians themselves were not made by humans. However in Elden Ring, there is some implication that anyone who can create life or give birth may be dubbed a ‘god’ (such as Marika), so perhaps they simply view their creators as gods and not human solely for this reason.
Primary suspects for the creators of the Crystalians include the ‘Crystal Cadre’. The Crystal Barrage sorcery says the crystal cadre are “a group of sorcerors who pursue the wisdom of stone.’” But who are among this Crystal Cadre?
Well, perhaps they are the Sorcerors Azur and Lusat.
The staves of these two masters\6]) explicitly mention ‘the wisdom of stone’, a phrase that keeps recurring in relation to the Crystalians, saying “only those who have glimpsed beyond the wisdom of stone may wield it [their staves]”. Azur is the founder of the Karolos Conspectus \7]) while Lusat is the founder of the Olivinus Conspectus\8]), but it seems the Twinsage Conspectus may be representative of either the two together or of those who followed both of their ideas, as the Twinsage Sorceror Ashes***\**\9])* says, “Those who study the Twinsage Conspectus are the academy's elite, capable of mastering the Glintstone Cometshard and Crystal Burst sorceries,” and it is from the text of the Crystal Burst \11]) sorcery that we are told the Crystal Cadre are “a group of sorcerers who pursued the wisdom of stone—the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.”
[6] Azur's Glintstone Staff and Lusat's Glintstone Staff: Staff of the primeval glintstone sorcerer Azur. Only those who have glimpsed what lies beyond the wisdom of stone may wield it. [7] Karolos Glintstone Crown: One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy. The Karolos Conspectus is the oldest of the academy's lineages of study, begat by the sorcerer Azur. Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets. [8] Olivinus Glintstone Crown: One of the glintstone crowns bestowed upon Raya Lucaria scholars whose pursuits were deemed worthy. The lineage of the Olivinus Conspectus began with the sorcerer Lusat, and its adherents continue his study of meteors. [9] Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes: Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell…Those who study the Twinsage Conspectus are the academy's elite, capable of mastering the Glintstone Cometshard and Crystal Burst sorceries. [10] Glintstone Cometshard: One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria…A sorcery of the Karolos Conspectus, the most venerable of the academy. [11] Crystal Burst: One of the glintstone sorceries of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. A sorcery of the Crystal Cadre, a group of sorcerers who pursued the wisdom of stone—the secrets locked in the faint cogitation of the Crystalians.
So Azur, Lusat and their followers may be the creators of the Crystalians. But are their more possibilities? Well their students who also revere the Primeval Current which the Crystalians represent may be contenders as well and a quite notable one is Sellen, the Graven Witch.
Witch-Hunter Jerren says, “You didn't...know Sellen, did you? Well, whatever the case, she's dead now. Just put it behind you. She was known as the Graven Witch. Obsessed by the primeval current, countless sorcerers fell to her hand. The most dangerous mage in the entire history of Raya Lucaria's Academy.”
Sellen herself affirms that she studies the Primeval Current and notes that her first master was Master Azur: “What's this sorcery, my apprentice? Ah, then you have seen Master Azur. Master Azur was a founding glintstone sorcerer, and my first teacher. A stern judge of men, but he must see something in you. You make us both proud.”
After finding Master Azur’s body, Sellen tells you, “Master Lusat is another founding glintstone sorcerer. And like Master Azur, he was banished from the academy. Now he languishes, imprisoned somewhere. My apprentice, can you find Master Lusat? With this glintstone key, you should be able to cross the boundary that encloses him. I need him to restore the primeval current of glintstone sorcery. He's nigh a child of the stars, such is his body now…”
It’s hard to say how much interaction that Sellen personally had with Master Lusat, but given that she is a Primeval Current fanatic and you need both schools of the founding sorcerers to fulfill her objectives, it seems likely that she may have studied with him as well. At the very least she has some knowledge of Master Lusat, enough to know where he came from and where he may have returned after his expulsion.
But she isn’t the only possibility, another strong contender is Rennala.
Rennela was able to birth Empyreans (Ranni) which suggests she may herself be a god akin to Marika in her own way, which would fulfill the characteristic of the Crystalian's creators not being ‘human’. And the Full and Dark Moon sorceries themselves seem to reflect the dual nature of the primeval current.
Despite the Moon being stronger as a motif with her, Rennala also has a big connection to the current and crystal. One of the crystalian spells, the Crystal Release says it resembles a "Crystal Sun", which could be a reference to the Moon. \12]) And the Magic Downpour spell, one of the Carian royal family sorceries, was taught to the Carian family by the Crystalian’s themselves.\13])
[12] Crystal Release: Sorcery of the mysterious Crystalians. This sorcery is used by high-ranking adepts among the Crystalians. Some also call this sorcery "the Crystal Sun." [13] Magic Downpour: One of the sorceries of the Carian royal family. Said to have been taught by the Crystalians to mark the swearing of the old concord.
Similarly there is strong evidence in my opinion, that Sellen may be Rennala's sister and may act as a dark twin and character foil, which gives Rennala another connection to Azur and Lusat.
In Japanese, her name is ‘Seren’ セレン, a name which means "star" in Welsh, and is pronounced the same as the ‘Ren’ of Rennala. Sellen may also be a reference to the Greek Goddess of the Moon, ‘Selene’.
After you defeat Radahn, Iji also tells you this: “The fate of the Carian royal family is guided by the stars*. As is the fate of Lady Ranni, first heir in the Carian royal line. But General Radahn is the conqueror of the stars. Who stood up to the swirling constellations, halting their movement in a smashing victory. And so, if General Radahn were defeated, the stars would once again resume their movement. As would Lady Ranni's destiny… Now the time has come to remind him [Jerren] of an* old promise made. With the stars of fate set into motion, a certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality... Finally, we can be rid of a longstanding Carian weed*..."*
And as you find out, this old promise appears to be to kill, Sellen the Graven Witch.
Jerren after defeating Sellen: “My thanks, for the aid given. I heard from Iji that Lady Ranni might have found herself a champion. But I didn't know he was talking about you. You've helped me fulfill an old promise*. This is the least I can do for you. Please, take it.”*
So like the Carian Royal family, Sellen’s fate is guided by the stars, and the halting of the stars gave her a form of immortality similar to Ranni's. Sellen and Ranni also both use the same method of maintaining their life beyond the death of their body--using Primal Glintstones within dolls. Iji also calls Sellen a ‘Carian Weed’ strongly suggesting that Sellen may be a member of the Carian family herself, acting as a blemish within their line.
This is further supported by the fact that there actually is ‘missing’ Carian Princess. As the Carian Filigreed Crest Talisman says, the Talisman was awarded to *“direct retainers to the kingdom's princesses. Now there is only one princess: Ranni, daughter of Rennala."*\14])
So there used to be more than one Princess, but now there is only one, who is Ranni. And yet Rennala is the founder of the Carian house, the first Queen of Raya Lucaria\15]) and a former Astrologer who was not always a Queen \16]). and Ranni being her only female child, suggests the existence of either a sister, daughter or grandaughter as the second, missing princess.
[14] Carian Filigreed Crest Talisman: A talisman adorned with the royal crest. An honor said to have once been awarded to Carian knights who served as direct retainers to the kingdom's princesses. Now there is only one princess: Ranni, daughter of Rennala. [15] Remembrance of Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon: In her youth, Rennala was a prominent champion who charmed the academy with her lunar magic, becoming its master. She also led the Glintstone Knights and established the house of Caria as royalty. [16] Stargazer Heirloom: A talisman engraved with the legend of a queen...The young astrologer gazed at the night sky as she walked. She had always chased the stars every step of her journey. Then she met the full moon — and, in time, the astrologer became a queen.
Another notable mystery related to the Carian Royalty are three towers behind the Carian Manor, The Three Sisters, which has independently given rise to speculation that aside from Rennala and Ranni there was a missing Carian Sorceress of the Carian house. If Renna’s Tower belongs to Rennala, and Ranni’s Tower belongs to her, Seluvis’s tower may be Sellen’s which makes a lot of sense given that Seluvis was the one who helped her escape the Academy and is still in communication with her, not to mention they both share ‘Sel’ in their names.
Seluvis, asking about Nokron: “Well, well. You're asking me about that [Nokron], are you?...There's a glintstone sorcerer by the name of Sellen in Limgrave. She owes me for the help I gave her when she was expelled from the academy. I asked her to look into the matter some time ago. I'll write you a letter of introduction. Go ask her.”
There are also strong implications that Rennala may have a twin, echoed within the Jellyfish Ashes quest. In this quest, you unite the Jellyfish ashes with their ‘sister’. This sister just so happens to be located at the Stargazer Ruins, an area that shares a name with the Stargazer Heirloom which tells you about Rennala's study of the stars and moon \16]). As you enter the main building of the ruins, you will hear a girl's voice -- it's the Jellyfish's sister, and you can summon it to reunite them.
Jelly Fish sister Dialogue: "Sister... Where did you go? You promised me when we turned fourteen we'd go to see the stars. I've been waiting so long, forever and ever it seems."
After reuniting the sisters: "Ahh, Dear Sister, you're finally here. No time to waste. Let's go see the stars."
This quest unlocks a chest bearing the Primal Glintstone Blade***\**\20])*, the very same type of heretical blade which Sellen uses to transfer her soul to a new body\21]) after her original one is captured and imprisoned within the Witchbane Ruins by Jerren.
[20] Primal Glintstone Blade: An old glintstone blade that has been stained with blood. The old sorcerers would slice open their hearts with these blades to imbue a primal glintstone with their soul, and thus did they die. [21] Sellen’s Primal Glintstone: Glintstone from within the sorceress Sellen's body. Seemingly half-alive, blood vessels are visible within. In essence, a primal glintstone is a sorcerer's soul. If transplanted into a compatible new body after their original body dies, the sorcerer will rise again. "My apprentice, do you think it distasteful?"
So we know that Sellen was a student of Lusat, and possibly Azur. If Sellen and Rennala were indeed sisters, both may have studied under them. This especially makes sense as what appears to be the master’s old tower is located in the Mountaintops of the Giants not far from where Rennala encountered the Full Moon, being watched by Academy dolls and inaccessible except by magic.
Top: Stargazers Ruins, Middle: Mountain Tops of the Giants Map marking both areas, Bottom: Heretical Rise.
But there is one more potential member of the Crystal Cadre, that is Ranni herself.
Ranni is the product of two schools of Magic: The Full Moon and the Dark Moon. She seems to have learned both the cold and dark heretical sorceries of the dark moon as well as the bright, charming full moon sorceries which made her mother a Queen. While her mother is an obvious source for the Full Moon sorceries, the source of her cold, Dark Moon magic is somewhat more ambiguous.
The Snow Witch Set, which is the very same armor which is worn by Ranni herself, says it is worn by practitioners of heretical sorcery, and that the doll that Ranni uses is modeled after this secret mentor of hers\22]). Despite the fact that we never see Sellen wearing this armor, this may suggest that Sellen could be Ranni’s ‘secret mentor’, as she is a heretical sorceress, and is known to use Primal Glintstones to transfer bodies just as Ranni did.
We also know that Sellen studied under Azur, the founder of the Academy who created the first Glintstone sorcery\23]), Founding Rain of Stars, whose tower may be the Heretical Rise in the Mountaintops of the Giants, a very cold area. And if it’s true that Sellen is a Carian Royal, then she could be an obvious source of the cold sorceries which are associated with the Carian Royal family.
As the Moons ‘guide the fates’ of the Carian Royalty[24], if Sellen was a royal then at one time she may have focused on these dark, cold graven sorceries before they became taboo. It could be that Ranni learned Dark Moon sorcery from Sellen at the Heretical Rise. Then after she was expelled for her research into the Graven School of Witches, Sellen may have turned her back on her family and Dark Moon sorceries, becoming an enemy of the Carian Royal family.
[22] Snow Witch Set: Witch's pointed hat, frigid and frozen through. Of a style associated with practitioners of heretical sorcery. Strengthens cold sorcery. Once worn by the snowy crone who the young Ranni encountered deep in the woods. She was a witch, and well-versed in cold sorceries. It is said that the doll that houses Ranni's soul was modeled after her. That old witch was Ranni's secret mentor. [23] Founding Rain of Stars: The eldest primeval sorcery, said to have been discovered by an ancient astrologer. A sorcery of legendary status…Thought to be the founding glintstone sorcery. The glimpse of the primeval current that the astrologer saw became real, and the stars' amber rained down on this land. [24] Drawstring Freezing Grease: Solidified grease made using Rani's furtive arts. The women of the Carian royal family look to the moon to guide their fates. Ranni's is a moon dark and blanketed with rime. [25] Crystal Spear: Spear fashioned from pure crystal; a deed impossible for a human…The inscrutable Crystalians have but one clear purpose; to safeguard their crystals unto the end. One theory posits that they yearn for the return of their creator who will carve for them new brethren.
Alternatively, Rennala herself may be the source of both forms of moon sorcery. Ranni's Dark Moon spell says the Dark Moon, “was encountered by a young Ranni, led by the hand of her mother, Rennala. What she beheld was cold, dark and veiled in occult mystery.” If Rennala introduced Ranni to the Dark Moon, it suggests that Rennala herself may be the snow witch, with the nickname “Renna” referring to a time before Rennala was a queen, back on the Mountaintops of the Giants in the Heretical Rise, when she studied the Primeval Current as an astrologer with her sister and their Masters, when her Dark Moon sorceries were merely one side of her guiding Moon.
Whoever created them, perhaps in order to study the Primeval Current in a way that was much safer than looking directly at them (as evidenced by the horrible fate of Lusat and Azur) the Crystalians came to strike an accord or contract with the Sorcerers and the Carian family\14]). The Sorcerors would revere and create more of the Crystalians and in return the Crystalians would aid in their protection and allow themselves to be studied or otherwise gift their wisdom \22]).
Those who studied the Crystalians closely became "The Crystal Cadre" and indeed this might apply to all five of the possible creators, maybe suggesting it was a joint venture and not actually the creation of one person in particular.
This would also hold up with the current state of Raya Lucaria, with Rennala broken down and out of her mind in grief, Azur and Lusat both Crystallized and lost, and Sellen expelled and in hiding, as well as Ranni who is missing to everyone but the player and possibly presumed dead by the Academy.
Regardless of which member created the Crystalians, all are currently lost and fled, leaving the Crystalians guarding their crystals \25]) waiting for their return so more of their kind may come into being.

The Crystalians and "Suiseki"

Given all of this information about the Crystalians, I think I've found an additional inspiration which gives new insight into the "Wisdom of Stone", that being "Suiseki". It is similar to another practice called Gongshi from China, as well as Suesok from Korea, and in english are sometimes called "Scholar’s Rocks".
Suiseki ( 水石, made up of the Kanji for Water and the Kanji for stone) is a japanese practice of appreciating rocks for their aesthetic and decorative value, somewhat akin to Bonzai in their shared appreciation for the elements of nature. However where Bonzai embraces the ‘hyper real’ and allows the plant to be altered to better resemble natural, full-sized trees found in nature, Suiseki allows no alteration. These stones were of completely natural origin usually found in oceans, rivers and karst areas--all places where water has eroded stone, hence the name suiseki or 'water stone'. Suiseki were chosen for their artistic and decorative value and used for viewing on multiple scales, such as desks, viewing alcoves for votives or even large scale gardens. They were popular among Confusian and Buddhist scholars, as well as those of the upper class, hence the name "Scholar's stones."
This practice was common in Japan during the reign of Suiko-Tenno, the first of 8 Empress Regnants and the 33rd Monarch of Japan. Her Regnal name Suiko 推古 uses the Kanji for "Conjecture, theory, supposition," and "old". This sui is a homophone with the sui from suiseki, and ko is also a homophone with child (子), the dead or deceased (故) and daughter (娘). Empress Suiko seems to have been linked with water in her lifetime as some artistic renderings show her wearing blue and green with artistic ruffles to imitate water. Given Suiko's connection with water and her status as an Empress and mother, she may be an inspiration for Rennala herself.
Left: Empress Suiko (592-698 CE). Is there a resemblance maybe?
Suiseki itself is a reflection of the japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, or beauty in natural imperfection, which gives rise to many other aesthetic practices such as Kintsugi, or golden repair. Bi (美 ) means beauty, thus wabi-sabi is the beauty of wa 侘 and sa 寂, both meaning loneliness, silence and grief. Essentially wabi-sabi is finding in the cycle of life and death, the appreciation of the natural order which includes both the sweetness of nature as well as the bittersweetness and grief of passing things. Finding the beauty in things which are not perfect or everlasting, and which show the wear and passage of time, is the key to the Buddhist Nirvana, or the transcendence of suffering. It also makes suiseki and other artistic forms which use this practice physical representations of the Dao, or The Way of Heaven in Daoism.
Wabi-Sabi arts: Kintsugi \"Golden Repair\", Suiseki stone, Karesansui \"Zen Rock gardens\", Haiku poetry, Rikka Flower arrangement
So here we can see the similarities that suiseki has with the Crystalians. They are both stones formed of water (in the Crystalians case, Glintstone), which are kept by scholars (sorcerers) and may be a tribute to the Empress, or Queen of their time. They are both treasured for what they represent, the cycle of nature or the Primeval Current, and it is believed that meditating upon their meaning can impart knowledge or nirvana, that being ‘the wisdom of stone.’
Neither can be made by human hands, with suiseki only qualifying as such when it is completely a product of nature, while the Crystalians may be have been made someone who was greater than human, a god–or with the knowledge of this new connection, perhaps Crystalians can only be naturally created through the natural cycle of life and death, which has been halted in the lands between for some time. Their reasons for guarding crystals maybe to facilitate the creation of more Crystalians, by keeping humans from harvesting their crystal. Perhaps the accord they made with the Carians was to guarantee the protection of certain patches for the Crystalians alone, only harvesting glintstone from areas which the Crystalian’s allowed.
Crystalian's guarding what may perhaps become their future brethren.

The Wisdom of Stone

So after everything, what is the Wisdom of Stone? It is knowledge of the natural order, of the inevitable cycle of life and death, and the bittersweet ephemerality of existence.
We are told the Crystalians, “cleave close to the ideals of the Primeval Current\1]). ‘Cleave’ is an extremely interesting word because it can mean both ‘marriage’ or 'to adhere', as well as ‘cleavage’ as in the splitting of rocks and stone. So it is a word which is its own opposite.
In this way it well describes the Primeval Current as well as the Crystalians themselves, as being directly connected to the Primeval Current and yet being disconnected fragments created from it. This perfectly illustrates the divine paradox and dichotomy of what the Primeval Current actually is.
After Sellen asks you to find her Masters Lusat and Azur, she says, “It warms my heart. That you still think of me. Yet I still yearn for you to find Master Lusat. His body is needed. At the academy, to hone the primeval current…”
This may be an echo to the Law of Regression, “Regression is the pull of meaning; that all things yearn eternally to converge.”
And the Karolos Glintstone Crown says, “The Karolos Conspectus is the oldest of the academy's lineages of study, begat by the sorcerer Azur. Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets.”
‘Begat’ is a word typically used to describe the relationship of child to sire–the sire begat the child. It is perhaps most well known as the word used within the long lists of lineages within the Bible to signify family descent. This may be an echo of the Law of Causality, which says, “Causality is the pull between meanings; it is the connections that form the relationships of all things.”
Nature creates and nature destroys. Azur’s Founding Rain of Stars\23]) marks the founding of the Academy of Raya Lucaria. While Lusat’s Stars of Ruin, marked it’s creators end\26]).
[26] Stars of Ruin: Legendary sorcery devised by Lusat, primeval sorcerers.Fires twelve dark shooting stars that pursue the target. When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.
Rennala who had her time in the limelight as Champion of Raya Lucaria and Queen of Liurnia, as wife of Radagon and mother of Ranni, Rykard and Radahn–found her end mourning her dead and incomplete creations, her children dead or broken, her husband wed to another, her strength in the past, her grand academy becoming her prison and her kingdom in shambles.
All things have their rise and fall, just as the tides follow the cycles of the moon, all things follow the cycle of nature.
The Two Laws which govern the cosmos, which govern the golden order, which govern the Primeval Current, are thus: the inevitability of both birth and death, an eternal cycle of ephemeral existence. This is the Wisdom of Stone.
submitted by M00n_Slippers to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:30 KJM9021 Mournful Mondays: Celebrating Designs That The Game Did Not!

No matter how beautiful your design is, there are times when it ends up in 8th place or lower when voting finishes. Mournful Mondays is your chance to share these mourned designs with your fellow Redditors.
Any design from the previous week that finished 8th place or lower, aka a bottom podium, is eligible. Create a post to share your favourite bottom podiums with the group and let us give these creations the love they deserve.
You can add the Mournful Mondays flair yourself, either while posting or afterwards if you forget. As always, this challenge is just for fun and participation is optional.
submitted by KJM9021 to RedecorHomeDesignGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:00 AutoModerator Zygarde (50% Form) Escalation Battles - Week 20 2024

Zygarde (50% Form) Escalation Battles

AUTOMATION INFO: Check the archived AutoModerator-post for more game resources.

EB basics

This is a 300 stages move-based Dragon type challenge, that will last for 14 days. Super Effective types you can use against are Dragon, Ice and Fairy.
Drop rates are 25/25/25 for all stages.
  • Skill 1: Barrier Bash+ – Requires 120 PSB to max. Outclassed skill, don't even consider raising it.
  • Skill 2 (SS): Typeless Combo – Requires 150 PSB to max. Probably the best skill in the game. Save a swapper for it and raise the skill as much as possible. If you are an early game player which struggles to go deep in the EB, consider aborting runs without a drop.
Hearts Left Skip Chance
-1 (maybe NHN or 5+) 35%
0 30%
1-2 22%
3-4 15%


  • Stages in bold are Boss.
Stage Reward
5 1000 coins
10 1 Exp. Booster S
20 1000 coins
30 1 Moves+5
40 1 Mega Start
50 1 Skill Swapper
60 1000 coins
70 1 Disruption Delay
80 2 Exp. Booster Ss
90 1 Skill Booster S
100 1 Raise Max Level
125 1 Exp. Booster M
150 1 Skill Swapper
160 2 Exp. Booster Ms
180 1 Skill Swapper
200 3 Raise Max Levels
235 1 Mega Speedup
250 5 Raise Max Levels
285 1 Mega Speedup
300 7 Raise Max Levels

HP and disruptions for stages

Stage HP + HP/stage Moves Disruptions
1-20 678 + 48 6 Fills 3 random blocks with Zygarde-50% every 2 moves.
21-49 1,302 + 48 6 Fills 3 random blocks with Zygarde-50% every 2 moves. Then, fill row 3 with 6 blocks every 2 moves. Then cycles back to first disruption
50 17,521 17 Fills 5 random blocks with 3 Goomy and 2 Zygarde-50%. Then, after 3 moves fills either A1 to B3, C3 to D4, or E4 to F6 with barriers. Repeats.
51-75 707 + 78 6 Spawns 4 random rocks after 2 moves. Does this twice, then spawns 3 Goomy and 2 Zygarde-50% every 2 moves.
76-99 1,531 + 160 6 Fills 3 random blocks with Goomy. Then, fills a column with Metal every 2 moves.
100 34,656 17 Fills 5 random blocks with 1 Rocks, 2 barriers, and 2 Goomy every 2 moves. Repeat 2 times, then fills row 1 with 3 blocks and row 2 with 3 barriers after 2 moves. Then repeat first disruption after 2 moves.
101-125 3,232 + 126 8 Spawns 1 rock, 2 Goomy, and 2 barriers every 2 moves.
126-149 2,550 + 188 8 Fills first column with barriers (initial disruption). Then after 2 moves randomly fills a column with barriers. After 2 times, spawns 3 Goomy and 2 Zygarde50%. After 2 times repeat first disruption
150 40,063 17 Randomly will: spawn 3 Goomy, spawn 3 Zygarde50%, 5 random rocks, or spawn 6 rocks in row 1 every 2 moves. After 2 times, spawns 12 blocks in B2 to E4 every 3 moves. Then repeat first disruption
151-179 2,837 + 188 8 Initially spawns 4 rocks in C3 to D4 and repeat after 1 move. Then spawns 4 rocks in top row after 1 move. Then spawns 4 rocks in bottom row after 1 move. Then spawns 3 Goomy and 2 Zygarde50% after 1 move, then repeat from beginning.
180 67,423 17 Fills rows 3 and 4 with 3 Goomy and 3 Zygarde50% (initial disruption). Repeat after 2 moves. After one time of this, switch to spawning 3 rocks and 3 barriers on rows 1 and 2. Repeat after 2 moves, then switch back to initial disruption.
181-199 3,417 + 467 8 Fills rows 5 and 6 with 3 barriers and 3 Rocks. Then, fills rows 3 and 4 with 3 Goomy and 3 Zygarde-50%.
200 185,632 17 Initial board has 4 barriers and 16 blocks in the middle. Fills rows 3 and 4 with 3 Goomy and 3 Zygarde50% (initial disruption). Repeat after 1 moves. After one time of this, switch to spawning 3 rocks and 3 barriers on rows 1 and 2 after 1 move. Then spawn 3 rocks and 3 barriers on rows 5 and 6 after 1 move. Then repeat from beginning.
201-225 5,796 + 325 10 Spawns 3 rocks and 3 blocks on row 1 and 2. Then after 2 moves, spawns 3 rocks and 3 barriers on rows 5 and 6. Then after 2 moves, spawns 3 Goomy and 3 Zygarde50% on rows 3 and 4. Repeat from beginning after 2 moves.
226-249 4,719 + 447 10 Every 2 moves, spawns 3 Goomy, 3 Zygarde50%, 4 barriers, and 2 rocks on columns 2 and 3 or columns 4 and 5.
250 251,050 17 Spawns 6x2 rows of 6 Blocks and 6 rocks in rows 1 and 2 every 2 moves (with first time being initial disruption). Once score > 216586, switches to second phase. Changes 12 random squares into blocks. After this, switches to phase 3. Every 2 moves, chose one disruption: changes 12 squares into blocks, spawn 6x2 row of 6 blocks and 6 rocks on rows 1 and 2, or spawn 7 Zygarde50% and 5 blocks on Rows 1 and 2.
251-275 5,234 + 116 12 Spawns 3 rocks and 3 blocks on row 1 and 2. Then after 1 moves, spawns 3 rocks and 3 barriers on rows 5 and 6. Then after 1 moves, spawns 3 Goomy and 3 Zygarde50% on rows 3 and 4. Repeat from beginning after 1 moves.
276-299 14,197 + 861 12 Fills columns 2 and 3 with 6 barriers every 3 turns (after initial disruption). Then, fills columns 4 and 5 with 6 barriers after 3 moves. Repeats.
300 286,121 17 Initial board has 16 barriers on it. Initial disruption is either 3 barriers, 1 block, and 2 rocks in first column. Then either spawns 3 barriers, 1 block, and 2 rocks or 2 barriers, 2 rocks, and 2 blocks every 2 moves, or ?resets board? after 2 moves. After one disruption, spawns either 1 barrier, 4 blocks, and 1 rock into one of the first 3 columns or 2 barriers, 2 blocks, and 2 rocks in 4th column. After using 1, switch to 3rd phase: 2 barriers, 2 blocks and 2 rocks in a column. Then repeat from beginning

Boss Strategies

Cycle 1 results
Cycle 2 results
Cycle 3 results
Cycle 4 results
submitted by AutoModerator to PokemonShuffle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:01 AutoModerator [Weekly Megathread] FREQUENT Feedback / Requests / Suggestions

UPDATE: reordered the list a bit for better overview. Fixed issues will now appear at the bottom of a specific list for better readability.
We are a Fan subreddit, and not run by Blizzard, but the devs and CM's are frequently reading feedback from all sources, including reddit.
Many people come here to give feedback, which is welcome, but since some of the feedback is given very frequently, we compile this frequently given/posted feedback / requests / suggestions from players on specific issues in this weekly updated and reoccurring thread here to not bloat up the subreddit and people feed with it.
We will redirect most new threads about issues / feedback that are about below listed topics, to this weekly thread, to keep the subreddit better readable, while also keeping these issues highlighted as things the community is concerned about.
The list of these issues / topics is posted below and will be adjusted (when necessary) every week.
Things that have been fixed or otherwise solves or addressed will be crossed out like this.
This also proved a good overview of which issues have already been adderesed / fixed / etc.

--- List of Feedback / Requests / Complaints that are frequently posted on the subreddit ---




Legendary Aspects

Artisans and Crafting

Balance (Combat)


Leveling / Campaign / Dungeons / Endgame / Uberbosses

Season Specific

Technical & Bugs

Other Quality of Life


Recent additions to the list
Tell us in the comments and discuss with other about which topics you think should be on this list to be highlighted, and why!
That helps us to update the list for next week.
submitted by AutoModerator to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:34 tsojmaueuentsin 42 43 48 Gangster Crip aka 4 Pacc hit up. E/S Low Bottoms

42 43 48 Gangster Crip aka 4 Pacc hit up. E/S Low Bottoms submitted by tsojmaueuentsin to CaliConnection [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:23 tsojmaueuentsin 42 43 48 Gangster Crip aka 4 Pacc hit up. E/S Low Bottoms

42 43 48 Gangster Crip aka 4 Pacc hit up. E/S Low Bottoms submitted by tsojmaueuentsin to u/tsojmaueuentsin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:50 madkandy12 Should I just give up and do it myself?

Context: I have this roommate (20M) named J. He’s in love w me and I’m not. I’ve told him over and over I’m not interested and we can sleep together and not date but he’ll just cry and basically force me into this weird limbo relationship thing we have. He basically freaks the fuck out if I hang out w other men, sleep w other people or leave the apt/go out without him. He tries to convince me to never leave the apt without him bc he’s worried. He guilts me into staying or being late bc he can’t sleep or eat alone.
Issue: We have roaches. Fucking disgusting. It’s mostly due to the neighbors but we still have them. The apartment complex has fumigated 4 times now and they keep coming back bc J and our other roommate C (24M) just don’t clean up or keep the standards the fumigators tell us to keep which are no food out and mop daily for 2 weeks btw.
J and C really don’t seem to mind the bugs as they’ll see some, shrug and walk away. Not even spray them. Ive made a cleaning schedule that they don’t follow no matter how many times I ask. They don’t take the trash out till I ask aka when it’s literally overflowing with bags of trash on the side of the actual trash can. J will take the trash out when I’m in the kitchen w him to show “how much he helps out around the house”They don’t wipe the counters off after they make food. Just leave the crumbs and the counter sticky etc. basically roach heaven up in here.
I’ve been caulking the gaps everywhere around the apt, baseboards, under counters, drawers, cabinets etc. to stop the roaches from coming in. I’ve also been organizing, decluttering, deep cleaning behind/under, creating itineraries and caulking every gap I see for everywhere. I do the itineraries bc we all have really bad object permanence and rebuy a lot of stuff. I’ve been doing this for every single place in the apartment. Im a full time student w a part time job working in an elementary school. A lot of my free time is either hw or creating lesson plans and activities for my students.
I’ve been asking for help but I get none then they get mad at me for not telling them explicitly what to do. I don’t think I should have to baby step these grown men into caring about living in roaches but okay. I asked J to clean out, organize, make an itinerary and caulk the main cabinet bc I had midterms to study for and I couldn’t go to the schools library bc there was a shooter threat and I was scared lmao so I biked to the city library. Also, he’s like 6’2 and can reach the top and back and I can’t. First thing he asked was, “you can’t reach it w the stool?” Lmao. The entire time I was explaining he kept brushing me off and saying “I got it, I got it”. Making me feel like I’m over explaining and being annoying so I left to the library to do midterms.
I came back and he just reorganized everything, made a general map of where stuff it (this square is snacks, this square is Tupperware etc) and only caulked the bottom shelf that’s on the ground. He didn’t wipe down the shelves that are covered in roaches and roach shit. He didn’t caulk the shelves or the outline of the cabinet. He didn’t make an itinerary. He showed me the cabinet all proud and I voiced my concerns about how he literally did it completely wrong and how he’s gonna have to do it again. I told him, “I told you exactly what to do and told you to call with questions. Why didn’t you call me?” His excuses were: “the bugs can’t get into the cabinet through the shelves if they bottom is caulked off” “I couldn’t find the paper for the itinerary” “I didn’t know you wanted me to wipe the shelves out” “I didn’t wanna bug you” “I forgot what you said”
He literally wrote down this little map on a notebook. He said, “I use this for school, I can’t use this one” but he literally just did?
He basically shut down and ignored me so I had to ask, “did me criticizing the cabinet hurt your feelings?” he said yes and I had to hold him and explain that when criticize it isn’t an attack on your character, I just need it done. I can’t do it all. I explained my frustrations bc I told him explicitly what to do and asked why he didn’t do it and he said he forgot. I said, “why didn’t you write it down” he said, “bc I thought I got it” when him forgetting is a consistent problem. I asked why he didn’t call me and he said, “I didn’t wanna bother you, I got it”. I said, “you obviously didn’t have it. Why didn’t you just do it, why do I have to ask you? If there’s dead roaches and roach droppings where we put our food, why do I have to baby step you through wiping that out?” He just said he didn’t know he was supposed to do it.
We have this exact same conversation about 3 times a month?
1) please take initiative with literally anything, having to ask is exhausting. If something needs to get done, just do it. I shouldn’t have to ask for simple household things like fix the rug if the dogs scratch it up
(Quick story about the rug: I tried to “test” if J or C would fix the doorway rug bc it was messed up, kinda in a ball bc the dogs scratched it and moved it. You couldn’t open the door properly bc of the rug. A simple household “no one’s fault” task that affects us all. They didn’t fix it for a month. I counted the days. I was very frustrated and asked why they literally don’t do anything at all unless I baby step them. I asked, “why don’t you guys just do something that you see needs to get done?”. J blew up at me saying, “why do you expect us to do everything? Why didn’t you fix the rug, they’re your dogs. You live here too so don’t get mad at us for not fixing a simple thing when you didn’t do it either”. I fixed the rug and continue to fix the rug now.)
2) when you face a barrier please try to find another way to solve the problem instead of giving up such as, asking me, googling it etc
Anyways, this was about a week ago and he still hasn’t redone the cabinet even tho I’ve asked everyday. I’m so tired. J and I been living together for like 2 years and no matter how much I cry, ask, put sticky notes, text, call etc etc, nothing changes. It’s like having children. I’m so tired, like legitimately. I wanna give up. I’m tired of the same conversations over and over. I rather just do it by myself but idk if I should give up.
Should I try to hold him accountable for the upkeep of OUR apartment or should I just shut up and do it myself?
submitted by madkandy12 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:29 Safe_Net_9558 my great-great grandfather (white hat) with his bestie/cousin & his cousin’s family in Chicago 1919 at the start of prohibition

my great-great grandfather (white hat) with his bestie/cousin & his cousin’s family in Chicago 1919 at the start of prohibition
All from Germany & immigrated in the 1890s to Chicago. I have the translation below, they are making a little joke out of it - probably because my great-great grandfather’s brothers & more cousins were all beer brewers in San Francisco so it’s safe to say the family pictured also enjoyed their beer lol. Chicago’s prohibition went into affect one month prior at midnight on June 30, 1919.
On bottom: “Prohibition in Chicago - August 30, 1919”
To the left translated: “We just aren’t thirsty”
aka why drink if it can’t be beer lol!
submitted by Safe_Net_9558 to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:35 crusify_me Ultimate Pokemon 151 (S/V 151) Pull Guide

~Ultimate Pokemon 151 (S/V 151) Pull Guide~
Trying to complete the Master Set? Need that dopamine rush? This guide breaks down all you need to know about the S/V 151 set, easily the hottest set in the S/V series.

HR- Hyper Rare
SIR- Special Illustration Rare
IR- Illustration Rare
UR- Ultra Rare
DR- Double Rare
RH- Reverse Holo
Booster Pack- a pack of S/V 151 cards. Contains 12 cards.
UPC- Ultra Premium Collection
ETB- Elite Trainer Box

~Rarity:~ (below are rates of pulling each rarity per booster pack)
HR- 1/51 chance. Gold border cards. Three gold stars at the bottom. These are technically the “rarest” cards in this set. There are three HRs: Mew, Switch and Psychic Energy. It’s a 1/154 chance to get a specific HR. Who cares? These cards are underwhelming.
SIR- 1/32 chance. These are the “money cards”. Two gold stars at the bottom. Have a glittery, textured border. These are why I pull this set as the “chase” card in this set, Charizard, is here. There are seven SIRs: Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Alakazam, Zapdos, Erika’s Invitation, Giovanni’s Charisma. It’s a 1/224 chance to get a specific SIR (meaning 1/224 or 0.45% to pull a SIR Charizard per booster pack).
IR- 1/12 chance. I sometimes call these Full Arts (FA). One gold star at the bottom. These cards look nice. Regular borders but the entire card is a full art. There are 16 IRs: Bulba, Ivy, Charmander, Charmeleon, Squirtle, Wartortle, Caterpie, Pika, Nido, Psyduck, Poliwhirl, Machoke, Tangela, Mime, Omanyte and Dragonair. It’s a 1/192 chance to pull a specific IR.
UR- 1/16 chance. I sometimes call these “Alt-Art” as well. Two silver stars at the bottom. Basically a close-up of the Pokemon with a single-colored background. TBH, I think these look kinda “meh” but the UR Charizard is worth some $$$. There are 16 URs: Venusaur, Zard, Blastoise, Arbok, Ninetales, Wigglytuff, Alakazam, Golem, Kanga, Jynx, Zapdos, Mew, Bill’s Transfer, Daisy’s Help, Erika’s Invitation. It’s a 1/256 chance to get a specific UR (getting a specific UR is mathematically the hardest thing to get in this set).
DR- 1/8 chance. I just called the “Regular EXs” or “EX”. Two black stars at the bottom. Don’t really care about these cards. The Mew EXs were worth like $10-15 early on cuz they saw some competitive use, but who cares now. There are DRs: Venu, Zard, Blastoise, Arbok (there’s a video of me ripping this card cuz I was so pissed), Ninetales, Wiggly, Alakazam, Golem, Kanga, Jynx, Zapdos, Mew. It’s a 1/96 chance to get a specific DR.
RH- you get two per booster pack. If you get lucky, one of those RHs can be replaced with a SIR. More of this later in “What to Expect…” section.

~What to Expect in a Booster Pack~
- 12 cards in total. Below is the order the cards appear if you don’t move them.
1) Code Card (for online TCG)
2) Common
3) Common
4) Common
5) Common
6) Common
7) Uncommon
8) Uncommon
9) Uncommon
10) RH (99.999%), IR Bulba/CharmandeSquirtle (>0.001%)**
11) RH (96.875%), SIR (3.125%), IR Ivy/Charmeleon/Wartortle (>0.001%)**
12) Rare (81.25%), DR (12.5%) UR (6.25%), SIR Venu/Zard/Blastoise (>0.001%)**
As you can see, only cards #10, 11, 12 matter with card #11 being the “money card”.
** This indicates the event of a “god pack” being pulled where cards #10, 11 and 12 get replaced with Bulba (IR), Ivy (IR) and Venu (SIR), the Charmander line or the Squirtle line. Extremely rare. In ~1000 packs pulled, my buddy and I have only gotten one god pack of a 151 Tin.

~S/V 151 Products~
This is one of the only sets where a Booster Box (36 booster packs in one box) is not available. Smart on them to make more $$$ but shucks for us. Below are the products you can buy for booster packs:
- UPC (aka Mew Box. Contains 16 booster packs and Mew, Mewtwo promos)
- ETB (aka Snorlax Box. Contains 9 booster packs and Snorlax promo)
- ETB Pokemon Center (Snorlax Box w/ Pkmn Center logo and 11 boosters)
- Booster Bundle (6 booster packs)
- Alakazam EX Collection (4 boosters + Alakazam line promos)
- Zapdos EX Collection (4 boosters + Zapdos, Electabuzz promos)
- Binder Collections (4 boosters + 151 Binder)
- Poster Collection (3 boosters + Bulba/ChaSquirt promos + poster)
- 151 Tins (Each tin contains 2 boosters + a coin some shit)
Basically, if you’re serious about opening packs, the promos don’t matter since you’ll have a boatload of that crap and you just care about the lowest $$ per booster pack. I would say $5 USD or lower per booster pack is a good deal; $6 USD is aight. Do the math yourself.
Be on the lookout for products on sale. Check your Facebook, join Discord channels and check flyers for stores like Target, Costco, Wal-Mart for deals.

~Completing your Master Collection~
What is a Master Collection? Basically you have all 153 RHs, 12 DRs, URs, IRs, SIRs, HRs and Energies. Start spending some $$$ and rip packs.
For those nerds out there, you can try completing what I call a Master Master Collection (Basically what I have, get on my level). You need all cards above + all promos. Here are the 21 promos I’ve seen so far:
1) Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle promo (from Poster Collection)
2) Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam promo (from Alakazam EX Collection)
3) Zapdos, Giant Zapdos, Electabuzz (from Zapdos EX Collection)
4) Mew, Metal Mew, Mewtwo (from UPC)
5) Snorlax (from ETB)
6) Pokemon Centre Snorlax (from Pokemon Center ETB)
7) S/V 151 Bulbasaur Promo (Stamped)
8) Gamestop Charmander
9) EB Games Charmander
10) Pokemon Centre Squirtle (RH)
11) Pokemon Centre Squirtle (non RH)
12) Pikachu (Pokemon Together)
13) Eevee (Pokemon Together)

What is batching? Basically, the cards get printed in “batches” and there’s the myth that certain batches contain more rare cards than others. There may be some truth to this but who knows. During the release of 151, I was maybe getting a hit ~40% of the time with SIRs galore and after a few months it really died down to about 25%. Currently Costco is selling Alazakam + Zapdos Bundles together and from what I’ve seen the hits are insane (back to ~40% with SIRs galore).
submitted by crusify_me to pkmntcgcollections [link] [comments]
