Short onomatopoeia poems

Stories, short stories, poems, and other.

2018.11.03 22:18 SirLemoncakes Stories, short stories, poems, and other.

Welcome to /SirLemoncakes! I appreciate you taking your valuable time to read my writing.

2012.11.29 07:47 genericusername27 bloodcurdling poems and short stories

Submit your horrifyingly grotesque short stories and poems evil intellectuals.

2020.03.04 05:15 bhplover schnoodlesdoodles

This community is for posting and praising the short and cute poems written by u/SchnoodleDoodleDo. Enjoy posting and surfing and please stick by the rules. Have your own short poem? Use the OC(Original content) flair given with other flairs.

2024.05.21 19:57 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Hey there fellow people, I am from Germany and I would like to get to know some people

Hi there I am 17 years old and from Germany thus my time zone is whatever time zone germany has yay!
I will give you a list of my interests and I hope some of yours match mine, we can discuss your and my interests in more detail while talking later!
My interests include but are not limited to: - Guitar and music - Reading and writing short stories and poems - Physics and maths - Chess - Learning new things :D - Travelling via train
A bit of my music taste: - Beatles - RHCP - Queen - Nirvana - Hozier
Hope to talk to you!
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:21 ilikegoldfishnsnakes 17m Hey there, I am from Germany and would like to get to know some new people :D

Hi there I will spare you with all the gruesome details about myself and give you a comprehensive but shortened list of my interests that you can gloss over, since we can further discuss them while chatting yay
As you have read I am from Germany and thus my timezone is whatever timezone Germany has yes!
My interests include but are not limited to: - Guitar playing - Reading/ writing (usually short stories and poems yes) - Physics and math (I self teach myself a lot of concepts) - Travelling by train because thats very fun - Romance movies in particular - Just talking to people - Chess
My music taste is - Beatles - RHCP - Queen - Nirvana
If you like any of this, feel free to talk to me!
submitted by ilikegoldfishnsnakes to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:35 Frequent-Shock4112 [18F] Writing buddies, anyone welcome.

I was thinking just now. It would be cool to have a group of teens and young adults express their thoughts/ on society, themselves, etc. and how we can use these thoughts to understand not only ourselves but others, problems and solutions in our world. Especially for minorities/ LGBTQ( I’m African American and pansexual, gender fluid ) who usually don’t have equal access to express themselves this way without being judged or silenced. Hey, I’m Mya and I’ve always liked to write. My great grandma writes books and plays, my mom writes poems, etc. I’ve attempted writing short stories, poems, I love writing essays in class. Now, I mostly write my thoughts down to get a better idea of the person I’m becoming and it’s always good to not get stuck in your way of thinking and always evolve and question ( so, more philosophical). Anyway, writing can be a good outlet for your emotions, thoughts, or just creativity and there is no right or perfect way to do it. Maybe I could make the group on discord so it’ll be easier for people to share or, idk I’m open to suggestions. I’ve also started listing topics that interest me so I can research them and just write what I learned/ my thoughts. ( this is also for introverted people who wanna share their thoughts and interests without an obligation to constantly drain their social battery. Trust me, I get it. We like being around people but it can be too much). I know at our ages we kinda have an idea of who we are but we kinda feel lost still, for me writing even if it’s just random thoughts or idk maybe I watched a video and the ideas made me want to elaborate and add my own thing. It’s really helping me with self discovery. Which discovering and loving myself is what I want to focus on when high school finally ends and I have a gap year.
Thanks for reading and let me know if this is a good idea that you guys are interested in. The group doesn’t have to be big 🥰 ( Ok, I posted this yesterday and I got a few people who were interested so we decided to make the group on discord. Then I started searching for other teen/ hobby / writing groups on Reddit to let people know) We would like to keep the age between 16-19. I even said people who are 20, 21, 22 would be fine. The people that joined so far are very kind and supportive so don’t be afraid. DM me for the link.
submitted by Frequent-Shock4112 to Hobbies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:31 Frequent-Shock4112 18f Writing group

[18F] Writing buddies, anyone welcome.
I was thinking just now. It would be cool to have a group of teens and young adults express their thoughts/ on society, themselves, etc. and how we can use these thoughts to understand not only ourselves but others, problems and solutions in our world. Especially for minorities/ LGBTQ( I’m African American and pansexual, gender fluid ) who usually don’t have equal access to express themselves this way without being judged or silenced. Hey, I’m Mya and I’ve always liked to write. My great grandma writes books and plays, my mom writes poems, etc. I’ve attempted writing short stories, poems, I love writing essays in class. Now, I mostly write my thoughts down to get a better idea of the person I’m becoming and it’s always good to not get stuck in your way of thinking and always evolve and question ( so, more philosophical). Anyway, writing can be a good outlet for your emotions, thoughts, or just creativity and there is no right or perfect way to do it. Maybe I could make the group on discord so it’ll be easier for people to share or, idk I’m open to suggestions. I’ve also started listing topics that interest me so I can research them and just write what I learned/ my thoughts. ( this is also for introverted people who wanna share their thoughts and interests without an obligation to constantly drain their social battery. Trust me, I get it. We like being around people but it can be too much). I know at our ages we kinda have an idea of who we are but we kinda feel lost still, for me writing even if it’s just random thoughts or idk maybe I watched a video and the ideas made me want to elaborate and add my own thing. It’s really helping me with self discovery. Which discovering and loving myself is what I want to focus on when high school finally ends and I have a gap year.
Thanks for reading and let me know if this is a good idea that you guys are interested in. The group doesn’t have to be big 🥰 ( Ok, I posted this yesterday and I got a few people who were interested so we decided to make the group on discord. Then I started searching for other teen groups on Reddit to let people know) We would like to keep the age between 16-19. I even said people who are 20, 21, 22 would be fine. The people that joined so far are very kind and supportive so don’t be afraid.
submitted by Frequent-Shock4112 to teenwriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: idyl

idyl: properly, a short pastoral poem
See tree for idyl:
submitted by sharewithme to funwithwords [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:00 winningwriters [ESSAY] Jun 7, 2024: John Estey Student Writing Competition (Elementary Grade/Middle School/High School; no fee; awards 3 winners from each age category will receive $500/$1,000/$2,000)

From the organization website:
“Tradition was safety; change was danger.” — Mary Doria Russell, The Sparrow
This prompt is a quote from Russell’s The Sparrow and can be used as a first line, a last line, a jumping-off point, an inspiration for your students’ work. They can use the entire quote or portions of it to write a fiction or nonfiction story, poem, song, scene, short monologue or other form of writing. Submissions should be 1,000 words or less regardless of format.
Contest details
Guidelines and submission information (organization's contest page)
This contest has been vetted and approved by Winning Writers
submitted by winningwriters to literarycontests [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:58 FarragutCircle Reading The Big Book of Cyberpunk, Week 17

Welcome to Reading The Big Book of Cyberpunk!
Each week we (u/FarragutCircle and u/fanny_bertram) will be reading 5-ish stories from Jared Shurin’s The Big Book of Cyberpunk, which includes a curated selection of cyberpunk stories written from 1950 to 2022! We’ll include synopses of the stories along with links to any legally available online versions we can find. Feel free to read along with us or just stop by and hear our thoughts about some cyberpunk stories to decide if any of them sound interesting to you.
Every once in a while, we reach out to people who have more insight, due to being fans of the author or have some additional context for the story. (Or we just tricked them into it.) So please welcome u/RuinEleint who will be sharing their thoughts on "The Yuletide Cyberpunk Yarn, or Christmas_Eve-117.DIR" by Victor Pelevin!
“Deep Eddy” by Bruce Sterling (published 1993; also available in his collection Ascendancies: The Best of Bruce Sterling)
Deep Eddy is acting as a data courier to the Cultural Critic in Düsseldorf, right as the city goes through a Wende (a sort of anarchist “Purge”).
“The Yuletide Cyberpunk Yarn, or Christmas_Eve-117.DIR” by Victor Pelevin (1996, translated from Russian by Alex Shvartsman)
A corrupt mayor’s computer is infected by a virus that causes chaos in Russia.
“Wonderama” by Bef (1998, translated from Spanish by the author)
Lalo (or is it Eduardo?) wakes up every day in the most awesome life in 1974, but it’s revealed to be a lie and ends tragically.
“comp.basilisk FAQ” by David Langford (1999) (link to story)
A FAQ-style story that clearly describes a bizarre future where images on the web and TV are banned due to the risk of death.
“Spider's Nest” by Myra Çakan (2004, translated from German by Jim Young; also available in the anthology The Apex Book of World SF 3 edited by Lavie Tidhar)
Spider, uh, does something? Is looking for drugs, maybe? But something else happens instead?
That’s it for this week! Check back the same time next week where we’ll be reading and discussing "The Last American" by John Kessel, "Earth Hour" by Ken MacLeod, "Violation of the TrueNet Security Act" by Taiyo Fujii, "Twelve Minutes to Vinh Quang" by T. R. Napper, and "Operation Daniel" by Khalid Kaki.
Also posted on Bochord Online.
submitted by FarragutCircle to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:25 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Parallelismus Membrorum:
- *Definition:* A rhetorical device where phrases or sentences are structured in parallel form. - *Example:* Create a poem using parallelismus membrorum to emphasize a profound truth or observation. 
  1. Rubaiyat:
- *Definition:* A form of Persian poetry with quatrains and a specific rhyme scheme. - *Example:* Write a rubaiyat exploring the themes of love, mortality, or philosophical reflections. 
  1. Blues Poem:
- *Definition:* Poetry inspired by the musical and emotional elements of blues music. - *Example:* Craft a blues poem expressing the struggles and resilience of everyday life. 
  1. Erasure Poetry:
- *Definition:* Creating poetry by erasing or blacking out existing text, leaving only selected words visible. - *Example:* Create an erasure poem using a page from a newspaper or a novel, transforming it into a new narrative. 
  1. Anaphora:
- *Definition:* A rhetorical device involving the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. - *Example:* Write a poem using anaphora to convey a sense of urgency or reflection. 
  1. Tetractys:
- *Definition:* A five-line poem with a specific syllable count (1, 2, 3, 4, 10). - *Example:* Craft a tetractys exploring the stages of personal growth or a transformative experience. 
  1. Sijo:
- *Definition:* A traditional Korean poetic form with three lines, each with fourteen to sixteen syllables. - *Example:* Write a sijo capturing a moment of beauty or introspection. 
  1. Blitz Poem:
- *Definition:* A form of poetry with a rapid, stream-of-consciousness style and repetition. - *Example:* Create a blitz poem exploring the chaos and beauty of urban life. 
  1. Epitaph:
- *Definition:* A short inscription on a tombstone or a commemorative poem for the deceased. - *Example:* Write an epitaph honoring a fictional or historical figure with a poignant message. 
  1. Prothalamion:
- *Definition:* A poem celebrating a forthcoming marriage or wedding. - *Example:* Craft a prothalamion capturing the anticipation and joy surrounding a wedding day. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:58 dinga_dong- Made viral youtube kids rhyme song with ai only
I have recently made a AI based youtube shorts channel for kids. It's doing great so far. Tbh this is the first time I got some youtube success. Kids' channels are growing the fastest on YouTube. Channels like Cocomelon get more views than Mr. Beast. This is the first video I made for this channel. Everything from script to audio and video is done with AI. Here are the steps I followed
First go to ChatGPT. Now that 4o is free for everyone we have better outputs. We use ChatGPT to generate rhymes or songs. 4o is great at it. The prompt:
Can you create 10 children's rhymes of 4 paragraphs each that are educational and entertaining? Please include a variety of topics such as animals, space, fairy tales, everyday heroes like firefighters and doctors, seasons, and important life skills like sharing and kindness. Each rhyme should be catchy, easy to understand for young children, and incorporate fun facts or moral lessons where applicable. Feel free to introduce imaginative characters and vibrant settings to make the rhymes more engaging.
You have 10 poems now. Go to Suno .com and create an account, you can use google. Now from the create page, select “Custom Mode”. Copy paste one the the lyrics/rhymes. For style of music I used, “children rhymes song”. Give a title and click on “Create”. The results are surprisingly good! Download the audio.
On to the last step. Go to adobe express. From dashboard go to animate from audio or just search on google, “adobe animate from audio”. Select a character and background. Upload the sound file. Wait till the video is generated. You have your rhymes video ready. This takes like 5-10 minutes only for the whole process.
I hope you guys found this post helpful. I run an AI tools directory called I’ve listed over 13k AI tools. This post is an edited version of my recent newsletter post. Consider subscribing to my newsletter to get more of these tutorials and use cases of AIs. Subscribe here
submitted by dinga_dong- to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:42 GenshinLoreModBOT "The Road Not Taken" Animated Short, Megathread

Please follow this post so that you may receive a notification when a new question/statement is made. This way, you can take part in all the discussions. To follow the post on:
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\"The Road Not Taken\" Animated Short Genshin Impact

Coming soon. Stay tuned.

Twitter Announcement. Announcement made 05/21/2024 @ 0001 EST.


Call out from twitter thread.



submitted by GenshinLoreModBOT to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:28 MLial Feeling off. It would be nice to meet some people who like to voice call.

It's been a long time since I had anyone I was close with. Lost a lot of people I loved and maybe even that feeling altogether too. Recently I've been pouring all my time into writing in the hopes that it will carry legacy and all that. Never planned or wanted to be a writer but I've been doing it for ten years now so there's that I suppose. Got pretty good I might add. Wrote a few poems recently (Not normally my thing). I'm just feeling pretty weird recently. Not my normal self maybe. Feel like I deserve something more than this but not sure. Feel pretty isolated. It would be nice to meet some people and I prefer voice calls rather than messaging, it's just better.
Besides being a writer, I'm a pretty creative person. I enjoy art, music of many different kinds, history, dreams. I also like to collect stuff, mainly historical weapons and some figures from when I was young. I'm very open as well. I also don't mind talking with people who don't share my interests. I find that often I get along with people that are my opposite anyway. Really I just want to connect with someone again, something even slightly meaningful would be good for my life I think, cause right now the only thing I love is me. And that's good. But it's hard to explain. As I said I feel weird. If you read this far you are something special so I appreciate that. If you would like to call please message with a bit about yourself like I did. I will most likely ignore short/low effort messages or if it seems like you just read the title and not the actual post because a lot of people seem to do that. Thanks!
submitted by MLial to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:57 throughamirrorclear [POEM] “Short Talk on Van Gogh” by Anne Carson

submitted by throughamirrorclear to Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:20 zaddar1 waterslipt/ a furball/ widening ripples

which i have now
fades so quick
i can’t even grasp it
actors and actresses
statues looking at you
only the garb changes
one of the strongest emerging social trends that arise as a consequence of increased longevity is a necessity to think about slowing cognitive decline in the over 50’s which means attention to diet and supplements, exercise , general fitness and "wear and tear", alcohol and drug consumption
my feeling is we are going to see sharp divides between subcultures in this respect and a lot of individual variation
also, a lot of the public health advice and cultural opinions are wrong minded or ill-informed, you have to do your own research and experimentation
a way of looking at the covid public health debacle (which continues despite the cardiovascular and cancer risks of boosters) was to trade off a reduced death rate in the elderly for an increased vaccine injury problem for the young
a verse by touzi on #3 of master fushan’s sixteen themes translated by suru
the death within life
birds clench the falling blossoms before the emerald cliffs, every word responds to conditions, spreading throughout — they ask of coming west, pointing to the cypress in the yard, but how could the passage through the lush mountain peaks be shut ?
my reply:
what cannot be shut
is always open
but to avoid the common herd
it is disguised
why write things people understand ?
they just make your life a misery with their missionizing of a contrary view
to confuse them is better
they can’t target you
no "master"
except the claim
fantasies about reality
seek a center
its doesn’t exist
non-existence or otherwise
ed. zen is full of fake claims to authority by the appellation of "zen master", same with any religion and its "pooh-bahs"
that’s the trouble with writing
its lasts forever
you are writing forever
i am appreciating the philosopher gilles deleuze more
the untranslated portion at the end goes
so you understand, when you have such an idea, the important is not to know whether it is true or false
the question is to know if it is important, if it is interesting, and if it is beautiful
and it is the same in science, it is the same in philosophy, you know
a furball
widening ripples on
the smooth surface
of a reflective river
a platypus
ed. i was having lunch at a clearing on the bank of the mersey rivestream near the eastern end of bridle track road, the day was amazingly clear and windless and the river smooth and i noticed a platypus working its way feeding on the bottom to surface occasionally for breath then go back down again
this morning i serendipitously put on a shirt and trousers that "matched", i have always been sceptical of the concept, but since there are clothes that don’t match, there must be those that do match, though what constitutes the female sense of this, i still cannot fathom
the abdication of the duke of windsor was in fact a surface effect of a deeper political struggle, would britain become a client state of germany or would it resist ?
the outcome was not as obvious as you might think
taking actors as real
and a set as reality
is it any wonder
the dissembling mess
collapses ?
the circle of the contemporary
rubbish generating more rubbish
stay there at your own risk
sharing the same road for a while
but later
looking at the forks and branches
i realise
we are apart
inscribed on the tower at veneration monastery
in cold spring, a hundred-foot tower
i climb up alone, and then back down alone
who can manage such distances of the heart ?
david hinton
classical chinese poetry
the poet is tu mu (803 to 853 a.d.) with a bio on page 378 of the "classical chinese poetry" pdf link
definitely medieval with the mention of a functional tower
an interesting thing about frieda hughes is she did not have her mother’s talent, of course neither did ted
there is just a remarkable depth to sylvia plath’s work and this was despite all the obstacles, what genetic quirk created her or would , if her parents had more children, they have a similar talent ?
this prosaic world
because its written in prose of course
its not a poetic world
because its not written in poetry
if you take away the "zen master" or saint or prophet as an authority figure, what do you then have ?
Regulus replies:
People acceptant of the existent reality
my reply:
the monk asked zen master regulus "what is required to be enlightened" ?
zen master regulus replied "be accepting of existing reality"
the monk was left speechless
lee smolin doesn’t like jonathon oppemheim’s stochastic gravity approach
its interesting to watch lee talk with the constant gesticulatory body movements, almost tourette's, but he is using them to think, they are part of his cognition process
how simple is the world ?
its not that simple
and certainly not as simple as the way we view it to be
takes you back
and obviates
some future lives
the brain
words in a story
believable or unbelievable ?
words in a story
believable or unbelievable ?
don’t be fooled
so much knowledge
each branch opens up exponentially
drowning in detail
its pursuer
i guess i have got so interested in hearts because of hunting and looking at them, in one animal, it beat for minutes cut out from the body; never seen any that had human like aging diseases
i think as a society we have lost touch with our own raw "viscerality", i hunt for my own meat; the killing, butchering and eating does bring one back in touch with that, the commonality with our homonin history
heart and lungs animation
the number of people who have no understanding of what even moderate levels of drinking does to their lives and long term health
you have won the existential lottery where the odds are so small of winning, no number covers it and to chip away at brain function with drugs and alcohol like that . . .
you want to experiment with doing some translation yourself with google and you will realise how its possible to construct almost any sense out of the chinese, its actually not meaningful to do any commentary without going back to the chinese, the variance is so large, translators follow their own biases to create a narrative that suits them
“ continuous as the stars that shine and twinkle on the milky way ”
wordsworth’s famous poem which he wrote based on notes by his sister dorothy was in effect co-authored by her
strangers to me
thirty years of no contact
exile speaks
of unwanted distance
strangers to me
thirty years of no contact
exile speaks
unwanted distance
ed. looking at a photo of my sister, niece and brother in law who are all very much changed since i last saw them notions of exile are not common in western literature, but are certainly there in the chinese
lost roads
can’t be recovered
what we have travelled
takes us
a different place
i love a sotherby’s auction , vast sums spent for my entertainment, all free, it don’t get slicker, a living made from networking skills and being personable
i was about to go negative on the painting by lucy bull, but on looking further i quite like her work
you have to be careful, auctioneers like these can talk the money out of your wallet
xu qiyao’s advice to his son on being successful in CCP politics
“ the path of understanding requires objectivity and experience ”
ed. the above is my reworking of the first lines of the xinxin ming which, amongst its more "normal" translations is
“ the great way is not difficult, just avoid picking and choosing ”
the xinxin ming is an abridged version of the mind inscription
“ reality is either itself or not. is there any point to understanding this ? ”
ed. my translation of the first line of the "mind inscription"
"don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake" — napoleon
i think in the context of divorce , what people find difficult is the necessity of switching to the extreme mindset of being at war and all that entails because that is what is immediately required
billie and finneas o’connell discuss how they created the "what am i made for" song for the film "barbie"
billie in her own words describes the process
“ Dr. Raszek provides insights from his participation in a comprehensive review concerning the utilization of synthetic uridines in mRNA vaccines (ed. covid) and their potential implications for cancer development
The discussion delves into the intricate mechanisms that could be at play, exploring how these synthetic components might inadvertently suppress the body's innate immune system, induce frameshifting phenomena, and contribute to the production of IgG4 antibodies, all of which could potentially influence cancer growth ”
my comment
i think we can expect an upsurge in cancers, especially amongst the elderly as a result of the misguidedly intensive "booster" campaign, though it may take a while to show
the forward momentum
of habituation
the fallacy of "negation"
its not this, its not that
but its what its not
negation is a stylised buddhist rhetorical technique, nāgārjuna of course and you get it in dogen, they’ll say something then walk it back through its negation
but having walked it forwards, there is a sense in which it can’t be walked back or it could not be walked forwards another way of putting it is there is no ontological unity, everything is constantly splitting apart
zen masters and the authority they carry are literary constructs
buddha is a literary construct
jesus, muhammad and moses are literary constructs
the egyptian book of the dead is a literary construct
does it bother you that your advice is so bad ?
the blindness of narcissism
submitted by zaddar1 to zen_mystical [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:12 Southern-Clock-1784 [18/F] hi, I’m bored, let’s talk!

Hello! I’m Beth (not my real name but I like it), I like to read romance and crime books, listen to music, paint my nails and write short poems. I also enjoy being alone and eat French fries. Okay so here’s a question as an icebreaker: what’s your biggest goal/dream in life? What’s the thing you want to accomplish?
submitted by Southern-Clock-1784 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:00 mylifepeppa Is This a Good Plan For Asking Him Out?

I (14F) am in 8th grade and want to ask out a guy in my grade. I've known him since fifth grade, and we were actually friends in fifth grade. I've fallen in love with him. I'm also moving away to a different school next year because of my parents jobs. I'm gonna ask him out on the last day of school in June. We have one short class together every other day. Thank god we have this class on the last day of school! Here's my plan to ask him out: Ask him if he'll sign my yearbook (I bet he'll say yes cuz we're friendly-ish with each other), then I'll ask him if I can sign his yearbook. After signing it, I will put my love poem I've written for him, in between his yearbook sticking out. It has a yes and no box to check. We'll see how it goes. Is this a good plan? Y'all tell me if you want me to type out the poem, too.
submitted by mylifepeppa to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:54 apageinthestacks r/Fantasy Bingo - Ursula K. Le Guin Edition!

Fantasy Bingo - Ursula K. Le Guin Edition!
A Bingo card made entirely from titles by Ursula K. Le Guin!
Some quick background: A little over a year ago I decided I would read everything I hadn’t yet read by Ursula K. Le Guin, and in order of publish date. This includes her novels; her story, essay, and poetry collections; children’s and picture books; chapbooks; and more. Literally everything I could identify that she published, I wanted to include it -- over 100 pieces of writing in total!
I’ve been doing it a little slowly so I'm still going strong, but I am bittersweetly nearing the end. Next up on my list is Lavinia , and I am incredibly excited to read her last novel. I haven’t been updating it as much as I’d like, but if you’re interested in the list I’m reading through you can find it here.
Anyway, since I’ve spent more than a year completely immersed in Le Guin’s work, after this year’s Bingo card came out I began to notice how well some of her books fit the themes, so then I decided to take it a little further and create a Bingo card exclusively with her work. 😀 I know this wouldn't actually be acceptable, since you can't use an author more than once, but I thought it'd be fun to show how expansive her bibliography is. So, without further ado:
My main focus was on having no repeats (although I still ended up having one, unfortunately–maybe someone can remind me of a book I’ve missed that also fits for either Dark Academia or Eldritch Creatures), so other books may be a better fit than the ones I’ve chosen for individual themes. But, hopefully this will inspire someone to pick up one of Le Guin’s works for a Bingo square this year. 🙂
The squares/justification:
First in a Series: Orsinian Tales Of course A Wizard of Earthsea and Rocannon's World also fit. Orsinian Tales is a short story collection set in a fictional European country. Her novel Malafrena follows and is also in this setting.
Alliterative Title: The Word for World is Forest Also fits: The Water is Wide, though it’s just a short story.
Under the Surface: The Tombs of Atuan Probably my second favorite Earthsea novel, or maybe tied with Tehanu, and much of it takes place in the titular tombs, underground.
Criminals: Malafrena Minor spoilers, but the main character gets arrested for political sedition. Also, in the novella Old Music and the Slave Women the main character also gets arrested.
Dreams: The Lathe of Heaven The main character’s dreams can alter reality. Written somewhat as a tribute to Philip K. Dick, this is a great choice if you’re a fan of his work.
Entitled Animals: The Eye of the Heron Various short stories also fit, as well as the collection Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences.
Bards: Gifts The story partially centers on the main character’s desire to be a storyteller and his journey. The second book, Voices, perhaps would fit this even stronger, but I’m using it for another square.
Prologues and Epilogues: Worlds of Exile and Illusion The short story “Semley’s Necklace” is the prologue to Rocannon's World, or in the recent Tor Essentials reissue it appears simply as “The Necklace”
Self-Published or Indie Publisher: Cheek by Jowl, from Aqueduct Press Depending on your definition, there’s actually a fair amount of Le Guin’s work that’s only been indie-published. She has a few titles through PM Press, Tin House, and others.
Romantasy: The Beginning Place Probably would be considered a very light-on-the-romance romantasy, but it’s probably her book with the most romance, besides Very Far Away from Anywhere Else which isn’t speculative at all.
Dark Academia: A Wizard of Earthsea I don’t know how well this fits the aesthetic. I could argue both ways, so I’ll say it does. 😉 The wizard school is the main part of the book, and I think this is the most academically-inclined of her books. The Dispossessed may slightly fit, but it’s more that the main character is an academic rather than the book centering on academia, if that distinction makes sense.
Multi-POV: Always Coming Home Set up as a sort of collection of works found in the future about a society in the (future time’s) distant past (but our future). Features several stories with different POVs. Searoad also works for this.
Published in 2024: Collected Poems, from Library of America. So this one is possibly cheating. While most of this is a reprint, there are 68 previously-uncollected poems, so it at least partially counts! 😅 And some of her poems are SFF.
Character with a Disability: Voices One of the main characters is physically disabled from torture he endured before the book takes place.
Published in the 1990s: A Fisherman of the Inland Sea Books that also fit: Tehanu, Four Ways to Forgiveness, Unlocking the Air and Other Stories, two Catwings books, three poetry collections, and many novellas, short stories, etc.
Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins: A Ride on the Red Mare’s Back In this charming picture book the main character comes across a troll.
Space Opera: Paradises Lost A novella that takes place on a generation ship.
Author of Color: Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral, translated and with commentary by Le Guin. One thing that’s been fun about my read-through of Le Guin is being absolutely delighted by her translations. Not only because I get to discover authors I otherwise wouldn’t, as well as discover some of her own favorites, but because of what it reflects on Le Guin. She wasn’t fluent in Spanish but loved this poetry so much she took the time to meticulously translate the poems, getting input from friends and acquaintances. Anyway, many of these poems are speculative and I loved Le Guin’s commentary.
Survival: The Farthest Shore Another one that’s cheating a bit, because only a small portion of the novel is focused on survival but it is a rather memorable part.
Judge a Book By Its Cover: The Language of the Night This one is entirely subjective of course, and I probably would’ve used The Left Hand of Darkness if I wasn’t using it for another square, but I do absolutely love the new cover this reissue got. And it’s a fantastic book of nonfiction on SF&F!
Set in a Small Town: Searoad This entire novel/mosaic of stories takes place in a small coastal town.
Five SFF Short Stories: The Wind’s Twelve Quarters Le Guin has over a hundred short stories and nearly a dozen collections to choose from, but I chose this one because it has my favorite short story of hers: “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.”
Eldritch Creatures: A Wizard of Earthsea Slight spoilers: here’s an uncanny/mysterious/etc. shadow being that is a main antagonist and is, at least initially, seemingly beyond mortal understanding.
Reference Materials: Tales from Earthsea In addition to containing several short stories set in Earthsea, there’s also a map and “A Description of Earthsea” that has various reference materials about the cultures, languages, etc. of Earthsea. Always Coming Home is also a perfect choice for this square.
Book Club or Readalong Book: The Left Hand of Darkness It was a book club selection here:
And there we have it! So, sure, a few of these are slightly cheating, but mostly this was just a fun exercise and an excuse to say: please read Ursula K. Le Guin, she’s incredible. 🙂
submitted by apageinthestacks to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:45 biren65 Which short story/fable/poem really touched your soul?

submitted by biren65 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:57 GavsterLee Love and Loss

I wrote these poems for my ex. The first of which was written not long after we started dating and the second was written after we had broken up and I had found out that they had passed away.
The water fell forward and the water fell back, The tides keeping schedule right on track. Eyes of blue and hazel, Staring out and then within. Perfection as an appraisal. Hearts beating with mutual elation.
A bench along the coast, Unforgettable at the most. The memory lingers like a ghost, Creating feelings of the utmost.
A cobblestone road to follow, And the depths not too shallow. Your hand in mine, An electricity so sublime. The water fell back and the water fell forward, Let us go onward.
I remember how we stared at each other. There were times I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Attached at the hip and I wanted to be closer. But it was complicated with all the things you would do.
They’re gone and that’s fine. They’re gone and I don’t need to know why. They’re gone and they shouldn’t. They’re gone and everything that could wouldn’t.
I guess that’s all we’ll ever have. It was quick and fast and long and short. There’s parts that could’ve gone forever And believe me, parts that should have never began.
A café, a bar, a concert, a home A dog, a cat, and baby that’s all that. The water fell forward And the water fell back.
Crash into me and Crash out of existence. The emotion: Caring and craving. Dismantling and destructive.
submitted by GavsterLee to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:16 lmaoimmxmi My Perfect Apple

A newly-harvested apple sat in the palm of my hand
I inspected this apple for any imperfections but found none
It was perfect, serene and truly blessed
I’d have loved to own such an apple that outshone the sun
Thrilled, I rushed to show my friends, just as I had planned
Each of their hands also had an Apple cupped between their palms
Our apples were impeccable and we were overjoyed
Despite my I excitement, I had lingering qualms
I shortly glanced away from my apple and felt it twitch
I turned back to find my apple, now perfectly split in half
Desperately, I tried to put the two pieces back together, but they resisted my gentle touch
My peers glared at me and began to laugh
Why did my apple have to end up like this?
My perfect apple I will miss.
(Never thought I’d get into poetry, this is my first actually poem, I’d like to make it seem less amateurish, feedback would be highly appreciated 🙂. Also I was trying to do a sonnet-maybe a bit so traditional one 😭)
submitted by lmaoimmxmi to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:06 Lower_Wolverine_8859 The day is over.

The day is over.
The day is over.
No one is around.
The "friend" during the day,
disregard you during the night.
Waking up with not a message in sight,
A sigh of sadness comes every night.
In a world so connected I'm so apart.
The night is long and day is short,
But for me both are equally as long.
The day is over, again.
And I am alone again.
I wrote this poem while thinking about how sad I get when I'm alone at night. I hope some of you can relate to it. It's purposefully free verse to reflect the nature loneliness, how it's stop and start.
I hope someone enjoys it (or as much as one can when they are as lonely as I am).
submitted by Lower_Wolverine_8859 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:28 The_Middleman Why Ozymandias Sucks: The Definitive Guide

Conversation about Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) on this subreddit tends to be really limited, with many people taking at face value the "smartest man in the world" claim (which was published in a magazine Veidt owns!) and interpreting the ending as a moral quandary over whether killing millions is worth it to avert nuclear war.
But that's not how Veidt's character is written. Veidt is written, instead, to show how ego, anxiety, and detachment from humanity can drive people to do horrific things.
I collected examples from the text on several facets of Veidt's character, hoping to highlight how -- both through analogy and through plot -- Moore worked to paint a complex picture of Veidt as a person driven mad by anxiety and impotence, his fears fueled by isolation and obsessive media consumption, who did something unthinkable and unnecessary.
Is this post, itself, a bit obsessive? Yes. But I hope that people can link this post in the future the next time someone inevitably asks: "Was Ozymandias right?"

I. Veidt is mentally unwell.

II. Veidt is detached from humanity.

III. Veidt is obsessed with media and pop culture, and it deeply influences his worldview.

IV. Veidt undercuts his plan for his ego.

V. Veidt’s plan is doomed and ill-conceived.

VI. Veidt's relationship to the Comedian is crucial, and Veidt may be the comic's true "comedian."

VII. Veidt is a Hitler analogue.

submitted by The_Middleman to Watchmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:16 spiderclimber1 2024 Spring Writing Contest - $15,000

Lichfield Institute presents —
2024 Spring Writing Contest!
💥 1st Prize: $10,000
💥 2nd Prize: $5,000
💥 3rd Prize: $1,050
Open to the general public. Each submission will receive important literary feedback from our distinguished judges. Honorable mentions will be awarded stipends and considered for representation by literary agencies in San Francisco and New York.
Genres accepted: Poem, short story, essay
Submission deadline: June 23rd, 2024
Payment information: $15 entry fee.
submitted by spiderclimber1 to writingcontests [link] [comments]