Heli med freq

Gameplay wishlist and reworks ! enjoy

2024.05.11 04:27 desprrr Gameplay wishlist and reworks ! enjoy

Gameplay wishlist and reworks ! enjoy

More impact on the gameplay when injuried :

  • If bullets hit the legs (more than 2/leg) = cant already sprint 10 secondes after being hited in the legs
  • if bullets break an leg or arm = instantly cant sprint or aim
  • If bullets hit the arms (more than 2/arm) = cant aim 10 secondes after being hited in the arms.
  • Add If the player is too much injuried but not that much for die instantly or the 2 legs are brokes, the player go in the “last hope mod” down , back on the ground the player already can use weapons, use medkit, crawl, but cant reload and cant aim exept with x1 scopes or weapons without scopes.

Some reworks or news :

  • Ability to prone on your back (possibility to switch it to front prone like the player want)
  • Rework crawl, actualy too much robotic.
  • Rework jump actualy too much arcade.
  • Ability to quickly throw your body in front of you (like call of duty but in realist way not to much cheat ) + same stamina cost than a jump.
  • Up the freelook angle from 180° to 210°.
  • Add a compas on the tactical watch (like Ground Branch)
  • Add map / task management electronic tablet interaction
  • Add an rest posture (like the PNJ in our base camp) this posture reduce the stamina cost from 20% when sprinting, and overall reduce the water / energy costs from 30% when using this in sprint or walk. But Increase the aim time by 40%.
  • Add free hands rest unarmed possibility and if left click the player go in fight posture.
  • Add animations when using knife or free hands animations (when pressing the same bind than the ammo check or magazin check)
  • Add emotes animations for tactical sign, communication, and interaction with every 48 players in the map. (like Squad game )
  • Add animation for load a magazin ( like in dayZ)
  • Add factions skins or somethings else

Somes new gameplay features for better health of the game:

  • Add vendor restriction for ally who have 3 TeamKill in the last 72 hours up for the next week. If the player have more than 5 TK all faction can see his location on the map 72h active or only 12 hours if he paid 100k to a law pnj, 50k after 24hours, 25k after 48 hours. If the player have more than 10 TK in the last 72h he can no longer go in the basecamp because PNJ gonna kill him.
Add 3 free neutral outpost controled by 15 strong IA:
  • Outpost can be taken by every factions after killing the IA in and claim the outpost, after that the factions have the outpost advantages.
  • Outpost can be contested only if he is not already taken or every 2 hours if he was taken.
Outpost advantages:
  • A Small and temporary inventory (10x10) access
  • Geographic advantage
  • Ammo and meds seller ONLY
  • Task access ?
  • 10 PNJ defender (lower than the main base) 20 mins respawn timer.
  • Outpost have no active LZ but a passiv fat transport heli (16 slots)
  • Heli is coming when the outpost is claimed and go back to the base camp to the basecamp every hours with all the 16 temporar inventory
  • When Heli transport landing to the mainbase, he put on the ground a fat big boxe with the 16 temporary 10x10 inventory in, player have to manage their items to their main inventory access or the items desapear after X hours.
  • if the players want they can go in to the 16 slots heli and go in the basecamp too.
  • Transport Heli move to the main base with the inventory fat boxe every hours or 45 mins ?
  • After the 2 hours the transport heli leave the outpost with all the PNJ. The outpost go back in neutral state for 30 mins and everyone can take it and fight for it.
  • Every faction can have at maximum 2 outposts (make an advantage of having 2 outpost ? or already too much hard to defend it ?)
  • Even if a faction win the 2 hours access to an outpost, enemy can still kill all the PNJ defender and invade the outpost. What reward about pushing an outpost ? idk, steal in the enemy temparary inventory ? idk need to work on that..
Advantage of this is more immersive gameplay, way more teamplay ( the game realy need that teamplay when spawning in server i think, imagine fight at 10+ for being sur to have an supportive and benefit outpost in one (or two?) of the 3 neutrals outpost ) , more squad vs squad interactions, reducing helicopter dependency.
Add factions advantage depend of their lore like
  • LRI low cost meds / Crimson Shield low cost ammo or accessories / Mithras low cost outfits.
  • ONE UNIQUE and USEFULL item/skill for each faction like a fast bandage item for LRI, for Crimson Shield like have more PNJ on their outpost and for Mithras like have bonus of -15% reloading time when playing in squad or when an ally is close to 50 meters ?
Shut down the toxic spawners
  • Add heli timer after being killed before use them (like 3 minutes coldown / deaths, 3 deaths in the last 30 mins = 9 minutes, heli penality coldown reset 30 mins after the last death )
Like that when players die they cant already just chain spawn and break the immersive gameplay of other players or monopolized the 4 helis for 20 mins because they want try to randomly take back their old stuff or sneak steal an enemy body / ally body by pushing an area alone in a full stupid way with a cut in the hand. And think with that ally gonna walk more for go in the first intstead of taking heli for 1km.
Nerfs meds and somes costs and make the game more slow.
  • Reduc the efficiency of goods meds and for very hard pain can only be treated with harmful meds.
  • Make the ammo and meds more expensive like 3*
  • Add a bit more respawn timer for every IA dont make this game feel like an bashing korean MMORP, make this game more slow more tactical, dont encourage the players for rushing and bashing. I like the idea of clearing an area and after this i can loot safely and only care about enemy factions trying to flank me for stole my loot and can fight in a empty area and not care about “oh wait im in a spot where there is 5 IA gonna spawn soon close to me so i have to moove fast or in 5 mins they gonna spot me.”
And last wish is to add a menu to find ally and make missions together.
Ok guy’s im really sorry for my bad english but i hope you guys understand my ideas i hope you like them and share with me yours, love you guys and love this game and cant wait for take your stuff in your body 😈
submitted by desprrr to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:15 JussiCook Tides harmonics???

Tides harmonics???
So I cane across this sweet Tides video on youtube. https://youtu.be/0DTxaSOwMDw?si=vmj3LaV2w3hW4mFl
I also recently got a second hand diy Tides, but I'm unable to get such sweet harmonic sound out of the module.. any ideas? Seems like the controls aren't labeled as in the OG Tides, but shouldn't the circuitry be the same? Maybe??
submitted by JussiCook to modular [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:56 he11oimsteve Good game, still needs work

FWIW this is just my opinion of the state of the game. I'm aware I'm a nobody. I'm not claiming I'm good at any game or that I know more than anyone about anything. Just wanted to put this somewhere to hopefully encourage some changes. Also, I've only played PvE so these are just some notes from playing that mode only. I also don't have the solutions. I don't get paid for that.

There are more things to add for sure, but these are top on my list. I hope this doesn't seem like I'm attacking the game or asking anyone not to enjoy the game. I think the game is a really cool concept and have been excited about it for some time now. I just don't think I'm personally enjoying it just yet. Maybe in the future. GLHF and thanks for reading. 🙂
submitted by he11oimsteve to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:43 Darqsat Thoughts after 70 hours

Mostly playing duo in PvE. Both level 20, and about 70 tasks done.
Just to check-in: optimization, heli availability, server quality, stability.
Good: - Interesting and non-grindy tasks (150 tasks claimed by devs). Probably, 100+ hours of solo gameplay just on tasks - Beautiful map and locations - Dense vegetation gives new experience and visual appeal - Interesting health, meds, death mechanics - Immersion: no hud, ammo, etc. Realistic balistics, health, hit, armor, reload - Decent AI: strafing, hiding, shoots through windows, thin walls (more feedback on bad section) - Great looting system for AI: can loot AI weapon, equip - Enjoying game engine technologies: Lumen is great. Ability to see realistic lights and shadows are great for immersion and pvp. You can spot enemies by their shadow or reflections in windows, water.
Bad: - O P T I M I S A T I O N: Big towns... Tiger Bay RIP fps and 100% melting CPU - Imbalanced weapons: m4a1 just chainsaws everything with 800+ rpm. Everything else is useless. - Unoptimized LoDs: pointless to be a sniper if objects become blurry mass in 300 meters. - Bad terrain and obstacle accessibility: Easy to stuck, impossible to climb or walk high ground, impossible to walk in narrow spaces. - Bad transportation: heli always unavailable and too long to travel (6-15m from order to arrival to base). Bad stamina system and no auto-run, makes impossible to travel far than 500m. Nothing else besides heli (cars, trains, boats, motocycles, ropes, kites, parachutes) - Bad ammo indicators in inventory: too long and unpleasant to choose right ammo. Need better visuals and indicators for different ammo types and calibers. - Imbalanced AI: can see through vegetation and obstacles. Immidiatelly see player after being hit. Bad network or smthng, sometimes dont die from 10 hits to head covered by bandana. - Poor squad QoL: many task types isn't shared - leaders, enemies ellimination, flash-drives, containers. No indicators for squadmates. No safe trading/exchange. No squad map icons and waypoints. - No loot protection: anyone can steal loot of killed enemy (need some kind of temporary block for 30s-1m. Too many rats looting keys while you fight. Or steal containers behind locked doors which you unlocked). - Lack of inventory management QoL: ammo boxes, med boxes. No items swap in inventory. No restacking, grouping, filtering, sorting (same for vendors). - No server-jumping protection: right now you can jump servers as much as you want and loot certain containers and bosses. Without some kind of protection/delay/penalty it will be impossible to design better PoI with decent loot. Its easier to fly back and logout than waiting 45m-1h for AI/container to respawn. - Bad economy: Lack of free starter gear and ammo. No repetative/daily/weekly tasks. Even rare weapons and attachments costs 1/10 or 1/20 of tier2 loot. Grindy. - (need to confirm) No cash/loot protection: players can give cash to other players and then wipe account. It may create "mule accounts" to grind starter quests for day or two and then transfer to main account or friend. - Bad door interaction: slow and clunky opening/closing. Bad accessibility (need to point to door handle). - Bad friendly fire protection: already leads to disaster. Certain players just hunt friendlies because its easier than fighting other factions.. and friendlies are always visible on map. - Body disapearance: shouldnt be like that. It eliminates motive to pvp if you can wipe previous body, and creates big toxicity to lose body on second death.
Desires: - Bigger camps: shooting range with indication to test weapons, ammo penetration to different armor. Immersive shops like in GTA to see what you can buy. - Bigger map and more players: at least 200-300 players per server and map need to be bigger 30%. - More maps/modes: To divide PvE, PvP from each other. Other games shows that these things better to divide to avoid high toxicity among players. PvP should exist separatelly and not share progress/loot from pve. Ideally, different maps. - Better locked doors: keys has to be rare. Need different tiers of doors and lockpicks, and explosives for 1 time use. e.g. wooden doors should be easily opened by shooting with shotgun to a lock; steel doors with c4; or more silent but longer and vulnerable picklocks - More persistency for servers: ability to rejoin and play same server. Potential camps, stashes, survival mechanic - Better wardrobe: should be able to see full equipped character model to tune outfit for better camouphlage, visuals. - Player hand gestures and emotions - Day/Night cycle: to enable flashlights, night vision, flares. Or, instead of cycle it has to link with server time. - temporary deployable items: camo nets, mines, sandbags, ladders, etc. - More weapons, outfit - More faction collaboration: faction chat, togglable/tunable faction radio with volume control. - Heli QoL: visible route, queue, more heli types (paid heli, free heli, task heli from task LZ) - More secret random/static loot: specific items in specific places with random spawn times. Like, a unique weapon with mods in boss room or AI death bodies in forrests, or camps, loot forgoten in cars, etc. Need more PoI outside of major towns. - Perk/Skill system: medic skills to quicker heal, spot friendly enemy/injuries. Many others. - More tools: binoculars, shovels, lockpicks, etc.
Add your ideas in comments.
submitted by Darqsat to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:34 Dooooooooooooby Couple things that need fixing before I add this game to my list of regulars to play.

Hey there y'all. Its early access, I've played for the last week and I have some opinions of things that need a bit of work before I consider this game to be added to my list of regularly played games.
1): First of all, I think Helicopters need a queue system. I am fine with waiting 10minutes for a helicopter. It gives me time to use the bathroom, grab a drink, or do some last minute checks to make sure I'm ready for a raid. However, I shouldn't need to spam click the map to ensure I get a ride. Selecting where you want to go and being informed of the wait time would be fantastic. Also, being able to cancel your ride should also be a thing. Not being able to call in a heli to a destination that is already enroute or coming in to pick up at base should be a thing.
2): Full Healing at base should be a thing. Setup a med-tent that you can pay someone to give you an exam. Whatever, I don't care. Just let me full heal because I'm not sure if there are underlying problems when you heal, but it definitely seems that way. Sometimes I will do surgery on my lungs and then the next time I'm shot with anything, even a browning pistol I get 1 tapped.
3): AI aimbot is wildly OP, even in the starter towns. I do think different AI should have different layers of accuracy depending on their area. Like Midnight Sapphire Versus Nam Thaven... Local thugs versus trained military should have different levels of accuracy. They already have different ammo and gear, it just makes sense. But constantly being 1shot by local thugs through walls is kind of wild.
4): If servers are on a regular restart time, that needs to be announced before it just shuts down. The thought, "I hope I get back to my body before the server goes down" should not ever be on my mind while I play a game. The amount of kits I have lost when I'm literally looting my body after I died in Ban Pa is absurd. It seems like servers restart every day around 10:30pm EST. Now this absolutely might just be high traffic causing server crashes, but that has been my experience and it is very frustrating.
5): Quests being locked behind keys that drop with an RNG element in extremely difficult-to-kill AI is a bad play through structure. I shouldn't need to kill all 130 Lamang Military Infantry in Midnight Sapphire just to find that none of them had the key I needed to open a door that I could just breach charge... They should either have static spawns ontop of being found on guards while doing your quest, or they shouldn't be required for quests. It is just a bad mechanic in its current state.
6): Everything is blurry past a certain distance and I have yet to find a solution that doesn't tank my FPS to the point of being unable to play. Obviously the game is early access and will be optimized as time continues, but this is currently a big problem and needs a lot of work.
7): Lack of loot makes this a Task-Shooter, not a Looter-Shooter. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy filling up my bag with orange drink just as much as the next guy, but we need more variation. Obviously this will also come with time, but as it stands there really isn't much of anything to loot outside of guns, random civilian cloths, and food.
8): Infil & Exfil Heli camping should not exist. By all means getting into PvP right after you land or as you're flying away is a cool concept, but I think different factions need different LZs and they shouldn't be the exact same everytime. Nobody else should know where you're landing without having like a special perk that you pay for intel for the next X amount of infils for Y amount. (Ingame money, not P2W perks)
This is all I have for now, these major fixes will absolutely bring me back but for right now I think I'm going to put it down and invest my time else where. :) We will watch your career with great interest, GrayZone!
submitted by Dooooooooooooby to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:14 Organic_Lobster_1670 Help pls

Whats up my dudes, its ya boy back in town, with another question.
I want do make an alpha analysis with dependent variable it goes like: alpha våben7 sanktioner, item aisis
Why does it say: no observations
These are the variables:
Im really lost, please help
Thanks in advance
submitted by Organic_Lobster_1670 to stata [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 07:38 Bourne669 Issues Ive Experienced So Far That Needs to TLC

Just going to go straight into it.
1. Server ques and disconnections
Needs to be fixed. You can sit in a que forever and never get into a server, or you finally get into a server and shortly after finally getting into the server, you get disconnected half way into a mission (server crashes) and have to redo the que again...
2. Server que again
Another point about ques, they make no sense. My squad went from being que number 1 to number 3 like its going up and not down in ques times... Also to top it off, one person in our squad of 3 normally gets "network error" and failed to load and is also unable to join on us from the main menu and we all have to back out and reque again.
3. Bodies Disappearing
I wrote a whole thing about it here so not going to repeat myself. Long story shot. Change it to a timer system instead of dying twice = body disappears. https://new.reddit.com/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1ci87r6/stop_bodies_from_disappearing/
4. Helis
Helis are kind of a mess. For one you cant tell where an ally heli is going to go until AFTER it takes off. (clicking the heli in the map shows where its going to go). So that means you just have to either chance the ally is going where you want, or wait 2-4 minutes to call in your own heli. If we could see ahead of time where the heli is going to go, it would most likely cut down on heli call in times and I wouldnt have to sit there for 4 minutes listening to "all helis in use" over and over. Also why cant you add our call ins to a QUE so we dont also need to hear this over and over again, just extent our timer and make us wait longer fine whatever but dont force me to spam the LZ over and over to get a heli call in. Just add a que system and problem solved.
Also for the love of god do something about the helis loud ass sound, it is so loud we cant talk in comms, plan things etc... if anything, a heli should come with standard with those yellow sound damping headphones automatically put onto the player, with a mic so they can communicate, you know, like how they do it in real life...
5. Performance issues
While I personally dont have performance issues. (I'm getting about 80-100 fps on max settings with a 14700k and a 3080) however, some of my friends are, one buddy is on a 2070 super and barely can get 60 fps after checking all kinds of settings. (for those that dont know if you use FSR and turn off Frame Generation you should get a good boost in FPS for lower to med systems, also turning on GPU Scheduling in Windows will also help).
6. Hit Reg Issues
I know it was a bigger deal in the early access tests and it was patched a bit to make it better, but its still a problem. You can be in the starter town fighting AI with no armor and they can still tank bullets like a boss. Doesnt happen all the time, but when it does happen its pretty annoying.
7. Extraction\Landing Zone Camping
This was an issue in the early access test and I'm surprised it hasnt been fixed yet. I would suggest making it so you are invulnerable for about 5 seconds after getting off the chopper. It would stop extract camping or at least reduce it. Also I would suggest adding 3 LZs to each place that has an LZ, one LZ for each faction that are equally space apart around the town/location. This way you cant just fly into the LZ and camp it from the enemy, they would need to go to the other side of town to find your LZ to camp it, making it even more harder to LZ camp.
8. Missions and AI Bosses
Would be nice if there was a little more descriptions to quests and maybe even images of what targets look like or images of what you are looking for. For example, the quest to kill the boss in Ban Pa basically just says "you will know what he looks like when you see him" and it ended up being a normal AI with a pony tail or something and thats not in the description of the quest. Why not add that to the quest and also post a picture of what the target looks like, in real life in the military you are not just thrown into the fray without knowing anything about the target, normally if possible they provide pictures of what your target looks like in the briefing... I think this would go along way in making questing more fun and engaging.
9. Quest Issues
Some quests descriptions are completely wrong. I forgot the exact name but it is one of the starter quests, it says to go to the "construction shop in town and find blah blah" however there is no such thing as a "construction shop" in the starter town. There is a market place and a construction parking structure and neither of which is correct location for the quest. The quest ended up being way far west of the construction site. If you were going based on the quest description alone, you would never find it.
10. Swapping Gear In Your Inventory
Swapping around some things in your inventory is pretty annoying. For example, if you have a gun in your backpack and you want to equip it as your primary, I need to drop my primary gun, equip the secondary from the backpack and than pick up my old weapon to storage in the backpack. It just feels like unnecessary work. Allow us just to click and drag and have it auto swap locations in the inventory or make it so the gun in the backpack is bound to key 4 or something and we can switch to it automatically with just a key click. (maybe make it so it takes a few seconds to pull out so it cant be abused)
11. Reviving Team Mates
I never really understood why we couldnt access the inventory of our downed allies? Its happened quite a few times where one of us ran out of meds and the one that got downed has a pile of fresh meds on him, but we are unable to loot him to grab them meds to heal our downed ally... It just feels rough and more thought needs to be put into this. Maybe make it so allies can only loot allies downed bodies, but not loot them if they are still alive to prevent griefing, or make it so only meds are lootable if an ally is downed and not their whole inventory.
12. Semi Empty World
World feels pretty empty and its noticeable while in the chopper. It would be cool to see some Dayz mod/Arma2 type style of things going on. Like missions that make you go into the open world and kill patrols or setup an ambush for enemy faction roaming AI etc... it would also be awesome if each faction has roaming AI patrols that could sometimes bump into each other and you could see them having a mini war from the chopper and maybe even jump in to help your faction AI win the battle etc... It would make the world feel more alive.
13. Money Doesn't Stack
And last but not least, money does stack when you sell things, its very annoying to have to manually stack like 20 smaller stacks of money for each item you sell.
14. Game Loop
What is the game loop? Once you complete all missions and you are fully stacked with T3 gear what is the end game? Just greifing the enemy faction and pvp? What is there to do in the end game, we have no game loop. I think some of the things I mentioned above (like roaming patrols and missions for them) might help but thats just a buffer, its not really an end game full loop. It would be nice see something other than just PVP in the end game.
15. Hold vs Toggle Q/E Lean
For the love of god, make it so we can change lean from "press" to "toggle" it is super awkward to try to hold E while going around a corner. Toggle would be way better for a lot of players.
My Thoughts:
Overall the game is pretty fun and I'm enjoying my time. I really think they have a good base here for something special to come out of it. However, I also I think the above things would go a long way in terms of QOL and making the world feel more alive, at least in the mean time while they draw up some more ideas of end game content.
submitted by Bourne669 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 02:44 DadaShart Ctrlr as VST plugin MPC?

Ctrlr as VST plugin MPC?
Hi folks,
So I got myself a Yamaha TX7 and managed to figure out how to upload sysex stuff to it via standalone Ctrlr. However, it doesn't help much when I want to change parameters while playing or whatever. I get this all the time ad a message, but then sometimes not. I make sure the standalone is not running so I don't steal the port from the plugin. It also says to adjust "Max exported VST parameters" to 200 in Ctrlr, but can't find it. It's all very confusing and annoying. Any help would be really appreciated. Oh, I'm on Windows 11.
Thank you.
submitted by DadaShart to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 17:15 TehRoyalCanadian Unpopular Opinion - Beware Before you Buy

I read the reviews. I read Reddit. I dropped the $$ on the basic Edition and gave it a whirl.
Now I didn't expect amazing performance, but hot damn. My system is in no way High Tier. Its a RTX3070 with an 11700, best I could get during the Great GPU Depression 3 years ago. Listening to all of Reddit and the Dev's I knew that I would be Low/Med with FSR Frame Gen. Didn't bother me none.
Loaded up the game, slapped all my setting to Low, and FSR Quality with Frame Gen. Rocked 80-110 FPS. But that was as good as it got. Game looked fuzzy, blurry, and hazy. MEH quality at best. Kind of expected.
The Initial Helicopter Ride was an awesome Microsoft Power Point Slide show of 4 - 6 images of scenery. Once off the Helicopter things looked less like a Power Point and more a Stop motion picture. I stuttered my ass over to the town. Disconnected by Server.
5 Minutes later, get loaded back in. Gear still there but back at base. Okay Microsoft Powerpoint Slide Show my ass back to same drop off. Stuttered my ass back towards the town. Server Disconnected.
This want on for about 30 minutes over several attempts. The ONE TIME, I did not get disconnected and actually got a task done. Called in the Heli for extraction. Stuttered my ass back towards it. The second the Heli touches down. Unreal5 Engine Crash.
I kept trying guys, but I saw my playtime get close to that 2hr mark and I was just too fed up. I refunded. Its EA access, but I am going to agree with, probably the minority here, and say It was all too soon and was almost force pushed early due to Tarkov Drama. Anyways keeping this one my back-burner, gunna keep rocking SPTarkov, and gunna wait on Infinite Breakout Arena
In my opinion, if you are okay with the Fuzzy, Blurry look of Low/Med with FSR Frame Gen, by all means play the game and enjoy. If you're like me and hate Fuzzy, Blurry, Slide Show pictures in your FPS game. Don't bother, unless you have an RTX4090 of course.
submitted by TehRoyalCanadian to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 11:02 hoplesz Shure SM7b+ Go XLR mini+dynamite+Behringer VX2000 best settings

Shure SM7b+ Go XLR mini+dynamite+Behringer VX2000 best settings
Hey guys, please advise on the best parameters for VX 2000.
I need settings for podcasting. Now I’m using a GoXlr mini + dynamite and it seems to be less noisy. I would like to improve my sound with VX2000, but it’s old so there are no proper settings for this piece of gear. I was successful in getting something from it, but the background noise was too loud. My room is not treated right, and yes I use the gate and GoXlr mini gain is set to 0.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by hoplesz to Behringer [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 12:55 lukewarmtruly i like to connect flat junk into my life problems

i like to connect flat junk into my life problems submitted by lukewarmtruly to Journaling [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 12:56 dean3625 ****GIVEAWAY****

Rust&Chill will be giving away 25, 30 day VIP Silver today4/18/2024 and today only!!! We are a 5X PVE server that has a bi-weekly wipe on Thursdays at 2:30 est. Teams are 8 player max. We have PVP options including Raidable Bases, Heli Signals, Zombe Horde and so much more. We have free starter, med and tool kits. We also have VIP that can be bought on our website rust-n-chill.com. Enjoy the custom maps, Skill Tree and Quests for added fun. Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/SCyctypJ, post Silver in the giveaways channel and the first 25 will receive VIP Silver! On a side note we are in search of admins and moderators. To qualify you must be at least 18 with at least 3000 hours and prior admin experience. All must be verifiable! Admins and Moderators receive VIP as long as you spend at least 20 hours a week or more on the server. See you on the server!!!
submitted by dean3625 to playrustservers [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 17:25 rbrthenderson [WTS] 2 Modlite Packages, Comtac III’s Dual Lead, Motorola XTS2500, Vortex Magnifiers, Primary Arms Micro Prisms and SWFA 1-4 LPVO

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/l5XK8wW
Recent med issues (yay aging), so I’m parting ways with some gear items to pay the man. All items are in-hand and can be shipped the day after payment. PayPal G&S service works (as I am still under 11 flair) and buyers will cover the fees. All prices listed below include USPS shipping with tracking.
Photos here with timestamp.
SOLD Vortex Micro 3X Magnifier (Black) Box Included - $225 shipped
SOLD Vortex Micro 3X Magnifier (Rattle Canned) - $200 shipped
SOLD Primary Arms SLX 1X Micro Prism Gen II (FDE) (Box and additional height mounts included.) - Red Reticle - $175 shipped
SOLD Peltor Comtac III Dual Lead Headset (Recently replaced gel ear cushions and haven’t used since. Work great and comms have been tested with radio.) - $325 shipped
SOLD SWFA 1-4 Scope w/Illuminated Reticle with QD Mount (I believe it is American Defense, but it’s rattle canned so I don’t know for sure.) - $200 shipped
ONE SOLD Primary Arms SLX 1X Micro Prism Gen II (FDE) - Red Reticle (Box and additional height mounts included.) - $175 shipped
SOLD Motorola XTS2500 UHF P25 Radio w/Battery and Programming Cable (Programmed currently with GMRS freqs) - $200 shipped (PTT no longer included, split it on request.)
SOLD Modlite OKW (FDE but rattled canned) Light Head w/Surefire Scout Body and Arisaka MLOK Mount w/ ModButton Lite 4.5” with Surefire tailcap switch and 18650 battery - $300 shipped
SOLD Modlite PLH-V2 (Black) Light Head w/Surefire Scout Body with Integrated Mount (MLOK or Picatinny) w/ ModButton Lite 4.5” with Surefire tailcap switch and 18650 battery - $300 shipped
Hanging around watching the Masters, so feel free to DM and I'll follow up. At this time, no splitting items but I'm always down to combine things into one shipment if you want multiples of anything.
submitted by rbrthenderson to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 19:46 TacoDirty2Me Don't trust anybody

Don't trust anybody
Met a random freshie in Kolembrody (guy in the right). I gave him food, meds, DMR, NVG, and AK101. He had just been killed, we travelled to meet up with his buddy. We found him then started heading south, found a heli crash and were going to move on. Then one of them left the party, the other one said he would invite me to the new party and then he left the party too. Now I have even more loot to try to give away
submitted by TacoDirty2Me to dayz [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 06:03 RockeTim Bought a 'for parts' wx5100 and hoping that someone simply trashed the bios. Could someone confirmation that these bios values make no sense before I go editing and reflashing?

Those clock speeds and voltages seem sus. Does it look like someone was messing with it? Memory speed is also high.
submitted by RockeTim to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 13:05 Ok_Estate_6650 KJE LAHKO KUPITE RENTO Z NAJVIŠJIMI DONOSI? Ustvarite si jo sami in s tem preprečite zavarovalnicam da vam pokradejo denar!

V prejšnjem postu sem razkril kako so prav vsa Naložbena Življenska Zavarovanja NATEG BREZ PRIMERJAVE:
Res je, zavarovalnice omogočajodavčno olajšavo ki jo na veliko oglašujejo:
Vendar zavarovalnice na skrivaj ustvarijo toliko drugih stroškov da na koncu, navkljub rastočim trgom, dobite manj kot ste vplačali.
Mnoge zavarovalnice ponujajo tudi rento ki ni prilagojena na inflacijo in daje minimalne zneske. Pri Modri zavarovalnici npr. so v preteklosti bile rente za 550% (za 4.5 krat) manjše od rente ki bi si jo lahko ustvarili sami (*6).
Sedaj pa poglejmo koliko bi imeli če ne bi nasedali bombastičnim lažem malih slovenskih goljufov (ki sebe imenujejo “plemenitelji”) temveč bi poslušali enega največjih investitorjev Warrena Buffetta ki pri svojih 93. letih in 148. milijardah premoženja nima nobene potrebe da bi kogarkoli finančno nategoval. Buffett svetuje da investiramo karseda enostavno in da vse vlagamo v indeksni sklad ki sledi 500-tim največjim ameriškim firmam SP500 (*2). V skladu s svojimi prepričanji je Buffett zato svoji ženi v oporoki zapustil 90% kapitala v SP500 (*3). V EU indeksu SP500 sledi pasivni akumulacijski ETF SXR8.
V zadnjih 120. letih so delnice indeksa SP500 imele povprečne letne donose blizu 10% ob povprečni inflaciji 3.0% (*4). SXR8 pa je od ustanovitve 31. oktobra 2010 do 29. februarja 2024 imel povprečni letni donos 15.5% ob povprečni letni inflaciji 2.55% (*5).
Predpostavimo da bi vlagatelj od 50. do 65. leta let vlagal 200 € na mesec v SXR8. Nato bi dvigoval kapital postopoma po principu FIFO (first in first out) da bi se izognil davku. Mesečna renta bi ob 10% letni rasti znašala 835.45, trajala bi 15 let (do 80. leta starosti) in ne bi bila obdavčena:
Če bi se vlagatelj hotel zasigurati da bi renta trajala do “konca kapitalizma” v ZDA, bi vsak mesec jemal 635.45 € in pustil 200 € za “seme” za naslednji 15 letni cikel. Donosi bodo v tem primeru bili ne samo za 550% (4.5 krat) višji od donosov Modre Zavarovalnice (*6), temveč se bodo brez plačevanja dohodnine in davkov prenašali na vse dediče prvega dednega reda. V primeru pa, da bi vlagatelj želel da se renta prilagajala inflaciji bi moral tudi mesečna depozite večati vštric z inflacijo v ZDA in upoštevati tudi razmerje med valutama.
Če bi z vnosi 200€ (294.52$) začeli 2. januarja 2008 (ko je bilo razmerje €/$ 1.4726), bi 1 januarja 2023 morali vložiti ne 294.52$ temveč 1.4131 krat več kar je 416,18$ kar ustreza 390€ (ko je bilo razmerje €/$ 1.0667). To pa pomeni da bi februarja 2023 namesto 635.45 € dvignili le 445.45 €. Na ta način bi vsak mesec jemali iz računa toliko kot je bilo 635.45 € vrednih januarja 2023.
Tisti ki se bojite da bi FURS podaljšal rok oprostitve kapitalskih dobičkov iz 15 na 20 let seveda lahko akumulirate kapital 20 let predno ga boste začeli trošiti. Če boste vlagali 200 € pet let dalj (20 let) bo renta ob 10% rasti znašala 1,345.50 €, trajala bo 20 let (do 85. leta starosti) in ne bo bila obdavčena:
Če pa vam je dovolj 835.45€ mesečne rente lahko namesto 200 mesečno vlagate 124.18 € pet let dalj:
Sedaj pa poglejmo kakšna bi bila razlika zaradi zmanjšane dohodnine pri uporabniku Modre Zavarovalnice.
Pri povprečni bruto slovenski plači 2.174,7€ in mesečnem vplačilu 200 € bi vsak mesec prihranili 33.04 €. V računalo torej vstavimo namesto 200 € samo 166.96 €. Mesečna renta bi v tem primeru bila $697.43

Po 40. letih življenja v Severni Ameriki sem trdno prepričan da je kapitalizem trenutno še najboljši sistem kar ga je človeštvo do danes imelo. Res je, poln je socialnih razlik, vendar so vsi drugi sistemi vsaj zaenkrat slabši.
Zaupajte v kapitalizem nikakor pa ne v finančno industrijo. Cilj slednje je samo eden: da se čim bolj neopazno vrine med donose podjetij in vlagatelje ter pod krinko »plemenitenja« kapitala čimveč posesa zase.

*2 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffetts-golden-advice-p-171038252.html
*3 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/warren-buffett-says-dies-90-133400915.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9COne%20bequest%20provides%20that%20cash,Vanguard's%20S%26P%20500%20index%20fund.
*4 https://www.officialdata.org/us/stocks/s-p-500/1900#:~:text=Stock%20market%20returns%20between%201900,%2C%20or%209.81%25%20per%20year.
Return Rate (CAGR) Calculator (moneychimp.com)
submitted by Ok_Estate_6650 to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 19:47 BrainstormBot ⟳ 1 apps added, 9 updated at apt.izzysoft.de

⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Thu, 11 Apr 2024 17:41:16 GMT updated on Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:45:17 GMT contains 1111 apps.
Added (1)
Updated (9)
⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Sun, 07 Apr 2024 17:48:16 GMT updated on Mon, 08 Apr 2024 17:43:21 GMT contains 1111 apps.
Added (1)
Updated (9)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 03:26 eglesworth Anyone know what happened at brighton today that required the heli MedEvac?

submitted by eglesworth to UTsnow [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 14:54 TThibaud Help binding K110 to a Radiomaster Boxer

Hello, i need some assistance. I have a new Radiomaster boxer with the CC2500 module. I already bind ed my E160 to it with no problem. But the K110 refuse to bind. I am in SFHSS (like with the E160), receiver 1 freq adjusted 0, I select bnd (the radio make the biping noise), plug the heli's battery, push the bind button for 1s on the heli, all the LED go blind, but nothing happens. I tried with my old radio control (Eachine E6 S-FHSS) and it bind perfectly I don't understand...
submitted by TThibaud to RCHeli [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 10:17 BrainstormBot ⟳ 3 apps added, 57 updated at f-droid.org

⟳ f-droid.org from Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:54:58 GMT updated on Sun, 07 Apr 2024 08:03:04 GMT contains 4354 apps.
Added (3)
Updated (57)
submitted by BrainstormBot to FDroidUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 12:10 Inside-Forever233 Help with LWC

Help with LWC
I have this image below and I would like to replicate this in Salesforce. I created a lightning-datatable to show Med name, Nickname, Does, Units, etc. I created lightning-input type="search" for Medication Name since it is a lookup to custom object Patient Medication Dosage. The other fields are just input fields and picklists and Code should be a lookup to Medication but should have one to many relationship with Med Name.
This is what it looks like in Salesforce, see below. I don't have the functionalities yet but am I doing the correct way of replicating the above? Please help, thanks!

submitted by Inside-Forever233 to SalesforceDeveloper [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 03:30 dooderek Warrior Pawn Guide

Warrior Pawn Guide
I've been a big fan of warrior pawns since DD1/DDDA. I have been testing the limitations of the Warrior Pawn AI and seeing which skills it can use effectively. Please advise that my recommendations and testing were done through usage by the AI and not how well it preforms in the hands of the player.
Tested using Calm inclination
800 KD / Stagger resis
Recommend Augments:
Exaltation (Can replace with something else)
Verve (Can replace with something else)

Best Recommended skill

Rending / Razing Sweep
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: DD1/DDDA version of (Corona/Ecliptic Slash). Boring skill however I have found that this is the most effective skill the Warrior Pawn AI can use. The 360 aoe on top of decent forward movement means that this skill has the highest chance of connecting with the target. In the current state of the game without a hard mode or resistant bipedal enemies (i.e. elminators), IMO consistent hits (stagger application) on targets outweighs skills that are less accuracte but target weakpoints.
Forward movement inadvertently allows pawn to dodge stomp
Good damage if pawn is able to hit weakspot

Recommended skills:

Heavenword Sunder
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: The uncharged move is similar to DD1's Whirlwind Slash. Has high skill usage by the AI however also lacks forward movement increasing the chances of the skill missing or used slightly out of range. The upward striking capabilities allow it to better target flyers and weakspots of large enenmies. No guarantees on hitting however. I would recommend running either this skill or Mountain Breaker.
Goring Lunge
Skill use frequency: Med
Notes: Similar to DD1/DDDA Indomitable / Calamitous lunge. At first I thought this was a useless skill against elites however you can actually cancel with the finisher (jump) and it does decent damage and stagger. The AI does this cancel on the boss well. Pawn may drag out the attack if it misses but can also inadvertently help the Pawn dodge while doing this.
It's ok
Mountain Breaker
Skill use frequency: Low to Mid
Notes: Has lower usage frequency on trash mobs than elites. Seems to also favor using it against shielded / blocking mobs although usually not effectively. Has good forward movement fully charged. The dropping blade portion of the backswing does virtually no damage. Strong multipliers if used on staggered enemies and the AI will favor using it in those conditions. Good skill but does miss often, recommend either this or heavenward sunder.
Indomitable Lash
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: This skill in DD1/DDDA was terribly bugged on Pawns (script/conditions) and I am not even talking about the calamitous charge issue. Fortunately DD2 has made some changes to the skill as well as the AI to where it can now be effectively used by pawns. If you were adventurous enough to give your pawn Arc of Deliverance / Obliteration in DD1/DDDA, the AI in DD2 uses Indomitable Lash to similar effect. They will most of the time throw it uncharged on standard mobs and the uncharged damage is alright. AI seems to prioritize fully charged lashes on elites. Has no forward movement however there is a small shockwave around the impact that will stagger if used slightly out of range.

Not recommended skills:

Arc of Might
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: Shares usage conditions as Indomitable Lash however the skill uses all stamina regardless of charge. The AI will often throw these short charged and be out of stamina constantly. Due to these circumstances, compounded with the long charge time (if they charge it) I have found the AI unable to use this skill effectively. If the skill was changed to not require full stamina when uncharged I can potentially see it being worthwhile.
Tidal Wrath
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: The counter attack on Tidal is the highest damaging ability on warrior outside of a fully charged arc of might. However the AI does not time this properly. Also the skill has a long uncancellable backswing which leaves the warrior in place. In situations where the pawn is surrounded they will often spam this skill however since the AI is unable to properly time the counter the best case scenario in this situation will be to attack with any other skill. They will also often use this in situations that do not warrant any type of blocking i.e. downed or staggered elite mob. If I were to guess they reused some of the script conditions for fighter blocking (Different timing and recovery) with explains why this skill is used so poorly by the AI.


Gale Slash
Skill use frequency: Mid
Notes: Unfortunately I have not seen the AI use this to its full potential. They usually stop after 3 swings. The skill also has no movement which increases the chances of it being used out of range. I wont write this skill off just yet however I will do more testing with different inclinations / skill boosting
EDIT: User Lakkash has done additional testing and concluded that Gale Slash does have merit. It could be the high skill freq use of Indomitable Lash may impact the way the ai can use this skill properly. Please scroll down to their post for additional details.
Skill use frequency: Situational
Notes: Does not seem to use while burning however does use it properly for sleep and other ailments.
Diluvian Strike
Skill use frequency: Low
Notes: In my hours of testing I have only seen the AI use this once. Generally the AI does not react properly if it has to free walk on mobs which is why I assume the skill doesnt get used often. Also has no forward movement so the Pawn needs to position themselves in the right spot and the right time. Does good damage however, if anyone has success using this on your pawn please let me know
Catapult launch
Skill use frequency: Unknown
Notes: Did not test
Skill use frequency: High
Notes: Preforms as described
Final Notes: The AI (melee) has some quirky targeting behaviour. Usually if the AI is charging a skill they will release it once the target is out of range. However this range limitation doesnt seem to apply vertically. When fighting large / flying mobs they will continue to charge and or attack directly beneath the target. This is most notable when fighting cyclops as they will sometimes soft lock onto their hands and will rotate their skill towards it even when it is out of range.
submitted by dooderek to DragonsDogma [link] [comments]
