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2019.02.27 09:22 rainisthelife The Female Dating Strategy

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2024.05.21 15:32 xoxefo3952 Divorced my ex, proposed by billionaire by BELLA to Read for Free - Billionaire Stories

In a whirlwind of emotions and tangled relationships, Rita and Jaden's marriage began as a result of an unexpected bet. Jaden, deeply in love with his ex-girlfriend Percy, was willing to compromise on his dreams to be with her. However, Percy had other plans, wanting to explore her options and not settle down. Believing Jaden would eventually return to her, Percy allowed him to date other women, leading Jaden to choose Rita as his bride. Rita, long harboring feelings for Jaden, agreed to the marriage instantly. Percy, confident that Jaden would never truly move on, decided to break the bet and reclaim him for herself. Caught between his lingering love for Percy and his desire to spare Rita's feelings, Jaden made a difficult decision. He would remain married to Rita for a year, but if Percy still wanted him back after that time, he would divorce Rita. Rita, blinded by her deep affection for Jaden, accepted this arrangement. However, a year later, Rita's world shattered when she discovered she was pregnant. Jaden, without hesitation, presented her with a divorce agreement, leaving her heartbroken and questioning their entire relationship unknown to him that she was carrying his unborn child. Now, Rita must navigate the aftermath of a marriage born from a bet and find a way to move forward for the sake of herself and her unborn child. Will she be able to heal her broken heart and find a new beginning? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:29 Pleasant-Yam-3061 I’m worried I may never feel love like I did in college

Please excuse me in advance this is going to be very jumbled but I just needed to get it out of my system after all this time.
I’m a 28 year old transgender man. You need that context for the rest of this story which takes place in the span of freshman year and half of sophomore year. I was somewhat out of the closet but had not yet transitioned at all physically and was barely using a gender neutral name instead of my deadname. I struggled with very horrible dysphoria and general anxiety. I was in the women’s dorms throughout college because I had not yet transitioned and legally was still a woman. My plan was to just get through college and then do whatever I needed to do for my transition. What I didn’t anticipate was meeting someone I will call B.
B was in a room near mine in our dorm and we were in the same social justice organization on campus. We had a similar group of friends and would be around one another frequently. I’m not quite sure how things happened but I know that at some point, I just wanted to be around her all the time. I felt understood and seen and cared about when we spoke. I had sometimes gotten the feeling that she felt the same but she was hard to read and I would never imagine that she would potentially feel the same because while she was accepting, she had mentioned that her family was not particularly LGBT-friendly. I tried to put my crush out of my mind and for the most part it worked. That is until a few friends started doing movie nights and we all started going to bars by campus. During movie nights the lights would be off and she would sometimes place her hand right next to mine until we were just about holding hands but had deniability. When we went out to bars with friends she would drink and flirt with me and hug me but then would, I assume, not remember it or totally ignore it the next day so I did the same. We would leave each other notes and bring each other snacks and drinks when we knew the other had a tough assignment. We even stargazed one night after it had just snowed on campus. I had never felt such excitement or disdain for a situation. Truth be told there were a lot of small incidents that made me aware that she might return my feelings but I don’t want to be too specific because it would immediately give away my identity. But there are songs and movies and even mundane tasks like changing my sheets that are now seemingly forever tied to B.
I eventually grew tired of this and started pushing her away despite us being what most people might call best friends. I didn’t have the nerve to ask her how she felt and I also didn’t want to hear what she would say because I felt she would either deny what was happening or not deny it but say it didn’t mean anything and either way I don’t think I could have heard that and been okay.
Our friendship started to splinter, in large part because of me. I was angry at the situation and at myself and I stopped being a good friend. For a while after freshman year ended we didn’t speak to one another at all because things had gotten rocky. During sophomore year we seemed to have been becoming friends again. I thought surely we were going to be okay even if we did remain just friends. I’m not sure what happened but after returning to school for the second semester we just never were able to keep the friendship alive. I went through the rest of college wishing things had gone differently. There was a lot of history in such a short time and by the end I think both of us couldn’t handle it.
I graduated and transitioned and while I am so much happier, part of me wishes I could speak to B as I am now. Older and wiser and more aware of the situation she was in. She came out after college which I never thought would happen. I am happy for her, but I am sad that things played out how they did. I don’t think about B as much as I used to but here and there I find myself wondering if she liked an album or tv show or movie. I find myself wishing for her opinion on something. And I know I will never have it again. And while I have dated a few people here and there, I have not ever felt with any of them how I did for B and I find myself afraid that I may never have that feeling again. I don’t know if I believe in soulmates but I know that in the short time B was in my life, I had never felt such a want to just be around someone and see them smile and hear them laugh and be there when things aren’t okay, and I have not felt that way since she’s been out of my life. I feel like part of me has been missing all these years and it terrifies me that I just may never get it back.
I’m not sure she even thinks about me after all this time, and if she does, chances are she doesn’t look back fondly. Once I became aware that she came out I was able to see with fresh eyes that no matter how she may have felt about me, knowing her family would not be accepting probably made her feel alone and afraid and I do believe there are times when I probably made that more difficult. I have so many regrets about who I was back then and while I have spent time in therapy and grown up, I just can’t help but feel like I’d rather be alone than settle for someone who doesn’t deserve to be second best for me.
submitted by Pleasant-Yam-3061 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:28 HomeworkParty9853 Bisexual Rant :/

These are obviously all people ik, but the blue is my best friend and brother. What the fuck??? And for the record I am in fact out to both of them and they both are supportive (or so i thought). Idk this just hurts a lot. I only recently came out as bisexual and obviously ik its just a tiktok but its more than JUST that, yk? They are saying they hate something that I am, that is a part of me. And yeah, i probably shouldnt let this get to me but i hate how both of them are acting like im an “exception” to their hate (which both have said before, so idk why i didnt see this coming).
On top of all this, the amount of biphobia i see in wlw “safe” spaces is so gross. This is the exact reason it took me so long to accept I like both, and i love that i do but i hate how everyone characterizes me.
if i date/prefer women = lesbian if i date/prefer men = Straight
I cant just like both and it makes me feel so shitty, like let me live. And furthermore a lot of this biphobia is coming from lesbians; like what, you want some badge of honor for liking women more than me (which isnt even how it works bud)? So many lesbians ive seen act like jusy because a bi girl dates/only has dated men means they arent reallyyy bi. Ive dated mroe women than men, am i suddenly a lesbian?
I dont know, im just so tired of all this. I am not a lesbian and I am not straight. I love being bisexual and i really hate all the things that people assume about it and me, and the things my own family thinks.
sorry this rant is long
also unaware if this tag is the right one 🫠
submitted by HomeworkParty9853 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:21 Interesting_Clock238 I feel the need to go out of my way so that men don't think I am a gold digger

34F here. I love reading about love and dating, especially on Reddit, and I've noticed this pervasive sentiment that women go on dates just for a "free meal" or date much older guys for money. Personally, I don't think there are that many women who do this—I've never met one in real life. Men often underestimate how painful it is to spend time with someone you're not attracted to just for a "free meal."
I don't like to generalize or adhere to traditional roles. I believe who "should pay" depends on various factors like economics and culture, and it's definitely not a man's duty. That said, when I go out on dates, I'm terrified of the guy thinking I'm expecting him to pay or that I'm dating him for some materialistic reason, especially if it's obvious he makes more money than me. This fear leads me to always pay more than my fair share.
I want to be the "cool girl" but end up feeling resentful for always overcompensating. It feels like the more you give, the more the other person will take. In my dating and friendship experiences, I've rarely encountered reciprocity. Often, the dynamic falls into "you clearly like to give, so I'll take advantage of that."
I understand it's my fault for over-giving from the start when no one asked me to. But yeah, it's a struggle for me to find a balance when it comes to these things. Anyone else feel the same? How do you manage these fears and find balance?
submitted by Interesting_Clock238 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:13 BeatnikMona I think this one can fix me

I think this one can fix me submitted by BeatnikMona to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:10 Troublen421 Men and Women - How many and what catagories do you place the opposite sex in when you meet them (when you are single and looking), and what causes the person to fit in a specific catagory

See Title - those men and women that are single and looking - what catagories do you place the opposite sex in, and what causes them to be in a specific catagory? please be honest.
I'll go first:
I'd say in the end - about 1 out of 3 or 4 would fit the type I'd give a chance to pursure more. Going out and meeting new people - I frequently run into women that I'd give a chance with.
I'm curious to know - are others' similar? is it different for men vs women? how often do you meet someone that you think and say "yeah, I'd date him/her"
submitted by Troublen421 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:05 bigsmellygoblin Enjoy cuddling and very gentle foreplay but nothing else, how do I know if this means I am asexual or not?

I am not sure if I am asexual or not; I used to think that I was as a preteen/teen, then figured I could not be asexual because of the frequency with which I masturbated and fantasized about sexual encounters with both men and women.
I am currently 27 and this is my first time "dating" someone. When we hang out, we have engaged in more "sexual" behavior a few times, mostly involving gentle dry humping and some touching (no penetration because that is not something I am interested in at all).
I find that I very much enjoy cuddling and being close. Kissing still feels extremely intense so I have not attempted it (I have never kissed before). I also enjoy the very gentle and "half-hearted" mildly sexual things like the touching and dry humping mentioned. While I am definitely capable of having an orgasm on my own, I get almost 0 sexual pleasure from being like that with someone else aside from mild arousal from the situation.
While I am grateful that they do not seem to mind if I don't orgasm, even just them making an effort to orgasm makes me a bit uncomfortable. It's too intense and too weird, I don't know what I should do, and it takes too long and afterward all the "good" feelings of pleasant mild arousal are gone for them.
Wondering if maybe kid me was right and I really am asexual? How have you dealt with similar circumstances if you are asexual, wanting to be with a sexual partner but not getting any pleasure at all from their effort to orgasm?
submitted by bigsmellygoblin to Asexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 Sir_David_Davidson The Proximity Principle - Unless you are consistently interacting with women, don't expect them to magically show up in your life!

Hi, David here!
Look left. Now look right. How many women do you see that you would potentially be interested in meeting?
One of the biggest obstacles guys face is their environment.
There is a reason that people go to Hollywood for acting or Silicon Valley to find venture funding. It's because that's where the most opportunities are.
If you want to increase your dating options, then you too may need to start putting yourself in new environments. There is power in simply showing up somewhere. It increasing the chances that you will be in the right place at right time.
People are willing to pay large amounts of money for access to exclusive places, i.e. country clubs, nightclubs, etc. They do this simply to be in closer proximity to the types of people that they want to interact with.
However, paying loads of money for bottle service so that a promoter brings women to you is not necessary. If you work to develop your social skills such that you can startup a conversation anywhere, then you don’t need to pay for people to be delivered to your door step.

BTW, I just finished putting together my dating advice eBook "How to Date Any Girl" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you!
I decided to give it away for free for the time being.

The eBook is 27 pages long and gives you a practical step-by-step solution to meeting women (15+ years of knowledge put into it).
You can get the eBook by clicking here!

This book is the result of going out and socializing with girls for over a decade. I have put in there all the fundamentals I have learned over that time so I would really appreciate all the feedback I could get!!

What are your thoughts? Do you have any tips to add?
Let's discuss in the comments :)
Thanks for reading and have a GREAT day!
David Davidson
submitted by Sir_David_Davidson to seducingwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:57 confidentbutsleepy How Do You Handle Being 'Tested' in Dating? I Think It's Absolutely WILD!

TL;DR: Matched with a seemingly great guy on Bumble, hit it off well, moved to texting and phone calls, only to have him "test" me on our first disagreement about who should pay on dates. Despite forgiving him, he responded with hateful accusations, leaving me to move on from his manipulative behaviour.
Hey everyone,
I need some advice on a situation that’s been bothering me. Here’s the full story:
I (32) matched with this guy (37) on Bumble recently, and we hit it off immediately. We spent hours texting and eventually, we moved to a phone call that lasted several hours. We got along so well that he mentioned he would have liked to take me out that day, but he already had plans with his friends to watch an F1 race and a football match. I appreciated his honesty and told him it was fine, and we continued talking throughout the day, even while he was with his friends. It was going SPLENDIDLY!
However, out of nowhere, he made a condescending comment about my Instagram, saying it looks like he’d have to sell a kidney to take a girl like me out. I found it extremely offensive and told him that while I’m financially comfortable and can pay for myself, I do have standards when it comes to dating. I expect a man who asks me out on a date to be willing to pay for it. If a man doesn’t pay, I see it as going out as friends, and I wouldn’t consider a second date. He then doubled down, saying he was new in town and unsure where to take me because I seemed to have an extravagant lifestyle.
I clarified that I didn’t expect an extravagant first date and had a favourite bar in mind that’s quite economical due to my regular patron status there. But I wasn't sure if I was interested in moving forward with him because this had gotten too weird and uncomfortable for me.
He then admitted he was TESTING me because he has a lot of money and didn’t want to be used for it - Mentioning his FERRARI, while he was at it, which I had frankly assumed was a rental, I didn't give it a second thought or glance. He then said he was very disappointed in me accused me of being like other women who expect men to pay — He called me a Gold Digger in so many words. I found this extremely manipulative, insulting, offensive and downright disrespectful and told him so and asked him to fuck right off! Just for the record - I am also rather well-off. Not only do I make decent money, but my parents are also financially well-off.
Despite my frustration, he apologised profusely and asked for a second chance, claiming he was wrong to test me and that he genuinely wanted to get to know me better. I told him I appreciated the apology but couldn’t get past the disrespect and the implications of his “test.” I made it clear that his behaviour had made me feel judged and uncomfortable, and I didn’t see how we could move forward.
He kept insisting, saying we could laugh about this misunderstanding later and that he’d make it up to me. I reiterated that I didn’t want to feel scrutinised or judged every time we interacted, and that this incident had soured my perception of him. I told him it was best to part ways and ended the conversation. He asked me to sleep on it, and I did.
The next morning, I sent him a text to formally close things off, but on a good note, saying:
"We definitely had a fun and interesting day, but we both know this isn't going to work out! I truly enjoyed our time together and our roller coaster of a conversation. Most people don't even have dates as fun and intriguing as this! But sadly, this is the end of the road for us. I do truly wish you the very best with everything, and I'm glad we ran into each other. Take care and be well! 💗"
He didn’t respond to that text, but he continued to view my Instagram stories, which I found really passive-aggressive. So, I followed up with:
"Hey, I noticed you didn't respond to my last message. I just wanted to say that I tried to be respectful and honour the conversation we had because I genuinely valued it. It would have meant a lot to hear back from you, even just a simple acknowledgment. Regardless, I wish you all the best."
His response to that was unexpectedly hostile. He accused me of being selfish and only caring about my own feelings. He claimed he had already responded to my earlier texts and accused me of being stubborn and ungrateful for the time he spent talking to me. His tone was rude and accusatory, which only reinforced my decision to end things.
I replied, explaining how his actions had made me feel judged and disrespected. I pointed out that despite enjoying our conversation, his test and subsequent behavior were major red flags. I told him I was disappointed by his hostility and that I was hoping for a more respectful closure.
He left my final message on “seen” and hasn’t responded since. Which is fine. Screw him.
I'm not looking for advice on how to get back with him. I’m just trying to process this and move on. Any tips on how to deal with such a disappointing end to what seemed like a promising connection? Because I hadn't been this super excited to go out in a VERY long time!
Thanks for reading.
Add : I want to clarify that the pictures on my Instagram are not of me partying. While there's nothing wrong with that, my posts are actually about my workouts, the food and drinks I enjoy, and my travels around the world. You'll see photos of me flying business and first class, wearing stylish clothes and accessories. Importantly, there are no men in these pictures—just my girlfriends and my sister. So whatever dumb shit he assumed and said was dumb as hell!
submitted by confidentbutsleepy to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:54 Alderlake668 For me dating apps seem to have the opposite effect. They remind me just how unwanted I really am.

I (29M) have only been in 2 serious relationships in my life. Whenever I was a teenager for the most part girls did not like me. I had my first serious relationship when I was 18 and a senior in high school and the second one was from whenever I was 22 until I was 27 and she was extremely unstable and emotionally abusive. We lived together for 4 years and she would physically hit me. One day I had enough of it so I ended things. That was 3 years ago and ever since I’ve been using dating apps because as someone who is very introverted it’s not like I’m going to approach random women on the street and introduce myself. Or go to bars or clubs because I don’t drink. I can’t seem to get past the talking stage with anyone. Occasionally I may meet someone and it may go well, I’ll set up a date and we meet but for various reasons, they just go cold on me and reject me. So I downloaded tinder and hinge and paid for both. I don’t get many quality matches so I change my location to see what else is out there. At the same time I don’t think that’s a viable strategy because there’s a very low chance I’m actually going to meet someone who lives far from me and long distance almost never works. So honestly I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. If I can’t get matches on dating apps. Why would meeting women in person be any different?
submitted by Alderlake668 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:53 ThrowRAonesidedopen How do I deal with feelings of guilt due to my (25m) relationship dynamic with my girlfriend (18f)? Will going through with this harm my relationship?

Not what you're thinking.
We don't have any abusive stuff going on, we're very happy together, but recently we spoke and she suggested that I sleep with other people. She laid down some ground rules. I can't use the bed we sleep on, I can't go with the same person twice or catch feelings.
I was raised religious and waited until her to have sex for the first time.
Now to be honest, gaining more experience is appealing to me because she has had other sexual partners in the past (people she has been in long-term relationships with) and it makes me a little insecure. But I never believed in this kind of thing and she kind of had to insist for 2 hours and give some incentives before I agreed.
I was thinking okay, this is fine. But in the last couple days I have reached out to 3 women who have hit me back up and it looks like things are going to happen. I have this pit in my stomach and feel like I'd lose my girlfriend if I went through with this, even though we have an active sex life and she seems very happy and messages me a lot. But she tells me that I'm deeping it and she'd prefer to not be my only ever sexual partner as long as I stick to her terms, and that she would never leave me. I know this isn't because she'd eventually want a free pass, because I told her I'd never let her do this when I was asking why she wanted me to, and because she isn't that kind of person.
My head believes her but it seems like my body just feels like I'm cheating. I'm worried that after I have sex with these women, she'll either change her mind or I'll feel like shit.
On the flip side, I'm worried about not following through with this and having regrets on not taking the offer up later in life.
It's all very confusing.
P.S. as for the age thing since I know it's going to come up. There's 2 factors. First is I returned to university later in life because I had a decent career but I hated it. This means most of my friends and people I meet are 18-22 now. This is combined with the fact that I look too young for my age so the women that are interested in me are also in this age group. My girlfriend is an adult and I hope she isn't infantilised for choosing who she wants to date. I do not abuse any kind of power (how would this even happen when I am also a uni student?) or authority. I am not asking about problems related to age gap. I love my girlfriend and am not leaving her.
submitted by ThrowRAonesidedopen to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:48 Doglover040 Boyfriend keeps looking at other Womens breasts

My boyfriend always looks at womens breasts whenever he gets the chance. He will even turn his head when we are walking together on the street. I told him I don’t like when he does that around me. He has done it less recently but I still see it happen. We were watching a TV show and he moved closer to the screen to see the womens boobs, I got upset and brought it up to him again and he said since it’s not “morally” wrong he doesn’t see a problem with it, because it’s a TV show. He’s making me feel bad and saying that I’m trying to change him, but I feel like this is just a simple request he can stop doing out of respect for me. I find it very disrespectful and gross. Imo he’s too old to be doing this, acting like a horny teenager. I don’t want to be with anyone who doesn’t have any self control. We have been dating for a year. The fact that he can’t grasp the principle of the situation is what makes me the most frustrated. Is this normal behavior for men in relationships?
submitted by Doglover040 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:38 Little-Queen-762 I’m in love with an older man, and I’m tired of repressing it.

I'm in love with an older man, and I'm tired of repressing it.
Hello people of Reddit. I think this is a safe place to express my feelings, all constructive opinions are welcome. I'm a woman and I'm 25, graduated, working and starting my master's degree. I try to repress and keep this urge, with some fear of society and life in general, but I'm suffocating myself. I've been talking to a 46-year-old man for almost 2 years, we live in different cities, he's never married or had children, mainly because of his profession, he works offshore in the middle of the oceans and spends very little time on land and when he saw the time had passed... we want the same things, to get married and have a family, but I've always held back. For some reason I've never been able to get my mind off this man and the same goes for him, when we met he was looking for a woman who was at least 36 and it's new for him too. I'm trying to leave him behind, I'm trying to get on with my life but there seems to be a magnet that leads me to him and vice versa. I'm meeting/dating a seemingly good man, he's 29 and has many plans similar to mine. I feel he likes me but I don't think I like him that much, my thoughts always lead me to the other guy and I don't want to hurt him. I believe that the choice of our life partner should be made logically and not with the heart, and they both seem like good bets. I promised myself to find a good husband and above all, an excellent father for the children I want so much, love and marriage may end one day, but this bond will not. I don't know what to do, I'm not even that afraid of my family's reaction if I show up with my eldest, a lot of it comes from the fact that I'm black and he's white, the uncertainty of the future, will he live long enough to see our children grow up? How long? He's an extremely well looked after man with a very active life...
Women who are/were in this situation, how do you deal with it? Is taking a risk the best thing?
submitted by Little-Queen-762 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:37 blacklonewolf1111 37 [M4F] Dating with a purpose

I'm looking for women to date with a purpose so no games but no rush. I have been focusing on more important things in my life so I gave myself a break from dating. I think I'm ready to open up myself to it again. If it doesn't work out, I wish you the best in your life journey. If it does, then I would like for us to get to know each other more.
I'm looking for someone with genuine intentions. Please, if gusto mo ng laro lang and you just want to waste time, i'm not the guy for that. Then, I'm looking for someone emotionally available and mature. A Christian of course who loves God as well. Someone who takes good care of herself like you work out and watch what you eat. Warm personality. Insightful. A bit nerdy. Decent-looking. From Metro Manila.
I'm not gonna say everything about me here since that removes the mystery. You can get to know me for yourself. :) I'm 100% single. No kids. Haven't married. Doesn't look my age. From QC. Christian who got saved from his sinful past. Not the life of the party but the one that makes sure people are enjoying. Reserved personality but adventurous. Average Filipino height but has a big heart so have lots of the right love to give and share. Secure attachment style. Main love language is words of affirmation and quality time. Find out for more!
When you message, I need you to tell me how you are and how's life going for you. Plus I need you to tell me also what God has taught you in waiting for the right man that He has for you. That's it. God bless. I'll reply as soon as possible. Will be busy lang tomorrow.
submitted by blacklonewolf1111 to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 confidentbutsleepy How Do You Handle Being 'Tested' in Dating? I Think It's Absolutely WILD!

TL;DR: Matched with a seemingly great guy on Bumble, hit it off well, moved to texting and phone calls, only to have him "test" me on our first disagreement about who should pay on dates. Despite forgiving him, he responded with hateful accusations, leaving me to move on from his manipulative behaviour.
Hey everyone,
I need some advice on a situation that’s been bothering me. Here’s the full story:
I (32) matched with this guy (37) on Bumble recently, and we hit it off immediately. We spent hours texting and eventually, we moved to a phone call that lasted several hours. We got along so well that he mentioned he would have liked to take me out that day, but he already had plans with his friends to watch an F1 race and a football match. I appreciated his honesty and told him it was fine, and we continued talking throughout the day, even while he was with his friends. It was going SPLENDIDLY!
However, out of nowhere, he made a condescending comment about my Instagram, saying it looks like he’d have to sell a kidney to take a girl like me out. I found it extremely offensive and told him that while I’m financially comfortable and can pay for myself, I do have standards when it comes to dating. I expect a man who asks me out on a date to be willing to pay for it. If a man doesn’t pay, I see it as going out as friends, and I wouldn’t consider a second date. He then doubled down, saying he was new in town and unsure where to take me because I seemed to have an extravagant lifestyle.
I clarified that I didn’t expect an extravagant first date and had a favourite bar in mind that’s quite economical due to my regular patron status there. But I wasn't sure if I was interested in moving forward with him because this had gotten too weird and uncomfortable for me.
He then admitted he was TESTING me because he has a lot of money and didn’t want to be used for it - Mentioning his FERRARI, while he was at it, which I had frankly assumed was a rental, I didn't give it a second thought or glance. He then said he was very disappointed in me accused me of being like other women who expect men to pay — He called me a Gold Digger in so many words. I found this extremely manipulative, insulting, offensive and downright disrespectful and told him so and asked him to fuck right off! Just for the record - I am also rather well-off. Not only do I make decent money, but my parents are also financially well-off.
Despite my frustration, he apologised profusely and asked for a second chance, claiming he was wrong to test me and that he genuinely wanted to get to know me better. I told him I appreciated the apology but couldn’t get past the disrespect and the implications of his “test.” I made it clear that his behaviour had made me feel judged and uncomfortable, and I didn’t see how we could move forward.
He kept insisting, saying we could laugh about this misunderstanding later and that he’d make it up to me. I reiterated that I didn’t want to feel scrutinised or judged every time we interacted, and that this incident had soured my perception of him. I told him it was best to part ways and ended the conversation. He asked me to sleep on it, and I did.
The next morning, I sent him a text to formally close things off, but on a good note, saying:
"We definitely had a fun and interesting day, but we both know this isn't going to work out! I truly enjoyed our time together and our roller coaster of a conversation. Most people don't even have dates as fun and intriguing as this! But sadly, this is the end of the road for us. I do truly wish you the very best with everything, and I'm glad we ran into each other. Take care and be well! 💗"
He didn’t respond to that text, but he continued to view my Instagram stories, which I found really passive-aggressive. So, I followed up with:
"Hey, I noticed you didn't respond to my last message. I just wanted to say that I tried to be respectful and honour the conversation we had because I genuinely valued it. It would have meant a lot to hear back from you, even just a simple acknowledgment. Regardless, I wish you all the best."
His response to that was unexpectedly hostile. He accused me of being selfish and only caring about my own feelings. He claimed he had already responded to my earlier texts and accused me of being stubborn and ungrateful for the time he spent talking to me. His tone was rude and accusatory, which only reinforced my decision to end things.
I replied, explaining how his actions had made me feel judged and disrespected. I pointed out that despite enjoying our conversation, his test and subsequent behavior were major red flags. I told him I was disappointed by his hostility and that I was hoping for a more respectful closure.
He left my final message on “seen” and hasn’t responded since. Which is fine. Screw him.
I'm not looking for advice on how to get back with him. I’m just trying to process this and move on. Any tips on how to deal with such a disappointing end to what seemed like a promising connection? Because I hadn't been this super excited to go out in a VERY long time!
Thanks for reading.
Add : I want to clarify that the pictures on my Instagram are not of me partying. While there's nothing wrong with that, my posts are actually about my workouts, the food and drinks I enjoy, and my travels around the world. You'll see photos of me flying business and first class, wearing stylish clothes and accessories. Importantly, there are no men in these pictures—just my girlfriends and my sister. So whatever dumb shit he assumed and said was dumb as hell!
submitted by confidentbutsleepy to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:10 referenzum I think I’m a lesbian but I’m conflicted due to being genderfluid

I’m AFAB, currently feeling masc so I’m using he/him. When I rethink on all my past crushes, it was all emotional/platonic attraction on the boys and nothing romantic, whilst on girls it’s emotional/platonic AND romantic.
I find some guys pretty and they’re mostly fictional men, but whenever I think of dating men irl it doesn’t feel right? I can’t really imagine it. Opposite with women though.
Now the kicker for me is being genderfluid and mostly identifying with neutral or masc pronouns. I don’t exactly feel like a guy either cuz I just prefer the pronouns. But there’s a lot of discourse on he/him lesbians and I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to use the label due to my gender identity
submitted by referenzum to questioning [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:09 mariamxxx90 WIBTA if I just refuse to deal with this woman?

I (F37) own two businesses and I recently joined a women’s networking group. I met another woman (F58) there who is a marketing expert. I went over to speak to her at the end of one of the first events I attended and asked if she could potentially help me with my business in the future, after I had gotten into the swing of running two. Without responding to my question, this woman looked me up and down and commented upon some jewellery I was wearing. I didn’t really know what to say as she had completely ignored my request and so I just smiled and thanked her.
I left the event with an uneasy feeling about her. Fast forward to last week, I did a presentation to the group and invited them to take a test I used as part of my practice. I explained that if they emailed the results to me, we could discuss them at our next in person event. Not long after, I received a weird passive aggressive text from her asking if I was the same person who presented. I said that I was and she said ‘I did your test but I haven’t heard anything?’. I explained that my plan was to go over these in person, as explained in my presentation, but as she had been ill, I was happy to meet remotely to discuss. I explained that I would not be at the immediate next ‘in person event’ due to client meetings, but I would be at the one after.
This woman replied and said she would be happy to meet remotely and asked that I send a meeting request for a date and time to suit me this week. I did that last week - emailed the invite and also sent a text. The text went unacknowledged.
I joined the meeting this morning and - she ghosted - of course. I text to see if she was having tech difficulties and she replied an hour later to say she wasn’t feeling well and she had recently had an operation (I was already aware) and ‘if you had been at the in person event last week I would have been able to explain to you’ 🤨
Fine but - 1. I had explained in advance that I wouldn’t be at the in person, and sent the invite after.
  1. There were 5 days between the meeting invite being sent and the meeting, yet no effort to acknowledge it.
This woman had just posted in the networking LinkedIn group that she had to join a zoom meeting today but didn’t like the format of it and preferred Teams. She has not responded to my suggestion we reschedule and has posted the clear ‘I’m attending other remote meetings today, just not yours’ in the last hour.
WIBTA if I just tell her I am not prepared to deal with her?
submitted by mariamxxx90 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:09 Neither-Inside7029 25F got cheated on 1.5y ago; never was treated well and left to cry in the relationship majority times. Despite it being so long ago it just keeps hurting. I can’t take it anymore I want to die.

Therapy, spirituality, reading philosophy, meditating, taking up calisthenics, trying to learn to dance, playing the violin, visiting pilgrimages, trying to volunteer, and whatnot.
I did everything on this planet to forget him. But now I can’t. I just can’t. The women he cheated on me with wouldn’t even remotely do what I did for him.
Yet he keeps going back to them, Not me.
Never me. I feel so less. So worthless That today I WANT TO DIE.
When I caught him cheating on me, he kept lying, saying he loved me and that all that didn’t matter. But I never believed him and didn’t take him back (low-key hoping that he would improve and we would be back together).
But it turns out, all this while, he’s been going back to all those girls again and again.
I feel so HORRIBLE. I’m 25 now, and to date, I have just loved people with all my heart, and all they did was shatter me and cheat on me. This guy, too, knew how cheating is the most hurtful to me yet chose to do it.
He chose her over me. I was less.
In the end, when I wouldn’t take him back, he threw his networth, looks, height, and complexion in my face. All this just makes me feel I won’t ever get better than him, and I’ll never even get over him.
Despite him cheating, he gets to be all happy and gets the girls, and all I get for being dedicated to him is plain hurt and so much pain.
Might as well die then.
submitted by Neither-Inside7029 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:09 callyourmommoreoften Why do women loose interest in you?

I had two dates with a girl, we went on a couple of drinks for the first and went to an animal park and cooked on the 2nd. We also ended up having sex. It went really well, we talked and laughed a lot and both of us were having a good time and also told us we wanted to meet up again. A week went by where she didnt have time cause of university and then she told me that we had a really Great time but she doesnt want to meet up anymore because she was dating another guy. I really dont know what went wrong and why she wasnt interested in me anymore. Why do women loose interest in someone and what are things i maybe did wrong?
submitted by callyourmommoreoften to dating_advice [link] [comments]
