Back ache, sinus congestion

My symptoms (It's all pointing towards Bruxism)

2024.05.21 17:02 Raphiella My symptoms (It's all pointing towards Bruxism)

Just posting in case anyone has all the same symptoms. I've been in distress for about 6 weeks with all of this. Been to see a private ENT, spoken to 3 GPs and none of them have been much help sadly.
My jaw has always cracked/popped without any pain. I started noticing a bit of jaw ache but didn't think much of it.
6 weeks ago I started getting muscle spasms in my ear (fluttering sensarion) and flare up of tinnitus. Been getting a touch of sensitivity (hyperacusis) in my right ear as well. ENT said it was Middle Ear Myoclonus.
However, a few days later I'm getting the most intense neck and shoulder aches/pain I've ever had. I cannot seem to get any relief. I'm getting pain deep inside my ears, around my temples, underneath my ears and all down the sides and back of my neck. Some days I feel light headed, some days are OK. Some days I get an intense pain in one of my jaw joints and my jaw is stiff. Seems to be good days and bad days.
I also started getting more eye floaters this year which I had checked out.
After doom scrolling all my symptoms for weeks and weeks I'm pretty sure I'm clenching my teeth. My GP suggested it and has referred me to another ENT, but it's not for 3 months.
I have a dentist appointment in 2 weeks so I'm going to ask about a custom mouth guard.
I had the worst anxiety of my life at the start of this year, for no reason. It became quite hard to live with and I'm now thinking it's manifested as Bruxism.
Oh what joy... being stiff, aching and having ringing ears every day is utterly shit.
Have tried, or am taking, Magnesium, B12, Kalms, Propranolol and CBD Gummies. Have now bought some heated pads to use on my face on the bad days.
Just sharing incase anyone else needs to know they're not alone with these symptoms.
submitted by Raphiella to bruxism [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:56 Fallout97 Blocked hearing improves when tilting head - inquiry.

Sorry if this is the wrong sub for questions.
ISSUE: Basically my hearing is normally muffled in my right ear, but when I tilt my head I can hear drastically better. Like the sound of rushing air and the higher frequencies of a shower come back. And I’m desperate for some kind of solution.
BACKSTORY: I’ve had issue with that ear my whole life. Many tubes as a child, then the eardrum fell apart during surgery and had to get a tympanoplasty. A year or so ago, for around 6 months it felt like their was a squeaky toy in my ear when I swallowed. The Doc who referred me to my old ENT thought maybe it could be some disfunction of the eustachian tube. Went to my ENT and he basically had no solution. Gave me a prescription for an “ear popper” and said it looked like there was a bit of slight calcification on my eardrum. Eventually that problem went away… until April when I got very sick with a lung and sinus infection. Since then my hearing is blocked on the right and I can’t hardly unblock it.
It’ll be months before I can see my ENT, so if anyone could offer input, it would be greatly appreciated. I work audio at live events so it would be amazing to hear like normal.
submitted by Fallout97 to audiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:50 lympnoid77 drown

most of us have drowned before I think people let us down too often, we let them in because they are fire we crave the warmth; We are humans The fire, turns to water, oh its cleansing sooner than you know it, you have been engulfed
They say as it floods, the water whispers and tickles Let me in, it'll all be Alright for us the water knows better It craves our empty aching space no need need to make noise people like us want to be filled we are humans, Remember
But Yes, water can talk It can be an anthem if you let it, medicine it is a church I have religions where I preach to the people about heaven , the sweetness of it all the people buzz , they move for rumors
I cry that heaven can talk as well a red wine voice I used to know her, heaven was the ocean well, we would make it the ocean we had a way back then You remember
submitted by lympnoid77 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:36 Sugam19882000 Insomnia after eating meat or dairy even in a small quantity after taking vitamin D 50000IU.

Hello, in 2020 I took 11 drops of methylcobalamin 5000mcg. A few minutes after I felt horrible. Nasal congestion, headache, anxiety, confusion and worse of all insomnia. I did not sleep for straight 48 hours and then slowly I started to sleep for 1-2 hours a day. For 2 years, I slept for 5-6 hours a day. Even the digestion worsened day by day, my intestines became hard and I could not digest anything like before. I felt intoxicated and my intestine was hard, initially, even my liver was in serious pain. In few months after taking methylcobalamin, every time I had even a little bit of dairy, I could not sleep again. This has remained for long.
Last year, I had pneumonia and took plenty of antibiotics and I noticed that my sleep had improved but every time I had dairy (yogurt) the insomnia would come back and if I take antibiotics again, the insomnia would disappear. My point is that most likely it is the gut bacteria that got altered after taking methylcobalamin. When I did a blood test, my homocysteine levels were high.
This year I tried a very small amount of multivitamin and symptoms came rushing. With some antibiotics again, they disppeared. Last month, I took some Vitamin D (colecalciferolo) 50000IU, all at once in a capsule and since this one time of taking this capsule I have insomnia after eating even a small amount of meat or dairy. Even if I eat it in the morning. I tried taking magnesium and potassium supplements but not much success.
I have been taken Vitamin D on multiple occasions but never had such symptoms. I have gut issues for years, most likely SIBO but also some gut inflammation I guess. I've lost 30 kgs in the past because of my gut issues caused antibiotics to kill H Pylori.
Can some explain why do I have these symptoms and how to get rid of them. My gut is feeling hard again. Am I oveunder methylated?
submitted by Sugam19882000 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:21 Warden_Dresden87 Thinking I might have MS

I have doc appointment soon, but I was wondering if my symptoms line with some of your’s so I’m not too surprised by a diagnosis.
I have sharp pain and tingling in random places on my face that come and go. Particularly around my eye, in the cheek or forehead. Along with regular headaches.
My eyesight went from 20/20 to not being able to see without glasses in a matter of months. Without glasses I see double of anything I’m not looking at directly. Like if I have to look to the side, down, or up everything is double.
I have this squeezing type pain in my chest that isn’t heart related.
I get electrical type pain shooting down the back of shoulder and arm.
Numbness and tingling in my legs and they have also gotten significantly weaker. So weak, if I try to bend down to get something, my legs shake like crazy.
I get random muscle spasms everywhere it seems.
I have an aching pain in my joints at times where it feels like I’ve got a fever but no temp
Brain fog is very bad at times
Fatigue is one of my biggest issues. There’s days I can’t get myself to do anything and I hate to feel lazy
I have a terrible gait, almost like I drag my left hip along, and I have been known to lose balance easily.
Always feel like I need to urinate but I can’t fully empty so I have to go again an hour later.
If I’m really tired, my speech does slur.
My hands constantly shake to where I can no longer draw like I used to.
Thats the gist of it. Theres more specific things but in general this is what I’ve been dealing with for the past year or so. Some symptoms I’ve had for several years. Just seems to be getting worse. Does this line up with any of your experiences? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Warden_Dresden87 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:20 Trinity_Vincent29 Pregnant?

So I’ve had nexplanon for almost 2 and a half. I’ve had a few symptoms that mimic pregnancy and tested and never been pregnant but now I’m having multiple. Me and my partner have unprotected sex and he finished in me, we have sex almost every day and we’ve been together for almost 2 years. I want a baby but at the same time I don’t know if I should spend my money on a test but do need to at the same time because if I keep the implant in then it could hurt the baby.
My symptoms include: Back aches Headaches (never ever do I have headaches) Nausea/vomiting Urinating more than usual Constipation Mood swings more than usually have Swollen and tender breasts Extreme bloating Strong sense of smell Tiredness Heart burn Congestion Etc
And about periods…I take hormone pills with my nexplanon so I don’t bleed all the time so I’m not sure about that one. HELP
submitted by Trinity_Vincent29 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:12 gtyyyu pharmacy first impression?

I was skeptical before hand but now I am convinced this is a terrible idea.
Starting treatments for uti - I thought they would at least be required to do a dip (I know it’s not always necessary) but surely we aren’t relying on their clinical judgement? There are plenty of other reasons for dysuria.
Giving ABs for simple sinusitis (fluclox???) but not providing a nasal steroid. But why are they giving ABs in the first place? Of course they didn’t get better and then told to speak to gp to get a longer course because’5 days isn’t enough’ Working out of area today so I can’t look into this actual case in more detail.
How do we push back against this shite? What guidelines are they following? Clearly they are not following NICE.
What are others experiences?
submitted by gtyyyu to GPUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:11 Plus_Teaching_6850 One week post op L4 L5 fusion

Been having good and bad days, today is pretty bad so definitely less moving around. So hard to get comfortable and the new feeling in my back is something that might take a while to get used to. My nerve pain was always in my left leg and so far it’s just been aching. I have had some nerve pain in the right leg which never happened before but it better be healing ! 😆 Staying positive and trying to remember not to rush this process!
submitted by Plus_Teaching_6850 to spinalfusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:02 Intelligent-Lynx-376 Needa hug

Thought I was doing pretty good on my new medication until yesterday when I just got hit with this awful wave of nausea that I’m still recovering from. I was getting stomach aches again but figured I could just muscle through them but then doing my workout it felt like everything came back to haunt me
Really stressed because I don’t want to be in a cycle of getting really sick every few weeks now that I have a full time job
submitted by Intelligent-Lynx-376 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:57 Nodoggitydebut Seratonin syndrome, quitting fluoxetine cold turkey?

36F, 5’11 198lbs POTS syndrome diagnosis, it is not severe at all.
40mg fluoxetine and 150mg bupropion xl daily, plus Zyrtec and women's multivitamin. No recreational drug use, very occasional alcohol use (a couple beers only, never liquor or wine). Non smoker. 3-4 cups of coffee a day, no other beverages aside from plain water or the occasional sparkling water.
I came down with a very nasty head cold shortly after recovering from mastitis from milk congestion after weaning my 17 month old. I had Sudafed leftover because the doc had suggested taking a dose or two to assist in lactation suppression.
While trying to keep up with my spunky toddler and busy schedule, over the course of 2 days in addition to my usual meds, I took several doses of Sudafed. My post nasal drip caused a cough that was keeping me up all night, so l added delsym to it. I foolishly overlooked the fact that it was a 12 hour dose, and probably took 5-6 doses over the course of 2 days.
The night before last around 11pm, out ot nowhere, I felt practically drunk. Very loopy, warm, and fuzzy. Was reading on my laptop and had to put it away because I was starting to struggle to understand anything I read. Went to bed. Woke up coughing at 4am, took a dose of delsym in my unending genius. Back to sleep until my toddler woke up around 7. Woke up with the intention of getting him from his crib, fell over on the way. Intense vertigo. I was stuttering and having trouble speaking properly. I was super confused. Sweating my butt off. Husband stayed home from work and I rested up. Couldn't sleep though- I felt positively wired. Would occasionally nod off then full body jerk/startle myself awake. Had a very brutal day and night last night, it was all very jarring and unpleasant.
Am I crazy to think this may have been very mild seratonin syndrome? I took my regular meds as usual yesterday because I had no idea what was going on with me, but now I'm pretty apprehensive about taking my SSRI.
Honestly , I’m feeling pretty gun-shy about all meds right now. I know that's an overreaction and I caused this by taking way too many meds, and the specific ones I took shouldn't be mixed...out of desperation to keep up with my life despite being sick and needing rest.
But I really don't want to ever feel what I felt over the last ~36 hours again.
l've been wanting to come off my fluoxetine for quite some time but planned on asking my doc to taper me off. But now I can't imagine willfully taking an SSRI any time soon. So knowing and fully understanding that cold turkey is not an ideal way of stopping SSRI meds, can anyone tell me vaguely what I can expect and maybe suggest mitigation tactics that are not drug-related?
Thanks in advance. Sorry for the long rambling. Still not feeling 100% normal. And for laypeople who have read this far... please do not make the mistake I made of thinking OTC drugs are benign in nature. I'l never be so careless about what I put in my body again.
submitted by Nodoggitydebut to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:55 Hot-West9928 Soul of a human 7

Again a small lore dump, on magic attributes. Hope you enjoy!
On the way to the next lesson Mor was asked °Think, I could use your magic?° by the human.
°I don´t know, maybe something to try later today° he answered. °Yeah, let's do that too.° Human agreed.
The next lesson was an interesting one, at least for the visitor from beyond, it was a lesson on the rules of magic, even if Mor and quite a few of his peers were lulled into sleep by the soothing voice of the teacher. The human, never expected, that someone could teach something so interesting in such a boring way.
As you all know, magic is divided into types, that are known to us as attributes.
Attributes have a positive effect on magic of the same type and a negative effect on the type opposing it. To give you an example for this a mage with fire affinity, will not be able to use higher forms of water magic. We know of the following attributes, but sometimes new ones are discovered, so this list is ever-expanding. Please pay attention now, as this will be test-relevant. We know of the elemental attributes, Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, the manipulation attributes, Healing and Illusion and finally the royal attribute, only seen in the royal Diamond family, called Gravity.
Here I have to note, that there are spells, that are not included in any of those attributes and can be used by anyone. These are called Basic-attributed spells. Those spells include for example things like body enhancement, magic bolt, or the widely used message spell.
Now please note that the attribute distinctions are only one part, the second part is the distinction of potency of the spells. Firstly there is the single-class, moving and manipulating existing materials, you can pick fruits or use a small amount of water to water a plant, they can only do what anyone could do with their own hands and basic tools. Next up would be group-class where the material to manipulate will be supplied by the magic power and here your attributes will matter. In this class, the basic martial spells and convenience spells are located, with a strength that a small group estimated at around five people could produce with their tools. Then we get into the village-class magic and as you can surely guess those include things, that would need the manual labor of a small village, and here most of you will find yourself comfortable spellcasting. But then we go into the higher forms, here you either need a soul-bound partner with the same affinity as yourself to supply the energy demands, those are called demographic-class, and finally, there would be world-class magic, but the energy required of those could only be supplied by a whole convent of right attributed mages at least that´s the theory. Nobody was able to use a spell like that, it is purely hypothetical.
°Ok, that was really interesting, I would like to see what those high-class spells are capable of.° The human stated and Mor answered °Yes, but with my magic reserves, we will probably be stuck at group-class magic.° °Laaaame!° Human exclaimed. °We really need to find a way to get you more magic... This is just stupid.°
°Well it would help if it is possible for you to also cast spells. Then we could be much faster in using magic.° Mor thought. °Well, only a few more hours and we can test that, at home.°
°You´re right.° the human agreed.
With this, both of them either suffered or excitedly listened through the following lessons, and Mor having a peaceful lunch break. At last as peaceful, as it can be with a human trying to move random body parts and cursing about how hard it was. Mor finally made them stop after he was made to involuntary open his hand, and drop his juice. But without the acute danger of the bullies, it was very nice for a change, if a bit lonely. But still much better than before, the only bad thing about the bonding with the human was, that his body ached after the human moved it so violently, but it would pass, he was sure of that.
Finally, after lessons ended, Mor acquired something for supper and retreated to his room, carefully locking the door and at the insistence of the human enhancing the lock with a simple spell to make the lock and door more sturdy.
After they finally "guarded" their room right, Mor refusing to add some "surprises" for anyone opening the door. They sat down on the bed and began with what they discussed.
°I want to try using magic first.° The human opened. °Moving your body is hella exhausting.°
°Yes, let´s try it. First, just concentrate on the magic inside our body and make it flow.° Mor guided the human. °How do I concentrate on the magic?° The question came and Mor explained further. °You have to feel the potential within and then concentrate on it.°
After a short while the human stated °Is it bad, that I can´t feel any potential or whatever? Maybe just go like this and yes I think I feel something flow!° Mor felt elated, now they could cast two spells even with his meager energy reserves. °Great! Now concentrate on the pillow and imagine it fluffing itself up.° And once again the human tried, but nothing would happen. °Huh? Why is nothing happening? I feel something flowing and all.° They asked. °I don´t know, I´m telling you what I was told when I started with the magic. What my parents taught me.° Mor answered.
°Speaking of your parents, you have magic communication. Why is that message taking so long to reach them? Shouldn´t that be instantaneous?° The human asked.
Mor sighed °Your understanding is screwed up, how would you even think that? Message magic is simple, so you need to have a view on your recipient or it won't work.°
°Well, we have some stories in our world, with magic settings and shit, and there it is always super handy and can do just about anything. While here it is tedious and full of "that´s not how it works".° The human sounded disappointed.
°Well let´s get back on track and let me try some more. Maybe you could watch the flow of your energy, then tell me if I do something right.° Human offered and Mor nodded. Like that, they tried, but Mor could not detect any movement in the energies within him. °This is not working.° Mor stated, and the human had to reluctantly agree.
°So we are left with trying to let me do the body movement... Not ideal, but well let´s try something from my world. Take deep breaths and relax, only concentrate on your breathing.° The human instructed and Mor followed the directions and slowly felt his body moving, doing everything in his power to not intervene and only concentrate on his breathing until finally the human let out a satisfied grunt.
°Yes that is better, it is still hard, but now I´m just moving something I´m not accustomed to, instead of fighting you.° The human sounded pretty happy and Mor was too, but a quick glance at the clock in his room let both of them decide to get some sleep. Being late for class and tired would not be good.
Mor awoke the next morning to a world of pain, his whole body just hurt. °What is this, it hurts!°
°I don´t know! I did nothing while you were asleep!°
°You must have! Why else would it be like this?° Mor scolded the human.
°Don´t get snippy with me! I will slap you! And with your own hand no less!° They countered.
°And why I´m the only one in pain, that is unfair!° Mor complained.
°Why would you think that? I feel the pain too, it´s just not as bad as you say. You are just a little wuss.° The human said.
°I´m no wuss, I never had this kind of pain before!° Mor grumbled.
°Really? If I had to describe it it feels just like a little soreness in the muscles... Ah! Maybe, me moving your body is more stressful, than you moving your own. Even if you are distracted you subconsciously try to fight my control. That would make sense, but we can´t know for sure.° Human theorized.
°Really? And now? If this is what happens this is not acceptable!° Mor was still whining.
°Well easy, we will test your theory, that you can´t train your bodies, because, with this new development, I smell bullshit and laziness. Time to train and limber up!° Mor whinced at that exclamation of the human. °We will do nothing like that!° He exclaimed.
°We will, and I will force you if I need to.° The human stated matter of factly. °I hate you.° Mor grumbled.
°Yes. Yes! Let the hate flow through you!° The human snickered. °Still, I won´t let you just opt out without trying!°
submitted by Hot-West9928 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:55 squiggle-maker I don’t know what type of doctor to see next - long term pain, no diagnosis

I don’t know what type of doctor I should see. Post menopausal woman, bmi 24, no history of any significant health issues. Healthy diet, regular exercise (usually walking).
I’ve been having abdominal pains and back pain on right side. They are not severe, they’re very similar to pain I had prior to menopause. Menopause was 13 years ago, this pain started 4 years ago. It was small at first and is gradually increasing in duration and intensity. It’s pretty much always there, though intensity varies
So far I have seen my primary care doctor, then the doctor who replaced them after they retired. Had CT scan and an MRI of upper abdomen, plus typical bloodwork. Nothing found. Two gynecologists say it’s not a gyn problem. Had a colonoscopy two years ago, no issue. A year ago the gastro dr did a test for blood in stool, no blood found.
Primary care chalked it up to adhesions, but the only surgery I have had was close to thirty years ago, and the way this pain is, doesn’t seem like that is a logical diagnosis. For example, it hurts even if I sit or lay still. Movement doesn’t matter, probing doesn’t matter, it is not bone/joint, it’s a deep inner ache. It seems unrelated to eating.
No one has any idea what is causing the pain but I’ve got a bad feeling about it, and I do not know what type of physician I should see. I can live with the pain but I want to know what it is, because I am worried.
Any advice of who to see next?
submitted by squiggle-maker to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:48 MediumAd9523 I have fallen for my best friend, now what do I do?

So I met this girl back in 12th grade, she was in my school though we were in different classes, and she also attended the same tuition. Initially we didn't talk much but I offered her some snacks once and from that point on we engaged more and more. Now I am in my sophomore year of college and she is one of the closest friends that I have.
Sometime during this year's February during one of our calls, she mentioned a boy that she used to like and I felt this ache in my chest. This was when I realised what I have gotten myself into and how much I love her. The next day was completely hazy, I could not really focus on anything and I kept thinking about her. To get better, I called one of my other close friend and ranted to him about all this, this did help me feel a bit better. This went on for a solid month and a half, up until March I couldn't really focus on anything else, my academics suffered as I would regularly zone out during class and my own sturdy sessions.
Now I am a little better than before, I also talked to my father, it made me feel better. But I still love her so much. I am a little frightened that me telling her about these feelings will lead to the wreckage of our relationship and ruin what we have, and on top of that she has made a point of how she does not want to confide in relationships any longer and would probably just go for an arranged marriage. The atmosphere at her home is also similar, her parents are opposed to her dating right now and advice her to engage in these sorts of things only after getting a job.
I am thinking of simply letting go, if I continue to have these feelings after our graduation ends maybe I will ask her out, though I am certain that she does not see me more than a friend. After finding myself a job maybe I would be able to convince her parents also, though it's highly improbable.
I just want to know have people experienced similar situations in their life and if yes, how did they get over these feelings of unrequited type of loves.
submitted by MediumAd9523 to u/MediumAd9523 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:47 landlocked_throwaway The Sadness is On Me

As the child of middle-American white people, the kind of family that forgot who they were and where they came from once they got here, almost my entire life has been a search for identity. Not in the angsty teenage sense that found so many of us stoned in suburban basements trading minor, unoriginal insights as glorious revelations from barely dipping our toes in the real world. I've never been able to find much out about my paternal lineage, but the past decade or so I'd thrown myself hard into the Irish identity of my mother's family. They aren't overtly or openly Irish, but at least the lineage is apparent and traceable. At times, that identity has given perspective, purpose, and meaning, like the uncomfortable "White Privilege" political discourses at Thanksgiving. Y'know, fun shit like that.
Like a lot of people, I grew up in some fucked up things. I don't think it's of any particular use to itemize or describe those circumstances but I've known much of violence, violation, and a variance of heartbreak. These things are not unique to me.
I've struggled relentlessly with self-worth for most of my life. Since my early childhood. I cannot say it's entirely bad, but I suppose the wonderful times (which have truly been wonderful; I've been afforded some experiences lots of people haven't in life) are still outweighed by the negative. The dark parts are markedly dark and abundant. In the midst of this self-discovery journey, I held out hope for a long time that I would make it back home. Back to see Ireland, the Small Sea...visit the East End of Glasgow to see where my family fled, before they made the trans-Atlantic journey to lose themselves in American identity. Venture to Northern Ireland to see the H-Block, where James Sands starved himself in protest against English occupation. Purpose and dignity in the harsh Atlantic seaboard, where it can be said that there's no sadness quite like a Celtic sadness.
I think of this often when I think about the English word 'home' and the layers of meaning it conjures. How we tie it not just to a building, but to family. Warmth, comfort, safety and security. Those sentiments can all come sprawling forth from those four letters. In Irish Gaelic, there are probably four or five different words for this based on context, and I remember how difficult I found Irish at first because there is no possessive verb meaning 'to have'; things are either at, on, or with you. In English, the word 'sorry' comes from 'sorrow', or more specifically being full of sorrow on account of oneself. Colloquialism and the evolution of language brought us a more direct way to apologize in both menial day-to-day interaction and times we genuinely must feel awful for what we've done. English is like that, full of matter-of-fact efficiency.
To say "I'm sorry" in Irish now, you would say "tá brón orm", which I guess most literally translates to say "sadness is on me". To say you were sad at the moment, you would say "tá mé brónach", more literally "I am sadness".
I think a lot about Ireland lately. You cannot run away from your problems entirely, no, but I do think you can change your environment. I think about history, of people repeatedly forced into economic exile for centuries, losing their language and constantly occupied by foreign rule. There's been a melancholy in how I exist that probably owes a great deal to this lineage but I've failed to see it, much less harness it. I wish I'd taken a more particular and driven interest in the language before it was too late, especially as I don't think there's a more accurate description of what I feel but for how the Irish say 'sorry'.
The sadness is on me.
In Scottish Gaelic, the word 'cianalas' is one of nostalgia, of profound longing and Welsh, 'hiraeth'. In English, the sappy and sentimental of whom I find myself amongst often liken the word 'home' to people. We find a home in someone, in a person who purposefully made a space for us in the last place we expect to find it. There was a time when I had found this. I was too cocky, too smart for my own good, too sure I'd outgrown the fucked up that I'd come from. I thought I fell too far from it to let the wood rot of my family tree creep in.
I didn't just lose my home. There were no tragic circumstances. I acted poorly, disgracefully, selfishly and in bathed in a darkness inside me I never knew I was capable of. I didn't just lose my home, I set it aflame and burned it to nothing, kicking about in the ashes after and I've still got the nerve to live each day tinged with a deeper grief and sadness than I never knew existed. In this life, I am both the Irish and the English.
The sadness is on me.
It's no longer a profound sadness that longs for the fogged beauty of inland bog or rocky sea shore, or the beautiful person who rivaled such wonder. It's a sadness that aches, that has outpaced time to settle deep in my bones before father time could take my joints. It taunts me to look at what I've done, what I've become, in a dark home with dusty mirrors. Stalks me while I walk my dog. It tells me that everything in the world is a loaded gun in my hands and to use it on myself before hurt someone else again. It tells me that I still have potential and that I will waste it all.
I have been a liar, a cheater, a disgrace. I have acted in direct defiance of everything I thought I believed and I never knew I was capable. I don't know of any other way to fix this.
The sadness is on me.
submitted by landlocked_throwaway to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:33 oceanseaturtle_ Thoughts

Roughly 3 weeks ago, I was doing a lot of heavy lifting, while cleaning my basement. That evening, my back was feeling very tight. I used a back massager and was kneading the muscles, in between my shoulder blades. The device slipped and hit my spine. It hurt for a minute, but then stopped. However, that night I woke up with a dull ache and could not sleep. The pain stops during the day when I am up moving around. It gets worse if I am riding in the car for a long time, sitting for a long time and during the night, while sleeping. I am so frustrated because I am already going to a chiropractor for my neck, and I have an appointment with a specialist for my shoulder. (UNRELATED issues that I have been struggling with for months) I am SO FRUSTRATED, I do not have the time, nor money to see ANOTHER DOCTOR for a new issue. Does anyone have insight on why it feels better during the day when moving and then worse at night when I sit and sleep? I have no tingling and no sharp shooting pains. It is in and isolated area between shoulder blades. It is an aching feeling. I am just worried because I am on week 3. I usually go to power yoga, but have not been practicing, so it can heal.
submitted by oceanseaturtle_ to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:21 unavngiven My mom died... [Very long post]

This is my first reddit post, although I have been a long time lurker of many subreddits. I am 23 years old and an only child. I am not a native english speaker, so please forgive any weird formatting or any spelling/grammar mistakes.
As the title states, my mom died ... and I am currently writing this to try and process this whole situation. I've tried to section all the paragraphs in chronological order, to make reading easier. Sorry for the extremely long post - I just needed to get it all out.
We only just celebrated her 60th birthday back in february. She did all the cooking, cleaning and planning without any trouble - even down to picking out the perfect napkins and flowers for her white and gold theme.
My mother was without a job. She had been jobless for almost 2 years now, after she was fired from her old cleaning job due to frequent sick days because of stomach cramps and pain. She was seen by a doctor back in 2022 for her stomach aches, and they found no physical cause - hence why we concluded it must've been due to stress. The stress and stomach pains subsided after she'd been fired. So we thought no more of it.
In march she was doing a 4-week internship in a local supermarket to see if she might've been a good fit for a permanent paid position. This is common practice for unemployeed people here in Denmark.
My mother started having stomach pains again during this internship, soon followed by back pains as well. She figured this was due to her spending most of the day sitting as a cashier in an uncomfortable position. My mother wasn't very tall, so she had trouble reaching the floor pedals that control the cashier conveyer belt.
In the beginning of april, she went to the doctor. Her stomach and back pains hadn't gone away although the internship was over. Her doctor also concluded it was most likely due to her uncomfortable working position, and that it would pass in a few weeks time. The doctor did some bloodwork, and found that she was severely lacking vitamin D, but nothing else seemed concerning at the time.
In the middle of april, her pains had only gotten worse, and she went to the doctor again. Her doctor did more bloodwork, and did a phisycal exam of my mothers stomach. Her doctor ordered a CT scan to check for anything serious.
19th of april. I accompany my mother to the hospital for her CT scan. We get told that we'll have the results in a week or so. My mother is not looking good when I pick her up at the bus station. She is more pale than usual, and has trouble walking at her usual pace.
23th of april. My mother received a referral to a meeting at the hospital with a doctor and nurse, to discuss the results of the CT scan. This referral is sent from the hospitals cancer department. My mother and I speak on the phone, she is concerned, but I tell her that this type of referral must just be standard pratice, and that she shouldn't worry untill we have spoken with the doctor. I cried that night.
25th of april. The day before her meeting with the doctor, I received a phone call from my mother. She tells me that she had fallen while at home, but that I shouldn't worry. I, of course, worry.
I pack my things and leave for my mothers house, I live an hour away by bus. When I finally arrive my mother seems okay-ish, but the house is another story. My mother is normally known for being a clean freak, and her house has always been clean and organized, But it wasn't anymore.
Her kitchen was a mess, and the dishwasher hadn't been empited or loaded for at least two weeks. Her bathroom is even worse, and I won't even begin to describe the state of the toilet it self. It is a sight that will horrify me for the rest of my life. I cleaned everything, while my mother rested.
My mother had also started sleeping on the guest bed, saying her own was too uncomfortable for her.
While cleaning the bathroom, my mother wakes up. Despite her state, she says she wants to help. But before I can even tell her no, my mother has another fall. Her legs essentially just crumble beneath her, and she falls backwards and lands head first on the floor. We argue back and forth about calling an ambulance, but she refuses to let me - so I don't, even though I should have. I guess I still respected my moms authority too much.
My mother lives alone, as my parents are divorced (they are very good friends though). My mother refuses to let me call my dad and tell him about this whole situation. She is stubborn and too proud to admit defeat.
26th of april. We take a taxi to the hospital. The taxi driver has a help my mother into the car. During the carride my mother says very little, but seems slightly delirious and very tired. When we arrive at the hospital, I quickly borrow a hospital wheelchair for my mother. She is almost unable to walk unassisted at this point.
After waiting for a while in the waiting area, a nurse comes and guides us to a meeting room. My mother is very tired at this point, and still delirious, and I have to handle most of the conversation with the doctor.
The CT scan results showed Pancreatic cancer. The cancer had already spread to her liver and abdomial cavity.
I had read about this cancer a few days prior, trying to figure out what was wrong with my mother. I knew what this meant, and I knew that it was effectively a death sentence. The doctor told us that an operation was out of the question, since the cancer had already spread. And due to the clearly weak state of my mothers health, chemo would also not be offered, as it would finish her.
I told the doctor of her two falls and the state of her home, and that she would not be safe on her own. The doctor had her admitted to a nearby bed department for stomach- and gastrointestinal surgery patients.
The hospital did a ton of bloodwork on my mother when she got admitted, and everything was off. All numbers were either too high or dangerously low. My mothers health was in fact so bad, that I was told she was a heart attack risk. I was also told that if a heart attack happened, she would not be brought back - as it would only prolong a very short and painful life.
I called my dad.
27th of april. My mother slept most of the day.
28th of april. My mother had another fall during the night, trying to get to the bathroom.
29th of april. My dad shows up to the hospital. He wasn't able to get off work until now, as he works in the other end of the country. He is shocked to see my mother in this state. We are told once again by a different doctor that nothing can be done. They are looking into getting her a spot at a nearby hospice.
The rest of the remaining week is spent in hospital. My dad and I are by my mothers side every day. She doesn't leave her hospital room, apart from a few times a day for a smoke break outside. My dad and I take her outside in a wheelchair, which she needs help to get in and out of.
Her bloodwork is showing some slight improvements, but she is still having trouble with infections and receives a lot of antibiotics. She eats like a mouse, but drinks a lot of fluids.
My mother is often very confused or tired most days. She gets referred for an MR scan, to see if the cancer has spread to her brain, or if one of her falls has caused permanent damage. Lucikly the MR scan shows that nothing is wrong with her brain.
She gets confused about her diagnosis a few times, thinking that she had brain cancer instead due to the MR scan. I have to remind her a couple times about what the doctor actually said.
6th of may. My mother seems to have stabilized somewhat so my dad has gone back to work.
7th of may. I get told by the hospital staff that my mother is to be transferred to a different hospital, which is one hour away. I become very upset by this news, and unfortunately yell at one of my mothers nurses in frustration. I yell at her that It'll be harder for me to get to my mother in time if something were to happen. I am ashamed of this childish behavior, as the transfer was the best desicion for my mother in hindsight.
I leave with my mother as we get transferred to the new hospital and their department of palliative care.
I am very ashamed by my behavior to my mothers old nurse, as this department for palliative care was truly the best place for my mother. She seemed very satisfied and happy to have been transferred. They have a large garden with wild flowers, and lovely staff. And my mother got a much bigger room all to herself. She also meets with their physical therapist, who helps my mother relieve some of her pain.
My mother and I have dinner together in the evening in her hospital room. My mom is her old self, although with some delayed speaking. I unfortunately have to rush a bit when leaving, as to not miss my bus home, so I quickly say goodbye to her and leave.
8th of may. In the morning on my way to the new hospital, I received a phone call from her new doctor. My mothers liver has suddenly started to fail due to the cancer. When I arrive, she is asleep. I am told she wont wake up again.
I called my dad, but he wont arrive until the evening, due to the distance from his workplace.
I spend most of the day in my mothers hospital room, listening to her sleep. She occasionally attempts to cough in her sleep, but it mainly just sounds like yells. It is terrifying. The nurses give her pain medication and some sleep medication to help her body relax.
My dad arrives in the late evening. We drive to my mothers house and stay the night there. We spend most of the late evening looking at pictures and scrapbooks of my mother, and packing a bag with clothes for her, for when she passes.
When prepareing the guest bed for my dad, we find a blanket that my mother slept on. It is stained, matching the previous state of the bathroom. We throw the blanket out.
9th of may. Mom is sleeping. Dad and I spend the day at the hospital, but we don't sit in her hospital room. It is too eerie and uncomfortable. We check on her occassionally. Towards the evening, her breathing becomes slightly more rapid and quick. But the nurses tell us to go home. There is no reason for us to sit by her side during the night - as it'll only make it worse for us.
10th of may. I wake at 6.12 am to my phone ringing. It is a nurse. My mother has passed away in her sleep at 6.05 that morning due to liver failure. My dad and I drive to the hospital. I am the first to see her body after the nurses prepared and dressed it in the clothing we picked.
(warning: the following paragraph may be slightly upsetting to some readers)
It it eerie and uncomfortable to see my mother like this. A symptom of pancreatic and liver cancers is that your skin will yellow. Something that I hadn't noticed in my mother till now. I cant help but think that she looks like a wax doll, although I feel horrible for thinking it. I finally touch her hand, after gathering the courage to, almost like I am afraid to distrub her. Her hands are cold, and only get colder as I sit by her side. I am supposed to say my goodbyes to her, and tell her how much she means to me, but in this moment I am speechless. I can't say anything, even on my mothers deathbed. I feels wrong to speak to a corpse. I should've said those things while she could hear them instead. I kiss her forehead before I leave the room.
17th of may. Funeral. The church and casket was beautifully decorated with colorful flowers, like my mother had requested. She didn't want anything white or depressing. I cried all the way through the funeral service, stopping only when it was time to carry the casket out. My dad on the left side, and me on the right, and some other family members behind us. Purple rain by Prince was played on the church piano as we carried the casket. I knew the casket would be heavy, but nothing prepared me for the sheer weight of that thing.
21th of may. Today. I don't really know what to think of my mothers death. Some days I almost forget that shes gone or that all this has been happening, until something reminds me of it.
In a way, I am thankful. Of course I didn't want my mother to die, but I'm glad that her suffering wasn't prolonged for months while she slowly withered away to cancer. And I'm thankful that my mother didn't live to suffer from alzheimers, like her own mother. And I am glad that if anything, my mothers death has brought my dad and I closer.
But at the same time, I am angry that she didn't get to live more of her life. She was only 60 years old, and should have had 20 more years at least. If she at least was 70, it might've been easier to lose her but I doubt it.
I think mostly of all the things she will miss out on, which saddens me the most. I am 23 and my mother wont get to see most of my life or my achivements. If I have kids, she'll never meet them, and she I get married, she'll never see it. My 24th birthday is coming up soon, and I don't know how I'll handle that day without my mother for the first time - or christmas for that matter.
I want my mom.
submitted by unavngiven to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:18 Low_Internet9759 Tonsil Problems :/

So I'm not sure where to post this exactly because my flu test was negative-- but I had whatever other virus from hell is going around the US right now a couple of weeks ago. It started with body aches and chills and a horrible headache-- that lasted a few days, and then congestion joined the party. After a while the body aches and headache went away but the congestion stayed and last week I noticed my tonsils were swollen and covered in white patches and I had a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. I have been to the doctor and they prescribed me antibiotics to see if that did anything for the tonsils. I haven't had a fever this entire time, but I have had night sweats and I still have them. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I'm so sick of this
submitted by Low_Internet9759 to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:04 L0k1blaze Body isn't feeling right, multiple unusual feelings (aches, icy water flashes, pains, body feeling like it's sick) across my body.

28 year old male, 6'1, 185 lbs, no known medical issues, non-smoker, VERY light drinker, no recreational drugs.
My primary complaint is that my body isn't feeling normal. Over the past several months I've noticed these unusual feelings (aches, pains, ice-hot flashes) spreading throughout my body. It started in my thighs with icy water flashes (like someone dropping ice cold water on my nerves) and eventually it graduated to small aches and pains in my thighs, arms, feet, hands and abdomen (nothing in my face, back, neck etc.)
The feelings vary on type, but two things they all have in common is they cover a small area (ranging from the size of a circle with 1in diameter to the length of my finger) and they last a few seconds. It started off light (maybe once every several days), but now I get these feelings constantly. My abdomen is mostly soreness like aches that remind me of after I workout, but occasionally I get the icy-cold feeling. My hands, arms, and legs are mostly aches now (they last a few seconds).
I've had pains in my chest too, sometimes around my heart. Yesterday I had a tightness in my chest that felt like somebody was squeezing the inside of my chest.
I've also recently started feeling sick. I was talking to someone about this last night and right then I started feeling like I had a cold and I woke up feeling like that today (still do).
I also have this weird pounding sensation in my left ear sometimes. I don't believe it's related, but it feels like there's something in there because I can feel my blood pumping through it for a few seconds.
FYI, I'm pretty sure this isn't stress. I know what stress does to my body and this isn't it.
Other info that I believe is relevant.
  1. I got the Pfizer vaccine (yes, I know what this subreddit's policies are on vaccine misinformation, but I believe it's important).
  2. I've been to the ER twice now (earliest was last year), specifically for chest-related issues, self-admitted. Both times I had chest x-rays done, blood work, the latest one I had a d-dimer test. Both times they gave me a clean bill of health.
I had some blood work done that was ordered by my doctor, I haven't gotten the results back yet.
submitted by L0k1blaze to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:00 Knowing_Eve What next? Random yellow stool

In 2012 I suddenly out of nowhere started having severe gallbladder attacks (I didn’t know what they were though, I was a young adult and never had the pain before) to the point I couldn’t eat or stand straight. Then my eyes turned yellow and my urine was bright yellow, stools were white clay colour. The pain was so much that I got taken to hospital and they ran tests and admitted me because I was apparently severely dehydrated (despite drinking enough and eating enough) and my liver was on the verge of failing (their words). I was in hospital for a week. They did an ultrasound on day 4 (they waited this long because apparently they didn’t suspect gallbladder issues due to my age - they were testing me for hepatitis and aids instead.. obviously came back negative). The ultrasound showed nothing, so they said that they suspect gallstones but assume I’ve passed them now.
Left hospital.. stools were yellow off and on for months. Pain was intermittent for months. I’d have mini attacks. Had an ultrasound 4 months after the event and it shows some stones.
Issues seemed to go away.
Through the years since 2012 I’ve had the occasional ‘gallbladder liver’ ‘ache’ sensation in the correct region. Usually after I’d eaten things high in omegas or very oily fatty things. But it was once in a blue moon that it would happen, and I’d take apple cider vinegar and it would resolve the ache very quickly. So it wasn’t really a ‘bother’.
Recently however I’ve been having intermittent and random digestive issues.. my gut will start bubbling and feel weird and then I’ll go to the bathroom and my bowel movement will be super loose or diarrhoea, usually bright yellow. I’ve not noticed anything that actually triggers this, it just happens. The rest of the time my bowel movements are totally normal.
For about 1-2 years now, the upper section of my stomach has been distended/bloated/tight feeling. Sometimes I have to stand up because when I sit down I feel slightly breathless. Not sure if this is linked but I thought I would mention it.
Every time they’ve done blood work it shows my liver enzymes are normal.
I’m in the UK. What do you suggest I do?
I don’t drink, smoke, take any substances, etc. so I’m not sure why it’s happening to me?
Other symptoms are: Acne especially on my shoulders and back, often on my chin too. Adrenaline rushes for no reason. Tachycardia. Random nausea. Sometimes lots of belching or gas for no obvious reason but some food must have triggered it. Can’t eat mayo without feeling crap afterwards and my digestion being weird.
To add - I don’t feel any pain or discomfort at all when I get these digestive issues and stool issues..
submitted by Knowing_Eve to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:57 Echo2311 Weird ECG readings

Weird ECG readings
I’ve had a couple of mental looking ECG readings from my Apple Watch and I don’t know what to make of them. Should I be worried? What on earth is going on here?
Most of the time, it looks normal, then occasionally I get a big waves like this
submitted by Echo2311 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:54 caffeinated_hardback I’m worried about my Mum’s health. She’s very defensive about it as she’s embarrassed. Advice on how to approach this topic?

This may be structured a bit weird but bear with me. I’m not sure if this is the right forum but if you have any advice please let me know!
So I (22F) live with my parents and my two siblings (20F and 10M). Since December my Mum (52F) has been constantly ill - bad psoriasis, chest and sinus infections, stomach issues. The doctor has cleared her for anything nasty, and my Dad (54F) and I suspect it’s because of her weight and general health. She’s avoided the doctor this long I think because she’s scared that the topic of her weight will come up, and I know it’s something she’s been insecure about since her thirties. She cried last night after the doctor told her she was borderline diabetic and had high blood pressure and needed another appointment to discuss he next steps. I’m worried she’ll avoid the bigger problem or try and paper over it with a fad diet as usual and get “healthy” for a few weeks so her blood tests show normal, then go back to ignoring it to avoid her health issues.
Obesity and diabetes (type 2 on both sides) run in my family, and my Mum is now bordering both those things according to her recent blood tests. We have a fairly healthy diet and only eat fast food once a month (fish and chips UK classic lol). The main thing that’s lead her to this condition is portion control (my Mum’s the main cook Mon-Thurs and it’s almost double portions on those days, then me and my Dad share the other as we work later hours during the week), mindless eating during the day, and not moving. And I mean that almost literally. She’s a stay-at-home wife, and her only movement is moving around the shops twice a week and walking from the car to my brother’s school. Other than that, she’ll sit on her phone for hours or in the garden and not move until it’s time to cook dinner on her days or do school run. Lately she’s not even been doing that as she’s been so poorly. I want to get her to start moving more once her chest infection has gone.
My Dad has tried to help, but being overweight himself he adopts a mentality of self hatred and constantly complaining to try and guilt himself into losing weight. He’s essentially suggested restriction with food, which I think is the wrist thing he could have suggested. I had a secret eating disorder for years and I think my mum has bingeing tendencies, so cold Turkey is not the way forward.
Any advice from people who had to have these conversations with a relative? Or if you were my Mum in that situation, what did you need to hear? What small changes did you make that helped you maintain your journey and help you understand the importance of being healthier. Without hurting her feelings preferably, though she’s so worked up I’m not sure how to go about it now. Thanks
submitted by caffeinated_hardback to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:53 moviegal828 Is this a flare up?

Quick rundown is that I’m an HLAB27+ 32yo female with family history of AS (dad and grandfather). Various symptoms for about 17 years but only recently saw a rheumy who is “highly suspicious” that I have AS but no official diagnosis yet. MRI did show some edema and inflammation in left SI joint but it was fairly minimal so not a slam dunk for diagnosis. Next step is trying a biologic (Humira) as diagnostic tool and pray it helps. Feels worth saying that I have an active lifestyle and exercise / eat well and drink minimally. I do have a stressful job as a junior executive at a movie studio but I manage the stress okay for the most part.
I’ve had increasingly bad flare up type experiences but without the official diagnosis I’m curious if this does indeed sound like an AS flare up to you all.
When I have multiple demanding days in a row - in this case it was flying from NY to Florida May 11-14 for a trip to Disney World, flying NY to LA May 16 for multiple 12 hour work days with lots of work socializing, and a day at Disneyland with my best friend on May 19 before flying back to NY on May 20 - I am absolutely physically wrecked after. On my flight back yesterday I cried almost the whole time. Everything hurts but the worst is my neck/jaw/face that is absolutely unbearable. Ears feel full and hurt, likely from the TMJ. Headaches all over. Low back and mid back also deeply aching and tight. Wrists and ankles hurt as well. IBS flares. Super stiff all around. And not dizziness but just feeling like I’m in a total blurry fog. If I were to describe it without knowing anything about AS, I would say it just feels like my whole body swells up with anger and everything hurts so much. I slept 10 hours last night and only feel worse. Honestly feeling like this makes me want to die in the moment but I know I’ll have good days again.
I typically manage my pain fairly well with exercise and a daily routine that works for me but the last 10 days have thrown me completely off. Sometimes I worry this is just what being run down feels like for anyone but I don’t think so?? If I had the clear diagnosis I’d be like okay this is a flare up, but I wonder what others of you think… does this sound like an AS flare up?
submitted by moviegal828 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]