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How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2014.12.02 22:02 brtw What are we cooking tonight?

Never know what to make for dinner? Neither do we. Let's all make the same thing for dinner and see how it comes out. We're under some renovations right now, but new things are on the way!

2019.05.11 05:38 Nardo318 Noah's Ark

Have you ever seen some horrible acts from humanity and wished for a second flood to end humanity? Give God a reason to send the flood.

2024.05.29 11:20 GABEISMYHERO Picked up a really clean SNES Unit, but seems to glitch/flash, play some game audio but not displaying the game itself.

So I bought this really clean and in-box US NTSC SNES second hand and after testing with the seller, the console seems to only partially load the game:
Image 1 - Super Mario World, running with original US Supply using a Step-Down Converter (I am in the UK), because of the different voltages between the US and UK, I need to use a 240v step down, which steps down to 110v - A possible issue as to why the game may not boot, lack of 10v, but thats just a theory.
Image 2 - A close-up of the US PSU and the Step Down I am using, if anyone happens to be curious on that.
Image 3 - Console itself, a very, very clean unit with a copy of Super Mario World. On some occasions, the console will boot the game and present audio from the intro, like a jumping sound or something else but then, not proceeding much more. At one point there will be more audio that plays, like the whole intro to Super Mario World, but then the audio cuts off and nothing else is heard.
I have opened up the cartridge and gave it a clean on the pins with IPA, as well as opening up the console and cleaning the cartridge slot itself with IPA and the pins that the cartridge comes in contact with. Testing again, seemed to not solve very much at all.
The console internally presents no corrosion, oxidation, or anything that could point to severe console failure, same goes for the cartridge.
Image 4/5 - An image of PP1 with a close-up on solder points on the chip (apologies for how stretched the image is). This was something which I had noticed in opening up the console, there are 3 solder points which seem somewhat 'out of place', like they aren't soldered properly but they just look different to the other points on the chip, and the rest of the console chips for that matter. - Not sure whether this could be contributing to the video out issue but thought it was worth including.
Image 6/7 - Images of AV and AV-COMPONENT channels, AV seems to display a still version of the lines, with AV-COMPONENT flashing the lines/artefacts, don't know if this is significant, but again, thought it might be worth including.
Other times, I have tested the unit with cleaning the cartridge, there was a full yellow-like display, as if it was from Super Mario World's start screen, but was quite glitched and didn't present anything like a title, Nintendo-year text, any sprites or anything.
I have also used different AV cables, one which was 3rd party (that works with my GC and N64) and an official GC one that the seller had, but that didn't fix anything.
I bought a different game to test whether the cartridge was the issue, but that different game would not load at all, it would not be recognised by the console as there would just be a black screen. So yeah, different results for different things I guess.
If someone could help me out with this, tell me what is wrong, what I should do, I would greatly appreciate that, I really want to get this unit up and running for my collection, especially since it is in such great, clean and complete condition. Thanks
submitted by GABEISMYHERO to snes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:18 doubter1221 Deadlift light day - Programming questions

I (m, 30y, 187cm (6'2"), 92Kg (203 lbs)) started doing the NLP about 2 months ago after a long sickness to get strong again. So far it is working great! Here are my numbers:
Squat: 45 kg (99 lbs) -> 97.5 kg (215 lbs)
Deadlift: 70 kg (154 lbs) -> 117.5 kg (259 lbs)
Press: 27.5 kg (61 lbs) -> 45 kg (99 lbs)
Bench: 45 kg (99 lbs) -> 67.5 kg (149 lbs)
Everything is progressing fine and smoothly. But the deadlift failed last training. As far as I understand, it is now time to incorporate light pulling days, right?
So my plan was to do only one heavy deadlift day per week. The other two days I will do deadlifts at about 80% of my heavy day.
Two questions:
1) Should I still increase the load on my heavy day by 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs)? Won't this lead to the squat overtaking the deadlift at some point? Should I increase by more to keep the distance between the two lifts?
2) On my light days, how many sets and reps should I do? Still (1x5)? Or more?"
3) Any more suggestions?
submitted by doubter1221 to StartingStrength [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:18 Xilmi Had one of my most satisfying games yesterday and want to talk about it

Some stats first for reference:
Ranked SoloQ, Bronze 4 ELO Our top-lane finished the game with 2/23/2 and our mid-lane had 0/14/8. But the rest of us overcame the nigh impossible odds and still managed to somehow pull it off. I don't remember having such an emotional outburst before when the enemy-nexus went down.
I think I learned a lot when it comes on "how to play when behind" in that game. My own stats as jungler were 13-2-7 and I had, what I think is my best CS ever with 9.8/min. My early game went poorly. I mis-bought on my first back and instead of klicking undo I klicked sell and lost some gold this way. And then I even donated a kill to the enemy-top-laner. I didn't feel like I could dare to contest drakes because the enemy-jungler was already quite a bit ahead and there wasn't really any prio for us since bot was kinda equal and mid was losing pretty badly. So other than a few assists from ganks on bot I didn't really get much out of the early-game, all the while the enemy top-laner starting to look super-scary. From then on I focused on "not dying while gaining as much XP and gold" as possible. I farmed the jungle, farmed the unoccupied lanes (which happened often due to deaths of laners) and only engaged in fights, when they looked favorable. During the enemie's sieges on our base I took the role of a peeler for our ADC and support only engaging on enemies that tried to attack them under our tower instead of rushing into the enemy team head-first. Surviving during the phase where the enemies got baron and elder-drake was particularly tough. But somehow we could lure them into mistakes by doing just what I described.
One things needs to be mentioned: Even our 2/23/2-top laner was not completely useless! He split-pushed like an absolute maniac. And while this always resulted in his death due to apparent complete lack of map-awareness and self-preservation-instincts, it bought time. Time to get the second baron.
This felt like the first big step for a turn-around. It allowed me to shove in mid to their tower, which got taken when I took the 2nd Elder-drake.
And that one was actually enough. With it's help we managed to ace the enemy and finish before they could respawn.
My role was not the one of a damage-dealer nor engager but as a guard for our ADC and clean-up-crew for the enemies that tried to get away at low-health. Something I could do without risking my life. Other than that I did a lot of split-pushing and getting buffs from the jungle wherever it seemed save to do so.
The satisfying thing about that game was that I didn't just win because I got fed early but that I had to use tactical and strategical thinking to outwit a stronger enemy, identify the team-mates worth playing around and helping them fulfill their role.
Here's my since that often gets asked for.
submitted by Xilmi to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:15 gimmhi5 Can you help me with Matthew chapter 7:21-23?

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Is He talking about people who think they’re Christians or just religious people who believe in God, whose “name” is He referring to? How were people able to cast out demons in the name of Jesus if they were never truly Holy Spirit filled believers? Even if they had fallen away, Jesus would have known them at one point. Right?
It seems to me this passage is Jesus talking 1st person in the role of God, addressing everyone who thinks their religious works in the name of God will earn them salvation, but because they’ve rejected the Son (how God revealed Himself) they were never in a relationship with the Most High.
◄ John 6:40 ► For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
It looks to me like Jesus is once again telling us it’s not all about works (Martha), but a true relationship, getting close to Him (Mary).
An all-knowing God saying He never knew someone, says a lot. How do you read those verses in Matthew?
submitted by gimmhi5 to AskAChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:14 maximusaemilius Alien scientists report about human maladaptive coping tendencies

The Journal of Xenomedical Biology
Author: Prof. Dr. Dr. Krill of the Vrul
The Human Manifestation of Self-destructive Tendencies and Their Signs.
Over the past few years of studying and learning to understand humans, it has come to the attention of the medical community that humans are the most volatile species, psychologically. This is not meant as negative commentary on human issues as it might seem, but merely an observation that humans have the most widely varied pattern of psychological maladaptive responses when it comes to stress and related mental illness. Where each other species tends to have only two or three typical maladaptive responses, humans have been known to have analogous representations of all known mental abnormalities.
Now this journal is not specifically about all the ways the human brain can go wrong, but more accurately about the maladaptive response I have seen in humans over the past few years primarily demonstrating self-destructive behaviors in one way or another.
You might notice an interesting pattern in my analysis today that clearly demonstrates a repetitive contradictory pattern in human self-destructive tendencies, which will demonstrate just how varied and widely differing their responses can be.
First, humans have socially destructive behavior which can come in many forms.
Withdrawal from friends or close loved ones is a common self-destructive behavior to look for in humans. This can happen on a large or small scale where the human withdraws for hours or even years. As a social species, humans find social interaction important, even if that is only remote communications with other humans. If that human begins to withdraw suddenly or even gradually over time, I might suggest being concerned about their well- being.
Now here is where the contradictions come into play, and forgive me if some of these social behaviors also overlap with the physical behaviors, with humans, they are often one and the same.
Increased socially dangerous behavior:
Now this may account for many things. Some humans will fall into a downward spiral where they surround themselves with other likeminded humans and participate in dangerous physical activities, which I will discuss later.
Increased partners:
Now, while this behavior may be common for many humans, (Ramirez et al.)((no, that is not a report to consult, but an example)) and could be argued as a physical behavior, there is cause for concern if a human suddenly increases the number of physical partners from their average. This usually accompanies reckless social behavior like not meeting the partner first before entering into a physical relationship, doing this on multiple occasions and might also be connected with the following –
Staying with an objectively horrible partner:
Now it is hard to identify why some humans do this, but often humans will choose a partner who is objectively horrible to them either physically or emotionally. Sometimes humans do this because they are afraid of the repercussions, are afraid of being alone, or they have been convinced that there is no other possible person out there who might love them. Humans put a lot of stock into physical relationships and many of them would rather be with someone horrible than be alone. Due to their social nature many humans put social interaction and partnership over their safety and mental health. If you see a human participating in this behavior, it is advised to get them help, even if the human does not want it. They deserve more than being treated horribly.
Now on occasion two humans in a downward spiral might come together and create a codependent relationship where they cannot function without one another. What the other human does the other will follow and this can lead them both into a spiral of horrible physical and mental behaviors that will cause anguish in the long term. If one of them is involved with drugs, the other will follow etc.
Now some humans might even participate in self-destructive behaviors that look good from an outside perspective. For instance, it is a common occurrence that humans overwork themselves to the point of burnout. Often humans throw themselves into their work to distract their minds and avoid the pain of something else, this may include memories or having to return to an environment where they do not wish to go. These humans will work many hours and sacrifice their social lives to do more work, causing long term stress that can lead to heart attack stroke and other physical diseases related to increased stress and heightened blood pressure. Some humans may participate in this behavior as a way to prove themselves to others, that they are either competent or hard working.
On the flipside of this there are other humans who may just stop working at all. They let everything in their lives fall apart, and stop doing anything of note causing them to lose their jobs, their hobbies, their families and their friends. This one is often related to a withdrawal from other people and might include elements of physical recklessness like drug abuse.
Secondly and including a much wider range of self-destructive behaviors, we see the physical manifestations of this phenomenon which vary widely and tend to come in opposing pairs.
Overeating and undereating:
These are two very common forms of stress response from humans. If humans have conditioned to see food as a reward for behavior or as a comforting mechanism (often developed in childhood) they will eat in order to comfort themselves and to the point where it is adversely affecting their physical health. They may eat even if they are not hungry or if they are actively full. Some humans experience digestive issues while under stress and may even refuse to eat at all. There are other extreme cases where humans, usually in response to a perceived lack of control, will regulate their food intake to the point of starvation or other food related disorders.
This is closely related to over exercising, and also has links with a perceived lack of control in their life. These humans, often paired with restricted eating, will push themselves to their physical limit to control their own bodies as a form of having a hold on their own lives. This paired with restricted calories can cause an untold amount of damage both physically and mentally. Mental disorders linked to these behaviors are known to be the deadliest of disorders known to humans.
The consumption of Drugs and Alcohol:
This is a very common and often overlooked behavior in humans. Drinking is the consumption of beverages that contain Ethanol, which when reacting in the human brain causes, extreme mental degradation related to fuzziness and euphoria. Humans find this a pleasant feeling, though it causes damage to many internal structures most primarily the liver. Unfortunately drinking is seen as a socially acceptable behavior with humans and so, excessive drinking is often caught too late or not called out at all. These humans may drink from the beginning to the end of the day and will build up a tolerance to alcohol amounts that would kill another human. They build up an immunity to the point where they need larger and larger doses to feel the same effects. They will often neglect their social connections including friends and family for a chance with the bottle.
This is the same with other illicit drugs, which may have even more severe effects on the person and my lead to drug induced psychosis. Both substances are highly addictive to the point where a human may commit horrible acts like murder, robbery, etc to get the drugs that they crave. This is usually in response to some sort of mental anguish they are trying to drown out but may be related to them becoming hooked on drugs they needed after surgery. On rare occasions, this behavior began in conjunction with destructive social behaviors which lead them down into a spiral.
Excessive partying is often paired with drug use and an increased amount of intimate partners. Many humans who have fallen into this spiral might refuse to admit that they are spiraling at all. Generally limited use of a substance can be acceptable for a human, but there are plenty of other chemicals that should not be consumed at all.
There are even some drugs that are known to be mild on the user but may cause emotional dependence. These drugs are not known to cause physical dependance, but the human can convince themselves that they require the drug to function emotionally during the day and will neglect their family, friends and lives in order to spend more time with their drug of choice Again you will see the withdrawal from social contacts as an extreme warning sign in humans.
Sleeping too much or not sleeping at all:
A human getting enough sleep is important for their mental health but sleeping too much is proven to throw off circadian rhythms and increase chances of depression or worsening depression. Humans require an amount of sleep that is no more or no less than what they need. Many humans will claim to not be getting enough sleep because they feel tired, when in reality their oversleeping causes grogginess and reduced amount of energy though it might seem counter intuitive. On the other hand, humans might refuse to sleep at all, instead occupying their time with some other activity. It is important to remember though that an inability to sleep might also be insomnia, and the human has no choices in the matter. I find that humans, in general, are horrible at regulating a proper healthy sleep schedule.
Participation in dangerous hobbies:
Now, I understand that this is common for many humans and does not indicate self-destructive behavior, but I would consider noting when a human suddenly involves themselves in dangerous hobbies after not participating for a long time, especially when that human is not careful and doesn’t take time to properly consider safety protocols.
Another very common one is humans causing intentional physical harm to themselves. This comes in levels of severity, and I would say that most humans do this to some degree or another. Often these are connected to nervous ticks or even learned behaviors from childhood. This can include, picking scabs, biting nails, picking at the skin of the thumbs or the lips, pilling hair, and biting the inside of the cheeks. These smaller behaviors are usually minor and do not require attention, they may cause scarring but are not generally connected to extreme mental anguish.
However, these behaviors can escalate dramatically to the use of knives and razors. This behavior is EXTREMELY maladaptive and indicates severe mental anguish and trauma and must be addressed immediately. These behaviors might escalate and be linked to loss of life by the human's own hand. I have not witnessed this personally, and I never intend to as I keep a very close eye on my humans.
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submitted by maximusaemilius to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:14 cosmicmuffin45 Do I respond to getting ghosted from a long term (1.5y) casual relationship?

TL:DR A guy and I have been in a casual relationship for a year and a half. Recently, I told him I wanted something deeper with him. He responded that he wasn’t looking for a relationship due to being closeted, but really liked me, and started hanging out with me more than he ever has after the conversation. I texted him last night asking to hang, and he ghosted me while presumably hooking up with someone else on grindr. I am still left on delivered and don’t know whether to respond to the ghosting. He meant a lot to me and i’m heartbroken, and I don’t think what I have to say will change anything, but I just want him to know how I feel for closure.
I (22M) met this guy about a year and a half ago, and I knew from the beginning he was the one I wanted. It started with one date, and then was extremely inconsistent for about a year afterwards. He was getting over his ex so I gave him space and tried to keep my options open, but could never stop thinking about him. Now caught up in present times (around march), he reached out to me and we hung out, and I told him that I was looking for something deeper with him and that I wanted to be with him. He said he wasn’t looking for a relationship because his previous relationship with his ex boyfriend was extremely hard to do while both were closeted, and it wasn’t worth it. He told me he really liked me and was keeping the door open, but it wasn’t something he was willing to do at the moment. I was conflicted because usually when people say they aren’t looking for a relationship it means they just aren’t interested, but in this case his reasoning seemed extremely valid. If he said he was too busy or some shit I would’ve took the hint, but then again even with the response I received I was still going to try to move on.
After that conversation, he then started hitting me up quicker than he ever has before and we were basically hanging out almost every week (5 times in about 6 weeks). So one would assume at this point he was telling the truth and did actually like me. I thought that he did desire a relationship with me, but his hard circumstances just genuinely prevented him from doing so.
But then 3 weeks passed and we are now caught up to present day, and I was getting worried because it’s been the longest we have been without seeing each other since I had that conversation with him. I got anxious and downloaded grindr to see if he was on, and he was and my heart sank to my stomach. I instantly texted him on snap to see if he was free to see what he was going to say, not necessarily because I even wanted to hook up at that point, I just panicked and did not know what to do. My friend was also on grindr and messaged him for me to see what he was going to say, and he asked my friend for his snap. He added my friend on a dl snap account which I had no idea he had (I have his real snap), and he was flirting with my friend. My friend instantly blocked him and relayed the info to me. I then checked back on grindr and his location changed to 15 miles away at midnight, so I know he was with someone else. This whole time I have been left on delivered with no response.
I am absolutely heartbroken and in so much shock. I knew after that conversation in March that it may never lead to a relationship, but I just thought that I had enough security with him to where that would be something we could talk about when the day comes. The thing that hurts the most is I actually planned on telling him that I had to let him go because my feelings were too strong the next time we hung out, but now I fear I may never get that. Now i’m just wondering if I respond to this ghosting over snap, and explain what I planned to say to him in person, or if I just block and move on. I’d rather explain how I feel just for a little bit of closure. I know it’s probably not going to change anything, but I care way too much to block. I want him to know how much he meant to me, even if it doesn’t change anything. Thanks
submitted by cosmicmuffin45 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:12 Usual_Afternoon8869 AITAH for wanting my bf to wait for me during walks and bike rides?

My boyfriend (35m) tends to walk fast and slightly ahead of me (25f). When we hike or walk the dogs or ride our bikes, he goes well ahead of me and sometimes we're not even within visual range anymore. If we're walking down the street and we reach a corner and have to make a turn, he steps in front of me and cuts me off. I have asked him several times to please stop doing this, and he just ignores me.
Yesterday he asked me to go bike riding, which we did. At some point, we were about 15 minutes away from home (we live pretty much across the street from each other) when it started to rain. It wasn't pouring, but he started riding so fast I could barely keep up. We reached a place where you have to push the bike uphill, then lift it up and carry it up the stairs, then cross a bridge. He just went up with his bike, full speed, not once looking back at me to check if I was alright. I was struggling to carry my bike. I mean, I can normally handle this, but I'm not that fast, I can't keep up with him hurrying.
By the time I reached the top of the stairs, he was already back on his bike and had already crossed the bridge. I tried shouting to him to wait for me, but he didn't even glance back. We were 5 minutes away from home. When he didn't wait for me, I decided to go down a different street to get home. We reached my home at the exact same time though.
I live on the forth floor, and there's no elevator, so he offered to carry my bike to my doorstep, as he usually does. I asked him to leave me alone cause I can handle this on my own. He followed me to my door, and there I told him why I was upset, because he never waits for me.
His excuse was that it was starting to rain and he didn't want to get wet. I said ok, but how about me? I feel like you're telling me that you don't care what happens to me, if I'm not strong enough or fast enough to avoid the rain then that's my problem, not yours. I understand you don't want to get rained on, but what about me? You never waiting for me upsets me and makes me feel like you don't care. His response was: well, I asked you to go bike riding, didn't I? I could've gone alone, but I wanted us to go together. What's your problem then? I said ok, maybe you don't even realize what you're doing, maybe it's the fact that I'm used to checking up on the people I hang out with, make sure everyone is alright, nobody gets left behind, everyone is enjoying it, nobody is struggling.
He didn't apologize, didn't show understanding. If I were him, I would've immediately said I'm sorry, I'll try to stick with you and walk or ride slower from now on. But that's just me. Now I feel like I'm being way too sensitive. He is upset and hasn't reached out since yesterday. I'm not a whiny little girl who can't do anything on her own or can't keep up with other people and is always crying and complaining. I can definitely carry my own weight and don't need to be pampered or anything. It's just that I have my own pace, and I would love for him to try and adjust a little for me.
Am I the asshole?
submitted by Usual_Afternoon8869 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:12 Other-Cantaloupe4765 Asshole refuses to move his motorcycles out of the way, so I kicked his ass out. His GF returned to throw a screaming fit.

Like many hotels, at the front of our building we have sort of a covered arch in front of our main entrance. The area where people park temporarily while they check in and unload their luggage before moving it to an actual parking space. That thing. Whatever it’s called.
Earlier in the afternoon, a man came inside to check in. He was very nice and respectful. He asked if it would be okay for him to park his motorcycle outside under the arch for the night as long as he keeps it out of the way. I glanced outside to see where it was. It was just a small motorcycle, and he had it parked flush against the edge of this area, so I said that was fine as long as it stayed there and wasn’t obstructing traffic in any way.
Great, end of story, right? Wrong! A few hours later, David checks in with his gf. They have two wide motorcycles, and each one has a bigass trailer attached to the back of it. They parked them both under the unloading area outside. I figured that they’d move them since they were obviously blocking a lot of traffic trying to get through. If a truck or RV couldn’t get through, how the hell is a fire truck or an ambulance supposed to get through?
They checked in, paid in cash, and went up to their room. When I next saw David walking through the lobby a few minutes later, I asked if he was planning to move the vehicles since they were obstructing others. He dismissed me and said, “maybe after the storm. I’ll think about it.”
Bitch what? He’d already gotten in the elevator, so I waited a few minutes. I got two guest complaints about not being able to get their cars through the arch. So after speaking to those guests and apologizing, I called Dave’s room. Twice. No answer. I called his cellphone. He answered. I said I’d gotten multiple complaints and that I needed him to please come down and move the vehicles. He said fine, he’d be down in a few minutes.
He did come down after a few minutes. He did go outside. But idk what he did out there because he most certainly did not move the vehicles. Ten minutes later I see him walk through the lobby, but a guest was coming in at that time, so I couldn’t catch him. The guest complained about the two large bikes outside. David walked through the lobby again a couple minutes later to go back outside.
After another five minutes, he came back in, and I caught him before he got in the elevator. I asked him to move the bikes as soon as possible. He said he wasn’t moving shit. I said, “you need to move them soon, please.”
“Tell ya what, you get the other guy to move his bike first, and then I’ll think about moving mine.”
“I need you to move them soon, please.”
He ignored me and went up to his room.
I had a couple things to do in the meantime, but after 15 minutes without him moving the bikes, I called his room. He picked up by saying “what?”
“I’ve asked you nicely multiple times. Now I’m telling you that you either move the vehicles somewhere else or you find another place to stay.”
“How about I come down to the desk and you give me my money back.”
“Great.” And I hung up. I got the correct amount out of the drawer and paper clipped it for whenever he got down to the desk.
He arrived and I held out his money to him. He didn’t take it. He said, “I want to speak to your manager now.”
“My manager isn’t here right now. You need to leave.” and I sort of shook my outstretched hand as an emphasis of ‘take your money and gtfo.’
“Well then give me their cellphone number because I’m calling them right now.”
“You can call the hotel tomorrow. Right now you need to leave.”
“This is fucking bullshit. If one person can park out front, you have to let everyone park out front. You can’t pick and choose. It’s not fair.”
Oh grow the fuck up 🙄 They aren’t obstructing traffic. They asked permission. They were here hours before you showed up. Gtfo of here with that iT’s NoT fAiR bullshit. If someone leaves their car or truck out front, I call and ask them to move it, too. Why? Because it’s obstructing traffic.
So he got his shit together and left with his gf. I went upstairs to check the room, worried he’d trashed it out of spite. There was garbage thrown on the floor, but other than that it was fine. One of them left their pillow behind, so I grabbed that and took it downstairs to the office figuring that they’d be back for it later.
An hour later, GF stops at the desk and says “I want my fucking pillow back.”
I got up and noticed the elevator was still open, so obviously she’d snuck in a side door and tried to go up to the room. I asked her to return the keys. She threw them at me and said, “it’s not like it fucking matters if you have the keys, since you can change the code whenever the fuck you want.”
I just looked at her, unimpressed, and didn’t say anything. I handed her the pillow. She turned to leave but, after a few steps, she turned around, flipped me off, and screamed, “FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU, AND FUCK [hotel brand]! I’M LEAVING A BIG REVIEW FOR YOU, ASSHOLE.”
I just said, “good!” Like yeah, leave a review, bitch. I dare you.
Pissed me off so much. Worst part is, when I came in the next day, the front office manager said, “well, you must’ve done something to provoke them. You must’ve raised your voice or swore at them to make them act like that.”
Excuse me? I did not. “Well you have to think about it from their point of view. They probably felt like you were being rude to them. And the cameras don’t have sound, so we [managers] can’t really know what happened.”
Uh, yes you can, because I fucking told you. What, a lady calls you a bitch in passing and she goes on the DNR list that same hour, but this woman screams “fuck you” at me in the middle of the lobby and suddenly it’s “you must’ve provoked her, we don’t know what actually happened.”
I said I’d rather quit than work a job where management allows guests to act like that to their employees. She told me to take it up with the GM if I didn’t like it. So I did. I sent him a long email supported by examples. I said I won’t continue to work there unless the disparity in how situations are handled based on whether they happen to management vs employees is resolved. I took an extra day off. Actually got a better paying job offer too. My GM said we’ll discuss the email in person on Friday. If he takes the guest’s side, I’m taking the other job. Suck it.
submitted by Other-Cantaloupe4765 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:11 Same-Stay-8834 I don't want my mom to stay with me anymore

This is mostly to vent on a throwaway. I'm (29m) still trying to unpack these feelings and work on this in therapy, but my mother (53f) is beginning to really affect my mental health in a negative way.
Some background on my mother - She is an extrovert. She works in mostly medical environments. She is diagnosed ADHD but has not been taking her medication. She is several years divorced from my father. Her and I have not been the best communicators but when things are good they're really good and we reciprocate each other's love and energy. I have a growing fear there are certain things I'll never really get to talk to her about because of how she handles other things I've brought up in the past. Several months ago, she had fallen on some hard times and was in the process of losing her job. She decided to live with me to get on her feet, and that in and of itself was a difficult discussion to have with her. I found out this was her decision when my brother mentioned on a call that she lost her job and she told him she was just going to stay with me "for a couple months". My mother did not make me aware of these plans, and never asked me if I would be okay with it. Of course I felt extremely guilty because it wasn't in me to turn her away. I think I just would've appreciated some consideration for the space she takes up. I think my initial reaction was not one of immediate support, but more of "I wish you asked me first". I recognize I often find myself "triggered" by these types of situations and it is something I truly want to work on.
Some background on me - I am an introvert. I work remotely. I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and others tell me I exhibit a lot of traits of autism, and I'm inclined to believe them, although I know how much those terms get thrown around on the internet. I like my space. I like my peace. I can get triggered by miscommunication mishaps and certain repeating comments and/or patterns. It can be very hard for me to read social queues and maintain relationships. I struggle with this often.
I don't want to point too much blame onto her, that's not what this post is about, but I think my mother has unintentionally caused me to feel even worse with my disorders. Since she's been living with me I've been a lot more distracted, a lot more angry about certain things, and lot less clean. I have not had any desire to go out and do anything knowing that someone is in my home who also wants to do the same. When I bring these up in a somewhat decent and mature way, it always ends with us arguing or me raising my voice because I feel like she's deflecting any and all responsibility for things she says and does. In that initial argument about her staying with me, she claimed I wasn't supporting her losing her job (I started the call talking about her job and how she was feeling), claimed that I was turning her away (I wouldn't have, but I felt weird about her sharing her decision with other people in my family and not me where it applies), and claimed I would've charged her rent (I have not and do not intend to do that). She often rebuttals with bringing up the short period of time I stayed with her after graduating college when I had no money and no job. I feel she glosses over the difference in that I had asked her if she would be okay with it. I knew that I would take up energy and space, that she may want to bring boyfriends and dates but can't because her son lives with her. I would've completely respected and honored her decision if she didn't feel comfortable with it. But she said yes because "that's what moms do". I love her for that, but I feel she unfairly applied this type of expectation to me as well.
I think that is the center of a lot of our more recent arguments. The lack of consideration from her or her recognizing any fault in how she makes me feel when she's here, is beginning to really eat away at me and my mental health. I've unhealthily learned to shut down and not say much when she's here because I feel it's not going to lead to anything good or productive for both of us. I feel my mother lives in her own world where everything is good and not worthy of "fighting over" and things should "move on quickly" and I'm just not wired that way at all. I believe a good part of life is to be real with people even when there are things that are hard to talk about. I feel this difference is causing us to drift apart more and more. I don't want to speak on all the details of everything we argued over, but I feel she just won't ever get it. I know she probably feels the same to some extent.
My lease ends in a couple months and I've been considering moving to a place that is smaller so that I could be on my own again. I've also considered the possibility that this may end up turning into something more than just needing some space, and it might be time to reconsider the extent of our relationship. I've felt mountains of guilt over this, because I'm an emotional person and I do think about who I'm hurting in these situations, much less the woman who gave life to me. I'm struggling on what to do to salvage our relationship while also making both of us happy. Any help from this community will be taken into consideration and I do appreciate you reading all this.
TLDR: Mother (53f) is living with me (29m) due to losing a job. We often argue over our differences of the concept of consideration for each other. I struggle mentally when she's around because it feels like she deflects many of what I feel are my basic needs. I don't think this is intentional as we're from two different cultures and generations. Lease is coming up and I've considered moving away from her and feel a lot of guilt whether to do it or not, and I'm considering any help.
submitted by Same-Stay-8834 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:06 Abuecom Best Meta Scaling Strategy for 2024

Cost caps are the perfect tool for scaling - but the protection they provide during turbulent times is just as important.
You don’t need an economics degree to realize that sales are low right now.
Unless you’re selling seasonal products - sales are pretty much at the lowest point they will be throughout the year.
Traffic quality is poor, conversion rates are on the floor & CPAs are all over the place.
The ecom gurus that miraculously became crypto gurus (overnight) have now lost their whole portfolio
But take it from someone eight years deep in the game - times are tough right now & it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.
It happens every year.
Luckily, it’s not all doom & gloom…
In fact, trust me when I say this:
It’s the perfect time to build.
Q4 is not too far away. Now is the time to lock tf in so you can reap bigger rewards as the year progresses.
Think about it like this:
If you knew a crypto coin was GUARANTEED to 10x at the end of the year - wouldn’t you do everything in your power to accumulate as much as possible?
Damn right you would.
Well, ecom is the most predictable market in the world. The start of the year is average, the middle of the year is terrible & the end of the year is great.
I don’t understand how people haven’t caught on. The trend is obvious.
Your sole focus should be accumulating as much ecom equity as possible right now.
Cost caps are the perfect tool for doing so.
If you set your cost cap at profitable levels, you know that your CPAs will always be protected - so you don’t have to worry about Meta/sales being unstable.
Instead, you can shift your focus towards maximizing spend - in order to generate as much profitable volume as possible.
To be honest, this should be your goal all the time - but it’s particularly important right now.
Maximize your spend through new creatives, new offers & learning how to leverage Meta’s machine to your advantage.
Then, as soon as the market starts to pick up - your ad spend will automatically 5/10x & your profits will go through the roof.
That’s why cost controls are so powerful - they adapt to the market.
Think about it - if you can make it work when market conditions are tough, imagine how easy it is when the market is in your favor.
The thing is, everyone is a genius in a bull market.
Running a profitable store in Q4 really isn’t that hard.
The reason all the low-cost agency dorks have gone so quiet (at this time of year) is because their gimmicky media buying strategies have been exposed as facades.
For example, CPMs are down right now & so are CPCs. In Q4, these dorks didn’t shut up about optimizing for low CPCs.
Well, guess what - CPCs are at their lowest right now & all their ads are failing.
I tried to warn them - but they were too busy adopting BS media buying strategies (to make it look like they know what they’re doing, when in reality, they don’t) to listen.
Ecom isn’t easy right now - but if you can build robust systems to profit through bearish times, then you’re in for a real treat when things start to pick back up.
You shouldn’t feel de-motivated that sales are down right now - you should feel motivated that now is the perfect time to build.
Remember, you can still be very profitable at this time of year - especially with cost caps - you will just be making 5/10x more in Q4.
Good luck & happy scaling.
submitted by Abuecom to dropshipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:06 purplebutterfly111 In three days my grandpa died, my grandma is dying, and my brother attacked me

I have been doing good bc of my new medications
I am afraid I’m going to fall into a deep darkness
My grandpa died today, he suffered in the hospital for months , and today he died
My grandmas dementia has taken over and she broke her hip and now is super sick and she might die
And my younger brother.. he has bipolar schizoaffective and he’s always been off. He’s very harsh and there were years we didn’t talk to each other. He is delusional, he says lies and delusions he told me once he killed a homeless person when he was 13, that never happened , he told me he was raped by an elderly lady in a psych ward that never happened you constantly are under watch and that doesn’t even make sense. He used to be so mean to me just so nasty and blames me for our childhood all the things I did wrong he says I abused him but I never did, I never did! Hes always been this way in highschool his teachers hated them bc he would be defiant rude. His arrogance is overwhelming. But he’s my brother and I love him. We eventually mended our relationship ship and the past two years we have been on good terms.
But the thing is, I always try not to disagree with him, or say anything he doesn’t like bc if I do he becomes hostile , angry and nasty. So I just avoid saying things and if he gets mad I just try to be neutral so he doesn’t escalate. There is something so dark about him, he is off. Even his work they said he is “blunt” which aka means an asshole. But I love him, we went to visit grandpa in the hospital just three weeks ago and we really bonded.
So yesterday my dad not only is losing his father but he just found out that he’s not his biological father. They lied to him his whole life but he loves his dad and he’s been in the hospital sleeping there for weeks.
So last night he came over to tell us that. He had me and my brother sit down, and we were on the opposite ends of the couch. My dad was talking and I interrupted him. Then my brother yelled in a nasty tone “oh my god SHUT UP!!” Usually I avoid conflict with him but I said firmly “Don’t talk to me that way!” And then I said it again and he got up, walked over and lunged at me. I was sitting down. I was scared. I punched and kicked to get him off at one point he grabbed my throat and then he pushed me face down on the couch holding me down hurting me and screaming. My parents ran over to break it up and he was screaming at me I’ve hated you my whole life, you abused me, you ruined all of our lives. Then he said I abused him as a child which I never did! Then he said I tied him up with jump rope and kicked him and tortured him??? That never happened!
I’ve been living with my parents this past two years bc my bipolar was out of control. They’ve been helping me financially and finally my meds are working after years and I was planning to get a job once my medication was adjusted. I feel insecure about this and feel like a burden.
Well my brother screamed at me that I am a leech and I’ve taken our parents emotionally hostage because they are afraid I will kill myself. He got me where it hurts. After this all happened my parents said they are not emotionally hostage and that they know I’m struggle and they want to help bc that’s what family does.
Our relationship will never be the same and I’m done , something is so off with him. He believes these delusions.
Also, I have bad PTSD from my ex who was violent and tried to kill me. The last time a man lunged at me , my ex strangled me until I passed out. Having my brother lung at me, brought me back , and triggered my PTSD , I spent the night last night hyperventilating with flashbacks rocking back and forth in my bathroom. I also self harmed.
And my poor parents witnessed this, my mom cried herself to sleep last night. My brother called her and said that he’s never felt part of the family , and asked her to send this important thing to him and then said after that he was going to block her. He must of said they don’t care or something bc I heard her on the phone crying “I don’t want to be blocked… what about our actions? We try so hard to help you “
My dad was literally sitting us down to tell him our grandpa isn’t our biological bonfire and then that happened. My dad is not okay. And then he had to deal with this.
That was last night, I’ve been with my mom all day and we got the call today that my grandpa is dead.
How can I handle this? How can I survive this? I am so devastated and heartbroken
submitted by purplebutterfly111 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 SamWalLive BBC News replied to my complaint on the ICJ Rafah ruling

Just thought I would post this in case it is of interest to anybody here! I had been following the ruling on 24/05 when the ruling was released and commented (I can't link the post apparently, but it's a / Destiny post called "ICJ demads halting of Rafah offensive", linking to the Guardian) that the news articles seemed to be going further than the orders in the ruling (Order of 24 May 2024).
Article I complained about: Top UN court orders Israel to stop Rafah offensive
My complaint sent on 24/05 @ 18:00 BST:
Widespread misunderstanding of court order
All coverage, including this article, seem to misunderstand the order from the court. The quote "immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah" is out of context.
A more full quote states: "Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part"
The order seems to be saying that the offensive must be halted, if it could bring about the destruction of Palestinians. It does not say that it has reached this point that the offensive must be halted.
I think this comes as the court is working under the genocide convention. They are simply stating the Israel must follow the convention and halt and offensives that can cause destruction (genocide)
The dissenting opinions seem to agree with this interpretation, with Sebutinde (paragraph 2) noting:
"Regrettably, the wording of the Court’s directive in operative clause 57, paragraph (2) (a), ordering Israel to “halt its military offensive . . . in the Rafah Governorate”, is susceptible to ambiguity and could be misunderstood or misconstrued as ordering an indefinite, unilateral ceasefire, thereby exemplifying an untenable overreach on the part of the Court. In my understanding, the objective of the Court is to order Israel to suspend its military offensive in Rafah only in so far as such suspension is necessary to prevent the bringing about of conditions of life that could bring about the destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza. In my view, a suspension of Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, whether temporary or indefinite, has no link to South Africa’s plausible rights or Israel’s obligations under the Genocide Convention, as required by Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and its associated jurisprudence."
There seems to be a widespread misunderstanding of the order
Their response on 28/05 @ 22:22 BST
Thanks for contacting us about the BBC News website.
We recognise your concerns about the report ‘Top UN court orders Israel to stop Rafah offensive’.
Let us assure you that we are committed to due impartiality. Across our news output, we have attempted to explain the latest developments in the Israel-Gaza war in clear and unbiased terms.
In the case of this report, Raffi Berg’s article did highlight the part of the judgement which stated that Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah Governorate which could bring about “the physical destruction” of the Palestinians.
We also included the response from Israel’s National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi who said that his country “has not and will not carry out military operations in the Rafah area that create living conditions that could cause the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population, in whole or in part”.
A subsequent report by our Home and Legal correspondent Dominic Casciani has looked at the disagreements between some of the ICJ judges on what the ruling means. You can read this via the link below:
Finally, we very much value your feedback. Complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC. This ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly, and helps to inform decisions about current and future content.
If you’d like to understand how your complaint is handled at the BBC, you might find it helpful to watch this short film It explains the BBC’s process for responding to complaints and how we share the feedback we receive.
Thanks once again for getting in touch.
I will note that the new article linked was published on 28/05 @ 20:45, 1 hr 40 before their response. I would think that this new article is their response to complaints. It's pretty disappointing to see what I read as a correction not in the original article still. They are presenting it as if it is new news, but it is based off what they are partially responsible for with the original article. They are kind of responding to 'hotly disputed wording' that they are responsible for
The reason I wrote the complaint is that it seems that the same problem has come up again. The first ruling in this case there was a huge general misunderstanding of what was found to be plausible to do with genocide, people seemed to come away thinking that the court said that genocide was likely taking place, (instead it's plausible that Palestinians can be protected under the genocide convention, in this case from South Africa.)
Now we see that people think the court said that Israel have to halt all military activity in Rafah, but it seems like the order only reiterates that Israel must stop activities that will lead to destruction/genocide, which they always must do.
I also contacted the AP for their article Top UN court orders Israel to halt military offensive in Rafah, though Israel is unlikely to comply but have not yet received a reply
submitted by SamWalLive to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 chaoticDreemur It's not the fact that he didn't outright say anything

I've been reading a lot of the posts on here as I've watched more of this show (currently on a second rewatch) and I understand a lot of the hate on here is directed at Derek, Owen, and a few others. I don't disagree with a lot of the points people make on both sides of the argument, but I wanted to write a post myself because there was one point someone made that kinda got me thinking and eventually made me want to say something. As the show goes on through seasons 6-8, Derek and Meredith's relationship slowly falls apart and it culminates in the tampering of the Alzheimer's trial at the end of season 7. I want to state this from the start:
I think he had every right to be not only pissed off at Meredith, but to need time for himself. She went and swapped the drugs (the reason doesn't matter), lied to everyone, and then played the victim when she got caught. She committed a crime and got "fired" for all of 30 seconds before Webber covered for her and got her her job back. And this does happen a lot in the show, so I get his frustration. Meredith never faced real consequences at least through the first ten seasons and continued to get looser and looser with the rules because of it. There's no doubt about that.
However, the point I saw on one of the s8 posts that I heavily disagreed with was someone defending Derek's actions in the beginning of s8 because a lot of the time, people misquote him or put words in his mouth that he didn't say. Like him calling Meredith a bad mother. Or in s2 where everyone says he called her a whore. He didn't. But that doesn't make what he does in either situation okay. Derek as a person loves to imply but never outright say it. And it's simply a way for him to avoid being called the bad guy. He can't be because well, Meredith implied it and he just went with it. Right? That's the problem to me.
At the end of season 7, Meredith and Derek fight over what happened.
DEREK: I don't know how to raise a child with someone who doesn't understand that there's a right and wrong in the world.
MEREDITH: So, now I'm gonna be a bad mother. That's where we're going with this?
DEREK: You've been saying it for weeks. Maybe you're right.
DEREK: I just... I just need some time to think. Some space.
Yeah. The words "you are a bad mother" never leaves his mouth or even comes to the tip of his tongue. But the problem is that someone who actually cares about the person they're supposed to love, regardless of what happened, wouldn't go along with it.
"You've been saying it for weeks. Maybe you're right."
I get it. Meredith says it herself that she doesn't see the world as just black and white and that raises concerns for Derek as a father because he's thinking: "how can someone raise a kid like this?" And again, I do believe he has every right to be pissed at her and upset with her because she ruined his reputation, the hospital's reputation, Webber's reputation (although you could realistically chalk that one up to himself, not Meredith because he without asking anyone lied and took the blame for her. She herself even was taken aback by this), and eventually led to him getting blackballed from trials because of what she did. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of people who now will never benefit from the drug because of what she did. But I still do not like Derek in these episodes because of how he responds to her personally.
He has no right to imply she's a bad mother. He doesn't know how she'd be as a mother because they hadn't gotten Zola yet. And when the social worker starts having questions and concerns, he blames her. She makes it worse eventually by taking Zola and running, but at the start he's the one who moved out. That immediately halves their chances, if not outright ruins them altogether. And yeah, she lied to the social worker which makes things worse. But Meredith clearly doesn't know what the SW knows and doesn't want to make anything worse by saying things Derek hadn't gotten to say yet first. And either way, someone who is pissed off like that would go downstairs, another room in the house, whatever. And I believe he never told the social worker either because she finds out from a nurse when they're in the day care center. Yet he still blames Meredith.
And in S2, he chose Addison and that's fine. But he gets upset and jealous once she starts dating Finn. That's where the "he called her a whore" discussion begins.
MEREDITH: I should have never told you about George.
DEREK: No, it's fine. I'm glad I know about him and the vet. You really get around.
MEREDITH: What did you just say to me?
DEREK: It's unforgivable.
MEREDITH: : I don't remember ever asking you to forgive me.
DEREK: So was the knitting a phase? Who's next? Alex? 'Cause I here he likes to sleep around. You two have that in common.
MEREDITH: "You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done! All the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cares? I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore."
DEREK: "This thing with us is finished. It's over."
MEREDITH: "Finally."
DEREK: "Yeah, it's done."
MEREDITH: "It is done."
Again, the words "you're a whore" never leave his mouth. But he pokes and prods like he has the right. He pushes her buttons over and over. Derek has moments where if he handled them like an adult, he'd come out on top. S2 was not one of them, but the Alzheimer's trial definitely could have been. The problem isn't that I feel bad for Meredith because she's perfect and McDreamy is just McDouchy. My problem with Derek Shepherd in these examples (and I'm sure there's more) is that he consistently implies what Meredith then picks up on or goes along with what she implies first and then expects to be seen as the peacemaker or the good guy. He may love her, sure. But you don't do things like this to someone you love. You don't find ways to tear them down without having to be seen as a manipulator or an abuser.
I also know this may be a hot take. It just bothers me. Her tampering with the trial is unexcusable. But if he really wanted out after that, get a freaking divorce. Don't hold her by the throat and say you need space and then tear her down and berate her every chance you get.
submitted by chaoticDreemur to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:04 Abuecom Best meta scaling strategy of 2024

Cost caps are the perfect tool for scaling - but the protection they provide during turbulent times is just as important.
You don’t need an economics degree to realize that sales are low right now.
Unless you’re selling seasonal products - sales are pretty much at the lowest point they will be throughout the year.
Traffic quality is poor, conversion rates are on the floor & CPAs are all over the place.
The ecom gurus that miraculously became crypto gurus (overnight) have now lost their whole portfolios & the space is eerily quiet.
But take it from someone eight years deep in the game - times are tough right now & it’s only going to get worse before it gets better.
It happens every year.
Luckily, it’s not all doom & gloom…
In fact, trust me when I say this:
It’s the perfect time to build.
Q4 is not too far away. Now is the time to lock tf in so you can reap bigger rewards as the year progresses.
Think about it like this:
If you knew a crypto coin was GUARANTEED to 10x at the end of the year - wouldn’t you do everything in your power to accumulate as much as possible?
Damn right you would.
Well, ecom is the most predictable market in the world. The start of the year is average, the middle of the year is terrible & the end of the year is great.
I don’t understand how people haven’t caught on. The trend is obvious.
Your sole focus should be accumulating as much ecom equity as possible right now.
Cost caps are the perfect tool for doing so.
If you set your cost cap at profitable levels, you know that your CPAs will always be protected - so you don’t have to worry about Meta/sales being unstable.
Instead, you can shift your focus towards maximizing spend - in order to generate as much profitable volume as possible.
To be honest, this should be your goal all the time - but it’s particularly important right now.
Maximize your spend through new creatives, new offers & learning how to leverage Meta’s machine to your advantage.
Then, as soon as the market starts to pick up - your ad spend will automatically 5/10x & your profits will go through the roof.
That’s why cost controls are so powerful - they adapt to the market.
Think about it - if you can make it work when market conditions are tough, imagine how easy it is when the market is in your favor.
The thing is, everyone is a genius in a bull market.
Running a profitable store in Q4 really isn’t that hard.
The reason all the low-cost agency dorks have gone so quiet (at this time of year) is because their gimmicky media buying strategies have been exposed as facades.
For example, CPMs are down right now & so are CPCs. In Q4, these dorks didn’t shut up about optimizing for low CPCs.
Well, guess what - CPCs are at their lowest right now & all their ads are failing.
I tried to warn them - but they were too busy adopting BS media buying strategies (to make it look like they know what they’re doing, when in reality, they don’t) to listen.
Ecom isn’t easy right now - but if you can build robust systems to profit through bearish times, then you’re in for a real treat when things start to pick back up.
You shouldn’t feel de-motivated that sales are down right now - you should feel motivated that now is the perfect time to build.
Remember, you can still be very profitable at this time of year - especially with cost caps - you will just be making 5/10x more in Q4.
Good luck & happy scaling.
submitted by Abuecom to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:03 Accomplished-Chef259 dad died and idk how to feel

i’m a 22 y/o female. on may 13th, i got a call that my father had unexpectedly passed away at his job. We were not on good terms when he passed and hadn’t been speaking for 2 weeks prior to him passing. But the plot thickens.
When I was in 3rd grade I started to attend the grade school that he worked at. I would obviously tell people that he was my dad bc he was. But he would deny me being his child to all of my friends. At 8, I was bringing pictures to school to prove to people he was actually my father. Fast Forward, He started to say I actually was but that experience always left a weird taste in my mouth. In 5th grade, I met a friend, let’s say her same is Denny. Denny and I were very close in grade school. Her mother would take us to the movies, out to eat etc. It casually came up that my dad was my dad. She started to ask me an array of questions and my friend later told me that he was married. I said “No him and my mom aren’t married” and then she sends me a picture of him and a women with the caption congratulating them on 30 year vow renewal.
After this, my mom and I pressed him about it. He said he was actually in the wedding and it was a misunderstanding. He was definitely NOT married. And we believed him. Time went on and something was always in the back of my head. So from 6th grade on to my senior year of highschool this kept going. Until my senior year of HS. The same friend sent me a picture of my father on a trip to Vegas with the same woman from the previous pictures. So we’re calling him and he’s not answering and now everything is out… or so we thought. He finally comes clean and says he has been married for almost 40 something years. He described his marriage as being loveless and something he got into when he was young. Something that he was stuck in for appearance purposes. This forever scarred our relationship because he had multiple times to come clean but decided not to and then I found out he not only had a wife but 2 sons who were older than me, I had nieces and nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, an entire family that I had been kept secret from.
I decided to reach out to his wife via facebook and tell her that I was his daughter. I sent him a picture of us and she sent me a picture of their marriage license. And this is where a lot of things go to shit. He calls my mom freaking out claiming that he was in the hospital due to a gunshot wound from one of his family members blaming ME for getting him shot and saying that I shouldn’t have opened my mouth about what had been going on and I was dealing with some very dangerous people. He then proceeds to tell me that I shouldn’t have sent them any pictures of myself because they were now looking for me in order to harm me. Had me scared traveling to school my senior year for like a week. He then shows up at the house on a random day to yell at me and make me feel bad for reaching out to the wife and constantly telling me that his situation has nothing to do with me. He then gives me an ultimatum at 17 y/o that says that he would walk out my life and id never see him again i’d just have to give him to say so. That broke me and made me feel discardable.
After finding this out, I played nice for months not fully grasping everything that was going on. I then left and went to college for 4 years. Our relationship was always up and down. My father was around but not around. It was always a weird dynamic. Always at the most important events. Graduation, prom, anything that he deemed important. Always the center of attention. We got along, could talk for hours but we butted heads ferociously.
When I came back from college in 2023 summer, I had been going through a lot. We got closer because I started to see my parents as human beings that make mistakes and have their own flaws. I started using his extra house in the suburbs for a space me and my boyfriend could hang out, he would kick me out of there when his actual family would need to come over there. A lot of other things continued to happen but fast forward October 2023, He was sick in the hospital, passed out, had to be brought back to life, and I didn’t know abt it for a week. I was upset. I couldn’t go up to the hospital with risk of his family finding out about me even though I knew about them. No one told me anything. If that would’ve been his last moments I couldn’t have even been with him. It put yet another strain on our relationship. Our last argument was about what would happen if he dies, who would tell me? would i know? i’m hurt that you were in the hospital and I didn’t know and when i found out i still couldn’t be apart of it. 2 weeks later, he dies and my boyfriend tells me after his mom finding out from someone who worked at his job. I rush to the hospital where my dead dad is. I walk into a room full of his family by myself while his wife points me out saying “who are you” and I said “ok his daughter” then commotion breaks out and i’m ushered to go see him. I’m obviously emotional af seeing my dead father and dealing with all the extra shit that is to come.
A lot else has happened since but the gist of what has came out has been, he has atleast 4 more children i and the others were unaware of. The persons mail who i had been picking up and sorting at his house over the summer was actually one of his other women and not family members like he explained to me. He was a habitual liar and womanizer with multiple families and children. Textbook narcissist for sure. Idk how to feel. His host family (original family and the ones i knew about) is very welcoming and they have given me the very thing i’ve always wanted. Family. It’s so warming that I can’t be mad at my circumstances and I feel bad for it bc I lost my father at the end of the day. I don’t know how to process this grief. I don’t know how to feel given so much stuff i’m continuing to find out and having mixed feelings of the permeanace and never being able to talk again but on the other side, i know the truth and a lot more than I had imagined was going on. Thoughts?
submitted by Accomplished-Chef259 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:03 salamipope Help. i dont even know what to title this. Best friend love problems ? IT SUCKS.

Almost 10 years of friendship and i was deeply in love w her. Im 24m. I had to get over it and was successful. Took a few years to process it. She was my first love, its a very deeply woven friendship and bond and i found it excrutiating to take apart and audit. really didnt want to do that. But im scared she will realize that we would have been a great couple at some point because i honestly dont know how you couldnt catch feelings at least once in a friendship like ours.
We have these extremely satisfying conversations about our deepest selves. Weve both had really hard and traumatizing lives so these conversations can get super personal and emotionally vulnerable but theyre never ever hard to have with her. Our friendship is one where we talk about things that are so close to our hearts we would be baring our souls to talk about, too much for other people, but we love it. Its envigorating and sincerely interesting because we love each other. somehow it seems like we make each other laugh the whole way thru. How could that not be it? How could that not be the person i want to spend my life with, right?
I had to disillusion myself. It was agony to take the pieces of our friendship and love apart to audit. I fucking hated it. Felt like death. The colour drained out of the world. But i resigned myself. I cant change that she doesnt want me and i dont fucking want this. i want to live my goddamn life. I want a wife. I want kids. I want fulfillment. I want to be able to imagine ANYONE ELSE in her place in my head. But its been her for ages. I just grew used to the idea at some point i guess, once i realized she was the only person it wouldnt bother me to marry and id actually really have liked to be with her. You might think im jumping the gun sayign that and that is understandable, the idea came from a hypothetical question (just like the one im in now) wondering if i knew anyone i would like to marry just for the hell of it. And then i realized, thought nothing of it like an idiot, and a few yeaes later THAT was when it hit me that i loved her. What if she has a similar delay?
Everything is still too easy with her. I wonder and am scared that she will someday see what i have and itll be too fucking late. And it makes me fucking pissed. Angry to tears. I hate being pulled around. I hate being this guy. I wanted so badly for it to be different and i never once wanted to learn how to love this version of how my life would go once the hope died. But i did it anyway, so i wouldnt rot, and for the sake of the friendships and health i have. I realized that it was equally important to me that she just be happy and loved even if i wasnt the guy she ended up with. I admitted to myself that my perspective on it doesnt mean shit about the way she feels. Her dating me is not even slightly important if she can be happy on her own path and i would never interfere.
But god damn it. I would have been such a good man to her. She would have been so fucking loved. You should see the way we are and how much joy i get from showing up for her. I have so much devotion to give and no one and nowhere to give it to. It was RIGHT THERE! What if what if what if. Ugh. Fucking end me man.
Guys what am i supposed to do at this point. What direction should i be going in with myself to be happy and accept reality. I just cant do it on my own.
submitted by salamipope to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:02 Accomplished-Chef259 dad died and idk how to feel

i’m a 22 y/o female. on may 13th, i got a call that my father had unexpectedly passed away at his job. We were not on good terms when he passed and hadn’t been speaking for 2 weeks prior to him passing. But the plot thickens.
When I was in 3rd grade I started to attend the grade school that he worked at. I would obviously tell people that he was my dad bc he was. But he would deny me being his child to all of my friends. At 8, I was bringing pictures to school to prove to people he was actually my father. Fast Forward, He started to say I actually was but that experience always left a weird taste in my mouth. In 5th grade, I met a friend, let’s say her same is Denny. Denny and I were very close in grade school. Her mother would take us to the movies, out to eat etc. It casually came up that my dad was my dad. She started to ask me an array of questions and my friend later told me that he was married. I said “No him and my mom aren’t married” and then she sends me a picture of him and a women with the caption congratulating them on 30 year vow renewal.
After this, my mom and I pressed him about it. He said he was actually in the wedding and it was a misunderstanding. He was definitely NOT married. And we believed him. Time went on and something was always in the back of my head. So from 6th grade on to my senior year of highschool this kept going. Until my senior year of HS. The same friend sent me a picture of my father on a trip to Vegas with the same woman from the previous pictures. So we’re calling him and he’s not answering and now everything is out… or so we thought. He finally comes clean and says he has been married for almost 40 something years. He described his marriage as being loveless and something he got into when he was young. Something that he was stuck in for appearance purposes. This forever scarred our relationship because he had multiple times to come clean but decided not to and then I found out he not only had a wife but 2 sons who were older than me, I had nieces and nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, an entire family that I had been kept secret from.
I decided to reach out to his wife via facebook and tell her that I was his daughter. I sent him a picture of us and she sent me a picture of their marriage license. And this is where a lot of things go to shit. He calls my mom freaking out claiming that he was in the hospital due to a gunshot wound from one of his family members blaming ME for getting him shot and saying that I shouldn’t have opened my mouth about what had been going on and I was dealing with some very dangerous people. He then proceeds to tell me that I shouldn’t have sent them any pictures of myself because they were now looking for me in order to harm me. Had me scared traveling to school my senior year for like a week. He then shows up at the house on a random day to yell at me and make me feel bad for reaching out to the wife and constantly telling me that his situation has nothing to do with me. He then gives me an ultimatum at 17 y/o that says that he would walk out my life and id never see him again i’d just have to give him to say so. That broke me and made me feel discardable.
After finding this out, I played nice for months not fully grasping everything that was going on. I then left and went to college for 4 years. Our relationship was always up and down. My father was around but not around. It was always a weird dynamic. Always at the most important events. Graduation, prom, anything that he deemed important. Always the center of attention. We got along, could talk for hours but we butted heads ferociously.
When I came back from college in 2023 summer, I had been going through a lot. We got closer because I started to see my parents as human beings that make mistakes and have their own flaws. I started using his extra house in the suburbs for a space me and my boyfriend could hang out, he would kick me out of there when his actual family would need to come over there. A lot of other things continued to happen but fast forward October 2023, He was sick in the hospital, passed out, had to be brought back to life, and I didn’t know abt it for a week. I was upset. I couldn’t go up to the hospital with risk of his family finding out about me even though I knew about them. No one told me anything. If that would’ve been his last moments I couldn’t have even been with him. It put yet another strain on our relationship. Our last argument was about what would happen if he dies, who would tell me? would i know? i’m hurt that you were in the hospital and I didn’t know and when i found out i still couldn’t be apart of it. 2 weeks later, he dies and my boyfriend tells me after his mom finding out from someone who worked at his job. I rush to the hospital where my dead dad is. I walk into a room full of his family by myself while his wife points me out saying “who are you” and I said “ok his daughter” then commotion breaks out and i’m ushered to go see him. I’m obviously emotional af seeing my dead father and dealing with all the extra shit that is to come.
A lot else has happened since but the gist of what has came out has been, he has atleast 4 more children i and the others were unaware of. The persons mail who i had been picking up and sorting at his house over the summer was actually one of his other women and not family members like he explained to me. He was a habitual liar and womanizer with multiple families and children. Textbook narcissist for sure. Idk how to feel. His host family (original family and the ones i knew about) is very welcoming and they have given me the very thing i’ve always wanted. Family. It’s so warming that I can’t be mad at my circumstances and I feel bad for it bc I lost my father at the end of the day. I don’t know how to process this grief. I don’t know how to feel given so much stuff i’m continuing to find out and having mixed feelings of the permeanace and never being able to talk again but on the other side, i know the truth and a lot more than I had imagined was going on. Thoughts?
submitted by Accomplished-Chef259 to u/Accomplished-Chef259 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:02 kostablakka How do I calculate how much I need to have on each of my exams to pass?

So basically the average grade of all the tests and tasks throughout the year count for 60% of your total points for each course. The grade for the exam counts for 40% of the total points.
For example; Imagine if the average I have for tasks and tests throughout the year for Geography is 70%, how do I calculate how much % I should have on my Geography exam to get exactly 50% on my total grade, knowing the points for the exam count for 40%, and my work throughout the year for 60%?
I hope this makes sense and that one of you can help.
submitted by kostablakka to GetStudying [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:02 Kayosic Meant to just be alone

I know you have to put yourself out there to make friends and especially to find a significant other. But when I do, no one cares, no one wants to see where life can take us together. I’ve always found it hard to make friends in general but it’s always been especially hard to find them irl. Online tho, I had no problem when I was younger.. But eventually, all the friends I made online have disappeared from my life. Some of them grew up and just stopped being friends with people online while the others started hating me for no reason and didn’t give me a chance to make it up to them.. whatever that may be because I still don’t know. I don’t leave my house anymore. I don’t get invited anywhere. The few irl friends I do have live far enough away where it’s just a hassle to go see them or where I’d I have to plan a whole trip to see them since we’re not in college anymore.
I have been single for 6 years. And I know, not everyone is built to be in a relationship or you don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy. But I love being loved. I wanna feel wanted again.. I always attract the kinds of guys who use be for my body, and never the ones who wanna buy me flowers and come up with cute dates. I love watching romance movies/movies with lots of romantic relationship dynamics. And I know some things in those movies are unrealistic but I just want a guy who’ll be there for me. I’m really just looking for the bare minimum at this point if I’m being honest. But my ideal man would be someone who does the type of shit guys do in those movies.
Aside from no friends or relationships, I am an only child. So not even a brother a sister type of relationship either. I also don’t talk to my family much. Only on holidays or other special occasions. And even then, I only say a few words to them, never have an actual conversation. And yes this includes my parents, whom I live with still. Of course, I talk to them more than anyone else in the family but only by so much. I stay in my room everyday so that limits how much I speak to them as well.
I think I have some kind of anger issues. Because when my parents ask me about simple things or ask me to help them with something, I get so damn pissed off. In the moment I feel super angry and say I hate my parents but after 5 minutes or so, long enough for me to cool off, I feel super guilty for saying I hate them so much. I know deep down I love my parents and I don’t mean this awful shit I say about them. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m not the kind of daughter they wish they had, I know. I know they expect so much from me and I just never fail to disappoint.
Everyday, I’m starting to believe that I’m meant to just be alone. Weather that be in terms of not having friends, a romantic relationship, or family relationship.
submitted by Kayosic to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:01 eris_entropy213 Were any of you kinda morbid as a kid?

I only realized kinda recently I was morbid as a kid.
I fell asleep by creating different painful deaths (realistic and imaginary) when I was in elementary. This actually helped me fall asleep and I had a hard time sleeping if I didn’t do it. I know it started before I was 8 and ended when I did it for so long it stopped working cause I got bored of it and couldn’t hold the stories anymore. I moved on to darker things I think around 12 which stopped working about a year or two ago.
I would always insist on dying while playing pretend. Always. Or at least have an alternate ending where I died. We also normally played games where we were kidnapped (and saved except me) by my sister who played both the good and bad guy.
My sister and I would also plan out our funerals when we got sick. Kinda joking cause we were kids (fill the seats with cats and dogs), but some serious bits like songs and color choices. We also played a game with cherries where we’d squish them in between branches while collecting the ‘blood’ (juice) in a bottle and pretending we were killing the cherries in front of their family (other berries).
I have always loved having scars. I jokingly named them as a kid. I liked having them to the point I’d always scratch scabs in the hopes of getting them. It grew into now liking cuts, bruises, and scars. I think that only took longer cause I was embarrassed of being the only kid covered in bruises and hair ’ in my ballet class.
I only realized a few years ago how genuinely abnormal this likely was. Like most kids wanted to play hero games and save the day. Nope I wanted to die. The idea of morbid deaths were what lulled me to sleep. Planning my funeral was a fun idea
It’s making me wonder when I actually became suicidal. I always say around late 6th-early 7th grade is when I wanted to not be alive (not actively suicidal, just bleh), but processing that made me realize I at least idealized it long before.
Did anyone else have this experience? Not like being a suicidal 5 year old, but idealizing death before fully understanding it and incorporating it into childhood. If so, how do you think it altered your perception of things? I’m curious as I don’t really talk about this irl and I want to know if others thought like this
submitted by eris_entropy213 to BorderlinePDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:01 asinginglawyer melissa’s infantilization/christi’s bitterness

  1. i’ve noticed this weird shift recently where some fans seem to be babying melissa more than ever before, specifically as it relates to the reunion and kelly not “defending” her as her friend. like y’all, melissa is 55 years old. she can (and should) be able to stand up for herself if she feels as though she’s been wronged. and i get that melissa had her reasons for not coming to the reunion, but at the end of the day she could have been there if she wanted to be, but ultimately chose not to. it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she would be talked about during it, and that’s her burden to bear. in general, i don’t think it’s anyone’s job to stick up for someone in a situation where they disagree with them (and let’s face it, kelly very openly disagreed with a lot of this shit melissa did on the show) but realistically speaking, wtf did y’all expect her to say to jess and kira when they were talking shit? like kelly didn’t film with them and she barely knows them, so how is she supposed to vouch for melissa when she doesn’t know what happened and likely never will?? like let melissa fight her own battles for gods sake lmao.
  2. i’ve also noticed how everyone’s rebuttal to christi’s comments about melissa and the zieglers is something like “omg melissa’s an unbothered queen” or “christi just needs to get over it”, which i find weird for the following reasons. first christi and melissa were both grown adults with fully developed frontal lobes when they started the show. that means that they can both be held fully accountable for their actions at any given point in time. whether you like them or not, christi and chloe were directly harmed by melissa’s actions, and as long as what she’s saying is true, it gives her the right to talk about melissa’s behavior as she pleases. this idea that people who have experienced harm at the hands of others should shut up about it for fear of seeming “jealous” or “bitter” is the same rhetoric that abusers use to silence their victims (like guys, abby did this exact thing on the show all the time lmao). and though melissa and christi’s beef likely doesn’t rise to the level of abuse, this rhetoric doesn’t exist in a vacuum. also, i’m sure melissa could say a lot of awful things about what christi has done to her, and, as long as it was true, again, she would be well within her right to do so. the fact that she doesn’t do it doesn’t make her any better than christi. and while i’m NOT saying that melissa is the villain here, it’s not uncommon to for people who have harmed others to play the nonchalant card in an attempt to make their detractors look crazy. that’s all lol.
submitted by asinginglawyer to dancemoms [link] [comments]

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