Weightlifting poop accident

buttered toast

2017.10.11 18:28 shitpost953 buttered toast


2024.05.21 10:13 TheAmazingMio Cat dealing with grief through pooping

Hey guys, I need some help with this one.
So our cat, KitKat, is about 4 years old and is dealing with outside the litter box accidents. It’s weird because she’s never had this problem before, even after a stressful cross country move two years ago. Whenever she shits outside the box though, 90% of the time it’s in this one corner of our bedroom. The thing about that corner though, it’s the spot where our dog used to sleep until he passed away almost four months ago. It was around this time that she started pooping outside the box and has very consistently been at our dog’s old sleeping spot. We don’t know what to do and end up having to clean up the poop area 1-3 times a day. We still catch her using the litter box both for #1s and #2s (& she’s NEVER peed outside the box), so it’s like she designates specific poops in our late dog’s honor.
She knows it’s wrong cause sometimes we catch her posing for the poop and when we do she runs STRAIGHT for the litter box to do her business and acts like that was her plan all along.
What can we do to help her return to pooping exclusively in the box?
Thanks ahead of time
submitted by TheAmazingMio to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:40 Humble-Location-8928 I’m embarrassed….

Ok, so I was informed last night that my apartment does not smell good and indeed smells like dog poop and pee. I do have a chihuahua that has frequent accidents because his previous owners did not potty train him. I’m very embarrassed that my place smells bad, because I have worked incredibly hard to save my place from the wreck it was when I was depressed. I’m also embarrassed because my FWB informed me. I have a terrible sense of smell and had no idea.
Here is my current plan. 1.Work on potty-training still (obviously) 2.Take out the garbage more frequently 3. Make sure apartment is aired out more frequently (I have a first floor and never opened the windows) 4. Rent a carpet cleaner to deep clean the carpet
Please give me more info and tips. I also have a designated pee pad place, but only one in the apartment.
submitted by Humble-Location-8928 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:58 Chonkin_GuineaPig How do I deal with out of control anxiety that's destroying my ability to grip objects and walk straight?

Blood tests appear fine, but I can't get my guardians to set me up with a primary care provider. Symptoms include constant chills to the point of not being able to walk, constant stomach pain, dropping and breaking things almost 24/7, and tripping to the point where I can barely get up out of bed and walk without being in pain from muscle weakness anymore. I take sleeping meds along with anxiety pills, but I don't know if they're enough anymore. . . . . . . . . . . . .
I've had labels thrown at me ranging from bipolar like my mother from a licensed psychologist to a schizophrenic who thinks they have ghosts in their bones by EMTs. They constantly ask how much caffeine I drink even though I only drink one cup a day (ranges in size). I would switch over to decaf in a heartbeat, but it's no longer sold on store shelves where I live and I'm stuck with what's available. I've tried to cut back on soda/kool-aid/etc. and mostly drink cold water from their dispenser to save money. I usually go for a sprite when I'm out at a restaurant. All my blood tests come back fine aside from Vitamin D and my stool looks completely normal. I do have the rounded gels for vitamin D, but I forget to take them.
I left my phone at therapy on accident so using this time to see if I can make sense of the outside world, but all it really does so far is prove the point of why I'm addicted to my phone in the first place. While everyone else aimlessly scrolls through TikTok, browsing actual social media like Twitter and Reddit is the only way to connect with the outside world in a small rural town with next to nothing but a trashed up Dollar General. I feel hopeless when it comes to everyday civil rights issues taking place around the world while I'm stuck with old boomers who pray for our demise.
It's not safe to get an apartment where I live because of all the drugged up deadbeats banging on people's windows and helping themselves to everyone else's spaces while the cops do nothing. I've also had all kinds of people come up to me and fantasize about wanting to kill my pets in front of me, so that's another thing I have to worry about as well. There's even been issues with people pulling out knives on each other, so even though I've bought pepper spray for myself I dont think it's enough to protect my entire living space from being pillaged. It might injure my pet if the perpetrator decides to aim for my pet first and I can't spray them in time.
Steel padlocks don't mean jack fucking shit when people can pick up a screwdriver from somewhere and unscrew the hinges off the door while I'm gone just like my sister's kids did to me growing up. Security cameras don't mean much either if all the meth heads are just gonna come back and rip through all the replacements without any consequences from the police whatsoever. Not only is it unsanitary and unsafe, but I wouldn't be able to find clothes that fit me without traveling out of state either. I would like to start walking again, but I'm scared of falling in the middle of a busy highway or tumbling into a ditch somewhere. Even then it wouldn't matter how much weight I lose due to cup size being controlled by horomones. The only reason I'm so concerned about my heart is because my mother's side of the family has heart issues really bad.
I do go to group therapy (CBT), but they've practically given up on the "mental health" aspect because it triggers all the other clients into not wanting to come anymore, with some being in even worse conditions than I am (CSA, domestic violence, etc). Whenever we try to provide reasonable explainations on how coping mechanisms can trigger volatile reactions out of other family members, we're constantly being invalidated and told that we're just choosing to be miserable. Everyone is always a stuck up about how family is so important and how we need to "love" them from a distance. However, I can't just go anywhere else for therapy because the only other psychologists they have for miles (ones at the facility) will literally raise their voice and scream at residents in front of everyone else if they don't get their way. I can't go to the other group therapy that the residents because some of them reek so bad to the point of giving me flashbacks of my parents' roach infested hoards.
Everyone gets onto my ass about leaving things on the table when I go use the restroom, but the truth is that I'm already tired of having my all shit stolen since I was 10 while everyone in my life sat around and told me to quit crying and bitching about everything. I do try to watch other residents and keep my personal items within arms reach, but I can't keep up when I can barely exit my bed and walk down the fucking halls just to eat. That's all on top of my parents consisting of three different hoarders and losing track of everything I bring over there (not to mention all the roaches, mice, and animal waste all over the floor).
I've gotten a lot more freedom since moving away from the cult, but everything I did to cope has practically gone out the fucking window due to thieves and lack of internet (they won't fix the damn router bc they dont know anything about tech). I used to have a Bluey box full of different characters from the show (ordered online ofc), but everything's so filthy that I can't really bring anything out besides toys or stuffed animals. I have an entire tote of books I've never even touched because the place is way too nasty to have them out and risk them getting ruined.
Whenever my belongings do go missing, I'm told to just suck it up and forget about it. I'm scared to fucking death end up with holes in them from being burnt or get mixed up with other women's clothes and get caught being worn them when they supposedly "know better" according to staff. I had a female resident at the religious group home scream and cry to the point that my entire fucking body weight against the damn door wasn't enough to stop her from barging into my bedroom and harass me for shit (that's after all the BS with my sister's kids for over a decade), so I'm not even gonna try to talk to anyone directly anymore.
If I told anyone in my family about my concerns, they would just get pissed and ramble on about how it's my choice to be there, how I need to stop bitching about everything not going my way, and that I should've just stayed at the religious group home. Therapists keep acting like it's all my fault in regards to my emotions, that I just need to work on myself and tell me there's nothing else they can do. Nothing fucking matters when everything on my broken ass tablet requires internet and my consoles are broken. Hell, I'd be having a blast with my 2DS XL if the thing didn't fall apart within the first month. All I really wanted it for was to emulate old PC games and hook it up to the TV. I figured that if I had all my games on one device with the bare minimum accessories needed to make it function, I wouldn't have to feel like a damn hoarder anymore.
I love the tiny library of games I have on my Wii, but my remote is absolutely dirty as fuck with roach poop and other crud. There's no way to clean it without literally soaking it in something. The console itself has all kinds of encrusted gunk on the side from where my hoarder father attached velcro to the side of it. Constant chills makes it practically impossible to sit up and play the games as well (I'm lucky just to be able to stand up anymore). My library is small enough that I'm willing to fuck around with gyroscopic controls for fun. It's not even the biggest priority to me anyway because there would be so many other games to play in the mean time.
I figured with the Steamdeck I could could prop it up against the bed or set it on a table use a controller with it if I reach a point to where I can't see the TV screen from my bed. I can't apply for a job at Walmart to pay for the thing myself because of my balance issues causing me to fall and the inability to grip anything (which would result in massive damages to inventory). I'm also worried about them taking all my earnings since my SSI check isn't enough to cover rent and I need state supplement. I thought about selling my art on Redbubble and save up that way, but my 2022 Samsung tablet that I got a few months ago glitches out when I try to draw stuff and crashes whenever I try to play certain games.
I can honestly forget about recieving one for Christmas/birthdays because for whatever reason, everyone has to have their way when it comes to gift giving and god fucking forbid you try to establish the most basic of boundaries or else you're nothing a spoiled bitch. It's one thing for the Steamdeck to be out of budget, and it's another to deliberately go against a person's wishes when it comes to simple shit like candy or soda when they obviously fucking know better. It doesn't help that everyone goes apeshit over the concept of making a "wishlist" like their life depends on it, only to hand me a sack full of random shit from the Dollar Tree and call it a day. It's also impossible to give it all away when nobody else wants it (I don't have transportation to Goodwill) and throwing away new items is a trigger for me.
I know the Steamdeck wouldn't really fix anything outside of the clutter issue and I probably shouldnt be getting one with my current impairments, but it would provide me with something to do outside of being on social media 24/7. Given the total squalor I grew up in as a child, I'd be genuinely happy with a lot of things outside of the Steamdeck if it weren't for my living situation literally preventing me from doing so:
_ toys
_ art
_ exercise bike
_ walking outside
All of these "coping" mechanisms would come back to me if I were able to move to a different area in my own setting where I don't have to constantly worry about pest infestations from the neighbors, getting evicted for no reason, and random strangers trying to kill me or my pets. I've looked everywhere for supported independence programs and absolutely all of them require a medical waiver with a waiting list of up to 10 years. I absolutely need these services for my own safety as a neglected autistic person to ensure that people aren't just gonna come out of the woodworks and try to assault me on my own property. If I move to a more stable area, I could finally get a decent job without having to worry about coworkers coming up to me and taking shit out of my hands for not knowing any better. I could finally have stuff to do outside of technology and be comfortable with my own surroundings.
Even if all of this is just anxiety, I'm still fucked over when in it comes to actual health issues like gingivitis (as confirmed by Aspen Dental) and getting my wisdom teeth removed due to the lack of a primary care physician. I've done everything I can to and they just won't do anything to get me in to see a doctor. I try to brush my teeth when I can but hurts too much to do so. I also feel overwhelmed with trying to organize everything as I keep getting way more brushes than I possibly need and people will not take no for an answer. I don't even know how to prepare for death anymore as I don't even have loved ones. The only people I've ever been given true contact with are my hoarder parents and mentally unstable sister and that's it; no friends or anything.
There's nothing I can really do to repeal the guardianship without taking everyone to court, which is impossible with my sister's busy schedule and unwillingness to work with anybody else. I only because it gives me something to do finally outside of being locked up all week until I go to a half-assed therapy session for three hours. However, they usually go straight home and aren't really willing to go anywhere that costs money aside from restaurants since we have next to no food at the house (even then it becomes unsafe to eat due to all the roaches and mice).
The bane of her existence is to scream about how much of a lazy ass I am despite turning my parents basement into a hoarded up shithole that's flooded out with animal waste to the point of attracting mice. I know her issues aren't my problem, but back in the day she'd come up behind me and pinch my sides to aggrivate me. She also threw pants/shoes/etc. at me while I was on the bed and even shoved me out of the way after accusing me of hiding something I wasn't supposed to have in the kitchen drawer (I was a legal adult at the time). I usually lay flat in bed to avoid confrontation, but ignoring her makes her volatile so I'm screwed either way. I'm pretty sure she's beating and starving her dogs as well, but nobody really gives a fuck. I've got too many of my own issues to even try worrying about them. She's known to be a neurotin junkie for years since moving in with my parents and was even caught smuggling Adderall at work while the cops didn't give a fuck and turned her loose the next day.
I would've called the cops only if there was another child still in the house, but can't do so otherwise because of the risk of charges being brought against me for slander and libel (APS labeled the case as unsubstantiated). I can't just go around risking all my freedom and housing over sick animals that would more than likely be euthanized anyway. Not that animal control would do anything to begin with, of course. I know it feels redundant to even go over there every weekend in those conditions, but I'm tired of being cooped up all day. I'm tired of not having access to a PC with internet and not being able to breathe due to all the secondhand smoke.
I have finally have regular access to food and meds at the facility, but I'm bored with nothing that makes me feel comfortable anymore. I used to walk around town because of my issues with knocking stuff off tables, bumping into everything, and tripping all the time. I used to play games on my tablet to get through the day, but the internet no longer works since switching it over to a new name and the staffare too lazy to just reset the router (everything is infested with ads). We do have bingo during the week, but most people only play for cigarettes and that's it. I can't hold any kind of conversation with anyone else because they'll just ramble on and on about random shit that happened thirty years ago. I used to play Fortnite and Warframe on my Switch Lite, but it broke after I dropped it and we don't have repair shops where I live. It would only hold charge from 45 minutes to an hour with half the games being broken anyway, so I don't even know if it's even worth saving at this point.
I can barely make use of group therapy (CBT) because of how cold I am and how much my stomach hurts. I try to sit outside when I'm not cold as there's nothing to really do around town anyway, but it's nothing more than cigarette butts and spit everywhere (along with rotten food that attracts flies). There's nothing the staff can really do to make the residents pick up after themselves and they can't ban smoking (even if other residents have health issues) because it's the only reason why anyone gets out of bed. The people where I live don't really believe in PTSD outside of veterans, let alone C-PTSD. The mere concept of it would go against everyone's idea that "family is everything, even if they do things we don't like". We barely have mental health services as it is so I'm basically screwed into staying where I'm at even though I live in fear of being punished. I'll see what I can do to get the medicine lady to up the hydroxozine a bit, but I don't know what else there is to even do beyond that point aside from huddling in bed and freezing 24/7 for the next decade until I'm approved for the waiver.
submitted by Chonkin_GuineaPig to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:46 Remarkable-Engine178 I’m fed up of living with my sister’s dog

My sister and I started living together recently, and she really wanted a dog. I wasn’t really super excited about it, but she promised me she’d pay for everything and do all of the work. She said I’d barely notice he’s here. I still wasn’t that thrilled, but one day she just brought home a puppy, so I had to accept it.
The puppy is 4 months old, and we’ve had him for 1 month. I hate to say it, but I find him extremely annoying. My sister tries to potty train him by making him sleep in a crate at night, but she doesn’t really do it during the day, so he still just pees and poops everywhere. I clean up 1-4 accidents daily. I had a nice rug in my bedroom that I had to throw away because he had so many accidents on it.
He’s also a terrible biter. If we’re sitting on the couch or at the table, he bites your feet and ankles. You can’t even pet him because he bites your hands. We took him to a groomer who refused to work on him because he kept biting her and the clippers. You can ignore him, yell at him, push him off of you, and NOTHING works.
He doesn’t respond to any commands. He doesn’t sit when asked, he just runs around all day chewing random stuff on the floor, peeing and pooping randomly, biting our feet. Honestly, his only redeeming quality is that he’s cute.
My sister does pay for everything and does the bulk of the work, as she promised. We both work from home but 1 day a week, she has to go into the office. So at 3 AM, she puts his crate in my room, so I have to take him outside (or clean up his accidents) around 4:30-5:30 AM. The whole day she’s at work, she badgers me for updates on everything he’s doing.
I’m honestly really fed up of his existence and I can’t tell any of this to my sister. I know he’s just a puppy and hopefully he’ll calm down when he’s older. But I really don’t know how much more of this I can take.
submitted by Remarkable-Engine178 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:17 burntpapaya Potty training issues

Hi everyone! We’ve had our girl for about 2 months now. She’s 5 months old, and for about the past month she hasn’t had accidents in our home. All of a sudden, she is having accidents left and right. Peeing in front of me, pooping on the floor after being outside.
I’m not sure how I can proceed/see improvement again. What is your advice? Thanks!
submitted by burntpapaya to BostonTerrier [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:15 2boobsjohnson- 4 month old pit bull mix rescued from shelter potty training issues

We rescued our puppy from a shelter where he’d been there for at least a month (based on the vet records we got from them) but not sure about the first two months of his life.
We crate him when we sleep and when we’re gone away from home. Im a server and my bf is a coach so we have varying schedules on a day to day basis.
We’ve had him for 5 days, which I know isn’t very long but looking for advice or tips moving forward.
He hasn’t pooped inside once yet. We’ll have him outside for walks or playing for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and once we bring him in he’ll poop or pee. When he’s inside we’ve started to learn his cues a bit more and have caught him in the act but usually can’t get him to stop by making loud noises or picking him up to go outside. One day I was determined to catch him before pooping and was able to stop him twice prior to starting to poop but this then delayed his poop for a whole 24 hours.
He had been doing great with his crate at night and when we leave. Last night he lasted 7 hours in the crate (because I accidentally slept thru my alarm to wake up and let him out) with no accidents.
What can we do to help him poop and pee outside? 😭
submitted by 2boobsjohnson- to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:25 Remarkable-Engine178 I’m fed up of living with my sister’s dog

My sister and I started living together recently, and she really wanted a dog. I wasn’t really super excited about it, but she promised me she’d pay for everything and do all of the work. She said I’d barely notice he’s here. I still wasn’t that thrilled, but one day she just brought home a puppy, so I had to accept it.
The puppy is 4 months old, and we’ve had him for 1 month. I hate to say it, but I find him extremely annoying. My sister tries to potty train him by making him sleep in a crate at night, but she doesn’t really do it during the day, so he still just pees and poops everywhere. I clean up 1-4 accidents daily. I had a nice rug in my bedroom that I had to throw away because he had so many accidents on it.
He’s also a terrible biter. If we’re sitting on the couch or at the table, he bites your feet and ankles. You can’t even pet him because he bites your hands. We took him to a groomer who refused to work on him because he kept biting her and the clippers. You can ignore him, yell at him, push him off of you, and NOTHING works.
He doesn’t respond to any commands. He doesn’t sit when asked, he just runs around all day chewing random stuff on the floor, peeing and pooping randomly, biting our feet. Honestly, his only redeeming quality is that he’s cute.
My sister does pay for everything and does the bulk of the work, as she promised. We both work from home but 1 day a week, she has to go into the office. So at 3 AM, she puts his crate in my room, so I have to take him outside (or clean up his accidents) around 4:30-5:30 AM. The whole day she’s at work, she badgers me for updates on everything he’s doing.
I’m honestly really fed up of his existence and I can’t tell any of this to my sister. I know he’s just a puppy and hopefully he’ll calm down when he’s older. But I really don’t know how much more of this I can take.
submitted by Remarkable-Engine178 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:12 missmemissme1 Help me! 2 YO pooping I pants

As the titles says, my 2 year old is pooping in her pants exclusively. We haven’t been potty training that long but she really understands the peeing in the potty part.
However pooping is another story, she is full on pooping in her underwear and when she’s done she will come over and say “poop”. she has gone on the potty successfully and we’ve made a big deal out of it. Most times she will poop just a little bit and then say “pooped, all done” we will take her and try again in 10 minutes but she will hold it and poop in her pants later.
I do want to point out, we try to not make a big deal out of accidents, and we are so proud of how well she is doing with peeing on the potty. I’m just hearing things from grandparents that are making me question if I’m doing the right thing.
All of this to say, just wondering if other parents have had this happen and what you did that helped?
submitted by missmemissme1 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:43 SensitiveStrategy265 My stepmom took it to far

Ps sry for the bad spelling and grammar
My step mom took it wayy to far for info my sm has been with my dad for 2and a half years and with in to months moved in with us and her little brat of a daughter to so into the story one night i went to a friends house and ended up staying the night and wean i came home i went to my room to put my stuff back and i as soon as i walked in my room i went to sit on my bed but i looked and there she was in my bed not only had she slept in my bed she pissed and shit in my bed now I understand a accident, but this was too far. She is damn near almost 9 years old. When this happened I immediately started screaming get up here now my dad comes upstairs and said what happened I said why she sleeping in my bed. She literally Peed and pooped all over my bed. This is not fair. Get her out of my room. My dad looked at me and said this isn’t your room. This is her room and your room and it’ll be her room because your room has a small room in the house. I said no I’m the oldest kid and having that lack of space is not OK for me right now upon hearing me and my dad yelling the little girl woke up and said daddy why is she yelling? Yes this little girl who I had only known for two months and my dad had been dating her mom for less at the time was calling him daddy. I turned around her and said that’s my dad, I do admit that was a little bit cruel, but I was literally probably 11 years old fast-forward a few years and I’m graduating. The last few years have been miserable. It’s at my birthday giving her presents and whatever flavor of cake she wants on my birthday or just her wrecking my milestones this was a big one and my mom planned for me. A great big party was supposed to wear silver gold or like a very nice light pink like graduation colors on my graduation day the little girl and my sm walk him both wearing big black floor length gowns with glitter and sequence. My mom immediately kicked out and my dad started protesting. I said it’s fine and let them stay all night. They were causing problems with my guest whether they were family or friends and I got up I need to leave my mom kicked them out and it was OK. It still ruined my night though after the party I checked my phone only need to be bombarded with messages from my dad saying that I was a horrible daughter and from my stepmom telling me that was horrible for kicking them out and her daughter cried on the way home, I texted back and said I don’t care. She’s ruined every aspect of my life and stole my father who I used to look up to so much constantly constantly choose her over me and my brother because we weren’t there biological kids. I said it correctly they said that we weren’t there biological kids even though he’s my biological dad, and she has no relation to me from family members all night saying how I was horrible and that I deserved to go to hell for how I’ve been treating them. My stepmom asked if we can go out for lunch together and she would pay for me I agreed for her to bombard me and basically bully me the whole time and I was I don’t talk to them later. I have a good job as a nail tech and my stepmom said that I would not serve her to my job again I bet bombarding and evil from my entire family but I just got married, I have two lovely kids and a boy and I’ve never been more happy with them out of my life
submitted by SensitiveStrategy265 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:33 Kizzy_Catwoman About Truly Scrumptious

About Truly Scrumptious
This beautiful girl was born in March 2022 in London to my friend Ebony. She has 2 brothers. Ebony let Truly out into her garden from a young age (4 months), but there are foxes who visit her garden and attack kittens. Truly was attacked and fought one off, but she hid under a car and was found there with her back legs damaged by the attack. The vet advised she was kept in a cage while she recovered from the trauma of the attack, but her back legs had suffered nerve damage. With a young child at home, Truly was a lot of extra work to take care of and Ebony loved her dearly. With a heavy heart she asked me to adopt her and brought her 160 miles to my house in Derbyshire. From the second she saw me, Truly climbed onto my lap, dragging her feet behind her. She snuggled up to me and I became her Mummy. She was 6 months old.
Truly is double incontinent and I put her into nappies (diapers) for a few months. She would be bathed regularly to clean her up and she was determined to be independent. Her front legs were really strong and she learned to climb and get around. Her left leg improved first and eventually she was able to move and sit on her right leg and to limp on it slowly. When she is scooting around she will cross those back legs behind her and drag them. She is like a whizz when she moves like that.
She climbs like a ninja, up and down the furniture and cat trees and even the curtains. She doesn't let anything stop her. She cannot jump and her tail cannot lift into the air. She doesn't have full feeling in it but she loves to clean it and groom it. I would never remove it.
We had to stop using nappies as she developed a skin sore and it was caused by the nappies. So we bought disabled access litter boxes from America. But she can't get into and out of them properly and her leg will drag through any waste she does. Plus she can't always get to an appropriate place in time. She doesn't have control over her bladder and bowels. Over time she can hold her wee for longer and can sleep on the sofa without peeing on it all the time. But she does have accidents. I have sofa covers that can be washed on demand and changed easily. She mainly pees on the vinyl floor and she poops wherever it comes out. I am used to wiping up pee and cleaning up poop. We have nappy bags and baby wipes on hand for this purpose.
No matter the challenges, me and Truly are as close as 2 living beings can be. We adore each other. She has the sweetest temperament and is kind to the other cats. But she takes no nonsense from them if they try it on.
Truly Scumptious is 2 now. She is spayed and has grown up beautifully. She has gained weight but is a ball of pure muscle. She likes to lick my face and to snuggle with me. And she is my soulmate.
Many of the nervysquervy family have watched her progress over the last 20 months and it has been quite a journey.
Thanks for coming for the ride!
submitted by Kizzy_Catwoman to nervysquervies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:20 Business_Good890 Half potty trained toddler…help

I need help…my daughter is 2 years 8 months old. At 2 we began potty training. She is “potty trained”…sort of. She knows how to hold it. For the past 7.5 months I always just told her to go in and go potty. A few accidents but nothing drastic. I realize this isn’t really being potty trained because she doesn’t know how or when to go on her own. If I don’t tell her when to go she will have accidents, she clearly doesn’t know how to make it to the potty in time. The last week I basically have just let her have accidents, reminding her we go in the potty, making her help clean up the mess. If she notices she’s peeing she just pees and continues on with her day. She will not tell me when she has to go, or go on her own. I have done a couple days in undies, a couple days with no bottoms. I don’t know what to do. Keep letting her have accidents hoping she’ll get it? I don’t want to it to bite me in the butt either and let her learn accidents are ok to have. Note: these are only pee accidents, she always tells me and goes in to poop on the potty. Any ideas? Thoughts? Words of wisdom? Similar experiences?
submitted by Business_Good890 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:33 Interesting_Light_69 Defecation problems???

Is it just my store or does everyone have customers that cant figure out where/how to shit?? Im not saying it happens all the time at my store, but we have to be in the 99th percent of hyvees poop incidents.
Just today we had two “accidents” at once. One left a dookie trail from the deli, around the corner, down the hall, and into the women’s bathroom. And at the same time, some dude thought it was a great idea to plop a loaf down in the urinal.
Absolutely blows my mind. Shoutout everyone who cleaned it up right away tho. Yall the real MVPs.
submitted by Interesting_Light_69 to hyvee [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:40 Spinchtheregularguy I need help for a poor old dog!

I need help for a poor old dog!
TLDR: difficult dog needs patient calm home! I'm sad for him and don't know how to help.
Ok so like six months ago I fostered this wretched little beast from the HRA. In the time between my first and second visit to him, he had been adopted and returned after one day. On my second visit, he was so terrified and snapping at anyone who tried to approach. Just shaking and obviously doing poorly.
I ended up taking him home that time, he was sick and anxious and I just couldn’t help but to get him away from the volume and exposure of the shelter and into his own tiny room in my home.
He didn’t eat for 6 days. Had me scared as hell. I rejoiced at the first poop he left on my tile floor, evidence he left his crate!The first time he crept out of his crate and into my lap I was on cloud nine. It felt like the best day of my life.
Anyway he got adopted, I was so happy for him and his new owner. Unfortunately, after half a year, his new owner has admitted to me that they can’t give him what he needs. Salute to them, because it was a hell of an effort and Paco isn’t an easy dog.
Since then and now, my family has adopted a rambunctious puppy, and Paco does not like dogs. I’m still anxious to give it a shot, but my lease doesn’t allow me any more pets. Devastated. I really love Paco. He’s my first dog love.
He needs a home! Here is his very honest description-
Paco is a fat, terrified chihuahua. He will likely take at least a week of hiding before he will venture out of his crate. He would do best with a very private space to hide. Be aware, during this phase he will be pottying inside, not far from his crate. Give him a few pads, he seems trained on them but isn’t consistent until he is settled in better. It took a couple weeks and a lot of Turkey for us to get him to come out of his room and explore the rest of the house.
You must pay attention to his body language and do not rush it. He will bite! Pretty much just treat him like a feral cat until he lets you know he is ready. He loves to be in a lap, so spend time near his hiding spot and he will come to you. Once he knows he won’t be forced into anything, he is a sweet ham. I even was able to give him a bath with no incident after a few weeks!
He didn’t mind my cat, they just ignored each other. He is very hesitant around other dogs, and gets scared easily. He is a master at fetch, and would politely put the ball in my lap and wait for me to throw it. I even got him started on learning paw. He’s a good walker once he’s ready, and already potty trained ones he’s past the fear. He will still need pads for pee, because he’s a little guy and may have some accidents.
Don’t forget to give him time to wind down. After a long day and lots of socialization, he will get bitey faster. Let his bed be his own space and remember to let him come to you. He’s down to roughhouse and be a dog, but he needs to know he can have his safe space.
I’m sorry for the entire novel, but I really love this little guy and am praying he can find another home without having to go to the shelter first. I’ll be talking to the HRA for advice asap, and I’m hoping they have a foster ready for him or even just advice to make me feel better. I wish I could’ve kept him.
submitted by Spinchtheregularguy to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:42 unrelated_penguin Puppy is too distracted to poop

I have a 10 week old lagotto that I brought home two weeks ago. She has taken to potty training really well, and we've only had minor accidents so far (mainly due to getting into a schedule and me getting to know her signs that it's time to go, no poops inside). We live in a pretty standard suburban neighborhood, with cars, kids riding bikes/playing, people walking dogs, etc.. when it comes to peeing she has her spot that she uses, but she haven't found her preferred pooping spot yet. This results in a lot of sniffing, walking like she has to poop, and then getting distracted by a sound at the last minute, which makes poop walks take a really long time and wears her out. So far she's usually pooped 3-4 times a day, but today she only pooped this morning, even though we've been on 3 poop walks after that. We spend a lot of time just chilling outside, getting used to the noises of the neighborhood, and she's generally being good with that. Does anybody have any tips with an easily distracted pup, and how I should approach this? Her appetite and energy has been normal today, but if she keeps beeing constipated I'll check in with the vet.
submitted by unrelated_penguin to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:23 Affectionate_Cow_812 How to teach 2 year old to poop on potty.

I have been potty training both my 2 year old and my 3.5 year old for the last two weeks.
My 3.5 year old is doing great and if he has to poop his will tell us and go on the potty. He is mostly pee trained now too. My 3 year old had one poop accident and then quickly figured it out on his own.
My 2 year old is mostly pee trained but not poop trained. He will start pooping then we move him to the potty and he just stops. He wants to poop on the potty he will sit there for 20 minutes. Last time he held it for 4 days until he couldn't hold it anymore and pooped in his underwear. He got super upset when that happened. I don't know how to help him learn how to poop on the potty.
submitted by Affectionate_Cow_812 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:04 Ya_bud69 Help!

TLDR: 3yr old started well especially when pee, holding back on poops, only a handful of successful poops. Seems to be having a regression 10 days in. Starting to tune us out when we talk about potty. Resisting the potty, doesn’t want to go back to diapers. Please help!
We started training our almost 3 year old daughter about 10 days ago. We jumped directly into undies, didn’t do the Oh Crap method. Did a potty watch, potty books, potty chart, prizes to get some momentum and seemed to start pretty well, especially for peeing. She was excited about being a big kid, wearing undies, using the potty but was definitely holding back on poops. We’d sit her on the potty for long stretches and nothing happens. Talked to her about letting it slide out etc… We’d give up on the potty and 2 minutes later she poops her undies.
She didn’t seem bothered at all by pooping in her undies or having pee accidents, just sort of says it matter of factly… “I peed” or “I pooed”. She went to daycare and did really well for peeing, just a couple accidents but continued to poop in her undies multiple times a day. Her teachers would ask her why and she would say she likes to.
It seemed she had (or still does have) a fear about her poop touching her. She had a couple big freak outs when cleaning up her poop accidents. She would stand there with her poopy undies on crying that she didn’t want it to touch her leg. We thought this would encourage pooping in the toilet, but no. We took her to the toilet when we had to go, showed her our poop, got some poop specific books(I can’t, I won’t, no way and Bloop Bloop goes the poop) and finally had some small poops in the potty. We had some big poop prizes which she was pumped about. We got super encouraging, said see when we poop on the potty we have a really clean bum and it doesn’t touch our legs!
We’ve always been as positive as possible about accidents, not shaming, had her help clean up the mess, show her how pee and poop go in the potty, say we’ll try again next time. Constantly stating the goal of knowing what it feels like when we’re about to go.
It seems we’ve had a some sort of regression now, when her watch goes off we ask if she wants to try to go and she says no. She does her little pee or poo dance but doesn’t want to go on the potty. We had a talk about if she wants to continue with her potty training or switch back to diapers for a bit, she emphatically says she wants to keep potty training. We said Ok we’re excited to keep helping her learn but she needs to tell us when she feels a pee or poop coming so we can try to make it to the toilet/potty. Accidents are ok but we are trying to learn what it feels like when we pee or poop so we can do it on the potty and not have accidents. It honestly seems like she does not care about accidents.
She basically starts tuning us out now when we talk about potty stuff (me-dad, especially). I think she’s just sick of listening to me talk about it, asking her if she needs to go etc… her biggest poop success was with a friend of ours who took her to the potty with their daughter. Now we’re at the point where we’re more or less threatening to go back to diapers if she keeps avoiding the potty. That we can’t keep going through undies. Sometimes she relents and goes pee but still resisting for poops.
We’re just really not sure what to do, whether we keep going or not. She knows how to take off her diapers anyways, so not sure how successful going back would even be. She loves the idea of growing up, being a big kid, potty training, everything about being responsible etc… so we’re at a total loss. I know we’re still relatively early in this journey but it is seriously super frustrating watching her dance around, ask if she needs to poop, if she wants to sit on the potty, she says no and then poops her undies 2 minutes later.
Please help! Any tips or recommendations would be really helpful. We love our daughter more than anything, she’s so smart, funny, creative, everything, but this is by far the most challenging/frustrating thing we’ve tried to go through with her. We’re willing to try anything.
submitted by Ya_bud69 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:36 WaddleWaddleBtch At my wits end

I have a male blue Merle puppy who was born sometime in January (I don’t remember his birthday off the top of my head) so he’s about 5 months old. He suffers from Merle ocular dysgensis which is very evident in his left eye. He has poor depth perception but other than that he seems like a normal puppy.
Now my problem is for the last two weeks he will not stop having accidents in his crate. I feel like I have tried everything. We take him outside for 10-15 minutes every time he barks, he doesn’t go potty. I have even tried just taking him out by himself so he won’t get distracted and play with our other Aussie. Instead he’ll sniff around the backyard and chew on whatever plant he thinks looks tastiest. I feed him in his crate which I thought would keep him from having accidents in there but it hasn’t stopped.
I’m having to give him frequent baths for when he pees in his crate and then lies in it and I’m having to clean and disinfect his crate every day because he won’t stop pooping in it. How do I get him to stop?
submitted by WaddleWaddleBtch to AustralianShepherd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:50 AmbassadorEarly7953 Life Update with SIBO after 5 years

I was diagnosed with SIBO near the end of 2019 at about 21 years of age. I had just gone through a major surgery with which I was given heavy rounds of antibiotics. They told me it was IBS, bad food, food allergies and possibly Crohn's. I immediately knew it was none of those as those were all just symptoms of some greater gastrointestinal issue. I was passed around doctor to doctor and eventually took a lactose breath test, which ultimately diagnosed me with Constipational SIBO. I have previous posts regarding a thorough list of all my symptoms, but I can cover some here.
-Serious constipation after eating that didn't reduce or let up for days at a time. I know it's insensitive or whatever, but there's no other comparison other than that I looked like a pregnant woman.
-Unable to poop. When I did, the stool was malformed in crazy different shapes and textures like a clown was blowing ballon animals out the ass or something (you get my point).
-Uncontrollable belching, sounded like Chewbacca or like I was farting from my mouth. Inconvenient for being at work or dinner with friends/family.
-Acid reflux when laying down. Had to sleep inclined. Restless sleep.
-Drained of energy, mentally slow, brain fog.
-Bad breath that didn't go away from brushing and mouthwash.
-Face Bloat, swollen lymph nodes
-(VULGAR WARNING) My doctors dismissed this pretty quickly, but I should mention anyway for the guys reading and I'll be honest, I'm still not sure if its connected or not. My semen was very, very dry; no water to it at all, even though I had been drinking water. Dark, smelly pee as well.
I did the rounds of antibiotics again (Rifaxin), but to no avail. I actually tried twice, a year apart from each other. I also tried herbal stuff in between, but that didn't work. It was crippling to the point of futility. I had nothing else left to do, but slow dance in my methane-filled room, stay at home and pick odd jobs that would help save face like working in the produce aisle in the back of a supermarket or do night shift at gas stations. FODMAP's helped a lot, but its not a permanent solution. More on that later. Basic Water, like 8+ ph levels, was only a temporary solution as well. For a long time, my diet was basically Green Plantains, a cup of Rice, half a Potato, eggs, heavy on the Meats and basically only salt for seasoning.
All this being said, if you made it this far, I've made progress both in life and in my SIBO journey. It was about this time when COVID hit, so everyone stayed indoors. It was here I learned the importance of self-improvement. This included meditation and listening to my body. Now that I was free to be alone, basically because we had to, I realized something. I asked myself, "What would happen if I just let my body function the way that it wanted to. Instead of being ashamed and having to hide the burping and the farting, what would happen if I just farted and burped? So I started taking walks, which turned into more vigorous exercise. I was actually pretty drained from just the stomach issues, but I pushed to see what would happen. It was here I realized I had slow gut motility and not only did the gas came out, but i also started going to the bathroom more regularly.
I started thinking in terms of societal norms, or rather the constraints of society. A long time ago, humans rarely ever had these problems because we walked everywhere. We also didn't have 9 to 5's that we had to maintain. I realized that stress was a big component too, or at least that it didn't help thinking about where and how I'm gonna get my next hustle. Anyway, I went down this rabbithole of ancestral lifestyle that may or may not have been partly influenced by The Liver King - if you know, you know.
To make a long story short, the biggest solution I've come across in my own personal experience is to drink about a gallon of water a day and to burp until your little heart can't take no more. I do belly rubs and push into my intestines with a combination of using my hands and breathing techniques. Making sure to breath from the nose and into the belly, not into the shoulders. I've learned to take time for myself and to take life slowly. As of right now, overnight I can turn a 36 waist into a 34 just by releasing gas. I combine this with whole foods and I pretty much make everything from scratch. No garlic, no onion, no gluten. I didn't know I was celiac until I got SIBO, but I'm not exactly sure if SIBO makes it worse or not. I advised my friends, who assumedly don't have any conditions, to go gluten-free and they felt better. If you're a guy, it helps the man-titties go away. I have good low-FODMAP recipes too, just ask.
My advice is if you're still reading this and you have a job, but are struggling with SIBO, then take a week off. Take a day or two for yourself to clear the brain fog and drink a lot of water. Start a meal prep for the rest of the week. This should take you literally all day. Get a chicken soup going with carrot and zucchini, a little bit of tomato paste with no garlic or onion. Check the ingredients. ON EVERYTHING. Download the Monash app on your phone, it's worth the 30 bucks. Most of all, push that gas out. I know it sucks and your throat might hurt a little after. But you'll feel like a shave-tailed Louie after one session. Imagine what would happen if you did that for 3, 4, 5 days in a row.
Conclusion, I still have SIBO. I'm working on it. I'm perfectly fine with the idea that it may never go away, I realize it wasn't my fault and there's no need to stress over it any further. I eat gluten-free and stay away from garlic and onion still, but besides that I eat what I want. At the end of the week I burp it all out. I haven't really tried for more than 3 or 4 consecutive days because it gets annoying and it hurts, but I imagine if I kept going I could conquer the world. I also realize theres a problem with the Ileocecal valve, which is exactly why I'm unable to pass the gas in my intestines out the butt. It's like a gate with a lock that lost its key. I haven't researched any further on the matter, but from what I read 3 or 4 years ago nobody knows what SIBO even is, how to fix it, or even if its a symptom of a larger issue. There are scholarly articles that may or may not tell you something useful that cost like 40 dollars. Not saying it's a waste of time, but I just don't want to cough that up if its not going to tell me anything I don't already know. That being said, if anyone has any useful information, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by AmbassadorEarly7953 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:38 AmbassadorEarly7953 Life Update on SIBO after 5 years

This is just a little life update, since other people have responded to my previous posts from about three years ago from which I never responded back because I've been busy catching up on life. I will repost parts of this information here to other communities as it pertains to the subjects of IBS, SIBO, and FODMAPS.
I was diagnosed with SIBO near the end of 2019 at about 21 years of age. I had just gone through a major surgery with which I was given heavy rounds of antibiotics. They told me it was IBS, bad food, food allergies and possibly Crohn's. I immediately knew it was none of those as those were all just symptoms of some greater gastrointestinal issue. I was passed around doctor to doctor and eventually took a lactose breath test, which ultimately diagnosed me with Constipational SIBO. I have previous posts regarding a thorough list of all my symptoms, but I can cover some here.
-Serious constipation after eating that didn't reduce or let up for days at a time. I know it's insensitive or whatever, but there's no other comparison other than that I looked like a pregnant woman.
-Unable to poop. When I did, the stool was malformed in crazy different shapes and textures like a clown was blowing ballon animals out the ass or something (you get my point).
-Uncontrollable belching, sounded like Chewbacca or like I was farting from my mouth. Inconvenient for being at work or dinner with friends/family.
-Acid reflux when laying down. Had to sleep inclined. Restless sleep.
-Drained of energy, mentally slow, brain fog.
-Bad breath that didn't go away from brushing and mouthwash.
-Face Bloat, swollen lymph nodes
-(VULGAR WARNING) My doctors dismissed this pretty quickly, but I should mention anyway for the guys reading and I'll be honest, I'm still not sure if its connected or not. My semen was very, very dry; no water to it at all, even though I had been drinking water. Dark, smelly pee as well.
I did the rounds of antibiotics again (Rifaxin), but to no avail. I actually tried twice, a year apart from each other. I also tried herbal stuff in between, but that didn't work. It was crippling to the point of futility. I had nothing else left to do, but slow dance in my methane-filled room, stay at home and pick odd jobs that would help save face like working in the produce aisle in the back of a supermarket or do night shift at gas stations. FODMAP's helped a lot, but its not a permanent solution. More on that later. Basic Water, like 8+ ph levels, was only a temporary solution as well. For a long time, my diet was basically Green Plantains, a cup of Rice, half a Potato, eggs, heavy on the Meats and basically only salt for seasoning.
All this being said, if you made it this far, I've made progress both in life and in my SIBO journey. It was about this time when COVID hit, so everyone stayed indoors. It was here I learned the importance of self-improvement. This included meditation and listening to my body. Now that I was free to be alone, basically because we had to, I realized something. I asked myself, "What would happen if I just let my body function the way that it wanted to. Instead of being ashamed and having to hide the burping and the farting, what would happen if I just farted and burped? So I started taking walks, which turned into more vigorous exercise. I was actually pretty drained from just the stomach issues, but I pushed to see what would happen. It was here I realized I had slow gut motility and not only did the gas came out, but i also started going to the bathroom more regularly.
I started thinking in terms of societal norms, or rather the constraints of society. A long time ago, humans rarely ever had these problems because we walked everywhere. We also didn't have 9 to 5's that we had to maintain. I realized that stress was a big component too, or at least that it didn't help thinking about where and how I'm gonna get my next hustle. Anyway, I went down this rabbithole of ancestral lifestyle that may or may not have been partly influenced by The Liver King - if you know, you know.
To make a long story short, the biggest solution I've come across in my own personal experience is to drink about a gallon of water a day and to burp until your little heart can't take no more. I do belly rubs and push into my intestines with a combination of using my hands and breathing techniques. Making sure to breath from the nose and into the belly, not into the shoulders. I've learned to take time for myself and to take life slowly. As of right now, overnight I can turn a 36 waist into a 34 just by releasing gas. I combine this with whole foods and I pretty much make everything from scratch. No garlic, no onion, no gluten. I didn't know I was celiac until I got SIBO, but I'm not exactly sure if SIBO makes it worse or not. I advised my friends, who assumedly don't have any conditions, to go gluten-free and they felt better. If you're a guy, it helps the man-titties go away.
My advice is if you're still reading this and you have a job, but are struggling with SIBO, then take a week off. Take a day or two for yourself to clear the brain fog and drink a lot of water. Start a meal prep for the rest of the week. This should take you literally all day. Get a chicken soup going with carrot and zucchini, a little bit of tomato paste with no garlic or onion. Check the ingredients. ON EVERYTHING. Download the Monash app on your phone, it's worth the 30 bucks. Most of all, push that gas out. I know it sucks and your throat might hurt a little after. But you'll feel like a shave-tailed Louie after one session. Imagine what would happen if you did that for 3, 4, 5 days in a row.
Conclusion, I still have SIBO. I'm working on it. I'm perfectly fine with the idea that it may never go away, I realize it wasn't my fault and there's no need to stress over it any further. I eat gluten-free and stay away from garlic and onion still, but besides that I eat what I want. At the end of the week I burp it all out. I haven't really tried for more than 3 or 4 consecutive days because it gets annoying and it hurts, but I imagine if I kept going I could conquer the world. I also realize theres a problem with the Ileocecal valve, which is exactly why I'm unable to pass the gas in my intestines out the butt. It's like a gate with a lock that lost its key. I haven't researched any further on the matter, but from what I read 3 or 4 years ago nobody knows what SIBO even is, how to fix it, or even if its a symptom of a larger issue. There are scholarly articles that may or may not tell you something useful that cost like 40 dollars. Not saying it's a waste of time, but I just don't want to cough that up if its not going to tell me anything I don't already know. That being said, if anyone has any useful information, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by AmbassadorEarly7953 to u/AmbassadorEarly7953 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:45 richiskool Help us find a compatible breed please

Suggest a dog breed for me please!
1) Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs?
A: I’ve had family dogs but not my own and my Gf hasn’t had one ever. My current family dog goes with us on walks and hikes and she is somewhat trained (loose leash walking and attentive to direction)
2) Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a reputable breeder?
A: currently thinking about going the breeder route so as to get a puppy to properly train and cohabit with our cats. Future dogs will likely be rescues.
3) Describe your ideal dog.
A: energetic, obedient, intelligent, eager to learn and friendly (good with kids and other pets)
4) What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why?
A: Border Collie and Australian shepherd intrigue us due to their aesthetic look, intelligence, and eagerness to learn which will make training easier.
5) What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do?
A: I’d like our dog to be able to walk off leash, heel, loose leash walk, recall, swim, and overall obedience training really.
6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport?
I’d like my dog to have the abilities to participate in an obedience sport although I don’t know if I’d sign us up.
Care Commitments
7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day?
A: 1-3 hours after work on workdays but on weekends most likely 4-8 hrs going off on hikes or beachside excursions.
8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park?
A: 2 hrs avg daily. Cardio and training to also mentally stimulate the dog, dog park would be occasional but not an everyday thing.
9) How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly?
A: We are willing to do constant brushing and teeth hygiene as well as clean up any accidents (poop in butt hair). We would also like to take it to monthly groomer for more detailed work.
Personal Preferences
10) What size dog are you looking for?
A: A dog on the medium size as we live in an apartment.
11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle?
A: Shedding is tolerable and the less slobber the better. Minimal barking would be best but understand that it’s in the nature of the dog, would like to find a way to encourage less in home barking but outdoors would be tolerable.
12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area?
A: It is important because we live in a city and wouldn’t want to have an accident.
Dog Personality and Behavior
13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space?
A: a snuggly dog would be awesome
14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please?
A: a dog that’s more eager to please.
15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors?
A: we want our dog to be friendly, less barking as a reaction to new things/people would be best.
16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs?
A: no
17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid?
A: We’d like to avoid dogs prone to separation anxiety as we both work 8-5 jobs and wouldn’t want the dog to be negatively impacted.
18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone?
A: approximately 8-10 hrs on weekdays due to work.
19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog?
A: it’ll just be my partner and I partaking in taking care of and training the dog.
20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they?
A: we have two cats at the moment. Gf wants fish and frog in future that will be in terrariums/Aquariums.
21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly?
A: they will have exposure to kids but not on a regular basis
22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease?
A: We plan to rent in the future and in our current lease the restrictions are against us having a big dog (Large breeds).
23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds?
A: SO-Cal USA, not aware of any dog restrictions that could apply to our location.
24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live?
A: 65°-80°F
Additional Information and Questions
25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant.
26) Feel free to ask any questions below. I would like to know breeds you all would suggest within these perimeters, thank you for your time
submitted by richiskool to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:29 sweetpietzschpie Looking after a baby while you have a head injury

Firstly I want to preface this with I love my son and I know it's not his fault he's upset a.lot currently.
My LO (7 months) has never been easy, very colicky and right now he's teething so it's gone into overdrive. I am also the only person who looks after him on the weekdays ( I work weekends and my partner has him then) I had a 50kmh bike accident two days ago and tore some neck muscles/dislocated shoulder and elbow and got a decent concussion - enough to make me vomit and pass out.
I have to say looking after him alone with a head injury is a nightmare. It's hard in a good day but with the nausea and vertigo and the crying giving me head splitting headaches this is easily one of the hardest things I've done. I have just been sitting on the ground crying while he screams at me non stop in between eating or pooping or one short nap.
I'm sure many people can relate - either being sick and looking after babies alone etc. I'm luckily I have my partner to take him on the weekend while I work instead of doing daycare which is so expensive here (AU)
Just looking for some encouragement I think. I am really struggling
submitted by sweetpietzschpie to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:07 etceteraism Is it "worth" buying good undies when potty training?

Is there a period when it's best to just use crappy, no-guilt-if-tossed underwear when potty training?
My daughter is almost 3 and we're just potty training now. She's a skinny kid, and all the undies I've bought her are too big save for some Fruit of the Loom ones that seem pretty cheap and flimsy. Considering buying some Hanna Anderson ones since they're on sale, but I've read poop accidents can lead to just tossing pairs out....
submitted by etceteraism to toddlers [link] [comments]
