Clomid success and pcos

Reddit's source for women's health info

2012.04.05 07:16 MaleGynecologist Reddit's source for women's health info

Reddit's source for women's health info, questions and discussion. If you are a professional with relevant professional knowledge, message the moderator proof (with your user name written next to it so it may be verified), and you will be given flair to show your profession or degree.

2016.05.28 21:09 dessa10 Trying To Have a Baby With PCOS

This is a supportive community for people trying to conceive with PCOS. Everyone is welcome here, you do not have to be actively trying to conceive in order to post. Partners of people with PCOS are also welcome. As well as emotional support, this subreddit will also be a resource to learn about PCOS and what you can do to improve your odds of conceiving.

2013.01.04 01:24 ThatGreenSolGirl InfertilityBabies - pregnancy after struggle

Infertility doesn't go away after the first positive test. This is a community for those who have gotten pregnant after a struggle with infertility. No matter how you got here, we understand where you've been and where you're going.

2024.05.22 01:47 EngineeringLumpy Miscarriage at 5 weeks, could folic acid have caused it

I have 1 (homozygous) of the C677T mutations, but I don’t really know what this meanss exactly. I’m 28 and I’ve only known I have it since last June or July, but I’ve always had signs of it so it makes sense. I had 1 pregnancy when I was 22, 23 when I had him and the pregnancy was healthy and full term. We’ve been trying to have another baby for like 18 months now and it’s been very hard because I have PCOS. In March I started taking an ovulation induction medication and it was successful, I got pregnant!! I was aware that with this gene mutation, I should be taking methylated folate, which I had been for many months prior to getting pregnant. However, I had recently seen an OBGYN on tiktok saying that people with MTHFR should take BOTH folic acid and methylfolate, so that’s what I did. RDV of both every day. 2 weeks ago I went to the doctor because I was having some spotting, and they saw that the baby had stopped developing at 5 weeks (I was close to 8 weeks). Could taking folic acid have interrupted the baby’s development and caused miscarriage? Is it DANGEROUS for people with MTHFR to take it, or just useless?
submitted by EngineeringLumpy to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:48 bloodysnotonfinger Do women with pcos ever lose that pcos belly and weight ?

I got diagnosed with pcos. I have that big belly and that Strubbon lower belly as well as really bad back fat (ok maybe the back fat is genetic). My Instagram m has been bombarding me with reels about this. I’ve not seen a SINGLE person successfully losing their belly fat. Not one success story. It’s left me feeling hopeless. I’m 5’4 and weight about 70 kgs .
submitted by bloodysnotonfinger to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:44 West_Marzipan_591 Anyone used Orlistat for PCOS weight loss and had any success?

What are your experiences?
submitted by West_Marzipan_591 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:03 xxclrbrxx Drs won’t listen

I’m about to give up on this journey. I was TTC for 3 years before I had my son, I went to fertility clinics and they never wanted to help. I conceived naturally after losing 80 lbs from an ED. I cannot lose weight unless I am actively starving myself. I’m now remarried and trying to have my 2nd (for over 2 yrs now) and I’m going full force with OBGYNs and fertility specialists and they will NOT help me. First dr I went to wanted to do IUI (I haven’t ovulated in over 3 years at this point) and didn’t want to prescribe any med to aid in ovulation. My 2nd dr canceled almost every appt I had and when I did see them they took the same tests and never sent any meds. 3rd dr refuses to prescribe metformin or clomid for no reason. Doing more tests that I have been doing for 2 years now, blood work, sonograms and ultrasounds that show no abnormalities, just PCOS. I’ve been uncontrollably bleeding for over a month and the provera I got prescribed isn’t working. Can’t get in contact with any of these specialists that they want me to go to because they won’t answer the phone. I just want to be prescribed metformin and nobody will give it to me. Have another appt with yet another dr that will probably make me redo the same tests over again and still not prescribe metformin. I don’t see what the point is anymore people just see me as the nasty fat girl who doesn’t need another kid.
submitted by xxclrbrxx to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:44 PharmD96 PGT-A results

I needed some thoughts after receiving our results from PGT-A and i’m just curious on what are our chances of a successful pregnancy are I am a 27 F and I have PCOS with BMI of 32. This is my first IVF cycle and so I am new to this.
Embryo results:
three 2AA one 2BA one 2BB
They are all Euploid as well and one 2AA and one 2BA were day 5s and the rest are day 6s
submitted by PharmD96 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:28 mgttc9 First ER results 29F/33M with low AMH and low morphology

Hi all, I've looked at a ton of hunger games results throughout this process and figured I'd throw mine in as well. I also love details so I tried to include everything even potentially relevant.
Results 20ish follicles 15 retrieved 14 mature 11 fertilized with ICSI 7 blasts frozen (2 day 5s, 4 day 6s, 1 day 7)
Context We have been TTC for 3.5 years with no pregnancies. Treatment history includes 5 medicated TI cycles and 3 IUIs (all with letrozole).
My spouse had low T discovered 1.5 years ago and has been successfully medicated with clomid and anastrozole for low sperm count. Motility is good but he consistently has 0-1% morphology. My RE defaults to ICSI for any MFI (zymot was not mentioned).
My usual AMH is around 0.8ng/ml and my AFC is around 10. A few months ago my AMH was randomly 1.8ng/ml and my AFC at baseline for my ER was zero after 3 weeks on birth control. My RE hoped for 5-8 eggs from this cycle.
Protocol My RE insisted 0 AFC was not a problem to move forward and started me on 300IU follistim and 150IU menopur for the first 5 days. On day 6 of stims, they saw 24 growing follicles which was a huge surprise.
Added ganirelix that day and dropped to 225 follistim and 75 menopur; further dropped follistim to 150 on day 8 when they counted around 20 follicles.
Last monitoring appointment and doses of follistim/menopur were on day 9 and we triggered with 10,000IU HCG the following night (shout-out to my husband for jabbing that huge needle in my butt at 1:00am on Mother's Day lol).
Continued ganirelix daily through ER and the following week. Also added letrozole and cabergoline to prevent OHSS. Had a standard course of antibiotics (doxycycline).
Symptoms and side effects On stims, my biggest side effect was feeling crazy emotional. Everything had me crying or raging. The constipation hit me like a truck on stim day 9 and lasted a week after ER.
That whole week I was bloated and uncomfortable and it took a few days for my ovaries to calm down. I drank a lot of electrolytes, took my prescribed meds, and did not develop OHSS.
Genetic testing and future plans PGT-A was a complicated decision but we ultimately decided not to test. We are hoping for one child and do not plan on another ER at this time.
submitted by mgttc9 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 rickyslicky24 Hilot to get pregnant

I just had an “angat matres” hilot session. 37 years old nako, five years married, with PCOS and no kids yet. Has anybody had success stories of women who got pregnant after hilot? Balita ko si Small Laude got pregnant after hilot too, as did my Mom who encouraged me to get one. I want to keep my hopes up. 🙏🏽
submitted by rickyslicky24 to PCOSPhilippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:46 a4fertility What are some common causes of female infertility?

The journey to parenthood is exciting, but it can also be frustrating when things don't go as planned. If you've been trying to conceive for a while without success, you're not alone. Infertility affects millions of women worldwide, and understanding the common causes is the first step toward finding solutions.
At A4 Fertility Center, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your dream of having a family. Our experienced team provides compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments to address a wide range of fertility challenges. Let's explore some of the most common reasons why women experience difficulty getting pregnant:
  1. Ovulation Issues: The Most Frequent Culprit
Ovulation is the process of releasing an egg from the ovary. If you're not ovulating regularly or at all, getting pregnant becomes difficult. Several factors can disrupt ovulation:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This hormonal disorder often leads to irregular periods and the development of small cysts on the ovaries. Hormonal Imbalances: Issues with thyroid function, prolactin levels, or other hormones can interfere with ovulation. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI): This condition occurs when the ovaries stop working normally before the age of 40. Age: As women get older, the quality and quantity of eggs decline, making it harder to conceive.
  1. Fallopian Tube Problems: Roadblocks to Conception
The fallopian tubes are the pathways that eggs travel through to reach the uterus. If these tubes are damaged or blocked, fertilization becomes difficult or impossible. Causes of tubal issues include:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): This infection, often caused by sexually transmitted infections, can damage the fallopian tubes. Endometriosis: This condition involves the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus, potentially affecting the tubes. Past Surgeries: Previous surgeries in the pelvic area can lead to scar tissue formation and blockages.
  1. Uterine Factors: Creating a Welcoming Environment
The uterus needs to be healthy for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. Certain conditions can make it difficult for implantation to occur.
Uterine Fibroids: These non-cancerous growths can distort the uterine cavity and affect implantation. Uterine polyps: These small growths in the lining of the uterus can interfere with implantation. Congenital Uterine Anomalies: Some women are born with abnormalities in the shape or structure of the uterus.
  1. Other Factors: A Variety of Possibilities
Infertility can also stem from other factors, such as:
Unexplained Infertility: Sometimes, no specific cause can be found. Cervical Issues: Problems with the cervix can hinder sperm from reaching the egg. Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like diabetes or autoimmune disorders can affect fertility. Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and extreme exercise can all play a role.
A4 Fertility Center: Your Partner in the Journey to Parenthood
At A4 Fertility Center, we understand the emotional and physical toll that infertility can take. Our team of specialists is here to support you every step of the way. We offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests and personalized treatment plans to address the underlying causes of your infertility.
Whether you need medication to regulate ovulation, surgery to repair blocked fallopian tubes, or assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF), we have the expertise and experience to help you overcome infertility and achieve your dream of starting a family.
Don't let infertility define your future. Contact A4 Fertility Center today and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow. We're here for you.
submitted by a4fertility to u/a4fertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:42 realitytrashbag Filled with rage

Does anyone have any success stories of letting their anger go? I’m absolutely angry when I am triggered. These last 6 months have been terrible. I’m literally imploding my own life with my anger anytime I am triggered. My partner is so disgusted with me and my behavior. I make the situation so much worse and I hurt those around me by saying mean things my rational self would never think twice about. If I don’t stop, I’m going to cause pain to my child like my mom did with me. Yet I just want him to live the best life ever and I love him so much. My partner and I have been trying for another child the last 10 months or so, but I found out I had PCOS a few months ago. Possibly contributing to my anger filled downfall? However, not trying to make excuses…Well…a couple weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant…but…a week later I found out I was having a miscarriage. I’m so unhappy with myself. I don’t understand why my body is treating me this way. I feel like it is a consequence of my bpd. Like I don’t deserve a happy life or another child. My rational self tells me that it is a good thing for now as I need to get my mental health back in check. But I’m just so mad. So mad at my partner for not caring for me the way I feel like I need. Mad at myself that I don’t bring him peace. Just so mad! So mad that I’m doing stupid stuff. I slightly cut a car off but they were speeding so I didn’t see them as we both turned right at a light (here I go with my excuses) and they started road rage driving next to me and I joined in like an idiot!! My child wasn’t in the car, and thankfully my anger isn’t strong enough to endanger him like that, but I have to get some help. I started lexapro today and start therapy again on Friday. I also still have childhood trauma too, so I plan to work through that in therapy as well. More anger at my mom for being my mom and raising me in the chaotic mental health environment she lived and currently still lives in. I just hate everything about myself. My upbringing, my thoughts, my appearance, my actions. Everything. And it makes me so angry.
submitted by realitytrashbag to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:12 Neat_Preparation3330 AZF-C microdeletion. What comes next?

2 months ago i had my first semen analysis and it showed only 3 million/ml with very poor motility and morphology. Testosterone was borderline low, but prolactin, FSH, and LH were all normal. Dr. Recommended clomid to boost the testosterone and also tested me from y chromosome microdeletion and klinefelters. I had recently been to our local hot springs and figured the low sperm count was due to exposure to wet heat. Then, the day before starting clomid, i decided to do another semen analysis (only like 3 weeks after the first test) and it showed 0 sperm! Wtf! I went into a panic. The day after that my genetic test revealed AZF-C microdeletion….i cried, panicked, googled the whole web on anything i could find, came back with “atleast its not an A or B deletion”. Started clomid. Its been a month. Redid blood work. Testosterone (free calculation) has been boosted big time from a 63 to 188 pg/ml LH jumped up from a 3.6 to an 8.1 iu/L but still in normal levels, FSH jumped from a 10.3 to a 19 iu/L which is technically abnormal but likely expected due to the clomid. Definitely been feeling the benefits of the clomid within as few as 3 days. Taking 50 ml every other day. Waking up with morning wood a lot more often, had not even realized that my sex drive had taken a toll. Im 37 and my wife is 34. Definitely not putting off having kids any longer. Did a 3rd semen analysis today (waiting for results) and although the dr said there is no need, i requested that the andrology lab bank anything they find. $200 to bank it and $300 for storage per year. This is at the university of utah. Im not messing around…nothing scarier to a man than being told you have zero swimmers in your semen. Fingers crossed the semen analysis looks way better. Hope this helps anyone going thru this. Hit me up if you want to chat further. Im learning this as i go just like u guys. Good luck out there! Would love to hear more success stories and any treatment that worked for you with y-chromosome microdeletion!
submitted by Neat_Preparation3330 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:27 Little_TrapperKeeper Let's talk about PCOS and fertility

Let's talk about PCOS and fertility
🚨Trigger warning🚨 miscarriage, infertility
Pam has told us that she takes Metformin for her struggles with PCOS. It's funny that her sharing she was on metformin for her PCOS just so happened to coincide with her medically assisted weight loss journey. I know she states she lost 100 pounds due to calorie counting and good choices. But let's be real...Matt told a previous neighbor that she took shots into the stomach for weight loss.
But I digress. So let's say Pam has PCOS, I'll give that to her (I know, right? Trapper giving this bitch a bone??) Let's take a look at PCOS then.
Poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that causes hormone imbalances, irregular periods and low progesterone levels that can cause fertility issues due to difficulty with ovulation. 70 - 80% of women with PCOS have difficulty conceiving naturally. Chances are better at naturally conceiving when you are under 35, but it is still difficult nonetheless. PCOS is a life long condition that is treatable during a woman's child bearing years. A woman as young as Pam, who probably wasn’t trying to get pregnant before her engagent to Matt, would be commonly prescribed birth control pills in order to manage and regulate her cycle. Women who managed their PCOS with birth control pills are told that when they are ready to start a family, to give themselves 6 months to a year to successfully conceive because it can take that long for your body to readjust after hormone therapy. It's not an easy feat to fall pregnant with PCOS, especially while on birth control to manage it and even up to a year after you stopped hormone treatment to start a family.
Things that can help in increasing chances of conception are regular exercise, getting enough sleep, avoiding alcohol, achieving a healthy weight.
Now let's compare this information to what Pam has told us about her experience.
Pam told us that she was on birth control during the time her and Matt were dating. She has told us she has PCOS, a life long condition for women in their child bearing years. She has told us that when she got "pregnant" with Noelle, she wasn't sleeping well, eating well, was very stressed and drinking red bulls like crazy. She also told us that when she "miscarried" she was 11 weeks along. She also told us that she had no idea she was "pregnant." She also told us that she was on antibiotics, which was the culprit in getting her pregnant.
So tell me Pam, when you were on birth control pills, which are prescribed to women with PCOS to regulate their cycle, and noticed you did not have a cycle for 2 months, you didn't think to take a pregnancy test? If you married Matt for insurance, how did you get your dirty little hands on birth control pills, antibiotics and also fix that broken arm you had from shredding the slopes while snowboarding? When after you missed 2 cycles, then started hemorrhaging after not bleeding for 2 whole months, why did you go to a family BBQ, then to Friendly's for ice cream instead of the hospital? Why did you think the best course of action was to bury your 11 week old baby with fingies and eyeballs (all which are not visible to the naked eye) was to put it in an LV box and bury it in the backyard, instead of going to the hospital?
I tell you why, because you never were "pregnant" with Noelle and you never had a "miscarriage." LLR and other MLM groups were telling their consultants to tell stories to their shoppers for pity in hopes to drum up more sales and trauma bond with their bestie customers. I think this is why she came forward with this story. To drum up sales using a story that wasn't hers. Yes, my sources also told me that she took this miscarriage story from someone in her past.
You never went to the hospital, you never checked to make sure all products of conception were cleared, you never were pregnant.
And don't call me disgusting. I'm not the one who buried a baby in a box in my dad's back yard, or lied about doing it.
submitted by Little_TrapperKeeper to PWebbssnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:03 SarahRebekahRachel How and when did you get to the acceptance stage?

For context, my husband and I are now on cycle 15 and I thought the one year mark was going to be the worst for me...but this past week getting my period, and I have literally just been crying non-stop for days now. Usually I'll cry for two days max, and as little as an hour when I get my period...but I don't know why, this cycle is just sending me over the edge. It's made me lose 100% hope, and I can't even envision it anymore. I'm just really sad, depressed, and very angry. Maybe I should pick up boxing to get my anger out, but my god it is so frustrating. I don't want to be around anyone. I don't want anyone to see me like this as it's visible that I am just not myself, and it's bringing the worst out of me so I just refrain from anything social these days. Also, I am seeing a therapist but transparently, I don't see it helping me much.
We've run all the tests at this point, have my first HSG this Wednesday which I'm anxious about. All my tests came back normal except my FSH was a little high at 16, doctor said nothing to worry about with my normal AMH and ultrasounds. My husband's SA is normal too per the doctor, although what I'm seeing on the test says moderate sperm agglutination and 3.5% morphology. These appear to be pretty concerning problems and reasons why we haven't been successful yet, but doctor insists it's normal... This past cycle I was on clomid for the first time and doing timed IC, felt a little glimmer of hope as I had 3 mature eggs. Started last week off with awful cramping leading up to my period finally 4 days later. Just devastated. Went in for the next ultrasound, and the clomid gave me a huge cyst already, so they've switched me to letrazole. Going to check me again next week, and depending on if the cyst is gone or not, may skip doing anything this cycle by them (we were considering IUI this cycle to get things going).
Outside of fertility issues, the past 4 years have been probably the toughest in my life personally. From ending a decade long career with a company due to a toxic work environment, moving across the country on the same day finding out my father has caught COVID and has a 50/50 chance of surviving and being intubated in a hospital (they told me I better get to his state ASAP as they didn't think he'd make it), starting a new job but getting laid off only months later and only 3 months after we just bought a house in the new state big enough to start a family, and now this. I feel like I cannot catch a break, like I'm being punished in my life. I understand this is all perspective, and people have it worse and I'm lucky, I agree. People die in wars, or people don't have access to the amazing fertility benefits my job offers. I understand how despite it all how fortunate I am...but I am just tired. I wish all of these traumatic events weren't just jam packed back to back. I just want to breathe a little.
I know what I'm feeling is normal and natural, and I'm at the angry stage right now. At what cycle # did it get easier for you, or you saw yourself being more accepting and your more usual self, going out and being social again? What got you there and helped outside of therapy?
Thank you in advance. This journey is so lonely and no one understands unless you've gone through it. I feel the most reprieve of my misery when I hear others in this community and talk to people here. It is much appreciated you've even taken the time to read what I've had to say.
submitted by SarahRebekahRachel to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:59 Aromatic_Nectarine14 Leg hair growing more after laser

I had success doing laser hair removal on my bikini area and underarms several years ago, and this past year decided to do my lower legs. Although the laser used was the same as the other areas I previously treated, my leg hair doesn't seem to be responding in the same way and actually seems to be growing in thickemore quickly than pre-laser.
My skin type is very fair and my lower leg hair is fairly fine and light but definitely not blonde (you wouldn't notice it from far away, but up close it is visible). It is probably around the same shade as my underarms/bikini, but slightly lighter.
The laser used during all of my laser treatments was GentleMax Pro by Candela on Alexandrite 18/16/30/10. I am four sessions in and waited about 6 weeks between each treatment. Recent bloodwork indicated that my hormone levels were normal and I don't have PCOS. This is the same protocol that I followed for my previous treatments, but I was noticing positive results after the third treatment and definitely not an increase in hair growth.
Should I keep going and complete additional sessions (was planning to do 8-10 in total) but change the settings? Or should I try electrolysis? Not sure if this sounds like hypertrichosis or not, but I don't want to make things worse by continuing so would love any advice!
submitted by Aromatic_Nectarine14 to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:51 AsleepReputation3418 Pregnancy Anxiety

TW: Miscarriage/ectopic
long story rant beware
i have pcos and just started to conceive, well this cycle i did conceive, my lmp was april 22 and i found out i was pregnant on may 18
May 14: fell down stairs from back side, hurt my back really bad
May16: i had small brown discharge
May 17 nothing ,
may 18 i really started to spot and also got lots of clots but only when i wiped, my panty liner was clear. i thought i was miscarrying that day with so much clots some long some small. did hcg same day and it was 280
May 19 my spotting and clotting got less started duphaston spotting and clotting completely gone by night. extreme low back pain {maybe from the fall idk} lots of leg cramps, gas pain type in pelvic. nausea, light headiness.
May 20: no spotting and clots but physical pain the same, even pain around the hips. re did hcg 420..
now that’s whole story, so here comes my anxiety
with all my symptoms and number didn’t double or got less in 48 hours. i’m scared of potential ectopic, i feel like crying because i don’t know anything. ik stressing won’t help but idk what to do
any success story similar to mine. give me some motivation to move on
will retest again on saturday..
submitted by AsleepReputation3418 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:50 AsleepReputation3418 Pregnancy Anxiety

TW: Miscarriage/ectopic
long story rant beware
i have pcos and just started to conceive, well this cycle i did conceive, my lmp was april 22 and i found out i was pregnant on may 18
May 14: fell down stairs from back side, hurt my back really bad
May16: i had small brown discharge
May 17 nothing ,
may 18 i really started to spot and also got lots of clots but only when i wiped, my panty liner was clear. i thought i was miscarrying that day with so much clots some long some small. did hcg same day and it was 280
May 19 my spotting and clotting got less started duphaston spotting and clotting completely gone by night. extreme low back pain {maybe from the fall idk} lots of leg cramps, gas pain type in pelvic. nausea, light headiness.
May 20: no spotting and clots but physical pain the same, even pain around the hips. re did hcg 420..
now that’s whole story, so here comes my anxiety
with all my symptoms and number didn’t double or got less in 48 hours. i’m scared of potential ectopic, i feel like crying because i don’t know anything. ik stressing won’t help but idk what to do
any success story similar to mine. give me some motivation to keep going
will retest again on saturday..
submitted by AsleepReputation3418 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:35 Weird_Antelope_481 12lbs down in 3 weeks!

SW222 CW 210. Female 35, 5'7" PCOS. 2.5mg. Started 4/29/24. I have struggled for years to lose weight. I felt hungry all the time. I didn't eat junk food or fast food. Just the occasional sugar. I gained weight at times uncontrollably. I have some sort of insulin something too so many foods made me sluggish and gain easily. Honestly didn't really get that checked out when I probably should have. I just avoided foods that made me 'crash'.
Until now! I just did my 4th shot this morning so I am just 3 weeks in. Hunger is at bay! I haven't been working out (I plan to get on this more.) Just making sure to get enough protein (Fairlife and chicken has been my saviors, I eat Real Good chicken strips for when I am too busy to cook). Drinking lots of water and for electrolytes I drink some LMNT watermelon (not even a packet a day since it can get pretty sweet and salty when you do the whole thing!) No crashes after eating since I started too! I got 5mg for my next dose in the mail soon and I planned on waiting to see if I would need to move up, but I am staying on 2.5 until my losses slow! I do like the idea that I can titrate up if needed.
I have been weighing everyday since I am an excel and numbers geek and I use the app Monitor Your Weight. It has trend lines and is just a simple free little app. I do sometimes track food with MyFitnessPal when I feel like I have to but protein and veggies are my main food typically (a little fruit) so the only struggle is making sure I had enough protein and food for the day when I don't feel too hungry.
This weekend I had tons of events to go to and I ate some sweets and still lost weight. I literally just cannot overeat nor do I want to! I tend to just pick at my plate a lot nowadays.
I use Emerge and the pharmacy I get my compound from is Hallendale. The first shot was nerve-wracking but it didn't hurt! I forgot to swirl the vial but it definitely still works! I did L thigh, R thigh, R stomach, L stomach (this AM). I plan on going in this shot order every month. The only issues I ever had was the first week having some diarrhea. I added fiber to start and now I don't even add it and it's fine. The shots to the stomach definitely bloat me for a few hours but it's not too bad, it goes away.
Just wanted to share my starting success and how excited I am to be on this journey! GW maybe 140. Hard to tell since I cannot even comprehend what my body will look like at that weight!
This already truly feels like a miracle! Good luck to everyone!
submitted by Weird_Antelope_481 to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:31 Weird_Antelope_481 12lbs down in 3 weeks!

SW222 CW 210. Female 35, 5'7" PCOS. 2.5mg. Started 4/29/24. I have struggled for years to lose weight. I felt hungry all the time. I didn't eat junk food or fast food. Just the occasional sugar. I gained weight at times uncontrollably. I have some sort of insulin something too so many foods made me sluggish and gain easily. Honestly didn't really get that checked out when I probably should have. I just avoided foods that made me 'crash'.
Until now! I just did my 4th shot this morning so I am just 3 weeks in. Hunger is at bay! I haven't been working out (I plan to get on this more.) Just making sure to get enough protein (Fairlife and chicken has been my saviors, I eat Real Good chicken strips for when I am too busy to cook). Drinking lots of water and for electrolytes I drink some LMNT watermelon (not even a packet a day since it can get pretty sweet and salty when you do the whole thing!) No crashes after eating since I started too! I got 5mg for my next dose in the mail soon and I planned on waiting to see if I would need to move up, but I am staying on 2.5 until my losses slow! I do like the idea that I can titrate up if needed.
I have been weighing everyday since I am an excel and numbers geek and I use the app Monitor Your Weight. It has trend lines and is just a simple free little app. I do sometimes track food with MyFitnessPal when I feel like I have to but protein and veggies are my main food typically (a little fruit) so the only struggle is making sure I had enough protein and food for the day when I don't feel too hungry.
This weekend I had tons of events to go to and I ate some sweets and still lost weight. I literally just cannot overeat nor do I want to! I tend to just pick at my plate a lot nowadays.
I use Emerge and the pharmacy I get my compound from is Hallendale. The first shot was nerve-wracking but it didn't hurt! I forgot to swirl the vial but it definitely still works! I did L thigh, R thigh, R stomach, L stomach (this AM). I plan on going in this shot order every month. The only issues I ever had was the first week having some diarrhea. I added fiber to start and now I don't even add it and it's fine. The shots to the stomach definitely bloat me for a few hours but it's not too bad, it goes away.
Just wanted to share my starting success and how excited I am to be on this journey! GW maybe 140. Hard to tell since I cannot even comprehend what my body will look like at that weight!
This already truly feels like a miracle! Good luck to everyone!
submitted by Weird_Antelope_481 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:28 jujaio Can I be diagnosed and treated with pcos without a transvaginal ultrasound?

I think I may have pcos or some other type of hormone issues. Several women in my family have it. I've always struggled with being obese and my periods have always been irregular, but recently I've been dealing with extreme depression, low and high mood changes, and hair loss that I never have dealt with. I also see my body is beginning to store weight differently and I'm thinking it could be pcos. My family also has a history of diabetes and I am prediabetic myself. I am also at my heaviest I've ever been at 346lbs.
I've been trying to lose weight but have zero motivation due to my emotional and mental health issues. I would like to be diagnosed and treated to be able to improve the likelihood of successful weightloss.
I really want to get checked but I absolutely do not want to do a transvaginal ultrasound or anything that involves something going inside my vagina. I'm scared of the pain and the embarrassment that I'll be put through. I know that it's better to go through pain for the sake of my health, but I know what bad painful traumatic experience could do to my mental health. I'm not somewhere in my life where I could even work through something like that. I don't have a stable home life that I could just go home and feel better and work through my thoughts so I would like to avoid having to do anything that would cause me so much distress.
Anyone know if its possible to receive treatment from just blood tests?
Editing to add: I also have taken the myo & d-chiro inositol by wholesome story and it has helped me get my period each time I've taken it. (Although it still hasn't been regulated but thats my fault because I forget to take it.) I wondered that maybe that working for me could mean i have PCOS?
submitted by jujaio to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:24 Less-Bar7605 Slow loss first month

I just lost three pounds my first month and I’m feeling a little discouraged. I actually feel great on the medicine, had no side effects, and overall felt like I ate much less and more healthily. I have PCOS and was hopeful that the weight would come off quickly month one like so many success stories here have detailed. I do need to incorporate more water and exercise and maybe some calorie counting…
Did anyone have a slow month one and then successful months subsequently?
submitted by Less-Bar7605 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:01 futuremom92 Are these SA results bad enough to explain why we can’t conceive?

So my husband’s (34) SA results are the following: - Count: 15 mil/ml, total in ejeculate: approx 80 mil - Motility: 40% - Progressive Motility: 34% (only 4% rapid though, everything else is “slow/sluggish”, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that bad of a ratio rapid vs slow) - Morphology: 2%
We are awaiting DNA fragmentation but it’s likely high due to the low motility and morphology.
We’ve been trying now for 9 cycles in the past year without success. I’m 31, and all testing for me has been good with an excellent AMH (4.5 ng/ml), regular 29 day cycles, no PCOS or Endo. Hormones are perfectly balanced. Tubes are clear, ovaries and uterus look great on imaging. I gave birth to our daughter without issue 2.5 years ago (completely uneventful pregnancy and vaginal delivery, with no complications). So I know I can get pregnant/implant an embryo but it just seems to not be happening this time around.
submitted by futuremom92 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:55 lockabox Failed 2nd Cycle

I had a relatively successful first cycle: 5 eggs, 4 mature and fertilized normally with ICSI, 2 blasts, 1 euploid, pending PGT-M. I am 41 with low AMH (1.24, was 0.61), AFC was 9 last year.
This cycle, I had so much hope. At one point I had 10 follicles. In the end there were only 5 eggs, 4 mature, only one fertilized and did not make it to blast. What's worse, my PGT-M team needed more embryos from this cycle to build the probe to test my only euploid blast. I don't know if this one arrested embryo will be enough.
Protocol this time was:
Luteal start 5 days estrogen priming
CD 1-5 150 Menopur 225 Follistim 100 Clomid
CD 6-10 150 Menopur 225 Follistim (started Ganirelix CD 8)
CD 11 150 Menopur and 150 Follistim
CD 12 150 Follistim, triggered with 80 units Leuprolide and 250 Ovidrel. Ganirelix in the AM.
CD 14 Retieval
I only have one more cycle covered by insurance, and my parter has already said he's done after this as it's "too stressful." I'm considering paying out of pocket for an egg freezing cycle in hopes that they could try fertilizing those eggs plus whatever I get from my ER from my final IVF cycle.
I just feel so lost and a failure. I waited way too long to have my fertility checked and am now paying for it. I always wanted to be a mom and it just feels like it's slipping away.
Does anyone who has gone through something similar with age and low AMH have suggestions on protocol? I think part of the problem this time my follicles were such a large range that the doctors aimed for the best "group" and missed. I know I will never have big numbers. I'm just hoping for one or two more embryos so I can have a chance at a transfer or two.
Thank you for reading.
Edit: spacing for readability
submitted by lockabox to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:52 futuremom92 Are these SA results bad enough to explain why we can’t conceive?

So my husband’s (34) SA results are the following: - Count: 15 mil/ml, total in ejeculate: approx 80 mil - Motility: 40% - Progressive Motility: 34% (only 4% rapid though, everything else is “slow/sluggish”, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that bad of a ratio rapid vs slow) - Morphology: 2%
We are awaiting DNA fragmentation but it’s likely high due to the low motility and morphology.
We’ve been trying now for 9 cycles in the past year without success. I’m 31, and all testing for me has been good with an excellent AMH (4.5 ng/ml), regular 29 day cycles, no PCOS or Endo. Hormones are perfectly balanced. Tubes are clear, ovaries and uterus look great on imaging. I gave birth to our daughter without issue 2.5 years ago (completely uneventful pregnancy and vaginal delivery, with no complications). So I know I can get pregnant/implant an embryo but it just seems to not be happening this time around.
submitted by futuremom92 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]