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2024.05.21 22:35 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #100-120

Number 100:

1.Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, diligence, and practicality. 2. The Page of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card embodying creativity, intuitive exploration, and emotional sensitivity. 3. Creative Intuition: Reflects artistic expression, intuitive exploration, and creative potential. 4. Emotional Curiosity: Symbolizes curiosity, emotional depth, and imaginative creativity. 5. Exploring New Emotions: Embodies emotional exploration, creative inspiration, and sensitivity.

Number 90:

  1. Balanced Vision: Signifies a well-rounded vision, completeness, and achieving balance.
  2. The Knight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing assertive action, determination, and swift movements.
  3. Swift Action: Reflects decisive action, determination, and assertive behavior.
  4. Assertive Communication: Symbolizes clear communication, directness, and swift decision-making.
  5. Active Pursuit: Embodies quick thinking, adaptability, and focused determination.

Number 91:

  1. Harmonious Growth: Signifies growth, expansion, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Queen of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing clear communication, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  3. Intellectual Clarity: Reflects clear thinking, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  4. Balanced Judgment: Symbolizes fairness, intellectual maturity, and clear-sightedness.
  5. Assertive Authority: Embodies clear communication, intellectual strength, and assertive guidance.

Number 92:

  1. Stable Leadership: Signifies stable leadership, practicality, and vision.
  2. The King of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing visionary leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. Visionary Leadership: Reflects influential leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurship.
  4. Creative Authority: Symbolizes innovative thinking, leadership in creative ventures, and a visionary approach.
  5. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Embodies pioneering mindset, leadership skills, and a visionary outlook.

Number 93:

  1. Transformational Change: Signifies radical changes, growth, and dynamic shifts.
  2. The Five of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing financial hardship, isolation, and seeking help.
  3. Overcoming Adversity: Reflects challenging times, seeking assistance, and perseverance.
  4. Recovery from Struggles: Symbolizes resilience, seeking support, and rebuilding after hardships.
  5. Adapting to Change: Embodies resilience, overcoming difficulties, and seeking stability.

Number 94:

  1. Adaptive Partnerships: Signifies adaptable relationships, cooperation, and flexibility.
  2. The Six of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying transition, moving on, and mental healing.
  3. Moving Forward: Reflects transitions, leaving behind difficulties, and seeking peace.
  4. Mental Healing: Symbolizes mental clarity, emotional peace, and healing from past issues.
  5. Transition to Stability: Embodies moving towards peace, seeking resolutions, and finding tranquility.

Number 95:

  1. Intuitive Exploration: Signifies intuitive insights, exploration, and heightened awareness.
  2. The Seven of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing challenges, standing firm, and defending beliefs.
  3. Defending Beliefs: Reflects standing your ground, overcoming challenges, and defending principles.
  4. Courageous Stand: Symbolizes resilience, determination, and facing opposition with courage.
  5. Spiritual Fortitude: Embodies inner strength, resilience, and defending spiritual values.

Number 96:

  1. Balanced Adaptation: Signifies adaptability, harmony, and maintaining balance amid change.
  2. The Eight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing dedication, skill-building, and craftsmanship.
  3. Dedicated Efforts: Reflects focused work, dedication, and skill enhancement.
  4. Skill Development: Symbolizes honing talents, focused learning, and mastering skills.
  5. Steady Progress: Embodies consistent effort, skill improvement, and dedicated craftsmanship.

Number 97:

  1. Spiritual Exploration: Signifies spiritual growth, exploration, and inner enlightenment.
  2. The Nine of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying anxiety, worry, and mental distress.
  3. Overcoming Anxiety: Reflects inner turmoil, worry, and seeking peace of mind.
  4. Mental Relief: Symbolizes seeking calmness, alleviating worries, and finding mental solace.
  5. Inner Healing: Embodies emotional stability, mental peace, and healing from distress.

Number 98:

  1. Resourceful Solutions: Signifies resourceful approaches, adaptability, and innovative strategies.
  2. The Ten of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional fulfillment, harmony, and family bliss.
  3. Harmonious Bonds: Reflects joyous connections, family happiness, and emotional satisfaction.
  4. Emotional Fulfillment: Symbolizes contentment, happiness, and a sense of completion.
  5. Family Harmony: Embodies familial joy, emotional satisfaction, and harmonious relationships.

Number 99:

  1. Innovative Vision: Signifies visionary ideas, creativity, and seeking higher understanding.
  2. The Page of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying intellect, curiosity, and new perspectives.
  3. Intellectual Curiosity: Reflects seeking knowledge, new ideas, and intellectual exploration.
  4. Energetic Communication: Symbolizes clear thinking, direct communication, and new concepts.
  5. Exploring New Horizons: Embodies curiosity, embracing new perspectives, and intellectual ventures.

Number 100:

  1. Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.
  2. The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, diligence, and practicality.
  3. Steadfast Commitment: Reflects dedication, reliability, and unwavering commitment.
  4. Practical Adaptation: Symbolizes adjusting plans, steady progress, and reliability in change.
  5. Consistent Progress: Embodies steady growth, adaptable strategies, and reliability in endeavors.

Number 101:

  1. Creative Harmony: Signifies creative expression, harmony, and a balanced creative approach.
  2. The Queen of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing charisma, confidence, and creativity.
  3. Creative Confidence: Reflects self-assuredness, creative flair, and passionate expression.
  4. Charismatic Leadership: Symbolizes influential leadership, boldness, and creativity in leadership.
  5. Inspired Expression: Embodies passionate creativity, confidence, and influential charisma.

Number 102:

  1. Stable Independence: Signifies independence, stability, and self-reliance.
  2. The King of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional maturity, compassion, and leadership.
  3. Emotional Stability: Reflects balanced emotions, leadership in emotions, and compassionate authority.
  4. Compassionate Leadership: Symbolizes emotional intelligence, balanced leadership, and stable emotions.
  5. Steady Guidance: Embodies calm authority, emotional stability, and compassionate leadership.

Number 103:

  1. Resourceful Expansion: Signifies expansion, resourcefulness, and growth opportunities.
  2. The Ace of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, prosperity, and materialization of goals.
  3. Material Opportunities: Reflects new beginnings, potential wealth, and fertile ground for growth.
  4. Prosperous Ventures: Symbolizes abundance, materializing ideas, and fruitful beginnings.
  5. Potential Manifestation: Embodies the potential for success, materialization of goals, and fertile opportunities.

Number 104:

  1. Harmonious Creativity: Signifies creative collaborations, balance, and artistic endeavors.
  2. The Two of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing partnerships, mutual respect, and emotional connections.
  3. Harmonious Bonds: Reflects emotional connections, partnerships, and mutual understanding.
  4. Collaborative Unity: Symbolizes cooperation, emotional balance, and harmonious relationships.
  5. Balanced Partnership: Embodies mutual respect, emotional harmony, and cooperative endeavors.

Number 105:

  1. Intuitive Exploration: Signifies intuitive insights, exploration, and heightened awareness.
  2. The Three of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying foresight, expansion, and seeking new horizons.
  3. Seeking Opportunities: Reflects anticipating growth, expansion, and seeking new possibilities.
  4. Expansive Vision: Symbolizes forward-thinking, seeking prospects, and planning for growth.
  5. Foresightful Ventures: Embodies anticipation, seeking new paths, and visionary exploration.

Number 106:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a solid base.
  2. The Four of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing apathy, dissatisfaction, and contemplation.
  3. Contemplation and Discontent: Reflects introspection, discontentment, and contemplating choices.
  4. Seeking Satisfaction: Symbolizes a search for fulfillment, exploring options, and inner reflection.
  5. Emotional Reevaluation: Embodies reconsideration, emotional introspection, and seeking contentment.

Number 107:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Five of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying conflict, tension, and winning at a cost.
  3. Conflict and Resolution: Reflects confrontations, ego clashes, and resolving disputes.
  4. Learning from Conflict: Symbolizes understanding losses, valuing lessons, and seeking resolution.
  5. Resolving Disagreements: Embodies conflict resolution, compromise, and learning from adversity.

Number 108:

  1. Stable Foundation: Signifies stability, security, and a solid foundation.
  2. The Six of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence.
  3. Nostalgic Reminiscence: Reflects fond memories, innocence, and reconnecting with the past.
  4. Emotional Connection: Symbolizes deep emotional bonds, nostalgic experiences, and innocence.
  5. Past Reflections: Embodies reminiscing, innocence, and reconnecting with cherished memories.

Number 109:

  1. Innovative Ideas: Signifies fresh perspectives, original concepts, and inventive thinking.
  2. The Seven of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing deception, manipulation, and evasion.
  3. Deception and Secrecy: Reflects hidden motives, evading truth, and misleading actions.
  4. Seeking Clarity: Symbolizes uncovering deceit, honesty, and seeking truth.
  5. Honesty and Transparency: Embodies truthfulness, sincerity, and open communication.

Number 110:

  1. Harmonious Stability: Signifies stability, balance, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Overcoming Limitations: Reflects feeling constrained, seeking freedom, and finding solutions.
  4. Mental Liberation: Symbolizes breaking free from restrictions, seeking alternatives, and mental clarity.
  5. Freedom from Restraints: Embodies seeking liberation, overcoming limitations, and finding solutions.

Number 111:

  1. Enlightened Guidance: Signifies spiritual wisdom, intuitive insight, and divine guidance.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying resilience, endurance, and standing firm.
  3. Resilient Persistence: Reflects unwavering determination, resilience, and courage.
  4. Strength through Challenges: Symbolizes overcoming adversity, standing tall, and resilience in difficulties.
  5. Courageous Resilience: Embodies resilience, persistence, and fortitude in adversity.

Number 112:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, structure, and balance in all aspects.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing painful endings, betrayal, and rock bottom.
  3. Closure and Renewal: Reflects closure of cycles, painful endings, and readiness for new beginnings.
  4. Embracing Change: Symbolizes transformation, releasing pain, and seeking renewal.
  5. Transition to Healing: Embodies letting go, embracing change, and healing from pain.

Number 113:

  1. Innovative Inspiration: Signifies creative inspiration, intellectual ideas, and forward-thinking.
  2. The Page of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, practicality, and studiousness.
  3. Exploring Opportunities: Reflects new ventures, practical pursuits, and embracing opportunities.
  4. Practical Ventures: Symbolizes grounded approaches, new prospects, and exploring possibilities.
  5. Curiosity and Learning: Embodies curiosity, embracing knowledge, and seeking practical paths.

Number 114:

  1. Adaptive Progress: Signifies adaptability, progress, and flexibility in approach.
  2. The Knight of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing romantic idealism, creative pursuits, and following dreams.
  3. Dreamy Pursuits: Reflects emotional depth, pursuing dreams, and romantic aspirations.
  4. Creative Aspirations: Symbolizes creative endeavors, emotional expression, and passionate pursuits.
  5. Sentimental Pursuits: Embodies emotional expression, dream chasing, and romantic ideals.

Number 115:

  1. Visionary Exploration: Signifies visionary ideas, spiritual quests, and explorative insights.
  2. The Queen of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing emotional intelligence, compassion, and nurturing stability.
  3. Nurturing Empathy: Reflects compassionate care, emotional intelligence, and nurturing support.
  4. Intuitive Guidance: Symbolizes heightened intuition, emotional wisdom, and empathetic connections.
  5. Emotional Wisdom: Embodies empathy, emotional insight, and nurturing compassion.

Number 116:

  1. Stable Authority: Signifies stable leadership, practical wisdom, and authoritative stability.
  2. The King of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing material success, prosperity, and financial security.
  3. Financial Stability: Reflects material success, practical wisdom, and financial security.
  4. Reliable Leadership: Symbolizes grounded leadership, prosperity, and practical stability.
  5. Steadfast Authority: Embodies stability, financial security, and leadership strength.

Number 117:

  1. Innovative Knowledge: Signifies unconventional wisdom, unique insights, and visionary intellect.
  2. The Ace of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying clarity, truth, and new perspectives.
  3. Clarity and Truth: Reflects mental clarity, truth-seeking, and a new viewpoint.
  4. Mental Prowess: Symbolizes intellectual strength, clear thinking, and seeking truth.
  5. New Beginnings: Embodies fresh starts, mental clarity, and the pursuit of truth.

Number 118:

  1. Structural Stability: Signifies stability, organization, and a structured approach.
  2. The Two of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing indecision, stalemate, and weighing options.
  3. Decision-Making Dilemma: Reflects mental conflict, decisions, and weighing choices.
  4. Balancing Choices: Symbolizes a need for resolution, balanced decisions, and seeking clarity.
  5. Mental Crossroads: Embodies decision-making, seeking clarity, and resolving conflicts.

Number 119:

  1. Balanced Partnerships: Signifies balanced relationships, cooperation, and mutual understanding.
  2. The Three of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card embodying celebration, friendship, and joyful gatherings.
  3. Harmonious Celebrations: Reflects joyful occasions, friendships, and harmonious connections.
  4. Friendship and Unity: Symbolizes social bonds, celebration, and mutual happiness.
  5. Joyous Relationships: Embodies happy connections, celebrations, and mutual appreciation.

Number 120:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Four of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing rest, recuperation, and a period of contemplation.
  3. Mental Rejuvenation: Reflects recuperation, resting the mind, and seeking mental peace.
  4. Contemplative Rest: Symbolizes introspection, mental tranquility, and taking a break.
  5. Peaceful Pause: Embodies mental rejuvenation, quiet reflection, and inner calm.
These interpretations offer insight into various aspects of life and situations, aiming to provide diverse perspectives and potential meanings for each card.
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submitted by adriancha to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:30 saraalaimoo Just received this email

Hello. I’ve just received this email from a debt collector. I owe about $2500, it’s been a rough year and we fell behind on some credit cards. Rent, utilities, groceries, insurance payments were a priority. Wondering if anyone can help me out, if they can actually take me to court/garnish my wages etc? I can’t even tell if the email legit or not to be honest. Thanks everyone! Just realized I can’t attach a photo, so I copied and pasted the email. Thanks.
Good day,
I represent Canadian Tire Bank regarding your debt owing to my client, and litigation that was recently commenced against you.
My client would prefer to resolve this matter without the need for further litigation.
If we are required to obtain Judgment, we will normally be asked enforce this Judgment through garnishment, Writ of Seizure and Sale of Land/Property and/or Examination in Court, before a Judge, at which you will be required to disclose all of your financial information.
All costs of the litigation, and the enforcement of the Judgment, would be added on to the total owing, along with accrued interest, so it is in your best interest to respond to this e-mail in the next 5 days.
I would ask that you contact the collection side of our office to resolve this matter, as they can best review you financial situation and negotiate a resolution. You can call Emmanuel Airuehia at our office to resolve this matter. Emmanuel Airuehia can be reached at 888-589-7014 ext. 2904.
If we do not hear from you in the next 5 days we will therefore proceed, as I note above.
Yours truly,
Alex Rivard In-House Counsel for MJR Capital Services Inc.
MJR Capital Services Inc. 6285 Northam Drive Mississauga, ON. L4V 1X5 Bus: (905) 612-7759 Toll Free: 1-877-669-4935 x 2209
submitted by saraalaimoo to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:30 aznpersuazion Artificial Intelligence is NOT a Good Career

As with most things, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. Consider this as just one data point, and not as a guide to your career.
I've been working in the Data/AI space for 5 years now and I've seen hundreds of starry eyed people wanting to work in A.I. because they want to work with the latest and coolest cutting edge technology. But I want to share with you a few reasons why A.I. is not a good career choice.
  1. A.I. positions could end up like the "data scientist" position. Looking at the history of the data scientist position, in 2010-2020, the hype around data science made it so that millions of people flocked to that position. Companies eventually realized that most them actually didn't need data science, and the impact of the position didn't always help them profit. The demand of the job has plummeted in recent years, leaving millions of aspiring data scientists unemployed or needing to pursue a different career.
  2. A.I. positions will be less than .0001% of tech engineering jobs. In the next few decades, the demand for software and data engineering roles will be much more needed at most companies that A.I. roles. Only a small group companies will a be pursuing A.I. initiatives, while the majority of companies will still need software and data engineers. But because 90% of tech news is A.I. related, there will be a massive influx of people trying to enter the space.
  3. The barriers to entry are huge. To pursue a career in A.I. and machine learning. A person's understanding of statistics and software engineering need to be extremely high. To get to that level of knowledge requires much more dedication and studying than most people imagine. Becoming a decent software engineer or data professional is already difficult for the average person.
Before you decide to pursue this as a career, it's important to consider some of the cons listed below. Perhaps consider taking a smaller step first and trying to land a job as a software engineer or data analyst. If you're already in a technical field, consider not putting all your eggs into one basket, and making sure you know enough skills to stay gainfully employed in the job market.

**If you found any of this helpful, consider checking out a referral link. You get additional sign up and welcome bonuses. Signing up and using Rakuten for cash back is free!*\*
submitted by aznpersuazion to dataengineeringstuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #69-78

Number 69:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Five of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying conflict, tension, and winning at a cost.
  3. Conflict and Resolution: Reflects confrontations, ego clashes, and resolving disputes.
  4. Learning from Conflict: Symbolizes understanding losses, valuing lessons, and seeking resolution.
  5. Resolving Disagreements: Embodies conflict resolution, compromise, and learning from adversity.

Number 70:

  1. Stable Foundation: Signifies stability, security, and a solid foundation.
  2. The Six of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence.
  3. Nostalgic Reminiscence: Reflects fond memories, innocence, and reconnecting with the past.
  4. Emotional Connection: Symbolizes deep emotional bonds, nostalgic experiences, and innocence.
  5. Past Reflections: Embodies reminiscing, innocence, and reconnecting with cherished memories.

Number 71:

  1. Innovative Ideas: Signifies fresh perspectives, original concepts, and inventive thinking.
  2. The Seven of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying assessment, patience, and re-evaluation.
  3. Assessment and Patience: Reflects reevaluation, patience, and reassessment of progress.
  4. Contemplating Progress: Symbolizes reviewing efforts, considering growth, and reassessing plans.
  5. Reaping Rewards: Embodies the patience to see results, assessing achievements, and future planning.

Number 72:

  1. Balanced Harmony: Signifies balance, cooperation, and harmony in partnerships.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Overcoming Limitations: Reflects feeling constrained, seeking freedom, and finding solutions.
  4. Mental Liberation: Symbolizes breaking free from restrictions, seeking alternatives, and mental clarity.
  5. Freedom from Restraints: Embodies seeking liberation, overcoming limitations, and finding solutions.

Number 73:

  1. Enlightened Guidance: Signifies spiritual wisdom, intuitive insight, and divine guidance.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying resilience, endurance, and standing firm.
  3. Resilient Persistence: Reflects unwavering determination, resilience, and courage.
  4. Strength through Challenges: Symbolizes overcoming adversity, standing tall, and resilience in difficulties.
  5. Courageous Resilience: Embodies resilience, persistence, and fortitude in adversity.

Number 74:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, structure, and balance in all aspects.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing painful endings, betrayal, and rock bottom.
  3. Closure and Renewal: Reflects closure of cycles, painful endings, and readiness for new beginnings.
  4. Embracing Change: Symbolizes transformation, releasing pain, and seeking renewal.
  5. Transition to Healing: Embodies letting go, embracing change, and healing from pain.

Number 75:

  1. Innovative Inspiration: Signifies creative inspiration, intellectual ideas, and forward-thinking.
  2. The Page of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, practicality, and studiousness.
  3. Exploring Opportunities: Reflects new ventures, practical pursuits, and embracing opportunities.
  4. Practical Ventures: Symbolizes grounded approaches, new prospects, and exploring possibilities.
  5. Curiosity and Learning: Embodies curiosity, embracing knowledge, and seeking practical paths.

Number 76:

  1. Adaptive Progress: Signifies adaptability, progress, and flexibility in approach.
  2. The Knight of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing romantic idealism, creative pursuits, and following dreams.
  3. Dreamy Pursuits: Reflects emotional depth, pursuing dreams, and romantic aspirations.
  4. Creative Aspirations: Symbolizes creative endeavors, emotional expression, and passionate pursuits.
  5. Sentimental Pursuits: Embodies emotional expression, dream chasing, and romantic ideals.

Number 77:

  1. Visionary Exploration: Signifies visionary ideas, spiritual quests, and explorative insights.
  2. The Queen of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing emotional intelligence, compassion, and nurturing stability.
  3. Nurturing Empathy: Reflects compassionate care, emotional intelligence, and nurturing support.
  4. Intuitive Guidance: Symbolizes heightened intuition, emotional wisdom, and empathetic connections.
  5. Emotional Wisdom: Embodies empathy, emotional insight, and nurturing compassion.

Number 78:

  1. Stable Authority: Signifies stable leadership, practical wisdom, and authoritative stability.
  2. The King of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing material success, prosperity, and financial security.
  3. Financial Stability: Reflects material success, practical wisdom, and financial security.
  4. Reliable Leadership: Symbolizes grounded leadership, prosperity, and practical stability.
  5. Steadfast Authority: Embodies stability, financial security, and leadership strength.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 scatfox628 Why You Should Play for Real Money - A Hand Breakdown

I don't have any account set up for microstakes online and the rake is notoriously bad anyway, so I decided to get some practice folding pre on a shitty free app. I played a bunch against the terrible bots they have to max out the amount of chips an account can hold and am now playing against real people (as far as I know). Most tables are limp fests, occasionally they get ruined by someone repeatedly open shoving a 50bb standard buyin. Anyway...
Onto the hand:
6 handed covering the table with over 150bb, on the Button with 22. Limps to me, I decide to overlimp since the blinds and UTG are shorter than 30bb, I don't want to induce. Blinds call/check, 6 ways to a flop.
Which comes AAQ rainbow. Checks around to me, I decide to bet 4bb into 6. I'm not studied on paired boards or limped pots, but I feel like this is for value if a bit low in the range. Blinds and short stacks fold, HJ and CO call. Both have ~100bb effective. Been sitting at this table a while, CO is one of the only players I have met on this app that I thought had a brain in their head, but labelled them a nit after some of their river check-calls with things i would value jam. One of these V's has an Ace, almost 100%.
Turn is a 2, puts out a flush draw. Nice, I can beat a caller with an Ace. Checks to me, I bet 2/3 again, roughly 12 into 16. If they both call, I can shove river at SPR 1ish. Both call.
River is an A. The only card I can possibly stop betting on, even fold to a reasonable sizing from either of them. God dammit. They... both check. I check behind.
All hands are shown at showdown, so I get the pleasure of seeing HJ with KK for the second nuts and CO with AQ for flopped boat and the nuts all 3 streets.
submitted by scatfox628 to poker [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:26 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #41-54

Number 41:

  1. Creative Authority: Signifies creative leadership, authority, and innovative thinking.
  2. The Ace of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing new opportunities, inspiration, and potential.
  3. Inspired Beginnings: Reflects new creative ventures, potential, and enthusiasm.
  4. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Symbolizes ambition, creative ideas, and taking initiative.
  5. Creative Leadership: Embodies innovative thinking, initiative, and leading by example.

Number 42:

  1. Nurturing Stability: Signifies a secure foundation, family stability, and providing comfort.
  2. The Two of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying balance, juggling priorities, and adaptability.
  3. Balancing Priorities: Reflects managing responsibilities, juggling tasks, and adaptability.
  4. Financial Stability: Symbolizes stability in finances, balancing resources, and adaptability.
  5. Adaptable Support: Embodies support in various areas, flexibility, and resource management.

Number 43:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies creative expression, communication skills, and original ideas.
  2. The Three of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing heartache, sorrow, and emotional pain.
  3. Emotional Turmoil: Reflects heartbreak, sorrow, and dealing with emotional pain.
  4. Healing Communication: Symbolizes communication to mend, seeking resolution, and emotional recovery.
  5. Emotional Expression: Embodies expressing emotions, healing through words, and seeking closure.

Number 44:

  1. Foundational Stability: Signifies a solid foundation, stability, and practicality in endeavors.
  2. The Four of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying rest, contemplation, and recuperation.
  3. Rest and Recuperation: Reflects taking a break, rejuvenation, and recuperating energy.
  4. Mental Peace: Symbolizes mental tranquility, contemplation, and inner peace.
  5. Stable Mindset: Embodies a calm approach, stability, and peaceful contemplation.

Number 45:

  1. Creative Solutions: Signifies creativity, resourcefulness, and finding innovative solutions.
  2. The Five of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing competition, conflict, and struggles.
  3. Competitive Energy: Reflects competitive situations, conflicts, and differing opinions.
  4. Resolving Conflicts: Symbolizes finding solutions, overcoming challenges, and conflict resolution.
  5. Adapting to Challenges: Embodies facing challenges, seeking solutions, and adapting strategies.

Number 46:

  1. Balanced Partnerships: Signifies balanced relationships, cooperation, and partnership harmony.
  2. The Six of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying generosity, sharing wealth, and giving back.
  3. Generous Assistance: Reflects giving and receiving, philanthropy, and sharing resources.
  4. Balanced Exchange: Symbolizes fairness in transactions, charitable acts, and reciprocity.
  5. Harmonious Cooperation: Embodies teamwork, mutual support, and cooperation.

Number 47:

  1. Intellectual Curiosity: Signifies intellectual pursuits, curiosity, and seeking knowledge.
  2. The Seven of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing illusion, choices, and imagination.
  3. Multiple Options: Reflects diverse choices, illusions, and being lost in fantasies.
  4. Clarity through Choices: Symbolizes making decisions, clarity amidst confusion, and focused imagination.
  5. Imagination and Choice: Embodies imaginative thinking, exploring options, and making decisions.

Number 48:

  1. Stable Foundations: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a strong base.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Self-imposed Limitations: Reflects feeling restricted, limiting beliefs, and self-imposed barriers.
  4. Breaking Free: Symbolizes breaking barriers, finding solutions, and liberating oneself.
  5. Release from Restraints: Embodies overcoming obstacles, seeking solutions, and freeing oneself.

Number 49:

  1. Compassionate Visionary: Signifies compassionate leadership, humanitarian efforts, and foresight.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing resilience, strength, and endurance.
  3. Endurance and Strength: Reflects resilience, determination, and standing strong against challenges.
  4. Guarded Perseverance: Symbolizes protection, preparedness, and standing your ground.
  5. Protective Vision: Embodies safeguarding, perseverance, and defending beliefs.

Number 50:

  1. Innovative Solutions: Signifies original ideas, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying endings, betrayal, and painful conclusions.
  3. Closure and Endings: Reflects painful endings, betrayal, and reaching rock bottom.
  4. New Beginnings: Symbolizes closure, new opportunities, and embracing change.
  5. Transformation after Pain: Embodies recovery, acceptance, and moving forward.

Number 51:

  1. Elevated Vision: Signifies higher knowledge, spiritual insight, and wisdom.
  2. The Page of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing creative ideas, intuition, and emotional exploration.
  3. Exploration of Emotions: Reflects curiosity, emotional depth, and imaginative ideas.
  4. Creative Intuition: Symbolizes intuitive insights, emotional creativity, and exploring feelings.
  5. Emotional Discovery: Embodies emotional exploration, creative inspiration, and imaginative expression.

Number 52:

  1. Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.
  2. The Knight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying action, ambition, and determination.
  3. Determined Pursuit: Reflects ambitious actions, decisiveness, and swift movements.
  4. Assertive Communication: Symbolizes directness, clarity in communication, and assertive approach.
  5. Active Adaptation: Embodies quick thinking, adaptability, and focused determination.

Number 53:

  1. Harmonious Growth: Signifies growth, expansion, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Queen of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing clear communication, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  3. Clear Communication: Reflects assertive expression, independence, and intellectual wisdom.
  4. Intellectual Clarity: Symbolizes mental strength, strategic thinking, and independence in thought.
  5. Balanced Judgment: Embodies fairness, intellectual maturity, and clear-sightedness.

Number 54:

  1. Stable Foundations: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a solid base.
  2. The King of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing leadership, vision, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. Visionary Leadership: Reflects influential leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurial pursuits.
  4. Creative Authority: Symbolizes innovative thinking,
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:23 FullAssignment299 New to using points - how can I get to Turkey from Vancouver with minimal points?

I signed up for a couple of Amex cards this year and I have about 200k points now.
My best friend is getting married in Turkey this July, and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try and use these points and get some free flights.
I'll be flying from Vancouver BC and need to get to Istanbul.
Seems like Flying Blue might have some of the best offers right now (about 30k points each way per person to France, and then I can get a flight from France to Istanbul for quite cheap). My wife wouldn't mind a few days of stopover in France, Italy, or Spain, so I'm open to that if it's worth it. Even still it'll drain almost all of my points on this one trip and I was hoping to make them go a bit further.
Are there any current deals or promos that I should leverage to make this trip? Any other tips or tricks to get the most out of your points?
submitted by FullAssignment299 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:23 oldmansavage12 What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?
Champs is so frustrating when I lose every game like this. I always feel like I should be winning more games when I’m not.
submitted by oldmansavage12 to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:23 Educational_Pilot_83 [US-NY] [H] sell binder, ycs coins,spellground, pvramid, gem tech accessories [W] paypal

Looking to sell some cards and accessories.
Single will be 85% tcg off 10000+ vertify seller
Tracking will be free for orders over $50 otherwise $1 pwe or +$5 for tracking. PayPal with buyer covering fee
Min of $5 for any orders to be ship
6+ cards require mandatory tracking if under $50
Would prefer to sell playsets together
submitted by Educational_Pilot_83 to YGOMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:22 sal08bl [US,US/CA] [H] modern & vintage, singles and slabs. Wotc dmg holos [W] PayPal f&f, wantlist, Neo shinings, 151 pokeball RH

Hey everyone! I’ve decided to start collecting the Neo shinings in lp+,nm condition so I’m selling and trading cards today towards this goal! I’m also looking for the last cards I need to finish my jpn 151 master set
Thx for looking lmk what you have for trade!
Prices are based off of eBay recently sold and tcg player mkt price. 10% off for lots and free shipping over 100. Pwe $1 bmwt $4
Damaged WOTC
One piece AA’s
submitted by sal08bl to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:20 pinball776 Heroscape Figure Popularity Tournament

Who is the most popular Heroscape Hero or Squad? Let's find out!I created a series of tournamens pinning the characters of Heroscape against each other. This is a March Madness style bracket that is first broken down into the master sets, expansion waves, terrain expansions, and other figures.
Every figure from each set will be seeded by their card number or date of release and put into a bracket on From there, anyone with a free account can vote on who they want to move on.
This is meant to be a for fun thing! Vote for whoever you like best, this isn't about finding who is the strongest character gameplay wise (though feel free to include that in your reasoning for voting).
I'll leave all the brackets open for voting for 2 days for round one, then another 2 days for each round until one winner from each set is chosen. After that, all the winners will go into one large bracket and we'll continue on in the same method.
Here is a linktree to all the necessary tournament brackets as Reddit filters out my post with a ton of links:
submitted by pinball776 to heroscape [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:16 Grim_Task New build for my daughter.

Mostly gaming BG3 and Fallout 76. With some photoshop work. First post here trying the formatting from pcpartpicker. Feel free to remove if formation is wrong. PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 5 7600 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor -
CPU Cooler Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler -
Motherboard Gigabyte B650M D3HP Micro ATX AM5 Motherboard -
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory -
Storage Kingston NV2 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive -
Video Card XFX Speedster QICK 319 Core Radeon RX 6750 XT 12 GB Video Card -
Case Deepcool CC560 V2 ATX Mid Tower Case -
Power Supply Thermaltake Smart 600 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply -
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $0.00
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-21 16:14 EDT-0400
submitted by Grim_Task to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:15 Like17Badgers If EDH adopted a point system similar to Canadian Highlander, what changes would you make?

Hi there! my LGS is currently looking at implementing their own version of the Commander banlist by adopting a point buy system similar to the one used in Canadian Highlander.
If you were making a point buy system for EDH, what cards from the CanLander points list would move? What cards from EDH's banlist would get more/less points, or even freed? Would you have cards worth more points in the command zone or in the 99, if so which ones?
our main goals here are to:
1 loosen the ban list a bit but not freeing everything, while also nerfing some of the stronger decks/cards(looking at you demonic consultation)
2 change up the format for the cEDH tables while not really touching the casual or high power tables
3 keep the lists close enough to the EDH banlist to where any random mtg players could walk in for the first time and still have a legal deck unless they have an extremely pushed cEDH deck.
CanLander's point list for those who have not seen it:
submitted by Like17Badgers to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:13 toolshome Where to Watch Civil War 2024 Online for Free HD

Civil War 2024 has been one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year. The gripping political thriller, which depicts a hypothetical second American civil war breaking out after the 2024 presidential election, has generated tons of buzz and controversy.


If you're looking to watch Civil War 2024 online, you may be wondering where to watch for free and how to stream it legally. While the movie is still playing exclusively in theaters currently, there are a few ways you may be able to catch it online in the coming weeks and months without paying.
Where to Watch Civil War 2024 Online
First off, the movie will likely be available to purchase or rent on digital platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, iTunes, YouTube, and Google Play around 3-4 months after its theatrical release. Purchasing a digital copy typically costs $19.99, while renting is usually $5.99 or so. Not the cheapest option, but one way to watch from home.
How Can I Watch Civil War 2024 Online for Free?
Your best bet for a free viewing option is waiting for the movie to arrive on a streaming service you already subscribe to. Based on the studio's previous release patterns, Civil War 2024 should make its way to a major streamer like Netflix, Hulu, or HBO Max around 6-9 months after hitting theaters.


If you don't have a subscription to any of those services, another avenue is checking if your local library offers free access to services like Hoopla or Kanopy that occasionally get new movie releases. Some libraries even have digital movie collections you can access with just a library card.
Your last option may be utilizing a free trial on a streaming service. Most offer a 1-week or 30-day trial, so you could theoretically sign up for a service like Hulu or Paramount+ whenever Civil War 2024 arrives and binge it during that trial window before canceling.
Of course, we'd never explicitly condone any illegal streaming or torrenting of copyrighted material. Not only is it unethical, but it's also typically very low quality and can expose you to malware and security risks. Do things the right way and be patient – Civil War 2024 will be available to stream safely and legally before too long.
While you anxiously await the online release, the best way to support the filmmakers is undoubtedly seeing Civil War 2024 on the big screen if you're able to. The gritty visuals and immersive sound make it a particularly cinematic experience you don't want to miss out on.


submitted by toolshome to reviewprod [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:13 Beneficial-Winner-90 Thrive card Free £5 Bonus

Thrive is an app similar to Unidays and Student beans. Aimed at the under 30s demographic it offers range of discount from many stores and retailers
Currently they are running a referral program where you can refer your friends and family and both parties will benefit from a £5 cash bonus
But remember you can only benefit from this if you are 18-30 years old
All you need to do is download the app: Thrive card
And during the sign up process enter your friends referral code
Once you have signed up you will be given the option to verify your identity by uploading a photo of your id nothing more and nothing less
Once verified they will credit your account with £5 which you can then transfer to your bank account
Dont forget you can start referring others once signed up and you have verified your id
My referral code is: ECCRVM3B
I would appreciate if you could use my code thank you
Non ref:
submitted by Beneficial-Winner-90 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:13 Punk_moth Hat Trick Clicks

Hat Trick Clicks
Any click is appreciated, I will click back as much as possible, hoping to find an egg 💕✨
submitted by Punk_moth to temu_old_users [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:12 Punk_moth Hat Trick Clicks

Hat Trick Clicks
Any click is appreciated, I will click back as much as possible, hoping to find an egg 💕✨
submitted by Punk_moth to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:12 VoraciousQueef Just uninstalled. Fuck EA and I hope they go bankrupt.

This was the final fucking straw for me. Among the MOUNTAIN of bugs, glitches, shit servers, laziness, and douchbagery EA has pulled with this game, this was it for me.
Div rivals match. Div 7, game before promotion. My team is 90 rated. I get put against this fucking twat with a full prime icon/TOTY/TOTS team, and his lowest rated player was a 94. (The game before this, I had won 3-2).
We start the game, and instantly I notice something is very different from the one before. NONE of my passes go where I want them to go. My players feel sluggish. And my defenders can’t fucking tackle for their lives. Every time they do, the ball FUCKING DEFLECTS OFF THEM and their striker collects it.
He scores 2 goals before the 10 minute mark. Each time, just running in an almost straight line while EVERY TACKLE just either misses completely, or deflects into his players. There was quite literally nothing I could do.
Skip to the 60th minute, he’s winning 7-2. I haven’t given up because I’m not letting a fucking pay to win no-skill dickhead get the satisfaction. His TOTS Oberdorf SOMEHOW OUTPACES MY TOTS BANZA?!?!?! But I manage to get one back.
Skip to 85th minute, it’s 7-5. Despite the obvious scripting, and nobody can tell me it doesn’t exist, I manage to get a few goals back. Perhaps the algorithm has turned in my favour, as my defenders are actually tackling and his strikers can’t put in top class tackles anymore (by the way, this guy spammed R1 and my goalie fucking DODGED his shots, every single fucking one went in).
It’s the 91st minute (2 mins added time) and it’s 7-6. The only way I scored was lucky finesse shots with my TOTS vardy. I had a one on one with the keeper because he was too fucking dumb to predict my through pass, and I’m set up for an easy chip. But no. His TOTS Oberdorf somehow outpaces me, and slides me from behind, getting him a YELLOW FUCKING CARD?!?!? And injuring vardy.
It’s a free kick from JUST outside the box. I use my 92 Rosicky, and this FUCKING CUNT puts rudiger on the goal line. I mean just tell me you can’t play well without telling me. I put in a beautiful free kick, but obviously rudiger headers it out. It’s now 93/92 mins. Vardy has the ball in their box. I have an EASY finesse shot and his defenders aren’t near me and he rushed his goalie. BUT THE FUCKING WHISTLE BLOWS?!?!??? WHEN IM IN HIS BOX?!?!!??
fucking shit game fuck you ea
submitted by VoraciousQueef to EAFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:11 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:10 dontgiveaderp 33 [M4F] Houston, Texas. Hopeless romantic looking for my new favorite person.

I'd like to find someone who captivates me. Someone who I can talk with effortlessly. I want to meet a person who I can include in my daily tasks, and talk with throughout the day. I just want to find someone I can be open with. Platonic conversation or romance. Whatever you are looking for, don't hesitate to message me. I hope to hear from you.
I love a number of things, and hate very little. I'm fairly open to trying new things, but some of the things I enjoy are as follows. I love the outdoors. I've never been camping, but I would like to try it with someone some day. I also love to fish. I mostly fish salt water. I do occasionally fish freshwater though. I like to check out new spots around me, but I mostly fish on the beach. Do you like to fish? What are some of your favorite places to go?
I also enjoy the shooting sports. I primarily target shoot. I take part in a little bit of everything, including rifle, pistol and shotgun. It would be nice to find someone who is into shooting or would like to learn/become more familiar. If you shoot, what do you like to shoot mostly? What's been your favorite gun to shoot so far?
PC games are also a enjoyable pastime for me. I have a variety of games, most of which are on Steam. I have other games on various other stores/services. I enjoy a wide variety of different kind of games, so I'm sure we can find something to play together if you game. What are some of your all time favorite games? What are you currently grinding on that you can't put down? One hobby I discovered later on in life is Magic the Gathering. I play both online on MtG Arena, and with physical cards. Magic has become something I am particularly fond of. Do you play any kind of card/table top games? What's been your favorite so far? If you play Magic, what are some of your favorite deck themes?
Music has always been a part of my life. My tastes are varied, ranging from country, death and black metal, electronic, classic rock, folk, pop punk, and more. Do you have a favorite band? What has been your favorite concert you've been to?
I'm honestly an ambivert. I enjoy doing things outside, as well as spending time indoors. I can veg out all day under the covers curled up in my bed, or I can take a trip somewhere and experience something new. I think my personality is a mix of the best of both worlds. What would the perfect day consist of for you?
As far as my personality is concerned, I would say I am fairly relaxed and laid back. I feel like I am somewhere in the middle between loud and excitable, and shy and quiet. Around people I don't know, I tend to be fairly quiet and to myself. In the company of someone who I am close with, I am more open and free. Do you open right up to people, or does it take a while to become comfortable with someone new?
All I hope for is a connection. It could be platonic, or it could blossom into romance, and commitment. I'm not putting a limit on what I am looking for.
With the prior being said, I am single. I may be interested in changing that with the right person. The idea of commitment excites me. Monogamy is appealing to me. Do you feel satisfied with your social life? What kind of connection are you looking for?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it. I hope you can identify with something I wrote. If you do, please reach out.
P.S. Please feel free to check my post history, and check out a few pictures of my cat if you would like.
submitted by dontgiveaderp to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:09 you_know_me_scottyb Mail call

Mail call
All books won at auction
submitted by you_know_me_scottyb to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]