Dbz sprite sheets


2019.11.15 15:25 PB_Dendras Custom_Sprite_Sheets

Says it in the title, a place to share or request custom sprites, whether that be pixel art, digitally redone or drawn. If you want to make your own but don't know where to start, search for "piskel" on your browser, Aseprite is also a good program if you want extra tools for easy spriting. There are also a few free art programs for more detailed drawings like GIMP or Firealpaca

2009.11.03 07:51 Home of the Black and Red


2017.05.28 03:24 _Axel Home of the Black and Red


2024.05.07 15:52 TheFriizing 2D art and animation for games (iPad)

I'm used to creating art on my iPad in Procreate and struggle to get used to drawing on the computer (as I don't have a drawing tablet with a screen). I'm wondering if there's an app for the iPad that any of you can recommend for 2D art (not pixel art) and animation for games? Ideally something that also allows to export sprite sheets. I haven't been able to identify such an app yet.
For animation, I have tried Procreate Dreams, but it's missing so many basic tools and features and I don't find the user experience intuitive at all.
submitted by TheFriizing to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 12:28 kretzue hey guys can anyone please help me with this error?? win.blit(self.sprite,(self.rect.x,self.rect.y)) AttributeError: 'Player' object has no attribute 'sprite'

def flip(sprites): return [pygame.transform.flip(sprite ,True,False) for sprite in sprites] def load_spite_sheets(dir1,dir2,width,heigth,direction=False): path = join("assets", dir1, dir2) images = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))] all_sprites = {} for image in images: sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load(join(path, image)).convert_alpha() sprites = [] for i in range(sprite_sheet.get_width() // width): surface = pygame.Surface((width, heigth), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) rect = pygame.Rect(i * width, 0, width, heigth) surface.blit(sprite_sheet, (0, 0), rect) sprites.append(pygame.transform.scale2x(surface)) if direction: all_sprites[image.replace(".png", "") + "_right"] = sprites all_sprites[image.replace(".png", "") + "_left"] = flip(sprites) else: all_sprites[image.replace(".png", "")] = sprites return all_sprites class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): COLOR = (255, 0, 255) GRAVITY=1 SPRITES=load_spite_sheets("MainCharacters","PinkMan",32,32,True) ANIMATION_DELAY=5 def __init__(self,x,y,width,height): super().__init__() self.rect=pygame.Rect(x,y,width,height) self.x_vel=0 self.y_Vel=0 self.mask=None self.direction="left" self.animation_count=0 self.fall_count=0 def move(self,dx,dy): self.rect.x+=dx self.rect.y+=dy def move_left(self,vel): self.x_vel=-vel if self.direction!="left": self.direction="left" self.animation_count=0 def move_right(self,vel): self.x_vel=vel if self.direction!="right": self.direction="right" self.animation_count=0 def loop(self,fps): #self.y_Vel+=min(1,(self.fall_count/fps)*self.GRAVITY) self.move(self.x_vel,self.y_Vel) self.fall_count+=1 self.update_sprite() def update_sprite(self): sprite_sheet="idle" if self.x_vel != 0: sprite_sheet = "run" sprite_sheet_name = sprite_sheet + "_" + self.direction sprites = self.SPRITES[sprite_sheet_name] sprite_index = (self.animation_count // self.ANIMATION_DELAY) % len(sprites) self.sprite = sprites[sprite_index] self.animation_count += 1 def draw(self,win): win.blit(self.sprite,(self.rect.x,self.rect.y)) 

submitted by kretzue to pygame [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:25 SHV_7 Two Step split data? (maybe power query?)

I haven't been able to figure out how to do this, any help would be appreciated.
Here is the data I have.
[hoover legs by Maung Thuta.png] keywords=mecha,sketch backuphash=49245 [hoover legs by unknown.jpg] backuphash=49245 [metal combat sweet rotation of sprites.png] keywords=metal combat,pixel art,snes,sprite sheet backuphash=43426 [Isometric Items by PixelArtJourney.png] keywords=isometric,item,pixel art,sword backuphash=55568 
What I need to do is, taking one of the elements as an example
hoover legs by Maung Thuta.png mecha sketch

Here is how I think I could do it, but I'm not sure how to do it.
  1. Split things so it becomes two columns A: "[hoover legs by Maung Thuta.png]" and B: "keywords=mecha,sketch /newline backuphash=49245"
  2. remove anything on column B that isn't "keywords=* /newline"
  3. remove "keywords=" from column B
  4. and finally split column B using the , character

Any idea on how I could achieve this?
submitted by SHV_7 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:04 Cold_Loan6108 Clone riggy sprite sheet :)

Clone riggy sprite sheet :) submitted by Cold_Loan6108 to DannoCalSubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:57 oyaoya22633 [Hiring] looking for pixel artists for cozy management sim.

Looking for a pixel artist with a cozy style in the same vein as Stardew Valley and Potion Permit to create sprite sheets for environments and/or characters. Please DM or reply your prices and portfolio if you're interested. Thanks in advance!
submitted by oyaoya22633 to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:41 skilledgamer55 Game keeps crashing when joining a game

I got the game yesterday morning and been playing ever since, took a break to play some other games but now when i try to join a game it just crashes. While loading into the server the screen starts having this weird glitchy black spots over it, almost like a 2d sprite sheet. Idk what to to, I tried restarting my pc and idk enough about the game to actually try and troubleshoot it. Can someone help me?
submitted by skilledgamer55 to BattlefrontTWO [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:32 Solid_Artist4312 My friends It's that time again The Napoleonic society from hell has come to ask for votes Again and of course you will be handsomely rewarded If you do so.

My friends It's that time again The Napoleonic society from hell has come to ask for votes Again and of course you will be handsomely rewarded If you do so. submitted by Solid_Artist4312 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:03 Ultimate-desu Peacock from Skullgirls and her entire entourage is so peak to me.

Peacock from Skullgirls and her entire entourage is so peak to me. submitted by Ultimate-desu to TopCharacterDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:02 Dangerous_Bend_1031 Help with hacking Kiki Kaikai

Hello everyone! Me and someone are currently working on making our own sprite sheet of Sayo-chan for the 1986 Taito arcade game Kiki Kaikai, I am asking if someone here is able to help us with patching the sheet into the game and making sure it works properly once we're done, thank you in advance!
submitted by Dangerous_Bend_1031 to romhacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 19:12 Initial-End3593 Elemental MA Sin Guide with Mosaic Update (The Jeet Kune Do Sin)

~SpartaChris’ Elemental Martial Arts Guide~ ~The “Jeet Kune Do Assassin”~
  1. Opening
Before going into the build and setups, I just want to give shoutouts and thanks to: Brownbruiser – For the initial guide on Discord with content and great feedback to questions and comments on it.
Tojuka – My best friend who’s hyped this build to me and inspired me to go so hard into it as I did. I wouldn’t have even bothered rolling an Assassin otherwise.
Dreamtrust – For his extensive feedback and testing different build viabilities in some of the hardest maps solo.
WierdBall – For his in-depth Ele MA Sin guide made a few years ago posted on the Wiki page.
  1. Intro and Playstyle
The Elemental Martial Arts Assassin is an attack build that uses very little physical damage, but instead procs Light, Cold and Fire damage effects, as well as self-sustaining leech and a freezing teleport to get around all content of the game relatively safe and quick. With 3-6 extra seconds of downtime for our rotation and precise buff tracking in the new season, this build is much easier and wrist-friendly. We will be putting maximum points into 4 of the 5 charge-up skills (Excluding Tiger Strike) and looking to maintain 3 charges of all 4 skills as we go through mapping content and decimate entire rooms of monsters. It needs attack rating to successfully hit, maximum defensive stats (including ~50% Physical Dmg Reduction or PDR), and at least 1 Mosaic or Pattern for its +3 seconds to charge-up skill buffs. Without this, we are a softcore super-meme squish build with 6 seconds to maintain all 4 charges of our build. This makes our wrists hurt, our build feel clunky, and doesn’t allow us the extra time to comfortably use other parts of our kit.
There are a couple of different play-styles which I will go over later in the guide, as well as variations of gear progression and choices that can help affect how you want your mapping routine to go. This is not an early game or mid-game build. You can level as Fist of Fire MA Sin, but you will struggle in Hell because Fire immunes will make you rely on your other skills and the attack rating is hard to reach in your progression stage to safely navigate Hell. I would still recommend traps, or at the very least, Fist of Fire through Nightmare, and a standard Lightning Traps re-spec for Hell content. I wouldn’t go back into this build until you have at least a full Natalya’s set, 2 Raven Frosts for high Attack rating, decent charms (A few Skiller Charms and some A.R. with Life are ideal), and are able to hit the 86% FHR Break point.
Generally speaking, we will charge up our 4 skills, Cobra, Thunder, Fire and Ice, and then use Dragonflight to connect to packs of monsters, and then rotating our damaging abilities while holding down right click. Dragon talon Kick is great for single target damage and is a good filler when you have all charges, as it hits a lot faster and therefore will proc all of your damage charges and clear a large area very quickly. We want to avoid teleporting into packs when we are Amp’d, cannot see, or notice an elite/champion, as we do not want to get stuck in recovery and die almost instantly.
Game-Play Examples: Red Map Solo: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2128704455
DClone Duo MA Sins: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2131363904
Solo DClone: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2131395636 (Soul Drainers and Life on Hit are crucial)
  1. Pros & Cons
Immune agnostic - we can kill almost any immunity combination you can find in a map with ease.
Fast and Dynamic – We use several skills all the time and it can be a fun rhythm that is challenging yet engaging to perfect.
Group Master – With a good Battle Order buff or Oak Sage in a P8 environment you can absolutely dominate Red Maps. You can tank as the front runner, kill aura-elites and map bosses within just a couple seconds, and you can soften or kill every mob in an area as we are not affected much by immunity.
Pretty Much a DBZ Character – See an enemy? Charge up > Vanish on top of it > Blast it away
Squishy – When starting your buffs from scratch or if you lose rhythm and multiple buffs start to fall off, you will feel very squishy when attempting to re-charge or fix your rhythm.
Solo Struggles – While technically speaking a fully geared MA assassin can solo a lot of different map content, it does struggle by itself in open maps (Burnt Forest and Ruined Citadel) as your Mercenary will normally die and the open spaces make getting stuck in recovery common, making it difficult to get out of poor situations.
Wrist Pain – I developed some of this build and guide with the intention of trying to play casually, or at least a little lazily, by not having to swap through several skills rapidly, or having to click furiously throughout your game-play to achieve results. It is still an involved rotation, but I believe with +3/+6 seconds to your buff charges, you can play this build somewhat wrist-friendly.
  1. Skills, Stats & Gear
~Skill Allocation~
20 Points in Fists of Fire, Claws of Thunder, Blade of Ice, and Cobra Strike 1 Pt in prerequisites (I do not bother with mind blast or shadow warrior Additional points – Blade Shield, Claw Mastery, or Death Sentry (Variations explained later)
~Stat Allocation~
Enough Strength for Natalya’s Set Enough Dexterity for Natalya’s Set Remaining points into Vitality
~Gear Setup~ - I will go over 2 separate builds here. The most budget build I can think of that would work, and the advanced gear that I use myself.
~Budget (Nat’s Set w/ High A.R. buffs~) Helm – Natalya’s Helm (With Shael or Splash) Armor – Natalya’s Armor (Shael + Splash Jewels) Belt – String of Ears or Verdungo’s Coil Gloves – +2 MA/IAS Gloves, Dracul’s or Laying of Hands (Bladeshield + Dracs is Amazing) Boots – Natalya’s Boots Amulet – Mara’s or Metalgrid Amulet Ring(s) – 1 Ravenfrost and 1 Carrion Wind, Wisp Projector or another Raven Frost Weapon(s) – Natalya’s with Splash and/or Shael Runes and Mosaic or Pattern
Swap – Demon Limb for Attack Rating buff. In this early stage, relying on your Merc can be difficult, and if you are lower than ~15k Attack Rating, you will find it less consistent to maintain rhythm. Charm - +1 MA Grand Charms with Life, Dexterity or FHR; Small charms with Attack Rating and Life; Resistance Charms as necessary without Fade buff.
Mercenary – Act 2 Offensive (Blessed Aim) with Silence, Treachery/2os+ Leviathan, 1os+ Tal Helm
*Note: Remember to hit your FHR Breakpoint via Small Charms, Shael Runes, and a good Belt.
~End Game (Expensive to move away from Natalya’s)~Helm – High %PDR Crown of Ages with Splash and Attack Rating or Ber Rune Armor – Chains of Honor Belt – High %PDR Verdungo’s Coil with Attack Rating Corruption (either A.R. one is great) Gloves - +3 MA / 30% IAS Gloves Boots - +2 Shadow Dancers with Dexterity Corruption (30+ Total Dexterity preferred) Amulet- +1 All Skills high attack rating Metalgrid Amulet Ring(s) – 1 6% PDR Raven Frost with high dex and attack rating, 1 6%PDR Carrion Wind Weapon(s) – 2x Mosaic Runewords in claws with +3 Skill Bases, or 1 Chaos Runeword
Swap – Call to Arms and Medusa’s Gaze for Battle Orders and Shiver Armor. With better gear we should be able to rely on our Merc and baseline equipment to have ~15k AR. With this, we can swap to higher health and defense to make our mapping safer and less clunky.
Charm– 4 +1 MA Grand Charms with 12% FHR; 4 +1 MA Grand Charms with Life or Dexterity; Attack Rating + Life small charms; High Attribute Torch and Annihilus Charm (More Dexterity and Strength means more attack rating and less strength investments)
Mercenary – Act 2 Offensive or Defensive with Silence/Infinity, 3os+ Shaftstop, 1os+ Steelshade
*Note: Sandstorm Treks, String of Ears, or MA Skillers without FHR will mean you need more FHR Small charms to reach your breakpoint.
  1. Build and Playstyle Variances
Currently there are a few different ways to run this build, all primarily revolving around Softcore and Hardcore considerations, preference and what difficulty level the content you want to do is
~Build Variants~
Max Damage (BrownBruiser’s original setup) – This setup puts your remaining points into Claw mastery or Tiger Strike depending on how you feel with your attack rating, to allow for maximum damage output, with an Infinity Runeword on your Act 2 Blessed Aim mercenary, a Wisp Projector and Rainbow Facet damage setup of your choice. This setup absolutely blasts content but can be squishy, like a Ferrari that’s hard to control and can crash easily.
Super Safe Option (Softcore) – This is the main build that I use which utilizes 1 point into Death Sentry and Enough for 26 Points in Blade-Shield. I also utilize a Silence runeword over Infinity on my Mercenary, and make sure to pre-buff Medusa’s Gaze Shiver Armor and CTA Battle Orders. The basic reasoning behind these are: I am most vulnerable when under the effects of a curse, which Silence helps both myself and my Merc stay alive. In my current build, I use more attack rating jewels and not rainbow facets to allow me to not need Demon Limb. My Merc stays alive easier via my Silence, which allows me to rely on Blessed Aim buff which helps negate Demon Limb reliance, and the raw Health and Defense buffs allow me to react faster with potions while I am already at maximum PDR and resists in most environments. Bladeshield is giving us leech and AoE hit recovery around us, and Death Sentry is specifically to try and make Burnt Forest maps safer via off screen clearing and helping put monsters in all the open areas into hit recovery to let you move more freely.
MAX Safe Option(Hardcore) – This is the maximum safety considerations you can make with this build. You will put 1 point into Death Sentry, Bladeshield to 26, as well as 10+ Points into Claw Block. This should bring our Claw Block to ~60% to block and give us a flat 5 Frames to block attacks (including projectiles). As listed above, we will utilize a Silence Runeword on our A2 Defensive Mercenary with a 3-4 Socket Shaftstop and Steelshade. Lastly, we will be using Demon Limb + Call to Arms buff with Medusa’s Gaze Shiver Armor as our Swap buffs and 1 Pattern for its Faster Block Rate to bring our Blocking frames and Hit Recovery frames closer together (~4 frames) and keep us out of recovery lock.
~Playstyle Variants~ Max Damage -While running the Max damage option, your main objective is following your ABCs (Always Be Casting). You want to keep your skills charged, and maintain uptime by taking advantage of a low-cooldown Dragonflight to constantly connect with packs, keep them frozen (Avoid CBF affix), and maintain your cobra strike charges for sustain. Long strings of bugged or ‘missing’ attacks, as well as blind teleporting and reacting quicky to being cursed, are your main causes of dying here. This is a strong softcore option and is a fantastic playstyle in p8 with big health pools. Avoid this playstyle in maps where your Merc dies fast, CBF affix, Burnt forest and Ruined citadels, or when you are still in budget gear (Even with an Infinity).
Super Safe – After pre-buffing, my primary objective is having 3 charge-up skills at least before using Dragonflight to connect to mobs. I am focused on my merc staying alive, never teleporting blindly, and always teleporting into the edge of packs so I am never surrounded. I change from Wisp Projector to Carrion Wind for the tornado proc for extra mob control. Additionally, my rotation changes, where I pre-cast 2-3 Death Sentry traps off screen prior to my Dragonflight. The difference here is just priorities. In this option, you want methodical and predictable, where you Buff, Trap, Dflight, Cloak, Charge-Up, Kill, repeat. In Softcore, this playstyle works better in Burnt Forests or CBF Maps where you are constantly aware that you are in the open and the enemy can’t be slowed down. Cloak of Shadows as well as Fade buff before having any charges available are great tools to safely begin your ramping damage. In Softcore your merc CAN die and you will be okay, just note that it is still risky and requires more patience.
MAX Safe Option – The Max Safety option is a combination of all defensive posturing mechanics in our build. We buff Shiver Armor, Demon Limb, a Defensive mercenary for even more defense, a Silence runeword to cleanse dangers, and almost Max block with a Pattern for the fastest block frames we can get in this setup. We never go anywhere without our Merc, we always keep self-buffs applied, and our playstyle revolves around playing safe and predictable while never letting 1 part of toolkit fall to the wayside and absolutely avoiding maps that have: Reflect, CBF, high attack speed, high Amp chances and Open Wounds (for our Merc).
  1. Q&A
Why no Tiger Strike?” According to the portal planner and sheet damage, the enhanced damage percentages are based off the physica portions of your damage and adds very little percentage to our elemental damage. With our +skills in this build, we can safely just put 1 point in Tiger Strike and still get a majority of whatever enhanced damage we would get without a huge investment.
HC – “Why no shield?” The assassin’s baseline block rate is at 5 frames, and at the 86% breakpoint we have 4 frames of hit recovery. With claw block we have a ~50% to block without any additional points and you can put additional points in here for HC viability as well as run a Pattern runeword for the 30% FBR. Additionally, unlike normal shield blocking, Claw Block can block almost any elemental attack projectiles from both PvM and PvP.
Natalya’s has ITD but still Demon Limb, why?” While Natalya’s claw severely reduces the need for Attack Rating, keep in mind that the budget option is also normally an earlier ladder option, which means that your character level matters even at 0 monster Defense, and that the recommended sockets are oriented around FHR, IAS and Splash. Demon Limb is cheap and easy to keep applied which is a huge QoL for consistency.
You didn’t mention Chaos Whirlwind setup?” While I agree that Chaos can be a fun and engaging Runeword for this build, I believe that the equipment setup is pure preference and can easily be integrated as your “Dragon Talon Kick” fill button when charged. My reasoning for not including it directly is that my build with Natalya’s only allows for 1 Mosaic or Pattern to give me 9 seconds of charge time. This means Chaos is not a strong option or advised at this gearing stage. In the end game, I would only have 9 seconds of charge time to do my rotation, which is plenty to be sure. However, I have now cut my ‘fill damage’ time with Chaos down by 3 seconds just by swapping to it. With 2 mosaics, I can have 12 seconds while using the fastest attack in the game to proc all of my on-hit damage effects. Sacrificing 3 seconds and either 30% FBR or a bunch of elemental damage is not worth going to Chaos unless its purely a playstyle or ‘fun’ preference in the build.
Why Jeet Kune Do?” Jeet Kune Do is, loosely, the way of the intercepting fist. In this build, we are intercepting, intervening and interrupting everything the enemy can throw our way. Carrion wind ring is stunning mobs mid swing, Death Sentry is blowing corpses up and putting mobs in recovery, Cloak is blinding them, and our DFlight is freezing them in place when we intercept right on top of them. No mob escapes, and every enemy is stopped in their tracks by 1 of several tools in our kit.
What is the difference between JKD Sin and Wierdball’s Ele MA Sin Guide from 3 Years ago?” This question has a lot of layers to go through, because Wierdball’s guide is a huge resource of information and is well-written. The information is great and a lot of it is still viable in this season. One of the biggest differences in the builds are just QoL improvements from Mosaic’s +3 seconds to charge skills. This alone significantly reduces the clicking and key-bind APMs that make wrist pain a significant factor in NOT wanting to play this build. This change also opens up possibilities of having a 5th (Tiger Strike) charge constantly, less interruptions in our general rotation from hiccups, and more forgiving down time between large packs and rooms when trying to Tele, Kick or Cloak. Second, this guide goes more into the variations in the end-game gear where your playstyle and build can severely impact how your performance in difficult Red maps will go. This primarily goes for Burnt Forest, as it seems to be listed as an easy map in WB’s guide (Unsure if he meant in P8 group or not) whereas for myself, I find Burnt Forest and Ruined Citadel to be the more difficult maps to do due to humongous open projectile spaces keeping me in recovery, as well as Temptress Orbs from all directions eating my Rejuv potions between packs. In my examples, I use higher weapon block points (Or death sentry), max cobra strike, and avoid claw mastery if possible. This is for HC viability, more life on hit per attack, and with my build I am already aiming for Nat’s set (with Ignore Target Defense) or ~15K Attack rating without claw mastery. With this I am hitting plenty while also having skill points in more defensive tools. I believe either guide is generally interchangeable, except if you are looking to go beyond Natalya’s Set in the old guide, this guide can give information about how to go about that transition.
submitted by Initial-End3593 to pathofdiablo [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:28 DoomVegan Help with Animator to play 2 Animations at the same time (base animation disappears)

My guess is Unity isn't designed for simple things. I saw one post that this only really works with Bodies. Another that I'd have to add a mask. Probably easier just to do separate animators...
I have two animations, separate sprites sheets. Bottom & Top. I would like top to play over bottom at the same time.
Bottom is on the Base Layer. It animates.
Top is on the Top Layer. It animates.
Base Layer: Entry Bottom
Top Layer: Entry Top
If I set the weight of the top layer to 1, the bottom animation disappears regardless of what aniamtor.Play I use. If I set the weight of the top layer to 0, the bottom layer shows up again.
I've tried syncing, additive vs override in all combos.
I did get one combo entry to empty that the Top Layer animation plays immediately after the base Layer finishes.
Base Layer: Entry Bottom
Top Layer: Entry Empty Top
How do you get them to play at the same time?
submitted by DoomVegan to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 03:49 tuskski_ The ones who got it correct

The ones who got it correct
The sprite sheet of magical nexus and sanctum wubbox coming soon
submitted by tuskski_ to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:25 Atlantean_Knight Flipbook / sprite maker! (free tool for creating sprite sheets)

Sharing a little tool I had made for my project's needs, I had been working on this little packer for some months now considering I could not find a proper solution for packing the texture sequences of my sims. This little packer has all the bells and whistles you'll ever need (I hope!), will auto pack, auto upscale, auto rows x columns but most importantly will convert your anim texture sequence to become seamless and loopable! I have compared this to other solutions out there and I'm sure you will appreciate the ridiculously fast render times thanks to Unreal Engine.
some notes if you get to use it:
I hope you get to make use of it as I have found it to be an essential and integral part in packing my sims into flipbooks (blender, stock footage, EmberGen, After Effects) If you like it and wanna help me out check out my project and Wishlist it!
grab it from here
PS. if you have any feedback or suggestions pls reach out directly
submitted by Atlantean_Knight to unrealengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:09 Xavinoticias123 i need some modding help, i want to replace bowser on MM v2 with my own character, i have it all, but i dont know how ot insert him.any ideas?

i need some modding help, i want to replace bowser on MM v2 with my own character, i have it all, but i dont know how ot insert him.any ideas? submitted by Xavinoticias123 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 00:12 Solid_Artist4312 I believe you know The drill at this point Me makes SpriteArt or TNs You up vote my teams.

I believe you know The drill at this point Me makes SpriteArt or TNs You up vote my teams. submitted by Solid_Artist4312 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:44 it_rains_blue_here [F4M] The Princess of the dream world ‘adopts’ you as her prince [so, you’ve been dreaming about this girl…][yandere][possessive][dominant but gentle][chain of roses][magic spells][falling asleep on her lap][strangely wholesome, despite the- you know- kidnapping]

The working title for this one was 'Dreams and Drawings'.
Also, 'dream world' was the best term I could come up with on short notice for the realm that the princess is from. It's an interesting place. Not that I'd know, of course. The events mentioned in the script never happened to me.
Of course not.
Please don't hesitate to get creative with the title and tags. It's okay to monetize this script, make minor changes to it, and gender-flip it. The sound effects are optional.
Script length: About 1.8K words
As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated!
If you have any questions about this script, or any others that I've written, please feel free to message me. Thank you for reading!
For the listener:
Every night, you see this girl in your dreams. You don’t know who she is, but you cannot get her face out of your mind. Thinking you’ll slowly go insane, you decide to draw a portrait of her. That was two days ago. Tonight, you wake up to find someone standing in your room, staring at what you drew. There’s no mistaking it. It’s her. She’s real, and she’s even more beautiful than you remember. But why does that look in her eyes send a chill down your spine?
You drew me so well. I look beautiful in this picture.
(Rustling of blankets)
Shhh. Don’t be afraid. I’m sure you have questions, but...let me just look at this painting for a little longer, okay?
I look happy in this. My hair is almost life-like, and my lips are parted ever so slightly. I think I could feel the warmth in my cheeks if I reached out, and touched the canvas. But most of all, I like the way you drew my eyes.
They seem mysterious. Playful. As if beckoning you to accompany me to some far-off world, where faeries dance over the flowers, and dragons breathe fire.
I don’t look this beautiful in person. I love your art, but it only flatters me, sweet thing.
Then again, I can’t really judge myself. But now that I’m finally here in the flesh....tell me, darling, am I as pretty as you imagined me to be?
(Giggles) What is it? Cat got your tongue?
Not real? What a rude thing to say! You’ll hurt my feelings. (Pouting) But I guess I can forgive you, just this once. You really weren’t expecting me to show up in your bedroom like this, were you?
(Sighing) You still think you’re imagining all of this?
Fine, then. I suppose I’ll just have to convince you.
(Rustling of sheets again)
Does my hand on your cheek feel real? What about my other hand, holding yours? Do you feel our fingers interlacing?
You can feel their warmth. I see it in your eyes. I know I can feel how soft your skin is. How... right....holding your hand in mine feels. Is this not real enough for you?
Would you believe me if I leaned in close, like this (whispers) and kissed you?
Mmnn. You thought I was just a girl inside your head. Someone you dreamt about every night, for weeks in a row. The memories of what we did together in those dreams would disappear when you woke up, but you’d remember my face. You just couldn’t forget my face.
Don’t worry. I remember everything. I’ll be happy to tell you all that we did, once I have you in my palace. Far, far away from here.
You don’t understand? Which part, darling?
Taking you to my palace? Well, don’t get me wrong. I kind of like your bedroom, but- I think you’ll be a lot more comfortable in my palace. I’ll make sure to take good care of you. I’ll treat you like a prince. (Softly) My prince.
No? (Sighing) Darling, I’m not sure I heard you properly. Could you please repeat that?
You think this is all happening too fast? Hmm.
I think it’s not happening fast enough. Come on, let’s go.
To my palace. I told you already. I’m taking you back to my world. A princess can’t be without her prince now, can she?
I’m absolutely real. It took me a while to finally visit you- I’m sorry you had to wait so long, love- but I’m here now, alright? I’m real.
I needed to find a gateway to materialize in your world. Something that was a physical reminder of me. And you drew me! Thanks to you, I could finally- finally- see you when you weren’t sleeping!
You sketched me so well. Every little detail that you remembered from your dreams, etched so lovingly on the canvas. Sometimes, I think I really must be the girl of your dreams. Literally (giggles).
Well, if your dream girl showed up in your bedroom, you’d listen to her, wouldn’t you? You’d trust her. So then, my darling- up you get. Come on. Take my hand, and let me bring you home.
You can do it. I have full faith in you. It’s not difficult, see? All you have to do is reach out, and hold my hand. Then we can walk out of here holding hands. That....That would be nice.
(Sighing) I’m a princess, remember? I’m not exactly known for being a patient woman. Are you going to follow me or not?
I really thought you’d be more cooperative than this. But I guess we’ll have plenty of time to work on that in the future.
Oh, well. Suit yourself.
(If possible, the sound of a magic spell)
You look lovely in chains. I was planning on doing this a little later into our relationship (giggles happily) but I’m not complaining. I think I like seeing you this way.
Oh, struggling is useless. Those chains may be made of rose petals, but they’re much stronger than they look. As you’re finding out right now.
Why can’t you break free? (sighing) I adore you, you know that? You precious little thing.
You can’t shake them off because they’re made of pure mana. It’s like....trying to swim in a pool of mercury. I’m afraid you’re stuck.
Here. Let me just pull on a tendril of petals, and- ah! You’re finally standing up for me. Well done, I’m so proud of you!
I don’t mind leading you on a chain of roses. You have no choice but to obey. The spell cannot break.
(Smirking) I suppose you’re my prisoner now. Come along. I won’t drag you around like a puppet if you’re good for me. Despite how it may seem, deep down, I do respect you, you know?
(Playfully) Awww, where are you going, prisoner? It’s this way. Come on. Just walk up to me, you’ve got it. Hold my hand.
Good boy. (Kissing him) Now don’t go around saying I never reward you when you listen, okay?
Yes. I know your head feels a little dizzy. That’s why I asked you to hold on to me.
Everything’s going to be okay. The walls of your bedroom are supposed to swim like that. The floor is supposed to feel like it’s rippling. You’re not hallucinating.
This is what it feels like to travel between worlds. Don’t worry, the confusion will pass in a moment.
I need you to listen to my voice, okay? Nothing else matters. Close your eyes for me.
Good job. My voice is all that exists in your world right now. Believe it. Believe me. Listen to me.
One, and two, and three, and....
(Soft fireplace ambience)
Welcome home (kissing him).
(Delighted) Yay! You’re- You’re finally here! I dreamt of this moment, and now it’s- oh, I still can’t believe it! You’re finally here!
Yes. Take a look around you. This room looks vaguely familiar, doesn’t it?
Yes. It’s because I’ve shown you this place before. In your dreams.
Why don’t you have a seat over there? Those cushions are just as soft as they look, trust me.
Good. I’ll get you something warm to drink. You must still be a little disoriented from that trip....my prince (giggles).
You know, it’s really nice to see you behaving. I’m glad we could reach an….understanding.
No need to keep you in those restraints now. You should find them starting to disappear. Just lean back and relax, alright? Oh, and do tell me what you’d like to drink. I have coffee, and lavender tea, and hot chocolate, and-
Where are we? Why, it’s- wait. I never explained properly, did I?
Oh, how frightfully rude of me. You can think of this place as the larger world. A world where magic exists, and where all manner of mythical creatures that you write about in your books, live. Carefree sprites dance in the forests at dawn, while the dragon sleeps over his pile of gold in his cave. Merfolk trade with fishermen down by the harbour, and at night, thousands of tiny silver orbs take flight, outshining even the stars. Look, you can see some of them out that window. They’re floating up towards the night sky. Aren’t they pretty?
Those are dreams that drift into your world. The sleeping humans dream of magic and underwater cities and the supernatural. They write and film stories about them. Everything that is here, exists because of those stories. And those stories exist, because everything is already here to inspire them. Does that make sense, darling?
(giggling) Yeah, I thought not. Don’t worry. It may seem confusing at first, but you’ll understand in time. You’ll have an eternity to discover this world, after all. An eternity by my side.
Because I’ll link your life force to mine. I am immortal. I’m the ruler of this dream world. I maintain balance between all the races and I settle their differences. Before I came into this world, there were no dreams. There was nothing. And for the longest time, I felt that there was still nothing. Until….you began to dream of me, love. Your soul called out to me like nothing else in the universe.
You don’t know how lonely forever is. What it’s like to see the world change, and the people you know slowly age and die. Their smiles the same as always, while their eyes look upon you with envy as their breath turns ragged and their hands, wrinkled. While you remain, and remain, and remain. And….I hope you’ll never have to find out. Because I’ll always be there beside you. I’ll always be there to hold you. I’ll-
Wait. Why are you getting up? Wait!
You’re not thinking straight. You’ve still not recovered. Please, sit back down.
(almost inaudibly) No.
No. I’ll not take you back to the human world.
Because you’re mine! You belong here with me. Where there’s no suffering. I can’t protect you in your world. That is a cruel place where only the cruel thrive. I can’t look after you there. Can’t you see?
(sighing) I really thought we were making progress. I thought you’d be willing to hear me out.
I’m sorry, dear one. But you’re in my world now. And I’m afraid I have the final say here.
Sit. Down.
(in a tired voice) I hate having to force you with my magic. Hopefully you won’t cause me to turn this into a habit.
Your limbs feel too heavy to lift now? I know, my sweet. Don’t lift them. Your eyes are starting to turn droopy as well.
(kissing him) You’re cute. But don’t try so hard to stay awake. You need to sleep after all you’ve been through.
No? (laughing softly) Maybe this will change your mind.
There. Does my lap feel comfortable?
Well, judging by your face, I’d say so. Don’t mind your ‘dream girl’ just playing with your hair, okay?
(Some hair-brushing and scritches here would be amazing)
I’m not mad at you. I understand it’ll take time for you to accept your new home. But don’t worry. I’ll always be there. You won’t have to feel lonely ever again. (softly) And neither will I.
You know, I should really think of a pet name for you. How about….puppy?
(giggling) Did you just snort? Oh, but it’s true! You remind me of a lost little puppy. I never could leave those alone. And I did kind of adopt you, didn’t I?
Puppy. Puppy, puppy, puppy! (giggling happily)
Yes, I think we’ll go with that one, puppy.
Did you want to be something else instead? Did you want to be my knight in shining armour?
You can tell me tomorrow in the morning when you wake up. And when you’re feeling a little better, maybe you can draw me again. What do you think?
(A longer pause)
I hope you dream of me again, my prince. And don’t worry. I’ll let you be whatever you like. As long as you understand one thing.
You’re mine. (She kisses the listener one last time)
(fireplace and hair-brushing sounds fade out)

submitted by it_rains_blue_here to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 09:00 pianoboy Participate in Piano Jam, the friendly monthly challenge for everybody! [May 2024 #129]

Piano Jam is a non-competitive piano challenge for beginners, professionals, classical, jazz or pop pianists and everyone in between! Pick a piece from the list below, learn it, and post a performance using the Piano Jam flair before the end of the month. Perfection is not expected!
Welcome to the May, 2024 Piano Jam! Sorry for the delay. We hope you find something below that you will enjoy working on and sharing later this month!
The next Piano Jam will be posted around June 2nd. Please suggest pieces for future Piano Jams in our suggestion box.


Please share a recording of YOU playing one of the pieces below in a post to /piano at any time during the month. Use the "Piano Jam" flair or type "[Piano Jam]" somewhere in the submission title.


The ABRSM grade estimate is provided in brackets.

Contemporary / Anime / Other:


3-Month Classical Pieces (April-June):

Submissions from last month's Piano Jam

Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing your music with all of us!
To listen to the newest submissions, search for the Piano Jam flair.

I hope we didn't miss anyone - if so, please let me know!
submitted by pianoboy to piano [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:19 Solid_Artist4312 It's Time Again for more bribes Your Want TN's You Want Sprite Art Then I'm your Guy Just Make Sure To Vote for my guys.

It's Time Again for more bribes Your Want TN's You Want Sprite Art Then I'm your Guy Just Make Sure To Vote for my guys. submitted by Solid_Artist4312 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 01:36 dazia Having trouble with an arm animation when my PNGtuber talks. Using PNGtuber Plus (Godot is the name I think?)

Since I'm not a big fan of animations looking too snappy, I made an in between frame from when the arm is lowered upon not talking, talking starts, the arm raises halfway, final frame is fully raised.
What I tried to do was make a sprite sheet and added the fully raised arm as a frame about 10 times, so if I talk for a long period of time, it won't go to the first frame (the in between frame) immediately. Weeeeeeeeell this ain't working how I thought it would lol. It looks like maybe it cycles through the frames in the background and then just chooses whichever frame it's on? So most times it goes to the fully raised arm frame, then eventually will be the half raised arm frame.
Any way around this? Or do I have to come to terms with it being a snappy transition and have to do one image and not a sprite sheet?
If this makes no sense I can try to make a video. Thank you.
submitted by dazia to PngTuber [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 01:20 Dymaz6282 Ok, i think, is kinda done, hear arm doesnt look off anymore, i think ill post her walking cicle and sprite sheet later

Ok, i think, is kinda done, hear arm doesnt look off anymore, i think ill post her walking cicle and sprite sheet later submitted by Dymaz6282 to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:39 Bourrrbon Main Menu + sprites?

Hello, I have a problem:
I can't put any of the sprites I have in the Canvas for the Menu IU.
I planned to put an animal sleeping quietly, I have the sprites sheet and everything, I even have the animation, but I can't put the animal in front of the panel, so I can never see it. Is there any way I could do that?
This is the order of the hierarchy:
Canvas . →Panel . → Animal
submitted by Bourrrbon to Unity2D [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:46 InfectedToys NEW export support added to GAP. If you use Play Canvas and need to pack your images into sprite sheets, check GAP! Link in the comments below.

NEW export support added to GAP. If you use Play Canvas and need to pack your images into sprite sheets, check GAP! Link in the comments below. submitted by InfectedToys to PlayCanvas [link] [comments]
