Configure vista login method

Stremio works on iPhone / iPad without RD also !! You will need PC / Mac.

2024.05.19 19:19 No_Awareness_4626 Stremio works on iPhone / iPad without RD also !! You will need PC / Mac.

Stremio works on iPhone / iPad without RD also !! You will need PC / Mac.
If you use your AR glasses with iPhone or iPad and use Stremio to stream unlimited amount of Movies and TV Shows from across all streaming services (or would like to) then this is an amazing news which I learnt recently. Though this has been there for ages.
I wasn’t able to stream movies and shows from Stremio on my iPhone and iPad because I am not a ReadDebrid Subscriber. So I used to use an old Samsung S10e phone or connect Rokid Station. Rokid station is a good standalone device but it uses android TV. And I wanted to somehow be able to use Apple TV experience. But Apple TV and iPhone / iPad don’t have Stremio app. We can access Stremio Web (by opening on Safari on iPhone / iPad. There is still no way to access Stremio directly on Apple TV. But there is a very nice way to stream movies and tv shows using Stremio web on iPhone if you have a Mac / PC.
Here are the steps
  • download Stremio on Windows / Mac.
  • Login to your account.
  • go to Settings >> Streaming
  • you will see “Streaming HTTPS endpoint” as Disabled. Enable it by putting/selecting your Mac/PC IP address.
  • now you will see “Remote URL”. Copy it and save it somewhere you can easily access.
  • now open Safari on iPhone/iPad. And you can either copy paste the exact Remote URL in address bar and desktop stremio web interface will open. Login to your stremio account and start streaming.
  • OR you can open and mobile interface will open. Login to your Stremio account. Then go to settings >> streaming. And in Streaming server you will see Change that to the Remote URL you saved from above. And now you can start streaming on iPhone/iPad.
  • you can select if you wanna open the stream in external player like vlc / out player or you can keep it disabled to play on browser itself.
So basically this method works without RD. Here your PC/Mac starts acting like a server and whichever movie or show you stream, the content is downloaded on your Mac/PC as a cache. And it streams on your phone. There is literally zero buffering because the movie/show has been downloaded to your PC/Mac. You can set the cache size in settings. And now we have Stremio working without RD subscriptions.
But this method also is for content that is recent and has good number of Active peers. If you want old content that has very few peers then the only way is to use RD.
Rokid Max + iPad + Stremio Web = Awesome.
submitted by No_Awareness_4626 to rokid_official [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:19 Teratron_98 How did my local client know about my discord applicaton ?

couldn't think of a better title, here's what i mean:
going through the, here's the code in question:
// Require the necessary discord.js classes const { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js'); const { token } = require('./config.json'); // Create a new client instance const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] }); // When the client is ready, run this code (only once). // The distinction between `client: Client` and `readyClient: Client` is important for TypeScript developers. // It makes some properties non-nullable. client.once(Events.ClientReady, readyClient => { console.log(`Ready! Logged in as ${readyClient.user.tag}`); }); // Log in to Discord with your client's token client.login(token); // Require the necessary discord.js classes const { Client, Events, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js'); const { token } = require('./config.json'); // Create a new client instance const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] }); // When the client is ready, run this code (only once). // The distinction between `client: Client` and `readyClient: Client` is important for TypeScript developers. // It makes some properties non-nullable. client.once(Events.ClientReady, readyClient => { console.log(`Ready! Logged in as ${readyClient.user.tag}`); }); // Log in to Discord with your client's token client.login(token); 
up to this point what we did is make an application on the developer portal and a bot and used OAuth2 to invite our bot to the server, then, locally created index.js and put our code in it, my code is exactly like the code in the example in the page i provided above, the first time i mention anything in my code that may point to my bot is when i use client.login(token) but this is at the end of the file, is it because once is just a method? and what i did with it is i just overwritten it? or does it check the account logged in by my default browser?
can i put the call to .login(token) before the client.once() altercation? it just makes more sense in my mind.
submitted by Teratron_98 to Discordjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:40 Code_016xHIRO changing login method

can i change my login method from google to using email
submitted by Code_016xHIRO to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:02 BoloBun_ NUS Architecture AMA 2024

National University of Singapore Architecture 2024 AMA Thread
Heya! Welcome to NUS Architecture AMA thread, we are students from the Department of Architecture hosting an Ask-Me-Anything session in hopes of sharing what life is like at NUS DOA! Whoever you are, whether a prospective student, Freshman, Final year student, Exchange Student or just curious, pop your questions down below!
Academic Programme
NUS Architecture is offered within the College of Design and Engineering, BA Arch core modules curriculum comprises 5 main pillars.
*For more information, refer to BA Arch & MArch Programme Handbook AY2023-24
* *For more information, refer to
Ever wondered, "How do I print my boards?", "Where can I snag the best deals on materials?", or "How do I access school facilities and use the machinery?" 🤔 Well, you're in luck because we've got 41 new machines this year! The details of which are right here for you to dive into:
How do I access the school facilities? DOWNLOAD nVPN to access Fabrication Lab Booking.
Nearest printing services: SDE 3 Level 2 - Just beside our studio!
[For Exchange Students / Freshmen] Don’t forget to sign up for a Fabrication Lab Training session with the Senior Lab Officer, Mr. Muji ([]( before operating on the machines.
Student Life @ NUS Aki
You must be asking, do Architecture students have a life, much less student life? We do in fact have a life, and it’s here - Build lifelong friendships with us! 🌟Join us in celebrating entrepreneurship and student-led initiatives! Get ready for exciting events like our fresh orientation camp, where you can meet new friends and dive into unforgettable experiences. 🚀
Student Support
Are you new to NUS DOA and unsure where to begin? No need to worry—we're here to help! 🌟 Below, we'll provide guidance on course registration, joining Telegram chatrooms to connect with peers, reaching out to seniors and alumni for advice, and accessing mental health services if needed. Check it out! 📚
Beyond NUS Architecture
Entering the architecture industry requires a realistic understanding of its realities. While the field is undeniably beautiful and creative, it's essential to recognize its challenges. The truth is, the industry is continuously adjusting to our changing lifestyles and needs, influenced by factors beyond our control. Yet, there's immense satisfaction in navigating these complexities and finding a balanced path that aligns personal interests with industry demands. Career Prospect *Emerging Trends and Prospects (AI, AR, BIM, Sustainable Design, Adaptive Reuse), SIA-YAL Mentorship [July]
submitted by BoloBun_ to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:33 Misomyx I rewatched every single episode and collected some useless stats, enjoy

I decided to (re)watch every single DiP episode from season 1 to season 13, including the 3 Christmas specials, and to make an Excel file compiling fun stats about the show. Here's the gist (and please excuse any mistakes as English is not my mother tongue):

General statistics

Methods of murder


Who gets the most killed?

Which occupation is the deadliest?

Well, besides simple resident (26) and tourist (10), the deadliest job on Saint Marie is businessman/woman (8). Singers (5) and police officers (4) are also quite threatened.
Speaking of coincidences, note that 2 brides were killed on their wedding day, 2 prisoners were killed by their prison guards, and 2 survival coaches were killed by someone close to them.

Recurring tropes

The Saint Marie police had to deal with 71 seemingly impossible murders (i.e. a murder in a closed room and/or a murder where all the suspects were together at the time of the murder). 51 times, the DI has solved this case with the help of a completely innocuous event.
13 murders were committed with direct complicity (including 4 with the complicity of 2 or more people). 12 murders were disguised as suicides, 4 as accidents, 3 as burglaries gone wrong. 4 deaths were actually suicides made to look like murders.
On the fun side, in 5 different cases, the victim wanted to stage their own murder in order to disappear and start a new life, but was killed anyway. And 2 murders turned out to be committed by the love interest of a main/recurring character who apparently had nothing to do with the case.

How did the killer fake their alibi?

Most of the time, the murder took place earlier than previously thought (23), notably because the culprit or an accomplice posed as the victim after the murder (9) or because the gunshot heard was not actually the one that killed the victim (5).
20 murders took place elsewhere than previously thought. In 8 cases, it's because the victim had time to move before succumbing.
16 murders took place later than previously thought, mostly because the victim as first discovered was not actually dead, and the murderer killed them afterwards (9), or because there was a second gunshot after the murder (7).
In 10 different cases, the poison was not where it was thought to be.
I'd like to note the inventiveness of Sainte Marie's murderers when it comes to blocking a door from the inside: among other strokes of genius, they've already used a towel, a bottle cap, a fork and chewing gum to obstruct a door.

Character stats

  1. Obviously, officer Dwayne Myers holds the record for number of episodes (60), excluding Catherine, the commissionner and Harry.
  2. JP is the 2nd longest-serving character in the show, with 52 episodes. Without counting his cameo in s13e4.
  3. Florence appeared in 49 episodes: 3 as officer and 46 as DS. Without counting her guest appearances/cameos in s4e1 and s13e6-7-8.
  4. Neville appeared in 39 episodes, making him the longest-serving DI.
  5. Marlon: 31
  6. Humphrey: 30
  7. Camille: 28. Without counting her guest appearances/cameos in s1e1, s10e5 and s13e1
  8. Naomi: 26: 5 as officer and 21 as DS.
  9. Fidel: 24
  10. Jack: 22. Without counting his appearances in s6e5 and s6e6.
  11. Darlene: 21
  12. Richard: 16. Without counting his appearances in s3e1 and s10e6.
  13. Ruby: 15
  14. Madeleine: 10.
I hope you've enjoyed these little fun facts! I'll keep my stats updated with the next seasons.
(Please note that these statistics only apply to murders seen directly in the episode. I have not taken into account murders that take place chronologically before the episode.)
submitted by Misomyx to DeathInParadiseBBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:32 jeffdeleon Royal Galaxy and Starborn Royalty Mod List Updated for 1.11.36 (Really fun patch!)

Royal Galaxy and Starborn Royalty Mod List Updated for 1.11.36 (Really fun patch!)
Hey all,
This patch isn't as bad for mods as many feared. It's relatively easy to get the game up and running and to start enjoying the new features.
The main essential mod not updated is StarUI. I went throuhg the Starborn Royalty Mod List and made updates/substitutions where needed. Mods with an ** are not yet up to date, but I expect them to be updated soon. Abandoned mods not updated for this update have been removed.
If you run EXE, you need to delete lasercutter.nif. Mods tweaking female armor need to be updated, but won't break your save or anything.

Starborn Royalty - A Starfield Mod List

Old logo from promoting my writing career :P
I added a new plugins.txt file to help guide you with load order. Royal Galaxy is an All-In-One for my mods, so if you run that, you don't need the other ones.
*Royal Galaxy Vortex Collection not updated as too many of the included mods are still pending an update.
Royal Galaxy only received minor updates and improvements as it worked out of the box with the latest patch. The way I mod is very simple and safe.
This update was not required for this patch. The other versions works fine with this patch. I just made some tweaks, forwarded SFCP changes, and did small improvements where I could. As Bethesda made the game more fun for me, I'll be playing. I hope to finally get into my revision of the player dialogue in the Crimson Fleet and Ryujin quest lines, which I haven't particularly wanted to play through again.

Royal Galaxy 2.50 - Massively Enhanced By Bethesda's Difficulty Configurators =)

R.G !
I've noticed many people either confused about what is contained in Royal Galaxy, or afraid that it is a massive mod that won't work with other mods. That couldn't be further from the case.
I am a very Vanilla+ guy and I value compatibility above all. Over the many months I've been posting mods, I have had very few issues and user reports. This is because my mods only tweak vanilla records. This means they should be compatible with everything.
I know the Creation Kit isn't out, and I certainly don't want to spend my time creating mods that end up breaking on a patch. As a result, I have stuck to what seems to be the safest method of modding via xEdit. Early reports of incompatibilities were caused by people ignoring directions and loading mods like craftable quality BEFORE Royal Galaxy rather than after.
This new document attempts to break down the contents of Royal Galaxy into bullet points. I'll continue to update this as I remember the changes I have made. Modding Starfield was pretty much my full-time hobby this past year so the amount of work that went into tweaking everything is enormous. I tweaked, by hand, the inventories of specific NPCs to enhance the story, lore, ability to pickpocket, and difficulty of specific story encounters.
Since Royal Galaxy is an AIO, it includes all the tweaks from the included mods. This old document includes all the bundled mods.
In short, when you open up Starfield in xEdit, almost everything in the game is presented as tweakable, much like a config file. I went through the whole game and tweaked most things to be more fun and enjoyable and removed what I considered to be pain points.
A few things I modded were more elaborate, like rebalancing Terromorphs, weapons, and redoing boring/useless weapon enchantments, but for the most part Royal Galaxy, and all my mods, are simple and safe.
My biggest issue with my own work was the lack of easily-tweakable difficulty as some players found Royal Galaxy too hard. Bethesda did a fantastic job improving Royal Galaxy in the latest patch. =)
In early game, you probably want incoming damage low and outgoing damage high. As you acquire more power, turn the difficulty up as much as you can.
I think where people get confused is that I have so many mods posted, but also Royal Galaxy. My intention is that people can customize their game as much as they'd like. I think Royal Aliens, for example, is the de facto best alien overhaul by a ton. It is included in Royal Galaxy, but also maintained standalone for people who only want the aliens and otherwise like the game as-is or other modded ecosystems.
There are a few pieces of Royal Galaxy that haven't gone standalone yet because life got busy and maintaining separate pages is difficult. I need to release the bundled Medicine overhaul standalone as that goes particularly well with the new survival.
Next up should be Royal Combat Overhaul, which will bundle ONLY the combat portions of Royal Galaxy separately.
submitted by jeffdeleon to starfieldmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 sillylossy SillyTavern 1.12.0

Important news

This is an incremental update over the 1.12.0-preview and includes several breaking changes.
View the Migration Guide for details on how to prepare for the update.
Also, several new features require having a modern web browser that supports CSS Nesting. If you experience visual glitches - update your browser and/or operating system to the latest available version.
External media in chats is now blocked by default. Enable it manually if required.




Bug fixes
How to update:
submitted by sillylossy to SillyTavernAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:01 addictiverpwatcher How do I recover an account that I registered using my facebook account?

So around 2016 I registered an account on roblox using my facebook, and eventually stopped playing on that account. Some time later, roblox decided to remove the login with facebook option which was kind of a bad idea but whatever. When that happened I had not put a gmail or a password because you just needed to click the login with facebook button to access your roblox account instantly, so I want to know if there is any methods to recover my account that I used facebook login on roblox? There's some progress on that account and I want it back.
submitted by addictiverpwatcher to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:17 Efficient-Flan-7455 How do I change a specific instance of a scene?

How do I change a specific instance of a scene?
I'll keep this brief, but in short, I have 2 "text guys" who run a script to change the text of a globally loaded textbox scene which they then also cause to appear. What I want to do is have them change the text they add inside of these textboxes to unique lines, and maybe even change some of their appearances for different areas.
The problem comes from the fact that I kind of don't want to make a new scene for each different "text guy" whenever they have a different text line, look, size, etc. As I think that'd be a bit much on my games performance / asset count, as I intend to have 10+ of these guys in the tutorial alone.
So my main question is, how can I change the code of one specific instance, rather than making a new scene every time and changing the code that way?
Textbox Code
Text Guy Code.. Ignore the text, as its a placeholder haha
submitted by Efficient-Flan-7455 to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:15 Jarngreipr9 Cracking a bios password - what are the options?

I saved from a ewaste bin an old HP compaq 6730s. It ran on windows Vista but it has every boot options aside from hard disk locked out by an unretrievable bios password. I'd like to put Linux on it and I managed to install OS swapping the HD on another machine, problem is I really want to get rid of that password for future updates. Now I know I can probably buy an unprotected eeprom chip ans swap it but I'm not this good at soldering and I'd prefer to explore software solutions.
HP has a command line tool (part of its client management tool set) called bios configurator utility. My understanding is that it requires the old password to replace it with a new one and it may accept plain text options for both (although I'm not sure if it only accept hashed versions in bin files at least for the old one. My questions are - may a bruteforce approach be viable? What would you suggest me to use first (e.g. Dictionary, rainbow tables...)in a hypotetical powershell script to cycle through, considering that I'm not a skilled programmer and it would be run on a slow machine? - are there other no-solder approaches I should also consider? Like, can I dump the eeprom chip and try to decode the password from there?
Other things I tried: CMOS battery is not an option: it ran out but password is still there and if I input the wrong passwords I don't get to read the code that can be used for retrieving hard-coded backdoors
submitted by Jarngreipr9 to hacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:43 Count-Daring243 Best Cash Registers for Small Business

Best Cash Registers for Small Business
Whether you run a bustling café or a cozy boutique, a reliable cash register is an essential tool for the smooth operation of your small business. With our comprehensive roundup of the best cash registers available, you can confidently choose the perfect device to manage your sales, inventory, and transactions. So, let's dive in and find the right fit for your flourishing small business.

The Top 13 Best Cash Registers for Small Business

  1. Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business - The Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register is an all-in-one solution for small businesses with its unlimited messaging capabilities, quick transaction processing, and user-friendly design, making it ideal for grocery stores and beyond.
  2. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  3. Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register - The Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register is a high-speed thermal printer, ideal for businesses, with advanced reporting capabilities, seamless QuickBooks integration, graphics customization, and an 8-line display for accurate order entry.
  4. Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business - The Casio PCR-T280 is a top-performing cash register for medium-sized grocery stores, offering up to 1,200 item price lookups, easy tax programing, and hygienic anti-bacterial keyboard, ensuring patrons' peace of mind and efficient operation.
  5. Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display - Discover the Royal Alpha 1100ml heavy-duty cash register, designed for high-traffic establishments with 200 departments for sales analysis, 40 clerk ID system, and automatic tax computation to streamline your cash management system.
  6. Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display - The Sharp XEA407 Cash Register offers a wide range of advanced features for efficient and streamlined operations, making it ideal for businesses seeking improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  7. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  8. Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks - The Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register is an exceptional choice for grocery stores, boasting 16 departments, 8 tax rates, and memory protection with backup batteries, making it a reliable and efficient addition to your business operations.
  9. Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer - The Casio SE-S700 Cash Register combines speed, precision, and customizable features in a single-station thermal printer designed for grocery stores, streamlining operations while ensuring accurate pricing data for both operators and customers.
  10. Clover Station POS System with Cash Register - Clover Station: A sleek, reliable, and feature-rich POS system with large touchscreen, swipe card reader, and high-speed printer - perfect for streamlining your cash register management in grocery stores.
  11. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  12. Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray - Elevate your sales game with Square Register's seamless design, intuitive controls, and compact size, perfect for efficient point-of-sale transactions for grocery stores.
  13. Royal Alpha 583x Electric Cash Register for Small Business - Flexible and efficient cash management: The Royal Alpha 583xcash register provides 99 departments, 1000 PLUs, and 4 tax rates, simplifying transactions and enhancing small business operations.
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🔗Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business
As a small business owner, I can attest that the Royal 500DX Cash Register has been an absolute game-changer for me. The dual LCD displays provide clear visibility for both the clerk and the customer, making transactions seamless and efficient.
One of the standout features is its capacity to handle up to 2,000 employees, which is more than adequate for a small to medium-sized business. Additionally, the unlimited messaging capability ensures that you won't miss any important announcements or updates. However, the product does feel a bit flimsy due to its predominantly plastic design, which might concern those who prefer a sturdier build.
Another fantastic aspect of this cash register is the 999 Price Look-Ups, allowing for quick processing of transactions. Programming four different tax rates also makes the setup process incredibly straightforward. On the downside, the impact printer, although functional, occasionally feels outdated compared to more advanced models.
Overall, the Royal 500DX Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and user-friendly addition to my small business. Its features cater to my daily needs and have undoubtedly contributed to the efficiency and success of my operations.

🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display
I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register
I recently added the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register to my tiny boutique store, and I couldn't be happier. Before settling on this model, I spent a lot of time researching various cash registers, but the XE Series stood out for its advanced sales reporting capabilities and seamless tie-in with QuickBooks Pro. The moment I unboxed it, I was impressed by its sleek, professional appearance and built-in SC card slot for easy connectivity and data back-up.
Setting up the register was incredibly easy, and within just a few hours, it was ready to go. Its intuitive interface made training my employees a breeze. The thermal printer was a pleasant surprise; it's much quieter and faster than traditional receipt printers. Plus, the customizable receipts with graphics and logos definitely give my store a professional edge.
One of my favorite features is the automatic tax system, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors and makes reporting so much easier. The locking drawer ensures security and comes with multiple bill and coin compartments, making deposits a lot more organized.
The only downside is the rather complicated user manual, which could definitely be improved. It's not a complete deal breaker, though, as there are plenty of helpful YouTube tutorials available online.
All in all, I'm thrilled with my purchase of the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register. It's a perfect fit for my small business and a real game-changer when it comes to streamlining sales transactions and accounting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cash register to anyone running a small retail or service business.

🔗Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business
Casio's PCR-T280 is a fantastic single-tape thermal cash register that offers more functionality for medium-sized businesses than entry-level models. With the ability to track up to 1,200 price lookups, it offers a level of specificity in item sales tracking not commonly found in its class. It also allows businesses to track sales up to eight different operators, making it an excellent tool for business tracking and growth.
One of the standout features of this product is its hygienic, antibacterial keyboard. In our current world, where cleanliness is paramount, this characteristic provides a measure of peace of mind for both business owners and customers alike. Furthermore, its multipurpose tray can hold money in four bill compartments and five coin compartments, ensuring the efficient flow of transactions.
The PCR-T280 also boasts a high-speed thermal printer, which can be used either for customer receipts or as a journal printer for recording all the store's activities. Its mode lock with key control feature provides multiple operation positions through physical keys, providing a level of security usually found in more expensive models.
Although it is not touch-screen, its simple and intuitive design makes it easy to program and use. Some users did find the manual a bit difficult to follow, but with a bit of practice, most find it quite manageable. With its ability to handle multiple sales tax needs and its capacity for PLU capabilities, the Casio PCR-T280 has proven itself as a reliable tool for various businesses, small or medium-sized.
However, one minor drawback is the depth of the money/change drawer, which could have been a little deeper for added convenience. Despite this minor issue, the vast majority of users recommend this register for its performance and price point, providing an excellent value for businesses looking for an affordable, reliable cash register solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display
As an avid user of cash registers in my grocery store, I recently discovered the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register, and my experience has been quite satisfactory. This heavy-duty register is perfect for my high-traffic establishment, offering a reliable and swift cash management system that I can always depend on.
The first thing that caught my eye about this cash register was its single fast and quiet alphanumeric thermal printer, capable of handling over 1 million lines. It's been able to keep up with the constant rush of customers, making it a reliable addition to my store.
The large 10-line LCD user display and alpha keyboard ensure easy programming, which was a breeze, even for a beginner like me. The SD Card slot is another excellent feature, enabling efficient accounting data transfers to a PC, a necessity for any modern business.
However, I will say that the software included with the register can be a bit flaky at times. While it is supposed to read the x and z reports that the machine puts on the sd card, I sometimes find myself having to use the sd card to transfer report data manually. Additionally, getting in touch with their tech support doesn't seem to be very helpful, as they often provide no real technical assistance.
Despite these minor issues, the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register has been a solid addition to my store. Its heavy-duty locking cash drawer with four slot bill and removable five slot coin tray, along with its automatic tax computation, has made managing funds and keeping track of sales much easier for me. If you're in need of a reliable cash register for your business, I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display
I recently discovered the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register while searching for a reliable and feature-rich solution for my little grocery store. After trying it out, I must say it's exceeded my expectations.
The first thing that impresses anyone who lays their eyes on it is the sleek eight-line display. It's not just a pretty face though; it's got brains as well with 7000 Price Lookups (PLU's), allowing quick and accurate entry. The inclusion of 99 departments is brilliant as it makes managing diverse product types a breeze.
My favorite feature? Hands down, the microban keytops. They provide built-in antimicrobial protection, keeping those pesky germs at bay, which is particularly important given the current health situation. And let's not forget about the large 32GB SD card slot for computer connectivity and data storage.
However, there were a few hiccups too. The lack of French documentation was a letdown for me, a French-speaking Canadian. Plus, a few customers have reported missing parts upon delivery, making the product unusable.
So, while there are some minor issues, the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register has overall been a reliable and efficient addition to my store. It's fast, easy to set up, and offers more than enough features for most small businesses. If you're looking for a cash register that combines modern tech with dependability, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register
As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks
As a small business owner, I can attest to the convenience of the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register in my daily operations. Its 16 departments and 800 PLU's ensure an efficient flow of transactions, while the 8 clerk capacity and 4 tax rates enable seamless management, even for those serving in various locations or catering to international clientele.
One of the highlights of this cash register is the front and rear LCD displays, allowing both the clerk and customer to see each transaction clearly. The memory protection with backup batteries provides added security to safeguard data in case of a power outage, a particularly valuable feature for businesses operating in areas with unpredictable power supply.
However, a minor con would be the single station 57mm impact printer, which could limit the pace of transactions during peak rush hours. Also, the locking cash drawer tends to be a bit cumbersome, requiring more time than necessary to retrieve and return change.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register has significantly improved my business operations, allowing me to keep track of transactions efficiently, even during peak hours. I would recommend this cash register to other small business owners looking for a reliable and feature-rich option that delivers exceptional performance at an affordable price point.

🔗Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer
I recently upgraded my old, heavy cash register to the Casio SE-S700, and I must say, it has made running daily transactions a breeze. The built-in rear customer display ensures that prices are accurate, while the 8 department keys and 999 PLUs make it a cinch to organize my inventory.
One of my favorite features is the customizable receipt header, allowing me to print unique messages on each customer receipt. The large, easy-to-read LCD display ensures that no mistakes are made during sales transactions.
However, there are a few cons to consider. The plastic construction doesn't instill much confidence in its durability, and I wish the cash register drawer featured a more secure locking mechanism.
Overall, the Casio SE-S700 has proven to be a reliable and efficient cash register for my small business, saving me time and preventing any hassles when it comes to handling transactions.

🔗Clover Station POS System with Cash Register
I recently picked up the Clover Station POS System for my little cafe, and it's been quite the rollercoaster ride. Imagine a sleek, brushed aluminum body with a 11.6" touchscreen display that's as responsive as a well-trained puppy. Sounds appealing, right? Well, it is. But let's dive a little deeper.
First off, the touchscreen is large and bright, perfect for both me and my customers to navigate. The high-resolution camera embedded within the system makes scanning barcodes or QR codes a breeze, which is super helpful for keeping track of inventory. Plus, the swivel arm swivels smoothly between my side and the customer's, making transactions feel seamless and personal.
However, there have been some hiccups. For one, the single power source for the display and printer can create a tangled mess of cords, especially when you're trying to juggle other peripherals. And while the connectivity options (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth) are great, I sometimes find myself struggling with Wi-Fi lags.
Moreover, the customer service has proven to be quite the challenge. You see, I bought the Clover Station from a seller who didn't provide much support. When things went awry, I was left to figure it out on my own. Needless to say, getting in touch with their customer service has been a nightmare. It feels like they're speaking a different language sometimes, and getting a call back is as rare as a winning lottery ticket.
Despite these cons, I still find the Clover Station POS System useful for my small cafe. It's a stylish, reliable system that offers a range of features and connectivity options. However, be prepared for the occasional frustration and confusion, especially when it comes to their customer service.
In conclusion, the Clover Station POS System is a mixed bag. While it boasts a sleek design, large touchscreen, and versatile connectivity options, it also has its fair share of challenges, such as the messy cords and difficult customer service. I'd recommend this product for businesses looking for a stylish and reliable POS system, but be prepared to face a few hurdles along the way.

🔗Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register
I recently got my hands on the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my business. With its 10-line LCD display, it's incredibly easy for me to check the current transaction and eliminate errors. The raised keyboard with 30 department key locations makes inputting data a breeze. Plus, with the built-in pop-up customer display, I can ensure my customers always know exactly what they're paying for.
One of my favorite features of this cash register is the ability to customize receipts with a graphic logo or programmable top and bottom messages, adding a personal touch to each transaction. The heavy-duty metal cash drawer provides more than enough space for five bill compartments and five coin compartments, making it perfect for a busy retail environment.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I've noticed during my time using this product. The instructions provided for programming the cash register could be more clear, leaving some users (like myself) scratching their heads at certain points. Additionally, while the register performs well overall, I have found that there can be some issues with the tape feeding, which can be frustrating at times.
All in all, the Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and efficient addition to my business operations. With its user-friendly design and robust feature set, it's definitely worth considering for any small retailer or grocer looking to streamline their cash-handling processes.

🔗Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray
I've been using Square Register - Touchscreen Display, Gray for quite a while now, and it's been a game-changer for managing my small grocery store. The system is incredibly intuitive, with a sleek touchscreen display that makes transactions a breeze. The customer display is perfect for keeping lines moving smoothly, and the compact design ensures my countertop stays clutter-free.
One standout feature of the Square Register is its seamless integration with other Square services, like inventory management and customer feedback. This has made it incredibly easy for me to keep track of my stock and stay in touch with my regular customers. Additionally, the hardware is built to last, which is always a plus when you're investing in new equipment.
However, there's one area where Square Register could improve – the lack of customization options. While the system works great out of the box, I sometimes wish I could tweak some settings to better suit my specific needs. Despite this minor flaw, the Square Register - Touchscreen Display, Gray has definitely helped streamline my operations and improve my customers' experience.

🔗Royal Alpha 583x Electric Cash Register for Small Business
I recently purchased the Royal Alpha 583cx Cash Register for my small business, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase. This little gem has made managing sales transactions a breeze. With 99 departments, 1000 PLUs, 26 clerks, and 4 tax rates, this cash register is fully equipped to handle the needs of any small business.
One of the features that I absolutely love is the alpha numeric single station thermal printer. It not only prints fast but also allows me to customize the receipts with my company's message, making it a great marketing tool. Another great feature is the serial port for PC connection, which lets me use an optional bar code scanner, making the checkout process even smoother.
However, one minor issue I experienced was with the paper feed. It tends to jam at times, but a quick fix usually solves the problem. Additionally, the display that shows the purchase amount could be more visible, especially in bright lighting conditions.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Royal Alpha 583cx Cash Register to anyone running a small business. Its user-friendly interface, customizable receipts, and reliable performance make it a valuable asset to have in any retail or service environment.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When choosing a cash register for your small business, there are several features you should consider:

Calculating Functionality

  • Ensure that the cash register can handle the volume of sales your business makes daily.
  • Look for features such as tax calculations, price look-up (PLU) functions, and discount management.
  • Customizable receipts can also be helpful for providing customers with important information about their purchases.

Security Features

Protecting your business's cash and card transactions is essential. Look for cash registers with:
  • Password protection to restrict access to sensitive information and functions.
  • Real-time tracking of cashier operations, including transaction audits.
  • Optionally, consider a cash register with built-in anti-theft technology, such as alarms or motion sensors, to further secure your valuable assets.

Integration Capabilities

Many modern cash registers can connect to other systems within your business. Consider the following:
  • Integration with point-of-sale (POS) systems, which can streamline sales and inventory management processes.
  • Compatibility with accounting software, allowing for seamless bookkeeping and financial reporting.
  • Compatibility with payment gateways and card readers, enabling your customers to make secure and convenient electronic payments.

Scalability and Expandability

As your small business grows, you may need to expand your cash register's capabilities. Consider these points:
  • Choose a cash register with room for add-on peripherals, such as barcode scanners, credit card readers, or customer displays. ]
  • Ensure that the cash register's software is scalable and can handle increasing transaction volumes.

Consider Your Budget

Cash registers come in a range of prices and configurations. When selecting a cash register, factor in:
  • The upfront cost of the cash register itself.
  • The cost of any necessary software or hardware upgrades.
  • The cost of installation, training, and ongoing support.

General Advice for Choosing a Cash Register

Before making your final decision, take the following steps:
  • Research different models and manufacturers to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.
  • Read customer reviews to gain insight into the real-world performance and reliability of the cash registers you are considering.
  • Consult with industry experts or other small business owners for advice and recommendations.


Choosing the right cash register for your small business is an important decision. By considering the features, security, integration capabilities, scalability, and cost of the options available, you can select the best cash register to help your business thrive now and into the future.


What is a cash register and why does a small business need one?

A cash register is an electronic device used to process sales transactions at a point of sale, or POS. It stores sales data, calculates prices, and prints receipts. A small business needs a cash register for efficient inventory tracking, accurate financial reporting, and secure storage of cash on hand.

What features should I look for in a cash register for my small business?

Features to consider include a touch screen display, built-in scanner and credit card reader, programmable tax rates and discounts, inventory management, employee time clock, and multi-user capabilities. Additionally, look for a cash register that is simple to use, yet offers robust reporting options for better business insights.

How much does a cash register typically cost?

The cost of a cash register varies depending on its features, brand, and model. Basic models can start around $100, while more advanced systems with multiple functions may cost several thousand dollars. Always compare prices and consider the specific features you need before making a purchase.

How do I integrate my cash register with my existing accounting software?

Most modern cash registers can be easily connected with popular accounting software through USB or Ethernet cables or via Wi-Fi. Ensure that your cash register and accounting software are compatible before purchasing. After installation, you may need to configure settings to synchronize the two systems seamlessly.

Are there any portable cash registers for on-the-go sales?

Yes, there are numerous portable cash register solutions available on the market. These include handheld POS systems, mobile card readers, and compact cash registers designed for use in food trucks, markets, or kiosks. These devices often include wireless connectivity, rechargeable batteries, and lightweight designs for easy transport and handling.
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2024.05.19 13:36 Significant-Tower146 Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores

Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores
Are you a grocery store owner on the hunt for the perfect cash register system? Look no further! Our new Cash Registers for Grocery Stores article has got all your questions answered. From state-of-the-art technology to traditional cash registers, we've rounded up the best options on the market, specifically catered to grocery stores just like yours. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and take a few minutes to browse through this curated selection of cash register systems that will keep your business running smoothly. Don't miss out on your perfect match!

The Top 15 Best Cash Registers for Grocery Stores

  1. Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business - The Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register is an all-in-one solution for small businesses with its unlimited messaging capabilities, quick transaction processing, and user-friendly design, making it ideal for grocery stores and beyond.
  2. Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display - The Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register is a compact, reliable, and versatile option for start-up retailers, offering 8 departments, 80 PLU/Items, 3 payment methods, and a bright LED display.
  3. Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register - The Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register is a high-speed thermal printer, ideal for businesses, with advanced reporting capabilities, seamless QuickBooks integration, graphics customization, and an 8-line display for accurate order entry.
  4. Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business - The Casio PCR-T280 is a top-performing cash register for medium-sized grocery stores, offering up to 1,200 item price lookups, easy tax programing, and hygienic anti-bacterial keyboard, ensuring patrons' peace of mind and efficient operation.
  5. Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display - Discover the Royal Alpha 1100ml heavy-duty cash register, designed for high-traffic establishments with 200 departments for sales analysis, 40 clerk ID system, and automatic tax computation to streamline your cash management system.
  6. Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display - The Sharp XEA407 Cash Register offers a wide range of advanced features for efficient and streamlined operations, making it ideal for businesses seeking improved productivity and customer satisfaction.
  7. Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register - The Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register is a compact, efficient solution ideal for small businesses, vendors, and market stands, offering automatic tax computation, quick sales entry, and flexible department configurations.
  8. Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks - The Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register is an exceptional choice for grocery stores, boasting 16 departments, 8 tax rates, and memory protection with backup batteries, making it a reliable and efficient addition to your business operations.
  9. Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer - The Casio SE-S700 Cash Register combines speed, precision, and customizable features in a single-station thermal printer designed for grocery stores, streamlining operations while ensuring accurate pricing data for both operators and customers.
  10. Refurbished Sharp XE-A106 Sleek Microban Cash Register - The Sharp XE-A106 Refurbished Cash Register is a simple, intuitive, and hygienic cash register with Microban antimicrobial keys, large LED display, and easy programming, perfect for fast and quiet operation in grocery stores.
  11. Royal 6000ML Compact Cash Register with 10 FT Cord, 6000 Price Look-ups, and 36 Departments - Royal 6000ML Cash Register: Efficient, Compact, and Customizable for Smoother Business Operations with Accurate Management Reports, 6000 Price Look-ups, and SD Card Data Transfer.
  12. Clover Station POS System with Cash Register - Clover Station: A sleek, reliable, and feature-rich POS system with large touchscreen, swipe card reader, and high-speed printer - perfect for streamlining your cash register management in grocery stores.
  13. Advanced Alpha Cash Register with Rear Customer Display - Upgrade your grocery store's cash register system with the reliable Royal Alpha 1000ML, featuring an alphanumeric display, multiple security trays, a printer, and compatibility with bar-code scanners and SD cards.
  14. Casio PCR-T2300 Electronic Cash Register - The Casio PCR-T2300 offers versatile and reliable cash register functionality with a 10-line display, 30 department keys, and customizable receipts, perfect for grocery stores and small businesses.
  15. Square Register Touchscreen Display, Gray - Elevate your sales game with Square Register's seamless design, intuitive controls, and compact size, perfect for efficient point-of-sale transactions for grocery stores.
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🔗Royal Consumer 500DX Cash Register for Small Business
As a small business owner, I can attest that the Royal 500DX Cash Register has been an absolute game-changer for me. The dual LCD displays provide clear visibility for both the clerk and the customer, making transactions seamless and efficient.
One of the standout features is its capacity to handle up to 2,000 employees, which is more than adequate for a small to medium-sized business. Additionally, the unlimited messaging capability ensures that you won't miss any important announcements or updates. However, the product does feel a bit flimsy due to its predominantly plastic design, which might concern those who prefer a sturdier build.
Another fantastic aspect of this cash register is the 999 Price Look-Ups, allowing for quick processing of transactions. Programming four different tax rates also makes the setup process incredibly straightforward. On the downside, the impact printer, although functional, occasionally feels outdated compared to more advanced models.
Overall, the Royal 500DX Cash Register has proven to be a reliable and user-friendly addition to my small business. Its features cater to my daily needs and have undoubtedly contributed to the efficiency and success of my operations.

🔗Sharp XE-A102 Compact Electronic Cash Register with LED Display

I have been using the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register for a start-up retail business, and it's been a reliable and efficient partner. The compact design allows it to fit easily in our small store, and the bright LED display makes it easy for us and our customers to see the transaction details. The 8 departments feature helps us organize our inventory, and the 80 PLU/Items capacity allows us to input all our products without issues.
One of the standout features of this cash register is its ability to accept different payment methods like cash, cheque, and credit card, which has made it easy for us to cater to our customers' preferred payment options. Additionally, the time and date display feature ensures that our transactions are accurate and timely.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Sharp XE-A102. It can be a little noisy and slow compared to some other cash registers, which may be an issue during peak hours when we need to serve customers quickly. Moreover, the instructions provided are quite small, making them difficult to read and follow.
Overall, the Sharp XE-A102 Electronic Cash Register has been an excellent addition to our start-up retail business. Its compact design, 58 mm wide reliable printing, and ability to accept multiple payment methods make it a valuable tool for any small retailer. While it may have a few minor issues, the majority of users, including myself, are satisfied with its performance and recommend it to others.

🔗Professional XE Series Electronic Cash Register
I recently added the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register to my tiny boutique store, and I couldn't be happier. Before settling on this model, I spent a lot of time researching various cash registers, but the XE Series stood out for its advanced sales reporting capabilities and seamless tie-in with QuickBooks Pro. The moment I unboxed it, I was impressed by its sleek, professional appearance and built-in SC card slot for easy connectivity and data back-up.
Setting up the register was incredibly easy, and within just a few hours, it was ready to go. Its intuitive interface made training my employees a breeze. The thermal printer was a pleasant surprise; it's much quieter and faster than traditional receipt printers. Plus, the customizable receipts with graphics and logos definitely give my store a professional edge.
One of my favorite features is the automatic tax system, which not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors and makes reporting so much easier. The locking drawer ensures security and comes with multiple bill and coin compartments, making deposits a lot more organized.
The only downside is the rather complicated user manual, which could definitely be improved. It's not a complete deal breaker, though, as there are plenty of helpful YouTube tutorials available online.
All in all, I'm thrilled with my purchase of the Sharp XE Series Electronic Cash Register. It's a perfect fit for my small business and a real game-changer when it comes to streamlining sales transactions and accounting. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cash register to anyone running a small retail or service business.

🔗Casio Single-Tape Thermal Cash Register for Business
Casio's PCR-T280 is a fantastic single-tape thermal cash register that offers more functionality for medium-sized businesses than entry-level models. With the ability to track up to 1,200 price lookups, it offers a level of specificity in item sales tracking not commonly found in its class. It also allows businesses to track sales up to eight different operators, making it an excellent tool for business tracking and growth.
One of the standout features of this product is its hygienic, antibacterial keyboard. In our current world, where cleanliness is paramount, this characteristic provides a measure of peace of mind for both business owners and customers alike. Furthermore, its multipurpose tray can hold money in four bill compartments and five coin compartments, ensuring the efficient flow of transactions.
The PCR-T280 also boasts a high-speed thermal printer, which can be used either for customer receipts or as a journal printer for recording all the store's activities. Its mode lock with key control feature provides multiple operation positions through physical keys, providing a level of security usually found in more expensive models.
Although it is not touch-screen, its simple and intuitive design makes it easy to program and use. Some users did find the manual a bit difficult to follow, but with a bit of practice, most find it quite manageable. With its ability to handle multiple sales tax needs and its capacity for PLU capabilities, the Casio PCR-T280 has proven itself as a reliable tool for various businesses, small or medium-sized.
However, one minor drawback is the depth of the money/change drawer, which could have been a little deeper for added convenience. Despite this minor issue, the vast majority of users recommend this register for its performance and price point, providing an excellent value for businesses looking for an affordable, reliable cash register solution.

🔗Heavy-Duty Cash Register with Alpha Keyboard and LCD Display
As an avid user of cash registers in my grocery store, I recently discovered the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register, and my experience has been quite satisfactory. This heavy-duty register is perfect for my high-traffic establishment, offering a reliable and swift cash management system that I can always depend on.
The first thing that caught my eye about this cash register was its single fast and quiet alphanumeric thermal printer, capable of handling over 1 million lines. It's been able to keep up with the constant rush of customers, making it a reliable addition to my store.
The large 10-line LCD user display and alpha keyboard ensure easy programming, which was a breeze, even for a beginner like me. The SD Card slot is another excellent feature, enabling efficient accounting data transfers to a PC, a necessity for any modern business.
However, I will say that the software included with the register can be a bit flaky at times. While it is supposed to read the x and z reports that the machine puts on the sd card, I sometimes find myself having to use the sd card to transfer report data manually. Additionally, getting in touch with their tech support doesn't seem to be very helpful, as they often provide no real technical assistance.
Despite these minor issues, the Royal Alpha 1100ml Cash Register has been a solid addition to my store. Its heavy-duty locking cash drawer with four slot bill and removable five slot coin tray, along with its automatic tax computation, has made managing funds and keeping track of sales much easier for me. If you're in need of a reliable cash register for your business, I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Fast and Accurate Cash Register System with Thermal Printing and 8-Line Display
I recently discovered the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register while searching for a reliable and feature-rich solution for my little grocery store. After trying it out, I must say it's exceeded my expectations.
The first thing that impresses anyone who lays their eyes on it is the sleek eight-line display. It's not just a pretty face though; it's got brains as well with 7000 Price Lookups (PLU's), allowing quick and accurate entry. The inclusion of 99 departments is brilliant as it makes managing diverse product types a breeze.
My favorite feature? Hands down, the microban keytops. They provide built-in antimicrobial protection, keeping those pesky germs at bay, which is particularly important given the current health situation. And let's not forget about the large 32GB SD card slot for computer connectivity and data storage.
However, there were a few hiccups too. The lack of French documentation was a letdown for me, a French-speaking Canadian. Plus, a few customers have reported missing parts upon delivery, making the product unusable.
So, while there are some minor issues, the Sharp XEA407 Cash Register has overall been a reliable and efficient addition to my store. It's fast, easy to set up, and offers more than enough features for most small businesses. If you're looking for a cash register that combines modern tech with dependability, this might just be the one for you.

🔗Royal 100Cx Portable Battery/AC Powered Cash Register
As a small business owner, I've been on the hunt for a reliable, portable cash register to make sales easier at my farmer's market stand. The Royal 100Cx, with its compact design and battery-powered operation, has been a reliable companion for me. The automatic tax computation feature is a game-changer, allowing me to easily manage sales and taxes on-the-go. However, the initial setup can be a bit daunting, and the manual doesn't do a fantastic job of explaining everything.
The preset department pricing and sales analysis by category of merchandise are standout features that have helped me keep track of inventory and sales trends. It's crucial for businesses like mine, where inventory and sales fluctuate frequently. The ink roll printer provides a receipt printout, providing a professional touch to every transaction.
In terms of drawbacks, one thing to note is that the tax computation is limited to only four rates – VAT, Canadian, and a couple of others – which may not cater to everyone's business needs. However, for my small farm market business, it's more than sufficient.
Overall, the Royal 100Cx is a dependable piece of hardware, and it's been a significant asset in streamlining my sales process. It may have a slightly steep learning curve, but once mastered, it's a powerful tool for any small business seeking a portable, autonomous cash register solution.

🔗Royal 435dx Cash Register with 16 Department Capability and 8 Clerks
As a small business owner, I can attest to the convenience of the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register in my daily operations. Its 16 departments and 800 PLU's ensure an efficient flow of transactions, while the 8 clerk capacity and 4 tax rates enable seamless management, even for those serving in various locations or catering to international clientele.
One of the highlights of this cash register is the front and rear LCD displays, allowing both the clerk and customer to see each transaction clearly. The memory protection with backup batteries provides added security to safeguard data in case of a power outage, a particularly valuable feature for businesses operating in areas with unpredictable power supply.
However, a minor con would be the single station 57mm impact printer, which could limit the pace of transactions during peak rush hours. Also, the locking cash drawer tends to be a bit cumbersome, requiring more time than necessary to retrieve and return change.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Royal 435dX Electronic Cash Register has significantly improved my business operations, allowing me to keep track of transactions efficiently, even during peak hours. I would recommend this cash register to other small business owners looking for a reliable and feature-rich option that delivers exceptional performance at an affordable price point.

🔗Casio SE-S700 Cash Register: High-Speed Single-Station Thermal Printer
I recently upgraded my old, heavy cash register to the Casio SE-S700, and I must say, it has made running daily transactions a breeze. The built-in rear customer display ensures that prices are accurate, while the 8 department keys and 999 PLUs make it a cinch to organize my inventory.
One of my favorite features is the customizable receipt header, allowing me to print unique messages on each customer receipt. The large, easy-to-read LCD display ensures that no mistakes are made during sales transactions.
However, there are a few cons to consider. The plastic construction doesn't instill much confidence in its durability, and I wish the cash register drawer featured a more secure locking mechanism.
Overall, the Casio SE-S700 has proven to be a reliable and efficient cash register for my small business, saving me time and preventing any hassles when it comes to handling transactions.

🔗Refurbished Sharp XE-A106 Sleek Microban Cash Register
I recently got my hands on the Sharp XE-A106 Cash Register and boy, am I impressed! This refurbished gem has been a game-changer in managing sales at my small business.
The first thing that caught my eye was the Microban antimicrobial keys. It's not just about style; it's about hygiene too! The large LED screen is another feature that I absolutely adore. With one line for eight digits, it's so easy to keep track of prices and sales.
The drum printing on standard 2-1/4" plain paper roll is fast and quiet, making it perfect for my retail store. Plus, with functions like eight preprogrammed departments, 80 price lookups, four clerk numbers, auto-tax system, and flash reporting, managing sales has never been easier.
But wait, there's more! The locking cash drawer with four-slot bill compartments, five-slot removable coin tray, and a media slot for quick deposit of checks and bills is just brilliant. Not to forget the easy programming that took me under an hour to set up.
However, nothing's perfect. The one downside I noticed was the slow printing speed. Also, you can't turn off the receipt printer for a "no sale" option.
All in all, the Sharp XE-A106 Cash Register is a reliable workhorse for any small business. Despite the few drawbacks, it's worth every penny. If you're in the market for a cash register, this should definitely be on your list!

🔗Royal 6000ML Compact Cash Register with 10 FT Cord, 6000 Price Look-ups, and 36 Departments
I recently purchased the Royal 6000ML Cash Register for my small grocery store, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer. This compact cash register has truly helped streamline our operations, making it easier than ever to manage sales and generate accurate reports.
One of my favorite features is the 36 Department categorization, which has allowed me to analyze sales data in a more detailed manner. Additionally, the 6,000 Price Look-ups (PLUs) have made entering frequently sold items quick and easy. The alphanumeric thermal printer, along with the front display and rear LED display, ensures that I can keep track of transactions with ease.
However, there have been some cons as well. The initial setup was a bit challenging due to the lack of clarity in the instruction manual. Some users have also reported issues with the power cord connecting properly to the register.
Overall, despite a few hiccups during setup, the Royal 6000ML Cash Register has been a valuable addition to my business. Its efficiency and ease of use make it an ideal choice for small-scale retail operations.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When choosing a cash register for your grocery store, there are several key features to consider:
  • Scanning Capability: Ensure the register supports barcode scanning for quick and accurate product identification and pricing.
  • Integration Capabilities: Check if the register can integrate with other systems like point-of-sale (POS) software and inventory management systems.
  • Reliability and Durability: Look for registers with good performance records and robust construction to withstand daily use in a busy environment.

Considerations Before Buying

Before making your purchase, consider the following:
  • Size of Your Store: Choose a register that fits comfortably in your store's checkout area, without obstructing customer flow.
  • Number of Registers Needed: Consider how many cash registers you'll need to accommodate peak shopping times and ensure smooth customer service.
  • Budget: Determine a budget that allows for both the product cost and any potential installation or setup fees.

General Advice

To ensure you get the most out of your cash register investment, follow these tips:
  1. Research Different Models: Compare features, prices, and user reviews to find the best model for your store's needs.
  2. Consider Training: Make sure staff are trained on how to use the new cash register system correctly to minimize errors and maximize efficiency.
  3. Plan for Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain your cash registers to keep them running smoothly and extend their lifespans.
By considering these features, evaluating your store's needs, and following general advice, you'll be well-equipped to choose the right cash register for your grocery store.


What is a cash register used for in grocery stores?

A cash register, also known as a till, is a device used by stores to manage sales transactions and customer purchases. In grocery stores, cash registers are used to scan and record product prices, calculate sales taxes, and process payments from customers. They also help store owners keep track of inventory and sales data.

Which features should I look for in a cash register for my grocery store?
When choosing a cash register for your grocery store, consider the following features: - Barcode scanner
  • Touchscreen or keypad
  • Cash drawer
  • Receipt printer
  • Customer display
  • Inventory management system
  • Integration with your POS (point-of-sale) system
  • Robust security features
  • Scalability and flexibility for future growth

Do all cash registers accept credit and debit cards?

Not all cash registers accept credit and debit cards by default. Some older models may require additional hardware or software to process card transactions. Newer cash register systems, usually known as POS systems, can handle payments through various methods, including credit, debit, mobile wallets, and contactless payments.

How do I find a suitable cash register for my grocery store's size?

Consider the complexity of your operations and the size of your store when choosing a cash register. For smaller grocery stores, a simple standalone cash register may be sufficient, while larger stores might require a more extensive POS system. Additionally, think about your future growth and ensure that the cash register you select can be upgraded or expanded if needed.

What are the benefits of using a cash register in a grocery store?

  • Improved accuracy and efficiency in processing transactions and inventory management
  • Enhanced security features to prevent theft and fraud
  • Detailed sales data to help make informed business decisions
  • Faster checkout times, leading to improved customer satisfaction
  • Compatibility with various payment methods, including cash, credit, debit, and mobile wallets

How do I maintain and troubleshoot my cash register?

Keep your cash register clean and free from dust, and make sure to perform regular maintenance tasks, such as checking the printer and scanner functionality. Additionally, stay updated on software and firmware updates to ensure optimal performance. For troubleshooting, consult your cash register's user manual. If you still need assistance, contact your cash register manufacturer or seller for technical support.

What is the difference between a cash register and a POS system?

A cash register is a more basic device used for processing transactions and managing inventory in a retail environment. In contrast, a POS system is a more advanced software solution that integrates multiple functions, such as sales reporting, employee management, and customer relationship management, in addition to accepting and processing payments.

How can I upgrade or replace an existing cash register in my grocery store?

Before upgrading or replacing your existing cash register, consider your store's requirements and the future growth of your business. Some cash register manufacturers and resellers offer trade-in programs that allow you to exchange your old cash register for a new model at a discounted price. Alternatively, you may choose to sell your old cash register and purchase a new one that suits your needs and budget. Make sure to transfer all relevant data from the old system to the new one to ensure a smooth transition.

How much does a cash register cost for a grocery store?

The cost of a cash register or POS system for a grocery store can vary depending on factors such as the features, brand, and type of system. Basic standalone cash registers can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000, while more advanced POS systems can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more. Be sure to research different options and compare prices before making your purchase.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:43 BioDranik The May 2024 Organic Maps update with bookmarks sorting, OAuth2 OSM login, better paved/unpaved paths, fixed GPX import and many other improvements

The May 2024 Organic Maps update with bookmarks sorting, OAuth2 OSM login, better paved/unpaved paths, fixed GPX import and many other improvements
The May 2024 Organic Maps update (get it here) supports bookmarks and tracks sorting by name, paved paths are white, and unpaved ones are brown. And there are so many other changes and fixes, thanks to our contributors! Update and enjoy, and don't forget to update maps too. And donate to support the open-source, community-driven, privacy-focused maps project!
  • upgraded to the new OpenStreetMap authentication method (OAuth 2). All previously authenticated users must re-login!
  • new OpenStreetMap data as of April 29
  • sort bookmarks and tracks in a list by name
  • more feature types could be added to OSM now, e.g. marketplaces, taxi stands, kiosks, wilderness huts, garden centers, historic aircraft, cannons, boundary stones, tombs, etc.
  • show the availability of Drive-through service for selected POIs
  • ability to toggle Drive through in the OSM editor
  • simplify handling of multiple languages feature names in the OSM editor and fix related bugs
  • show "Can't find a suitable category?" message hint in the OSM editor
  • elevator icon instead of "stairs" for displaying the level number of selected POI
  • fix missing local language name versions for selected POIs
  • better visible in dark mode $ emoji for paid map features
  • improve bicycle routing for some cases
  • import .gpx and .gpx.xml files from Google Files app
  • retain routing origin point upon re-opening the app
  • night theme fixes
  • fix router mode always changing to public transport if the subway layer was active
  • fix buttons overlap in landscape navigation mode
  • fix freezes on Samsung A50
  • fix the incorrect state of the "Keep Search History" setting if toggled two times
  • fix isolines reminder being displayed on top of other dialogs
  • fix circular downloading progress bar layout in selected POIs
  • fix On/Off button icons
  • fix the alignment of RTL languages in the bottom menu
  • fix bug allowing to add the same language two times in the OSM editor
  • correct location of "more" menu in bookmark lists
  • default email client is supported for bug reports
Mobile Linux and Mac (Windows is possible too!):
  • add route marking buttons to place pages
  • add an "Exit" menu option and keyboard shortcuts for all menu entries
  • improve font clarity on MDPI screens
  • display difficult or indistinct hiking trails as brown-dotted, extreme/expert or indiscernible ones as black sparse dotted
  • dark blue lines for dedicated cycleways
  • blue lines under white/brown dashes for shared bicycle/pedestrian paths, or over white dashes for segregated ones
  • more consistency in displaying paved paths as white dashed lines, unpaved ones as brown dashed
  • roads visible under semi-transparent bridge outlines
  • added scree and shingle areas; better color of bare rock surfaces
  • stop displaying vacant/unused shops
  • added natural=stone (displayed as natural=rock), miniature golf
  • separate public transport shelters, basic huts and lean-tos from generic shelters
  • added icons for animal enclosures and dry cleaning; updated laundry icon
  • fix too small font size for smaller cities
  • make city labels visible at higher zooms
  • reduce the opacity of indigenous lands hatching fill
  • don't display nature reserves' hatching fill and icon/caption on very detailed zooms
  • category search improvements (padel, subway stations, wilderness huts, etc.)
  • searchable drinking water refills (participating cafes, etc.)
  • made private swimming pools not searchable
  • type ?wiki in the search to highlight Wikipedia articles on the map
  • tuned category search ranking
Updated Basque, German, Greek, and Slovak translations
submitted by BioDranik to organicmaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:31 pazvanti2003 Phoenix Template Engine for Spring

A few months ago I posted about Pheonix, a Template Engine for Spring boot I started to develop. It managed to get some attention and I got really good feedback from here. I continued to develop it, make it better and faster. After many months of work, I have a new version which I believe is worth posting again. I want to gather as much feedback as possible and to make Phoenix even better. It is NOT ready for production use and there are many more things that need to be done (see "issues").

What is Phoenix

Phoenix is a modern template engine for Spring and Spring Boot aiming to facilitate the development of complex web applications by providing a way to create complex and modular templates benefiting from server-side rendering for better integration between the frontend and backend.

Phoenix vs Thymeleaf or Freemarker

Phoenix offers several advantages compared to other existing template engines at the moment:

Why Phoenix and not React/AngulaVue?

Phoenix is not intended to be a replacement for JS frameworks. Instead, Phoenix aims to utilize existing JS frameworks to add SSR, thereby enhancing page rendering speed and FE-BE integration. You no longer need to always return complex JSON; you can directly provide an HTML page with everything needed and nothing more. There can be a whole debate about SSR vs non-SSR, so Phoenix tries to combine the advantages of both.

Open Source

Phoenix is completely Open Source and can be used entirely for free. It is not yet stable enough to be used in production, but I will continue developing it, working on stability and performance, and will try to add other functionalities. And of course, a ⭐ is appreciated.
More details:
My blog:

Opinions, Feedback, Criticism, etc.

This post is made to gather feedback. So, I welcome any opinions or criticisms you may have. Please just avoid comments like "Let's go back to JSP" (Phoenix is completely different, much more performant and easier to integrate) or "Why use this when there is React/AngulaVue/another JS framework" (I believe there is room for both FE frameworks based on JS and more integrated variants with the BE side that offer SSR).
submitted by pazvanti2003 to java [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:56 Irydia Playing the game without updates?

Hi, I recently discovered there's the option to turn off the updates in the EA app and be able to play with no more updates going offline every time you have to play. I didn't try it yet, but my question is: does it work? I mean, I read some comments it doesn't work always. Plus, I didn't understand if I have to sign in everytime at every game session since I read every time you go offline, EA app loads the login screen (so, if I have to play again offline in a next session, I have to log in first to go offline in EA app to run then the game, right?). Plus, I'd like to know if somebody successfully managed to play always with no updates with this method for a long time. I personally don't have problems to update the game regularly since the only mod I have is MCCC and I have only to check it, but I don't know if every update takes more space in hard disk or simply overwrite previous updates. Do you know it if they overwrite or not? I only have the base game and I checked it's still at the same size. I'd like to know if it's better for me to play with updates or not, considering pro and cons for both options. Thanks to everyone can explain me :)
submitted by Irydia to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:23 Accurate-Screen8774 A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture

A Decentralized Microfrontend Architecture
Disclaimer: the following is a recent medium article. it is being posted in full on Reddit to compare feedback and engagement of Reddit users with long-form articles.
Decentralization can mean a lot of things because it can be open to interpretation. In this article, we would like to talk about what decentralization means to us and how we are approaching our definition of decentralized. We are working on a typical chat app, but our approach is unique and may push the boundaries of what it means for something to be self-hosted.
Our decentralized chat application is built as a Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and leverages modern web technologies to deliver a user experience comparable to native apps. Unlike traditional centralized chat apps, our chat app is designed to operate independently of central servers, ensuring that user data remains private and secure. This article will delve into the various components and architectural decisions that make our app truly decentralized.

The Decentralized Chat App

An overview of how our chat application leverages Progressive Web App (PWA) technology to provide a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms.

Data Storage and Networking

A typical app relies heavily on data storage and networking capabilities. In our decentralized chat application, we’ve implemented advanced solutions to handle these aspects efficiently and securely.

Data Storage

In our app, we use IndexedDB to store data directly in the browser’s storage. While browsers provide multiple options for storing information, ranging from cookies to local storage, IndexedDB offers a more advanced and robust solution.
Capacity: IndexedDB can store significantly larger amounts of data compared to cookies or local storage. Structure: It allows for complex data structures, including collections of files and blobs. Performance: IndexedDB operates asynchronously, meaning it won’t block the main thread of your application, leading to better performance for data-heavy applications.
Using IndexedDB, we ensure that user data is stored locally on their devices, providing both privacy and independence from central servers.


For networking, our app uses PeerJS-server as a connection broker to establish WebRTC connections between peers.
Direct Peer-to-Peer: WebRTC, provided by the browser, enables real-time communication between peers. This allows two users to connect directly and exchange data with minimal latency. Efficient Routing: Once a connection is established, data is sent via the shortest possible network route, enhancing speed and efficiency. Multiple Connections: Browsers can handle multiple WebRTC connections simultaneously, though the number of connections can vary depending on the device and network capabilities.
PeerJS-server helps in the initial connection setup by acting as a signaling server. It facilitates the exchange of connection information between peers, enabling them to establish a direct WebRTC connection.
By leveraging IndexedDB for data storage and WebRTC with PeerJS-server for networking, our chat application achieves a high level of decentralization, ensuring user data remains private and connections are efficient and reliable. These components form the backbone of our approach, pushing the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and decentralized

Static Distribution and Deployment

Our app is essentially a bundle of static files, which makes it highly portable and easy to distribute. We leverage AWS services such as S3 and CloudFormation to deploy our app, ensuring it is distributed efficiently over a Content Delivery Network (CDN) across AWS servers.

AWS S3 and CloudFormation

AWS S3: We host our app on AWS S3, a scalable storage service that allows us to serve static files reliably. S3 ensures that our app is always available and can handle large numbers of requests without performance degradation. CloudFormation: By using AWS CloudFormation, we automate the deployment process, managing our infrastructure as code. This makes it easy to replicate and manage our app’s deployment environment.
Hosting on S3 and using CloudFormation means our app benefits from AWS’s global CDN. This ensures that our static files are cached and served from servers closest to our users, reducing latency and improving load times.

Offline Availability and Self-Hosting

We go a step further by providing users with the option to download a zip file of the app directly from within the app. This ensures that users can run the app locally without relying on our servers.
Direct from Index.html: Unlike some other apps, our app is a pure JavaScript implementation, designed to run directly from the index.html file. Users can simply open this file in their browser and start using the app without needing a server. Docker Option: For users who prefer or require a server setup, we offer a Docker configuration. This allows the app to be run in a containerized environment, providing flexibility and ease of deployment for different use cases.

Unminified Code for Transparency

We believe in transparency and accessibility. Therefore, we run the app as unminified code. This has several advantages:
Ease of Download: Users can download the entire app using simple browser commands like Ctrl/Cmd+S. Transparency: By providing unminified code, we ensure that users can inspect and understand the code they are running. This fosters trust and allows for easier customization and debugging.
By distributing our app as static files and offering multiple ways to run it, we ensure that users have maximum flexibility and control. Whether using AWS’s robust infrastructure or running the app locally, our approach embodies the principles of decentralization and user empowerment.

Webpack 5 Module Federation

Our app leverages Webpack 5’s Module Federation feature to implement a microfrontend architecture. This approach allows us to modularize our application, making it easier to maintain, develop, and scale. You can explore our open-source implementation here:

Current Implementation

We have used Webpack 5 Module Federation to build the chat application, which you can find here: Additionally, we have created a federated module for cryptography that can be imported at runtime, available here: Our current setup is straightforward, allowing us to dynamically load different parts of the application as needed. This modular approach provides flexibility and efficiency in how we develop and deploy our app.

Future Enhancements

We plan to further decompose the application into separate microfrontends, each responsible for a specific aspect of the app. This will not only simplify maintenance but also enhance documentation and development processes for individual components.
Planned Modules:
1. UI Components: A collection of reusable UI components that can be shared across different parts of the application, promoting consistency and reducing duplication. 2. P2P Framework: The core framework for peer-to-peer networking, facilitating real-time communication between users. 3. State Management: This module will manage the application’s state, ensuring efficient data handling and synchronization across different components and peers. 4. Permission Manager: A dedicated module for managing user permissions and access control, enhancing security and user management.

Individual Storybooks and Module Exports

Each module will have its own Storybook and module export, providing a dedicated space for documentation, testing, and showcasing individual components. This approach will:
Enhance Documentation: Each module will be well-documented, making it easier for developers to understand and use them. Simplify Maintenance: By isolating modules, we can update and maintain them independently, reducing the risk of breaking changes affecting the entire app. Promote Reusability: Well-defined modules can be reused across different projects, promoting a modular and efficient development approach.
By embracing Webpack 5 Module Federation and breaking down our app into distinct microfrontends, we aim to create a more robust, scalable, and maintainable architecture. This approach not only benefits our development process but also enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that each component is well-crafted and easily accessible.

Redundancy and Reliability

In the past, we have encountered difficulties when deploying our app to AWS due to various technical issues. Given that our app functions as a self-hosted static application, we have started exploring alternative hosting options, such as GitHub Pages. You can view our deployment on GitHub Pages here:

GitHub Pages Deployment

Our microfrontend architecture allows us to deploy each module independently. This capability has enabled us to host copies of the app on GitHub Pages for each repository. While this approach is unconventional and can lead to redundant copies of the app, we believe it is a valuable exercise in exploring module federation redundancy.
Accessibility: Hosting on GitHub Pages makes the app easily accessible to users and developers. Simplicity: GitHub Pages offers a straightforward deployment process, reducing the complexity often associated with other hosting solutions. Cost-Effective: GitHub Pages is free, making it an economical choice for hosting static sites.

Redundancy and Interoperability

We aim to make our app interoperable across different hosting sources. By leveraging Webpack 5 Module Federation, we can ensure that the app works seamlessly whether it is served from AWS or GitHub Pages. This redundancy enhances the app’s reliability and availability.
Module Federation Redundancy: We are investigating ways to make modules interoperable between different sources, ensuring that the app remains functional even if one source becomes unavailable. Interoperable Deployment: Our goal is to allow the app to fetch and integrate modules from both AWS and GitHub Pages dynamically.

Future Plans

To further enhance our deployment strategy, we plan to use a infrastructure as code tool, to deploy the app across multiple cloud service providers. This approach will increase the resilience of our deployment, ensuring the app remains online and functional even if one provider experiences downtime.
Multi-Cloud Deployment: We can deploy the app to various cloud service providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. This will distribute the app’s load and reduce the risk of a single point of failure. Scalability: This will enable us to scale the app easily across different providers, ensuring it can handle increased traffic without performance issues. Cost Management: Static file hosting is relatively a cheap option for hosting a webapp, we can optimize costs and ensure that the app remains affordable to maintain.
By exploring these new hosting options and implementing a robust deployment strategy, we aim to make our decentralized chat app more resilient, scalable, and cost-effective. Our efforts in redundancy and interoperability will ensure that the app continues to function seamlessly, providing a reliable user experience regardless of the hosting source.

Multi-Device Architecture

As our app continues to develop, we are excited to introduce the concept of a decentralized profile that can be shared across multiple devices. This feature is designed for individuals who want to use the same profile on all their devices, providing a seamless and integrated multi-platform chat experience, much like any modern chat application.

Decentralized Profile

A decentralized profile allows users to maintain a consistent identity and settings across different devices. This means that whether you are using a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, your profile can remain synchronized and up-to-date.
Profile Synchronization: Users can access their chat history, contacts, and settings on any device by synchronizing their decentralized profile. Data Consistency: Changes made on one device are automatically reflected on others, ensuring a consistent experience.

Multi-Platform Chat Experience

Implementing a decentralized profile enables us to offer a robust multi-platform chat experience. Users can switch between devices without losing their chat continuity or settings, enhancing the overall user experience.
Convenience: Users can start a conversation on one device and continue it on another without any interruptions. Flexibility: The app adapts to various devices, providing a user-friendly interface and experience on each platform.

Decentralized File Storage

In addition to profile synchronization, we are exploring the potential of decentralized file storage. This feature would allow users to move large files between devices quickly, easily and securely.
Cross-Device Sharing: Users can share files between their devices effortlessly, whether they are transferring a document from their laptop to their phone or vice versa. Collaborative Work: Teams can collaborate more effectively by sharing encrypted files directly through the app, regardless of the devices they are using.
By introducing a decentralized profile and exploring decentralized file storage, we aim to enhance our app’s functionality and user experience. These features will provide users with the convenience and flexibility expected from a modern chat application while maintaining the principles of decentralization and security.

Decentralized Peer Discovery

Decentralized peer discovery is a critical component of our app’s architecture. By leveraging innovative technologies such as QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we facilitate seamless connections between peers without relying on a central authority.

QR Codes

QR codes provide a straightforward method for establishing peer connections. Users can generate a QR code that contains their connection details, which other users can scan to initiate a peer-to-peer connection.
Ease of Use: Users can quickly and easily share connection details. Security: QR codes can be generated dynamically, reducing the risk of interception.

NFC (Near Field Communication)

NFC allows devices to establish connections simply by being in close proximity. This technology is particularly useful for quick and secure peer discovery.
Speed: Connections are established almost instantly. Convenience: Users can connect devices by simply bringing them close together, making it ideal for spontaneous interactions.

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

BLE enables devices to discover and communicate with each other over short distances with minimal power consumption. This makes it a suitable option for maintaining constant peer-to-peer connections.
Energy Efficiency: BLE conserves battery life, making it ideal for mobile devices. Range: BLE provides a reliable connection over a short range, perfect for personal or localized networking.

Combining Technologies for Enhanced Discovery

By integrating QR codes, NFC, and BLE, we create a robust and versatile peer discovery mechanism. Users can choose the most convenient method for their situation, ensuring that connections are both seamless and secure.
Hybrid Approach: Users can combine different methods for an optimal connection experience. For instance, initial discovery via QR code followed by connection via BLE for sustained communication. Adaptability: The app adapts to the available technologies on the user’s device, providing the best possible peer discovery experience.
These innovative approaches to peer discovery, coupled with our decentralized microfrontend architecture, form the backbone of our commitment to enhancing decentralization, scalability, and user experience. By continually exploring and implementing cutting-edge technologies, we ensure our app remains at the forefront of decentralized communication solutions
These sections outline the key aspects of our decentralized microfrontend architecture and provide a roadmap for our ongoing and future efforts to enhance decentralization, scalability, and user experience.


Our journey towards building a decentralized chat application has been driven by a desire to push the boundaries of what it means for an app to be truly self-hosted and independent of central servers. By leveraging modern web technologies such as Progressive Web Apps, IndexedDB, WebRTC, and Webpack 5 Module Federation, we have created a robust and scalable architecture that emphasizes privacy, security, and user empowerment.
We have explored innovative hosting solutions like GitHub Pages and plan to implement multi-cloud deployments to enhance resilience and scalability. Our vision for a multi-device architecture, incorporating decentralized profiles and encrypted file storage, aims to provide a seamless, cross-platform user experience. Additionally, our commitment to decentralized peer discovery using QR codes, NFC, and BLE ensures that users can connect easily and securely without relying on centralized authorities.
As we continue to develop and refine our app, we remain dedicated to the principles of decentralization, transparency, and user control. We invite you to join us on this journey, explore our open-source repositories, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of our decentralized chat application. Together, we can redefine what it means to communicate in a decentralized world.
Thank you for taking the time to read about our project. We look forward to your feedback and collaboration as we continue to innovate and improve our decentralized chat application.
submitted by Accurate-Screen8774 to darknetplan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:59 Swimming-Amoeba-7087 sus login bypass

does anyone know how to bypass sus login on snapchat? if someone have the method and can do it, go ahead dm me and tell me the method, no gatekeeping
submitted by Swimming-Amoeba-7087 to SnapchatTweaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:39 Gimmeabreak1234 PPL preps

I really want to confirm my understanding of V speeds is correct so I’ve prepared some answers to the questions provided in Private Pilot: Oral Exam Guide by ASA. Any constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated! Thank you all in advance!
What is the stall speed in the normal landing configuration? In the normal landing configuration of most Cessna 172, Vs0 is at where the bottom of the white arc is on the airspeed indicator. When power on, this is the minimum speed which an aircraft can be flown in a steady straight-and-level motion with its flaps extended and landing gear down if available. Also, this is the power-off stall speed at the maximum landing weight with gear and flaps down.
What is the stall speed in the clean configuration? In the clean configuration of most Cessna 172, Vs1 is at where the bottom of the green arc is on the airspeed indicator. When power on, this is the minimum speed which the aircraft can be flown in a steady straight-and-level motion with its flaps up and landing gear up. Also, this is the power-off stall speed at the maximum takeoff weight with gear and flaps up.
What is the normal approach-to-land speed? For most aircraft, the rule of thumb is the normal approach speed is around 1.3 of Vs0. This is the speed for the final leg of the flight until the aircraft reaches the threshold crossing point.
What is maneuvering speed? Maneuvering speed (VA) is an airspeed limitation determined by the aircraft designer. At speeds exceeding VA, full deflection of any flight control surface can result in damage to the aircraft structure. The maneuvering speed varies under different circumstances due to varying load factors in different phases of flight. The one suggested in AFM/POH is for reference only.
What is red-line speed? The red-line speed is also known as the never-exceed speed (VNE). In no circumstances should an aircraft be flown beyond this speed or serious structural damage might be caused to the aircraft. What is the normal climb-out speed? If the climb gradient does not compromise the safety of the flight, the climb-out speed depends on the PIC’s personal preference. Normally, Vy and Vx are the most common options.
What’s the normal takeoff speed? With correct wind information, density altitude, and gross weight, the normal climb-out speed can be obtained by using the calculation methods provided in the AFM/POH of the aircraft. If there is no such document in your possession before flight, you shouldn’t attempt to make a flight on the aircraft.
What’s the best rate-of-climb speed? When an aircraft travels at the best rate-of-climb speed (Vy), the aircraft gains the most altitude in the shortest period of time. The maximum thrust occurs at Vy. With an increase in altitude, Vy decreases gradually until it meets Vx at the absolute ceiling. In terms of vertical speed, the angle of climb decreases with altitude until it levels off at the absolute ceiling.
What’s the best angle-of-climb speed? When an aircraft travels at the best angle-of-climb speed (Vx), the aircraft gains the most altitude in the shortest horizontal distance. The maximum power occurs at Vx. With an increase in altitude, Vx increases gradually until it meets Vy at the absolute ceiling. In terms of vertical speed, the angle of climb decreases with altitude until it levels off at the absolute ceiling.
What’s the maximum flap extension speed? VFE is the upper speed limit that allows the flaps in the fully extended configuration in flight. For most Cessna 172, it is marked at the top of the white arc on the airspeed indicator.
What’s the maximum gear extension speed? VLE is the upper speed limit that allows the landing gear in the extended position in flight. If an aircraft is equipped with a retractable landing gear, this information can be obtained in the chapter of Performance and Limitations in the AFM/POH and is normally not marked on the airspeed indicator of a Cessna 172.
submitted by Gimmeabreak1234 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 GCUArmchairTraveller CPU now shows >25% busy all the time

I installed Proxmox, then HAOS under it, took backup of HAOS that was running on PI4, shut down PI4, moved Sonoff adapter to the proxmox host, configured usb pass-thru for bluetooth and sonoff adapters, restored HAOS from backup. Everything worked fine, all devices are available, I just needed to update IP address.
One thing I noticed that now CPU utilization for a VM with 2 vCPUs is constantly running >25% busy all the time. This is on Dell 3050 micro with i5 4core CPU.
Preveiously average utilization on PI4 was about 8%.
How can I find what is causing the CPU utiliation?
Actually the cause was interesting bug/feature - in HAOS settings DNS was pointing to its own IP address. The result was that during the boot to could not resolve time servers, caused timeout after 1min and 36 seconds (it is visible on console). After booting it was visible that there was disk and network activity above normal.
The resolution is fairly simple - first - put as DNS server, then from the console go to shell by typing login and edit /etc/systemd/timesync.conf and put inside 
After this everything is smooth and booting of a VM takes 50 seconds and CPU utilization is about 5-8% on average.
submitted by GCUArmchairTraveller to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:33 MarvSee Magnetic Screen Door - All Informations you need

Have you ever heard of a magnetic screen door? If not, you're in for a treat!
We will explore what a magnetic screen door is and how it works. We will also discuss the numerous benefits of using one, such as easy entry and exit, keeping bugs out, and saving energy.
We will delve into the different types of magnetic screen doors, how to install them, tips for maintenance, common issues to watch out for, and more.
So, sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of magnetic screen doors!

👉 Klick hier für mehr Informationen

Key Takeaways:

What Is a Magnetic Screen Door?

A magnetic screen door is a convenient and versatile solution for keeping insects out while allowing a refreshing breeze to flow through your living space. Typically made of PVC coated polyester mesh, these doors feature velcro strips and magnets for easy installation and use.
These screen doors are designed to fit most standard door sizes, and some models are customizable, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your specific doorway.
The variety of colors available ensures that you can find a magnetic screen door that complements the aesthetics of your home.
Privacy screens are an essential feature of many magnetic screen doors, providing not only protection from insects but also a shield from prying eyes in busy outdoor settings.

How Does a Magnetic Screen Door Work?

A magnetic screen door operates through the use of strategically placed magnets along the edges that ensure a secure closure after entry or exit. This mechanism effectively prevents bugs and insects from entering the living space while allowing a continuous flow of fresh air through the PVC mesh material.
These magnets act as a powerful force, promptly pulling the screen closed behind anyone passing through. The PVC mesh screen acts as a dual-action feature, filtering out dust and providing excellent ventilation without compromising on security. This combination ensures that homes remain pest-free, while still enjoying the benefits of a constant breeze flowing through the room. The seamless blend of magnetic closures and durable mesh makes these screen doors an innovative solution to keep indoor spaces bug-free and airy.

👉 Klick hier für mehr Informationen

What Are the Benefits of Using a Magnetic Screen Door?

Utilizing a magnetic screen door offers numerous advantages, including easy access for entry and exit, protection against bugs and insects, natural ventilation that brings in a refreshing breeze, and energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial cooling systems.
These doors play a crucial role in enhancing the connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. They create a seamless transition, making it easier to move between the two areas without any barriers. This not only promotes a sense of openness but also allows for better air circulation, improving the overall air quality within the living space.
With the installation of magnetic screen doors, you can enjoy the beauty of the outdoors while maintaining a level of privacy, especially when compared to traditional outdoor curtains. These doors contribute to energy savings by allowing natural light to enter the home, reducing the reliance on artificial lighting during the day.

Allows for Easy Entry and Exit

One of the primary benefits of a magnetic screen door is its seamless installation process that enables convenient entry and exit from your living space without the need for complex mechanisms or tools.
These innovative screen doors only require basic household tools to set up, making it a hassle-free addition to your home. By following the straightforward instructions provided, you can easily attach the magnetic strips to your door frame in a matter of minutes.
Once installed, the magnetic screen door effortlessly opens and closes, allowing for a smooth transition between your indoor and outdoor spaces. Its user-friendly design is ideal for those who value simplicity and functionality in their home improvement projects.

Keeps Bugs and Insects Out

The PVC mesh material of a magnetic screen door acts as a barrier against insects and bugs, ensuring a pest-free environment within your living space. Regular cleaning with appropriate agents helps maintain its effectiveness.
By incorporating PVC mesh in the construction of the screen door, homeowners create a strong line of defense against unwanted critters while still allowing fresh air to circulate. The mesh structure effectively blocks out mosquitoes, flies, and other pests without obstructing the view or airflow.
To ensure continued protection, it is crucial to conduct routine cleanings using gentle agents that preserve the integrity of the material. This not only helps in removing any trapped debris or dust but also safeguards the door's durability against wear and tear due to dirt accumulation.

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Provides Natural Ventilation

By allowing a refreshing breeze to pass through, a magnetic screen door provides natural ventilation that enhances indoor air quality and creates a comfortable environment. Privacy screens can be integrated for added security.
One of the key advantages of incorporating magnetic screen doors is their ability to facilitate the circulation of fresh air throughout your living space. This not only helps in reducing stuffiness but also contributes to maintaining a healthier indoor atmosphere by minimizing the build-up of pollutants and odors.
The option to include privacy screens further enhances the functionality of these doors. The privacy screens provide an additional layer of security, preventing unwanted intrusions while still allowing airflow to pass through effortlessly.

Saves Energy

The use of a magnetic screen door promotes energy efficiency by reducing the reliance on artificial cooling systems, leading to potential cost savings. Combining it with outdoor curtains can further enhance insulation.
When these two elements are paired together, the magnetic screen door acts as a barrier against insects and allows fresh air to flow into the space, reducing the need for constant air conditioning usage. This results in lower electricity bills and decreased energy consumption, aligning with sustainable living practices.
Incorporating outdoor curtains alongside the magnetic screen door creates an additional layer of protection from heat gain or loss, effectively maintaining indoor temperatures during different seasons. Properly sealed windows and doorways play a crucial role in preventing energy wastage, promoting a comfortable living environment without the need for excessive heating or cooling."

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What Are the Different Types of Magnetic Screen Doors?

There are various types of magnetic screen doors available, including retractable, hanging, and sliding options, each offering unique features and installation methods to suit different door configurations and preferences.
Retractable magnetic screen doors are popular for their sleek and space-saving design, ideal for single entry doors or French doors that need easy access.
Hanging magnetic screen doors, on the other hand, provide a cost-effective solution for temporary use or renters, with easy setup and removal.
Sliding magnetic screen doors are perfect for patio or sliding doors, offering seamless operation without obstructing the view.

Retractable Magnetic Screen Doors

Retractable magnetic screen doors feature a roll-up mechanism that allows for easy installation and operation, making them an ideal choice for doorways with limited space or aesthetic preferences.
These innovative doors offer a practical solution for keeping insects out while maintaining airflow and natural light indoors. The unique design ensures that the screen neatly rolls away when not in use, maximizing space efficiency.
Due to their versatility, they can be installed on various entryways, including French doors, sliding patio doors, and single doors. The user-friendly installation process makes it convenient for homeowners to set them up without the need for professional assistance.

Hanging Magnetic Screen Doors

Hanging magnetic screen doors are suspended from a top rail and provide effective insect protection while offering easy passage for humans and pets through the center opening.
These innovative doors are designed to keep pesky bugs like flies, mosquitoes, and gnats out of your home while allowing fresh air to flow freely. The strong magnets strategically placed along the edges ensure that the door snaps shut behind you, preventing any unwanted invaders from sneaking inside. The convenience of simply walking through the magnetic closure without using your hands makes them ideal for busy households with children and pets.

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Their sleek and unobtrusive design adds a modern touch to any doorway.

Sliding Magnetic Screen Doors

Sliding magnetic screen doors glide along tracks to open and close, ensuring a snug fit that keeps insects out while providing a smooth operation for users. Proper installation is crucial to maximize their effectiveness.
Regarding the features of sliding magnetic screen doors, their design allows them to effortlessly slide along the designated tracks, offering a user-friendly experience that blends functionality and convenience. One of the standout qualities is their ability to be customized to fit various door sizes and types, catering to different home setups and preferences. This customization factor ensures that the door snugly fits in place, leaving no gaps for pesky insects to sneak through.
Installing these doors requires attention to detail and precision. Fit accuracy is paramount to prevent any gaps that could compromise the insect protection they provide. An improperly installed screen door may not only let insects in but also hinder the smooth operation of the door itself. Ensuring a precise installation is key to enjoying the full benefits of a sliding magnetic screen door.

How to Install a Magnetic Screen Door?

Installing a magnetic screen door is a straightforward process that begins with measuring your door frame accurately, followed by preparing the components and securing the screen door in place using the provided instructions.
Once you have measured the width and height of your door frame, ensure to double-check the accuracy to avoid any fitting issues later on. Accurate measurements are crucial for a seamless installation process.
Next, clear the door frame area of any debris or obstructions that may hinder the installation. This step will create a clean surface for attaching the magnetic screen door.
Before beginning the installation, carefully unpack all the components that come with the screen door kit and familiarize yourself with the different parts. Each component plays a vital role in ensuring the door functions properly.

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Measure Your Door Frame

Before installing a magnetic screen door, ensure precise measurements of your door frame to facilitate custom sizing and a secure fit, enhancing the door's overall effectiveness.
Accurate measurements play a crucial role in ensuring that the magnetic screen door aligns perfectly with the door frame. Custom sizing allows for a tailored fit, eliminating gaps that could let bugs in and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your doorway. An ill-fitted screen door may not only compromise its functionality but also lead to potential damage or wear and tear. By taking the time to measure your door frame correctly, you set the foundation for a smooth installation process and long-term satisfaction with the performance of your magnetic screen door.

Prepare the Magnetic Screen Door

Preparing the magnetic screen door involves familiarizing yourself with the components, ensuring all parts are included, and verifying the integrity of the PVC coated polyester mesh before proceeding with the installation process.
Inspect all the elements of the magnetic screen door kit, including the frame, magnets, and fastening strips, to guarantee nothing is missing or damaged.
Check the PVC coated polyester mesh for any tears, holes, or weak spots that could compromise its effectiveness in keeping bugs out while allowing fresh air to flow through.
Address any issues with the mesh promptly by either repairing small damages with a patch or contacting the manufacturer for a replacement if necessary.

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Install the Screen Door

The final step in installing a magnetic screen door is to follow the manufacturer's instructions to securely attach the screen door to the door frame, ensuring proper alignment of magnets for effective closure and insect protection.
Ensure that the magnetic strips on both sides of the door are aligned correctly to allow for a strong magnetic closure.
Following the guidelines meticulously will help in achieving a seamless installation and optimal performance of your magnetic screen door.

What Are Some Tips for Maintaining a Magnetic Screen Door?

To ensure the longevity and efficiency of your magnetic screen door, it is essential to clean it regularly using gentle cleaning agents that do not damage the PVC mesh. Avoid harsh chemicals that may compromise the door's integrity.
Regular cleaning not only helps in maintaining the overall appearance of the magnetic screen door but also ensures proper functioning by preventing clogs and blockages caused by dirt and debris. Insects, such as mosquitoes and flies, are common nuisances that can get trapped in the mesh, affecting the door's performance. By using appropriate cleaning agents, you can effectively eliminate these unwanted visitors while preserving the durability of the PVC mesh. It's crucial to keep in mind that harsh chemicals can deteriorate the materials over time, leading to tears and damage that may affect the door's effectiveness.

Clean Regularly

Regular cleaning of the PVC mesh on your magnetic screen door, using mild soapy water and a soft brush, helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that may impede the door's functionality. For vinyl magnet screen doors, gentle wiping is recommended.
When cleaning PVC mesh screens, start by removing the screen from the door frame, if possible, to clean it more thoroughly. Fill a bucket with warm water and a small amount of mild detergent to create a cleaning solution. Gently scrub the mesh with a soft brush or sponge to loosen any stubborn dirt or stains. Rinse the screen with clean water and allow it to air dry completely before reinstalling.
For vinyl magnet screen doors, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the vinyl material. Regular wiping will help maintain the appearance and longevity of the magnetic screen door.

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Avoid Harsh Chemicals

When cleaning your magnetic screen door, refrain from using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can cause damage to the PVC mesh material. Opt for mild cleaning agents to preserve the door's structural integrity.
This is crucial as harsh chemicals can lead to discoloration or weakening of the PVC mesh, which could compromise the overall effectiveness of the door in keeping bugs out while allowing fresh air to flow through.
By selecting gentle cleaning solutions, you not only maintain the aesthetic appeal of your magnetic screen door but also extend its lifespan, ensuring that it continues to function seamlessly for years to come.

Store Properly During Winter Months

During the winter months, it is advisable to store your magnetic screen door properly to prevent damage from harsh weather conditions. Consider removing and storing privacy screens and outdoor curtains for added protection.
Proper storage of your magnetic screen door involves more than just taking it down and leaving it in the garage. To ensure its longevity, protecting it from the snow, ice, and winds is crucial. Opt for a clean and dry storage space, away from moisture and extreme temperatures. If possible, store it in its original packaging or cover it with a sturdy material to prevent dust accumulation.
For those who have privacy screens or outdoor curtains attached, make sure to remove and store them properly as well. Clean them before storing to avoid mold growth during the months they are not in use.

What Are Some Common Issues with Magnetic Screen Doors?

While magnetic screen doors offer numerous benefits, common issues may arise such as magnet strength variations, fit and installation challenges, and wear and tear over time that can impact their performance and durability.

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One potential problem associated with magnetic screen doors is the inconsistent magnet strength. Due to variations in manufacturing or environmental factors, the magnetic attraction may not always be uniform, leading to gaps or ineffective closure.
Another common challenge lies in fit adjustments, as the screens may require precise installation to ensure a tight seal. Improper fit can result in insects sneaking through or the door not closing securely.
Long-term durability concerns come into play as the constant opening and closing of the door, exposure to elements, and normal wear and tear can degrade the quality over time, compromising its functionality.

Magnet Strength

One of the issues that users may encounter with magnetic screen doors is inconsistent magnet strength, leading to gaps in closure and reduced insect protection. Ensuring optimal magnet alignment can help address this challenge.
Proper magnet alignment is crucial in ensuring a secure and tight seal when the screen door is closed, preventing insects from entering the house. The strength of the magnets plays a key role in maintaining the integrity of the seal. Strong magnets help keep the door closed securely, maximizing its effectiveness in keeping bugs out. To enhance magnet strength, users can consider options like upgrading to higher-grade magnets or adding supplementary magnets along the door frame to improve closure reliability.

Fit and Installation

Proper fit and installation are crucial for the optimal performance of magnetic screen doors. Issues with fit and installation can result in gaps that compromise insect protection and airflow control, necessitating adjustments for a secure seal.
Ensuring that the magnetic screen door fits correctly is essential to prevent bugs and insects from entering your home while allowing fresh air to flow through. A common challenge during installation is getting the measurements right to avoid gaps that can undermine the door's effectiveness.
When facing fit issues, consider adjusting the tension of the screen or checking the alignment of the frame. Improper installation can lead to the door not closing properly or tearing prematurely. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions meticulously to ensure a snug fit and proper functioning.

Wear and Tear

Over time, magnetic screen doors may experience wear and tear due to frequent use and exposure to elements.
Regular upkeep is essential for ensuring that these doors function smoothly and efficiently. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the magnetic strips and mesh, causing them to deteriorate over time.
It is recommended to clean the door regularly using a gentle soap and water solution. Checking for loose screws, damaged components, and tears in the screen is crucial. Addressing these issues promptly through maintenance and timely repairs can significantly prolong the life of the door.

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In conclusion, magnetic screen doors offer a practical and efficient solution for enhancing indoor-outdoor connectivity, protecting against insects, and promoting natural ventilation. Coupled with the option to include privacy screens or outdoor curtains, these doors contribute to a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment.
These innovative doors not only keep bugs at bay but also allow for uninterrupted airflow, creating a refreshing ambiance inside the house. With the added feature of privacy screens, magnetic screen doors offer the flexibility to control visibility and enhance security without compromising on the aesthetic appeal. The incorporation of outdoor curtains provides an extra layer of insulation, helping maintain a stable indoor temperature throughout the seasons. Whether for a cozy reading nook or a lively patio, these doors cater to various preferences and seamlessly blend functionality with style.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a magnetic screen door?

A magnetic screen door is a type of screen door that is designed to easily open and close using magnets instead of traditional hinge mechanisms. It is often used as a temporary solution for keeping insects out while allowing for easy access through the door.

2. How does a magnetic screen door work?

A magnetic screen door works by using a series of magnets that are sewn into the edges of the screen. When the door is opened, the magnets automatically align and close the screen behind the person walking through. As the person exits, the magnets separate and the screen opens again.

3. What are the benefits of using a magnetic screen door?

There are several benefits to using a magnetic screen door, including allowing for easy entry and exit without the need to constantly open and close a traditional door. It also helps keep insects and pests out while still allowing for fresh air and natural light to enter the space.

4. Can a magnetic screen door be used on any type of door?

Generally, magnetic screen doors can be used on most types of doors, including single and double doors, sliding doors, and even RV doors. However, it is important to check the dimensions and compatibility of the screen door with your specific door before purchasing.

5. How do you install a magnetic screen door?

Magnetic screen doors are typically easy to install and require no tools or drilling. Most models come with a velcro strip or adhesive tape that allows the screen to be attached to the door frame. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.

6. Are there any downsides to using a magnetic screen door?

While magnetic screen doors have many benefits, there are also a few potential downsides to consider. They may not be as durable as traditional screen doors and may not hold up well in extreme weather conditions. Some models may also not provide as much protection from strong winds or heavy rain.

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2024.05.19 09:30 CloudysYe Chaos (fault) testing method for etcd and MongoDB

Chaos (fault) testing method for etcd and MongoDB
Recently, I have been doing chaos (fault) tests on the robustness of some self-built database driveclient base libraries to verify and understand the fault handling mechanism and recovery time of the business. It mainly involves the two basic components MongoDB and etcd. This article will introduce the relevant test methods.

Fault test in MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular document database in the world, supporting ACID transactions, distributed and other features.
Most of the articles on chaos (fault) testing of MongoDB in the community are simulated by processing monogd or mongos. For example, if you want MongoDB to trigger copy set switching, you can use a shell script like this:
# suspended the primary node kill -s STOP  # After the service is damaged, MongoDB should stepDown ReplicaSet in a few seconds to ten seconds. # After the stepDown is complete, the service can automatically switch the connection to the new working primary node, without manual intervention, the service will return to normal. # The reliability of the Mongo Client Driver is generally verified here. 
The above-mentioned means are generally system-level, if we just want to simulate a MongoDB command command encountered network problems, how to do further want to conduct more fine-grained testing. In fact, MongoDB in 4.x version above has implemented a set of controllable fault point simulation mechanism -> failCommand.
When deploying a MongoDB replica set in a test environment, you can generally enable this feature in the following ways:
mongod --setParameter enableTestCommands=1 
Then we can open the fault point for a specific command through the mongo shell, for example, for a find operation to make it return error code 2:
db.adminCommand({ configureFailPoint: "failCommand", mode: { "times": 1, }, data: {errorCode: 2, failCommands: ["find"]} }); 
These fault point simulations are controllable, and the cost is relatively low compared to the direct destruction on the machine, and it is also suitable for integrating into continuous integration automation processes. The MongoDB built-in fault point mechanism also supports many features, such as allowing a certain fault probability to occur, returning any MongoDB supported error code type, etc. Through this mechanism, we can easily verify the reliability of our own implementation of the MongoDB Client Driver in unit tests and integration tests.
If you want to know which fault points the MongoDB supports, you can check the specification provided by the MongoDB in detail, which mentions which fault points the driver can use for testing for each feature of the MongoDB.
MongoDB, there are many examples in the dirver code repository of the official go implementation that can be:\_transactions\_test.go#L122.

Fault test in etcd

etcd is an open source and highly available distributed key-value storage system, which is mainly used for shared configuration and service discovery.
We mentioned earlier that MongoDB has a built-in controllable fault point injection mechanism to facilitate us to do fault point testing, so does etcd also provide it?
Yes, etcd officials also provide a built-in controllable fault injection method to facilitate us to do fault simulation tests around etcd. However, the official binary distribution available for deployment does not use the fault injection feature by default, which is different from the switch provided by MongoDB. etcd requires us to manually compile the binary containing the fault injection feature from the source code for deployment.
etcd has officially implemented a Go package gofail to do "controllable" fault point testing, which can control the probability and number of specific faults. gofail can be used in any Go implementation program.
In principle, comments are used in the source code to bury some fault injection points in places where problems may occur through comments (// gofail:), which is biased towards testing and verification, for example:
 if t.backend.hooks != nil { // gofail: var commitBeforePreCommitHook struct{} t.backend.hooks.OnPreCommitUnsafe(t) // gofail: var commitAfterPreCommitHook struct{} } 
Before using go build to build the binary, use the command line tool gofail enable provided by gofail to cancel the comments of these fault injection related codes and generate the code related to the fault point, so that the compiled binary can be used for fine-grained testing of fault scenarios. Use gofail disable to remove the generated fault point related codes, the binary compiled with go build can be used in the production environment.
When executing final binary, you can wake up the fault point through the environment variable GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS. if your binary program is a service that never stops, you can start an HTTP endpoint to wake up the buried fault point to the external test tool by GOFAIL_HTTP the environment variable at the same time as the program starts.
The specific principle implementation can be seen in the design document of gofail-> design.
It is worth mentioning that pingcap have rebuilt a wheel based on gofail and made many optimizations: failpoint related code should not have any additional overhead; Can not affect the normal function logic, can not have any intrusion on the function code; failpoint code must be easy to read, easy to write and can introduce compiler detection; In the generated code, the line number of the functional logic code cannot be changed (easy to debug);
Next, let's look at how to enable these fault burial points in etcd.

Compile etcd for fault testing

corresponding commands have been built into the Makefile of the official etcd github repository to help us quickly compile the binary etcd server containing fault points. the compilation steps are roughly as follows:
git clone cd etcd # generate failpoint relative code make gofail-enable # compile etcd bin file make build # Restore code make gofail-disable 
After the above steps, the compiled binary files can be directly seen in the bin directory. Let's start etcd to have a look:
# enable http endpoint to control the failpoint GOFAIL_HTTP="" ./bin/etcd 
Use curl to see which failure points can be used:
curl afterCommit= afterStartDBTxn= afterWritebackBuf= applyBeforeOpenSnapshot= beforeApplyOneConfChange= beforeApplyOneEntryNormal= beforeCommit= beforeLookupWhenForwardLeaseTimeToLive= beforeLookupWhenLeaseTimeToLive= beforeSendWatchResponse= beforeStartDBTxn= beforeWritebackBuf= commitAfterPreCommitHook= commitBeforePreCommitHook= compactAfterCommitBatch= compactAfterCommitScheduledCompact= compactAfterSetFinishedCompact= compactBeforeCommitBatch= compactBeforeCommitScheduledCompact= compactBeforeSetFinishedCompact= defragBeforeCopy= defragBeforeRename= raftAfterApplySnap= raftAfterSave= raftAfterSaveSnap= raftAfterWALRelease= raftBeforeAdvance= raftBeforeApplySnap= raftBeforeFollowerSend= raftBeforeLeaderSend= raftBeforeSave= raftBeforeSaveSnap= walAfterSync= walBeforeSync= 
Knowing these fault points, you can set the fault type for the specified fault, as follows:
# In beforeLookupWhenForwardLeaseTimeToLive failoint sleep 10 seconds curl -XPUT -d'sleep(10000)' # peek failpoint status curl sleep(1000) 
For the description syntax of the failure point, see:
so far, we have been able to do some fault simulation tests by using the fault points built in etcd. how to use these fault points can refer to the official integration test implementation of etcd-> etcd Robustness Testing. you can search for relevant codes by the name of the fault point.
In addition to the above-mentioned built-in failure points of etcd, the official warehouse of etcd also provides a system-level integration test example-> etcd local-tester, which simulates the node downtime test in etcd cluster mode.
Well, the sharing of this article is over for the time being ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )~
Commercial break: I recently maintenance can maintain multiple etcd server, etcdctl etcductl version of the tools vfox-etcd), You can also use it to install multiple versions of etcd containing failpoint on the machine for chaos (failure simulation) tests!
submitted by CloudysYe to ChaosEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:10 Agreeable_Cattle_404 Rate my Resume
submitted by Agreeable_Cattle_404 to react [link] [comments]