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Historia del software/programas

2024.03.17 21:35 Chayanne1515 Historia del software/programas

¿Porque se inventó el software/programas?
Cada vez que usted usa una computadora, un teléfono inteligente, una consola de videojuegos o muchos otros dispositivos electrónicos, usted está usando algo que se ejecuta con un software. Algunos programas son muy complicados, mientras que otros programas son bastante sencillos y están diseñados solo para hacer algunas cosas diferentes. De cualquier manera, el software es en realidad la implementación más reciente de algo que existe desde hace bastante tiempo. Software desarrollado para satisfacer las necesidades de los primeros programadores informáticos. Las computadoras, incluso las modernas de hoy, no pueden entender ningún tipo de lenguaje humano. Por el contrario, todas funcionan en binario, que es una serie de unos y ceros. Algunas de las primeras computadoras fueron programadas directamente en binario, pero Esta era una tarea larga y tediosa que pocas personas podían hacer. Para Facilitar la programación, se crearon diferentes lenguajes de programación. Esto condujo a la creación de software, algo que sirve como una especie de traductor. Los usuarios de computadoras, a través de la interfaz del software, le dan instrucciones a la computadora. Luego, el software traduce estas instrucciones a un idioma que la computadora pueda entender. Antes de que se creara el software, tal como lo conocemos, hubo algunos intentos tempranos diferentes de programar computadoras. Las tarjetas perforadas fueron las primeras. Estas tarjetas eran simples tarjetas de papel que tenían filas de puntos. Si el punto era perforado, representaba un cero, de lo contrario era un uno. Estas tarjetas luego serían reemplazadas por carretes de cinta magnética. Esto era más fácil de administrar en cuanto al espacio, ya que almacenar pilas de tarjetas era muy poco práctico, pero todavía requería de mucho tiempo y trabajo de programación. Los primeros años del software El término real ‘software’ no se usó hasta fines de la década de 1950. Durante este tiempo, se crearon varios tipos diferentes de software de programación. Muchas de las primeras piezas de software no estaban disponibles comercialmente, en cambio, los usuarios de computadoras (en su mayoría científicos y grandes empresas) con frecuencia tenían que escribir su propio software. Esto tenía algunas ventajas: el software era diseñado para las necesidades específicas del usuario, y el usuario entendía exactamente lo que estaba haciendo el software. Sin embargo, las desventajas eran mucho mayores. Cada negocio o laboratorio tenía que tener a alguien capaz de programar la computadora, y el software a menudo no podía ser cambiado porque era creado para un sistema informático específico.
Cuando las computadoras se hicieron lo suficientemente pequeñas como para ser vendidas a individuos, el software se volvió mucho más frecuente. Los usuarios domésticos no podían programar sus computadoras ellos mismos; la persona promedio no querría tomarse el tiempo para aprender lenguajes de programación. En cambio, se creó el sistema operativo. Este software especializado ejecutaba la computadora y lanzaba otro software cuando el usuario lo necesitaba. Uno de los primeros sistemas operativos fue MS-DOS, el sistema operativo que usaban muchas de las primeras computadoras de IBM. IBM comenzó a vender software a fines de los años sesenta y principios de los setenta. Esta fue la primera vez que un software comercial estuvo disponible para el cliente promedio, y la capacidad de agregar diferentes tipos de programas a cualquier computadora rápidamente se hizo popular. Cambios de software
Con el paso de los años el software se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo. En los primeros días, los comandos se escribían y el software solo aceptaba la entrada por medio del teclado. Debido a que los disquetes solo podían contener una cantidad muy pequeña de datos y la mayoría de las computadoras personales no tenían un disco duro real, el software tenía que ser muy simple. Eso cambió cuando el hardware de la computadora Evolucionó.
Cuando los discos duros se hicieron populares en las computadoras personales, el software se instalaba en la computadora antes de que esta saliera del distribuidor. Esto permitió a las compañías de computadoras comenzar a vincular los sistemas operativos con el software en las computadoras de una manera que no habían podido antes. También permitió cargar piezas de software más grandes en las computadoras sin enviar al cliente una pila de discos. Ahora los usuarios podían cambiar entre diferentes programas sin cambiar los discos, algo que hace que la computadora funcione mucho más eficaz.
Cuando los CD-ROM se hicieron populares, se podían distribuir piezas de software más grandes de manera rápida, fácil y bastante económica. Los CD podían contener mucha más información que los disquetes, y los programas que alguna vez se distribuyeron en una docena de disquetes cabían en un CD. Rápidamente los CDs se convirtieron en un medio de distribución de software y, a mediados de la década de 2000, las unidades de disquete ya no eran Parte de una computadora estándar. La creación de DVD, que contienen incluso más que CD, ha permitido colocar paquetes de programas como Microsoft Office Suite en un solo disco.
Sin embargo, gracias a Internet, ahora incluso los DVDs se están volviendo obsoletos. Muchas personas compran y descargan su software directamente, sin necesidad de ningún tipo de medio físico. Esto ayuda a reducir el costo porque no es necesario fabricar ni enviar nada al consumidor.
El futuro del software
La tecnología continúa evolucionando y es difícil decir qué nos traerá el futuro del software. Ahora que se ofrecen servicios como la computación en la nube, los usuarios ni siquiera necesitan descargar software en sus computadoras, pueden ejecutar programas directamente desde la nube con una instalación mínima. Por supuesto, esto requiere una conexión estable a Internet de alta velocidad, pero en la medida en que Internet se vuelva más rápido y más personas tengan conexiones a Internet más fuertes y confiables, eso no será un problema.
Si bien la inteligencia artificial y los robots con conciencia propia parecen ser material de ciencia ficción, en realidad es posible que las computadoras del futuro puedan programarse por sí mismas. Los programas avanzados pueden desarrollar código para nuevos programas basados en lo que el usuario ingresa o necesita. Ellos incluso pueden crear versiones nuevas y mejoradas de sí mismos o diseñar sistemas operativos completamente nuevos. Tal vez en el futuro, ni siquiera necesitemos usar un teclado y un mouse, ¡tal vez simplemente pensemos en los comandos que necesitamos ejecutar en la computadora!
Como se invento el software
Comenzó en Inglaterra en 1948. La máquina experimental a pequeña escala de Manchester, con el apodo de “Baby”, lideró el lanzamiento de todo el software en la historia del mundo.
Historia de Desarrollo de Software
La historia del Software; La tecnología creada para este hardware fue programada para realizar cálculos matemáticos basados en datos e instrucciones de código de máquina. Le tomó 52 minutos calcular correctamente el mayor divisor de 2 elevado a 18.
Muchos años después, llegó el momento de la programación informática con tarjetas perforadas, cada agujero tiene un código específico. Fue Fortran el que se convirtió en uno de los primeros lenguajes de programación de alto nivel en la historia del Software. Otros lenguajes de programación tempranos como Cobol , BASIC , Pascal y C se desarrollaron e introdujeron años después, superando la crisis del software.
Historia del software
Durante décadas después de este evento innovador, las computadoras se programaron con tarjetas perforadas en las que los agujeros indicaban instrucciones de código de máquina específicas. Fortran , uno de los primeros lenguajes de programación de alto nivel, se publicó originalmente en 1957.
Al año siguiente, el estadístico John Tukey acuñó la palabra “software” en un artículo sobre programación de computadoras. Otros lenguajes de programación pioneros como Cobol, BASIC, Pascal y C llegaron durante las próximas dos décadas.
El mundo ha visto muchas innovaciones en la informática, desde albergar hardware de computadora grande hasta usar dispositivos móviles que pueden caber en su bolsillo.
La historia del Software se remonta a la década de 1940. Los ingenieros y desarrolladores de software están diseñando productos para abordar la necesidad de sistemas comerciales de funciones a gran escala en aquel entonces.
La era de la informática personal: Etapas históricas
En las décadas de 1970 y 1980, el software tuvo un gran éxito con la llegada de las computadoras personales. Apple lanzó Apple II , su producto revolucionario, al público en abril de 1977. VisiCalc , el primer software de hoja de cálculo para computación personal, fue muy popular y conocido como la aplicación asesina de Apple II. El software fue escrito en lenguaje ensamblador especializado y apareció en 1979.
Otras compañías como IBM pronto ingresaron al mercado con computadoras como IBM PC , que se lanzó por primera vez en 1981. Al año siguiente, la revista Time seleccionó la computadora personal como su Hombre del Año.
Una vez más, el software para la productividad y los negocios dominó estas primeras etapas de la informática personal. Muchas aplicaciones de software importantes, como AutoCAD, Microsoft Word y Microsoft Excel, se lanzaron a mediados de la década de 1980.
Software de código abierto, otra gran innovación en la historia del software, ingresó por primera vez a la corriente principal en la década de 1990, impulsada principalmente por el uso de Internet.
El kernel de Linux , que se convirtió en la base del sistema operativo Linux de código abierto, se lanzó en 1991. El interés por el software de código abierto se disparó a fines de la década de 1990, después de la publicación en 1998 del código fuente del navegador Netscape Navigator , escrito principalmente en C y C++. También cabe destacar el lanzamiento de Java por parte de Sun Microsystems en 1995.
Hoy en día, se crean más tecnologías con características aún más altas, gracias al desarrollo de software que generalmente funciona junto con la ingeniería de software.
Aquí hay una línea de tiempo de los desarrollos importantes en la historia del software:
Década de 1940 – Invención del primer software del mundo en Inglaterra
Década de 1970 – Lanzamiento de la primera computadora personal de Apple
Década de 1980 – Introducción de IBM PC
Década de 1990 – Auge del sistema operativo móvil y el primer dispositivo Blackberry
Década de 2000: uso del primer iPhone de Apple
Para comprender la historia de la ingeniería y el desarrollo de software , primero debemos comprender qué significan. El desarrollo de software se basa en la creatividad de un programa informático para producir el software que necesitan los usuarios finales .
Los desarrolladores de software luego buscarán la ayuda de los programadores de computadoras para crear el código necesario para ejecutar el software.
Mientras tanto, la ingeniería de software se refiere al uso de principios de ingeniería para crear software. Los ingenieros de software tienen las herramientas que usan los desarrolladores para crear sus aplicaciones y programas.
Como una interfaz hecha para unir los sistemas de las computadoras y las personas que los usan, el software se compone de lenguajes de programación, datos, instrucciones e información que dictan cómo la computadora realizará las muchas tareas que tiene entre manos.
Las instrucciones legibles por humanos que siguen los programadores están en un código fuente. La fuente se ejecuta a través de un compilador que es responsable de convertirla en un código de máquina para el software.
Cada vez que usted usa una computadora, un teléfono inteligente, una consola de videojuegos o muchos otros dispositivos electrónicos, usted está usando algo que se ejecuta con un software. Algunos programas son muy complicados, mientras que otros programas son bastante sencillos y están diseñados solo para hacer algunas cosas diferentes. De cualquier manera, el software es en realidad la implementación más reciente de algo que existe desde hace bastante tiempo.
Software desarrollado para satisfacer las necesidades de los primeros programadores informáticos. Las computadoras, incluso las modernas de hoy, no pueden entender ningún tipo de lenguaje humano. Por el contrario, todas funcionan en binario, que es una serie de unos y ceros. Algunas de las primeras computadoras fueron programadas directamente en binario, pero esta era una tarea larga y tediosa que pocas personas podían hacer. Para facilitar la programación, se crearon diferentes lenguajes de programación. Esto condujo a la creación de software, algo que sirve como una especie de traductor. Los usuarios de computadoras, a través de la interfaz del software, le dan instrucciones a la computadora. Luego, el software traduce estas instrucciones a un idioma que la computadora pueda entender.
Antes de que se creara el software, tal como lo conocemos, hubo algunos intentos tempranos diferentes de programar computadoras. Las tarjetas perforadas fueron las primeras. Estas tarjetas eran simples tarjetas de papel que tenían filas de puntos. Si el punto era perforado, representaba un cero, de lo contrario era un uno. Estas tarjetas luego serían reemplazadas por carretes de cinta magnética. Esto era más fácil de administrar en cuanto al espacio, ya que almacenar pilas de tarjetas era muy poco práctico, pero todavía requería de mucho tiempo y trabajo de programación.
Historial del software y de los lenguajes de computadora.
Historia del software en Wikipedia
La cronología de la historia del computador en el Museo de Historia de la Computadora
La historia de la programación de software
Con el paso de los años el software se ha vuelto cada vez más complejo. En los primeros días, los comandos se escribían y el software solo aceptaba la entrada por medio del teclado. Debido a que los disquetes solo podían contener una cantidad muy pequeña de datos y la mayoría de las computadoras personales no tenían un disco duro real, el software tenía que ser muy simple. Eso cambió cuando el hardware de la computadora evolucionó.
Cuando los discos duros se hicieron populares en las computadoras personales, el software se instalaba en la computadora antes de que esta saliera del distribuidor. Esto permitió a las compañías de computadoras comenzar a vincular los sistemas operativos con el software en las computadoras de una manera que no habían podido antes. También permitió cargar piezas de software más grandes en las computadoras sin enviar al cliente una pila de discos. Ahora los usuarios podían cambiar entre diferentes programas sin cambiar los discos, algo que hace que la computadora funcione mucho más eficaz.
Cuando los CD-ROM se hicieron populares, se podían distribuir piezas de software más grandes de manera rápida, fácil y bastante económica. Los CD podían contener mucha más información que los disquetes, y los programas que alguna vez se distribuyeron en una docena de disquetes cabían en un CD. Rápidamente los CDs se convirtieron en un medio de distribución de software y, a mediados de la década de 2000, las unidades de disquete ya no eran parte de una computadora estándar. La creación de DVD, que contienen incluso más que CD, ha permitido colocar paquetes de programas como microsoft Office Suite en un solo disco.
Sin embargo, gracias a Internet, ahora incluso los DVDs se están volviendo obsoletos. Muchas personas compran y descargan su software directamente, sin necesidad de ningún tipo de medio físico. Esto ayuda a reducir el costo porque no es necesario fabricar ni enviar nada al consumidor.
Historial de hardware informático en Wikipedia, incluidas las unidades de disco
Cronología: 50 años de los discos duros
Cómo funcionan las unidades de disquete
Historial del disco duro de la computadora
Cómo el hardware de la computadora influenció a los lenguajes de programación
Generalmente hay dos tipos de requerimientos en el desarrollo de software y aplicaciones: funcionales y no funcionales. Los requerimientos funcionales especifican lo que debe hacer un sistema, mientras que los requerimientos no funcionales especifican cómo debe comportarse el sistema.
Requerimientos Funcionales
En general, los requerimientos funcionales describen acciones específicas que el ingeniero de software debe ser capaz de realizar durante el desarrollo de software. Los requerimientos funcionales a menudo se dividen en reglas de negocio y casos de uso. Las reglas de negocio son declaraciones de alto nivel que definen lo que un sistema debe hacer, mientras que los casos de uso son descripciones más detalladas de cómo debe funcionar el sistema.
Algunos de los requerimientos más comunes en virtud de él incluyen:
Las características y funcionalidad deseadas del producto
Plataformas para desarrollar aplicaciones, por ejemplo, iOS, Android y web
Especificaciones de diseño en términos de tema, colores y fuentes
Funcionalidad de back-end: integración APl y bases de datos
Plazos de finalización
Requerimientos no funcionales
Los requerimientos no funcionales describen características específicas que el software debe poseer durante el desarrollo de la aplicación. Por lo general, se dividen en tres categorías: rendimiento, seguridad y calidad.
Requerimientos de rendimiento
Los requerimientos de rendimiento suelen dividirse en dos categorías: tiempo de respuesta y rendimiento. El tiempo de respuesta es el tiempo que tarda un sistema en responder a la solicitud de un usuario, mientras que el rendimiento es el número de solicitudes que un sistema puede manejar. Son más críticos para los sistemas interactivos, como las aplicaciones de escritorio y los sitios web, donde los usuarios esperan respuestas inmediatas a sus acciones.
Requerimientos de seguridad
Los requerimientos de seguridad especifican las medidas que un sistema debe tomar para proteger los datos del acceso no autorizado. En algunos casos, los requerimientos de seguridad también pueden especificar el nivel de protección requerido, como confidencial o de alto secreto. Implica autenticación, autorización y cifrado.
Requerimientos de calidad
Especifica el nivel de calidad que debe cumplir un sistema. En algunos casos, los requerimientos de calidad también pueden especificar los métodos utilizados para medir la calidad, como la densidad de defectos o la satisfacción del cliente. Los requerimientos de calidad son generalmente cuatro medidas de calidad: conformidad, usabilidad, confiabilidad y mantenibilidad.
Como era el software antes?
En la primera era, el software se contemplaba como un añadido. La programación de computadoras era un “arte de andar por casa” para el que existían pocos métodos sistemáticos. El desarrollo del software se realizaba virtualmente sin ninguna planificación, hasta que los planes comenzaron a
Descalabrarse y los costes a correr. Los programadores trataban de hacer las
Cosas bien y con un esfuerzo heroico, a menudo salían con éxito. El software se diseñaba a medida para cada aplicación y tenía una distribución relativamente pequeña.
La mayoría del software se desarrollaba y era utilizado por la misma persona u organización. La misma persona lo escribía, lo ejecutaba y, si
Fallaba, lo depur
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2024.03.17 21:34 Chayanne1515 Software comercial

¿Qué es el software comercial?
El software comercial es el software (libre o propietario) que es comercializado.
Existen sectores de la economía que lo sostienen a través de sus producciones, su distribución o soporte. Además de esto, una de las fuentes más recurridas por las personas de las características es que pueden ser software libre o software no libre.
Etimología y distinción Si bien la creación de software por programación es un proceso que requiere mucho tiempo y trabajo, comparable a la creación de bienes físicos, la reproducción, duplicación y uso compartido de software como bienes digitales es, en comparación, desproporcionadamente fácil. No se requieren máquinas especiales ni recursos adicionales costosos, a diferencia de casi todos los bienes y productos físicos. Una vez que se crea un software, cualquiera puede copiarlo en números infinitos, por un costo casi nulo. Esto hizo imposible la Contrato de compraventa comercialización de software para el mercado masivo en el comienzo de la Revolución Digital era de la computación. A diferencia del hardware, no se consideraba un bien comercializable. El Software se compartió de forma gratuita (cultura hacker) o se Paquetización de productos distribuyó con el hardware vendido, como parte del servicio para Que el cliente pueda utilizar el hardware.
Debido a los cambios en la industria informática en los años 70 y 80, el software se convirtió lentamente en un bien comercial por sí mismo. En 1969, IBM, bajo la amenaza de un litigio antimonopolio, lideró el cambio en la industria al comenzar a cobrar por separado los servicios y software (mainframe) y dejar de suministrar el código fuente.1 En 1983, el software binario se convirtió en copyright por la decisión de Apple frente a la ley de Franklin, antes de que solo el código fuente fuera autorizable. Además, la creciente disponibilidad de millones de computadoras basadas en la misma arquitectura de microprocesador creó por primera vez un mercado masivo compatible y listo para la comercialización de software de venta minorista Binario.
Modelos de comercialización de software Comercialización de software privativo La opinión comercial común es que el software como producto digital se puede comercializar en el mercado masivo con mayor éxito como producto propietario, es decir, cuando se puede evitar compartir y copiar de forma gratuita a los usuarios ("piratería de software"). El control sobre esto puede lograrse mediante derechos de autor que, junto con la ley de contratos, las patentes de software y los secretos comerciales, proporcionan una base legal para el propietario del software, el titular de la propiedad intelectual (PI) (IP en inglés), para establecer derechos exclusivos sobre la distribución y, por lo tanto, la comercialización. Los mecanismos técnicos que intentan imponer el derecho exclusivo de distribución son mecanismos de protección contra copia, a menudo vinculados a los medios físicos (disquete, CD, etc.) del software, y mecanismos de gestión de derechos digitales (DRM) que intentan lograr lo mismo también. En la distribución digital de software sin medios físicos.
Cuando el software se vende solo en forma binaria ("código cerrado") en el mercado, además se logra un control exclusivo sobre los derivados de software y un mayor desarrollo. El proceso de reconstrucción de ingeniería inversa de Un software complejo desde su forma binaria a su forma de código fuente, requerido para la adaptación y el desarrollo no autorizados de terceros, es un proceso engorroso ya menudo imposible. Esto crea otra oportunidad de comercialización de software en forma de código fuente por un precio más alto, por ejemplo. otorgando la licencia del código fuente de un motor de juego a otro desarrollador de juegos para un uso y adaptación flexibles.
Microsoft Windows, es un claro ejemplo de software comercial o no libre. Craig Mundie de Microsoft describió este modelo de negocio, también denominado "modelo de investigación y desarrollo", "modelo de alquiler de PI" (o "IP-rent model" en inglés) o "modelo de negocio de software propietario", Por consiguiente: "[Las empresas y los inversores deben centrarse en modelos de negocio que pueden ser sostenibles a largo plazo en la economía del mundo real ... Nos comprometemos enfáticamente a un modelo que proteja los derechos de propiedad intelectual en el software y garantice la vitalidad continua de un sector de software independiente que genere ingresos y continúe la investigación en curso y el desarrollo. Este modelo de investigación y desarrollo ... basado en la importancia de los derechos de propiedad intelectual [fue la base] en la ley que hizo posible que las empresas recauden capital, asuman riesgos, se centren en el largo plazo y creen modelos de negocios sostenibles ... un modelo económico que protege la propiedad intelectual y un modelo comercial que recupera los costos de investigación y desarrollo y ha demostrado en repetidas ocasiones que pueden crear impresionantes e Beneficios económicos y distribuirlos muy ampliamente ".
Softwares commercials más
Chrome es un navegador web rápido, sencillo y seguro para computadoras con Windows, Mac y Linux, construido para la web moderna.
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox es un navegador web libre y gratuito que ofrece numerosas funcionalidades, opciones de personalización y un funcionamiento excelente.
Firefox te permite quitar lo que no utilizas y mantener lo que haces.
Google Drive
Te permite almacenar tus archivos y acceder a ellos en cualquier lugar: en la web, en tu unidad de disco duro o allí donde estés.
Descarga Ubuntu para escritorio y reemplaza tu sistema operativo actual, ya sea Windows o Mac OS, o bien, ejecuta Ubuntu junto a ellos. Ubuntu es totalmente gratuito para descargar, utilizar y compartir.
LibreOffice es un poderoso paquete de oficina. Su interfaz limpia y sus potentes herramientas permiten dar rienda suelta a tu creatividad y hacer crecer tu productividad. LibreOffice incluye varias aplicaciones que lo convierten en el paquete de oficina libre y abierto más eficaz del mercado.
La distribución CentOS Linux es una plataforma estable, predecible, manejable y reproducible derivado de las fuentes de Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
Desde marzo de 2004, CentOS Linux ha sido una distribución apoyada por la comunidad derivados de fuentes proporcionadas libremente al público por
Red Hat. Como tal, CentOS Linux aspira a ser funcionalmente compatible con Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
CentOS Linux es desarrollado por un pequeño pero creciente grupo de desarrolladores principales. A su vez los desarrolladores principales son
Apoyados por una comunidad de usuarios activa incluyendo administradores de sistemas, administradores de red, administradores, principales contribuyentes de Linux, y los entusiastas de Linux de todo el mundo.
CentOS 7
Arch Linux, Distribución GNU/Linux
Arch Linux es una distribución Linux optimizada para arquitecturas i686 y x86_64 que se basó originalmente en ideas tomadas de CRUX. Su desarrollo
Está enfocado en el balance de la simplicidad, elegancia, precisión de código y lo más novedoso del software. Su diseño ligero y simple la hace fácil de extender y adaptar a cualquier clase de sistema que se esté construyendo.
Nano (CLI EDITOR)es un sencillo editor de textos de código abierto, de libre distribución y muy ligera de Linux que viene instalado por defecto en Ubuntu.
Se suele usar en entornos sin interfaz gráfica como Ubuntu Server.
Es un software de control de versiones libre y de código abierto diseñado para manejar desde pequeños a grandes proyectos con rapidez y eficiencia.
Git almacena una copia completa del repositorio en su máquina de forma local, incluido el historial de cambios. Esto implica que muchas de las
Operaciones realizadas sobre el código fuente no tienen lugar en la red, permitiendo que la velocidad de proceso dependa únicamente en los recursos locales.
Se trata de un lenguaje de programación multiparadigma, ya que soporta orientación a objetos, programación imperativa y, en menor medida,
Programación funcional. Es un lenguaje interpretado, usa tipado dinámicoy
Es multiplataforma, puede ser utilizado en diversas plataformas y sistemas operativos, entre los que podemos destacar los más populares, cómo Windows, Mac OS X y Linux.
PostgreSQL es un sistema de gestión de bases de datos objeto-relacional, distribuido bajo licencia BSD y con su código fuente disponible libremente. Es el sistema de gestión de bases de datos de código abierto más potente del mercado.
Utiliza un modelo cliente/servidor y usa multiprocesos en vez de multihilos para garantizar la estabilidad del sistema. Un fallo en uno de los procesos no afectará el resto y el sistema continuará funcionando.
pgAdmin III es una herramienta de código abierto para la administración de bases de datos PostgreSQL y derivados (EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus
Advanced Server y Greenplum Database). La interfaz gráfica soporta todas las características de PostgreSQL y hace simple la administración. Está disponible en más de una docena de lenguajes y para varios sistemas operativos, incluyendo Microsoft Windows , Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX y
DBeaver es una herramienta de base de datos universal para los desarrolladores y administradores de bases de datos. Es multiplataforma,
Basado en framework de código abierto y permite escribir varias extensiones
(plugins), es compatible con cualquier base de datos que tiene el controlador
JDBC, y puede manejar cualquier fuente de datos externa que puede o no puede tener un driver JDBC.
FileZilla es una aplicación para la transferencia de archivos por FTP. Es multiplataforma de código abierto y software libre, licenciado bajo la
Licencia Pública General de GNU. Permite transferir archivos desde una computadora local, hacia uno o más servidores FTP (y viceversa) de forma
Sencilla. Soporta los protocolos FTP, SFTP y FTP sobre SSL/TLS (FTPS).
Una herramienta que permite al usuario ver los cambios o la fusión entre dos archivos, dos directorios o dos ficheros con un antepasado.
La herramienta iReport es un constructor / diseñador de informes visual, poderoso, intuitivo y fácil de usar para JasperReports escrito en Java. Este instrumento permite que los usuarios corrijan visualmente informes
Complejos con cartas, imágenes, subinformes, etc. iReport está además
Integrado con JFreeChart, una de la biblioteca gráficas OpenSource más
Difundida para Java. Los datos para imprimir pueden ser recuperados por varios caminos incluso múltiples uniones JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, etc.
Características del software comercial Código privado: La mayor parte del código fuente es privado y le pertenece a una empresa o marca, por lo que no es posible realizar modificaciones o distribuirlo sin contar con los permisos necesarios. Actualización: Este tipo de proyectos se actualizan una vez que los desarrolladores lo desean o cada que hay una variación en las tendencias tecnológicas y de plataformas. Modificación: Como es privado, integrar cambios en el programa es imposible. En caso de poder hacerlos, estos pueden ser pocos, restrictivos y causar temas legales con las empresas creadoras. Confiabilidad: Los desarrolladores brindan garantías respecto a los productos que distribuyen. Estas pueden ir desde soporte técnico hasta la devolución del dinero si el programa no cumple con los requisitos o funcionalidades. Personalización: estos desarrollos están estructurados de una forma determinada, por lo que no pueden adaptarse: las funciones son las mismas para todos los clientes. Calidad: ejecutan diversas pruebas para asegurar que los usuarios estén satisfechos con el programa y cumpla con las expectativas. Formas de pago: comprar estos productos puede realizarse de diversas maneras. Algunas son por membresías anuales, cuota única o suscripciones mensuales. Los precios puedes varias según el tipo de programa, las características y el usuario que lo ocupe. Modelo de negocios: Los softwares comerciales buscan conseguir un beneficio económico por su distribución. Los ingresos que se recolecten podrán sustentar a la empresa y ayudarles a generar más proyectos. EJEMPLOS DEL SOFTWARE COMERCIAL
Casi todas las computadoras del mundo corren software comercial, solo que en muchos casos la gente no tiene ni idea del software que corren dentro de sus sistemas operativos, o incluso si el sistema operativo mismo es de tipo comercial o si es libre.
Desde los inicios de la computación personal el software que se cobra ha estado presente, y hoy en día si bien el software libre gratuito ha avanzado mucho, todavía estams rodeados del software pago.
A continuación veremos 10 ejemplos de software comercial:
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Corel Draw
Adobe Photoshop
Avast Antivirus
Fifa Soccer
Estos son solo diez ejemplos para que tengas idea de a lo que nos referimos cuando hablamos de software con licencias comerciales. Estos programas y muchos similares solo pueden ser instalados si están licenciados, es decir, si pagas por ellos.
Cuando no pagas por ellos es que estas usando software gratuito, o bien software pirata, algo muy común en nuestros días. Vamos a ver ahora la forma en que puedes acceder al software comercial.
Existen tres formas principales de distribuir software pago, veamos cuáles son:
Hoy en día gracias a las buenas velocidades de Interent que ofrecen conexiones de hasta 300Mbps en promedio (en algunos casos incluso más) a nivel de hogares, es posible descargar directamente el software desde Internet.
Gracias al concepto de nube informática, podrás descargar tu programa licenciado desde el lugar más cercano a tu punto geográfico si la app está balanceada a través de un servicio de CDN. De lo contrario podrás descargarlo desde cualquier servidor web o de FTP disponible.
Lo que hace 10 años tomaba 5 horas en descargarse, hoy en día puede descargarse en tan solo minutos, es decir que la distribucion del software se hizo tremendamente más rápida y eficiente para los usuarios que compran aplicaciones por Internet.
Prueba de ello son las compras e instalaciones casi instantáneas que se hacen día a día en millones de teléfonos móvles Android y iOS con sus respectivas tiendas de aplicaciones (apps).
Los CD-ROMs surgieron como un método alternativo al disquete (en inglés conocido como Floppy-Drive) ya que podían almacenar muchísima más información que estos últimos.
Desde su implementación a principio de los años 1990 hasta el día de hoy, casi tres décadas después, aún siguen en vigencia como forma de distribuir software licenciado. Aunque hoy en día y desde el año 2005 en adelante ha comenzado a sustituirse gradualmente por el DVD, que ofrece muchísimo más espacio para almacenar programas.
Sin embargo, es una práctica que está comenzando a desaparecer gracias al auge de Internet y las tiendas de apps.
En tercer lugar otra forma de distribuir software es a través de memorias USB. Aunque no lo creas los distribuidores de software aveces prefieren enviarte un pendrive USB con el programa que has comprado, antes de que lo descargues via Internet o desde un CD-ROM, sobre todo por que estos últimos suelen rayarse y corromperse mucho.
Es una tendencia que está perdiendo uso, al igual que el CD.
Tipos de Software Comercial
Actualmente, con el avance de la tecnología. El software ha cambiado la forma en la que se distribuye y en la forma en que se instala de hecho.
Es por eso que a continuación veremos cuales son los tipos de software comercial que se manejan actualmente, para que los identifiques en caso de que te encuentres con alguno de ellos.
• Software Comercial En CD. Cuando vas a la tienda a comprar un nuevo software, todo lo que ahí encuentres estará en formato de CD o DVD, al final viene siendo lo mismo. Este tipo de software comercial se ha manejado desde hace décadas y hoy por hoy sigue funcionando, sin embargo, las tecnologías avanzan y con ello las nuevas tendencias. Por esa razón se espera que en unos años más, deje de promoverse y venderse en las tiendas este tipo de software.
• Software Comercial en USB. Para dejar de lado lo que es el CD o el plástico tradicional donde venia el instalador, también se hicieron ventas de software mediante una USB. Comprabas la paquetería y el instalador ahora era una memoria USB. El problema claramente radica en el problema de distribución y piratería, pero es como cualquiera, si hoy no se puede piratear, seguramente mañana se podrá y esa es la ideología que muchos manejan.
• Software Comercial en la Nube. La tendencia obviamente tenía que cambiar, los tiempos avanzan rápidamente y el software en la nube es lo que se maneja actualmente. Pero ¿Cómo funciona? Es simple, ahora tu solamente tienes que descargar un simple instalador. Este instalador se encargará de hacer todo el trabajo en tu computadora, para dejar funcionando el software que necesitas.
En principio, todos los archivos a instalar están en la nube, por lo que solo necesitas una conexión a internet, que hoy en día todos tienen y está listo.
Este tipo software además tiene la ventaja de que a veces puede ser multiplataforma. Pues el hecho de solamente necesitar un instalador y el resto se maneje por si solo, hace que incluso desde tabletas o dispositivos móviles, funcione del mismo modo. Solo que recuerda, una conexión a internet es obligatoria para trabajar en ella.
Existen diferentes tipos de software comercial, vamos a ver ahora la clasificación de software comercial más comunes de la industria:
Su nombre viene del inglés “free software”, se trata del tipo de software comercial más común, es aquel software que se distribuye gratuitamente (free) para que cualquier persona pueda instalarlo en sus equipos, o bien distribuirlo/copiarlo a otras personas.
La idea detrás del concepto de freeware es los usuarios puedan evaluar cómo funciona la aplicación, y luego si decidan comprar la versión paga.
Software de tipo shareware se refiere a aplicaciones que se distribuyen de forma gratuita para los usuarios, pero que lleva consigo ciertas limitaciones de uso, que puede ser la forma de usarlo, o bien en las capacidades del programa.
Este tipo de software comercial intenta que evalúes el programa también para que luego compres la versión completa que incluye todas las necesidades y habilidades que necesitas para trabajar.
Software de evaluación
Esta clase de software es la que te permite instalarlo gratuitamente, pero tiene un tiempo límite para que puedas probarlo.
Tras transcurrido ese período de prueba, el software deja de funcionar y tendrás que pagar por una licencia para obtener la versión completa, o en su defecto dejar de usarlo.
Software Propietario
El llamado software propietario es el que no puede ser distribuido a otros equipos más que los que se usan en la instalación original. No se tiene acceso al código fuente tampoco, y para usarlo el usuario tiene que adquirir una licencia de uso que puede ser para un solo equipo informático, o bien para varios.
Esto no solo aplica a los equipos de escritorio y laptops, también a los móviles y tabletas.
Antes de comenzar a enlis
submitted by Chayanne1515 to bloginformatico1 [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 21:07 DieguitoRC Ayuda: Dólar MEP y CCL en formato tabular?

Hola devs, novato necesita asistencia y sabiduría.
Composición tema: Dólar, Argentina, Python, Web Scraping. Esto se va a poner nerd.
Estoy automatizando un par de boludeces con Python y resulta que encontrar datos históricos de dolar MEP / CCL en formato tabla está difícil. Todo el mundo ratonea el dato via javascript o cosas así.
Cabe destacar que soy bastante novato scrapeando, y me pasa que cada vez que quiero leer una tabla usando scrapy o BeautifulSoup, la tabla aparece vacía, porque se carga dinámicamente en el explorador, pero no desde el intérprete de Python.
Probé scrapear esto: sin éxito y lo mismo con (tanto el "boton" de bajar excel como la tablita, sin éxito). También probé con yahoo finance pero muchos "tickers" del mercado argentino desaparecieron y no están más.
Ambos tipos de cambio los podría calcular si tuviera acceso a info de los mercados desde alguna API vía Python, pero no conozco ninguna. ¿Alguno conoce?
O si tienen algún lugar desde el cual se pueda descargar un excel, csv, algo, del dolar mep desde 2018 hasta la fecha, bárbaro.
submitted by DieguitoRC to devsarg [link] [comments]

2023.07.25 19:06 _Vion_ Primer visita a Panama. Mi experiencia

Hermanos Panamenhos,
Despues de 1 mes en Panama (en varias pronvincias), como Tico, esta fue mi experiencia. (Perdon por el post tan largo, al parecer me emocione mucho en la redaccion!)

En resumen, Panama para mi fue increible. Nunca me lo habria imaginado. Siento que Panama es el Texas de centro america - todo es mas grande, y a mayor escala 🤣 Claro, no es perfecto. Tiene sus retos como cualquier otro pais y sin duda, mi experiencia como turista fue muy diferente a la de un local, de esto soy conciente. Sin embargo, hice mi mayor intento de ver mas alla de lo superficial, y de lo brillante y pienso que logre dar pequehos vistazos a la realidad Panamenha. Espero poder volver muchas veces mas y quedarme aun mas tiempo. Es mas, si hay alguien aqui que quiera venirse a vivir a costa rica permanentemente, hablemos. 🤝👀🤭
Pura vida!

Los raspados! Que deliciosos!! Y solo a $1!!!! Ya los estoy extranhando
submitted by _Vion_ to Panama [link] [comments]

2023.06.03 23:38 DmitriiElj Blackberry 7.1 Apps wanted

Blackberry 7.1 Apps wanted
Hi all,
I am making a review of the Blackberry Bold 9900, which has BBOS 7.1
I run a local OTA server using Python, and I can install COD files via Wi-Fi, but it turned out that most of the old app links are dead. The official Store is obviously dead too. Maybe someone has old archives on a local PC?
submitted by DmitriiElj to OldHandhelds [link] [comments]

2022.08.24 16:19 kondenado Moving to Bilbao. A guide for foreigners thinking of/moving to Bilbao

Bilbao is a villa (a city) located on the north coast of Spain, close to France. Its called "El botxo" as it is surrounded by mountains. The metropolitan area of Bilbao has nearly 700-800.000 habitants (Bilbao roughly 250.000), which makes it one of the biggest cities in Spain, meaning that all services are available here, without being as overpopulated as Madrid and Barcelona. Bilbao is divided by a river ("La ria") and we often refer to "margen izquierda" (left side of the river - barakaldo, portugalete, ...) and "margen derecha" (right side of the river, algorta, getxo)
It is close to the beach and to the mountain and the landscape is very green - a lot of nature-. Its 1-1,5 hours from Logroño, Santander, San Sebastian (aka Donosti) and Vitoria (aka Gazteiz).
Bilbao is also the capital of the province of Biscay. Biscay, Alava, and Gipuzkoa form the "autonomous community of the basque country." It is a self-governing historical region of Spain, and many services such as tax office or healthcare depend directly on the basque government. Some regulations/laws are slightly different than the ones applicable in Spain. *SPANISH "BECKHAM LAW" DOES NOT APPLY HERE, ALBEIT WE HAVE A SIMILAR LAW *. This is a common mistake of foreign tax advisors, Basque country has different taxation rules than Spain.
The tap water here is very good, and you can directly drink tap water without any issues.
The Basque country is one of the most highly developed regions on the planet, with a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.937, placing it in 12th position in the world country classification, applying the methodology of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Spain, after Netherlands and Iceland has the highest LGBTIQ acceptance index Source.
Our local football club (Athletic Club) is especially loved here, as - unlike anyone else in the world - only plays with basque football players. Yup, our "players pool" is just circa 2 million of habitants. Still, with Real Madrid - and arguably FC Barcelona - has never been relegated to the Second Division. Along Real Madrid, Barcelona and Osasuna is among the few teams that is owned by the supporters. In the historical classification of Spain, is the 4th team.

One of the first things you should do is to empadronarse - register yourself as inhabitant of Bilbao. Right now, you need to ask for an appointment (cita previa) and ensure that you have all the required documents. You can check the required documents and ask for an appointment here. It may take a few weeks, so you may want to ask for an appointment before coming to Bilbao.
Once you do this, you will be on the records of the basque healthcare service Osakidetza and you will have assigned an "ambulatorio" (a small healthcare center close where you live) and a family doctor. But you will also need the "tarjeta sanitaria". Information regarding tarjeta sanitaria
You may want to contact the ambulatory to see if your family doctor speaks English, but I assume that it should be fine.
The prescriptions are "attached" "online" to the tarjeta sanitaria, so you can just go to the pharmacy and give the tarjeta sanitaria, and the doctor will give you the medicine. Prescribed medications are highly subsidized, so whatever you buy it should be cheap.
Osakidetza has some apps to make appointments and to have your healthcare info with you.
The emergency number is 112.
Emergency pharmacies (24 h)
In Bilbao, there are two official languages: Spanish and basque. Everyone speaks Spanish, and some people also speak basque, especially in the margen derecha's villages (Bermeo, Ondarroa, Leketio ..). Basque is a very ancient language of unknown origin, radically different from any other known language, and so far, there is no known "sistemother" language. Anecdotically, the first known writing in Spanish (glosas emilianenses) are also the first known writing in basque. (They were side notes in a latin-written bible).
Basque is generally not required for jobs (but its usually a "bonus" for goverment jobs) but learning the language will be appreciated by the locals. In the other hand, Spanish is a required language in most jobs. Most young, middle-aged people should speak some English, but pronunciation is not our strongest suit.
Cursos para Aprender Español CEPA Bilbao HHI Spanish language courses, they are very cheap.
Academies to learn Basque: You may get your money back once you pass the language exam (please confirm).
Most webpages will be in English, but if not, you can use google chrome's autotranslation feature.
The Basque country has the lowest unemployment rate of all of Spain and the highest average salary in Spain (30,5 k€/year). It is a heavily industrialized region (especially Biscay), where you can find employment in many sectors. Especially for non-white collar jobs, Spanish proficiency is either required or highly appreciated. We work 40 h/week (1700 h/year), and the work-life balance is good but may depend a little bit on the company and type of job.
The working conditions are regulated by (first in jerarchical order) a) law (Estatuto de los trabajadores), b) "Convenio Colectivo" A sectorial collective bargain - which depends not only on your company, but your "sector" (working field), c) "Convenio de empresa" A company-level bargain. By law now all of these bargains are being moved to "convenio colectivo".
You can find jobs in:
Bizkaia talent (Biscay's Agency for adquisition and retention of talent)
Lanbide (Basque employment service)
SEPE (Spanish employment service)
And last but not least,
Holiday calendar, Biscay
If you work here, you will pay taxes to the "hacienda Foral de Bizkaia." If you haven't lived here for at least 6 years, and you work in some areas such as technology or research, ... you may apply for some tax break. More info here. If you are married, each spouse can pay taxes separately, or you can pay them together. In many cases, the latter is better. there is a tax deduction for renting an apartment.
Something important to note is that, in most companies, you will receive double your salary in June and December. In most cases, you will get your yearly salary divided into 14/15 payslips, and getting two payslips in June and December. Usually, you will get the monthly salary on the first working day of the month.
The services here (security, healthcare, education, ...) are in general good. The healthcare here (Osakidetza) is free, and medicines (with doctors' prescriptions) are highly subsidized.
In general, Bilbao is a safe city but probably better to avoid San Francisco/Bilbao la Vieja(Bilbi), Otxarkoaga and Ollerias bajas area.
You can find rental apartments here:
En casa de Ana
But you can find more looking for "agencies inmmobiliarias" in Bilbao. The deposit is kept "secured" by the government so you can actually get your money back.
Note that the rent is tax free.
There are several electricity companies (Iberdrola, Endesa, naturgy, ....). You can choose between state-regulated pricing (PVPC) and free-market pricing. Some info here (by OCU - consumers association).
In PCPV, the price of the electricity is determined 24 h prior and varies by the hour. You can find the price here. But note that it is not clear if the compensacion del precio del gas is included in this price (I believe so). More info later.
In the bill, you are likely to have 2 or 3 main terms + minor terms + taxes: "Termino de potencia" (Measured in kW (how much power can you draw at any time - how many appliances you can connect without a blackout), "Consumo electrico" (electricity consumption) measured in "kWh)
And at least until end of 2023 "compensation del Precio Maximo del gas." which sometimes its included in "consumo electrico". In Spain (temporally, the so-called "Iberian exception) the price of gas does not affect the price of electricity, but there is some compensation that needs to be paid to electricity producers. The amount will vary greatly, depending on gas and electricity prices and other factors.
A tipical Kwh price -24 h average - may be 0,14-0,18 €/kWh. But it may depend a lot-
Note that companies can charge you a fee to start the service with them, and generally, they may also charge you if you change the tariff. Not all of them does that though.
At the time of editing this guide (22/10/2023) it is understood that it is better to have a "free market" contract, unless you consume energy at low cost hours.
As happens with electricity, many companies can provide gas - many of them also electricity - (Iberdrola, Endesa, naturgy, Nortegas ....). As happens with electricity, there is a free market and government-regulated price (TUR) where the gas price is defined by the government every 3 months. More info regarding TUR here.
Note that companies can charge you a fee to start the service with them, and generally, they may also charge you if you change the tariff.
At the time of editing this guide (22/10/2023) it is understood that it is way better to have a TUR tariff. Many companies have similarly sounding tariffs so you get a "free market tariff instead of government regulated ones please be aware about this. Only a few companies are allowed to sell TUR tarif.
(and there is a 4th company whose name i dont recall)
Consorcio de aguas
You can drink and cook with tap water without any issues being a very good quality water. You dont need any filter, osmotizer or whatever.
Several companies can provide home internet and/or mobile communication. You can buy them together or separately. Euskaltel, Movistar, Orange, Vodafone). There are more, but these are the main ones. There are some variations in price/broadband, but all of them should be ok. Note that in some cases, a technician may need to make some connections, but it is generally quick - 1-2 days-. Sometimes, a company may be unable to make the physical connection to the main cable, so you may need to contact another company. AFAIK, companies have a "main box" in the building where the individual apartment internet cable has to be connected, and sometimes they are full, so you need to contact a company with "open slots" in their box.
There are several insurance companies (Seguros Bilbao, MAPFRE). It may be good to have insurance if an accident happens. Healthcare here is free if you are eligible.
Bilbao, like the rest of Spain, uses €, and for the most part of the situation, you will be able to pay with a credit card. But in a few cases, you may need to pay in cash. You can also use "bizum" a payment service (ideal for transferring small amounts of money, like splitting a bill). But you may need a Spanish bank account.
There are several banks in Bilbao (Kutxabank, BBVA, Santander, ...), so it is not very difficult to find a branch close to where you like. Spanish banks tend to have high fees (credit card upkeep, etc...), but generally, you can waive them if your salary is received in said account (domicialicion de nomina). You may need to negotiate it.
In Bilbao, almost everything is within walking distance (20 min), and there is a quite reliable google maps compatible public transport system. There is a "wallet card" (Barik) to pay for public transport with a high discount. You can fill it via the "Barik NFC" app or in metro stations. With this card, you will pay between 0,5-1,5 € per travel (depending on the distance).
In bilbao there is Tranway (green, old town, riverside, indautxu, its quite turistic), Metro (orange, connects it connect almost all bilbao and nearby towns; it covers the riverside and the coast - margen derecha-), Bilbobus (red, inside bilbao), Bizkaibus (green, travel inside biscay), Renfe (red, connection to spain and the rest of biscay), Euskotren (blue, connects bilbao, urdaibai, san Sebastian and hendaye, France) and FEVE (yellow, connection to cantabria and margen izquierda).
Near San Mames (stadium) metro station, there is Termibus/Bilbao intermodal, the central bus station, where most parts of the buses depart (especially intercities, to go to any other city). You can get the bus here to go to san Sebastian, Santander, Madrid, and so on.
Some buses (especially some from bizkabus and the spacial bus to Zamudio technology park) depart from Moyua.
Parking a car in Bilbao is quite restricted. Generally, you can get a "pass" issued by the city to park in the nearby areas where you are empadronado, then you may need to pay "OTA" to be able to park. More info here. There is an app to pay for the OTA, bilbaopark.
You have free parking in the green zones of your designated zones, 2h parking for free in blue zones of your designated zones and have to pay like everyone else in zones outside yours. At least, it was like that in 2020 (double check this).
Taxi service (94 444 8888) One taxi service. they work with pidetaxi app.
There is a bike rental service. It works though an app.
There is a good network of affordable public gyms - Bilbao kirolak -. Some of these gyms also have access to swimming pools. You need to be empadronado in bilbao. Access to only swimming pools costs 15 €/month.
You can also do some outdoor activities, hiking, biking (intercity), running are also popular.
Bilbao and basque country are well-known for their gastronomy and food-oriented culture. Not only we have 3 out of TOP 15 restaurants in the world here; in a 40 km radius. But we also have the "pintxos," a unique type of food that can't see anywhere else. It is typical to meet some friends, have a pintxo and a drink in one bar, and then move to another one to have another pintxo and another drink - and call it dinner -. This lets you have a fluid conversation with friends and is lighter than dining in a restaurant.
Some places to have pintxos are:
Mercado de la Ribera (its a food market).
Pozas (calle Licenciado Pozas) and calle Garcia Rivero
Plaza Nueva (in the old town, old town is also a good place for pintxos)
To order a beer we use these specific words: Here is a guide to know how to order beer in different parts of spain.
- Caña (33 cl beer)/Zurito (20 cl beer)
- Rubia (normal beer)/Oscura (dark beer)/Radler (beer with lemonade)
Pints are not very common here, but you can order them also.
If you don't fancy pintxos, or if you just need a good (also expensive) restaurant/drinks, there are quite good options:
Asador Kerren (Steak House, city center, you will get served the steak in a grill to make it as you wish on the table).
La barraca Probably the best place in bilbao for paellas.
Sir Winston Churchill (next to Sagrado Corazon, one of the best places in Bilbao for cocktails)
Pizzeria Demaio (In San Francisco, probably the best pizza in Bilbao, within the TOP 50 in Europe)

In Bilbao:
San Mames Barria stadium of the Athletic. There is a museum a gym and a bar. You should watch a football match here.
Plaza Unamuno (meeting point for gatherings to the old part)
Mercado de la Ribera (its a food market, also in the old town).
Guggenheim Museum
Alhondiga/Azkuna centroa (city center, culture center, gym + swimming pool, cinema + cocktail bar)
Museo de bellas artes (city center, next to parque de coña casilda/de lo patos)
Parque de Doña casilda (city center, o de los patos, as there are ducks there, its a park)
Parque Etxebarria (largest park within the city, near old town, you can go there by using the elevator in casco viejo metro station)
Corte Ingles (shopping mall, city center)
Zubiarte (smaller shopping mall but it has cinemas and several restaurants)
In Biscay:
San Juan de gaztelugatxe Reserve Needed! The beer house next to it it's quite good and affordable
Sala de juntas de Bizkaia (old basque parliament, where Spanish kings used to swore the basque fueros) you can find there the "arbol de gernika" the symbol of basque country)
Puente colgante (Hanging bridge)

- I will be adding more -

Bilbao Now summarizes most parts of cultural activities. It has an app for both google and apple.
Bilbao Kultura
There are many opera events more info in ABAO (Opera promotion society). (If you like opera, a membership may be worth it.
Arriaga Theater uses to host cultural events.
Guided tours (until september)

Emergency number: 112. Yo don't need to have the Simcard unlock.
Phone to seek protection against gender violence (attention in 53 languages). Does NOT appear in the invoice, but you need to remove it from the call list of the phone.
Emergency pharmacies (24 h)
Bizkaia Talent has interesting information for newcomers.
Consumer association (OCU) If you have any issue with any company.
- Santutxu and Santurce are not the same.
- La casilla and doña casilda is not the same park.
- There are activities and ways to meet fellow expats. Just DM me.
You can drink and cook with tap water without any issues.
This guide will be updated regularly, any comment/suggestion will be welcome.
UPDATES: OCTOBER 2023 Minor updates
submitted by kondenado to Bilbao [link] [comments]

2022.02.22 03:24 Bracken_wood Unihertz Titan Support

Here's a collaboration of information regarding the Unihertz Titan.
Please use at your own discretion we cannot be held accountable for any damage , be it bricking loss of items or anything else you may encounter while modifying the device from stock values.
please reach out to me if you have anything to add to help. anything incorrect? please let us know so we can amend.
Debloating is a handy adb debloater with a GUI which can help you remove any Titan bloatware
Here's some adb commands if you don't want to go down the UAD route :

.\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.mediatek.notebook - Notebook .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.agoldcomm.toolbox - Toolbox .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.agui.studentmodel - Student Mode .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Stock Calendar .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Game Mode .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Stock Contacts .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.agold.trackrecord - Trackback .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Stock Clock .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.agold.newsos - SOS .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Sound Recorder .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - Stock Dialer .\adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 - FM Radio 

Titan Tips & Tricks

Courtesy of ValdikSS over at


ALT+SPACE shows small symbol panel provided by system, not by keyboard software.

Secret codes

"Calling" to the following codes show secret menus and launch hidden applications. To use some of these codes, you need to activate Developer Menu and activate USB Debugging first (you don't need to connect the phone to PC though).
*#*#4636#*#* — Testing Settings (phone information, mobile network configuration, usage statistics, Wi-Fi info)
*#*#3377#*#* — Factory Test (mtklog, ygps, gravity calibration, distance calibration, smartpa calibration, single test)
*#*#114#*#* and *#*#116#*#* — Camera sensors, LCD panel, memory and other hardware information
*#*#34635280#*#* — Engineer Mode with lots of internal configuration. Here you can change mobile network mode, supported bands, lock to exact cell ID, tune VoLTE/VoWIFI settings and other low level options. Be very careful, do not modify anything unless you understand what would happen exactly.
*#*#08#*#* — Change IMEI numbers (Android 9 only. Yes, a stock factory application to change IMEI!)
*#*#010#*#* — Check and clear battery usage statistics

Software tips

If your application gets killed, the notifications does not come in instant etc, make sure that the application is allowed to run in background in Settings → DuraSpeed (Android 9 only, the tick should be checked/enabled) and in Settings → Intelligent assistance → App blocker. These two options are custom Mediatek battery saving features.
If your application is old and was designed for older Android versions, you may also need to exclude it from stock Android battery saver. Go to Settings → Apps & notifications → See all X apps → find your application → Advanced → Battery → Battery optimization, find your app again and choose "Not optimized"
To disable lockscreen pedometer (Android 9), go to Toolbox → Pedometer → Settings → disable "Display steps when screen locked".
Use cobalt232's Blackberry Manager to install Blackberry Hub, Calendar, Contacts, Keyboard, Launcher and more. You may also install LayTray for keyboard layout icon in notifications of Blackberry Keyboard.
Install Fluid Navigation Gestures for full-featured gestures on Android 9, from bottom and sides, with complex patterns. Selected extended functionality requires root. Android 10 has OS-wide gestures support.
To remap your keys use Physical Button Master Control (free Xposed module, requires root+edXposed, works when screen is off) or flar2 Button Remapper (premium, some features require root, does not work when screen is off in general, but volume button actions do).
The former is very flexible, it supports complex scenarios and allows you to assign different actions whether screen is on or off, whether audio is playing, and so on.


Official Google Drive link to all Unihertz ROMs, flashing tool, driver, and flashing instruction, found on Unihertz forum.
The firmware files seem to be updates on a regular basis but may lag behind official over the air updates.
Unihertz Titan firmware Google Drive folder: Full firmware for SP Flash Tool OTA updates
Current firmware version (TEE): Titan_20210528_20211028-2221 (Nov 03, 2021, Android 10).
Android security patch : June 5, 2021
Kernel version: 4.14.141+ built on 17 Sep 2020

Serial number, IMEI and TrustZone applets writing tool

If you accidentally formatted/wiped NVRAM data from your device and now have dummy IMEI and no serial number, you can repair it with the tool. You don't need to do that after usual firmware reflashing procedure.
The tool is available here:
SNWriter Tool link 1 Link 2
Read included readme file and watch the video.
Unihertz Titan TWRP recovery & rooting

TWRP Recovery

TWRP 3.5.0_9 for Uniherz Titan, semi-working alpha version v0.2 (18 Jan 2021, with Android 10 support)
This is TWRP recovery for Unihertz Titan smartphone. It works, but missing two essential features:
  1. Userdata decryption
  2. MTP
That means that you won't be able to access user data (only system, vendor and other internal partitions) unless you disable data encryption entirely in the OS, and won't be able to transfer files over USB with MTP.
Yet, it's still useful for removing bloatware/google services or installing Magisk and obtaining root access.
ADB file transfers (adb pull/push, adb sideload) work fine.
Use this TWRP version only if your really-REALLY want to install custom recovery and/or root.
Link 1 (androidfilehost)
Link 2 (mediafire)
Installation instruction is inside the archive.
After installing TWRP, you won't be able to apply Unihertz OTA updates, you'll have to revert back to stock recovery to perform the update. You can reinstall TWRP afterwards.


Note: you don't need TWRP to get root.
Android 9 and Android 10 (since Magisk v22.1): To root this device, simply install Magisk via TWRP/using adb sideload/with kernel file patching. It will inject Magisk into kernel image.
submitted by Bracken_wood to UnihertzTitan [link] [comments]

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Spadegaming Memastikan Bahwa Semua Game Kami Yang Tersedia Di INDO369 Dikembangkan Dengan Standar Sangat Tertinggi Dan Sepenuhnya Sesuai Dengan Persyaratan Yang Ditetapkan Oleh Badan Pengatur Di Banyak Yurisdiksi Tempat Spade Gaming Dan INDO369 Beroperasi. Ini Termasuk Memastikan Pemain Kami Sudah Berusia Di Atas 18+ Atau Usia Legal, Memastikan Semua Hasil Dari Permainan Kami Dengan Sangat Adil Dan Membantu Pemain Kami Mempertahankan Kebiasaan Bermain Juga Meraih Jackpot Dengan Fair Play Tanpa Adanya Kecurangan.
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submitted by lapak369 to u/lapak369 [link] [comments]

2021.04.21 00:36 lapak369 Indo369 Agen IDN Casino Terpercaya, Judi Casino Online Terlengkap Di Indonesia

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Tabel Multicam Memiliki Tiga Pola Visual.
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IONClub Menawarkan Anda Pengalaman bBrmain Bame Yang Sangat Unik Dan Seru Untuk Dimainkan. Dengan Teknologi Terbaru Kami Merevolusi Permainan Online Ketingkat Sesenangan Yang Sama Sekali Baru. Adanya Fitur Jejaring Sosial Populer Seperti AvataPhoto Profil, Daftar Teman, Dan Live Chat Obrolan Langsung Untuk Seluruh Pemain Game Casino Di Asia Akan Memungkinkan Pemain Di Meja Dealer Langsung Kami Untuk Bermain Dan Berinteraksi Penuh Satu Sama Lain Secara Bersamaan! Sekarang, Kombinasikan Itu Dengan Beberapa Fitur Tabel Kami Dan Teknologi Live Streaming Secara Langsung Waktu Real Time Dengan Video Game Casino Yang Sangat Jernih Alias HD, Kami Menghadirkan Kegembiraan Bermain Di Live kasino Demi Kenyamanan Di Depan Smart Phone Anda!
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submitted by lapak369 to u/lapak369 [link] [comments]

2021.04.01 18:53 Forward_stonks Gay bear warning: TSLA

Gay bear warning: TSLA
Hey Guys. Before some you go crazy, I want to tell you that this is just for the reflection. I had a pretty good opinion about Tesla in 2019 but since Dec. 2019 the Company turned more and more into a cult. It sometimes fell like a religion. I went relatively critical since Elon accelerate this cult excessively. I think this is very unethical and therefore I want to write down this and talk about things others don't like to talk about . This is a long Text but I put a lot information and sources in it. And yes, I know there are some bias of me in it. Sorry for that!
Needless to say, few are expecting bubble symmetry to manifest now, because, "this time it's different." Indeed. It's always different and yet always the same, too.
Let's indulge in some basic logic:
  1. All speculative bubbles pop, regardless of source, time or place. (100% of all historical evidence supports this.)
  2. The current "Everything Bubble" is a speculative bubble. (Supported by Covid-Checks, QE and very high leverage)
  3. Therefore the current speculative bubble will pop.
Tbh we all also know that a gamma or theta squeeze can’t last forever, Vanguard Boomers also bought it via Index-Funds and and everybody (unless maybe ARK, Redlich, Gerber) knows Tesla is a bubble.
Elon just tells people what they want to hear, because no one seems to care if he can deliver what he promises or not. Remember Nikola? As soon as people started talking about it Elon literally be like: “Hey guys we’re building those things very soon too” (he then came around the corner with some design patterns). Tesla added new Semi jobs to Gigafactory 1, let’s see what will happen this year. On the 28th Jan call he was like “yes, we will build those thing this year maybe or maybe not but it is on hold until Tesla can make a high volume of its 4680 battery cells.” [1]
Tesla will (probably) deliver its first Semi by the end of 2021. The Semi program is more than two years behind its original schedule (2019).[2]
But According to a Tweet from Elon you will have to wait till 2022 before you can get one. [2A]
Interesting is that LG announced that they hope to make 4680 large-format cylindrical cells for Tesla in 2023 in U.S. or Europe. But wasn’t TSLA supposed to build these in-house? [3] Why should LG invest in capacity when Tesla tries to build the worlds biggest battery manufacturing plant in Germany?
Nevertheless, no 4680 battery until 2023 means (at the current ate):
· No Roadster
· No Semi Truck
· No $25K Car
He also announced that once Tesla begins high-volume production of its lithium-ion battery cells, the company will likely also develop an electric van and Musk also confirms new Tesla Roadster has been delayed to 2022. [4.]
And why did he take over Maxwell Technologies Inc. while have contract with CATL, LG and Panasonic? They want to build some in Berlin (the world’s biggest battery factory to be honest) but it it's mostly rumors because there is sometimes a disconnection between Tesla plans and reality. [5] & [6]
Maybe that’s the reason why LG Chem try to build them in 2023. Because again why should LG invest when Tesla could build them too?
In the meantime he talks about vertical integration (Mining Lithium in Nevada) and Tesla also had found a way to extract it by using simple table salt.[7]. This needs a lot of R&D. And all this Technology with R&D expenses in the last 4 years that were between 1.35 and 1.45 Billion Dollar. In comparison GM spent quite consistently on R&D, averaging around $7.4 billion per year over the past 7 years. In the meantime, the spending of R&D to revenue is the same for both companies. [8]
Short list of “Dinosaurs” and their 2021 announced EV Investment till 2025:
VW: 86 Billion $ [9]
Daimler: 85 Billion $ [10]
BMW: 32 Billion $ [11]
Ford 29 Billion $ [12]
GM: 27 Billion $ [13]
Hyundai: 17 Billion $ [14]
That seems like a lot, if you use the higher end average Tesla will most likely invest up to 7.25 Billion Dollar in the next 5 years but plan to lead in various areas. Sounds not really realistic. But Tesla’s competitors also have decades of experience in:
· Design
· Production
· Distribution
· Sales
· Post Sale Support (Service-Center Network, maintenance etc.)
Next thing: Is the range of Tesla really that good? Well Edmunds made a Test. Let’s see some results:
[15] So, on average they have a slightly longer range than the competition but aren’t that honest about the real range. Seems like Tesla focus more on EPA Standarts than real world range. They use a little trick. The EPA allows automakers the option to run three additional drive cycles and use those results to earn a more favorable adjustment factor. How it work you can read here [15A]. More about that here [15B] and here [15C].
But therefore, the quality of Tesla Cars is really good, right?
Well, J.D. Power Find 2021 test says otherwise. Tesla problems per 100 where 176 by an average of 121. Makes it place 30 out of 33. [16]
An often stated but no logical argument is that Tesla takes market share of the ICE Manufactures and it is too late for them. They often compare it with Nokia or Blackberry to Apple. But Why? Tesla is already losing market share to these “dinosaurs” especially in the EU (the largest EV market), and competition is only increasing.
Here are my expected the future lines of defense. The next line of defense will be "Tesla is a software company that will become the Windows equivalent to the auto industry". Failing that, it will be "Telsa is really an energy company and will dominate battery technology". Then goes on to "robo taxis" and something about Mars or Teslacoin.
There is a nother Elephant in the room. Plug-in-hybrids also make a lot of sense. Small light battery for 90% of driving, and ICE engine for long trips. Makes lithium and cobalt supply much less of an issue. The move to pure BEV is worse for the environment (vs. PHEV). But nobody talks about it and I don’t want to go further about this topic. Fyi Plug-in EV sales in Europe were up 137% to 1.4 million vehicles last year. [17]
But let’s go back to Tesla. Remember the 1 Million robotaxis in 2021 or FSD? LoL could go on and on if you want.
The Robotaxis are very interesting. It was announced in April 2019 (when Tesla was short on Cash) when Musk said 1 million fully autonomous robotaxis would be on the road by the end of 2020, making money for their owners. A few weeks later, Tesla sold $3 billion worth of Tesla stock, solving its cash crunch. By the end of 2020 not a single robotaxi had been built. The DMV emails suggest they won’t be anytime soon.[18]& [19]
There FSD is not true. Documents sent to officials in California in 2019 and in 2020 describe the extra-cost option as a Level 2 feature, meaning Full Self-Driving is certainly not fully driverless.[20]
You can compare TSLA FSD with Waymo (founded in 2009 as Googles Self-Driving Car Project) or Zoox and tell me more about how advance this company is. [21]
Cruise alone announced on Jan. 19 that they got a funding of around 2 Billion Dollars from Microsoft GM, Honda for self-driving vehicles. [22] (remember the 1.5 Billion R&D of Tesla for everything)
Waymo chief John Krafcik doubts Tesla can offer autonomous driving to its customers and doesn't see Tesla as a competitor at all. “Only Waymo produces a fully autonomous driving system; Tesla, on the other hand, only a driving assistance system.” "Tesla warns its drivers to make sure they keep their hands on the wheel at all times and reminds human drivers to control their cars at all times. Waymo steering wheels say: No touching." [23]
Btw Waymo has been operating the world's first commercial robotic driving service in Phoenix since October 2020.[24]
Even Intel is in this business with Mobileye. And according to Motortrend, a Cadillac Escalade with GM’s Super Cruise drives as well as a Tesla with Autopilot, and it’s safer, too. [25]
Texas Lawyer warns that FSD capability is unsafe at any speed. [25A]
And also Road and track describe FSD Beta as “Laughably Bad and Potentially Dangerous”. [25B]
In official correspondence with California’s Department of Motor Vehicles, Tesla lawyers recently admitted the $10,000 option that Tesla sells as Full Self-Driving Capability is not, in fact, capable of full self-driving. “Currently neither Autopilot nor FSD Capability is an autonomous system,” Tesla attorney Eric Williams said in a Dec. 28 letter to the DMV, although that could change, he added.
In other words: Either Tesla is lying to the CA DMV, or Elon Musk has been lying to everyone else for the past five years.[26]
Now Tesla says "Full Self-Driving" software doesn't actually make cars autonomous.
What really matters because the company is charging $10,000 extra for the (as we know now) not-really-self-driving, might-arrive-someday addition to its standard Autopilot adaptive cruise-control and lane-keeping feature and again Tesla is telling investors on the notion that its full self-driving tech will enable Teslas to become money-generating robotaxis.[27]
In the meantime, the National Transportation Safety Board has filed comments blasting the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for its permissive regulation of driver-assistance systems. NTSB argues that NHTSA should require automakers to limit use of driver-assistance systems to the type of roads they're designed for. The NTSB mentions Tesla 16 times in the report—far more than any other automaker. [28]
The main point on this issue is that he lied from the beginning, On January 24 in 2017 Tom Randall asked Musk on Twitter “At what point will “Full Self-Driving Capability” features noticeably depart from “Enhanced Autopilot” feature?
Musk response on the same day at 4 a.m.: “ 3 months maybe, 6 months definitely”
But he did it also official. he announced […] introduce autonomous technology by this summer. The technology would allow drivers to have their cars take control on what he called “major roads” like highways.
Guess when he said that. It was in March 2015! [29]
Here is a Video which (you all probably know) combines a lot of the FSD narratives: []
We as humans are lazy in thinking (evolutionary). Therefore, we love simple concepts or narratives that sound coherent (but do not necessarily have to be).
Musk's main narrative is that he can shake up any industry (auto, rockets, tunneling, solar) and go into all areas for vertical (batteries, mining, etc.) and horizontal integration (robotaxis, insurance, etc.).
In January he talked about gas drilling for SpaceX. How absurd is this? [30]
I wouldn't be surprised if Elon told us that Tesla is starting to produce fake meat or crypto and connected this with nucleasolar energy because they have a "new techlonogy", it doesn’t even matter if this is part of a whole concept or not.
So, we sometimes tend to act and think contrary to the evidence when it comes to narratives.
With Elon, we have another effect that reinforces the whole thing. I'll try an analogy, which in my view is partly the foundation for bubbles. I'll call it the effect of "The religious leader in the desert".
Imagine you are following your leader through the desert. You have the feeling that he already knows what he is doing and you follow him. You don't really understand it yourself, but you believe that the leader already knows what he is doing because he is the religious leader (and therefore always right).
Imagine he stops and says that he made a mistake and got lost and now has to go back all 100 miles and then turn into another direction. At that moment you would realize that he obviously doesn't know what he is doing and you won't follow him anymore.
Now you have the situation that a person who is connected to a theory from his way of life can no longer deviate from his narrative from a certain point on.
If someone does this, however, he has destroyed his career and his life path, so to speak, because he is connected to the narrative. So, if someone has taken a wrong turn and it is relatively costly for him and those around him, he can no longer admit that the narrative is wrong, even if he should see the evidence against his narrative.
It is similar in science. Theories do not change gradually, but all at once. There is a main theory that everyone pays attention to and a parallel second theory that has little influence, until the evidence of the second theory becomes too strong and the old theory can no longer be maintained, the system collapses (or in stock market case the bubble bursts).
Go on Twitter and ask Elon if his cars will be flying soon. He will reply that that’s a future option and they are already working on it. The same with the vacancies, tunnels and so on. It is not just PR, It is necessary for him to keep the narrative alive.
Remember when Musk wanted to make ventilator because of covid?? He tweeted (March 25): “Giga New York will reopen for ventilator production as soon as humanly possible. We will do anything in our power to help the citizens of New York”. So far I found out, almost no ventilators were made. [30A]
Another funny thing from October 2018: “Just reviewed Tesla’s service locations in North America & realized we have major gaps in geographic coverage! Sorry for this foolish oversight. Tesla will aim to cover all regions of NA (not just big cities) within 3 to 6 months.” And “Same goes for all countries within which we officially operate by end of next year (he means end 2019) [30B]
Those were the things I made an U-turn in my opinion on investing in Tesla. This is a castle in the air with a high probability that it is really only hot air without any substance. There is no difference between an official Tesla statement and a tweet from Elon Musk as CEO and biggest shareholder.
But how’s Business going?
Despite 5 price cuts in China in 2020, TSLA's BEV market share fell from ~20% to ~11.6%.[31]
Share of 30.44% of the European BEV market in 2019 and 13.19% in 2020. Even with price cuts…[32]
And Fremont, which ran at less than 80% of capacity, is the source of cars for Europe. So why does he need Berlin?
Why less thann80%? Tesla sold about 180K cars in 4Q 2020[33]. About 65K of these cars were built in Shanghai leaving around 115K from Fremont. Tesla says that Fremont can produce 590K per year or 147.5K per quarter -> 115/147,5 = 0,78 = 78%. [34]
BEV growth rates in 2020 YoY
Tesla 36.2% (+ 55,9% in Germany)
VW 197% (+608,6 % in Germany)[35]
20Q4 BEV sales
TSLA 180k (worldwide) [37]
VW ~134k (in Europe and the US)
VW alone sold also 422,100 Plug-In Electric Cars in 2020 [36]
And that’s Europe EV sales in 2020 with 43 % growth for full year 2020 [38], in a vehicle market which has declined by 37 %. Revenues of Tesla could growth but I tell you a secret. When you growth but less than the market -> not good!!
Q4/20 market share of Tesla in Europe was 10.2% (~33% in Q4/19), lowest since 2013 (when first Model S deliveries). [38A] Massive competition coming this year. 13 new EV Models alone from VW Group in China. -> Co2 Credit will go away -> negative CF….
But why you should cut your prices when your competition is not even remotely close to your quality and at the same time you have high growth?
According to electrek, here are what some of the changes look like. In Germany, for instance (Jan. 2021): [39]
Model 3 Standard Range Plus: from €42.990 to €39.990
Model 3 Lang Range AWD: from €52.490 to €49.990
Model 3 Performance: from €58.490 to €54.990
Tesla in Germany cut prices for m3 SR+ in 2020 total:
Feb. 2020: 45.370 €
Sept. 2020: 43.990 €
Okt. 2020: 42.900 €
Jan. 2021 as mentioned: 39.990€
Electrek correctly notes: "In Europe, things are starting to change as legacy automakers are starting to release new higher-volume electric vehicle programs and focusing deliveries in Europe, where regulations are forcing automakers to deliver a higher mix of electric vehicles. Tesla still has strong deliveries in Europe, but it is losing EV market shares to many other automakers."
Update Feb. 17 also from Electrek Price Cuts in USA: [40]
Tesla Model 3 Prices were cut at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 an now back as they was before

  • Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus: price went from $37,490 to $37,990
  • Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD: price went from $46,490 to $46,990
  • Tesla Model 3 Performance: price went from $55,990
I don’t know why. Maybe because of the 25th of February Bloomberg announced that Tesla temporarily halt the production at Model 3 Line in Fremont. Yeah, can happen sometimes. But cutting the price and then stopping the production (they knew it before) for two weeks (Feb 22 to March 7)? Sounds not like high demand to me. Maybe that’s the reason the price of Model 3 went a little bit up but not of Model Y.

Tesla Model Y Prices

Most notably, Tesla has reduced the price of the Model Y Standard Range by $2,000 to now $39,990. That’s a significant price reduction for a vehicle that was introduced just a month ago!!! (Model Y with Standard Range RWD and 7-seat third-row option)
Here are the price differences for all 3 trims of the Model Y:

  • Tesla Model Y Standard Range – now: $39,990 – was: $41,990
  • Tesla Model Y Long Range (AWD) – now: $48,000 – was: $49,990
  • Tesla Model Y Performance (AWD) – now: $60,990 – was: $59,990
So, fourth price cut this year from Tesla. It was only mid-February and they are building two more factories to sell the same models. In which world does this make sense?
Okay, maybe because of that, they have the by far biggest market share. Europe's share of global EV sales doubled to 43% last year, while at the same time China and the U.S. saw market share decline. More info [41]
So, let’s look what happened in Europe in till first April 2021.

source: maybe not 100% but good estimate
Irland Share: 10% (5th place) und in Sweden 6,7% (6th place). There are no orders contribute but it seems that 6 ships will come from Fremont and 2 from China to Europe. Compares to 7 in 20Q1. If I’m wrong please inform me.
Korea looks also pretty bad: Model 3 was the most popular EV in Korea in 2019 but saw its sales plummet from 1,524 vehicles in January and February last year to just 15 in the same period this year. [41A]
And honestly, how the fuck are their reported margins increasing despite 14 price cuts in the last 13 months (Feb price cuts not include) totaling more than 10%-15% across the board? Are they capitalizing expense Wordcom style?
I mean really, can someone explain this to me?
Tesla has made major prices cuts in every single quarter since Q4 '19. This is done to fake (my opinion) the appearance of growth. There is no way to stop the price cutting, as volumes actually shrink when they do. Cutting their lowest margin product by 7%, again, in the EU is significant.
So, Tesla keeps cutting prices while being supply constrained, something doesn't fit here.
And in Tesla home state California?
$TSLA cars registered in California past 3 years:
2018 - 70,300 units
2019 - 72,600 units
2020 - 71,300 units
Mercedes/Daimler expects to have met the CO2 limits with its new cars sold in 2020. Others will follow this year…-> Co2 Credit will go away -> Tesla will have negative CF as always….
All carmakers are willing to sell as many EVs as possible to avoid the Co2 Credit. I found leasing offers for the Renault Kangoo Z.E for under 20 euros per month in Germany. EV are incredibly cheap.
Sum Up 2020
Tesla ended 2020 with 0.78% global passenger vehicle sales share and 15.4% global EV sales share, despite "record sales" (and a barely detectable profit, mainly by selling regulatory credits).[42] 99.2% of car buyers didn't buy a Tesla and 84.6% of EV buyers didn't either.
VW ID.4 Crozz China prices & range just announced (Jan. 2021): [43]
PURE: $30,850 (400 Km)
PURE+: $33,937 (550 Km)
PRO: $37,023 (550 Km)
PRIME: $37,484 (550 Km)
Tesla Model 3 (Jan): $38,567 (468 Km)
Tesla is entertaining. But they are infants next to VW. You can now buy a Porsche Taycan in the US for under $80,000. [44] So, you are paying $10k over a Model S for
· Porsche brand, service and parts availability, build quality, reliability and feel
· One motor less
· Maybe a few miles (but not EPA miles) shorter range, faster charge
· OTA, HUD and led matrix headlights
Model S since a very successful year of 2017 it is now a shopkeeper (okay it’s 8 years old but do you think the new one will really attract more?). I think it will get murder this year by Porsche and Audi. And I also think the (real) range of Model S will be longer than the Taycan but if you have to choose in 100k plus $ cars you will probably weight a brand name like Porsche more. But it seems you have to wait till mid 2022 according to Tesla. [45]
But wait to the April 15 debut of the EQS with a range of more than 700 km (435 miles). [45A]
Also interesting that the other companies don’t have to build new plant for EVs.
“We boosted flexibility of all factories worldwide so that we can produce hybrids, fully electric cars and combustion vehicles everywhere, depending on customer demand and individual market developments,” Schaefer said. “It took a while for us to prepare all this, but now it’s time to deliver.” [45A]
Fun fact:
The estimates for Tesla's EPS in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 given at the beginning of 2019 were higher than they are now. In other words, in 2019, Tesla's EPS for 2022 and 2023 was expected to be higher than it is now - and that's despite the fact that Tesla has grown significantly in the meantime, opened new factories and seen its share price rise sharply. Best example is ARK, their new estimate deliveries in 2021 are 17% lower then their original model published in 2019.
You also shouldn’t forget that Tesla was almost dead (According to a Twitter statement of Elon) in 2019 (Stock around 35€ in June) and a lot of analyst thought that too. [46] But bro, you have to look to 2030! But why did nobody look to 2030 2 years ago? Simple, people who owned shares became greedy and start to develop those strange theories. It’s like they think in 5 years there is only Tesla and every other automaker will close its doors. (look at ARKs new 2025 estimate, in this (intrinsic) Tesla will also beat Lyft, Uber and almost the Car Insurance with 40 % Gross Margin.)
ARK Models -> { }
You also should note, that the 3.000$ are without any energy, solar, battery sale and only 50% FSD. So it seems that ARKs 2025 goal is way undervalued.
And everything seems to boost in a recession.
The recession is bizarrely. In a year when 11 million more people were unemployed, we had the largest increase in personal income in 20yrs during an economic downturn, due to massive policy support. The CARES Act (January 24, 2020) added trillions in fiscal stimulus.
How big was it? In three months in 2020 the increased the deficit more than the past 5 recessions combined (1973, 1975, 1982, the early 90s', the dot com bust and the GFC ‘08). The Fed in 6 weeks bought also more treasuries than in 10yrs under Bernanke and Yellen. Corporate borrowing, which almost always goes down in a recession, which had already increased from $6trln to $10trln going into the crisis due to the Fed’s free-money policies, went up $400bln. In comparison, it went down by $500bn during the GFC ‘08. Why I’m telling you that? Well, it’s just a warning that we are in a ridiculous time.
Last but not least: the current state of 2021:
· European deliveries -10%
· GigaBerlin facing massive delays and cost are at around 5.8 Billion Euros (around 6.95 Bil $) []
· USA revenue still below Q4 2018 peak
· China regulators enforcing the law
Solution -> I KNOW! LET'S BUY BITCOIN!!!!
In other words: Tesla couldn’t think of anything like car design, batteries, manufacturing, autonomous-driving software, vehicle-charging infrastructure related to its actual business that could have benefited from $1.5 billion in investment? Go ahead and look again at the R&D and CapEx spending.
Tesla sold its own stock to buy Bitcoin. What does that tell you about management's thoughts on Tesla's share price and shareholders? Or where are the 1.5 billion from? Well yeah, the carbon credits….
TSLA has around 1.1 billion shares outstanding (Feb. 2021). It bought $1.5B of Bitcoin. If the value of that Bitcoin DOUBLES, Tesla's profit is $1.36/share. The stock rallied around $20/share on the news (short-term). Do you get it how insane is this?
This is an intangible that can only be marked down, as long as it is carried. Should not only me raise eyebrows. Main question is why and why now?
A very quick look at Teslas reported numbers quickly deteriorating operating trends with a declining market share, a 25% EPS miss and a lack of revenue guidance.
Diversification of cash means in this case significantly increased downside earnings volatility. The Capital allocation contradicting company’s business model. Timing looking like a diversion away from deteriorating fundamentals to me.
Because at the same day (Feb. 8):
Five goverment agencies warned Tesla Managers about mounting complaints over quality problems [47]
All in all you don’t have to be Burry to see this….
The souffle is ready, let’s use the sledgehammer!
Competitiors in various branches:
[4] 2022/#:~:text=Tesla%20boss%20Elon%20Musk%20has,go%20on%20sale%20in%202020
[8] []
[12] $7 billion in autonomous vehicles)
[38]'-,Global%20Plugin%20Vehicle%20Sales%20Up%2043,2020%2C%20European%20Sales%20Up%20137%25&text=Plugin%20electric%20vehicles%20(fully%20electric,new%20data%20from%20EV%20Volumes. [38A]
submitted by Forward_stonks to teslainvestorsclub [link] [comments]

2021.01.08 06:10 jpjhun DD on Tesla ($TSLA). Bubble or Nah?

Alright. Hear me out autists. We all know bears are gay. But with TSLA shares reaching an ATH of $816.99, it sure seems like its fundamentals are completely divorced from reality. And the media analysts have been pounding on TSLA for seemingly years now. So is this a good company to be a gay bear on? Or Nah? (edit: TSLA ATH now @ $884 lol)
On 7 Jan 2020, Royal Bank of Canada admitted that "There is no graceful way to put this other than to say we got TSLA's stock completely wrong" and upgraded TSLA from $339 to $700. And on 6 Jan 2020, Morgan Stanley upgraded their TSLA price target to $810 when just 18 months ago they announced their comically low price target of $10 (that's $2 post split) resulting in a massive rally. Did Morgan Stanley dive head first into WSB level 3 autism territory, or is there something that the uninitiated could be missing? Let's do a deep dive into Tesla the company and see if their stock really is in a bubble, or if there could be some substance behind the current insane rally.
The common FUD narrative among TSLAQ is that TSLA's $800+ billion market cap is now larger than the 10 largest auto manufacturers combined. (edit: Apparantly this is a common FUD talking point that is/was false. TSLA is/was nowhere near that level when it was touted around as so. Although it is undeniable that Tesla's market cap became more and more absurd throughout 2020)
Indeed, this is quite insane. Even without us autists doing complex calculations, a simple google search shows that they would have to sell around 65 million vehicles a year to be priced at that level. So how many vehicles did Tesla produce? Tesla announced on 2 January 2020 that they've sold a little shy of 500K vehicles for CY 2020 with plans to increase production by 50% YoY. This would ultimately bring them to 20 million vehicles produced by 2030.
20 mil by 2030. Although we all know the term "Elon Time", which refers to CEO Elon Musk casually announcing an estimate of a product and missing projected timelines by large margins, there seems to be some credibility to this statement. Back in 2014, Elon Musk gave an interview (2:28) where he stated "I feel comfortable that we'll be able to achieve at least half a million cars a year by 2020".
OK. So let's give him the benefit of the doubt. As a matter of fact, Tesla is actually building factories at breakneck speeds with construction literally running 24/7 and each of their large factories (Austin and Berlin) is said to be capable of producing up to 2 million vehicles a year. Giga Berlin which was an empty field 9 months ago is already close to finishing its outer construction layer. Obviously they plan to announce more factory constructions in the future as well. So they do seem to be on track to grow on average 50% YoY for now. But 20 million cars produced by 2030 is still massively shy of 65 million vehicles. Even with growth factored in, TSLA's stock valuation still seems insanely high. So what gives? The common explanation among the Tesla fanboys is that TSLA is a tech company, not an automotive company, so it should be valued just so.
So what is this mystical technology the fanboys speak of, and how is it being deployed in terms of profitability for Tesla? Well, it turns out that Tesla has three main technological advantages and two main revenue streams that might put them leaps and bounds ahead of competitors.
  1. Autonomous Driving - Tesla is the current market leader in vehicle autonomy. It has over 3 billion miles logged as of April 2020. The next industry leader Waymo (owned by google) has approximately 20 million miles logged. One thing for sure is that no company will be able to catch Tesla in terms of pure data advantage within the next 4-5 years. And when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, data is king. This could be the bread and butter of Tesla. Tesla already charges customers $10k per vehicle to enable full self driving in which 25% of their customers choose the option. However, Tesla hasn't taken full profits on their books yet due to it still being in beta mode. Once they solve autonomy, an over-the-air (OTA) software update will be sent out just like how your iPhone updates and bam! now you have a self driving vehicle. Let's say Tesla charges $2k a year for a self driving vehicle that can also function as an autonomous uber driver which will help you pay down your vehicle or self driving subscription service. That's like selling two iPhone pros per every customer every year. And customers on their robotaxi network will also have to share 20% profits with Tesla. Think about this. The highest cost of ride hailing are for hourly wages. If no human is required to drive that vehicle, the cost of the ride hailing service will become insanely cheap. So cheap to the point that many people who live in cities will feel like they no longer need to own a vehicle and just call a robo taxi. People already do this in large cities! As this process accelerates, vehicles that don't have autonomy solved will lose market share dramatically every year. People who want cars will mainly want to buy a vehicle with an autonomous option, and people who don't care about owning a car will use robo taxis. If Tesla solves autonomy 4-5 years ahead of competitors, the entire auto industry will be disrupted by Tesla just like how the iPhone ended Blackberry and Nokia's dominance.
  2. Vehicle Manufacturing - Tesla is an innovator when it comes to vehicle manufacturing technology, specifically robotics. Along with their insane factory automation process, they also have giga casters that mold car pieces quickly and efficiently that no other manufacturers have, and giant automated paint shops. This cuts down massively on labor and allows for quicker production while keeping margins high. Due to innovative technologies like these, it is estimated that Tesla's Shanghai Model 3 vehicles net around 30% profit margins, even after they've recently slashed their prices by 8%. Tesla recently slashed their Model Y price by 30% but still boast an astonishing 29% profit margin which is approximately 3 times the industry average. So even if robotaxi doesn't work out, they are still an industry leader by a large stretch in terms of profit margins. These margins will only increase after Giga Berlin is operational due to no longer having to ship vehicles across the Pacific to European customers.
  3. Vertical Integration - Tesla is well known for its vertical integration. This is mainly due to having supply chain issues in the early days, but what this has enabled is agile production capability and larger profit margins. Due to this capability, Tesla improves components of their vehicles on the fly instead of the annual model release the traditional industry uses. Also, they don't have to share profits with suppliers or worry about constraints, delivery delays, or slow progress on contracts.
  4. No Advertising & Dealerships - Elon Musk is a walking billboard. The media literally gives Tesla free advertisement every day. As production increases, Tesla might have to start advertising in the future. But for now it seems like Teslas are selling themselves. Tesla has literally sold 100% of the vehicles they've ever produced, and they have never advertised any of their vehicles. Also, they do not have to share profits with dealerships with direct-to-consumer sales. If their market dominance and technology superiority continues, it is bound to stay the industry leader just like apple did with its iPhones. And if they solve autonomy first which they seem on track to do so, what's more to say?
  5. Regulatory Credits AKA Carbon Credits - This is one that TSLAQs love to bring up when it comes to Tesla profits. You see, a handful of US States enacted a law that requires manufacturers to sell a certain percentage of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) in their state which will earn them ZEV credits. If not, they will either have to pay a massive penalty fine, or buy ZEV credits from vehicle manufacturers who have plenty to spare. And Tesla has an overflow of ZEV credits laying around. So Tesla is literally getting paid by other vehicle manufacturers to build their vehicles. TSLAQs (incorrectly) state that the only reason Tesla makes a profit is because of regulatory credits. However, Tesla's ZEV credits only make up around 5% of their revenue (page 4, row 3) and it is slowly falling. No serious vehicle manufacturer will likely produce ICE vehicles in the year 2030 so ZEV credits fazing out is to be expected. Tesla vehicles are massively profitable as mentioned in bullet #2 even without the ZEV credits.
So we went over the main revenue streams of Tesla. And if all works out well, it seems likely that Tesla has a good chance of 'winning' if they maintain their market leadership. However, the competition is coming, right? We have our favorite EV players such as Nio, XPeng, Li, Rivian, BYD etc. Also the traditional ICE manufacturers VolksWagen has their ID.4, Ford has thier Mustang Mach-E, Audi has thier etron, Porche has their Tycan, and GM has the Chevy Bolt and 30 EVs planned for the future. It seems inevitable that these industry giants with their massive resources will overtake Tesla. Or will they?

Why the Competition is NOT Coming (Tesla's Moats):

  1. Difficulties of creating an EV vs. Mass Production: Creating a shell of an EV or a prototype is extremely easy. If anything, Nikola has showed this to be true. Rivian seems to be having the same issue Tesla had when starting up where they had to constantly push back release dates due to how difficult it is to engineer and manufacture an EV. So designing a prototype is easy. Manufacturing an EV is another thing. But mass production is a whole different beast. It took Tesla well over 16 years to perfect their technology and mass produce their model 3 despite having the best engineers in the world working for them. Ever wonder why every single vehicle manufacturer has constantly been pushing back their EV production timelines? It's because EVs are difficult. Also to note is that no vehicle manufacturer other than Tesla has been able to achieve mass production in EVs. And until then, Tesla has no competition in the near horizon.
  2. Supercharger network: Tesla has the largest charging network in the world by orders of magnitude and they will continue to grow. VW is a low trailing second in the market due to penalties in their dieselgate scandel and as a lucky maneuver, decided to build their electrify-america charging network. BTW, due to sunk costs, VW will likely be the only traditional ICE manufacturer that stands a chance of survival in the long run. Tesla owners barely get range anxiety like they used to back in the day. This is because it is easy to find a charging station even if they are going on a long trip with their map integration. However, you cannot say the same for the other EVs.
  3. Lidar vs. Camera: Tesla's vehicles notoriously does not use lidar technology. Instead, they almost only rely on vision (cameras). There are three main reasons for this. (I.) Cameras are extremely cheap. Lidar is not. One of Waymo's vehicles are estimated to have cost over $250k back in a 2017 estimate. Although in recent years Waymo seems to have developed lidar hardware that costs 90% less at $7.5k, it is still ridiculously expensive compared to cameras without adding much value. Here is Elon Musk's explanation, massively paraphrased: "Cameras augmented with AI can do almost all the things that lidar does chiefly depth sensing. Human vision does not require a separate depth sensor, and the entire driving infrastructure is built with human vision in mind. Lidar is a fools errand." Instead, Tesla augments its self driving technology with radar and maps. (II.) Lidar technology is usually augmented with something called HD maps. This is extreme detailed mapping (to the centimeter level) that helps lidar depth sensors with navigation. However, the issue with HD maps is that the file sizes are obviously large. And when detailed maps need to be updated due to construction or whatever which happens everywhere, every day, an OTA update needs to be sent out. And how do you update a fleet of all your vehicles when nationwide full coverage of 5G isn't a thing? So vehicles like Waymos are extremely good at driving within their geo-fenced locations, until they leave the area. And then they are absolute crap at it. OTOH, vision-based self driving vehicles are initially bad at the task until they have sufficient data and then they can drive well in almost every situation even without it being connected to the network. (III.) Vision-focused self driving AI can be augmented with additional sensors such as radalidar afterwards, but the inverse does not work. To put it short, if your lidar sensors disagree on the information they see at the moment, its entire system cannot function.
  4. Technological Dominance: Tesla's vertical integration and engineering produced innovative solutions such as the octovalve, heat pump, leadership in battery and vehicle efficiency, custom designed AI chips and an AI supercomputer server (Tesla Dojo) specifically made for autonomous driving advancement. No other company can come close to what Tesla is currently doing.
  5. Misdirected Competition: Remember how we talked about ZEV credits? Well most ICE vehicle manufacturers only sell their vehicles in ZEV mandated states and nowhere else. They literally lose money when they sell their vehicles, or have to massively hike up their prices to make a profit even with tax credits, unlike Teslas. For this reason, they only make enough vehicles to make up for their ZEV credits. Naturally, one can assume the limits of effort gone into such vehicles. Now, let's talk about the EV start ups. I've already mentioned the massive growing pains they will have to reach mass production. However, the Chinese EV startups have one thing to their advantage - massive 5G infrastructure within China which will undoubtedly benefit automation, especially in the case of HD maps. However, this doesn't apply outside of China. To add to this, they do not produce in-house custom AI chipsets which is a massive hinderance in processing data. Tesla did this with Nvidia for a while and ultimately decided that they had to design their own chips because of the lackluster performance.
  6. OTA Software Updates - A minor point, but Tesla has been designing their own software for years now. Well known to the public, Teslas update very frequently and with each update gets slightly better UI and performance. Yes - a software update allows Teslas to get better efficiency out of their vehicles. One can argue that any auto manufacturer can implement OTA software updates, but Tesla is leagues ahead at the moment with top notch software developers.
  7. Talent Pool: Guess what the #1 company engineers want to work for is? That's right. Tesla. #2 is SpaceX. Try all they want, but the best engineers aren't going to want to work with Ford or GM.
  8. "The Competition": I already mentioned the half-assedness of traditional ICE vehicle manufacturers but I wanted to bring up another point. One thing that traditional ICE manufacturers have weighing them down are their employees. Their ICE engineers don't translate well into a totally different EV drivetrain. There are sunk costs (equipment etc) that deal with ICE manufacturing processes. Also, Ford, GM, and VW all have unions, pension funds, and stockholders. What do you think their reaction will be when they decide to ditch the currently-profitable-but-soon-to-be-shrinking ICE vehicle component and transition into resource intensive EVs? That's right. They won't like it. The only solution is to half-ass it and slowly transition into EVs while trying to keep afloat their ICE vehicle component. With massive product line diversification and lack of focus, this is not going to be an easy transition. VW CEO Herbert Diess famously stated that "My goal for the future is clear: leading the Group into a sustainable and successful future. The global transformation in the industry will take roughly ten years, with or without Volkswagen." and tried to convince board members basically stating that VW will need to transition into EVs within 10 years or go bankrupt. Ultimately, Diess wasn't successful in achieving full cooperation of the board and had to compromise in his goals to a more gradual transition. The competition is NOT coming. Oh, and as for Waymo and Uber? Well Uber recently sold off their self-driving startup, and Waymo sunk a jaw dropping $3.5 billion for their operation. LOL. They are paying drivers to monitor their expensive "autonomous vehicles" while Tesla gets this done while making a profit. As of 2020, Waymo still only has 600 vehicles and has never left the bounds of Pheonix, AZ.
OK. So I'm sure I've missed some points but I think this paints a decent picture on why Tesla is considered the one and only market leader at the moment. Now let's go into...

Tesla's Disruptive Potentials:

  1. The $25,000 EV: In Tesla's battery day announcement, Tesla projected that their battery technology will enable them to build a $25k vehicle in the future. According to projections using Wright's law, this seems to be plausible. Most think this will happen around 2023-4. Think of the disruption this will bring. EVs are well known for having lower maintenance cost vs. ICE vehicles due to not having as many moving parts. The true cost of ownership for a $25k vehicle will be vastly superior to a $20k ICE vehicle. Once this happens, ICE vehicle demand will fall through the roof. The only ICE vehicles being sold at high volume will be used vehicles. What happens to the traditional ICE manufacturers then? Tesla vehicles are already perceived to hold their value much better than other brands because of the overall feature it comes with.
  2. Tesla Auto Insurance: Tesla collects massive amounts of data. They can easily profile their customers' driving patterns, check if they have self driving enabled, the route they drive etc. Currently Tesla vehicles are insured at a much higher premium vs. economic ICE vehicles. Once Tesla goes fully into the insurance business, traditional insurance companies will not be able to compete with them on price or margins. This is because the insurance business is based upon data on the customer and projections.
  3. Solar City - Tesla's other business deals with solar panels, Tesla power walls, and their Autobidder software which sells the electricity that you generated back to the grid. Tesla currently offers the lowest solar panel price in the U.S. and moreover, takes 20% of the revenue generated from their autobidder software. Renewable energy is poised to grow. More than 50% annually is the current projection. And Tesla seems to be one of the industry leaders in this market as well.


  1. Failing autonomous driving: definitely a major risk as the current stock price is largely betting on this single technology to materialize. However, their current progress and the rate of improvement after rewriting their autopilot code seems promising.
  2. Failing mass battery production (battery supply issues): Although Tesla is the largest producer of batteries in the world, they will need to produce more if they want to keep up with the current pace of expansion. This will be a major bottleneck for Tesla if they cannot solve this issue. As a solution, Tesla has reduced their reliance on copper and are said to be producing batteries with little to no copper. We shall see how this pans out.
  3. Tesla is infamous for its poor Quality Control on their vehicles and slow/poor Customer Service. We shall see if time solves this issue.
  4. Lack of Tax Incentives: Tesla's vehicles no longer provide Federal tax incentives to U.S. customers. However, they seem to be doing fine with over 80% EV marketshare in the U.S. alone. They're stealing market share from BMW, VW, Acura... you name it.
  5. Elon Musk Death: Elon Musk has been able to achieve amazing engineering feats. If he dies, I'm sure a lot of the company's potential will go with it.

Alternative Battery Technology:

  1. Solid State Battery - Quantumscape which is currently the leader in this sector has plans to enter mass production by 2024. We shall see if their battery technology turns out to be as efficient as Tesla's. If QS's SS batteries turn out to be superior to Tesla's, they might have to start purchasing from them.
  2. Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) Battery - Likely not a good use for vehicles. Very low efficiency and wasteful vs lithium-ion batteries. Currently no infrastructure for HFC in place. Might be useful for freight shipping. Elon Musk famously stated that HFC's are "Fool Cells"

Tesla Future Products Lines:

  1. Cybertruck: Insane profit margins, amazing performance. estimated production end of 2021 or 2022
  2. Semi Truck: estimated production 2022 or later
  3. Model S Refresh: Insane specs. Likely release is 2021
  4. 2020 Roadster: Insane specs but surprise! The "2020 Roadster" renewal never happened and most are projecting 2022 or later
  5. $25k EV: 'nuff said

TSLA Analysis:

TSLA Institutional Ownership: 62.85%
TSLA Insider Ownership: 5.21%
TSLA Fanboy Ownership: estimated 5%+
So there is a stable 70%+ of ownership that will not/cannot sell this stock, unlike PLTR which has only 12% institutional ownership and 63% insider ownership. This is the reason why I think the stock won't drop tremendously even when it tanks. There are plenty of people who are willing to snatch up more shares at a discount.
Why did TSLA shoot up so quickly in 2020: This is my personal opinion, but TSLA fans are known for doing deep research into the company. In the early days this was in forums such as the Tesla Motors Club where they shared their own research on revenue, projections, and potentials. Now we have YouTube and information dissemination has gotten easier. Interest in investing has skyrocketed in 2020. Stock market trading GLOBALLY has gotten easier via smartphone with apps such as Robinhood and the prosperity of the American stock market has no doubt attracted global retail investors. For years, Tesla's stock has been pushed down by FUD analysts. Paid by big oil and traditional ICE manufacturers? Or really that dumb not to do any DD and spread completely false information on a company that you are massively shorting. We might never find out. Retailers have caught onto Tesla's potential ahead of analysts this time. And as in Morgan Stanley and RBC's case, analysts have just been catching up on the future potential of Tesla to not make a further fool of themselves.
Future scenarios and Personal Opinion: Currently, Tesla holds over 18% of the global EV marketshare. As more EV players come into space, it might seem like Tesla is in danger of losing marketshare. Not everyone wants a Tesla and that is understandable. But as the overall pie is growing, Tesla, with their 50% YoY production increase plans (which is exponential growth), will likely remain a market leader sustaining their current 18% market share even in 2030 just like how the iPhone did. This is, of course, if they can keep up their growth.
Even if TSLA fails to develop their robo-taxi network technology, their full self driving subscription seems highly likely to materialize at the current pace albeit a lower revenue model.
Ultimately, do I think the current stock price is a bubble? Fuck yes I do, maybe by up to 20%. I'm not buying any more TSLA shares anywhere near this price. My FOMO was back when the stock price was $415 after doing my DD and this was with the intention to buy more shares even if the stock bottomed out. Well, it never bottomed because the S&P inclusion was announced shortly after I purchased it.
But if you ask my personal opinion, you gotta be a "buy high sell low" type top level autist if you're looking for short term gains and purchasing at this level. I'm looking at long term, slow moving, dead ass boring, Bitcoin HODLing, Warren Buffet style "time in market beats timing the market" boomer gains here. My next purchase will be whenever the stock price, if ever, bottoms out. However, just because I think TSLA is overpriced doesn't mean that I'm shorting this stock either.
Amazon was notoriously non-profitable or barely profitable until 2015 because they were reinvesting their profits into expansion. That is what Tesla is doing right now. Remember all the analysts who continuously warned investors for over a decade to stay away from AMZN because they are unprofitable? Well, I don't see any sane analysts parroting that narrative anymore. And then its stock price shot to the moon after they enabled profit mode. It's stock price nearly doubled due to the pandemic and I'm still not planning on shorting this stock even though the pandemic will likely go away in less than a year.
I don't know how TSLA will do in the short term. Nonetheless, I do believe that Tesla has the best chance among any auto maker out there to reach a $2-10+ trillion valuation within 10 years. So I'm just going to lean back and enjoy the show.
TL;DR: Tesla HAS NO COMPETITION. This is as if android wasn't developed until 4 years after the iPhone was released. Do NOT short or buy puts on TSLA. Although the current run seems absolutely insane, there is some substance to hold it up and possibly keep shooting up higher
Positions: TSLA shares @ $415 and a bunch more with an average price of $518. No calls because my wife's boyfriend did not permit.

Back of the Napkin Calculations

Warning: These are literally back of the napkin, pure crack fantasy calculations based on four factors:
  1. Tesla will be able to increase production by 50% YoY until 2030 without fall in demand or issues scaling. As a side note, Toyota sells 10.5 million vehicles in a year so only time will tell if Tesla is able to sell 20 million vehicles a year.
  2. ZEV credits will gradually diminish due to manufacturers switching to EVs.
  3. Tesla will solve level 3 autonomy by 2022 and will charge customers $1k/yr. Tesla will have level 5 autonomy by 2026 and launch its robotaxi network by 2027 which it will then charge customers $2k/yr.
  4. The robotaxi revenue is from the 20% profit sharing Tesla plans to do, but as far as the numbers go, I straight up pulled it out of my ass while referencing Uber's revenue and fudging numbers.
Year Vehicles Produced Vehicle Sales Revenue ZEV Credits Full Self Driving Revenue Robotaxi Revenue Total Revenue (Vehicle Related) Notes
2019 367k 20.2 B 0.6 B 0.36 B (est) 21.6 B (est) FSD early access (cost $8k, 1 time fee)
2020 500k 23.9 B (est) 1.5 B (est) 0.6 B (est) 26 B (est) FSD early access (cost $10k, 1 time fee)
2021 750k 35.8 B 1.3 B 0.9 B (est) 38 B (est) FSD at Level 2.5
2022 1.1 mil 53.7 B 1 B 1 B+ 55.7 B FSD at Level 3 (FSD subscription service - lower pricing model @ $1k/y)
2023 1.7 mil 80.6 B 0.7 B 2.7 B+ 84 B
2024 2.5 mil 120 B 0.4 B 5.2 B+ 125.6 B FSD at Level 4
2025 3.8 mil 181 B 0.1 B 9 B+ 190.1 B
2026 5.7 mil 272 B - 13.7 B+ 285.7 B FSD at Level 5
2027 8.5 mil 408 B - 30 B+ 1 B 439 B Robotaxi Launch (FSD subscription service @ 2k/y)
2028 12.8 mil 612 B - 55 B+ 5 B 672 B
2029 19 mil 918 B - 93 B+ 13 B 1 T
2030 20 mil 1 T - 130 B+ 20 B+ 1.1 T
As you can see, I omitted R&D expenses, operating expenses etc., and haven't even attempted to calculate their net profit or factor in that Tesla's revenue might drop due to introducing cheaper variants. But this back of the napkin, crack infused revenue model shows that Tesla's potential can be gigantic. This is even without its other businesses like Solar City or Tesla insurance etc. Please... don't reference this anywhere because it is dumb math and I likely made some huge errors lol.
See also:
submitted by jpjhun to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2017.05.11 21:45 Luis_Ramon Disconnecting the battery in BB10 solves many problems

I am testing a Blackberry Q5 with BB10, my first phone with non-removable battery. I bought it at a UK store through eBay for £ 55. In the ad said "new restored by the seller." I expected a change of casing or similar but no, just came a second hand mobile with the user interface erased to factory values. After testing it: -I left the off button pressed and the corresponding menu does not appear. "I take a picture and the flash goes out of time. -I can delete all personalization and it does not work. etc etc
To try to fix it first I give it to update the system via OTA, it works but the problems are not solved.
Then I try to flash the ROM and it stays brick to me half way to not to operate the button of shut down.
Finally, and as a last solution before returning it from Spain to London, I opened it and disassemble the casing until I could access the circuit connecting the battery. I turn it off for a few seconds, reconnect it and check the system starts to load, solving all the problems and with the same user interface I had.
The QNX of the BB10 is Unix so I guess Android will also have the case of having to disconnect the battery when the mobile phone becomes tontophone even if the manufacturer has made it "non-removable."
So I deduce that those who design the mobile with non-removable battery and the bosses of them, the problems of the user cares about cumin. Especially being easier to perform with removable battery and having no advantage the "non-removable" battery.
submitted by Luis_Ramon to blackberry [link] [comments]

2016.12.06 18:36 deu5ex Newsday Tuesday (November 27 - December 4) - Your Weekly Android Digest!

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This Week in News
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 May Not Have 3.5mm Jack: “What do you mean ‘We’ve already made fun of Apple for this exact thing’? We’d never stoop so low.” According to, the Galaxy S8 will do away with the 3.5mm headphone jack in exchange for a single USB Type-C connector. If true, the above scenario must have played out at least somewhere in the company. Or perhaps nobody dared mention it? Anyhow, you can read more here.
  • Moto Pushes Off Smartwatches Indefinitely: Lenovo Moto have now confirmed that it will not be releasing a new smartwatch in time for the launch of Android Wear 2.0 next year, nor indeed at any other point in the foreseeable future. Citing the lack of “pull in the market” to put out a new smartwatch at this time, the company has now put any plans on hold. That’s not to say the door has fully closed on Moto smartwatches, but it’s at the present at least not really open either. Read more here.
  • Possible First Non-Render Images Of Blackberry Mercury: As usual, do keep in mind that these images are not confirmed to be real at all, or if they are, the design may change, grain of salt, and so on… you know the drill. That said, the pictures can be found here. Personally, I think it looks good, and for many, the Blackberry keyboard on an Android device still hits that sweetspot of the best of two worlds.
  • Android 7.1.1 On The Way: Android 7.1.1 has now started rolling out in OTA updates for Nexus 5X, 6, 6P, 9, Pixel and Pixel XL devices. Aside from optimization and bug fixes, new features include new emoji, sending GIFs directly from the keyboard (in some apps) and home screen shortcuts. Read more here.
This Week in Apps
  • Netflix Launches Download For Offline Viewing: Some TV shows and movies (not all) are now available to download for offline viewing on Netflix for smartphones and tablets. Great news nonetheless for the holiday season, when many will be stuck in trains, planes or automobiles with plenty of time to kill and less than stellar reception. Snotty kid trying to break the decibel scale in the seat next to you on a plane, successfully screaming so loud even the in air wifi shits the bed? No problem! Turn on subtitles and you can still watch The Incredible Adventures Of Lizzy The Second (or “The Crown”, as my wife insists on calling it) while you swear that you’ll work twice as hard next year just so you can spend all your money on business class tickets if only to decrease the risk of snotty kids nearby. Where was I? Oh right, you can read more here.
  • Swiftkey Makes All Themes Free: It seems the Microsoft Money™ is doing great work at Swiftkey, as all previously themes are now free. There’s a lot of bad ones, but with a wide spectrum of designs there’s a high likelihood you’ll find at least a couple you like. Read more here
  • Android Auto Now Support OK Google Hotword: This applies to the Android Auto phone app specifically, not the android auto incorporated into the cars, but it will now support the “OK Google” hotword to activate voice command. Great feature to have in an app designed to, you know, help you keep your eyes on the road, rather than fumbling about with the phone. Read more here.
  • Total LPT: Learn How Timmy Can Turn On Your Phone Flashlight With This One Simple Trick!! Wizards Everywhere Hate Him! Oh god, I’m so sorry. Still, the Harry Potter fan in me got super excited when I learned that you could turn on the flashlight by saying “Lumos” (or “Lumos Maxima” if Google Voice has a bad day and has trouble understanding you) and turn it off again by saying “nox”. It seems to have been implemented as a part of a promotion for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Credit goes to extremedonkey for this post highlighting (heh) the feature.
Brief Introduction
Hi, I am deu5ex, one of the writers for the /android content creation team. Economics student, hooked on customization fiddling, consumer of unhealthy amounts of caffeine, and I will be providing you with periodic content your reading pleasure. I also write for the XDA News Portal, where I go more in-depth into just about anything Android related. Check us out every Tuesday as we try to summarize the crazy stuff that happens in Android every week!
That’s it for this week. In these features, we cover news from Saturday to Saturday. In case you missed last week’s summary, you can find it here. As you guys know, there are a lot of Android news every week - and more than we can fit here - but we hope this roundup was useful for many of you!
submitted by deu5ex to Android [link] [comments]

2015.10.20 14:08 deu5ex Newsday Tuesday (October 11 - October 18) - Your Weekly Android Digest!

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This Week in News
  • Blackberry PRIV: After a very slow trickle of news, there’s finally something tangible out on the upcoming Blackberry PRIV. 5,4” QHD Screen, 3410 mAh battery, trackpad functionality on the physical keyboard, MicroSD card… oh my. Colour me intrigued. Check out the pre-register page over here.
  • LG G4 Goes Marshmallow in Poland: Poland, or “that soak-testing place in Europe” as LG calls it, is going to see OTAs rolling out for G4’s this week. They did the same thing last year with the release of Lollipop, but other countries had to wait a few months for the update. At this point, it’s likely going to be a rather barebones version of 6.0… I’d still upgrade the second it hit, if I was Polish. Read more here.
  • Unmodified Doze in 6.0 for All OEMs: Google has put its foot down in regards to Doze. All OEM skins must include “Doze”, unmodified, as part of the Marshmallow Compatibility Definition Document. OEMs are, however, allowed to add their own exceptions to the Dozed apps, but it will have to be explicitly stated that such apps are exempt. As long as they don’t go overboard with exceptions, you should be able to expect solid standby time once your device gets updated. Read more here.
  • No Double-Twist-for-Camera on the Nexus: The Nexus rollercoaster continues, albeit with a rather minor bump this time. Previously, we’ve heard that the 5X and 6P would come with a double-twist to launch camera feature, but now we now know that gesture has been removed in favour of a double-tap power button shortcut. No wrist-warmup exercises for camera this time. Oh well. Read more here.
  • Redditor Peels Off Note 5’s Plastic Film Back: Last but not least, Skarface08 peeled off the plastic film from his Note 5, making an all-clear back, which reminds me of the (nostalgia-riddled) clear Gameboy Colour. Check it out the original post here.
This Week in Apps
  • Whatsapp Teases Rich URL Previews: In the latest Beta version of Whatsapp, you’ll now see an icon previewing the URL you’re sending. So far, it only appears to support previews on the senders end, so even if you’re both on the latest version of the Beta, only one end will see it. Still, it’s another feature coming our way sooner or later. Read more here.
  • Google Calendar Gets New Illustrations, More Supported Languages: A slight face-lift and support for more languages. It’s nothing major, but it’ll now understand and attach relevant images to calendar appointments made in over 30 languages. Google’s also soliciting help from the public, so if you tweet a photo of an event with the hashtag “makethemost”, it might be used as inspiration for future event images. Read the official blog here.
  • Fleksy Beta Theme Builder: The 7.0.2 version of the Fleksy Beta adds support for a custom theme builder. You’re able to change background, key, and pop-up colour, as well as the shape of the pop-ups and so on, and when you’re done you can share your theme. Try it out by joining the Beta here.
  • Today Calendar On Sale: One of the most lauded calendars are currently on sale. If you’re still on the fence, you could always check out the free trial, or go ahead and grab the pro version here for $.99 (or equivalent pricing depending on region)
Brief Introduction
Hi, I am deu5ex, one of the writers for the /android content creation team. Economics student, hooked on customization fiddling, consumer of unhealthy amounts of caffeine, and I will be providing you with periodic content your reading pleasure. Check myself and justblais out every Tuesday as we try to summarize the crazy stuff that happens in Android every week!
That’s it for this week. In these features, we cover news from Saturday to Saturday. In case you missed last week’s summary, you can find it here. As you guys know, there are a lot of Android news every week - and more than we can fit here - but we hope this roundup was useful for many of you!
submitted by deu5ex to Android [link] [comments]

2015.03.02 16:54 jmnugent Still not able to pull 10.3.1 update on Z10 unlocked (no SIM)... is that normal ?

I bought an unlocked Z10 through I have no Cellular (and no SIM) because I just use it as a WiFi test device as part of my mobile-device support job. I'm still not able to detect/download the 10.3.1 update. Is that normal?
I've tried quite a few things:
Pretty much nothing works. Everything just says: "You have the latest Software (
EDIT: Update as of March 3rd... I've done everything including a factory-wipe.. and still no update (OTA or BBLink)... boo hiss.
submitted by jmnugent to blackberry [link] [comments]

2013.04.28 06:56 guldilox Review of the SGS4 from a semi-Samsung fan and long-time Android user

Hi all, figured I'd write up a review of the SGS4 from my own perspective. Someone might find it useful, maybe not. This is all anecdotal. I am a short, small-handed, no-name software developer for a Fortune 500 company.
~3.5 year history:
Owned phones: Motorola Q9C, Motorola Q9M, Blackberry 8930, HTC Incredible, Samsung Fascinate, Samsung Droid Charge, Samsung Galaxy S 2, Samsung Galaxy S 2 Skyrocket, Samsung Galaxy S 3, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Focus, Samsung Focus S, Nokia Lumia 900, Nokia Lumia 920, Nokia Lumia 822, HTC Rezound, HTC One X Internal S-OFF model, LG Nexus 4.
Owned Tablets: Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Asus Nexus 7, Fusion Garage/JooJoo Grid 10, HP Touchpad.
Significant hands-on time spent with LG Revolution, LG G2x, iPhone 3/4/4S/5, iPad Mini, Galaxy Note 8.0, Motorola Droid Razr M, Motorola Droid X, Blackberry Playbook, some other number of phones/tablets I can't recall right now.
My hot buttons:
SGS4 Pros:
SGS4 Cons:
I'm looking forward to throwing some high-def videos on it this evening and watching them. And yes, I will also be rooting it here in the
I am going to attempt to side load CM 10.1's SMS Messaging and probably break something. edit: This worked for everything except MMS, which will require me to make framework2.jar tweaks which I don't feel comfortable doing yet without an unlocked bootloader and a stock Odin to rely on
That's really about it for now. If anybody has any questions I'd be glad to answer them.
edit: Formatting.
edit 2: AT&T took 45 minutes to provision my SIM and activate data. I almost went into withdrawals. I ended up using my T-Mobile dumb-phone to text with T9 word recognition just to satiate my addiction. I am, thus far, finding AT&T's LTE speeds to be noticeably slower than Verizon's in my area. It's still fast enough for typical use, though, and is only really noticeable when downloading a large app or syncing music OTA.
edit 3: I don't know if anybody cares, but the Home button on the SGS4 is easier to push down vs the SGS3. I'd put it a little closer to the Galaxy Note 8.0's home button in terms of pushability (new word).
edit 4: Looks like the latest non-beta of Swype let's you disable Dragon speech. So my comment above about that is kind of incorrect.
edit 5: Broke out the packaged charger based on Spik3balloon's comment (I was using the SGS3 one), it is charging way faster now. Something to keep in mind.
edit 6: The reason my Air View wasn't working was because there is a sub-menu to the Air View option and the hovering wasn't enabled. Problem solved.
edit 7: Rooting took less than 10 seconds. Sideloading CM10.1's APK took seconds and works flawlessly, glad to have my mark as read/quick reply feature back. Tomorrow I plan to de-odex the system files and start in on mods.
edit 8: The LED notification light is tiny and hard to notice. I much preferred the SGS3 one. Oh well :(
edit 9: The speaker grill on the bottom is nice (vs on top with SGS3), because typically when holding my phone I am already cupping it to where the sound coming out would bounce back forward more easily (vs holding the bottom and cupping the top). This isn't as awesome as the front-facing on an HTC One, but I'll take it.
edit 10: Turns out the dots on screen were the crappy AT&T screen protector. Took it off and will be replacing with Spigen Ultra Clear. Screen looks even more vibrant now, the AT&T one was causing a fog.
edit 11: This periodic stutter in animations and window flow is getting extremely bothersome. I really hope the locked bootloader issue is solved soon so kernel dev can begin.
edit 11.5: For kicks, I turned off all overlay-related things like Air View, Air Gesture, Smart Stay, and Smart Scroll. I may be speaking too soon, but this appears to have alleviated the random stuttering quite a bit...
submitted by guldilox to Android [link] [comments]