Boy cums in mom

Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

2015.02.27 22:42 apotero Support for those with nasty, cruel, toxic, abusive MILs & moms

A place to post about your MIL or Mother who is just the *worst*. Come for support, come for advice, or just to vent and get it all out. That's what we're here for. Discussion often contains adult themes and language.

2018.08.24 02:03 Okaasan Online - Do You Love Your Mom -

A subreddit all about the popular anime, light novel and manga series, Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks.

2023.04.13 18:32 okayheresmyaccount Waitlist Support Group for Future Pending Doctors

A safe space for all the waitlist/alternate list premedies to voice concerns, rant, be heard, be loved, and acknowledged for their perseverance. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has it harder than us. We literally have the hardest lives in the world... waiting... alternating. Nothing competes to the mental torture.

2024.05.14 09:49 ItsOmieBro AITAH for not forgiving my Mother? (Update 1)

Hello Guys This Is Omie,I Am New Her By They Way I Am Gamer I Am Not To Active On Social media 1st But After Some Months Ago Cuz Of Work There No 2 Much Time For Gaming So I Using Insta,Fb For Killing Some Time After Work 1 of My Friend Suggest This App That's How I Bumped On This App Ohh And My English Is 2 Much Bad So Try to Don't Mind It 2 Much,This Story Is About My Best Friend, Using Some Personal Comments To Lightup Mood :P (I Know U Think I Am Mindless Note Down-Using Fake Names Expect Mine Don't Understand Why She Ask And I M Doing It (O_o)
So I Natasha (19) Living With Mom (38)House Wife Dad (40) Business Men [Her Dad Is Rich Dam] I Was My Dad Princess(Dam I Don't Understand If Girls R Daddy Princess Then What Are V Daddy Devil?), When Ever I Do Something Stupid Dad Never Yell At Me Or Absurd On The Other Hand My Mom Is Strict,Like Normal Mother If I Do Something Good She Will Be Happy If I Do Something Bad She Give Long Lecture,I Know It's Was For My Own Good 1 Day On Weekend I Was Watching Movie With Mom And Dad I Suddenly Got Call From My Friend(Sasha) She Was Crying When I Ask What happen She Ask Me Can She Stay Some Days With Us Cuz Some Family Issues So I Ask My Dad And Mom They Say Ok No Problem So I Say Yes,She Come But Still Crying Saying Again And Again How She Fkup Then After Some Time She Tell Us She Was In Relationship With Our College Bully (Steve) Some Days Ago They Make Videos Of Having Wild Time On Bed She Don't Wanna Record It But After Insist That He Just Wanna Make It For Himself To Watch So She Agreed (I Think This Girl Has 0 Iq) BUT He Upload The Videos On Some Sites Today Her Dad Got Video By Co-worker Then She Was Kicked Out (What She Is Thinking? She Think Dad Love Her More? O_o) She Call Steve But He Say It's Her Problem Not Mine N Block Her, Relatives Also Don't Wanna Help Her So She Don't Know What 2 Do That's Why She Call Her In Last(Man Atleast This Girl Has Friend For Lean On If My Parents Kick Me Out I Has No Choice But Sleep On Streets) I Was Shocked But I Try To Cool Her Down, Dad Was Silent Hole Time Then He Say-This Is What Happened When U Make Stupid Choice (I Also Agree Did She Think This Is Fairy Tail U Can Do Whatever U Want Without Thinking About Others,Let Me Tell U 1 Thing She Has A Boyfriend (Martin) Her Family Know About Him And They Has No Problem With Him Cuz He Was Good Boy, Always Joking Giving Respect,So Ya She Cheat On Him Cuz He Is To Much Gud Guy) On Other Hand My Mom Got Heat Up How Can He Say That And What's Wrong If There Was Some Videos She Deserves Forgiveness (Ok I Also Think She Deserves 1 More Chance But What's Wrong With This Lady? 'Whats Wrong If They Take Videos And Upload It's How Can Someone Say This?) Me And Dad Both Not Think 2 Much That Time Cuz There Was Bigger Problem(Which They Both Regret Later (⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠),We Don't Have Trust Issues That's Why Didn't Say Anything..
It's Omie I Will Upload New Update After Some Time/Days Cuz I Don't Has 2 Much Time In My Hands After Work That's Why I Uploading This In Parts I Know I Know U Guys Gonna Say 'I Know This Gonna Happen After This/That So Let Me Clear If U Think That Then U R 50% Wrong 50% Right :⁠-⁠P, I Know Some People Will Say There Was Lake Of Info O_o Buddy Cuz Of Time Problem/ My Laziness To Explain In Full Details ( I Think I Explain Property) I Try 2 Make It Simple In Short From My Representative (It's 2 Much Large Like Anaconda >⁠.⁠<) Bye Bye. }⁠:⁠‑⁠)
submitted by ItsOmieBro to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:16 Kasraknowsme I need help cause my mom is make me crazy:)

Soo me and my mom always have bullshts arguments and i am a kind of person that always defend himself from everything and everyone who wants to hurt me I have sister that she’s very kind and nice person she’s 10 years old and she study more than me and she is her favorite child and i study too but i want to enjoy my life i go to gym play games and study and i am a good student in school but she is always comparing me with people who are better than me in any bullsht thing that you can imagine🙃 And when she get mad she always yells at me and humiliating me with words that : -You’re not responsible - -You’re like slouchy- You’re like your uncle(my uncle doesn’t have a job)- And lots of things… And when I defend myself boy words i became the bad guy This isn’t a new problem for me it’s been from my childhood till know Last night my i miss my glasses and she say everything that you think and last week my sister forgot her jaket and she was so nice with her. I know that I’m not a perfect child for her but i’m not that bad :)
submitted by Kasraknowsme to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 Decent-Committee1110 AITAH for wanting to go no/low contact with my 11yo son?

Preface: I spent 15 years in a relationship with a narcissist, 13 years married. I have 2 sons from that relationship, ages 15 and 11. A little over 2 years ago I attempted to take my own life to escape the relationship, because of the years of verbal, mental, emotional and occasional SA I suffered at the hands of my now ex husband, who was also having an affair with our next door neighbor. I had tried to leave several times over the years only to be physically cornered in the room, and berated until I agreed to stay, so I thought the only choice I had left was to leave this world.
Now on to the title of this story. My younger son is just like his father. I have had to deal with a lot of self healing over the last couple years. This involved me living in my vehicle, and having to leave my children with their father until I could find stable housing. That is my biggest regret in leaving the way I did. Now I am in a much better place. I have my own home, a supportive partner, a new baby girl, and I'm following my dream of being a cosmetologist. But with that extra time my son spent with his father, his father was able to convince him that the split was his idea, and basically everything I say is a lie. We now have 50/50 custody, but on the weeks I have my boys, my youngest is constantly making snide remarks about how his dad is so lucky to have gotten out of a relationship with me, how much better his "new mom" is (the affair partner) and how I'm just lining about this or that when I try to correct his perception of everything. The most recent thing happened on mother's day. I asked my ex if he could being the kids to my house. I am currently unable to drive due to a leg injury, and my fiance was at his weekly league event, and wouldn't be able to pick them up until afterwards. My ex didn't respond to my text, but called a few hours later for my so. To ask when I was picking them up. I explained to my son that I was hoping his father would bring them to my house, but hadn't replied to me, and reminded him that I was unable to drive to pick him up. He then said "fine I'll just go spend time with the mom who actually wants to be around me," and the he hung up on me. I am exhausted from the little jabs and sideways comments from him, and the feeling like I just have to take the menta abuse from him just because he's my son. I don't want him thinking I don't love him, or don't want to be in his life, but every time he opens his mouth and his father falls out, it puts me right back in that fight, flight or freeze mode that I spent my whole marriage in. I'm at a loss for what to do.
submitted by Decent-Committee1110 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:54 violetsometimess im scared that my experiences werent even real

im 18f with undiagnosed bpd and i feel like i was neglected/abused in my childhood but my mom denies ever doing anything to me. most of the "abuse" was verbal, emotional, etc. she would beat me occasionally or throw things at me but i don't think it was ever a daily thing and certainly not as bad as other people have experienced it.
but the thing i'm most upset about is a friendship that ended in november. we were best friends since september 2017, but she easily forgot a lot of good times we had together. she threw me away like i was nothing for a boy she met 2 days before our friendship ended. not to mention it was over an argument about him. it just upsets me that she can forget about memories i cherish so easily and it makes me feel like our friendship was never even all that important to her. was it ever even real or was she just using me?
i just feel like my life was a lie. im so heartbroken and i just want to feel okay.
submitted by violetsometimess to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:47 Ashamed-Peak4267 are my parents narcs?

i’m quite sure they are but they’re pretty complex and i’m all warped up in their mess. So, sometimes i’m unsure. mom and dad are not together since i was a baby pretty much. they hate each other secretly but they’re cordial. they both think they’re my savior. for a while my mom was my savior until she flipped the script on me when i came out to her. it’s been hell ever since with her. it’s like her veil came off. she’s extremely judgmental, controlling, manipulative, and rude. she’s been escaping her responsibility of taking care of me since i went to college due to her being “broke” yet she can buy all the things in the world and has no real desire to make a way for me and my needs. i depend on my two parents for the needs i can’t take care of on my own. she doesn’t do anything so my dad picks up the slack. meanwhile he’s very inconsistent and definitely has mental issues. he’s sweet to me most times but he’s no better than her and i know it. he’s aggressive and ruthless. he puts up the typical “good boy” narc act. both of them mindfuck me with how manipulative they are. i guess my real question is this generally enough for me to go NC or LC in the future? i truly want to but i feel bad as if im somehow just being judgmental.
submitted by Ashamed-Peak4267 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:45 Exotic_Football_2251 I’m so F****** lost.

I don’t even know where to begin. 26F. I have had a lot go on in my life (not to short anyone else, because life is screwed). I’m just going to tell my story because I don’t know what else to do. As I’m telling this story please keep in mind, I don’t have all of the information and I’ve been kind of surviving up until this point. When I was 3-8 months old my father packed me and the dog up, and left my mother without telling her while she was at work back in 1997(Florida to Pennsylvania). having no idea because I was an infant, going in to toddler my dad loved the crap out of me. I felt safe, and cared for. My dad ended up sending me to a catholic school for 1st- 5th. started growing and realized that I have a difficultly keeping concentrated, was way friendler than everyone. @ 9 years old he had me speak to my mother for the first time and all she said was mean shit about him and I cried and hung up.
I had noticed my dad started to grow aggravated with me, and would say some down right mean shit. Not let me have my own personality, Embarrassed me by writing mean shit about what I did wrong on sticky notes and would tell me to keep in on my shirt all day at school. Back me into corners like he was a big bully if I didn’t do things right/his way. He through a birthday party for me when I was 11 and then was like “look at how nobody showed up” when he was most likely the reason they didn’t. Before sixth grade started, he moved us back down to Florida. So from catholic school to public. I noticed bigger changes in him and it was a complete 180 for me, going from a religious school to a public. It was like there was no longer the happiness in him and he would pick on me and bully me, when I started going to public schools I was bullied as well there. I would come home from school crying and he stated “I’ll give you a reason to cry”. Would be very physically abusive. Would even threaten to send me to my mothers which I was scared of because of the mean shit she said when I was 9. He sent me to another girls mom to learn about “women things”- literally just how to shave my f**** legs. I eventually went to the schools therapist in 6th grade and tried to tell them what was going on without getting my dad in trouble or him hearing about it and doing something worse, that didn’t happen. I guess I blacked out most of my memory’s about things because of the way I needed to cope but I remember writing him letters and begging him to talk to me because he started just not speaking to me at all, would leave me at home while he worked and told me to lock the doors and hide. I eventually tried to disconnect from it all in my head to go with the motions. Eventually before 8th grade started we moved up to Maryland and moved in with my cousins because he had claimed he lost a lot of money in Florida( in recent years he told me the school was trying to get him charged for the things I said back then to the therapist.) we became more distant because he wasn’t very friendly and would hide in the basement. Moved into my god parents house because eventually he had enough issues with my cousins he didn’t want to be “there problem” anymore. We became more distant as he would just hide in there basement as well, I’d go down there just to talk with him and he’d just be this mean person I didn’t know anymore. Still being a very emotionally abusive person. I got arrested 3 months before graduation because I had weed and cigarettes at school.
When I was 18 I moved into my 2nd boyfriend’s house. Not a good idea looking back at it because it was totally a trap house and I had no clue what I was doing there.(drugs) that’s what I was doing. He had no clue & didn’t care to notice. A lot of co-dependence was there because I stayed there for 4 years.
In 2018 (I was 18 at this point) he was going delirious for about 4-5days and would tell me stuff like take my stuff, I’m going to die ect. Wouldn’t let me take him to the hospital, just wanted to die, thank god my god mother was there when he collapsed and had a ambulance come and get him, he went into a diabetic coma it lasted for 1.5 months or so, he came out of it and basically told me he should’ve died and that he wanted to.
That made things worse mentally for me, I did a lot of fucked up things in the 4 years I was with the boy I was doing drugs with, he also was very physically abusing, as so was I at this point. We broke up and I did everything I could not to go back to living with my father who ended up with enough money to buy a place in my name. I ended up living there for a while and nothing good came from it.
A lot of drinking and boyfriends and dumb shit happened and I was completely out of it until I got a DWI in late 2019. Really woke me up. I started wanting better for myself, knowing I could just didn’t know how. I got into YET ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP, and thought it was good for me, two years in we decided we were going to buy a home (23 years old at this point) we bought it and a lot was wrong with the house and clearly the boy I bought it with because he was into a really odd kink, had girls in his phone, and would not introduce me to his female friends. On top of that he did not doing ANYTHING to help me fix the home. A year into owning the home I broke up with him and lost my job. I was depressed for 7-8 months, got another job and about 1.5 years after the break up someone came up to me and asked me on a date. (I still lived with my ex in the house we own). (I was completely honest with him and up front about everything.)
He has shown me grace, kindness, and compassion. He had shown me a whole new perspective in life. He also had gone through a really traumatic past. Starting of the relationship was rough, I was feral and he gets defensive really easy. We have stuck this thing out and I am 7 months in therapy and he just had his first session in years today. I would like to consider this success. I just changed therapist because the one I had been going to wasn’t as good as I would’ve liked them to be. We are now 1.5 years in, and I’m still trying to figure myself out and currently won’t hear from the new therapist until the 21st of may. I’m struggling mentally but not half as bad as I used to. I guess I’m just looking for new perspectives and some positive words at this point. My boyfriend and I are on opposite schedules for the next 2.5 months and I can tell I’m still very co-dependent, in my head I’m hoping his new therapist doesn’t tell him we are not right for each other. I’m so full of stress and trauma it’s crazy. I don’t even know who I am or if I fully feel happy in any situation.
Any kind words would help. Sorry for the all over the place read.
submitted by Exotic_Football_2251 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:43 violetsometimess im afraid that none of my experiences were real

im 18f with undiagnosed bpd and i feel like i was neglected/abused in my childhood but my mom denies ever doing anything to me. most of the "abuse" was verbal, emotional, etc. she would beat me occasionally or throw things at me but i don't think it was ever a daily thing and certainly not as bad as other people have experienced it.
but the thing i'm most upset about is a friendship that ended in november. we were best friends since september 2017, but she easily forgot a lot of good times we had together. she threw me away like i was nothing for a boy she met 2 days before our friendship ended. not to mention it was over an argument about him. it just upsets me that she can forget about memories i cherish so easily and it makes me feel like our friendship was never even all that important to her. was it ever even real or was she just using me?
i just feel like my life was a lie. im so heartbroken and i just want to feel okay.
submitted by violetsometimess to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:31 AgileSissy /

Slutty Sister Has Her Brother Locked For Life (non-con, forced chastity, bondage, punishment)
Part 1
The keyholder nurse gave me instructions and explained everything after it was all over. My family had told me that I was a sex pervert and I was "being dealt with". I knew I was in trouble, but I was a young man, only 18 and I didn't understand what was going on. No one had told me anything after the hearing.
Mom drove me to an odd building, led me to a secure room and left. A young nurse told me to undress. I was totally naked. An older woman in scrubs and a man entered. They strapped my arms and legs down to a cold steel table. The nurse offered the woman a syringe, but she declined and said "No, I want this creep to feel it".
It all started a month ago. I lived with my mom and sister, dad was gone. My sister was 19, with a tight body and medium sized, perky tits. Mom was thick, curvy, with giant tits. Both recently got their naval's pierced with matching studs. Neither had boyfriends, but they were very promiscuous. We lived in a mobile home with thin walls, so I could hear them getting fucked often.
I made some mistakes. First, my sister caught me peeping on her in the shower and told mom. Then, two of her "friends" came over for sex. They took turns on her. She got very loud. After they left, I went in her room. She covered herself, but I saw her pussy and stomach first. There were small puddles of cum around her pantyline, and some more of it leaking out of her. I told her I was still a virgin and asked if I could "go next" on her. She yelled "get out" and told mom when she got home from work.
The third incident was more serious they said. Mom would sometimes drink and pass out. I'd never felt tits before and hers were so enticing. She had some drinks and went to bed. I snuck in. She was asleep, uncovered, wearing a gown. I grabbed her heaving boobs. Then I took one of my hands off her chest and pulled the gown above her waist, exposing her. I slid my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy. She woke up and caught me. She was pissed. The next day my sister told me they had turned me in and there would be a hearing.
So I knew why I was on the metal table, but I didn't know what was next. I couldn't see, there was a drape at my waist. It started with gloves and cold metal on my genitals, then clamping, pinching, pulling, and eventually a sharp puncturing pain near my balls. I begged them to stop, but they did it 2 more times, once on my cock. Finally a metal device was brought out. I could feel it being slid on, clamped down, tightened, then locked. "All done" they said and left. The young nurse stayed behind.
She removed the drape and released the straps. I inspected the "device". My cock and balls had been fed through a steel ring that tightly encircled them at the base. It was secured to a piercing just above my taint and another at the top. My penis was locked in a tight steel "cage" with a hole at the end for pissing. The head had been pierced and a metal bar went through me as extra security. It wasn't going anywhere. The whole thing was super tight.
"What is this?" I asked.
She explained. "It's your chastity device. Your genitals have been locked up. At the hearing, your mother and sister requested that you be put in chastity. The safety council asked them how long they thought would be appropriate and both wanted you locked forever. Since the incidents involved incest, the council agreed. Your penis is locked for life. I'm your keyholder nurse. I will help with adjustments, cleanings, draining your balls, and anything else needed for chastity".
"When do I get to take off?" I said.
She answered, "You're locked forever. So you wont get to take it off. They have to keep you locked so your sister is safe and to punish you for what you did to your mom. You wont be able to have sex or force anyone. Since you can't masturbate, your balls might swell, so you will see me every other month to drain them, do a deep cleaning, and tighten your cage, if necessary.

Part 2

The room was cold. My keyholder nurse was a cute twenty-something. A name tag with "Beverly" was pinned above her perky boobs. Her scrub top was tight around her chest. I could see the shape of her breasts and her hard nipples pressing againt the fabric. I stared and my cage got tighter. She noticed and grinned slightly.
I got back to business, "Can I appeal or get parole or something? What happens next?"
She answered, "Sorry, no appeals for chastity. There is parole, but not for incest cases. What you did is considered extremely disgusting, so they deemed you a "most extreme pervert". Incest offenders get more severe penalties and no parole. I'm not supposed to be judgemental, but you're my first incest case and it sounded really awful at your hearing. It's hard to believe creeps as bad as you even exist, who rubs their own mom's pussy? This case is really bad, so I'm gonna go harder on you than my other guys. I hope it was worth it. So here's what's next...your mother and sister are entitled to a final inspection of your genitals, then you'll go directly to prison to be processed and locked up in the chastity unit."
I was confused and responded with frustration, "I can't believe this is happening to me. I just got too horny seeing the girls dressed like sluts and listening to them getting fucked all the time. After seeing my sisters cum-filled pussy, I lost control and slipped up. If she just gave me sloppy seconds, I wouldn't have done all that to mom....What do you mean prison?!?!"
She responded, bursting with excitement, "Dont worry, you'll learn your lesson! OH! I see they didn't tell you about prison yet, since you were a rush case. Chastity is just an add-on to your prison sentence as an extra penalty and to keep everyone safe. Let me look at your file to see how much time you'll serve."
Looking at her tablet, she smiled big and replied, "I've never gotten to do this before! Most guys hear about their sentence before they get to me...Ok, so they actually got you taken care of pretty good here. It got split up into multiple counts, so fortunately, they were able to put you away for a long time."
She continued, "Your sister had you convicted on two charges, one for the shower incident and one for the bedroom incident. You got two more for mom, one for groping her tits and another for going between her legs. I'll read them off...
Count 1, Incestual peeping, sentence: 1 year special confinement
Count 2, Incestual peeping with propositioning, sentence: 1.5 years special confinement
Count 3, 2nd Degree Incestual Sexual Battery, 2 years special confinement
Ok and here's the big one! For touching mom's pussy...
Count 4, 1st Dregee Incestual Sexual Battery, 4.5 years RIGOROUS confinement in the SCU-I, (Special Chastity Unit, Incest wing), with intensive perversion correction."
So you'll do nine years total, with the first four-and-a-half in the incest wing."
I was completely shocked, "Nine years!? Are you serious? What's special confinement? Am I going to regular prison or what?
Beverely explained, "Special confinement means you'll be put in the chastity unit. It's a separate level for inmates that have their genitals locked, like rapists and other perverts. It's a little different. The cells are super small, you don't get any privileges like TV, and you stay locked in your cell for 23 hours a day. But don't worry. Most of my guys are in the chastity unit. They all want out really bad, but they're fine. Some eventually leave for regular population if their sentence allows, but you'll actually just be finishing up in the main chasity unit after you're done with rigororous confinement for the first four-and-a-half. You'll start off in the incest wing".
"What is all that? I asked
Beverly explained further, "It's a big deal. That's why I got so excited when I read your sentence on count 4. It wasn't just the amount of time you got, but what'll be happening to you that makes it a heavy one. I've heard it's very extreme. Since you're my first incest case, I'm not as familiar with it, but I've heard you're basically caged up 24/7 and pretty much treated like an animal. I'm not sure if you even get a toilet or a bed. You only leave your cage once every two weeks for perversion correction, which I might get to assist with, and you'll get another device I've heard about, called the "silver bullet". I think it's an anal device? You'll learn more about that when you get there. Oh! Looks like it's time to get you ready for inspection."
The door opened as she left and two female guards entered. One had a tazer. They led me to another table. This one had wheels. I sat on the edge. One grabbed my ankles and another tried to push me on my back. I resisted, trying to spin off the table. I was immediately tazed, then sedated, imobilizing me. "This will be easier for if you just comply" she said. I was on my back again. My ankles were lifted toward my head, folding my legs over me. Thick zip ties were placed around my ankles and calfs. My hands and forearms were looped through both, then "zzzzzzzztttt", it was all cinched down tight, securing my arms to my legs. A bar was secured between my knees, keeping me exposed. Beverly came back in. One of the guards said "He's all yours hon" as they left.
"Let's get you cleaned up" Beverly said. "Your mom and sister are on their way and they're excited to see your private parts all locked up for good.
She put gloves on, then approached the table, placing one hand over my nose. I opened my mouth and she shoved a gag in and secured it around my head. "This is just a temporary gag. Your sister didn't want you talking during inspection. I believe you'll get more securely gagged and muzzled when you get to processing. I've heard the guys don't get solid food in the incest wing, you get fed a liquid diet, like that soylent stuff, that you'll take through a drinking tube in your gag. It's really amazing how good they have you incest perverts locked up over there. I can't wait to see you like that.
She started the cleaning by soaping and lathering around my crotch, exposed parts were shaved. She walked away, coming back with a tube and a bag full of fluid that she hung from a pole. The label read "Enema". Beverly explained, "Gotta clean you inside and out. First I'll get you lubed up". She grabbed a metal syring, inserted the tip in my ass, and injected me with lube. At the end of enema tube, there was a detachable nozzle with two inflatable bulbs. One was forced in my ass and both were inflated, locking it in place. I could see the tube going from the bag to inside me. I felt like I was being treated like an animal already. She turned a valve, the fluid began flowing and filled me up. She set a timer for 35 minutes, and sat on her stool, reading cosmo. After an agonizing wait, she removed the nozzle plug, allowing me to release. Finally, thank goodness. I was soaped up again and rinsed. She cleaned up the enema nozzle plug, added more lube, and shoved it back1 inside me. "Putting this back in so we dont have any potential leaks" she said, as she inflated it. She disconnected the outside end of the inflatable nozzle where it attached to the longer enema tube, clamped it off, and let go of it. I felt it bounce around as it settled. "You're all set" she exclaimed.
I was wheeled on the cart-like table through a long, busy hallway to a different room for inspection. I could feel the protruding nozzle plug in my ass flop around as the cart moved. The other employees stared as I went by, a few smiled with satisfaction. How humiliating I thought. I heard murmuring. "Bitchtied pervert getting what he deserves!" one girl said angrily.
Finally in the inspection room, I waited. The door opened, Beverly entered with two blondes behind her, my mom and my sister. The two gorgeous sluts were dressed similar. My mom was wearing tight, denim, high waisted shorts that displayed her ass and curvy hips, they were pulled-up high in a way that you could see the denim tight against her twat. My sister came dressed in super short spandex yoga shorts, tight ones that lifted her already firm butt into perfection. Both wore crop tops with their stomachs and matching naval piercings exposed. Images of my sister's sloppy pussy flashed in my head, my cock and balls both swelled. I stared at their bodies and let out a loud, desperate moan as my cage grew excruciatingly tight.
Part 3 to follow...
submitted by AgileSissy to u/AgileSissy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:26 pheakelmatters Cliffsnotes for the Pascal interview

Full interview:
  1. Seth confirms the PI's exit was due to Tony's involvement.
  2. Seth said he likes Tony because Tony does whatever he tells him
  3. Seth says the PI's didn't share all information with him and weren't checking up on leads. Seth says it's his operation, not theirs.
  4. Tony and Seth say the Proudfoot's aren't working with them, and Tony's job was to get them on board with Seth.
  5. Seth said the leaked phone call of Chris Proudfoot interfered with getting the Proudfoot's on board. Tony rebukes Chris Proudfoot for calling into Cluemaniti with fake voices. (note: there's still no proof this was actually CP. If anyone can link clear evidence of this please do so)
  6. Tony claims Chris Proudfoot agreed not to do social media but did it anyway, said "he's not a good guy".
  7. Tony said he was Seth's agent for the latest Nancy Grace appearance in regards to the polygraph he took.
  8. Tony said he had an agreement with Nancy Grace's producers that the interview would not paint the Proudfoot's in a bad light. He said when the polygraph administrator said Seth told him he believes Katie accidentally OD'd Sebastian he advised Seth to hang up immediately, which Seth complied with.
  9. Seth confirmed this account from Tony. Seth said the polygraph administrator ask for his top three theories on what might have happened to Sebastian. Seth said he said the OD theory and an additional two more, but the polygraph administrator only focused on that one.
  10. Tony said he spoke with Nancy Grace's team afterwards and that's why this part was edited out later on.
  11. When asked if Seth actually believes the OD theory he evaded the question.
  12. Seth rebukes people for worrying too much about Chris Proudfoot's ex-wife and other drama.
  13. Seth talks about his physical search during the first couple of weeks. Goes on to rebuke people "running their mouth". He's venting quite a bit. (IMO he deserves a break here)
  14. Seth shut down the GoFundMe because of "grief" about it. Said he used the funds for flyers and other things like that. (Fair. I admit to thinking it was more nefarious than what it likely was)
  15. Seth is being quite genuine during this venting. (I'd hug him, no lie)
  16. Tony rebukes Pascal's chat.
  17. Tony talks about how awesome he is, and what a saint he is for helping Seth.
  18. Seth rebukes soical media vultures. (Even though he's on social media vulture Pascal).
  19. Tony once again talks about how awesome he is.
  20. Seth praises Tony for doing whatever he tells him
  21. Tony rebukes social media vultures, on social media vulture Pascal. Tony says it's okay to make money off of Seth's missing child, and rebukes them, and then says it's okay again. Then rebukes them again.
  22. Seth says he has no social media and listens to Tony to stay off of YouTube... While he's on YouTube. Seth rebukes someone for commenting on his weight.
  23. Seth praises his volunteer searchers for putting their health and safety on the line.... Rebukes people that say bad things about him online.
  24. Seth thanks the parents of the North Carolina boy that was thought to be Sebastian for giving him a few brief days of hope.
  25. Seth has not seen all the footage the police have. Seth says there is dashcam footage the police have. Evaded all followup questions.
  26. Tony says he has no idea about dashcam footage
  27. Tony says neither of them have talked to Seth's mom about her Facebook posts, but they don't blame her. Tony says she is just venting.
  28. Tony talks about how awesome he is for not blaming Calib's grandmother either. (Another case he worked on)
  29. Seth apologizes for cutting Tony off, stands up for his mom. Says she's feeling very helpless, and he is too. Rebukes people for sending stuff to his both him and his mom.
  30. Seth says he obtained Sebastian's CPS file. Says he won't share it, says his attorney told him not to.
  31. Sumner county has this file. Seth says TBI didn't have it. Seth clarified he has a redacted copy. Says Tony hasn't seen it.
  32. Tony speaks with authority on it even though Seth said he hadn't seen it.
  33. Seth rebukes Pascal for prying the issue.
  34. Something something Church. Seth challenged Pascal to come to the next vigil, Pascal agrees. Let's hold him to that. It's on the 19th!
  35. Seth says if Sumner Sheriff and TBI won't clear him than they (meaning the Proudfoot's) aren't cleared either. (This is an interesting statement!)
  36. Pascal than spends the rest of the interview making money from reading superchats priced $5-$50. He made good bank.
My thoughts, it's good seeing Seth sober and ready for these interviews. He's definitely trying to be more cordial. Even though I'm crapping on Pascal, and he deserves to be crapped on, he advocated for for a united front from Seth, Chris and Katie. He did however cowtow to the idea that Seth should just get to see all the evidence the police have collected. He's smart enough to understand why that can't happen. Tony definitely has Seth's ear, and he probably helped him out a great deal during the Nancy Grace incident... But I still don't think he's doing it for altruistic reasons. I meant it when I said we should hold Pascal to his commitment to come to the vigil. He made more money in an hour and half than I made in the 8 hours I worked today.
My last thought... An hour and 41 minutes. That's how long that live stream was and the majority of it was Seth and Tony addressing drama that Seth and Tony and basically everyone that wasn't the Proudfoot's created (with the possible exception for Chris calling in to Cluemaniti). At no point did the stream put up a picture of Sebastian. At no point did anyone say or show the number for the tip line. At no point did Seth mention what areas his volunteer searches have covered. At no point did Seth outline areas that still need to be searched. At no point did Seth give insight to Sebastian's personality that could help indentify him. If this was the very first thing I'd had seen about this case I'd know all about Seth and Tony and how they feel about things.. but Sebastian would be pretty much a mystery.
submitted by pheakelmatters to SebastianRogers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:12 GoodFit832 help im a semi slut that *might* be in love w a man whore

so basically I, (F19) have a history of men, its not something im proud of, i just tend to make shitty decisions when im under the influence of many things like alcohol or horniness. while im not saint, when i want to lock in, i do. i was in a year long relationship with a man and it went great but bec of some issues we broke up, no cheating involved.
recently, I have been going out a lot and meeting a lot of people including men. I met a guy who happens to own and host parties/clubs. I knew what I was getting into at first, but I wasn't thinking much of it i was just h0rby. After the first time we hooked up, I told myself never again because after we finished i saw his sheets were stained of cum not mine. I ghosted him for a bit, but then my demon came out again. And I saw him today. we had a lot of sex and cuddled naked and were sleeping on and off. While we were laying in bed together, I asked him what he wants to do with his life. And if he plans on And if he plans on just fucking bitches. his answers pleased me and he seemed shocked that a girl he was just hooking up w actually cared.
The thing about me is im a lover girl deep down. i just have some under lying issues that im working on. but i yearn for human connection.
shortly after our conversation, he asked if he could put a baby in me...point is our entire hang out was full of remarks saying that he wanted me to stop being a thot. We went and got food, and I ate with him and his little sisters together. he asked me what i was doing tmr and we made plans, there was a point where he said that his friends might go to our plans and I was like whyyy and he said you have to get along with my boys. It wasn't until minutes later I realize what he had said and I was like "wait why do I have to get along with your boys".. he smirked and i was like you want meeee and he said i want uu to stfu. we get to my house and he grabs my hand and kisses it and weve been texting since i got home. i told him i don't wanna fuck tmr and i said do u still wanna see me? he replied yes, then i went for a long shot and said we could go on a date. he seemed hesitant, but he agreed. then i texted him to figure it out im going to sleep gn. he said to spell it out and that ill see him tmr.
a couple questions: am i being delusional or does he want me for more than sex? if yes, what do i do? I feel like it would be hypocritical to say I can't cuff him because of his past. HELP
submitted by GoodFit832 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:11 TechnicalLaw4640 Am I being dumb/naive? help!

A little backstory for understanding. I (F18) have always always wanted to go to college in California, my brother (M 20)is in the military in Camp Pendleton and me and him planed on getting an apartment together when his contract is up as he wishes to stay in california, we are very close. This plan did not end up happening as I got into a good school in Chicago and I was pretty much forced by my mom to go.
I am completely miserable there, I lived in a single dorm and made no friends my first year. I went from work to school to home. I wasn’t out partying or anything and yet still managed finished with a 1.9 gpa. All while paying 70K a year. My family is very poor so I had no financial help and had to take out loans for a school I don’t want to go to. I think I’m about to be expelled for poor academic progress and to to be honest I couldn’t be happier about it I hate it there so much. Despite this, I like school and I know college is for me.
I met my boyfriend of a year and some change through my brother, he is also military. We have been long distance for a while and it’s been difficult and I really miss him. He has suggested/ begged that I do my original plan of going to school in California and I am considering it. I applied to the San Diego City College for much cheaper than my school now and I have enough money saved for an apartment. I work at a Starbucks now and they said they could transfer me to a store out there. I really feel I would be happier living out there with my brother and boyfriend.
My question is am I being naive and ridiculous for wanting to do this and be with my boyfriend? And am I being selfish for leaving my mother alone? I brought the idea up once to her and she vehemently denied the idea and shamed me for being dumb and boy crazy, is she correct?
submitted by TechnicalLaw4640 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:02 pifeknrty I think I might be trans

Just warning y'all, this is gonna be really long... I'm trying to give as much context as I can for better understanding. And another warning, I mention some things about weight and feeling insecure about it. Not anything too bad, but just so you know. Anyways. I'm AFAB, and I've used the label genderfluid since 2019, but now as I'm getting older and allowing myself to explore my gender identity without feeling ashamed, I don't know if I'm really genderfluid, or transgender, or what. I just would like to know what label this sounds like to y'all? And I KNOW I don't Have to use a label, I just want to know or get some other peoples thoughts on it, because I'm really confused and don't know what is really going on with me. So basically, I've been identifying as a woman for a long time, since it's my assigned gender at birth. But in 2019, I really just learned about LGBTQ and all of the labels and meanings, and I found that Genderfluid fit me best. That some days I felt like a boy, some days I felt like a girl, some days I felt like neither, or both, whatever. But I think I kinda forgot about it, and I just identified as a woman again. And then in 2020, I thought I might be trans, as I wanted to be everything male. I wanted to dress that way, look that way, have a different name and haircut and pronouns and all of that. And I was ALOT happier that way, and I felt more comfortable, but also not at the same time because of my chest. I've wanted a binder for a VERY long time, and I didn't have one till just THIS year, and so whenever I dressed how I wanted to in 2020, I just looked like a guy with a big bust and it repulsed me, so I really just tried to be male online with my friends mostly? Since I didn't look like one in real life, I felt like I was embarrassing myself, y'know? :( And in 2021, I just went by agender, because I didn't feel like being anything. But also that year, I was really depressed, so I think maybe I just didn't wanna have to stress about my gender too. Anyways, in 2023 I went into a relationship with somebody, and I was identifying as a woman at that point, so I kinda subconsciously hyperfeminized myself so I could be their "perfect" girlfriend, even though they didn't want me to do that. I kinda tried way too hard that year 💀 We broke up in November that year, and after that, I've been exploring my gender again. I realized there wasn't really a need to be so feminine, and I started to like Harry Potter for the first time! My favorite character was Ron Weasley, and I started to really like his character, and the actor himself. I really admired the way he dressed when he was younger, and at that point, I decided that I should start dressing the way I REALLY want to. So I got the money for new clothes, AND A BINDER! And I finally got to dress the way I've wanted for so long, and I was so happy. It was the happiest and best I've ever felt and looked in so long. I felt just like a boy. But, I also felt dysphoric for the first time in a while, because I had my long dark brown hair still. I didn't feel like I really looked like a boy enough because of it. And I debated cutting my hair, but I thought I was just really liking that Rupert Grint guy too much, and I only was acting that way because of him. Sometimes I really like a character or celebrity and I kind of accidentally subconsciously take on some things that they do, and the way they dress. But I eventually completely stopped liking Harry Potter, and I still wanted that haircut, so I did it. And I really tried to give myself a gender neutral/androgynous haircut, so if I felt like a girl again, I wouldn't regret the haircut. I had that haircut, and I dressed the way I wanted to, and I felt incredible. It's the most confident I've ever felt in my life, but then my hair started to grow out, and I looked more girly again, and I couldn't take it. So I had another haircut, this time inspired by Chino Moreno, the lead singer of my favorite band ever, Deftones. I got hairgel, and now I go out with my spiked hair, baggy jeans with boxers showing, baggy band shirt, my sneakers, and a ton of bracelets and cuffs. This is JUST how I have ALWAYS wanted to dress. I feel like a boy, and I'm so happy. But now I'm really getting to the point now, that's all of the context I had to say first. I've recently caught myself thinking "I can't wait to get top surgery one day." Which, I am DEFINITELY doing. But then I started thinking... what's next after that? Am I just gonna be me with a flat male looking chest, or am I gonna want to go more into it? (As in taking testosterone.) because I also catch myself dreaming about the day I'm old enough to take it. But does that mean I'm trans then? Because, I do like the idea of looking like a woman... But I also don't at all at the same time. I only like the idea od looking like a girl, I guess. Like a young girl. (Because I grew up as a little young girl who wore dresses and bows and did sweet things, I just feel most comfortable being a girl that way, related to my childhood. I don't like the idea of being a girl grown up getting a job, a relationship, a LIFE, ETC.) It's really confusing. And, my mom got nervous when I brought up top surgery though (and she 100% supports me though) because she was worried I would regret it when I do feel like a woman again. And I think that even if I do feel like a woman again one day, I can just be a woman with a flat chest ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. But also, for the first time maybe ever in my life, I've started to get insecure over my weight. I think that when I was identifying/presenting myself as a woman, I just accepted that I was a bit big, because I was curvy and women are curvy sometimes and that was it. I've always been a little insecure over it, but I've also always been very scared to lose weight, because I'm scared that it'll go out of control and I'd get an eating disorder or something. Which is probably just a really weird thought, but I worry about alot of weird things. Anyways, I think the reason it's really bothering me now is because I want to look like a man. Not a big curvy woman with boobs and hips and love handles and a butt, I want to be a fully flat man. I'm flat in the chest at least with my binder, but I feel disgusted whenever I have to see my hips or behind though. Not necessarily because they're big, but because I'm supposed to be a man. It makes me feel so dysphoric. I just don't understand what is going on with me. Am I just a heavily confused genderfluid person? Am I really just a girl?? Am I transgender, and I only liked being a girl when I was younger, but not as an adult??? Is that even a thing????? I just need advice, or opinions, or somebody to help out and tell me what labels this could be, or what is wrong with me, or something. Please. Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry for the very very long post.
TL;DR. I don't know if I am a transgender male, or just a really confused genderfluid person.
submitted by pifeknrty to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:50 sogay4u My parents are just too much

So yesterday board exams came out . I didn't know because my father took my phone with him(I don't know why) and I woke up late. My bestie called me and told me that results are out so I checked my result on my mom's phone. I got 87% and got scolded by her which I deserved. I called my dad from my mom's phone and told him the result and he was happy and it and congratulated me. At about 2 when he came back he assured me that I scored good. Then I got a call from by bestie on my mom's phone ( my phone was in my dad's office switched off) that all the students have came to school with sweets and meeting teachers, and asked me we should go too. I asked my dad if I can go he totally denied saying kya karna hai jaake, tumhari dost ke 75% aaye hai vo kyu itna kar rhi hai jaane ke liye. I didn't say anything as I don't expect than to let me go ANYWHERE. Me and my bestie have been making a plan to hangout to a mall, play on trampoline there, eat something and come back and our one more female friend would go with us . I asked him in evening about this and he totally denied. Ulta daantne lag gye. Maine kaha aap hi chor dena aap le lena bas hum teen ladkiyan hai. He shouted on me and kehte abhi toh Agra hoke aaye hai(Mera Mann bhi nhi tha). Before you say itna toh sabke karte hai , they have NEVER allowed me to hangout anywhere even with only girls boys ka toh sawaal hi nhi hai . Main almost ab college main hu muje laga ab toh kahi jaane denge. Par nahi school bhi nhi jaane de rhe teachers ko mithai Dene ke liye ki tumari dost ke 75% aaye hai usko kyu itni Khushi ho rhi hai. I have always seen my friends hanging out with eachother but I have never spent any time with my friends other than school . Aakhri baar main apni bestie last board ke exam main mili thi. 10th Main kehte the 12th main jaane denge . Ab 12th bhi ho gye, result bhi ho gye admission bhi ho gya fir bhi nhi . Mera kabhi boyfriend nhi Raha hai na koi hai aur na hi maine kabhi koi aisi har harkat ki hai ki unko Shak bhi ho. Ek 11th main tuition thi school ke paas Jana pe main padti bhi thi aur friends bhi the par ek baar paas ke ek book shop pe apni friend ke saath gayi thi toh unhone woh bhi churwadi aur colony main koi tuition lagwa di . They don't even let me go to to a shop with my friend. Meri ek friend apni friends ke saath Amritsar gyi hai aur baaki bhi saare bacche kahi na kahi gye hai par sirf main hi hu jo kahi nhi Jaa sakti. I cried a lot last night ki kya reason hai ki Ghar se nahi nikalne dete aur kyu nhi nikalne dete and I got my eyes swollen this morning. I don't know mere hi parents aise kyu hai . Kyu mujhpe itna Shak karte hai and more thing that I forgot to tell that I'm almost in college and I still have to submit my phone at night to my parents.
submitted by sogay4u to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:22 httplant Are my cats gonna hate me after treatment?

I recently got a new kitten and was really excited for her to get to play with her brother because he’s seemed lonely and bored no matter what I do. And my other cat prefers being more of a loner. Well turned out she has ringworm. (Dw i’ve deep cleaned EVERYTHING and plan to continue through treatment) So now she’s stuck in my bathroom and my two adult cats are in the guest room for quarantine and treatment over the next 8 weeks. I was already planning a slow introduction with the new little lady to not upset my more dramatic loner boy too much. My two boys have been my whole world for the last 5 years and have always been super sweet and loving. Is all this time locked away in one room gonna make them hate me? I don’t wanna break our trust!! They haven’t screamed to get out as much as i’ve expected but we are only 4 days in... I still go in fully covered and love one them for a bit a few times a day and they are able to look out a window and birdwatch which they both love. I’m just so scared of them being different once I get the all clear to let them out…I wish I could just tell them what’s happening!! But instead i’m shoving medicine down their throat and slipping out the door :( I’ve been reading stories nonstop of ringworm but not many people update on after or it’s usually a first cat. Has anyone else had to lock their cats away for a long period like this? how did it go after?? I’m just a sad and stressed cat mom right now
submitted by httplant to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 AHCarbon do your customers ever make you worry about society?

Story time.
I’ve been working retail/food service for almost 10 years now and I think tonight really qualifies for “the retail experience of all time”. Important context is that I work as a barista at a big chain store and often run the whole cafe all by myself. My store (the staff) is great, but higher-ups have been neglecting much-needed fixes so there are tons of issues like broken counters resulting in health code violations, drainage issues that leave floors wet and soapy a lot of the time, etc. Work orders keep getting ignored so we do the best we can.
Tonight? Tonight was rough. Just under an hour prior to closing, a young boy, like 13 years old and his mother come up to my register and ask for “espresso with some coconut milk”. I ask them to clarify that they want an espresso shot each with just a splash of coconut milk. They say yes and I make them exactly like I said I would.
I then take advantage of the lack of customers after them to start sweeping the dining area so I can actually get home on time tonight. The moment that I walk over with my broom and get to it, the woman at the table next me to looks at her sons, says “hey let’s go get those cookies” and walks over to the counter that I just walked away from. She asks “are you closed?” and I frustratedly tell her no, but she’ll have to wait.
I sweep for another second before coming back and pushing through the little swing door leading to the back of the cafe counter.. but you know how I mentioned that we have a lot of broken things at my store? Well, the door was apparently cracked in the center and whatever material is layered over it was sharply curved outwards on both sides and pierced right through the pad of my dominant thumb. I’ve literally never seen as much blood on the outside of my own body. I start to panic. I have my headset in my hands and blood is dripping off it as I'm choking out communication with my team about the accident.
Apparently the kid from earlier followed me to the counter because he there he was behind me, drinks in hand, and says “this isn’t what we asked for!” (it literally was btw). I’m mostly adrenaline at this point so it doesn’t even register enough for me to be pissed. Blood is covering the entirety of my hand and is visible on the floor and counter. I show my hand to him, knowing he heard me talking over the radio and emphatically go“can you please WAIT?”.
Mom is now behind him, seeing me as the mess of tears and extremely prominent amounts of blood that I was. And she simply stared at me expectantly as her child gives me a visible look of irritation and asks “ok, but then who will fix our drinks?”
I’m completely floored at this point. Another staff member appears and I literally just went to the back room and cried until another coworker came with a first aid kit. I didn’t know people like this really existed. Maybe I just didn’t want to believe it. But the worst part is that I know this will sit with me until I leave retail/food service, and that I likely can’t even get anything from the company for the injury. I’m writing this in bed just a few hours later and I feel like that interaction still hasn’t fully processed.
submitted by AHCarbon to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:11 No-Childhood-801 The dream I just had (bare with me I wrote this in a hurry, & it’s a long one full of errors)

Todays dream, it starts with “bomb night” a bar deal night me & my friends call it “bomb night” me, L, D, & maybe? (B)?, (& N potentially came)?, Anyways I end up waking up at my “fathers” house a white man, (by that point I’m not sure if I was me anymore (both my parents are black, so am I (lightskin) & I still was in my dream, I might’ve gotten kidnapped from bomb night), that man was a “mad scientist” or something of the ilk, that was my first thought at least, well maybe not mad but definitely pursuing perfection of some sort (maybe humanity), or again something of the ilk bare with me heh. I believe he did something to me & the others there, there was dark skin girl (with the face of one of my high school crushes, I met her somewhere in between my first - third blackout I think) she even had the same name of the same old HS crush of mine who she looked like, (Jasmine), there was another lightskin kid who was taller than me (unsure of his name) & my… my son (I don’t have any kids in real life), idk his name or his mother but for some reason I knew he was mine, don’t remember making him but… he had some of my features, apparently he was conceived with an unknown mother during one of my blackouts, he never called jasmine mom, she was the only girl that I saw around my own age there & for some reason I accepted the fact that she was his mother unsure why, I just felt it was her, (in this dream he goes from around 3 years old when I first meet him to probably 7 - 10 years old by the end), not sure how long I was there for, because I don’t remember arriving there, I blacked out during “bomb night” & when I woke up, I just was there, I’m not sure how much time had passed, these weren’t normal in dream blackouts where you wake up after either, (it’s like I was repeatedly getting knocked out) when I awoke from my second blackout (unsure if it was the 2nd or like the fiftieth) that’s when I found I had a son (he was a normal boy when I first met him,) & when I woke up from my 3rd blackout that’s when he had been turned into a superhuman, yes he had powers, super strength & speed I believe, (by that point me & jasmine had our own room gifted to us & we lived together (we may have been bf & gf or husband & wife) “father” did that for some reason… Now that I think about it I might’ve have already been turned into one as well (a superhuman) by that time, or even an android of some kind, the details are… weird & I’m a little foggy on all of it, (I JUST had this dream) we lived in some super mansion but it was also the work place for “fathers” company, I’m not sure what the company did but they had a LOT of construction vehicles, whatever he did to me fundamentally changed my critical thinking as well, (& not in a bad way), but for some reason I had the urge to escape, (when I woke up… nvm we’ll get there later), at one point I asked him to make me a superhuman like he did my “son” ((who referred to him as grandpa & me father), (still unsure of when he was birthed or even made) Jasmine may have been his mother, but he was too lightskin in my opinion to be her son or maybe he was brownskin (still foggy on the dream memories) & she was darkskin so idk, Im still unsure how he was even mine unless “father” created him solely from my blood, or made him using me & jasmine while I was unconscious, which is why it’s starting to seem more & more like he really let me go, whatever he needed/wanted from me… he must’ve gotten, anyways I asked him to make me superhuman & he denied me, but the tall lightskin kid & my son were both superhumans, one day as me & the tall… let’s call him Jay, as me & Jay where plotting our escape one day, he (Jay) flicked his finger & some power bar type thing appeared on my wrist not sure what it did but it stayed on my hand without disappearing even after I managed to “escape”, (let me not forget before I left a white woman was there as well & by instinct I knew to call her mother, (she even sounded like my own, & told me to eat all my chicken in the microwave right before I escaped (she didn’t know I was escaping I think…, they might’ve actually all known jasmine included, we said we loved each other before I left (me & jasmine) but the way she said it was… off she 100% didn’t mean it) eventually me & Jay (tall lightskin kid) decided to escape, sadly I took too long gathering my things, (or that’s what he told me when I arrived outside of the mansion which now thinking about it… was odd, (I think everyone in the mansion was in on it, & I was programmed to escape or something, to accomplish a wish or something of “fathers” but idk what) so he (Jay) was unable too in his words, & by that point for some reason I had this urging feeling that I needed to go that day, I NEEDED to escape, so I hopped in the nearest forklift when we got oustide, Jay tried to go back into the mansion but the doors where locked, which “mother had told me would happen right before I left the inside after I said goodbye to Jasmine, (my son was leading some seemingly rich black bald guy around the super mansion house, when I sortve… ran him over & mightve killed him on my way out, (the rich guy not my son) unsure I just heard him screaming as I ran him over with the small forklift type vehicle, but long story not so short I escaped the maze which was outside the mansion, not gonna lie it was one of those well decorated plant mazes, it looked great, Jay (the tall LS kid) told me that was where he’d fail, & that it was the most difficult part, (which is why I believe they let me go, it was all too easy… way too easy to escape from the man I called “father” who was creating superhumans & pursuing something he did something to me, & idk how long he kept me there, but it was definitely years, (I only saw him (“father”) 2-3 times during the whole ordeal), I only clocked that after I woke up, inside the dream it only felt like a few days (probably due to the insane amount of times I blacked out I have NO idea what was happening when I was unconscious in my dream, the black outs where like real life black outs, your eyes close & it feels like a second passes than you open them & the scenes change, but for some reason I knew I was getting knocked out, this was a 5pm to 10:50 pm nap, 5 hrs & 50 min but this dream…. It was different, even more different than the crazy dreams I write down to remember for the hell of it, I remember feeling ecstasy when I escaped & than I woke up, but after waking up & analysing everything it all seems off… & the dream itself was far, far too realistic, I knew it was a dream, subconsciously I knew, but normally when ik somethings a dream I wake up, before i can start doing crazy stuff cuz ik it’s a dream, but this time I didn’t wake up… OH!!, & I forgot about the barefoot snow part & the part where I actually got to know jasmine, (lol let’s call it the jasmine arc) she was slightly different to my old hs crush jasmine, she was younger than when I met her, oh & ik I was there for a long time maybe years because I only went outside TWICE, & the first time it was covered in snow, & the second time it could’ve been any of the other three seasons sides winter idk, & after the blackouts for some reason I knew I was waking up (months at minimum years at a maximum) “months” later, (again these weren’t normal blackouts), “father” was for sure experimenting on me, (probably how I woke up with a mystery son lol), I wanna see this as just a dream, but a feeling tells me it’s much… much more than that, maybe a warning? A precognition? Or just to inform me that I escaped something in real life. This one just didn’t feel normal at all it was so detailed, when I walked through the snow barefoot to help jasmine do something (during her mini arc) it felt real, I felt the chill of the snow on my bare feet, but it didn’t bother me how it does when I do it in real life just for the fun of it, I was composed & relaxed, even as I was escaping & potentially killed a guy, I was too calm & composed as if everything that happened was just supposed to, If anyone see’s this & can help me make sense of it, it’d be appreciated, ik dreams are supposed to have meaning but what does this mean? Who the hell did I escape from??
submitted by No-Childhood-801 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:09 Peaches_6969 Mamas boy? Good or bad?

I (25F) have been talking to this guy (29M) I matched with on tinder. He lives in my city and we’re going to meet for coffee on Thursday. Today, we were chatting and just narrowing down a time and place, and he tells me about his Mother’s Day yesterday and we share what we both did with our moms. Then goes on to say, and call HIMSELF, a “mamas boy”. He said he told his mom about our upcoming “date” and she always tells him how she wants him to find someone good and gets excited for him. I really, really, REALLY, want this to be a good one. I have already been through the actual mamas boy thing before and do NOT want to do it again. He hasn’t given any signs he’s dependent on his mom, (among all the other things that makes a mamas boy bad) and truthfully I won’t be canceling the date or anything I still want to see and meet this guy. But idk…calling himself a mamas boy leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I joked around and asked whether that was a good thing or not (because I also believe there are good mamas boys and I don’t believe it’s inherently a negative thing!*) but he hasn’t answered lol.
What would you all think if a potential partner referred to themselves as mamas boy or daddy’s girl?!
TIA appreciate it so much :)
submitted by Peaches_6969 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:07 Critical-Audience743 Crackpot Theory Poll: Do you guys think Kieran and Carmine's father is Ghetsis?

I firmly believe the idea that these two are in fact Ghetsis's biological children.
Like it's a really crackpot theory, but when you think it kinda itches your brain in a good way:
  1. Kieran and Carmine's parents are not talked about at all in the game, with the only SMALL SMALL look at their parents is at Carmine's room where we can see what looks to be her mother with her (Carmine) when she was like 2-3. But she isn't in any of the other photos. So there dad is up there in the air.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Kieran and Carmine are thought to be loosely designed around The Snake from the Garden of Eden from the bible. The "Snake eyes" that they do sometimes and their hometown, Mossui Town, being right next to a bunch of apple trees kinda leans into this analogy.
Interestingly, there the fact with Kieran's signature even being literally a dragon-snake like being in an apple leads into that idea... due to the fact the apple is commonly thought to be the fruit that Adam and Eve ate that caused them to do the sin.
This biblical theming goes hand and hand with Ghetsis being based around "The Devil in Music" with his hair having "devil horns" much not unlike Kieran and Carmine's hairbands and (later) Kieran's hair tie that he wears.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Ghetsis and Kieran use a pokemon based off the same thing in Yamata No Orochi being Hydreigon and Hydrapple.
With Hydreigon having 9 "heads" (counting the 6 black wings as heads as gamefreak intended the player to) and Hydrapple having 7 heads (with only 5 of them being shown and the other 2 being in the apple). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Kieran, Ghetsis, and N were all villians at one point (& still are in Ghetsis's case) in Unova's history which would be unironic since King Harmonia (their possible ancestor) was actually supposedly a very peaceful king that seemed to be respected by his subjects.
Neo Team Plasma hated N as their former king, since they believe he was a coward for running away and leaving team plasma out to dry.
Ex-Team Plasma hated Ghetsis as their former boss, since they know that was a sociopath that needs to be stopped so that no one else to has to suffer.
The Blueberry League hated Kieran as their former champion, and only wished he went back to being the sweet and kind boy who used to have fun fighting.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Carmine's Xenophobia can be kinda be explained (BUT NOT JUSTIFIED), with the idea perhaps her grandfather basically told her to be weary of foreigners but didn't tell her why.
Maybe Ghetsis killed the siblings mom (in effort to protect her kids), and it caused their gramps to resort to warping Carmine's view on people in effort to protect her and brother from sharing a similar fate of being harmed by Ghetsis or any of sympathizers.
So when Carmine basically did her, "We don't want you guys ruining what made Kitakami special thing", she was just echoing what her grandpa told her, when in reality, he was talking about their mother...which was taken from him far too early in his life by an outside force.
That is most likely why when Carmine says these things, Yukito (her grandpa) doesn't punish her since he knows he is responsible for her view on life being like that. Kinda making her not as selfish but rather a victim of (perhaps accident) bad parenting by Yukito's fault. This would be a REALLY nice parallel to Ghetsis and N, and how Ghetsis warped N's POV on people and it took meeting the protag to help N see the error of his view point. Like Carmine with the protag of SV...interestingly.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. It's kinda cool that Carmine shares connections with her "half-brother" (hypothetically her relative) in N with their view on humanity/people could have twisted by someone else.
Whereas Ghetsis and Kieran share a lot more similarities in their obsession with power and love of hydra pokemon. And the fact they attempt steal legendary from you, actually succeed.

Seeya in seven days! Vote wisely!

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submitted by Critical-Audience743 to TruePokemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:06 Silent_Conference142 Newborn hates me after c section

I am 21 and my boyfriend is 23. I got pregnant a month after dating and found out we're having a boy. He wanted a boy because he has all nieces and I wanted a girl because I have all nephews. But I am happy with a boy so hopefully if I decide to have another baby and it's a girl, she has a protector. But after this experience, I'm not sure if I want another baby. My hospital will not allow a vaginal delivery after a c section. I was always worried and emotional during pregnancy but very healthy and baby is very healthy. My water broke at 39 weeks and 4 days. I had contractions and got an epidural but had to get pitocin because I wasn't dilating past 4cm. Baby's pulse kept dropping because of pitocin. So I had to have a c section. I was really scared and still depressed about it. Recovery has been really hard. I've never had a surgery and I wanted to deliver vaginally for a faster and easier recovery. My arms were spread out like a starfish. I felt my guts being rearranged but no pain. I was puking. Very tired and scared. It's wasn't an emergency c section so my boyfriend got to be by my side. He was very worried about me. Baby was born and of course I didn't get to see him or have skin to skin right away. Dad got to see him first. I have been struggling with breast feeding. So everything has been really discouraging and hard for me. I've cried so many times because having a c section has really messed with my mental health. I try to do as much as I can with my baby but I'm still recovering so it's hard. I can't do much. Well, baby ALWAYS calms down when dad holds him. Baby smiles at his dad and just stares at him. But when I hold baby, he doesn't smile. He is fine for a little bit, than cries. Dad takes him and he's fine. So not only am I in pain and in recovery, but my baby doesn't like me. I don't know how to cope. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. My boyfriend is always correcting me. Which is with good reason because I'm a little retarded. I know this but it still hurts. My boyfriend calls me retarded and says he's joking but I know it's true. For example, I got a bottle ready and took the nipple out of the paper and he asked why I did that because it was just going to get hair or dust on it. So I had to go wash it. Now, my boyfriend is amazing. So loving, supportive and understanding. He has helped me through all my cries. He has helped me with everything in my recovery. He's an amazing father. He always knows what to do with baby. He guides me on doing things. Pretty much everything. But I'm always doing SOMETHING wrong. Maybe he just likes dad more because dad does more with him than I do. Because I can't do as much as dad can. But I'm just so depressed from all of this. Everything is so discouraging and hard. I don't have negative feelings about my baby. I'm just sad. Dad has me do the things he doesn't wanna do and of course baby doesn't like. Like changing clothes and burping. He's scared of hurting baby doing these things. I burp baby by putting my hand under his chin, rocking and patting. I've had trouble swaddling and caring for circumcision but my partner picked them up right away. He told me they showed us at the hospital and asked if I was even paying attention. And I said of course I was trying to but I have been sleep deprived, depressed, and in pain so it was hard paying attention. It's not like I was trying to ignore these things on purpose. It was just hard staying awake and fighting through pain. I just feel absolutely dumb and hopeless. I feel useless. And I don't know what to do to fix my relationship with my baby. He's everything to me. He's the cutest and sweetest baby ever. He's my baby. But sometimes I wonder if he even knows I'm his mom. Cause he's happy with anyone holding him but when his dad holds him, he's the most happiest in the world. I'm hoping it'll improve once I recover because I'll be staying home with him and doing everything instead of dad doing everything. But I'm just very emotional right now. I'm trying to do everything I can do. But I don't want to overdo it. My partner thinks I overdo it because he says I need to ask for help because I don't always want to. Because I feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm just very lost..... :(
submitted by Silent_Conference142 to Postpartum_Depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 Ambitious-Cow-3263 Is it me? How would you feel?

I (35F) have been married to my husband (37M) for 7 years. and sometimes we’re really happy. But most of the time, at least I, am not. I’ll start by saying things were different when we got married. I had lower self esteem. I was out of abusive relationships and picked a boring but safe man. Not my intention at the time, but in retrospect, I think that’s what I was doing.
Now that I’ve done a lot of healing, inside and out, I’m not sure we still make sense.
He is safe. Never abusive. Does “the little things.” However, I do 90% of the family work. I pay 100% of the bills. He has no desire to get a better job, go to school, etc. His account is only for miscellaneous expenses, because that’s all he can afford. I come home from work, clean, do laundry, run the kids to appointments, all the things. He does do some household things but not a lot, not well, and it’s besides the main point anyway.
The main thing is, I’m lonely. I want to grow. I like having conversations, challenging myself, adventures, learning new things. This man is stagnant. I want to be better, healthier, do more with our family. He could not care less. I enjoy talking about financial planning, investing, healthier routines and activities… He’d rather sit and play video games. We have 3 boys and I’m worried about their future if their rolemodel has no interest in personal growth or health. Will they grow to find a wife that coddles and tends to their every need and ends up as resentful as I am? Who will teach them to be a man? I feel as if I am the man. I don’t want to be! But every day, I run the show.
This leads me to never be attracted to him, simply because I don’t respect him. The more people pleasing he is to everyone, the bigger ick I get. We don’t have sex. He used to blame it on me, but even now when I offer, he says no. Yet, pretty sure he does it himself nearly every day. Idec though. The thought of being vulnerable in order to please this man who can’t stand up for me, push himself, be bothered to become more, makes me sick.
So I ask, if you had a wife who worked her ass off, made bank, bought you a house, car, trips, paid all the bills, was a great mom, took care of all the things, took care of herself, would you step it up for her? Would you try to relieve some of the pressure? Or did I make him this way by being independent and successful? I ask so many times that he do this or do that. Just like picking a career or can we go over finances together, can we have a date night… Let’s start doing this or even can you take this box to the attic? And it’s like another kid I have to keep on. It’s exhausting. It’s heartbreaking. I just want a partner. I want someone to share life with. He’s just cynical and lazy. But I do love him, and I know he loves me. I’m just incredibly lonely and let down.
It’s another night. He says goodnight. I lay here and look at the ceiling and think about all the conversations I wanna have. But it’s not worth watching him pretend to be interested only to feign sleep midway through, and my time getting my hopes up. Again.
submitted by Ambitious-Cow-3263 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:57 redhotbuffalowings A boy’s mom is lost at sea

At least I think it was his mom? It was a YA novel from the early 2000 where a teenage boy goes out to sea with his friend who, if I remember correctly, was in a psychiatric hospital. I think he was going out to sea to overcome his fear, but I don’t remember how it ended.
submitted by redhotbuffalowings to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:57 Own-Variation1281 I wish this was not real but it was

Hello All
I have a story I would like to share with everyone.
My ex fiancé who was 30 at the time and I(31f) but was 26 at the time this took place, we were an inseparable couple. We did everything together Travel, go out places locally, etc. my ex travelled a lot for his job,which is how we ended up travelling together. Anyways this one trip he took I couldn’t go I was sick and I wanted to work on wedding plans. I trusted him completely,he reassured me nothing was going to happen on his work trip. The wedding plans were in place and everything was smooth sailing from when he got back from his two week trip.
Flash forward to our wedding day 7 months later everything was going smoothly,everyone was seated my ex was standing at the front with his groomsmen and my bridesmaids were at the front as well. I walked down,I got to the front, and I noticed a woman I didn’t recognize sitting at the back.when the ceremony started and the preacher asked if anyone objected to this marriage,and the lady I didn’t recognize stood up called out my exes name and announced she was carrying his baby. I don’t remember much as I ended up fainting,but I do remember when I woke up from my faint I was crushed. I saw the look on all my family and friends looking super shocked. I was so embarrassed that I ran out of the ceremony and got one of my friends to drive me to their place.
One of my other friends brought the pregnant woman over to my place so I could hear her side of the story before I confronted my ex. She told me they worked together in Italy (he went there for work purposes for the two weeks) they had connected,went out to dinner and before they knew it one thing lead to another and yea they slept together. She told me she knew it was his baby as she didn’t sleep with anyone else after that.i asked her how far along she was,she was about 6 months pregnant. I was still upset and I asked her if she knew about me and she said she didn’t know about me. She told me,he told her that he just broke up with his girlfriend back home.
When she left I got a hold of that shit for brains ex fiancé of mine. I told him to fess up as his fling confessed everything to me. He caved and told me the truth which matched what the fling had said. I was so devastated I ended up blocking him,moved most of my shit out of the place I now refuse to call our home as it was now tainted for me.
When I came back for the last of the stuff he cried and begged me to take him back but I told him to go pound sand. That was the last time I had spoke to him in person. I found it very unfortunate as his parents were the sweetest people I know and when I talked to his mom a couple weeks after that,she was crushed that her son did that to me and wished I was able to be her daughter in law. She had two boys never had a daughter.
The last time I heard about him was just a few months ago. He did end up marrying the fling he had a baby girl with,but they are now divorced. He tried reaching out to me last months and told him I was not interested in speaking to him and found somebody that actually respects me and has never hurt me.
Sorry for the long story.
submitted by Own-Variation1281 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]