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2024.05.14 01:13 Veronw_DS A Proposed Rewrite of HW3

Hello everyone!
I know this is a rather contentious issue atm in the community, but I am a strong advocate for attempting to make due with what is introduced and to "fix it" within the confines of what is presented within a story.
To put it another way, I wanted to look at HW3 with a critical eye for editing rather than outright ditching whole concepts. So, in spirit of that, I suggested very minimal gameplay changes (introducing a Keeper in place of the Warsage) while keeping to primarily dialogue changes. This means none of the cinematics need to be altered (we'll just handwave a little bit with the lip sync) and instead you can add to the dialogue as needed to convey the information that's required.
Google Doc is 33ish pages, though there are images used as pacing stops (to indicate where things take place):
Key take aways are going to be fairly long, so please bear with me:

So what does this accomplish?

All in all, I hope you enjoyed this rewrite. It is pretty bare bones, but I wanted to show that this story has a LOT of potential to be quite good, and just needs some more meat on it.
Taking all the existing elements, you can see how changing a few things adds tension, builds characters, builds on top of the existing world's lore, and doesn’t introduce retcons. It doesn’t remove the accomplishments of those who came before, and establishes the continuity of all the prior games.
The game’s story can be good. Just needs polishing, editing, and some elements added to it.
Prior to commenting, please give the document a read!
submitted by Veronw_DS to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 ClipperSmith Want to improve your running technique? Get a jump rope.

Here is an article I recently published on my Substack. If you'd rather read (or listen to an audio version) it outside of Reddit, you can do so here.
Why jump rope isn’t already touted as a leading running drill tool is completely beyond me. But then again…
I'm by no means an "experienced runner"—having started running in 2021 at the age of 34. So, at the time of this writing, about 3 years.
Despite this, I managed to silver-medal my age group in my first race ever.
And it was a 10k. And I was wearing barefoot-shoes.
And I had only been running before that race for about 3 months.
How the heck did I manage to pull this off?
The answer eluded me for a while. Then I remembered—ah, I’ve been jumping rope nearly every day for 2 years.
But how do those connect?
But first, why the heck would some guy start jumping rope at age 32?
About 2 years before I started running, I took up jump rope really just as a fun outdoor hobby.
Even though I was pretty inactive and a bit overweight, that’s not the reason I started skippin’.
One day, I came across some footage of boxer Lulu Hawton doing some jump rope training.
In addition to her seemingly effortless rope handling skills and rhythmic footwork, what caught my eye was a giant grin that spread across her face about 45 seconds into the video. While she was probably skipping to warm up for a match or a training session, something was abundantly clear.
She was having a blast.
And this was from a prize fighter! None of the usual boxer mean-mugging—she looked more like a kid on a carousel.
So, after buying a $10 jump rope on Amazon, I took to the driveway in my swim trunks (yes, I was so inactive, I didn’t own gym shorts).
And…whoo, did I suck.
After a few months of making puddles of sweat in my driveway as well as wheezing sounds so loud that I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t whistle EMS, I eventually got pretty decent at it.
And I lost about 45 pounds in 6 months—probably also from making some lifestyle changes merely to make jump rope less of a slog. Not the original plan, but hey, not too shabby.
After about a year, I found myself constructively critiquing other people’s beginner jump rope videos.
But how did that turn into running?
Though jumping rope is inherently enjoyable, 30-minute skipping sessions of staring at the wall without something in your headphones can be a bit drab.
One fateful day, about 2 years into being student of the jump rope, I began listening to the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall.
Even before I got to the end of the book, running—just like jump rope— sounded fun**.**
Yeah, I know that sounds counterintuitive—unless you’ve read the book.
“I knew aerobic exercise was a powerful antidepressant, but I hadn’t realized it could be so profoundly mood stabilizing and — I hate to use the word — meditative. If you don’t have answers to your problems after a four-hour run, you ain’t getting them.”
Ok, ok—I’ll bite.
I proceeded to dive into all of the normal “Couch to 5k” running programs I could find and took my jump rope to a nearby park with a 1k walking path—sprinkling in running between jump rope sessions.
But something wasn’t adding up.
There was a lot of advice about walk-running to build endurance until one could run a block, two blocks, a mile.
Not to brag, but I wasn’t experiencing most beginner snags.
**“Ah, I know why—**I did most of my newbie wind-sucking two years ago!”
This isn’t to say I wasn’t still periodically sucking wind but after two years of consistent boxer skips and double-unders, getting gassed felt like part of the fun and not a medical emergency.
I also felt much springier than the average beginning runner—able to run for miles all over the city in the most minimal of footwear.
And so, I tried my hand at my first race—a donut-themed 10k. And silvered in my age group.
(Ok, there was only two of us…but my time was still respectable. 😂)
Running became an amazingly freeing activity, like getting my driver’s license for my legs.
But I still didn’t understand why running was coming easier to me than the average newcomer.
Digging still deeper, I unearthed another exciting revelation—this time from multi-decade sub-3-hour Boston Marathon runner and one of the foremost running experts on the planet, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella.
“Running with a jump rope is also an amazingly simple drill for posture, balance, and rhythm.”
In other words—form. Overall technique.
Digging a little keeper and experimenting on myself, I discovered just how similar proper running technique and proper jump rope technique were.
Both require:
And so many other commonalities. The list unraveled before me on every run.
And like running, without proper technique, jumping rope just doesn’t work—though the consequences are different.
For a jump roper, due to the lower impact, the risk of injury is quite minimal.
Most newbie rope slingers will report sore calves, slightly tender Achilles tendons, and the odd shin splint if they go full Rocky at it. No need to worry, though—most of these injuries see themselves out as the skipper becomes more experienced.
However, for runners, the injury story is more severe.
The next time you’re at a park with a good path, take a seat on a bench and watch the runners. See if you can spot folks reaching far out in front of them with straightened legs—smashing heels into the pavement.
This style of running results in everything from screaming knees, plantar fasciitis, lower back pain, to hips issues.
But why do all of these occur to new runners, but rarely to new jump ropers?
Most new runners commit a major physiological no-no when they begin their running journey: they treat running like fast, aggressive, airborne walking.
“Well, what is it supposed to be?”
Synchronized jumping.
Simply put, proper running is nothing more than a series of coordinated single leg jumps through space with each landing compressing the springs for the next stride.
To compare this synchronized jumping to the aggressive airborne walking of heel-led running, you can test these in just a few seconds.
Step 1: Stand up.
Step 2: Kick off your shoes.
Step 3: Jump up and down three times.
How did you land?
Probably on your mid-foot, knee bent slightly, with your weight stacked above your pelvis.
And did you use your compressed “leg springs” to launch you into the following two jumps?
Oddly enough, if you were to add a jump rope to this, you would on your way to spinning side swings like Lulu Hawton.
If you were to take this same technique one foot at a time moving forward, you would be running in a way that increases speed, preserves stamina (springs!), and drastically decreases your likelihood of injury.
Let’s try the same test with a few tweaks.
This time, jump, but land on your heels.
Your knees probably remained fairly straight and you felt the impact in your ankles, knees, hips, and possibly even your lower back.
Now, imagine attempting to jump rope this way.
It simply doesn’t work.
Not only would there be no second jump due to the lack of spring but the pain would stop you in your tracks—even in cushioned shoes.
But if jump rope technique and proper running technique are nearly identical, what are aggressive heel landings doing in running?
While a jump roper landing on their heels would resemble Frankenstein’s monster in an express lane to an orthopedist, this is how many people perform the aggressive airborne walk—aka, a heel-striking, over-striding run.
But why do we run this way? Well, our shoes let us get away with it.
Thick heel cushioning and a bit of forward momentum do a great job of masking the pain of repeated blows against every joint up the chain—for a while, anyway. Eventually, the chickens come home to roost in the form of stress fractures, meniscus tears, plantar fasciitis, “runner’s knee,” IT-band syndrome, and more.
Not to brag (and maybe to knock on some wood), I have never experienced any of these injuries in my three years of running.
Is this because I’m some kind of running genius with all of the cheat codes? Haha, I wish! It’s simply sheer luck that I started out with jumping rope before running—an activity that shares the same injury-preventing techniques.
So, are the shoes totally to blame? No.
It is possible to run with proper form in shoes with raised, cushioned heels. But it’s not as easy.
When your heel is totally cushioned, you will be able to run with a heel strike in the same way you can hit your head against a brick wall while wearing a football helmet. And in both instances, it will eventually become less about the forces outside of the foam and more about the forces inside the cushion against each other that do the most damage.
“So, how can getting a jump rope help me become a better runner?”
Jump rope is a tremendous training tool for runners for the same reason why running barefoot can also be helpful—the feedback is immediate.
Though running with inefficient and injurious form is possible, the feedback from doing so isn’t so immediate. When it comes to jumping rope, however, you won’t get through too many skips if you don’t learn to utilize the springs in your legs. The rope doesn’t pull punches.
So, get a rope and get started.
If you’re new to jump rope, I would recommend acquiring two pieces of equipment.
Firstly, find a jump rope with a little bit, but not too much, weight to it. The weight will help you feel the position of the rope during it’s entire rotation and remain in better sync with your wrist spins
My favorite rope for this purpose is a 7mm PVC model called the Hererope, which costs a whopping $15. If you find this to be too thick or heavy, a cheap 5mm PVC model will work as well.
Secondly, to protect your rope and provide a nice jumping surface, I would recommend a large foam-rubber exercise mat. My favorite is a massive 78” mat for $32—which is probably the cheapest jump rope mat you will find.
When it comes to footwear, barefoot is ideal. This will help strengthen and mobilize your feet—including your likely overly-supported neglected arches.
And just how does one begin to jump rope?
Start with short seasons hopping with both feet—maybe 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest. Aim for minimal muscular activation, instead, using the recoil of your tendons and ligaments for suspension and launch as much as possible.
From jumping with both feet, move onto learning an alternating leg bounce—essentially a jog skip. Right, left, right, left—all while keeping an imaginary belt level with the horizon.
By now, you’re essentially running in place with an extremely efficient technique.
Now, apply your jump rope skills to your running!
This is going to seem quite bizarre, but it is possible (and even beneficial) to take your jump rope for a run.
And there you have it!
You may find it quite helpful to return to this drill once or twice a week. Also if you find your form slipping a bit or becoming slugging mid-run, feel free to skip imaginary rope to try to correct your technique mid-stride. It will restore lightness and springiness to your running.
I still find myself bringing my wrists to my pockets and spinning imaginary jump rope handles if I feel my technique is collapsing a bit or if my running is becoming less springy.
And remember, most importantly—have fun. 👍
Enjoy this piece? Subscribe to my Substack blog!
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submitted by ClipperSmith to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:54 corrosion_gg CORROSION.GG Rust Servers Modded & Vanilla

We are a brand new Rust community and are looking for players to join us each Monday & Thursday @ 2pm EST for wipe. Our servers are hosted on dedicated hardware offering a lag-free environment with DDoS protection. View our website for more information and join us on Discord it is "@mention" only no spam!
Vote for the next map with custom generation in-game with "/vote" or in the Discord text channel "#map-votes" Our maps have combined outpost/bandit, recyclers + airwolf vendor @ fishing village.
2x servers have a carefully modified loot table removing junk items and making gameplay a bit faster. With the vanilla servers being 100% pure if that's not your style.

Website Discord


[US] Main - NO LIMIT
[US] Solo/Duo/Trio


[US] 2X Main - NO LIMIT
[US] 2X Solo/Duo/Trio
Connect to the servers with the in-game F1 console. Copy an IP address for the server you want to play and paste it in the F1 console. Don't forget to favorite it in the "History" tab in Rust.
submitted by corrosion_gg to playrustservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:50 vaporwyrd Oxio Referral Code (Canada) 🌳🌻R2I8JGH🌻🌳

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submitted by vaporwyrd to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 JamShore [Hobby] Looking for people to help me make my dream game. (Luigi's Mansion style game with cats)

Hi!!! My name is Matthew Lambe. I'm a 3d artist who has worked on countless projects in game development (mostly small game jam team) My main specialty is 3d modelling and level design, but I really struggle with the coding aspect of game development. Currently I am still in school (last year) and I do game development as a hobby. If you would like to help with development of this dream game of mine, please comment and I will try to reply. I am looking for everyone; coders, modelers, music... etc.
Currently I have a small group of friends who have been helping me, but we are still struggling to push ahead. Our team currently consists of: Me (3d artist), Robozombii (A very talented artist and friend), and my other two friends(moral support), and a music artist(another friend).
At the moment the game is in the very early stages of development and is still missing very basic gameplay elements. as for funds and payment, obviously, as a solo dev, I have none. However, when the game is released, I am happy to share earnings as I am really only doing this as a passion and care very little about the monetary gain. As I said, I am looking for anyone and everyone, no matter their skill, experience, age or gender. So please respond if you are interested, and don't feel scared to contact me.
All the best, Matthew...
if you would wish to contact me privately please feel free to DM me. :3
socials: Instagram <- has some posts about my work Twitter <- not as much as my Insta but still stuff
submitted by JamShore to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:41 gio_zarko I’ll build and launch a beautiful landing page for you or your client - No upfront costs.

Yeah you read the title might sound like BS but that’s the offer.
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Like I mentioned, no upfront costs with a free forever option plus the option to upgrade for premium features like unlimited sub-pages, unlimited blog posts, custom domain, etc
Please don’t DM me unless you're sure you need a webpage
submitted by gio_zarko to SocialMediaManagers [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 00:11 krusty-krab-pizza1 iPhone Configuration Guide w/ Checklist

A month or so ago I busted my phone, and it was a huge pain in the ass. Aside from some lost data which was minor, the biggest PIA was resetting MFA, getting in touch with my US banks, and any other services that were tied to my phone. The experience also made me take a step back and realize I am pretty lax with security, and if someone had gotten hold of my phone and somehow god-forbid gotten the passcode, then I'd be fucked. They could do so much damage with unlimited access to my email + MFA SMS, even in just a few hours.
As a result, I kind of went down the ADHD rabbit hole hyper-fixating on how best to "optimize" my iPhone and iCloud configuration for two things:
  1. If it breaks, the transition to a new device will be relatively painless. I won't have to spend several days stressing and trying to find the right international customer support number for a myriad of institutions and services to get into my accounts.
  2. If it gets stolen and compromised, then there will be enough barriers such that the I'll have enough time to lock down the device and/or my accounts remotely before the thief can get key data or move funds.
So I put together this guide and checklist that I thought I'd share with others. I am a programmer but by no means a security guru, and so if any IT, DevOps, or SecOps folks want to chime-in with suggestions or improvements, please do.


Dual Sim Setup

I have been rocking an iPhone 12 for the past few years, and it's served me very well. I know the newer iPhones (14 and up) no longer offer physical SIM card support, but carriers in most developing countries are behind the curve. Even if they offer eSIM support, it's been my experience that it's a major headache to get setup, there is a lack of customer support in English, and they may even require a local ID to register the eSIM. It's way easier to just head to a shop and pay $5 for a SIM card, load some funds onto it, and then you're good to go.
The eSIM has been very helpful for maintaining a US phone number for which I can receive SMS texts from my banks and other financial services as well as continue to use iMessage with all my US contacts since hardly anybody is on Whatsapp.
Most, if not all, carriers in the US support eSIMs now, and so you should try to find a carrier that offers an international pay-as-you-go plan. Verizon offers two international plans - one is a "Travel Pass" where it's a flat fee of $10/day anywhere outside the US or Canada (even for just one text message). The other is "pay for what you use" which has a rate per text, minute, and mb. For my US plan, I only care about receiving SMS texts from my banks and the occasional phone call to a service that doesn't have an international, toll-free number. Data will always be cheaper outside the US, so I disable cellular data switching for my US line.
The last time I was in the US was for the holidays and I bought 2 used iPhone 12's for about $200 each. They have some scuffs, but they're perfectly serviceable. In LATAM, it also doesn't attract nearly as much unwanted attention in the street as an iPhone 14 or 15.
I brought these with me as extra devices. When my phone busted last month, thankfully I had a backup in iCloud and everything was loaded in a few minutes as normal. This was before I was using the eSIM, but if I had the eSIM I could just go to Verizon support online via chat and they could help me switch the line to the new device easily.

Basic Configurations

Creating Backups

Password Policy


Set up MFA with everything. Add multiple options if possible. My preferred MFA options are as follows:
  1. One-time code that renews every 30 seconds. This is device agnostic and can be stored in 1Password. You could also use Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Authy or similar, but there's just more overhead to now recover those accounts if your device becomes inaccessible.
  2. One-time code to recovery email.
  3. One-time code via SMS to my US phone number. On the pay-as-you-go Verizon plan, I only pay 5 cents per text message received. It's worth it to keep one consistent number.
  4. List of recovery codes (stored in 1Password as an attached txt file for the given account)
  5. Use another app for verification (Google does this a lot).

Lockdown your iCloud security

In the event your phone is stolen, the idea is you could run back to any of your devices or even use a friend's device to log into iCloud on the web, go to Find My, and then in a single button click you can lock and wipe the stolen device. If the thief turned off the device or disabled wifi/cellular, then as soon as it comes back online it will be wiped.

Final Clean-Up

Extra tips

These aren't really iPhone tips but general tips. They are probably obvious to you if you aren't as scatterbrained as me, but I figured that I'd drop them here in case they help someone.
submitted by krusty-krab-pizza1 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:58 musical-amara Rip and Tear: A Decade of Doom

In the annals of gaming history, few titles command the reverence and adoration as the legendary Doom franchise. Born from the minds of John Romero, John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, and Tom Hall, Doom would go on to lay the foundations for just about every modern video game that exists. It was a true tour de force, a success story few could scarce ever imagine.
Released in 1993, Doom was an immediate smash hit, thanks in no small part to its shareware format, which allowed users to experience the first few levels of Knee Deep In the Dead, and then order the full game via the phone number included. Players could then share the floppy disk with their friends, and so on, and so on. It was a truly revolutionary system, and within a single year, Doom had sold over 2 million copies.
The history of the Doom franchise is one of innovation, ultra violence, and controversy (1999's Columbine High School Massacre), and that reputation is one that continued with 2016's DOOM. DOOM was officially revealed at Quakecon 2014, ten years after Doom 3. Players had long resigned to Doom being considered a dead franchise. A reboot had been in the works for a number of years prior, but never got released, having been quietly cancelled by id in 2010. The future was bleak, but the 30 second long teaser ignited a spark that had been burning dimmer every passing year.
Then came E3 2015.
The hype was unreal. The trailer had everything that fans could possibly want. Gore, intense violence, insane run n gun gameplay, a rip-roaring soundtrack and the MFING CHAINSAW. But fans had been let down before. Would it really hold up its promises?
Yes. Yes, it would.
PART I: Presentation
When DOOM burst onto the scene in 2016, it did so with a visual and auditory spectacle that left players awestruck. From the moment the game boots up, players are made aware that this is not your average shooter. You are greeted with a deep, commanding voice. "Rip and tear, until it is DONE."
Immediately, players are greeted with a scene of carnage and the Doom Slayer chained to a table, which, of course, he instantly breaks free from. A zombie attempts to relieve the Slayer of his life but is beaten to the punch with a prompt skull smashing. After putting the other zombies to rest, he interacts with the panel in the corner, is greeted by one Dr. Samuel Hayden, who attempts to justify the outbreak, and decides he would rather kill shit than listen to excuses and destroys the monitor.
That is the introduction to this game. It never wastes the player's time. We aren't here to listen to long droning monologues or watch MGS style cutscenes. id Software knew their audience, and knew what that audience wanted, and they deliver in spades. This introduction sets the tone for the entire experience: relentless action, unapologetic violence, and a protagonist who is as unstoppable as he is uncompromising. The Doom Slayer's disdain for exposition and his single-minded focus on annihilating demons resonate with players who crave a pure, unadulterated gaming experience.
By eschewing lengthy cutscenes and exposition-heavy dialogue in favor of fast-paced gameplay and visceral action, id Software delivers a game that respects the player's time and delivers exactly what they came for: non-stop demon-slaying action. In an era where many games are criticized for padding their runtime with unnecessary filler, DOOM stands out as a shining example of how to create a focused and engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.
Rather than bombarding players with lengthy exposition or intrusive cutscenes, DOOM opts for a more environmental storytelling approach. Throughout the game, players can discover audio logs, read text-based terminals, and observe environmental details that provide context and background to the events unfolding around them.
The story of DOOM revolves around the Doom Slayer's mission to stop a demonic invasion unleashed by the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) on their Martian facility. As players progress through the game, they uncover details about the UAC's experiments with Hell energy, the origins of the demonic invasion, and the Doom Slayer's own mysterious past.
While the story may not be front and center in DOOM, it nonetheless adds depth and richness to the game world, enhancing the overall experience for players who choose to engage with it. And for those who prefer to focus solely on the action, the story remains secondary, allowing them to enjoy the game on their own terms.
That's all well and good, but what about the actual gameplay? Simply put, it is exhilarating. From the moment you are given control of the Slayer, players are thrust into a frenzy of blood and violence, and it never lets up. At its core, DOOM is a first-person shooter that harkens back to the genre's roots while injecting it with a healthy dose of modern flair. The gameplay is fast-paced, frenetic, and utterly unapologetic in its brutality. You're not just a player – you're the Doom Slayer, a force of nature hell-bent on eradicating every last demon in your path.
Central to the gameplay experience is the game's combat loop, which revolves around a delicate balance of aggression and strategy. In DOOM, there's no hiding behind cover or waiting for your health to regenerate – you're constantly on the move, strafing, dodging, and leaping across the battlefield as you unleash a torrent of bullets, rockets, and plasma upon your enemies.
Weapons include the iconic shotgun, heavy assault rifle, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the devastating BFG 9000, among others. Each weapon offers different firing modes, such as single shot, burst fire, and continuous beam, providing players with tactical options in combat. A key aspect of combat is the Glory Kill system, which allows players to perform brutal finishing moves on staggered enemies. Glory Kills not only provide health and ammo but also contribute to the flow of combat by encouraging aggressive play. It is incredibly satisfying to watch the Slayer rip an imp in half or stomp their head into the pavement, and doing so rewards you with a large return of health.
The Chainsaw mechanic is another integral part of combat, allowing players to instantly kill most enemies and gain a large amount of ammo in return. However, Chainsaw fuel is limited and must be managed carefully. Like Glory Kills, watching the chainsaw tear demons apart is incredibly satisfying. Certain demons require more fuel but provide the player with more ammo in return. Balancing which demons you chainsaw and which ones you choose to Glory Kill is an important part of combat.
Exploration is key to progression and is rewarding to those players who choose to do. Hidden throughout the levels of the game are Argent Cells, Praetor Tokens, and Rune Trials. Each of these provide upgrades to your health/shield/ammo, suit, and passive abilities respectively. Also hidden throughout the game are levers that lead you to classic levels from Doom 1 and Doom 2, which then unlock the full level of its respective game, playable from the main menu. You can also find toy models of the Doom Slayer, which unlock various character models to view. On some of these models, the Doom Slayer will perform a unique action when picking it up, such as fist bumping the classic Doomguy. It's a nice and cute little touch added by the developers that does a little to add character to the Slayer, who is a silent protagonist.
id Software masterfully blends modern game design with a deep reverence for the classics, paying homage to the series' storied history while introducing new elements that propel the franchise forward. Central to this approach is the game's character design, which strikes a delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation. At its core is the iconic protagonist, the Doom Slayer, whose design pays homage to the original Doom Marine while incorporating modern updates that make him feel both familiar and fresh. With his battle-worn armor, imposing stature, and silent demeanor, the Doom Slayer is the embodiment of raw power and unrelenting rage.
The game's roster of enemies is a veritable who's who of classic Doom foes, reimagined for the modern era. From the lowly possessed soldiers to the hulking Cyberdemon, each enemy is lovingly crafted to capture the essence of its 1990s counterpart while introducing new mechanics and behaviors that keep players on their toes. Whether you're facing off against the agile Revenants, the relentless Hell Knights, or the grotesque Cacodemons, every encounter is a nostalgic trip down memory lane, punctuated by the satisfying sound of demon flesh being torn asunder.
But the main story is not where it ends. DOOM has an arcade mode, where players can run through the levels again, this time trying for high scores and medals while collecting 1 Ups. It's important to move fast and have accurate aim; the more kills you chain together, the bigger your score is. Getting hit reduces your score. At the end of the level, your score is tallied against others on a leaderboard. It's a great way to incentivize players to keep playing, in order to get a better and better score.
There is also multiplayer, where players compete in various game modes such as classic deathmatch, warpath and free for all. Players can become demons by collecting runes on the battlefield and this gives them a distinct advantage; demons are larger, stronger and more resilient. Players are bizarrely restricted to only two weapons and a loadout in multiplayer, which blew my mind. Loadouts. In a DOOM game. The demons are also massively unbalanced and if one team manages to get a particularly powerful demon such as a baron of hell, then it's a guaranteed win. All in all, the multiplayer just isn't great. You are better off replaying the story or arcade mode, or even SnapMap.
SnapMap is id Software's proprietary level editor, and it puts every other editor on the market to shame. SnapMap is an incredible, intuitive, easy to learn system allowing players to create their own multiplayer, co-op and single player maps. There is an extensive tutorial system that teaches users the basics, and goes up in depth, covering how to use AI triggers, switches, combinations, object layering, actions, recalls, audio cues, etc. Never have I ever seen such an in-depth interface on a console game before. While it is only surface level in the grand scheme of things, SnapMap is a great introduction to teaching users how game development works, and I urge everyone to try it out at least once.
Part II: The Music
In DOOM, the music isn't just a background accompaniment – it's a driving force that propels players forward, electrifying every moment of the gameplay experience. Composed by the incredibly talented Mick Gordon, the soundtrack of DOOM is a relentless onslaught of metal and electronica that perfectly complements the game's fast-paced action and visceral combat. From the moment you boot up the game, you're greeted by the iconic strains of the main theme, a haunting melody that sets the tone for the epic journey that lies ahead. As you traverse the game's environments, the music shifts seamlessly between atmospheric ambience and pulse-pounding metal.
But it's not just the composition of the music that makes it so memorable – it's also the way it's integrated into the gameplay itself. Mick Gordon's dynamic scoring system ensures that the music evolves in real-time based on the player's actions, ramping up in intensity during combat encounters and dialing back during quieter moments of exploration. This creates a sense of momentum and flow that enhances the overall pacing of the game
One of the standout features of the soundtrack is its use of unconventional instrumentation and sound design. Mick Gordon's signature sound combines distorted guitars, pounding drums, and industrial noise to create a sonic palette that is as brutal and unforgiving as the game itself. From the deep, guttural growls of the synth bass to the ear-shredding shrieks of the guitar solos, every element of the music is designed to evoke a sense of chaos and destruction, mirroring the relentless carnage unfolding onscreen.
Of course, no discussion of the music in DOOM would be complete without mentioning the iconic tracks that have become synonymous with the game. From the adrenaline-fueled "Rip & Tear" to the bone-crushing "BFG Division," each track is a masterpiece of composition and production, perfectly capturing the essence of the DOOM experience and elevating it to new heights. Mick Gordon's composition for the DOOM soundtrack is a tour de force in heavy metal and industrial electronica, meticulously crafted to evoke the essence of the game's frenetic gameplay.
The backbone of the soundtrack is the distorted guitar, which provides the driving force behind many of the tracks. Gordon's use of extended-range guitars and custom-tuned instruments gives the music its signature low-end punch, while his aggressive playing style adds a raw, visceral energy to the sound. In addition to guitars, Gordon incorporates a wide range of electronic and synthetic elements into his compositions, including synthesizers, drum machines, and sampled sounds. These elements are used to create atmospheric textures, rhythmic patterns, and dynamic effects.
One of the most innovative aspects of Gordon's sound design is his use of audio manipulation techniques, such as granular synthesis and spectral processing. These techniques allow him to deconstruct and manipulate audio in real-time, creating complex textures and effects.
Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of Mick Gordon's composition for DOOM is his dynamic scoring system, which adjusts the music in real-time based on the player's actions. This system, known as "MIDI-controlled dynamic music," allows the music to seamlessly transition between different layers and variations depending on the intensity of the gameplay. Gordon achieves this dynamic effect by dividing each track into multiple stems or layers, each representing a different element of the music (e.g., drums, guitars, synths). These stems are then triggered and mixed in real-time using MIDI data generated by the game engine, allowing the music to adapt and evolve dynamically as the player progresses through the game.
Part III: Building a Legacy
All too often in this industry, legacy franchises are either left in the dust to be forgotten, or brought back to a limp fanfare, only to be thrust back into the shadows of the past. This happens for a myriad of reasons, and I believe the biggest one is that they don't respect their legacy, and they don't respect the players who engage with them.
At its core, DOOM is a game that understands what players want: fast-paced action, engaging gameplay, and a sense of empowerment. By focusing on these core principles, id Software created an experience that resonated with players old and new, capturing the spirit of the original games while pushing the series forward. Central to this approach is the game's unwavering commitment to respecting the player. From its minimalist storytelling and streamlined level design to its intuitive controls and dynamic difficulty system, DOOM prioritizes the player's experience above all else, ensuring that every moment of the game is engaging, immersive, and satisfying.
One of the most notable ways that DOOM respects the player is through its approach to difficulty. Rather than imposing artificial barriers or punishing players for their mistakes, the game encourages experimentation and mastery through its responsive gameplay mechanics and adaptive enemy AI. Players are given the freedom to approach encounters in their own way, whether it's through brute force, cunning strategy, or a combination of both.
Another key aspect of DOOM's player-centric design is its emphasis on accessibility. From its difficulty settings and intuitive user interface to its robust accessibility features, such as colorblind modes and customizable controls, the game ensures that players of all skill levels and abilities can enjoy the experience without feeling excluded or overwhelmed.
But perhaps the most important way that DOOM respects the player is through its commitment to fun. At its core, DOOM is a game that prioritizes the player's enjoyment above all else, delivering a seamless and exhilarating experience that keeps players coming back for more. Whether you're blasting demons with a shotgun, exploring hidden secrets, or rocking out to Mick Gordon's pulse-pounding soundtrack, DOOM is a game that never stops prioritizing YOU.
DOOM's legacy is one of respect – respect for the player, respect for the franchise, and respect for the medium of video games as a whole. By prioritizing fun, accessibility, and player agency, id Software created an experience that not only honors the legacy of the original games but also sets a new standard for what a modern first-person shooter can be. And for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude.
submitted by musical-amara to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 TTYY200 MVVM (specifically for WPF) clarification needed. Can someone help me understand?

So long story short, through my self guided learning over the last year or so, I've pretty well absorbed all the knowledge I can around WPF and XAML. (Furthermore on the XAML side thanks to some legacy code that needs to be maintained using Expressions Blend and no C# code-behind- but that's another story) In all of this time ... I am still a little confused around my specific needs regarding my desktop application and what constitutes a Viewmodel vs. a Viewmodel.
Lets get through the basics. I am creating a document writer of sorts. Its purpose is to autogenerate values, and edit default values, as well as load existing documents values into memory and be able to edit values from a loaded document. The UI is mostly ON/OFF for values and fields can be added, removed, etc through the UI. The GUI directly represents the data in the documents being generated. However, I have logic for all of my Viewmodels that prevents users from entering certain values. as well as locig that checks other parameters (if they exist) in the document (the loaded document in memory that the ui directly correlates to) to see if the values are in or out of bounds, as well as a plethora of other error handling for validation and verification like non-zero values, alpha values in a number box etc. As well as a bunch of logic that should automate the process of generating this document. For example if you add a parameter and turn it on(or true) that value will autopopulate another parameter and inform the user they must enter a value in the new input field.
I am assuming all of this is corect to assume this is Viewmodel specific logic - it has to be otherwise I have no easy way to assert this logic.
Hoever I have been reading online regarding what is and what is not 'business logic' in my application and i am unsure as to whether or not I might even have a 'model' ... Or i may be confusing some of my 'services' with what should be a 'model'. Ive been reading that business logic could be called domain logic, but that doesnt really help me..... vm should contain input logic. the view should contain output logic. It seems like everything in my case is a viewmodel....
I have a few services for reading/writing XML, reading/writing JSON, an error handler, a logger, a library for hashing, a PDF builder, an XDoc writer, user security, etc. Some of these are purely services. libraries that wrap functionality like reading and writing files using data passed to them. Others are services that consume c++ DLL's and they simply wrap the extern calls. Some just store data to help decide what to display to users. (like units for a value) using enums and static dictionaries in a static class. I would for the most part consider these to be 'services'. custom libraries that i am using in the view models. and in my only model class 'configuration'.
The configuration class reads in some configuration data on startup and these files are only ever change when the application receives an update. The configuration class holds the configuration data in a dictionary for the viewmodels to pull form as they need it. The data is already processed but the config class and all its data is packaged neatly for the viewmodels to grab.
Does this seem like an appropriate way to organize my program in an MVVM architecture? I am maybe confusing my services for what models should be doing, the services i am using are doing the 'business/domain logic'?
anybody who has some experience with MVVM standards that can chime in, my ears are open :P
submitted by TTYY200 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 Spartabrave Kingmaker: A Game of Thrones in Brevoy [5e][Discord][ERP]

Kingmaker: A Game of Thrones in Brevoy
System: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Format: Discord Text pbp
No. of Players: 5
[Notice: This is a 18+ campaign. It contains NSFW and adult elements.]

The same message has appeared on bounty boards and in taverns across Brevoy.
Those able of body and brave of heart are invited to the mansion of Lady Jamandi Aldori, Swordlord & Chief Defender of Restov, to embark on an expedition into the Stolen Lands.
Bandits and monsters have been allowed to infest our southern borders for far too long. Those selected will be divided into groups and given a charter to reopen old trade routes and secure the surrounding territory. The brave-hearted mercenaries and adventurers who choose to take on this quest will face unimaginable danger, but whomever succeeds shall receive honor, glory, and a noble title granting dominion over the lands they've claimed to pass on their children.

For generations, the Stolen Lands have spanned the southern border of Brevoy. Many attempts have been made to settle them, but to date, none have succeeded, making these 35,000 square miles of wilderness the largest swath of unclaimed land in the entire region. As tensions mount in Brevoy, one ambitious swordlord hopes to change that fact.
Lady Jamandi Aldori is issuing charters to several groups of adventurers, sending them south into the Stolen Lands to reopen old trade routes and defeat the bandits and monsters who have made them too dangerous to use. By sending free agents south, this swordlord of Rostland hopes to alter the political balance of power in Brevoy without sacrificing her own position or forces. Yet, as with most complex and brilliant plans, the future holds plenty of opportunities for disaster.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
Hello! I'm a longtime DM and a huge fan of A Song of Ice & Fire. I'm looking to run a campaign that's heavily influenced by the series I hold so dear. If you're a casual fan who's only seen Game of Thrones or House or the Dragon, you're more than welcome! The main things I'm looking for here are quality roleplay and enthusiasm. If you've got that, I promise we can have a good game together.
"Winter is coming."
Kingmaker is an Adventure Path originally designed by Paizo for the Pathfinder RPG but has been converted to be compatible with the 5th edition D&D ruleset. I'm taking so serious liberties with it but the bones of the adventure remain the same. Kingmaker is a high fantasy campaign that thrusts the player characters into a unique situation of building their own kingdom and carving out their own niche upon the world. You may be a scion of a lesser branch of the great families with ambitions that can't be hindered by your place in the succession. You could be a commoner whose witnessed your humble community suffer at the hands of the lawless bandits pillaging the countryside and will take on this great challenge so your family can live free. Perhaps you are a bastard child of a powerful figure and now seek to carve out your own kingdom knowing that you stand to inherit nothing you don't build for yourself.
"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
I've got a couple of expectations for the characters that will be brought into the adventure. I am looking for characters with reasons to have a desire to venture into hostile territory and work as a team to build a kingdom. Good or evil doesn't matter but chaos doesn't serve to further the group. So, no chaotic alignment will be allowed. This is not the campaign for chaotic evil players looking to betray the other players, loners or free-spirited vagabonds.
"Backstabbing doesn't prepare you for a fight, and that's all the realm is now. Backstabbing and scheming and arse-licking and money-grubbing."
Political intrigue is a pillar of the series inspiring this and a big part of my plans, but in order to keep charisma from being everyone's primary stat I will be using a reputation system to even the playing field when dealing with individuals of consequence. In certain circles, a knight renowned for their honor and bravery is going to be as respected and influential, if not more, as a traditional face will be anywhere else. I think this will do a lot to allow the party to have a proper balance of classes with no one feeling handicapped in the social aspects.
"Let me give you some counsel, bastard. Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you."
You may have noticed the tag, and the catch is: This is an adult only game, featuring erotic roleplay where characters can engage in sexual activities with no fade-to-black, etc. Lewd events, plans, consequences, and more are all on the table in this campaign. If you've watched either of the shows on HBO, this probably isn't much of a surprise to you. I'd like to be clear that just because it's on the table, this game will not become a raunchy, never ending orgy. There is usually meaning behind how sex is used in the series and that's what I'm looking to emulate.
"Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse."
GRRM often uses the intimate scenes to peel back layers to a character. Sometimes to paint them in a different light, other times to drive them further into the role he wishes to present them to the reader in. Some examples would be Tyrion's lingering trauma and emotional vulnerability, driving him to purchase the closest thing he believes he can have to real love being a way to earn Tyrion the reader's sympathy. Contrast that with Cersei's narcissism making her seek lovers, she can view as idealized male versions of herself, the only match worthy in her deranged mind. Or how Littlefinger justifies his pitiless ambition, being something forced on him by a cruel and unfair world that's kept him and his one true love apart by no fault of their own.
"Love is the death of duty."
PCs are encouraged to find and nurture romantic relationships with other characters or NPCs. Weddings are considered the truest way of sealing alliances, after all. Beyond the love lives of the characters, there are many other scenarios. A corrupt noble might be willing to trade information to carry on an affair on their spouse. A sex scandal could undermine the legitimacy of a claimant in a contested succession. Barbarian raiders may attack a village under your protection and take the women as slaves. Spies might attempt to seduce you in order to secure a position in your court and feed information to a rival house. A neighboring tyrant might earn your ire when reports of him abusing his authority to take advantage of an unfortunate captive or innocent reaches you.
"The things I do for love."
Because I'm sure it needs to be said. ERP will not be my main focus while running this; it may or may not even happen on my end. I'll already be responsible for the story, so trying to match everyone's taste in smut on top of that might be biting off more than I can chew. That being said, I'm all for your characters sharing a tent during the long weeks of adventuring because I think a good amount of sexual tension adds player investment and fun to the story. While I'm not promising anything, I'm not firmly ruling things out on my end either. You all could charm your way into a few NPC's pants to loosen a secret from their lips or secure a favor down the road. You might decide to blow your coins on prostitutes while visiting the capital. If the scene serves the story (or I'm just feeling horny that day), I may indulge you! Just wanted to make sure you're aware that just because I am open to ERP does not mean I'm making a commitment to provide it to everyone, expecting all players to take part in it, or putting it ahead of the actual campaign in any capacity.
"There are no other men like me. Only me."
If it's not apparent by now, I'm very serious about making this game something great. I love the ASOIAF books; I love the adventure path; I love the cRPG, and I desperately want to do justice by all three influences. Expect a bit of gritty realism and tragedy in this story. Your triumphs will be hard fought. Your holdings will face constant peril. Your enemies will always be lurking with their knives out for the moment you drop your guard. However, the rewards for your success in this campaign are unlike any other. I truly don't think there is another adventure that matches the sense of accomplishment that comes from taking a stretch of hostile wilderness and carving your own thriving kingdom from it.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
A little bit on my approach to DMing this. I plan on running this very differently from traditional D&D 5e. Combat is obviously what the system does the most of, but if you've ever watched GoT or HotD you'd see the main characters don't draw their swords all that often. In fact, a lot of the main cast never have their own fight scenes. I like this less is more approach a great deal and think it'll bring a lot to the pbp experience. Outside of encounters with a named enemy, I won't be using initiative. This is so the RP isn't held up by any individual's schedule. I'll also be utilizing the minion rule from 4e where all the monsters have 1 HP. Their AC remains the same, so if you have trouble hitting them, the danger remains but low damage rolls won't cause encounters to drag unnecessarily.
"Hard truths cut both ways."
Matching the tone of the books this campaign is inspired by will take collaboration. I want the heroes of this story to have lives that involve more than their swords and spells. If you’re just looking to roleplay a non-stop fantasy porno, this isn't the game for you. But if you are interested in writing a character who is enriched by getting to explore their desires, be influenced by lusts, make compromises out of attraction, and maybe even experience heartbreak if their trust and affection wound up in the wrong hands-- then you're exactly who I'm looking for!
"If I do not press my claim, my claim will be forgotten. I will not become a page in someone else's history book."
If you can't be bothered to respond to the RP for days at a time, I'm going to kick you out! Plain and simple. I won't be reaching out. I won't be constantly giving you reminders. There will be no stoppages for you to get your shit together. It's a big world, and I'm not going to hesitate to find someone else interested in actively participating in the adventure if you go ghost. I understand that IRL always comes first, so if you have the common courtesy to reach out and explain your circumstances that prevent you from putting together a couple paragraphs every day, then I will still be replacing you, but I will move your character out of the story for you to pick up later on when you can. If you can't manage to let me know what's going on, then I'm just going to forget about you and move right along so everyone else can continue the fun!
"I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things."
My plan to be pretty rules-light with this campaign since while I run a lot of D&D, I haven't run that many text games. I'm still confident I can handle it, but I'm just throwing it out there in case there are bumps along the road. If you're more experienced in the pbp arena than I am, I'd greatly appreciate your advice as things are coming together. We will be using dndbeyond and the standard discord bots. In my experience, these games work a lot better when the story is put above mechanics, so keeping things to PHB races and PHB/XgtE subclasses. If you're looking to do some awesome game-breaker build you've theory crafted for months. This may not be the game for it. I don't plan on meticulously tracking things to make sure you get your sentinel feat trigger each turn.
“Oh, my sweet summer child, what do you know about fear?”
Alright! That's my pitch. Sorry you had to read all that, but hopefully you're still interested and can see I don't have a problem handing out paragraphs, so this game ought to be in good hands. I look forward to reading your applications and will be leaving the form open for the next week while I work on the discord server.
“The night is dark and full of terrors.”
So that was a lot, but any of you who are still interested please don't hesitate! I'll be happy to have you and look forward to playing with you. As well as hopefully some fun debates about who we're rooting for in HotD season 2 as it airs.
“There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'not today'.”
The application link is down below! I'm going to leave it open for a week so folks don't miss out. I will be checking it regularly, so if I find a bunch of folks I like over the first couple days, I'll reach out to them, but I'm sure we all know how these sorts of games go. People may drop out or prove unreachable, so even if you're not someone who hears back from me immediately, we might be writing together soon!
The Stolen Lands await you!
submitted by Spartabrave to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:45 tallordher Got 3 Apps here paying $20

🐝 USE CODE: $SimbaRoars
submitted by tallordher to promocodes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 AnAnOgg Bitcoin can't survive long term with a fixed cap

Been lurking here a long time, but I wanted to post this because I don't hear anyone really talking about this:
Once all of the bitcoin has been mined, miners will need to rely solely on transaction fees for income. The bitcoin network can handle a maximum of around 220 million transactions per year.
Let's pretend the last bitcoin got mined today. If the average transaction costs, say, $10, that means that miners will only generate a maximum of $2.2 billion in total revenue per year going forward. This number is simply too small for bitcoin to function, especially if it's meant to secure trillions of dollars of value.
A single musk-rich person in that future era could absolutely wreak the network by just spending a few billion usd on mining to overwhelm it and not allow any legitimate transactions through. (A 51% attack has the power to prevent any/all transactions)
Even if it's $1,000/transaction, that's still only $220 B. If bitcoin is supposed to be a global reserve currency, that's an awfully small number required to crash the system.
And this is only if there are enough people willing to spend $1000/transaction to fill up all the blocks! In reality, people will do whatever they can to avoid doing actual transactions on the blockchain because it will be too expensive. (By using custody services such as etfs or the beloved lightning network)
All of this means that ultimately, if bitcoin is to survive and thrive, they MUST eliminate the cap and make it inflationary! Inflation is the only way to spread the cost of securing the network to all hodlers.
You might think you could just make changes to increase the number of transactions the network is capable of making, but that won't be enough. There simply aren't enough people willing to spend enough money on transactions fees for the network to be secure enough to be a global reserve currency, especially when custody services will always exist for people who want even lower transaction fees.
The only other possibility I can think of is that bitcoin simply doesn't grow all that much and it's market cap stays somewhere around a few trillion in today's terms. But if that's the case then it's just not that good of an investment going forward...
And it won't even be difficult to increase the cap when the time comes. Just a few lines of code and for enough miners to agree; hodlers don't get a vote.
Does anyone have an answer for this? Is it even theoretically possible for bitcoin to be deflationary, secure, and successful long term in its current form? The answer is no, you can only choose two.
(Yes, PoS chains don't have this particular issue, this is specific to PoW chains. PoS comes with a new set of issues, but that's a discussion for another thread. I am not claiming that PoS chains are any better overall.)
submitted by AnAnOgg to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:37 Arch-Code_Zariel Do you guys also sometimes have an issue with compulsive helping?

Not really "helping" in the conventional sense vut do you guys also get this urge to use a skill you know is in demand the moment a situation for it comes up? It's not really in everything I have a skill for but sometimes when things I do for a hobby are valued by another person and it's like my immediate reaction to them needing that help is to give over my services and sometimes its nice but I've learned to stop responding to it because it feels like mostly out of guilt nowadays.
An example would be when I was younger and I, unlike the adults around me atvthe time, could juggle many different sporadic ideas in my head and get them done in quick succession. It was fun racing myself so during family parties sometimes if I noticed things where going wrong then I'd offer service and be pretty happy when I was given it. Over time however whenever I wanted to tell myself "no" because something else was more important I'd feel what I've now come to realize was an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame.
Now that may seem like an isolated incident or perhaps one brought on by familiar peer pressure but it wasn't, it was my own brains assertion that I was willingly neglecting others. Another example
A few years ago I use to play magic the gathering, it's a card game played normally at local game/card stores. I use to play their for fun during the time of free ay when their where dozens of people between each table to play with. Now because this particular branch of magic was a group fighting setting I'd normally look for those I thought looked the most in need or the most serious because that's just how I liked my games back then. Serious with a hint of silly. Over time I developed friendships and out kf those friendships they would often try to encourage me to play with them before I could look at what other people had going on. Honestly it didn't matter to me so long as I liked them and if I didn't as a player I'd just say no and be cool but sometimes when I did agree I'd see others having a hard time at their respective tables and think "man those people look sad" the urge to play with them out of a sense of, well I suppose pitty, was pretty overwhelming at times. Not because I was looking for these people but because I could catch glimpses of hurtful conversations they where having with other people where the other tables would be unnecessary rude due to their consistent pestering. I dont think their aggression was unwarranted per say but the thought that the person felt trapped while I had the key just made me feel... uncomfortable.
I never think others have to help but I find that my mother (ENFJ) instilled a strong code of ethics in me for the few years she was alive and seeing people hurting when I can help sometimes in odd situations really wrenches me to do things that would have otherwise not been optimal for myself.
Other like minded examples would be~
A few issues I had with my wife about cleaning, she has depression and ADHD so sometimes she'd fall into a "sit pit" of sorts and the recurring thought of needing to get up would play from her mouth so often that after the like the third time I'd just do the act in question she needed to do even if it was to my determent simply because it stressed me out. I couldn't justify not moving even when it was for something important unless I had a personal tie to that thing.
Recently while looking for Roleplays to participate in I felt another overwhelming feeling of guilt knowing some people where looking for my skill set and I wasn't interested in theirs for my own personal reasons. The fact I didn't try made me a bit upset.
My wife's family memeber use to always be in need of something and I'd feel a personal duty to respond and help because it made my wife sad that we weren't doing that until she started abusing said help.
And I'm sure their are more but I was curious if guilt plays on you guys in a similar way? All these matters and many more are already resolved for me, all the talks that needed to happen have happened and whenever I get the urge I remind myself that it isn't my responsibility to manage the way others feel just because I can. That losing out on these "opportunities" doesn't hurt me and I can simply look and offer when I'm ready and stop when I'm not.
submitted by Arch-Code_Zariel to entp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 Potential_Mind_1866 Repost - linking to original thread. Post was accidentally removed by mods

Drake has made well over $200 million dollars off of his fans' gambling losses which we can easily assume are over $6 billion spent.
I posted yesterday interested to see what people think Kendrick should talk about if he drops again on Drake.
There is something I really want him to break down - Drake's involvement with a website that
  1. Pays him $100m+ annually since 2022
  2. He participates in public engagement media with, knowingly encouraging minors to gamble.

What is this?

(Overall scope of this website)
This website was officially formed in 2017 (7 years ago) for online crypto gambling. There was basically no verification at the very beginning of their launch, and to this day they have very, very flimsy protocols to identify/verify age of their players.
Processing img zeqh1xygz3zc1...
Here are some dates and numbers relating to how many bets had been placed on the platform
In the 14 months leading up to January 2022, 39 Billion bets were placed on the website. 21 Billion of these bets came after trainwreckstv became affiliated.
I don't want to go into trainwreckstv. If you become interested in him, you can watch coffeezilla's video (coffeezilla 360 million dollars)
Some more numbers
Year Bets Placed on the Website
2021 + 2 months 39,229,581,015
2022 62,418,061,486
2023 68,701,192,678
This website reported $2.6 billion in gaming revenue in 2022. Gaming revenue is the total amount wagered on the site minus the total amount paid out to players.Check footnotes for wagered
If you'd like to get further into the numbers...Check footnotes for house edge While some exceptions exist, classic table games typically have lower house edges (1-3%) than progressive jackpot slots , typically the games with the highest house edges (5-15%). Video slots sit somewhere in the middle (4-5%). ...and we take an completely rough, VERY generous, estimate that people are running on about a 3% house edge on average (it is likely much higher than this.)Check Footnote to see what house edge is (bottom)then we can approximate of the $86 billion that was wagered in 2022 on this website, $71 Billion was wagered while Drake was involved in 2022.

Drake's Involvement

Drake has been involved with this website for over two years, being paid NO LESS THAN $200 million for literally just being a poster boy. This is MOST LIKELY not including what he is paid for his streams (which appear to show him placing millions of dollars on single roulette spins). He is probably also given an amount to wager on his own as he, himself, is a gambling addict.
Why do they do this? How do they even have the money for this? Look at the numbers above, they are making an unbelievable fortune off of this and it's because of creators like trainwreckstv and Drake.
There are hundreds of affiliated creators operating through streams and youtube with communities of underage gamblers, a group that is trending up with gambling addictions. Each of these creators tend to make 3%-10% of affiliatesCheck footnotes for affiliates on their community member's deposits.
Casinos are able to pay these dividends because they are making multiples of what these collaborators are making. Why else would they do it?

Why is this bad

These are children gambling on these sites. I have solid evidence of a user having wagered over $100,000 om this website without EVER having been verified for any age, ID, proof of address. NOTHING.
I have researched by going through multiple communities speaking to gamblers who were gambling for years by the time they turned 18 (among others of course). I do not have a large sample size, but my sample is just a few small gambling communities among hundreds of similar, larger and much larger communities.. I believe to be a largely unbiased sample (I know that sounds like an oxy moron "I believe it is unbiased" lol, but you know what I mean)
I have not performed interviews, just mostly got numbers from people. I'm sure many would come forward if asked though.

In conclusion, we can easily assume Drake has made well over $200 million dollars off of his fans' gambling losses which we can easily assume are over $6 billion.

I cannot stress this enough, these are such light numbers. It is probably much more, and the only defense Drake probably has is that he spent it all or lost it gambling too.
submitted by Potential_Mind_1866 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:34 In_Yellow_Clad Stubbornness and Spite

I remember that day as though it were only yesterday. My species, the rulers of a vast and mighty interstellar empire, had discovered a primitive species tucked away in a remote corner of our galaxy. Naturally, we were excited to discover them, for a new species on the galactic stage could potentially bring with them many exciting new developments to keep us all entertained for a few millennia.
Our survey ships, vessels of unparalleled stealth and subtlety, flocked to the single star system with its four gas giants, a boon for any developing species, and set up shop in orbit of their homeworld. We were all so eager to see what works of wondrous art and civility they had created, and instead we watched as a planet spanning war erupted. Entire nations were consumed, millions died within the first few weeks and we were left horrified by what we saw.
Yet by our own rules we were powerless to intervene, if it was their destiny to eradicate themselves, then that is what would happen. We expected this war to end in nuclear annihilation, for we had detected vast nuclear arsenals the moment we entered orbit of that glittering blue jewel in the dark.
Yet no such cataclysm came, instead, one by one tensions cooled, warriors dropped their primitive slug throwers and went home, seeking the comfort and peace of familiar and safe surroundings. A new government was formed, a unifying body that kept the peace for the next five hundred years to the best of its ability. Yet even then conflict still raged in the far flung places of the world, and we were left to wonder…
What would happen when they leave their world?
The question terrified us to such a degree that when it became clear they were making concerted efforts to leave their world and venture out into the stars, we panicked. A species as violent towards itself as they are would surely take one look at the galaxy and its many peoples and attempt to see them struck down. Some amongst the ruling body were of the mind that such a primitive and savage species was little more than animals that deserved to be put down.
Unfortunately, they were the most influential faction of our esteemed government. So when the vote was passed for the extermination of the species, the most the rest of us could try was to make it as quick and painless a death as possible. To be kind. But yet again, the most powerful of us decided that wasn’t good enough. They said that such savagery be met in kind, and so a terrible weapon was developed.
Fear and an overinflated sense of superiority drove us towards our ultimate shame.
The Affliction was released upon their homeworld, and any intrasolar outposts that we found were subsequently wiped from existence with lightning fast attacks from weapons of mass destruction. The affliction targeted everything from birth rates to skin growth, causing patches of necrosis to form externally and internally, all while heightening nerve responses. Our leaders wanted them to suffer for their savagery. While the powerful patted themselves on the back for their valiant defense of the galaxy from a potential threat, the rest of us were left to worry, to ponder our failings and hope against hope that we could be forgiven for our ineffectual protests against this course of action.
Another five hundred years passed and the galaxy forgot all about the now extinct species, focusing instead on their own problems and several other primitive races we had discovered. But something had not forgotten us, something had lurked in the darkness and waited till the perfect moment to strike.
At first the only knowledge we had of this entity was the brief contacts our sensor nets had with some strange anomaly. We shrugged it off as little more than a mere glitch, yet over time some of us began to see a pattern as the contacts began to linger for longer periods of time before vanishing.
It was far too late to do anything, as we would soon discover, as our outer colonies came under sudden attack from an unknown enemy. An unstoppable force that seemed to sweep over our defenses with ease. Yet we received no reports of the world being razed, instead the enemy was content to occupy the world and move on, keeping the civilian populace calm and cooperative.
Of course that didn’t mean we wouldn’t fight them, just because they were being civil towards our civilians didn’t make them any less our enemy. And so we mobilized, preparing our defenses as best we could and attempting to deny the enemy strategic resources as well. But as we soon learned, our forces were outmatched even in space.
I remember when I first saw them, having been assigned to a defense post on the planet Dingalea. A tropical resort world, with vast oceans and many pristine beaches. It was a tactically unsound planet to invade, yet this foe was clearly interested in all our worlds, not just the strategically important ones. We figured it was meant to force us to commit the bulk of our forces to liberation efforts, spreading our armies and fleets thin in an attempt to reclaim every planet.
I had taken position in a bunker on a cliff overlooking one of the more popular beaches when we heard a booming sound from the sky. Our eyes turned heavensward, and I beheld what appeared to be spears of metal rain from above. They crashed down into the oceans many yektra (miles) away, yet so massive they were that we all could easily see the detailing upon their exteriors.
From where I was stationed I could only see four of them, but as I would learn later, four was all they would need for the coming battle upon our beach. Granted we had set up defensive positions further inland, but the enemy seemed content to land out at sea which led us to assume that they were mostly aquatic based. How wrong we were.
An aperture opened wide upon each of the spears and from them water based vehicles emerged, elongated and rectangular in form, bouncing over the waves as they fanned out and made for shore. We watched and waited, my gripping hands clutching all the more firmly at my plasma pulse rifle. Heavy emplacements warmed up with a whine of charging power packs, the large turrets turning to face our foe. New vehicles joined the first models, these ones clearly armored assault vehicles of a type that was unfamiliar to us, as so much about our enemy was at the time. They kept a staggered and wide formation with the other vehicles, even as air superiority fighter craft started to fill the sky. I felt something twist in my thorax, a pit of fear threatening to swallow me whole.
As I lowered my eye to the scope of my rifle, I watched as the ring around its edge shifted from red to purple, indicating my target was in firing range. The call to open fire rang out from the fortifications around me and all twelve of the hells was visited upon our foe. Plasma and beams of energy lanced out from our lines, boiling the waters and leaving burn marks upon the metal hulls that approached. Artillery began to pound, hoping to inflict more destructive results upon the invaders.
They succeeded in scoring direct hits on a few of the craft, sending burning wreckage to the bottom of the sea, but the rest simply continued on, unfazed by the death and destruction around them.
The craft reached the beach and ramps descended and what we saw made us shiver in instinctual fear. They were tall, bipedal and heavily armored. What flesh we could spot from this distance was unnaturally white, they had no hair and no features upon their heads either. Yet they sported different body shapes, perhaps indicative of sex? It didn’t mattered, they were the enemy and they needed to be destroyed. Our weapons seemed to do very little to their armor, but any hits to exposed flesh did massive amounts of damage, sending the beings falling or flying into the water and sand, pale blue blood pouring from their wounds.
Then they started to fire back, their rounds weren’t energy based, purely kinetic and yet with the speeds they were flying they were clearly being launched by some sort of rail system. The rounds would strike and bury deep before exploding, heat and shrapnel working their deadly trade. Yet the enemy seemed more intent on forcing us to take cover than actually killing us, as became clear as they took cover in craters and behind resort walls. Then the armored vehicles made it to shore and they became the focus of our efforts. Their booming cannons and spitting rotary guns threatened to destroy bunkers and crew weapons alike. Even the aircraft swooped down to strike at us, dropping bombs and firing their dogfighting weapons as well before climbing back into the sky.
For every ten of the infantry or vehicles we destroyed, another thirty was soon behind them. So focused on simply surviving were we that we almost didn’t notice the newest threat. This one walked out of the sea itself, hulking armored forms that were bipedal like the infantry but not showing a single kepti (centimeters) of flesh. These behemoths strode slowly, ponderously across the beach, waving hands at the entrenched beings who would stand and form up with their larger kin. Almost immediately the incoming fire became more intense and precise, causing us to take cover far too often.
The order to pull back to the next line was given and we did so, just as the first of the behemoths burst through a barricade, the angular helmet it wore turning back and forth quickly. It did moved unnervingly fast, but not fast enough to dodge a shot from an anti-vehicle weapon. It staggered backwards, the shot burning through metal and flesh along one side of the helmet. Yet it did not go down, instead a clawed hand rose and grasped what remained of the melting armor and tore it free, revealing a face that’ll haunt me till my dying day.
It was a face of pale flesh, black fur atop their head and around their mouth and jaw. That mouth was twisted into an angry snarl, the one remaining eye burning a cold blue. Yet it was what was on the other side of their face that haunts me. Flesh had burned down to bone, yet there was no bone to be seen, just gleaming chrome. It leered at me, silver teeth clicking as it worked that jaw and began to advance.
Hours later, the planet was theirs. I suppose they wanted to show us that even in a fair fight we were horribly outclassed. That was a few weeks ago now I believe, they’ve just taken the homeworld and are preparing some sort of galaxy wide broadcast. I wonder what they’ll have to say about all this, will they condemn us all to death for one reason or another?
The screen flickers, the normal view of our governmental building coming into focus as one of these horrible monsters steps up to a podium, our leaders cowering behind them.
“People of the Milky Way. We are humanity, a species that knew not what awaited them outside the bounds of their home system. We were hopeful that when we ventured out into the black that we could have found friendship, instead we were nearly murdered in our cradle. Your leaders sentenced us to death out of fear, sentenced millions of children, both born and unborn to agonizing deaths. Your fear led you down a path of atrocities you were all too eager to visit upon a people that couldn’t defend themselves.” The human spoke, their voice rich and booming, met with a deafening silence by audiences on every planet.
“You thought us eradicated, all traces of our existence mere dust on the wind. But you failed. For you see we are a stubborn species and we are also spiteful, spite encourages adaptation. And adapt we did, for five hundred years we suffered your manufactured plague, till it became little more than a reminder of who we were to hate. Yet while many amongst us do hate you and with good reason, we are not here today to visit the same horrors upon your peoples. Instead, you will suffer the authority of another. Our authority. For the next five hundred years you will work to make amends for all you have done and when that time is up, we shall leave you be. For we are not the monsters you thought we were, nor are we the monsters you inadvertently tried to make us. We are humanity, and we will show your people a new and better way.”
The feed shut off and I could only sit back and sigh, resting my head upon the pillow of my hospital bed, as more of these humans surrounded me and began to treat my wounds. I was left to wonder about the future. I wondered at what humanity could show us over the next five hundred years.
And so I closed my eyes, and dreamt of the future.
submitted by In_Yellow_Clad to HFY [link] [comments]

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2024.05.13 23:32 milldrive Sabify Review: Unpacking the Reality Behind the AI Trading Hype

Sabify Review: Unpacking the Reality Behind the AI Trading Hype
Hey Reddit,
Today, I’m diving into Sabify, a name that’s been floating around in discussions about cryptocurrency investment opportunities. Sabify is marketed as a cutting-edge fintech platform using AI for trading, but there are some serious concerns you should be aware of before getting involved. Let’s break down what Sabify claims to offer and the red flags that come with it.
Now before I did in...
Do you want to know a 100% legit way to make an income from home?
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  • Being on the phone all day
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You could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing prospects and reciting the same sales pitch over and over again?
If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out New Digital Economy.
If you want to know more about Sabify keep reading…

What is Sabify Review?
Sabify operates under the domain “,” and intriguingly, some parts of its website source-code are in Portuguese. However, Sabify gives off a mysterious vibe as it fails to provide any substantial information about who owns or runs the platform. Their homepage is pretty minimalistic, mainly just an affiliate login form, which doesn't inspire much confidence.

Sabify's Business Model

Sabify doesn't sell any actual products or services to the general public. Instead, it solely markets its affiliate membership, which is a common trait in many questionable MLM schemes. Affiliates are encouraged to purchase licenses that purportedly allow them to benefit from AI-driven trading, promising passive returns that sound too good to be true. Here’s how the licenses break down:
  • Quantum 50: Pay 150 USDT to potentially invest 300 USDT or more, with a 50% tax on returns.
  • Quantum 60: Higher investment and slightly lower tax.
  • Zen: Pay 1000 USDT to invest 500 USDT or more, with the lowest tax rate of 25%.

The Compensation Scheme

Sabify’s compensation model heavily emphasizes recruitment. It operates on a binary structure where affiliates are positioned at the top of a binary team, split into two sides. This structure supports earning through new recruitments rather than through actual product sales, which is a hallmark of a pyramid scheme.

Investment and Returns

The allure of Sabify lies in its advertised capability of generating returns through AI trading. Affiliates invest in various tiers, expecting high returns based on the amount invested. However, Sabify does not provide any verifiable evidence of generating revenue via AI trading, which is a significant concern. If their AI were as successful at trading as claimed, why would they need substantial investments from the public?

Regulatory and Legality Issues

Sabify presents itself as an investment opportunity involving securities, due to the promise of returns generated through trading activities. However, they have not registered with any securities or commodities regulators, which is mandatory for legal operation in most jurisdictions. This non-compliance indicates potential securities and commodities fraud.

Is Sabify a Ponzi Scheme?

The business model suggests that Sabify might be operating as a Ponzi scheme, relying heavily on new investments to pay returns to earlier investors. This is unsustainable and often leads to the collapse of the platform, leaving many investors out of pocket.

Conclusion: Should You Invest in Sabify?

In conclusion, while Sabify attempts to market itself as a revolutionary AI trading platform, the lack of transparency, dependency on new recruitments for returns, and non-compliance with regulatory laws paint a different picture. Investing in Sabify carries substantial risk, likely ending in a loss of funds when the scheme inevitably collapses.
For anyone considering Sabify, I strongly recommend proceeding with caution, doing thorough research, and possibly consulting a financial advisor. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
What are your thoughts or experiences with Sabify or similar platforms? Let’s keep the discussion going and help each other stay informed!
Stay safe and invest wisely, everyone!
submitted by milldrive to u/milldrive [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:29 climbTheStairs reddit (web) can automatically translate posts and comments? how and for which posts does this work?

I came upon the following URL with a ?tl=fr query string:
which translates the entire thread, all the user-generated content, (from English) to French.
However, adding the same query to other threads has no effect. Neither does changing the language code (e.g. ?tl=zh, ?tl=ar).
I did not know this was possible! I am so confused, I have never seen this before!
submitted by climbTheStairs to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:25 MitchConnir Need advice: Hiring a Sysadmin (or other title) after decades of subpar IT management

Hey everyone,
I could really use the advice of the sysadmin community on the next steps for hiring someone to help clean up an IT environment that is the result of multiple decades of organic growth and management by the same solo IT person, a person whose IT knowledge and curiosity peaked a long time ago.
Anyway, my situation is as follows. I was originally going to write an even longer history of our IT situation, and would be happy too if people are interested, but here is the gist of my situation. I'm sorry if anything is a bit disjointed, but I'm trying to refrain from writing a case study.
I have worked for the last 15 years at my family's business, and Harry has been managing our IT for the last 40 years. Harry was one of my father's first employees, had gone to school for music-related majors, took a non-IT job at a new manufacturing and retail company, then became our IT person as we developed IT needs.
Fast forward after a few decades of organic IT growth with Harry reporting to our prior CFO for the last 20 years (a CFO who was territorial, unpleasant to work with, and terrible with technology), and the state of our current IT environment is bad. I believe that is mainly due to a horrible combination of Harry not doing a great job at anything IT-related, and being our sole IT person, and having a tech-illiterate CFO managing Harry. Our CFO would also occasionally find small-time/hacky consultants to work with, but never wanted to listen to my input. After a few years of being at the company, I suggested we needed a ticketing system, but our CFO wanted to keep managing projects using a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet...
After our CFO retired, we brought in a new CFO, and she came with a referral to an MSP her husband had used at the company he was at. That company had sold to a larger holding company since the CFO's husband started using the MSP, one that seemed to mess around in the crypto space, and I thought the lead was bad (based on a variety of things I saw). Over the last 15 years, a large part of my job has been doing due diligence on vendors, software solutions, web developers, and various agencies. Regardless, we spent a few months doing due diligence and a paid audit with that MSP. By the end of the audit, we decided not to move forward with that MSP.
In addition, our company decided Harry should start reporting to me rather than our new CFO. I have 15 years of experience at the company overseeing all of our internet properties, digital marketing, and was kind of a third wheel of the IT department when I first started at the company. I went to undergrad for Management Information Systems, have a graduate business degree, and basically consider myself an IT person who isn't pursuing an IT career. I know our internal companies well, what our users do and don't need, and understand the costs and opportunity costs to bringing (or not bringing) in new systems and technology.
I have also been tinkering with computers and technology for almost three decades. I build my own computers, built my own NAS running Unraid, run updates on our VMware-based servers, can read and modify code, wired my own home with CAT 6, had a brief stint as a Sharepoint developer, moved 100+ employees from our original POP3 email system to Google Workspace (when I started at the company), set up a UniFi-based dedicated WiFi and surveillance network, specced out and racked our new Dell servers, and have helped replace and migrate dozens of our users off of old Windows 7 machines. I also have personally undertaken onboarding our endpoints in NinjaOne, installing Defender for Endpoint, and bringing our various Fortigate firewalls up to date. My point here is that while I am not a Sysadmin myself (and definitely am not suggesting I'm an expert at ANY of those things), and definitely don't have depth when it comes to Active Directory, Azure, etc., I am a bit of a jack of all trades IT person, and am very well-suited to work with a real Sysadmin. For almost everything I do, I either find what the best practice is, know that I or we aren't meeting best practices, or will happily let our team/company know when I can't expertly speak to something.
With that backstory out of the way, here are a few extra points:
  1. Harry basically works half the week, has health issues, wants to retire in a year or two, and I can't count on him to come up with any new or current solutions. Harry has been loyal to the company, and I consider him a friend, and there is still work and value he can add until he is ready to retire. That said, he is our "IT Director", but whoever we hire will not be reporting to Harry. I will figure out the structural and human/social aspects of not having our new hire feel bad having to comment on things Harry has or hasn't done, as well as figuring out work Harry can do a good job on that won't create extra work. I expect I would probably have Harry do work on the legacy ERP system he has helped support, which is something I don't expect our new hire to have much to do with.
  2. There will probably be some people out there who feel there has been mismanagement, that Harry sounds incompetent, that we were understaffed, or that the ex-CFO did a bad job, etc. Most of that is probably true, but that is the past. As someone who generally knows a fair amount about IT, I HAVE known that our IT situation isn't great, but as I said, the situation is complicated.
  3. Our current IT environment is a bit of a mess. We are just now finishing up replacing remaining Windows 7 machines, have a brand new ESXi cluster (set up pre-Broadcom acquisition) but have to set up a few new virtual machines to replace Server 2012 R2 (or worse) virtual machines, have to remove local admin privileges from almost all of our users (this is decades in the making), and have loads of best practices and management systems I'd like to see us have in place. There are way more projects than just this, but this is just a sampling. Outside of lots of overdue overhaul, I don't think we have a tremendous amount of break/fix at the company.
  4. I am so understaffed right now with my original responsibilities at the company, basically being our main new IT person, and trying to plan for our next major ERP systems. I don't have enough hours in the day and am killing myself emotionally. I need to hire someone full-time, but I need advice on if that job title should be a Sysadmin, and how I should go about presenting this opportunity. I am NOT expecting whoever we hire to be an expert in everything, which is a common complaint I've seen in sysadmin. I would like to strategically hire partners (or continue to work with a person or two we already work with) when it comes to things like firewall expertise. Our new hire would work directly with me to start overhauling our IT systems as needed. I have no expectations someone can come in and clean everything up in weeks or months, but I'd like to find someone talented who will seek out right-sized, best-practice-based solutions and systems, and work with me to transform an IT environment that was basically built under one person's watch. When hiring for the position, I'd like to be upfront that there is initially going to be a lot of project work required.
  5. I have been looking through sysadmin for probably the last two years, and I often seem complaints about management not getting IT, managers being too frugal, etc. While our IT situation is messier than I would like to bring someone into, I feel confident I can give whoever we hire a collegial, bureaucracy-free environment. I am practical, am great at knowing what I do and don't know, understand project management (I'm used to working on year-long projects), and am very familiar with the common joke about "anything that plugs into the wall being IT". While the job I'm looking to hire for won't be turn-key, my goal and plan is to hire someone who won't be expected to know everything or work all the time, and that as we continue to improve our systems, that it won't need to be a rigorous IT job. I am planning to work closely with whoever we hire, will help cover any non-business-hours issues, etc. I love the idea of someone smart coming in, helping whip things into shape, and developing the job into a cushy one. I am willing to pay for someone talented, and one of my highest priorities will be to provide a great work environment.
  6. In my original post, I mentioned that our IT situation has been complicated. By that I mean Harry transitioning into an IT role decades ago, bad management–especially by our prior CFO, a lack of awareness on how bad the IT situation was–from Harry himself, as well as management. There are lots of reasons our IT situation is what it is, but intentional understaffing to save money wasn't one of them.
Finally, after all the points above, I would appreciate any constructive advice on who/what job title to hire for, what I should be looking for, etc. Do I look for five or seven plus years of experience? I want someone who has enough experience that he/she at least knows about deploying software using AD and Group Policy, making sure our fleet of machines is up-to-date using Microsoft-provided or paid tools available, etc.
Whenever I read through posts and replies on this subreddit, I see people who provide good answers (or who are smart enough to come to this subreddit to seek advice), and I think to myself how I'd like to work with someone like that. I don't know if that seems weird or like a low bar, but right now I'm used to working with Harry, and he definitely doesn't know about this Subreddit, struggles to use Google Meet, isn't big into 2FA.
Thanks to anyone who read all of this, and to anyone who posts any tips or advice!
submitted by MitchConnir to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 TheLotStore The Allure of Buying Land for Sale in the Middle of Nowhere

The Allure of Buying Land for Sale in the Middle of Nowhere
The Allure of Buying Land for Sale in the Middle of Nowhere
The Allure of Purchasing Property for Sale in the Remote CountrysideAmid our rapidly moving, interconnected world, the appeal to Purchase Property for Sale in the Remote Countryside is intensifying. With the surge of distant labor and the yearning for a more uncomplicated, more maintainable lifestyle, an increasing number of individuals are searching for secluded and rural lands to claim as their own. Whether it's for a break from routine, a lasting abode, or an investment prospect, the charm of having a parcel of land in the midst of nowhere is unquestionable.What is it about purchasing land in the middle of nowhere that is so appealing? In this piece, we'll delve into the various reasons why individuals are captivated by remote properties, the perks and trials of possessing land in the center of nowhere, and certain suggestions for those contemplating taking the leap and procuring their very own piece of rural utopia.What Draws People to Remote Properties?There are numerous reasons why people are attracted to remote properties, but one of the most significant aspects is the longing for serenity, silence, and seclusion. Many people feel overwhelmed and stressed by the buzz and activity of modern life, and yearn for the opportunity to break free to a more peaceful and secluded atmosphere. Remote properties offer the opportunity to dwell in harmony with nature, apart from the clamor and diversions of urban and suburban life.In addition to the allure of peace and quiet, numerous individuals are also drawn to remote properties due to their potential for autonomy and sustainability. With the escalation of climate change and environmental apprehensions, a growing number of people are seeking methods to live more sustainably and lessen their ecological impact. Remote properties offer the prospect to live off the grid, cultivate one's food, and live a more autonomous life.For some, the engrossment of owning land in the middle of nowhere is also linked to an aspiration for excitement and exploration. Remote properties frequently grant access to awe-inspiring natural scenes and outdoor recreational activities, ranging from hiking and camping to hunting and fishing. For enthusiasts of outdoor pursuits, the prospect of possessing a parcel of land in the middle of nowhere is a dream realized.The Benefits and Hurdles of Possessing Land in the Middle of NowherePossessing land in the middle of nowhere offers a wide array of advantages, but it also comes with its ample share of challenges. One of the most considerable advantages of remote properties is the sense of liberation and self-reliance they bestow. When you possess a parcel of land in the middle of nowhere, you have the liberty to make use of the property however you see fit, whether it's for recreational activities, agriculture, or simply as a spot to escape and relax.Remote properties also offer the potential for monetary gains, whether through appreciation in land value, rental earnings, or the advancement of the land for commercial or residential aims. For some, possessing land in the middle of nowhere is a long-term investment tactic, providing the potential for a lofty yield on investment over time.Encompassing the advantages, nevertheless, possessing land in the middle of nowhere also accompanies its substantial quota of challenges. Remote properties often lack access to essential services and amenities, such as electricity, water, and internet connectivity. This can make it demanding to live comfortably and sustainably in a remote location, and may necessitate substantial investment in infrastructure and off-grid technology.Another challenge of possessing land in the middle of nowhere is the possibility for isolation and restricted access to healthcare, education, and other indispensable services. Residing in a remote locale can be demanding, particularly for those unaccustomed to the solitude and absence of community that accompanies rural living. It is crucial for anyone contemplating purchasing a remote property to cautiously take into account the potential challenges and how they can be surmounted.Tips for Acquiring Land in the Middle of NowhereIf you're contemplating acquiring land in the middle of nowhere, there are a few vital tips to bear in mind to ensure a successful and satisfying acquisition. The initial step is to meticulously research and ponder over the location of the property. Search for areas that present the natural beauty and recreational opportunities you yearn for, while also being fairly close to crucial services and amenities.It's also crucial to meticulously contemplate the potential for development and land use regulations in the area. Some remote properties may encompass restrictions on construction or development, which could affect your long-term intentions for the property. Make sure to thoroughly scrutinize the zoning laws and regulations in the area before making a purchase.When assessing potential properties, it's also indispensable to contemplate the land itself, encompassing the topography, soil quality, and water access. These aspects will exert a notable impact in determining the property's potential for agricultural or recreational usage, as well as its comprehensive value and sustainability.Prior to making a purchase, it's also vital to consult with local experts, such as real estate agents, attorneys, and land consultants, who can provide valuable insights into the local market and aid in navigating the purchasing process. Additionally, it's crucial to meticulously inspect the property and procure a survey and title search to ensure that there are no concealed issues or encumbrances that could influence your investment.To encapsulate, possessing land in the middle of nowhere offers the prospect for peace, quiet, and independence, as well as the potential for sustainable living and monetary gain. While remote properties are accompanied by their substantial share of challenges, the appeal of acquiring land in the middle of nowhere is unquestionable, as more and more individuals seek to break free from the pressures of modern life and embrace a simpler, more natural manner of living. With careful research and thoughtful consideration, anyone can find their very own piece of rural paradise and take pleasure in the numerous advantages that accompany owning land in the middle of nowhere.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
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