Itchy hands amoxicillin


2023.05.13 00:29 Jolly-Emotion5072 ItchyWhiteRingsOnFeet

A community for people to figure out and discuss what these itchy white rings on their feet, hands, or other body parts are.

2023.09.27 02:20 PuttEgg0202 dyshidrosiseczema

Welcome to the UNCENSORED community. We are here to help others heal their condition without censoring information. Dyshidrosis is characterized by small and itchy fluid filled blisters usually on the hands, fingers and feet.

2015.08.28 05:08 longwinters r/skincareaddiction or fungal affliction?

Welcoming all rejects of the skincare, but especially those with fungal acne, fungal folliculitis, candida infections, razor bumps, barber's itch, and whatever else you got.

2024.05.13 22:22 lowriderz00 Why do my hand warts hurt?

They’re very tiny like the size of a baby tick. I have 5 on my hand it started with one then grew. But they all hurt. It feels like a deep pinch, sometimes itchy it’s not all the time but sometimes. Whenever I look it up there’s no explanation. I got salicylic acid to put on it so hopefully that’ll work.
submitted by lowriderz00 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:17 Unusual_Rock52 What is this rash?

What is this rash?
21F This rash made its appearance known today. It’s very tiny seemingly-clear bumps that I first noticed between my fingers (a spot that I have an eczema patch in). I know it’s not eczema, as I’ve had eczema my entire life and it doesn’t show up this way on me. I have since noticed it on the back of my hand coming from that area, and possibly above my armpit as well. I’ve had it before, but I don’t know what it is. The bumps almost look like ant bites. It is itchy. I also did recently get a sunburn, but it wasn’t on my hands.
submitted by Unusual_Rock52 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:54 abbigailrayann Rash on hands/arms and chest

23F I noticed 4 days ago that I developed a rash on the back of my left hand. It has spread up my arms to my chest and is tender and somewhat itchy. I originally thought it was from a mosquito bite, because I have one bite on that left hand, and one bite on my chest that has almost turned into a blister. I went to an urgent care and the doc there didn’t seemed alarmed at all and just told me to take Allegra, which I have been since I noticed the rash 4 days ago. I’ve tried Allegra and Benadryl daily, but It has only seemed to have gotten worse. I asked if blood work should be done and he claimed there was no need. I’m not allergic to any medication or anything that I know of.
Any idea what my next steps should be or what may have cause it? I haven’t touched or ate anything I don’t normally. The only other symptoms I have is a sore throat which started yesterday, and diarrhea. Just wondering how long is too long to have a rash that seemingly came out of nowhere. TYIA
submitted by abbigailrayann to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:40 pinkpetfemme is it a bedbug?

is it a bedbug?
i checked the edges of my mattress, and it looked clean; i also recently changed the sheets, so i feel like i would have noticed something then. for a few weeks now, i've been getting tiny hives all around my body at random times; very rarely do they show up as more than one, they're usually small and round, like a swollen goosebump, but every so often i get a handful of them all together, that aren't perfectly round. they aren't TERRIBLY itchy or painful, and they come and go on their own, or go away completely if i use benadryl or something i also don't just get them at home, or in bed, they show up wherever i am, usually
i have a lot of other symptoms that are indicative of seasonal allergies (post nasal drip, constant sneezing, scratchy throat, puffy eyes) and assumed the hives were a part of it, however, today i found a very tiny, what looked to be brown bug crawling on a dress of mine. instinctively i smashed it, and it had a very tiny amount of blood it in when i did. i took a picture of the still relatively intact body. i have a lot of clover mites outside of my bedroom window, and occasionally they find their way inside if i have the window open (which, i did when i found this bug) but, this was slightly bigger than a clovermite, though not really the size of the bed bugs you find on google, and again, looked to be brown before i smashed it, thus making it look red afterwards.
the appearance of the bug and the blood in it are really making me anxious, however, none of my hives really look like any bed bug bites i can find. i also live with three other people, one of whom i share a bed with, and none of them have had any hives/anything that looks like bites, however one of them has also had other seasonal allergy symptoms. i also have a cat, who has not been itchy at all (i assume bedbugs would bite animals, too)
what should i look out for? do i need to be concerned at all? i haven't found anything in my actual bed (and hopefully i wont) just on my clothes. since i had the window open, is it possible a tick blew in off of some animal? just hoping for any reassurance lol
submitted by pinkpetfemme to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:01 Natural-Break-2734 Itchy nose

Hey guys,
When I do kratom the higher I get the itchier the tip of my nose get.
It is quite annoying as when I am very high it is really itchy and I spend my time with my hand on my nose tweaking like a maniac 😂
Is it normal ??
submitted by Natural-Break-2734 to KratomKorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:53 googlestaffsupport My experience with scabies

I first noticed an itchy red mark on my waist in March 2023.
It's hard to remember exactly but it felt like the itching started very suddenly. At night, it got so bad I'd struggle to sleep and after a shower the itchiness would flare up pretty badly. I didn’t have bumps, it was more like a rash or hives. I thought maybe I was having a reaction to something.
After a while with no improvement, I started to google “itchy skin” and eventually went to see a pharmacist and told them I thought I might have scabies. I got poor advice looking back on it. I was told to do one permethrin application and see if it helped - I bagged up all my clothes for three days and cleaned my room.
At the time, I was living in a large house-share and didn’t tell my housemates I was doing the permethrin treatment. I was hoping it wasn’t scabies.
The treatment didn’t help and I tried to manage the symptoms instead with antihistamines and Eurax (an anti-itch cream), thinking I must be allergic to something. I contacted my GP on and off for months but was told to keep trying the anti-histamines and hope it would clear by itself.
My doctor would ask if I’d tried a scabies treatment and of course I said yes, not thinking that I’d only really completed half a treatment at best. They suggested it could be lichen planus amongst other things.
I started getting fully fledged bumps and bites by the end of the summer. I went back to my GP and they prescribed me a steroid cream and prednisone - which would give me some relief for a day or two. I now know that’s probably the worst thing you can do, as it interferes with your body’s natural defences to the scabies mite.
Finally, after a particularly bad flare up at Christmas, and having noticed large dark bumps on my genitals, I panicked and went to a sexual health clinic in January. A doctor told me I had scabies within about ten minutes.
I started my first (proper) permethrin treatment the same day, bagged everything up for three days and repeated a week later. I had a horrible reaction to the cream this time with intense itching and a delayed, blotchy red rash across my torso.
My housemate also started his treatment but we were a week out of sync. He’d had a nightmare back and forth trying to get a prescription and it didn’t help that there’s an ongoing shortage of permethrin. He ended up paying privately and the cost was exorbitant.
The treatment didn’t work. We tried again. I unbagged my clothes three days after my last application and within a day had new itchy red bumps. I was so disheartened.
It started with a few new bites and built up but I wanted to believe I had post-scabies so badly that I tried to ignore it for a month, just to see if it would clear on it’s own. It didn’t and I went through the process again of contacting the doctor, asking for a prescription, trying to find a pharmacy that stocked permethrin and starting the treatment for a third time.
I finished my (hopefully) last treatment about a month ago. Touch wood and a prayer to all the gods that this is finally the end, more than a year after it started. This time I bagged my clothes and left them for a bit over two weeks. I still have some clothes in bags - the psychological scarring is real!
I’ve noticed bumps pop up here and there but they clear within a few days. I’m using a steroid and anti-bacterial cream, plus Eurax and a daily anti-histamine, to manage them. It hasn’t been a linear recovery. Every time I notice a new bump or itchy spot I panic a little. The itch is no where near as bad as when I had full throttled scabies though and I can sleep again.
The gaps between bumps and strange skin reactions is getting bigger but I’ve noticed the hotter weather and certain types of clothing can trigger it. The worst part has been the constant worry and fear that I’ve still got scabies. Thankfully, I feel like things are improving.
Hands down this has been top three worst things that’s happened to me in a while - and some shit has gone down. I feel for everyone going through something similar.
This subreddit has helped me learn that post-scabies is most definitely a thing. I really appreciated it when people would remind me that it does get better and you can get rid of scabies. It’s also caused me a lot of stress and worry and I’d suggest taking a break from this forum when you’re really feeling the pinch (or itch).
My advice - you have to be your own advocate when it comes to healthcare. I was fobbed off for months and suffered unnecessarily for longer than I needed to.
I love nature, but man, fuck scabies.
TL;DR: I've had scabies for over a year and finally think I'm in the clear. It's possible to get through it.
submitted by googlestaffsupport to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:37 Algunas Does the Rim make one a monster or does it unleash the monster within?
The last time I played, DLCs did not exist yet. I wanted to see what has changed in the last few years and by coincidence 1.5 dropped recently. Besides the majority of my old mods being abandoned or not updated yet I started a Randy playthrough with some light RPG-elements and a mountain base. After two back-to-back raids from the Pig Union and the Neanderthal tribe, my patience and peacefulness evaporated. I unleashed everything I found in the medical bill onto the poor bastards that did not die immediately except for drugs as I just sold everything. Lucky bastards. I hope they have a happy life back at home.
I guess old habits die hard and you don't forget how to live in the rim.
Thanks for coming to my ted-story-rimworld-talk. Happy monday!
submitted by Algunas to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:23 whatsthisforanyways What are those red dots?

What are those red dots?
Those appear mostly at the back of my hand and on my arms. I’ve got a couple of those on my belly as well. They seem to be in clusters on my hand and in couples on my belly. They don’t really hurt, my hand is itchy a little.
submitted by whatsthisforanyways to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:07 Beach_bean Thrush like symptoms for almost 2 years going crazy. Can’t treat it.

Bit of background I was on a year of high dose daily antibiotics with a private specialist mainly amoxicillin (I know vagina microbiome killer) due to a chronic UTI that I’m still dealing with. I had to stop all antibiotics after I had a severe reaction which caused neuropathy that I still deal with and also I had a severe acute case of thrush where I was so sore down there. Since coming off the meds my vagina has a smelly but not fishy smell, my discharge is sometimes like a bright yellow or thick and clumpy. I get lots of discharge all the time, often soak through my pants but on the other hand I can sometimes get an extremely dry vagina where I can’t even insert a finger. Itching, redness and general uncomfortable feeling. I had an STD panel which was clear but not sure if it tested for trich. Pessaries don’t work and I can’t take anymore oral meds. I had 2 days of metronidazole in December for hpylori (gut infection) and my body erupted in bouts of neuropathy causing severe nerve pain, burning all over, fasciculations: this is all better than original onset but still really affects me. Feel at my wits end and feel like nothing works down there.
submitted by Beach_bean to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:45 deepseaisopod30 please help! lots of silly/obvious hygiene and care questions

I never had 'the talk' in any way, including basic personal hygiene. I'm about to turn 18 and I still have no idea how to properly clean this area or take care of it, so I thought I'd ask. Personally, I forget that my vulva and vagina exist almost always (we have a complicated relationship) so I am never monitoring for symptoms and it's hard to know if I've noticed changes.
  1. how am I supposed to be washing it? I currently just use the showerhead and my hands but am I supposed to be using soap? a washcloth? if I use a washcloth should it be a different washcloth to the one I use on the rest of my body? how do I make sure that washcloth isn't collecting bacteria and making things worse?
  2. what is the normal smell supposed to be? I feel self conscious about it and like mine smells bad. I feel like the smell lingers on my hands if I touch that area (I obviously wash them, but it just seems strong smelling)
  3. is it normal/okay to have hair on parts of the outer labia? I feel like I only ever see people with hair above their vulva but I have never shaved so mine is like covering basically all of it, is it normal to have that much hair?
  4. how can you tell whether you have actual issues or if it's just normal? Sometimes I get a little bit of pain after penetration like a random cramp and sometimes my discharge seems too clumpy or yellow, how do I tell what's normal and what isn't?
  5. is it supposed to hurt when I trim my pubes? I haven't in a few years, but when I was like 15 I have this memory of trimming it pretty gently and it being super painful, like a mixture of itchy and just really spiky/harsh?? is this normal?? I can't find much about it, but I want to be able to trim and stuff
  6. can you be allergic to lube? I want to use it but i'm kind of scared that i'd be allergic to it
My main worry is just the hygiene. I used to wash the actual vagina itself using soap and I think it led to me getting some sort of bacterial infection which (hopefully??) is now gone but I am quite scared of using soap down there now but I'm so afraid that it smells.
Thank you !!
submitted by deepseaisopod30 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:11 Think_Pea7430 Weird spots on hand

Weird spots on hand
I’ve been getting repeated bouts of this weird rash/hives on my right hand, it is only usually on this hand and on my index finger. The bumps are usually quite painful and irritated but not itchy. In the photos I’ll show how it progresses through the week it usually starts with one spot then spreads to a few and nothing seems to get rid of it I’ve tried steroid cream and antihistamines does anybody know what this is?
submitted by Think_Pea7430 to skin [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:32 PotentialMath_8481 Anyone else catching cold after cold this past month?

We have been sick over and over again since mid-April. Get better for a few days and then another cold. Washing our hands. Is anyone else going through this? Feels like it is never ending. 😩
esir. Thanks everyone. Just so fed up. Glad I am not alone Yes. Kids are in school. Both immunized for whooping cough. - I double checked last month when we started to get ill. I am going to try the open window idea !!
edit 2 - i have one kid with seasonal allergies - runny nose abd itchy eyes are his m.o. what we have is this is stuffed head, fever, sore throat and full on body aches. one kid now on his 2nd puffer.
submitted by PotentialMath_8481 to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:13 Ray1_exe Red bumps on my hand

29M, 80kilos
I am on a prescription of lipitor 10mg, and cardiprin. I have had a history of eczema but it has historically been isolated to my elbows and knees.
About 3 weeks ago, I noticed a small red bump on the palm of my hand. Initially didn’t think much of it as it wasn’t itchy or painful. It has since spread to more of my right palm. Also has started appearing on my left palm. But is considerably less there.
It feels hard to the touch and is almost pinkish in colour now. Has also started to peel a bit. Should I be worried about this? Or get it checked?
submitted by Ray1_exe to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:27 Busy-Individual1411 I feel like a monster

My hands look disgusting and gross… my shoulders, neck and legs are red, rough and painful.
It hurts to move my neck on account of the neck eczema, my legs are itchy, and I look disgusting in shorts because of that… my shoulders are covered in thousands of tiny bumps called keratosis pilaris, those same bumps on and around my eyes. There have been times where the simple act of sitting in a position for too long becomes agony, moving my neck, hands, fingers, legs. I envy the people who grow out of this shit, mine’s chronic.
Eczema is rough, especially when I’ve been dealing with it since I was a baby, and I admit I won’t be perfect, but is having healthy skin a big ask? I’m afraid people judge me, shun me, and think I have a infectious disease (people obviously don’t point and laugh, but I’m afraid they are)
submitted by Busy-Individual1411 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:45 Spirited_Priority687 Heat rash or scabies?

These bumps appeared the other day. I’m traveling around Europe at the moment, and there have been some hot days in the sun where I’ve been really sweaty. But I’ve also been staying at hotels and airbnbs…
They are on the backs of my hands and top of my feet, on my forearms a little bit and maybe on my back. They seem to get worse in the sun and at night, but they are only itchy sometimes.
submitted by Spirited_Priority687 to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:26 Alarmed-Usual3082 is calmoseptine safe to use down there?

recently had a UTI and was prescribed 7 day round of antibiotics which caused me to now have a yeast infection. i'm very itchy down there and only have calmoseptine on hand, is this safe to use down there? tried googling but couldn't find a definitive answer.
submitted by Alarmed-Usual3082 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:05 United_Record_4170 Lesion appeared 2 weeks ago, never itchy(increasing) started with the big one then the small bumps. I also work in a lab, not found elsewhere except the right forearm and very mimial in left hand.

Lesion appeared 2 weeks ago, never itchy(increasing) started with the big one then the small bumps. I also work in a lab, not found elsewhere except the right forearm and very mimial in left hand. submitted by United_Record_4170 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:01 LastMuffinOnEarth Is this it? Appeared randomly on my hand.

Is this it? Appeared randomly on my hand.
It’s quite itchy. I do not appreciate the tiny bubbles. They’re only on my palms; however many on my right hand and then a single annoying bubble in the center of my left.
Anything I can do about it? Should I get it checked out? My dad claims it’s ’heat rash.’
submitted by LastMuffinOnEarth to Dyshidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:50 Human_Rip9902 Possible Migrating Rash

40M here with an issue I can’t seem to figure out and could be wrong about all together. I’ve had multiple rashes that have behaved similarly since being jabbed by some clippers while getting a beard trim. The rash, a red, very itchy and pretty localized issue would seemingly come in cycles where it would flare up, dry out, then peel/flake. Essentially, all the skin on the surface would die and peel off. It would come and go in my beard but eventually went away on its own, although I had tried to address it with a dermatologist to no avail.
After a brief reprieve 6-12mo, I started developing an inflamed, itchy spot on my toe closest to my big toe on my left foot at the knuckle. Itching, burning, flaking, and peeling. After a short time, this began to occur on the same toe on the right foot and persisted for 3+ years. I believe only two things have controlled it: 1) Strong lotion and 2) Fasting… I think. Definitely the lotion.
Recently, my toes have quit having issues and now my finger closest my pinky on my right had has developed similar issues. It’s awful! I’m just waiting for my left hand to start with the same issue.
What could this possibly be?? I am lost for answers, and I can’t stand not knowing what part of me will be affected next. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by Human_Rip9902 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:50 MJw0lf Trans Tape Advice

I(19ftm) recently got trans tape about 2 months ago from my gf who bought it as a birthday present because I had been asking for it. She bought me the brand mixtape. Ofc I was super excited and watched videos on how to properly apply it and remove it from trans tape. I applied it and was super happy with the outcome. It was a little itchy but kind of expected that as my skin adjusted to the forign adhesive stuck to it but wasn't too bad most of the time. I was still a bit worried because I have sensitive skin which will often get rashes from different creams or bandages that I have put on it before. When it came to taking the tape off, I soaked it in olive oil (because the removal oil was too expensive for both me and my partner) and let it sit for a while then as gently as I could peeled the tape off, rubbing the skin that had been under the tape as the YouTube video had told me to do. My skin was very red and in some places I had bumps that were sore. I got in the shower to remove the oil from my skin and it become very quickly noticeable that all the adhesive had not been removed from my skin. I tried to rub it off in the shower but the warmth and moisture just made it more sticky so any attempt would just make more stick to my hands. After that, any bra, binder and shirt I would wear would stick to my chest, causing me a lot of discomfort. It took me 2 more showers to get rid of all of the adhesive. I tried different ways of getting the adhesive off and different lengths of letting the oil sit on my tape (even tried sunflower oil one time) to see if I could fix the problems I was having. I tried removing the adhesive with more oil and rubbing the skin more after the tape had been removed, before getting in the shower. I tried cold showers. And removing the tape has become more problematic for my skin as sometimes there will be cuts on my skin from the tape or bumps that look to be full of oil. After about 5 days after putting on tape my skin will often start flaking and peeling off. I wait 1-2 weeks between puting the tape on. I tried researching stuff about how to remove trans tape adhesive but removal for just trans tape in general came up. If anyone knows abt trans tape, can I get some advice on what I'm doing wrong? If it's just my skin being sensitive, the brand or my removal method. If anyone has any recommendations for brands of trans tape that are good with sensitive skin or if I should just commit to a few years of compressing binders that don't feel good when I have panic attacks until I get top surgery.
submitted by MJw0lf to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:33 MJw0lf Trans Tape Advice

I(19ftm) recently got trans tape about 2 months ago from my gf who bought it as a birthday present because I had been asking for it. She bought me the brand mixtape. Ofc I was super excited and watched videos on how to properly apply it and remove it from trans tape. I applied it and was super happy with the outcome. It was a little itchy but kind of expected that as my skin adjusted to the forign adhesive stuck to it but wasn't too bad most of the time. I was still a bit worried because I have sensitive skin which will often get rashes from different creams or bandages that I have put on it before. When it came to taking the tape off, I soaked it in olive oil (because the removal oil was too expensive for both me and my partner) and let it sit for a while then as gently as I could peeled the tape off, rubbing the skin that had been under the tape as the YouTube video had told me to do. My skin was very red and in some places I had bumps that were sore. I got in the shower to remove the oil from my skin and it become very quickly noticeable that all the adhesive had not been removed from my skin. I tried to rub it off in the shower but the warmth and moisture just made it more sticky so any attempt would just make more stick to my hands. After that, any bra, binder and shirt I would wear would stick to my chest, causing me a lot of discomfort. It took me 2 more showers to get rid of all of the adhesive. I tried different ways of getting the adhesive off and different lengths of letting the oil sit on my tape (even tried sunflower oil one time) to see if I could fix the problems I was having. I tried removing the adhesive with more oil and rubbing the skin more after the tape had been removed, before getting in the shower. I tried cold showers. And removing the tape has become more problematic for my skin as sometimes there will be cuts on my skin from the tape or bumps that look to be full of oil. After about 5 days after putting on tape my skin will often start flaking and peeling off. I wait 1-2 weeks between puting the tape on. I tried researching stuff about how to remove trans tape adhesive but removal for just trans tape in general came up. If anyone knows abt trans tape, can I get some advice on what I'm doing wrong? If it's just my skin being sensitive, the brand or my removal method. If anyone has any recommendations for brands of trans tape that are good with sensitive skin or if I should just commit to a few years of compressing binders that don't feel good when I have panic attacks until I get top surgery.
submitted by MJw0lf to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:23 AdventurousFault7610 NIGHTMARE What’s the cause of OLP/LP NO DR HAS FIGURED IT OUT.

I am having every symptoms of both. It started with lip swelling and tiny bumps all over my them that crusted and went away after a few days along with gum swelling. After those came out I had a severe headache severe fatigue.. throat pain ear pain that went down to my neck. Throbbing lymph nodes. My jaw pain has been horrible. I see a faint white oval patch on my tongue. And some very faint white lines all over upper lip gums.
Then vaginal itching started I see some red areas with raised bumps down there. I’ve noticed over the past few weeks some white spots all over my gums under or over my teeth. Now I have one single itchy spot near my hand injury. It does flair when I eat spicy food and seems to have created cheilitis on my top lips. I have a purple spot on bother upper side of my lips that have opened into a painful sore after using a spoon 😫 every symptom started mid march. I’ve gone to 3 dentist in a 2 day span during my last lip flair even showed them my gums. Said nothing…. I have gone to the OBGYN TWICE for a vaginal exam. Nothing. Went to the primary 3 times… no care and barely looked at my mouth and lips. A dermatologist, And walk in clinics twice. All since march. I’ve showed them everything. I’ve showed them pictures I’ve explained every timeline and they say oh oral herpes here’s some antivirals even though the swab was negative. I’m exhausted I feel like my own dr who’s doing an investigation on myself because so far they all push me away. SOMETHINGS going on with me all these symptoms all these changes. I finally believe it’s all my symptoms wholeheartedly I have OLP/LP/ AND VLP.
I’m definitely calling my primary with my concerns and more info and I hope she takes me seriously. I need help who do I see for this. A primary? A dentist? The obgyn? An ENT? What do I do and how do I find out what’s causing my body to do this. I’m broken right now I’m lost. Will anyone share their stories? It doesn’t seem like many people have this on here. I just feel like my whole world is changing just because of these symptoms.
submitted by AdventurousFault7610 to Lichenplanus [link] [comments]