Vitamins and for minerals memory

Mineral Porn

2012.06.23 18:44 josh6499 Mineral Porn

Welcome to MineralPorn, a place for sharing images of beautiful rocks and minerals.

2008.11.17 03:35 Nutrition

A subreddit for the discussion of nutrition science. Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, diets, and nutrition news are among the many topics discussed. Civil discourse is required.

2009.03.26 16:51 webdoodle Παλαιός / Palæos - The Story of Life

What is palæontology? Literally, the word translates from Greek παλαιός + ον + λόγος [ old + being + science ] and is the science that unravels the æons-long story of life on the planet Earth, from the earliest monera to the endless forms we have now, including humans, and of the various long-dead offshoots that still inspire today. This community is open to anyone interested in paleontology, fossils, and evolution.

2024.05.14 08:10 vadroqvertical How I (personally and mostly) overcome FQAD, took me ~600 days

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share how I personally managed to overcome FQAD (or at least the worst part of it, lets hope to not relapse). I’m not quite at 100%, but I’m somewhere in the 95-99% range, depending on whether it’s a good or bad day. Initially, I experienced tendon and muscle issues all over my body—from my feet to my neck. I dealt with some minor fatigue, twitching, and cracking. It took me around 600 days, including at least 500 PT/rehab sessions, to reach this point.
I still take quite a few supplements, but they’ve helped me maintain that 95% level. If I stop taking them for a while, I notice a decline. Here’s what’s been working for me:
Other strategies that worked for me:
  1. Rehab: This had the biggest impact alongside time. Over 500 rehab sessions, I gradually loaded my tendons, allowing me to regain normalcy. I can lift, hike, cycle, do chores, and work. I could even run, but I’m not a fan. I’ll continue with rehab, transitioning to normal training over time. I even made a special instagram account for my rehab progress, it also contains some information how to start if someone wants on their own, that link is in my profile here in reddit
  2. Time: The 19 months of being floxed played a significant role in my recovery.
  3. Fasting/Caloric Deficit: Initially, fasting caused flare-ups, but now it’s fine. The caloric deficit during fasting likely triggers autophagy, including mitophagy.
  4. Breathing exercises: I do Wim Hof Breathing, Box Breathing, and the Physiological Sigh from Hubberman throughout the day.
  5. Near Infrared Therapy: Once I found the right dosage, it noticeably sped up my leg recovery. (my dosage is quiet low, its currently like 1,3j/cm2 and still gradually adding more slowly slowly)
  6. Heat and Cold Exposure: I exposed myself to both heat and cold, which helps with mitochondria biogenesis.
  7. Social Interaction: Having supportive friends, especially my wife, made a huge difference but also finding other floxies who shared the same mindset about doing something about it
  8. Supplements: I’ve tried many, but the ones listed above have been the most beneficial.
Final Thoughts:
I might be luckier than others in terms of how hard I was floxed, but who really knows? I credit my recovery to a combination of factors: antioxidants, magnesium, persistence in rehab, and the realization that I had to save myself. There’s no magic cure; it’s a process. Once I shifted my mindset, I made progress. It’s not just mental—it’s action.
submitted by vadroqvertical to floxies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 laparosopyhospital Postoperative malabsorption: Poor absorption of nutrients from the intestines, which can occur after gastrointestinal surgeries.

Postoperative malabsorption is a condition characterized by the poor absorption of nutrients from the intestines following gastrointestinal surgeries. This can have significant implications for the patient's nutritional health, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and management of postoperative malabsorption is crucial for healthcare professionals to provide optimal care for their patients.
submitted by laparosopyhospital to u/laparosopyhospital [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:34 Specialist_Bison_899 The Enchanting Fruit of Uttarakhand: Kafal

Introduction: Nestled in the lap of the majestic Himalayas, Uttarakhand is a land of breathtaking beauty and abundant natural resources. Among its many treasures, one fruit stands out for its unique flavor and enchanting qualities - the Kafal. This small, crimson-colored fruit, found in the higher altitudes of Uttarakhand, holds a special place in the hearts of locals and travelers alike. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Kafal and explore why it is truly a fruit worth celebrating.
  1. The Origin and Habitat of Kafal: Kafal, scientifically known as Myrica esculenta, is native to the Himalayan region and primarily found in Uttarakhand. It thrives in the cool and temperate climate of the higher altitudes, making it a delightful surprise for trekkers and nature enthusiasts exploring the region. The fruit-bearing trees can be spotted in the lush forests, often growing alongside oak, rhododendron, and other endemic flora.
  2. Appearance and Taste: Resembling a small cherry, Kafal fruit has a vibrant red color that immediately catches the eye. The fruits grow in clusters, making them easy to spot amidst the green foliage. When it comes to taste, Kafal is a delightful blend of sweet and tangy flavors. Its unique taste is often described as a mix of raspberries and strawberries, with a hint of sourness that adds an exciting twist.
  3. Nutritional Benefits: Beyond its delicious taste, Kafal boasts several nutritional benefits. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this fruit helps boost immunity, improve digestion, and promote overall well-being. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C, which aids in collagen production, strengthening the immune system, and supporting healthy skin.
  4. Culinary Uses and Traditional Significance: Kafal holds a significant place in the culture and cuisine of Uttarakhand. The locals use it in various culinary preparations, including jams, jellies, desserts, and refreshing summer drinks. The fruit's unique flavor adds a distinct twist to these dishes, making them truly memorable. Moreover, Kafal is often enjoyed as a raw snack during treks and hikes, providing a burst of energy and hydration.
  5. Ecological Importance and Conservation Efforts: The Kafal fruit plays a crucial role in the ecology of Uttarakhand. It serves as a vital food source for numerous bird species and small mammals, ensuring their survival in the fragile ecosystem of the Himalayas. However, due to climate change and deforestation, the habitat of Kafal is under threat. To protect this enchanting fruit, conservation initiatives and sustainable farming practices are being promoted, emphasizing the importance of preserving Uttarakhand's rich biodiversity.
Conclusion: The Kafal fruit of Uttarakhand is truly a hidden gem, cherished by locals and celebrated by nature enthusiasts. Its unique taste, nutritional benefits, and cultural significance make it a fruit that deserves recognition and conservation efforts. As we explore the enchanting landscapes of Uttarakhand, let us remember to savor the flavors and appreciate the natural wonders that this land has to offer, including the delightful Kafal fruit.
submitted by Specialist_Bison_899 to Devbhumiinuttrand [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:18 Yusra-Shahid Which are the most essential vegetables?

Keeping a variety of vegetables at home ensures you have access to nutritious options for meals and snacks. Here are some vegetables that are versatile, have a relatively long shelf life, and are great to have on hand:
  1. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and lettuce are rich in vitamins and minerals, perfect for salads, smoothies, or sautéing.
  2. Root Vegetables: Carrots, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are versatile and can be used in various dishes like soups, stews, roasts, or as a side dish.
  3. Bell Peppers: Bell peppers add color and flavor to dishes, whether raw in salads, sautéed in stir-fries, or roasted in the oven.
  4. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are a staple in many cuisines and can be used fresh in salads, sandwiches, or sauces, or canned for longer storage.
  5. Broccoli and Cauliflower: These cruciferous vegetables are packed with nutrients and can be steamed, roasted, or added to stir-fries and casseroles.
  6. Onions and Garlic: Onions and garlic are essential for adding flavor to savory dishes and can be stored for an extended period in a cool, dry place.
  7. Zucchini and Squash: These versatile vegetables can be used in pasta dishes, stir-fries, soups, or grilled as a side dish.
  8. Frozen Vegetables: Stock up on frozen vegetables like peas, corn, green beans, and mixed vegetables for convenience and to ensure you always have vegetables on hand, even when fresh options are limited.
Having these vegetables in your kitchen ensures you can easily incorporate them into your meals, providing you with a variety of nutrients and flavors for a balanced diet.
submitted by Yusra-Shahid to bloggerssay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:18 CloudyRiverMind Which super strength would you most like to have?

Super Strength: You can throw around semi trucks without much hassle. Includes the ability to not kill yourself using it.
Super Speed: Zoom-Zoom. Includes reflexes and the ability to withstand acceleration.
Super Vitality: Even the best bullets bounce off of you dented. You can heal from injuries that take a normal person a year in a week. You can't really gain muscle, but you feel like solid metal.
Super Endurance: You completely lack the need for energy. You can fight, fight, fight all night, night, night. Your body still heals. Daily values of vitamins, minerals, etc still needed.
Super Senses: You can hear, see, smell, taste and 'feel' like the best animal in each category. Beware sewers and restaurants... Includes ability to process them.
Super Intelect: You can remember everything you have ever heard, seen, though, or felt to exact detail. Does not come with creativity, but does include the ability to process information and run experiments based on learned and experience data (basically you're an unlimited storage computer).
Super Longevity: Your lifespan is theoreticslly infinite. Does not stop you from being killed by sickness, disaster, murder, or stupidiy.
submitted by CloudyRiverMind to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 stormyfuck bridgerstoned 2.1

Dearest gentle readers, did you miss me? it’s time for season 2! I’m gonna try to do all 8 episodes before s3 drops
Episode 1
okay good night! thanks for reading
submitted by stormyfuck to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:21 Lufthansa138 What's your favorite console Sims game? I'm basically talking all the non-PC "ports". Feeling in the mood to play something nostalgic.

Growing up I was heavily investing the Sims for PC, all the way from Sims 1 to the current day. I recently found my old DS and noticed a copy of both My Sims and Sims 2 Castaway which I had no earthly memory of until that very moment. I honestly don't recall if I liked the games or if the limited factor made me run right back to PC.
I recently replayed HM: More friends of Mineral Town for the GBA and I'm really in the mood to play more of these older games I missed out on back in the day. I hear the sims console games are wild, so what's your favorite and why! :D
PS: It can be any console game, not just the ones I own. I'm super curious.
submitted by Lufthansa138 to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 ThrowawayN00bqLos3r Borderlands 3 Was Randy Pitchford’s Wet Dream. Awful Game.

Absolute horrid story. I watched the whole game when it released on youtube around 4 years ago and now i finally played it for myself and beat the game a few weeks ago. I swear this was the most cringy worst game i’ve played in my entire life. Nearly every character is a midget now and they’re called “tinks” now. What was randy pichford thinking? Did he have a wet dream about what borderlands 3 should be and came up with midgets for every single boss? I bet the guy watched a ton of midget porn and had a fetish for that crap. It’s like he had a wet dream and wrote “midgets and streamers” as the main game’s objective on a piece of paper and told the entire game management team to go crazy. Lmao..
I bet he hired just about anybody to work on this awful game.
Here are some of my gripes.
All of enemies in the game are unserious and goofy now. Unlike how borderlands 1 you actually took enemies and bosses serious and they came off as deadly and badass. Now it’s like you’re against mentally challenged babies. Remember how scared and anxious you were to fight sledge in bl1? Yeah now you’re fighting against a midget baby boss that goes down in 10 shots.
Are you telling me every planet has psychos and just about the same enemies? Why couldn’t they have designed more enemies for each planet to make it feel unique. It makes the game’s world feel unauthentic. Like psychos should only be on pandora because how would they even get to space? Like what.
The new psycho design is a joke. I liked bl1’s design better when they were crazy coal miners who lost their jobs and went crazy. Now they’re just troy and tyreen’s puppets who try and imitate bl1’s psychos. Wtf happened to bruisers now? They felt intimidating in bl1 and 2 and now they’re just goofies with shotguns.
Why when we travel to new planets for the first time do we automatically appear with our shuttle crashed? No cutscene or anything of us landing? It’s just flat out lazy. Even the shuttles are in areas where it would be impossible to actually land. The planet previews are laughable and it’s lazy game design.
The vault bosses were mediocre and uninteresting compared to bl1 and 2. It’s like you’re fighting a dlc boss instead of an actual vault monster. I killed each vault monster in 3 minutes. A waste of what could’ve been something interesting. In the pre sequel’s ending you felt hyped for bl3 to come out because there were going to be all these cool vaults you could find. I didn’t feel an ounce of that when i played bl3. Every single vault has the same exact layout. It’s like the dev team were too lazy to even design something interesting. None of the vaults have good loot either. It’s laughable.
Don’t even get me started on how they made typhon deleon. He’s goofy, short, and fat and you can’t take him serious at all. This was a good moment to make a memorable character that was mentioned and hyped up in all 3 games but they ruined it all. Randy pitchford would rather have a midget fat guy that sounds like danny devito as the first vault hunter. Lmao.. This guy’s fetish went too far. ☠️
The calypso twins being typhon deleon’s kids makes no sense. They would be rich and already have all they wanted but instead they wrote them as bratty ungrateful kids who want world domination. Like what? You can’t takes these villains serious at all.
What in the hell were they thinking for the eridian homeworld planet? Remember how cool and awesome it was going to the vault in the end of bl1 and seeing the eridians. Now there’s none of that and it’s like you’re fighting kung fu fighters instead. The entire level’s design is so boring, bland, and uninteresting. Literally all they did was put two floating cubes in the middle of the map then copy and pasted the same structures all throughout the maps. Lmao.. such a waste of what could have been a cool planet to visit.
The dialogue in this game was horrible. It’s like nonstop jokes where you can’t even take anything serious. Every character is goofy and poorly portrayed. They were trying too hard to make the game funny.
When a main character dies they get a 30 second memorial talk and the game moves on. Also they made tannis a siren. LOL
Every single side mission felt like you were playing a torture simulator that got increasingly more annoying every time.
The only time i felt like the game was alright was the 1-2 missions we get to play that have mordecai, brick, and tiny tina. I liked that they made brick and mordecai look kinda like they did in bl1.
The part where you go to the jacobs estate and get to the jacobs ceo’s room it’s like why are there books everywhere? Isn’t this the guy the one who made jacob’s corporation and designed awesome guns? The one mentioned all of bl1 and 2? That guy? Why is his room filled with books and beer kegs? Shouldn’t there be guns hanging on the walls or something.. That’s awful game and character design.
Why didn’t they let us revisit fyrestone or some of the old locations from bl1 and 2? That would’ve been awesome but they would rather design new variations of midgets lmao.
Oh and the worst of all is the voice and gun sounds menu. Why didn’t they add a custom gun sound option that you could turn down? My ears were bleeding half the time from how loud the guns are (especially that acid legendary gun) and i spent half of my gameplay turning the volume up and down constantly trying to find a good level to where my ears wouldn’t explode and i could still hear the game. I literally had a ear ache. The technical vehicle’s engine sound was so loud i never used it half the time, and i only used the bike wheel vehicle for how badly loud it was. Also Ellie’s voice is so loud and obnoxious.
I bought the Ultimate Edition too with every single add on and dlc and you couldn’t get me to even try to ever play this game again. Lmao.
I played that mission of claptrap’s videogame and i said nope, i’m fucking done. That was the most annoying shit i had to sit through in a video game.
I already know the dlc would suck ass just like the main game. I can pass on the brain rot. No thanks. The last borderlands game i’ll probably play is tales from the borderlands 1. That’s even if i ever try it.
Borderlands as a whole is finished. The movie trailer was god awfully laughable. Randy pitchford is paying the price for his midget fetish.
I probably missed some stuff and might make a part 2 but there’s my 2 cents on this game.
submitted by ThrowawayN00bqLos3r to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 Pjask63s 19 with 283 Total Testosterone

19 with 283 Total Testosterone
The first time I got tested, my total testosterone came out to 283ng/dl. Was absolutely shocked, because I believe it would be at least 600-800. Few weeks later I got tested once again, and my free testosterone this time came to 236 pmol/L and my sperm count is low. My doctor says it’s “normal”, since when is feeling tired often and low libido normal at 19 years old? Arguably the worst news I’ve ever heard, to know that I am literally less of a man absolutely destroys me.
I am about 5’9 at 197LBS, my body fat had risen past 15% during my one year lean bulk and I’ve begun cutting recently. But it’s a very small deficit of only 200 calories which I planned to slowly ramp up. Threw in some intermittent fasting as well, and have been training hard following a PPLRPPL split with sprints on my off days plus daily mobility and stretching. I sleep easily 8-9 hours per day, going to bed at 10 PM and waking up naturally between 6-7 every morning. I am currently eating about 2500 calories in a very slight deficit, every single thing I eat is natural and unprocessed. I aim for nutrient dense foods and make sure to get enough vitamins/minerals/micronutrients/fiber and supplement with Vitamin D, ashwaganda on the daily. Currently consuming about 200g protein, 80g fats, 180g of carbs every single day. I’ve even gone as far as trying to cut out almost all the chemicals from my life. And this isn’t something I’ve started doing recently, I’ve been doing this for over a year now. Natural fluoride free toothpaste, natural bar soap/shampoo/laundry and dish detergent. Replace as many daily use plastics with metal/wood if possible. No chemical filled cosmetics like sunscreen, coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, grass fed organic butter or beef tallow only.
At this point I genuinely do not know what to do. I’ve called a few endocrinologist’s but they won’t take me unless a doctor recommends me. I’ve visited the three doctors I have local to me regarding this issue already. I’ve skimmed over TRT and one of the effects which scare me is my balls shrinking or losing the ability to have children. What should I be doing? Where should I go from here?
I’ve attached a photo of my current physique if this is in any matter relevant; I am a lifetime natural.
submitted by Pjask63s to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 Street-Razzmatazz978 Dev Release 29

May 14, 2024 Dev Release 29 Greeting BlockDAG Community,
Hope you'll had a blasting weekend Building on our BlockDAG Mining Discussion: Following up on our conversation about mining algorithms last week, let's delve deeper into the RandomX protocol. It emerged as a promising candidate during our discussions, and we believe it warrants a closer technical examination to understand its suitability for our BlockDAG project.
Key Points:
We'll be resuming our exploration of BlockDAG mining implementation. As a reminder, Mondays are typically filled with planning meetings. Building on our initial discussion about mining algorithms, let's focus on RandomX.
We'll explore the technical aspects of RandomX to assess its viability. What is RandomX protocol and let's understand the importance for us RandomX has become a cornerstone for many blockchain projects prioritizing decentralization and fair mining practices. This Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm stands out for its focus on CPU utilization, making it resistant to specialized hardware like ASICs.
There are various reasons why we're considering it as an optimized algorithm for us:
Performance Optimization:
While RandomX is CPU-centric, knowledge of its workings can help optimize mining software for better performance on specific CPU architectures. CPU mining allows regular users to participate in the mining process, fostering a more inclusive network.
Security Audits:
Familiarity with RandomX's design principles can aid in security audits, allowing you to identify potential vulnerabilities in your own PoW implementation. The algorithm leverages established cryptographic tools like AES, Blake2, and Argon2 to ensure overall security.
As we claim for performance and security this protocol has been our very first choice for the algorithm.
RandomX in BlockDAG:
A Technical Deep Dive RandomX achieves its CPU-friendliness and ASIC resistance through a combination of techniques:
Random Code Execution: Pseudo Code: function GenerateRandomInstruction():
// Generate random instruction from SRVVM instruction set
// (integefloating-point arithmetic, conditional branches, memory access)
return instruction
function GenerateProgram():
program = [] for i in range(program_size):
return program
The algorithm dynamically generates instructions (code) at runtime using the SRVVM instruction set. This thwarts ASICs, which are designed to excel at executing pre-defined sets of instructions efficiently.
Now let's get into the implementation of RandomX protocol in BlockDAG:
As our blockchain is DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) based, the mining process and consensus mechanism may differ from a traditional blockchain with a linear structure. In a BlockDAG blockchain, transactions will be represented as vertices in a graph, and blocks are not necessarily organized in a linear sequence.
RandomX algorithm Here's how the RandomX algorithm could be adapted for BlockDAG:
Transaction Inclusion: Miners select transactions from the DAG to include in the block they are mining. These transactions will be chosen based on factors like transaction fees and priority.
RandomX Initialization:
The RandomX algorithm initializes a dataset based on the state of the DAG. However, since the DAG structure may change dynamically with new transactions, the dataset initialization process needs to account for this by incorporating the latest DAG state.
Cache Initialization:
Miners create a cache from the RandomX dataset, as before, but they may need to adjust the cache creation process to accommodate the DAG structure. Each mining thread creates its own cache, potentially incorporating different parts of the dataset based on the DAG state.
Mining Process:
Miners execute the RandomX hashing function on the cache and the block data, as before. The resulting hash is compared against the target difficulty, and if it meets the criteria, the miner successfully mines a block.
  1. Verification: Other nodes in the network verify the mined block by independently executing the RandomX hashing function and validating the transactions included in the block. Since the blockchain is DAG-based, nodes may need to traverse the DAG to verify the transactions' validity.
Here's a high-level pseudocode representation of the mining process:
function RandomX(cache, input):
// Perform a series of mathematical operations on the cache and input
// to generate a hash result
result = ComputeHash(cache, input)
return result
function MineBlock():
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = InitializeDataset()
// Create cache for each mining thread
for thread in mining_threads:
 cache[thread] = CreateCache(dataset) 
// Mining loop
while true:
 for thread in mining_threads: // Select transactions to include in the block from the DAG selected_transactions = SelectTransactionsFromDAG() // Execute RandomX hashing function on cache and block data hash_result = RandomX(cache[thread], selected_transactions) // Check if hash result meets difficulty criteria if hash_result < target_difficulty: // Block successfully mined return hash_result 
This pseudocode outlines the basic steps involved in mining a block on BlockDAG using the RandomX algorithm.
Detailed pseudo code Here is the detailed pseudo code our implementation:
function GenerateRandomInstruction():
// Generates a random instruction from the SRVVM instruction set
// (includes integefloating-point arithmetic, conditional branches, memory access)
return instruction
function GenerateProgram():
program = []
for i in range(program_size): program.append(GenerateRandomInstruction())
return program
function InitializeRandomXDataset(dag):
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = [] for vertex in dag.vertices: dataset.append(Hash(
// Hashing each vertex's data for dataset initialization
return dataset
function CreateCache(dataset):
// Create cache for RandomX computation
cache = []
for i in range(cache_size):
 cache.append(dataset[RandomIndexInRange(0, len(dataset))]) // Randomly select dataset entries for cache return cache 
function RandomX(cache, input):
// Perform RandomX hashing function on cache and input
result = ComputeHash(cache, input)
return result
function MineBlock(dag, mining_threads):
// Initialize RandomX dataset based on the current state of the DAG
dataset = InitializeRandomXDataset(dag)
// Create cache for each mining thread
for thread in mining_threads:
 cache[thread] = CreateCache(dataset) 
// Mining loop
while true:
 for thread in mining_threads: // Select transactions to include in the block from the DAG selected_transactions = SelectTransactionsFromDAG(dag) // Execute RandomX hashing function on cache and block data hash_result = RandomX(cache[thread], selected_transactions) // Check if hash result meets difficulty criteria if hash_result < target_difficulty: // Block successfully mined return hash_result 
Stay tuned! As we move forward towards the core of the technical implementation these algorithms will become more and more meaningful. Stay tuned for further updates!
submitted by Street-Razzmatazz978 to BDAGminer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:28 Holchin Unveiling the Health Wonders of Embracing a Vegetarian Lifestyle!

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for a healthier lifestyle has become paramount. Amidst this pursuit, vegetarianism has emerged not just as a dietary choice but as a holistic approach to well-being. Let's delve into the remarkable health benefits that come with embracing a vegetarian lifestyle.
  1. Nutrient-Rich Bounty: Vegetarianism unveils a cornucopia of nutrients readily available in plant-based foods. From vibrant fruits and vegetables to hearty legumes and nuts, a well-planned vegetarian diet is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants vital for optimal health.
  2. Heart's Delight: Embracing vegetarianism paves the way for a healthier heart. Studies consistently show that vegetarians have a reduced risk of heart disease, thanks to the absence of artery-clogging saturated fats found in meat. By indulging in plant-based delights, we nourish our hearts and safeguard against cardiovascular woes.
  3. Weight Wellness: Bid farewell to weight woes with vegetarianism. Plant-based diets tend to be lower in calories and saturated fats, making them a beacon of weight management. With a bounty of wholesome plant foods at our disposal, we can achieve and maintain a healthy weight effortlessly.
  4. Cancer's Foe: Nature's armor against cancer lies in the vibrant hues of plant foods. Vegetarian diets are linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers, including colorectal and prostate cancer. Packed with phytochemicals and antioxidants, plant-based fare strengthens our defenses against malignant foes.
  5. Gut Gratification: Nurture your gut, nurture your health. Vegetarian diets, rich in fiber, promote digestive harmony by supporting regular bowel movements and fostering a flourishing gut microbiome. Say goodbye to digestive woes and hello to gut gratification with every plant-powered meal.
  6. Diabetes Defense: Turn the tide against type 2 diabetes with vegetarianism. Studies suggest that plant-based diets can lower the risk of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and managing blood sugar levels. By embracing vegetarianism, we embark on a journey towards diabetes prevention and control.
The path to optimal health and well-being beckons us through the verdant realms of vegetarianism. By embracing this lifestyle, we unlock a treasure trove of health benefits, from a happier heart to a fortified immune system. Let us embark on this journey together, nourishing our bodies, minds, and spirits with the bountiful gifts of the earth. Join the conversation! Share your experiences with vegetarianism and let's inspire each other to embrace a healthier, more vibrant way of living.
submitted by Holchin to u/Holchin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:27 DrRitamari23 Quick and Easy Green Keto, Vegan Green Beans Almondine (Raw Vegan Option)

Quick and Easy Green Keto, Vegan Green Beans Almondine (Raw Vegan Option)
Vegan Green Beans on the Keto Diet Almondine is a lovely blend of healthy, gluten-free, and fresh ingredients that combine to provide a dish that is high in nutrients and flavor. Green beans, which are low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, provide the foundation of this dish. They are crisp and colorful.This is a variation on the traditional French cuisine, Green Beans Almondine, which calls for toasting almonds on top of cooked green beans. Its blend of flavors and textures—crunchy almonds, savory mushrooms, and crisp green beans.
Finely sliced and marinated mushrooms complement the fresh green beans, allowing their taste to permeate the entire dish. A drizzle of olive oil provides the ideal texture for a hint of richness, while lime juice offers a blast of citrus brightness. Of course, we also need almonds—ideally soaked and dehydrated for extra crunch and nutty flavor that gives each bite texture and complexity.
Whether you're a vegan or keto diet or simply looking for a tasty way to enjoy fresh green beans, making this Green Beans Almondine recipe is sure to impress!
submitted by DrRitamari23 to u/DrRitamari23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 DrRitamari23 Gluten-Free Vegan Keto Asparagus Curry Noodle Soup And A Raw Vegan Option

Gluten-Free Vegan Keto Asparagus Curry Noodle Soup And A Raw Vegan Option
Asparagus is one of the springtime veggies that is nutrient-dense and full of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Furthermore, spring veggies offer better flavor, texture, and quality than produce that is out of season because they are at their freshest this time of year.The creamy richness of coconut curry pairs beautifully with the freshness of fresh asparagus in this springtime recipe. This is a great soup to make for a nice spring lunch, or if you are looking to follow a raw vegan, vegan, dairy-free, or ketogenic diet.
Asparagus, artichokes, and leafy greens are just a few of the spring vegetables that have inherent purifying qualities that help promote liver function and aid in cleansing the body These veggies are great for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, managing weight, and improving digestive health because they are high in fiber and low in calories. There are countless ways to prepare them and enjoy the results, from raw to steamed, roasted, or sautéed.
Let us enjoy the nutritious benefits of this delicious and nutritious asparagus soup by making it now!
submitted by DrRitamari23 to u/DrRitamari23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:07 hayaheal Okra water and vag dryness

Okra water is made by soaking cut up Okra overnight. you need to chop okra and then soak it in the water for an entire night. Chopping of Okra completely depends on the way you want to chop it, like in small pieces and long slices. Just need to make sure that it is completely soaked in water overnight. It has a thick glue-like material called mucilage.
For sjogrens: -helps with constipation: Some Studies suggest that the sticky liquid of okra water called mucilage provides a calming impact on the digestive tract, assisting with digestive issues and gut health like constipation and other discomforts.
-anti inflammatory:
Okra contains some compounds rich in anti-inflammatory qualities. Consumption of Okra soaked Water may help lower the body's inflammatory levels, which provides positive effects.
-Vaginal Dryness:
Some potential studies suggest that Okra soaked water helps lubricate both men and women. The water helps in preventing vaginal dryness, which in turn increases the sexual potential. When there's enough lubrication at the time of sexual intimacy and less rigid friction, okra water is proven to give that relief.
It not only increases the lubrication during sex but also provides lubrication before sex to make you feel about sexual intimacy. Okra Water contains several vitamins like vitamins A, B, and E, which enhance the lubrication generation power inside the body. Okra water helps in getting rid of vaginal dryness and gives the natural wetness production to the body.
I copied this info from a website but it seems that okra water actually helps with hydration overall and sjogrens warriors need that. Dont forget coconut water.
submitted by hayaheal to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 Paramallas Healthy Eating: Tips and Recipes for a Balanced Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is a transformative journey that can lead to a more vibrant, energetic, and resilient life. This comprehensive article provides a roadmap for incorporating nutritious whole foods into a balanced diet. Readers will discover simple tips and delicious recipes to build a foundation for optimal nutrition and well-being.
In this guide, we'll explore the importance of healthy eating, the benefits of a balanced diet, and strategies for overcoming common obstacles. You'll learn how to create plant-based meals that are satisfying and nutrient-dense, as well as how to manage food allergies and intolerances. Additionally, we'll delve into the principles of clean eating and the role of weight management through mindful consumption.
Whether you're seeking to improve your energy levels, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, or simply cultivate a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle, this article will empower you to make sustainable changes that will positively impact your overall well-being.
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Key Takeaways

Understanding the Importance of Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in whole foods, plant-based options, and organic ingredients can provide a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond physical health. By embracing clean eating habits and adhering to dietary guidelines, individuals can experience enhanced energy levels, improved weight management, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.
Full Meals and More Healthy Diet Tips Here!

Benefits of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-dense foods can have a profound impact on an individual's health and wellness. Such a diet not only supports weight management but also contributes to better cardiovascular health, improved cognitive function, and a stronger immune system. Moreover, a plant-based approach to eating can help mitigate the risk of food allergies and intolerances, allowing individuals to enjoy a wider range of delicious and nutritious options.
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Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating

Despite the numerous advantages of healthy eating, individuals often face various obstacles that can hinder their ability to adopt and maintain a balanced diet. Common challenges include time constraints, budget concerns, and a lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating principles. However, with the right strategies and resources, these barriers can be overcome. By planning meals, exploring affordable nutrient-rich options, and expanding their culinary skills, individuals can seamlessly integrate healthy eating habits into their daily lives.
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Benefits of a Balanced Diet Overcoming Obstacles to Healthy Eating
Improved energy levels Better weight management Reduced risk of chronic diseases Enhanced mental clarity Mitigation of food allergies and intolerances Time constraints Budget concerns Lack of knowledge about whole foods and clean eating Strategies for cost-effective meal planning Exploration of affordable nutrient-rich options

Building a Balanced Plate

Creating a well-rounded, nutritious meal is the foundation of a healthy eating lifestyle. When building a balanced plate, it's essential to focus on including protein-rich foods, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains to ensure your body receives a comprehensive array of essential nutrients.

Protein-Rich Foods for Satiety

Incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals can help promote a sense of fullness and satisfaction, preventing overeating and supporting your weight management goals. Opt for lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, legumes, tofu, and eggs to create meals that are both nourishing and satisfying.

Fiber-Filled Vegetables and Fruits

Filling your plate with an abundance of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits is a key component of a balanced diet. These plant-based foods are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being. Aim to include a variety of colorful produce, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits, to ensure you're getting a diverse range of nutrients.
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Whole Grains for Sustained Energy

Incorporating whole grains into your meals can provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day, helping to prevent mid-afternoon slumps. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, and oats to reap the benefits of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and other essential nutrients that support your overall nutrition and clean eating habits.

Healthy Eating: Tips and Strategies

Incorporating healthy eating into your daily routine doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By embracing practical tips and strategies, you can seamlessly integrate nutritious whole foods into your lifestyle and reap the numerous benefits of a balanced diet. This section delves into the key elements of successful healthy eating, empowering you to make sustainable changes for a healthier, more vibrant life.

Meal Planning and Preparation

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a game-changer when it comes to healthy eating. By dedicating a bit of time each week to menu planning, grocery shopping, and meal prepping, you can ensure that nutritious, whole foods are readily available, reducing the temptation to reach for less healthy options. Experiment with plant-based recipes and organic ingredients to create balanced, flavorful meals that nourish your body and satisfy your taste buds.

Reading Food Labels

Navigating the aisles of the grocery store can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to identifying healthy, minimally processed foods. Develop the habit of carefully reading food labels to make informed choices. Look for products with a short list of recognizable, whole food ingredients and minimal added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. By becoming a savvy label reader, you can easily spot clean eating options that align with your dietary goals and nutrition needs.
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Healthy Eating Tip Benefit
Meal Planning and Preparation Ensures the availability of nutritious, whole foods, reducing the temptation for less healthy options.
Reading Food Labels dietary guidelinesweight managementHelps you identify clean, minimally processed food choices that support your and goals.

Incorporating Whole, Plant-Based Foods

Embracing a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods is a cornerstone of a healthy eating lifestyle. These nutrient-dense options not only provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also offer a wealth of benefits for overall well-being.

Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Research has consistently shown that plant-based diets can have a positive impact on heart health, weight management, and environmental sustainability. By focusing on a variety of whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, individuals can lower their risk of chronic diseases, achieve a healthier weight, and reduce their carbon footprint.
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Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods

Whole, plant-based foods are packed with essential nutrients that support a balanced diet. From fiber-rich leafy greens to antioxidant-dense berries, these nutrient-dense options provide the body with the necessary building blocks for optimal health. By incorporating a diverse array of whole foods into their meals, individuals can ensure they are meeting their nutritional needs while enjoying the flavors and textures of a clean eating lifestyle.
Nutrient-Dense Whole Foods Key Nutrients Health Benefits
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Arugula) Vitamins A, C, K, Folate, Calcium, Iron Promote eye health, support a healthy immune system, and aid in maintaining strong bones.
Berries (Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries) Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Fiber Help fight inflammation, improve brain function, and support a healthy heart.
Whole Grains (Brown Rice, Quinoa, Oats) Complex Carbohydrates, Fiber, B Vitamins balanced dietProvide sustained energy, promote digestive health, and contribute to a .
Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans) Protein, Fiber, Iron, Folate managing food allergiesSupport weight management, aid in , and help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
By embracing the versatility and nutrient density of whole, plant-based foods, individuals can create healthy eating habits that nourish the body and support long-term well-being.

Mindful Eating and Portion Control

Achieving a balanced lifestyle encompasses more than just the foods we consume. It also involves cultivating a mindful approach to our eating habits. Mindful eating encourages us to become more aware of hunger cues, savor each bite, and practice moderation to prevent overeating. By fostering this mindful relationship with our meals, we can develop a healthier and more sustainable relationship with food.
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One of the key strategies for mindful eating is to slow down and be present during mealtimes. Rather than rushing through our meals or multitasking while we eat, we should take the time to appreciate the flavors, textures, and aromas of our food. This heightened awareness not only enhances the enjoyment of our meals but also allows us to better recognize when we have reached a state of fullness, preventing us from consuming more than our bodies need.
Portion control is another essential aspect of mindful eating and healthy living. Overeating, even of nutritious whole foods, can lead to weight gain and other health concerns. By being mindful of our portion sizes and focusing on balanced plates that incorporate a variety of plant-based foods, lean proteins, and whole grains, we can ensure that our bodies receive the necessary nutrients without consuming excessive calories.
Implementing practical strategies, such as using smaller plates, eating slowly, and listening to internal hunger and fullness cues, can help us cultivate a more mindful approach to eating. This, in turn, can lead to sustainable weight management, improved digestion, and a greater sense of overall well-being.
By embracing mindful eating and portion control, we can unlock the full benefits of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. This holistic approach to food consumption not only nourishes our bodies but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the joy and satisfaction that can be found in every bite.
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Managing Food Allergies and Intolerances

Navigating a healthy eating lifestyle can pose unique challenges for individuals with food allergies or intolerances. However, with the right strategies and a little creativity, it is possible to enjoy a balanced diet while effectively managing these dietary restrictions.

Identifying Allergens and Triggers

The first step in managing food allergies and intolerances is to identify the specific ingredients or foods that trigger adverse reactions. Common allergens include gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, and shellfish, while intolerances may be linked to lactose, fructose, or histamine. By being mindful of these triggers, individuals can make informed choices when selecting and preparing meals.

Adapting Recipes for Special Diets

Adapting recipes to accommodate food allergies or intolerances is essential for maintaining a balanced, plant-based diet. This may involve substituting whole food, organic ingredients for traditional allergens or using specialized alternatives, such as gluten-free flours or non-dairy milk. By experimenting with ingredient swaps and exploring clean eating techniques, individuals can discover a world of delicious and nutritious meal options that align with their dietary needs.
Through a thoughtful and proactive approach, individuals with food allergies or intolerances can navigate the complexities of healthy eating and enjoy a wide variety of whole foods while maintaining their overall well-being.
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Clean Eating: Minimizing Processed Foods

In the pursuit of a healthy eating lifestyle, one crucial aspect to consider is the minimization of processed and packaged foods. The clean eating movement emphasizes the importance of consuming whole, minimally processed ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of our meals.

Recognizing Unhealthy Additives

When it comes to clean eating, it's essential to be aware of the common additives and preservatives found in many processed foods. These can include artificial colorings, flavors, and sweeteners, as well as preservatives like sodium nitrite and trans fats. By learning to identify these unhealthy additives, you can make more informed choices and avoid products that may compromise your balanced diet.

Organic and Local Food Options

Incorporating organic and locally sourced whole foods into your healthy eating routine can have numerous benefits. Organic produce and products are typically free from synthetic pesticides and hormones, and they often contain a higher concentration of nutrient-dense compounds. Additionally, supporting local farmers and producers not only reduces your carbon footprint but also provides access to fresh, seasonal offerings that are rich in plant-based goodness.
By prioritizing clean eating and minimizing the consumption of processed foods, you can unlock a world of whole, natural ingredients that nourish your body and support your overall weight management and wellness goals. Embrace the simplicity and vibrant flavors of clean, whole-food eating for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
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Weight Management Through Healthy Eating

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is an integral part of a balanced healthy eating lifestyle. By understanding the principles of calorie density and macronutrient balance, individuals can make informed choices to support their weight management goals.

Calorie Density and Satiety

The concept of calorie density refers to the number of calories per gram of a particular food. Whole, plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains tend to have a lower calorie density, meaning you can consume a larger volume of these foods without exceeding your daily calorie needs. This can lead to a greater sense of satiety, or feeling full and satisfied, which can support sustainable weight management.

Balancing Macronutrients

In addition to considering calorie density, it's important to focus on balancing the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Each macronutrient plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eating habits and supporting weight management. By incorporating a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats into your meals and snacks, you can help regulate your appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and fuel your body with the necessary nutrients for overall well-being.
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Healthy Eating on a Budget

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle doesn't have to break the bank. With strategic planning and savvy shopping, it's entirely possible to enjoy a balanced, nutrient-rich diet while staying within your budget. In this section, we'll explore cost-effective meal planning strategies and highlight affordable whole food options to help you achieve your healthy eating goals without straining your finances.

Cost-Effective Meal Planning

One of the keys to healthy eating on a budget is mastering the art of meal planning. By taking the time to plan your meals and create a grocery list, you can avoid impulse purchases and make the most of your food budget. Start by identifying affordable, nutrient-dense ingredients that can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Batch cooking and freezing portions can also help you maximize your time and money, ensuring you always have healthy options on hand.
Another practical tip is to embrace the versatility of plant-based whole foods. Beans, lentils, and whole grains are not only budget-friendly, but they also provide a wealth of essential nutrients, fiber, and complex carbohydrates to keep you feeling full and energized. By making these nutrient-dense foods the foundation of your meals, you can stretch your grocery budget while nourishing your body.
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Affordable Nutrient-Rich Foods

When it comes to healthy eating on a budget, there are numerous nutrient-rich foods that won't break the bank. Some of the most affordable and nutritious options include:
By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich foods into your meal planning, you can enjoy a balanced, healthy diet without breaking the bank.
Affordable Whole Food Nutritional Benefits Average Cost per Serving
Frozen Broccoli High in fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants $0.50 per serving
Eggs Excellent source of protein, vitamin D, and choline $0.25 per egg
Canned Tuna Rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids $1.00 per 2-ounce serving
Rolled Oats High in fiber, complex carbohydrates, and B vitamins $0.10 per 1/2 cup serving
Lentils Packed with protein, fiber, and essential minerals $0.20 per 1/2 cup serving
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By incorporating these affordable, nutrient-rich whole foods into your healthy eating plan, you can enjoy a balanced diet without straining your budget. With a little creativity and strategic planning, maintaining a healthy lifestyle on a budget is entirely achievable.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide on healthy eating, it's clear that embracing a balanced diet filled with nutritious whole foods, plant-based ingredients, and organic options can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. By understanding the importance of healthy eating, learning to build a balanced plate, and incorporating mindful eating strategies, readers are now empowered to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.
Whether you're seeking to manage food allergies, reduce your intake of processed foods, or achieve your weight management goals, this article has provided a comprehensive roadmap filled with practical tips and strategies to overcome common obstacles and make sustainable changes. By prioritizing clean eating and embracing the wide variety of nutrient-dense whole foods available, you can nourish your body and mind, ultimately leading to improved energy levels, reduced disease risk, and a heightened sense of overall vitality.
Remember, the journey to healthy eating is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's about finding the right balance and incorporating the strategies that work best for your individual needs and preferences. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to experiment, you can cultivate a nutritious, affordable, and enjoyable eating lifestyle that serves as the foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling tomorrow. Embrace the power of healthy eating and embark on a path towards a more vibrant, resilient, and joyful existence.


What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

A balanced diet offers numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, better weight management, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and enhanced mental clarity.

How can I overcome obstacles to healthy eating?

Common obstacles to healthy eating, such as time constraints, budget concerns, and lack of knowledge, can be overcome through effective meal planning, learning to read food labels, and exploring affordable nutrient-rich options.

What are the key components of a balanced plate?

A balanced plate should include protein-rich foods for satiety, fiber-filled vegetables and fruits, and whole grains for sustained energy.

How can I incorporate more whole, plant-based foods into my diet?

Incorporating more whole, plant-based foods into your diet can provide numerous benefits, including improved heart health, better weight management, and greater environmental sustainability.

How can I practice mindful eating and portion control?

Practicing mindful eating, which involves becoming more aware of hunger cues and savoring each bite, can help you achieve portion control and develop a healthier relationship with food.

How can I manage food allergies and intolerances while following a healthy eating plan?

Identifying common allergens and triggers, as well as adapting recipes to accommodate special dietary needs, can help you manage food allergies and intolerances while still enjoying a variety of delicious and nutritious meals.

What are the benefits of choosing organic and locally sourced foods?

Organic and locally sourced foods often have a superior nutritional profile and a reduced environmental impact compared to processed and conventionally grown options.

How can I achieve weight management through healthy eating?

Understanding the concept of calorie density and the importance of balancing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) can support sustainable weight loss or maintenance through a healthy eating lifestyle.

How can I maintain a healthy eating plan on a budget?

Cost-effective meal planning and incorporating affordable nutrient-rich food options can help you enjoy a balanced diet without breaking the bank.
Sign up Here for 32 FREE Healthy Meal Plans With Low Calories and High Protein!
submitted by Paramallas to u/Paramallas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 KilluaCute Question for Athletes and bodybuilders in algeria regarding Protein powder.

Is there any reason to use protein powder rather than / alongside natural protein sources? It comes out to around 10 mille dinare par kilou. while chickens comes out to 1850 Da/kg (assuming 1kg of chicken is worth 500 da with 27g of protein/100g), importation red meat comes out to 4600 Da/kg (assuming 1kg of meat is worth 1200 da with 26g of protein/100g) and none importation still comes out cheaper at 9200 (assuming 2400 Da/kg). Meaning Even the most expensive typical source of meat is still cheaper than protein powder, without counting all the other nutritional bits and pieces like minerals, vitamins, variation in amino acids and fat and lipids, and of course the taste that accompanies them. Begging me to ask : why would anyone buy protein powder?
Ps - exception for Creatine since it has a specific biochemical process and is easily supplemented for what can only be reached by excessive and almost unattainable meat comsumption.
Addtional question : wouldn't eggs come out more expensive than chicken as a protein source? assuming 6g of protein per egg and 20Da for each egg. It should take 167 eggs for a kilogram of protein. costing 3340Da/kg. almost double what chicken would cost. Am i doing the math wrong?
submitted by KilluaCute to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:47 bubba_169 [H] Games to swap [W] Your unwanted Steam keys and bundle leftovers

If you have any duplicate game keys that you can't find a trade for or if you're not interested in bartering, then this post is for you!
I'm offering a 1 for 1 trade for your unwanted keys. Think of it like a book swap with game keys - take a game you don't already own from the list and leave one of your unwanted keys for the next person. You don't need to offer me a list, just let me know what game you have and what you want to swap for.


Due to the nature of the post, most of these keys are from previous trades and donations and I have no way to verify them or check for region locks. Even with the best intentions from all sides, mistakes will be made and some of these keys may not work. I'll always send the key first and ask you to redeem before sending me anything to make sure they work for you. If you choose not to redeem as we trade then I won't be held responsible for any future problems as I have given you fair warning.
Please don't re-trade these keys any further since I can't guarantee they will work and I don't know if there are any region locks. I don't want you to be accused of scamming!
So with all that out of the way...

Games Available:

Please only offer games that do not have profile features limited (check the store page) for games in this list. If you want to trade a game with profile features limited, there's a separate list below.

Games with Profile Features Limited

These are games that haven't met minimum sales requirements on Steam. They are often asset flips and incomplete indie games but some can be interesting. Feel free to offer any Steam game key for these.

A Few Rules


If anyone just wants to donate any keys that are no good to them to the list then I’m always grateful to receive them. Just DM me and I’ll add them. A huge thank you to those that have already donated keys to this project.


I don't do this for profit and don't get much out of it myself. I do keep the occasional game that catches my eye but I already own most of the common bundled games. I see this more as a giveaway that can keep on giving. I want to provide a place for people to find something they can play in return for their unwanted spare keys without the hassle of finding a trade partner interested in the games they have.
My IGSRep Page
submitted by bubba_169 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:38 Worried_Value_648 Asthma? Copd?

Hello! Please, whoever has the patience to read would help me enormously, as I have been suffering for 7 months. Sorry for bad english!!! I'm only 18 years old, I don't want my life to end or be like this. I had my first panic attacks around October 2023. I didn't know how they felt, I had them from calcium drops but they manifested differently. I went to the psychiatrist where I received Serlift 0.5 mg per day, but after 5 weeks I abandoned them because I could hardly tolerate them, I had nausea, constantly dilated pupils, imbalance, etc. On top of that, I also had swallowing difficulties which were quite rare but became more and more frequent. In December, I had already reached the point where I could no longer swallow solid food, and in January (2024) I started not being able to feed myself even with mashed things, purees, etc. I was eating somewhere around 2-3 teaspoons of soup per hour, somewhere around 2 bowls of clear soup. I went to a gastroenterologist where they did a digestive endoscopy, without a biopsy, and there was a wound caused by acid on the esophagus at the bottom, so their diagnosis was reflux + a hiatal hernia. I received treatment with Nexium (one pill in the morning) but I did not feel any improvement. At the same time, I went to the ENT because I felt like I couldn't breathe and they said that I have hypertrophic chronic rhinitis, which doesn't go away, so if it continues like this I will have to have laser surgery, it's quite an easy operation and minimally invasive, but they are worried back the nasal turbinates. The difficulty in swallowing decreased for a while, but it appeared again, stronger that I could not even swallow saliva and water without drowning. I then went to the doctor in Cluj where they redid my endoscopy and manometry. The manometry came out normal, but at the endoscopy, this time with a biopsy, I had reflux esophagitis. I received nexium treatment in the morning and in the evening and in addition to that I also did acupuncture and everything is almost back to normal, I still have a difficulty with bakery products and with seeds, meat. Rather, the problem remained that I feel how it slowly flows down my throat, but it's ok. During the investigations I went to the lungs and the heart. They discovered adult asthma in my lungs (I didn't have asthma as a child but I had many pneumonias) and since then I received treatment with foster and an antihistamine in the evening (Aerius). I felt that I was breathing hard (that I was inhaling hard), but I quickly understood that this is also anxiety, because many times my oxygenation was good. I haven't given up smoking since I have asthma, I've reduced it but now I want to quit because I feel that it's hard to EXPIRE the air outside, or I feel that when I want to inhale, I exhale. Or when I exhale deeply forcefully (because I have to force myself) I feel a pressing pain like a punch between the chest and the neck but rather towards the neck. The therapist said that these are NOT signs of anxiety, but the doctor I go to knows my problems with anxiety and often leaves it to her. I went to the heart because I had low blood pressure, but I also had anemia and that was also a cause (I have a very white face and palms). He said it could be a sinus tachycardia. But more recently, I feel as if my left breast is trembling or aching. The problem with breathing worries me the most, I'm afraid that there might be some hidden pneumonia. I had lung x-rays almost 2 months ago, but then I did NOT have those symptoms. I'm not saying that it's not possible for something to have appeared in such a short time? I keep thinking why do I have these moods? The therapist says that she does NOT think it's anxiety because even in the neurofeedbeek device (the one that measures the stress delta wave) I have low waves after the therapy. I don't want to feel like this anymore, I want to live my life because I don't have any worries or stress. If this time too everything looks good on x-rays and ultrasounds, what tests should I do? What lack of minerals/vitamins or what deficiency can cause such ugly conditions? Note: I think I know how to explain batter. I feel like i keep the CO2 in my lung instead of letting it go out.
submitted by Worried_Value_648 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:35 Significant-Bat-9503 Do you add any extra supplements to your tank?

What kinda extra add ons do you supplement your tank with? Specifically for caridina: vitamins, minerals, extra micro-organisms/bacteria, tannin leaves, even heard of people putting ascorbic acid or aquarium ph products to lower their ph.
I want to optimize my caridina breeding, my parameters are good and I feed them a balanced diet and they seem to have started breeding- behaviors like chasing but I want to step up my game, thanks.
submitted by Significant-Bat-9503 to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:25 Master_Bicycle7066 Low globulin and vitamin D levels (vitamin D test specifically ordered by new PCP and not sure why)

I’m 29F, 5’5” and 118 lbs. I workout 4-5 times a week and have been a vegan for 9 years. I am generally healthy aside from a drinking problem (I drink 2-4 light beers anywhere from 4-6 days out of the week. I know nothing good can come from it and am actively working on cutting back.)
I got my first blood test in years at an initial check up with my new PCP and everything came back within normal ranges except for:
globulins: 1.8 gm/dL
vitamin D 25-hydroxy: 11.2 NG/mL
It appears that my doctor ordered a vitamin D test specifically as I wasn’t tested for any other vitamin/mineral levels. I may be looking too far into this but Is there a reason why she would specifically order a vitamin D test and are the low globulin and vitamin D levels something to be seriously concerned about? Thank you in advance (:
submitted by Master_Bicycle7066 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:05 madasfrick Never Had Sun Rash Before

Never Had Sun Rash Before
Never Before Had a Sun Rash
Never before have I ever gotten a rash from the sun, I am 31f and I live in the midwest US.
Some background: I have always liked laying in the sun for vitamin D and to get a tan. When I was younger, I used to lay out in the summertime for an hour or more with sunscreen. Yes, I’m Caucasian but I’m not naturally very pale, so I’ve never burned that easily unless I’m out in the sun for several hours at a time without sunscreen, which has happened maybe two or three times in my life.
Working full-time jobs since being in my early 20s and now having 8yo children, I rarely have that much time to just lay out, but this past weekend I did. I laid out for about an hour and a half, switching half that time between my front side and back side. It was a partially cloudy day, so there was plenty of sunshine but it would occasionally move behind large clouds for small increments of time.
I laid out this past Friday, then Saturday morning noticed what looks like a rash. It’s all over me still today, Monday. It’s on my legs, arms, chest, stomach, sides, and back, but not face.
Am I suddenly allergic to the sun??? Is it a reaction to something I’m taking like supplements or putting on my skin like my tallow body cream? I didn’t put anything on before laying out but I showered Thursday, put on tallow body cream after the shower, and then laid out Friday. I also take some general supplements for daily vitamins/minerals, digestion, and others for when I work out.
submitted by madasfrick to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:05 djeternal How can castor oil and coconut oil be used for hair growth?

How can castor oil and coconut oil be used for hair growth?
Overnight oiling is a common practice and is considered safe and beneficial for most people. Just be sure to protect your pillow with a towel or use a shower cap to avoid staining.
Image from - used with permission.
For promoting hair growth, both castor oil and coconut oil are popular hair oil choices. Here’s how you can use them effectively and some additional tips:
Optimal Time for Castor and Coconut Oil
  1. Duration: Both oils can be left in the hair for a few hours to overnight, depending on your routine. Leaving these oils in your hair overnight allows more time for the oils to penetrate deeply into the scalp and hair, maximizing their nourishing benefits.
  2. Application: Apply the oil to your scalp and hair. For castor oil, which is quite thick, you might want to dilute it with a lighter oil (like coconut oil) to make it easier to spread and rinse out. Coconut oil is generally lighter but can still be heavy for some hair types, so adjust the amount based on how your hair responds.
  3. Heat: Applying mild heat (like a warm towel wrapped around your head) can enhance oil penetration, making the treatment even more effective.
  • Regular Use: For best results, applying these oils once or twice a week can be beneficial. However, the frequency can depend on your hair type and how well your hair and scalp absorb and respond to oils.
Additional Tips for Hair Growth
  1. Scalp Massage: Regular scalp massages can stimulate blood circulation and enhance the strength of your roots. Doing this during oil treatments can increase effectiveness.
  2. Avoid Over-Washing and Heat Styling: Reducing the frequency of hair washing and minimizing the use of heat styling tools can help maintain natural scalp oils and prevent hair damage.
  3. Hair Masks: Use protein or moisture-rich hair masks once a week to help nourish and strengthen hair. Ingredients like egg, avocado, and yogurt are popular for homemade masks.
  4. Minimize Stress: High stress levels can contribute to hair loss. Engaging in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise can have positive effects on your hair health.
  5. Balanced Diet: Ensure your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that support hair health. Vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important.
As always, individual results can vary, and what works best generally depends on your specific hair type and condition.

submitted by djeternal to hairplans [link] [comments]