Erythema in esophagus


2020.08.25 20:47 ohnoitsapril88 LPRSilentGerd

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a condition in which acid that is made in the stomach travels up the esophagus (swallowing tube) and gets to the throat. Symptoms include sore throat and an irritated larynx (voice box).

2016.08.22 22:48 Alcoholic_jesus mofukkin arthropods

does your brain circle your esophagus? no? wish it did? then have i got the place for you!

2024.05.10 16:07 bad_gaming_chair_ Doctor says it's IBS, is it really?

M15, meds:ppi and pentasa, race:north african
My symptoms first started 2 months ago with stomach pain both in the lower and upper abdomen but became much worse in the upper abdomen and so I went to a doctor
She said it was severe gastritis and gave me some meds, after they didn't work she ordered some tests
The main takeaway from them was:
  1. Microcytic hypochromic anemia
3.indigestion(food residue in stool)
  1. Slightly elevated calprotectin(141)
Went with these results to a different doctor who then ordered endoscopy+colonoscopy. The results were:
  1. Nodular terminal ileum
2.erythema of antrum and duodenal bulb
  1. Small mucosal tear and longitudinal furrows in esophagus
  1. Esophagitis caused by GERD
  2. No h. Pylori
  3. Moderate ileitis with nodular lymphoid hyperplasia(eosinophils present)
  4. Moderate colitis(with eosinophils present)
Doctor looked at these results and said Crohn's disease but then backtracked an said it was IBS, he prescribed pentasa for 3 months and to retest calprotectin then.
After reading up on the internet, IBS shouldn't cause inflammation in the ileum and colon, so could it really be ibs?
submitted by bad_gaming_chair_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:32 Brankimba11 Wanting input

Hi everyone. I have had lifelong GERD and assumed I would always live with it. I learned recently that I had a relative who died of esophageal cancer and had Barrett’s esophagus. Making a long story short, I got on prescription strength Pepcid and omeprazole and I am literally a new person. GERD is fixed.
Additionally, I have had oily stools for most if not my entire life and I am trying to figure out what’s causing this/how to fix it.
I had a colonoscopy done at 20, which found nothing wrong with the colon. I decided this year to get another colonoscopy and also get an upper GI endoscopy done—I am now 30. GI found mild non-erosive gastritis. GI found that I had a partial volvulus. GI discovered a medium sized paraesophageal hernia. She also found patchy mild inflammation characterized by erythema in the antrum. She recommends I get more testing done. Following this I had a barium test done, which showed that I had difficulty with digestion and that food was entering the small intestine from the stomach hard.
I tested negative for H Pylori, negative for Celiac disease. At one point I tested for lactose intolerance, but this wasn’t ordered by a physician, and found I was (genetic testing also showed I had the genetics for such). Also found a potential inulin and sorbitol intolerance; GI and dietitian did not think this was enough to diagnose SIBO and I ordered another test to see if that will indicate as such.
Where I want input is what to do from here. I have made attempts to cut down fats, but noticed that I was beginning to develop non-acidic/silent acid reflux and stopped. Fats seem to trigger diarrhea on a frequent basis. My doctor wants me on digestive enzymes as she told me I had exocrine pancreatic deficiency, and she also suggested another for the motility of my bowel movements—I have 3 to 5 bowel movements a day, all greasy diarrhea (some floating, some all to the toilet bottom). I am getting a HIDA scan done on Wednesday as my dietitian wants me to see if my gallbladder is working properly to break down fats, if at all, as I have complained of intense right quadrant pain that would just randomly happen whenever I ate something, sometimes not at all (happened more frequently until I started taking Zoloft for anxiety, figured after that it was anxiety induced but still get pain time to time).
At the end of the day I am thinking about consulting with a surgeon provided my PCP can authorize a referral. I have cerebral palsy and am autistic; my thinking is that it will be harder to recover from surgery as I get older, and not to mention I have met my deductible for the year. Depending on what they find with my gallbladder, it could be removed, or at least they would do anti-reflux surgery and fix the hernia. I have had digestive problems from birth, and I assume they will still be around—I just figured that if I have a chance to correct the anatomical issues at hand then I will be able to solve one part of the myriad of problems that I have. Thanks everyone.
submitted by Brankimba11 to pancreatitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:29 Brankimba11 Want some input

Hi everyone. I have had lifelong GERD and assumed I would always live with it. I learned recently that I had a relative who died of esophageal cancer and had Barrett’s esophagus. Making a long story short, I got on prescription strength Pepcid and omeprazole and I am literally a new person. GERD is fixed.
Additionally, I have had oily stools for most if not my entire life and I am trying to figure out what’s causing this/how to fix it.
I had a colonoscopy done at 20, which found nothing wrong with the colon. I decided this year to get another colonoscopy and also get an upper GI endoscopy done—I am now 30. GI found mild non-erosive gastritis. GI found that I had a partial volvulus. GI discovered a medium sized paraesophageal hernia. She also found patchy mild inflammation characterized by erythema in the antrum. She recommends I get more testing done. Following this I had a barium test done, which showed that I had difficulty with digestion and that food was entering the small intestine from the stomach hard.
I tested negative for H Pylori, negative for Celiac disease. At one point I tested for lactose intolerance, but this wasn’t ordered by a physician, and found I was (genetic testing also showed I had the genetics for such). Also found a potential inulin and sorbitol intolerance; GI and dietitian did not think this was enough to diagnose SIBO and I ordered another test to see if that will indicate as such.
Where I want input is what to do from here. I have made attempts to cut down fats, but noticed that I was beginning to develop non-acidic/silent acid reflux and stopped. Fats seem to trigger diarrhea on a frequent basis. My doctor wants me on digestive enzymes as she told me I had exocrine pancreatic deficiency, and she also suggested another for the motility of my bowel movements—I have 3 to 5 bowel movements a day, all greasy diarrhea (some floating, some all to the toilet bottom). I am getting a HIDA scan done on Wednesday as my dietitian wants me to see if my gallbladder is working properly to break down fats, if at all, as I have complained of intense right quadrant pain that would just randomly happen whenever I ate something, sometimes not at all (happened more frequently until I started taking Zoloft for anxiety, figured after that it was anxiety induced but still get pain time to time).
At the end of the day I am thinking about consulting with a surgeon provided my PCP can authorize a referral. I have cerebral palsy and am autistic; my thinking is that it will be harder to recover from surgery as I get older, and not to mention I have met my deductible for the year. Depending on what they find with my gallbladder, it could be removed, or at least they would do anti-reflux surgery and fix the hernia. I have had digestive problems from birth, and I assume they will still be around—I just figured that if I have a chance to correct the anatomical issues at hand then I will be able to solve one part of the myriad of problems that I have. Thanks everyone.
submitted by Brankimba11 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:38 Due_Seaworthiness229 Diet suggestions

Diet suggestions
I recently completed my h pylori treatment. I got an endoscopy done this week and
found out i have a small hernia. both h pylori and the hernia have been the reason for my
GI symptoms and weight loss. SEE pic of my endoscopy findings. I have a doc appt mid may 15th.
I have lost so much weight and am trying to gain weight. What protein powder is best, Pea protein or Whey ? I am a female, 41, 5'6 , weight 114lbs. Use to weigh 135lbs.
Does anyone have a food list they can share? Is ginger ok ? I eat healthy for the most part, but for the past 3yrs I have not been able to eat the foods I have always eaten . Like, Salmon, Darky leafy green salads, protein shakes ( i use to make them with almond milk , whey protein, flax seeds, spinach , banana , and blue berries) they were the best until I started to feel indigestion. I started eliminating foods little by little without knowing what i had.
I do not know which one came first, the hernia or h pylori. I know i have been symptomatic since 2020.
HH surgery is a no for me, unless symptoms get real bad. So i guess i have to learn to live with it.
appreciate any feedback or advice.
submitted by Due_Seaworthiness229 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:42 80era1 had endoscopy

just finish my endoscopy and my last endoscopy last year didn’t find barrett’s . my GI said i didn’t need another endoscopy but for peace of mind he do another one . for the second time my hiatal hernia wasn’t found . He said seems like the ppi is working.
what do you guys think ?
it says z line irregular
i hopefully it’s nothing bad and. good . dr says i be fine
submitted by 80era1 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:41 80era1 just had my endoscopy

last endoscopy didn’t show barrett’s or my hiatal hernia. i did bother one for peach of mind .
what is this
The larynx was normal
normal esophagus
Z line was irregular and was found 42 cm from the incisors- Biopsy taken
diffuse mild inflammation characterized by erythema and was found in the entire examined stomach.- biopsies taken
duodenum was normal
the cardia and gastric fundus were normal on retroflexion
The larynx was normal
normal esophagus
Z line was irregular and was found 42 cm from the incisors- Biopsy taken
diffuse mild inflammation characterized by erythema and was found in the entire examined stomach.- biopsies taken
duodenum was normal
the cardia and gastric fundus were normal on retroflexion
chronic gastritis - biopsies
dr told me i was fine.
but that z line i know means little inflammation
submitted by 80era1 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 00:27 fungstyle Mystery Case - fatigue/weakness, iron deficiency anemia, findings from EGD/colonoscopy, myalgias, dyspnea, difficulty regulating body temp, and more!

My husband (43M, white, 6' 3", 190#) became ill back in early September 2023 while we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii. He woke up one day feeling like he had the flu - weak, achey, super tired. No specific symptoms like resp or GI issues as you would expect with an infection. He continued to feel that way for a few weeks, felt like he was recovering for a week or so, and then basically has just gotten worse since then. I finally forced him to the doctor in December, and that whole journey is chronicled below. There have been focal findings, but I fear we are headed toward a chronic fatigue dx and I truly don't think that's what's going on. Full disclosure, I am currently in my second year of a DNP program, so I know just enough to research and really confuse the hell out of myself. I would appreciate any thoughts on the case as I am certainly way too close to it at this point to be useful anymore. I have considered the possibility that perhaps I am unbeknownst to myself a succubus who is literally draining his lifeforce 🙃
Patient history: anemia (intermittent, noted in labs from 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 and never evaluated further), chronic sinusitis s/t dust mite allergy, depression, anxiety, former smoker with 20 yr pack history, heavy weekend alcohol use.
HPI: see above. Current chief complaints are extreme fatigue (constant but worse with exertion), dyspnea, "brain fog"/"can't think clearly," general myalgias but with specific complaint of periorbital pain, difficulty regulating body temp (always feels cold, but also easily overheats for example in a hot bath). Has also experienced recent increased appetite, states he often feels like he feels full but also hungry, like his "body needs something." Negative for weight loss, night sweats.
Labs: see here. I've also summarized relevant labs mostly without specific levels below.
December 7, 2023: normocytic, normochromic iron deficiency anemia identified. Minimal workup from PCP. RBCs, H&H mildly low. Homocysteine elevated (B12 deficiency). Ferritin extremely low (12), iron sat low, TIBC high. CMP all normal. Oral iron prescribed, B12 not prescribed but started at my suggestion based on homocysteine. Referrals placed with heme/onc and GI.
January 24, 2023: Repeat labs visit. Anemia appears to be resolved, iron sats and ferritin still low after 6 weeks oral iron supplement.
March 5, 2024: First appt with heme/onc. Large battery of labs ordered which show normal reticulocyte count and ESR, positive for past EBV infection, negative results for ANA, SLE, RA, CEA, normal protein electrophoresis panel except for a low lambda free light chain level which heme/onc said should be of little concern given other normal levels in that panel (I am somewhat skeptical of this given that I can find zero resources that say it's OK to have an abnormal reading here). Iron infusions ordered, heme/onc wants to see ferritin at 100. Post-appt labs show anemia has returned despite iron now showing high, ferritin improving (now 42); heme/onc advises to move forward with infusions and GI visit anyway since he qualifies.
March 17th and March 26th: Iron infusions, no labs drawn.
March 25, 2024: EGD/colonoscopy to rule out GI bleed as a potential cause iron deficiency anemia. The initial report from the provider who conducted the procedures noted a schatzki ring and concentric circles of tissue in the esophagus suggestive of eosinophilic esophagitis and noted erythema in the stomach suggestive of gastritis. Evidence of Hiatal hernia was also noted on the initial report. Six biopsies were taken from the esophagus and stomach to evaluate for eosinophilic infiltration and h. pylori/celiac sprue, respectively (12 biopsies total). The pathology report came back completely normal for both. Eight colonic polyps were also removed, two of which were found to be pre-cancerous. I don't know how to reconcile the physical findings w/ normal pathology but it seems likely these are incidental findings that are not causative of the chief complains. Unfortunately, the follow up appt with the referring GI isn't until end of June (best country in the world!).
We have a follow up with heme/onc on 4/30. I almost hope labs still show anemia because if all labs are normal then I think she will decline to continue with the case and will push us back to PCP who we generally don't trust (we are trying to get him in with a new one). I am thinking to ask if she'd be willing to run some hormone labs or refer to endocrinology to evaluate for central hypothyroidism or other HPA axis issues. I am also getting desperate and priced out full-body CT scans out of pocket. I've considered and suggested that it's possible his heavy alcohol use could be a part of this, but I don't think it explains all of it. He has no improvement in symptoms when he abstains. Lastly, I have observed his depressive episodes and asked him about past episodes before we met. None were characterized by somatic symptoms.
Thank you in advance for any thoughts, I truly appreciate it.
submitted by fungstyle to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 20:48 anthony025 Endoscopy results question

Is it unlikely I don’t have EoE or some other eosinophilic GI disease based on this report? I understand only biopsy can determine that just feel uneasy about waiting 2 weeks for results. I’ve had allergic asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, and food allergies since birth. Your insight would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by anthony025 to EosinophilicE [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 22:17 DojaCatIsMyGf Celiac disease?…

Hey guys (22f). I haven’t been able to properly eat for two weeks so I’m running on almost nothing. My appetite has been getting weaker over the past few months. I have constant nausea and can’t seem to eat food. Gag reflex has been pretty bad and I’ve been throwing up. Recently it’s been almost all my food. Obviously have been losing weight. Thought it was anxiety and period, but it’s probably just making things worse. Even tho it’s gotten worse over the past couple of weeks I can say that these past few months while feeling bad I’ve been able to eat gluten with absolutely no problem. Naturally I went to go see the GI doc (I was forced to by my parents) bc I’m constantly feeling like shit obviously cuz I’m not getting the nutrients I need! Anyways they took a biopsy and they want to see if it’s celiac or not… they said they found a parasite and want to make sure it’s not some bacteria. I really hope it’s just that. Anyways while I wait I wanted to see if anyone can see the results and tell me if it sounds like celiac so I can prepare and not cry like crazy if I get the news because I cannot live without pasta. Not to be dramatic but I will die. It’s my favorite food. Thanks
Spanish - original version
ESÓFAGO: Forma y distensibilidad normal. La mucosa es normal en su tercio superior y medio. La mucosa de tercio inferior con erosiones en flama de menos de 5 mm de longitud. La unión escamocolumnar se localiza a los 40 cm de la ADS y el pinzamiento diafragmático a los 41 cm. ESTÓMAGO: Forma y distensibilidad normal. Lago gástrico escaso amarillento. Pliegues gástricos normales. La mucosa de fondo es normal. La mucosa de cuerpo y antro con eritema. Se toman biopsias. A la retrovisión el hiato abrasa al endoscopio. El piloro es central, simétrico y permite el paso del endoscopio. DUODENO: Bulbo con mucosa adelgazada y edema de vellocidades. La segunda porción de color gris
English - translated version:
ESOPHAGUS: Normal shape and compliance. The mucosa is normal in its upper and middle third. The mucosa of the lower third with flaming erosions less than 5 mm in length. The squamocolumnar junction is located at 40 cm from the ADS and the diaphragmatic impingement at 41 cm. STOMACH: Normal shape and compliance. Scant yellowish gastric lake. Normal gastric folds. The background mucosa is normal. The mucosa of the body and antrum with erythema. Biopsies are taken. In retrovision, the hiatus burns the endoscope. The pylorus is central, symmetrical and allows the passage of the endoscope. DUODENUM: Bulb with thinned mucosa and villous edema. The second portion is gray.
submitted by DojaCatIsMyGf to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 23:34 Angel_rejectsz Do I have gastritis

submitted by Angel_rejectsz to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 02:08 UnableGlass1207 Endoscope Results

Had an endoscope today and was asleep when doctor came in and explained results so I have no idea what they said. I got this document though but don’t understand what it means other than gastritis. I had a biopsy and should get the results in 1-2 weeks. I’ve had low b12 and have been getting b12 injections by doctors order so we are trying to figure out the root cause and how long I will need to get the injections (rest of life or only temporary) and hoping biopsy will tell us this.
Anyone have similar results that could explain? Thank you!
submitted by UnableGlass1207 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 05:18 Throwawayforgerd Looking for explanation of dangers of drinking alcohol in this circumsntace

Hello,I am in Germany as non german but here is the translation of my diagnosis which could be inconsistent:-raised (erhabene in german not sure about the right word here) erosions in the prepyloric antrum, covered with fibrin,-Flat erosions in the corpus ventriculi diffused redness, hemorrhagic-Mucous membrane erythema in the corpusA bit more:esophagus, duodedum : unconspicuous (though I do feel a bit heartburn so I hope I translated as I am non native german)stomach: raised erosions (papules) mucous bulges with central indentation in the prepyloric circular max 3millimiters.This was not caused by alcohol consumptiom as i barely drink during most of the year.The doctor was not so wary of alcohol as I asked him whether I could drink it or not during this period (karneval). To be fair he is indeed german.. lol (he said "just do not drink 5 liters of wine smiling")The question is how actually dangerous is to drink two days 4-8 units of alcohol (I actually count them) two days 4 days apart. Will I just get a slower healing and worse symptoms or something more worrying? (I could easily go without alcohol for after this 3 months like I do normally so then it would not matter).
More about the consumption. I did drink red wine (6 units) and I first checked with a glass and did not feel that bad and since I do not want to check many bevarages I stick to that one which I found out of all the alcoholic bevarages is the one that increases acidic production and I did feel rather worse in the last few days. I suppose it is not the alcohol itself but the acidic production because the burning did not came fast (like it does with coffee and sugar). I researched on non acidic increasing drinks for next time. Ps: (I tried to post on gerd but the post was not working so I try here)
submitted by Throwawayforgerd to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 19:58 girdedloins At 75% after 4 years (TW: depression & brief mention of su---de); also just LONG AF

EDIT the Third: Trying multiple spacing in the list. Sorry guys.
2nd Edit: I don't know how to make those damned symptoms list look like a list. I tried and tried. Sorry! More apologies if you're on mobile!!! It looks fine when I look at it in edit, but as a post I see what you're seeing. Sorry. EDIT: All paragraphs went missing!!! Formatting.
I got first-wave sick, spring of 2020, so four years for me. The first 2 years I was bedbound, the third year a combo of bed- and housebound. This past year I have been able to do some things out of the house, more frequently, without nearly as horrific PEM and POTS consequences.
Here's a partial list of some of the things I've experienced, and then an update of what is different. Partial because I don't remember much of the first 3 years.
Falls, sometimes due to Vertigo or Dizziness, and sometimes due to my legs giving out
Depression, severe, whatever they call that diagnosis exactly
Intermittent psychosis
Constant convulsions
Constant confusion - like about everything
Unable to speak coherently
Confusing languages and not knowing I was doing it
Broken nose from a fall
Ridiculous, soul-crushing whole-body joint and muscle pain
Vomiting and diarrhea all day, every day
Incontinence (choose your warrior, I had it)
Aphasia, 3 different types
Heart palpitations
Chest pain
Shortness of breath/gasping for air regardless of oxygen level
Sleeping for days on end
Nausea so bad I couldn't even sip water
Severe dehydration, for months on end
Gallbladder stuff, pancreatitis
Constipation so bad that if unremediated would last a month (maybe more, that's just as far as I let it go)
Severe weight loss and muscle atrophy
S****de attempt
Useless psych hospital stay for above-mentioned decision
Partner bought house and told me I couldn't come (hence the attempt and subsequent involuntary "vacation"): this was in the first year, when I couldn't even walk and slept all day every day
On oxygen
Constant allergies
Utter confusion, frequently, about everything
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Erythema ab ignis on 1/2 my back from having to keep heat on it all the damn time (look it up: ewwwwww)
Bad anemia
Low potassium
Low vit b12
Hay fever all the time
Bad postnasal drip
Sore throat
Overpowering covid headaches
Lost my regular, less severe daily headaches for 3 years
Loss then distortion of taste and smell
Olfactory hallucinations
Year 3: alternating food intolerances (never had any before)
Dx of epilepsy in year 3 from an EEG and symptoms
"Transient Global Amnesia": in year 3: hours, a day, or days where no memories were formed, despite engaging in conversation and activities. No recollection, just a blank
"Visual migraines" or similar wording: blinding light in even dim settings, like staring into stadium floodlights, w some normal peripheral vision at same time
Double vision that persists
Vision declined rapidly, many times, still sucks
Went down a shoe size
Extreme, near daily very painful bloating
Hiatal hernia
Barrett's Esophagus, presumably from constant puking
Some butt problem I forget the name, dx via colonoscopy
Hair falling out in chunks
Psoriasis (never had before)
Ever-changing rashes, some itchy, some burny, some no sensation
Cuckoo nerve/sensation issues
Heat intolerance
Logarithmically worse sun and cold intolerance
No ability at biothermal regulation: wild pendulum that never stops swinging, swinging away, like Hugh Hefner on crack
Nerves and brain not communicating well, in either direction
Gray hairs multiplying exponentially
Strange and awful new body smell (even when I was clean)
I am not here to give advice, because this fucking thing is so idiosyncratic and variable and capricious. I've read tons and know that some shit has worked miracles for some, left others unchanged, and worsened some things for others. But I am here to say that this last year, things have markedly changed. I did have new symptoms come, like the amnesia and certain types of seizures (seizures previously called seizures sometimes by some specialists, with no suggestions or prescriptions for help, and called not seizures by other specialists including a neuro who looked at a normal CAT scan and watched me convulse the whole time in my whole body during the visit. Don't know what he thought it was, because he didn't say, but he did not find it to be neurological...) BUT many things have improved. During the last year, I have developed rotating food intolerances. My hair fell out. Still getting random rashes in different places. And the amnesia, diagnosed as seizures: now on seizure meds, which seem to work. Amnesia, especially for days, is fucking scary, my dudes, esp when you've already had so much confusion, DPDR, and a sense of losing oneself due to all the abilities lost, including or especially intellectual or basic cognitive abilities. Here is where I am now.
I still have PEM and POTS, but waaaaay less bad. I can do stuff. I've never tried taking a walk yet, and I still need to sleep 14-18 hours a day and one full day a week, but during the rest of the time I can wash a WHOLE SINK of dishes and then load the dishwasher. I can read a fucking book! I do have to reread things frequently, but back in the day I couldn't have managed to follow the complexities of a fucking Teletubbies episode, so I'm happy with that development. I can sit down and make art. I can take photos of it and have started posting stuff I made, or vintage stuff, to sell online. NO WAY could I have done that even 6 months ago. I know which language I am speaking, and how to speak it. Definitely lose words on occasion still, but I am very, very, very much improved from the level of aphasia even a year ago, let alone being a completely incomprehensible idiot as I basically was for 2 years. I had a gallbladdepancreas emergency and got really sick in October, and they pumped me full of 2 or 3 IV antibiotics and sent me home with 2 to finish, as well, and I had a fever for 2 or 3 days toward the end of my hospital stay, and while on the one hand I rightly felt like utter shit because I was so sick and starting to get an infection, toward the end of my stay and after I also felt markedly, significantly, undeniably better, including radical cognitive improvement.
Was it the antibiotics? The fever? Both? My hypothesis (for which I have no scientific basis and have not read about this before with this shit) is that either or both dealt with some viral persistence. I have no reason to believe or not believe that in my case viral persistence was a factor. I just know that suddenly while in Telemetry ward (like ICU in terms of all the gravity and machines and wires and recording of data, just they don't think you're probably going to die right this moment), despite how utter shit I felt, I also felt strangely...good? Like, I had ICU Psychosis in there for sure part of the time, and that sucked to be inside of, and I pooped myself a couple times, which is always a subpar experience, and I was super dehydrated and couldn't manage to walk without assistance, yet somehow in the midst of all that nonsense something also was better.
I came home and was feeling really worn down for a couple weeks. They don't let you sleep in there, because they have to take blood and measure sugar levels and O2 levels so frequently, plus they kept taking me off all food and liquids (except IV) because they kept being getting ready to take out my gallbladder the next day or the day after that. So I hadn't slept much at all and needed to recover just from that. From that time post-hospital I don't remember much.
But now my brain is definitely better. I still have much less PEM than I have in 4 years. POTS is not nearly as severe, though it's still there and still enfeebling at times. Taking a bath still wipes me out, and I have to take a bath instead of a shower because I get hypothermic from showers, so I'm still not the freshest daisy in the field, but I've been using personal wipes and larger bath wipes for 4 years now, so I am accustomed to reduced expectations for personal hygiene.
On a similar note, I do love clothes and dressing up. When I'd go to a doctor, what little dressing up I could manage to do (i.e., something that wasn't the sweats and slippers I lived every day in) was as exciting as just being out of bed/the house. Now, I have sufficient presence of mind to go to the store, or work a few hours in our shop again --- and to dress the fuck up! I bought a bunch of cheap wigs from AliX, etc., when my head had bare patches, but now my hair has been growing back in with dutasteride and minoxidil (both oral), and I can put some shit in it and style it and it's pretty fucking fun to look like Robert Smith in the 80s. Clothing and styling are giving me active pleasure, and that is a new fucking sensation in the last 4 years.
My medications have changed many, many times throughout all this, as has the parade of GPs and specialists and their ideas and recommendations, or lack thereof. I am still on a lot of meds. I still go through periods of high BP and heart rate, and then periods with really low BP. I still fall, but much, much, much less, and I haven't broken any other bones beside my nose a couple years ago from falling into a bathtub. I hardly ever need a walker now, but I'd say I use a cane 50% of the time. I can get my feet and legs up onto a curb and stand up! My balance is still an issue, but far less severe than previously. I am extremely dizzy or have vertigo every day for at least the first 4 hours; sometimes, though, it is still a whole day or more. I still get nausea, maybe 1-2x/week, but I haven't vomited since October. I do have diarrhea most of the time, but I can make it to the bathroom, can hold down liquids to rehydrate, and, hell, if I need to I am now able to walk quickly to get to where I need to get to! (And it might be attributable at this stage to now taking Magnesium, which I'm not going to stop, because I can sleep normally nearly every day [see below]).
I do not feel like I am going to die, which I spent over 3 years feeling like, all goddamn day and night (when I was actually awake). I do not think I feel depressed. I've had 4 years to come to terms with having to live a circumscribed, smaller life. There is just shit I can't do, and most of the time I'm okay with that. I know I'm a different person. I honestly don't think I'm "wiser" or "more mature," just more realistic about the situation and what it means for me. I don't think therapy helped me, other than just having someone to talk to who wouldn't judge, but I'd say it served the same purpose to the same level as this sub, not better, but also not useless. I think they both offered the same thing: being heard, being empathized with, so I can't say bad things about therapy, just that I don't think it has any special kind of hoodoo that other things don't.
The 1000 different psych drugs they gave me fucked my shit up, and I think that is worsened by the fact they kept changing them. I know some antipsychotics were used for off-label experimental LC purposes, but they were antipsychotics, though, and that's major. I had shit doctors at different times (incl. a shit psychiatrist for "med management" who "managed" my meds by giving me ever-increasing amounts and variety of them), and I titrated myself down off those and whatever antidepressant I was on at the moment and stopped seeing that foul woman. I titrated down off many other drugs, too, when I thought they were making more problems than helping, or just not helping at all.
I take magnesium and have not suffered insomnia for most of the last year. I think it is the magnesium, bc chronological correlation, but I have no proof and am just glad I don't spend hours staring at the ceiling in complete exhaustion. That symptom alternated with the hypersomnia, and the insomnia obviously exacerbated not merely the PEM but pretty much everything else. I think for like at least a year and a half my life was strictly alternating regularly between long periods of insomnia and long periods of sleeping all the time, with me bedbound the whole time either way.
I think for me the gradually-increasing number of things I'm able to do really matters psychologically. I think they are slowly building on each other. Like I feel like I can now cognitively and physically handle filling birdfeeders and walking over to hang them up. I hope I can have the mental competence to keep on top of it. I don't know that I can, but I feel like I probably can. That, to me, is a HUGE small thing. It is also a pleasure, to be able to see the birds and see my cats watching the birds. And I think that idea of pleasure itself, and of pleasure building upon pleasure, or small accomplishment building upon small accomplishment, really helps how I look forward in hope - toward a smaller life, sure, but a life still worth living and being present for, a life that now includes pleasures and happinesses, and DOINGS. I got lost for 4 hours in a grocery store once when I was stupid enough to think I should go get some groceries, ffs, and now I can craft cool stuff again and read dystopian Albanian novels and go to a damned grocery store and manage to follow a list - and even freestyle a little bit!
I know my experience proves nothing in any general sense. It proves nothing categorical, absolute, or applicable to all, because this fucking condition is a hellhole of capriciousness and variability. But it does prove that one person, with that person's particular, individualized shitty constellation of symptoms, can improve vastly, in myriad ways, across multiple body systems, including cognitively and emotionally. It proves nothing, but I hope it helps someone hang on, keep hoping, keep resting, and believe that it can get better for them, too. Thank you for reading. Keep going. The world is better because you are in it.
submitted by girdedloins to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 02:13 SharpDinner9760 Help understanding findings?

Overall moderate gastritis.
Are erythema, granularity & scalloping indicative of anything? Secondary duodenum also had white specks, which I looked up and saw was indicative of celiac disease.
My tTG-IgA was a .2 though, so no antibodies.
submitted by SharpDinner9760 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 02:51 nic_s1 Eoe & Mild chronic gastritis

Mild chronic gastritis with Eoe !! It sucks for those of you with it do you experience my same symptoms ? Gastritis - Stomach pain (on/off) - Throat clearing - Burning Tongue Sensation (come & go) - Sometimes cough - Bad breath - Not hungry much - Sometimes burp/fart after everything even water - Bloated like pregnant look Eoe I use get can’t swallow but Dupixent help it a lot been off like 2 months now with no problem but if things like milk feel cause can’t swallow & dry grill chicken
submitted by nic_s1 to EosinophilicE [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 12:16 AstronomerMany9706 Possible Gastritis?

Hey Everyone. I am new to the reddit community as far as posting. I have consumed a lot of information from this app :) This will be kinda lengthy so bare with me.
My dieting history: Normal eating up until 2018 i became a vegetarian. I quit eating meat cold turkey. 2021 I started eating meat again. I am not the healthiest eater. I ate a lot of fast food and processed foods. Currently I am still eating meat . I cut back on chicken,turkey, and i wasn’t really eating pork or beef only sometimes. I am on a pescatarian diet currently.
November 2022 , i started to get shortness of breath when trying to sleep at night. No pain. Just couldn’t breathe for some odd reason. The shortness of breath at night turned into chest pain for a few days. I thought it was something cardiac related because of the pain i was feeling. keep in mind everything happened so suddenly. Chest pain and shortness of breath was new to me. I am only 20.
The pain went away after a few days of eating really light. It came back january 2023… shortness of breath was way worse. I couldn’t do my hair without feeling like my breathing was off. I started to develop what i think is acid reflux. The weird taste in my mouth started.
I went to urgent care in february. All they could do for me was check my heart and told me to take omeprazole. I continued taking omeprazole because i had already been taking it. I couldn’t take the suffering anymore so I went to a gastroenterologist. The first check up was basically the doctor asking me questions. He prescribed me a higher dosage of omeprazole. Told me to follow up in a few months… I went back to the gastroenterologist because my symptoms were still the same. We scheduled an upper endoscopy.
My endoscopy was in April. They performed biopsies. I had my results in about a week. Esophagus normal. the results of my stomach stated,“localized minimal erythema of the mucosa with no bleeding was noted in the antrum. these findings are compatible with gastritis” . The biopsies came back normal and h.pylori was negative. I have not spoken to a gastroenterologist since my procedure. They basically told me to fix my diet.
My question is, where do i go from here? I have been dealing with this since 2022. My symptoms have not gotten any worse or better.
My current symptoms: Stomach always making weird noises. No vomiting. Feeling of discomfort in stomach like stinging (feeling of stomach inflammation) possible indigestion.Mucus in throat. Acid taste in mouth…. no blood in stool. This is an everyday thing. I’m tired of it i’m soo young.
submitted by AstronomerMany9706 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 07:38 Timely-Throat7951 GERD + SIBO - Need help

Hello hello. Before I dive in let me give some backstory; 26Y M, Around 170lbs, 5'8, athletic build, generally go to the gym 4-5x a week. Played sports growing up and did bodybuilding. Never took enhancements.

- Covid in April
- Started getting acid reflux pain around the same time. Went for an endoscopy in June, doctor told me I had GERD. Gave me omeprazole, hated it, made me feel worse. Stopped taking it and then was given famotidine. Took famotidine for 3 months before I finally came off. Symptoms have been reduced but I still belch, have bloated stomach after eating (sometimes when fasting too).
- Went to the ER twice that June, 2 terrible episodes of acid reflux. Rushed to the hospital; took CT scans of chest and head. Nothing found
- Also experienced symptoms of lightheadedness and difficult breathing. Still feel like this until this day. I can't workout at 100%. I have to be mindful of the exercises I do. It's almost impossible to do legs b/c I feel lightheaded and dizzy. Once my body temperature rises, it makes it more difficult. Working out the rest of the body is somewhat ok.
- Went to multiple diff specialists to determine my lighteadedness; ENT (1), Neuro (2), Psych (1), PCP (2). Neuro gave nothing. Psych classified it as GAD (Gen Anxiety Disorder), gave Buspirone and Klon. Took those for a few weeks; Klon only when needed. They did nothing so I hopped off

- After spending so much $$$ in specialists, I took a break and only followed up with my gastro. Said it was "normal". I know it wasn't normal b/c this came in all of a suddon. Only surgery I ever had was an appendectomy back in 2010. It did not burst but it was on the verge.

- Went to new ENT. Tried giving me nasal sprays but NONE worked. Xlear, Azelastine, Qnasl. None worked. Feel exactly the same.
- Did a stool sample. Came back with pancreas enzyme on the borderline. Just got prescribed Creon.

Now my stool continues to be yellow foul smelling with undigested food. I get occasional stomach cramps, sleep hasn't been great (wake up a few times during the night, also attributed to anxiety), I'll wake up pretty tired even after 7-8 hours of sleep. Will be on Creon for 30 days. If no change then I will be getting a colonoscopy. Worried that the results will come back to something I'm not ready for.

[UPDATE - 3/29/23] - Currently on the Creon for approximately one day. Stool hasn't changed; still yellow, foul, and greasy with some chunks of undigested food. Already went twice with the second time being diarrhea, no fun. Will update again in a few.

[UPDATE - 3/29/23 - later in the day] - Call from GI. Got a better explanation of my tests. My stool testing was done for anything infectious related. Stool elastase was low so the pancreas wasn't producing as much enzymes. Calprotectin level was 75 - anything below 50 is normal, 50-120 is abnormal, and 120+ is severe. Planning to do another stool sample in about a month. I have taken whey protein and my doctor doesn't know whether the whey protein could have impacted the results, causing my pancreas to stop producing as many enzymes as before. So complete off of that and only getting protein from foods.

[UPDATE - 4/4/23] - I've been on Creon now for about a week. Symptoms are relatively the same. Occasional bloating + slight discomfort. There was one day where my stool came out somewhat normal. A little less yellowish on the other days which is good but still the loose broken stool w/ a bit of mucus. Experienced a little more itching than usual, wondering if it is from the Creon.

[UPDATE - 4/21/23] - Got blood work done recently. Lab results show low levels of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Taking supplements for both - 1k mcg for Vitamin D and 2.5k mcg for Vitamin B12. Also following up with my GI on April 27th with a one month update on Creon. I've noticed my stools being more brown but they're still loose w/ noticeable mucus and some bits of undigested food but no blood.

[UPDATE - 5/5/2023] - Follow-up call with GI. Told me to stay on Creon and he was concerned about my vitamin D and B12 being low. Having a follow-up appointment in early June.

[UPDATE - 6/7/2023] - Follow-up was today. Told my concerns to the doc. Stool has definitely gotten better with Creon - a much more consistent brown. Occasional dull pain under the mid/left abdomen . No blood whatsoever. I'll be getting a CT with contrast sometime next week. Hoping everything is ok.
[UPDATE - 6/25/2023] - I did my CT scan w/ contrast. Results came back negative on everything.
[UPDATE - 8/3/2023] - Had a follow up with my GI. Re-doing my stool sample without the use of creon to ensure the original test was accurate. I'll also be scheduling a colonoscopy, not sure when.
[UPDATE - 9/28/23] - Can't reply back to the original post. Had another stool elastase test. Somehow came back >500 which is normal. I was extremely surprised. I also just had a colonoscopy;
Mild inflammation by erythema was found in the terminal ileum. Biopsies taken.
Small shallow ulcers in ileocecal valve - no bleeding - biopsies also taken.
Overall not bad. Waiting for my results from pathology so should hear by next week.
[UPDATE - 10/2/23] - Biopsy results came back. Seems to be Crohns disease but my GI wants to confirm it. So next up is an MRI and bloodwork
[UPDATE - 10/3/2023] - Had a colonoscopy. Colon was fine, few ulcers in my small intestine and minor inflammation. Biopsy was taken and there was a chance for Crohns.
[UPDATE - 11/17/2023] - Had an MRI (enterography) to rule out Crohns disease. Small intestine did not highlight a potential for Crohns.
[UPDATE - 11/24/2023] - Currently taking Xifaxan antibiotic to reset my gut microbiome.
[UPDATE - 12/4/2023] - Xifaxan hasn't been too great on my stomach. I took it as noted for the first 2 days, by day 3 I felt my GERD acting up. So I began taking just 1 pill instead of 3 per day. I will say it did help keep my stools more consistent but with it upsetting my stomach I didn't want to cure one thing and worsen another. I had to stop after approximately a week. I'm currently on nothing. However, I have been reading through other reddit posts about Mark Pimentel who's one of the leading GI researchers on SIBO. A lot of what he speaks about makes sense. From listening to his videos I've looked into MMC supplements. I've ordered Motility Pro - which contains ginger root + artichoke root extract. Ginger will aid in digestion and artichoke will aid in the small intestine absorption + movement. Will arrive on December 6th and I'll keep you all updated with how I feel afterwards. It's also been difficult to workout due to my exacerbated GERD but I've continued to stay active.
[UPDATE - 12/16/23] - GERD symptoms have flared up so I've been on 40mg of famotidine 2x a day (morning/night). I haven't taken the MMC supplements or anything else at all outside of antacids to help alleviate my symptoms. Called my doc up to update him about Xifaxan and my GERD symptoms. Rushed me off the phone to just say hop back on the Xifaxan once your symptoms alleviate. Thinking of doing an endoscopy again just to see how my esophagus looks. The last time I had an endoscopy was before all of my symptoms happened so I'd like to see where I'm at since then.
submitted by Timely-Throat7951 to GERD [link] [comments]

2023.11.05 02:58 AssistanceFinal900 Help me understand these results if you can!

I’m having an endoscopy on Thursday for ongoing stomach issues, reflux in addition to ongoing loose stools.
My new doctor asked if I ever had an endoscopy before and I said yes I did five years ago and I was told the results just meant GERD and did Protonix for a month went low fodmap because I was borderline on a SIBO breath test. I had trouble deciphering which bread and grains I could eat with lowfodmap so I basically cut them out completely for a few years and overall felt very good. Got pregnant in 2022 and was so nauseous for most of it that I let myself eat whatever I wanted when I felt like eating cause I needed to gain more weight. Now it’s a year postpartum and I haven’t returned to the lowfodmap have been eating bread and everything and feel pretty bad again.
Anyways I wanted to find my endoscopy results from five years ago and I contacted them and received it today. I feel like the impression notes is more than just GERD? Isn’t mild flattening indicative of something even if not celiac? Or is it always celiac ? Im a bit annoyed because I remember after that test the dr talked to me like right away when I was barely conscious (why do they do that???) so maybe I didn’t understand im really not sure. Here is what it says :
Normal mucosa in the whole examined colon. (Surveillance Biopsy) Erosion and erythema in the stomach bodyand antrum. (Biopsy) Internal hemorrhoids Mild flattening in the duodenal bulb and second part of the duodenum. (Biopsy) Normal mucosa in th ecardia and fundus Significant erythema and congestion in the middlethird of the esophagus and lower third of the esophagus. (Biopsy)
Curious what this group thinks? I believe all the biopsies can back normal. Im getting another endo anyway so it’ll be interesting to see what they say this time. Never had a celiac blood test I do have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
submitted by AssistanceFinal900 to Celiac [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 19:24 sober-Brother-33 EGD and colonoscopy results

33m, had gi testing done and have to wait for results but the doctor wouldn't give me any detail on what he found and I feel he deliberately omitted photos of my stomach whereas i got photos of the other areas. Anyone have any experience on the following? All feedback is appreciated. I've been searching 2 months for some kind of diagnosis on what I believe may be bad news so I can get a scan and move forward but my doctors think my age makes me just needing to see a psyche despite having enlarged lymph nodes and multiple symptoms.
Esophagus Patchy discontinuous irregular margins of the mucosa was noted in the gastroesophageal junction. These findings are compatible with irregular Z line. Multiple cold forceps biopsies were performed for histology in the z line.
Stomach Lumen - a small sliding Haitial hernia was seen, displacing the gastroesophageal junction to 39cm from the incisiors. With Haitial narrowing at 40cm from the incisors. Mucosa - patchy discontinuous erythema and friability of the mucosa was noted in the antrum and stomach body. Cold forceps were performed for histology.
Duodenum - normal examined duodenum
Colon Mucosa - normal. Multiple cold forceps biopsies performed whole colon Normal mucosa was noted in the terminal ileum. Multiple cold forceps were performed for histology. Protruding lesions - small internal hemorrhoids were noted.
Thank you!
submitted by sober-Brother-33 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.08.21 01:48 Sufficient-Farmer711 Hopefully, my story helps someone

I had sore, cobblestone throat following COVID infection in May 2022. It would not go away. Went to doctor in August 2022. Prescribed antibiotics. Didn’t work. Prescribed stronger antibiotics. Didn’t work. Suspected LPR, so referred to GI doc who was not able to see me until January. In the meantime, was sent to an allergy doc, who have me PPIs, steroid inhalers, and steroid shots. The only time I have experienced heartburn was while on PPIs, and it made all of my symptoms worse. The inhalers dried my throat terribly. Mucus in mouth/throat and tonsil stones soon followed. Upper endoscopy performed in January 30, 2023 Showed a normal esophagus and a tightly closing (Hill Grade 1) lower esophageal valve. Scheduled Bravo capsule to determine if there is, in fact, reflux, and the earliest it can be done is September 2023. Went to ENT in February 2023. ENT said is was psychosomatic globus, which all the other specialists agreed with me was complete BS, as I have no history of psychosomatic issues and there was obvious erythema on the posterior oropharyngeal wall. Later, saw a nurse practitioner ENT who determined in about 30 seconds that it was LPR, but offered no solutions other than suggesting that I can “manage it.” The next appointment was with try allergist/immunologist again. When I told him what the NP/ENT said, she said with LPR, ENTs tend to overcall it and GIs tend to undercall it. Meanwhile, I was having very loose, jagged stools. I suspected it was from all the mediations I was being given by the different specialists and emailed my GI. He simply said it could be indicative of fast transit time. Well, no shit. He also told me since my LES was closing tightly to the endoscope, if I was experiencing LPR, it would be due to transient LES relaxation. So, one day, I had the bright idea to ask ChatGPT what would cause both transient LES relaxation and rapid tea sit of stool. It replied with three things: 1) celiac disease; 2) non-celiac gluten sensitivity; and, 3) SIBO. I don’t think I have Celiac, as the upper endoscopy would have likely noticed damaged villae. NCGS is a possibly, so I quit eating gluten. Within three weeks, my symptoms nearly completely disappeared. My LPR-like symptoms appear to have resolved and my throat is almost completely healed. I have not ruled out SIBO, as I told a breath test and the hydrogen rose by 17 ppm on the first 30 minutes before dropping 20 ppm in the subsequent 30 minutes. A rise of 20 or more os positive. Clearly, there is some gray area here and it makes no sense that a 19 could be negative and a 20 positive. Of course, the GI is just following bureaucratic protocol and saying it is negative, even though an increase of 10 ppm is the threshold for positive in Europe.
Anyway, my point is, I had accepted I was in the path to Nissen fundulpication and none of the doctors ever thought of gluten. After mentioning it to them, they were all like, “yeah - gluten could do that.” So, please, try going gluten free first. I hope it works for you.
submitted by Sufficient-Farmer711 to LPR [link] [comments]

2023.08.17 04:29 volatileradish Colonoscopy findings.. what is this??

I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy a few weeks ago and the results came back with "erythema, granularity and erosions compatible with gastritis"and a single 6mm sessile polyp in the hepatic flexure. That was all they mentioned, but looking at the photos afterwards I see what looks like a white ball..almost like a small bird's egg. It's very obvious and I'm sure they would have brought it up if it was an issue, but I'm just curious to know if anyone else has had something like that and know what it is? It's directly after a picture that says "normal mucosa in the esophagus" and just really stands out.
Not looking for a diagnosis or anything, just curious to know if others have had this pop up and not mentioned before.
submitted by volatileradish to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2023.07.30 04:10 Sunsettgoddess Gastritis vs IBD?

I have a question just cause I have always been someone with stomach problems. My aunt has colitis but she didn’t go into specifics because diagnosis’s in mexico are different. So I’ve always dealt with blood in my stool (bright red, never more than half an ounce nothing to my concern), constipation, bloating, diarrhea (occasionally), severe joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting (occasionally), anemia, recently I’ve lost 10lbs but not too concerned about that, and I get in these little phases where I feel sick to my stomach for days or weeks. I had an endoscopy done recently and he told me it was gastritis. But he also told me it was SIBO which it clearly wasn’t since there was inflammation in my esophagus, stomach, and beginning of small intestine. I’m just puzzled because gastritis I feel would feel so much more different than what I have been experiencing. My symptoms feel insane and my aunt experiences the same thing as well. So for those with gastritis are my symptoms p accurate to gastritis? Or you think there could be more to it?
submitted by Sunsettgoddess to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]