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2011.08.17 13:55 Bringing the web out of 2007 since 2013.

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2014.01.08 16:47 marekkpie Retro GameDev: homebrew games for dusty old hardware, arcane coding techniques, reverse-engineering

Developing homebrew games for systems from 70s, 80s, 90s, and early 00s. Whether it be in assembly, C/C++, or BASIC... 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, we've got them all. Discuss, share tips and tutorials, show off projects. Learn more about coding techniques of olde through reverse-engineering existing classic games and understanding hardware details.

2014.11.13 17:44 aidenaiden2 Overwatch - Looking for a Team

**What is this?** This is a place for Overwatch players and teams who: * Want to start or join a team or to recruit for a team * Want to set up scrims with other teams or advice on how to manage their own

2024.05.12 20:35 Table-Games-Dealer Guide I sent to a friend

On smoke breaks I talk with a friend about my dreams of escaping the casino and talk about my rust adventures. He asked me to tell him where to start programming and what project to do. I am going to video call with him to go to get to hello world but wrote this guide so he could follow and repeat.


Most code in the world does not have a graphical user interface (gui). Such artwork is expensive to make and costly to run. Instead we work with the bare minimum in the terminal.
The terminal is a text interface where you can have powerful control of your computer. There are things that dont have any buttons, but everything has logic in terminal.
I am on Mac and use Zsh as my native terminal, I think you have Command Prompt but it will depend on you version of windows. I highly recommend you study your shell sooner than later. It can make life way easier.
I know some windows but can not give you too much advice. No matter what coding language you want to use you are likely going to want to use bash to automate stuff. I used bash to automate the login of my 6 Old School RuneScape accounts. Took me several minutes every play session, turned into one click with some light coding.

Interactive Development Environment:

Choose an IDE and look at all the options. check all the settings. I use VSCode. Look for extensions, configure them all. They can be incredibly powerful for your understanding of what your code is doing and what the borrow checker wants from you.
Don't stick with VSCode, different IDEs provide vastly different experiences per language. Always shop around.


Cargo is rusts package manager. It can get code from the internet, compile and ship your code, do versioning and most of the tedious stuff of coding.
Learn cargo well this is how you take your code and do things with it.
Do beware that cargo allows you to download arbitrary code from the internet. Don't go downloading sketchy shit and getting pwnd. But for big projects absolutely go ahead this community is awesome.
There is no need to enable git versioning with cargo, but it would be cool should you lose your computer your code would still be in the cloud and retrievable.

Rust's Borrow Checker:

The borrow checker is apart of the rust compiler, the thing that turns your text into computer code. It is going to be the bane of your existence should you stay with rust.
The borrow checker prints to terminal a highly detailed and specific commentary on your code explaining what it will not accept as valid rust code.
Read everything it says, often the borrow checker will explicitly tell you what to do to solve the problem. This will be most of your workflow, making the borrow checker happy. Once the rules of the borrow checker are followed, your program will run flawlessly. It may not make sense logically, But in a memory sense, the point of rust, safe.
If you use the borrow checker in the IDE you may get some hyperlinks that let you jump through your code to debug way faster than scrolling.
Do be warned though that there are bugs in rust, but none that beginners like us have to worry about.

Shop around for languages:

Rust is making me learn computer science and bring me really close to flipping bits and I think that is really cool.
Python is quick and easy to use. You can get competent in a month.
Python is 100x slower than rust but waaaaay more fun to use.
Rust is faster, but takes 10x longer to write at this point. But when I have completed something it is safe, fast, and as exact as I could want something.
If I wanted a job right away I would learn JavaScript, JS runs 90% of the internet and the majority of the jobs. But it's 29 years old, slow and unsafe. Its ecosystem is huge. Memes are bad. No dommy borrow checker.
C++ is the parent language to Rust. Haskell is also a big influencing factor. I would learn some about these languages and why rust 'fixes' them.


One tool I find so helpful in rust is called Bacon. It will automaticly rerun your program whenever you change the code. So instead of having to manually ask the computer to run it can always be running on the side, along with great displays of the borrow checker and clippy text recommendations.
Must have use it every time I VSCode open.


\\ this is a linter whose implications I have yet to understand see comments below!
Clippy is the formatter cargo uses to proofread and restyle your code. Very convenient when you get all sweaty and shit out some code from your stream of conscious then you can type one command and make it look intentional again.

Configure VSCode to support rust by downloading these extensions:

Setup Hotkeys:

Setup a hotkey in vscode to run rust in its cargo run format with code runner.
This is rather complicated and cost me way to much time, but go to extentsions, Code-Runner. Click Code-Runner: Executor Map Edit Settings.json.
look for the rust entry in the field
{ "code-runner.executorMap": { ~ "rust": sadness_and_lies, ~ }, "code-runner.clearPreviousOutput": true, "editor.rulers": [120], } Should be: "rust": "cargo run # $fileName", 
Then go to hotkeys in the VSCode settings and search code-runner.
Edit the entry:
Run Code
To your specifed hotkey. This will make VSCode use cargo to run your code. This hotkey should also run other languages should you do so.
Bacon must be added to your path. This may be difficult on windows I dont know but I challenge you to EITHER:
Make a profile in your terminal that has Bacon in the path (I failed to do this but got Zsh to run a Bash script that brings bacon to path on startup),
or make a macro/hotkey in vscode to bring them to path (this is what I did in VSCode only becasue I dont understand Zsh profiles enough... hours wasted)
oh by the way Bacon can be installed with 'cargo install bacon' and is found in root/.cargo/bin
My solution to VSCode was to add
[ { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "bacon\u000D" } }, { "key": "alt+b", "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence", "args": { "text": "export PATH=$PATH:/Users/work/.cargo/bin\u000D" } }, ] 
to the keybindings.json
this lets me opt+b to bring cargo tools to Zsh path,
then cmd+b to start bacon.
Note that this will bring any cargo shell tools to path. One nice one I like is Exa, a file viewer like Dir but better
I know this was a wall of text but once you can do this 👍

Well that's it. Thanks for reading. Thanks for sharing everything I know is from the internet.
submitted by Table-Games-Dealer to rust [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:35 CodyStepp How SAM Is Helping Real Estate Agents With Lead Management: Ready to Level Up Your Lead Flow Too?

Hey RealEstate,

Staying ahead of the curve, and our competition, in real estate means finding new ways to streamline business processes to squeeze the most out of everything we do. This can oftentimes lead to overwhelm and burnout - and lord knows with stats like 90% of agents leaving the industry in the first two years, a lot of agents fall victim to this.

At Workflow Secrets, we recognize that the traditional CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems are becoming increasingly cumbersome for agents to manage effectively. How often do you find yourself switching from system to system?

New year new CRM? This one is shiny - or rather - this one has a good sales team...

This is where the concept of System Accelerators comes into play. Our own SAM (Systems Accelerator Manager) is part of a new category of AI-driven technology designed to replace these conventional CRM systems by helping real estate professionals like you create, refine, store, and utilize critical business information more effectively.

We call this a, "Ground-Up Approach to AI-Powered Systems" because it is an all-in-one tool that doesn't require other subscriptions, or know-how in fancy automation services to use.

Pair that fact with the integration of AI at every step in your process, ensuring that all shared information is utilized in ways that directly benefit your business operations.

By reimagining the landscape of CRMs, Workflow Secrets is creating the next evolutionary leap in business systems.

How SAM Transforms Lead Management

Generating Custom Resources: SAM starts by generating custom business resources tailored to your needs and written in your voice. These resources can be housed directly on your website and can attract traffic when paired with SAMChat, a chatbot that can be added to your website with a single line of code.
SAMChat - Lead Engagement Made Easy: Once implemented, SAMChat can engage visitors on your website, offering valuable resources or simply answering questions.
Visitors can choose to share their details in a traditional lead form, or when engaging with the SAMChat, details will be organically collected during the conversation - creating a seamless method of collecting lead information.
Customizing Content and Automations: As information about a new contact flows in, SAM automatically creates a Contact Card, that doesn't just store the information gathered but customizes follow-up content based on details you learned (likes, dislikes, hobbies, goals, and other personal details) while engaging with them.
This personalization ensures that all interactions are tailored specifically to the individual lead.
Communication Matrix: The third phase of SAM introduces the Communication Matrix, which refines how content is generated for each lead.
For instance, if you have a lead named Jose who prefers Spanish over English and texts over emails, SAM will create a perfectly translated and customized text message that you can proofread before sending his way - meeting him where he is, based on what you know about him.
And it doesn't stop with emails or text messages. The system accelerates your ability to engage leads effectively in almost any way you can imagine from communications, tailored to their preferences, to out-of-the-box experiences that can drive a deeper relationship with them.

Efficiency and Personalization Combined

Here is my personal plight with technology, and my goal for the future! If I die on one hill, it's this one!
[Merge Fields] do NOT personalize your communications.
Adding my name to the top of your email using a merge field never makes me feel special, and it never moves the needle on our relationship.
So! With SAM - Gone are the days when personalization meant simply using merge fields in your messages. Thats SOOOOOOOOO 1990's - See ya!
I'm building SAM to create truly unique communication frameworks that match the preferences and interests of each individual contact you have in your database and engage with.

SAM offers a ground-up approach to integrating AI into your business at every stage (Content creation, lead generation, customer experience, and past client relationship nurturing).

When executed correctly this does two important things:
  1. Client relationships will deepen, and repeat and referral business will explode!
  2. Your valuable time will be freed up for things that matter most - like family, hobbies, and growing your business.

If you're looking to transform your lead flow and redefine how you engage with clients, it's time to consider SAM.

Let's level up your lead management together. I’m happy to answer any questions!
submitted by CodyStepp to SystemsAccelerator [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:28 nandaime SEO for Solopreneurs

SEO is one of the most impactful growth channels available to solopreneurs. When leveraged properly, it’s a cheap, sustainable, and very cost-effective way to acquire users. It is one of the rare channels that compounds over time and pays dividends for years after you publish. At the same time, SEO is somewhat of an obscure topic. Most founders I talk to do not have a clear understanding of how to grow with SEO and, most importantly, do not see how the right SEO strategy can contribute to their revenue.
Some players in the SEO industry overcomplicate things and use a lot of unnecessary jargon to seem smart. My goal is to help you understand.
I noticed that when it is not clear exactly what has to be done with SEO, solopreneurs try to do everything. As with most things in life, the Pareto Principle applies to SEO as well. You have to learn to identify 80% of the things you will have to ignore and prioritize the 20% of things that will bring the most results.
I hope that this article will help clarify things for you. The aggregate value of organic traffic is in the trillions, and it would be a costly mistake to overlook this distribution channel. Solopreneurs doing SEO have to prioritize a lot, and this guide will teach you how to identify the efforts that will lead to the most results and put your sales on autopilot.
After reading this mini-essay, you’ll stop using Ahrefs to measure your SEO success and start using your Stripe Dashboard instead.
Originally published here:

Part 1: SEO Strategy vs SEO Tactics

Did you notice that SEO topics have become trendy lately? Even if you’re not following the SEO space, you’ve probably noticed some information spillover from niche site owners. After the latest updates, the traffic for many niche sites tanked, and a lot of bloggers are on the verge of losing their businesses. Some solopreneurs are skeptical about spending time on SEO after seeing how niche bloggers were affected by the previous updates. They have the impression that SEO is a volatile channel.
Whenever a new core algorithm update is rolled out, it leads to a lot of fuss. Search engines will always be changing and adapting to new realities. You can argue that Google does a bad job, but one thing is clear: satisfying users is the core part of Google’s business. If Google fails at that, there will be unsatisfied demand in the form of users who are searching for things and can’t find them. If Google fails, these users will probably flock to a different search engine, like Bing.
While search engines change, user needs don’t. As long as someone is in the market for a no-code website builder, he will search for that on a search engine. When SEO is done the right way instead of trying to find loopholes in algorithms, you can safely ignore the updates. Staying up to date with the best SEO practices is great, but you have to always focus on the end user’s search experience. That’s one of the best ways to be immune to algorithm updates. Satisfy the user, not the algorithm. Search engines are just a medium through which your users will find you.
Getting visitors to land on your website organically is one of the best ways to get consistent traffic. It’s the type of traffic that is earned, not purchased. It shows that you’re moving in the right direction. It’s cheaper than the alternatives. That’s why it makes sense to figure out how SEO works. Google won’t magically send tons of traffic your way just because you have a website. Without a strategic understanding, you’re just hoping for luck and neglecting customers who are looking for your product but can’t find it.
Now, if you’re a solopreneur doing SEO, you’ve probably already explored SEO resources. Also, you’re a generalist rather than a specialist. You have no one to delegate tasks to, so you take care of coding, marketing, and sales. That means you need to dig deep into how SEO can benefit your business.
Why? There’s always the tradeoff between coding and marketing. You’re constantly juggling coding and marketing — two hats, one head. You need to invest some time in figuring out the impact of SEO on your bottom line. How will SEO lead to more sales and growth? What goal do you want to achieve?
You will always have a reason behind launching a new feature or making a change to the landing page copy, so you should have a ‘why’ behind your marketing efforts as well. Otherwise, SEO might not be the best use of your resources, and you’d be better off spending that time on coding or talking to users.
Nearly every time, solopreneurs spend too much time refining tactics and never think about strategy. Keyword research, technical SEO, and link building are all tactical aspects of SEO. Yet, strategy is far more important than execution. Focusing on tactics without a strategy is like building a house without a plan. No sane builder would do that.
Execution without strategy might boost traffic, but will it open wallets? Can traffic directly impact your sales and growth? Probably not, unless the traffic is qualified. Traffic alone is a vanity metric. Measuring the success of your SEO efforts by traffic and clicks is like judging the success of a paid campaign by the total budget spent.
The biggest SEO successes in SaaS came from a good strategy. Take Zapier, Shipbob, Canva, and many other startups. If you want to come up with a strategy that will lead to a high SEO ROI, you should forget everything you’ve learned so far and start from the bottom up. Start from the end of the user search journey, when he fills in the card details on your website, and reason to the top.

Part 2: Is keyword research dead?

Most SEO strategies usually begin (and end) with keyword research. The typical workflow starts with buying a subscription to one of the popular SEO tools, auditing your website, and checking out what your competitors rank for. Then, you choose seed keywords with low search volume and low keyword difficulty, or, if you are lucky, keywords with high SV and low KD. After that, you write content to target these keywords. Some solopreneurs even resort to advanced techniques, like Schema Markup and entity SEO.
If you notice, revenue considerations are nowhere to be found. A critical piece of the puzzle is missing: how does this strategy, if your site were to rank as planned, lead to the user purchasing your product? Are you even targeting the right user? Is the user who is searching for this keyword likely to be in the market for what you are selling? If not, is he facing a problem that he is currently unaware of, and as soon as he lands on your website, will he realize that he needs your solution?
This workflow seems like a bad strategy to sell anything. It might work if you are making money from simply ranking and getting clicks. If that is not the case for your website, you are probably sacrificing a lot of time and effort for a low impact on revenue and growth, time that would be better spent on product and sales through X, Reddit, and LinkedIn. You are just hoping that the visitor who reaches your website happens to be your ideal user.
When you are factoring in compounding, this approach is even less efficient. Compounding happens on top of the principal and monthly contributions, so it is important to get the principal right. With great content, the more pages that get indexed and ranked by Google, the more queries you will show up for in SERPs. Your goal is to make sure that all of your SEO efforts are aligned with your revenue goals.
Content can sell for you while you sleep. Treat publishing content on your website as you would treat sales. Or, even better, as you would treat hiring and deploying an SDR. Similar to a good salesman, the right content sells when you are busy building. A good SDR will usually approach sales with a specific buyer profile in mind, and unless he can offer something valuable to the end user, he will not outreach.
Let’s say that you’re developing a new tool to build many websites. You’ve tried no-code tools or coding, but you got frustrated when you had to do the same tasks over and over again. So you decide to launch a new tool that allows users to create, customize, and deploy boilerplates to save time on repetitive tasks.
You see demand and understand that you’re close to the Product-Market Fit. Indies are likely to come up with very niche ideas (for example, the product described above, the ideal customer would be another indie hacker, somebody who needs to launch dozens of websites and validate multiple ideas). When a customer becomes aware of your solution and discovers that it solves a problem he didn’t know he had, you’ll know that you’re reaching PMF.
Anyway, your product is growing because you’ve launched in public and you’re spending hours on social media talking about your solution. You are aware that your growth from Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit is constrained by either your follower count or your reach, and it doesn’t get easier over time. Social media algorithms are highly volatile, and the cost of acquisition (time spent on these platforms necessary to acquire another user) will grow over time.
Eventually, the easiest-to-reach customers will be acquired, and your efforts will have diminishing returns. Since you don’t want to spend hours promoting your product on third-party platforms, you realize that you need a new source of acquisition that will work for you while you’re busy building. That channel happens to be SEO; it’s a one-off investment that scales well. A blog post can stay on your website forever, but you have to consistently engage and post on social media to reach people’s feeds.
What typically happens in this case is that solopreneurs do their homework and research the best SEO practices. After reading a dozen playbooks and ultimate guides, they’ll audit their website with a tool, analyze competitors, do keyword research, and find the best queries to rank for. Then they’ll start writing content for these queries and monitor the results.
I’m not sure how exactly such a strategy can lead to growth. First, you’re not getting any new insights; you’re just getting the existing information that you already knew. Using this approach, you can identify thousands of keywords that you’d like to rank for, but your time is constrained. It will take a lot of blog posts to cover all the keywords, and your content will be difficult to scale. It will be quite time-consuming to do the work to rank for these keywords. Second, you’re essentially shooting in the dark, hoping the right customer stumbles across your site.
If you’re in a space where you already have competitors, that is, there is existing demand for a given solution, the most valuable keywords are likely to be dominated by incumbents. If such is the case, you’ll have to move to the long tail queries. Moving down to find low competition keywords means also less search volume and traffic.
The premise of the long tail strategy is that when you rank for these queries, you’ll get many clicks on aggregate. The biggest risk of a long tail strategy is that Google will rank articles that target middle tail queries for long queries as well, so there’s no moat. An incumbent could rewrite an article that was ranking well for medium-tail keywords and aim to satisfy the long tail queries as well, and your position will not be defensible.
This strategy might still be effective for acquiring traffic, if traffic alone is your goal. But your time will be spread for possibly lower clicks. You’re still optimizing for traffic, not for conversions. Most popular SEO tools lack the capability to map keywords and queries according to their stage in the sales/marketing/search funnel.

Part 3: How to come up with the right SEO strategy

A strategy focused on revenue will always start from talking to your users. Let’s say that after chatting with several of your happy users, you get several insights. First, most of your users are technical. Second, most of your users want to own their code, so they’re not interested in no-code or low-code builders. Third, some users are indie hackers, so they need your tool to launch dozens of websites to validate their products.
Now, the question is, what would this buyer profile search on Google when confronted with the problem your product is solving? We can easily dismiss most queries related to no-code. Suppose that you’ve identified in your user interviews that your users were searching for solutions for reducing time spent on setup and configuration. They were searching for queries like ‘How to automate development environment setup?’, ‘Quick start templates for Next.js blogs’ and ‘Automating SEO setup for static sites’.
There’s little to no data on these queries, yet there are people who search for them. In fact, this buyer profile is located further down in the search funnel since he’s searching for solutions to mitigate his frustration. What we did here is take users who were satisfied by the product and simply asked them what they searched for before coming across the solution. It’s safe to assume that even though they didn’t know that a solution already existed, they happily paid as soon as they discovered it. This buyer profile is looking for specific queries, and using keyword research tools would have never led to these insights and results.
The best way to do SEO is by learning from users, mapping their buyer personas to content, and understanding what they want at each stage of their search funnel, then extrapolating insights and user empathy to content. When you’re doing SEO to sell a product or a service, user empathy beats data. When you’re informed about the user’s needs, you can translate that knowledge into keywords and distill the keywords into topics to write about.
Keyword tools often underestimate traffic for low-volume searches. You’ll notice that there is little to no competition for the queries that come from user conversations.
The thing is that you want to avoid competition as much as possible. Great distribution channels are unlocked by steering clear of crowded waters. Don’t forget that incumbents are now spying on indie hackers. There have been several instances of spying and stealing indies’ progress documented on X. An older website with more authority and more resources can easily outrank you on long-tail queries when you become a real threat.
If everything you do in SEO is not focused on helping users who would likely become your paying customers, your efforts are not as effective as they could have been.
Hypothesizing who your buyer persona is should precede any keyword research. Most solopreneurs make the same mistake and start their keyword research, and the only data they look at is monthly search volumes and keyword difficulty. Monthly search volumes are irrelevant for their business. Volume and traffic are the wrong metrics. This workflow tells you nothing about who your users are and where they are on their search journey, and the information you get is mostly noise since you’re focusing on the wrong metric and totally forgetting to optimize for user intent.
If you want to avoid wasting time on SEO, prioritize exactly the type of blog posts that will help you monetize your offering. SEO is always about competing with other websites, and it is pretty much a zero-sum game. If one website gains visibility, a click, and a purchase, another one will not. That’s why you need to match content with buyer personas; you need to discover the characteristics that affect what and how your users search. You won’t find this data with keyword tools that literally anyone who can afford the subscription can access. Your competition will have no advantage.
Here’s how you can formulate an SEO strategy:
  1. Try to brainstorm all the uses for your product. Who are your potential users? Simply because your product exists doesn’t mean users will search for it. You might want to target different users with specific needs, and it would make sense to SEO-optimize your landing pages for the specific problems they have, instead of just describing your solution.
  2. Ask yourself how your potential users could search depending on where they currently are in the funnel. Keyword tools can sometimes help with filtering and grouping keywords by intent, but that’s a job for humans. You’ll have to do all the heavy lifting here and hypothesize. For example, users will be searching for solutions to their problems at the top of the funnel, but might search for a specific brand and pricing the closer they are to the bottom of it. Where in the funnel is your ideal user, and what is he searching for?
  3. Come up with content type ideas for each specific stage of the search funnel. For example, determine which content satisfies the intent of bottom-funnel queries. If your user is searching for price + brand, a long-form piece of content won’t be helpful.
  4. What actions do you want ToFu, MoFu, and BoFu users that land on your website to take? If a user is in ToFu, the appropriate CTA might be to encourage him to read more. If he’s in BoFu, maybe he’d be inclined to explore a trial or purchase. You should come up with funnel-specific CTAs for users that reached your website and help them progress to the bottom, to make a purchase, and measure the conversions at each stage.
There’s a simple question to ask yourself that will drastically improve your conversions from SEO: Will landing on this page help the user get closer to a purchase?
What is he looking for when searching? If you’re a SaaS and your buyer is at ToFu, will this lead him to read more on your blog? If he’s at BoFu, will the user navigate to the pricing page? With SEO, the user reaches your page after searching and getting to SERPs.
There should be something valuable for the user on the other side of the click, something that helps him get closer to purchasing from you. Content will only lead to meaningful growth when it’s part of your ideal user’s quest for finding information that will help him solve his problem on Google.
Only after you do all these steps can you start formulating a strategy and executing it. Only after you have a clear picture of what you have to do and how you can write legitimately engaging content. Your audience wouldn’t need to be convinced to read it; even more, this type of content is highly valuable, unique, shareable, and can help acquire backlinks. As you write and publish more content, you’ll gradually acquire data and a user base to learn from, and you’ll genuinely discover what your users want. This way, you’ll be able to scale better and faster.
With this approach, you can show readers how your product is the best solution on the market without slapping them in the face with it.
After you have a clear SEO roadmap in front of you, you can proceed to implementing tactics. But never forget that SEO visibility is just a means of selling your product. The product is the seller.

Part 4: Short Guide on Zero Search Volume Keywords

Specific consideration for indies: if you’re building an entirely new product, you’re entering a space where the first companies that enter the market generate demand, including search demand. There was no search demand for no-code builders before the first no-code builder entered the market. In this case, keyword research is very limited. You will find no data on any keywords, but your website can generate new queries and dominate them.
Whenever I can’t find any data for a specific keyword, I get excited. That means that I have stumbled across an opportunity that other users, who rely too much on keyword tools, are unaware of.
Zero volume keywords are the long-tail keywords that have no traffic according to keyword research tools. Remember, keyword data is accurate to an extent. In my experience, Ahrefs has been the most accurate tool, but tools like Semrush, Moz, and Ahrefs collect their data from Google and clickstream data providers, who are collecting their data from browser activities. Even Google tends to overestimate or underestimate search volumes.
I’ve seen many instances where pages were getting 100x more clicks than predicted by tools.
There are three main sources for this type of queries:
  1. Forums (Reddit)
  2. Social media
  3. Sales calls
  4. Private conversations with users
  5. Slack and Discord communities
  6. Google’s autocomplete suggestions
  7. Related searches
  8. People Also Ask
  9. Exploding Topics

Part 5: How to write the first 30 blog posts that will drive MRR

This is a short playbook on DIY SEO that will keep your blog running for the next half of year or more, if you will publish one blog post every week. All you’ll have to do is find out your ideal customer profile, understand their thought process & the words their use, and map your content to each stage of the search funnel.

Step 1: Reachout & Listen

Talk to 10–20 of your ideal users. If you can’t sample your existing user, you should do some cold outreach. Just ask them for 15 minutes of their time, and tell them what you are building. You’ll probably face some rejection, but getting a few of them to talk will suffice.
When talking, try to avoid projecting your assumptions and biases on the user. Instead, actively listen and keep the conversation going to reveal their stories, experiences and frustrations. If you’re doing this through a call, I highly recommend recording and transcribing the meeting. There’s a handful of tools that do that, such as fireflies or Aiko.
Your main goal is to get your customers to describe their thought process and search journey. Try to steer the conversation towards:

Step 2: Search for feedback for similar solutions, if any, on social media, forums and communities

Raw feedback is usually the most informative, simply because only the extremes are prompted to spend their time on leaving feedback. 99% of reviews are left by 1% of users who are either extremely happy or unhappy with the product, they are the most vocal critics and supporters.

Step 3: Ideate your personas

After you have completed the first 2 steps, you can proceed to creating your buyer personas. Since you’re dealing with SEO, the only relevant characteristics are those that shape the way your ideal users search. Demographics and job position are irrelevant. Here’s what you should look for:

Step 4: Write for each funnel stage

The search funnel, similar to the buyer journey, has 4 stages of awareness, and you should write content for each. Here’s an example for the boilerplate generator we previously talked about:
Unaware: Reducing boilerplate code in React-based projects
Problem-aware: Automating repetitive Next.js setup tasks like SEO, TypeScript configurations, and TailwindCSS integration
Solution-aware: Tools for pre-configuring Next.js projects with SEO, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS
Product-aware: [BRAND]’s automated Next.js boilerplate generator for quick setup with SEO, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS

Step 5: Check for low hanging fruits

The easiest low hanging fruit is stealing branded traffic from your competitors, if they underserve their users.
Targeting competitor keywords is a smart move to engage buyers actively comparing options. These buyers are already considering solutions like yours but may need a nudge to choose your product. Here’s how you can use these keywords:
You don’t have to be a brilliant SEO to grow your SEO revenue if you truly understand your users. You just need guidance from someone with SEO expertise to steer your strategy in the right direction and explain the best approaches for your specific case (tactics).
Founders often forget that user empathy is the goal of the content. Just doing SEO ‘by the books’ will not magically lead to growth.
Think of your blog as more than just a task. It’s your chance to become an authority online. Talk with your customers. Understand their journey. Each blog post can solve one of their problems. Do this, and you’ll quickly have 30 posts up.

P.S.: AI tools, SGE and the future of SEO

Consider this scenario, which might be familiar to many of you: You perform a search, click on a result, read a bit, then navigate back to try another link. Soon, you realize that the content is nearly the same as the first. Frustrating, isn’t it?
When we rely solely on tools like ChatGPT, we’re essentially getting a repetition of existing information, structured by what’s statistically prevalent. It’s not helpful; it’s not insightful. Similarly, when we use advanced AI-based writing tools, we often end up repeating the same top-ranking content. This isn’t just a redundancy issue — it also impacts how content ranks on search engines.
Generally, you should avoid treating AI tools as content writers, for many reasons. The main reason is that AI can only create cookie-cutter content that brings no genuine value. Even if you manage to rank it, it won’t convert.
AI tools are excellent at assisting human writers and enable a one-person team that has a good understanding of how SEO fits with the growth strategy. But they are terrible at writing content end-to-end.
If you’re using the same prompts and platforms as your competitors, why expect your content to stand out? When it’s time to publish, what makes your piece unique?
If two articles cover the same new topic with similar optimization, Google will favor the one that brings something extra — unique insights or key points the other lacks. Besides, why would anyone want to read your AI-generated content if there’s the option to get the same quality of output by directly asking ChatGPT?
Nonetheless, AI will soon change how we think about SEO. Why? SGE. That’s why you need to future-proof your SEO strategy. The models behind ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Gemini work like a black box without providing a clear explanation about what input contributes to the output, but AI will revolutionize top-of-funnel SEO as we know it.
If you’re in the US, you’ve probably already seen the new search generative experience by Google. They are adding a search box at the top of search results for many queries, taking valuable real estate and satisfying those queries without a click. Google just takes available information on the web and answers the query like a chatbot.
It’s unlikely that SGE or chatbots will kill SEO. Why? For most queries, users need context and choice. That’s also one of the reasons why Siri hasn’t replaced search. If a user’s query requires choice, that choice is easier to make when shown visually. If LLMs will start offering this choice, instead of just follow-ups, it will slowly turn into a search engine. For many queries, users want to use search engines instead of endless follow-ups with an LLM chatbot. Users want links and context.
However, SGE is likely to dominate most informational queries well, especially when the query can be answered in one phrase without having to navigate to the source link of the website. After SGE launches for everyone, websites that targeted informational queries will likely see the traffic for the respective pages tank to zero. Users won’t need to scroll below the generative box if it answers their question well.
Besides making sure that you write your content for a specific buyer persona, one of the best ways to hedge these changes is to focus on middle-of-the-funnel queries, the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey. At this stage, the audience is considering their options and might not be thinking about your product yet. The goal here is to guide them toward wanting to buy, making sure they’re a good fit for what you offer, and moving them further down the sales funnel.
Your MoFu content marketing should be engaging, informative, and tailored to what the buyer is looking for. They know what they might want but aren’t ready to buy just yet. Mid-funnel content should build on the knowledge they already have, providing deeper insights.
Ultimately, you want to lead them from just considering to deciding to purchase.
submitted by nandaime to SEOforSolopreneurs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 05:54 skotseby This guy keeps taking my opportunities. What should I do?

I started work at a dealership in 2018 after moving to Texas.
It was my first sales type job and I caught on pretty quick due to my previous experience in customer service and frankly just not being a total piece of shit.
Growing up I was always taught to treat people the way you want to be treated and they would eventually do the same. In every day life it made sense and worked so I continued to be that person. Honesty, integrity and Respect is the code I live by. That ideology has followed me in every career path and has led to success in various forms.
I was also taught that if you work hard and exceed expectations that you can do anything you set your mind to. Unfortunately it seems that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Within a few months I was 1st or 2nd every month in volume and gross at the small independent import dealer I worked at.
When it came time for someone to move into finance the other top guy was picked and it made sense because he had been there longer than me. I was happy for him and we have remained friends to this day. He is now the finance director.
Fast forward a year later and my sales manager at the time split a big commission that I had worked very hard for with another salesperson who had nothing to do with the deal. When I asked him about it he said the GSM had made the decision and I would need to talk to him.
I visited the GSM who is a 60 something year old coked out roid rage maniac (he literally choked out a female worker on the showroom and got away with it) and asked him about the situation. He blew up on me screaming in my face that he wasn’t going to fix shit and he didn’t have time for my “bullshit” complaint. He told me to get the fuck out of his office so I did and went back to my desk to start packing my shit because I wasn’t going to line his pockets anymore.
In car sales the sales people make all of the money for the managers and GSM, GM etc.
My direct sales manager begged me to stay and said I was making a horrible decision etc. etc.
My mind was made up so I left.
I ended up working odd jobs here and there for the next year but never made the same kind of money and after a year when I found out I had a child on the way I decided I would give it another shot.
I stupidly came back to the same place and resumed my previous sales job resetting my tenure and basically starting over with no book of business.
Within a month I was the number one sales guy again in volume and gross and eventually number one in my region for the brand I work for. Woohoo. FML
Here’s where the real bullshit starts.
During my hiatus a new sales rep had been hired and he was your typical rich kid who always seems to get what he wants. His sales were mediocre, his gross was mediocre but everyone likes him so he was kept around.
Apparently he was the top guy for a few months in the year I was away but nothing consistent.
After about 6 months back at the dealership while still crushing sales goals and exceeding everyone else’s volume by about 30% a second finance position became available. I put my name in the hat and so did he.
I was definitely the best candidate for the job.
He went to the GM (not the GSM I mentioned earlier) and threatened to quit if he didn’t get the promotion.
They ended up picking him over me for the position and it crushed me.
I felt like he didn’t deserve it and that my hard work had gone unnoticed.
When I asked about it I was essentially told that I would be a bigger loss to the sales floor than him and if I hadn’t quit previously when they fucked me out of money I would have gotten the job.
With a kid on the way I didn’t have any choice but to stay so I gritted my teeth, put on my best fake smile and got back to work.
For 4 years I remained the top sales guy every month and 1st or second in the state of TX hoping I would get a shot if a position opened up.
The opportunity finally came this past year after we were bought out by a large corporation and I was chosen for an Assistant Sales manager role.
They fired the previous sales manager and brought on a new guy saying they would train me to take his spot when he moves to another store.
I took the role very seriously and worked my ass off for the past 6 months. I have excellent relationships with everyone in the dealership (except for that dickhead).
With our sales manager being new to the brand I had to teach him how everything worked so I stayed late every day doing 10-14hrs, I closed deals for sales people, ran the desk, organized the lot during construction and orchestrated systems to improve workflow etc. all with a smile on my face and a positive attitude.
It was a lot.
I also had a second kid on the way.
Two weeks ago I took five days off to take care of my newborn and help my wife with our toddler.
Half way through my paternal leave I got a call from the finance director (my buddy from earlier) that the new sales manager was offering my job to the guy who stole my previous opportunity.
I cut my paternal leave short and went back to work the next day to find out why.
The sales manager couldn’t give me a reason and said it wasn’t a punishment but that my sales had suffered and they needed me on the floor again full time to increase unit volume and gross.
The guy who they offered it to was working finance/sales and I was working ASM/sales. I was still doing 70-80% of the sales I had previously while doing my job as well as everyone else’s.
He was only selling 3 cars a month and maybe taking 20 finance turns a month running a pitiful per copy which is terrible performance considering we do well over 100 cars per month with 8 sales people.
Apparently he also said he would do my job for free to get the title.
I’m currently getting 1% of gross for my efforts so it’s not a huge pay difference and I’ll probably earn the same amount with my sales back at 100% but I will lose the opportunity to advance further and the next step up to sales manager would be significantly more financially stable while increasing my pay about 20%
It doesn’t make sense.
Our GM is on vacation while this is happening and he has the final say so I still don’t know if I’m actually losing the position or not for sure but the decision will be made at the end of the month.
I’m extremely frustrated and don’t know what to do.
What would you do?
submitted by skotseby to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 00:36 riverluca To resign early or wait for non-renewal?

Long time lurker first time poster. I’m sorry if this violates any rules! And that the post is quite long, but I feel the background is necessary.
I have worked at I can only describe as a dumpster fire of a charter school in NYC for 8 years. It’s important to note we are considered “at will” meaning we don’t have official contracts, nor actual job descriptions. I started there as a teacher and now I manage all aspects of technology/software.
I have innumerable stories of just unbridled stupidity on admins part - including firing employees that ask too many logical questions. The theme of the school is that if you highlight anyone’s incompetence, they start finding “gotchas” to have documentation to non-renew.
For example, my director asked for credentials to the conference portal. I sent them to her immediately. A few hours later someone without credentials asked for a spreadsheet for appointments, and as a courtesy I sent it to my director as well. When I was pulled into an unexpected disciplinary meeting the NEXT DAY, this interaction was cited on my PIP that I should have had the foresight to make a spreadsheet initially and even though she got what she wanted, my task took too long to complete. I am the testing and technology coordinator so lots of the schools workflow is in my hands and I’m actually really great at my job and supporting teachers. But at my school, it’s not about performance, it’s about sending enough emails + what it looks like— simultaneously admin doesn’t respond to emails, forgets to pay us occasionally, docks our pay for days we didn’t take off, etc. they constantly lie to cover themselves and hire their friends to ensure that this happens. One head director hired 6 people from her church, for example. Our board of directors includes a handful of ex boyfriends… Not a single person on my leadership team has a license, degree, or certificate to hold their positions. It’s been 8 years of watching them fail to learn how to do the job. I’ve watched amazing teachers get targeted and non-renewed just for highlighting better strategies, or suggesting transition protocols that made more sense in our shared space, while teachers who have no management and stay quiet have been here for years. I even know that one teacher is having an affair with multiple staff members while his wife works with us in a different department. Admin had a conversation with him last year and he got caught again this year, but is still invited back. One teacher took a literal shit on the school building, got caught on camera, and they still asked him to return the next year. I could write a book. Honestly I’ve tried to leave on my own for so long but stayed for the great paycheck and finally being out of the classroom.
Well this year they hired their best friend to be my supervisor and it’s been hell on earth all year. She doesn’t have any idea how a computer works or the system + process I’ve built from scratch for the last 5 years and micromanages my every breath. This really started after I began wearing my hijab, but I don’t know if it’s because she hates that I know what I am doing, or if she is upset I can “disrupt the dress code” by wearing a head covering? It doesn’t have to make sense because nothing here does.
My question is this: do I quit or wait for non-renewal? I was put on 60 day probation with 2 “performance” reviews between now and then… probably because there are only 30 days left of school 💀Mostly citing to email when my tasks are done to prove they should renew me for next year. I am mostly upset it’s come to this after so much time and dedication and I have been here long enough to know that this is just the foundation for the non renewal later on after I finish all the hard work. I’ve never seen anyone come back from a PIP at my school. Since the probation started, other leadership members have been dumping a ton of extra work on me with short turn arounds and have been extra nasty overall.
luckily I already have a job lined up for next year — I was so desperate to leave that I am transitioning back into the classroom next fall. I’m only staying to get a couple more paychecks but I have some savings that is looking more tempting to use to quit early and not put myself through all of it. I’m trying to make it until June at least but I’m dying inside every time I even think about being in the building. I can’t even think about being formally analyzed 3 more times — I just want it to be over.
submitted by riverluca to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:10 raouftgod Ai Agents Army Review 2024: Revolutionizing Digital Strategies

Ai Agents Army Review
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation, securing a competitive edge is paramount for businesses navigating the realms of automation and marketing. However, amidst the myriad tools and solutions available, navigating the intricacies of AI-driven content creation can be a daunting endeavor for entrepreneurs and marketers alike. Enter Ai Agents Army — a revolutionary platform crafted by seasoned online entrepreneurs Jai Sharma and Atul Pareek, poised to redefine the landscape of marketing automation.
Harnessing the cutting-edge power of artificial intelligence, Ai Agents Army promises to usher in a new era of efficiency and productivity, offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline marketing tasks and elevate performance. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer seeking to optimize lead generation efforts or an aspiring entrepreneur eager to harness the potential of AI, Ai Agents Army stands ready to revolutionize your approach to content creation and marketing automation.
With its intuitive interface and diverse roster of niche-specific AI agents, Ai Agents Army empowers users to automate a myriad of marketing endeavors, from content creation and lead generation to social media management and PPC advertising. Join us as we delve into the depths of Ai Agents Army, exploring its functionality, standout features, and the myriad advantages it brings to the table in our comprehensive review.

Ai Agents Army Overview

- Product Name: Ai Agents Army
- Product Creator: Jai Sharma et al
- Launch Date: 4/22/2024
- Official Website: Official Website Link
- Price: $37.00
- Money-Back Guarantee:YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
- Bonuses: YES
- Discount Code:”Early” for $5 Discount
- Recommendation: Highly Recommended
- My Rating: 9.75/10
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What is Ai Agents Army?

Ai Agents Army is a cutting-edge cloud-based platform powered by advanced artificial intelligence, designed to automate various marketing tasks seamlessly. From content creation to lead generation and beyond, Ai Agents Army offers a diverse range of AI agents tailored to different marketing domains.
Why Choose Ai Agents Army?
Ai Agents Army isn’t just another marketing tool — it’s a catalyst for exponential growth in digital marketing endeavors. Here’s why you should choose Ai Agents Army:
  1. Diverse AI Agents: Ai Agents Army offers a plethora of niche-specific AI agents, each proficient in executing designated marketing tasks with precision.
  2. Automated Workflows: Streamline complex marketing sequences with automated workflows, saving time and effort.
  3. Content Creation Capabilities: Generate high-quality content for blogs, social media, email campaigns, and more, effortlessly.
  4. Lead Generation Functionality: Capture and nurture leads with optimized lead magnets, email swipes, and sales funnels.
  5. Seamless Integrations: Integrate Ai Agents Army seamlessly with popular platforms like email autoresponders and CRMs, enhancing workflow efficiency.

How Does Ai Agents Army Work?

Unlocking the power of Ai Agents Army is as simple as:
  1. Accessing the Dashboard: Log in to the cloud-based dashboard.
  2. Selecting AI Agents: Choose AI agents tailored to your marketing needs.
  3. Aigning Tasks: Assign tasks to AI agents via voice commands or text prompts.
  4. Generating Content: Watch as AI agents process inputs and generate human-like content or assets.
  5. Utilizing Content: Use the generated content across various marketing channels to amplify your reach and engagement.
Ai Agents Army Demo Video 👉

AI Agents Army Top Benefits:

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Ai Agents Army Best Features:
  1. Content Creation: Craft blog posts, social media updates, email sequences, and more effortlessly.
  2. Task Automation: Automate email sequences, sales funnels, social media posting, and graphic asset generation.
  3. Lead Generation and Sales: Create optimized lead magnets, landing pages, email copies, and sales letters effortlessly.
  4. Pricing and Offers: Choose from various pricing tiers offering additional features and capabilities.
Who Ai Agents Army for ?
Ai Agents Army caters to a diverse user base, including:
Ai Agents Army can assist bloggers in various ways, such as generating SEO-optimized blog post ideas, creating engaging content, and automating social media sharing. By utilizing AI-powered tools, bloggers can streamline their content creation process, attract more readers, and enhance their blog’s visibility in search engine results.
Affiliate Marketers:
For affiliate marketers, Ai Agents Army offers valuable support in keyword research, content creation, and lead generation. By leveraging AI algorithms, affiliate marketers can identify profitable niches, produce compelling content to promote affiliate products, and automate email marketing campaigns to drive conversions and commissions.
Agencies can benefit from Ai Agents Army by enhancing their service offerings and improving operational efficiency. With AI-powered tools for content creation, lead generation, and client reporting, agencies can deliver high-quality marketing campaigns to their clients more effectively, scale their operations, and achieve better results in less time.
E-commerce Sellers:
E-commerce sellers can leverage Ai Agents Army to optimize product listings, create persuasive product descriptions, and automate email marketing campaigns to boost sales. By utilizing AI-generated content and personalized marketing strategies, e-commerce sellers can attract more customers, increase conversions, and grow their online businesses.
Local Businesses:
Ai Agents Army provides local businesses with tools to improve their online presence, attract more customers, and increase revenue. By generating SEO-optimized content, managing social media profiles, and automating customer outreach, local businesses can enhance their visibility in local search results, build brand awareness, and drive foot traffic to their stores.
SaaS Companies:
SaaS companies can utilize Ai Agents Army to enhance their marketing efforts, engage with customers, and drive user adoption. By creating informative content, automating email campaigns, and analyzing user data, SaaS companies can attract new customers, nurture existing ones, and increase user retention rates, ultimately driving business growth.
Coaches / Consultants:
Coaches and consultants can benefit from Ai Agents Army by automating administrative tasks, creating educational content, and attracting new clients. With AI-powered tools for content creation, email marketing, and lead generation, coaches and consultants can focus more on delivering value to their clients, growing their businesses, and achieving their professional goals.
Software Companies:
Software companies can leverage Ai Agents Army to streamline their marketing efforts, generate leads, and drive product adoption. By creating engaging content, optimizing their websites for search engines, and automating customer support, software companies can attract more users, increase customer satisfaction, and achieve better results in their marketing campaigns.
Publishers can utilize Ai Agents Army to produce high-quality content, optimize their websites for search engines, and grow their audience. By generating SEO-optimized articles, creating compelling headlines, and analyzing reader engagement data, publishers can attract more traffic to their websites, monetize their content effectively, and establish themselves as authoritative sources in their respective niches.
Freelancers can benefit from Ai Agents Army by streamlining their workflow, expanding their service offerings, and attracting more clients. With AI-powered tools for content creation, project management, and client communication, freelancers can increase their productivity, deliver better results to their clients, and grow their freelance businesses more effectively.
Overall, Ai Agents Army offers a wide range of benefits to diverse user categories, empowering them to achieve their marketing goals, drive business growth, and succeed in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Ai Agents Army Pros ✅and Cons:

✅ Enhances marketing processes with unmatched efficiency.
✅ Produces high-caliber, contextually appropriate content.
✅ Seamlessly integrates with current platforms and workflows.
✅ Features a user-friendly interface, requiring no technical expertise.
✅ Facilitates lead generation and optimization of conversions.
✅ Enables scalable outcomes and achievements with minimal effort.
✅ Offers a cost-effective alternative to conventional outsourcing models.
✅ Promotes productivity, consistency, and innovation.
✅ Operates continuously, ensuring productivity around the clock.
✅ Adopts a one-time pricing model with commercial licensing.
✅ Suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.
✅ Supported by an engaged community and regular updates.
❌ Initial learning curve required to master prompts.
❌ Relies on stable broadband internet connectivity.
❌ Possibility of inaccuracies or plagiarism in generated content.
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Pricing and OTOs for Ai Agents Army:

Ai Agents Army offers flexible pricing options and additional One-Time Offers (OTOs) to cater to the diverse needs of its users. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing packages and OTOs available:
1. Front-End Offer:
- Ai Agents Army Basic Package: $37
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2. OTOs:
OTO 1 — Ai Agents Army Elite ($77)
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Option 1 — Ai Agents Army Enterprise ( $77 )
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OTO 3 — Option 1 — Ai Agents Army Agency 100 Client ($77 )
Option 2 — Ai Agents Army Agency Unlimited Client ($97)
OTO 4 — Option 1 — Ai Agents Army Reseller 100 Client ($77 )
Option 2 — Ai Agents Army Reseller Unlimited Client ($97)
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Choose the package and OTOs that best suit your needs and budget to unlock the full potential of Ai Agents Army and take your marketing efforts to new heights!
Ai Agents Army Bonuses :
Unlock Exclusive Bonuses with Ai Agents Army!
Ai Agents Army ReviewAi Agents Army ReviewAi Agents Army ReviewAi Agents Army Review

Case Study: How Ai Agents Army Transformed Jane’s Marketing Strategy:

Jane, a freelance digital marketer, was struggling to keep up with the demands of her clients while maintaining a competitive edge in the industry. She was spending countless hours on repetitive tasks like content creation, keyword research, and client reporting, which left her with little time to focus on strategic planning and business development.
Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, Jane decided to explore AI-powered solutions to streamline her workflow and boost her productivity. That’s when she discovered Ai Agents Army, a comprehensive marketing automation platform designed to empower marketers like her with advanced AI tools and resources.
Upon signing up for Ai Agents Army, Jane was impressed by the platform’s intuitive interface and robust features. She quickly integrated Ai Agents Army into her daily workflow, allowing her to automate repetitive tasks, generate high-quality content, and optimize her clients’ marketing campaigns more efficiently.
One of the standout features for Jane was Ai Agents Army’s AI-powered content creation tool, which enabled her to produce engaging blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters in a fraction of the time it would take her to do manually. With access to an extensive library of AI-generated content templates and customizable workflows, Jane was able to deliver compelling marketing materials to her clients consistently.
In addition to content creation, Ai Agents Army also helped Jane improve her keyword research process, identify lucrative niche opportunities, and track her clients’ website performance with real-time analytics. By leveraging AI algorithms to analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and consumer behavior, Jane was able to make data-driven decisions and optimize her clients’ marketing strategies for maximum impact.
As a result of integrating Ai Agents Army into her workflow, Jane experienced a significant increase in productivity, client satisfaction, and revenue growth. With more time freed up to focus on strategic tasks and business development initiatives, Jane was able to expand her client base, increase her service offerings, and position herself as a trusted expert in the digital marketing industry.
Experience: Unlocking the Power of Ai Agents Army
John, a seasoned SEO specialist, had been searching for a solution to streamline his keyword research process and improve his search engine rankings. After experimenting with various tools and techniques, he stumbled upon Ai Agents Army, a cutting-edge marketing automation platform powered by artificial intelligence.
Impressed by the platform’s advanced features and user-friendly interface, John decided to give Ai Agents Army a try. He was particularly drawn to the platform’s AI-powered keyword research tool, which promised to help him uncover hidden opportunities, analyze competitor strategies, and optimize his content for maximum visibility.
Upon using Ai Agents Army for the first time, John was amazed by its speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Within minutes, he was able to generate a comprehensive list of high-potential keywords relevant to his niche, complete with valuable insights into search volume, competition level, and user intent.
With Ai Agents Army’s keyword research tool at his disposal, John was able to fine-tune his SEO strategy, target high-value keywords, and outrank his competitors in search engine results. By leveraging AI algorithms to identify untapped opportunities and optimize his content for relevancy and authority, John was able to achieve significant improvements in his website’s search engine rankings and organic traffic.
Overall, John’s experience with Ai Agents Army was nothing short of transformative. The platform not only saved him time and effort but also delivered tangible results that exceeded his expectations. With Ai Agents Army by his side, John was able to unlock the power of AI and take his SEO efforts to new heights, driving business growth and success in today’s competitive digital landscape.

Conclusion: Should You Buy Ai Agents Army?

If you’re looking to revolutionize your marketing efforts, streamline your workflow, and achieve remarkable results in today’s competitive digital landscape, then investing in Ai Agents Army is a decision you won’t regret.
With its advanced AI-powered tools, comprehensive features, and user-friendly interface, Ai Agents Army empowers marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses of all sizes to automate tasks, generate high-quality content, optimize campaigns, and gain valuable insights into market trends and consumer behavior.
Whether you’re a freelancer aiming to scale your business, an agency seeking to deliver exceptional results to clients, or an e-commerce seller looking to boost sales and revenue, Ai Agents Army offers the tools and resources you need to succeed.
With flexible subscription plans, competitive pricing, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Ai Agents Army ensures that you get the most out of your investment and achieve tangible results in your marketing endeavors.
In conclusion, if you’re serious about elevating your marketing strategy and achieving your business goals, then investing in Ai Agents Army is the right choice. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your marketing efforts and unlock your full potential — buy Ai Agents Army today!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Ai Agents Army:

What is AI Agents Army?
AI Agents Army is a cloud-based platform harnessing advanced artificial intelligence to automate various marketing endeavors, including content creation, lead generation, social media management, email campaigns, PPC advertising, graphic design, and more.
How does AI Agents Army work?
AI Agents Army operates through a straightforward process: users access the cloud-based dashboard, select AI agents tailored to their needs, assign tasks via voice commands or text prompts, and receive human-like content or assets generated by the AI agents.
Who is AI Agents Army for?
AI Agents Army caters to a diverse user base, including entrepreneurs seeking to streamline content creation processes, marketers aiming to amplify lead generation efforts, and enthusiasts eager to explore the potential of next-generation AI-driven automation.
What are the pricing options for AI Agents Army?
AI Agents Army offers a range of pricing options, including one-time pricing tiers such as Commercial, Elite, Enterprise, and Agency, each unlocking additional features and capabilities tailored to users’ needs.
Is there a money-back guarantee for AI Agents Army?
Yes, AI Agents Army offers a money-back guarantee, allowing users to try the platform risk-free for a specified period.
How can I get started with AI Agents Army?
To get started with AI Agents Army, users can visit the official website, choose the pricing tier that best suits their needs, and access the platform’s suite of AI-driven marketing tools and features to enhance their digital marketing efforts.
<<<>>> Get Ai Agents Army Now! <<<>>>
Meta Description:
Discover how Ai Agents Army revolutionizes marketing automation. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Ai Agents Army empowers marketers to streamline tasks, generate high-quality content, and drive results effortlessly. Unlock the power of AI-driven marketing automation today!
Affiliate Disclaimer: Our review of Ai Agents Army may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you choose to purchase the product through our links. This commission comes at no additional cost to you and helps support the maintenance and development of our website. We only recommend products that we have thoroughly researched and believe can provide value to our audience. Your support is greatly appreciated.

submitted by raouftgod to u/raouftgod [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 00:03 softtechhubus Hostzy Drive: The Definitive Cloud Storage Review - Obtain Unlimited Cloud Storage and Ensure Utmost Security for All Your Business Documents with Hostzy Drive, Available at an Extremely Affordable One-Time Fee

Hostzy Drive: The Definitive Cloud Storage Review - Obtain Unlimited Cloud Storage and Ensure Utmost Security for All Your Business Documents with Hostzy Drive, Available at an Extremely Affordable One-Time Fee

Hostzy Drive: The Definitive Cloud Storage Review - Obtain Unlimited Cloud Storage and Ensure Utmost Security for All Your Business Documents with Hostzy Drive, Available at an Extremely Affordable One-Time Fee

Introduction to Hostzy Drive: Revolutionizing Cloud Storage

The need for reliable and secure cloud storage solutions has never been more crucial. As businesses and individuals increasingly rely on digital data to manage their operations, the demand for a comprehensive cloud storage platform that offers unparalleled features, security, and affordability has become paramount. Enter Hostzy Drive, a game-changing cloud storage solution that is poised to disrupt the industry and empower users to take control of their digital assets like never before.

Hostzy Drive: The All-in-One Cloud Storage Solution

Hostzy Drive is a revolutionary cloud storage platform that provides users with a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline their data management and storage needs. Launched by the innovative team at DiziSavvy Solutions, Hostzy Drive is the result of years of research and development, aimed at addressing the pain points that have plagued traditional cloud storage providers.

Unlimited Storage Capacity: Bid Farewell to Storage Limits

One of the standout features of Hostzy Drive is its unlimited storage capacity. Gone are the days of worrying about exceeding storage limits or paying exorbitant fees for additional space. With Hostzy Drive, users can store an unlimited amount of media files, documents, and other digital assets, without the burden of recurring monthly charges. This empowers businesses and individuals to scale their digital operations without the fear of running out of storage space.

Unparalleled Security: Safeguarding Your Data

In the digital age, data security is of utmost importance, and Hostzy Drive understands this better than anyone. The platform employs state-of-the-art encryption and advanced security measures to ensure that your sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access, hackers, and other potential threats. With features like 256-bit AES encryption, DDOS protection, and SSL/TLS encryption, you can rest assured that your business documents, client information, and personal files are kept safe and secure.

Lightning-Fast Performance: Unleash the Power of Blazing-Fast Speeds

Hostzy Drive's cloud-based infrastructure is designed to deliver lightning-fast performance, ensuring that your files and media are accessible and viewable with lightning-fast speed. Whether you're sharing large video files with clients, collaborating on documents, or simply accessing your data, Hostzy Drive's optimized servers and network infrastructure guarantee seamless and efficient data transfer, eliminating frustrating lags and delays.

Hassle-Free Usability: Simplifying Cloud Storage Management

Hostzy Drive understands that not everyone is a tech-savvy expert, and that's why the platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The intuitive dashboard and easy-to-navigate interface make it a breeze for users of all skill levels to manage their cloud storage, upload files, share content, and access their data from any device. With Hostzy Drive, the days of struggling with complex cloud storage platforms are long gone.

Who Can Benefit from Hostzy Drive?

Hostzy Drive is a versatile cloud storage solution that caters to a wide range of users, from small business owners and entrepreneurs to digital marketers, bloggers, and freelancers. Regardless of your industry or niche, Hostzy Drive can provide the reliable, secure, and cost-effective storage solution you need to power your digital operations and take your business to new heights.

How to Profit from Hostzy Drive

One of the key advantages of Hostzy Drive is its potential to help users save money and maximize their profits. By eliminating the need for expensive monthly subscriptions to traditional cloud storage providers, Hostzy Drive allows users to redirect those funds towards other business investments, marketing initiatives, or personal goals. Furthermore, the platform's seamless integration with websites and online platforms enables users to leverage Hostzy Drive as a powerful tool for content delivery, file sharing, and customer engagement, ultimately driving increased conversions and revenue.

Using Hostzy Drive: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting started with Hostzy Drive is a breeze, thanks to the platform's intuitive design and user-friendly interface. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get up and running:

Step 1: Sign Up and Access Your Hostzy Drive Dashboard

Begin by visiting the Hostzy Drive website and signing up for an account. Once you've completed the registration process, you'll be directed to your personalized Hostzy Drive dashboard, where you can manage all your cloud storage needs.

Step 2: Upload and Organize Your Files

From the dashboard, you can easily upload your files, documents, images, and media to your Hostzy Drive storage. The platform's intuitive file management system allows you to create folders, move, and organize your content with ease.

Step 3: Share and Collaborate

Hostzy Drive makes it simple to share your files and content with colleagues, clients, or anyone you choose. You can generate shareable links, set access permissions, and even enable one-click third-party sharing to streamline your collaboration efforts.

Step 4: Leverage Hostzy Drive's Advanced Features

Explore the platform's advanced features, such as file previewing, storage expansion, and DDOS protection, to further optimize your cloud storage experience and ensure the utmost security for your data.

Case Study: How Hostzy Drive Transformed a Small Business's Digital Operations

Calvin, a small business owner, had been struggling with the high costs and limited storage capacities of traditional cloud storage providers. Frustrated by the ongoing fees and the constant need to manage his storage limits, Calvin decided to give Hostzy Drive a try.
After signing up for Hostzy Drive, Calvin was immediately impressed by the platform's user-friendly interface and the ease with which he could upload and organize his business's critical documents, client files, and marketing assets. The unlimited storage capacity provided Calvin with the peace of mind he had been seeking, allowing him to focus on growing his business without worrying about storage constraints.
Moreover, Hostzy Drive's advanced security features gave Calvin the confidence to store sensitive information, such as financial records and client contacts, without the fear of data breaches or cyber attacks. The platform's lightning-fast performance also enabled Calvin's team to seamlessly collaborate on projects, share files, and access data from any location, boosting productivity and streamlining their workflows.
Within just a few months of using Hostzy Drive, Calvin noticed a significant reduction in his cloud storage-related expenses, freeing up valuable resources that he could reinvest into other areas of his business. The platform's one-time, affordable pricing model allowed Calvin to accurately budget his digital infrastructure costs, providing him with the financial stability he had been seeking.
Overall, Hostzy Drive's versatility, security, and cost-effectiveness transformed Calvin's small business, empowering him to take control of his digital assets, streamline his operations, and position his company for long-term growth and success.

Hostzy Drive Funnel and OTOs

Hostzy Drive offers a comprehensive sales funnel with a range of upsell and cross-sell opportunities to cater to the diverse needs of its users.

Frontend Offer: Hostzy Drive ($17)

The core Hostzy Drive product provides users with unlimited media, file, and image storage, along with a suite of features such as embed code, forum code, and link sharing, auto-storage expansion, one-click third-party sharing, SSL encryption, and 24/7 technical support.

OTO #1: Hostzy Drive Pro ($37-$47)

The Hostzy Drive Pro upgrade unlocks even more powerful features, including the removal of all storage limits, DDOS protection, 256-bit encryption, file statistics, private and public folder options, password protection, and a commercial license.

OTO #2: Hostzy Drive Dulogy ($47-$67)

This bundle offer combines Hostzy Drive with the Hostzy Hosting and ProfitSites platforms, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools for their digital operations, all under a single commercial license.

OTO #3: Hostzy Drive Agency ($147-$197)

The Hostzy Drive Agency upgrade offers an exclusive reseller license, allowing users to keep 100% of the profits and provide Hostzy Drive services to their own clients, with the option to manage up to 100 accounts.

OTO #4: Hostzy Drive DFY Service ($77-$97)

For those who prefer a hands-off approach, the Hostzy Drive DFY Service provides a complete data migration service, where the Hostzy team will handle the transfer of files and data to the Hostzy Drive platform on the user's behalf.

Pros and Cons of Hostzy Drive

  1. Unlimited Storage Capacity: Hostzy Drive offers users the ability to store an unlimited amount of media files, documents, and other digital assets, without the burden of recurring monthly charges.
  2. Ironclad Security: The platform employs state-of-the-art encryption and advanced security measures, including 256-bit AES encryption, DDOS protection, and SSL/TLS encryption, to ensure the utmost protection for your data.
  3. Lightning-Fast Performance: Hostzy Drive's cloud-based infrastructure is designed to deliver blazing-fast data transfer speeds, providing seamless access and retrieval of your files and media.
  4. Hassle-Free Usability: The intuitive dashboard and easy-to-navigate interface make Hostzy Drive a breeze to use, even for those with limited technical expertise.
  5. Cost-Effective Pricing: Hostzy Drive offers a one-time, affordable pricing model, eliminating the need for recurring monthly subscriptions and helping users save thousands of dollars in the long run.
  6. Comprehensive Funnel and OTOs: The Hostzy Drive sales funnel offers a range of upsell and cross-sell opportunities to cater to the diverse needs of its users, providing a complete solution for their cloud storage and digital asset management requirements.
  1. Limited Trial or Free Tier: Hostzy Drive does not currently offer a free trial or a limited free tier, which may deter some users from trying the platform before committing to a purchase.
  2. Lack of Mobile App: While the platform is accessible via any device with a web browser, the absence of a dedicated mobile application may be a drawback for some users who prefer a more seamless mobile experience.
  3. Dependency on WarriorPlus: Hostzy Drive's sales and affiliate program are currently hosted on the WarriorPlus platform, which may be a concern for some users who prefer more direct vendor-customer interactions.

Hostzy Drive Money-Back Policy

Hostzy Drive is so confident in the quality and value of its platform that it offers a 30-day iron-clad money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your Hostzy Drive experience, you can request a full refund within the first 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked. This policy demonstrates the team's commitment to customer satisfaction and their belief in the superior quality of their cloud storage solution.

Hostzy Drive Pricing and Bundle Deals

Hostzy Drive is available at an extremely affordable one-time fee of $17, making it accessible to users of all budgets. The platform also offers a range of bundle deals and upsell options, such as the Hostzy Drive Pro ($37-$47), Hostzy Drive Dulogy ($47-$67), Hostzy Drive Agency ($147-$197), and the Hostzy Drive DFY Service ($77-$97), catering to the diverse needs and requirements of its users.

Who Created Hostzy Drive?

Hostzy Drive is the brainchild of the innovative team at DiziSavvy Solutions, a leading provider of cutting-edge digital solutions for businesses and individuals. The platform was developed with the goal of revolutionizing the cloud storage industry and empowering users to take control of their digital assets with unparalleled security, performance, and affordability.

When Was Hostzy Drive Launched?

Hostzy Drive is set to launch on April 12, 2024, at 11 AM EST, making it a highly anticipated addition to the cloud storage market.

Where Can I Access Hostzy Drive?

Hostzy Drive is accessible through the official Hostzy website ( and the WarriorPlus platform (, where the product is being offered as an affiliate offer.

Hostzy Drive Bonuses

Hostzy Drive comes bundled with a range of powerful bonuses to enhance the user experience and provide additional value. These include:
  1. Traffic Blitz: A comprehensive report that reveals strategies for setting up a viral sharing platform to drive steady traffic to your website and effectively convert that traffic into sales.
  2. WP Video Attention: A WordPress plugin that allows you to clip your video and serve it as a widget in any corner of your page, ensuring that your videos continue playing even as the user scrolls down the page.
  3. Website Pouch Pro: A plugin that enables you to easily hide or show any content or banners within your website with just one click, helping you optimize your conversions.
  4. Side Stripe: A WordPress plugin that adds a "slide-out" sidebar to your pages and posts, encouraging your readers to take action and engage with your content.
  5. SocialLead Page Builder: A WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily create highly engaging lead capture pages to boost your conversions.
  6. WP Sticky Bars: A plugin that enables you to create scarcity-based sticky bars (with fixed dates or cookie-based) on your WordPress pages and posts.
  7. WP Traffic Rescue: A WordPress plugin that detects when a user is about to leave your website and displays a popup with an offer or affiliate link to keep them engaged.
  8. Spiffy Icons Plugin: A plugin that allows you to use images in your blog posts to lead readers along the path you want them to take, encouraging them to take action and reducing your bounce rate.
  9. WP Copy Guard: A plugin that protects your valuable WordPress blog content from being stolen and copied onto other websites, while also boosting your traffic.
  10. WP Amcom Pro: A tool that helps you automatically update your blog or website with the latest and best-selling products from Amazon, saving you time and effort.
  11. WP VideoTube: A WordPress plugin that enables you to post YouTube videos to your blog on autopilot, growing your content and traffic automatically.
These bonuses are designed to complement the Hostzy Drive platform, providing users with a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline their digital operations, boost their online presence, and drive increased engagement and conversions.

Should You Buy Hostzy Drive?

Hostzy Drive is a compelling cloud storage solution that addresses the pain points of traditional cloud storage providers. With its unlimited storage capacity, unparalleled security features, lightning-fast performance, and user-friendly interface, Hostzy Drive is a game-changer in the cloud storage industry.
If you're a small business owner, digital marketer, blogger, freelancer, or anyone who relies on digital assets to power your operations, Hostzy Drive is an investment worth considering. The platform's one-time, affordable pricing model, coupled with its comprehensive feature set and advanced capabilities, make it a highly attractive option for those looking to take control of their cloud storage and data management needs.
Furthermore, the Hostzy Drive sales funnel and range of upsell and cross-sell opportunities ensure that users can tailor the platform to their specific requirements, whether it's upgrading to the Pro version, bundling it with other digital tools, or leveraging the agency-level reseller license.
Recommendation: Are you ready to take control of your business documents with Hostzy Drive, the ultimate cloud storage solution that offers unlimited storage and ensures 100% security, all for an ultra-low one-time fee? Then Sign up

Hostzy Drive FAQs

Q: Can I transfer my existing data to Hostzy Drive? A: Yes, Hostzy Drive makes it easy to transfer your existing data to the platform. The team provides detailed guidance and support to ensure a seamless migration process.
Q: What is the total number of files I can upload with Hostzy Drive? A: Hostzy Drive offers unlimited storage capacity, allowing you to upload and store an unlimited number of files, documents, media, and other digital assets.
Q: Is it easy to get started with Hostzy Drive? A: Absolutely! Hostzy Drive is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The platform's intuitive interface and straightforward onboarding process make it easy for users of all skill levels to get up and running in no time.
Q: Do I need any prior experience or technical skills to use Hostzy Drive? A: No, Hostzy Drive is a 100% newbie-friendly platform. It requires no prior design or technical skills, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from small business owners to digital marketers and freelancers.
Q: Will I see real results after using Hostzy Drive? A: Absolutely! Hostzy Drive is designed to provide tangible benefits to its users, from cost savings and increased productivity to enhanced data security and seamless collaboration. As long as you put in the effort and leverage the platform's features, you can expect to see real, measurable results.
Q: How long can I use Hostzy Drive? A: Hostzy Drive is not a lifetime deal; with your one-time purchase, you will have access to the platform's services for 3 years. After this period, you can renew your subscription for a cost of $17 per year.
Q: Are there any restrictions on the storage provided by Hostzy Drive? A: No, Hostzy Drive offers truly unlimited storage capacity. The platform has an auto-storage expansion feature that automatically increases your storage space as your usage grows, ensuring that you never run out of space.
Does Hostzy Drive work on both Mac and Windows? Yes, Hostzy Drive is a 100% cloud-based platform, which means it is accessible and compatible with any device with a web browser, including both Mac and Windows operating systems. Users can seamlessly access and manage their Hostzy Drive storage from any device, providing ultimate flexibility and convenience.
How does the Hostzy Drive money-back guarantee work? Hostzy Drive stands behind the quality and value of its platform with a 30-day iron-clad money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your Hostzy Drive experience, you can request a full refund within the first 30 days of your purchase, no questions asked. This policy demonstrates the team's commitment to customer satisfaction and their confidence in the superior quality of their cloud storage solution.

Conclusion: Unlock the Future of Cloud Storage with Hostzy Drive

Due to the dynamic world of digital data management, Hostzy Drive stands out as a true game-changer, redefining the standards of cloud storage and empowering users to take control of their digital assets like never before. With its unparalleled features, ironclad security, lightning-fast performance, and user-friendly interface, Hostzy Drive is poised to disrupt the cloud storage industry and provide businesses and individuals with the comprehensive solution they've been seeking.
Whether you're a small business owner, digital marketer, blogger, freelancer, or anyone who relies on digital data to power your operations, Hostzy Drive offers a cost-effective, scalable, and reliable cloud storage solution that will streamline your workflows, enhance your productivity, and position your business for long-term success.
By choosing Hostzy Drive, you're not only investing in a superior cloud storage platform, but you're also embracing a future where the security, accessibility, and scalability of your digital assets are no longer a concern. Take the first step towards a more efficient, secure, and profitable digital future by exploring the transformative power of Hostzy Drive today.
Recommendation: Are you ready to take control of your business documents with Hostzy Drive, the ultimate cloud storage solution that offers unlimited storage and ensures 100% security, all for an ultra-low one-time fee? Then Sign up

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2024.04.09 09:15 softtechhubus Automatically Generate WordPress Optimized Blogs with AI WebProfit: A Review

Automatically Generate WordPress Optimized Blogs with AI WebProfit: A Review
Automatically Generate WordPress Optimized Blogs with AI WebProfit: A Review

Introduction to AI WebProfit

To succeed in business today, having an online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a blogger, or an affiliate marketer, a well-designed, SEO-optimized website can be the key to unlocking new levels of success. However, creating and maintaining a website can be a daunting task, often requiring a significant investment of time, money, and technical expertise.
Enter AI WebProfit, a revolutionary AI-powered platform that aims to revolutionize the way we create and manage our online presence. Developed by a team of seasoned digital marketers and technology experts, AI WebProfit offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies the process of building, optimizing, and monetizing websites like never before.
Recommended: Are you ready to experience the power of our cutting-edge AI-powered website builder that generates effortless traffic and profits? Then sign Up for Access

The Features and Content of AI WebProfit

At the heart of AI WebProfit lies a suite of cutting-edge features that work together to create a seamless and efficient website-building experience. Let's dive into the key components that make this platform so remarkable:

Automated Website Creation

One of the standout features of AI WebProfit is its ability to generate fully functional, SEO-optimized websites with just a few clicks. The platform's advanced AI technology can create stunning, mobile-responsive blogs and websites in over 1,000 different niches, eliminating the need for any coding or technical expertise. Users simply need to input their desired keywords or select a niche, and the AI will handle the rest, from designing the layout to populating the content.

Intelligent Content Generation

Crafting high-quality, engaging content is often the most time-consuming and challenging aspect of website management. AI WebProfit solves this problem by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to generate unique, human-like content for your website. The platform's content creation engine can produce articles, videos, and images in over 28 different languages, ensuring that your website appeals to a global audience.

Seamless SEO Optimization

One of the key benefits of using AI WebProfit is its ability to optimize your websites for search engines. The platform's built-in SEO optimization features ensure that your websites are structurally sound, keyword-rich, and mobile-friendly, giving them a significant advantage in the increasingly competitive world of online search.

Automated Traffic and Monetization

AI WebProfit doesn't just help you build websites; it also handles the crucial tasks of driving traffic and monetizing your online presence. The platform's traffic generation tools leverage proven strategies to bring a steady stream of targeted visitors to your websites, while its integrated monetization features allow you to easily integrate affiliate offers, e-commerce solutions, and other revenue-generating mechanisms.

Multilingual Capabilities

In today's globalized world, the ability to reach audiences in multiple languages is a key competitive advantage. AI WebProfit recognizes this and offers the ability to automatically translate your website content into over 28 different languages, making it accessible to a vast and diverse audience.

Engaging User Experiences

To ensure that your website visitors have a memorable and interactive experience, AI WebProfit comes equipped with a range of features designed to boost engagement. This includes the integration of a ChatGPT-powered chatbot, which can provide instant answers and support to your visitors, as well as customizable sliders, lead capture forms, and other user-centric elements.

Comprehensive Customization

While AI WebProfit's automated features are undoubtedly impressive, the platform also offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to tailor their websites to their specific needs and preferences. From adjusting the color schemes and typography to integrating third-party plugins and applications, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Benefits and Target Audience

The benefits of using AI WebProfit are manifold, catering to a wide range of individuals and businesses:

Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, AI WebProfit offers a turnkey solution for building a robust online presence. By automating the tedious and technical aspects of website creation and management, the platform empowers users to focus on their core business activities while still maintaining a strong digital footprint.

Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate marketers, who rely on driving traffic and generating sales through their online assets, can greatly benefit from the traffic generation and monetization capabilities of AI WebProfit. The platform's ability to create high-converting websites and integrate a variety of affiliate offers can be a game-changer for those looking to maximize their earnings.

Content Creators and Bloggers

Whether you're a seasoned blogger or an aspiring content creator, AI WebProfit provides the tools and infrastructure to streamline your online publishing efforts. From automatically generating engaging content to ensuring your websites are optimized for search engines, the platform helps you reach and engage your target audience more effectively.

E-commerce Entrepreneurs

For those looking to establish an online retail presence, AI WebProfit offers a robust set of features that cater to the unique needs of e-commerce businesses. The platform's integration with WooCommerce, a popular WordPress-based e-commerce solution, allows users to seamlessly create and manage their online stores.

Digital Agencies and Freelancers

AI WebProfit's flexibility and comprehensive feature set make it an invaluable tool for digital agencies and freelance web developers. By leveraging the platform's automated website creation and management capabilities, these professionals can streamline their workflow, reduce costs, and deliver high-quality results to their clients.

How to Profit from AI WebProfit

The key to unlocking the full potential of AI WebProfit lies in understanding how to effectively leverage its various features and functionalities. Here are some strategies for maximizing your profits with this powerful platform:

Streamlined Website Creation and Optimization

By automating the website creation and optimization process, AI WebProfit allows users to quickly and cost-effectively establish a strong online presence. This can be particularly beneficial for those looking to launch multiple websites or test different niches and business models.

Passive Income Generation

The platform's integrated monetization features, such as the ability to seamlessly integrate affiliate offers and e-commerce solutions, enable users to generate consistent passive income streams. By creating a network of well-optimized, revenue-generating websites, you can build a sustainable and scalable online business.

Outsourcing and Reselling

For digital agencies and freelancers, AI WebProfit presents an opportunity to outsource website creation and management tasks, freeing up time and resources to focus on higher-value client work. Additionally, the platform's white-label and reseller options allow these professionals to offer AI WebProfit-powered services to their own clients, further expanding their revenue potential.

Local Market Domination

By leveraging AI WebProfit's ability to create websites in multiple languages, users can target local markets around the world, tapping into new customer bases and revenue streams. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses and freelancers looking to expand their reach beyond their immediate geographical area.

Effortless Content Production

The platform's AI-powered content generation capabilities can be a game-changer for those struggling to keep up with the demands of ongoing content creation. By automating this process, users can focus on other high-impact tasks while still maintaining a steady stream of fresh, engaging content.

How to Use AI WebProfit

Using AI WebProfit is designed to be a seamless and intuitive experience, even for those with limited technical expertise. Here's a step-by-step guide to getting started:
Recommended: Are you ready to experience the power of our cutting-edge AI-powered website builder that generates effortless traffic and profits? Then sign Up for Access
  1. Sign Up and Access the Dashboard: Begin by signing up for an AI WebProfit account and logging into the user-friendly dashboard.
  2. Choose Your Niche: Select the niche or industry you want to target, and the platform will suggest relevant keywords and content ideas to get you started.
  3. Create Your Website: With a few clicks, AI WebProfit will automatically generate a fully functional, SEO-optimized website complete with content, images, and a mobile-responsive design.
  4. Customize and Optimize: Utilize the platform's comprehensive customization tools to tailor the website to your specific needs, such as adjusting the color scheme, typography, and layout.
  5. Integrate Monetization Options: Seamlessly integrate affiliate offers, e-commerce solutions, and other revenue-generating mechanisms to start monetizing your website.
  6. Leverage Automated Traffic and Engagement: Sit back and let AI WebProfit's traffic generation and user engagement features, such as the ChatGPT-powered chatbot, do the heavy lifting for you.
  7. Monitor and Analyze: Keep track of your website's performance using the platform's built-in analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.

Case Study: AI WebProfit in Action

To illustrate the power and versatility of AI WebProfit, let's consider the case of Candace, a small business owner who was struggling to establish a strong online presence for his landscaping company.
Candace had tried his hand at building a website in the past, but the process proved to be time-consuming and overwhelming. He lacked the technical expertise to create a visually appealing, SEO-optimized website that would attract potential customers.
Frustrated with the lack of progress, Candace decided to give AI WebProfit a try. Within a matter of minutes, he was able to create a stunning, mobile-responsive website for his landscaping business, complete with high-quality content and eye-catching visuals.
The platform's automated SEO optimization features ensured that Candace's website was easily found by potential customers searching for landscaping services in his local area. Additionally, the integrated monetization tools allowed him to seamlessly incorporate various promotional offers and discounts, helping to drive more leads and sales.
Over the course of the next few months, Candace watched in amazement as his website's traffic and conversion rates steadily increased. The AI-generated content kept his website fresh and engaging, while the chatbot feature provided instant support and information to his customers.
By leveraging the power of AI WebProfit, Candace was able to establish a strong online presence for his landscaping business, outpacing his local competitors and generating a consistent stream of new leads and customers. The platform's ease of use and comprehensive features allowed Candace to focus on running his business, while the technology handled the technical and time-consuming aspects of website management.

AI WebProfit Funnel and OTOs

AI WebProfit offers a comprehensive product suite, with a variety of one-time offers (OTOs) and upsells designed to enhance the platform's core functionality and provide users with additional value.

The Core AI WebProfit Offering

The base AI WebProfit package includes the platform's core features, such as automated website creation, AI-generated content, SEO optimization, and traffic generation. This entry-level offering is priced at a one-time fee of $17.

OTO 1: Commercial License ($47)

For those looking to use AI WebProfit for commercial purposes, such as offering website creation services to clients, the Commercial License OTO unlocks the ability to use the platform for business and resale opportunities.

OTO 2: Pro Edition ($97)

The Pro Edition OTO upgrades the core AI WebProfit package with additional features, including a more extensive library of pre-designed website templates, advanced traffic generation tools, and a comprehensive training program.

OTO 3: DFY (Done-For-You) Websites ($197)

For users who prefer a hands-off approach, the DFY Websites OTO offers a selection of pre-built, fully optimized websites that can be easily customized and launched with minimal effort.

OTO 4: Traffic (Personal) ($37)

This OTO provides users with access to a suite of traffic generation tools and strategies, designed to drive a steady stream of targeted visitors to their AI WebProfit-powered websites.

OTO 5: Agency (100 License) ($37)

The Agency OTO unlocks the ability to use AI WebProfit for your own agency or client work, with a license for up to 100 websites.

OTO 6: Reseller (100 License) ($47)

The Reseller OTO allows users to resell AI WebProfit licenses to their own customers, with a license for up to 100 websites.

OTO 7: Whitelabel ($197)

The Whitelabel OTO provides users with the ability to rebrand AI WebProfit as their own, offering a fully customized solution to their clients or customers.

OTO 8: Traffic (Commercial) ($47)

This OTO builds upon the Traffic (Personal) offering, providing advanced traffic generation capabilities for commercial use cases.

OTO 9: Agency (Unlimited) ($67)

The Agency (Unlimited) OTO removes the license cap, allowing users to utilize AI WebProfit for an unlimited number of websites and client projects.

OTO 10: Reseller (Unlimited) ($67)

The Reseller (Unlimited) OTO offers the same uncapped license as the Agency (Unlimited) OTO, but with a focus on reselling AI WebProfit to end-users.

Pros and Cons of AI WebProfit

Like any platform, AI WebProfit has its strengths and weaknesses, which should be carefully considered before making a purchasing decision.


  • Automated website creation and management
  • AI-powered content generation in multiple languages
  • Comprehensive SEO optimization features
  • Integrated traffic generation and monetization tools
  • Seamless integration with e-commerce solutions
  • Extensive customization options
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface


  • Potential reliance on AI-generated content may raise concerns for some users
  • Ongoing costs for higher-tier plans and OTOs
  • Limited control over the technical aspects of website development for users who prefer a more hands-on approach

Money-Back Policy

AI WebProfit stands behind the quality and effectiveness of its platform, offering a 30-day money-back guarantee to all users. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your experience or the results you've achieved using AI WebProfit, you can simply reach out to the customer support team and request a full refund, no questions asked.
This robust money-back policy helps to mitigate the risk for users, allowing them to explore the platform's capabilities with confidence and peace of mind.

Pricing and Bundle Deals

AI WebProfit is offered at a one-time fee of $17 for the core platform, which represents an incredible value considering the comprehensive features and functionality included. However, the platform also offers a range of optional OTOs and bundle deals that can further enhance the user experience and unlock additional capabilities.
The various OTOs and their corresponding prices are as follows:
  • Commercial License: $47
  • Pro Edition: $97
  • DFY Websites: $197
  • Traffic (Personal): $37
  • Agency (100 License): $37
  • Reseller (100 License): $47
  • Whitelabel: $197
  • Traffic (Commercial): $47
  • Agency (Unlimited): $67
  • Reseller (Unlimited): $67
Additionally, AI WebProfit offers a special bundle deal that includes a range of valuable bonuses, such as WordPress plugins, traffic generation tools, and training resources. This bundle is available for a limited time and can represent significant savings for users who want to maximize their investment in the platform.

About the Creators of AI WebProfit

AI WebProfit was developed by a team of experienced digital marketers and technology experts, led by Airel Sanders. Airel is a full-time internet marketer who has been creating successful websites and online businesses for years, and he is passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom and independence through the power of the internet.
Recognizing the challenges that many entrepreneurs and small business owners face when it comes to building and maintaining a robust online presence, Airel and his team set out to create a solution that would streamline the process and empower users to focus on their core business activities.
With a deep understanding of the digital landscape, the AI WebProfit team has leveraged the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and automation to deliver a platform that is both powerful and user-friendly, catering to a wide range of users, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

When was AI WebProfit Launched?

AI WebProfit was launched in April 2024, making it a relatively new player in the rapidly evolving world of website creation and management tools. However, the platform has already gained significant traction among its target audience, thanks to its innovative features and the proven track record of its creators.

Where can AI WebProfit be Accessed?

AI WebProfit is exclusively available through the platform's official website.This ensures that users are accessing the most up-to-date version of the platform and can take advantage of any special offers or bonuses that may be available.

AI WebProfit Bonuses

In addition to the core AI WebProfit platform, the company offers a range of valuable bonuses to users who purchase the product. These bonuses include:
  • WP Notification Bar: A WordPress plugin that allows users to create and customize eye-catching notification bars for their websites.
  • WP Facebook Quiz Creator: A tool that enables users to easily create and integrate engaging Facebook quizzes on their websites.
  • WP Survey Creator: A WordPress plugin that allows users to create and embed customizable surveys on their websites.
  • WP Email Timer Plus: A plugin that enables users to incorporate countdown timers directly into their email campaigns, helping to boost engagement and conversions.
  • SociUltima: An all-in-one social media marketing tool that helps users reach their target audience on multiple platforms.
  • ViddoHub: A video subscription membership platform that allows users to create and monetize their own video content.
  • Ultima Downloader: A tool that enables users to easily download and repurpose videos from various social media platforms.
  • FB Live Video Engager: A Facebook Live engagement tool that helps users increase the reach and interaction of their live broadcasts.
  • AzonPlug: A WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of embedding and monetizing Amazon products on a website.
  • ViralSuite: A WordPress plugin that allows users to create and publish engaging viral content, such as lists, quizzes, and polls.
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  • FaceZon Store Builder: A Facebook-focused tool for displaying Amazon products on a Facebook page.
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  • Social Media Viral Content Builder: A WordPress plugin that encourages social media sharing of content.
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  • Instant Content Creator: A tool for generating articles and content.
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  • Article Indexer Pro: A tool for quickly publishing articles online.
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  • BIZ Landing Page Plugin: A WordPress plugin for creating business-focused landing pages.
  • X-Treme List Build Plugin: A WordPress plugin for building email lists.
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This extensive lineup of bonuses, valued at over $2,400, is designed to provide AI WebProfit users with a comprehensive toolkit for building and growing their online businesses, covering everything from content creation and lead generation to social media marketing and ecommerce.

Should You Buy AI WebProfit?

If you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, affiliate marketer, content creator, or digital agency looking to establish a strong online presence and generate consistent revenue, then AI WebProfit is undoubtedly worth considering.
The platform's innovative approach to website creation, optimization, and monetization can be a game-changer, allowing users to focus on their core business activities while the technology handles the technical and time-consuming aspects of online marketing.
However, it's important to note that the success of AI WebProfit ultimately depends on how effectively you're able to leverage its features and integrate it into your overall business strategy. While the platform provides a robust set of tools and resources, it still requires a certain level of strategic planning and execution to achieve the desired results.
Additionally, users who prefer a more hands-on, technical approach to website development may find the platform's level of automation to be a limitation, as it reduces the ability to customize the underlying code and structure of the websites.
Ultimately, the decision to invest in AI WebProfit should be based on your specific business goals, the resources and expertise you have available, and your willingness to embrace a more automated, AI-driven approach to online success.

AI WebProfit FAQs

1. Do I need any prior experience to use AI WebProfit? No, AI WebProfit is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to individuals of all skill levels, from complete beginners to seasoned digital marketers. The platform's intuitive interface and automated features make it easy for anyone to create and manage their online presence, without requiring any technical expertise.
2. Is there a monthly fee for using AI WebProfit? No, the core AI WebProfit platform is offered at a one-time fee of $17. However, the platform does offer a range of optional one-time offers (OTOs) and premium features that come with additional costs. Users can choose to stick with the core package or selectively upgrade to the OTOs that best fit their needs and budget.
3. How quickly can I start generating revenue with AI WebProfit? The speed at which you can start generating revenue will depend on a variety of factors, such as your niche, the quality of your content, and your overall marketing strategy. However, many AI WebProfit users have reported seeing their first sales within the same day of launching their websites, thanks to the platform's integrated monetization features and traffic generation tools.
4. Can I use AI WebProfit for my client work or agency business? Yes, AI WebProfit offers a range of licensing options, including commercial and agency-focused plans, that allow users to utilize the platform for client work and resale opportunities. This makes it a valuable tool for digital agencies, freelancers, and entrepreneurs who provide website creation and management services to their customers.
5. Is there a money-back guarantee for AI WebProfit? Yes, AI WebProfit offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing users to try the platform risk-free. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your experience or the results you've achieved, you can simply request a full refund, no questions asked.
6. What kind of support is available for AI WebProfit users? AI WebProfit provides comprehensive customer support, including detailed documentation, tutorial videos, and a dedicated support team that is available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. The platform's creators are committed to ensuring a seamless and successful experience for all users.
7. Can I use AI WebProfit to create websites in multiple languages? Absolutely! One of the standout features of AI WebProfit is its multilingual capabilities, allowing users to automatically translate their website content into over 28 different languages. This makes the platform an excellent choice for businesses and individuals looking to reach a global audience.
8. How often is AI WebProfit updated and improved? The AI WebProfit team is constantly working to enhance the platform's features and functionality, based on user feedback and the latest advancements in technology. Users can expect regular updates and improvements to be rolled out, ensuring that the platform remains at the forefront of the website creation and management industry.

FTC Affiliate Disclosure

This article may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you, and helps to support the ongoing development and maintenance of this content.
It's important to note that the opinions and recommendations expressed in this review are my own, based on my personal experience and research. I only promote products and services that I believe to be of high quality and value to my readers.
If you have any questions or concerns about the affiliate relationship, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.


In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the ability to quickly and effectively establish an online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. AI WebProfit stands out as a revolutionary platform that simplifies the process of creating, optimizing, and monetizing websites, empowering users to focus on their core business activities while the technology handles the technical heavy lifting.
With its automated website creation, AI-powered content generation, comprehensive SEO optimization, and integrated traffic and revenue generation tools, AI WebProfit offers a compelling solution for entrepreneurs, small business owners, affiliate marketers, content creators, and digital agencies looking to take their online presence to new heights.
While the platform may not be the perfect fit for users who prefer a more hands-on, technical approach to website development, the overwhelming benefits of AI WebProfit make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking to streamline their online operations and drive sustainable growth.
By leveraging the power of AI and automation, AI WebProfit has the potential to be a game-changer in the website creation and management industry, providing users with a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that can unlock new levels of online success.
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submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 20:31 Financial_Pitch_8593 How Marcus Young Boosted His Online Course Sales Using ThriveCart and Supported Environmental Initiatives

Marcus Young, a digital marketing guru and online course creator, has seen multiple waves of change in the digital landscape since he began his journey in 2015. His expertise in navigating the ever-evolving world of online advertising has not only grown his business but also his passion for environmental sustainability.
Striking course completion rates Over $5,000 raised for environmental charities
Marcus's commitment to the environment influenced his decision to integrate charitable giving into his business model. He turned to ThriveCart, a powerful shopping cart platform, to streamline his sales process and simultaneously contribute to environmental causes.
In this article: - Marcus's background - The rise of his online courses - Embracing e-commerce tools for growth - The intersection of business and environmental advocacy - Overcoming technical challenges - How ThriveCart became a game-changer - Achievements and donations - Marcus's future plans
Marcus's background
Before becoming an entrepreneur, Marcus worked as a digital marketing manager for various startups, where he honed his skills in SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. His passion for teaching led him to create his first online course, which quickly gained traction due to his hands-on approach and actionable strategies.
The rise of his online courses
As his reputation as a marketing expert grew, so did the demand for his courses. However, the competitive nature of the e-learning industry meant that Marcus needed a robust system to handle his increasing sales and provide value to his students.
Embracing e-commerce tools for growth
Marcus began exploring various e-commerce solutions to support his business's scale. He needed a platform that was intuitive, could handle complex funnel structures, and had robust analytics capabilities.
The intersection of business and environmental advocacy
Marcus's love for the outdoors and concern for the planet led him to pledge a portion of his course sales to environmental charities. He focused on reforestation initiatives and ocean clean-up projects, believing that businesses should play a role in making the world a better place.
Overcoming technical challenges
While Marcus was a marketing whiz, the technical side of e-commerce was not his forte. He needed a tool that could simplify the sales process without requiring extensive coding knowledge.
How ThriveCart became a game-changer
ThriveCart's user-friendly interface and powerful features allowed Marcus to create optimized checkout pages that increased conversions. The platform's built-in affiliate management system also helped him expand his marketing reach without additional overhead costs.
Achievements and donations
With ThriveCart, Marcus's courses achieved a completion rate above industry standards, and his checkout pages consistently maintained high conversion rates. In the past year, his business raised over $5,000 for environmental charities, exceeding his initial goals.
Marcus's future plans
Looking ahead, Marcus aims to continue growing his catalog of marketing courses and to double his charitable contributions. He's also developing a membership site for advanced learners, leveraging ThriveCart's subscription management features to offer a seamless experience.
To support Marcus's mission and gain insights into digital marketing, check out his latest course offerings. For every purchase, a portion of the proceeds will go towards supporting environmental charities.
Explore Marcus's Courses
ThriveCart Free Trial Discover how ThriveCart can transform your online sales and support your charitable initiatives.
Reddit Post 2: How Emily Torres Used ConvertKit to Expand Her Newsletter Reach and Support Women in Tech
Emily Torres is an advocate for women in the tech industry who has built a substantial following through her enlightening newsletters and online community. She began her venture in 2018, aiming to bridge the gender gap in tech by providing resources, mentorship, and support to aspiring female tech professionals.
Impressive subscriber growth rates Over $6,000 donated to women in tech scholarships
Emily's dedication to her cause led her to seek out ConvertKit, an email marketing platform that helped her grow her subscriber list and facilitate donations to scholarship funds for women in tech.
In this article: - Emily's mission - Launching her newsletter and community - The importance of effective email marketing - Combining business growth with social impact - Tackling the technical side of email campaigns - ConvertKit's role in her success - Subscriber milestones and scholarship funding - What the future holds for Emily
Emily's mission
Emily started her career as a software developer and quickly noticed the gender disparity in her field. She created her platform to encourage more women to pursue careers in technology and provide the necessary support to succeed.
Launching her newsletter and community
Her newsletter, "Techie Women," quickly gained popularity for its actionable advice, inspiring stories, and community spotlight features. Emily's online community became a safe space for women to share experiences, find mentorship, and access career opportunities.
The importance of effective email marketing
To reach more women and amplify her message, Emily needed a reliable and scalable email marketing solution. She also wanted to automate her fundraising efforts for tech scholarships.
Combining business growth with social impact
Emily believed that growing her business and supporting her cause could go hand in hand. She decided to donate a percentage of her revenue from affiliate marketing and paid community memberships to fund scholarships for women entering tech.
Tackling the technical side of email campaigns
Although Emily was tech-savvy, she sought an email marketing tool that could simplify her workflows, allowing her to focus more on content creation and less on the technical aspects of running email campaigns.
ConvertKit's role in her success
ConvertKit provided the perfect solution for Emily with its intuitive interface and powerful automation features. It enabled her to segment her audience effectively, personalize her communications, and track the performance of her newsletters.
Subscriber milestones and scholarship funding
Thanks to ConvertKit, "Techie Women" saw a substantial increase in subscribers, and engagement rates soared. Emily's efforts also led to over $6,000 in donations to scholarship funds, helping to empower the next generation of women in tech.
What the future holds for Emily
Emily plans to expand her newsletter content, offer more in-depth training sessions, and grow her community's reach. She's also exploring partnerships with tech companies to increase scholarship funding and create internship opportunities.
Join "Techie Women" today to stay updated on the latest in tech and support the cause of women in tech.
Subscribe to "Techie Women"
ConvertKit Free Trial Learn how ConvertKit can help you grow your audience and make a difference.
Reddit Post 3: How Jake Harmon Leveraged Shopify to Scale His Eco-Friendly Apparel Brand and Support Wildlife Conservation
Jake Harmon turned his passion for nature and wildlife into a thriving eco-friendly apparel business. Starting in 2017 with a small online store, Jake's brand has grown to symbolize the intersection of fashion, sustainability, and wildlife conservation.
Record-breaking sales growth Projected to donate $10,000 to wildlife conservation
By adopting Shopify, Jake could not only scale his business effectively but also contribute significantly to wildlife conservation efforts around the globe.
In this article: - Jake's vision for a sustainable brand - The journey from small store to online success - The key role of a robust e-commerce platform - Marrying commerce with conservation - The search for a user-friendly e-commerce solution - How Shopify fueled growth and giving - Sales achievements and conservation contributions - Looking forward at Jake's brand
Jake's vision for a sustainable brand
With a background in environmental science, Jake was acutely aware of the fashion industry's impact on the environment. He envisioned a clothing line that would use sustainable materials and ethical manufacturing practices.
The journey from small store to online success
Jake's initial collection of t-shirts and hats, made from organic cotton and recycled materials, quickly resonated with eco-conscious consumers. However, he knew that to make a more significant impact, his business needed to scale.
The key role of a robust e-commerce platform
Scaling an online business requires a powerful e-commerce platform that can handle increased traffic, provide a seamless customer experience, and integrate with various marketing tools.
Marrying commerce with conservation
Jake committed to donating a portion of every sale to wildlife conservation organizations. This commitment not only aligned with his values but also resonated deeply with his customers.
The search for a user-friendly e-commerce solution
As a business owner with a mission, Jake needed an e-commerce platform that was intuitive to use and could manage the logistical aspects of running an online store.
How Shopify fueled growth and giving
Shopify became the backbone of Jake's business, offering everything from customizable themes to integrated payment gateways. The platform's analytics also helped Jake optimize his marketing strategies, leading to a surge in sales.
Sales achievements and conservation contributions
Jake's Shopify store has consistently hit new sales records, and he's on track to donate $10,000 to wildlife conservation this year. His success is a testament to the power of combining commerce with a cause.
Looking forward at Jake's brand
The future looks bright for Jake's eco-friendly apparel brand. He plans to expand his product offerings and explore international markets. His commitment to conservation remains unwavering, with plans to support new wildlife initiatives each year.
Support sustainable fashion and wildlife conservation by shopping at Jake's online store.
Shop Eco-Friendly Apparel
Shopify Free Trial Discover how Shopify can help you achieve your online business goals while making a positive impact on the planet.
submitted by Financial_Pitch_8593 to copywritingsecrets [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 01:57 buckjohnston Latent merging node in comfyUI enhancing SVD results?

Update 05-09-24: Posted some code and more details here Still working on the workflow, not quite there yet sorry for delay.
Original post. Apologies ahead of time for wall of text, just wanted to get info out there and maybe someone can work with me to figure this out.
I have been experimenting with a few fully finetuned models that are trained on 80 photos. Same subject in each model. Its SVD workflow. I will share workflow here but it's a huge mess of like 100 nodes and spaghetti and have to clean it up first. Will give some manual instructions for now.
I tried putting in 3 separate txt2img workflows/models of a trained subject into a single SVD workflow, and then used a node called "latent blend" and the "Latent multiplier node" and messed with "latent add" for each of the three added txt2img sections of the workflow. The latent blend nodes seem to combine the latents with SVD latent before it goes into the main sampler. Edit: Just found out this guy was doing this 4 months ago. I just spoke with him and he shared workflow and modified WAS node code there. It does whole batch inputs, I just did 48 images and it helped a ton! Edit: Linked to the WAS node .py I added his code to in github link above.
It's like the "AI brain" is using the latents from the three different perspectives of subject and makes a better video.
I notice after doing this that I could turn the motion bucket id and augmentation way up (0.2 augmentation or higher even, ~190 motion bucket id) and the subject was moving like a normal human, and all the weird distortions went away you usually experience in SVD. In addition it wasn't just a camera pan, the subject's mouth was talking, normal blinking, and was moving their arms around naturally or even looking around, the likeness didn't change. I want to try to reproduce this again without the huge mess of useless nodes I hooked up. I didn't know of all of this untapped potential in SVD.
I just wanted to see if anyone else can confirm this and help me. I will clean up the workflow and share in future. I also threw in the perterbed guidance which helps a lot, nvidia align your steps which have to use old comfyui commit so use this one, can't use official comfyui version. and also I did a vae encode node for all three checkpoints with the whole batch of the dataset images for subject for each ksampler, which seemed to enhance make the video get better an better on each refinement. Mess with denoise amount on second and third ksampler. I always use the latent blend nodes with SVD latent and go into the samplers. (vae encode is from the default img2img comfyui workflow) In addition use the modified comfy-SVDtools node I linked to in post above. Mess with the timestep_embedding value and videolinearcfgguidance and seems to make biggest different in getting rid of the clouds and distortions when you try to get a lot of movement.
It wasnt as good as Sora of course but so far tested 48 frames successfully, tried 100 but ran out of VRAM, will try 75 next. I'm back to 80 motion bucket ID for now because somehow it's moving a ton.
In general it looked like a genuine short video clip cut from a vhs tape of the subject sort of like this maybe not quite as dynamic but pretty close. . I'll share sample video soon, but can't really share the person's likeness without permission, I may do a cartoon character, or 1950's celebrity or something. Need to test with a non-trained public base model this week.
I am also on banodoco discord (where you can find a lot of experimental workflow by the community) if you want to contact me there.
Also I forgot to mention, if you download the comfyui img2img workflow that's basically how it works with the latent input to ksampler, instead of a single image you just put the whole batch input from the modified WAS batch image loader node., I crop dataset images to 1024x576 or 576x1024 to match default SVD resolution, 27 steps that goes into the vae encode "pixels" input, try 0.1 or 0.15 augmentation to start, and I do that three times on the three different text2img workflow areas in the main workflow here, then merge with the daisy chained latent blend nodes and latent multipliers in between. Then mess with the numbers on those nodes on a fixed seed.
I have found that somehow merging the SVD models with block merge helps even with the block merge errors on the ones that don't merge. So something merges when you say, merge svd_image_decoder-fp16.safetensors with svd_xt_1_1.safetensors, or merge in a little of svd motion ctrl model
Sounds weird but adding NSFW lora only model loaders (no clip) attached to svd model's output also helps in some way for just basic normal stuff like the sora lady walking, etc. It does give block errors in the cmd window when doing this, but something must be merging because the video gets better on fixed seed when I test. I put like 5 of them at 1 strength.
Will share workflow once I can remove the nsfw loras also or find a workaround.
submitted by buckjohnston to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 06:02 happybdayyansim [4] YandereDev's Continued Conduct

[4] YandereDev's Continued Conduct

4Chan Beginnings

We pick up this story on April 1st, 2014. Alex has just gotten rejected by Mike Z and this spite has spurred him on to create the single most influential post of his life.
This post gained enough support that Alex decided this was a viable game idea. Over the next year, Alex will make numerous posts on 4chan about the development of Yandere Simulator.
Taking numerous suggestions from his 4chan threads, he slowly built up his perpetual “debug build.” These suggestions are some of the building blocks of Yandere Simulator. They include:
  • The Insanity Meter [Source]
  • Dedicated Laugh Button [Source]
  • Panty Power Ups [Source]
  • Senpai Breakdown if sister dies [Source]
He also gets suggestions for different final names for Yandere Sim here.
Alex starts off in April of 2014 by saying that he isn’t planning on accepting “donations” or “committing money to the endeavor,” but by November 2014, he had created a Patreon. Over the course of the next year, Alex does very little to develop the game. On March 16th 2015. Alex makes a post talking about the possibility of ending Yandere Simulator. “To be honest, I think it's time for me to stop making bi-monthly threads about Yandere Simulator…I should probably spend my time developing the game instead of discussing it… perhaps the final thread should take place on March 31st or April 1st.“
On March 30th 2015, a well-known YouTuber posts their video titled “NOTICE ME SENPAI (Yandere Simulator Part 1).” It currently is sitting at 9.5 million views.
(Huge thank you to Juan but not Forgotten on a farming site for compiling all of Alex’s Yansim history and posts in a easily accessible way!)

Alex Hasn’t Changed

Once PewDiePie plays Yandere Sim, the plan changes entirely. Alex now has to make the game “fresh” and “new” enough to get YouTubers to continue to make content, while also coding at above his ability to try and make the game as stable and optimized as possible. The more bloat Alex adds to the game, the more bugs appear. The more bugs appear, the more YouTubers pick up the game. The more YouTubers pick up the game, the more pressure was put on Alex to perform. The cracks appeared in his persona early on.
On January 22nd, 2016, Yandere Simulator is banned from Twitch for sexualizing minors (pantyshots). Twitch lets Alex know that the game is banned and he reacts very poorly. Three YouTube videos, a hasty blog post and even approaching Twitch at E3 unprompted.
By the end of 2016 people have started to become disillusioned with Alex and his “game.” Since the beginning of development, Alex has numerous public meltdowns such as:
Some highlighted quotes from these posts:
  • “Go stick your dick in a beehive!”
  • “I don’t like you, and I don’t respect your authority.”
  • “Here's a challenge for you, administrator: if you have any interest whatsoever in doing a proper job of being an administrator…”
  • “I would not be willing to remove gameplay mechanics or change parts of the game that are essential to my vision, such as torture, bullying, panty shots… etc.”
On April 16th 2016, a thread was created on a certain farming site. Alex’s near constant raging has outed him to the general public as EvaXephon, the failed incel streamer.

TinyBuild Enters the Chat

March 1st 2017, Alex announces a partnership with Tinybuild. The fandom becomes hopeful that this means the first rival, our namesake Osana, will be released soon along with the official demo. Alex makes numerous posts talking about how this partnership will revolutionize the game and his workflow, yet makes it clear that “no deadlines have been imposed” and “YandereDev retains ownership of the Yandere Sim IP.” Alex’s statement on his blog:
“The inefficient parts of Yandere Simulator’s code are going to be fixed […] Osana is still my top priority […] I will continue to work with volunteers […] I honestly see no downside to this partnership.”
Meanwhile, TinyBuild also makes a press release: “I'm super excited to announce that we've partnered up with YandereDev to co-develop and publish Yandere Simulator […] Imagine Hitman if it was an anime.
The reasons we partnered up are:
  • We love the game's design and are going to build a development team to elevate the game's production values
  • This project's structure is very similar to what we did with co-developing SpeedRunners , which went onto sell 1.4m copies on Steam
We're excited to bring Yandere Simulator to PC and many more platforms in the near future. Stay tuned.”
Spoiler alert, the partnership did not last long. On June 10th of 2018, Alex made a post confirming the split happened in December of 2017. The exact reason for the split took a while to come to light.
In 2020, Alex’s accounts were compromised and the reason for the end of the partnership was leaked. Some notable lines from Alex’s email are:
“At the point in time when I decided to sign a contract with TinyBuild, I was in my darkest hour…I thought that the game was going to get unbanned from Twitch…none of those things came to pass…The codebase wasn't significantly improved, the game wasn't unbanned from Twitch…tinyBuild did nothing for me…If Alex Nichiporchik had not insisted that tinyBuild should get instant ownership of the spinoff, we would have had an online multiplayer Yandere Sim spinoff months ago…The programmer who tinyBuild hired to work on Yandere Sim didn't actually improve the code in any meaningful way…my own scripts began to look completely unfamiliar and foreign to me. I actually lost the ability to edit some parts of the game…My contract with tinyBuild states that if I want to terminate my contract, I have to pay tinyBuild back for all the money they spent helping me develop the game. That would be [the programmer’s] paychecks, which come to a total of $31,000…the termination agreement contains an NDA. As soon as I sign your termination agreement, I lose the ability to say anything negative about tinyBuild, forever…reconsider the terms of the agreement to make it less unappealing. I suggest removing the section that obligates me to pay you $31,000.”

Alex is Cheap

Most of the “game” that is Yandere Simulator has been created by volunteers. Clearly Alex cannot manage to keep professional staff on the project. However, he expects professional quality products from his volunteers. In the beginning, he made it clear that he had no money, was making the game himself, and was not going to have “polishing” on the game such as voice acting, cutscenes etc. But, once he started achieving mainstream success, Alex changed his tune.
“I made a Volunteer page with clear instructions on how to contact me if you’re a volunteer. I’ve spent around 8 ~ 12 hours a day reviewing and replying to volunteers.
  • Don’t volunteer if you’re still in elementary school.
  • Don’t volunteer if you have no examples of previous work to show me.
  • Don’t volunteer if you openly admit that you have no skills whatsoever.
  • Don’t volunteer if you have less than a year’s worth of experience doing whatever you’re volunteering to do.
  • Don’t volunteer to be an artist if you can only draw stick figures.
  • Don’t volunteer to be a voice actor if your microphone sounds like a tin can and a string.
  • Don’t volunteer to be a 3D modeler if your idea of “texturing” is downloading an image from Google and putting it onto a model with no UV mapping whatsoever.”
You may be thinking, “well, he doesn’t have much income, so he can’t afford to pay people!”
On December 4, 2015 Alex made another update about his pay and volunteers.
“My Patreon hit the “full-time” threshold pretty quickly,” Alex says. On December 15th 2015, his Patreon was at $3,739.66 a month. At the time, his goals were listed as:
  • $1,000 a month for Alex to not have to look for freelance work
  • $3,500 for him to make a “full time wage”
  • $4,000 to compensate one professional level volunteer $500 a month.
To adjust for inflation, these numbers would be
  • $1,309 a month for Alex to not have to look for freelance work
  • $4,582 for him to make a “full time wage”
  • $5,237 to compensate one professional level volunteer $654.65 a month.
Alex outlines that the $3,500 “is my “payment” for spending 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week working on this game. The Patreon is not the game’s budget.” and reminds people that “ Patreon takes a cut, a credit card company charges a fee to transfer the money, and the government eventually taxes that money. The number that you see when you look at my Patreon page is not what I actually receive every month.” Lucky for you guys, I did the calculations a while back to account for everything except taxes. These are still estimates, but after all of Patreon’s fees and before taxes, Alex made $301,296 from his Patreon in total. How the funds were disturbed were private until after I made this sheet.
This does not take into account how much (or little) he pays his “volunteers,” nor his YouTube, Twitch, or merchandise revenue.
Instead of putting the money towards actually developing the game, Alex has spent money on anything from two Nintendo Switches to a Subreddit that he paid $3,000 for ($3,705.68 after inflation.)
Despite making well over $300k over the last 8 years before even accounting for YouTube/Patreon/Twitch/Merch/Free Labor, Alex says in his 7-year Anniversary post that “I would like to exit the game’s “periodically add new content to make it a better platform for fun experiences” stage of development, and enter the game’s “focus exclusively on the rivals and finish the game” stage of development…In order to put the remaining rivals in the game…I’ll need a huge amount of money. To get that money, I’ll need a successful crowdfunding campaign…I don’t really have a choice in the matter.”

Lack of Discipline & Bloat

As early as December 2015, Alex has been pushing back the release date of the demo for Yandere Simulator. He expresses that he had hoped to release the demo by March 1st 2015, along with a kickstarter by April 2nd 2015. So far he has missed that deadline by 3,322 days and counting. There have even been posts on the Subreddit of people discussing what they’ve done in the past decade while Yandere Simulator still is releasing debug builds. There has even been a Twitter account which was dedicated to tweeting gaming milestones that happened before Alex finished even the demo to his “game”. Some notable examples include:
Evangelion 3.0+1.0, the conclusion to the evangelion franchise was announced in 2008 for a release date in 2015, has been delayed 3 times before releasing on march 8th 2021 all before yandere simulator finished development.
After creating and working on Five Nights At Freddy's for 7 years, Scott Cawthon announced that he will be retiring from the franchise, all before Yandere Simulator finished development.
After being announced at E3 2019 and not receiving any major updates on development since, Elden Ring has gotten a full trailer and release date before Yandere Simulator finished development. [Elden Ring has been released and DLC announced for June 28th 2024]
The Resident evil franchise has not only returned to its horror roots after a heavy action oriented phase, but it has also had 5 different games come out, one of them being the new Resident evil Village all before Yandere Simulator finished development. They have now also released the RE 3 and 4 remakes.
Omori, an RPG Maker game that was funded on kickstarter [in 2014] ago without an update since, has finally gotten a release date before Yandere Simulator has finished development.
In addition to the above milestones, there have been a few notable games which came out around the same time as Yandere Simulator’s first playable debug. These include:
Five Nights At Freddy’s Franchise began in 2014 & has:
  • 9 Main Games
  • 6 Spin Off Games
  • 15 Novels
  • 11 Graphic Novels
  • 2 Guides
  • 1 Feature Length Movie
Undertale (2015) which was developed by a single person, has:
  • 1 sequel
  • 1 BAFTA Nomination (Best Story)
  • 2 NAVGTR Awards (best original role-playing game and game design)
Cuphead (2017) is completely hand drawn and had live music recording. The game was announced in 2013.
This all keeps happening because Alex has no self control, discipline, or the ability to keep his ego in check to allow for actual professionals to take over the game. In order to give the illusion of progress, Alex typically releases easter eggs, new game modes or minigames instead of just working on the main game. As of March 31st, 2024, the game currently has 44 different modes, 204 different hairstyles for Ayano, 61 player accessories, 32 hairstyles for senpai and many more customization options. Alex has also added 1980s mode. All before the second rival, Amai, has been completed.

Stolen/Licensed Assets

Alex has an inability to pay artists fairly for their work, and often employs less than stellar people to hang around him. Throughout the entirety of Yandere Sim’s “development,” Alex has been caught stealing assets and using them without proper credit or licensing.
Despite Alex claiming numerous times that the models in the game are not the final ones, ten years into development. All of his models are from the Unity Asset Store, and purchased in 2014. The models cost $35. In 2017 a masterpost was made to showcase the amount of stolen assets used for the “game”.

Continued Reputation and Relevance

In July 2020, a new Yandere Sim styled game called Lovesick was announced. Alex reached out to the main developer and essentially suicide baited to try and get Lovesick canceled. These private messages were obviously leaked. Shortly thereafter, “RIP YandereDev” began trending in the United States. Alex added 1980s mode to the game in 2021, and custom mode in 2023, yet the second rival, Amai, is nowhere to be seen. As of the time of writing, Alex claims that he is putting the finishing touches on Amai and she will be released soon.
Alex’s reputation has been steadily decreasing as time has gone on. His game’s popularity (according to Google) has been steadily declining since June 2016.
Huh, that's odd, let’s take a peek at the little blip for YandereDev.
Hm, September 2023. Wonder what happened there…
submitted by happybdayyansim to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:58 bts_23 This solopreneur is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to SideProject [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:57 bts_23 This solopreneur is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to Entrepreneurs [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:53 bts_23 This solopreneur is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to Startup_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:52 bts_23 Solopreneur making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS - Learn to build it with No Code

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to NoCodeSaaS [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:46 bts_23 This indie hacker is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble io and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to indiehackers [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:43 bts_23 This solopreneur is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:40 bts_23 This solopreneur is making $85k in monthly revenue with this simple SaaS

Hello! I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. This week I wanted to share with you the summarized version of this case study because I find it very inspiring.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
This post will be about Pallyy (previously ShareMyInsights), a social media management SaaS founded by Tim Bennetto back in 2019. Pallyy was bootstrapped by Tim as a solopreneur, by the time I am writing this Pally is making around $85k a month.
How did the founder come up with the idea.
Before starting Pallyy, Tim launched an app he eventually sold for $10,000, which was built by an external company. Despite this, he realized he needed to learn to code for future projects. In 2019, after some unremarkable projects, he founded ShareMyInsights (now Pallyy), an Instagram Analytics platform.
The only reason Tim started this business was to create a better lifestyle and make money. He chose an Analytics Platform because, at that moment, this type of SaaS was booming.
The sole distinction between Pallyy and the existing SaaS was a feature that enables you to share analytics with others.
What challenges did the founder face.
The launch initially failed as Tim focused solely on product development, neglecting marketing. Surprisingly, the first customers arrived unexpectedly securing its first 100 customers at $5 per month.
Over the following two years, growth stagnated at $1.3k MRR with high churn rates. Tim identified two key issues:
No one was using the "sharing" feature User demand for post scheduling.
He consequently removed the "sharing" feature and prioritized building the scheduling feature. These adjustments resulted in a 100% MRR increase (around $2.5k MRR) and stabilized the churn rate.
Strategies that made the project successful.
After achieving Product-Market Fit, Tim focused on scaling the project. This involved rebranding from "ShareMyInsights' ' to "Pallyy" opting for a short, affordable, and versatile name and a new logo that cost him $1,500 (yes you read it right $1.5k). On top of that, he decided to focus on Social media agencies as a niche market to stand out from the competition.
To market Pallyy effectively, Tim reached out to social media managers and agencies on Instagram, ran ads on Instagram and Google (with limited success due to budget constraints), hired a blog writer to optimize SEO (a pivotal moment for Pallyy), and implemented an affiliate program. Additionally, he raised the subscription price by $3.
These efforts led to a 10x growth the following year.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Maintain vision and consistency. Stick to your plan, even amidst setbacks.
✅ Adapt and pivot when necessary. Understand your customers and track product analytics.
✅ Focus on a niche to validate your product before expanding, especially in a competitive market.
❌ Avoid overspending on non-essentials like a $1,500 logo. Use cost-effective options like Canva or Fiverr.
❌ Ensure proper marketing efforts. A great product won't succeed if no one knows about it.
❌ Choose a flexible and creative business name and branding to avoid limiting growth potential.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
Firstly, differentiate yourself from Pallyy and similar tools by considering two approaches:
  1. Engage with potential users via LinkedIn or email to understand their unmet needs. Additionally, analyze reviews of existing tools to identify common problems. When developing your MVP, prioritize solving issues faced by many customers, not just a few.
  2. Explore creating a product similar to Pallyy but tailored for a different niche. Ensure to customize the tool to address the specific needs of this new user subset.
Next thing, let’s build the MVP:
For a NoCode MVP, consider tools like Bubble io:
  1. Start by signing up for an account on Bubble io and acquaint yourself with the platform's tutorials.
  2. Create a database for scheduling information and design user interfaces for key functions such as post creation and automation setup.
  3. Utilize Bubble's visual workflows to define logic, integrating with social media platforms through APIs or built-in tools.
  4. Implement automation for scheduling and posting content, and include basic analytics.
  5. Ensure responsive design for different devices.
  6. Share the MVP with a small user group for feedback, iterate based on received feedback, and finally deploy the MVP using Bubble's deployment options.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 21:49 Xtianus21 Databricks CEO Wants to Grab Hold of AI Hype but In the Same Breath Doesn't Believe in AGI/ASI While Taking Shots at Sam Altman - Let's Talk Data Bases and AGI

It's another day and another Open Source (for the worlds benefit) warrior has emerged.
This Time it's Ali Ghodsi from DataBricks. Let's us take a moment to walk through what Databricks is and is not.
I bring this up because between Snowflake and Databricks I have not seen 2 companies try to hype-adjacent their products to "AI" than these two. Justifiably so, Databricks actually has way more tooling and experience in the AI/ML field. However, there is a huge caveat there for Databricks which I will get into later.
Databricks under the hood is Open Source Software data analytics platform from Apache Spark developed back in 2009. I give you that date because there is pre-GPT and post-GPT circa 2022/2023 (The Birth of LLM's.) So, was Databricks or Snowflake perfectly equipped databases to head into the AI/LLM revolution? No, not in my opinion and I will elaborate on that later.
The question is. Is Databricks even a database? The answer which may surprise you is YES, NO and MAYBE all together. The best explanation in summary (even over GPT) is from here on reddit 10 months ago in the sub dataengineering.
The user u/Length-Working says the following in this post:
Part of the problem is likely that Databricks has ballooned way beyond where it started. So let's start there:
Databricks originally was a Notebook interface to run Spark, without having to worry about the distributed compute infrastructure. You just said how big of a cluster you wanted, and Databricks did the rest. This was absolutely huge before distributed compute became the standard.
Since then, it's expanded significantly (and I'm not sure in what order), but in particular to create a similar SQL interface on the front (which actually runs Spark under the hood anyway). On this, they also built a virtual data warehouse interface, so now you can treat Databricks like a database/data warehouse, even though your files are stored as files, not tables. Except... They then announced Deltalake, so now your files are tables, and can be used outside Databricks elsewhere. You can also orchestrate your Databricks work using Databricks Workflows, natively within Databricks itself. I'm definitely missing some other functionality.
It's been a short while since I've used Databricks now, but the latest big announcement I'm aware of was Unity Catalogue, which means Databricks can now handle and abstract your data access through a single lens, meaning Databricks can act more like a standalone data platform.
But fundamentally, and to this day, it's still largely "You write code in Notebooks and Databricks will run that on distributed compute for you".
As you see, simple put, Databricks is a distributed large data/big data compute platform for data processing, data transformation, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and data analytics.
Mostly, in the enterprise (it's quite popular) you find this tooling to give data analytics processes that are used for reporting with popular dashboards such as Power BI and Tableau.
So what does this have to do with LLM's? Well nothing special really. When I say nothing special I am speaking about all encompassing and all doing AGI type of AI. Or, new school AI. Or post-GPT AI. To me, Databricks is more about old school AI or pre-GPT ai. This is the AI/ML work needed to formulate and run large data to get out a machine learned model in the formation and procurement of one's own proprietary data. This is where you train models for specific tasks. So, not AGI but rather older AI that is still useful don't get me wrong.
In fact, a good use case for Databricks is to train your proprietary large scale data to fine-tuning an LLM but is anyone out there actually doing this? But let's be clear doing this is not taking vast amounts of large scale data and plowing it into an LLM to fine-tune it. A better method and approach would be to analyze that large scale data for the parts and pieces needed to be utilized in the fine tuning process.
Imagine if you will a large data set with cars and purchases over the past 10 years. Perhaps one would gain insights into a certain preprocessed analysis of said data that can then be used to annotate and implement into a fine tuning process. I would find this process very useful from Databricks to an LLM workload.
Other methodologies such as python coding and other annotation systems would then be used for labeling data,annotation and preparation for a Vectoindex DB or LLM fine-tuning process. For those of you who don't know but may be interested for data annotation there are platforms (python or node works fine) you can look into. Examples include Labelbox, Prodigy, and Amazon Mechanical Turk.
What is my point in all of this. Databricks isn't some profound or neccessary LLM tooling that one must have or they can't do AI. In ways it's much more important to other aspects of large data and in other ways it's a push against what LLM's and AGI is.
To me, there are much more profound databases that speak more clearly to today's "new AI" such as Pinecone, Milvus, Mongo Search, Redis Search <3, Azure Cognitive Search & Vector Search <3, FAISS, and many more. Postgresql and Mongodb are great open source databases in general. Also, Clickhousefor real-time analytics across large scale data is a great open source offering as well.
If you're a startup or thinking about getting into the industry and don't have $100k's of dollars to spend on a system such as Databricks or Snowflake you will want to perhaps start with one of the aforementioned systems.
So then, what makes Ali, the CEO of Databricks, the authority or standard bearer of today's "new AI." Yann Lecun is very intune with today's AI and made himself look silly when OpenAI dropped SORA onto the world a month ago after explicitly stating that we wouldn't to effectively be able to do such a thing and that he was working on something with the JEPA system. If OpenAI has that up their sleeve who are we mere mortals not to say that don't have something more profound that they already know about.
Ali's recent comments were meant to make Sam look "bad" or put him in a negative light because of how he is promoting and marketing the company.
Look, if your worldview is that you have AGI and it's basically superhuman, and these are like the gods, we invented god, yeah then maybe you should turn the whole planet upside down. I don't think that's what's happening - Ali Ghodsi
The was reported as negative thing in the hit piece from Business Insider (Why BI why?) is laid out here that now Sam is not liked by anyone and that he is trying to build god apparently.
Here's the paywall version (does anyone actually pay for business Insider).
Here's the recap of the paywall version in a completely crude reiteration.
And the originating Gizmodo version.
All painting Sam Altman as a megalomaniac.
All the VC's and all the knights men other than the 1 single Ali quote are hiding and cowering behind anonymity to talk shit about Sam but keep their faces hidden while doing so.
To be fair the Ali quote isn't really him talking shit on Sam in a way to disparage him personally but rather putting some cold water on the notion that we won't be able to achieve AGI or ASI or better yet god(s) themself.
First of all Sam never said that he was building God or even a monster. Literally, he said he wasn't building a monster. lol so, I take him at his word.
But who is Ali to give any credence of such a thing? On one hand if we look at who Ali is as the co-founder of an Open Source software system that him and his team took to become a commercial offering you may begin to wonder why the need to Open Source an AI LLM.
Databricks has now done it again with the recent release of DBRX.
To recap, Ali Ghodsi while at UC Berkeley's AMPLab worked on and developed Apache's Spark and then turned around and created a commercial offering that is today called Databricks. And then goes around CNBC (vid 1, vid 2) constantly touting that Databricks is all geared up for AI (today's or yesterday's kind of AI) and is now continuously releasing Open Source LLM's. The same in which Elon Musk and Facebook are doing respectively.
All while, hit pieces are generating from Elon Musk (frivolous lawsuit), Facebook's Lecun (Cats), and now Databricks (AI Gods).
But we're not done. In all of this I come to find the still present on OpenAI's board the weasel himself - Adam D'Angelo advocated and pushed for Databricks CEO Ali Ghodsi to be placed on Open AI's board. This was a month early than January 2024 (i.e. December) so it was post OpenAI drama which is just telling to me.
Last month, OpenAI’s Adam D’Angelo approached Databricks CEO Ali Ghodsi for a possible board seat, despite Databricks’ opposing stance on AI development. The move hints at potential board disruptions and challenges for OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Altman, rehired in November after a brief layoff, navigates a complex dynamic between OpenAI’s for-profit goals and its nonprofit mandate.
Apparently the toxicity of Adam just won't ever stop and I can't understand from the life of me why or how he is still on this board.
In conclusion (yea we're here), I leave you with this comment from Microsoft's AI head Mustafa Suleman who recently stated that there might have to be a pause in development towards the end of the decade. Stating, "I don't rule it out. And I think that at some point over the next five years or so, we're going to have to consider that question very seriously."
If we're not building gods we sure the hell are building things that emulate gods. - me
"i expect ai to be capable of superhum persuasion well before it is superhuman at general intelligence, which may lead to some very strange outcomes" - Sam Altman. <<< If anyone takes this other than we are not building gods then something is wrong with you.
Now, I don't know if Mr. Ghodsi fully grasps the situation but to me someone with his pedigree and background I believe he understands the situation exactly & gravely and is running scared that the MOAT might not include him and his platform Databricks.
BTW where is that IPO and is it too late? Oh and 1 more thing. Snowflake is no better and much worse in this situation.
submitted by Xtianus21 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 23:56 SnooDoughnuts785 London Trip Report

Points Cash Value Notes
UA SFO-LHR RT - Mixed Y/J x2 143k $657.28 $9777 Booked via ANA
HR Churchill - 5 nights 122k $0 $5,342 Suite upgrade, 3k earned from bonus journeys
HR Blackfriars - 3 nights 51k $0 $1,489 Upgrade to Club Access Room, 3k earned from bonus journeys
Total 316,000 $657.28 $16,607
Dates: 3/16-3/25
We booked close in and had a somewhat fixed outbound date so could not find any good J options on a Saturday. Luckily, I remembered the mixed class option on ANA, which allowed us to book the entire roundtrip for around the same price as the J return alone with Aeroplan (and slightly lower fees). Amex to ANA transfer took slightly more than 48 hours this time. I also called ANA to change the date of the return after flying the outbound. The hold time was crazy (3+ hrs) but the change process itself was very easy - took the agent less than 5 min and it was done.
Economy - Maybe it's bc I had low expectations but the outbound economy flight was surprisingly pleasant despite being completely full. FAs were friendly and food was much better than I remembered. 10 hrs is probably my limit in flying long haul economy, but it went by relatively quickly with wifi (paid with stranded UA miles that I would never use otherwise) and no annoyances around us.
Polaris - First time flying this product and after much research, I chose the bulkhead seats 9D and 9G in the mini cabin as row 1 was not available. The extra leg room was nice but can confirm that it gets a bit noisy with food prep/clean-up, chatty crew, and bathroom traffic. The seats were comfortable, and it was nice to be closer to my partner compared to reverse herringbone seats, but otherwise felt like a pretty normal business class seat - not sure what I was expecting lol but maybe it got overhyped in my mind from all the praises I've read/heard of the Polaris hard product. In contrast, I wasn't expecting much of the soft product but was pleasantly surprised. The Saks bedding is super comfortable, esp the amazingly soft pillow. The FAs were friendly and attentive. And the food - wow, I think United is truly stepping up their catering game bc it was so so much better than I was expecting. We had the egg/bacon/cheese souffle, french toast, white wine risotto, and wellington burger. The souffle was ok (a little too rich for me) but the other 3 were delicious. No ice cream sundae cart for breakfast service but did get a raspberry cheesecake and banoffee tart - both very good despite the latter being a bit too sweet for me. Overall a great first Polaris experience. I imagine I will be flying this again (looking to book for SYD-SFO later in the year) so I'm curious to try other seats and menus.
  1. LHR United Club
There is no Polaris lounge at LHR, so you get access to the United Club and other *A lounges like Air Canada and SQ. United Club is the largest of the 3 with an open floor plan, lots of seating, a huge bar, a decent breakfast buffet, and a separate area with more drinks. Nice view of the apron. The breakfast food we had was pretty basic - hot foods, pastries, cold cuts, cereal, etc. It seems like they don't have enough bathrooms bc all were occupied when I tried to go before our flight. Overall a fine lounge but nothing amazing.
  1. LHR Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge
Smaller lounge but with really nice modern decor. The different areas are sectioned off in a way that makes them feel more private (compared to the very open floor plan of the United Club). It was also much quieter and emptier than the United Club. Breakfast buffet is similar but slightly smaller. However, the quality of the food is noticably worse - I've never had such chalky scrambled eggs and tough canadian bacon. There is an interesting waffle and croffle station, and the croffle was pretty good - but the wait can be long as the staff making it is not the most attentive and burned the first batch for us. Overall, a nice lounge to relax in but I wouldn't recommend eating here.
  1. Singapore Airlines Krisflyer Lounge
Tried to go but it's closed due to renovations.
  1. Hyatt Regency London, The Churchill
Well established property in an upscale area of West London. It's about 15-20 min walk from Covent Garden, Buckingham Palace, etc. The closest tube station is about a 10 min walk away. The decor gives classic, traditional, old money vibes, similar to the clientele. Lots of older couples, businessmen, and some families. The service is polite and reserved but very efficient. I booked a regular room but was lucky to score a complimentary suite upgrade. However, it did take a lot of tracking on my part and messaging with the hotel to make it happen. They initially upgraded me to a club access room only for online check-in. I saw that a standard suite was available and messaged them to switch and they obliged. The Regency Suite King is not a true suite as the sitting area is not fully separated from the bedroom - there is only a partial divider. But as a couple, it was more than enough. The walk-in closet was really spacious and one of my fav parts of the room. Least fav part was the outdated bathroom with a comically low toilet, but it was sufficient. The bed was extremely comfortable and the room was very quiet. Housekeeping was on point, and the room was always well stocked with like 10 bottles of water in the room at any given time. They also sent up these delicious chocolate wafers as a welcome treat. There are 2 club lounges - one for business purposes (no kids) and the other is for general use. There is a continental breakfast in the morning, afternoon tea with different cakes everyday (so good), and evening drinks with canapes (a staff member comes around with a tray of these for you to choose) plus a buffet selection of cold cuts, bread, cheese, and salad. Globalists can also have breakfast in the restaurant downstairs, which has a much wider selection of hot foods and made to order eggs. The gym is fully renovated and very nice. Overall, we really enjoyed our stay. This is not the type of hotel I typically gravitate toward (I prefer new) but I was pleasantly surprised. We were so comfortable, well fed (I love cake), and the place is just a well-oiled machine with absolutely no hiccups in service. The only downside is that it's not the most convenient to get to/from the airport if you have a lot of luggage or there's bad weather. We ended up taking an Uber which cost $55 GBP or $70 USD.
  1. Hyatt Regency London Blackfriars
This hotel is really the opposite of the Churchill in every way. It's brand new with modern decor and very friendly staff. The clientele is younger and more diverse with perhaps even more families. The area feels like a business district with a lot of office bldgs. There's a tube station right across the street, and also lots of construction nearby. I was upgraded to a club access room as no standard suites were available, but it's relatively spacious for London with a small sitting area. They sent up macarons as a welcome treat and called to make sure the room was ok. There is no true lounge at this property so they alternate between the lobby lounge and the back of one of the restaurants as the lounge. Happy hour food comes out as a canape board of 3 appetizers + 1 dessert per person - the quantity was small but the food was delicious. Breakfast is served in the restaurant and is a standard spread with no a la carte items included.
Unfortunately, I started to notice issues pretty quickly. While new, the furniture seems flimsy and cheap. I normally would not care as long as it's functional, but the bed shook with every move, which made it difficult to sleep with a partner who tosses and turns a lot. The soundproofing is also poor, as we could hear street noise very clearly despite not facing the main street. There were also loud clanging sounds every morning between 5:30-6am - not sure if it was a garbage truck or construction. Hallway noise is also loud and clear. The thermostat is dysfunctional and requires setting at 5 degrees higher than what you intend but will randomly reset to a lower temp (echoed by another FT user so I'm pretty sure it was not limited to our room). While the staff are nice and well-intentioned, there are clearly staffing and workflow issues. Despite happy hour being very busy, there's only 1-2 staff members managing the entire area, and it could take up to 30 min before someone comes to take your drink and canape order. The staff working this area seem visibly overwhelmed. On our last evening, we witnessed a front desk manager apologizing to a guest for the long wait followed by a tense conversation between him and a staff member managing the lounge. While I couldn't hear the exact conversation, she gave off an exasperated vibe like "Yes I know guests are waiting but we're doing the best we can. What do you want us to do?" Housekeeping also has issues. On our first night, we came back to find the room mostly cleaned but the dishes and napkins from the welcome treat still on the table and the trash not taken out. We were also not given additional waters. A supervisor did come by to ask whether our room had been cleaned. We told her the issues, and she had someone come to address them. That person apologized profusely, took the trash in the trash can, but still left the empty water bottles beside it - very odd. On our second evening, we came back to find the room untouched. Since we were leaving early the next morning, we just let it be.
At checkout, the manager (Francis) asked me for feedback, and I briefly mentioned the lack of staffing during happy hour. He was very receptive and acknowledged that they are indeed struggling with staffing issues, requiring staff to do a lot of cross coverage. The happy hour workflow is also complicated by the fact that they don't have a real lounge. We ended up having a really interesting conversation about the state of the hospitality industry in the UK. He told me that the majority of hospitality workers are from EU countries, and tens of thousands left in the aftermath of Brexit (new visa restrictions) and the pandemic. Therefore, many hotels and restaurants are left with inadequate staffing, and, not surprisingly, the impact is even greater on new properties. It was very eye-opening and helped to make sense of my experience here.
Overall, I think this would be a fine choice for most casual travelers, esp someone who doesn't have status and will be out and about most of the day. But I think Globalists who expect a high level of service might be disappointed.
Misc Logistics:
  1. Transportation
Uber is alive and well but expensive. Going between LHR and central London is about $55 GBP during non-peak times. It was $17 GBP between the 2 hotels, and we got to experience how bad traffic can be during rush hour.
Both tube and bus are convenient with contactless payment using US credit cards. We especially loved the double decker buses for the scenery and affordability - once you pay for a bus ride, any addl bus rides within the next hour are free. The tube lines on the west side are stuffy, small, and kind of dirty, but the lines toward east London are newelarger.
  1. Credit cards
We didn't need/use any cash while in London, which was amazing. All restaurants took credit cards, including the stalls at Borough Market. Chase was accepted everywhere but Amex was 50/50. For public transit, Chase codes it as travel so we earned 3x points on CIBP (would be the same with CSR or 2x with CSP). Waiting to see what my Amex biz gold codes it as (will update when it's posted)...
As always, lots of stories on my instagram if you want to check out the visuals:
submitted by SnooDoughnuts785 to awardtravel [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 15:12 Processter I started, ran for 10 years, and remotely sold my 3D printing business. 17 lessons I’ve learned.

Being a young man with an artistic/design background, I mostly wanted to draw things and party.
But I also needed money and quickly realized that I didn't want to get it with art and that all manager-sales-type jobs I did were boring, and nothing meaningful was created. Then, after one side gig I discovered my “entrepreneurial abilities”: I saw something that could be leveraged, presumed how, and acted on it.
Then I tried a couple of other not-very-thought-through things, which failed but validated those abilities nevertheless (some “KPIs” were reached).
Then in 2012, while working on my last sales-manager-type job, I found out about desktop 3d printing (I heard about technology long before, but back then it sounded magical and very expensive). I still remember in detail the first time I saw a MakerBot (RIP) Replicator 2 live. This whole discovery literally gave me goosebumps, and from there, I knew I must do something with 3d printers. There was no plan, market research, or anything like that, I just felt it strongly.
Then I started (while still working on the job), on about a 180-dollar budget: I did a website, with a so-called “no-code” solution, and launched an ad campaign. I learned both on the go (much later I realized those were my strong suits from the beginning), and started to sell desktop printers, by taking customers’ money and placing orders with local suppliers (I didn't have enough money to become one myself). I knew close to nothing about business, bookkeeping, etc. and I think now if I did I might have not started.
But demand was high, supply short (I was early), the website and ads were working, and I was having a lot of fun. I didn't even have an office for the first 1.5 years.
Then the competition started to build up, and I approximated, that sooner rather than later experienced sales teams would come and that I don't stand much chance against them. And I didn't want to just sell things, I wanted to create them.
It was the first time I pivoted. I had a couple of printers that I bought to showcase during a business event, and I started to take printing orders, to diversify. I couldn't figure out the math of this being worthwhile on its own at first. It was chaos, both mesmerizing and agonizing (repair especially). But despite having no tech-engineering abilities, I found my way around printers.
Then I realized I needed an office, and I moved to the smallest room anyone could rent accompanied by 4 printers. I remember a client saying, while he was standing there, barely able to turn around: "From the look of your site, I thought you were a big company".
The business was growing and I moved to a bigger place. And then came the order, which proved to me that printing on demand can be a real thing on its own: a big model (complicated spiral-shaped 1+meter-long), with a strict deadline. I took it, without fully estimating my abilities, since I had no experience like that. But I felt it to be a great opportunity.
Shortly after the start, I realized that there was no way I was going to make it in time. I called a client, but he calmly and politely asked me to find a way and offered to pay more. I declined the additional payment and agreed to try.
I recruited my friend who was luckily unemployed at the time (now a big business guy) and we did everything we could: we printed parts in 2 other shops, tried and improvised assembly techniques, slept in the car near the office, and somehow made something that looked like a model and delivered it literally in the last moment.
It was 1 A.M, and the client was waiting in the hotel (he flew in from abroad for the event, this model was a part of), we put the model in a giant box on a street (we couldn't get an assembled box through doors), placed it on top of my friend's car (basic sedan with no rack), and had to fix it with the tape around the box and through opened windows to hold.
Fortunately, we don't have to go far, unfortunately, we didn't take a photo, but the image is still alive in my mind.
We delivered a model, and later I learned, that the client was a physicist arranging a series of experiments, to prove his assumptions, so they could be used commercially. Despite the poor quality, the client acknowledged that I kept my promise and declined the proposed additional payment + the model did manage to show something during this test experiment (wasn't entirely useless). He gave me a second chance and we worked with him for a long time.
As we stepped out of the hotel at around 2 A.M, I took a taxi home, took luggage packed by a family member on my request, and barely made it in time to catch a flight to Barcelona, where I was heading to join my then-girlfriend and now wife at the music fest.
Good times.
That concludes the“fun” part of the story. Main LESSONS:
  1. Do what you are passionate about;
  2. listen to your instincts;
  3. Take risks, to move ahead;
  4. Within the limits of sanity exclude failure as a possibility, accept inevitably achieving the goal, and actively seek ways to do it. Ask yourself: “I must do it, so how am I going to do it?”;
  5. Keep your promises;
  6. Don't forget to Have fun.
A bit later I got to move again: the printing and post-processing part of the business was picking up and I started to receive complaints about the mess and smells.
At about that time, I attempted to partner up with a guy who helped me with repairs for a while and created an impression of being capable and resourceful. I thought it was easier and better to give away a part of the business than to hire. But I was smart enough to create a separate LLC (apart from my main) to offer a stake there. We moved to a new place, which wasn't glamorous but provided what we needed at the time and a space for future growth.
After a while, it became obvious that the partnership wouldn't work: he turned out neither capable, nor interested in projects that we started, and we split ways with no harm done, except for the wasted time and opportunities.
The number of printers grew (about 10-12 by then), revenue grew, and although I started to acquire some business knowledge and skills, I still didn’t know where I wanted to be, and what I needed to get there.
I’ve made a second site, specifically for 3dp services. Now I went with the “traditional” way, and since I can’t code (except for some basic HTML) I hired contractors to make it and for occasional maintenance.
I’ve also hired contractors to do SEO. Long story short - it is worth it if you understand at least the basics of it (I’ve educated myself on the subject), and will be able to find a “decent” contractor. One tip here: texts are a big part of SEO. Back then many contractors produced at best mediocre, and at worst terrible texts. But texts also present your offer and should work as a sales rep.
I ended up rewriting all the texts since no contractor knew business-specific words and phrases better than I did. I also had a “feeling” (my first site did well on search, without me knowing what SEO is), that it is important to compose the message so people (and not just search robots) find it compelling. User behavior is now a known thing and an important SEO factor, but it wasn't so obvious back then.
I’ve hired my first full-time employee (post-processor) and invested profits in equipping the shop with professional ventilation, and other things, necessary for the path I was half-knowingly pursuing.
I've still been taking different kinds of jobs, but started to shift focus to business customers: higher checks, and fewer complaints.
Then, after 4 years into it, I understood that I needed to systemize what I was doing and properly collect data. It was partially a feeling and partially a tribute to bits of theoretical knowledge I've acquired. It was more of “they say it's what I need” than “I need it”.
With the help of my girlfriend, I've composed a complex Exсel file (interconnected tables, pivot tables, more formulas than you can count, etc.), which captured many things and was torture for me to fill in. But I did, and after about 6-12 months I started to see interesting things and corrected the way I spent money on ads and prioritized certain types of offers.
It was a postmortem type of “system”, I wasn't using it as an actionable CRM or ERP. I knew I probably needed a CRM, but I couldn't force myself to choose one, they all seemed so unfit and I didn't have someone to clearly state the benefits of using one. So I continued to operate a “sticky note CRM”.
Time flew by, and by chance, I hired a second employee: a smart guy with an engineering background and personal issues. It was a lot different than with the first partner, but similar in a way, that neither I nor he knew exactly in which direction our working relationship would go. We haven’t set our terms and expectations clearly.
With the new employee, we were able to do in-house 3d modeling (it was 99% contractor-based before), and we bought a simple 3d scanner.
We also decided to buy a big laser cutter (with a 1x1.3 m.- table), to diversify our services. Retrospectively, I give 6.5/10 to that decision. I was still trying new things, but was also non-straightforwardly going for “my niche”, and I thought that laser cutter would assist me in that (and it kinda did).
I’ve created a new website and optimized an old one for a new service type (3 sites by now).
Later I started a small side-brand of super-niche products (laser cutting + 3D printing + hand metal and woodworking) and was having a lot of fun with it.
The problem was, that all that dispersed my focus and resources when I should have concentrated on things that brought the most outcome.
The number of orders and printers grew (to about 16-20), and everything was going ok. But then the engineer decided to quit, because his desires, which he withheld, and I failed to discover weren’t met. Surprisingly I felt relieved. We parted on somewhat good terms, and later he agreed to do repair contractor work.
Here I would like to end the “normal” part. Main LESSONS:
  1. You don't necessarily have to be an engineer, or know 3d modeling to start a 3dp service;
  2. Hire people when you need them, and set expectations and terms straight. Don’t partner when you should hire;
  3. Get familiar with SEO, and hire specialists if you can. Listen to their advice (especially for the technical part), but form your offer for your target audience continuously. Use your copy as a restless sales rep.
  4. Collect your data, there is no other way to see what is going on (on a large scale), and what can be done about it;
  5. Don’t, try to do “everything”, when you know, what you should be concentrating on. If you don't know - try to find that out more deliberately. Small businesses do not have a lot of resources, and the only way to leverage them effectively is by focus.
Almost like in any story, you may feel, something is coming.
The further I proceeded, the more thoughts I had about building a custom management system since I still couldn’t find what I needed, and my Excel file wasn't covering those needs. It had to include:
- CRM - it became too many orders for steaky notes to bear;
- ERP - I had to control and analyze how I used a growing number of items. Plus if you have even one teammate - the question of effective resource usage will arise immediately;
- Plus everything else, so the whole thing with all processes inside could be managed.
I exercised those thoughts in the form of sketches and concepts, but knew, that it would cost a fortune to develop, so I tabled those.
And then in December of 2021, I discovered No-code.
I was listening to an introductory webinar (or something) about it on the way home, and I had the same goosebumps that I had 9 years ago, upon discovery of desktop 3d printing. I started learning it right away.
I invested a big part of my profits into upgrading my production facility (a new big space just for printers, fully equipped) and bought a portion of new printers (to reach a total of 30+), to increase an overall capacity level. I also started to think about how to systemize my business, so it could be delegated, and I could allocate more of my time to the no-code.
Everything was going fine, 2 months into Bubble I was having a blast, and was smiling inside, imagining what I soon would be able to do.
And then an event happened, that changed mine, and many other lives.
I do not consider myself an emotional person, but on that tragic day, I strongly felt, that I had to wrap it all up somehow, sell it (if I could, what I could), and move out of the country as soon as possible.
I finally comprehended my mistake of going for everything at once, instead of concentrating resources to work one niche and systemizing the business. Now I had to rush for it
First thing I dropped a small niche product side gig. Stopped all activity, and later sold all remaining stocks.
I dropped Bubble training. No matter how interesting it was, it didn't correlate directly with what I had to do then.
I dropped active laser-cutting ad campaigns, allocating all resources to 3d printing, with an emphasis on big objects.
Partially as part of the ”wrap it all up” initiative, partially because I needed it, I made a management system on Airtable. It wasn't all I wanted, but it was an actionable system, unlike that Excel file. Results came along quickly (mainly from the CRM - follow-up component).
Then I wrapped all finances and statistics up (and the new system helped me with that too), contacted business brokers, and posted a “business for sale” ad.
Interesting note: one broker declared websites set as an irrelevant thing, saying I could probably get X for a 3dp manufacturing part, and one prospect suggested that my manufacturing part was worthless, and offered the same X for a website bundle.
But all realized, that all processes were tied up to me, and I was, in fact, a main asset: I wore all the hats during the 9 years of doing it and still can answer almost any process-related question (or do any task myself) if you wake me up at night.
Those interactions provided me with valuable information and gave me a glance at my "business" from different angles.
NOTE HERE: it was rather important to me, to, ensure the other side and my employees didn’t feel dissatisfied, and allow the endeavor to continue in good hands without me.
Eventually, I went with a prospect from a “business for sale” ad. He as an experienced businessman saw on-demand 3dp manufacturing as an uprising and promising business. I presumed, he also knew how the “base” that I had could be leveraged, to kickstart the structure he had in mind.
He offered a 50% stake buyout, with different further options, and the process of negotiations has begun, with a mutual realization, that time was not on my side.
We agreed that I would be present in the flesh for 2-4 months and then do it remotely for about a year in total, with my involvement minimal after that.
Documents were drafted and I was ready for the transition period to start.
Then the second event happened, and I had (let’s say) a strong feeling that I would better move out of the country NOW before I might be summoned against my will to do things I didn’t want to or put in jail for refusing to do them.
I have to clarify here, that I haven’t done anything illegal. Don't break the law - it is stupid, even if the law is stupid.
My family (wife and a 1-year-old son) and I had time to prepare, but It is still not particularly an awesome experience, to leave the country you lived your whole life in, especially a couple of months earlier than you planned.
On top of that - the deal wasn’t finalized.
We agreed with the potential partner that I would do everything remotely after 2.5 weeks of intensive training with the partner’s representative on the premises.
Which I did, and after that I boarded the plane.
Documents still unsigned…
There were a couple of problems, besides “the leap of faith” I took:
  1. I placed myself partially at my potential partner's mercy;
  2. Partially due to the arisen chaos, we hadn’t specified clearly enough all the details and what we expected from one another;
  3. I had to control the whole operation (in the end 40+ printers, 5 people) remotely, without having any such experience.
The following month was as Englishmen would say - a bloody hell. One little detail to paint the picture: a person I was relying on quit at the most inconvenient moment, without finishing what he had to, and I asked a post-processer (a good specialist and a reliable person, with whom we worked for 5 years) to receive files via email, upload them on the SD cards, and launch several printers, he hadn't launched before.
No biggie you say, but it turned out, that he didn’t know how to use a PC, I mean at all.
There we were, both tired, late evening, me on the phone:
> “See that thing on the right-hand side - it is a mouse, it has 2 buttons, move the mouse until the arrow on the screen… Do you see the arrow? until it reaches the string below the blue line on the top. Now click the left button of the mouse…What? - Yes, that thing on your right-hand side…”.
About 2 hours of that.
But we’ve made it through, finished this month with a profit, and finally signed the documents.
Somewhere around that time, I got familiar with Notion and quickly composed a basic system to control production remotely. And it practically saved me, I don't think I would pull a “remote” thing without it.
Why Notion? Because it is the most intuitive, customizable, and easy-to-use no-code “environment” I’ve seen. It also had features we needed even on a Free plan: we could easily share access for up to 10 people, publish any page to the web, work from mobile, etc.
After several months I've substantially upgraded the system: added orders, materials, printers, repairs (etc.), as separate, but interconnected entities, and tuned workflows for accountable and controllable teamwork: what was printing, on what printer, who started, who sliced files, who removed the job, who spotted the problem with a printer, repaired it, maintained it, when it all happened, etc.
I was surprised by how capable Notion turned out to be.
I was learning how to work with people, manage them (team of 5 + contractors), what to expect from them, how to plan, create systems, compose and assign tasks, hold meetings, etc.
We faced quality issues, and as I was fully remote it was hard to identify the underlying problem or to control the quality myself. The problem turned out to be our Head of Production. Unfortunately, we gave him a “chance” again and again, instead of replacing him. The next Head of production was much much better.
One of the things I’ve learned from my partner is that quality will drop when you delegate, and there will be incompetence, problems, and losses, but after the system is built it will all be worth it.
The Finale: why and how I got out.
About 3 weeks in, In late November 2022, my partner reminded me who had the leverage: in the middle of the heated discussion he said:
> “In case you haven't learned by now: if I want something to be done a certain way — it will be done that way”
he also threatened to reverse the already-done deal. I wasn’t looking forward to a long-term partnership of that kind.
7 months later, he proposed the idea of international expansion and asked if I was interested in moving to another country (one of 3 of my choosing) to establish operations there. However tempting it may seem, I realized it to be an opening for my way out. I declined and presented my intentions.
After that things got tough.
A heavy and stressful negotiation process, with my obviously "weak hand", and without my partner’s interest in letting me out easily had begun.
2 months in I found myself in a worse spot than I was before, with even worse prospects.
And then finally I thought: "What can I do, that will make him agree?".
The answer was simple - I have to add value. I asked myself 2 questions:
  1. What our business needs most?
  2. What can I do most fast and effectively (what am I good at)?
We, as any business, needed more leads, and sales. We previously agreed that we needed to target big objects, and had relevant experience and case studies by then.
I outlined designers (specifically interior designers), event and exhibition organizers, and a small keyword group, "big 3d printing” as target audiences, put my strong suits on, and made 2 new acquisition channels:
  1. A bundle, targeting agencies (design and event): site, a free educational module for partners’ onboarding into technology, for more effective work on both sides, and a cold email campaign (offers, first 1000 high-quality contacts, and a mini-system to implement it all). It was a rather long-term game bet.
  2. Landing page and an ad campaign targetting a “big 3dp” keyword group. It worked instantly, I closed the first big client in the second week. I knew it would also get some search traffic later.
I've made both in 2 months, while "working" extra full-time.
I also added a customized version of the system equipped with knowledge&manuals (for both sales and production), and a know-how bundle, which the system helped to collect and retrieve.
And I added it to my proposition.
And he said ok.
At that moment, in the background of the constant pain pulsating in my head, funk music started playing quietly.
Before my departure, I also booked and supervised (Notion helped immensely in that) the production of the biggest and the most expensive thing we had ever done: a city model, in 2 parts, 5.5 meters long each, and 2.5 and 3.5 meters wide respectively.
I booked this complex job with a short due date because right on the first call I knew how to optimize the time and cost of production (with the help of laser cutting). Because of that, I was able to offer an adequate price and conditions.
The client didn’t care how exactly we would do that, he was interested in the result.
Right after it was complete, in December 2023 my now ex-partner bought out my stake.
I am grateful to him, and to the Universe, for the valuable knowledge and experience I’ve acquired during this face-melting year.
I feel like I've graduated from a middle real-life school of small business. My grades are not perfect, but I've got my “diploma”. I also would like to believe, that I’ve learned my lessons.
Here are some of those from the final part:
  1. With knowledge and experience, you can advance further and much faster. They don’t have to be yours;
  2. Be as specific, clear, and honest in your agreements, as possible, from the beginning. And get that in writing;
  3. Realize your strong sides, bank on them, and delegate the rest (don't be afraid, it is the only way to grow);
  4. Surround yourself with people you can trust, and be trustworthy. Listen to them, don't undermine or threaten them, and let them make mistakes - it is the only way to learn. If a certain person is unfit, let them go right away;
  5. Listen to others, but make decisions for yourself, or others will make them for you. Take responsibility, and don't blame others for your troubles;
  6. Use a system to manage your business and collect data. The sooner, the better.
P.S. Speaking of systems.
I’ve finished mine. If you are interested, check it out HERE.
I also posted this story on the site with photos of the mentioned objects (1-meter-long curly turbine and giant models) HERE it is.
I wish I could go back in time and have a talk with myself: “If you want to call this a business - you need a system. Don’t like this one - pick another, but pick now, there is no perfect one. Stop wasting time - you will run out of it!”, accompanied maybe with a little slap on the head, for being so naive and ignorant.
If you are interested, to read about how exactly I created the system (and how you can create your own), let me know in the comments.
submitted by Processter to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 11:10 bts_23 Solopreneur making $40k MRR with a SaaS built with Bubble

Hey, I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. I wanted to share the summarized version of this one with you because this entrepreneurial journey blew my mind.
This post will be about FormulaBot (ExcelFormulaBot), an AI No Code SaaS founded by David Bressler back in August 2022. FormulaBot is currently making $40k MRR (monthly recurring revenue).
How did the founder come up with the idea.
David is a data guy who worked in analytics for several years. In July 2022, David got really interested in AI, especially ChatGPT. One night, he tried it out at home, just like we all did back in the time. But in his case, trying ChatGPT gave him a big idea. That idea ended up making him a lot of money and changing the life of 750 million people who use Excel.
That night David started by asking GPT easy questions, then complex ones. Since he used Excel a lot and helped his colleagues with it, he thought about an AI that could make Excel easier, like generating formulas from text. He looked online but found nothing. Seeing a big chance, he decided to do something about it.
What challenges did the founder face.
But David didn’t have any idea about how to develop an app. However, with no-code tools this is not a problem anymore. He discovered Bubble, a no-code web app tool that could connect with the OpenAI API.After, learning Bubble from YouTube tutorials and through trial and error and spending his nights studying the OpenAI API documentation, he launched the first version of the app in around three weeks.
Strategies that made the project successful.
David validated his idea by posting about ExcelFormulaBot on a Reddit Excel subreddit, receiving surprising attention with 10,000 upvotes. This encouraged him to offer the tool for free to gather feedback. Facing a hefty $4,999 API bill after the Reddit post, David quickly monetized his product with a subscription-based SaaS website. On launch day, 82 customers signed up, surpassing his expectations. A successful Product Hunt launch followed, generating $2.4k in sales within 24 hours, and a TikTok influencer with 4.5 million followers brought in thousands of new users overnight with a viral video.
Marketing approach:
-Paid ads: FormulaBot boosted website traffic with Paid Ads, notably on Google Ads, prioritizing Quality Score. This ensured ads aligned better with user searches, maximizing visibility and cost-efficiency, targeting those seeking Excel formula assistance.
a) Content/Keyword optimization: FormulaBot improved its SEO by making helpful pages about Excel formulas, like guides on topics such as "How to use SUMIFS."
b) Site Speed Enhancement: David boosted FormulaBot's marketing site speed by moving it from Bubble to Framer, aiming to improve user experience and SEO performance.
c) On-page optimization: David optimized FormulaBot's on-page elements by adjusting title tags, meta descriptions, and content to enhance SEO performance and align with search intent. These strategic refinements aimed to address ranking declines and emphasize FormulaBot's uniqueness, ultimately improving its visibility and competitiveness in search results.
-Virality: FormulaBot went viral as users found it highly useful and cool. Influencers on platforms like TikTok and Twitter shared it with their followers because they found it valuable. Offering numerous free features further enhanced its appeal.
Lessons: successes and mistakes.
✅ Leverage industry expertise: David identified a problem in analytics and used his experience to start an online business addressing it, turning an industry challenge into a profitable venture.
✅ Embrace learning new skills: Despite lacking initial technical know-how, David learned what he needed to develop the software himself, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and adaptability crucial for success.
❌ Minimize dependency on third parties: Relying solely on the ChatGPT API poses risks for FormulaBot. Any issues with the API could disrupt functionality and limit scalability.
⁉️ Caution with free tools: Offering a free tool can attract users and drive viral growth, but converting them to paying customers is challenging. Avoid relying solely on a 100% free model unless your revenue comes from non-user sources like ads. For businesses dependent on user subscriptions or purchases, balancing user attraction with conversion challenges is crucial.
How could you replicate this idea step-by-step.
To replicate the success of FormulaBot and similar AI wrapper startups, it's crucial to tread carefully in a competitive market. Avoid mere replication of existing solutions unless you can offer something distinct or superior. Consider these steps to effectively develop an AI WrappeChatGPT wrapper product using Bubble as a no-code tool:
  1. Design the user interface: Utilize Bubble's drag-and-drop editor to create a user-friendly interface with input fields, buttons, and result displays.
  2. Set up workflows: Define workflows to connect the interface with the ChatGPT API, enabling seamless interaction between users and the AI.
  3. Integrate the ChatGPT API: Obtain the API key from OpenAI and integrate it into your app using Bubble's API connector feature.
  4. Test and gather feedback: Thoroughly test your app, soliciting feedback to refine functionality and usability.
  5. Refine and optimize: Continuously improve your app based on user input and testing results to enhance performance and user experience.
The in-depth version of the case study was originally posted here.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions, and let me know which similar ideas you'd like me to analyze.
submitted by bts_23 to Bubbleio [link] [comments]