Funny cartoon pictures about safety in workplace


2013.08.05 22:27 dp85 OSHA

Post FUNNY scenes from: the workplace (not from your own home) .gifs and pics from safety training videos .gifs and pics from instructional videos Although this subreddit is named /OSHA, submissions do not have to be from the US. Safety violations from all countries are welcome. -Mods may allow or remove any post at their discretion- -No one on this subreddit, nor its moderators have any connection or experience with safety or regulatory issues.-

2011.08.30 19:29 satayjo2 A place where we can laugh at our non-human friends.

Welcome to the subreddit for our funny animal friends!

2020.05.30 23:20 Looney Tunes Logic

A sub all about celebrating when LooneyTunesLogic happens in real life!

2024.05.15 10:32 Automatic_Compote459 Caught girl I’ve (23F) recently started seeing (23F) in a lie and not sure if I should end things. Is this a red flag?

Hi all.
So I have been seeing this girl I met on Hinge (I am also a girl) for about a month and a half now and things have been going amazing! She is very kind, funny, romantic, thoughtful and everything I would have wanted in a partner. We have been on some great dates and have exchanged small gifts and she has also stayed at my house.
When we first started talking I asked her if she drives and she said yes. Since then, every time we have met she either has her friends drop her off or she will get an Uber. I had suspicions that she doesn’t really drive and when she came over last week and had to give her ID for a delivery as we had ordered wine, I could see she had a learners license. I didn’t say anything at the time because we were having a lovely evening and I didn’t want to spoil it.
Since then, the lie has been weighing on me. She had told me she shares her car with her friend who needs to use it more often hence why the friend usually drops her off. I confronted her about it yesterday on message and she first said that she does drive and that she “doesn’t trust herself” with her real license (??) and that she could send me a picture of her car. She quickly edited the message (on WhatsApp) to then say she actually lost her license and she was embarrassed so she didn’t tell me. I have since asked her for space to process as lying is typically a deal breaker for me and she has given me the space I asked her.
I had given her the opportunity to come forward with this a couple of times when I straight up asked her and she always said she did. She even said at one point that her sister had borrowed her car and gotten a ticket so she had to sort it out?
I feel like this has made me really weary but at the same time everything is going so well I’m not sure I want to throw it all away.
Any advise is welcome, is this something that I am overreacting about?
TL;DR - Girl I am seeing lied about driving then tried to further cover up the lie.
submitted by Automatic_Compote459 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:30 Automatic_Compote459 Caught girl I’m (23F) seeing (23F) in a lie which she tried to cover up. Is this a red flag?

Hi all.
So I have been seeing this girl I met on Hinge (I am also a girl) for about a month and a half now and things have been going amazing! She is very kind, funny, romantic, thoughtful and everything I would have wanted in a partner. We have been on some great dates and have exchanged small gifts and she has also stayed at my house.
When we first started talking I asked her if she drives and she said yes. Since then, every time we have met she either has her friends drop her off or she will get an Uber. I had suspicions that she doesn’t really drive and when she came over last week and had to give her ID for a delivery as we had ordered wine, I could see she had a learners license. I didn’t say anything at the time because we were having a lovely evening and I didn’t want to spoil it.
Since then, the lie has been weighing on me. She had told me she shares her car with her friend who needs to use it more often hence why the friend usually drops her off. I confronted her about it yesterday on message and she first said that she does drive and that she “doesn’t trust herself” with her real license (??) and that she could send me a picture of her car. She quickly edited the message (on WhatsApp) to then say she actually lost her license and she was embarrassed so she didn’t tell me. I have since asked her for space to process as lying is typically a deal breaker for me and she has given me the space I asked her.
I had given her the opportunity to come forward with this a couple of times when I straight up asked her and she always said she did. She even said at one point that her sister had borrowed her car and gotten a ticket so she had to sort it out?
I feel like this has made me really weary but at the same time everything is going so well I’m not sure I want to throw it all away.
Any advise is welcome, is this something that I am overreacting about?
TL;DR - Girl I am seeing lied about driving then tried to further cover up the lie.
submitted by Automatic_Compote459 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:04 Madame-Von_Rage Funny typo in a Pizza Hut location. The employee was super chill about letting me get a picture.

Funny typo in a Pizza Hut location. The employee was super chill about letting me get a picture. submitted by Madame-Von_Rage to pizzahut [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:01 iamagoldengod84 Danys fave food

Was re-reading the books, on the last chapter I think. Funny in the show she waves away so much food. I have a hard time picturing her eating charred bone and scraps of flesh left over from Drogons leavings but she doesn’t seem to be complaining about it at all. Makes for a really funny mental image. Also she’s bald again
submitted by iamagoldengod84 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:58 marienbad2 New detective thing, short dialogue scene of her talking to the bartender in a bar where the victim met someone

I drive over to the bar on 44th Street. Doesn't take long to find it. It's got a black sign with silver writing on it, the name is spelled out in some florid style, similar to the Coke name on the cans, lots of flowing ornamentation, much more than on the actual Coke logo. Inside it's a chintzy place with some old 90s EDM playing, sounds a bit like The Chemical Brothers, that big beat style. It ain't loud. The place isn't busy at this time, there's a guy sat at the bar in an old, rumpled suit, and a few guys spotted around the place. There's CCTV all over the bar and I wonder how long they keep it for. I walk up to the bar and the bartender comes over. He's a tall, skinny guy with black pants and a black company top.
He looks me over. "What'll it be, toots?"
He's got a squeaky voice, sounds like he just got here from 1938. I show him my badge and then the picture.
"You know this guy?"
He looks at it carefully, as if he needs to inspect it to be sure. "Sure, sure. He comes here sometimes."
"When was he last here?"
He thinks for a second, rubs his chin. "About a month ago. Ain't seen him since then though."
"Was he with anyone?"
"Not when he arrived," he says with a knowing smile.
"So he met someone here?"
"Oh yeah." He fiddles with his wedding band. "Funny though, didn't think she was his type."
I look at his hands and then back at his face. "Married?"
"Did she work for him?"
"I don't know. They left together but another guy left with them," he says.
"What do you mean? They all left together? How did that work?"
He thinks again. "She was chatting with some girl, probably another worker but I ain't seen here around here before. Guy was sat at the bar and then she came to buy a drink. They talk a bit and then when she went back to her friend she kept glancing over. He gets up, walks to a booth, she joins him. They talked for a bit, I can't remember how long, but not long. Then this other guy comes in, sees them and joins them. She buys a round of drinks, they talk, drink up, and all three of them leave together."
I nod as if it makes sense. "What did they look like? The working girl and the guy?"
"Uh, the guy, he was a short-stack." He looks away when he realises what he's said to me. "Not tough looking, small, looked like someone who'd pay, if you know what I mean."
"Possibly. I ain't seen him in here before. He was smartly dressed, not a suit, but a shirt and nice slacks."
"And the girl?"
"Tall, blonde, fake though, bleached. Long legs, short skirt, tight top. You know what I'm saying, right? She's gotta suck 'em in. Worked like a charm from what I could see."
"You think he paid and went with her?"
"If they'd left alone, just the two of 'em I'da said yes, but with the other guy? Who knows. Maybe they wanted a three-way or something, but I didn't get the impression the two guys knew one another."
"What about the girl? She been in before? Did it seem like she knew the other guy, shorty?"
He shakes his head. "Not from what I seen. I didn't hear them talk, but he seemed to be introducing himself to them. Then he sat down and like I said, they talked, she bought drinks, they drank and talked and left. And she's a regular. I think she works nearby."
"Any idea where?"
He shakes his head. "I stay away from that stuff."
"Did this guy," I shake the picture, "talk to shorty when the worker bought the drinks?"
"I didn't look at them, I was making the drinks. They didn't seem to be talking when she got up and came over to the bar."
"So it looks like none of them knew one another but they all left together and she's a working girl?"
"About the size of it, yeah."
"Okay, thanks. One last thing, the CCTV; how long do you keep it for?"
"About a month."
"So they might be on it?"
"It's possible." He looks down the bar to where a guy is waving his glass. "I gotta go, sorry."
I nod and watch him walk off then head back to my car. I ponder what he told me, and realise I'm stuck. I can't think who the short guy might be, and the working girl matches to the description of any number of them in the city. I try to think of a working place nearby and can't figure any. I know a guy who works with them, tries to help them out, stop them working. He's a part of some local church as far as I know. I decide to pay him a visit.
submitted by marienbad2 to FictionSerials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:56 InsaneComicBooker Wizards...Nine? A proposal

UNMARKED SPOILERS BELOW, I will sadly go into spoiler territorry so often the post would look like a bad SCP Foundation article if I tried to black out every single one.
First thing I thought upon finding out about the Wizard Three in Sigil was to notice an opportunitty to include more iconic characters. As we learned more about their role I noticed several complaints about them. Like, "why are we having epic level NPCs relegating the work to mid-level party"? Or "isn't Tasha evil? What is she doing here?" Or "how the hell did Kas fool Tasha, who knows Mordekainen very well?". And so an idea to fix these issues all at once presented itself to me.
In this version of adventure, the PCs are summonned not by Wizard Three, but Wizard Nine. Nine iconic, high-level wizards or other magic users from across D&D worlds or even beyond. They were all summonned to Sigil, to each tap into one of Outer Planes of appriopriate aligment and channel that power into Wish, so the Will of the entire multiverse wishes of Vecna's death. Once it fails, the wizards realize it means one of them must nto be who they claim, possibly an agent of Vecna. So they immediatelly lock themselves in Sanctuary - only PCs can enter and leave because they weren't i nthe room doing the casting of that super Wish. And every time they return with next piece of the Rod, they find Wizards in most disfunctional game of Among Us ever, often probably erupting into violence - this is nine geniuses working AGAINST each other as everyone suspects everyone.
Now, you could keep the original reveal, where Mordekainen is the imposter. If you do, I would advocate against bringing any magic users who know him, like Tasha, Elminster, Storm Silverhand or Dalamar the Dark. If you decide to change the imposter's identity, you can happily bring in some of them, but I would avoid those who know each other (so if you want Elminster, then no Mordekainen or Dalamar).
Evil characters can work with this group because of several reasons, which they should be open about. They may vary from "You think I don't realize Vecna is going to screw ME over alongside everyone else", through "uppity gods need to be put in their place, especially this one" to "I would love what the guy is promising to do to all creation, but I'm not bending my knee to NOBODY!".
Below is a list of proposed characters to use from as many worlds I could think of. I will be comign back to this post to add more names and more worlds with further research, potentially going even beyond strictly D&D settings. You ca drop your own suggestions, I will happily add them to the list with next edit. All requirements are that the character is able to cast 9th level spells, if you have any notes for potential DM willing to use them, please provide them as well.
Eberron - I noticed most of suggestions for Eberron are of evil variety, due to the setting's lack of high-level heroic NPCs (with two exceptions that cannot leave their seats of power), but we'll work with what we have
Exandria (Critical Role) - I noticed most Exandria characters don't reach this high level - even Circle of Brass from Calamity were level 15. However, I found two options to provide a bit of fanservice for any critters at your table, both Chaotic Good:
Krynn (Dragonlance)
Magic the Gathering - there are many worlds in this franchise, but they're often very shallow, so I will group this stuff together.
Mystara - one of my beloved classic worlds, poses an issue because it never conformed to classic 9-types aligment, isntead opting for lawful (defined as "altruistic") and chaotic ("selfish"). A rare exception, 2e book Glantri: Kingdom of Magic, was a big help here.
Oearth (Greyhawk)
Toril (Forgotten Realms)
Domains of Dread (Ravenloft) - I put this one last because of unique use we could have out of Domaind of Dread in this campaign. You see, we know that characterstrapped in Demiplane of Dread cannot leave that easily, they need Dark Powers' permission. And Dark Powers are backing up Kas. I have also seen multiple complaints how both main antagonists of this campaign - Vecna nad Kas - are absent from most of it, with many ideas being thrown around about having Kas as an active rival that competes for pieces of the Rod. It occured to me that he may play that role, while we still have an impostor - another character trapped in Demiplane of Dread could be working with Kas and the Dark Powers in exchange for their freedom. This way we could even allow PCs to sherlock holmes who the traitor is between collecting different pieces of the Rod, and still can have Kas show up with hordes of monsters to steal the Rod later. All that matters is they do not impersonate a character of the same aligment. Here are some candidates for this role:
That's for now, but rest assured, I shall be returning to this post to update it with more characters, potentially more campaign worlds even. Your suggestions whom to add are always welcome.
submitted by InsaneComicBooker to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:55 DC_Legend1 Brawl Stars v55.246 MOD APK (Unlimited Resources, Unlocked Skins)

Brawl Stars v55.246 MOD APK (Unlimited Resources, Unlocked Skins)
Name Brawl Stars
Publisher Supercell
Genre Action
Size 450 MB
Version 55.246
MOD Unlimited Resources, Unlocked Skins
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Besides survival games, mobile MOBA games are still top-rated, which shows that the number of players constantly increases daily. In the end, Supercell didn’t want to stay out of the game, so they released Brawl Stars, a MOBA game like Clash of Clans.


Brawl Stars is a top-down shooter like Bomberman and League of Legends. Before starting the match, the player must choose a character called “Brawler” in this game. Each Brawler has a unique weapon and special ability that you need to combine with your teammates to form the strongest team.
Not only that, but you can also shoot with anyone in the world in real-time battles. Good players make the game more interesting by thinking of different ways to win. In most MOBA games, there are only three main lanes. On the other hand, the map of this game is a large arena where players can always fight. But it would be best if you weren’t so engrossed in combat that you forget about your team’s larger goal, capturing buildings and treasures, making it impossible for the other team to win.


You will get many gold and experience points if you fight in wars. You can use that gold in the game’s shop to buy more Brawlers. Each Brawler has a unique weapon, like Shelly, the first character. She is a beautiful girl with purple hair, and her weapon is a gun that fires powerful cone bullets that can injure multiple enemies at once.
Jessie is another character that doesn’t shoot bullets in a cone but in a straight line. This makes it more complicated, but she also has a skill that allows her to craft cannons that automatically fire at nearby enemies. You can also find Brawlers like Bull, Brock, Crow, Poco, Nita, and many more; if you can use all character skills, all of them are strong. You can get help from other top Brawl Stars players around the world.


There are four exciting game modes in Brawl Stars that you can try: Bounty, Smash & Grab, Heist, and Showdown. Bounty is a mode where players try to get as many stars as possible, and when the time runs out, the team with the most stars wins. In Smash & Grab mode, you must collect all ten Crystals on the map, just like in Bounty mode, and the first one to succeed wins. Heist is a combat mode in which players control their Brawlers and fight hand-to-hand against other players. And Showdown is a survival mode in which ten players will fall on any map, and the last player standing will win. The best players will get in-game rewards to win and top the leaderboards.


Brawl Stars has the same style as other Supercell games. Although this is a violent action game, the graphics are very bright and soft, like a cartoon. Although they are all strong warriors, the characters look funny and cute. Many people who have played this game say that the graphics are pretty good, which is a good choice for those who like simple games. So the game works well even on devices not set up well, so many people can play it.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:30 TheSheepOfDeath I have discovered that the dreams I'm having are 90% what I was talking about with someone.

2 days ago when I was talking with my friend from university, we were talking about football and what we're thinking about the final of the Champions League. I was surprised that it all was happening so fast, in my mind I was still thinking that there weren't semifinals yet. Sooo, my dream that night was about what? About Borussia Dortmund and Arsenal playing in a semifinal. I don't remember watching it, but I DO remember that they played that game.
Yesterday I was talking with my parents about some actor, I didn't remember his face, so I Googled it. I look at the images and say "huh, from this picture this guy looks like some nazi". Not like a skinhead or anything, just proportions of the picture and a photo taken from a side that it reminded me of some random guy. I also talked that day with my brother that I'll be soon visiting him by train. So guess what dream I had? I was traveling by train and there was someone checking tickets. I have my ticket checked, she asks me to also show a document stating that I'm a student, cuz students get 50% off. I show the document on my phone, but something is not right. IT'S A DOCUMENT OF SOME RANDOM NAZI, WITH ALL THE NAMES, DATES ETC OF HIS under my name. I think to myself wtf. Then I realise that my account got hacked and someone for a joke changed my document etc (don't ask for how it's supposed to work, it's a dream lmao).
And then there was a dream I had like a month ago, I remember that day before talking with my friend who just got back from a trip to Great Britain. She told me that one of the people in her group got their phone stolen. We started talking how glad we are that in a place where we live in Poland, pickpockets and muggers are much rarer. Guess what, I had a dream that I was in my hometown, a very quiet place. I was going on a walk with my mom, but all of the sudden a couple of guys jump us. They start threatening us, screaming at us. And then I realise in that dream, THEY HAVE LONDON ACCENT, just where my friend was on a trip.
I don't have anything against these dreams, they're kinda funny, sometimes they're innocent like that game or batshit crazy like all of the sudden having Nazi documents. But I want to hear how many other people also have these dreams, cuz I can't be the only one having those. Although I don't know a single person who dreams like me lol
submitted by TheSheepOfDeath to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:29 Various_Diamond5933 I (23F) worked in an unsanitary dental office for 3 years and had no idea how bad it truly was, advice on what to do..

I 23(F) worked for an 80(M) Dentist for about 3 years, and what I observed and endured as an employee during that time traumatized me and made me quit dental assisting in general, not because I didn't like it but because I loved it just not the dentist and I'm going to just break it down the best I can.
Starting off this specific dentist is really well known in my city, he has been practicing for 50 years now. However not much has changed in that 50 years. His office is so old that patients will come in from 1989 and say how not a single thing has been updated or changed. The floor is carpeted with rotting wood underneath and he just doesn't care. He has like creepy dolls all around the office and creepy clowns. I almost feel like he won't change anything because he wants to still feel like he's in his prime like it's the 80's/90's still.
He denies the fact that he's getting older, he says he is 44 years old when physically and literally he is not. So maybe this is some type of symptoms of a disorder. This is just some background so you can understand the full picture.
So he only hires women of lighter complexions, also certain body size, small not to skinny but curvy but not too big. You have to have long blown out hair that's always fixed, his old rule used to be that you could not wear your hair up bc it's not appealing to him. Also you can't wear glasses for the same reason. If you were trying to get a girl to work there he would have to see a picture of her first and she couldn't have tattoos or "bad teeth" even though he would put braces on staff members for free and I witnessed that, if it was "too much" the person would be a no for him. Even having a simple nose ring was against his rules.
I started working for him when I was 19 turning 20. So I was pretty young and didn't really realize until later that all of this was just so toxic and it gets worse.And so when I found out my pregnancy was healthy I announced it and they decided to not train me on patients for pretty much my entire pregnancy because they thought i would just have my baby and leave
After being post partum and working while also being a first time mom to a baby, I begin to lose a lot of weight because I guess I was stressed. I went from being my normal weight 135 to 116 pounds.
The doctor would comment on my body and say things about my weight loss in front of patients. It made me very insecure and uncomfortable two things I have never felt in my life at a job. I started to have body dysmorphia from working for this man. When he looked at me it felt as if he was staring through me and picking me apart. And no one should I have to feel like that in the work place.
I fell into a deep depression because feeling like I can't go find a new job because as terrible as it sounds, I was attached to the toxic abuse cycle there. He would love bomb and compliment you so heavily that you almost felt bad for thinking of leaving cuz he was so old. He would say things like how much he loved your personality, you were the best employee, best with patients. It was definitely creepy. Also I felt as if I were to try to leave he would be upset or it felt like I was breaking a trusted bond. So I continued working and worse
Enough about my personal experience but now for the patients.The doctor treated each patient nothing more than a dollar sign. Unless they were a known person in the community, a family friend, he would give them treatment but if they had questions or concerns about their teeth he would be very dismissive, and if they argued back he would pretty much belittle them and make them feel like they were stupid for asking a question. Saying what they wanted was "impossible" because that's "the way their teeth were". I watched him take braces off of patients and their teeth were still not aligned properly, I watched him accidentally set a patient on fire, I watched him give a girl bone loss, she lost her tooth because of something he did incorrectly.
Not to mention his entire staff has not been to any type of dental school, every single person hired basically with no experience. I was told because he couldn't "afford it", yet the man has multiple million dollar homes and luxury cars....
To even scam us further he sent us to take a super lax unsupervised "test" that he said would make us certified assistants. Came to find out that was nothing more than a piece of paper.
Not to mention probably more things he has done, like practicing half blind, also urinating on himself daily and it being reported and nothing done about it.The sterilization was absolutely horrifying. Their method is not to use an autoclave but to throw all dirty instruments in a basket and throw them in an old machine that had sterilization and water and put them through an oven baking them.
Also cold sterile which was not monitored properly, and did not soak for 24 hours. Sometimes 5-10 minutes. I just got so tired of not only him being misogynistic, but not caring for health and safety of patients, or even staff members.
And the rest of the current staff members, my heart does hurt for them for them to be in this kind of abusive cycle for so long and not want to remove themselves and realize they deserve better. This kind of environment should not be normalized. And I've watch him say god awful things about every single one of them behind their back and it's honestly sad. Why would you stand by this especially for the incredibly low amounts of pay.
Making yourself look weak to him while he sits back and laughs. It's really sad and I pray for them. And I'm telling the truth and stand by it on everything I say. No I did not get fired, I quit the job. Because I couldn't take the negativity any longer. But the more I think about it the more it angers me for people that give their money to this man.
Im currently enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program at a college. I'm really excited to become a an RDH but the thing is I'm scared working for him and just cold quitting will ruin my career. Also My question is should I report him to OSHA?
submitted by Various_Diamond5933 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:29 LingLingDangDang Halfway into the Anime and it started to bother me that...

Why... just WHY did Dororo's parents do what they did?
Dororo's mother rather starving herself to death than to swallow her pride to keep both herself and her daughter alive. Did she really think a 5yo without a mother could survive in the cold harsh world? Being able to grow up was a miracle and Dororo would have died dozen times on screen if not for Hyakkimaru. And she also resorted to begging her husband's killer(indirectly) for food, so much for her pride.
Even Mio understood pride means nothing when you need to live, and she chose to make the sacrifice to feed the kids.
Dororo's father hiding all that money that could be used to help his wife and daughter to live... on a map drawn on their backs? All that faith for the goodness of an uncertain future... If Dororo's mother could have access to it, the 2 of them might have a better life and even start doing good with it before Dororo could grow up. Instead they decided to tattoo a mother and child's back with picture of a map, exposing them to greedy people like Itachi who could have known about this. And the funny quote of "show this to people whom you truly trust"... like how Itachi had Dororo forcefully stripped in front of all his men? It was lucky that there were no p*do among them.
Idk I just find Dororo and her mother's fate could have been different... and it's like it's set up like this just for tragedy to play out
submitted by LingLingDangDang to Dororo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:02 Opening_Grade_6064 17 GMT+3 PC Looking for genuine friendships where we get to know eachother and play games.

Hi, I'm Amaya. I'm that type of friend who replies faster than a snail. I will also make bad jokes every 5 seconds because i loveee being annoying >:) I'm a nerd and act like a nerd so be careful or else i will talk until your ears bleed. Just because i'm sooooo funny doesn't mean i can't be serious though.
Things i like: -Games (Read the game list lower in the post, also my variety is smaller than the amount of unique posts on this subreddit) -Cartoons -Music -Talking (About silly or serious topics)
Things i dislike: -Anti lgbtq people (Sorry mate but you can't be friends with someone gay when you don't like anyone gay) -Console users (Sorry but i only play with people who can play with more than 60 fps) -The "hi" guys (If you dm me without putting any thought in your message/not reading my post i will ignore you or make fun of you and make you suffer, so be nice and introduce yourself) -Big timezone difference (I can tolerate 5 hours ahead or behind me) -Pushing your religion onto me (Listen, i might be gay but i will not make you be gay so you do the same but for religion) -Flirting (Man. Just don't)
GAME LIST Games i'm playing at the moment: -Terraria -Webbed -Celeste -Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Games i would like to play with someone: -Slime Rancher -Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 -Your suggestions
Other games i have: -Minecraft -Minecraft Dungeons -Hollow Knight -Overwatch 2 -Garry's Mod -Bloons TD 6 -Portal 1 & 2 -Geometry Dash -Clone Drone in The Danger Zone
Did you find anything interesting about me? Yes > Dm me No > Goodbye and have a nice day
submitted by Opening_Grade_6064 to GamerPals [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:07 AnybodyAlert3403 Stumble Guys v0.71 MOD APK (Unlocked All, Mega Menu)

Stumble Guys v0.71 MOD APK (Unlocked All, Mega Menu)
Name Stumble Guys
Publisher Scopely
Genre Action
Size 170M
Version 0.71
MOD Unlocked All, Mega Menu
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Stumble Guys’ head-to-head knockout competition is both colorful and entertaining. Participate in meeting the various criteria so you can be a part of the crucial group that arrives at the end. If you are knocked down, get back up, and the fun will continue. Each of these steps will be a difficult challenge that will put your bravery to the test.


Stumble Guys’ gameplay isn’t limited to “chase and kill.” The amazing thing about our game is that it has both entertaining and unexpectedly fast-paced gameplay. The Battle Royal table will feature 32 players competing against each other to determine who will win the championship trophy and has the most items. Players must not only slow down during the race but also navigate tiny roadways with the skill to save their teammates. Players can demonstrate their resourcefulness and perseverance in combat by venturing further into the bizarre racetracks.


To overcome the thousands of obstacles in your path, you must have a good sense of humor, keep a steady beat, and maintain good coordination. There are numerous secrets to be discovered throughout the massive football field, ski area, and masters racetrack. The lightning-fast pace, the unexpected nature of the challenges, and the ever-changing appearance of the control panel will leave you perplexed.
The enormous balls will pursue you; if you cannot move quickly and take advantage of any potential openings, you will be defeated. We can trick our opponents into riding on dangerous runways and create unexpected distractions to eliminate risky riders and easily and quickly win the match. You must get a feel for the battle’s rhythm and flee to the safe square as soon as possible. The honeycomb region will also collapse indefinitely.


Stumble Guys gives you access to five different characters, each with a unique combat approach. Before joining the round, consider how you will take advantage of that character’s advantages. Because of the ninja’s ability to transform, which grants you this ability, you can move quickly and avoid collisions. The addition of Aliens will also significantly change your main roster. The most eagerly awaited additions are almost always high-level characters; however, acquiring these characters would necessitate a significant financial investment. As a result, players are obligated to take advantage of any opportunity to acquire money and diamond chests along the way.


Players can schedule their matches by having their opponents in each round and be real-life friends. It is difficult to win at this level because you must be the sole survivor of the bloodiest and most horrific conflict ever. If you want to be the greatest racer of all time, you must defeat all of your opponents. Each obstacle’s surprise attack rate and overall speed will be increased by 100%.
The competition to reach the top level is energized by vibrant squares, and fast-paced music is played to encourage players to move quickly. Armor and other defensive equipment can be purchased from the in-game store to protect your team. Furthermore, one of the best ways to achieve incredible breakthroughs is to rush past opponents.


  • Physics-based ragdoll characters that stumble and fall as you try to reach the finish line first
  • Over 20 mini-games to compete in, like racing, tag, soccer, and more wacky physics challenges
  • Customize your character with funny hats, masks, outfits and accessories purchased with in-game currency
  • Online multiplayer battles with up to 32 players on the same map at once
  • Level up your character to unlock new gear and compete in higher ranked matches
  • Daily and weekly challenges to complete that provide coins and experience points
  • Leaderboards to climb and show that you’re the best ragdoll physics competitor
  • Party modes to play mini-games back-to-back in a custom playlist with friends
  • Kid-friendly cartoon violence and slapstick humor make it fun for all ages
submitted by AnybodyAlert3403 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:57 Salmonseas Average incompetent person.

Average incompetent person.
I was talking to them about how the trend circling around where:
one picture of an alternative, not conventionally attractive person appears and then on the next slide, a stereotypical american is there. The people appear to be different completely not just in style but in facial structure. A song plays that goes "Well the devil can [idk what this lyric is], but the lord has won.
I was complaining that in the christian religion, jesus welcomed those that were different or odd or weird and would never support somthing like this, even if the people were previously sinning as using someones picture without permission and posting it so that multiple people can make fun of this poor random CHILD (usually) is not okay! The person kept saying "oh but it's funny" or "its not that deep" and other average NT braindead bs. So now this time they are the one getting posted without permission to get made fun of.
Also they had a video on their account making fun of their "weird alt phase" hmm I wonder why it was a phase to you and not to be and many others?? Every day Im filled with so much rage. Every day I struggle to understand how WE are seen as the "emotionless" ones but these dirtbags will use our identities as trends and heartlessly bully us once they have decided it's "no longer cool".
submitted by Salmonseas to autisticteens [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 Scared-Confusion1407 my letter

believe it or not, i dont want to die sad. but how does one die feeling happy? feeling at peace? i too do not know how, but i want to try to find the answer today. i want to sleep forever, now. so i want to try my best to give you a brief recap of how ive been suicidal and depressed till now.
to be honest i didnt know how it exactly started. when did i feel depressed? no, scratch that. when did i feel sad for no reason? ninth grade. i cant remember the specifics now, but i do remember trying to drown myself, my first attempt of suicide, because of my grades. i was 13, i felt hopeless, my mom got mad at me, and we didnt have the closeness of our relationship that we have now. i became more sad when i reached my senior year of high school, grades 11 and 12. i had my first heartbreak (cliche as it sounds) and i sabotaged all my friendships. i was a bad friend, i was getting into smoking and drinking--i made both of them my coping mechanism. i spent my days lying in bed, crying in the mornings before school started inside the bathroom stalls, i skipped classes and traveled on my own and smoke and drink--people believed i was 18. but i was 16. i was 16, but i felt like my inner machinery was already tarnished. i chased love but turned away the second they showed me that they liked me. i ran away from my friends and used them for my own benefit because i was 'sad' and that they should 'know' that because they were my 'friends'. but no. nobody deserves that kind of treatment. i was never saved that time, never told anyone how i truly felt. but when i did tell i immediately regretted it because they never understood my weight of emotions; i felt invalidated.
freshman year of college rolled through and i thought i was doing fine, but i wasn't. i wanted to be so much that i ended up overexerting myself. when it finally became too heavy for me i stayed out late, drank again, spent the night with my friends and didn't come home. the next day i told my mom that i had this urge to be alone, to disappear, and that my emotions were all so heavy that i was becoming more sad everyday that even i didn't know the reason. before i could say i wanted help, she told me instead the opposites of what i have been saying. 'ah, this must be what invalidation feels like' i thought, and thats when i knew that really, no one will understand what im going through. its the pandemic now, 2020 and im turning 18, the age of adulthood. funny enough months before that i told myself that i wanted to die, and that there was a bleach ready in out bathroom for me to try out. i thought back then, dying at 18 would be nice because it would spare me the pains of adulthood. my birthday came, i felt heavy when i woke up; i finally decided, you know. my mind was made up. but then i woke up and i hear my dad calling my mom on the phone and asking her if i was already awake, my mom sounded giddy, excited, and told my dad that i haven't woke up yet and that there's too much food on the table she's excited on how ill react. i cried. they were downstairs celebrating my birthday but i was stuck in bed thinking of ways to unalive myself. in the end i came down, wiped my tears, celebrated my birthday normally, posed for some pictures, and called it a day. that was the day i started dreading having to celebrate my birthday. same year, october, i called the suicide hotline with pills in my hand, ready to end it all. long story short, more shit happened. called the hotline, texted my cousin i was gonna die, she then called her parents then said parents called my mom. mom caught me, we cried so hard, i told her everything. we became closer then. she was my best friend and still is, and it pains me that im not the best daughter and friend she has. i wanted to take a break from school then, i wanted to see a shrink, but guess what, nothing happened. i went back to classes like nothing happened. my emotions werent compensated. i was doing everything with a broken mind. no one around me talked to me about what happened, only i relived it. i preferred if they talked to me about it, i preferred if i took a break for a while, it would have been nice to talk to someone about, talk about this unending sadness that im feeling; if i did then maybe i could be a tiny bit better. but no. i gave every feeling i had for free.
4 years passed and im still here. what am i now? things were good two years ago, but how about now? i still sabotaged everything, while trying to fix things aside. i tried to live life, but my anxiety just got worse; heck i didnt even have anxiety before. i had everything planned out three years ago, now im lost again. i dont have someone to talk to, i ruined the friendships i built with trust. i ruined my relationships with everyone and i act like the victim in my head. im a fucked up person and i wonder if my sadness and melancholy justifies all this. everyday i live with a weight on my shoulder. id say i want to try my best today with a lump on my throat. i tell my mom im having fun but then i turn to a socially awkward girl alone. i tell her im doing fine but i really want to jump off our unit. im becoming a threat to myself, im becoming so lost that i need something to believe in again. im so lonely, im so alone, but i pushed away everyone else. maybe this is all im meant to be, really. i dont think the blues will ever me leave me, ive been accustomed to feeling sad and hurt all the time that im scared of being happy. does it even suit me?
i need help. i really need to figure out whats wrong with me. ive always yearned for help. i gaslighted myself a year ago that i didnt need it anymore, i still do. but what will i do when no ones listening to me? when my parents care about imagery rather than my wellbeing? when they care about other people telling them that their daughters 'fucked in the head', well i am. and to the people who tells me that i am, well i am, and probably you guys are and your children feels the same too.
what will the girl who dreamed of becoming a beautician think about the girl who i am now? what will my other selves say about me? ill forever mourn the girl who i wanted to be. the writer, the poet, someone who writes for a living and just sits down in her room with a view. i could also work in a library or in a museum, where i could stare at art and write about it. i want to write. and im sorry lola that i didnt get to finish the story i was writing for you. im sorry im not becoming someone you wished to be. im sorry to everyone who i let down. to my mom, you really are my best friend and im thankful to everything youve done for me, and the little things youve done to make me feel better. to my dad, thank you for the sacrifices you made for us, for my education, despite not being there physically. but you know, i had a lot of trauma growing up and carrying them now because of you two. my social anxiety, the way im afraid to speak up, when im asked about something i dont respond, because everything feels like a wrong answer. and a wrong answer always equates to screaming and shouting and punishing me physically for discipline. but dont worry, i guess, i tried to accept it with love. love equals hate, after all. the two of you did your best, but im sorry. i just want to sleep now.
submitted by Scared-Confusion1407 to u/Scared-Confusion1407 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

[F4A] Genres and Fandoms!
Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

[F4A] Genres and Fandoms!
Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

[F4A] Genres and Fandoms!
Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 vwsalesguy Cross country trip complete N. Texas to North Carolina and back

So, I posted before that I was preparing a trip in my ID.4 to attend my daughter’s graduation in NC and that I would post an update when I returned. I just rolled back into town and wanted to get this all down before going to bed.
We left out early last Thursday and had our first recharge at the EA station in Mt. Pleasant, TX. Horrible location and the only one that doesn’t work with plug and charge. It’s set too far off the main road (2+ miles from I-30) in the center of town. I hadn’t yet understood that I need to run my battery down to the 20% range before charging so I was at 50ish% and it took all of 30 min to get me back to 80%+. I did this the rest of the day until I entered Tennessee.
Stopped again in Hope, AR, better location just off the highway, all 4 chargers seemed to be operational and plug and charge worked perfectly.
Stopped again in Little Rock, and the location was ok, but I think they need 1 closer to the merge with I-40 and I-30 tbh. Plug and charge worked fine in all location except Mt. Pleasant, so I’ll forego talking about that again.
Our next stop was the worst. Forrest City, AR showed to have 3 or 4 working chargers. 2 were completely off line and the remaining 350 Hyper fast charger only had one connector that was allegedly working. I plugged in and it would only get to 13kW. That would have taken 4 hrs to charge so I called support. After too long discussing this issue it was suggested I try the 1 station I didn’t even look at that has the ChADeMo charger and 1 150 CCS. I plugged in there and got charged fine. I chose this location because the Memphis location was definitely showing 2 chargers off line and the other 2 seemed to be used pretty often. EA is running a huge risk of having a dead spot in their coverage if they don’t get both of these stations repaired soon.
Next was Jackson, TN. Nice clean location, and it was here that I learned all about state of charge. My friend who works for VW Academy told me before my previous stop to only charge to what I would need to leave 20% or so on the battery when I stop for my next charge to get the faster speeds. I did that and rolled into Jackson with 19%. The charge speed was 139kW.
We had a hotel booked in Nashville that night so we rolled into there and got checked in, met up with my dad who arrive 2 hours earlier and he went with me to the Willow Commons station and I got myself squared away for the next day.
My efficiency on Day 1 was atrocious at 3.1 mi/kWh. I was running 75-80 the whole way keeping up with traffic and driving that 12 hours like a madman. I also have notes for the Tennessee DOT about their potholes on I-40, like, why spend the money on an electronic sign warning people about them instead of sending a road crew out to fill them? But I digress…
The next day, with my newly found knowledge, we stuck to my plan and stopped at Cookeville, Knoxville, Asheville, Statesville and Hillsborough where I was easily able to achieve much higher charge rates because I rolled in with +/- 20% charge left. This decreased my charge time exponentially. My efficiency on day 2 climbed to 3.3 mi/kWh because of driving sport mode in the mountains. I’m so glad I read about that here.
Graduation was awesome, the speaker was funny, hundreds of pictures were taken and my daughter was ecstatic to see us and spend time together.
So, the trip back is where this gets fun.
I decided we weren’t going to keep up with traffic. We were going to drive no faster than 70 by god we stuck to that plan for the most part. My efficiency ended up at 3.6 - which is what I get rolling around Dallas. Had good experiences at all the same stops coming back, but a lot shorter times charging since I only needed to get to 65-70% to optimize my next charging. Stayed in Sport mode the whole way home and got better performance for it.
Now, Nashville to my home is about a 9.5 hr stretch if you do it straight through. Realistically it’s a 12 hour day with charging stops and all.
Due to traffic in Memphis and Little Rock, we ended up making it in 14 hours. Now, 1.5 of that is due to a little issue with the Taco Bell in Jackson, TN. If you ever go through there and feel like Taco Bell, give them your business but be patient. They are horribly understaffed and probably should have hung out a sign saying “drive thru only”. Anyway, we ate for free and got loaded up with coupons from the apologetic manager and we made it home in one piece.
Great learning experience and a fun trip and we got my daughter home for a couple of months before she goes off to grad school! Happy traveling y’all!
Edit: I forgot to mention, all of these charge stops were EA stations since I have the free charging. Travel cost was $0 for this entire trip, dad picked up the tab for the AirBNB in North Carolina so we paid for a hotel room 1 night in Nashville and an AirBNB in Nashville coming home. I think once we factor in food cost it just shy of $500 for the whole trip.
submitted by vwsalesguy to VWiD4Owners [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:00 Icy_Communication268 [F4M] Dark Fantasy: Eternal Love Cycle

The era of Gods was one known throughout our realm as a time of chaos and destruction. Originally there was only one god, the Grand Creator of our realm, and to many he was the defining image of what godhood meant and represented. With a simple sway of his hand he could bring winds that could flow for miles, with a mere step he was able to create mountains, and many more grand feats. Despite his power, he abandoned his throne, and in his wake he left behind 7 seats for those who desired to ascending to godhood. As a result a war broke out amongst all throughout the realm, every race righting to have one of their own filling at least one of those seats. The amount of blood that was shed was enough to fill the oceans and birth a true Red Sea. Eventually, these 7 seats were filled, and with the end of the war came the Darkest Days of the realm, which left the new gods to pick of the pieces, and many to be left to wonder, what happened to the Grand Creator?
We were now in the era of humanity. The gods that held the 7 seats remained complacent within them, however, many took to blending in with mortals, disguising themselves under new identities for their own safety and as to not disrupt the balance of divine law. Naturally, their original titles were still worshipped, given as to disrespect the gods would be a fault in judgement. You were one of the gods that managed to earn a seat, and as humanity aged, you got to see the ways of many mortals, yet every time you got close to one or another, you were abandoned. This was the curse of godhood, immortality. Many believed that to live forever was a blessing, but in actuality the implications of it was vast, especially for you specifically.
During the war for the title of godhood, I was your one true love, the one you were willing to sacrifice everything for, the plan was for you to obtain a seat and for us to live happily ever after. I begged not to do it, but it was your dream. Upon the end of the war however, you learned that I was a casualty for your and everyone else’s quest for godhood. However, you couldn’t accept that, and as such, you begged to the heavens for an answer, and you were met with a being of darkness, one who said he would be able to rekindle our love in the form of a deal. Given your heart yearned for me as mine did for you, you were willing to do anything, and so your wish was granted. I was reborn anew, and we were once again in love, yet within three days time of my return to your side, I perished once more. You learned that the deal you made with that being of darkness was not a deal of returning me to you, but a deal of punishment. I was cursed with endless rebirth, meaning that I would always be reborn anew, yet all memories of my past lives would be dormant, and if regained, I would perish within three days time. To add insult to injury, with each rebirth, we would always fall in love, thus making each cycle that much more painful. Was it really worth it, to not only strive for ascension into godhood, but to defy the laws of life and death for love? As much as you tried to find a cure for my curse, just as your own, all trails were left dead.
As it stood my most recent death had come and gone, rebirth 1,078, and alone sat on your throne as king of our nation. In hopes of boosting your spirits, your advisors suggested hosting a grand ball for all to attend the realms. The 6 other gods that maintained their seats would more than likely remain within their own nations, mainly for convenience as most would put it, however, their citizens were allowed. Tonight was the night of the ball, and as expected the turnout rate was there, many dressed within their finery as they entered the castle walls, yet your eyes were looking for a distinct individual. Fate always a had a funny way of bringing us together, especially when you least expected it. Your tears were barely even dry, and it is was clear that our hearts would once again find each other tonight. “ My lord, is everything alright? You seem distracted, would you like me to direct the orchestra to play a different number?” Your advisor asks curiously while he stands at your side. Right as you are about to speak, you notice a distinct long flowing silver hair trace catch your eye for a second, were hallucinating, or was this truly your beloved?
Hey there, thank you so much for reading, I hope the length wasn’t too much. Either way, this prompt is meant to focus around fantasy and romance, pretty much a tale of eternal love between a god and his cursed love. This role can go a variety of ways, but for the most part a good chunk of it will be trying to free one another from the curse that the two are plagued with, along with fighting against a certain dark force that may or may not be trying to take over the realm. More details are to follow and creativity is more than welcomed, so don’t be shy to put your own two cents in. Mind you this is a fantasy based role, so you have every right to play anything besides human, because I know I will.
A bit about me:
Either way, if you managed to get through all of this, and would be interested, I would love for you to DM, letting me know a bit about you, and see if we could take this somewhere. Final note, I prefer to roleplay on Discord, so hopefully that’s isn’t an issue.
submitted by Icy_Communication268 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]