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2024.05.15 04:06 PartisanSaysWhat 90Hp merc 4S. Broken t stat bolt. Think this will hold up?

I bought a 22' pontoon with a 2012 90hp Merc 4S and I went to service it recently. There is a broken bolt by the previous owner, bottom right of the T stat housing. The boat ran fine and I never noticed it. Not sure if it leaked or not as I didnt check... I just ran the motor with muffs for a few mins before I bought it. Fires on first crank and purrs like a kitten.
The one on the upper left had blue loctite. I think the lower one must have had red + thread damage, or something.
No service history so I ordered the 300 hour rebuild kit and changed the impeller + all the gaskets, plugs, etc. It included a new T stat which I went to install, and then I noticed this.
The T stat does not have a gasket, but instead a rubber ring on the inside of it where it pops into the block.
Looks like this
This broken bolt is right behind the starter and it would be a bear to try to extract... I welded a few nuts on it but that did not work either. Even had a buddy who is welding certified try with his 208V machine and no go. Tried heating it with a torch also. Liquid wrench. Nope. That bolt is STUCK. The only option would be to remove the starter, drill it out, and tap/helicoil.
I have no experience with outboards. I would think the water cooling system is pretty low pressure. What do you think the odds are it will seal with "Right Stuff" gasket maker (cleaned beforehand, for good measure) and just relying on the upper left bolt to secure the T stat? I ran the motor for about 5 mins with a hose + muffs and the tell-tail output looks great. No apparent leaks at all.
But I've read you should only run them that way for 5 mins or so, so no long term testing until she is on the water.
Thoughts? I dont want to get stranded but I dont want to spend $1k on a boat mechanic if its a non issue.
It will only be in fresh water if that makes a difference.
submitted by PartisanSaysWhat to Outboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:54 PartisanSaysWhat 90hp Mercury 4S. broken bolt on thermostat... Think this will hold?

I bought a 22' pontoon with a 2012 90hp Merc 4S and I went to service it recently. There is a broken bolt by the previous owner, bottom right of the T stat housing. The boat ran fine and I never noticed it. Not sure if it leaked or not as I didnt check... I just ran the motor with muffs for a few mins before I bought it. Fires on first crank and purrs like a kitten.
The one on the upper left had blue loctite. I think the lower one must have had red + thread damage, or something.
No service history so I ordered the 300 hour rebuild kit and changed the impeller + all the gaskets, plugs, etc. It included a new T stat which I went to install, and then I noticed this.
The T stat does not have a gasket, but instead a rubber ring on the inside of it where it pops into the block.
Looks like this
This broken bolt is right behind the starter and it would be a bear to try to extract... I welded a few nuts on it but that did not work either. Even had a buddy who is welding certified try with his 208V machine and no go. Tried heating it with a torch also. Liquid wrench. Nope. That bolt is STUCK. The only option would be to remove the starter, drill it out, and tap/helicoil.
I have no experience with outboards. I would think the water cooling system is pretty low pressure. What do you think the odds are it will seal with "Right Stuff" gasket maker (cleaned beforehand, for good measure) and just relying on the upper left bolt to secure the T stat? I ran the motor for about 5 mins with a hose + muffs and the tell-tail output looks great. No apparent leaks at all.
But I've read you should only run them that way for 5 mins or so, so no long term testing until she is on the water.
Thoughts? I dont want to get stranded but I dont want to spend $1k on a boat mechanic if its a non issue.
It will only be in fresh water if that makes a difference.
submitted by PartisanSaysWhat to boating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 xNXTx PS5 Games Empfehlung?

PS5 Games Empfehlung?
Hi Reddit Community,
ich hoffe ihr seid alle wohlauf.
  1. Robocop: Durchgespielt, hat mega Spaß gemacht, mal ein anderer FPS
  2. CP 2077: Irgendwie hat mich das Game 0 gecatched. Habe nach paar Stunden aufgehört. Ich muss sagen ich hab irgendwie nicht so ein Fable für Spiele/Szenarien, die irgendwie in der "Zukunft" spielen. Vielleicht hätte ich dem Game eine Chance geben sollen
  3. Last of Us 1: Ich habe mich immer wehement gegen Spiele mit Zombies usw gestellt. Auch nie so ein Fable gehabt. Aber das Spiel hat mich so dermaßen engaged. So cool! Hab es erst gespielt, als ich die Serie geschaut habe.
  4. Last of Us 2: Was soll ich sagen?! Same Story, einfach Bombe!
  5. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2: Aus Nostalgie hab ich es mir geholt und gefühlt an einem ganzen Tag durchgespielt. War ein guter Deal im PSN Store.
  6. GT7: War im PS5 Paket dabei. Habs verkauft, war mir zu kompliziert mit mach da eine Lizenz, und dort was usw.
  7. Motor Fest 2: Hat am Anfang mega Spaß gemacht, viele Rennserien gespielt, Karren gekauft usw., aber irgendwann war die Luft raus.
  8. GTA 5: Ab und zu starte ich es, spiele 2-3 Missionen und das wars dann auch. GTA 6 werde ich mir auf jeden Fall holen. Habe die Titel vorher auch alle gespielt
  9. FIFA 24: Investiere nicht viel Spielzeit, ab und zu für einen Fußballfan wie mich ein gutes Spiel, um mal virtuell die Lieblingsmannschaft zu wählen und das ein oder andere Game zu spielen.
  10. Terminator Resistance: Bin riesen Terminator Fan. Aber das Spiel find ich vom Aiming her und Charakter Movement irgendwie so schlecht, dass ich nach 1h ausgemacht habe. Schade um das Geld.
  11. Alan Awake 1: War ein Deal im PSN Store. Gekauft für ein Appel und ein Ei, aber seitdem vegitiert es in der Bibliothek. Hab mich net aufgerafft das zu spielen.
  12. God of War Ragnarok: Am Anfang super Spaß gemacht, aber irgendwann hab ich die Lust verloren. Bin so bei 40% Progress. Vergammelt auch in der Bibliothek.
Tja...langer Text für ein Posting, aber wollt' Euch mal so meine Eindrücke vermitteln. Schaue gerne auf Youtube den GameStar Kanal und lese Online die Seite.
Jetzt gibts einiges, was momentan so präsent ist in den Medien: Helldivers 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Stellar Blade usw. Aber irgendwie find ich zu diesen Games nicht so den mentalen Zugang, dass ich sage: Ja, hol ich mir.
Habt ihr paar Tipps, Game Titel...dann würde ich recherchieren. Freue mich auf Euer Feedback.
submitted by xNXTx to zocken [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 xNXTx PS5 Games Empfehlung?

Hi Reddit Community,
ich hoffe ihr seid alle wohlauf.
  1. Robocop: Durchgespielt, hat mega Spaß gemacht, mal ein anderer FPS
  2. CP 2077: Irgendwie hat mich das Game 0 gecatched. Habe nach paar Stunden aufgehört. Ich muss sagen ich hab irgendwie nicht so ein Fable für Spiele/Szenarien, die irgendwie in der "Zukunft" spielen. Vielleicht hätte ich dem Game eine Chance geben sollen
  3. Last of Us 1: Ich habe mich immer wehement gegen Spiele mit Zombies usw gestellt. Auch nie so ein Fable gehabt. Aber das Spiel hat mich so dermaßen engaged. So cool! Hab es erst gespielt, als ich die Serie geschaut habe.
  4. Last of Us 2: Was soll ich sagen?! Same Story, einfach Bombe!
  5. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2: Aus Nostalgie hab ich es mir geholt und gefühlt an einem ganzen Tag durchgespielt. War ein guter Deal im PSN Store.
  6. GT7: War im PS5 Paket dabei. Habs verkauft, war mir zu kompliziert mit mach da eine Lizenz, und dort was usw.
  7. Motor Fest 2: Hat am Anfang mega Spaß gemacht, viele Rennserien gespielt, Karren gekauft usw., aber irgendwann war die Luft raus.
  8. GTA 5: Ab und zu starte ich es, spiele 2-3 Missionen und das wars dann auch. GTA 6 werde ich mir auf jeden Fall holen. Habe die Titel vorher auch alle gespielt
  9. FIFA 24: Investiere nicht viel Spielzeit, ab und zu für einen Fußballfan wie mich ein gutes Spiel, um mal virtuell die Lieblingsmannschaft zu wählen und das ein oder andere Game zu spielen.
  10. Terminator Resistance: Bin riesen Terminator Fan. Aber das Spiel find ich vom Aiming her und Charakter Movement irgendwie so schlecht, dass ich nach 1h ausgemacht habe. Schade um das Geld.
  11. Alan Awake 1: War ein Deal im PSN Store. Gekauft für ein Appel und ein Ei, aber seitdem vegitiert es in der Bibliothek. Hab mich net aufgerafft das zu spielen.
  12. God of War Ragnarok: Am Anfang super Spaß gemacht, aber irgendwann hab ich die Lust verloren. Bin so bei 40% Progress. Vergammelt auch in der Bibliothek.
Tja...langer Text für ein Posting, aber wollt' Euch mal so meine Eindrücke vermitteln. Schaue gerne auf Youtube den GameStar Kanal und lese Online die Seite.
Jetzt gibts einiges, was momentan so präsent ist in den Medien: Helldivers 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Stellar Blade usw. Aber irgendwie find ich zu diesen Games nicht so den mentalen Zugang, dass ich sage: Ja, hol ich mir.
Habt ihr paar Tipps, Game Titel...dann würde ich recherchieren. Freue mich auf Euer Feedback.
submitted by xNXTx to PlaystationDE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

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anticipate, anxiety, any, anybody, anymore, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, apart, apartment, apologize, apparent, apparently, appeal, appear, appearance, apple, application, apply, appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approval, approve, approximately, architect, area, argue, argument, arise, arm, armed, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrest, arrival, arrive, art, article, artist, artistic, as, ashamed, aside, ask, asleep, aspect, assault, assert, assess, assessment, asset, assign, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, associate, association, assume, assumption, assure, at, athlete, athletic, atmosphere, attach, attack, attempt, attend, attention, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attribute, audience, author, authority, auto, available, average, avoid, award, aware, awareness, away, awful, baby, back, background, bad, badly, bag, balance, ball, ban, band, bank, bar, barely, barrel, barrier, base, baseball, basic, basically, basis, 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division, divorce, DNA, do, doctor, document, dog, domestic, dominant, dominate, door, double, doubt, down, downtown, dozen, draft, drag, drama, dramatic, dramatically, draw, drawer, drawing, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, drug, dry, due, during, dust, duty, dwell, dying, dynamic, each, eager, ear, earlier, early, earn, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, eastern, easy, eat, economic, economy, edge, edit, edition, editor, educate, education, educational, educator, effect, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, effort, egg, eight, either, elderly, elect, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, element, elementary, eliminate, elite, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embrace, emerge, emergency, emission, emotion, emotional, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, enemy, energy, enforcement, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, English, enhance, enjoy, enormous, enough, ensure, enter, 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furthermore, future, gain, galaxy, gallery, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gather, gay, gaze, gear, gender, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, genetic, gentleman, gently, German, gesture, get, ghost, giant, gift, gifted, girl, girlfriend, give, given, glad, glance, glass, global, glove, go, goal, God, gold, golden, golf, good, govern, government, governor, grab, grace, grade, gradually, graduate, grain, grand, grandmother, grant, grass, grave, gray, great, green, grocery, ground, group, grow, growing, growth, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guideline, guilty, gun, guy, habit, habitat, hair, half, hall, hand, handful, handle, hang, happen, happy, harbor, hard, hardly, hat, hate, have, he, head, headline, headquarters, health, healthy, hear, hearing, heart, heat, heaven, heavily, heavy, heel, height, helicopter, hell, hello, help, helpful, hence, her, herb, here, heritage, hero, herself, hey, hi, hide, high, highlight, highly, highway, hill, him, 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night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:25 Then_Marionberry_259 First load I’ve dropped off

First load I’ve dropped off submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:51 MysteriousDance9351 First load I’ve dropped off

First load I’ve dropped off
Good run? Or should I switch something up
submitted by MysteriousDance9351 to ScrapMetal [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:27 reddead24f Het blijft aan me knagen, ongeluk tijdens rijles.

Het is ondertussen al weken geleden , bijna een maand maar het knaagt nog. Ik weet dat ik "gelijk" heb maar wil ook mn verhaal toch kwijt.
Ik heb rijlessen gehad, voelde allemaal prima eerst, de instructeurs waren super alleen de rijschool zelf voelde wat... Sketchy. Maar het ging allemaal prima. Was klaar voor avb, duurde dat ineens superlang waardoor ik 13 lessen totaal al gereden had. Werd niet gezegd dat je voor je avb 4 uur mag lessen (ik kon maar 3 uur) en die ook gewoon betaald. Ze lieten het altijd klinken of die lessen bij de kosten van het avb (was ook duur) hoorden.
Anyways- in die drie uur inrijden heb ik na ongeveer een uur een ongeluk gehad.- toch alle 4 uur moeten. Afrekenen. Toen in shock van alles en blij met alle hulp enzo dus gedaan. AVB overigens niet gehaald (ik reed heel stijfjes...)
Het ongeluk zelf: de uitwijk dacht ik het net te redden om de laatste pion heen- helaas ik raakte de pion.heb vaker over een pion heen gereden, zelfs express om van "angst" af te komen. Nu ging het fout op de 1 of andere manier greep ik mn stuur steviger vast en daarmee gaf ik gas- kwam ik bijna direct een stoeprand tegen, en bijna direct daarna een geparkeerde auto. Er zat absurd veel afstand tussen maar ik ging snel en ipv logisch te remmen klemde ik me aan mn stuur vast- ik snap er ook niets van nee. Uiteindelijk vloog ik 3 geparkeerd autos over en lag ik daar. Gelukkig had ik goede motorkleding gekocht en behalve een gekneusd schaambot (lekker weer), helemaal ok. En dus gewoon avb geprobeerd.
Ik betaald voor alles en nieuwe lessen en examen.... voor mij en partner - +/- 2500 euro verder.
Achteraf stelt de rijschool mij voor alle schade aansprakelijk. De auto die ik raakte was van een instructeur die zei zelf tis goed laat het (heb het wel aangegeven) maar de rijschool stelt me voor 5000 euro aansprakelijk omdat de motor compleet total loss is.
Ik wil niet meer rijden . Heb er geen geld voor nu voor nieuwe lessen, ze weigeren mij terug te betalen en blijven dreigen voor die ,5000+ euro. Ik heb rechtsbijstand ingeschakeld en het loopt. Maar God wat baal ik!!! Alles is zo rot.
Overigens hebben nog ", gebruikt" om fraude te plegen voor het cbr steekproef vlak na het ongeluk. En nee ik ga hier niet name en shame maar toch even mn ei kwijt.
Zorg dat ik motor rijden weer leuk vind aub! Ben meteen ne het ongeluk weer gaan rijden oefenen etc maar toch wel wat angst nu- en stiekem de pest erin terwijl het zo leuk was!
submitted by reddead24f to motorfietsen [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:15 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more. There is of course much to be said about these images and the potential for further investigations, including the peculiar hands this entity seems to posses that does have a passing resemblance to other cases, but lest this drag on to long I will leave it here and attempt to answer any questions that I may be capable of giving insight on.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:14 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have
received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more. There is of course much to be said about these images and the potential for further investigations, including the peculiar hands this entity seems to posses that does have a passing resemblance to other cases, but lest this drag on to long I will leave it here and attempt to answer any questions that I may be capable of giving insight on.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to Humanoidencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:14 Ufonauter In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.

In 1986 an Italian professor working for the University of Pavia in Italy would have a face to face encounter with an unknown entity. But unlike so many other encounters, this professor was able to take 5 photos.
To begin with, I will state that this post was months in the making (mostly waiting and chasing false leads) and carries with it perhaps some answers, plenty of questions, and perhaps for some, a similarity to their own experiences. Special thanks to u/Neo-Rex as well as u/ebycon for their assistance in helping me find and rule out some areas of research.
Disclaimer: The following images and text are provided without photo manipulation on my end (besides simple cropping and scanning). There are going to be many references in this post to Italian media, magazines, as well as individual writers. This is by no means an endorsement, advertisement, or other form of ARG intended to sell, market, or persuade anyone to buy, rent, or procure any of the described materials. Because I know this is a new area of topic, and because the images provided are of an unusual nature, I will provide various sources to prove that these images are not enhanced, manipulated by hand or by a contemporary photo manipulation program or AI generation.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of the images I will provide background as to how I came upon these images, and the flow of information.
I was first made aware of these images after researching separate alien encounters for a post of mine (see that post here for further details regarding that) one of the sources used was "alieni in italia 1945-1995 50 anni di incontri ravvicinati". On page VIII towards the back of the book these images (or rather image as three were compressed into one section) as well as the following text appears
"Vero alieno o scoop giornalistico? Ho evitato di inserire nel presente catalogo questo caso avvero singolare. Si tratte infatti di alcune foto )5_ scattate da un non meglio indentificato "professore universitario di pavia" nell'estate del 1986 e pubblicate da sette. il settimanale del Corriere della Sera. Si referiscono ad una presunta entita aliena che si sarebbe manifestata al professore in una situazione del tutto casuale. Non sono mancati pareri sfavorevoli expressi da parecchi ufologi. ( Foto tratte da: Sette n. 9/10 sette giorni illustrati dal Corriere della Sera, 5 marzo, 1988.
Translated: "Real alien or journalistic scoop? I have avoided including in the present catalog this singular case. These are in fact some photos(5) taken by an unidentified "university professor from Pavia" in the summer of 1986 and published by seven. The weekly newspaper Corriere della Sera. They refer to an alleged alien entity that allegedly manifested itself to the professor in a completely random situation. There was no shortage of unfavorable opinions expressed by several ufologists. ( Photo taken from: Seven No. 9/10 seven days illustrated by Corriere della Sera, March 5, 1988.
That was all the information provided within. (it should be noted that although this description mentions 5 photos, there are only these 3 provided within Moreno Tambellinis book.) These images captured my attention fairly quickly as I am fairly familiar with purported alien/supernatural photographs, so to find one I have never seen, and in such a quality which is general not present within other such photos as these, was more than enough to tip my curiosity in the direction of delving deeper.
First attempt at finding further information regarding these photos, and this particular magazine issue ended in little success, though I was able to find what I, at the time, believed to be a correctly colorized image of this entity. See below.
Unassuming on some random blog that attributed a name to this entity while providing no further information regarding the image itself (as certain ufological circles are want to do). Not finding further information I attempted to find further information based off of this colorized image, but to no avail. Save for one source that used this image ( in a different colorized manner, slightly less yellow and oozing with potential, that being this image by Argentinian Ufologist Dante Franch. See below.
Finally, someone who might have a lead on this information! But no, once again this image is deceptively alluring as the contents of this book have absolutely nothing to do with the Sette report, but simply use its image to describe unsourced and unverified tales of the City of Erks (a wild dive on its own and may be deserving of its own post) and other entities that supposedly have a resemblance to this cover image.
Upon further searches I came across this archived link with additional images some with closer to truth color, including the aforementioned first colorized image here as well as the additional references. The author of this blog post is Mexican Ufologist Luis Ruiz Noguez, notable for his skepticism and thorough investigation relating to this material, so it was a no-brainier to look into his research regarding this seeing as he had previously mentioned it here on his blogpost. So where better to look than his book "Extraterrestres ante las camaras" Volume X dealing specifically with italian encounters and purported alien photographs. But again, despite his previous notation in this blog, the contents of these images specifically are nowhere to be seen or mentioned within this book.
Research stagnated for some time during the search process for the original source cited in Moreno Tambellinis book. I was able after five months (you have no idea how hard it was to find a copy) able to acquire a copy of this magazine and finally was able to determine that the previously assumed white coverall of this entities outfit has been a false notion.
The following text is a translation of the pages within this issue of march 7th 1988 Sette: Corriere della Cera . 9/10, the original scans, as well as a translated text document of these pages can be found in the sources listed below. Important note: although these images are primary focus of this article, it does meander into thoughts on Whitley Striebers book "Communion" (which will be a source of contention that will be covered later in this post). But the translated post here is the relevant text to these images.
"Just as we were editing a report on the UFO phenomenon that was supposed to appear on 7 at the same time as the television passage of Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the third kind, we came across a resounding surprise: the images published in these pages and on the cover of this issue. They were taken completely by chance, one summer evening in 1986, by a professor at the University of Pavia, above all suspicion and known for his balance, his intelligence and rationality, completely alien to the somewhat emphatic and vaguely bizarre world of the so-called "contactees": those people who say they have entered into a relationship with unknown entities from the cosmos."
"He is a completely normal person who has always been skeptical of the reports of unidentified flying objects and is now also a testimony, erroneous to the idea that his name is related to the disturbing figure captured by his camera. The university lecturer has agreed to give us what he considers to be evidence of his shocking experience in exchange for absolute confidentiality"
"What to make of these images? We can make a few assumptions.
A) The author of the photos is a mystrifier. It is unlikely: too much resistance has opposed the publication of his document (which he has yielded for free to 7). In addition, he wishes to remain anonymous. A behavior that is certainly not that of those who want to speculate on a scooop, true or presumed.
B) The author is the victim of a game. Someone made him take "fireflies for lanterns". A well-thought-out game, by true professionals. It is not unlikely, even if the professor is not a "contactee", one obsessed with extraterrestrials, that is, a man who could arouse "temptations" among those who know him.
C) The photos really document something alien. A mysterious otherness has been captured by the professor's camera, who was the first to be surprised by this tangible presence, imprinted on the film that is absolutely different from a hallucination. What to say? What are we to think of images that forcefully re-propose the problem (or the dream, or the myth, or the nightmare) of the existence of other beings, of other civilizations that populate galaxies or dimensions unknown to us? Science continues to question these facts, but an answer is still a long way off. All experiences at the "edge of reality" are embarrassing. The line that divides science and mystery is still vague. Prudence, in these cases, is a must. And the desire not to appear is widespread among the witnesses. The professor from Pavia, who chose restriction, has an illustrious precedent."
"These images, taken on a summer evening in 1986 by a professor at the University of Pavia, who asked to remain anonymous, are the subject of various hypotheses of interpretation in the text of the article. The reader is free to draw his own conclusions."
Here are the direct scans of this entity as they appear in the magazine, scanned directly out of a physical copy of this magazine. (do note although these images are uploaded in different order I believe they may be sorted as such, I make no claim to the accuracy of this in terms of chronological order, but which is most aesthetically appeasing.)
Now, while the article was very keen to post certain aspects of this, it was rather lacking, and it must be stated although the title of this issue, as well as the description in the article infer this is related to UFO's. There is no mention of an actual UFO or craft present within this encounter, or at the very least, this information was omitted from the article, and was potentially removed at the request of the professor in question, though that is speculation on my part.
The following sections will deal with the author of this previous issue, as well as the two follow-up articles and their individual authors.
There is more information present as the above text states, not from the previous issue, but from two separate follow-up articles that were saved and printed in the Italian Ufo magazine "UFO express no. 043." Link to the full untranslated issue here/UFO%20Express%20-%20No%20043.pdf). These separate addendums fully cover the images in question and are critical but not overly-so. The most important aspect to this is that the professor provided further information to Sette, primarily about what they were doing prior to this entities appearance, but also their means of photographic capture.
{Page 1}
UFO: Is this being from another world? read the scroll on the cover of 7 (No. 9/10) that we republish on this page. Hundreds of phone calls and letters arrived at the editorial office, and they continue to arrive after Mino Damato in his TV program Alla ricerca dell'arca (Sunday, March 27, Rai 3 8:30 p.m.) dealt with the same images, depicting a hypothetical alien photographed by a professor at the University of Pavia one summer evening in 1986.
There are those who believe in this hypothetical alien and those who do not, but all of the readers who have phoned or written are bound to each other by the rejection of that question mark printed on the cover: each of them is persuaded to erase the hypothesis, to tear away the veil of the enigma. And they split into two equally intolerant parties, leaving no room for doubt. We have chosen two exemplary letters. The first letter comes from Brixen and is signed by Mr. Nicola De Paola (2 Clesia Street). He says “the alien is a tobogganist: typical are the tight suit the aerodynamic helmet, the face crushed by the transparent visor, the blurred colors and contours of the photos are due to the fact that they were taken from television, with the obj vo blurred or too close up and strange an alien with limbs, head, face and body identical to those of man; I too will be able to take photographs quite similar to those published; as a reader I feel mocked.”
Others have certainly seen in the hypothetical alien: a surgeon, a nurse, an ice skater, an Icelandic firefighter, a Norwegian cryologist (sic), a KGB spy, a hockey player with his head bandaged; in short, some man in overalls or uniforms. No one has identified in the figures, despite the width of the pelvis, a woman or an androgynous. The second letter comes from Ferrara and is signed by Mr. Giovanni Mantovani (via Luigi Borsari 51). Says; When I saw the photographs I immediately thought: but look, it looks like the E.T. seen by R.M on September 2, 1987 while he was fishing on the bank of the Canal Bianco (RO). He felt an intense tingling, turned around and saw a strange individual: dark complexion, 2 meters tall, hair that looked like plastic, wearing a luminescent blue jumpsuit. The apparition lasted a few seconds.R.M. felt a chill, a feeling that was renewed at the sight of your photos... Only one remark can be made to the professor of Pavia: that of not having given the readers further clarifications about the close approach of the third type...
Here are the further clarifications that the professor from Pavia has allowed us to give, although he is consumed by the fear of being uncovered and covered with ridicule. The photos were taken by a Nikon camera, with motor-drive, 55 mm lens. Micro, 3.5 aperture, shutter speed: 1/4 second Polachrome film, 40 Asa sensitivity. Shortly after the sun went down, the professor was completing some experiments on the optical perception of dogs (how does a dog see things in the world? Black and white? With what depth, in what perspective?). That alone is almost ridiculous. We were missing the hypothetical alien. A dog joke? Maybe. But the professor never solved the riddle. And dogs don't talk. ~ Paolo Pietroni
{page caption}
The hypothetical alien out of 7 has caused conflicting reactions. The photo was taken from a Nikon by a university lecturer while carrying out experiments on the visual perception of dogs (information about this addendums author)
{Page 2}
Your E.T. seems to me to be a feminine being...
Dear editor, I am writing to you in relation to the series of 5 photographs taken by a better identified professor of Pavia one summer evening in 1986 and which appeared in the supplement of the Corriere della Sera n. 9/10 Since I am not familiar with photographic technique, I have written down the shooting parameters communicated by you personally during Mino D'Amato's television program In Search of the Ark on March 27.
Correct me if I'm wrong: Nikon camera body with motor, 5.5 mm focal length lens, aperture dia 3.5, exposure time 1/15 of a second. Certainly, with this adjustment, every little movement of the camera or of the photographed subject causes a blurred or rather blurred photograph. Probably, this whole story of the photos arose from the need of the Rizzoli Group to launch on the market the Italian version of the best American seller Communion by Ted Jacob, which deals, coincidentally, with the subject of extraterrestrials. This colossal business is also sponsored by the production of the film, which has been "posted" while waiting for the possible buyers of such a profitable product to be sufficiently sensitized...
Having said this, I wish, through his kindness, to convey to the professor of Pavia my modest comments on his photos. Feminism aside, I confess that the first spontaneous observation I made on these photographs was to recognize without a shadow of a doubt a woman, or rather a female being; The conformation of the hips, the breasts, combined with the grace of the bowed pose with folded arms, unequivocally belonged to a woman. But let's get to the details.
The suit - It appears so tight that it shows every little part of the body so as to give the impression of a "second skin"; It has light blue-green bands (as shown in the photo on the right on page 74) that are more evident around the neck, on the shoulders and on the arms.
The hands - They appear covered by the sleeves and more elongated than ours (cover figure), dare I say w(bed.
The head - Although it is more mobile, it clearly shows these elements: oval face with a slightly flattened nose, microphone with a light-colored support arm placed at the height of the left ear (photo on the right, page 74)
The headset - It is completely different from any type currently built because it contains a transceiver module at the top for contact with some support organ (e.g. an operations center, or a cosmoplane, or another operator), similar to what happens in Italy when astronauts go out of their vehicle and maintain constant radio contact with the control center.
The transceiver part can be seen both in the cover photo and on page 74, left and right, and is indicated by the protuberance on the top of the skull.
This study was born well out of any venal or other interest, in fact I am not a ufologist, but a pilot in full flight activity and with command responsibilities; I have been a first-hand witness to the phenomenon commonly associated with the improper name of UFO
Sure of the need to deal with the subject with more compatible methodologies than those promulgated by scientists and ufologists, I dedicate myself to the enhancement of aeronautical contactism, intending with this new term to redefine the sightings of military and civil pilots, aeronautical technicians, engineers, etc. who through direct experience with the phenomenon have acquired the conviction that we are not alone Only those who have had a direct impact with the phenomenon (the contactee) can provide a plausible image of themselves... everything else... They are only lucubrations born from mindsets that are not up-to-date with the present sotric moment on the one hand, and with the characteristics of the phenomenon on the other.
{end of article caption}
I forwarded his observations to the professor in Pavia, author of the photos depicting the hypothetical alien. Thank you for your interesting analysis. You are free to believe it or not, but the Rizzoli Communion book had an absolutely random presence in our service: we liked the design of the cover; the portrait of that E.T. and we thought of enriching the illustrations of the service.
Roberto Doz (a fairly interesting individual on his own, air force colonel with his own UFO sighting) read more on that here
As for the author of the original article. Their name is Nullo Cantaroni, and may be more well known by his wife Bice Cairati( Sveva Casati Modigiani), Nullo Cantaroni had a fairly successful journalistic career, dealing primarily in medicine as co-authorized by fellow science journalist Severina Cantaroni. He eventually succumbed to Parkinson's disease. I make mention of these authors, Roberto Doz (who has a very good reason to be interested in the topic as he had his own experience). As well as the other two as these are not the ramblings of some crazy pumping out their own versions of weekly world news, but were and still are highly credible and respected peoples, whom by their own association are taking the flak for posting this material to begin with.
From here on out, this is going to be a further dive into the already presented material, some comparisons with other cases which have direct correlation with these images, as well as other information during my research that has not been touched on up until this point.
In the first follow-up article there is mention of a show "Alla Ricera dell'arca (In search of the ARK)". With he show discussing the images posted here. I was able to confirm that this episode does exist, with the covered material, and is within the RAI archives (Italian TV network/station). However, they would not lend the episode out to a non-Italian citizen, or someone associated with a University, or media conglomeration. I mention this as there may be more material covered in this episode that was not provided in the main article and its follow-ups. If there are any Italian citizens, or peoples reading this who have the appropriate accreditation to acquire a copy of this episode I would ask for your cooperation in attempting to do so. If someone has a copy of this simply recorded off of an old VHS I implore you to make that available to all.
Going back to the main article, the meandering to Communion is certainly off-putting, though I disagree with the previous mention that this was a hoax on the part of the publication to push Communion. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all (even though Carl Sagan never bothered with the evidence, side tangent: listen to J Allen Hynek talk about that here) But I believe these images were published in good faith on part of Nullo Cantaroni, his background and thorough career would make this unlikely.
So as it figures there are three scenarios here that describe this scenario (in no particular order of likelihood)
1) these images are hoaxed by the publication to push communion
2) these images are hoaxed by the supposed professor
3) these images are legitimate and provide evidence of a non-earth based entity.
Before I move on I'd like to mention that I did attempt to reach out to Corriere della Sera multiple times regarding this material but was never given a response.
To round this off the images themselves. Humanoid obviously, female-appearing, now I say appearing because assuming this really is some unexpected entity, there is no guarantee that the physiology of this figure accurately represents its determination, and although this entity appears to have what we'd consider to be skin, that may only be a covering to another form or may be some type of robotic synthetic life-form designed specifically to mimic human appearances. What may be most interesting or most alarming depending on your perspective is this entities face appears to change between shots, and yet seemingly keeps the same body proportions. If you are of the opinion this is some type of hoax you could state this is an obvious inconsistency between shots. On the other hand, that is an obvious conclusion to make and showing differentiating faces would be a rather odd choice on the part of a hoaxer. This again could be part of the photographing process, as there is motion blur between some of these photos and it simply gives an appearance that things are changing.
There are other features which must be touched upon, namely the clothing, but in one such photo, what appears to be some type of headgear wrapped around this entities face. To anyone with a passing knowledge of ufology and its associated lore would know, the favorite of any interstellar interloper is the tight formfitting bodysuit. Primarily described as blue, although other colors are often reported. But unlike most humanoid encounters described in the west, this entity seems to have a darker complexion about them. Now does that mean this does not fit in with established prior encounters? Not at all, for whatever reason the blonde-hair nordic is the most popular discussion topic when it comes to human-adjacent lifeforms, but in other places, and Italy especially, some of their most well know or most covered, feature entities with darker complexions. Case in point
This encounter in 1978 Italy with a dark-skinned entity in a shimmering scaled suit. Or this description of a dark skinned entity with a similar described blue suit reported in 1987
Location. Villamarzana, Rome, Italy Date: September 2 1987 Time: 1700
Renzo Munari was fishing on the Bianco Canal when he noticed a strange object flying at a moderated speed over the river, as the object disappeared from sight he felt a strange prickling sensation in his body, resembling electrical static. Turning around he saw a very tall human-like figure staring intently at him. The figure was at least 2 meters in height, with orange hair and dark skin. He wore a luminous blue colored tight fitting coverall. On the left side of his chest there was a square orange colored “tag.” During the encounter the witness felt a cool wave of air and light headed. The figure apparently disappeared into the brush.
Source: Archivio SUF, USOCAT by The Italian Center forUFO Studies (CISU)
There is also this report from 1989 Russia
Location. Salsk, Rostov region, Russia Date: August 13 1989 Time: 2300
Working at a cotton irrigation plant Vasiliy Ivanovich suddenly experienced total equipment failure without any apparent cause. While searching for the cause of the breakdown, the witness heard a loud voice, “He is searching for the cause”. Looking around he saw four humanoids standing close to him. One stood in the front, while the other three stood in the back. He described the humanoids as tall, with long dangling arms, with a large head, flattened on the top and wide at the temples. The humanoids are dark red or brown in color with large egg-shaped eyes and two holes instead of a nose. They have no lips, and thin strip instead of a mouth. They were wearing truncated shiny blue coveralls and footwear. The humanoid standing at the front of the others held a box in his hand and a soft pleasant voice seemed to emanate from the box. He held the box at stomach level. Ivanovich approached the humanoids and asked who they were; the reply was a question asking him if he wanted to go with them. At this point the witness saw a light at the edge of the nearby woods and a hovering object. The humanoids then floated slowly towards the craft and disappeared. Terrified the witness ran to the village to notify other witnesses but upon returning to the site the humanoids had already left.
Source:UFOZONE Russia
As for the headgear, there is a report from 1995 Italy of an entity not resembling this one in this post, but wearing a similarly described headpiece.
Location: Ancona, Italy Date: February 3 1994, Time: 9:00am
Six witnesses, including a Mr. Giulo observed a strange humanoid wandering around some nearby rocks. The humanoid was described as about 1 meter and a half in height, wearing a tight fitting black coverall that covered his whole body including a pair of very long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round eyes, with round black pupils. It appeared to be wearing earphones with a small thin protruding antenna. It seemed to stagger slowly and after about 10 minutes it rose up slowly and vertically into the air, quickly disappearing from sight
Source: CISU Italy.
There is also this case from Barisciano Italy 1978 in which an entity bearing a striking similar blue color to the outfit was seen, with an adorning white "cap" or hairpiece that resembled that of a cap. read the untranslated version of that encounter here/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201984%2001-02%20-%20Vol%2018%20No%20102.pdf)
Finally, lets get back to the person allegedly behind this whole spiel, the Professor. A claim such as this, where an entity appears in ones presence without any known means is a stark claim all on its own, to provide photos of such an encounter is another thing all together, but being as its an anonymous person, how can we gleam any credibility out of this? To put it in other words, is there enough information provided within the original article as well as the follow-up articles to speculate on a potential identity to who this man could have been?
Emphatically yes, infact there is only one such individual who fits the criteria with the information provided, granted this information was given after the fact of the original articles publication. In the first article within UFO express that discusses this, we are told this person is running experiments relating to dogs (canine) eyesight, but the author was unsure whether or not this is a jest of some sort. I do not believe it is, in the secondary article it is again mentioned that this professor is working with canine eyesight, but in a caption on the second page it is emphasized this was "non-academic research". Now does that mean it was unrelated to their professional focus? No, it simply means this research was carried outside of official means. This leads me to who I believe the primary suspect is in terms of a potential identity, could there be other more accurate people? Perhaps. But this persons tenure and level of research within this subject and the timeframe of when they were working at the University of Pavia lines up perfectly with who this person could be. However, because of doxxing concerns, and that they initially requested complete anonymity from the publication I will not be directly naming their identity here. But I will heavily state that this person worked in the university of Pavia from 1985 in the zoology department and specifically with foxes and wolves. With this person having worked and published (into the present) works related to both of these fields. I have attempted to personally reach out to this professor both via email & telephone (their academic numbers, not personal) but have received no response. I would ask that if you do look into who this person is that you do not attempt to directly contact them as their lack of a response is response enough.
What was the encounter like? How long did it go on for? Was there a conversation or was this a quick in and out? These questions and more are not answered here, and perhaps never will be unless someone; the professor, an associate, or anyone else, comes forward with more details we are left wondering and wanting more.
Sources and resources used Archive link for translations and scans of original Corriere della Sera article
Magazine and other ufological material sources:
Document scanner for afu and other documents/sites
alieni in italia by Moreno Tambelini
ImgOps for reverse image searching & Albert Rosales for their compilations of humanoid encounters.
If you have had an encounter or know someone who has had an encounter similar to this or identical to this, do not hesitate to DM or message me with the details.
submitted by Ufonauter to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:31 Jhonjournalist Current Updates on the Stock Market Today

Current Updates on the Stock Market Today
  • Nasdaq 100 futures remained close to the flat line, while S&P 500 futures ended the day 1.6% higher.
  • Oil prices in India continued to fall on Monday.
  • The market capitalization of Tata Motors dropped to Rs 3,17,998.73 crore from Rs 29,946.88 crore.
Awaiting inflation data and the Federal Reserve’s plan for rate cuts, investors are holding split positions in US futures. Nasdaq 100 futures remained close to the flat line, while S&P 500 futures ended the day 1.6% higher.
For the eighth consecutive session, the 30-stock Dow saw gains of 125 points on the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures.

Stock Market Today

Due to sluggish gasoline consumption and remarks from US Federal Reserve officials that dashed expectations of interest rate cuts, oil prices in India continued to fall on Monday. US West Texas Intermediate crude prices were down 5 cents to $78.21 per barrel, while Brent crude futures declined 0.1% to $82.72 a barrel.
According to independent expert Tina Teng, oil markets have once again turned their focus back to the global economic picture, brushing off the effects of the turmoil in the Middle East. The market capitalization of Tata Motors dropped to Rs 3,17,998.73 crore from Rs 29,946.88 crore.
The company, riding with all three of its auto companies, particularly the British arm Jaguar Land Rover, posted an almost three-fold increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 17,528.59 crore in Q4. Compared to Rs 1,05,932.35 crore year over year (YoY), the total consolidated income from operations was Rs 1,19,986.31 crore.
The Nifty Auto index is currently trading at 22,190.65, down 639.60 points, or 2.82 percent. Nifty PSU Bank, Sonal BLW, Tube Investments, and Tata Motors are among the top losers. The India VIX, which measures volatility, has somewhat recovered from its peak for the day and is currently trading 2.19 points, or 11.86 percent, higher at 20.65.
Nifty Pharma has moved up 0.18 percent, or 31.60 points, to 18,644.45. Aurobindo Pharma, Sun Pharma, Cipla, and Lupin are among the top gainers. Although consolidated net profit for the fourth quarter increased by more than three times to Rs 17,528.59 crore, Tata Motors’ share price fell by more than 9%. On Friday, shares valued at Rs 2,117.50 crore were sold by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs).
Learn More:
submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:23 Repooooo [S] [USA-IN] Mamiya 645 Super Bundle $1300

Selling all of my Mamiya 645 Super system. Only selling as a bundle for now. Everything included:
  1. Mamiya 645 Body w/ 135 Focusing Screen, caps, and camera strap lugs (BODY #1)
  2. Mamiya 645 Body w/ Standard Focusing Screen and caps (BODY #2)
  3. Waist Level Viewfinder w/Standard Magnifier
  4. Auto Exposure 90 Degree Viewfinder (FE401)
  5. 120 Back with Blue slide and body cap
  6. 135 Back with Red Slide and Carrying Case
  7. Rapid Crank Winder
  8. Motorized WindeGrip
  9. Left Hand Grip w/ shutter release connection pin
  10. Electronic Shutter Release Cable
  11. 80mm f2.8 Sekor C (CLA'd by Nippon Photo Clinic, glass is good) w/ caps and hood
  12. 45mm f4 Sekor C (focusing ring is a bit stiff, glass is ok) w/ caps and hood
  13. 150mm f3.5 Sekor N (newer version of lens, ring is stiff but not as bad as 45mm, glass is good) w/ caps and built in hood.
$1300 net to me via Paypal G&S. Shipped through USPS to Paypal listed address with signature required.
No longer using this system since purchasing another medium format system. I acquired all these either from ebay, usedphotopro, or KEH. I'm basically throwing in the 45mm and 150mm with the price and really only pricing out the 80mm since that was serviced to fix the focusing ring.
Body #1 is my main body and still has the original mirror stop adjustment screw. Focus was good and did not need adjustment. Body #2 is backup and that has a replacement screw. Body #2 came to me like this from Ebay Japan. I didnt realize it wasn't original until I went to adjust the mirror stop since infinite on the mirror was misaligned. Focus was aligned using the 150mm and it was good.
Additional photos:
  1. Bodies
  2. Accessories
  3. Lenses
  4. Sample 120 Photos Camera Scanned
  5. Sample 135 Photos Camera Scanned
Edit 1: Forgot to add some photos to accessories album. Accessories Album #2
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2024.05.12 11:23 artinwritings Geplaatste Bomenwortels.

Ik heb altijd uhm, een bepaalde gereserveerdheid gekend niet wetende wat de sociale norm is of wellicht beter geformuleerd, ik, in persoonlijke omstandigheden vind het vaak moeilijk in een groep aangezien ik uhm, in één op één situatieschetsen me beter kan toeleggen of de aandacht vestigen richting één persoon, een totaal genuanceerd beeld probeer te bewerkstelligen vooraleer eens ik een besluit zou nemen er een wereldreis mee te kunnen maken. Want iemand waar je zo'n reis mee maakt daar wil je je leven voor wagen en wil je op kunnen bouwen. Daar kunnen inspringen waar diegene iets nodig heeft ongeacht of je het er mee eens bent of niet. Andersom is het ook prettig als je iemand kent waar je ongeacht, een mening, 24/24 bij aan mag kloppen. Waar je ongevraagd op de bank kunt gaan liggen en in slaap mag vallen al ben je net binnengekomen. Fred is wat dat betreft een briljant, een gentleman bovendien. Én, zoals ik met hem besprak, ook een Autist. Vandaar waarschijnlijk ook, het momentum dat ik hem voor het eerst zag. Ergens in 2005. Ik ging naar mijn werk en nog voordat ik kantoor binnenstapte zag ik door het raam een meneer staan met grijze haren, een beetje verfromfraaid, een niet al te duur zwart kostuum zoals dat in de taxiwereld wel gewoontjes is, een rood brilletje. Ik moest direct denken aan het fenomeen van een verstrooide professor zoals je ze in de films wel eens tegen bent gekomen of zoals ze op televisie of op YouTube te vinden zijn bij een programma als De universiteit van Nederland. Een programma die hij een ik altijd interessant vinden omdat, niet alleen om de kennis die gebracht wordt maar waarschijnlijk ook een beetje van de bevlogenheid die ermee gepaard gaat. De andere gedachte die destijds volgde op die eerste waarneming toen ik Fred zag staan was: dat word mijn vriend en zo werd hij een eerste vriendschap die ik over heb gehouden aan mijn lange schoolcarrière en versnipperde werk c.v. We hebben het er regelmatig over gehad en ook hij herkend wel iets in de argumentatie van er ook één zijn.
De andere reden dat ik niet zo gedei in te drukke groepen. Ik ben niet zo heel snel en soms moet ik me ook erg inspannen om te horen wat iemand zegt, begrijp ik het nu goed? In call center achtige omgeving in het diepe staren me af te sluiten van het geroezemoes de klant willen schatten op waarde liefst dan ook drie hoog bij een raam te staan naast de rustgevende bomen ernaast vredig en ongedurig erin te kunnen turen. In eerste instantie de duurbetaalde ergonomische tafels in hoogte te kunnen verstrekken de rug te ontlasten mij werd het verboden kwam van hogerhand, mijn argumenten de tafels te bekrachtigen waarvoor ze waren ontworpen ingetogen omvergeworpen. In gods naam wat was de achterliggende gedachte? Een assessment of verkeerde zuinigheid? Zoals ik eerder al had geschreven ben ik gaandeweg wel te bespeuren ervoor geboren in het kistje van kristal de ogen dichtgeplakt met dientengevolge mijn hele leven een volgorde te begrijpen in achterstand.
Ik liep dankzij de vroeggeboorte altijd broos achter het spel aan, letterlijk niet van voren. Zoveel indrukken met een dynamiek die er altijd aanwezig is. Vaak speelt op de achtergrond ook nog het één en ander gegeven mee waarvan ik zo mijn vermoedens tezamen met mijn zijn heel erg kenmerkend een teruggetrokken observerende ergonomische midwinter overleven beweging in gang zet. Vertrouwen winnen bij jezelf de juiste determinatie te kunnen maken door het uitsluiten van de verkeerde beheerder waar je die wereldreis in een houten bootje niet mee zou kunnen wagen.
Op de LOM school hadden we een voetbalwedstrijd als afscheidsfeest activiteit tegen de leraren. Ik kan me nog herinneren dat, zoals dat bij ongetrainde omstandigheden plaatsvindt, chaos om bal. Ik stond rechtshalf en terwijl echt alles en iedereen zich in een agglomeratie om de val heen bevond stond ik letterlijk aan de rechterkant van het veld rond de middenlijn. Volgens mij was het Bert Bovens die buiten het veld stond en tegen mij zei: ga mee doen wijzend op de schootsvelden in de loopgraven droge grachten kazematten met zienderogen een slagveld rond het doelgebied in schenen schop termen gesproken . Mijn reactie was dat ik rechtshalf stond. Dit specifieke voorbeeld is eigenlijk wel kenmerkend voor degeen die ik ben.
Alleen in een kistje liggen, zijn, wachten op een volgende voedingskanaal moment. Liggen zonder de ogen de kost te kunnen geven richting horende deur klapperende stijlen, op betere tijden in het ongewisse berusten op wat onaangeroerd wellicht nooit komen gaat, maar wist ik toen veel beter? Mals als een gewond dier dat rust, angstig is, doch ook de hoop heeft die elk leven kenmerkt je zuurstof niet de adem een mogelijkheid kan geven tot ingehouden dood veinzen.
Doodgaan is een uniek fenomeen, onnatuurlijk genomen, zoals ik er tegenaan kijk, het overkomt je maar één keer. Je wordt maar éénmaal geboren echter met dien verstande dat elke seconde die voor je ligt mogelijkerwijs kan betekenen, een mooie nieuwe toekomst in het verschiet, een nieuwe kans het beter te willen doen of de traumatische ervaringen overzichtelijk bovengehaald, de copingstrategieën uitgevlakt en omgebogen naar gezindte toepassingen. Of je daarmee het stukje autisme aangemerkt weg kunt sturen betwijfel ik ten zeerste. Ik kan de overlevingsstrategie nuanceren een diskwalificatie meegeven als niet werkend in de meeste gevallen waarbij de maatschappij van jou verwacht dat huisje boompje, boh, beestje, een eenzame onaangename plechtigheid.
Een zijstraat ingelopen komt men bij een doodlopende weg die zegt: Dood ga je eigenlijk nooit althans de meesten van ons. Tenzij je met de defibrillator terug wordt gehaald. Die zijn ergens wel dood geweest. Hen die weten dat ze doodgaan ongeveer 99,99 procent van de bevolking, weten wel dat ze doodgaan maar zijn in de meeste gevallen nog nooit dood geweest. De 0,01 procent overigen hebben waarschijnlijk geen zicht op een eigen zijn besef dus of voor hen doodgaan bestaat? Dan de rest, het gros, het merendeel gaat maar één keer dood. Maar voordat ze doodgaan leven ze nog dus is de dood er nooit ingetreden op bezoek geweest. Eenmaal die laatste adem uitgeblazen weet men niet meer dat men niet meer leeft en is doodgaan aan hen voorbij gegaan want dat kunnen ze niet meer navertellen. Dus zou daar doodgaan niet bestaan. Zie daar een beetje onbeholpen misschien maar doodgaan is absoluut een absurdistisch en onnatuurlijk fenomeen. Terwijl leven ligt in elke seconde ademloos uitgeblazen gestrekt de warme adem hees kunnen voelen het leven in elke seconde meegegeven. Blaas maar tegen de palm van je hand! Voel je dat je leeft?
De specifieke kenmerken waardoor ik gedij in bepaalde rollen en daarbij horende taken en verwachtingspatronen of andere modules van onafgewerkte dictaten bevragen overzicht geven voor de klas te staan een prettig gegeven. Want aldaar wist ik het zo te regelen omdat ik precies wist wat ik nodig had, gaandeweg het eerste half jaar overleefd de review bekeken en toegegeven het volgende docenten jaar in kaart gebracht het consequent kon beargumenteren naar de leerlingen, zo en zo wil ik het hebben samen met jullie te werken ervoor te zorgen dat jullie voldoende kunnen schitteren in de overgang naar het volgende jaar. Het grote verschil met zelf in de klas zitten was dat ik mijn klasgenoten op het mbo en HBO niet kon beïnvloeden stil te zijn mijn aandacht nodig had naar de directe lijn die ik nodig heb, zonder interferentie, met degene die iets vertelt. Op de LTS en LOM school was er in de regel geen stoorzender aangezien daar de docenten ook heel consequent waren in hun benadering, ervoor zorgden dat het stil was een chaos voorkomende. Iets waar mbo en HBO docenten de studenten wat meer laten vieren de discussies een levendiger kleurenpalet mee voerende. Voor de klas geen last van die ene collega waardoor ik erg kon zakken in stress en dientengevolge slapeloze nachten ervaarde. Kinderen, pubers in het bijzonder, zijn mijn specialisme. Door de eigenheid van mijn zijn aldaar de breedste opname kon bewerkstelligen als het een rustige omgeving betrof. Kenmerkend is de anekdote op de mbo waarbij ik een volledige module subliem had gekozen om niet naar de twee uur durende les te gaan, de rest van de dag vrij. Efficiënter was dat semester ervoor te kiezen die dag te slippen te onderstrepen met werken mijn schooljaar een beetje op te kunnen fleuren wat geld binnen te harken. Meestal door bij de Ridder brouwerij de flessen te dirigeren voorlangs de lichtbak te laten passeren de bekende knaller te behoeden voor scheve ogen als die uit elkaar knalde tijdens het afvuren van de Wieckse Witte. Op het einde van de dag gebeurde dat dan wel een paar keer niet onverwachts 's nachts drinkende in mijn dromen van één van de weinige lekkere biersoorten die ik ken ipv ze voor mijn ogen te zien kansrekenen een gemist papiertje in het flesje op de transportband verloren ze 2 meter verder te horen springen mij wakker te laten schrikken. Het was dat semester dat ik het beste resultaat haalde. Tot ongenoegen van de docente die dacht dat ik daar niet meer op school zat. En zo ken ik er nog wel een paar opnemen waarbij het overeenkomstige is de rust die ik nodig heb zonder afleiding me ook weer kan beoordelen er graag innig mee verbonden zijn. De klok rondom een onderwerp belopen er in te zitten vast te willen houden. De dag en nachtopvang kan openen met twee woorden starten om drie uur 's nachts de klok rond geschreven het mij geen moment kan schelen dat het dan dat ambacht is die ik de aandacht schenk erbij kan denken wat een pracht de pijn verzacht niet mee te kunnen doen in een energie slurpende onderkende oorzakelijk verbanddoos waarbij onderweg het nietige argumentatieve gerief van een Indiase feestavond de federale politie al defragmenteren de derdegraads kasten mens per definitie als schuldige ziet. Iets wat in onder andere de westerse wereld ook gebeurt. De onduidelijke informele structuren stichten geld verdienende modellen ten koste van de belasting betalende putjesscheppers. Iets wat makkelijk te zien is op een callcenter vloer. Maar ook in het ambtelijke apparaat met doorgeschoven gelden of tunnelvisie rand wegen zorg gelden wel erg makkelijk overgeheveld. Werkprotocollen die onaangeroerd een blogger neer laten vallen. Dood is de influencer die de verantwoordelijkheid niet kende hoe zijn brein zou reageren uitgeschakeld te worden door opgenomen stoffen die voor het eerst in zijn lichaam zorgden voor monologen op straat hem met de juiste methodiek geschapen op onderzoek gebaseerde voorschriften die jongen onder controle was gekregen met een powernet of rubberen kogels afgevuurd het gevaar te laten passeren de onjuiste informatie niet te verpachten aan de slagvaardig te boven gekomen gunning. Kort gezegd het zijn vaak niet de juiste besluiten die worden genomen. Geboren in een sociale stratificatie laag zul je geen kans maken met de koningin te trouwen. Of je moet dan toevallig weer in Thailand verkeren.
Als iets maar één keer in je leven voorkomt waar je in de regel niet eens voor kiest dan kan men niet spreken over "natuurlijk" gedrag vandaar dat ik zeg: doodgaan daar kunnen we ons vooralsnog niet van distantiëren,nog nooit meegemaakt en of het dan bestaat is maar zeer de vraag reist richting eeuwig leven.
Zo overdacht zou ik het liefst willen leven tot in oneindigheid met elke dag iets van leren, iets willen geven aan hen die het weten te appreciëren. Lezen, luisteren, kijken, kennis vergaren, vergaderen in eigendom daar boven in die kamer de stofjes haar werk laten dienen. Soms een beetje opgevoerd, mijn op science gebaseerde blikken kunnen bedenken. Met de dromen van Star Wars achtige fratsen, far beyond imagination, leven kunnen we maken en dus ook een eeuwigheid meegeven. Als o.a. Google zegt dat de verwachting is dat we met de quantum computer techniek die aan de deur staat te kloppen er ergens in de jaren veertig die voor ons ligt in deze eeuw een volledig brein kunnen downloaden inclusief, alles! Dan kunnen we wachten op het moment dat we dit ook weer kunnen uploaden in een nieuw hoofdstuk toegevoegde waarde leveren aan de mens 2.0 wellicht in een bionische opstelling. De mens is voortdurend in ontwikkeling wanneer de tijd ons de kans verschaft die babystapjes te maken, al blijvende kunnen laten beklijven. Honderd, duizend, of om het even zovele jaar geleden waren wij niet die mens die we tegenwoordig zijn. De filosofische benaderingswijze meegegeven het E.V.R.M. niet weggelegd zij wellicht geen rekening hielden met een mens 2.0 in bionische vorm die wel eens van ondergeschikt belang op een rode lijst geplaatst zou kunnen worden omdat artificiële intelligentie gefokt ervoor kiest dat het gekissebis van die soort oorspronkelijk ervoor geboren te hoppen naar andere planeten het leven te brengen maar de spuigaten niet kan beheersen zichzelf de kans ontneemt elders een aarde 2.0 te bevolken en dus een oplossing bedenkt de mens te decimeren tot hanteerbare begrippen door ze bijvoorbeeld stiekem te steriliseren is niet dood gemaakt en voldoen daarmee aan laten leven zoals beschreven in het EVRM. Appeltje eitje toch? De mens verzaakt zijn eigen gesofisticeerde gedrag te omzeilen te hoogdravende als een zichzelf op de borst spellende goddelijke macht. Artificiële intelligentie dat hadden we niet verdacht verwacht verdraaid nog aan toe. Damn foutje bedankt. Dood aan de mens! Lang leve de biodiversiteit! Van harte gefeliciteerd Moeder Aarde! Een waar jongensverhaal waar Darwins evolutie ging aan de haal de toppredator verslagen! De arrogantie een exclusief homo sapiens vocabulair prachtig woord om zeep geholpen. Over je eigen graf gelegd…
Ik moest me met opvallende observaties door hen, de ander, al op vroege leeftijd zelf bedruipen. Dat zou de vraag op kunnen roepen of het een copingstrategie is geweest omdat moeder stress had maar als het haar en anderen opviel dat ik me al op jonge leeftijd, 2-3 jaar, uren zelf bezig kon houden op een kamertje alleen zonder aandachtspunten bijgevallen listig te bevragen hoe andere kinderen van die leeftijd dat wel huilerig al doen leren en krijgen. Moeder viel het ook op dat ze mij niet de fles/borstvoeding kon geven als ze naar me keek, één van de kenmerken in het autisme spectrum. De charmeur wonderen zijn niet aan mij besteed. Ze heeft me hoe moeders dat doen wel vaker dan eens die verhalen vertelt van observaties die anders waren, opvielen door vergelijking met de anderen. In het boek van "ikke" staat beschreven dat ik werd geboren op 06 december 1974 er geel tevoorschijn kwam en derhalve tot 14 februari verbleef beleefd zonder gaten of fratsen de ogen dicht onder een eveneens gele ((((Lannoo groep uitgeverij Tielt Zoekt)))) lamp. 14 februari was toen nog geen Valentijnsdag. En of ik een liefdesbaby was geef ik om mij moverende redenen geen antwoord op, als het mag.
Ik ben in de eerste klas van de LTS 14 jaar geworden. Op dat traject liep ik ook achter de klasgenoten aan. Zo was dat ook met de voetbal, in een rondo zie je de kwieke jongens naar de bal toe bewegingen maken terwijl ik zeker die eerste 4 jaar dat ik in teamverband speelde een van de bal weg beweging makende. Me distantiëren van het spel haar kern omdat dat "pas op de plaats maken" een oorzaak kende die zich over verschillende lijnen in mijn leven lieten zien. Op velerlei gebieden. Dat ik niet zo heel snel ben komt ook in de grapjes terug die ik vaak niet begrijp of er de humor niet van inzie. Als iemand een grapje vertelt in een groep dan weet ik me meer dan eens even geen houding te geven het te rationaliseren proberen te begrijpen. De modussen waarover ik vaker heb gesproken is een veilige toestand waarbij het woord veilig wellicht een betere omstandigheid meekrijgt het te omschrijven als een situatie in te schatten overziene chaos. Duidelijkheid is ook niet helemaal tot de kern gerekend omdat duidelijkheid niet ligt in klein of groot doch in te verwisselen omstandigheden die in een te overziene situatie alle ruimte geeft om door te kunnen vragen zonder de groep op te houden in een gesprek bijvoorbeeld met meerdere mensen gaat er zoveel heen en weer dat ik het niet gehandelt krijg. Discussies op school waren mij altijd te dynamisch en daar stond ik dan tussen mensen met een havo vwo atheneum achtergrond langzaam te wezen de zeurpieten kaart geobserveerd bemachtigd. Het bijzondere is dat de kinderen/mensen die ik gedurende mijn leven tegenkwam met een A.S.S. ik me daarbij ingegeven meer dan eens kon vereenzelvigen met hen toen nog niet wist dat ik er ook een zou zijn. Althans in mijn voorzichtige veronderstelling uiteengezette these. En ik ben niet de enige die nog van een era stamt waarbij autisme eerder werd weggeschreven als de stille kinderen die langzaam waren of enigszins houterig in fysieke bewegingen aandeden kijken. Maar eenmaal vertrouwd in lichaam en mentaal gesterkt door de opgedane kennis in kleine bij elkaar gesprokkelde succeservarinkjes vlogen de tienen me om de oren zowel figuurlijk in het schrift als letterlijk door de lucht gevlogen.
Op de lTS was ik geen zonderling maar ik had ook niet echt één groepje waar ik bij stond of bij hoorde. Ik liep overal tussendoor had met niemand problemen en doordat ik me ook niet profileerde als een stoere jongen iets te prediken dat ik niet was of wilde zijn zag men mij ook niet als een gevaar denk ik. Vorige week zei ik nog tegen een arts dat zolang je stapjes maakt, ook in mijn stuk van van bogaert begeleiding heb ik dat babystapjes genoemd, zolang je die kunt maken is er voortgang en kun je niet spreken van een klassieke verslaving. Het uitlaatsysteem met haar raffinaderij is ook niet op een ingenieur bedachte wetenschappelijke manier tot stand gekomen. Daar zat zeker een idee achter de motor haar uitstoot. Het is pas in de laatste vier decennia dat er een katalysator bij is gekomen terwijl de doorontwikkeling van de motor en de kijk, de filosofie aangereikt door andere wetenschappelijke inzichten en dus een "cultuuromslag plaats heeft gevonden en men dus richting een Dyson Ball achtige structuur wil gaan ontwikkelen en beseft dat men de warmte van een uitlaatsysteem kan hergebruiken om de hybride motor te voorzien van efficiënte systemen.
De autist zit vol met vragen of denkbeelden die samen voort zijn gekomen uit angst of ongerief, niet weten hoe de signalen te interpreteren moeten zijn of soms omdat men juist een letterlijk andere plek inneemt daardoor juist een andere kijk heeft kunnen ontwikkelen. Als ik naar hen kijk dan zie ik dat ook bij mezelf terug. Externaliserend en internaliserend zijn daarbij treffende kenmerken in het uitsluiten van. Het uit kunnen sluiten dat men naar binnen keert zichzelf af te vragen wat de andere weg een onfaire benadering teweegbrengt aangezien, heel simpel, je kunt niet voor iemand anders denken en of iemand anders verantwoordelijk houden voor iemands verkeerde denkwijze. Echter als je bewust gaat traineren om iemand te frustreren dan ben je gewoon een beetje omslachtig. Je kunt zoals de geschiedenis leert een hele generatie de dood en verdoemenis mee in trekken met verkeerd geïnterpreteerde visies oftewel een Dunning-Kruger houding denken slim te zijn niet beseffen dat als de ander zo zou denken ze jouw de kop zouden kunnen oogsten.
Daar ben ik niet van gediend. Iemand de afgrond heen wijzen omdat het Juulke betrof of de vrouw die in de Grote Staat met haar vinger bekkens dag in dag uit stond of zat de mensen aan te kijken met een gerinkel dat geluid voortbracht de toehoorders het kaft van de koren deed doen scheiden. Want je hebt mensen die erover praten zich geen houding weten te geven of mensen die er gewoon een gesprek mee aangingen. Juulke Sprak met zijn ogen en zijn gehele gelaat en zo kon je met iemand die voor anderen afwezig lijkt te zijn zich geen houding weten te geven of zelfs een driewieler afpakken en vernielen zich een held denken te vinden. Joris Linssen had Juulke overigens in de Taxi en op Maasveld was Juulke ook een warme persoonlijkheid op zichzelf staande. Een ware Held in mijn boekdelen sprekende gelaat hem een knipoog naar boven gericht heengezonden nog altijd een levende herinnering! Juulke een echte Maat!
Mensen op voorhand in het voorbijgaan, of zoals de "buurman" in waar was het, Heythuysen (?) die zijn buren tot waanzin draaide door constant iets te bedenken. Dat je als mannelijke pubers op een andere manier met elkaar omgaat dan dat de meiden dat tussen hen doen mag in het licht van de leeftijdsfase de evolutie technische verhalen bekrachtigende wel. Maar als volwassen mensen dit gedrag gaan vertonen… Seksespecifieke hulpverlening is wel degelijk een factor die men niet kan uitvlakken in sociale structuren. Op de basisschool met een 80 procent aan vrouwelijke docenten die in de regel de jongens de jongens niet laten zijn is wel degelijk van invloed op de remming en of het frustreren van een ontwikkelingsfase. Wil niet zeggen dat je dan maar alles dient te accepteren maar bewustwording en context is vaak breder dan het monetaire dagelijks wezen. Je kunt eenzaam zijn in een groep terwijl je je de hemel te rijk kan voelen in een isolement. Mijn modus operandi receptuur uit de laatjes getrokken worden verfijnder naarmate het uur U naderende is. Inzichtelijk en klaring geven aan mijn eigen zijn op 46 jarige leeftijd een ongelooflijk bizar etablissement, nu nog zien te weten te komen hoe ik aan tafel kan nuttigen.
Ik weet nog steeds niet welk scenario er duiding durft te geven aan interferentie ruimtelijke inzichten en waar die gestart zijn en of door wie doch de ogenschijnlijke bedrieglijk heden ten dagen ingegeven signalen met een massaliteit in de diversheid bedacht. Als zelfs de memorie kaarten haar foto's zijn aangepast. Waar is het ooit begonnen heen te gaan.
Ik weet het niet scenario's die een altijd nieuwe vraag oproepende in de klassieke uitleg momenten. Ik was altijd degene die die die laatste vraag had soms tot ergernissen toe van de anderen hun gelach. Echter als de hele groep naar links wil, wil dat nog niet zeggen dat rechts efficiënter is bedacht, de erkenning te krijgen zich te conformeren aan het groter gehaald massaslachtingen vertaald gelach. Ik ben blij dat ik in mijn traject wat structuur ga krijgen mijn grote valkuil kan samenwerken doen gaan samenwerken weer wat rust te krijgen me veilig durf te voelen mezelf te exposerende durf te laten zien. Ook weer wat verbindingen durf te bevaren. Maui hoe het nu zit… Die kinderen altijd onschuldig nooit kwalijk te nemen een gezamenlijke grote zielen prachtige HELDEN zijn het in de regel altijd een lach weten te vereenzelvigen juist omdat ze vaak al een overleverings strijdmakkers gein wisten te bedenken.
Kinderen aan de macht is dat niet een liedje van Herbert ook zo'n ziener aan de kant wist bij te bezingen woord en verhaal een visuele universele taal. Daarom vind ik zo'n Jort Kelder, Henk Westbroek, Midas Dekkers de Boudewijn Büchs, Benoit Wesly of Prem Radhakishun zo'n prettige mensen om te horen. Niet in de massa grootgebracht hun eigen levensweg engelen vluchtig zonder verfijnde massaliteit gedachten een andere mening ongezouten gepeperd kunnen presenteren de een met geraffineerde suiker zoetigheden humor de ander met de botte bijl de verkeerde argumentatie van de ander omver gehakt beide zijden ballen doen mij wel laten glunderen of schaterlachen.
Geboren worden in verschillende werelden eens daar gearriveerd een plaatsje moeten willen geven is een popie jopie Chriet Titulaer wondere wereld je aldaar staande te kunnen houden als het niet al eerder is gecapituleerd mag je in Jr's handjes wrijven.
We zullen zien ... Martin Keerssemeeckers exposedFaggotCumBucket
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2024.05.12 03:40 Gyanbng123 Today’s Headlines

“Life begins the moment you realise you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.”
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Mothers. & Happy Sunday Morning 🌅
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Business Standard
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2024.05.12 01:26 CazOnReddit A Speedrunner's Guide to Bruce Brown - And What Can Be Done on Draft Night (Part 1)

A Speedrunner's Guide to Bruce Brown - And What Can Be Done on Draft Night (Part 1)
The only thing more underwhelming that the Pascal Siakam trade has been the discussion surrounding it, full stop.
While there's certainly a discussion to be had about how the assets they've obtained have been used - the Ochai Agbaji/Kelly Olynyk trade with the Jazz is a homerun given the front office only gave up a bottom 3 pick in a draft executives have repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the prospect - the package of Bruce Brown, Jordan Nwora, Kira Lewis and 3 firsts - two of which were protected (The Pacers picks are Top 3 and Top 4 protected, though the former will convey at 19th in the 2024 NBA draft) - gave the Raptors neither a prospect one could expect to develop into a starter in the immediate future.
We all know this, we've all talked about this, it's been done to death and the fact that two of those first rounders came from a draft class the Raptors felt comfortable trading out of via a lightly protected first-rounder last season to acquire Jakob Poeltl speaks well enough for the strange sequence of events that culminated in the exit of a player who expected to be a Raptor for life.
Equally drawn out - but more relevant as the draft fast approaches - has been the discussion of the main piece of salary that came back from Indiana, NBA champion Bruce Brown.
Initially seen as a trade piece to potentially bolster the return one got for Pascal, Brown has been underwhelming as a depth piece and simultaneously was not moved at the trade deadline for the Raptors asking price of a first round pick or a young player. While the former can be attributed to a knee injury, the fact remains that Toronto didn't get what they were hoping for at the deadline and a down year from the supporting player has only served to complicate getting that 1st rounder the Raptors were so adamant to acquire.
Diminished or not, there is value to be had for Bruce Brown, albeit for different reasons than his on-court contributions. The 2024 free agency class is a weak one, and while there are a few interesting players who could make for interesting bench additions before one has to worry about the cap impact of Scottie's presumed max extension, ultimately there aren't any standouts for upgrading the team's point of needs. Sure, Jalen Smith would be a nice bench big addition but he's not going to move the needle from play-in territory to surefire playoff seed.
Whether or not his play has affected his value as a contributor to a playoff team's front office, Bruce Brown does have some value as salary relief for a team at or near the first apron - and a few of them just happen to be around the late lottery or have a future 1st to part with. While Brown alone might not be enough to secure a first rounder, it is possible he could be moved with the Pacers pick to move up in the draft to go after a player the Raptors are interested in (It's been frequently mentioned that Masai was spotted scouting Tidjane Salaun though that doesn't necessarily mean anything; he was also spotted scouting Ismael Kamagate in 2022 yet we went with Christian Koloko) but may not fall to 19. That's obviously not the same value as getting a 1st but it is useful, and depending on the incoming salary they get in return, they could find themselves a cheap fix for the current roster's many flaws via a "distressed asset" a la RJ Barrett; the future point guard and current center positions are locked up but while RJ and Scottie will continue to start, it's up in the air where 2-thru-4 they'll be and who'll take the last position, doubly so with Trent Jr.'s extension is seemingly dead in the water.
In part 1, we'll go over three of the teams that might make for a trade partner to move up from the Raptors current pick situation.

Chicago Bulls
Most likely player(s): Lonzo Ball
2021/22 Stats: 13 points, 5.4 rebounds, 5.1 assists 42.3% FG, 42.3% 3P, 75% FT
Incoming salary: $21.3 million (Net of -1.6 million)
Pick(s) available: 11th pick in 2024 draft, future 1st from Blazers (Lottery protected thru 2028)
Quick note before going forward: While there may be instances where I list multiple picks from a given team, it's altogether unrealistic to expect more than 1 being exchanged unless it's a case where the Raptors are trading down for for two picks in this draft, say, they move from 19th to 22nd and 23rd this year in a similar fashion to what the Grizzlies did in the 2022 NBA draft. However, given the Raptors already traded the worst of the 2 1st rounders they acquired in this draft, I don't think they'll add another draftee unless someone on their board falls to a position they'd feel comfortable making a deal for.
Anyway, this is perhaps the most obvious suggestion if one operates under the assumption that the Bulls will live up to their namesake with the profound stubbornness and refusal to rebuild they've displayed over the past few years. Assuming they bring back DeMar, Chicago seems poised to at the very least run it back - if only so they don't give up a valuable pick they owe to the Spurs (Top 10 protected) in 2025 - and they have a very obvious player to attach/dump with their pick.
Unlike other names that will come up, it almost feels pointless to discuss Lonzo Ball as a player because he hasn't played in over 2 years. The once-promising point guard has been on a lengthy recovery timeline and while there's been some talk of him making a return next season, there's zero certainty that the same Ball which had the Bulls as a 1 seed back in 2021/22 will be the one hitting the hardwood. It's not impossible that he'll return like nothing happened but the most likely scenario is whomever is holding Lonzo's Bird Rights by the 2025 offseason will end up waiving them or buying him out.
With the rise of Coby White - a point guard who, quite frankly, should have won MIP over Maxey - and Ayo Dosunmu improving in his own right as a capable backup point, Chicago has all the reason to rid themselves of Lonzo's not insignificant portion of the team's cap if they plan on making their mandatory play-in appearance. Brown would give them a depth piece off the bench that can contribute right now while still keeping that alleviation an expiring contract grants their increasingly complicated salary concerns with DeMar poised for a pricey new contract (Ironically, the Bulls trading Lonzo for Brown would increase their payroll by around $1.6 million but I digress).
Heck, if the Bulls try to run it back but find themselves ready to embrace the rebuild they should have at last year's deadline - it isn't altogether difficult for them to meet the requirements to hit on their pick's protections in 2025 - they can likely recoup some value via moving Brown at the 2025 deadline or earlier on the season should they decide to #RaisetheFlagg early.
So yeah, Lonzo and the 11th for Bruce Brown and 19th.
Maybe they expand this into a 3/4 team deal involving Zach Lavine being sent to another team and reroute something to Toronto.
Maybe Toronto turns that 11th pick in to the 2025 first that the Raptors reportedly wanted at the deadline and merely select in the Top 6 (if they keep their pick) and 31st.
Maybe you wrap in a Boucher deal in to this or Chris ends up in Chicago as well.
Maybe you opt for the Blazers future 1st (which is heavily protected until 2028 so...maybe not).
Maybe you try and call the Spurs to see if giving that pick will let them change the protections on Toronto's owed pick (I doubt they give back pick control outright for the 11th pick in this draft).
Point is, there's a lot of options but as far as frameworks/trade partners go, they're a very obvious one and it makes sense for both parties if the Bulls do decide to run it back against all good judgement...the key word being "if".
The one complicating factor in all of this is the Bulls might not want nor be able to keep DeMar at the price tag/years he's seeking. Fit concerns and faux contender status aside, the 76ers are a preferable scenario compared to the Bulls as a playoff team and it's easy to see a world in which Philadelphia adds a new albatross contract to replace Tobias Harris' with via an aging, albeit still very productive on offense, DeMar DeRozan.
With his extension status up in the air, it's entirely possible he'll hit free agency and walk, leaving the Bulls with an absolute nightmare of an offseason to navigate with Zach LaVine likely on the bloc with no one wanting him.
Whether or not LaVine is on the move on draft night in his own right is an open question. Chicago has a lot of question marks of their own heading in to the draft but the same cannot necessarily be said for the next team...

Utah Jazz
Most likely player(s): John Collins
2023/24 Stats: 15.1 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1.1 assists 53.2% FG\37.1% 3P\79.5% FT
Incoming salary: $26.6 million (Net increase 3.6 million), 3 years 2 + 1 player option
Pick(s) available: 8th pick in 2024 draft (if owned after the 2024 lottery their pick does not drop to 10), 2025 Timberwolves/Cavaliers 1st
Let me pull out a tin foil cap and offer you a theory: I think that the Ochai Agbaji/Kelly Olynyk trade started out as a potential John Collins/Bruce Brown swap to get the Mormon state's team to save a bit of money in the short-term & a lot of money in the long-term while simultaneously filling in a backcourt hole the trading of O.G. and Pascal opened up. Presumably, this began under the goal of getting that 2025 1st Masai and co. were aiming for but whatever the behind the scene specifics, that's not the trade we ended up with.
Owed to Collins having a pretty lengthy contract and him fitting a position of need for the Raptors, albeit with a pretty large asterisk that we'll touch on in a moment, John fit the mold for the buy-low "distressed asset" player that Masai Ujiri has sought out such as the aforementioned RJ Barrett acquisition who has seen a paradigm shift in both production and player reputation since playing for the Raptors.
I've talked about Collins before when his name kept cropping up in the 2023 trade rumors at the deadline, as well as when the Hawks were looking to trade for Pascal Siakam; at the time, John or fellow frequently rumored Hawks player De'Andre Hunter were seen as the main piece of salary. If you want a longer explanation then by all means go ahead and read it but the short version is that it was very easy to turn down a deal where Collins was the centerpiece for Pascal, even if John Collins is perfectly capable as an NBA forward.
After being traded to the Jazz for pennies on the dollar and failing to rehab his overall value to be flipped by known fleecer Danny Ainge, Collins name has found his way back in the rumor mill with the Jazz trying to get rid of him, owed largely to their frustration with the former Hawks forward.
In a vacuum, John Collins does fill the role of a stretch 4 or a small ball 5...sort of. The problem is that John Collins, while a decent player overall, is a positionally confusing one on defense. A great finisher and lob threat on offense, he isn't fast enough to guard most 3s and 4s on defense, and he lacks the size to be a full-time option for a small ball 5 a la the similarly short (Both are 6'9) Bam Adebayo. His shooting has rebounded from a career-low 29% in his final season with the Hawks (owed largely due to a finger injury that should not be viewed for the faint of heart) to more in line with his career average, Collins days with the Jazz have seen him boasting a 37% 3-point percentage on around 3 attempts per game.
And yet, that optimistic turnaround doesn't extend to the season Collins had overall. Yes, he's staying close to his career averages for shooting, rebounding, etc. but that's despite greater opportunity being afforded to him.
That is in of itself part of the problem; the Jazz are in a rebuild where, aside from Lauri Markkanen, no one on the team is guaranteed to be part of their future, and even Lauri has had rumors chasing him ever since January. The door is wide open for anyone to rise up and become a franchise piece, and there's plenty of young talent to give a run for.
It's a prime environment for John Collins to showcase why he was once seen as a rising star like he did in Atlanta during games where Trae Young was out and yet...his tenure in Utah has only served to reinforce the notion that John Collins is who he is, and he's not going to improve much from where he is as a player right now.
The player Collins is right now and will be for the duration of his current contract is not a bad one, but they are overpaid relative to their production; Collins is being paid roughly $25 million on average with a player option in the 3rd year of his contract so while he won't be the worst placeholder one could have for a big man, the amount of cap they do take up will require any team that takes on his money to carefully build around the margins under the new CBA.
The other "trades don't exist in a vacuum" caveat with a Jollins/Brown swap is that...look, the Raptors want some form of draft capital, whether it's moving up in the draft, picking up a 2nd 1st later in the draft or, preferably, a 1st in the 2025 draft. The Jazz do have a pick in this draft but it may be a bit too far out of reach to jump up to via a simple salary dump.
Going from 19 to the late lottery a la the above Bulls suggestion or the third team we'll talk about is a viable option if the Raptors are trading Brown to grant a team short or long-term salary relief/turning dead salary into a rotation player. The Mavericks did this very same thing last year when they dumped Davis Bertan contract on to the Thunder while still acquiring the player they originally wanted in Dereck Lively II. Granted, they only dropped from 10th to 12th but I digress.
Going in to the middle of the lottery from 19 is a significantly higher jump to make. The Jazz do have an interesting 2nd coming their way via the Wizards and no shortage of future picks from the Timberwolves and the Cavaliers though how heavily protected one of them would be were the Jazz to part ways with said pick, and whether the Raptors would be willing to trade out of this draft's 1st round should they lose their own pick to the Spurs (roughly a 55% chance to occur) is up in the air.
It is worth mentioning that if the Raptors keep their pick at 4 or 6 and expect the player we want to draft in that range to still be on the board by 8th, then perhaps an 6 + Brown for 8 + Collins + a future first from the Wolves/Cavs might be an option. Otherwise, it's hard to see the Raptors moving up in the first round for this draft via a trade with Utah.
It should also be noted that there is a possibility the Jazz lose their pick to the Thunder, as it's 8th pre-lottery with a Top 10 protection. If it drops to 11 then it will convey to OKC.
There's one other reason why a trade with Utah is less likely: Recency. Teams rarely make trades with the same partner in what is effectively the same season and the Jazz have done just that via the frequently mentioned Ochai/Olynyk trade.. Exceptions exist but the fact that the two already did so does make it much less likely that they'll be trade partners in the upcoming draft.
Then again, sometimes trades that died in the offseason or deadline use the previously declined deal as a framework for a deal that does end up happening; the Lakers and Pelicans re-engaged trade talks after failing to acquire Anthony Davis in 2019. Lo and behold, New Orleans traded away the All-NBA big man for a haul and a half that the Lakers are still on the hook for - and they might still be if the Pelicans defer their owed Lakers pick to 2025.
Speaking of teams with prior trade talks to Toronto...

Atlanta Hawks
Most likely player(s): De'Andre Hunter
2023/24 Stats: 15.6 points, 3.9 rebounds, 1.5 assists 45.9% FG\38.5% 3P\84.7% FT
Incoming salary: $21.7 million (Net of -$1.3 million for the 1st year)
Pick(s) available: 10th pick in 2024 draft, 2025 Kings 1st
Entering a cap crunch with Okongwu's extension kicking in alongside Dejounte Murray, Atlanta is already poised to make some significant changes in the offseason, with De'Andre Hunter and his overall stagnation, in conjunction with Jalen Johnson's rise despite an overall poor season for the Hawks, being a major turning point for the franchise.
I've talked about Hunter before when the Hawks were heavily rumored to be offering him and draft capital for Pascal Siakam. Not Kobe Bufkin, who was off-limits per the reports but I digress. If you want the long version of what was said about De'Andre then you can give it a read here. The short version? Hunter came in to the 2023/24 season with the reputation of being an average starter on an okay, albeit slightly overpaid given current production, contract and thus he seemed like potential insurance in the off-chance O.G. Anunoby left or someone to flip to another team.
Lo and behold, the Raptors eliminated that possibility of him walking by trading O.G. in the thus far Quickley/Barrett 1-2 punch knockout of a trade, leaving the team with newfound optimism - and a massive hole in their wing/forward rotation so Hunter seems like a perfect buy-low candidate, right?
Well, let's talk about how bad of a season Hunter had and why he left the 2023/24 season with the reputation of having the worst contract on the Hawks roster. Whatever else you can say about Collins, he's off the books in 2026, 2025 if he declines his player option. Hunter is there until 2027 with no chances of an inflated ego causing him to enter early in to free agency.
To start, part of the reason that the reception for Hunter's extension was so mixed was a lack of progress on either end of the floor since the 2022 playoff series between the Hawks and the Heat that earned him so significant a payday. In it, De'Andre flashed signs of the two-way wing he could be; he shot 46% on 5 3s a game and played solid defense throughout the 5 game series. The Kawhi comparisons were overblown but reaching the level of, say, a Mikal Bridges where they're a solid connecting piece who can start on a playoff team seemed like a viable outcome.
This version of Hunter has not appeared since. How much one wants to blame injury on his lack of progress - he's missed a lot of games due to various injuries - the fact of the matter is his limited offensive game hasn't developed whatsoever, his defensive effort lacks consistency and worst of all, his 2023 offseason revealed that he "hadn't worked on anything".
Admittedly that last one was him trying to joke but it was a joke that reflected the altogether underwhelming tenure that was their latest season where, yet again, Hunter failed to show any signs of improvement while the far less experienced Jalen Johnson flourished. He's the Deandre Ayton of wings; a physically gifted player physically but with a low motor to improve their game or in general play with a consistent level of energy. A change of scenery can do wonders for a player but unlike the aforementioned Ayton, Hunter's ceiling is significantly lower and with an extra year on his contract that makes them similarly expensive for a pseudo starter like Hunter.
Whereas Lonzo is more or less filler to make the deal work and John Collins is an actual NBA player on a bad deal, Hunter is decidedly more frustrating. They're a positional fit on paper but in execution, they're a quietly poor contract for a player that has disappointed year after year. It's no exaggeration to say that De'Andre's mundane performance since his extension is a notable reason why the Hawks have struggled in recent years.
Speaking of Atlanta, the Hawks are in an odd position regarding salary relief, for two reasons.
One is that their own pick, currently 10th in the draft, might be more valued internally by the Hawks than an opportunity to rid themselves of Hunter's albatross of a contract, as this will be the last first round pick they stand to control for several years due to the disastrous Dejounte trade. While there isn't an obvious player in their range to fix their many roster issues, young talent for a team that may be contemplating trading Trae Young is young talent to keep around in this hypothetical rebuild around Jalen Johnson.
So yeah, the Hawks might not be planning to move their pick on draft night. Atlanta does have a very early 2nd from the Blazers (34th overall) and a protected pick from the Kings that has since been deferred to 2025. The protections on said pick have gone from lottery protected to Top 12 (Top 10 if it doesn't convey in 2025) so it's not as though there isn't an opportunity to acquire future draft capital and that second could make for an interesting option to trade out in to the 2nd round of next year's trade as Toronto lacks any picks for the 2025 draft if their own defers.
Depending on what Sacramento does - or doesn't do - and with the West being the bloodbath it was this season, it might be preferable to bet against Sacramento for reasons we'll cover in Part 2 (Spoilers: It'll be framed around Huerter who's been terrible ever since the Kings playoff appearance) though by that same logic, the Hawks may prefer holding on to that first-rounder due its potential value in the 2025 draft though how much better next year's draft will be outside of the top-end talent is too early to say.
The other factor is that while they are an over-the-tax team looking at the luxury tax in the 2025 season with Jalen Johnson breaking out at just the right time to demand a hefty extension, Atlanta has a massive trade exception from the John Collins trade that they can also use to take on a bad contract or potentially make use of the Kings 2025 1st they own to bring in more help around Young and whomever they trade Murray for in the scenario where they try to build around Trae instead of kicking off a rebuild.
Will they do that? It's hard to say. Unlike the Bulls who should be rebuilding but are likely running it back after they find LaVine a new team, the Hawks aren't in a position to rebuild due to the Spurs having their picks/pick control for the next few years so they aren't incentivized to be a bad team. Most of the time, trade exceptions don't get used (See: The massive trade exception the Raptors generated for sign and trading Chris Bosh) so it wouldn't be a surprise if that same thing happens to the Collins expectation.
On the other hand, it's equally difficult to see them getting a player good enough to lift them out of the ditch they're stuck in - for those wondering Bruce Brown's exception does fit in neatly for said exception and a HunteBrown trade would create a new trade exception for Atlanta - and thus avenues for trading what few assets Atlanta may be willing to part with become a lot less appealing.
That getting rid of Hunter's contract by moving down a few spots in the lottery is seen as a positive outcome for their draft day moves should speak volumes about how unenviable a position the Hawks are in. Little room for internal improvement and even less options to retool their roster, low optimism due to a potential cap crunch and no pick control until 2028.
But hey, it was worth keeping Kobe Bufkin over trading him for Siakam, right Atlanta?


For those that want a TL;DR for the first 3 teams, see the below chart:
Team Player(s) Years left on contract Pick(s) [Assuming position stays if in the lottery] Incoming salary (2024) Net salary added to the Raptors (2024)
Chicago Bulls Lonzo Ball 1; player option in 2024/25 11th, 2025 Blazers 1st $21.3 million -1.6$ million
Atlanta Hawks De'Andre Hunter 3 10th, 2025 Kings 1st $21.7 million -$1.3 million
Utah Jazz John Collins 2; player option in 2025/26 8th (Only an option if we keep our 1st), 2025 Timberwolves/Cavaliers 1st $26.6 million +$3.6 million
There are more teams to talk about that we'll add to the chart but I think it's best to wait and see who lands where in the lottery - and whether we'll keep our pick or not - before we continue.
That's all for now. Until next time, game on my friends.
submitted by CazOnReddit to torontoraptors [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 21:28 sdey14 Just mine and mine forever Kanna.

Just mine and mine forever Kanna.
It has been two weeks since I asked her out. I was spacing out and not thinking about much when I suddenly asked Kanna a blunt question.

"Everyone calls you the feral hound, but in my opinion, you are actually quite sweet... If only I had someone like you..."

When I looked over I found Kanna was beet red in the face. I realised what I had said but before I could say anything she shyly replied, "T-The idea of a teacher and a student having a r-romantic relationship is not a crime in Kivotos... or so I have h-heard. You d-dont have to wish for something like that if I am w-with you."

That was perhaps the first time I had seen her so flustered, her cheeks, bright red. Usually she kept quite a serious, calm and composed demeanor but today it was a lot different. I always imagined her to be the dominant type. I mean, the title of 'feral hound' was something only the most ferocious of police officers received. She certainly was quite skillful at interrogation.

And that was it. I guess there was no going back. Now that I think about it, it was a really awkward way to ask out someone. I might have played it as a joke but I was too enthralled by her shy, yet bold reply. And so I asked her to be my girlfriend. Its too late now to back off.

Both she and I have been so busy with work that we have not been able to spend much time together. We might have only exchanged a few calls but that was it. No lovey-dovey talk, no playful dates, no such things. Well, she did give me a spare key to her house though which was quite a bold move, but I am not going to lie, her dominant persona awakens certain feelings in me...

And that brings us to the present day. I have already completed my work at Schale early and asked Rin-chan, if could go home early for today. I wanted to surprise Kanna with something. So I decided to head to her home and cook something for her. After all, everyone yearns for a home cooked meal after a long day at work.

I opened the door and went in. It was my first time inside a girl's room. It was not quite what I was expecting. Her work is usually flawless but her house was, by no means, tidy.

"Well... she might not have wanted me to see that..." I took a deep breath "what can be done now? I should help tidy it up a bit"
She actually comes back quite late from the Public Peace Bureau, and I would be surprised if she had anymore energy left to do all the household chores after all that. She already overclocks her body on dubious amounts of coffee. It would not be good for her to exert herself anymore. She is so young yet such a responsible girl...
Thinking about various things I clean up her room and entered the kitchen to make her something.

While watching the water boil I suddenly had a realisation, "What's with this scenario? It's like I'm a househusband waiting for my wife to arrive... So this is what a married life feels like?..."

It was quite a strange feeling to be honest. I never understood the entire prospect of love and marriage, the lack of it was quite evident throughout my life and I never bonded strongly with many people my entire childhood. I might be delusional but at this moment, I feel myself as the happiest person in this world.

It was at this moment I heard the door lock clicking. Kanna is already here. I poke my head out of the kitchen and said "Welcome home Kanna."

She was started to see me here "Wha-huh? S-sensei? Wha... Why are you here?"

"To give you a surprise silly"

"A surprise?"

"I mean, you are always so busy with your work. You don't even get the chance to properly have your meals. So I decided to help you today by cooking you a meal full of love!"

Although she tried to hide her ears twitching, it was quite evident that she was very happy.

"Oh and I also cleaned your ro-"

I realised I should not have said that. She walked up to me and firmly placed a finger on my lips and said, "You never saw any of that."


Apart from the topic of me cleaning her 'not-untidy-at-all' room, we talked quite a lot about various things. Throughout our conversation, I could not help but notice her smile across her face, as constant as the pole star. I have never seen her like talk like this before. I wished this moment would last forever. Just her and me, talking to each other. If I am ever faced with the choice to repeat a day for the rest of eternity, I would choose this day, for I have absolutely fallen head-over-heels for her.

It is now that I notice the time... Well it was my fault for noticing it sooner. Its 10.51 p.m. already. The last train leaves at 11 p.m. and no matter how hard I try, there was no way I was catching that train. I am in a real pinch now. Asking her to stay the night with her. But her room is really small. She and me? In one bed? Okay... now this is not good. I am getting nothing but impure thoughts.

Kanna seems to have been thinking the same thing as me. However she actually asks me this time.
"Well Sensei, it's quite late now. Even if you tried to catch the train, I don't think you'd make it. So...",
She turns a bit fidgety, "why don't you stay the night with me?" She asks with a smile.

My mind goes completely blank. And without much thought I let out the words "But I don't have any protection on me..."



A moment of silence ensues. We both take a moment to process what was said.

"Nh! B-baka w-what are you saying?"
"I solemnly apologise for my words miss Ogata Kanna", I was quick to follow it up with an apology.
‘Come on dude what the hell... she definitely did not mean that when she asked you to stay’, I thought to myself. I am have totally messed up everything. But just as every storm runs out of rain and every dark night turns into day, she was sitting there, her gaze not meeting mine, embarrassed yet shyly making an offer I could never refuse.

“I knew it would come to this eventually. I am… uh… how do I say this…”, she pauses briefly for a second, “To tell you the truth I am not quite experienced with these things, if possible, I would like you to teach me sensei.”

This was it. Then something just snapped inside me. Some hidden feeling, some hidden emotion, which I did not even know, I had. How could any sane person say no to such an offer. In fact, I were to be made such an offer in exchange of manually counting every number up to the Avogadro’s number in tally marks, I would do it. Or perhaps it was fate that led me to this fateful event. It was perhaps the will of the almighty lord that this would happen to me. But I did not care anymore for such things. For there she was, Miss Ogata Kanna, sitting, with all her magnificence, her beauty unrivalled by heaven itself.

“As for that…”, She intervenes my monologue, “Today is actually a safe day for me. So you won't have to worry about wearing any protection”

This. This was the moment the five red lights went out, and I might have had broken the fastest reaction time world record if I were in a motor race by now. Rather than the ear shattering roar of V8 engines, it was a light, muffled moan.

I pounced upon her, just as a wolf pounces upon an innocent and unsuspecting lamb. She might have been the hound, but now, I was the predator and she was the prey. It was quite odd seeing her suddenly submit to my advances, but it was something I didn’t mind at all.

I started undressing her, opening up the buttons of her short holding her soft yet massive breasts. And just as a coffin in buried in the ground, I buried my face within the two mounds of heaven. My fingers started to explore her whole body. I licked down her entire body. At that moment, I was nothing less of a dog. I licked down her toned abdomen muscles down to her navel and then reached her thighs.
If she was to bite me, she could have really torn of my arm for that is how sharp a hound’s teeth are, but right now my teeth were no less sharp than a blamite shard and it certainly did not take me long to tear through her black tights. I now bore witness to her bare thighs. It certainly was charming. There was an elegant yet erotic aura around her. I certainly could not wrap my head around the entire thing but there was nothing that could stop me now. Even if a galactic scale superweapon were to be fired against me and me alone I would just tank it like an insignificant drop of rain and not even be inconvenienced in the slightest, for that was how hypnotised, I was, by the beauty of her bare body.

“D-don’t just stare at my blankly… its e-embarrassing”, her voice brings me back into this world. I regain my senses and just continue to lick her.
“Sclurp… slurp… shlip…”, the room was filled with such lewd sounds and her soft moans. At this very moment, if there was a place better than heaven, it would be this room.
She gets up, still shaking from her climax, and replies with her euphonious voice, “Its not fair, only I feel so good… You should let me take care of you as well”
And so, she wraps her tongue all around my Binah, which might have towered even the Sanctum Tower if I were to view it side by side.
“Hff…haw ish ifth shemshei” She asks in a muffled voice. I could have answered if I were thinking with my actual head. But now I realised her true potential. Why do I admire her so much. She just has this natural, inborn talent like no other. Her versatility, her ability to adapt to new things, her quick learning skills like no other just complements her skills and charms by a massive margin. I could only ever wish to be half the person she is.

While I was lost in deep contemplation I felt pleasure, a great pleasure, pleasure like no other. I might have not had any alcohol, but I certainly was drunk on her sweet love nectar. Still tipsy from the feeling of climaxing, I just pushed her onto her bed and climbed atop her.

“Kanna, would you let me-”
“Yes Sensei, please be teach me everything you know... I wish to know it all”

I could not contain my lust any longer and I plunged myself deep inside her. The air was suffused with the sound of our love. I was now the mythical sword Excalibur, they who would be able to lift me out shall be crowned the next ruler of Birmingham.

For the next few hours, I truly came to know a few truths about the wild. Just as an alligator twists and turns its prey before biting down upon it with tremendous force, I continued ‘plapping’ her in a couple of dozen positions, doing my best as the teacher I am in educating my dear student in the various arts of lovemaking.

“Plap Plap Plap” I ravaged her until who knows how long but It certainly was something I would never forget. I believe she must’ve had the same feelings for me.

Rays of sunlight lit the room now, I did not care to look at the clock for I knew I would have a snowball’s chance in hell of reaching Schale today on time.
“Well. I don’t care anyway. I will tell Rin something like I sprained my ankle or some shit… For now I would love to spend some more time with her.”

I saw Kanna sleeping soundly by my side. She must have been quite exhausted after what we did yesterday.
I got up and poked her cheek with my finger and murmured “I truly admire you Kanna, I just wish you were just mine and mine forever…”

My murmurs were interrupted by a pair of open eyes and a sweet giggle.
“Huh?...You were awake this whole time?”

Kanna just smiled and replied “If you admire me and love me so much, why don’t you make me yours forever?”

(Preparation time=11 hours. Ingredients: People who do not have the same opinion as me and a few years off my lifespan)
Thank you to all the talented chefs here for inspiring me to cook. This is My manifesto, My Propaganda and my argument to all who still aren't convinced of Kanna's true beauty...
"I love you Kanna..."
submitted by sdey14 to SenseisKitchen [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:42 Xgatt Discussion: What improvements does this roster need to get back into contention?

I've been watching this team for a long time (well over 12 years now?), and it's clear that the roster construction is no longer in pace with the rest of the league like in past years.
The teams that are making a push to the conference finals show that success in today's NBA demands more size and athleticism across the whole roster while still retaining shot making.
I thought it may be instructive to analyze the weaknesses in our roster and see what the team can improve. Some of this may be well known already to people who frequent the sub, but I felt it useful to gather all thoughts in one place.

Overall approach / philosophy

I'm firmly in the "let's win one more with Steph" camp. If the team can make trades that weaken them from '26 onwards but grant a strong shot the next two years, I'm all for it.

So what does a successful roster look like today?

Short answer -- Big shooters that can defend, rim protection, & at least 2 players that can generate consistent offense.
In the 2010s, the Warriors could dominate with elite shot making guards complemented by long defensive wings and undersized play making centers. Our size wasn't an issue because most bigs couldn't shoot and would get played off the floor. But thanks in large part to the culture change brought about by Steph and the Warriors, the quality of shooting has gone up a lot across the whole league over the past decade. And this means that teams can now get excellent shooting while staying big.
You have KAT, Jokic, and Embiid at 7'0" 250lb+ able to be 3 point threats. You have the Wemby / Chet archetype of high skill centers that can still shoot. These threats are paired with other shooters and athletes that can shoot over defenses and be ultra mobile / switchable on defense (6'8"+ who are shooters on top of being high motor athletes like Trey Murphy, Jaden McDaniels, Herb Jones, Naz Reid, MPJ, etc).
Wemby is basically the absurd ideal. He's like a 2K MyPlayer with all sliders maxed -- length + skill + defense + shooting + basketball IQ + temperament + competitiveness + good team culture. Only thing he's not already shown is elite play making, but nothing indicates that he won't develop that too.

Looking back at '22

For the Warriors' last championship, we actually found a lot of success with big shot making athletes on the team -- Wiggins in his mental prime, a healthy OPJ who rebounded like a maniac and buried 3 after 3, Bjelica channeling Ben Wallace in the finals, and GP2 healthy and playing like a 7 footer above the rim. Pair this with a somewhat efficient Klay at the guard position, and you have a really long and defensive team outside of Steph.
Wiggins was also a reliable #2 scoring option in the playoffs along with being a lock down defender. With Klay and JP playing sensible team ball, there was plenty of extra scoring on offer.

Where we are now

Since then, we've lost every single one of those players in some way or another. Wiggins can't get himself to care every night (no longer a #2 option or as consistent a defender), that version of JP has disappeared, OPJ's long gone, Bjelica is replaced with Dario "backpedal-and-one" Saric, GP2 is unavailable when it counts, and Klay has lost effectiveness on all fronts. So it's no wonder we struggled mightily this year.
So how can we gain back the things that matter to a good roster in today's NBA?


We need better wing defense and shot making. Klay is physically not able to bring that every night (and especially when it counts), so we need to shore this up.
Our salary situation at the wing (I'm counting Klay as a wing, since he's played a ton of SF this year):
  1. Wiggins ($26.2M, $28.2M, $30.1M PO) - I'm done with the Wiggins experience, though I understand how difficult it may be to move his contract. I don't think the team can predict which version of Wiggins they get, and it may be worthwhile to just shed salary in exchange for reliable but smaller contribution on the defensive end.
  2. Klay (UFA) - If Klay can sign for a deep discount, I'm all for keeping him. If not, a S&T + getting under cap (meaning we shed Wiggs, CP3, likely JK as well).
  3. Kuminga ($7.6M TO) - JK is by far the team's biggest trade chip, and I hope that he gets moved for some solid defense + outside shooting help at the wing. He is elite at rim pressure, but he competes with Draymond for positioning. And we've seen that Dray at the 5 all year is a no go, and that leaves JK without a spot (unless he makes a MAGICAL jump in team defense and 3pt shooting over the off season). So I think it makes most sense to cash in on his huge hype to get immediate contributions that can be relied on. And that contribution needs to come from 3+D type players.
  4. Gui Santos ($1.8M, $2.2M TO) - Santos can be a good toss-in if any deal is on the books.
Some realistic targets for the team at the wing that can help:
  1. Dorian Finney-Smith ($14.9M, $15.3M PO) - Would be a great fit in our system
  2. DeAndre Hunter ($21.6M, $23.3M, $24.9M) - Health and contract size a bit of a concern, but another fit on paper.
  3. Reggie Bullock (UFA) - Good shooter and has shown flashes of being a dogged defender
  4. Herb Jones($12.9M, $13.9M, $14.8M) - May be really tough to get from the Pelicans, but he would also be an ideal fit.
  5. Cam Johnson ($22.5M, $20.5M, $22.5M) - Pipe dream IMO, as Nets likely want to keep and develop. But if they can be convinced / swindled, yes we go after Cam.
Unfortunately, I don't see any good candidates for wings that can also be a #2 option on the team.

Forwards / Centers

At the center position, Bjelica, Looney, and Draymond managed to be effective in '22 thanks to good health and plenty of help with rebounding and defense from the rest of the roster. And between Memphis, Denver, Dallas, and Boston (sans Time Lord), they lucked out in having to face only one dominant big man in Jokic, who didn't have Murray to help. Loon and Dray are now older, less healthy, and up against much bigger centers every night.
A good center in today's league needs to able to contest the rim and still switch out to the perimeter. Ideally they can also stretch the floor on the offensive end, but such centers are very rare and highly coveted. TJD certainly fits the bill on the defensive side, but at 6'9", he struggles against "true" bigs.
Our salary situation at PF/C:
  1. Draymond Green ($24.1M, $25.8M, $27.6M PO) - I don't think he's going anywhere, but C is not his ideal position. I would love to have the Draymond experience be less volatile, but we still desperately need him on the defensive end. Unless you're replacing Draymond with a DOMINANT defensive big via trade (which isn't happening), he's our starting PF.
  2. Kevon Looney (8M) - I don't think he's going anywhere. Team friendly deal, and we need his voice in the locker room. He's still effective enough in short stints.
  3. Trayce Jackson-Davis ($1.8M, $2.2M, $2.4M TO) - Likely our starting center going forward unless we can bring in someone better. It would be phenomenal if he can develop a corner 3 to open up the offense a ton, but I'm not holding out.
Ideally, we move Draymond to the 4 80% of the time and slot in a rim protecting big next to him at whenever he's at the 4. TJD fits the bill, but we would need at least a backup big to also do the same.
Some trade candidates that make sense:
  1. Nic Claxton (UFA) - Probably the best candidate out there. Can protect the rim, run the floor, hustle, and even knock down the occasional outside shot. But he'll be in high demand, and he's probably looking to get paid. Also a great fit in OKC next to Chet, and they can pay him.
  2. Lauri Markkanen ($18M) - Another ideal candidate, but he'll be really sought after on the market. He's a great fit in OKC too, and they have like 400 picks to offer Utah.
  3. Jarrett Allen ($20.0M, $20.0M) - Tough sell at $20M for how limited his skillset is. But he's a big body that can rebound, defend, and hit free throws (or at least used to).
  4. Wendell Carter Jr ($11.9M, $10.8M) - Huge body, good rebounder, can shoot from outside. But he's a suspect rim protector and is often injured.
  5. Jonathan Issac ($17.4M) - More injured than healthy, but he's a generationally good defender when locked in. Maybe some Celebrini magic can be worked out here? Suspect shooter though.
  6. Clint Capela ($22.2M) - Would fit the mold of a non-shooting rim protector and out of the post distributor. But we will be looking at a team with zero reliable shooting from the PF/C position between Loon, Dray, Clint, and TJD.
  7. Jonas Valanciunas (UFA) - Big body, great rebounder, good outside shot. But will want to get paid and can't really rim protect as well as his size would suggest.
  8. Mason Plumlee (UFA) - Big body, rebounding, and passing. Nonexistent shot, and same problems as Capela.
  9. Yuta Watanabe ($2.9M PO) - Maybe we can convince him to come if we pay him more. 6'9" shooting forward with suspect defense, but he can be a good bench piece.
Out of all the above, Clax and Lauri are really the only ones who fill all our needs.


Our guards are non factors on offense outside of Steph, and that's a big hole we need to fill.
Salary situation:
  1. Steph Curry ($55.7M, $59.6M) - Trade I guess, idk.
  2. Chris Paul ($30.0M nonguaranteed) - Likely a great trade piece for a team looking to shed salary and get assets. Can be packaged with JK to target 2 athletic wings / forwards that can shoot. There is no way we keep him at this salary.
  3. Gary Payton II ($9.1M PO) - I think he picks it up, but we may need to move him. He's just not available when we need him, and he's had one healthy year really.
  4. Brandin Podziemski ($3.5M) - Keep. He's a great glue piece on the court and should only improve.
  5. Moody ($5.8M TO) - Keep. He should take another jump next year with play time.
Some possible targets at the guard position (assuming we shed CP3):
  1. Mikal Bridges ($23.3M, $24.9M) - Honestly would be the perfect fit next to Steph, as he is an elite wing defender and reliable scorer when not the primary option. Also a smart player. But we would need to give up JK & picks to make it work, and I think we should. It makes sense from BKN's side too, since Mikal isn't ever going to be a #1 option. But JK has that promise and would fit great next to Cam Johnson. This lets them get a long term piece and recoup some of the picks they gave up.
  2. Dejounte Murray ($24.7M, $26.7M, $28.7M, $30.7M) - He's on a pretty lengthy contract and is not a great outside shooter. But he profiles well as a 2nd option that can also defend very well.
  3. Donovan Mitchell ($34.8M, $37.0M PO) - I don't think we can make this one work with his salary. But if we can somehow shed a whole bunch of salary while retaining JK and other attractive young players, we can make a push for Don. He'll be a great 1B scoring option, but that leaves our back court super small.
  4. Norman Powell ($19.2M, $20.4M) - Kind of a steep price for a small scorer who can't really defend. But he does score really well and can come off the bench to play the '22 Jordan Poole role.
  5. Anfernee Simons ($25.8M, $27.6M) - May be a good candidate to swap for Wiggins + sweeteners if Portland will bite. He can score in bunches and handle the ball to an extent. Portland is wafer thin at SF and has a guard logjam that's holding back Scoot and Shaedon.
  6. Malcolm Brogdon ($22.5M) - Kind of a tough sell for that price, but he could slot in and replace CP3 in our rotation perfectly. CP3 off the bench in Portland will also be a great locker room presence and mentor for Scoot. They would need to add more to the deal to make salaries match, though.

Concluding thoughts

All right, that was a lot to write up, and I'm sure I've missed a lot of good potential options (LIKE LEBRON??). But from looking through it all, we seem to have the best chances of finding trades with BKN, POR, and ORL. Particularly with BKN, if we can pull off a trade bringing two of DFS, Clax, and Mikal to the team, we'll immediately look much better. But the market is going to be insanely tough.
I'd love to hear your input on some of these.
submitted by Xgatt to warriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:00 ddgr815 Hudson’s deal, RenCen renew debate about corporate subsidies in Detroit Bridge Michigan

Hudson’s deal, RenCen renew debate about corporate subsidies in Detroit Bridge Michigan
Incentives designed to create jobs and tax revenue have become increasingly controversial in Detroit as blockbuster developments fail to materialize or live up to their promised economic impact.
The likely struggle of the Hudson’s Detroit project to meet projected Detroit jobs and revenue is the latest large-scale project fueling the debate over the structure of tax-incentivized development.
There have long been concerns about “reshuffling jobs” among buildings in Detroit. The Hudson’s project will call for shuffling hundreds of jobs from one office tower to another as General Motors Co., brings staffers to the Bedrock-owned tower from the Renaissance Center. A $60 million incentive for the project was approved in 2022.
A BridgeDetroit analysis last month showed how Hudson’s Detroit will likely fall short on its job and tax revenue creation promises, which critics say is emblematic of the problems with taxpayer giveaways that provide more benefits to developers and their investors than neighborhood residents.
“A lot of these projects skate by and move through critiqued and unchallenged … so a lot of Detroiters think they bring the benefits that are promised,” said Theo Pride, who is among a core of city residents vocally opposing the incentives. “But we know a lot of the promises don’t come to fruition and this is an indictment of the whole structure of tax-incentivized development.”
Some charge Bedrock and city officials with misleading residents, highlighting the need for more scrutiny and transparency up front, Pride said.
Bedrock, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation officials and most of the Detroit City Council members who voted in favor of the Hudson’s incentive did not respond to requests for comment, but a spokesperson for Mayor Mike Duggan said the city’s high level of incentives have on balance been a winner for the city.
Gilbert’s Bedrock promised 2,000 new jobs and $71 million in new tax revenue in its controversial bid for the incentive. General Motors’ move from the Renaissance Center to Hudson’s Detroit will affect an estimated 850 positions.
Moving those positions between buildings in the city does not create new jobs or new economic impact as the positions already exist and contribute to local tax rolls.
Hudson’s Detroit is only one development drawing concerns.
The Ilitch family failed to deliver on new neighborhoods and entertainment districts it promised would sprout around Little Caesars Arena in “District Detroit,” and as a second phase of the project struggles to get started. All told, taxpayers would cover about $1.8 billion, or 64%, of District Detroit’s cost, if it is built out. The Ilitch’s Olympia Development did not respond to a request for comment.
Meanwhile, the Hudson project and three other downtown Gilbert projects received $618 million in state “Transformational Brownfield” incentives, plus local subsidies. The projects are heavy on office space and were projected to create about 7,300 new jobs, but may not be delivering.
Gilbert finished the mammoth Book Tower renovation, and the much smaller One Campus Martius renovation, but the company and officials have not said how many jobs at either site are new to the city. The Monroe Block project is stalled, and filling the Hudson building with employees already working in Detroit at the Renaissance Center, which will empty its offices, is not what was promised, said Michael LaFaive, an analyst with the Mackinac Policy Center, which tracks corporate subsidies.
“It was sold as a ‘transformational’ project but we were never told that the transformation would only include moving a few jobs down the street,” he said. He noted academic research that casts doubt on the type of incentives and calculations Detroit uses.
“The scholarship on this is decades old and there are hundreds and hundreds of studies that look at various economic development programs at the state and local level, and they have shown zero to negative impacts repeatedly,” LaFaive said.
The questionable economic returns on subsidized office space are not unique to Detroit.
Developers for New York City’s Hudson Yards project promised it would generate 55,000 jobs and $500 million in tax revenue in exchange for $2.1 billion in incentives. A peer-reviewed study found its economic impact was much lower because 90% of the jobs moved from elsewhere in Manhattan to Hudson Yards.
Hudson Yards’ developer is Stephen Ross, whose development company, Related Cos., in 2022 received a $100 million payment from Michigan state lawmakers for a University of Michigan office building and school in District Detroit. Though Hudson Yards’ supporters maintain it is a success, some officials concede it is much less so when already existing jobs are factored in.
The only Detroit council member who supported the 2022 incentive deal for Hudson’s Detroit to return BridgeDetroit requests for comment was Mary Waters. She said the city got “played by a corporate shell game” and she is now turning her attention to what happens to the Renaissance Center. The building is “iconic” and should be redeveloped, she said, but Waters is concerned that GM may ask for incentives, and she plans to ask the council’s Legislative Policy Division to look into the issue.
“We need to know in advance what’s going to happen with that site, and we need the very best deal for Detroiters,” Waters said.
Duggan spokesperson Roach pointed to city figures showing Detroit has added 25,000 jobs since 2014, providing $153 million in new income tax revenue. The revenue has been used to fund park repairs, policing, ambulance services and “a whole host of other improvements that can be seen and felt by Detroiters across the city,” Roach said
“The city’s economic strategy is having a direct and positive impact on most Detroiters,” he added.
But the city’s argument rests on an often untrue assumption – the development would not have happened without the tax incentives, said Jacob Whiton, an with Good Jobs First and a former Detroit Economic Growth Corporation official who worked on tax incentives for Detroit. That assumes the choice “is binary – either the development happens or doesn’t,” Whiton added. The Hudson was half built by the time Bedrock came back for more incentives, so Gilbert would not have abandoned it, but it would likely have been more “modest,” he said.
There is also a “gold plating effect” in which developers know they can get an incentive so they create plans that include amenities or a size that is not necessary, Whiton said.
“There may very well have been a profitable way to redevelop the Hudson site without this extent of public financial support – it just might not have been as tall or had as many hotel rooms,” Whiton said. “If we collected the tax revenue on that more modest project, then reinvested the money we saved, would the net economic impact have been greater?”
The city could also use incentives for smaller projects throughout the city. The Detroit People’s Food Co-op, a newly opened Black-led cooperative grocery store in the North End, received some incentives. Such projects serve a community function and are much more effective at spreading wealth among city residents instead of developers, Pride said.
That is especially true as office buildings’ economic value plummets post-COVID, he added, and said the city “should use the opportunity to pivot.”
“Grandiose projects like Hudson’s are not profitable for cities anymore so we need to be thinking about what other type of development we can be doing, and we should get creative and think about racial and economic equity in serious ways,” Pride said.
Edythe Ford, a community organizer who also opposed the plan, said the city needs ordinances that require more equitable development instead of house flipping. Ford, who is also a member of Detroit’s Reparations Task Force, said the money could be used to provide easy access to grants for low-income home repairs, for example.
“We need equitable development – everything can’t go to the areas that already got it going on,” she said.
Ford said residents also need more people to be more active with the issue and vote.
“Citizens need to organize more and I don’t want to hear hollering about the mayor if you keep voting him in,” she said. “If we don’t start holding them accountable we’re going to keep hearing the same story.”
submitted by ddgr815 to Detroit [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 01:04 njastar How to fix the Suns

I've been thinking a lot about how to fix our team and I've developed this plan that I know will work.
1. Get a new coach We need a new coach that can get along with the players, Frank Vogel obviously lost the dressing room. I propose we go after Monty Williams, he has history with Devin Booker and coached him to the final. Additionally, after a lot of down years, he will be cheap to get. He's not the most tactical coach, so perhaps we bring in an offensive guru on the bench, I heard Kevin Young from BYU is meant to be the real deal.
2. Get a real Point Guard We need someone who can run our offense, no more BookeKD isolations. We need the Point God, the hall of fame point guard, Chris Paul. This guy is an offense mastermind, yes, he's a bit old, but that means he's experienced. I know he breaks down in the later rounds of the playoffs, but I'll happy to even get to the later rounds. He's also on a huge expiring contract, we should trade Beal for him and get rid of his contract.
3. Trade KD for some younger players Kevin Durant is too old, we need some young blood in the team. I propose we trade him for some young wings, the Brooklyn Nets want to contend, I think trading KD for Bridges/Cam Johnson + picks makes sense for both teams.
4. Get rid of Nurkic Nurkic is a great regular season player but is always injured and doesn't hold up in the playoffs. I propose we trade him for a younger center who will match up well with Jokic. A player I've liked is Deandre Ayton, a young do-it-all center from Portland. He's rumored to have attitude and motor problems, but I think the "dog" in Booker will be a good influence on him.
5. Get some good role players Obviously we're over the cap, so getting good role players is hard. We can swap Grayson Allen for Landry Shamet, who can do everything Allen can do for less. Some good free agents min guys include J Crowder, Cam Payne and Frank the Tank.
I think this all makes sense, I hope to see it soon.
submitted by njastar to suns [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 13:15 FrameCareful1090 Another Aptera Executive has gone 404

It is with heavy heart Aptera announced that another member of the Aptera wack pack (Douglas Lui) has left, strangely right after Sarah Hardwick. In other updates they have produced no test vehicles and headcount is reportedly still well under 50 employees.
They continue to report production will begin exactly 9 months after they hit Lotto or some other funding source that has eluded them for the past 6 years. Aptera users are excited though they seem to believe this cost cutting measure is the path to enlightenment. Strange that Aptera deleted the announcement of Doug off their site but the Internet remembers.
Aptera has been 1 year away from production since 2019
Doug Today as of 5/9/2024: Error 404 Page Not Found
Dougs Announcement: San Diego, February 18, 2022 Aptera Motors announced today that Doug Lui, CPA, CA, a corporate veteran and venture capital partner, joins the company as a Strategic Advisor, bringing over 25 years of global finance experience.
At Vine Ventures, Lui is actively involved in several portfolio companies as a strategic advisor and resident executive, in addition to overseeing due diligence on all prospective and portfolio companies.
At Aptera, Lui will advise the company and its shareholders on the current and future capital structure and on-going financing. By assisting the executive team in leading negotiations, capital sourcing, and due diligence research, Lui serves as an asset for the company’s capital raising efforts strategy. Key to his role, Lui will also guide presentations to international investors– focusing on high net-worth individuals, family offices, sovereign funds, and private institutions across Asia, Europe, Middle East and Canada.
“I am excited to join Aptera’s compelling mission to create the most efficient solar mobility on the planet. As a strategic advisor, my passion is for finding conscious companies and supporting change-makers who are rethinking the status quo is what drew me to Aptera, and I look forward to guiding the company’s funding efforts in this next phase of development.”
submitted by FrameCareful1090 to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 17:21 Short_Algo $GM Awaiting Short Signal based off 9 signals $1,860 net profit 3.86 profit factor 77% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$GM Awaiting Short Signal based off 9 signals $1,860 net profit 3.86 profit factor 77% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]