Unit 5 vocabulary synonyms

What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2016.08.05 06:17 Danistan619 AVoid that fifth glyph!

This is a subforum supporting a community that avoids that filthy fifth glyph. Individuals in this community can post anything as long that fifth symbol of our ABC's is totally missing. This task can look daunting at first but it is not as hard as it looks. This is an arduous skill, it is not a trivial task.

2024.05.14 21:40 Marcey747 TripleS FAQ: How is a 24-member group ever supposed to be paid and be profitable?

TripleS is getting a lot of attention right now for first comeback as a full 24-member group and there's a lot of questionmarks, concerns and misinformation floating around, especially how a 24 member group is supposed to function in any sustainable way.
So I thought I'd give a quick rundown how this group works financially. Spoiler: they're actually paid quite well. How?
The cosmo app
Cosmo is an app delevoped in-house by TripleS' company Modhaus. It's basically a plattform to collect and trade digital photocards called "Objekts".
These Objekt can not only be used to collect but also for fan participation:
Each Objekt gives you a point that can be used in fan votings. For example stuff like the members for new sub-units, title tracks, fandom name, variety show concept, ...
And the main way to get Objekts is to buy them in the shop in the app. One photocard/Objekt costs 3$.
How much money do they make?
Idols under Modhaus (TripleS and ARTMS) get their share of the profit from the Objekt-sales immediatly regardless of trainee debt. So unlike most of their peers they already got their first paychecks.
To get a rough idea of how profitable this whole system is I'm gonna take their latest release of photocards from last week (8 different Objekts per member) as an example:
All member-versions combined they sold 90.000 Objekts within the last 7 days. That's 270,000 $ revenue. And since it's digital and there are basically no production and distribution costs and that revenue is almost completly pure profit.
Let's say the profit split between Modhaus and the members is 50:50:
That's 5,625 $ on average for every member just from this one round. They release these kinds of new sets every 2-3 months. Plus special sets for special occasions like anniversaries, holidays, ...
And in addition there's still all the other regular stuff like pyhsical album sales (150k sales for their recent album), tours, CFs, ...
So while this won't make them rich like Big4 idols it's certainly a very solid and reliable income for the members which puts them in a better position than 99% of all other others in small companies.
Now to adress the elephant in the room:
Yes, the system runs on NFTs. 99.9% of usecases for NFTs are obviously complete bullshit. I would argue this one is a bit different because the two main reasons why everyone should hate NFTs don't really apply here:
  1. NFTs are bad for enviroment: the energy consumption of NFTs can be absolutly horrendous. In this case they use "proof of stake" which is appearently drastically reduces the energy consumption and the carbon footprint of creating Objekt is more like a Google search or a post on Twitter
  2. NFTS are a pyrimade scheme that scams people with the false promise of getting rich fast: That's not the case for Objekts. They are unlimited so it's impossible to speculate and make money by trading them. The Cosmo app is also completly isolated from NFT markets and you can only buy them with real money and not with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
I don't want to convince anybody about this system, I also still have some reservations and concerns. And I 100% understand anybody that doesn't want to support NFTs/crypto/Web3.0 in any way. I still hope this post clears up some misconseptions.
Most importantly, you can also just completly ignore the Cosmo-system and just listen to their music (their albums are AMAZING) or watch their super entertaining variety show.
If you have any questions or concerns about how this whole thing works feel free to ask, I'll try to answer :)
submitted by Marcey747 to kpopthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:39 rapratt101 Example of a 3 bed move and what it required

Estimating what you need resource wise to move is hard. We just finished our 6th move in 8 years and still have trouble. I figured I’d make a quick post with some lessons learned and what it required - hopefully someone might find it useful in the future.
The House - Phoenix, AZ, USA - 1850 sq ft 3 bed/2 bath house - Modest master bedroom, a toddler room, and an office - 1 couch, couple arm chairs, 6 seat dining table, and half a dozen other pieces of furniture - Small outdoor shed and a wall’s worth of storage in the garage - Washer and dryer.
The Packing - Around 120 boxes (didn’t keep exact count - sorry) split roughly equally between small, medium, and large. Paid $85 for 100ish used boxes and left over packing materials from Facebook Marketplace. No fancy boxes. Just cut some down to fit awkward items - 14 rolls of good quality packing tape (cheap stuff is not worth it) - 5 Costco rolls of plastic wrap (2-3 layers of wrap on all important furniture) - 1 Costco roll of tissue paper for breakable items - 1 large roll of bubble wrap
The Moving - Ordered 4 U-Haul self-load storage pods (5w x 8l x 7h). U-Haul’s online estimator and the 2 reps I spoke to were both wrong on the estimate - we needed about 5.5 pods. Plus they come with a TON of moving blankets that take up 1/3 of a unit (total for all 4 pods) - Cost $50/pod/month plus insurance and a $99 delivery fee on both ends. Storage is payed per month no prorating - Paid professional moving company $300 to load the pods (and another $300 to unload in a few weeks). It took 2 guys about 3 hours to load 4 pods - Additional 5x8 conditioned storage unit for temp sensitive or breakable large items. About $100/month plus lock and application fee. - Total cost for move with 5 weeks of storage is around $2000
Lessons Learned - Don’t be stingy with the packing materials. Similar sized boxes are a lot easier to pack. You’ll use way less good quality tape than the cheap stuff. - Over estimate the storage you’ll need. I’d consider our home in about the middle as far as “stuff” goes. We needed roughly the square footage in cubic storage space (so an 1900 sq ft house needs about 1900 cubic feet of storage) - 80% of the packing is quick. The next 20% takes just as long as the first 80% and there is always at least 1 car load left over. Plan a full weekend for just the last 20% of stuff.
submitted by rapratt101 to moving [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 Fidler_2K Daniel Ahmad: The PlayStation 5 shipped 4.5 million units in the last quarter. According to our estimates, this is almost 5x more than the Xbox Series XS shipped in the same period.)

Daniel Ahmad: The PlayStation 5 shipped 4.5 million units in the last quarter. According to our estimates, this is almost 5x more than the Xbox Series XS shipped in the same period.) submitted by Fidler_2K to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 FriendlyDrummers Any players from the start with no premium 5* max merged units?

I did take a three year break! Around the time fallen male grima was OP.
But I think my silly brain gets so enticed by all the new units and premium skills. Don't judge me too hard, but literally I only have a +10 merged Aversa, Winter Bruno, and OG Catria.
I think my current merge project is Valentine Duo Elise at +5 and maybe Rearmed Peony since I slapped some good skills at her(but only +2 rn lol). My Easter Sharena is +6!
The problem is that when I took a break, I missed out on a lot of feathers. Before I left, feathers were a lot more rare. And then I've pulled for a lost of miscellaneous rearmed like Ophelia(+4), Reinhardt(+2).
submitted by FriendlyDrummers to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 TradedMedia Carlyle Group Acquires Multifamily Asset In Williamsburg From Eden & Alon Ashourzadeh

The multifamily property located at 174 Meserole Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn was sold for $5.5 million. The property consists of 5 units, resulting in a price per unit of $1,100,000. The buyers, Carlyle Group in partnership with Carter Martin & Greenbrook Partners, acquired the property from the sellers, Eden Ashourzadeh & Alon Ashourzadeh. The deal closed on May 9, 2024.

Summary of transaction details:

Carlyle Group and Greenbrook Partners, represented by Townhouse Rental II, L.L.C., acquired the F.J. Berlenbach House, an individual city landmark, from Eden and Alon Ashourzadeh's 174 Meserole Partner LLC. The deal for this noteworthy property was a significant transaction in the Williamsburg, Brooklyn real estate market.
Learn More: Carlyle Group Acquires Multifamily Asset In Williamsburg From Eden & Alon Ashourzadeh
submitted by TradedMedia to tradedny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 nimloth New Standard Unit: 1 Furry

Let us define "1 furry" as a whimsical unit of measurement within the GlobalComix digital library context:
One furry shall henceforth be a unit of measurement equal to 8.5 million centimeters of cat hair, with each cat hair averaging about 5 cm in length.
Standard SI prefixes apply, thus making it feasible to measure even the smallest contributions to this unit. For instance, a typical cat shedding about 127 centimeters of hair daily amounts to approximately 14.9 nanofurries.
The furry, as an SI unit, offers practical utility through interesting unit conversions. Given that one furry equals 1.7 million cat hairs, this unit allows us to express vast distances or lengths in terms more relatable to everyday life, albeit with a humorous twist.
To contextualize the enormity of the GlobalComix digital comics library, consider its total pixel count of 23,139,013,568,043. Assuming each pixel is approximately 0.026 cm wide, the total length of these pixels laid end to end would be about 601,614,352,769 cm. This translates to approximately 70,778 furries. Therefore, when discussing the vast scope of our digital comics library, we can confidently articulate that it spans over 70 kilofurries in length.
This method of quantification not only conveys the impressive size of the GlobalComix library but also infuses a playful and imaginative element into the understanding of digital storage space. By measuring digital content in furries, we introduce a novel and engaging way to visualize and communicate the scale of data.
submitted by nimloth to math [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 PLpro12 How do I analyze and interpret Amazon FBA sales data to make informed decisions reddit?

Understanding Amazon FBA Sales Data

What Constitutes Amazon FBA Sales Data?

Amazon FBA sales data encompasses a plethora of metrics and statistics that shed light on various aspects of a seller's performance on the platform. These include:

The Importance of Analyzing Amazon FBA Sales Data

Analyzing Amazon FBA sales data isn't merely a suggested practice; it's a crucial component of a seller's success strategy. By delving into the nuances of this data, sellers gain invaluable insights that enable them to:

Analyzing Amazon FBA Sales Data: Best Practices

1. Utilize Amazon Seller Central Tools

Amazon offers a suite of tools within Seller Central designed to assist sellers in analyzing sales data effectively. These tools, including the Sales Dashboard and Business Reports, provide a comprehensive overview of sales performance, customer behavior, and inventory metrics.

2. Leverage Data Visualization Techniques

Visualizing data through graphs, charts, and dashboards enhances comprehension and facilitates quick decision-making. Utilize data visualization tools such as Tableau or Google Data Studio to create visually appealing representations of your Amazon FBA sales data.

3. Conduct Comparative Analysis

Compare current sales performance with historical data to identify patterns, fluctuations, and areas for improvement. Conduct A/B testing on pricing strategies, product listings, and advertising campaigns to gauge effectiveness and optimize performance.

4. Implement Keyword Optimization Strategies

Keywords play a pivotal role in driving product visibility and sales on Amazon. Leverage keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Helium 10 to identify high-traffic keywords relevant to your products. Incorporate these keywords strategically into product listings, titles, and descriptions to enhance search ranking and attract more customers.

5. Monitor Competitor Activity

Stay abreast of competitor activity by monitoring their pricing strategies, product offerings, and customer reviews. Extract valuable insights from competitor data to refine your own strategies and maintain a competitive edge.

Interpreting Amazon FBA Sales Data: Key Metrics to Consider

1. Sales Velocity

Sales velocity refers to the rate at which products are selling on Amazon. A high sales velocity indicates strong demand and market acceptance, while a low velocity may necessitate adjustments to pricing or marketing strategies.

2. Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI measures the profitability of your Amazon FBA endeavors by comparing the revenue generated against the expenses incurred, including product costs, fulfillment fees, and advertising expenditure.

3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC quantifies the amount spent on acquiring each new customer. By optimizing CAC and maximizing customer lifetime value, sellers can enhance profitability and sustain long-term growth.

4. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate denotes the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. Analyzing conversion rates enables sellers to identify friction points in the purchasing process and implement strategies to improve conversion efficiency.


Mastering the art of analyzing and interpreting Amazon FBA sales data is paramount for sellers seeking sustainable success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, sellers can optimize their strategies, maximize profitability, and unlock new avenues for growth on Amazon's platform.
Understanding Amazon FBA Sales Data

What Constitutes Amazon FBA Sales Data?

Amazon FBA sales data encompasses a plethora of metrics and statistics that shed light on various aspects of a seller's performance on the platform. These include:

The Importance of Analyzing Amazon FBA Sales Data

Analyzing Amazon FBA sales data isn't merely a suggested practice; it's a crucial component of a seller's success strategy. By delving into the nuances of this data, sellers gain invaluable insights that enable them to:

Analyzing Amazon FBA Sales Data: Best Practices

1. Utilize Amazon Seller Central Tools

Amazon offers a suite of tools within Seller Central designed to assist sellers in analyzing sales data effectively. These tools, including the Sales Dashboard and Business Reports, provide a comprehensive overview of sales performance, customer behavior, and inventory metrics.

2. Leverage Data Visualization Techniques

Visualizing data through graphs, charts, and dashboards enhances comprehension and facilitates quick decision-making. Utilize data visualization tools such as Tableau or Google Data Studio to create visually appealing representations of your Amazon FBA sales data.

3. Conduct Comparative Analysis

Compare current sales performance with historical data to identify patterns, fluctuations, and areas for improvement. Conduct A/B testing on pricing strategies, product listings, and advertising campaigns to gauge effectiveness and optimize performance.

4. Implement Keyword Optimization Strategies

Keywords play a pivotal role in driving product visibility and sales on Amazon. Leverage keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Helium 10 to identify high-traffic keywords relevant to your products. Incorporate these keywords strategically into product listings, titles, and descriptions to enhance search ranking and attract more customers.

5. Monitor Competitor Activity

Stay abreast of competitor activity by monitoring their pricing strategies, product offerings, and customer reviews. Extract valuable insights from competitor data to refine your own strategies and maintain a competitive edge.

Interpreting Amazon FBA Sales Data: Key Metrics to Consider

1. Sales Velocity

Sales velocity refers to the rate at which products are selling on Amazon. A high sales velocity indicates strong demand and market acceptance, while a low velocity may necessitate adjustments to pricing or marketing strategies.

2. Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI measures the profitability of your Amazon FBA endeavors by comparing the revenue generated against the expenses incurred, including product costs, fulfillment fees, and advertising expenditure.

3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC quantifies the amount spent on acquiring each new customer. By optimizing CAC and maximizing customer lifetime value, sellers can enhance profitability and sustain long-term growth.

4. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate denotes the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. Analyzing conversion rates enables sellers to identify friction points in the purchasing process and implement strategies to improve conversion efficiency.
Utilizing Amazon Seller Tools
Helium 10 offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to empower sellers with actionable insights derived from Amazon FBA sales data. This powerful software provides sellers with robust analytics capabilities, enabling them to delve deep into their sales performance, customer behavior, and market trends. With this tool, sellers can effortlessly analyze key metrics such as sales revenue, unit sales, profit margins, and keyword performance to make informed decisions that drive business growth and success. Whether it's optimizing pricing strategies, refining product offerings, or maximizing advertising ROI, sellers are equipped with the tools they need to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.


Mastering the art of analyzing and interpreting Amazon FBA sales data is paramount for sellers seeking sustainable success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, sellers can optimize their strategies, maximize profitability, and unlock new avenues for growth on Amazon's platform.
Helium 10 - 20% OFF Discount (Limited Time)
An all-in-one Amazon seller tool to easily find, list, and sell 10K+/month products! Disclosure: I get a small kickback if you click through - Thanks for reading! DM if you have any questions :)
submitted by PLpro12 to newamazonsellers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:34 cipherinterferon Could a professional advise me what kW air conditioner I require for each room?

4 rooms. Ceiling height 2.4m.
I'm confused as I've had 2 wildly different quotes from two installers. One recommended 2.5 kW for all rooms. Another gave me an obscene quote (£15,000 to install) with units varying from 5 kW to 1.5 kW.
submitted by cipherinterferon to AirConditioners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 jorfyy 120v heating efficiency: Highest HSPF2 120v mini split option/s?

What are the highest (HSPF2) 120v - mini split option /s? I'm sure I'm not the first person to go down this path as far as "research" goes... cabins, off grid, tiny houses, school buses, rv's, solar, etc etc, this type of install is becoming quite common, not just for DIY, and often (for example running off batteries)-- efficiency is extremely high on the list of priorities.
I've checked the energy star site and the NE USA efficiency site, but there are thousands of units to look through, with no way to sort 120v vs 230v. And neither site seem to be (necessarily) comprehensive when it comes to the smalle120v units..
(I won't personally care about SEER2 as the AC season here is about 1-2 weeks a year, but of course high SEER units are also typically high HSPF and high COP). so if you want to share the highest SEER2 120v choice/s, go right ahead!
(for 120v) I'd hope to find HSPF2 of 10+, perhaps? Anything 10.5+ would/should be near the top of the list. I understand the most efficient options achieve that last little bit using variable/optimized fan speed, and some previous "gaming the testing system" to optimize for SEER testing conditions specifically was probably pretty common.
I have Mitsubishi and Fujitsu in my house, and also really like Daikin from a price vs reliability standpoint. I have good experiences with Midea/Carrierebranded, less so with Gree (parts wise), but open to whatever, even "disposable"/affordable rebranded options etc etc. I have done many installs, NOT needing DIY type, specifically. The HVAC guy in our business is tied into one brand only, so I'm posting here as I wanted to get a multi-brand perspective.
This (future) unit will be off grid and ONLY 115v circuit available not 230v. (To be clear--I understand correct unit sizing / load calculations for the space are critically important for efficiency), yes calculations will be done (conservatively) but this post is a more general inquiry. So ANY unit size 6k, 9k, or 12k, (15k?) units that stand out, or you can recommend for heating mode efficiency--would useful / appreciated... I'd be buying standard units not cassettes or ducted. Thanks in advance!
submitted by jorfyy to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 lawshadowz To Arrowhead regarding the upcomming UPDATE

Hi all,
As we all know a lot of backlash has happened on the wave of unwanted NERFS on weapons taking the fun away that made this game fun at launch. I hope you don't only focus on the Polar Warbond Assault riffles only...
There are older Warbonds that DEF need tweaking with their weapons.
What is it with Anti Material Rifle and the newly Heavy Machine Gun with a pay attention here "A BIPOD" that makes absolutely no sense since it does NOTHING! In real war a belt fed machine gun with a BIPOD will DECREASE its recoil by about 90% i played simulator war games and Arma 3 comes pretty close. Without BIPOD the recoil is INSANE. But while being proned + BIPOD there is hardly any recoil felt and thus makes the heavy macnine gun very accurate even at 500m! Right now the BIPOD is just for fantasy show it SHOULD HAVE A FUNCTION! I think this PASSIVE buff to the heavy machine gun will be loved by the community!
On the Anti Material Rifle when proned the BIPOD should cause ZERO SWAY like ZERO increasing its accuracy by a noticeable amount! That to would be very nice addition.
Maybe a slight buff on the "Jetpack" compare it to other backpacks those have far more utility ie guard dog killing enemies or shield backpack etc etc. I feel like the cooldown on the Jetpack is TO MUCH i would say a 10 sec cooldown is good enough instead of the 20 sec. Also give it a slight higher jump ie from 5 meter max i think to 6 or 7 meter would be nice. Or....give it a couple of seconds of "Hover" with the ability to AIM with weapons/grenades call ins! This would be so much fun!
Improve VAULTING this one is frustrating!
Tone down the rag dolling by a lot nothing fun about this aspect at all...
Improve reload right now it''s weird many adressed this already.
And more versatility in planets maybe fighting in cities or even INSIDE a GIGANTIC indoor base (this can be an issue with call ins...?) And tone down the fog/mist pls...
I know this game can be fun but reason people leaving is its getting boring AND certain loadouts that people have FUN with are being nerfed! Take into account these people who PUT time and effort to get to know their weapon ins and outs and then realize it was a waste of time...Some people prefer one weapon let them have that joy.
The game has so many nice stuff it reminds me a bit of Mass Effect 3 coop what a NICE NICE game that was for years and years! Consider the community feedback what they want. No one is asking to tone down difficulty challenge but do give option and tools to deal with the treaths!
As you already planned: Customazition on weapons ie different scopes or mag size or barrels, silencers, different type of ammo size and properties ie armor piercing rounds or explosive rounds (can be bought with either medals or something else...?) custom colors on armor or complete different bonus on armor sets like for an sniper ie maybe a cloak? etc etc...This would make the game way more fun because NOW people can min/max or make their dream build!!...Specifically for their setup/loadout now that would be COOL!! And do get rid of certain people who only want to make the game UNFUN within AH! Not gonna name name(s) but i think you know who the community is talking about!
submitted by lawshadowz to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 Leafbox_ Crazy Half-Life theory. Bear with me, I swear this makes sense.

I've always been one to piece together storylines where some would say it's ridiculous, then again, I'm very imaginative. I love making up Half-Life mods and "expansion packs" in Garry's Mod, imagining it as some sort of custom campaign. Over all this time, there is one connection that, if an actual Half-Life enthusiast stumbled upon it, they'd laugh in disbelief, and it's the following.
I don't think the Black Mesa Incident happened in 1999, 2000 or 2003. I think it happened right after the events of Left 4 Dead 2. Seriously, think about it. The Green Flu being the way it is makes me feel like it's some sort of biological weapon, if we imagine the Combine have already been spying and infiltrating Earth, or maybe the G-Man had something to do with Patient Zero in Mercy Hospital. He caused the resonance cascade, I'm sure the Green Flu could also be his doing in a way. Either it's from the Combine, or from the G-Man.
After that, I can imagine the events of Counter-Strike happening, as the world recovers from the pandemic (due to the Green Flu fading over just a few months due to the visible decay of the Infected), and things are being rebuilt, there is a surge of gangs and terrorists attacking important positions in regions that were in quarantine, for the sake of being more covert, or because a lot of potential stopping factors like citizens and law enforcement have died in the affected regions. The Coalition Taskforce (the ones responsible for sending in the CTs, lore wise) sending in small units which survived due to being carriers, which eventually have to fight against Ts that are also either carriers or survivors of the pandemic makes sense.
I know the years are a bit behind here with the CS side of things, but honestly, a revolutionary like Valeria Jenner trying to execute her operations with Franz Kriegeld in a post-pandemic world sounds very feasible, with many traditional police forces and military being out of commission or busy fighting the Green Flu, or cleaning up the mess it left behind, some still infected in late stages of decay, or dead. There's the possibility Franz also may have been the one given the Green Flu samples by either the G-Man, or were found by Combine related actions either in Xen (Pretty sure Black Mesa isn't the only one to have access to the borderworld, to be honest) or from direct infiltration on Earth, some of which he could've used in his Danger Zone experiments.
Then, when we count the Xen infestation of Earth after the Resonance Cascade taking yet another toll on Earth's already weakened armies, it feels way more imaginable for the Combine to take over Earth in just seven hours, when most of the world's military already has been damaged, and to an extent, destroyed before they even set a proper foot on it beyond covert infiltration operations.
Half-Life 2 and the episodes always bugged me in a way. Why did the Combine not send more forces than Gordon could handle? Hell, the HECU in the first game made a successful ambush against him, which seems more feasible than the Combine constantly throwing forces his way, not really planning out a sneak attack or something like that. This makes me think, the garrison force the Combine created on Earth with genetic modification doesn't seem as powerful as it looks, and he's lucky that they are probably very busy dealing with rebellions and guerilla everywhere, almost every day, but that could also be extended to the *actual* extent of the Combine.
Remember how Dr. Mossman elaborated that the Combine did not factor in the dark energy equations? If they were as powerful as they are portrayed to be, they likely would know about the calculations in the first place. If their only crutch is multiversal teleportation using superportals, and mass enslavement of species, then they may really be more backwater than they let on to be. If the garrison force on Earth is as weak as on other Combine-controlled planets, (The Magnusson Device essentially nullifies Striders, Hunters are apparently susceptible to AR3s, but this is vague and just one small conversation in EP2, Gunships are easily countered with Resistance RPGs, so are the helicopters with the Airboat Gun) then it seems more and more likely to me that the Combine were simply opportunists. They have a competent enough main army for sure, but their garrison forces suck, which tells me that they're not really occupiers, more thieves who want to suck the Earth out of it's resources and manpower, that has been shown multiple times throughout the series.
They make a quick stab with their daggers, but they can't make a proper finishing blow, Them requiring their homeland forces so quickly after the Citadel's crown has been destroyed (I'm sure there aren't more Citadels around, with City 17's being the only one, since it's destruction caused the Suppression Field to vanish, which, I don't know if it's a global or local thing) makes me believe that this garrison force *really* is made out of wet paper at the very most. They got their Advisors, so why do they decide to blow the whole thing up and try and reorganize, which gave Humanity enough time to counter their superportal?
Maybe I'm just crazy, but I swear, something doesn't add up with the Combine, reading all this. Marc Laidlaw stating they're so much more powerful than anything Gordon or possibly the G-Man handle is reasonable, especially since he's the writer, but I have a different interpretation here.
I know I'm telling this to an audience of maybe like 5 people, all of which probably have never touched a Valve game, but putting my theory out there probably is better than not doing so.
Adios. Hope you had fun reading my borderline schizophrenic take on Valve's universes. Oh, and Portal is parallel to Half-Life in terms of universes, I think they happen around the same timeframe. That is it, everyone.
submitted by Leafbox_ to u/Leafbox_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 dyllea23 Feeling Discouraged

This might seem silly but I’m new with this. I did my first shot last Tuesday of 5 units. (My drs recommended dose) and felt nothing all week. Just as hungry. No side effects which is good i guess, but I just feel like literally nothing happened. Today I’m doing my 2nd shot and going up to 10 units. Is this when I should start to see effects? Or do you really start to see results at the higher doses? I see some people saying they lost like 10+ pounds in 2 weeks and I’m like whaaaaat?! lol i appreciate everyone’s feedback
submitted by dyllea23 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:29 Sataresse Wood elves missile unit question

Everywhere I look everyone says that the Waystalkers are the best missile unit the wood elves have hands down but noticed they didn't feel that impactful to me. So I did some amateur testing in the skirmish mode the other day between hag bane glade guards, shard scouts, and waystalker.
I pitted 5 units of each missile unit against 5 units of exalted daemonettes with a double layer line of zoats so they don't get butchered. I found that the gladeguard did the most damage and the waystalker the least. Can someone help me clear up this confusion?
submitted by Sataresse to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:28 WBCommisioner The AI DESPERATELY needs additional motives to progress themselves.

I'm trying to be realistic when I ask for AI improvements. I understand CA will never be able to implement machine learning generative AI state of the art logic into this video game.
MOTIVE to me would be the easiest to implement. Right now, if you try a mod that randomizes start locations (or removed default aversion values all together) you'll notice that the AI quite literally sits on its hands for endless turns.
It seems these factions have nothing to strive for besides slapping the neighbors they traditionally spawn next to. Well what if a randomized pool of motives was introduced into the game? For example, what if AI Franz had motives that drew from the following randomized pool each game.
-10% of focusing on eliminating all greenskins
-5% chance of wanting to conquer Ulthuan
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Obviously, less loreful motives would be much more rare. But this would both give the AI a push to establish and grow themselves across the map, while also keeping campaigns fresh and unique.
If we introduced additional motives, while also improving the AI settlement/army building logic, I think the game would be in an amazing spot.
What do you guys think of giving the AI additonal motives? Do you like the idea of a randomized pool?
submitted by WBCommisioner to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:27 RelativeEmploy620 Some questions about becoming a controls tech

I'm in the United States. I've decided I most likely want to become a controls tech after having posted here and in other subreddits and having learned more about the field over the past few days. I have a better overall understanding of what this career entails thanks to all of your answers from prior threads, but still would like some clarification on a few things.
  1. Is this an accurate description of the controls tech job? --A controls tech is the person that works on the software programming side of HVAC/Building Automation Systems. As a controls tech, I'd be diagramming control systems on a computer, using software like Metasys. My entire job would be doing work on a computer, consulting with and speaking to clients over the phone, sitting in on corporate meetings, and collaborating with service technicians to fix any issues that arise with the actual hardware components used in a building's system (although, I wouldn't be working on any hardware myself). There is no travel involved with the job.
  2. Is it true that the Building Automation Systems industry is starving for controls techs? I've read that HVAC, and the trades in general (in the United States), need people.
  3. What is the salary ceiling on the control tech's career?
  4. What are the growth opportunities for a control tech--that is, what positions can I move up into from that role?
  5. If I start in Building Automation as a control tech, can I pivot into other areas later, like PLC?
  6. Is Johnson Controls or Siemens good places to get started as an entry level controls tech? Seems like these places have a very solid onboarding process.
  7. Is a 60-hour workweek the norm for a control tech at places like Johnson Controls and Siemens?
  8. What are your thoughts on this job being outsourced to India and the role of AI in this job over the next 10-20 years?
Thanks very much for your input in advance.
submitted by RelativeEmploy620 to BuildingAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:26 RelativeEmploy620 Some questions about becoming a controls tech

I'm in the United States. I've decided I most likely want to become a controls tech after having posted here and in other subreddits and having learned more about the field over the past few days. I have a better overall understanding of what this career entails thanks to all of your answers from prior threads, but still would like some clarification on a few things.
  1. Is this an accurate description of the controls tech job? --A controls tech is the person that works on the software programming side of HVAC/Building Automation Systems. As a controls tech, I'd be diagramming control systems on a computer, using software like Metasys. My entire job would be doing work on a computer, consulting with and speaking to clients over the phone, sitting in on corporate meetings, and collaborating with service technicians to fix any issues that arise with the actual hardware components used in a building's system (although, I wouldn't be working on any hardware myself). There is no travel involved with the job.
  2. Is it true that the Building Automation Systems industry is starving for controls techs? I've read that HVAC, and the trades in general (in the United States), need people.
  3. What is the salary ceiling on the control tech's career?
  4. What are the growth opportunities for a control tech--that is, what positions can I move up into from that role?
  5. If I start in Building Automation as a control tech, can I pivot into other areas later, like PLC?
  6. Is Johnson Controls or Siemens good places to get started as an entry level controls tech? Seems like these places have a very solid onboarding process.
  7. Is a 60-hour workweek the norm for a control tech at places like Johnson Controls and Siemens?
  8. What are your thoughts on this job being outsourced to India and the role of AI in this job over the next 10-20 years?
Thanks very much for your input in advance.
submitted by RelativeEmploy620 to HVAC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 BigSandwich6 River 2 Let Out The Magic Smoke

Yesterday I started charging my River 2 from 5% using the AC input from my car inverter at 360W.
About 30 minutes into driving, I noticed a burning smell and pulled over. The unit seems to have fried, flashing 0% and not responding to any input/output.
I opened a ticket with support but I'm confused as to why this could have fried my unit, anyone have any ideas?
submitted by BigSandwich6 to Ecoflow_community [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 aerovistae Switched from League to Dota after 3 years, felt like writing up a comparison between the two

After playing League for ~3 years I decided to stop and learn a new game and now have been playing Dota for about 8 months. As I've been learning I've been comparing and contrasting them, and I felt like writing up my thoughts.
I'm not a high ranked player; I was emerald in League and I don't really played ranked in dota. It doesn't matter, since this post isn't about tactics/strategy or how to win-- I'm just talking about the differences between the mechanics of the two games and their clients.
Disclaimer, this is all about Soloqueue. Pro play is a different environment and many things are different. I'm just talking about the average player's experience.
In League's favor:
  • Better lore. It's not a contest really. League's champions all have names and stories that are placed front and center, whereas Dota heroes are more like archetypes than individuals with distinct identities. Instead they're known by a description of what they are, while their "real names" are kind of buried in half-assed bio summaries and infrequently referenced. There's a dude called "Anti-Mage." There's a dude on a bat and his name is Batrider. There's nothing in Dota to compare with the hype lore media Riot produces, like the fiddlesticks rework video or the 10 min yone/yasuo video. Champion lore just gets way more money put into it in League.
  • League has WAYYYYY better champion animations and ability visual designs. This is for me where League blows Dota out of the water. There's really just nothing in Dota that feels like Jhin, or Ekko, or Aphelios, or Senna, or so many others. With rare exception, almost all the champions in league have aspects that FEEL amazing - great sound design / animations / feedback delays that are incredibly rewarding. Dota's heros are really fun to play and I'm having a great time, but if you put them side by side with like 90% of League's cast, the animations of their abilities and movements just feel kinda flat by comparison. One of the easiest side-by-sides is Darius vs Dota's hero "Axe" -- he has the same ult as darius, completely identical except for darius ult's interaction with passive. But all Axe does for his ult visually is a little hop and swing of the axe. It's really lame. Compare that to the awesome sound of a Darius ult kill, with the fear, especially on the God-King skin, and it makes Dota look 20 years old.
  • Skillshots! In Dota most abilities are just unit targeted, so they can't miss. There are skillshots too, but they're far fewer. In league skillshots are kind of the norm, and aiming them and dodging them is a big part of the game and it's fun to do so and makes you feel cool when you land them or dodge them. Having nearly everything be unit targeted isn't bad, it's just different, but it is something I enjoy a lot in League.
  • Cooler duels in league, and more of them. Dueling is a big part of league and it doesn't seem to be such a big part of Dota except maybe a bit in mid. Everyone in Dota has teleport (instead of recall), and it only has like a 1 minute cooldown. So whenever a fight starts, people teleport in and it becomes a teamfight. There's only one 1v1 lane (mid), the other two are 2v2 lanes. So there's much less of the 1v1 culture of League where people get to solo each other and take pride in the results. The lack of skillshots in dota plays into this too, since landing or dodging skillshots can definitively contribute to the outcome of a duel. With that mechanic less prominent, statchecking is a bit more common.
  • Very little 1v9 potential in Dota by comparison. Dota has FARRRRRR more CC than league, it's not even close. League feels like it has no CC compared to dota. In dota there is an item anyone can buy that silences a point-and-click target for 5 seconds, and another that polymorphs for 3 seconds, and so on. Many such items. There's a support who can root you for 4 seconds AND polymorph you for 3, and a carry who can silence you for FIFTEEN SECONDS with his ult. In such an environment, no one person can solo carry a game most of the time. You HAVE to work with your team. So if you love 1v9ing, League wins hard on that. But at the same time this can be a negative for league - it means there's more ego and less teamwork. People in dota are by default much more inclined to work together, because in the face of such powerful tools they HAVE to.
  • Recalling isn't a thing in Dota, which means the game is kind of constantly pedal-to-the-metal. It can be kind of nice to take a breather in League for a few seconds and stretch your arms while walking back to lane, given how intense the game can be.
  • In dota, holding tab doesn't show you what items people have built, nor their CS, and it's super frustrating. You have to click champion portraits individually to see their items, and you can't see their CS at all aside from your own. Probably hard-core dota loyalists will say this is part of the skill of the game, but honestly it's just annoying/bad UI design that they sort of got used to and became convinced was "part of the game" imo. It's really stupid and annoying.
  • In League you can buy as many wards as you want, whereas in Dota there's only ever a finite number available in the store which is SHARED among your team and then goes out of stock until it replenishes on a timer. I hate having to share wards with the team in dota, and the store being out of them. I understand it's part of the game and managing that is part of the skill of dota, but I find it tedious and don't really enjoy it as a mechanic. Additionally, wards take up an inventory slot in dota the same way control wards do in league, and it's just annoying.
  • Better champion skins, frankly. Some of League's skins are just amazing, as we all know. I would say there is very little cosmetic content in Dota that can compare to High Noon Senna or God-King Darius or [insert your favorite skin here.] There are cool skins, but it's just not the same. In Dota you can buy individual things, like updating a sword or a hat or a belt or a single ability's effect, all purchaseable separately. They have some full-kit skins, but that's not emphasized as much as in League where it's the standard and the only option, and they're just not as visually impressive.
In Dota's Favor:
  • All heroes are free from the start. It's great for trying them out and learning the game.
  • The game is less punishing to learn than league, for a multitude of reasons. Don't get me wrong, it still has an enormous barrier to entry and a steep learning curve, but it's just less painful. Everyone who ever learned League remembers what it was like in those first couple months being alone in lane against people who have been playing for years - especially in top lane or mid lane - and just getting fucking demolished 1v1 and not even being able to play. That doesn't happen as much in dota. First of all two lanes are ostensibly 2v2 and only one is 1v1, although there's a lot more roaming by the supports. There's also no jungler role, a role in league which often leads to that player being blamed for everything that goes wrong in a game. And then there's WAY more sustain - in Dota you don't recall to buy items, you have couriers ferry them out to you. So you can just kinda constantly have Dota's equivalent of health pots brought out to you, and only TP to fountain rarely when you're super low. This means there's a lot less crying under turret while zoned off CS unable to play.
  • Much better tools for learning. The tutorial is better. You're able to click other heroes to see their abilities in-game. There's a guide system full of user-contributed content where you can pick one in-game and it tells you what to buy and how to use that item on this hero, as well as how to use your abilities by just adding little user-written snippets to the tooltips when you hover them. League does have recommended items and recommended order for ability-levelling, but the fact that you can choose between different guides for different roles in dota is huge, and the text telling you when/why to use specific items for a hero is also majorly helpful. Imagine if you could pick a different guide in game for Senna support vs Senna adc, etc, that recommended specific choices based on the role and neatly fitted those recommendations into the UI.
  • Dota has way, way, way more interesting items. There are so many active items in Dota, and they feel much more impactful. By comparison nearly every item in league is just a statstick that gives one form or another of more damage or more tank. In Dota there are items that silence for 5s, that disarm (teemo blind) for 3s, that root an aoe for 2s, that polymorph for 3s, that reset ALL your cooldowns including ult (this one has a 5 min cooldown, the rest are <20sec.) Dota's version of Thornmail has an active that hugely amplifies the reflected damage for 5second, so the item feels great to use and has more skill expression - you time the active correctly when someone is focusing you and it makes a big difference. Given that most effects last 3-5 seconds, it's not about super-precise timing like in League so much as it is about broader strategic choices of using it early or late in a fight, etc. The only items in league that feel as strong as Dota items are Zhonyas, GA, and Locket, with honorary mention for the perennially overpowered botrk.
  • Dota has a way more beautiful map. It's not even close. Dota's map has so much going on. There are far more jungle camps, there's trees everywhere (which many hero abilities interact with in different ways!), there's high ground and low ground. There's so many different places and different entities and landforms, and it's just beautiful. League's map feels empty and stale by comparison. It's much smaller than dota's map, the jungle camps have fixed contents that never change (dota's camps rotate and change during the game). Not even to mention that Dota's map is divided in half and each team's side looks completely different from the other half. As opposed to league where they're identical but just rotated.
  • Aghanim's shard and scepter. These are the my favorite things in Dota that league doesn't have. What are they? They're two items you can buy that each have a different effect on every single individual hero in the game. On a case by case basis, they either UNLOCK ENTIRE NEW ABILTIES (literally the UI expands to add a new slot when you buy them) or they upgrade one or more of your existing abilities to have entirely new effects. This is just so cool and I was shocked when I learned about them. It's just so fun being able to gain new abilities even late in the game.
  • The talent tree, which is like an ability customization tree you progress through over the game and which is specific to the hero you're playing. In Dota the max level is 30, and every 5 levels in the game from level 10 onwards, you can unlock a "talent", at which point you pick one of two options to upgrade your hero. It might add 1s to your Q's stun. It might decrease the mana cost of your W. It might give you +250 base health, or +50 AD. It might add entirely new effects to your abilities, like making what was previously just a rooting projectile also start silencing. By level 30 you will have gotten to unlock everything in the tree (you don't typically reach level 30 very often in ranked games). Imagine if like at level 25 you could add "Mundo Q grounds for 0.5s" or "Irelia E +200 range". It's stuff like that and it's so fun.
  • Dota is more team-oriented. Due to the prevalence of long-lasting debuffs/cc from both items and hero abilities, no one person can really just solo carry to the same extent as in League. In my experience you only very rarely see someone 1v9 in Dota, and usually it's because the enemy team is just making stupid choices. This makes the game a bit more tolerable on average, although you encounter the same toxicity as in league just the same.
  • Dota has built-in voice chat. This actually does come in handy a lot. Hate not having it in league. It's typically effective and you can mute people in voice just the same as in chat so it's rarely been problematic in my personal experience so far.
  • Dota has "turbo mode." This mode is just great. Wish league had it. It's basically norms, but with aram-level gold income so all players get to full build in like 20-30 min without even powerfarming. It's really fun and great for learning, experimenting, and playing casually with less commitment.
  • In dota you don't recall. This means more time spent out on the map playing. Instead all players have the equivalent of the teleport summoner spell constantly available, which lets you take part in more plays. You also don't back to buy items, instead they get ferried out to you by little minions, which is great. Having items shipped out to you constantly instead of having to spend time retrieving them is awesome.
  • Better demo tool by far. League's practice tool is notoriously shitty. Being able to open the demo tool while you're waiting in queue in Dota is amazing. Can't do that in league.
  • Dota has 3 additional inactive item slots called the backpack. Love being able to hold 3 additional items that you can swap in or out (they're not usable from the backpack and you don't gain their effects, but you have them on your person to swap into from main inventory if you want). Just gives you nice flexibility when holding consumables and building stuff.
  • Neutral items. This just doesn't exist in league and I wish it did because these are really fun and cool. When you kill neutral jungle camps in dota they drop items, and the power level of the items scales over the course of the game, from weak ruby crystal type stuff to things that are as strong as rabadons. And they don't take up a normal inventory slot, so you effectively get an actual 7th item in dota.
  • The system for checking out customization and skins. Dota's system is pretty different, where instead of buying holistic skins that change everything, you can customize individual parts of a heroe's appearance, like their hat or their sword or their belt or gloves. There's WAYYYYY more options than in League, and you can try them all out in the client to see how they look.
  • Cosmetics for things other than the heroes/champions themselves. In League you can only buy champion skins. In Dota you can buy cosmetics for the ancient (nexus), the towers, the creeps, the map, etc. None of that exists in League. We fucking WISH we could buy that kind of stuff. Riot are you listening?
On the whole I'd say there's more things to like about Dota than about League just in sheer quantity of bullet points, but regardless I love both games and think they're both really fun. If Dota improved their lore, their animations, and their tab screen and League improved their cosmetics store and had a more interesting and dynamic map, plus neutral items and agh's shard & scepter, I wouldn't really have any major complaints about either of them.
I think anyone who loves one game could potentially love the other one too and it's totally worth learning whichever one you don't already know, if you have the time. Obviously these games take a ton of time and most people barely have time for one let alone two. But if you're young especially, they're both really fun.
It's pretty hard for me to see eye-to-eye with the people who love one game and ferociously hate on the other - it seems childish and kind of empty. To not find one as fun as the other, sure, that's one thing, but to expend energy hating it and constantly shitting on it, that just confuses me. You can have a favorite while still acknowledging the other as a comparably enjoyable game.
One final note - one of the things I found most interesting about comparing them is seeing which mechanics are normal in one game that would be overpowered in the other game.
In Dota there is a hero named Nature's Prophet whose W is TF ult minus the vision. It has a one minute cooldown, going down to eventually 0 cooldown late game, and he can access it from level one if he chooses to. Nature's prophet would likely have a >90% wr in League.
But then in League we have Zilean and his stupid ult on a one minute cooldown, while in Dota that only exists as a one-time use item (like GA) that you are rewarded with when you defeat their version of Baron, and it is basically the strongest item in the game. Zilean would likely have a >90% wr in dota.
submitted by aerovistae to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 Gambit-Accepted Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas

Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas
Continuing this series on Battlegroup ideas, today is Wehr. Here are my DAK Ideas. To reiterate, I wanted to make these ideas thematic, different from existing battlegroups, unique and mostly historically accurate. Here I use the units that are already in the game files and propose how they could be implemented in an interesting way. Relic seem to have developed several bunker types which they intend to use, so when designing my battlegroups, I did it in a way where these bunker types were used but didn’t make the battlegroup Italian Coastal 2.0, rather fed into a larger idea. I introduce and expand a number of mechanics I have discussed in my other threads:
Central Idea: All in prevention, counter attack. Your opponent would have a hard time overwhelming you in one all in push. The left side of the tree consists of mostly callins and quick dispatch units for handling flanks quickly, the right side is more logistics themed with multiple reactionary abilities.
BMW R75: Not a lot to say here, similar to the DAK bike except with an MG 42. It could be made to have no reverse, like the Coh1 bike, that was a fun mechanic.
4-Man Pios: Again, self-explanatory.
Sd. Kfz. 251 Variants: This gives you access to other 251 variants, either by upgrading the 251 directly or by calling them in. I’ve chosen these 2 versions that I feel open up a lot more strategies, Mortar HT and Luft tier would be quite good, that tier lacks indirect. Pakwagen Panzer Gren tier would also be strong, as that tier lacks mobile AT. The ATHT would have the same AT performance as the Marder, but would have less HP and no lockdown ability.
Panzer III H: As a unit to add to Wehr’s roster, this makes a lot of sense on many levels. In terms of performance, this would be closer to the Crusader medium tank. In terms of the timing, it would arrive at the same time as the Stug and the Wirbel, but unlike both of those specialists, this would be a generalist for that timing.
Temporary Armour Assignment: This is exactly like the mechanic I described in my DAK designs. How it works is that this munitions only ability is used and a Stug, P4 pair arrive from off map. Neither unit requires fuel, manpower, upkeep or population. They benefit from all the upgrades that affect the normal version, ie vet and armoured skirts. You have direct control over them but after a set period of time, they will turn to AI control and leave. This makes them really good as a reactionary ability (your opponent is doing an all in) or as your own all-in, especially if you’re already maxed out on population. You’re especially incentivised to make risky plays with them as armour preservation is not so important. The number of use cases for this ability are so numerous that I won’t explain it anymore, it should be obvious how strong this is. I think to balance this out, it needs a heavy munitions cost and a long recharge timer.
AI Temporary Elephant Assignment: One of the questions I’ve been asking myself since Coh3 came out is how do you add heavy tanks to the game in such a way that it’s not frustrating to play against and doesn’t break it. Given that the game is set so much earlier in the war and a number of the factions don’t have ready access to tank destroyers like the SU-85 and the Jackson, you can’t simply throw in the Elephant and hope for the best. To be completely explicit, I don’t see how the US with their current roster are expected to deal with a Coh2 style heavy tank destroyer. However, in Halo Wars 2 Blitz game mode, how it works is that you can call in a Scarab and its an incredibly strong unit but after a certain period of time, it spontaneously explodes and the game returns to normal. Why wouldn’t something similar work for Coh3? The risk reward calculus of using it would be; can you get enough damage done in the period available to justify the expenditure? There are a few ways that this could be implemented, you could, for instance, give the player direct control over the Elephant but I’m in favour of doing this slightly differently. Like the Infantry Assault ability for the US Advanced Infantry Doc, I think this should be AI controlled, should be on attack move and should be targeted on a position. After the timer, the unit would drive off map. This way you get the power fantasy of using a heavy tank without the game breaking potential of a heavy tank camping for the entire game between 2 VPs and zoning out all tanks. The reason I prefer this method of implementation is 2 fold; the first is that counterplay is much simpler, you just avoid the area and wait for it to time out. The second is that it has that appeal of being somewhat like a mini campaign mission within the game, you have to defend the tank with your forces as it advances. Your opponent would be easily able to flank it if its on it’s own, but when you support it yourself its more potent. The one exception to this AI control that perhaps should be considered is allowing the player to control the tageting directly, You wouldn’t want the Elephant to shoot at some random infantry while your opponent moves double Archers into position. In terms of relative strength of the abilty, I think if it was implemented in this fashion, the Elephant ability wouldn’t be that strong. I feel direct control over a P4 and a Stug is much stronger than an AI controlled Elephant. To me this is the best way of getting heavy tanks into the game.
Logistics Field Officer: The right side of the tree very much has a logistics theme to it, starting with the officer. The Resource Priority ability works well with a variety of units, one could see this being handy in a situation where you want to increase the ROF of an MG, Mortar or Pak being extremely useful. Situations where you want to increase the ROF on a tank to help it win the engagement would also be strong. Speeding up the recharge on a Nebelwerfer would also be a common use. Source Replacements I could also see being a heavily used ability, either on the field or in base. Finally, given this battlegroup is munitions intensive, the Supervise Resource Extraction ability will allow you to increase your income like a cache does. You could even have some rush strat builds involving the officer, but unlike caches and trucks, the unit can be repurposed to do other things afterwards.
Panzerschreck Trailer: This is another type of trailer unit. I’ve talked about trailer units a few times in my other posts, but here is the rundown: My thinking with this is that its a brand new unit type, which loosely can be defined as a support weapon. How it works is that infantry squads can crew it, push it around, vehicles can tow it, etc. When in a position, it provides an aura which in this case recharges nearby snares faster. However, the unit shouldn't require pop cap and moreover, you can actually manually decrew it and it will still provide you the benefits. So for example, let's say it spawns in your base and you want to setup a strong point, you can crew it with a squad, wheel it over to a house near the frontline and then decrew it. Units within its vicinity would still be benefiting from the aura. When you want to move it, recrew it again, or tow it, to a new location. The beauty of this dynamic is that your opponents can steal these units from you like an ATG, so while they don't take up popcap and would be relatively cheap (say 100 to 150 manpower), you're still incentivised to protect them. You can also attack move them with AT guns etc, would be interesting to play around it. I think it would make for a fun dynamic, but would need to be coded from scratch. It also indirectly makes tow yet more useful. With this trailer specifically, it’s aura will recharge nearby snares faster, however squads can also collect a Panzerschrek from the trailer for a munitions cost. This Panzerschrek is timed, so after a duration the squad will drop it. This is going to really strong in situations where your opponent is doing an all in dive with light vehicles and/or tanks and you need to bolster your AT immediately to hold on. Picking up these Panzerschreks is not cheap, but it makes it much harder for your opponent to dive you and also allows you to go for low AT builds with this trailer as the backup. The way I see this until being used is wheeling it behind a hedge or building near your cutoff and running over to grab a Panzerschrek if its needed. Let’s say your opponent does a double M8 dive, your 2 Grens and a Panzergren pick up 3 schreks between them and your opponent is basically able to do nothing but wait for them to time out. This could buy you enough time to reach T4 or whatever else you were doing. It’s a tool that adds a lot of flexibility to your composition, but remember if you get forced off, your opponent can just steal it and then its your problem!
Weapon Stores: This gives your pios the ability to build Riegel mines but also Weapon Supply Bunkers. Now, the bunker has a straight forward aura that increases ROF of infantry and their grenade recharge times, but it also has another more expansive mechanic of temporary weapon upgrades. I’ve talked about this mechanic at great length in my Luftwaffe Field Division faction design, where the faction essentially revolves around that mechanic, but here I use a simplified version for a Wehr battlegroup. The TLDR is that infantry squads can pick up weapon packages from the bunker to either augment their current DPS or completely change the role of the squad for a short period. For instance, Jagers can pick up Beretta 38s to transform the squad from a mostly mid range unit, to a short range one. Grens can pick up G43s to improve their mid to long range performance and Pios can pick up an MG34. All the options are avialable to you. However, the upgrades are not timed, but depletable. This means that if the squad is not in combat, the upgrade duration doesn’t tick. You have to be in combat to expend the upgrade. The situations where something like this would come in useful are numerous, but to name a few; giving all your grens weapons at any point in the game, augmenting your jagers with MG34s, giving Stosstruppen Berettas so they become a close range powerhouse, or even double MGs. Relative to normal weapon upgrades, these upgrades are inefficient, but for rush strats they can be strong, as well as augmenting your units in the lategame with the extra munitions you have in the bank.
HE Shell Delivery: Improves the splash and anti infantry power of all your vehicles at the cost of penetration. This could be somewhat tricky to use, as your opponent will become aware of its activation immediately and will come in with their vehicles. But situations where your opponent has dug in with ATGs and AT infantry, this ability will be devastating.
Central Idea: Team weapon play, heavy fire power and artillery. Good for just battering your opponents head on.
SD-2 Line Drop: This is similar to the equivalent ability in Coh1, however the big difference is that you can customise the area where the mines will fall. For instance, you could do a relatively small field on a VP for 50 munitions, or you could do a large line of mines to completely block off a flank with mines. This flexibility allows you to employ the ability in a number of situations and adds some nuance to its employment. It terms of how this would work in game, I feel click and drag would be sufficient, the munitions cost being visible on the cursor. In the context of this battlegroup, it can block off the flanks of your team weapons.
Pre-Sighted Terrain: This feeds into that team weapon focused gameplay, having extra range on your Paks and MGs in an area is going to be really strong. You could even use it with Mortars and Nebels for an extra long range barrage.
7.5cm Flak 264/3(i) AA/AT: The Flak 264/3 is an Italian medium AA piece that fits into what I will refer to as the ‘premium anti tank gun’ category. Similar to how the MG42 and DSKH were premium MGs, this ATG will be better than your standard ATG, at a higher price point. On the scale of ATGs, this will lie between the Pak 40 and the Flak 36 in terms of raw firepower. The damage should be exactly as the Pak 40, however it should also benefit from 10 more range and also the ability to shoot down air. The drawback however is that it should be relatively slow to move, like a Pak 40 in camoflage mode. For small adjustments, this should be fine, but to move it across the map, it would be easier with a tow vehicle. This means there are tradeoffs with this option relative to the Pak 40, the situations where the Flak 264/3 would be better is when you don’t want to invest in a wirbel but still want AA on demand when you need it (2 of these should take down planes pretty quickly), or situations where you’re camping 2 VPs and don’t expect to have to move around much, allowing you to utilise the greater range. Paks are going to be better when you need to move around a lot and expect your opponent to invest in indirect fire.
Flakvierling 38: This gun is exactly as on the Wirbelwind, except it’s a team weapon. Relative to the Flak 30, this would have the advantage of suppression and probably better anti infantry performance. Perhaps starting with the same stats as the DAK Flak halftrack and going from there would be a good place to start.
28cm K5(E) Barrage: Heavy railway barrage, not much to say here.
7.5 cm IG 37: This is essentially work like the LeIG for DAK, it’s a later version of the same concept. Wehr don’t have anything like the Heavy Mortar equivalent and this would be it. This would be handy if you wanted to go Luft tier or tier 4 without having to tech to get Nebels.
Springer Remote Controlled Bombs: Conceptually, this is identical to the Goliath remote controlled bombs, except these bombs are twice the size and are significantly more dangerous as a result. For me, one distinction that could be made would be dialling up their effectiveness against your opponent’s base structures. One thing I feel Coh lacks are tools for crippling your opponent’s tech. Kane’s wrath has a plethora of units and abilities for exactly this purpose and their employment is great to use and even more exciting to watch. So the Spinger should be able to knock out 75% of the health of a base tier structure. So conceivably, you could get a 251, drive it over to or into the base, deploy a Springer and blow it up next to T4, finish it off with Paks or Stugs. This will reinforce that whole dimension of the game, camping on 2 VPs will be much easier to punish.
Sd.Ah. 57 Munitions Trailer: Another style of trailer, as discussed above. Here it would be used directly with team weapons to increase their ROF. It can also be used with indirect, so Rocket artillery would recharge faster. I feel the situations where this would be useful are fairly obvious but one extra way of making it interesting would be if it had an AOE explosion on death. So your opponent would be incentivised to move in with vehicles and target it down. They could also just steal it for themselves.
Wurfrahmen 40 UE (f): Standard rocket artillery. One question I would expect a Wehraboo to ask is ‘why this and not the Panzerwerfer?’. The way I see it, this only has 4 rockets, so its damage per barrage is less. This leaves scope to make the barrage recharge time shorter, meaning you need to micro it more, but also, its less of a wipe machine or do nothing unit. You can also give it a lower price and require less population. Looking at the Walking Stuka in Coh2, that unit either killed everything or missed and was largely a waste of resources and popcap. If you can have the same unit, but with less alpha damage, at a cheaper price and popcap, it should be more consistent over the course of a match. It would also be easier to fit into your composition and would see greater use as a result. This essentially is why I picked this unit. That and because its new and different.
AI Double Wespe Temp. Assignment: Like the Elephant assignment above, this is where double Wespe artillery pieces come onto the field and are controlled by the AI. They attack move to the target, shelling your opponent’s units within range. This ability should be much easier to employ, as they barrage from long range, but also they should be easier to counter (you can just dive them). Since we’re not using new vehicle models, it should be cheaper to develop and its different from the existing off-maps.
Central Idea: Long range engagements.
MGZ34 MG42 Scopes Upgrade: Simple upgrade, improves range and sight of MGs once they upgrade themselves for munitions.
AI Double Sniper Temp. Assignment: This is most similar to the Wespe ability I just described, except with 2 snipers. What this ability would be strong aganst would be team weapon camp and entrenched infantry, as well as guarding VPs in the lategame. What this ability would be pretty bad against would be an opponent with several light vehicles and tanks which can drive up and elminate the snipers in 5 seconds. Its not like the AI will dodge. This ability is augmented by the numerous sight abilities and units in this battlegroup.
Panzerbeobachtungswagen III: This is most similar to the 254 artillery observer for DAK, except where the abilities are largely air based. The unit has an MG, so it can be used to attack troops early on, but its mostly used for the focus sight ability in conjunction with tank destroyers and team weapons. The SD-2 Ground Burst drop I see being more like the M83 Cluster Mine drop from Coh2. The Ju-88 P-4 Heavy AT Strafe, is actually a 50mm cannon, so different from the JU-87 we have now by having more alpha damage.
Fritz X Guided Bomb Strike: This is probably most similar to the Stuka Dive Bomb in Coh2, however, the big difference is that you can manually guide it to the target. The inspiration for this are the Predator missiles from MW2, however in Coh3, the easiest way of implementing this to my mind is that the player has to keep the cursor where they want the bomb to land. However, if they don’t want to do this, as it prevents other micro, you double click and it will go to where it was last targeted. So the situations where you’d want to perform this micro are quite niche, basically when nothing else is happening for 5 seconds. I think a sensible decision should be to cut off direct control from the player 2 seconds before it hits the target, so its still possible to dodge but harder.
Nashorn Tank Destroyer: Not much to say here, its basically the Archer.
Grenadier K98k Scopes Upgrade: Not a lot to say here, range and sight augmentation for grens.
Ranged Bunker Options: Here we use some of the bunkers Relic has already invented. The mortar bunker is simple enough, but the Observation bunker is a bit more interesting. This emplacement should have a long line of sight, but it should be restricted to a narrow arc which can be refaced. This encourages active micro of the emplacement. It would be strong in matches where this is placed behind team weapons and artillery for spotting targets but would not detect flanks. Somewhat reminds me of the child’s game ‘Spotlight’.
Fusiliers: These are another unit that Grens can be swapped out for. Unlike Jagers and Panzergrens, this unit is purely focused on long range DPS. You could use Gebirgsjager here instead, I use Fusiliers as one of my other designs uses Gebirgsjager.
Range Adjustment: This unit ability increases the squad’s accuracy after each model drop to a maximum of 30%, 5% per model. I could imagine in most situations, this would be a simple DPS boost, but there would be situations where fighting low health squads where this would be especially strong. The same kind of logic applies to the ATG and Tank Destroyer ability, where everytime they land a shot while the ability is active, it increases their accuracy and ROF.
Focused Gunnery: A global sight and range buff for vehicles, at the cost of speed. This blends well with the other abilities in the battlegroup.
Central Idea: Area denial.
Grenadier & Pio Field Defences: Gives access to a number of build options. Panzer-Stabmine 43 AT Mines are a variation on normal mines, where the emphasis is placed on the heavy engine critical rather than the damage of the mine. So these mines would be relatively spammable, specialised against vehicles and would cause a heavy engine damage critical. The focus here is leaving your opponet’s vehicle stricken and being able to move in with your own vehicles to take it out. However, unlike say Riegel mines, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent will have a much easier time of quickly repairing off the damage. It’s a variation on mines with its own drawbacks and strengths. However, the main structure you get access to is the Luftwaffe Relay Point. This emplacement can call in strafing runs within its vicinity, the AT strafe would be particularly strong if combined with the Stab mine as it would be far harder to dodge. The relay point though can also call in a variety of crate drops with different infantry buffs. Ammunition crates increase ROF, which is simple enough, but the Explosives Crate doubles the squads grenade ability the next time its used. For instance, Grens would throw 2 stick grenades for the price of 1 with a 0.5 second delay between each throw. Naturally, this is pretty strong and also munitions efficient, at the cost of extra micro. The mechanic could also be made to give squads that don’t normally have a grenade, a grenade. For example, it would be cool if Jagers/Pios got stick grenades after picking up one of these crates. I’m not sure what you would do with Stosstruppen, a bundle grenade assault? Sounds overpowered and incredibly fun. Double frangible sounds fine. Camouflage Crates give your squad moving camo for 60 seconds, so you could conceivably pick up this crate on the way to your opponent’s side of the map and use it to ambush or do all manner of things. One question that would need answering is whether or not is should be possible to stack these crate bonues, I could foresee camoed Panzergrenadiers with double bundle grenades being very very good. Perhaps the best way of soft nerfing this combination is to have a shared cooldown timer of 90 seconds on the crates, this should severely limit the number of times a player can get explosives and camo at the same time.
251/17 Halftrack: Exactly like Coh2.
Cannone Da 105/28 Howitzer Emplacement: A general howitzer emplacement, you could use the LeFH but this emplacement already exists.
Panzerturm IV: A mixed AT and anti infantry emplacement. This emplacement absolutely should take up pop cap but also have prioritise vehicles.
Bf109 WerferGranate 21 Rocket Strike: This would fire 4 rockets in unison, have fairly high alpha damage and flame dot damage. You would most use it against team weapons and infantry, especially in denying point caps, but potentially you could use it against vehicles, particularly if they hit a panzer stab mine, to cause them health damage and prevent them from being repaired.
Sd.kfz. 251/16 Flame Halftrack: Similar to the unit in Coh2, except you can also upgrade it with MGs. As a general comment, I feel this unit and flame weapons more generally should have bonus damage against base tech structures. Sneaking flame tanks into the base and burning down your opponent’s tech is so much fun in Kane’s wrath and I feel Coh3 would do well to capture some of that magic. So being able to burn down a tech structure in 30-45 seconds in would give this unit extra utility, currently it fees like the flame units lack flexibility relative to their autocannon equivalents.
Infantry Gestreckte Ladung: This ability is on infantry and it essentially is a grenade that sits between the Bundle Grenade and a Satchel charge on the spectrum. It would have the same damage as a bundle, but a longer fuse and shorter range. However, the charge would have bonus damage against emplacements, buildings and field defenses. The ideal use case would be against units behind sandbags and wire, as it would destroy them completely. Its much more likely to land than satchels, with its shorter fuse time, but is not as a good as bundle grenades which do the same damage with an even shorter fuse. So the bonus against field defences is the main advantage of the grenade. It goes without saying that this ability benefits from the Explosives crate from the other side of the tree.
Decima Squad Infiltration: This squad is most comparable to Stormtroopers in Coh2. You would largely use the squad to charge cutoffs and plant explosives on points, its going to be strong in VP wars. This squad has no camo out of the box but you can get that from the other side of the tree.
Communication Breakdown: This is activated in a circle zone and no off-maps can be used in it for the duration, nor do any global abilities like Designate Assault Position work there. There are many situations where something like this would be useful, for example, preventing someone from calling an off-map in during your assault, preventing an off-map being called in on a crucial VP in a close match. The main use I could see people using this is with their emplacements on the other side of the tree, preventing say bombing runs, etc.
In Deckung!: This abilly mixes well with a variety of the other abilities in the battlegroup. Getting cheaper grenades will allow you to spam them during the duration of the ability, if you combine that with the Explosives crates, it will be yet more efficient. 15 munitions Panzer Stab mines will be strong. The crucial thing with this ability is timing, as you need to use grenades and mines en masse to justify the initial munitions cost.
Other Unit DLC
As I discussed before, I think it would be a mistake for Relic not to include the substitute units feature. In terms of what units should be substitutable, this is what I feel makes sense:
Finally, as a general change, I feel we need to talk about the Pak 43. The Pak 43 is already in the game files and is presumably lined up for a battlegroup. I feel this unit should just be added to T4 so that stock Wehr has an answer to heavy tank spam (thinking about Matildas and Grants here). Wehr doesn’t have a great answer for dealing with heavy tanks, short of building 3 paks or several marders, neither of which are great from a faction design perspective. They come quite early, relatively, so improving their performance messes with the flow of the game and makes T4 less attractive, why bother going T4 if all the AT you need is in T2/T3? A Pak 43 in T4 has a pleasing symmetry between DAK, Brits and Wehr. If US got he M5 ATG (which they should), all factions would have this common tool. A number of players have been calling out for the Panther to be added to T4, I don’t think that’s the play here, as it would dominate so many other options. The situations where you would build a Pak 43 over a Panther are quite niche (look at Coh2), so having the more attractive unit in stock over the less attractive solution in a battlegroup, to me makes little sense. The Panther would also crowd out Flak 36 Emplacment play. However, the Pak 43 is easier to counter for your opponent, using indirect etc, while also giving you a reason to go for a battlegroup with Panther as the main attraction. Essentially what I’m getting at is that the Panther is too dominant of a unit to be in T4 and the Pak 43 should be there in its place.
submitted by Gambit-Accepted to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 I_am_Trundle Is this any good?

We just got forced into this payplan with promises of how amazing it is. Only problem is that the extra 5% front and all of the back end is being taxed out the ass at the bonus tax rate rather than being taxed as commission. We're not a super high volume store at all ~40 cars/month for new and used combined. I never have problems selling over 10/month.
$31,200 base salary
15% front end (extra 5% if you get 2 survey returns per month with good scores)
Percentage of back end equal to the number of units sold, capped at 25 units/25%
At 10 units demo allowance of $400 is paid as bonus
10-14 cars pays bonus of 25 per car 15-19 cars pays bonus of 30 per car retro to first 20+ cars pays bonus of 40 per car retro to first
Yearly bonus of $10 per car from jan-nov paid in december
Mini is $200
submitted by I_am_Trundle to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:13 Yurii_S_Kh Dachau 1945: The Souls of All Are Aflame

Dachau 1945: The Souls of All Are Aflame
by Douglas Cramer
The Dachau concentration camp was opened in 1933 in a former gunpowder factory. The first prisoners interred there were political opponents of Adolf Hitler, who had become German chancellor that same year. During the twelve years of the camp's existence, over 200,000 prisoners were brought there. The majority of prisoners at Dachau were Christians, including Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox clergy and lay people.
Countless prisoners died at Dachau, and hundreds were forced to participate in the cruel medical experiments conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascher. When prisoners arrived at the camp they were beaten, insulted, shorn of their hair, and had all their belongings taken from them. The SS guards could kill whenever they thought it was appropriate. Punishments included being hung on hooks for hours, high enough that heels did not touch the ground; being stretched on trestles; being whipped with soaked leather whips; and being placed in solitary confinement for days on end in rooms too small to lie down in.
The abuse of the prisoners reached its end in the spring of 1945. The events of that Holy Week were later recorded by one of the prisoners, Gleb Rahr. Rahr grew up in Latvia and fled with his family to Nazi Germany when the Russians invaded. He was arrested by the Gestapo because of his membership in an organization that opposed both fascism and communism. Originally imprisoned in Buchenwald, he was transported to Dachau near the end of the war.
In fact, Rahr was one of the survivors of the infamous “death trains,” as they were called by the American G.I.’s who discovered them. Thousands of prisoners from different camps had been sent to Dachau in open rail cars. The vast majority of them died horrific deaths from starvation, dehydration, exposure, sickness, and execution.
In a letter to his parents the day after the liberation, G.I. William Cowling wrote, “As we crossed the track and looked back into the cars the most horrible sight I have ever seen met my eyes. The cars were loaded with dead bodies. Most of them were naked and all of them skin and bones. Honest their legs and arms were only a couple of inches around and they had no buttocks at all. Many of the bodies had bullet holes in the back of their heads.”
Marcus Smith, one of the US Army personnel assigned to Dachau, also described the scene in his 1972 book, The Harrowing of Hell.
Refuse and excrement are spread over the cars and grounds. More of the dead lie near piles of clothing, shoes, and trash. Apparently some had crawled or fallen out of the cars when the doors were opened, and died on the grounds. One of our men counts the boxcars and says that there are thirty-nine. Later I hear that there were fifty, that the train had arrived at the camp during the evening of April 27, by which time all of the passengers were supposed to be dead so that the bodies could be disposed of in the camp crematorium. But this could not be done because there was no more coal to stoke the furnaces. Mutilated bodies of German soldiers are also on the ground, and occasionally we see an inmate scream at the body of his former tormentor and kick it. Retribution!
Gates of Dachau Concentration Camp
Rahr was one of the over 4,000 Russian prisoners at Dachau at the time of the liberation. The liberated prisoners also included over 1,200 Christian clergymen. After the war, Rahr immigrated to the United States, where he taught Russian History at the University of Maryland. He later worked for Radio Free Europe. His account of the events at Dachau in 1945 begins with his arrival at the camp:
April 27th: The last transport of prisoners arrives from Buchenwald. Of the 5,000 originally destined for Dachau, I was among the 1,300 who had survived the trip. Many were shot, some starved to death, while others died of typhus. . . .
April 28th: I and my fellow prisoners can hear the bombardment of Munich taking place some 30 km from our concentration camp. As the sound of artillery approaches ever nearer from the west and the north, orders are given proscribing prisoners from leaving their barracks under any circumstances. SS-soldiers patrol the camp on motorcycles as machine guns are directed at us from the watch-towers, which surround the camp.
April 29th: The booming sound of artillery has been joined by the staccato bursts of machine gun fire. Shells whistle over the camp from all directions. Suddenly white flags appear on the towers—a sign of hope that the SS would surrender rather than shoot all prisoners and fight to the last man. Then, at about 6:00 p.m., a strange sound can be detected emanating from somewhere near the camp gate which swiftly increases in volume. . . .
The sound came from the dawning recognition of freedom. Lt. Col. Walter Fellenz of the US Seventh Army described the greeting from his point of view:
Several hundred yards inside the main gate, we encountered the concentration enclosure, itself. There before us, behind an electrically charged, barbed wire fence, stood a mass of cheering, half-mad men, women and children, waving and shouting with happiness—their liberators had come! The noise was beyond comprehension! Every individual (over 32,000) who could utter a sound, was cheering. Our hearts wept as we saw the tears of happiness fall from their cheeks.
Rahr’s account continues:
Finally all 32,600 prisoners join in the cry as the first American soldiers appear just behind the wire fence of the camp. After a short while electric power is turned off, the gates open and the American G.I.’s make their entrance. As they stare wide-eyed at our lot, half-starved as we are and suffering from typhus and dysentery, they appear more like fifteen-year-old boys than battle-weary soldiers. . . .
An international committee of prisoners is formed to take over the administration of the camp. Food from SS stores is put at the disposal of the camp kitchen. A US military unit also contributes some provision, thereby providing me with my first opportunity to taste American corn. By order of an American officer radio-receivers are confiscated from prominent Nazis in the town of Dachau and distributed to the various national groups of prisoners. The news comes in: Hitler has committed suicide, the Russians have taken Berlin, and German troops have surrendered in the South and in the North. But the fighting still rages in Austria and Czechoslovakia. . . .
Naturally, I was ever cognizant of the fact that these momentous events were unfolding during Holy Week. But how could we mark it, other than through our silent, individual prayers? A fellow-prisoner and chief interpreter of the International Prisoner's Committee, Boris F., paid a visit to my typhus-infested barrack—“Block 27”—to inform me that efforts were underway in conjunction with the Yugoslav and Greek National Prisoner's Committees to arrange an Orthodox service for Easter day, May 6th.
There were Orthodox priests, deacons, and a group of monks from Mount Athos among the prisoners. But there were no vestments, no books whatsoever, no icons, no candles, no prosphoras, no wine. . . . Efforts to acquire all these items from the Russian church in Munich failed, as the Americans just could not locate anyone from that parish in the devastated city. Nevertheless, some of the problems could be solved. The approximately four hundred Catholic priests detained in Dachau had been allowed to remain together in one barrack and recite mass every morning before going to work. They offered us Orthodox the use of their prayer room in “Block 26,” which was just across the road from my own “block.”
The chapel was bare, save for a wooden table and a Czenstochowa icon of the Theotokos hanging on the wall above the table—an icon which had originated in Constantinople and was later brought to Belz in Galicia, where it was subsequently taken from the Orthodox by a Polish king. When the Russian Army drove Napoleon's troops from Czenstochowa, however, the abbot of the Czenstochowa Monastery gave a copy of the icon to czar Alexander I, who placed it in the Kazan Cathedral in Saint-Petersburg where it was venerated until the Bolshevik seizure of power. A creative solution to the problem of the vestments was also found. New linen towels were taken from the hospital of our former SS-guards. When sewn together lengthwise, two towels formed an epitrachilion and when sewn together at the ends they became an orarion. Red crosses, originally intended to be worn by the medical personnel of the SS guards, were put on the towel-vestments.
On Easter Sunday, May 6th (April 23rd according to the Church calendar)—which ominously fell that year on Saint George the Victory-Bearer's Day—Serbs, Greeks and Russians gathered at the Catholic priests’ barracks. Although Russians comprised about 40 percent of the Dachau inmates, only a few managed to attend the service. By that time “repatriation officers” of the special Smersh units had arrived in Dachau by American military planes, and begun the process of erecting new lines of barbed wire for the purpose of isolating Soviet citizens from the rest of the prisoners, which was the first step in preparing them for their eventual forced repatriation.
In the entire history of the Orthodox Church there has probably never been an Easter service like the one at Dachau in 1945. Greek and Serbian priests together with a Serbian deacon wore the make-shift “vestments” over their blue and gray-striped prisoner’s uniforms. Then they began to chant, changing from Greek to Slavonic, and then back again to Greek. The Easter Canon, the Easter Sticheras—everything was recited from memory. The Gospel—“In the beginning was the Word”—also from memory.
And finally, the Homily of Saint John Chrysostom—also from memory. A young Greek monk from the Holy Mountain stood up in front of us and recited it with such infectious enthusiasm that we shall never forget him as long as we live. Saint John Chrysostomos himself seemed to speak through him to us and to the rest of the world as well! Eighteen Orthodox priests and one deacon—most of whom were Serbs—participated in this unforgettable service. Like the sick man who had been lowered through the roof of a house and placed in front of the feet of Christ the Savior, the Greek Archimandrite Meletios was carried on a stretcher into the chapel, where he remained prostrate for the duration of the service.
Other prisoners at Dachau included the recently canonized Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich, who later became the first administrator of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada; and the Very Reverend Archimandrite Dionysios, who after the war was made Metropolitan of Trikkis and Stagnon in Greece.
Fr. Dionysios had been arrested in 1942 for giving asylum to an English officer fleeing the Nazis. He was tortured for not revealing the names of others involved in aiding Allied soldiers and was then imprisoned for eighteen months in Thessalonica before being transferred to Dachau. During his two years at Dachau, he witnessed Nazi atrocities and suffered greatly himself. He recorded many harrowing experiences in his book Ieroi Palmoi. Among these were regular marches to the firing squad, where he would be spared at the last moment, ridiculed, and then returned to the destitution of the prisoners’ block.
After the liberation, Fr. Dionysios helped the Allies to relocate former Dachau inmates and to bring some normalcy to their disrupted lives. Before his death, Metropolitan Dionysios returned to Dachau from Greece and celebrated the first peacetime Orthodox Liturgy there. Writing in 1949, Fr. Dionysios remembered Pascha 1945 in these words:
In the open air, behind the shanty, the Orthodox gather together, Greeks and Serbs. In the center, both priests, the Serb and the Greek. They aren't wearing golden vestments. They don't even have cassocks. No tapers, no service books in their hands. But now they don't need external, material lights to hymn the joy. The souls of all are aflame, swimming in light.
Blessed is our God. My little paper-bound New Testament has come into its glory. We chant “Christ is Risen” many times, and its echo reverberates everywhere and sanctifies this place.
Hitler's Germany, the tragic symbol of the world without Christ, no longer exists. And the hymn of the life of faith was going up from all the souls; the life that proceeds buoyantly toward the Crucified One of the verdant hill of Stein.
On April 29, 1995—the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Dachau—the Russian Orthodox Memorial Chapel of Dachau was consecrated. Dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ, the chapel holds an icon depicting angels opening the gates of the concentration camp and Christ Himself leading the prisoners to freedom. The simple wooden block conical architecture of the chapel is representative of the traditional funeral chapels of the Russian North. The sections of the chapel were constructed by experienced craftsmen in the Vladimir region of Russia, and assembled in Dachau by veterans of the Western Group of Russian Forces just before their departure from Germany in 1994. The priests who participated in the 1945 Paschal Liturgy are commemorated at every service held in the chapel, along with all Orthodox Christians who lost their lives “at this place, or at another place of torture.”
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 RoyalEchidnaHerder Humidity, window and wall sweat

TL;DR - Window sweat on only one window, wall water stains (not visible only when looking at angle) all over the house. Tried every suggestion online but humidity still high.
Hello fellow redditors!
Experiencing first full winter in the new home bought last year. As it is getting colder, recently noticed that just one of the bedroom windows “sweat” at night, even when there is nobody in it and the door is closed. Been doing some research and have tried the following without success in eliminating it:-
1) Leaving windows and room doors open - it’s getting really cold, and the window will let the rain enter making the carpet wet. 2) Ventilate during the day - even today where is was mostly bright and sunny, the humidity only went down to 60%, still too high for some websites. 3) Running a dehumidifier - this lowers the humidity, but it goes back up after a while, and it is getting costly. 4) Weatherstripping - I have added some additional weather stripping but it doesn’t seem to work. All other windows do not sweat even without the additional weather stripping. 5) Turning on the fan - this worked a treat, especially pointing it at the window, window sweat stopped. But, it’s a tad bit cold NGL.
Windows are single panel with aluminium frame from what I can tell (20-30 year old house). Probably those cheap 2mm window panes. Property probably isn’t very air tight, with halogen lights venting into celling/roof.
Weirdly enough the condensation will usually start on the flyscreen before the actual window condenses. However, I did also notice couple days ago that all the walls seem to have water stains, like condensation has been there before (no marks or anything, but can see it when looking at an angle). Unsure whether this was recent or has been there since before I moved in.
House does get a little frosty, especially when it is really cold outside (like 13°C inside when it is 8°C outside). Humidity does fluctuate during day and night, as high as 80% over wet weekend and as low as 30% in summer.
Have not been turning on central heater because I have not had it cleaned (was planning to decommission it for spilt system units).
Appreciate if anyone’s advice or be pointed in the right direction for this. TIA!
submitted by RoyalEchidnaHerder to AusRenovation [link] [comments]
