Go quad

Pokemon Go For The Quad Cities

2016.07.07 23:20 SpaceMidget Pokemon Go For The Quad Cities


2012.03.24 18:26 calza Welcome to r/homegym. A subreddit devoted to working out at home.

A subreddit devoted to working out at home.

2012.06.10 06:13 A subreddit for anything to do with multicopters/quads/drones.

Have a rotorcraft that has two or more horizontal rotors? Then you're in the right place! Bicopters, Tricopters, Quadcopters, Pentacopters, Hexacopters, Octocopters, indeed any non-fixed-wing aircraft is very welcome here.

2024.05.14 21:49 Difficult-Maybe-5420 Quad Problems

I’m a little over 6 months post op, quad graft. I’ve had a lot of trouble building up quad strength. I can do leg press, rdls, etc. fine, but certain quad movements are still extremely painful which limits me. I’ve tried doing leg extensions at my gym but the motion combined with the weight is just so painful in the quad incision area, which sucks since leg extensions are probably the best for building quad strength. A similar thing happens when I do lunges (my surgical leg being the back one). I start lowering but before my front knee reaches 90 degrees, I have to stop because my surgical knee in the back cannot perform the motion of going down more (as my back leg gets closer to the ground and thus bends more, the quad doesn’t have enough strength I guess). Has anyone had this problem? Its just not going away and I feel like it’s really slowed my improvement.
submitted by Difficult-Maybe-5420 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 CG-07 "Torch is not able to use GPU"

These are the steps I followed to install the program
  1. Download and install Python (I am sure I have activated the add python to path option)
  2. Download and install Git
  3. Download and install stable diffusion through CMD (this is the Github link: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui )
but when I try running webui-user.bat, I get the following error:
venv "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts\Python.exe" Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] Version: v1.9.3 Commit hash: 1c0a0c4c26f78c32095ebc7f8af82f5c04fca8c0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\launch.py", line 48, in  main() File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\launch.py", line 39, in main prepare_environment() File "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\modules\launch_utils.py", line 386, in prepare_environment raise RuntimeError( RuntimeError: Torch is not able to use GPU; add --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS variable to disable this check Press any key to continue . . . 

Solution methods that I tried but did not work

01.- I tried to edit the code in the webui-user.bat file to:
u/echo off set PYTHON= set GIT= set VENV_DIR= set COMMANDLINE_ARGS= --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS call webui.bat 
but after that I got the following error
venv "D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\Scripts\Python.exe" Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)] Version: v1.9.3 Commit hash: 1c0a0c4c26f78c32095ebc7f8af82f5c04fca8c0 Installing clip Installing open_clip Installing requirements Launching Web UI with arguments: --skip-torch-cuda-test to COMMANDLINE_ARGS D:\Stable Diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui\venv\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda\__init__.py:740: UserWarning: CUDA initialization: The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 11010). Please update your GPU driver by downloading and installing a new version from the URL: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx Alternatively, go to: https://pytorch.org to install a PyTorch version that has been compiled with your version of the CUDA driver. (Triggered internally at ..\c10\cuda\CUDAFunctions.cpp:108.) return torch._C._cuda_getDeviceCount() if nvml_count < 0 else nvml_count no module 'xformers'. Processing without... no module 'xformers'. Processing without... usage: launch.py [-h] [--update-all-extensions] [--skip-python-version-check] [--skip-torch-cuda-test] [--reinstall-xformers] [--reinstall-torch] [--update-check] [--test-server] [--log-startup] [--skip-prepare-environment] [--skip-install] [--dump-sysinfo] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--do-not-download-clip] [--data-dir DATA_DIR] [--config CONFIG] [--ckpt CKPT] [--ckpt-dir CKPT_DIR] [--vae-dir VAE_DIR] [--gfpgan-dir GFPGAN_DIR] [--gfpgan-model GFPGAN_MODEL] [--no-half] [--no-half-vae] [--no-progressbar-hiding] [--max-batch-count MAX_BATCH_COUNT] [--embeddings-dir EMBEDDINGS_DIR] [--textual-inversion-templates-dir TEXTUAL_INVERSION_TEMPLATES_DIR] [--hypernetwork-dir HYPERNETWORK_DIR] [--localizations-dir LOCALIZATIONS_DIR] [--allow-code] [--medvram] [--medvram-sdxl] [--lowvram] [--lowram] [--always-batch-cond-uncond] [--unload-gfpgan] [--precision {full,autocast}] [--upcast-sampling] [--share] [--ngrok NGROK] [--ngrok-region NGROK_REGION] [--ngrok-options NGROK_OPTIONS] [--enable-insecure-extension-access] [--codeformer-models-path CODEFORMER_MODELS_PATH] [--gfpgan-models-path GFPGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--esrgan-models-path ESRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--bsrgan-models-path BSRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--realesrgan-models-path REALESRGAN_MODELS_PATH] [--dat-models-path DAT_MODELS_PATH] [--clip-models-path CLIP_MODELS_PATH] [--xformers] [--force-enable-xformers] [--xformers-flash-attention] [--deepdanbooru] [--opt-split-attention] [--opt-sub-quad-attention] [--sub-quad-q-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_Q_CHUNK_SIZE] [--sub-quad-kv-chunk-size SUB_QUAD_KV_CHUNK_SIZE] [--sub-quad-chunk-threshold SUB_QUAD_CHUNK_THRESHOLD] [--opt-split-attention-invokeai] [--opt-split-attention-v1] [--opt-sdp-attention] [--opt-sdp-no-mem-attention] [--disable-opt-split-attention] [--disable-nan-check] [--use-cpu USE_CPU [USE_CPU ...]] [--use-ipex] [--disable-model-loading-ram-optimization] [--listen] [--port PORT] [--show-negative-prompt] [--ui-config-file UI_CONFIG_FILE] [--hide-ui-dir-config] [--freeze-settings] [--freeze-settings-in-sections FREEZE_SETTINGS_IN_SECTIONS] [--freeze-specific-settings FREEZE_SPECIFIC_SETTINGS] [--ui-settings-file UI_SETTINGS_FILE] [--gradio-debug] [--gradio-auth GRADIO_AUTH] [--gradio-auth-path GRADIO_AUTH_PATH] [--gradio-img2img-tool GRADIO_IMG2IMG_TOOL] [--gradio-inpaint-tool GRADIO_INPAINT_TOOL] [--gradio-allowed-path GRADIO_ALLOWED_PATH] [--opt-channelslast] [--styles-file STYLES_FILE] [--autolaunch] [--theme THEME] [--use-textbox-seed] [--disable-console-progressbars] [--enable-console-prompts] [--vae-path VAE_PATH] [--disable-safe-unpickle] [--api] [--api-auth API_AUTH] [--api-log] [--nowebui] [--ui-debug-mode] [--device-id DEVICE_ID] [--administrator] [--cors-allow-origins CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS] [--cors-allow-origins-regex CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS_REGEX] [--tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE] [--tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE] [--disable-tls-verify] [--server-name SERVER_NAME] [--gradio-queue] [--no-gradio-queue] [--skip-version-check] [--no-hashing] [--no-download-sd-model] [--subpath SUBPATH] [--add-stop-route] [--api-server-stop] [--timeout-keep-alive TIMEOUT_KEEP_ALIVE] [--disable-all-extensions] [--disable-extra-extensions] [--skip-load-model-at-start] [--unix-filenames-sanitization] [--filenames-max-length FILENAMES_MAX_LENGTH] [--no-prompt-history] [--ldsr-models-path LDSR_MODELS_PATH] [--lora-dir LORA_DIR] [--lyco-dir-backcompat LYCO_DIR_BACKCOMPAT] [--scunet-models-path SCUNET_MODELS_PATH] [--swinir-models-path SWINIR_MODELS_PATH] launch.py: error: unrecognized arguments: to COMMANDLINE_ARGS Press any key to continue . . . 
02.- I also tried the following method but it didn't work:
I hope you can help me and thank you in advance for responding.
submitted by CG-07 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:20 DANJCOLEMAN1991 Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version)

Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version)


Kensuke Kita performing live, 2017
^(\This article is an updated version of my "Sound Like" article from 2021. I have reposted this article due to difficulties editing the original version*, and have included additional information and recommendations based on the increased popularity of amp simulator pedals*)*
Hello fellow musicians and Ajikan fans!
I have been a fan of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION for roughly 16 years and as a guitarist was greatly inspired by the band's alt rock sound.
After a few years of research I have written a series of "sound like" articles for ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. The purpose of these articles is to provide context on how the band create their signature sound, and to support beginning musicians or tribute acts who may wish to replicate it.
At the end of each article I have drafted a Budget Rig, which you could use for both at home and in a live environment. I have also provided some general amp settings to tweak and try, which are based on the band's live sound and be can used to help replicate their tones.
This is a 3-part series and if you enjoy this article I would recommend checking out the other articles:
Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.1: Masafumi Gotoh (2024 version) :
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 3: Yamada : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
Please not that this article focuses on the band's live sound, which will be different to the albums and can vary depending on the venue. Also (and is a cliché) every musician and instrument will vary slightly due to small differences in play style and build, so also be mindful of that.
To help you recognise the individual guitar tones, Gotch's guitar parts are normally panned to the left earphone and Kita's are panned to the right earphone on the band's albums. (On 2016's Sol-Fa, Hometown and on some of the Planet Folks singles the panning was swapped, with Gotch instead in the right ear and Kita on the left)

Kensuke Kita

Kita during the Hometown UK/FR tour 2019
In this article we are focusing on lead guitarist and backing vocalist Kensuke Kita. Responsible for many of the band's iconic melodies and riffs, Kita's rig setup is a classic rock setup: a Gibson Les Paul and Marshall-esque amp.
Inspired by 90's alt rock and Brit Pop groups such as Supergrass, Blur, Manic Street Preachers and Radiohead, Kita has constantly evolved as a musician and became more involved with the song writing process from Fanclub onwards. (Kita has writing credits on Blue Train)
This evolution can be seen clearly when you compare the punk rock style of Houkai Amplifier with the more experimental, pop inspired Planet Folks. While the earlier records reflected a focus on riffs and octave melodies, Kita now prefers to play around major and minor third chords, triad chords and arpeggios, reflecting his "melody-maker" role in the band.
A triad chord is a chord made of 3 separate notes. They are commonly played on the higher strings and Kita uses them a lot, in tracks such as Aru Machi no Gunjou, Sayonara Lost Generation and Gekkou. Major and Minor third chords are sometimes referred to as Dyads if they only include two notes.
During live performances Kita is known to experiment with ambient tones, but in this article the focus will be capturing a general sound that could be used across the band's discography.


Kita's primary guitar has always been a variant of the classic Gibson Les Paul. The humbuckers are known to having a warmer, fatter tone in comparison to a single coil or P-90 pickup. There will be some debate over using active or passive pickups but in general Kita sticks to a more traditional humbucker, which may have less of a punch than an EMG pickup.
Kita's most recognisable guitar is his Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue. Kita bought the 59's reissue in 2004 and it has been a main guitar ever since, using it on every Ajikan album from Sol-Fa onwards.
Kita's Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue
Kita's backup guitar is a Historic Collection 1958 Les Paul Standard Reissue, which is tuned to Eb/D# for songs such as After Dark and Yoru No Call. Kita's other standout guitar is his Gibson ES-335, which is used occasionally for songs with a capo. Kita has been seeing using it for performances of Juuni Shinhou no Yuukei and Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat.
Kita has also experimented with Fender Telecasters, Jazzmasters and Stratocasters on the band's albums, although neither have been seen on stage so far. In a interview with Guitar Magazine, Kita confirmed that he used a Fender Jazzmaster on Empathy.
Kita with his Gibson ES-335, during the Quarter Century Tour
Between 2002-2007, Kita armed his Les Pauls with Gibson Burstbucker 2 in the bridge position and the Burstbucker 1 in the neck position. Since 2007, Kita has used Custombuckers in both positions. Like Gotch, Kita uses Tortex Flex picks and are most likely .73mm or .88mm variants
If you are looking to capture Kita's guitar sound, a Les Paul style guitar with vintage or Gibson pickups would be the best place to start.


In the band's early years Kita used a Marshall JCM 900-4100 head with a Marshall 1960A cabinet. In 2005, Kita replaced the Marshall amp with the Bogner Ecstasy 101b and Bogner 4x12 Cabinet, which he has used ever since as his main live amplifier.
Kita's JCM900 amp, used during the early 2000's and Sol-Fa 2004 tour
The Bogner Ecstasy has 3 unique channels which Kita switches between throughout the show. I have included a link below which goes into more detail, but essentially the amp has a "green" clean channel, a the "blue" crunch channel and a "Red" heavy channel. The Bogner also has a boost feature that Kita uses for solos.
Channel 1 - Bogner Ecstasy 101B User Manual [Page 2] ManualsLib
Both the JCM900 and Ecstasy amps are based on vintage Marshall sounds, whereas most modern Marshall amps tend to have a slightly darker, more compressed sound.
During most of the 2000's and early 2010's Kita only used the Bogner Ecstasy for live performances, but in 2012, Kita introduced the Shinos Luck 6V combo to his live setup. The Shino's is now used for most of Kita's clean sound, with the Bogner acting as his heavy tone.
The Shinos amps were set up by a former VOX Chief engineer and in general has a blend of Fender and Vox amps tones. They have also been compared to Matchless amps, which Kita has used occasionally on international tours.
Kita's Bogner Ecstasy 101b and Shinos Luck V6
Kita's clean sound can be heard on Angou No Waltz, Mustang and Yuugure no Aka, while his heavy sound can be heard on Standard, Re:Re: and Kouya wo Aruke. Kita has been seen live using the Bogner's red channel on Ima Wo Ikite.
Kita has experimented with several amplifiers in the studio and has been known to use JCM800's, VOX, LDW and Matchless amps on albums, but for the purpose of this article we will look to emulate Kita's vintage Marshall & Bogner tone.
Kita used 4x12 Greenback speakers in his Marshall cabinet (this was used up until 2005 & has likely used Celestion Vintage 30 speakers since buying the Bogner Ecstasy. The Shino's is likely set up with the Celestion Classic Lead 80 speaker.)


Kita's 2004 pedalboard, used during the Sol-Fa tour
Kita's role as lead guitarist requires him to have a larger, more varied pedalboard when compared to Gotch. In the band earlier years, Kita did have a smaller setup, and was generally built around a delay pedal, a phaser, a wah effect and the MXR Dyna Comp.
During the Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6 performance, where he used a Boss DD-20 Giga Delay, an MXR M-132 Super Comp, Boss PH-2 Super Phaser, a Guyatone WR3 Wah Rocker and VoxV847 Wah pedal. Kita also used a BOSS TR-2 Tremolo at this time.
Kita's 2009 Pedalboard, which was used during the Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6 performance
The Super Comp is set up almost like a boost effect, to help lift the lead melodies and solos, whereas the phaser can be heard in performances of Mustang and Shinkokyuu. The Giga Delay can be heard in tracks such as Night Diving, Re:Re: and Mugen Glider, as well as the band's ambient jams. The Wah Rocker was used specifically for the Surf Bungaku Kamakura tracks, which he used heavily on the album for lead.
After the release of Magic Disk Kita's board gradually evolved to include a larger selection of modulation effects and delays, in line with the band's changing sound. He has also introduced fuzz and distortion pedals from time to time. For example, he has added the BOSS Tone Bender and Earthquaker Transmisser on the Planet Folks tour.
Kita has also implemented more octave pedals onto his board, which he uses for lead parts on Blood Circulator and the Hometown tracks Boys & Girls and Clock Work. The Electro Harmonix POG2, which can be seen on his current rig below, is used for the intro of Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase to emulate an organ sound.
Kita's current 2022 Pedalboard: (1) FREE THE TONE/JB-41S (Junction Box) (2) Jim Dunlop/535Q Crybaby Multi-Wah (Wow Pedal) (3) Custom Audio Japan/RS 616 (Programmable Switcher) (4)MXSuper Comp (Compressor) (5) Electro-Harmonix/POG2 (Octave) (6) BOSS/TB-2W (Fuzz) (7)EarthQuaker Devices/Transmisser (Modulation/Reverb) (8) strymon/ZELZAH (multi-phaser) (9) BOSS/MD-200 (multi-modulation) (10)(11) BOSS/DD-20 (multi-delay) (12) BOSS/FRV-1 (reverb) (13) Electro-Harmonix/FREEZE (sustainer)(14) BOSS/FS-5U (foot switch) (15) BOSS/TU-2s (tuner) (16) RJM/Amp Gizmo (amplifier channel switcher) (17) FIREGLOW/PPS-05 (power supply) (18) Vital Audio/VA-08 Mk-II (Power Supply)
To help manage his massive pedalboard on stage, Kita has been using a Custom Audio Switcher to control his pedals, which also allows him to create presets for each song.
The guitar runs into the Junction box (top right) and wah pedal before going into the switcher. Kita can then control the effects and amps with the switcher. I have included these loops below:
Loop 1: Dyna Comp Loop 2: Dyna Comp, POG 2, Tone Bender, Transmisser Loop 3: Dyna Comp, Zelzah Loop 4: Dyna Comp, BOSS MD-200 (using the tremolo effect) Loop 5: Dyna Comp, 2x BOSS DD-20s Loop 6: Dyna Comp, 63' Fender Reverb
Kita has a few additional pedals on the board for solely live purpose, such as the Electro Harmonix Freeze, which can hold a note for a sustained amount of time. He also has a separate BOSS footswitch to tap in a count for his delay sound.
While this may all seem complicated (and it is) many of the pedals are to recreate certain sounds from each of the band's 10 albums, or to allow Kita to experiment during live performances.
You do not need to build a pedalboard this big to sound like Kita. Instead, I would focus on Kita's main pedals, which are the dyna comp, a phase effect, a wah and a delay.

Sound Like Kita...On a Budget

Kita, Quarter Century tour, 2022
To buy Kita's current rig would cost thousands of pounds (the 59' Les Paul alone could be worth £5,000) so much like the Gotch's post we have a few more affordable options that could get you close. The idea is to create a rig that can be used at home or in small venues to perform live, and not to emulate the albums.
Please also note that these are personal suggestions as a fan and if you alternatives find that works better for you, then great!
The main areas to consider are:
  • A 50's inspired Les Paul
  • A Boutique Marshall style amp
  • A compressor pedal
  • A Delay pedal and Multi-effect pedals
In terms of guitar options there are plenty of Les Paul copies, but for look and sound Epiphone is a no-brainer. The Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard is the newer, more expensive option but is based on the 59' Les Paul model, much like Kita's main guitar. You can buy one for around £749.
Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard
The more affordable option is the Epiphone Les Paul Standard '50s, which is also a solid pick and goes for around £500. Both guitars should also be easy to modify should you wish to go in that direction.
In terms of affordable amps, Bogner have recently released the Ecstasy Mini 30W Head which costs around £349. You would need a cabinet, but this solid-state amp should get you close to Kita's live sound and can work for live shows.
Bogner Ecstasy Mini 30W Head
You could also try out the Marshall MG50 and Marshall Origin amps as affordable Marshall amps with a classic sound, closer to the JCM900/Bogner style.
Outside of the Marshall and Bogner options, you could try out Bogner Ecstasy pedals, which are designed to emulate the Bogner Ecstasy channels. Please bear in mind that because you would be running these into a amp that there would be more tweaking required with the settings, but you could have a clean amp and then use the pedal for a heavy tone.
The BOSS Katana series and Blackstar amps both have British style drive channels, but would require more tweaking or pedals to help.
There are a wide variety of pedals to choose from, but things simple we will stick with the basic. Because of its importance to Kita's sound, I would highly recommend the MXR Super Comp. A great example of how this would sound can be on tako wasa YouTube channel, who demonstrated the pedal on this live stream. (tako also has a solid pedal board that is worth taking inspiration from!)
MXR Super Comp
An alternative approach would be to buy a Booster pedal to create the same effect, such as the Xotic EP-3 Boost
A delay pedal is also must for a sound like Kita rig (Especially those keen to play the Re:Re: 2016 intro) and Both the BOSS DD-6 & BOSS DD-8 are affordable options that can definitely do the job, while the DD-200 gives you a more versatile option and the ability to save pre-sets for different tracks.
Boss DD-8
Cheaper alternatives that you could also consider are the Tone City Tape Machine and the TC Electronic Flashback 2 Mini, which are both good options for the price.
The wah pedal is also worth looking and the Vox 845 Wah Pedal would be my shout. At £69 its considerably cheaper than the Dunlop 535Q Crybaby (which is Kita's main wah) and should be okay for Kita's wah sound.
Finally, we are going to focus on the modulation sounds for Kita, and ultimately this is down to preference and what songs you would like to emulate. The BOSS MD-200, which Kita uses, is versatile and should cover most of effects you'll use
For more specific pedals, the BOSS PH-3 Phase Shifter will get you close to his original phase sound, while the BOSS Harmonist is Kita's octave pedal of choice for solos.
You could also consider an ambient reverb pedal if you want to capture some of the ambient sounds Kita creates live, but is not strictly need for playing the band's songs.
The final option to consider would be a Amp Simulator pedal. This type of pedal has become increasingly popular in the last few years and would be used in place of a traditional amp and effect pedals. You would then use the Amp Simulator with a IR Cabinet (a powered cabinet speaker) or with a Power Amp in between the Amp Simulator and a traditional cabinet.
They can be fairly expensive to buy and I would only advise buying one if you do intend to move on from your traditional amp/pedal setup, however the Quad Cortex DSP & Headrush Pedalboard would be good starting points. They are both aimed at capturing more traditionally hi gain amps such as the Bogner and Marshall amps, so should be able to do a good job at capturing Kita's sound.

Recommended Amp Settings

The following amp settings were based on photos from live performances and you should bear in mind that the volume may be quite loud for home use, so I would suggest bringing it down. Also bear in mind that every musician and amp will slightly differ so you may need to tweak with your settings to find the right blend.
My personal advice is to keep the gain around the middle and to use the volume to crunch up the sound. Kita does use a cabinet, so you may need to add more low end for a combo amp, and again bear in mind that the volume may need to be lower for home use.
Shino Luck V6:
Vol: 5, Treble: 5, Middle: 5, Bass: 3.5, Master: 3.5, Boost: 7, Level: 4
Bogner Green Setting:
Presence A: 8.5, Presence B: 8, Vol. 1: 5, Treble: 4:5, Mid: 4, Gain 1: 5.5
Bogner Blue Setting:
Vol. 2: 5.5, Vol. 3: 5.5, Treble: 5, Middle: 5/5.5, Bass: 5, Gain 2: 4.5, Gain 3: 5.5


Thank you again for reading this and I hope it's been insightful for you. Feel free to leave feedback below and any of your own tips
submitted by DANJCOLEMAN1991 to AsianKungFuGeneration [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 Miss-Demaree Chasing Progress: Saying Yes to Fitness and Self-Belief 🌟 #GymMotivation

Chasing Progress: Saying Yes to Fitness and Self-Belief 🌟 #GymMotivation
It takes very little, only 1% better everyday 🤍
I have quads and glutes later today, I almost planned not to go today for various reasons, but I grabbed my stuff for the gym while getting ready for work at 4:30am and threw it into my gym bag to go after work. 💪🏼
Remember that you can and you will. The only person that is stopping you is you. Some people will say no, that’s okay, as long as you keep telling yourself yes! 🙌🏼
What are you saying yes to today? ✨

SanDiegoSummer #BeachBody #MuscleDefinition #SanDiegoFitnessCommunity #FitnessMotivation #HealthyLiving #NeverQuit #GymLifestyle

submitted by Miss-Demaree to CleanGymGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:11 Comfortable_Party_31 ACCIDENTALLY INJECTED INSTRAMUSCULARLY

So I’ve been injecting bpc157 in my knee to deal with a small injury. It was going great and healing fast.
Recently i didn’t squeeze the injection site as much as I probably should and it believe I injected into my Vastus Medialis (that teardrop muscle near the knee part of the quads).
It’s gotten inflamed ever since and is tender. I’m like damn is this bad?
submitted by Comfortable_Party_31 to bpc_157 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 VeeQueue [US] Open to offers! ABH, Armani, FAB, Julep, Jo Malone, MAC, Penhaligon's, Tom Ford, Urban Decay and tons more!

Hi there, welcome to my post! Feel free to make an offer for anything listed :D
The Boring Stuff: - Items come from a non-smoking home, and are all new / never used unless noted. Used items have photos showing usage. - Prices exclude shipping & insurance, to be calculated to your zip code ($5+).

ISO List

(trades only, not looking to purchase at this time. Will also look at lists!)

Palettes, Kits, and Sets

Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow singles, listed L-R, top then bottom. $25 for the 4 shadows, or priced individually below: - ABH eyeshadow single in Wine, full size, swatched - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Surface of the Sun, full size, swatched - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Chocolate Crumble, full size, new - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Metal, full size, swatched - $8
Benefit Greeting From Cabana Glama DesTANation Makeup Kit, used as shown - $15
Karl Lagerfeld x ModelCo Minaudière with Mini Lip Kit, full size, NIB P - $100 Includes: - Minaudière hard clutch / makeup bag, with attachable (heavy) chain to use as a shoulder bag and dust bag - Full-size Lip Liner in Rosewood (0.05 oz.) - 2 Mini Lip Glosses in Ramatuelle and St Tropez Sunset (0.04 oz. each) - 2 Mini Lipsticks in Kate and Stella (0.05 oz. each)
Flesh Starshine eyeshadow palette, full size, new. Open. Back of palette. - $20
Kat von D Shade + Light eyeshadow palette in Plum, full size, used 2x as shown. Back of palette. - $10
Make Up For Ever MUFE 9 artist shadow palette Volume 4 (shades 100, 842, 240, 620, 806, 536, 126, 546, 530), full size, used 2x as shown. Back of palette. - $25
Smith & Cult Book of Eyes quad palette in Noonsuite (bronzey), full size, NIB - $25
Tarte Be Your Own Tarteist Eye & Cheek Palette, used as shown - $20
Urban Decay Naked Cherry palette, full size, NIB - $40


Anastasia Beverly Hills ABH Clear Brow Gel, travel size (2.5ml), NIB - $7
ModelCo More Brows in Light / Medium, Full Size - $10
Ulta Brow Tint in Medium, full size, new - $6
BareMinerals Lasting Line Long-wearing Eye Liner in Absolute Black, Full Size, New - $10
Beauty For Real I-Line 24-7 Eyeliner in Black Magic, full size, new - $10
Estée Lauder Automatic Eye Pencil Duo Refill in Charcoal, full size, NIB - $10
Lancome Drama Liqui-Pencil in Noir Intense, Travel Size, .018oz - $5
Laura Geller I-Care Waterproof Eyeliner in Charcoal, Full Size - $10
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk (white), full size, new - $3
Sephora Waterproof Contour Eye Pencil in 33 Love Affair (plum), new, travel size (.017oz) - $3
Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eyeliner in Stingray (jet black), full size, NIB - $15
Tarte Sex Kitten Eyeliner in Black, travel size (half size, .0035oz), new - $8
Ulta Dual-Ended Liner, in Halo & Black/Brown, Full Size - $3
Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Sparkling Eyeliner in Blacklight, Full Size, cracked cap used 2x - $5
Kat Von D KVD Metal Crush Eyeshadow in Thunderstruck (warm white gold), full size (.1oz), swatched - $12
Laura Geller Baked Marble Eyeshadow in Amethyst, full size, new - $12
Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeshadow in Amethyst Smokes, used 3x - $2
NYC HD Color Trio Eye Shadow in Late Night Latte, Full Size, used 5x - $2
NYX Prismatic Eyeshadow Single in Punk Heart (plum with purple shimmer), full size, used as shown - $3
Trestique Color and Smudge Shadow Crayon in Marimoto Pink Pearl, full size, NIB - $15
Ulta Eye Shadow singles Duo in Petite (light beige matte) and Beauty Junkie (mauve glitter), both full size (.06oz), both new - $8 for the pair
Ulta Eye Shadow Palette in Lace, Charm, Nostalgia, Vintage, Delicate, and Seaside, .21oz, new - $6
Eyelure London Limited Edition Party Lashes in Snow Princess, full size, NIB - $3
Wet n Wild Fantasy Makers Blue Glow in the Dark Lashes, full size, NIB - $2
BellaPierre Volume Lash Waterproof Mascara, full size, new & sealed - $10
Butter London Double Decker Lashes Mascara in Black, travel size (.18oz), NIB - $6
Clinique Chubby Lash Mascara in 01 Jumbo Jet (black), travel size (4ml), NIB - $5
Clinique High Impact Mascara in black, half size (.15oz), new - $10
Clinique Lash Power Flutter-to-Full Mascara in 01 Black Onyx, travel size, new - $8
Estée Lauder Sumptuous Knockout Mascara in 01 Black, travel size (.09oz), new - $10
Julep Length Matters Mascara in Jet Black, travel size (.2oz), NIB - $8
Laura Geller StyleLASH Intense Lengthening Mascara, FS (.33oz), NWOB - $14
Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Black, travel size (.15oz), new - $2
Pur Big Look Mascara with Argan oil, full size (.12oz), new - $6
Ulta Amped Lashes Mascara in Jet Black, full size, new - $6
Ulta Beauty Maximum Lashes Defining and Lengthening Mascara, full size, new - $6


Lip Gloss, Balms, & Stains:
ChapStick Lip Butter in Green Tea Mint, full size, NIB - $2
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Lip Therapy, full size (.5oz), new - $8
Jane Iredale SPF 15 Lip Drink Lip Balm in Flirt (sheer pink), full size, NIB - $10
MAC Vamplify Lip Gloss in Suggestive, FS, new - $12
Mally Beans High Shine Lip Gloss in Pilar Bean, DS (.07oz), new - $6
NYC City Proof Extended Wear Lip Gloss in Mauving All Night #458, Full Size - $3
Philosophy High-Gloss Lip Shine in Fresh Cream, full size (.4oz), new and sealed - $6
Pur Chrome Glaze High-Shine Lip Gloss In DIY (pinky nude), full size (0.07 oz), NIB - $10
Ulta Double Duty Lip Stain and Balm in Drama (Dark Red), full size, new - $4
Ulta Double Duty Lip Stain and Balm in Romance (Pink), full size, new - $4
Urban Decay Revolution Lip Gloss in Savage (bright pink), travel size (.05oz), new - $5
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Peppermint, full size, new and sealed - $1
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Pomegranate Orange, full size, new and sealed - $1
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Tangerine, full size, new and sealed - $1
Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Lip Balm in Minty Kiss, Full Size - $3
Lip Liners & Primers:
Kat Von D Everlasting Lip Liner in Homegirl, full size (.25g), used 2x as shown - $10
Milani Color Statement Lip Liner in 02 True Red, full size, new - $2
Tarte Tarteist Lip Crayon in Thirsty (bright red), .01oz, NIB - $10
Lipstick - Liquid:
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in At Midnight (Fireball Red Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Love Potion (Bronzed Black Metallic Matte), full size (.14oz), new P - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Pillow Talk (Victorian Pink Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Say Hello (Rich Marsala Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in XOXO (Femme Fuchsia Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Laura Geller Lip Silk Liquid Lipstick in French Kiss (soft pink), full size, new - $10
Maybelline Color Sensational Vivid Matte Liquid Lip Color in Nude Flush , Full Size, swatched 1x - $3
NYX Suede Cream Liquid Lipstick in Orange County (bright orange), travel size (.05oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
NYX Suede Cream Liquid Lipstick in Pink Lust (bright pink), travel size (.05oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
NYX Cosmetics Soft Matte Lip Cream in Transylvania (deep wine), full size (0.27 oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
OCC Lip Tar in Disintegration (pale plum metallic), full size, NIB - $12
OCC Lip Tar in Hoochie (magenta / purple), full size, NIB - $12
Tarte Lip Sculptor, Lipstick & Lipgloss, in VIP (cool nude), travel size (1.5g lipstick 1ml lipgloss), new - $10
Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Bae (red), full size, new - $13
Lipstick - Bullet & Pencil:
Almay Demi-Sheer Creme Lipcolor in 80 Demi Mauve, full size, used 3x as shown - $8
Bite Beauty Luminous Creme Lipstick Topper, no shade listed but a shimmery bronze, full size, new - $18
Bite Beauty High Pigment Pencil in Rhubarb, full size (.09oz), used 1x - $10
Bite Beauty Matte Cream Lipstick in Barberry (cool dark plum), full size, used as shown - $16
DCA Lipstick in No. 108, full size, used 2x as shown - $4
Estée Lauder All-Day Lipstick in Ancient Brick, full size, swatched as shown - $12
Estée Lauder Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lipstick in Irresistible, full size (.12oz), new P - $15
Illamasqua Glamour Lipstick in Tease (pale Nude), full size, used 3x - $12
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Homegirl (satin matte berry), travel size (.04oz), used as shown - $6
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Poe (cool metallic blue), full size, NIB - $12
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Roxy (purple), mini size (1g), used 1x as shown - $6
Korres Matte Twist Lipstick in Tempting Coral, full size (.05oz), new - $10
Lancome Rouge Absolu Lipstick in Rose Espace, full size, used 3x as shown - $12
Laura Geller Color Brilliance Lustrous Lipstick in Cute, full size, new - $12
Laura Geller Italian Marble lipstick in Strawberry Toffee, full size, new - $12
MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Flat Out Fabulous (bright pink/purple), full size, new - $12
Makeup Academy Lipstick in Persian Rose (bright pink), full size, used 1x - $3
Makeup Revolution Scandalous Lipstick in Depraved (violet), full size, used 1x - $3
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in 413 BLKR (fuchsia), full size (.08oz), new - $16
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Let's Go Crazy (cool fuchsia), 3/4 size (1.8g, FS is 2.4g), new - $10
Nudestix Magnetic Matte Lip Color in Greystone (greige), .088oz (FS is .1oz), new - $12
NYC Lipstick in Fragile Pink, Full Size - used as shown - $2
NYC Ultra Moist Lip Wear in Blossom #316, Full Size, Used 2x - $2
NYC Ultra Moist Lip Wear in Ruby #305, Full Size, Used 2x - $2
Sephora Collection Rouge Cream in #49 Belly-Dancing (red), mini (.03oz, FS is .14) - $2
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Inspiration (cool fuchsia), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Legendary (cool red), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Tabloid (cool violet), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Ulta Lipstick in Cherry Picked 202 (medium true red), Full Size, Used 1x - $4
Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani lipstick in Spiderweb (satin red cream), full size, NIB - $12
Urban Decay Matte Revolution Lipstick in Temper (red-orange), full size, NIB - $12
Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Phone Call (bright pink with cream finish), full size, NIB - $10
Wander Beauty Wanderout Dual Lipstick in Wanderberry (rich burgundy), half size (.07oz), new - $10
Winky Lux Matte Lip Velour in Royal (purple), .14oz, NIB - $10


Lancome Blush Subtil in in Rose Fresque, full size (.18oz), used as shown - $12
Ulta Cheek Palette in Fresh Glow Highlighter and Nude Pink Blush, .155oz, new - $5
Bronzer & Contour:
BareMinerals BareSkin Serum Bronzer in Sheer Sun, Travel Size (.1oz) - $3
St. Tropez One Night Only Finishing Gloss, travel size (.16oz), new - $2
Foundations, Concealers, CC Cream, & Powders:
Bee Naturals Tinted Moisturizer in Shade 2 (Medium/Dark), Full Size (1oz) - 1/$15 or 2/$20
Benefit Porefessional Pore Minimizing Makeup in Shade 1, travel size (.16oz), new - $10
Dermablend Loose Setting Powder, travel size (.11oz), new - $10
Jane Iredale Smooth Affair, travel size (.24oz), new - $8
Julep Cushion Complexion concealer 5-in-1 Skin Perfector with Turmeric in 200 Nude, full size, NIB - $18
Laura Geller Balance-N-Brighten Baked Foundation in Medium, full size, new - $15
Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder, travel size (.12oz), new - $6
Pixi by Petra Beauty Bronzer in Summertime, Travel Size, .16oz - $4
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Lace Illuminator in Ballerina, full size, new - $15
Laura Geller Baked Golden Rose Highlighter, full size, new - $12
P/Y/T Upgrade Highlighter in Backstage Pass (warm shimmer nude), .07oz, NIP - $8
Primers & Setting Sprays:
Becca First Light Priming Filter, travel size (.2oz), NIB - $7
Japonesque Velvet Touch Primer, travel size (.3oz), new - $8
Laura Geller Spackle Even Tone Primer, travel size (.5oz), new - $6
Pur Correcting Primer, travel size (.3oz), new - $10
Too Faced Hangover 3-in-1 Face Primer & Setting Spray, travel size (.06oz), NIB - $4
Too Faced Hangover Replenishing Face Primer, travel size (.16oz), NIB - $4
Urban Decay All Nighter Long Lasting Makeup Spray, travel size (.5oz), new - $6

Skincare & Body

BareMinerals Skinlongevity Vital Power Infusion, full size (1.7oz), new - $35
Bliss Leave it to Cleavage, Travel Size, .5oz - $4
Bliss Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Foaming Mask, new, travel size (.16oz) - $3
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, new, Travel Size (.5oz) - $4
Clinique 7 Day Scrub Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $5
Daily Concepts Exfoliating Body Scrubber - $5
Elizabeth Arden Prevage Daily Anti-Aging Serum, Travel Size, .17oz - $8
Erborian Bamboo Creme Frappe Skin Reviving Gel, new, travel size (.17oz) - $4
Estée Lauder Advanced Night Micro Cleansing Foam, travel size (1oz), new - $6
Estée Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme, .5oz, new - $15
First Aid Beauty FAB Facial Radiance Intensive Peel, travel size (.34oz), new - $6
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $6
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration in Honeysuckle, travel size (1oz), new - $6
First Botany Cosmeceuticals 50X Strength Hyaluronic Acid Serum, .5oz, new - $8
MAC Cleanse Off Oil, travel size (.2oz), new - $4
Milk Makeup Sunshine Oil, Sample, .1oz - $2
Murad Age Reform Nutrient-Charged Water Gel, travel size (.25oz), NIB - $10
Omorovicza Budapest Magic Moisture Mist, full size (1.7oz), NIB - $65
Omorovicza Balancing Moisturizer, full size (30ml), new - $50
Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment (gentle cleanser), travel size (2oz), new - $18
Perricone MD Cold Plasma Plus + Eye Cream, travel size (.25oz), new - $30
Proactiv Skin Purifying Mask, travel size (1oz), NIB - $10
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate, travel size (.33oz), new - $15
Strivectin TL Advanced Light Tightening Neck Cream, travel size (.25oz), NIB - $10
Toulon Mineral Infusion Serum-92, 1oz - $6
Whish Self-Tanner, Travel Size (.75oz) - $2

Hair / Tools / Nail Polish / Etc

Alterna Haircare Caviar Anti-Aging Miracle Volume Mist, travel size (1.4oz), new - $6
Bumble & Bumble BB Pret-a-Powder, travel size (.5oz), used 1x - $8
Essie Nail Lacquer in Say it Aint Soho (metallic copper), full size, new - $5
Fatboy Spray Putty, full size (4.8oz), new - $15
Julep Color Treat Polish in It Girl Lillian (pink creme), full size, new - $8
Living Proof TBD Multi-Tasking Styler, travel size (1oz), new - $7
OPI Nail Lacquer in Can i Bairro This Shade (dusty teal), full size, new - $5
OPI Nail Lacquer in The Taupe of the Iceberg, full size, new - $5
Phyto Paris Phytoelixir Cleansing Care Hair Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $8
Phyto Paris Intense Hydrating Brilliance Mask (Dry Hair Phytojoba), 1.7oz, NIB - $8
Matrix Total Results Miracle Creator Multi-Tasking Treatment, travel size (1oz), new - $3
Urban Decay Heavy Metal loose glitter in Reverb (blue), full size (.10oz), NIB - $10


Full Size
Aromachology Exotic & Spicy EDP, full size (1.7oz), used 1x - $40
Jo Malone English Oak & Redcurrant Cologne, full size (3.4 oz), sprayed 1x - $100
Penhaligon's Heartless Helen, full size (75ml) in box, used 3x - $160
Ralph Lauren Polo Sport for Women, used as shown - $12
Travel Size
Armani Air di Gioia EDP, travel size spray (.5oz - bigger than a rollerball), NIB - $20
Armani Sky di Gioia EDP, travel size spray bottle (.5oz - bigger than a rollerball), NIB - $20
Bvlgari Au The Rouge EDC, travel size (.17oz), used 2x - $10
Candie's Candie's EDT, travel size (.5oz), about 60% remaining - $5
Lush All Good Things solid perfume, travel size (12g), used 1x as shown - $15
Origins Ginger Essence Sensuous Skin Scent, travel size (.5 oz), used as shown (about 80% remaining) - $12
Philosophy Pure Grace EDT spray, travel size (.5oz), NIB - $15
Samples 3/$5
Atelier Cologne Vanilla Insensée Cologne Absolue, sample size + postcard, new - $3
Burberry Mr. Burberry EDT, sample size (2ml), new - $2
Calvin Klein Eternity for Men EDT, sample size (1.2ml), new - $2
Clean for Men Classic EDT, sample size (1ml), new - $2
Versace Eros EDT, sample size (1ml), new - $2
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb EDT, sample size (1.2ml), new - $2.
submitted by VeeQueue to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:51 Exact-Paramedic2227 Squats and deadlifts + 2 accesories on leg day - enough?

So I my leg day I push my absolute limits on squats, then deadlifts straight after(free bar no smith machine), and go on to do some standing single leg calf raises and then some hip abductions on the machine. It definitely feels like I am fried but would you consider this enough? I feel a bit cheap that I’m not also doing lunges, hip thrusts or other accessory exercises for glutes and quads.
submitted by Exact-Paramedic2227 to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 OtherStatistician513 Looking for Surgeon recommendations in NY

Hi Everyone,
Long story short I was living in Singapore for a while and did a meniscus repair surgery on my left knee at National University Hospital. Big mistake!
The repair failed badly and I also developed DVT because my calf pain was disregarded. I am now much worse off than I was before the surgery (after more than 6 month and a lot of PT) - I can't walk properly when before the surgery the only thing I could not do was running.
I did an MRI and I have a much bigger meniscus tear than initially with a lot of debris due to the repair not holding which in turn creates swelling and prevent quads from fully coming back. It hurts much more than before an sometimes locks because of the debris.
Even worse, since I overcompensated for much longer than expected my good knee (the right one) started hurting. I did an MRI for that knee too and they found that the overcompensation flared up a degenerative ACL tear and even created a small meniscus tear (not as bad a the one on the other knee though).
I am back in New York now and trying to find a surgeon who can give me my life back after this complete disaster. What I need now is a partial meniscectomy on the left and hoping I can get away without surgery on the right once I stop overcompensation (I don't really have knee instability). If that doesn't work l'll go for an ACL/ meniscus repair.
I have seen multiple surgeons and so far the one who inspires me the most is at HSS (Andreas Gomoll).
That being said I would like to make sure I considered all the best surgeons this time for meniscectomy and potential ACL repair.
Open to hearing other recommendations because another mistake like that and I may end up handicapped.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by OtherStatistician513 to MeniscusInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 OtherStatistician513 Looking for Surgeon recommendations in NY

Hi Everyone,
Long story short I was living in Singapore for a while and did a meniscus repair surgery on my left knee at National University Hospital. Big mistake!
The repair failed badly and I also developed DVT because my calf pain was disregarded. I am now much worse off than I was before the surgery (after more than 6 month and a lot of PT) - I can't walk properly when before the surgery the only thing I could not do was running.
I did an MRI and I have a much bigger meniscus tear than initially with a lot of debris due to the repair not holding which in turn creates swelling and prevent quads from fully coming back. It hurts much more than before an sometimes locks because of the debris.
Even worse, since I overcompensated for much longer than expected my good knee (the right one) started hurting. I did an MRI for that knee too and they found that the overcompensation flared up a degenerative ACL tear and even created a small meniscus tear (not as bad a the one on the other knee though).
I am back in New York now and trying to find a surgeon who can give me my life back after this complete disaster. What I need now is a partial meniscectomy on the left and hoping I can get away without surgery on the right once I stop overcompensation (I don't really have knee instability). If that doesn't work l'll go for an ACL/ meniscus repair.
I have seen multiple surgeons and so far the one who inspires me the most is at HSS (Andreas Gomoll).
That being said I would like to make sure I considered all the best surgeons this time for meniscectomy and potential ACL repair.
Open to hearing other recommendations because another mistake like that and I may end up handicapped.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by OtherStatistician513 to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 OnionOk597 Help, where do i go?

Hi guys, I had a knee injury from 12 years ago where I slide-tackled someone in a soccer game. I was playing high-level rep and didn't want to give up my season, so I foolishly kept playing my season and just took painkillers. I went to physio around then for a few months before my benefits ran out and never continued. The initial physio labelled it as patellar tendinitis. I saw an osteopath years later who said my inner quad wasn't firring properly and my out one was overcompensating and fulling my knee over.
I have a great job now and good benefits and honestly I'll pay anything to be able to run again. Should i be going to physio, or a chiropractor, active release, massage etc? Also, has anyone had success with the knee-over-toe guys program for something similar to me? Lastly, if anyone is in the greater Toronto or greater Hamilton area and has specific recommendation, please reach out.
submitted by OnionOk597 to KneeInjuries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 JVJulian I need help with my first windows XP build

Hi everyone,
For the context,
I'm gonna build my first xp gaming rig.
The main objective is to have a fully compatible, stable build with any windows xp games until like crysis, GTA 4.
I'm gonna play title like simcity, sims 2 & 1, rollercoaster tycoon, doom, quake, half life, age of empire, max payne, far cry, hitman, need for speed, tomb raider,...
I would like to have hardware from like 2008,2009 to stay in the "era". The only part that I'm gonna buy new is an SSD and a PSU.
I've already choose the case, I've bought a Lian Li PC-8B.

But I have some questions about the configuration that i'm going for.

First about the GPU. I'm gonna buy an HD 5870 Vapor X. I can have two of them for 25€. But I'm concern about the compatibility of crossfire with some very old, early xp games.
- Do you know if there is any compatibility issues with some games when we have a crossfire ?
- What would you recommand ? Just buy one to have no problem or get the two and do a crossfire ?

About the CPU now. My first choice was the core 2 duo E8600 but I don't know if that would be enough to fully support a crossfire of 5870. So i've checked and selected two others CPUs : the core 2 quad Q9650 and the I7 960.
- My first question is, since most of the xp era games perform extremely good with 2-core cpu, is it possible that I'm gonna encounter problems with 4-core cpu in those games ? Maybe in early era games ?
- Do you think it's necessary for me to have a 4-core cpu if I do a crossfire ?
- Am I going to see differences in performance in games when using a 4-core instead of 2-core ? In like GTA or Crysis maybe ?

I would like to be able to play everything from this era maxed out at least at 60fps or 120 or even higher since I'm gonna use my main screen (240hz) because I don't have enough space to put a CRT for now.
- Do you think I can do that just with the E8600 and one HD 5870 ?

If I go with a crossfire, I would need to spend more on the motherboard to have a compatible one (like 60€ more).
- For you, is it a good investment ?

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for a good SSD for windows XP and CPU cooler for this build, let me know, I would really appreciate it :)

Thank you for your help !
Have a nice day :D
submitted by JVJulian to windowsxp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:56 DANJCOLEMAN1991 Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.1: Masafumi Gotoh (2024 version)


ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, Zepp Tokyo for \"Quarter-Century Tour\"
^(\This article is an updated version of my "Sound Like" article from 2021. I have reposted this article due to difficulties editing the original version*, and have included additional information and recommendations based on the increased popularity of amp simulator pedals*)*
Hello fellow musicians and Ajikan fans!
I have been a fan of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION for roughly 16 years and as a guitarist was greatly inspired by the band's alt rock sound.
After a few years of research I have written a series of "sound like" articles for ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. The purpose of these articles is to provide context on how the band create their signature sound, and to support beginning musicians or tribute acts who may wish to replicate it.
At the end of each article I have drafted a Budget Rig, which you could use for both at home and in a live environment. I have also provided some general amp settings to tweak and try, which are based on the band's live sound and be can used to help replicate their tones.
This is a 3-part series and if you enjoy this article I would recommend checking out the other articles:
Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version) : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 3: Yamada : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
Please note that the article focuses on the band's live sound, which will be different to the albums and can vary depending on the venue. Also (and is a cliché every musician and instrument will vary slightly due to small differences in play style and build, so also be mindful of that.)
To help you recognise the individual guitar tones, Gotch's guitar parts are normally panned to the left earphone and Kita's are panned to the right earphone on the band's albums. (On 2016's Sol-Fa, Hometown and some of the Planet Folks singles the panning was swapped, with Gotch instead in the right ear and Kita on the left)

Masafumi Gotoh

Gotch live at the 02 Islington, London, 2013
Let's start off with lead singer and rhythm guitarist Masafumi Gotoh, or "Gotch" for short. Gotch's was massively influenced by the 90's alternative rock, Power Pop and the Britpop scene, and has previously highlighted Oasis, Weezer and Number Girl as key inspirations.
As Ajikan's main songwriter, Gotch follows the principle of "less is more" - keeping the arrangements simple for listeners, but combining pop hooks & traditional Asian melodies with the band's punk rock and indie influences.
Gotch's playing style follows this principle, as he primarily uses chord shapes, bar chords or repeated phrases to anchor the band. (The simple approach also makes it easier for Gotch to sing while performing)
Occasionally, Gotch will use "octave chords" (more on octave chords below) or play riffs with open strings notes, to add further depth. A good example of this is the opening riffs to Easter, where he plays an open D string while also playing the 3rd and 5th fret of the A string.
Octave Chords: Octave chords is famously used in punk rock and alt rock riffs, and is when you play the same note in two different octaves. Try play a bar chord on the 4th fret of the A string, and lifting your ring finger off the D string. You should get a "C# octave chord" and will recognise it from the intro of ***Haruka Kanata***. Octave chords are used in many Ajikan songs and by many bands, so they are good to practice!
In more recent albums, Gotch has also experimented with moving chord shapes across the fretboard. For good examples, check out the opening of Caterpillar or the bridge section of Kouya Wo Aruke.
Gotch's guitar tends to be lower in the overall mix, with Kita acting as the band's lead guitarist and Gotch as the anchor for each song. However, Gotch tends to improvise with ambient sounds during live performances and occasionally will take on the lead role in songs like Hold Me Tight.


When it comes to guitars Gotch almost exclusively plays Gibson Les Paul Jr's with P-90 pickups, and has been his preferred guitar since 2004. The P-90 pickups have a bright midrange sound in comparison to the muddier humbucker sound, which makes them better suited for Gotch's focus on chords.
Gotch main guitar is the 1959 Gibson Les Paul Special
The Les Paul Jr is also lighter and have less sustain and power compared to a normal Les Paul, which leaves space for the other instruments to stand out in the mix.
Gotch's main guitar is a 1959 Gibson Les Paul Special, which he plays in E Standard tuning and uses for both recording and live performances. Gotch also uses a 1961 Gibson Les Paul Jr (with the pickguard missing) or a 2000 Gibson Les Paul DC (with a gloss yellow finish) for songs in Eb/D# tuning, such as After Dark or Soredewa, Mata Ashita.
Gotch's is also famous for using a 1975 Gibson Marauder during the band's early years. Gotch has mostly retired the guitar (due to the "lack of volume" for larger venues), but it regularly appears in MV's, band merchandise and occasionally during special events, such as the 10th anniversary shows in Yokohama.
Gotch's Gibson Marauder
Gotch occasionally uses a few rarer guitars live, such as the Gibson Custom Les Paul Junior John Lennon model (Gotch has number 54 of 300 such guitars made), and is normally played with a capo for songs such as Maigo Inu To Ame No Beat.
Gotch has also used a Gibson Hummingbird for acoustic numbers, and can be seen used in Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol.6 for the band's performance of Kaigan Doori. Gotch likes to use Tortex Flex .88mm & Tortex Flex Triangle .88mm guitar picks, which he swaps between depending on the song.
If you are looking to sound like Gotch, the best place to start would be a Les Paul Jr guitar with P-90 pickups.


After originally touring with a Roland JC-22, Gotch has almost exclusively played Fender amplifiers since 2004. Gotch uses two amps when playing live, one for his "clean" sound and the other for his "heavy" sound.
The band's often implement a "quiet/loud" dynamic into their song writing, so Gotch will often switch between his amps during live performances, using a custom made footswitch on his pedalboard. (A good example of this is Mustang or Solanin)
For his clean tone, Gotch uses a Fender 65' Twin Custom Twin 15. It can be heard on Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa Ga Furu, Solanin and Wonder Future. Occasionally, Gotch will combine the Twin Reverb with a boost pedal or overdrive pedal for more clarity, with Wonder Future a good examples of this.
(1) Fender '65 Twin Custom 15 (clean tone), (2) Fender Vibro-King Custom, (3) Fender Super-Sonic 60 Head (which uses the Vibro-King as a speaker), (4) Fender '63 Spring Reverb (which runs in between the pedal board and the Super-Sonic 60, and is toggled on or off by a switch)
For his heavier tone, Gotch primarily uses a Fender Vibro-King Custom for recording and appears in most of the band's MV's. The Vibro-King/Twin Reverb was Gotch's main setup during the 2000's and can be seen together on Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6.
In 2009 Gotch started to use a Fender Super-Sonic 60 Amp Head and still uses it now. Until 2022, Gotch would use Vibro-King as a "cabinet", acting as the speaker unit for the Super-Sonic. Gotch now uses a Shinos & L Rocket Head for live shows, but has kept the Vibro-king for recording sessions and MVs.
Since 2022 Gotch has used Shinos & L Rocket amp & cabinet instead of the Fender Vibro-King
Gotch "heavy" amps for songs such as Re:Re:, Haruka Kanata and Rewrite. It is important to note that Gotch prefers to use his amps to create his distorted tone, but will occasionally add an overdrive pedal for heavier tracks such as Blood Circulator & Easter.
Alongside the Twin Reverb and Super-Sonic, Gotch is known to use a Fender 63' Spring Reverb Unit. This unit only runs into the Super-Sonic and is used for additional reverb to "thicken the sound". Gotch can control the 63' Reverb with a on/off switch on his pedal board.
Other notable amps that Gotch has used are the Matchless C30 & Bad Cat 30R Head. Both have been used exclusively for recording, most notably on Wonder Future. Gotch is also known to use VOX AC15 amps for recording.
Gotch's '63 Spring Reverb Unit, along with a selection of Vortex Flex .88m picks
In terms of mics, Gotch seems to use a Shure SM57 for his Fender Twin Reverb and a Shure SM58 on his Vibro-King or Shinos Rocket. When you are trying to emulate his sound with modelling or profiling amps, it is worth experimenting with mic positioning and different mics.
If you want to replicate Gotch's amp sound then you should look to replicate his Fender amps. However the Vibro-King is a key component and are unfortunately rare, notoriously loud and expensive. For that reason, I have put together some alternatives that should get you close.


During Ajikan's early years, Gotch combined a Roland JC-22 with a ProCo RAT to create the "quiet/loud" dynamic of the band's early records. After buying the Fender Vibro-King in 2004, Gotch no longer required the RAT, but kept a simplified pedalboard to achieve certain tones for live performances.
Gotch's 2004 pedalboard, which includes the ProCo RAT and Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
We will cover two different pedalboards that Gotch has used during the band's career. Regardless of which pedal board you look at, Gotch's has always included an overdrive or boost pedal, a phase pedal and a delay pedal.
The boost/overdrive is used to "lift" his clean sound during ballads (Solanin, Wonder Future) or to thicken his sound for heavier tracks. (Senseless, Dororo) Gotch will normally set the drive or gain low and the volume high.
The phaser is a more sparingly used pedal to add texture and colour, but can be heard on Shinkokyū, Blue Train and Rewrite. I will include more detail on Gotch's use of delay in the sections below.
Gotch's "Classic" Pedalboard
Gotch \"classic\" pedalboard, used between 2006-2013, with Gotch's custom made footswitch on the bottom left to control the amps
Gotch started to use this "classic" board during the Fanclub tour and continued to do so until the 10th Anniversary shows in 2013. This would be the easier and more affordable board to replicate for newcomers.
Gotch's setup started with a BOSS TU-3 tuner, which he also used as a "mute" pedal in between songs. From there, his chain would run into the Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer, the BOSS PH-2 Super Phaser and the BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay. During the Magic Disk tour, Gotch also added a Custom Audio Tremolo.
The BOSS DD-20 *has been Gotch's main delay pedal for twenty years and is set to "warp". On the warp setting, Gotch can keep his foot on the pedal to create swells of delays. Gotch's standard setting is 173-179bpm (beats per minute on 1/4 (quarter) notes and then he has four presets. These are 137bpm on 1/4 (for the intro of Blackout), 154bpm on 1/4 (for Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase), 177bpm on 1/2 (for Solanin and the intro of Siren) and finally 177 on 1/4. (For the second half of Siren)*)
Gotch also included two footswitches for his board; The first one was a handmade footswitch, which he used to swap between the Twin Reverb and the Vibro-King/Super-Sonic. The other footswitch was a BOSS FS-5L, which he used to control the '63 Spring Reverb Unit.
Gotch's "Modern" Pedalboard
Gotch's \"modern\" pedal board.【Pedal List】(1) api/TranZformer GT (compressoequalizer) (2) BOSS/TU-3 (tuner) (3) Spaceman Effects/Atlas III (preamp) (4) BOSS/DD-6 (delay) (5) Spaceman Effects/Voyager I (tremolo) (6) EarthQuaker Devices/Avalanche Run (delay/reverb) (7) Mu-Tron/Mu-FX Phasor 2X (phaser) (8) Caroline Guitar Company/KILOBYTE (9) BOSS/DD-20 (delay) (10) Handmade/Line Selector (11) FAT/514.D (booster)(12) strymon/Zuma R300 (power supply) (13)BOSS/EV-30 (Expression Pedal) (14) BOSS/FS-5L (foot switch)
During the recording of Wonder Future and his first solo album (Can't Be Forever Young), Gotch began to experiment more with boutique pedals, and has resulted in a more complex board since 2014, allowing more ambient experiments on the band's records and during live performances.
Gotch has added a API Tranzformer GT to the start of his chain, only using the E.Q. section and tweaking the settings for each venue.
Gotch's "Modern" board now includes a variety of delay and reverb pedals, such as the Earthquaker Device Avalanche Run and the Caroline Kilobyte Lo-Fi Delay. These are combined with his DD-20 to create the ambient sounds heard on Empathy & the outro of Demachiyanagi Parallel Universe.
The BOSS DD-6 Digital Delay is set to the "reverse" mode and is used during the intro of Re:Re: and the bridge of Rewrite. Gotch has removed the Tube-Screamer from his board and has experimented with multiple alternative pedals, which includes the Xotic Effects AC Plus and JHS Superbolt.
He currently uses the Atlas III Preamp Booster and the FAT 514.D for his overdrive sounds. The 514.D only runs to the Super-Sonic to help "thicken" the distorted tone of the Super-Sonic.
Gotch has also replaced the Super Phaser with the MU-FX Phasor 2x and is using a Voyager I Spaceman for his tremolo. (UCLA & No Name are good references for the tremolo) Finally, Gotch has added an BOSS EV-30 expression pedal, which he uses to control the delay of the Avalanche Run.
If you are looking to replicate Gotch's pedalboard, the best place to start would be a phaser, delay and a boost/overdrive pedal, which would cover most of Ajikan's Discography.

Sound Like Gotch...On a Budget

Now that you are up to speed on what Gotch uses for his guitar rig, we can start to look at replicating his sound. The idea of this section is to offer affordable suggestions to replicate Gotch's tone that can be used for home use and for small live venues.
I would like to highlight that I am just writing as a fan and the equipment I recommend are purely my own recommendations. I do not have any sponsors (I wish I did sometimes) and if you find alternatives that work for you, go for it!
Gotch performing in 2022, during the Quarter Century shows in Yokohama
To buy Gotch's current pedal board alone would cost roughly £2,500 and would be unrealistic for most readers to purchase, however there are options that can get us close to Gotch's tone without breaking the bank.
The key elements to this rig are:
Let's start with the guitar, which is both important for the P-90 tone. You should always feel comfortable when playing the guitar you pick, so I recommend trying out the guitar when possible before buying.
As an affordable guitar, I would suggest looking at the Epiphone Les Paul Jr. It is the entry level price for Gibson guitars (Epiphone would be the equivalent to "Squier" for Fender) and includes P-90 pickups as the standard setup. You can buy one for around £380 and should also be fairly easy to modify & similar to Gotch's sound.
Epiphone Les Paul Junior
If you do have a higher budget to work with, I would recommend the Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute DC. These were released in 2019 and you can normally find a 2nd hand version for roughly £650 - £800. (It is also the guitar I currently use!) Failing that, you can also look at the Gibson Les Paul Special for around £800.
Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute DC
We are looking to replicate Gotch's Fender amps, so the affordable option to start with would be the Fender Mustang GTX. The newer Mustang amps are an improvement on the original and have simulations of the Twin Reverb, the Vibro-King and the Super-Sonic.
The GTX 50 (which has a smaller speaker) is roughly £390 and the GTX 100 (which includes a footswitch) is about £510, but you should be able to find both versions for a reduced cost second hand.
Fender Mustang GTX 100
If you do have a higher budget or prefer to use a tube amp, I would recommend going for the Fender Super-Sonic Combo or the Fender Hot Rod Deluxe for a solid distorted Fender tone.
Alternatively, you could consider the Fender Blues Junior, Fender Tone Master Twin-Reverb or Roland JC, and combine them with a ProCo RAT to replicate the tones from Houkai Amplifier and Kimi Tsunagi Five M.
To keep the list of suggestions short and simple, we will use Gotch's "classic" board as a reference and will cover most of the band's discography.
For a budget rig, I would recommend the Ibanez Tube-Screamer Mini, which is a miniature version of the standard Ibanez Tube-Screamer and sound great for the price. You could pair this up with a Boss Phase Shifter and a BOSS DD-6 Delay for around £309 brand new to get a very similar Gotch board. (You could buy them for as low as £110 combined on the 2nd hand market)
The Tube Screamer Mini is a cheap, effective overdrive pedal based on the classic TS808
For a more expensive pedalboard, the JHS Superbolt V2 was used by Gotch extensively between 2015-2019 and was once described by Gotch as "the Ajikan sound" on his blog. You could also buy the TS808 Tube Screamer that Gotch actually used for many years or the JHS Bonsai 9 which emulates multiple tube screamers.
For modulation sounds (phase, tremolo) the AmpliTube X-Vibe is one of many great multi-effect pedal on the market. If you have the money for it, you could buy a BOSS DD-20 second hand or the BOSS DD-200 to emulate Gotch's delay sound.
If you decided to go with the Mustang GTX, you would also have a selection of effects built into the amp.
THE TONE MASTER PRO? (and amp simulators)
As a final recommendation, Fender have recently released the Tone Master Pro (TMP), which is a multi effects and amp simulator.
It can be used as a device for home recording, but also as multi effects pedal in front of a standard amp or as your main amplifier when played through a IR cabinet. (I'll go into more detail in a bit!) The TMP are not cheap at £1400, so I would only advise buying one if you plan to use it as your main amp and effects board.
If you have the budget and was starting your rig from scratch I would consider checking it out, as it includes great simulations of the Twin Reverb and Vibro-King. They are also easy to transport & the Fender IR cabinets only weigh 12.5kg. (For comparison, my VOX AC15 weighs 30kg and is a nightmare to transport for shows)
The TMP is Fender's first amp simulator pedal and from what I understand the Quad Cortex DSP, the Line 6 Helix series and the Headrush Pedalboard are more popular choices. However, for the purpose of "sounding like Gotch", I would start with the TMP for its Fender selection and simplicity
The Fender Tone Master Pro can be used to simulate multiple amps & as a pedalboard for live performances
If you decide to buy a Amp Simulator Pedal, there are 3 common ways to use it for band practices & live settings. (Outside of just using headphones or running straight to front of house at a venue)
***Option 1: Only use the effects on the Amp Simulator and run it into a standard amp***. (Make sure to not use the cabinets settings within the pedal when doing this You could still use the amps, however it will not always sound great with a normal amp)
Option 2: Use the Amp Simulator as your main amp and combining with a standard guitar cabinet. In order to do this, you will need to buy a separate power amp pedal to run in between the amp simulator and the guitar cabinet. (Otherwise you will not have any volume or oomph when you play through the cabinet)
Option 3: Buy a IR Cabinet. The difference between this and Option 2 is that you would not need to buy a separate power amp pedal to run into the speaker. The Fender FR-10/12 & Line 6 Powercab are good examples.

Recommended Amp Settings

The following amp settings are based on photos gathered from live performances or from photos of Gotch's social media. Every amp will slightly differ based on your guitar or playing style, so you may need to tweak with your settings to find the right blend.
My personal advice is to not put the gain too high and to start with getting the treble and bass settings where you feel comfortable, before tweaking the mids. The P-90s have a strong midrange attack, so bear that in mind as well.
Gotch's Vibro-King and Super-Sonic
Fender '65 Twin Custom 15:
(Plugged into Vibrato 1) Vol: 3, Treble: 3.5-4, Mid: 6.5, Bass: 3.5
Fender Super-Sonic 60 Head:
Channel 1: Vol: 3.5, Treble: 4-4.5, Bass: 5
Channel 2: Vintage setting ON, Gain 1: 4, Gain 2: 0, Treble: 5-5.5, Bass: 4.5-5, Mid: 5.5, Vol: 5.5-6
Fender Vibro-King Custom (as cabinet):
Plug into the speaker input at the back of the amp, with FAT switch on.
Fender Vibro-King Custom (as amplifier):
(FAT ON) Vol: 3, Treble: 4.5, Bass: 4, Mid: 5.5 (Based on Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol.6 settings)
(FAT ON) Vol: 4.5 Treble: 4 Bass: 5 Mid: 4.5
Shinos & L Rocket Head:
Gain: 7, Treble: 8, Bass: 3, Reverb: 0, Master: 7


I hope this has been helpful for you guys, as it has been on my bucket list for some time! Please provide some feedback as it is always appreciated and if you would like more details about the effect settings let me know.
[Update] I have now written a post on Kita's rig and Yamada's rig, which you can read below:
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 2: Kita : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 3: Yamada : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
submitted by DANJCOLEMAN1991 to AsianKungFuGeneration [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:11 sdpdelta I'm really enjoying this game.

Hello, I'm one of the new people that came to Appalachia because of the Fallout TV show. I just want to say, I really appreciate this game. It's scratching an itch that I didn't know I had. I'm an avid Destiny 2 player, but the systems in this game (open world shared by a bunch of players on a server, player triggered events everyone can participate in, weapon/armor crafting that is both intentional and filled with RNG, etc.) Just keep bringing me back for more.
Everytime I think I hit a plateau in this game, I find something new to do. Something to chase. Admittedly, it is a bit demoralizing to burn a bunch of Legendary modules and not get Quad on my Railway Rifle, but what I have still smacks.
Another thing I really appreciate is the community of players. Very helpful folks that are willing to assist. My first expedition, which I did before level 50, had three other players waving me in the direction I was supposed to go. In another game I might have been kicked, but they pulled me through while I just tagged along to see what the missions were all about. Actually, I did get kicked about 5 times, but that was my game crashing.
All that rambling to say this, I've really enjoyed my stay in Appalachia so far. I wish I had been here for Vault Raids, but I'm having a lot of fun and there is tons to do for someone new to the game.
Looking forward to seeing y'all in the Wasteland.
submitted by sdpdelta to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:33 YeMothor2457 New goggles - what upgrade?

I've been flying for a couple months now and I'm starting to look at new goggles. Right now I got a Skyzone Cobra SD, which has served me well so far with both my whoop and 5in quad. I am however a bit stuck on what upgrade would be wisdom. There seem to be a couple options: - save up and get a high end analog goggle (Sky04X?) and sell Cobra SD - get a mid range analog goggle (EV300D?) and sell Cobra SD - Go digital, get DJI V1 used and keep Cobra SD - bite the bullet and save up for walksnail goggles X - keep Cobra SD and be content
Problem is that all good options seem to be very expensive. DJI V1 is a cheaper option to get into digital, but will get expensive once I crash or can't find any new VTX's that are conpatible. A high end analog goggle seems to be a bit of a more budget friendly option as I can sell and replace my current goggles, while I'd still have to keep them when seitching to digital. And of course not doing anything is also an option, as the Cobra's aren't that bad.
Help me with your opinion. What would you do, with a budget too low to replace O3 air units every couple months?
submitted by YeMothor2457 to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:32 mr123clark Clean IR for Quad Cortex?

Hello Folks! I'm using a quad cortex and using the IR Function to run a Shift Line Ampeg 810 Cab IR but would love the option to have a second IR that runs in the second function that acts as a clean DI sound so I can basically blend between the Cab IR and a Clean signal from my amp block.
Yes I know I could achieve this using a separate signal but I'm out of signal path spaces ( have one separate path for crossover for drive pedals and a second path for the signal without an amp / cab going to my stage and practice studio amp.
So - any IR's that are basically like a clean DI sort of sound? Thinking maybe an IR of a Noble or similar DI or something?
submitted by mr123clark to Bass [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:30 chanandalerbong7 [WTS/WTT] MI Quad Pencil Upper, HS 510C, M&P SCS, Arredondo M&P +5 basepad, G19 Grip Anchor, Cloud LCS for HLX, Wilson Combat Mug, Glock/TLR-1 Lvl3 holster, 1911 G10 grip/magwell WTT for SRX 1/2X28 FH, PRI Med GBuster CH, Glock/x300u & M&P 5"/x300u Lvl2/3 holster

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/LoOtvcu
https://imgur.com/a/cpqA6FE 510C
https://imgur.com/a/HzXRAjO SCS MP2
https://imgur.com/a/YWf9Q61 Upper pics
Prices CONUS shipped& insured PPFF (preferred) & Cashapp. NO Venmo or G&S. Open to offers on multiple items. If you call dibs, DONT GHOST just say you changed your mind, nbd. Send funds within REASONABLE time or lmk we can work it out. NO G & S, NO NOTES please. To prevent potential scammers, please PM me (chat disabled) after calling dibs
WTS- Shipping USPS ONLY- make an offer on multiples
-MI Quad Upper- mounted everything up just to abandon the build yet again, silicon residue where upper and CH meet
$355 not splitting until buyer for handguard
-Holosun 510C w/ 1/3rd riser- lower salt/wear shown in pics, sticking with an AEMS core $220
-Holosun SCS MP2 for M&Ps, low salt, decided to go with a larger windowed optic. Comes w box tool & screws $290
-Arredondo +5 M&P basepad for 17rd mags low salt prefer without for that extra pinky lip on my grip. Ran 2 full mags 115gr thru it no malfunctions $20 SOLD
-Cloud LCS for Streamlight HLX polymer, with ODG paint on outside not switch channel- $34
-Wilson Combat Mug apparently discontinued. Clean, no salt only sugar- $11 or +7
-Blackhawk Level 3 holster for Glock/ TLR1s and Optics. larped only no salt $100- would trade for a Glock/x300u or M&P 5"/x300u Lvl2 or 3 or Glock/x300u
-Langdon Tactical Glock 19 grip anchor for no backstraps (mine fit either way), gives you an extended rear grip / funnel. Tried but didnt end up using it- $24
-1911 G10 grip panels & MSH that extend to create a magwell. Off a Sig 1911 Emperor Scorpion or something. 2 range trips never carried, really nice but i needed thicker grips $50
-Pearce Glock double stack pinky extension $10 or +$5
-Riton TARD QD 1/3rd mount- didnt quite line up with a Romeo5, im sure if you want you can make it work- $15 or +10
-YHM SRX 1/2X28 Flash Hider mount, full length $50+
-M&P 2.0 5"/x300u Level 2, preferably 3 OWB holster $80+
-PRI Medium Gas Buster CH- $50+ would trade a BCM 4x4 low salt if interested
Willing to go up depending on salt/brand
FREE add on or + shipping
-1" sling sliders
-Jeep JK/JL fire extinguisher strap mount to rear bars
-5x Gunlocks
submitted by chanandalerbong7 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:55 NamelessMason Avata is not a good entry drone

This seems to be coming up a lot lately, and I've been meaning to share my experience getting into FPV with an Avata for a while now.
TL;DR: If you're looking to get into FPV for real (as in, fly acro), don't get an Avata (either version). Learning involves crashing. Get a drone that can survive a lot of that.
Last September I got hyped up watching FPV videos, and after seeing Rotor Riot's First flight to Freestyle series I decided to get an Avata. Money was not a particular issue - I hate buying stuff I won't use, but don't mind paying extra for top quality for stuff I do. Avata seemed to make sense - I could start flying straight away with the super easy to learn motion controller, and gradually swap to the real controller, and ultimately learn acro. And in case anything was going wrong, there was the Pause button to get me out of any sticky situation. Things were looking promising.
I fell in love with flying immediately. After a week of flying with the standard kit I ordered the game pad controller (DJI Controller 2). Flying with the motion controller was a ton of fun, but one thing it didn't do is free-falling. You could obviously fly toward the ground, but as the drone aims to maintain the control of the speed, it won't let you just let go. I knew I needed to feel the rush of diving down a tree or a tower, I've seen others do so many times on youtube. Didn't really care for tricks at this point, but still, as soon as I got my hands on a proper controller, I just had to learn acro.
First acro flight, about 2 weeks and 50 sim-hours later, was insanely stressful. I stayed high up in the air, didn't dare to flip or rollover or anything, but was surprised that overall, I was able to control the drone. Surprisingly, the Pause button didn't come handy, not even once. I suppose Normal mode did come useful for a soft landing. Anyway, pack after pack I was getting more and more confident. With more confidence came more risky stuff: flying low to the ground, tiny split-S'es, and short dives. I was having an absolute blast, but inevitably, with risky stuff came first crashes.
Not instantly-wreck-your-quad kind, no. Just flying low enough to catch some grass. The Pause button was of no use - there was no way I could react quickly enough. If I could I'd just raise the throttle in time. Anyway, it wasn't even the crash that was so scary - it was how the drone tried to recover. The Avata has this thing where it detects there was a crash, and switches back to Normal mode, into a position hold. I'm no expert, don't know how this works exactly, but let me tell you, the instruments just got hit hard and aren't ready to fly position hold. What happens actually, is the drone flies away without any control for the most scary 30s of your life, before finally getting it back together. After a few times of this I knew already I'd much rather the drone drop dead, than try to pull through.
A week of flying acro, and my Avata was already looking somewhat beat up. I had my first major crash after powerloop attempt. It was at this point when I realised the truth: Crashes are inevitable. Failing is a necessary part of learning. The Pause button is not a viable solution. Dropping to the ground after crash is the safest thing to do. All I need is a drone that can survive it.
I ordered a Mark 5 (O3) the very same day. I only had my Avata for a month at this point, but I knew I'm going to wreck it before I learn to fly with it. Now, looking back, Mark 5 is an overkill for a starter drone, but the amount of progress I've made, being able to just try things, fail, change props, try again, is just not comparable. Being able to not hold back is essential. I'm not flying around concrete much, mainly crashing into the ground, sometimes trees. Other than going through a significant number of props, I only ever needed to replace a camera (before I discovered protectors/ND filters) and batteries (Mark 5 has a design flaw making battery punctures too common).
I rarely fly my Avata anymore. I replaced the prop guards to get it back in shape, but it since decided to set itself on fire. Even though DJI replaced it, I just don't trust it anymore. As weird as it sounds, the only use-case for it I can see right now is long-range, where poor handling isn't such a big issue, thrust-to-weight doesn't matter, but the long battery life is a must. At least until I get a 7 inch.
I also sometimes use the Avata to show friends and family what it feels like to fly FPV. The motion controller really is great in that regard. If you're having a blast just flying around with it and wouldn't dare (or care) to try acro, then more power to you. But if you're considering getting your first FPV done, you may be disappointed if you, like me, expected the Avata to carry you all the way into acro.
Bonus: I hoped that at least I'd be able to keep using the DJI Controller 2 with my Mark 5, but I kept getting the dreaded RXLOSS, so eventually had to switch to ELRS. Goggles 2 are great still! If I started today with Avata 2, I'd be stuck with Goggles 3 and no easy way into O3 for the foreseeable future.
submitted by NamelessMason to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:42 PapaBlatt Quad / Large vs. Performance Dual / Max

I had been looking at purchasing a demo vehicle - the lease deals going on seem too good to pass up and I’m now seriously considering a pivot. I’m seeing some Quad Motor / Large battery combos and more Performance Dual Motor / Max battery combos. I know it’s a range vs. power question, but are there any other factors to consider?
Wheels are another consideration - I’m staying away from the 21”s and trying to decide if the 22”s are unwise for dealing with snow / ice of the northeast.
Any thoughts?
submitted by PapaBlatt to Rivian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:53 OdranoelCavonerd 3 weeks post op

ACL with quad graft and Meniscus repair. Finally had the courage to go and try to walk without crutches. Exactly 3 weeks have passed and I will keep using the crutches as doctor said future on. I'm glad I didn't feel pain while walking but I also see that I'm still scared to fully bend like I should. I'm kinda sad my quad got that small but it's a long road anyway.
submitted by OdranoelCavonerd to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:45 OppositeProcedure476 WiFi network suggestion?

I have large 3 story 6500 sq/ft house with cat 6 ethernet cabling running throughout, with a BT modem and network switches on the ground floor.
At the moment I have a number of old Apple base stations (two on top floor and two on ground floor) that I connect to the various ethernet points to create my wifi and then also a GOOGLE NEST TRI-BAND WI-FI ROUTER WHITE 3 PACK with two extenders to get wifi to a part of the house where only one ethernet cable has been run (the garage). I use this part of the house as an Airbnb and have setup a guest wifi network for the guests to use.
The main part of the house seems to work OK but the Google wifi network keeps going down and I have to restart the BT modem and all the Google routeextenders to get it up and running again.
Can anyone recommend a wifi system which has better coverage and that will be more reliable. I was looking at the “Orbi™ 960 Series Quad-Band WiFi 6E Mesh System, 10.8Gbps, 10 Gig Port, 3-Pack” but wondered whether the two extenders will be enough coverage and whether you can plug the extenders into the Ethernet (or if I would need to) but also it seems very expensive
Any advice really appreciated.
submitted by OppositeProcedure476 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:33 McburgerKong42Q GeForce RTX 4070 vs Radeon RX 7800 XT OC

Hi everyone,
I'm building a new pc in a few weeks, but i'm struggling to choose which GPU I should take. I'm currently debating between the GeForce RTX 4070 and the Radeon 7800 XT OC. I was hoping to get some words of wisdom as to why I should or shouldn't go for one of these cards.
I do not care about raytracing at all, and will be gaming on Quad HD at most. As to the manufacturers of the cards, for the GeForce I would go with the GigaByte WINDFORCE one, and for the radeon one I would go with ASUS TUF.
Games I'd most likely play are games like EFT, Arena Breakout: Infinite, Ready or Not, Anno 1800, Star citizen etc.
Please let me know which one you would go for and why, considering the above. Thanks in advance!
submitted by McburgerKong42Q to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:39 QueerHomology HRV post marathon

Hello everyone! I ran my first marathon on the 7th of April and my watch has been telling me I am strained ever since. My HRV dropped A LOT according to my Garmin (from around 80 to under 70). This week it's finally going back to normal but I was wondering if this was normal
A few factors that probably didn't help
1) I have a small tear in my quad from the marathon, so I've not been running which means I'm sleeping a lot worse. I have been swimming most days but this doesn't help me sleep as much as running. 2) I am coeliac and about two weeks ago I ate some food with cross contamination. I spent two days vomiting blood and without being able to eat anything
Don't get me wrong. I understand I put my body through a lot and other factors mean that recovery is difficult. I just wanted to know if people had a similar experience with HRV after a marathon or it was mostly due to the other factors so I know what to expect for my next!
submitted by QueerHomology to Marathon_Training [link] [comments]
