Tarif cigarette 2011 a l tranger

[WTS] Variety of silver

2024.05.14 07:57 ankkdm [WTS] Variety of silver

Proof https://imgur.com/a/iqcs1jl
  1. 🇺🇲 $1 1890 CC VG details $146 https://imgur.com/a/8BD538D
2.🇺🇲 $1 1891 CC VG details $156 https://imgur.com/a/Zys85Kr
  1. 🇺🇲 $1 1891 CC VF details $156 https://imgur.com/a/6BHkfkL
  2. 🇺🇲 1886 MS 62 $65 https://imgur.com/a/8xVbVYP
  3. 🇺🇲 1$ 1899 O MS 62 $75 https://imgur.com/a/44vqNMy
6.🇺🇲 25C 2011 5 oz ATB Vicksburg NGC MS69 $225 shipped priority
  1. 🇺🇲 25C 2018 5 oz ATB Voyageurs and Block Island NGC MS69 $225 shipped priority/each
  1. 🇺🇲 1922 and 1923 Peace $1 (decent shape, but handwriting on flips isn't mine) $33/each https://imgur.com/a/uJW2jCU
  2. $10 fv 40% halves $84 at melt
  3. 🇨🇦 1999 🍁 in RCM plastic $35 https://imgur.com/a/QyLzoos
  4. 🇵🇪 Peru 1820 Real $49 https://imgur.com/a/6tmwFup
  5. 🇧🇴 Bolivia 1770 Real $35 https://imgur.com/a/cGcI1GU
  6. Sasanian drachm AD 531-579 VF 30 $30 https://imgur.com/a/tiKHVo8
  7. 🇸🇪 Sweden 1947 2 kronor $10 (add on only) https://imgur.com/a/6BSmwVp
  8. Loose 2015, 2020 🇦🇹 phildos, 2013 🇨🇦🍁$31 each https://imgur.com/a/eG0aTbB
  9. Russian wire coins, group of 6. $15 (add on only) https://imgur.com/a/t0uuWdy
Shipping is flat $5 Zelle, Cashapp, Venmo, crypto (+3%)
I always pack discreetly and secure, but once scanned by the USPS I'm not responsible for the shipment.
submitted by ankkdm to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:53 ankkdm [WTS] Variety of silver and some copper.

Proof https://imgur.com/a/iqcs1jl And https://imgur.com/a/7qjDNEU
  1. 🇺🇲 $1 1890 CC VG details $146 https://imgur.com/a/8BD538D
2.🇺🇲 $1 1891 CC VG details $156 https://imgur.com/a/Zys85Kr
  1. 🇺🇲 $1 1891 CC VF details $156 https://imgur.com/a/6BHkfkL
  2. 🇺🇲 1886 MS 62 $65 https://imgur.com/a/8xVbVYP
  3. 🇺🇲 1$ 1899 O MS 62 $75 https://imgur.com/a/44vqNMy
6.🇺🇲 25C 2011 5 oz ATB Vicksburg NGC MS69 $225 shipped priority https://imgur.com/a/wOreO4d
  1. 🇺🇲 25C 2018 5 oz ATB Voyageurs and Block Island NGC MS69 $225 shipped priority/each https://imgur.com/a/ktpZMUe
  2. 🇺🇲 1922 and 1923 Peace $1 (decent shape, but handwriting on flips isn't mine) $33/each https://imgur.com/a/uJW2jCU
  3. 🇺🇲 1798 1 cent 1st hair $100 NGC FR2 https://imgur.com/a/tPmotvA
  4. $10 fv 40% halves $84 at melt
  5. 🇨🇦 1999 🍁 in RCM plastic $35
  1. 🇵🇪 Peru 1820 Real $49
  1. 🇧🇴 Bolivia 1770 Real $35
  1. Sasanian drachm AD 531-579 VF 30 $30
  1. 🇸🇪 Sweden 1947 2 kronor $10 (add on only)
  1. Loose 2015, 2020 🇦🇹 phildos, 2013 🇨🇦🍁$31/each
  1. Russian wire coins, group of 6. $15 (add on only)
  1. Asian cash coins $2/each (add on only)
Shipping is flat $5 Zelle, Cashapp, Venmo, crypto (+3%)
I always pack discreetly and secure, but once scanned by the USPS I'm not responsible for the shipment.
submitted by ankkdm to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:50 N0-North Est-ce qu'un employeur peut demander mon certificat de naissance avant l'embauche?

Le titre l'explique. Ils demandes aussi mon passeport mais la position ne demande pas de voyage ou deplacement. Je vois pas comment c'est pertinent et ca me semble etre un peut invasif (aussi j'ai aucune calisse d'idee y'est ou.) A ce que je comprends, je devrait juste avoir a leur donné mon NAS pour confirmer que je peut travailler au canada, non? Je suis né ici, mon CV confirme que j'ai fini le college en 2011 et mon addresse courriel as deja mon année de naissance. Alors ils ont deja les details pour comprendre que je suis un adulte.
J'ai fait de la recherche et j'ai trouver des clauses sous
"DROIT À L’ÉGALITÉ DANS LA RECONNAISSANCE ET L’EXERCICE DES DROITS ET LIBERTÉS" (10 et 18.1 ici: https://www.legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/fdocument/lc/C-12?langCont=en#se:10 )
qui semble confirmer que la demande serait discriminatoire, du moins basé sur l'age, mais je cherche confirmation d'un bords ou l'autre (idéallement avec un lien qui supporte la conclusion) ou peut-etre meme quelque chose de plus explicit que la demande est pas permise.
submitted by N0-North to Quebec [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:07 Prestigious_Abies746 machineasous

Machine a sous en ligne
Les machines à sous en ligne sont l'un des jeux les plus populaires dans l'univers des casinos virtuels. Ces jeux sont appréciés par de nombreux joueurs en raison de leur simplicité et de leur grande diversité. En effet, les machines à sous en ligne proposent une multitude de thèmes, de graphismes et de fonctionnalités qui les rendent attractives pour tous les types de joueurs.
Les machines à sous en ligne se distinguent par leur facilité de prise en main. En quelques clics, les joueurs peuvent commencer à tourner les rouleaux et tenter leur chance pour remporter des gains. De plus, de nombreux casinos en ligne offrent des bonus et des promotions spécifiques aux machines à sous, ce qui permet aux joueurs d'optimiser leurs chances de gagner.
En outre, les machines à sous en ligne offrent des jackpots progressifs, c'est-à-dire des cagnottes qui augmentent au fur et à mesure que les joueurs misent sur le jeu. Ces jackpots peuvent atteindre des sommes colossales, ce qui en fait un véritable atout pour les amateurs de sensations fortes.
En conclusion, les machines à sous en ligne sont des jeux divertissants et captivants qui séduisent de nombreux joueurs à travers le monde. Leur simplicité, leur diversité et leurs possibilités de gains attractifs en font un incontournable des casinos en ligne. Que vous soyez un novice ou un joueur chevronné, les machines à sous en ligne sauront vous offrir une expérience de jeu inoubliable.
Stratégies pour gagner aux machines à sous
Les machines à sous sont l'un des jeux de casino les plus populaires, attirant les joueurs avec leurs lumières clignotantes et leurs promesses de gros gains. Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que les machines à sous sont des jeux de hasard, ce qui signifie que les résultats sont toujours aléatoires. Cela dit, il existe quelques stratégies que vous pouvez utiliser pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.
Tout d'abord, familiarisez-vous avec les différentes machines à sous disponibles. Certaines machines offrent des gains plus fréquents mais de plus petite valeur, tandis que d'autres ont des jackpots progressifs plus importants mais qui sont plus difficiles à décrocher. Choisissez la machine qui correspond le mieux à votre style de jeu et à vos objectifs.
Ensuite, déterminez un budget à ne pas dépasser. Les machines à sous peuvent être très addictives, il est donc important de ne pas dépenser plus que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre de perdre. Une fois que vous avez atteint votre limite, arrêtez de jouer.
Une autre stratégie courante consiste à choisir des machines à sous avec un taux de redistribution élevé. Ce taux indique le pourcentage des mises qui est redistribué aux joueurs sous forme de gains. Cherchez des machines avec un taux de redistribution d'au moins 95% pour augmenter vos chances de gagner.
Enfin, gardez à l'esprit que les machines à sous sont avant tout un divertissement. Ne misez pas avec l'argent que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de perdre, et rappelez-vous que le jeu responsable est essentiel pour profiter pleinement de l'expérience des machines à sous.
Types de machines à sous populaires
Les machines à sous sont parmi les jeux de casino les plus populaires et les plus appréciés par les joueurs du monde entier. Elles offrent une expérience de jeu excitante avec la possibilité de remporter des gains importants. Il existe différents types de machines à sous qui séduisent les amateurs de jeux d'argent.
Tout d'abord, on retrouve les machines à sous classiques, inspirées des premiers modèles mécaniques. Elles se caractérisent par leurs symboles traditionnels tels que les fruits, les chiffres et les lettres, ainsi que par leurs trois rouleaux. Ces machines à sous rétro attirent les nostalgiques et les joueurs en quête de simplicité.
Ensuite, les machines à sous vidéo sont très populaires dans les casinos en ligne. Elles offrent des graphismes sophistiqués, des animations fluides et des fonctionnalités bonus attractives. Ces jeux se démarquent par leur grande variété de thèmes, allant de l'aventure à l'horreur en passant par la mythologie.
Les machines à sous à jackpot progressif suscitent également beaucoup d'engouement. Ces jeux offrent la possibilité de remporter des cagnottes impressionnantes qui augmentent au fur et à mesure que les joueurs misent. Les amateurs de sensations fortes sont attirés par le potentiel de gains énormes qu'offrent ces machines à sous.
Enfin, les machines à sous 3D séduisent les joueurs en quête d'immersion. Grâce à leurs graphismes en trois dimensions et à leurs animations spectaculaires, ces jeux offrent une expérience visuelle époustouflante.
En conclusion, que vous préfériez les machines à sous classiques, vidéo, à jackpot progressif ou 3D, il y en a pour tous les goûts dans l'univers des jeux de casino en ligne. Amusez-vous en explorant les différents types de machines à sous populaires et laissez-vous emporter par l'excitation du jeu et l'espoir de décrocher le jackpot !
L'histoire des machines à sous
Les machines à sous ont une longue histoire pleine d'évolution et de transformation au fil du temps. Les premières machines à sous sont apparues au XIXe siècle aux États-Unis. À l'origine, elles étaient mécaniques et fonctionnaient avec des leviers, d’où leur surnom de "bandits manchots". Ces premières machines à sous étaient relativement simples, avec seulement quelques symboles et des gains souvent distribués sous forme de bonbons ou de cigarettes, plutôt que d'argent.
Au fil des décennies, les machines à sous ont progressé et se sont modernisées. Dans les années 1960, l'introduction des machines à sous électriques a révolutionné l'industrie. Les joueurs pouvaient désormais jouer plus rapidement et les gains pouvaient être distribués de manière plus automatisée. Les symboles se sont diversifiés, incluant des fruits, des cloches, des chiffres et des lettres.
Avec l'avènement de l'informatique et d'Internet, les machines à sous en ligne ont vu le jour. Les joueurs peuvent désormais profiter de leurs jeux préférés depuis le confort de leur domicile, sur des sites de casino en ligne. Cette accessibilité accrue a permis aux machines à sous de devenir l'un des jeux de casino les plus populaires dans le monde entier.
Aujourd'hui, les machines à sous se déclinent en une multitude de thèmes et de variantes, offrant une expérience de jeu diversifiée pour tous les types de joueurs. Que ce soit dans les casinos terrestres ou en ligne, les machines à sous continuent d'attirer les passionnés de jeux de hasard par leur simplicité, leur suspense et leurs gains potentiels.
Impact des machines à sous sur la société
Les machines à sous sont des jeux de hasard très populaires dans les casinos du monde entier. Leur impact sur la société peut être à la fois positif et négatif.
D'un côté, les machines à sous peuvent générer des revenus importants pour les casinos et les gouvernements qui les réglementent. Ces revenus peuvent être utilisés pour financer des programmes sociaux, des infrastructures ou d'autres initiatives bénéfiques pour la société. De plus, les machines à sous offrent aux joueurs une forme de divertissement et d'excitation, et peuvent même être considérées comme une forme d'évasion du quotidien pour certaines personnes.
Cependant, les machines à sous peuvent également avoir des effets négatifs sur la société. Le jeu excessif peut entraîner des problèmes financiers, des relations brisées et même des troubles mentaux. Certains individus vulnérables peuvent être particulièrement sujets à développer une dépendance aux machines à sous, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences graves sur leur vie et celle de leur entourage.
Il est donc important de sensibiliser le public aux risques associés aux machines à sous et de promouvoir des pratiques de jeu responsables. Les gouvernements et les autorités réglementaires doivent également mettre en place des mesures de prévention et d'assistance pour aider ceux qui luttencontre la dépendance au jeu.
En conclusion, les machines à sous ont un impact significatif sur la société, offrant à la fois des opportunités de divertissement et de revenus, mais présentant également des risques potentiels pour la santé mentale et financière des individus. Il est essentiel de trouver un équilibre entre ces aspects pour minimiser les effets négatifs tout en maximisant les bénéfices sociaux des jeux de hasard.
submitted by Prestigious_Abies746 to u/Prestigious_Abies746 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 SeasonNo2239 8mm natural filters?

I have been looking for 8mm filters that are not made from plastic. I have found a few 6mm natural fibre filters, and I cannot understand why not in 8mm. Is 8mm for tobacco/cigarettes irregular?
I tried the 8mm RAW cotton filters, and experienced zero draw. I tried unpacking the densely packed filter, hastily got annoyed and regretfully threw the whole bag out thinking “how could they sell a product that does not work?”
I tried to get Arango organic filters, but the one site that carries them does not deliver outside the US, and the other site is a wholesaler. I am in Canada.
I tried to order from Mr Tipps for their bamboo corn filter. This product looks pretty cool. But there is a website error that prevents me from completing the order while checking out. And they are unresponsive to emails.
In the meantime I have been stuffing bits of cotton in pre rolled tips. But this is pretty tedious. Am I S.O.L.? I moved to RYO for a cleaner smoke. Tobacco, paper, filter. And there does not seem to be a market for filters made from a non plastic material. Cotton, paper, corn, etc.
I would genuinely like to understand why not? I am blue collar, and it seems like most smokers around me are only interested in the cheapest smoke they can get and don’t care what is in it or what it is made from or even how bad the smoke is. I would think smoking through a plastic filter would be undesirable.
I would move to just pre rolled paper tips, but I get tongue bite when smoking without filters, and loose tobacco falls out. Perhaps I could dry the tobacco a bit more, and try a slower draw more like cigar smoking. I don’t know.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
submitted by SeasonNo2239 to RYO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

$100 mystery box. Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:37 _Firehawk_ Une agence de voyage essaie de faire monter le prix après achat

Ceci est un copié-collé de mon post sur /rfrance, où l'on m'a conseillé de demander conseil ici.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, voilà je compte nous offrir, à ma femme et moi-même, un voyage à l'occasion de ses 50 ans. Ce matin je vais donc dans une agence de voyage physique (connue) car j'ai trouvé une offre très intéressante sur leur site internet. Tout se passe bien, on valide les dates, photocopies des passeports etc, et je réserve le tout en signant le contrat de vente et en payant un accompte par CB de 30% du prix total. Ils doivent m'envoyer leur RIB plus tard par mail pour que je leur vire le reste ; mes plafonds de CB m'interdisant de régler la totalité. Plus tard dans la journée, ils me rappellent en me disant qu'en fait le prix "avait changé mais n'avait pas été mis a jour" (+400€ par pers!!!), et ils me demandent si je souhaite continuer, ou me faire rembourser. Si je ne m'abuse, selon le Code de la Consommation, le vendeur est obligé de vendre au prix affiché lors de la création du contrat de vente... Seulement voilà, à part le ticket de CB du paiement de l'accompte, je n'ai strictement rien ; ils étaient sensés m'envoyer la copie du contrat par mail plus tard. Je compte retourner en agence demain à l'ouverture pour au moins prendre des photos du contrat de vente signé et montrant bien le prix initial, mais quels sont mes recours s'ils ne veulent rien entendre et refusent de finaliser la vente au prix affiché initialement ? Comment puis-je m'y prendre pour obtenir gain de cause, avec juste un ticket de CB ?
Merci pour votre aide
NB : les tarifs de cette prestation de voyage n'ont toujours pas été mis à jour sur le site internet et j'en ai fait une vidéo montrant bien l'affichage du prix initial que j'avais convenu de payer.
submitted by _Firehawk_ to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:18 This_County_4373 [FNV] My Tale of Two Wastelands Keeps Crashing.

as the title saids my game crashes after i play for short time any idea as to why?
This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
-Fixed ESMs
+Novac Reborn - Electric City
+nv interiors remastered ttw extras
+nv interiors remastered no pinups
+nv interiors remastered no dropboxes
+supplementary weapons pack mojave raiders patch
+piber's patch and micro mod hell (fnvttw)
+WAP - Clean Animation Lever Action Animation Patch
+Captain Sidearm hotfix
+Fallout 3 Unique items Overhaul TTW 3.3
+WAP Bozar and LMG 4k
+WAP Bozar and LMG hits anim patch
+WAP Bozar and LMG
+WAP Gauss Rifle Texture Edit
+WAP Gauss Rifle 4k
+WAP Gauss Rifle TTW
+WAP Gauss Rifle
+WAP Grenade Launchers 4k
+WAP Grenade Launchers
+WAP Laser RCW 4k
+WAP Laser RCW
+WAP Lever Action Shotgun 4k
+WAP Lever Action Shotgun
+Grenade Launcher animation fix - knvse
+WAP Sniper Rifle 4k
+WAP Sniper Rifle
+WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew 4k
+WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew
+WAP - A Light Shining In Darkness Remastered 4k
+WAP - A Light Shining In Darkness Remastered
+Laser Rifle Rebirth
+Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 1
+WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth 4k
+WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth
+Blackhawk rework - F4NV .44 version
+Blackhawk rework
+Reticle Texture fix
+Laser Pistol 3rd person latch animation fix
+Dramatic Staggering
+NV Interiors Remastered
+The N.V. Interiors Project
+NV Compatibility Skeleton
+EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced
+TTW Reputations - Big Town Extensions
+TTW (D.I.E.O.) Dialogue and Interactions Expansion Overhaul
+Foul mouthed in the Capital Wasteland
+TTW New Vegas Speech Checks - TTW Reputations Patch
+TTW New Vegas Speech Checks
+PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms
+PM's Magazine Resources
+PM's HD Legion Overhaul
+PM's HD Ammo Boxes
+Legion Quests Expanded
+Factions Reloaded - Legion
+All Non DLC Clothing Retex 4K-2K-1K (HD) with mipmap
+I Know I'm Wearing Faction Armor
+The Fort
+Cottonwood Cove and Legion Raid Camp
+Legion bases
+Increased Legion Presence v
+Legion Fort Open (Reccomended)
+Factions Reloaded Raiders
+Mojave Raiders - Nipton Takeover Disabled
+Raider Sewer
+Expanded Mojave - Highway 95 Viper's Encampment
+Raider Dressings Animated
+HiRes Raider Graffiti
+Old Raider Helmets
+update for Sadist Armor
+Legion Brotherhood Alliance
+Veronica You're Not In The Brotherhood Anymore
+BOSOffices v
+Hidden Valley Overhauled
+Classic Brotherhood Music with battle music
+The Law Won
+NCR Checkponts- full update
+Searchlight Outpost
+NCR Primm Enhancement
+NCR Helios Outpost
+NCR Embassy
+Mojave Outpost
+Freeside Outpost
+NCR Truck Convoys
+Take Chems Make Fiends
+Rise Of The Raiders
+Type 3 Bone Armor
+NCR Safehouse Facelift
+NCR Dialogue Expansion
+NCR Citizenship
+NIGHTMARE FIENDS - A Junkie Overhaul
+Insignia of the Brotherhood
+Freeside Overhaul - NCR Jailhouse
+Classic Fallout inspired Jackals rework
+Brotherhood of Steel Unforgotten
+Bone Harvester - Tribal Cannibal
+Bone Armor
+Hit - Binoculars Anim Set
+Hit - B42 Interact Skinning - Human Addon
+Hit - B42 Interact - New Vegas Bounties I LE
+Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Anims
+Player Headtracking
+Another Millenia Dropmag Patch UPDATED
+B42 Dropmag
+Hit - Power Armor Pip-Boy Anim
+Hit B42 Inject - Random 1
+NCR Weapon Expansion - The Right to Bear Arms REMASTERED
+Hit - B42 Interact Skinning
+Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack
+Hit - B42 Inject - Water Animations
+Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations
+NCR Rearmed Remade
+Hit - RPD
+Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1
+Hit - B42 Inject - Liquid Courage
+Novac Reborn - Basic
+Nipton Rebuilt - Update 1.e - ESP FILE ONLY
+Primm Reborn with Electric City
+Goodsprings Reborn - Clean and Complete
+ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
+Weapons Replacers for The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino
+B42 Dropmag - Quest Mod Patches
+The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino
+Nipton Rebuilt radio music
+Nipton Rebuilt
+Mojave Raiders
+Clothes HD - Great Khans
+Mojave Wildlife - FO3 Version
+Sapper Leg Fix
+Ugly Armor Gloves Remover
+NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed
+NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta
+Uncut Wasteland plus NPCs. Simple Open Freeside OB
+A Van Graff Scorned Fix
+Outside Bets for TTW
+New Vegas Uncut
+v1 Release
+Real Time Reflections - INI
+Real Time Reflections
+Hit - Drugs
+Mannequin Races vanilla
+Character Kit Remake
+Character Kit Remake YUP TTW Patch
+Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods bounty le
+Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods moremojave
+Character Kit Remake Facegen Patches For Many Mods
+Character Kit Remake TTW Facegen
+Claim the Mojave
+Point Lookout Reborn TTW update
+Point Lookout Reborn TTW
+Nuka Wolrd Imports TTW 3.3.2 Patch
+Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul main
+Nuka World Imports
+3D Grenade Indicator
+Novac Sign Animated - Version 2
+T6M Jeans Outfit
+Megaton Hairs - Vegas Edition by zzjay
+Xtreme Wasteland Duo Pack 1
+T6M Jeans Outfit v1_0_1 Fix Patch
+Mannequin Races TTW Patch
+New World Map for New Vegas
+Unique Fort Armor - TOTNW 2.0 Patch
+TTW - Unique Fort Armor
+Vintage Globe
+Better Cigarettes
+Ascended Hotel Lamp
+Ascended TV Set
+Ascended Microscope
+Ascended Stools
+Ascended Telephone
+Depth of Field Fix - NVSE
+Latin Legion names
+Sydney Companion JIP CCC Icon
+Sarah Lyons JIP CCC Icon
+Sydney Companion - TTW 3.3.2
+Sarah Lyons Companion - TTW 3.3.2
+JIP Companions Command and Control
+Lucy West Companion - TTW 3.3.2
+Amata Companion - TTW 3.3.2
+00 - Mannequin shorter names
+Mannequin Races body fix
+00 - Mannequin Races Type6z
+Fallout Texture Overhaul - Robots - Mister Gutsy
+One Man - One Quest
+Physically Based Rangers
+DogTooth Enclave Officer
+F4NV Auto Doc
+Micro Clutter optimized
+Micro Clutter update
+Micro Clutter
+Physically Based Wood Crates
+Physically Based Collection
+Physically Based Chems
+Physically Based Kitchenware
+Physically Based Parkware
+Physically Based Beverages
+Character Kit Remake - Hair
+Character Kit Remake - Teeth
+Character Kit Remake - Hands
+Physically Based Plasma Rifles
+Physically Based Terminals
+Classic - Psycho
+Physically Based Collection 2
+Physically Based Blaster
+Metro Carriage Interiors TTW
+Big Town Extensions
+Death's Last Whisper - Hugs AND Death
+B42 Descriptions Patch
+Male Mesh hotfix
+PAVE Unique Robo-Thor - TTW
+PAVE'd Tweaks for TTW - ESPless
+Tweaks for TTW
+Sticky Ragdoll Camera
+Coffee of the Wastland
+TTW DLC Integration
+Westside Reputation
+supplementary weapons pack disabled weapon mod recipes
+strip south gate ttw patch
+Westside Reputation - TTW Patch
+Father Elijah Accurate Face - TTW Patch
+Dead Money Accurate Elijah Updated
+FPGE - Lonesome Road
+more mojave ttw extras
+Uncut Wasteland - TTW Patch
+Uncut Extra Collection - TTW Patch
+Simple Populated Freeside - FPGE Patches
+Strip Markers
+Strip Lights Region Fix - TTW
+Uncut Extra Collection 2
+Uncut Wasteland
+Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland And Extra Collection Patch
+TTW Reputations
+Another Millenia - TTW Unique Placements
+Weapon Based Hands Clip Distance
+Simple Open Freeside
+The Strip South Gate
+Simple Populated Freeside
+Functional Post Game Ending
+The Strip Open
+Another Millenia Gun Add-on
+Another Millenia
+Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 2
+SYNC - Remade kNVSE Animation Set - Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle AEK-971
+SYNC - Remade kNVSE Animation Set - Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle
+Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle SYNC PATCH
+Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle
+B42 Quickthrow
+Realtime Weapon Modding System
+Diagonal Movement 0.6b
+B42 Melee Bash
+B42 Descriptions
+Retrievable Throwables Reforged 2.2
+B42 Notify
+B42 Inject
+Supplementary Weapons Pack Patch
+B42 Optics
+B42 Loot
+B42 FireMode Alt - ONLY Selective Fire wout SPREAD
+JAM Patch - For the dynamic crosshair
+Dynamic Weapon Spread
+Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE
+Smooth True Ironsights
+Weapon Requirements System
+Detonator Overhaul
+Immersive Recoil NPC 1.4.1
+B42 Interact
+Vanilla Weapon Scale Fix
+B42 Wristwatch
+B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking
+B42 Bows
+B42 Inertia
+360 Movement
+Frozen 3rd Person Masculine Movement
+High Resolution Screens
+Frozen 3rd Person Feminine Movement
+MW2019 Technician Gloves
+Project Reality Footsteps
+Titans of The New West
+Webb's Titans of The New West Patch Emporium
+Power Armor Visual Enhancement (PAVE)
+Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul
+PAVE TOTNW Patch Glowing APA Helmet Eyes
+Glowing APA Helmet Eyes
+PAVE TTW Armors in NV (Vendor)
+PAVE Compatibility Plugins
+Landscape Texture Improvements
+Nut Vegas - Nutscapes Medium
+Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
+Desert Natural Realism - Redux
+Climate Control NVSE
+The Big Duo - Sinclair's Akimbo Ruminations
+Ani_Akimbo - 9mmPistolAddon
+Ani_Akimbo - An Overly Cool Akimbo kNVSE Set for The Big Duo
+FNV Anim Set - Winchester 1897 (Trench Gun)
+Winchester M1897 - Trench Gun
+EFT Pack
+YSI Icons
+Supplementary Weapons Pack - TTW Patch
+Ani_MP5 kNVSE Set
+Supplementary Weapons Pack
+NVRA - AutoMag
+3. Iron Sights Alignment
+FNV Clean Animations - Recharging Weapons Pack
+3. FNV Clean Animations - Rock-It Launcher (No Locomotion)
+FNV Clean Animations - Incinerator
+Reload Reloaded
+Immersive Recoil 2.0
+FNV Clean Animations - Missile Launcher
+Fatman Spint
+Different Fatman Animations Xolerys kNVSE
+ETJ Animation's That Gun 5.56
+ETJ Miniguns
+ETJ Animation's BAR Automatic Rifle
+ETJ Animations Caravan Shotguns
+ETJ Animation's Riot Shotgun
+ETJ Animation's 45 SMG
+ETJ Animation's 45 PISTOL
+ETJ Animations Anti Materiel Rifle
+ETJ Animation's Hunting Shotgun (2 Versions)
+ETJ Animations All Cowboy Repeaters
+Blended Locomotion
+WAP Year One and Bonus - 4K uncompressed
+WAP TTW Hotfix 1.1
+WAP TTW compatibility patch
+WAP - .44 Magnum TTW Patch
+WAP 44 Revolver - Hitman anim patch
+WAP Year One and Bonus
+All Weapon Sounds Overhaul Modern Edition - AWSOME main
+All Weapon Sounds Overhaul Modern Edition - AWSOME
+Different PowerFist Animations Xolerys kNVSE
+Different Ballistic Fist Animations MORE
+Different Ballistic Fist Animations
+SIGMA - Greatsword anim set - kNVSE
+SIGMA - Shishkebab anim set - kNVSE
+SIGMA - Spear animations
+SIGMA - Melee animation overhaul - Chapter 1 - kNVSE
+Easy Hacking GER ENG NV
+SIGMA - Baseball
+TTW patch
+SIGMA - Katana - kNVSE
+Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul
+Iron Sights Aligned - Mod Support
+Iron Sights Aligned
+Male Anim A
+Hit's Anims - Animation Fixes
+Working date and clock for replacer
+Letters glowmap
+Pip-Boy 2000 Mk VI main
+Pip-Boy 2000 static replacer
+New sprint animations for JAM 1.1
+JAM - Just Assorted Mods
+Hit's Anims - Season 1 - Cowbow Addon
+Hit's Anims - Season 3
+Hit's Anims - Season 2
+Hit's Anims - Season 1
+FOV Slider
+MCM BugFix 2
+The Mod Configuration Menu
+New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod - NVMIM
+Stewie Tweaks INI
+Other Mods_separator
+Fog-based Object Culling
+Faster Start Menu
+UIO - User Interface Organizer
+ShowOff xNVSE Plugin
+Console Paste
+Basic Console Autocomplete
+Improved Console (NVSE)
+ActorCause Save Bloat Fix
+VATS Lag Fix
+Fast Weapon Lag Fix
+Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI
+Engine Optimizations
+lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes
+Texture Modding Preset
+NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix
+Yvile's Crash Logger
+All Tweaks Preset
+JohnnyGuitar NVSE
+JIP LN Settings INI
+JIP LN NVSE Plugin Main
+Tale Of Two Wastelands
submitted by This_County_4373 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:41 lostin76 New GEC 2011 Toothpick

New GEC 2011 Toothpick
This is a really nice snakewood with a clip blade - and a 1 of 33.
submitted by lostin76 to SlipjointKnives [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:25 CraftyVeterinarian10 [FS] [CAN] [US]🔥Canada and US only! 🔥 CLOSET CLEAROUT! Reps and Gens (Grailed authenticated) Balen/Gucc/Prad@/Moncler/Juun.j/Cartie/Heron Pr3st0n/Giv3nchy/LV/Norse Project/We11done/BV/Palm ang3/maison /h3rmes/SLP/V3T3ments- PayPal Invoice only

Shipping to Canada and US only! Shipping FROM Canada Plus $10 to Canada. Shipping to US depends on the item. I will send buyer a photo of package and tracking receipt. I am not responsible for package once it’s shipped.
Vetements All Over Print denim jacket Size Large Rare. Used lightly with the tag somewhere (have to find it). Retailed for almost 3K cad ($2,000 USD). Made in Italy. Sold out on Cettire (see photos) And one listed on Grailed for much more! ) Grailed authenticated! $600 https://imgur.com/gallery/EUgK3Qb
Celine windbreaker (brand new with tags) $80 Size 50 Chest: 25” Length: 28” https://imgur.com/gallery/iSdkPBY
Cartier Love Bracelet with Premium box $150 SIZE 17 Comes with “authenticity cert/Cartier bag/matching screwdriver. Weight feels like gen. Beautiful colour. No cheesy yellow. Colour is gen like! These photos were taken at daylight. Never worn. Just tried on.
Cartier Love bracelet (narrow) with box $100 Comes with authenticity cert/carrier bag/matching screwdriver. Weight and colour like gen. Never worn. Just tried on
Timestamped: https://imgur.com/gallery/QhMCVwa
Group 1 Reps: https://imgur.com/gallery/AwWDo5x
Balenciaga Taxi quilted leather jacket (never worn. $175 Size 50 chest: 25” length: 25”
Balenciaga windbreaker (wore once) $60 Chest: 26” Length: 29”
Balenciaga Campaign sweatpants (never worn) $80 Size M
Balenciaga sweatpants (mint. wore once) $75 Size M https://imgur.com/gallery/v4akAbz
Balenciaga blk slime heavy hoodie - (wore once -Puer Homme) $80 Chest: 26” Length: 25”
Balenciaga 1st Speedhunters tee (wore once) $55 Size: M Chest: 21” Length: 30”
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Balenciaga 2nd Speedhunters tee (wore a few times Size: L Chest: 24” Length: 29.5
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Bottega Veneta green leather weaved bracelet gold plated Tip to tip is 21cm
Gucci snake green belt (never worn) $40 Length: 115cm
Gucci bootleg red sweatshirt $80 Chest: 24” Length: 27”
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Hermes’ black cardholder (used once)
GROUP 2 Reps https://imgur.com/gallery/5Bku46w
Jil Sander off white boxy tee 1:1 (never worn) $60 Size: M Chest: 25” Length: 27”
No brand “Juun.j” bomber jacket with hood 1:1 from Carry Over Seoul (wore a couple of times- ) $170 Chest:25” Length: 25”
Moncler red beanie (never worn) $40 Scans on Moncler authentication site
Prada America blk sneaker (wore once) $100 Size: US 7/EU 40
Unbranded “SLP” Teddy 1:1 (wore twice - Zuca Space) $200 Size 48 Chest: 25” Length: 25”
AUTHENTICS: https://imgur.com/gallery/8fcpO5n
Versace ring size 21 Used once. Comes with box/authentication cert. I bought for $335. $180 https://imgur.com/gallery/dq2qHR8
Gucci ace sneakers (Grailed authenticated. wore a couple of times. Bought for $875) $270 Says size 6 but they run larger so it’s a US 7 mens as that’s my usual size
Heron Preston Ex Ray black jacket. (grailed authenticated. Bought for $875) $450
LV cigarette case (authenticated on grailed. Mint) $200
Maison Margiela 4 stitch carry on phone pouch (Grailed authenticated. new. Bought it for $300) $230
Opening Ceremony bucket hat (new. Bought it for $150) $100
Moncler puff jacket (authenticated on grailed. Some flaws. See photos) $220
Prada Nastro green/black striped. (grailed authenticated. never worn. Comes with original box/dustbag. Bought for $410) $250 Size 85cm/34 inches
Saint Laurent x Hedi Slimane hitop sneakers (grailed authenticated. wore a few time. Mint. Bought new for $600) $250 Size EU 40/US 7
Saint Laurent x Hedi slimane sneakers (Grailed authenticated. wore a few times. Bought it for $695) $200 Size EU 40/US 7
Norse Project Algot blue shirt (new. Bought at $168) $100 Chest 25” length 31”
Palm Angels slides (grailed authenticated. Brand new never worn. Comes with authenticity card/box/dustbag. Made in Spain. Bought it for $380) Size men’s EU 40 (women’s US 9) or men’s US 7 $240
submitted by CraftyVeterinarian10 to RepFashionBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:23 CraftyVeterinarian10 [FS] [CAN] [US]🔥Canada and US only! 🔥 CLOSET CLEAROUT! Reps and Gens (Grailed authenticated) Balen/Gucc/Prad@/Moncler/Juun.j/Cartie/Heron Pr3st0n/Giv3nchy/LV/Norse Project/We11done/BV/Palm ang3/maison /h3rmes/SLP - PayPal Invoice only

Shipping to Canada and US only! Shipping FROM Canada Plus $10 to Canada. Shipping to US depends on the item. I will send buyer a photo of package and tracking receipt. I am not responsible for package once it’s shipped.
Vetements All Over Print denim jacket Size Large Rare. Used lightly with the tag somewhere (have to find it). Retailed for almost 3K cad ($2,000 USD). Made in Italy. Sold out on Cettire (see photos) And one listed on Grailed for much more! ) Grailed authenticated! $600 https://imgur.com/gallery/EUgK3Qb
Celine windbreaker (brand new with tags) $80 Size 50 Chest: 25” Length: 28” https://imgur.com/gallery/iSdkPBY
Cartier Love Bracelet with Premium box $150 SIZE 17 Comes with “authenticity cert/Cartier bag/matching screwdriver. Weight feels like gen. Beautiful colour. No cheesy yellow. Colour is gen like! These photos were taken at daylight. Never worn. Just tried on.
Cartier Love bracelet (narrow) with box $100 Comes with authenticity cert/carrier bag/matching screwdriver. Weight and colour like gen. Never worn. Just tried on
Timestamped: https://imgur.com/gallery/QhMCVwa
Group 1 Reps: https://imgur.com/gallery/AwWDo5x
Balenciaga Taxi quilted leather jacket (never worn. $175 Size 50 chest: 25” length: 25”
Balenciaga windbreaker (wore once) $60 Chest: 26” Length: 29”
Balenciaga Campaign sweatpants (never worn) $80 Size M
Balenciaga sweatpants (mint. wore once) $75 Size M https://imgur.com/gallery/v4akAbz
Balenciaga blk slime heavy hoodie - (wore once -Puer Homme) $80 Chest: 26” Length: 25”
Balenciaga 1st Speedhunters tee (wore once) $55 Size: M Chest: 21” Length: 30”
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Balenciaga 2nd Speedhunters tee (wore a few times Size: L Chest: 24” Length: 29.5
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Bottega Veneta green leather weaved bracelet gold plated Tip to tip is 21cm
Gucci snake green belt (never worn) $40 Length: 115cm
Gucci bootleg red sweatshirt $80 Chest: 24” Length: 27”
‼️SOLD & SHIPPED‼️ Hermes’ black cardholder (used once)
GROUP 2 Reps https://imgur.com/gallery/5Bku46w
Jil Sander off white boxy tee 1:1 (never worn) $60 Size: M Chest: 25” Length: 27”
No brand “Juun.j” bomber jacket with hood 1:1 from Carry Over Seoul (wore a couple of times- ) $170 Chest:25” Length: 25”
Moncler red beanie (never worn) $40 Scans on Moncler authentication site
Prada America blk sneaker (wore once) $100 Size: US 7/EU 40
Unbranded “SLP” Teddy 1:1 (wore twice - Zuca Space) $200 Size 48 Chest: 25” Length: 25”
AUTHENTICS: https://imgur.com/gallery/8fcpO5n
Versace ring size 21 Used once. Comes with box/authentication cert. I bought for $335. $180 https://imgur.com/gallery/dq2qHR8
Gucci ace sneakers (Grailed authenticated. wore a couple of times. Bought for $875) $270 Says size 6 but they run larger so it’s a US 7 mens as that’s my usual size
Heron Preston Ex Ray black jacket. (grailed authenticated. Bought for $875) $450
LV cigarette case (authenticated on grailed. Mint) $200
Maison Margiela 4 stitch carry on phone pouch (Grailed authenticated. new. Bought it for $300) $230
Opening Ceremony bucket hat (new. Bought it for $150) $100
Moncler puff jacket (authenticated on grailed. Some flaws. See photos) $220
Prada Nastro green/black striped. (grailed authenticated. never worn. Comes with original box/dustbag. Bought for $410) $250 Size 85cm/34 inches
Saint Laurent x Hedi Slimane hitop sneakers (grailed authenticated. wore a few time. Mint. Bought new for $600) $250 Size EU 40/US 7
Saint Laurent x Hedi slimane sneakers (Grailed authenticated. wore a few times. Bought it for $695) $200 Size EU 40/US 7
Norse Project Algot blue shirt (new. Bought at $168) $100 Chest 25” length 31”
Palm Angels slides (grailed authenticated. Brand new never worn. Comes with authenticity card/box/dustbag. Made in Spain. Bought it for $380) Size men’s EU 40 (women’s US 9) or men’s US 7 $240
submitted by CraftyVeterinarian10 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:23 Character-Accident52 Méthode de calcul pour choisir entre louer ou vendre

Bonjour à tous,
je possède un studio dans une agglomération de taille moyenne en LMNP que j'ai pu acquérir il y a 4-5 ans (pré-covid) à un taux de 1% à un tarif somme toute intéressant. Jusqu'à lors, je le gère moi-même entièrement (bail, location, entretiens, etc...) car je suis sur place.
Cependant, je pense de plus en plus à déménager. Et pas à coté, plutôt à l'autre bout de la France. Alors voilà, je cherche une méthode de calcul, un moyen de partager factuellement les deux possibilités pour cet investissement :
Je suis partagé entre rogner ma marge et accroitre l'opacité (ne plus rencontrer les futurs locataires, le contact direct, le suivi et l'état de l'appartement), et le vendre pour empôcher la plus-value, et pourquoi pas réinvestir ailleurs (oui les taux/prix ne sont plus aussi avantageux).
Merci à vous, et si d'autres choses vous viennent en tête, c'est avec plaisir que j'échangerai avec vous !
submitted by Character-Accident52 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:12 Extreme-Bet-6325 Vendevo AZIONI a SCUOLA e il mio compagno di classe era promotore finanziario.

Facendo seguito al precedente post su questo sub "La mia prima MARGIN CALL, avevo solo 11 anni" è giunta ora di raccontare come, al primo anno di un istituto tecnico, guadagnavo commissioni fornendo un servizio di brokeraggio ai miei compagni di classe dopo aver messo in piedi una rete di vendita assoldando un compagno.
Ma andiamo con ordine, correva l'anno scolastico 2011/2012 e dopo non poche difficoltà riuscii ad aprire un account sulla nota e ora non più attiva piattaforma "Banc de Binary" con i documenti sottratti dalla borsa di mia madre (pattern ricorrente). Depositai i primi 250 euro per mezzo di una carta prepagata PAYPAL aperta dal tabacchino già in mio possesso e in men che non si dica ero operativo.
OPZIONI BINARIE 60 secondi, sappiamo tutti cosa sono e sappiamo tutti quanto fossero scam specialmente su quelle piattaforme con spread fumosi e prezzi di apertura e chiusura forse un pochino pilotati.
Provai ad "investire", la posizione CALL o PUT minima offerta dalla piattaforma era di 1€, motivo per il quale scelsi proprio Banc de Binary, ebbi l'opportunità di sperimentare la mia consolidata e famosa strategia del "è alto ora deve scendere ti prego", "è basso ora deve salire per forza", "fammi prendere questa posizione poi smetto lo giuro", "torno a 250 e poi ritiro tutto", "se raddoppio la posizione prima o poi torno in pari è sicuro" con scarsi risultati come era facilmente prevedibile.
Il caso volle che prima di bruciarmi l'intero conto un mio compagno di classe, vedendomi smanettare sull'applicazione da telefono durante l'intervallo mentre stavo cercando di capire se GBP/CAD sarebbe salito o sceso nei prossimi 30 secondi, si incuriosì e mi chiese come fare per aprire un account, ci provai ma risultò troppo complicato per lui, rinunciò, per fortuna.
Ed ecco il colpo di genio, io avevo qualcosa di più rispetto ai miei compagni, qualcosa di prezioso, l'accesso alla piattaforma e un saldo su di essa, potevo fare l'intermediario, accettare e liquidare posizioni in contanti comodamente senza lo sbattimento del deposito minimo e senza dover aprire un account, nasce cosi la più grande operazione di crimine finanziario organizzato che l'istituto tecnico statale della mia città abbia mai visto.
Il piano era semplice, smettere di investire i miei soldi e offrire il servizio a terzi in cambio di una percentuale dei guadagni qualora l'operazione fosse stata di successo, avevo capito che conveniva sbarazzarmi del rischio connesso all'investimento e lavorare per la commissione, nel mentre la popolarità dei miei investimenti era aumentata e buona parte della classe ne era al corrente ed affascinata, inutile dire che come ho incominciato a proporre il servizio tanti curiosi con monetine in mano si sono resi disponibili a "provare" e cosi durante l'intervallo o prima di entrare a scuola mi facevo consegnare il denaro, aprivo la posizione CALL o PUT su qualsiasi strumento finanziario di loro gradimento (solitamente era EUUSD, oro, petrolio), si attendeva il risultato e poi si liquidava la posizione, alcuni perdevano e incassavo la somma in contanti che andava a coprire le perdite sulla piattaforma, altri vincevano e liquidavo la posizione arrotondando per difetto e incassando la percentuale, ovviamente non si faceva credito a nessuno.
Step successivo, assoldai un mio compagno di classe amici da una vita e ancora in contatto, il suo compito era quello di proporre per me gli investimenti, i clienti interessati e con i soldi in mano sarebbero poi venuti da me per aprire la posizione dal mio dispositivo in cambio di una parte dei profitti, la cosa funzionava ma degenerò presto.
I clienti divennero ludopatici, dovevano recuperare i soldi che si erano mangiati, il mio gringo aveva capito che più clienti portava e più guadagnava cosi incominciò a proporre l'investimento anche al di fuori della classe, ben presto buona parte del piano era al corrente delle attività e il traffico fuori dall'aula incominciava a destare sospetti tra i docenti. Il picco assoluto è stato quando per pura gogliardia proposi l'investimento in azioni Apple al professore di fisica scatenando l'iralità dell'intera classe, egli si insospettì e ben presto venne allo scoperto il giro di affari losco che si consumava anche durante le sue ore di laboratorio.
Fu la fine, fortunatamente, dettata dall'intervento del docente in merito al giro di soldi e in generale all'attività decisamente poco consona all'ambiente scolastico, cessai di offrire il servizio anche perchè tenevo particolarmente alla mia condotta scolastica.
La settimana più elettrizzante dell'anno, ero diventato popolare per questa attività ma cosi come la fama arrivò la fama svanì, tornai ad aprire qualche posizione per conto ma non era più lo stesso, prelevai tutto e chiusi l'account.
Forse vi parlerò di quando importavo dalla Cina puntatori laser, è una lunga storia tra ispezioni doganali, francobolli sottocosto e dropshipping. Votate UP.
submitted by Extreme-Bet-6325 to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:58 fotoshpop I need music recommendations based off of these favorites, looking to diversify my taste

I need music recommendations based off of these favorites, looking to diversify my taste submitted by fotoshpop to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:31 Inception_025 Movie of the Year 1997 Survivor Round of 16

I've gotta go see about a poll.
You will have 48 hours to vote.
Reminder that you must have seen BOTH films in any matchup in order to vote on that match.
Nominations Results
Round of 32 Results
PREVIOUS MOVIE OF THE YEAR WINNERS (click to view full event)
1998: The Truman Show (d. Peter Weir)
1999: Magnolia (d. Paul Thomas Anderson)
Oscar Ineligible of the 2000s: In the Mood for Love (d. Wong Kar-Wai)
2000: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (d. Ang Lee)
2001: Mulholland Drive (d. David Lynch)
2002: Spirited Away (d. Hayao Miyazaki)
2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (d. Peter Jackson)
2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (d. Michel Gondry)
2005: Brokeback Mountain (d. Ang Lee)
2006: Children of Men (d. Alfonso Cuarón)
2007: There Will Be Blood (d. Paul Thomas Anderson)
2008: WALL-E (d. Andrew Stanton)
2009: Inglourious Basterds (d. Quentin Tarantino)
Oscar Ineligible of the 2010s: It's Such a Beautiful Day (d. Don Hertzfeldt)
2010: The Social Network (d. David Fincher)
2011: A Separation (d. Asghar Farhadi)
2012: Moonrise Kingdom (d. Wes Anderson)
2013: Her (d. Spike Jonze)
2014: Whiplash (d. Damien Chazelle)
2015: Mad Max: Fury Road (d. George Miller)
2016: Arrival (d. Denis Villeneuve)
2017: Get Out (d. Jordan Peele)
2018: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (d. Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti & Rodney Rothman)
2019: Parasite (d. Bong Joon-Ho)
2020: The Father (d. Florian Zeller)
2021: The Worst Person in the World (d. Joachim Trier)
2022: The Banshees of Inisherin (d. Martin McDonagh)
2023: Oppenheimer (d. Christopher Nolan)
PREVIOUS MOVIE OF THE DECADE WINNERS (click to view full event)
2000s: There Will Be Blood (d. Paul Thomas Anderson)
2010s: Parasite (d. Bong Joon-Ho)
Letterboxd List of All Past Nominees
Letterboxd Master List of All Past Top 32s
submitted by Inception_025 to Oscars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:30 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2024-05-13

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:57 three_wall_house Like an arrow straight through my heart. Haha. The Smiths everyone.

Like an arrow straight through my heart. Haha. The Smiths everyone. submitted by three_wall_house to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:51 EveryThingAnyThing16 Dota o Ako

Dota o Ako submitted by EveryThingAnyThing16 to pinoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:32 Lvillrale0611 Early 2010s (2011/2012) Bright Tertiaries Magnets

Early 2010s (2011/2012) Bright Tertiaries Magnets
And No I’m From Malaysia
submitted by Lvillrale0611 to FrutigerAero [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:20 Al3x11113 Pour les véganes qui veulent faire concrétiser les droits des animaux dans la société

Un des objectifs d'une action collective (manifestation, action symbolique, etc.) est l'expression d'une revendication politique et des arguments en sa faveur.Le public doit être capable de relier la revendication à un principe qu'il connaît déjà, de sorte que la revendication apparaisse comme la continuation de quelque chose d'existant. Selon les sociologues, un bon argument pour une revendication est celui qui garantit l'insertion du point de vue d'autrui dans une structure connue (Chateauraynaud, 2011).
Pour être compris par le public, un argument doit prendre sa source dans des représentations déjà existantes dans l'esprit du public. Et les représentations que nous souhaitons transmettre doivent se « ancrer » dans les représentations déjà disponibles.
Les principes communément partagés jouent le rôle de filtre cognitif : seules les revendications qui passent ce filtre peuvent être comprises et acceptées par le public.
Exemple :
Principe connu : La violence est un mal
Revendication : Les abattoirs doivent être fermés
Argumentation :
Notre société condamne la violence. Frapper sans raison ou tuer sont des délits, car si nous pouvons éviter l'agression, nous y sommes obligés. La violence contre les plus faibles est encore plus vigoureusement condamnée. Et tout le monde s'accorde à dire que les animaux peuvent également souffrir de la violence et sont clairement plus faibles par rapport aux humains et à leur technologie. Néanmoins, les abattoirs constituent la concrétisation la plus parlante de la violence contre des êtres vulnérables. Notre société affirme que la violence est un mal mais tue chaque jour des milliers d'animaux innocents. Dans le même temps, des millions de personnes ayant une alimentation végétale dans le monde montrent qu'il est possible de respecter la vie des animaux, ce qui signifie que la violence des abattoirs doit être reléguée au passé. Les principes fondamentaux de non-violence et de protection des vulnérables doivent être respectés. Des pratiques injustes et violentes qui existaient auparavant ont été abolies ou réduites, telles que l'esclavage, la torture publique ou le pillage de villages. Elles étaient également ancrées dans la conscience collective au point que certaines personnes les pensaient éternelles. Mais l'histoire a montré le contraire, car l'évolution morale des êtres humains est un phénomène qui persiste dans le temps et l'on peut facilement imaginer qu'un jour, les abattoirs seront considérés comme un symbole d'injustice et de barbarie. Commencer à les fermer aujourd'hui est exigé non seulement par l'éthique mais représente un pas nécessaire vers une véritable justice.
Citation (texte sous copyleft pouvant être utilisé dans un communiqué de presse pour faire circuler nos arguments dans les médias) :
Selon la-le porte-parole [Jeanne Bovet] de l'association [Éthique et Bienveillance]: « Les principes de non-violence et de protection des vulnérables de notre société exigent que nous mettions fin aux pratiques barbares des abattoirs, où d'innombrables animaux innocents sont tués quotidiennement malgré l'existence d'alternatives végétales. En alignant nos pratiques sociales sur nos principes, nous pouvons transformer les abattoirs de symboles d'injustice en reliques d'un passé moins éclairé. C'est pourquoi l'acte de tuer des animaux pour de simples habitudes alimentaires doit être érigé en infraction et pénalisé par une amende. »
Vous pouvez partager ce texte avec des personnes ou groupes que vous pensez pourraient bénéficier de celui-ci.
submitted by Al3x11113 to VeganEtFrancophone [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:16 lassehp Trying to make a Bison grammar for C23 - tons of shift/reduce conflicts...

I will admit up front, that although I first became acquainted with yacc in the late 80es/early 90es (and I think The UNIX Programming Environment by Kernighan and Pike is one of the best books I've read), I have never been fond of - and probably also never truly grasped - LR and LALR grammars. I can write LL(1) grammars in my sleep, "the other way" scares me a bit. I am trying to write a C23 parser - and with C being what it is, and has become, I fear my life is too short to try refactoring the C23 grammar to LL(k) for any k. So Bison it is, for better or worse. I already have a "working" parser using the C11 grammar from http://www.quut.com/c/ANSI-C-grammar-y-2011.html, which has 2 shift/reduce conflicts - one for dangling else, and one for _Atomic. Both known and expected.
Based on a different grammar extracted straight from a C23 draft https://github.com/thradams/cgrammar by Thiago Adams (who I believe has posted on Reddit about his tool cake a while back), I have made a new .y file, which I have carefully crossreferenced with the latest draft I could find, n3220.pdf. Then I also cross-checked it with the C11 grammar, formatting it the same way for easy diffing.
I have commented out all the lexical rules (as they are meant for the lexer), and all the preprocessing rules. I get 51 shift/reduce conflicts.
I have tried removing attributes altogether by redefining attribute_specifier_sequence as a nonexistent token, bringing the grammar down to a subset largely equivalent to C11, this didn't help much, but it brings the number of shift/reduce conflicts down to 36. Defining a "hack" token for "[{WS}*[" and changing the attribute_specifier rule (and adding an interim non-existing token symbol as a place-holder for the last alternative of the balanced_token rule), I still get 37 shift/reduce conflicts. I have a hard time believing this can be right?
I have searched to no avail for a Bison or (B)yacc grammar for C23, but there seems to be none so far - although compiler support for C23 is available. It seems people prefer to write C parsers by hand? I have forked (https://github.com/lassehp/cgrammar) Thiago's cgrammar repository, and added my C23.y and C23.l files. I hope doing so will result in someone having a look and perhaps suggesting any fixes to make the grammar correct and unambiguous - any help would be most welcome!
submitted by lassehp to Compilers [link] [comments]
