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2024.05.14 01:29 HomeGirl_HG Teen son ruining our lives.

Teen Son Ruining our Life
Where do I even start? My soon to be 16 year old son is destroying anything good about himself or his future. Is this typical for ADHD-ers?
A little history:
Our son “Mason” was born at 33 weeks and was hands down the WORST baby that, to this day, I have ever seen. Blood curdling screams for the first full year of his life. Doctors had no answer, just that it was colic. It was a dark time.
After the colic came the night terrors. Like clockwork every night 1-3am was spent with him screaming like he was being murdered. We couldn’t wake him or console him. We just prayed he’d stop and the neighbors wouldn’t call the police.
Then like magic, he seemed to turn into a sweet boy and ages 4 and 5 were great. Around age 6, he started getting sneaky with his tactics and we found him with his hands around his 3 year old sister’s throat one day. That’s when I knew I did not give birth to a normal child.
From ages 6-10 he didn’t get into much trouble and we kept him busy with various sports. He’s incredibly smart and slightly autistic. He has friends and is loving a pretty normal life.
Around age 11/12 he got his first game system and computer and that’s when our lives when to hell in a hand basket with him. It wasn’t the gaming that was the problem, it was the forums and Discord. The stuff I saw him writing on there was straight up criminal. Disgusting filthy language riddled with violence and misogyny. I know boys say not so great things amongst each other, but the things he was saying was psychotic.
I immediately got him into seeing a psychiatrist. He was diagnosed ADD with a hint of Autism. We put him on meds which was a nightmare in itself. Nothing worked. His body would metabolize the meds like water. We even had him genetically tested to see if his liver really is processing them way too quickly. Every med made him moody and aggressive.
He’s now 15 almost 16. He lies constantly, has an insane need for justice, will yell at teachers if he doesn’t agree with something they say to another student. He was s3xting he his girlfriend, she may now be pregnant and we aren’t sure if it’s his (she’s barely 15 and a mess of a person herself), he’s an absolute spaz, he has zero communication skills and talks like he’s reading from a script, he argues EVERYTHING, I hate to say this but he’s can be incredibly dumb. He has zero common sense. He says things that make absolutely NO sense. He talks just to sound “smart” and doesn’t even think about what he’s saying. He paces the floor constantly, fidgets like a drug addict, and says extremely creepy things to fellow students. Female students have reported him for making them uncomfortable. I get calls from the principal because they are super concerned about him. The school has had the police talk with him. He will lie even though EVERYONE knows the truth. It’s beyond an awkward Autistic kid.
Just tonight we found texts again between him and his “ex” girlfriend. He has her name in his phone as whre. I *begged him to just do something right. He just stares at me blankly. He calls us crazy to people in his texts. He’s obsessed with his “ex” girlfriend. They are skipping classes to “hang out” in the school stairwell.
When confronted he just shrugs and says he doesn’t know why he does what he does. He admits he’ll do what ever it takes to feel like he got justice. You can physically see him disassociate when being talked to. He’s extremely selfish.
Here’s the kicker, he’s INCREDIBLY book smart. He could go to any collage, study any major and do well. We have told him “Do well in school, don’t get in trouble and we’ll send you to ANY collage you want” we tell him we’ll pay for any advanced training or AP classes he wishes to take, we are willing to do absolutely anything to get him right.
I truly think we might be dealing with an ADHD sociopath.
He’s at his therapists office as we speak.
Anyone ever meet or know a kid like this?!
submitted by HomeGirl_HG to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 Left_Tip_8998 Gee Thanks Mom.

Gee Thanks Mom.
Like I don't hate my mom. She just makes it unbelievably hard to trust her with anything and everything. I hate talking to my family , because it's just a pity fest and now talking about my trauma in general is just a everyone's suffering situation. I kinda wish I never even told them. A piece of my trauma could be prevented and I wouldn't be surprised if the likely the other part of suppressed trauma from my childhood was something that was caused around my father, because when I was younger she was the hero in the situation saving us from woopeedoo and guess who? OUR DAD, which shouldn't be situation to keep on happening. Now he's dead and guess what? Now we have a new guy and now they're both sucky and both antagonizers at times. Great with the bare minimum, mental health is a nada. She's so floppy floppy it makes me sick, yet she complains about the relationship that she kept around while defending him after she talks about him being the bad guy, now there's constant arguments and fighting amongst them and how much she regrets this and that while still keeping him around. I'm lucky I got outta there.
submitted by Left_Tip_8998 to CPTSDmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 EmoGiArts [TOMT][SHORT][2000s/2010s] 3D street racing animation

Around the early 2010s, I had a DVD that my uncle put on some animated shorts that he found on the internet. One in particular was a 3D animation where two cars were racing on what I think was a hill, one of the characters was a man with a shaved head, another was a woman in a skirt, and the driver of the other car was not revealed (at least that's what I remember) the animation wasn't bad but it wasn't very polished, I believe it was a project made by one person in their free time and posted on the internet, or a project made by animation students, or something similar.
But what happens in the animation is the two cars are racing, they pass at high speed near the woman and the wind makes her skirt lift, then something happens to the faceless driver's car (I believe he fell off the hill) , at the end the guy with the shaved head drives back to the woman, and the woman immediately handcuffs the man, the short ends by showing the woman's license revealing that she was a police officer.
That's all I can remember, which is a lot since I must have been 5 years old when I watched this
submitted by EmoGiArts to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 dogcatgodcar Do you finish reading bad books?

I read a lot for enjoyment and for studying what I like or dislike about what other authors did in their own novels. If I'm bored of a book, I'll drop it and move on to the next one and take a mental note of why it bored me. But if I'm reading a book that's just plain TERRIBLE... well, I tend to finish it. Something about it being so awful of a book makes me want to finish it and see how the hell it got published. I mentioned it to someone recently and they said that life is too short to read bad books, which is a valid point of view. Do you guys drop books you think suck (not the kinds that suck in the end but from the beginning you can tell it sucks)? I think it's helpful to read a VARIETY of books/authors, and it's a bit inspiring to read garbage since it gives me hope I could get published if I hunkered down and polished up a manuscript. But also life IS short and if I think the book sucks from the first few pages/chapters, would it be better to drop it and find something better to learn from and enjoy 🤔 Just wanted to see what you guys did
submitted by dogcatgodcar to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 KayTuan Return to Apex?

Is it crazy to say 100T should pick up Hal, Zer0, and Genburten?
Hal is the face of apex and after 5yrs at TSM this may be the only time he is an FA in apex’s life time. I have no idea what the financials are but Hal has to have the best/most reliable ROI of any player or team signing in apex. Plus with this new team around him there is no doubt they will be winning a ton either.
If it’s in the cards, just seems like a no brainer to sign these guys and a perfect way to return to apex.
submitted by KayTuan to 100thieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 Certain-Woodpecker63 Breaking Through the Simp Phase: The Good, the Bad, and the Lovely

29M - USA - 2.5 Months
One concern that I had with the idea of SR when I first began contemplating the topic was that once "charged up" I would begin to behave foolishly concerning my dating prospects, and that the buildup of sexual energy would cause me to simp after women more heavily than if I was depleted, where I perceived I would be able to "play it cool" with girls. This was certainly the case to a significant extent during my initial streaks, and these types of outcomes were an impediment for me to realizing the advantages of SR in my early twenties.
The reason this was initially an issue for me is that the beginning of the beginning, as in, before any streaks longer than a month were accomplished my brain was highly sexualized causing me to behave in a deranged way once the buildup began. This still occurs, and is why in my opinion SR can be detrimental to a successful dating life because it oftentimes pedestalizes the act of sex, which can create a loop of Oxytocin deficiency which I believe is what causes people to enter their 'loner' phase.
I believe the cure for this is to break through successfully in personal endeavors unrelated to sex, which creates positive dopamine associated with elements outside of scoring with the opposite gender. My current realization is that before you're able to see improvements in behavior, there's going to be a dip and your behavior is actually going to get worse in many cases. This is of course referred to as a flatline, the longer you're able to go without O, the less extended flatlines will become with each subsequent streak. I also believe in the elasticity of streaks, for several years ago when I first began this journey I accomplished a 5 month streak, and my overall demeanor became pretty negative. That first 5 month streak was probably the most depressive period of my life, but it was a culmination of reaping what I had sewed for upwards of 10 years prior to that. Therefore, I can't blame the streak itself for this depressive time.
However, it did create some antisocial behaviors that I'm still unlearning and that I didn't have an issue with as much prior to that great streak. For one thing, my internet behavior became far more anonymous, and to this day my social media habits have shifted from representing my real identity through instagram/facebook, to browsing anonymously through reddit, youtube. This shift I believe created a psychological dissociation from my real world social media profiles, and now I have a l higher evel of anxiety about going on Instagram as myself that I consider to be an impediment. Of course, Social Media is generally considered harmful overall, but if the reason I'm not going on it is because of an anxiety, I consider that just as harmful. So that's something I'm working on.
When one goes 'monk mode' for too long, one may begin to cultivate the desire to begin forming attachments to girls again in the future, but find it more challenging to ride that bicycle compared to if they had not allowed the muscle of PUA to atrophy. That being said, re-integrating socially is definitely possible after a long SR streak, and in doing so you'll still possess any SR benefits that you cultivated during a lonersome period. Overall, I'd say the effort to change behaviors and re-invent yourself is more valuable than the loss of social calibration that can occur. I'm speaking on this topic from the experience of being unemployed for 8 months and then being thrust back into a job that required a high volume of person-to-person interactions.
Benefits on this streak:
The only downsides I've seen are that I have increased cravings for weed, although I've been able to take upwards of 5 days - 2 weeks at a time off. The issue is that with SR I'm able to handle THC and still function in a way I simply wouldn't be able to if I wasn't on a decent streak. I Haven't been as successful with quitting weed as I have with SR yet because I've been dreading the dip in performance that comes with quitting any substance, but I still do find the therapeutic benefits of use to be a silver lining and I feel the discipline I'm cultivating with SR will allow me to effectively quit in the future.
So far, this streak I've been mainly focused on interpersonal dynamics, but today for the first time in a while I was able to go deeper into my own world once again. I grabbed that bull by the horns & wrote this post, and focused on a side hustle.
submitted by Certain-Woodpecker63 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 Several-Cut4344 UPDATE: Dealing with the Pain and Insecurities of Dating an Alcoholic

Hey Reddit,
Just wanted to give you an update on my previous post. So, turns out my ex's new girlfriend is also an alcoholic. This whole situation has added a new layer of complexity to the mix. So, it turns out there have been some concerning developments with my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. Well, she recently got arrested for a DUI and possession of marijuana.
At first, I thought it was kind of funny, you know, the whole "like attracts like" thing. But then I started thinking about it more, and I just felt sorry for her. I mean, let's be real, she's a hot mess, and so is he.
Despite any outward appearances of happiness, it's clear their lives are intertwined with this ongoing battle. It's not a situation to envy. It's like, no matter what they're doing in life or as a couple, they're still dealing with their lifelong alcoholism, so there's not really anything to be jealous of. It's just a reminder that their lives are pretty tangled up in that struggle, which isn't enviable at all.
This whole situation has given me some clarity though.
Original Post:
Hey everyone,
I've been grappling with a situation for quite some time now, and I feel like I need to share it with you all to get some perspective and maybe some advice.
About a year ago, I was in a relationship with a guy who also happened to be my neighbor and friend. We had a casual friendship for a couple of years before that, but things got complicated when we decided to take it to the next level. Long story short, we broke up because I wanted something more meaningful while he was content with a friends-with-benefits setup. It was clear that his alcoholism was a significant issue for me, causing continual disappointment and emotional distance.
I should have seen the signs earlier on. His drinking was a problem that often led to letdowns and broken promises. Despite my efforts to maintain a connection, he grew more emotionally distant, eventually telling me that I wasn't important in his life when he ended things. It was a blow to my self-esteem, but I soldiered on, hoping to heal with time.
However, healing became increasingly difficult as his roommate, who happens to be my best friend, served as a constant reminder of our past relationship. I saw him frequently, and every encounter reopened old wounds. Looking back, I realize I should have created more distance, but hindsight is always clearer.
A couple of months ago, he sent me a late-night text, which I naively interpreted as a chance to reconnect. It turned out he had sent similar messages to multiple women while he was drunk, leaving me feeling used and disrespected. And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I received a drunken voicemail from him and his new girlfriend, mocking me. He claims it was an innocent mistake, that they were trying to call Google Assistant to find her phone (she shares my first name) and didn't realize they left a voicemail for me. He doesn't seem to care how much it hurt me.
Adding to the pain, my ex's new girlfriend is someone they recently met at work. They've only started dating a week ago, and already it feels like I'm being replaced. My best friend tells me that they both like her and that she's a nice person. Apparently, she has influenced him enough to stop drinking for a day, but I'm skeptical. My ex has tried to quit drinking on his own before, only to relapse after a few days. It's clear to me that his issues with alcohol run deep, and it's unlikely that a new relationship will magically solve them.
What's even more painful is seeing them happy together, knowing that he's trying to change for her while he never made that effort for me. It makes me question my worth and leaves me feeling replaced and insignificant.
I've tried to rationalize it, reminding myself that their happiness doesn't diminish my value as a person. But it's hard not to feel hurt and insecure, especially when I'm constantly reminded of their relationship through mutual friends.
Despite my best friend's assurance of her niceness, I can't help but dislike his new girlfriend, especially after that drunken trash-talking voicemail. It's a constant reminder of the disrespect and pain I've endured.
To cope with this situation, I've had to disconnect from my best friend. As much as it hurts, I can't continue subjecting myself to the reminders of my past relationship and the hurt caused by my ex.
Has anyone else experienced similar pain and insecurities from being involved with an alcoholic? How did you manage to move on from the heartache? I could use some advice and support right now.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by Several-Cut4344 to DatingHell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 otvoi My (24f) boyfriend (21m) became distant and began only initiating affection when it would lead to sex. He’s now putting in a real effort but it feels insincere to me. How do I stop feeling this way?

M (21m) and I (24f) have been dating for 7 months. He’s the first guy I’ve ever had real, true feelings for that have lasted. This is what I would consider to be the only serious relationship I’ve ever had.
Things were great from the outset; lots of loving words and actions, quality time spent together, non sexual and sexual physical affection, frequent communication. We met each other one night through mutual friends and hit it off instantly, and then never stopped seeing each other after that. One month into knowing each other we made things official, and now it’s been just over 7 months of us being together.
Prior to a couple months ago, our relationship was near perfect from my perspective, with only a few issues. M and his friends are all weekly drinkers on the weekend, and there have been a handful of occasions where he would be out drinking heavily and then say or do something that made me concerned, then just drop contact with me. On one occasion he went to some strangers house party that he met downtown at 4am after all of his other friends left and went home. He ended up getting stuck in the city (where neither of us live) with a dead phone and I was up all night trying to get ahold of him and ensure his safety. This did cause some contention each time but I am admittedly very people-pleasey and downplayed to him how upset and frustrated I was with him in each of these situations. He was very genuinely apologetic each time and there haven’t been many similar instances since. I want to be clear as well that I have zero concern that these involved cheating or that he has ever cheated. Our relationship has otherwise been near perfect.
Fast forward to now and the last few months. M works in the trades field for a shitty but well paying company that overstaffs their job sites to get them more tax dollars. As a result, many people that work there end up having nothing to do and are essentially told to make themselves look busy. He has been fortunate for most of his time there, in that he’s been on job sites where there is actually work to do. A few months ago though, he was moved to a different department, and has spent nearly every shift with almost nothing to do but stare at his phone and try not to be caught. This might sound like someone’s dream but it’s not his, nor would it be mine. It’s caused him to feel aimless and unfulfilled, which has led to him becoming depressed.
He is someone that has never dealt with depression or any mental illness before, and has understandably been struggling. I on the other hand have, and have worked in the mental health field my entire career, so I have been doing absolutely everything I can to be the most supportive girlfriend to him. Around the time he felt himself becoming depressed, he started to become distant; not answering my texts for much longer periods of time, not seeming present when we were together, and being much less affectionate as a whole, both verbally and physically.
The one thing that didn’t change though was his desire for sex. We’ve always had good sex and have compatible sex drives. Prior to a few months ago, I wanted to jump his bones all the time because I felt wanted by him. And by that I don’t mean physically desired, i mean that I felt seen by him and appreciated as a person. With the changes in his personality that coincided with when he started to feel depressed, I haven’t felt this way. There were many instances in the last few months where he would hardly be romantic or affectionate in any capacity UNTIL we were in a situation where sex was an option. Then he would start kissing me and touching me, and it was plainly obvious that it was because he wanted to have sex. I would often go along with it, even if I wasn’t in the mood, in an effort to feel close to him. Unsurprisingly it instead began to make me feel empty, used and disconnected from him.
I initially gently communicated this to him a little over a month ago, he apologized and changed his behaviour for a week or so, and then it went back to just as it was. I held it in until I couldn’t anymore, and then a couple weeks ago, I told him more assertively how I was feeling and how I felt him to be behaving. He apologized sincerely, voiced that he didn’t even realize what he was doing, and then really opened up to me about how what he’s experiencing right now has been affecting every facet of his life, and how he hates the impact it has had on him and me. Since then, he has been making a real, very clear effort to be more communicative, more loving in his words, and more affectionate non sexually.
My issue now is one that is frustrating me. I can’t help but still feel the way I felt a couple of weeks ago, where I felt disregarded by him and used. I feel distant from him, and the ways he’s behaving now feels fake and forced to me. When he kisses me while we’re cooking or something, it feels like he’s only doing it because of what I brought up, not because it’s coming from a place of real desire to. When he texts me that he loves me, I again, feel that it’s driven by the conversation I had from him. I know he still feels depressed and is trying to make an effort to be a better boyfriend, but I can’t help but still feel put off by his behaviour from over the last couple of months, and unconvinced that his new behaviour is coming from a place of truly wanting to be affectionate.
TLDR: boyfriend of 7 months became distant a couple months ago, around the time he started feeling depressed from his job. Relationship prior to this was great. With this depressed state he stopped ever really being affectionate outside of the context of sex, and it began to make me feel really used. After communicating this a couple times, he began making a clear effort to be more loving and affectionate. I can’t shake now though that his loving words and actions feels insincere and that it’s being driven by the conversation I had with him, rather than out of a real desire to be close to me.
How do I stop feeling this way? I want to accept that he’s doing the best he can now, but I just feel this sense of disconnect from him that I can’t shake.
submitted by otvoi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 dalty69 Your savior has arised! $KICHI is the next $MICHI and you are early!

Your savior has arised! $KICHI is the next $MICHI and you are early!
Yo! I've been trying hard to find something worthwhile, and basically, I've only found two projects that I would ever consider working for. Today, I'm talking about the second one: $Kichi.
$Kichi is led by a CTO and a group of individuals who are determined to do whatever it takes to make this project a success. They have a truly strong community that engages in big raids non-stop throughout the day. But what's even more impressive is that many of these guys come from $Michi, a previous project where they performed exceptionally well. $Michi was also led by a CTO and hit over 200mi MC.
So, if you do the math, you have $Kichi, a small-cap project (72k) with early investors from $Michi (230 mi), which was also led by a CTO.
Can you see the potential here?
Ca: ErqdGZWP4YDaQmpEMnXLtXUfhZJeM6SC4Ave7w8uNCuw
submitted by dalty69 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:26 Bails147 Some counterpoints for Kenzie for fun since shes everyones consensus pick

I would like to preface this with the fact that i DO think Kenzie is winning. Before yall come for me! Bc i realise any opinion thats not backing up Kenzie winning or supports anyone else winning is “bad edgic” according to yall. But anyways
I wanna explore more of Kenzies flaws and red flags! Just because we only see constant posts about how she is obviously the winner etc etc.
More OTT mean girl vibes than Dee imo in the premerge with Bhanu Jess and Jelinsky. Sloppy obvious social game seen by Q and Tiff (showcased in a neg light by the edit as they highlight them all seeing thru her and it makes her a target). Also even Bhanu sorta gives low-key NSPV - but Bhanu is all over the place i get it. And he does crown her the mermaid dragon of the season.
What are yall talking about? Montage with dodo music and clowns her (literally not needed to be included at all. The edit goes out of its way to dunk on her)
“One of you cant win, you will not get the votes at the end” in jeffs speech. When he says these words it pans on to kenzie. I saw someone spin this as to alluding to her winning.. but like if u watch that scene IMO its actually showing why kenzie wont win and get votes at the end and will lose to a siga member. As siga gets pans of gelling. If she wins i think this was more of a throw us off the scent thing rather than tryin to hint she WINS.
Yanu and their consistant theme of being Losers + tiffany in ep 2. “We are LOSERS” with an immediate pan to kenzie struggle to make a fire
Kenzie saying she needs to blindside tiff for her resume - then NOT getting to do that and losing credit.
Kenzie saying she wants Q out and hes still there
Kenzie saying Venus is my new number 1 and that the boys (ben and charlie) dont wanna boot Q bc they may become bigger targets, but she doesnt wanna boot venus bc thatd apply to her- then proceeds to boot Venus despite the edit suggesting shed vote Q.
Kenzie getting DODO music whilst talking about how poor Venus is at idol searching (a scene coming directly after V finds the idol and says shes pretending to look- therefore highlighting her fooling/outplaying Kenzie) - people say kenzie is redeemed by saying “i guess she may have already found the idol and is bamboozling us all”. - but she contradicts that save immediately by saying “but i think shes just waiting for someone whos close to her to find it”. So she is definitely being bamboozled.
Kenzie also doesnt really have her relationships with Hunter established we are just told shes apparently his number 1 last minute.
The big 6 alliance- we hear kenzie find out about it from Q (she doesnt comment on it) she says “yeh i heard about the 6” implying she found out already about it, yet we still got no mention on the 6 and how she felt about it and being left out, if she was concerned or not about it, etc etc… Charlie we did hear talk about it and accurately immediately call it out for what it was. And yes he was sorta being inducted but it was clearly over by the time that happened really.
Kenzie has no backstory package, not even 1 single outside of the game photo (shes the ONLY player left (in thef10 even) not to and this is despite having had chances already to put it in too) - the emotional blue eye scene, her opening confessional , any time she mentioned her career, her ben panic attack scene. - Charlie and Q had photos. Liz maria and Ben all had full on backstorys. -
When compared to other woman winners - shes insanely overexposed in the edit.
When u look at her game- she actually hasnt gotten THAT much better of a resume or game than Ben or Liz. Its worse than Q Charlie and Maria on paper (outside of pure social) And shes missed the chance for a big move and instead lost numbers in 3 consecutive tribals. Kenzie herself has stated that you need to make a big move - which she keeps failing to do alike jake owen. She wanted Q but begrudgingly accepted Hunter vote, she wanted Q but got blindsided and it was Tiff, she wanted Maria-> then Q but begrudgingly voted Venus. All 3 were numbers that were loyal to her, and she didnt really want out but got them out, having no agency 3 straight votes. And wasnt in the 6 which was the main storyline for the early merge votes.
She has a eerily similar to Jake Owen and Carolyn edit when u really think about it - who all got underdog themes.
also Kenzie is plain wrong a lot… i just rewatched ep 3 and found yet another time shes straight up wrong.. when Bhanu gets back to camp after the journey, he lies to Yanu and says “i chose the white rock” - this is then immediately followed by a confessional of Kenzie falling for his lie saying “of course in typical yanu fashion he gets nothing (correct ik) which works for us because we didnt want him to have anything, he drew the white rock (false, kenzie has fallen for the lie) he doesnt have anything, great for the plan but it is also just hilarious that once again yanu loses another thing (okay sorta correct) and gives something else to the other tribes (false and wrong again). This is yet another really small thing but damn these sorts of wrong things are really adding up. Why gove kenzie that confessional? Contrast that with Tiff basically saying the more on point thing of “the real tea is what did he give up, bc i know damn sure he was over there spilling the tea” and she doesnt have anything falling for his Lie, And then Q doesn't comment on it in confessional, but has a scene where he questions Bhanu if he got the white rock and Bhanu reveals no he didnt and indeed he lost his vote. It again put right after we show bhanu not getting the white rock and the other tribes not getting anything - so even though logically kenzie is just narrating from what she knows, and technically yanu person did lose out, shes still completely wrong about what happened and as a viewer ur inclined to think “thats not what happened” as shes talking. Just this actually has happened quite a lot.
I sound like a Kenzie hater. but end of the day i can still see all of Kenzies upside and Charlies downside and marias danger. I know that a lot of these flaws can be possibly justified or overlooked with all the good stuff - but they still are possible red flags and theres quite a few of them still.. so i think its still worth noting and keeping in mind. Since everyone is constantly pointing out the smaller red flags for a Charlie and a Maria. Just food for thought. Bc if anyone thinks kenzie could be set up for a FTC loss they get roasted on here. I personally do lean towards her winning ftc but the set up is there for both.
I think she takes out Q at least bc the setup for both her (threat mermaid dragon etc) and Charlie (i need to get Q out, Q needs to go asap) has been made. Plus Maria slipped in Q for one more vote, Ben and Liz both have setup for wanting Q gone. Its gotta happen soon! But its entirely possible thats what the mermaid dragon and shes a dangerous threat story arc was leading to.. her being part of tiffany and Q going (her idea the tiff blindside, her making moves on Q). Rather than her necessarily winning.
Ill also point out for those who believe that Charlie wasnt as relevent early on and that he has a poor social game - i just rewatched ep 1-5, skipping thru the nami tribe scenes and challenges and unimportant confessionals (BHANU drama) and BOY do Charlie and Kenzie both get sooo much attention. We hear from both so much. Its kinda clear that kenzie is the main Yanu (sorry Q) and Charlie is the main siga (sorry maria and Ben). But charlie gets so many social related scenes which highlight his social bonds and has the edit backing it up with positive SPV about him from other players. Jeff always talks to charlie and the camera pans are always panning to both Charlie and Kenzie throughout the premerge. Just a little fun thing i noticed.
submitted by Bails147 to Edgic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:25 CamorrThorn How to protect anonization

How to protect anonization
Hey guys, I wanted to get ideas on how to protect lightning ano on some of my WE knives. So I had just got my WE Falcaria in today and the lightning ano is absolutely brilliant and I really want to protect it in my pocket from being scuffed and worn down over time. I've noticed on my Ziffius that it's ano is beginning to fade and it's bothering me because I like to use my knives. Anyways, do you all think something like a clear enamel or something would be a good choice to protect the ano?
submitted by CamorrThorn to knives [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:25 Ray12036 A couple of Questions since I'm new at modifying a GC Controller

Ok so, I got a GC controller for a while now, and I've been enjoying it a lot, however the left analog stick is very wobbly and both the left and c stick have third party thumbsticks that are..well not good.the c stick isn't that bad it's just that it's solid plastic, no rubber coating or anything which is wierd but the main issue is with the left analog stick, the rubber coating is turning sticky and even lost the rings at the tip and it´s very awful
So I'm planning to finally fix it but I have a couple of Questions so I don´t mess anything up:
  1. Are the left analog stick and the c-stick interchangeable? I've seen some folks say it works but there is a spring difference or something and I would like some clarification on that
  2. Are the GC Controller and Nunchuck Stickboxes interchangeable? and if they are, are there any precautions to take when swapping them out? (Btw Apparently my GC Controller is a T2)
  3. Are 360 thumbsticks compatible with the GC Controller stickbox? I know Xbox One Thumbsticks are, but I was wondering if they we're to order ones since I like the shape of the 360's Thumbsticks better and also the grey combines pretty well with the controller
  4. Is there any way to fix the stickbox in itself or is it unfixablel?And that really is it, I know it's a lot but I really don't wanna mess something up and spend 40 dollars on one that can be very faulty.
submitted by Ray12036 to customGCC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Kidev The 'INSERT' and 'PrintSc'

Hello! Do you guys know how I can input the 'Insert' and 'PrintSc' keys on my Advantage360 SmartSet on Ubuntu ? I've been delaying it but I miss Shift+Insert to copy and I had to map Alt+Super_R (Super_R is Win by default, I have Mod here) instead of using the 'PrintSc' to trigger Flameshot. It was annoying, but today I got a freeze, and I could not change tty, just move the mouse. It was frustrating to not be able to Alt+SysRq+SEIUB as usual. Any idea of where that key can be? I used xev and no 176, even though I have:
$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 176 
Am I missing something obvious? Any help would be amazing!
submitted by Kidev to kinesisadvantage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Vadyz0 am i wrong for ending relationship with my best friend after 10 years

so me and my bestfriend have known eachother since we were 10 because our parents were also friends, we have been part of a groupchat with some of our friends for like an year but suddendly 2 weeks ago a girl from the group kicked me, at first i felt "offended" because i know that they know that i dont text that much in private or with any other groups so i asked in another group that they were also part of "why did u kick me" and only the girl that kicked me replied "because you are ... years old" and everyone of that group ghosted my message, so after i asked in private to my bestfriend why did they kick me and he said it was because the girl that kicked me needed to say something private about her crush and apparently i shouldnt have known it because i cant take things seriously(?), after this i really got mad and ghosted or acted dry towards everyone from that group including my best friend but they acted like nothing happened by like sending videos to me or mentioning me until yesterday, since yesterday my parents and my best friend's parents decided to do a barbecue, i didnt go since i would feel awkward with my best friend at this point, when i woke up today i found out that i got added back to the group and they continued to act like nothing happened so i left the group and they surprisingly continued to act like nothing happened, and i know that they know that i got offended, but the main reason of because i got offended it was because my best friend didnt side with me but decided to get along with the other people in the groupchat insted of me, am i the asshole for like waiting for them to try to discuss, or am i being immature to act like this was a big deal
submitted by Vadyz0 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 jeff-hardy-dont-die S4 Ep 8

I’m rewatching the show (for the millionth time) and I just really needed to share my thoughts on this specific episode here because none of my friends are as into JS as we all are lol:
  1. Jenni is such a good fucking friend. And also super witty in a really awful situation lmao “Welp at least I can say I walked Florence barefoot”
  2. Pauly’s “who cares” when Mike asked him why Snooki was crying irked me so fucking much. I get she’s being drunk and dramatic but damn you can’t even fake empathy for the cameras lmao
  3. Sam trying to speak Italian to the cab driver as Snooki is absolutely losing her shit in the back was just an all timer tv moment
  4. Vinny & Snooki as a couple is my Roman Empire and this episode reminded me why!!! Vin was being so sweet trying to coach Snook out of a panic attack
do you guys have any random comments about S4 in general? forgot how messy this season was lol
submitted by jeff-hardy-dont-die to jerseyshore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 Comfortable_Sun1797 People are a whole lot more allergic….

Forgive me if this has been covered but I really need to vent. In about the last few years or so customers have been using a tactic of saying they’re allergic to items to get it how the want it. It would be enough to say could you leave out this or that maybe put it on something else. I am entirely aware of legitimate allergies and am sensitive to their wants and needs but this has gotten out of hand suddenly folks are allergic to sooo many ingredients these days or should I say dislike under the guise of allergies. Are you folks experiencing the same thing and biting your tongues?
submitted by Comfortable_Sun1797 to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 aleph2018 Co2 pistol max distance and accuracy?

hi, I've read on some forums that a CO2 pistol is usable max up to around 10m , is the power and accuracy so bad? isn't it possible to try up to 15-20m ? I'd like to train for the range, and the range is 13-15m minimum ... I've also read an user saying that every 3-4 shots he needed to adjust the aim, I hoped it could be something needed just when the cartridge is near the end... I'm indoor so there won't be big temperature differences, but I wouldn't like to change aim continuously or wait many seconds between shots... would it be better just buying a break barrel? ATM I'm comparing Diana P-Five and Chaser, the first one 80 € , the second one 100, so not a big difference even considering cartridges...
submitted by aleph2018 to airguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:22 dalty69 Maybe they biggest early memecoin yet $KICHI

Maybe they biggest early memecoin yet $KICHI
Yo! I've been trying hard to find something worthwhile, and basically, I've only found two projects that I would ever consider working for. Today, I'm talking about the second one: $Kichi.
$Kichi is led by a CTO and a group of individuals who are determined to do whatever it takes to make this project a success. They have a truly strong community that engages in big raids non-stop throughout the day. But what's even more impressive is that many of these guys come from $Michi, a previous project where they performed exceptionally well. $Michi was also led by a CTO and hit over 200mi MC.
So, if you do the math, you have $Kichi, a small-cap project (72k) with early investors from $Michi (230 mi), which was also led by a CTO.
Can you see the potential here?
submitted by dalty69 to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:21 bernardbarnaby The Rules of Attraction(2002)

The Rules of Attraction(2002)
This came out around the time I graduated high school and when I saw it back then I thought it was a really awesome cool movie. Now 20 years later... I still think it's pretty good!
Boy, James Van Der Beek really kills it in this movie. I remember at the time it was really nuts that he would do a part like this because he was just like a teen actor or whatever. Now a days something like that wouldn't be a big deal i guess but it was back then. Well as far as I can tell he didn't really follow it up with anythong that great and I mean he's still kind of around I guess but it seems like he would've gotten somewhere with this part.
And whatever happened to Shannyn Sossaman right? She was all over the place back then. Well I'm sure she's doing fine somewhere but who knows I guess.
I remember the DVD had randomly had a commentary by Carrot Top and slight spoiler alert but the movie ends kind of abruptly and Carrot Top is so confused he's like "huh that's it?" Idk I just always thought that was funny. I would love to hear Carrot Tops take on the ending of the Sopranos. Wow remember when I had time in my life to not only watch a movie but also watch it again with the DVD commentary? You know I had a full time job back then it's like how did I still have all that free time you know? I guess I didn't have any friends really around that time so I guess thats the trade off I guess I'm glad I have more friends now but I still kind of miss just not having anything to do or anyone to do it with you know what I mean?
You know I didn't really go to college. I went to community college and barely lasted a semester of it but was college really like this? I definitely knew people who went away to college and lived in the dorms. I even visited a couple people and stayed with them, but it didn't seem like things were wild like this but hey idk I'm no expert.
Well to make a long story short this movies pretty good. It's maybe trying to hard to be shocking sometimes I think but I think it has a lot of likeable people in it and a good soundtrack so I think it's worth checking out.
submitted by bernardbarnaby to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:21 Imperator_david [20/M] College student looking for friends, possibly more

Hey! I’m David. I’m 20M from the USA. I’m currently a college student studying communications. I’m not sure exactly what I want to do with my career, maybe something politically involved.
I don’t typically have a ton of free time during the week due to classes, studying, and the time I spend as part of my college’s tennis team.
However, I absolutely love romcoms and comedies! Best kind of movie. I also watch a lot of sitcoms, How I Met Your Mother is such a great show.
Outside of TV/Movies, I play video games too. Skyrim is a favorite of mine, but I play a good mix other than shooters.
I hope we get to know each other better!
Note: I am straight, I’m not interested in any sort of relationship with a guy
submitted by Imperator_david to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:20 Jackobusss Suggestion for must have games during Steam Endless Replayability sales?

As the title says, I'm looking up the discounts and I love these types of games, but I don't know where to bounce my head. I have many roguelikes/roguelites, so, those are a pass if there is nothing that's really worth it. Was looking for something Cozy and chill, I missed the discount on Echoes of the Plum Grove and I think it was right about my alley. I'm considering atm something along city builders/management (like DotAGE) and I see there are lots of discounts, but also some dungeon crawlers not really hardcore roguelikes are a possibility. I have Manor Lords on Gamepass, so that's fine. Thanks anyway for the help!
submitted by Jackobusss to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:19 dalty69 $KICHI Will explode and here's why

$KICHI Will explode and here's why
Yo! I've been trying hard to find something worthwhile, and basically, I've only found two projects that I would ever consider working for. Today, I'm talking about the second one: $Kichi.
$Kichi is led by a CTO and a group of individuals who are determined to do whatever it takes to make this project a success. They have a truly strong community that engages in big raids non-stop throughout the day. But what's even more impressive is that many of these guys come from $Michi, a previous project where they performed exceptionally well. $Michi was also led by a CTO and hit over 200mi MC.
So, if you do the math, you have $Kichi, a small-cap project (72k) with early investors from $Michi (230 mi), which was also led by a CTO.
Can you see the potential here?
submitted by dalty69 to memecoins [link] [comments]