Free video of 1 night in chyna

Are you seeing this shit?

2016.03.29 16:39 steelbeamsdankmemes Are you seeing this shit?


2012.05.09 14:01 Contagious Laughter

Something to put you in a good mood. Videos of people laughing infectiously. No context required.

2018.03.16 19:40 whitebandit ThanosDidNothingWrong

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

2024.05.15 23:40 kurin93 Prp injection for lacrimal gland.has anyone tried it?are there risks or possible side effects?

My lacrimal function and oil has decreased since lasik and worked about 5 years ago after an unknown rash but I don't know if it was from what ever virus or reaction I had or the medication given. After years of prp drops and lanolin free ointment I finally made a big improvement this past year almost no more pain only dry eye but it improved alot I could go 5- 6 hours with out drops or ointment sometimes and now after receiving iodine contrast dye for a CT scan they have been zapped of moisture and progress like over night and it's been a month since with no major signs of recovering.if anyone has any advice or explanation what may have happened and what I can do because dr has not helped so far.i had 1 regression 2 years ago from iv pepcid im assuming the antihistamine in it and it took months to recover.
submitted by kurin93 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:40 Im_Geeking_Out_Bro How can I (22M) explain to my GF (23F) that I am uncomfortable with her talking to a past romantic partner?

My gf (23f) and I (22m) have been dating for about 7 months now and we are very different personally wise. She spends her free time (when we are not together) gaming online whereas I am the opposite. She is the only person I talk to throughout the day and I hang out with my friends in person when I see them. She only has online friends and since she plays primarily male-dominated games all of her friends are guys. We have had disagreements in the past because I didn’t like that she was messaging guys all day and playing games with some of them 1 on 1 but I understand that it’s a different culture and I can be a bit jealous. This is something that I am working on and I trust her completely. My first issue is that she is willing to talk to guys outside of the game that she’s never met or spoken with before. I have tried to explain in the past that it feels to me that if you are willing to talk to any guy who messages you, it looks to me like your options are always open. It seems like if you were to meet someone in person, then give them your phone number it’s disrespectful to your partner so I don’t see why it’s different if you meet them online. She said that it’s just part of the gaming community and that she isn’t flirting with them so it’s fine. The main issue that I really need help with is that she told me she was texting a guy for 2 hours while I was at work the other day. Before we started dating, she had been flirting with and trading pictures with this guy for a year. They stopped talking right before she and I met. She told me all of this freely because she doesn’t think there’s anything wrong as long as the conversation is platonic. I really need help explaining to her why I feel uncomfortable and hurt. I talked with her for over 2 hours and got nowhere. I think that this is inappropriate in a relationship but if you all think I’m wrong I can keep an open mind as well. I really don't want to be controlling at all and I have never thought of myself as an insecure person but I feel so disconnected on something that I thought was obvious for a healthy relationship.
TLDR: My gf doesn’t think it’s disrespectful to talk to guys on the internet as long as she’s not flirting with them and doesn’t see an issue with maintaining communication with a past romantic partner
submitted by Im_Geeking_Out_Bro to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:40 EconomyMulberry3711 I Don't Know What to Do and I Feel Like I'm Not Good Enough.

Hi everyone,
I apologize in advance for complaining or seeming ungrateful. I've been without a job since January of this year (was ghosted) and it's been really hard to stay motivated to keep looking. For reference, I graduated with a degree in marketing in 2022, got certifications and whatnot, and then had an internship from October 2022 to Feb 2023. I started my last job and it lasted from Feb 2023 till January of this year. One flex I have is that the main campaign we worked on was last summer which was a pricey multi-day camp, once I was on the team the attendance doubled and generated around 30-40K more than the previous year which I take decent credit for since I spearheaded the creative campaigns for as well as grinded most of the graphics and copywriting (I had help and revisions were made, but the original ideas and a lot of heavy lifting was on my end. I was also involved in school (2+ years of volunteer social media work), and now have over a year of real work experience. I've been lucky to get a few interviews but they never turn into anything. I've been really spoiled with working remote for my internship and my last job, and I really don't think I have the mental capacity/desire to be in office especially if its a random city I'd have to move to.
I've been making gaming related youtube videos for a good 3ish months now which I love and has gotten me a lot of great skills for marketing (video and audio editing/recording). I kinda wish I could grind this guilt-free for a while but know it's unrealistic and it wouldn't be bringing in money now or maybe even ever. I would love to try contract/freelance work to get by in the meantime but I just feel so unmotivated. I love marketing, working with social media, and email marketing related stuff. I also love SEO and keyword research. But I feel like just rotting away at dead-end opportunities to build more on my portfolio to hopefully get a job sounds like hell. I also feel like I have the intelligence and experience to not have to dive back into the intern/volunteer side. Thinking further ahead, it seems that the higher you climb the corporate ladder, the worse your life gets (seen it in many people in my family/friends). Now I'm really just questioning what I even want to do with my life. It's not that I don't want to work, but I really wish I had the luxury of finding a way out of this weird rat race where I feel like I'm losing in every aspect. Although I wouldn't mind another remote marketing position, I again just question what that would even lead to long term. I feel like I either would be stuck at the bottom, or the flip side is to get a few promotions and hate my life every day. I've had a few people reach out on job sites asking to do in-person interviews and although I went to one, I've declined the rest. I just don't see myself being the type of person to be in house and I know being picky is my fault but I want to be happy with my job. I don't get how so many people just suffer through their jobs willingly for decades. I feel like I use my free time somewhat well, I go to the gym a lot, spend time working on youtube related stuff, and glance over emails or messages and apply to anything that looks good every once in a while, job boards I use take a decent bit to get more listings, but the more I spend looking for another job, it feels like I'm just inching myself towards more hell for my future. I feel like I'm just in this weird purgatory and I don't know what to do next and I feel like the clock is always ticking, the money I have saved won't last forever, my parent's are not going to let me stay with them forever, and the longer I wait, the bigger the gap is in my resume and the more problems it causes. I wish I could be a self starter type in the marketing field, slowly build a name for myself and do things the way I want to do them, but I feel like marketing is a hard field to get into that kind of thing. I don't know what to do.
I just want to be happy in life and I feel like grinding the corporate ladder is not what I want to do. I feel lost and I don't know what to do. I feel like my experience is meaningless in a sea full of people who have my skills but are way ahead of me, way more savvy, way more personable.
submitted by EconomyMulberry3711 to marketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:40 Vayne7777 3.23.1: Med bays in the 600i? Caterpillar? Freelancer MAX?

3.23.1: Med bays in the 600i? Caterpillar? Freelancer MAX?
Now that we have some of the newer ships and vehicles it was time to test in what ships the Nursa can fit. I took my C1 from Area18 to HDMS-Pinewood. Sadly the C1 doesn't have enough space.
C1 arrived!
1) Can we use the Lynx / Ursa paints on the Nursa ?
Unfortunately, as they are considered rentals, we can't add paint to it yet, so we don't know until later this week.
2) Is there any size difference between the Lynx, Ursa and Nursa?
The Nursa has the same size as the Ursa and the Lynx has slightly smaller tyres but it's overall dimensions are the same as the other two vehicles. This means any vehicle that can carry an Ursa or a Lynx can carry a Nursa.
Ursa, Nursa and Lynx
Lynx, Nursa, Ursa
3) What is the smallest ship that can carry a Nursa?
It is the Freelancer MAX (S3)! In fact, you can carry two Nursas! You do need to use the ramp at the back to leave the second vehicle as there is not enough clearance between the tyres and the MAX' walls. When you open the ramp make sure that you press the button otherwise you may glitch into the rear turret and your MAX will not be so happy :-).
One Nursa
Two Nursas :-)
That is a tight fit!
4) What does the Nursa offer?
Besides the medical bed, the Nursa still has two passenger seats: one next to driver and one at the back. Then of course there is also the medical bed so it's really easy to transport four people with it! One thing you need to remember is that if you use the Nursa for respawn it should have the bare basics for you to get back into action but upon respawn you do get the standard white under suit and helmet so you're not completely helpless.
Nursa co-pilot seat
Nursa: Passenger seat
It has two gun racks and two side arm holders and like the C8R it comes with 2x patient storage (0.125 SCU each) for something like a two weapons, an under suit and a helmet. For larger items like armor, it's best to store them in the general storage of the Nursa (2.4 SCU storage). This large storage is also great to collect loot from bunkers! It also comes with 2x S1 Bulldog repeaters that can be controlled by either the pilot or the co-pilot (I would recommend to replace them to NN13 for smaller overall size and higher DPS so it's quicker to take out turrets).
Nursa: Patient storage
Nursa: gun racks
5) Waiting on the rework of the 600i Explorer? Want a med bay now?
Well, yes of course we still want the rework so we can bring our Nova Tank to explore. But in the mean time we already have a mobile med bay now! The nice thing of the 600i is that you have the cargo lift for the Nursa and on the sides you can still put storage containers where you can store all the material you need in case you respawn. I feel that this is one of the best combo's actually.
Nursa on the 600i elevator
Nursa parked and next to it some personal storage SCU with spare armor and weapons
Setting the respawn point in the Nursa
6) Origin too fancy? More of a Drake fan? Still waiting on the modules for the Caterpillar?
Soon™ - but at least you can now have your own med bay too. It might be a little to sterile for your liking but at least it's here. I found the MPUV-Tractor is the easiest way to load a Nursa into a cargo bay (for some reason the Caterpillar's Tractor beams didn't want to lift the Nursa and their position is not ideal anyway).
Make sure you do it from the right / starboard otherwise the Nursa gets trapped under the bridge and you can't close the bay door anymore. You can do this at any planetary zone.
Using the MPUV-Tractor to move the Nursa
Nearly there!
Perfect fit!
7) What ships can carry the Nursa? Well any that can carry an Ursa or a larger vehicle. Examples:
  • S3: Freelancer MAX
  • S4: Constellation series, Corsair, MSR, Valkyrie,
  • S5: Caterpillar (with some help), C2/M2/A2, Carrack, Starfarer Series, Hammerhead
  • S6: 890 Jump
8) Medical gameplay - Respawning at a T3 bed - is there a maximum range?
In the patch notes it is mentioned that respawning is now active in T2 and T3 beds. Before it was only T2 beds. T3 has a range of 20 KM and T2 has now a range of 50KM (this was 20 KM before according the patch notes but I was able to respawn from much further away in the 890 and Carrack).
Now with the reintroduction of respawning at T3 beds it was time to test it out but before I did that I set my respawn point at the nearest space station: Everest Harbor. I also used this moment to refill on my drinks and foods. As you notice in the screen shot all the medical beds at stations (and planetary cities) are T1 and they have an unlimited range.
Station: Tier 1 bed
Time to fly out and crash. I found that as mentioned in the patch notes I was able to respawn to the Nursa when less than 20 KM away. In the next attempt I flew 53 KM away and again I returned to the Nursa- this may be a bug or a feature ;-).
Respawned in the Carrack :-)
Notice that when you respawn in the Nursa you will automatically get an undersuit and helmet to get you back on your feed. Of course if you want to recover your gear you need to find your body (body markers are working fine 90% of the time in 3.23.1).
The Nursa gives you a free under suit and helmet :-)
Extra: Ships with medical bays
Final note: besides the Nursa there are of course already ships in-game that can respawn. These are currently in game:
  • S1: C8R (1x Tier 3)
  • S3: Cutlass Red (2x Tier 3)
  • S5: Carrack (1x Tier 2)
  • S6: 890 Jump (1x Tier 2)
submitted by Vayne7777 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:38 Savings-Cap6859 2 Diagnosis's but still stumped

Okay so, I went to an ENT in August and got a Menieres Diagnosis. The residual dizziness finally fizzled after months but the ear fullness, muffled sounds, and tinnitus was still there. I was dizzy free for a month and 1/2 before I woke up with horrible vertigo attack and then residual dizziness, still ear fullness, sometimes that weird muffled noise and tinnitus. Got into Neuro, ran tests they found BPPV. When I went to ENT they did dix hallpike which didn't make me dizzy, this time at neuro it did. I was confused bc my neuro said that BPPV didn't cause tinnitus or ear fullness or hearing loss (my problem ear had mild hearing loss compared right ear but i was still above the line). She had awful bedside manner and didn't want to address that I still have the other symptoms.
I'm in physical therapy, dix hallpike hasn't worked, we know I'm dizzier when i turn my head otherwise I'm okay.
TLDR; Got an ENT meniere's diagnosis and a Neuro bppv diagnosis 6 months apart. I have symptoms of both.
Has anyone with meniere's also been diagnosed with BPPV? How did that turn out and what did you go through to get both?
submitted by Savings-Cap6859 to Menieres [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:36 Wooden_Usual_8247 My journey so far and tips for loose skin.

Hello! Want to share my little journey 🙂 7 months PO gastric sleeve, 24 years, 6’1’’, -129lbs so far lost.
Start weight: 339lbs Now: 210lbs Goal: 175lbs I don’t have any loose skin yet and hair falling stopped at 6 months. I wanted to share some of the things I did that I think it helped me with the skin and keep loosing a lot of weight constantly.
  1. Gym. I started strenght training after 4mo of surgery (so 3mo ago). I have my workouts scheduled for the whole week (e.g MONDAY GLUTES AND LEGS, THURSDAY ABS AND CORE etc). I make sure to add +5kg every week, basically doing progressive overload. Started with 5kg, now at 50kg.
  2. 10k steps minimum daily. Sometimes it’s 13k, sometimes 15k, during weekends can be 18-20k a day.
  3. Pilates 3x a week in the ABS&CORE day. So after the abs workout (which is usually 30mins) I will do a Pilates (youtube) 30mins session.
  4. 2L water every day minimum. Sometimes it goes to 2.5-3L (0.7 gallons)
  5. Protein intake. I try to hit at least 110-120g proteins every day from protein shakes (2-3cups) and other high protein meals.
  6. Collagen supplements every day (it’s a liquid one that I take and it helped me a lot with hair loss).
  7. Body creams, lotions and oils every day, 2x times a day. Once in the morning, once in the night before bed. I use body creams and lotions with retinol, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. I also use some oils for stretch marks (so far no progress at all). I also use a cream for the surgery scars that was given to me from the hospital.
  8. 1200-1500 max calories every day.
  9. Massage 3x a week on the body parts where the loose skin could be (inner thights, arms and abdomen area) with lotion/oils.
  10. Shower gel with collagen for more, more extra collagen.
I hope some of this might help someone! Just wanted to share what I did, now I know after I hit my goal I will definitely have some loose skin because it’s a ton of weight loss, but I think age, genetics and such play a big role too. But I also think that with lifting weights and a lot of sport you can definitely prevent some of the loose skin, since I’ve experienced it on my body -and still experiencing it-.
submitted by Wooden_Usual_8247 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:36 Zestyclose-Storage61 Kernel level access and what it means for dummies

A lot of you folks talk about Kernel level access as some kind of buzzword and others compare vanguard to user-level anti cheats.
I want to provide an easy to understand sum up what the Kernel level access actually means and why it's a double edged sword without judgement from a technical perspective.
User-Level applications A regular user level application runs as "your user" within its permission boundaries of your windows user in terms of file access and so on.
Most of us have access to all files on our computer, meaning that also all applications we run have access to all files of our computer.
An important topic is memory access: every application can ask the OS for memory. The OS provides a certain slice of memory and the app can work with it (let's say address 1-1000). The app is able to read and write this slice. Another app, like chrome, might have the slice 2000-3000 and is able to read/write it. If one app attempts to access the memory space of another application, the OS/"the Kernel" denies the access. This is one of the most important security concepts on your PC since lots of application hold secrets in memory, at least for a short amount of time (e.g. you just typed in your online banking details).
For user level anti-cheat software it's hard to detect cheats because it cannot monitor what other apps are doing right now. Does someone calculate "stuff"/"a dodge" by analyzing leagues video output or similar? It simply can. not. know. easily.
Kernel level drivers: A Kernel level app completely sidesteps all of the concepts mentioned above. It is allowed to access every part of memory it wants at any given moment in time.
In terms of anti-cheat I am suddenly now very aware which application does what. I am fucking god in terms of monitoring memory.
BUT - and this is what you should be afraid of - if there is any security issue with vanguard itself and someone can inject code: He can read all the memory. You just typed your online banking password in chome? Thanks. You opened a password management tool like KeePass and therefore all passwords you use are in memory? Guess they're mine. You just established a secure VoIP connection via discord? Don't care. The unencrypted voice stream is in memory.
I do not want to insinuate riot games would do anything like that on purpose, just make people aware of the impact of a security issue in vanguard.
Hope I was able to give non-pc-guys a bit more insight what this discussion is even about.
submitted by Zestyclose-Storage61 to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:36 grownadultman SSH Question

Never made a proper post on Reddit like this so bear with me here. I'm relatively new to working behind the figurative scenes when it comes to hardware/software in case the question I'm about to ask doesn't make that obvious. I'm working on Windows machines and I'm trying to get ssh working. I've done my research and spent hours on the internet scrolling through forums and watching videos troubleshooting the issue that I'm experiencing. When I run the powershell command to ssh into my desktop using the IPv4 address and my desired port ( I've used the powershell command netstat -a -b to figure out what port to use) associated with the machine, I encounter a timeout error. I've spent hours troubleshooting every problem I can think of, from
  1. Combing through my firewall settings to ensure it's allowing ssh connections through
  2. Ensuring I have the ssh client even installed. I do.
  3. Making sure I've started the ssh agent (Start-Service ssh-agent)
  4. Making sure my 3rd party antivirus isn't killing the task.
  5. As far as I'm aware, I'm ensuring the ports I'm selecting are open and listening.
What am I missing here?
I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask, I have an interest in cybersecurity, programming and IT so I figured I'd ask some pros. Thanks!
submitted by grownadultman to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:36 FriendlyWarrior112 25 - UK (if that matters) - Anyone else also seeking a genuine friendship?

Heyo hi!
I've been away from reddit for a little while as I needed to deal with some personal stuff but am once again on the lookout for someone/some people who I can hang with every now and again! I'll jot down my hobbies here and if they resonate/match with yours feel free to drop me a DM! :))
So, here goes:
- Music ~ I play the piano & guitar!, currently learning to sing, still a loooooong way to go though!
- Dance/Fitness ~ I've been trying to get into modern dances like hip hop/street popping styles :D
- Skincare/Fashion ~ Any fashion-fanatics would totally be welcome as I'm trying a big restyle currently, currently working on different hairstyles and outfit designs!! Possibly getting some curly hair into my straight hair soon!
- Video Games ~ I do like to play games every so often, primarily on PC but I do have other consoles too!
- Language Learning ~ Been learning Korean and trying to learn other languages recently too - any tips/guidance or just generic conversations in languages besides English are super welcome
- Cooking/Baking ~ I love baking too, very therapeutic which brings me onto my other hobby:
- Coffee/Drinks ~ I love to make and explore different types of coffee, recently made my own boba tea also :) would looove some tips on how to make my coffees extra creamy!
I do have other hobbies but I'd say the above are probably all my main ones :) I will say though, I am from the UK but my sleep schedule can be pretty scuffed so I'm happy to chat to people from anywhere in the world :)
If anything mentioned takes your interest, drop me a DM and see if we vibe? I do use discord primarily so it's preferred and please be 18+ annd finallyyy, please do not spam me if I don't reply in 15 seconds...!! I will try my best to get back to everyone <3
submitted by FriendlyWarrior112 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:35 ProblematicSyntax Transcription App using Whisper

Transcription App using Whisper
I've been working on an app that I thought some of you might find useful. It's a web app that lets you transcribe audio and video files locally using OpenAI's Whisper model. Here’s a quick rundown:

What It Does:

  • Upload an audio or video file (supports MP3, WAV, M4A, MP4, MKV, AVI).
  • Transcribes the audio into text.
  • Generates SRT files with timestamps for subtitles.

How to Use It:

  1. Upload your file using the sidebar.
  2. Hit the "Transcribe" button and wait a bit (it might take some time, especially the first time since it downloads the model).
  3. View and download your transcriptions in plain text or SRT format.

Known Issues:

  • There's a weird bug with the config file.
  • Max upload is 200MB for now, but I’m hoping to increase it soon.

Future Plans:

  • Increase upload size limit.
  • Add support for downloading files from URLs.
  • Multi-language support.
If you’re interested in giving it a try or have any suggestions, I’d love to hear your feedback!
submitted by ProblematicSyntax to StreamlitOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:35 laloush8 Pedro coonviction

$PEDRO Thoughts
Pedro Pedro Pedro creates happiness and gud vibes instantly.
With all the cute animals memes, I go to my my kids and wife for opinions.
When I showed the Pedro video to them, they fell in love with it and wanted to watch it multiple times.
This to me has always been a signal to pay attention to.
If you look at big brands, it makes a lot of sense why top brands have been featuring Pedro in their marketing.
Pedro is expanding globally at a rapid pace, but $PEDRO price has retraced 86% since the highs of $19m.
As the #1 song on Tik Tok, Pedro content is being produced daily which in turn gives the community unlimited content firepower.
In addition, the song + the dancing around a circle gives it uniqueness that doesn't copy any other meme meta we are seeing.
As we approach summer, I believe Pedro will continue to be one of the most popular songs of the summer.
If you do a search, you can see DJ's mixing it into their sets at nightclubs and music festivals around the world.
If you zoom out, Pedro is a rare meme that is a combination of a cute animal, with unique memetics, and attached to a hit song.
submitted by laloush8 to PedroTheRaccoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 Augment2401 Upgrading P229E

I've been carrying a P229 Elite for about 8 years and have put 20k-25k rounds through it in that time (9mm). I'm looking at replacing the barrel, but looking at the shop, noticed a couple of things like the new optic cut slide. I also have a quick attach light for home defense, but I leave it off during carry due to bulkiness.
So I'm looking at a couple things, and thought I'd gather some opinions.
  1. Is 25k rounds too early to replace the barrel? I've not encountered substantial degradation, but I know it's a lot of rounds.
2a. How is the handling of the P229 different with red dot?
2b. Is the pre-equiped Romeo sight/slide from Sig a good red dot, or am I better looking for a different brand like Holosun and just getting the optic cut only?
2c. If none of the above are valid, should I get my night sights touched up? (Aging, and they're not as crisp as they used to be, even in sunlight)
  1. Any good lights that fit the frame of the P229 Elite without extending past the frame and trigger guard?
  2. I use a Vedder kydex holster, if I was to add these attachments, does anyone have experience with the attachments like a red dot and light? Any better holster if it's not satisfactory?
For context, this is an every day carry and home defense, the size and weight aren't an issue and I practice about 150 rounds a month, mostly for fun at this point, it truly feels like an extension of me. It's just a great gun and I want to let it adapt to me as I'm getting older. So additional feedback on that is appreciated.
submitted by Augment2401 to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 Aggravating-Class806 Day 7: Greatest Panic! Album

LA Devotee has won Day 6!
Most Upvoted Song Wins Each Day - I will do my best to post the winnenext day everyday between 5 PM EST-6 PM EST
For albums – only the main songs are eligible // No repeats (ex. if We’re So Starving wins Day 1, it cannot win any other day)
Greatest Panic! Album:
  1. The Ballad of Mona Lisa
  2. Build God, Then We’ll Talk
  3. Northern Downpour
  4. Trade Mistakes
  5. Collar Full
  6. LA Devotee
7. Best Song from Pray For The Wicked
  1. Best Song from Viva Las Vengeance
  2. Best Closer (Last Song on any album)
  3. Bonus Track (B-sides, songs not on albums, live albums, EPs, etc.)
  4. Magic 8 Ball (Anything Goes)

DAY 6: Best song from Pray For The Wicked ((Fuck A) Silver Lining, Say Amen (Saturday Night), Hey Look Ma I Made It, High Hopes, Roaring 20s, Dancings Not A Crime, One of the Drunks, The Overpass, King of the Clouds, Old Fashioned, Dying in LA)

submitted by Aggravating-Class806 to panicatthedisco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:33 Ok-Bison-692 Cricket Enthusiasts wanted for an exciting T20 World Cup Project! 🏏✨

Vanakkam Makkaley!
I am part of a start-up which is a skill-based opinion trading platform and we're on the hunt for young, active cricket enthusiasts to join our team for the upcoming T20 World Cup.
If you are from Madurai and are passionate about cricket and looking for an exciting opportunity to work on a short-term paid project, please reach out!
We're looking for:
  1. Cricket Analysts
  2. Content Creators
  3. Social Media Managers
  4. Video Editors
  5. Statisticians
  6. Graphic Designers
Why join us?
What we need from you:
If this sounds like you, reach out to me with a bit about yourself and which role you're interested in.
submitted by Ok-Bison-692 to Madurai [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:32 throwaita_busy3 AITA for not spending time with in laws?

I’ve been with my husband for several years now. He is Hispanic and I’m white.
He and his family- mom, sister, and some aunts, uncles, and cousins- have all been in the US for nearly 30 years. They all speak English except his mom. She said she would rather I learn Spanish than for her to have to learn English (“as a joke!”). I do know some basic Spanish and intend on becoming fluent so that I can keep my husbands culture in our family/future kids lives. But I’m busy, so it’s taking some time.
That said, no one speaks English to me except the kids. Even his sister who mostly grew up here and speaks perfect English will speak Spanish then ask my husband to just translate if I want to be in the convo. No one says “hello (name) how are you? How is life?” They speak Spanish only. I speak the little Spanish I do know but it’s bad. They only speak to me via text to intrude on our plans. Examples:
One day they were told to come over at 9am for something. They were running late, and got here in the middle of the event that began at 9 and were blowing up my phone asking for directions. Then they missed the event, and took over my kitchen in the rudest way. They showered at our tiny apartment and came over with bags of clothes then his mom yelled at me that I have to let her spend the night. (Husband acknowledged that this was not ok)
Another time was a banquet dinner for a nibling of his and he confirmed with his mom and sister that we should be there at 2pm. At 10am his sister texts me saying “my mom says come over now :)” I told her we will be there at 2 since I’m busy and she got upset.
The one that bothered me the most happened recently. I asked him to tell his family not to “surprise” him for his bday bc they came over without asking last year. He told them to reach out to me if they want to make SURPRISE plans to celebrate as a family, but the day of his bday, it’ll be just me and him.
I heard nothing from them though. Let’s say that convo happened on Jan 1, and his bday is Jan 30, and I still hadn’t heard anything by end of January. Then like a week after his bday his sister texts me saying what are you doing on Saturday? We want to have his bday party” and I told her that I have dinner plans with a friend.
Her response was “um wait so is he going to be home on Saturday?” I said “probably! You could always ask him too, unless you want help coordinating a surprise or something :)” She again confirmed it was “just me” who wouldn’t be home.
They ended up coming over but not even making the food or cake they said they would.
Context: I’ve tried getting them to come over for monthly dinners or to go to the park with the little niblings as a family. They never take me up on the offer. They just want us to adhere to last minute plans only. Plenty of other examples that don’t fit.
So now…idc. I didn’t go over there for Mother’s Day. I’ll go for major holidays but other than that I just don’t care anymore.
submitted by throwaita_busy3 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:32 HAMBONES_ [NA][PS5/ALL][18+] Looking for experienced people to play with

first off i just want to say i'm not looking to run with new players, sorry but i'm looking for experienced players. i have 1.3k hours, mostly on survivor. looking for people with similar experience. i'm not gonna act like i'm a god, i'm definitely not the best, but i know what i'm doing.. most of the time.
i'm not looking to sweat. chill games, no rage quitting or anything. i'm fine with running meta or meme builds, but i would like to escape some games.
i usually play without comms, so i would like to communicate mostly through discord text unless i'm up for VC.
i play on NA east servers. i can play on NA west, but my ping is usually mid 80s-low 90s. so ideally i'd want to play with someone that also plays on east. i am in US central time. i usually play in the afternoon or at night.
if interested, reply to this post or send me a DM.
submitted by HAMBONES_ to dbdLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:32 corycrater AMA - I have over 10 million subscribers

AMA - I have over 10 million subscribers
Hey everyone, don't even ask me why I decided this was a good idea, but I thought it'd be fun to do an AMA discussing my company, Newscape Studios and the many YouTube channels we've created and continue to run in-house. Some of the channels include GameToons, Bronzo, Maxcraft, Princesshana, and all of the Newscapepro channels. We also ran several channels for some time like SCP Animated before the revenue dropped to the point of no longer being feasible.
A little background -- my name's Cory Crater and I started my career on YouTube back in 2010 when I signed a contract with Machinima (if anyone remembers them). I made Modern Warfare 2, Halo Reach, and Minecraft videos into 2014 when I dropped out of college and moved across the country to go work at Sky Media (SkyDoesMinecraft). After about a year of that, I quit and moved back to New England where I started Newscape Studios.
I had a lot of luck with my first channel, and expanded, opening up a a general gaming and a Minecraft PVP channel. Eventually I had to bring on some help so hired some editors and opened a small office at The Mills in Rollinsford, NH. Two of my first editors (K & Joe) are now my COO and CAO.
We had our ups and downs and almost had to shut the doors a few times, but finally found some stability when Fortnite came out. We ended up gaining a lot of traction then and had trouble hiring efficiently way up in the sticks.
So we ended up moving to Austin, Texas where the company grew over the years and still resides. We went from running 3-4 channels to launching 20+ channels, all varying in success. We have 10 channels with over 1 million subscribers. All of our channels were conceptualized and executed on internally, within the USA.
Some people like our content, some people don't care and some people wish we'd all die in a fire. Regardless of how you feel, I'd love to answer any questions you have -- whether they be technical, beginner-type advice, or any particular questions about me or my company.
Looking forward to chatting!
a photo of my 10m subscriber plaque. If any mods or individuals would like some proof that I am in fact me, go ahead and request anything within reason and I'll be happy to accommodate.
submitted by corycrater to youtube [link] [comments]

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Tarot Reader since 2017 who has fully mastered in depth readings to bring true insight to the energies and circumstances you are dealing with, with the use of Oracle and Astrology as well. Shaneka's Services And Contact Linktree
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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:32 zwitterion76 Viofo A229- how do you back up videos?

I’m a dashcam newbie and thinking about installing one for my own safety/security. I think I’ll be going with one of the Viofo A229 (haven’t decided which one yet) but one thing is not yet clear to me: How do you backup your video so you’ll have a secure copy?
I think the options are: 1- on a microsd card in the dashcam module, 2- transferred to your phone via wifi while you’re in the car, or 3- download on your phone via the app.
Is this correct?
submitted by zwitterion76 to Dashcam [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:31 Mundane_Fennel_1652 cuddled by a demon...

Hi Courtney! My names Rachel and I've been watching you for quite some time (I love you and your videos!) and decided to finally share my SCARIEST sleep paralysis story. Little background on me at the time of this experience: I was in my mid 20's and still living at home with my parents in New Jersey. Live in a cute suburb and only have had a few paranormal experiences in my life. However, I've always had sleep paralysis, but luckily I only get it once or twice a year and I've now learned how to stay calm and get out of it quickly. Never really had a spooky experience though, until about 6 or 7 years ago. I was asleep in my bed (which was against the wall) and woke up with sleep paralysis but was easily able to get out of it and shake it off because it wasn't spooky at all. I looked at my clock (it was around 3am) and turned over to go back to sleep, facing my wall with my back to my door. I instantly fell right back into sleep paralysis, but this time it felt different. My eyes were open and just staring at my wall and it felt like something was in the room with me, watching me. Then it felt like someone or someTHING had gotten into bed with me. I literally felt my mattress cave in and felt like something was spooning me from behind. It then felt like they had placed there arm over my waist. Literally cuddling with me. I was frozen of course and terrified. I then felt it flipping my hair around and playing with it! I thought I was going to die. I could literally feel its cold breath on my neck. This entire experience felt like it went on for 30min or so, but who knows how long it actually was. The scariest part was when I heard it whisper "not yet, you're not ready yet..." I instantly shot up out of the paralysis and was terrified looking around my room. I turned on my light and stayed up the rest of the night. I will NEVER forget this experience and have only told a few people in my life. And luckily I've never had a true scary sleep paralysis experience like that again, thank GOD!
submitted by Mundane_Fennel_1652 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:31 NumberOneRussian Tall Boy Comedy Show Monday at Young Ethel's 8PM 5/20/24 (FREE)

Tall Boy Comedy Show Monday at Young Ethel's 8PM 5/20/24 (FREE)
Monday 5/20/24 at Young Ethel's (506 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215)
Doors: 7:30PM Show: 8PM
FREE Ticket Link:
From the makers of The FUN Mic at Freddy's Bar comes the greatest standup comedy show in all of Park Slope, South Slope, Gowanus areas of Brooklyn. Join us for Tall Boy Comedy (formerly PTA Comedy) where we will showcase our favorite comics as you crack open a tall boy.
While this show is free, donations are greatly appreciated and will be distributed among the comics that night.
submitted by NumberOneRussian to nycevents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:31 NumberOneRussian Tall Boy Comedy Show Monday at Young Ethel's 8PM 5/20/24 (FREE)

Monday 5/20/24 at Young Ethel's (506 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215)
Doors: 7:30PM Show: 8PM
FREE Ticket Link:
From the makers of The FUN Mic at Freddy's Bar comes the greatest standup comedy show in all of Park Slope, South Slope, Gowanus areas of Brooklyn. Join us for Tall Boy Comedy (formerly PTA Comedy) where we will showcase our favorite comics as you crack open a tall boy.
While this show is free, donations are greatly appreciated and will be distributed among the comics that night.
submitted by NumberOneRussian to parkslope [link] [comments]