Snorting zyrtec

Diary of a mouth breather, from an anxious mom. Possible OSA

2023.06.21 17:21 Saraht0nin518 Diary of a mouth breather, from an anxious mom. Possible OSA

Hopefully this isn’t too long, would LOVE to hear from parents with similar experiences.
My son is 22 months old today. At 15 months he had tubes in and his adenoids removed, which were huge and his snoring was so bad they had to put him in a separate space at daycare for naps. His snoring has since resolved, and he seems to be sick less often (may be seasonal). However, he is a mouth breather. Drooling has improved, but not eliminated. He breathes through his mouth 70% of the time, both day and night (or his mouth is at least open, I went in while he was sleeping once and seemed like he was breathing through his nose). He occasionally makes a snorting noise (almost a snore) at night, but no noticeable pause in breathing. He has a noticeable overbite and somewhat recessed jaw. including side profile if helpful. No signs of hyperactivity or inattention, he sleeps through the night, does not seem tired during the day. His speech is slower but meeting milestones. We are working with an ENT and here is where we are at and my concerns:
  1. Referred to a sleep study—-I don’t know if this will be helpful at 2 years old, I can’t imagine he’ll sleep well not understanding why he has wires everywhere and is in a hospital/sleep lab. He seems so young for this.
  2. Starting daily Zyrtec end of the month— haven’t noticed many allergy symptoms other than the mouth breathing, and occasional stuffiness in the morning. No runny nose, no frequent sneezing or itchiness.
  3. Here is where my anxiety really kicks in: our ENT told us he’s at risk of his facial features changing permanently due to his mouth breathing. He said “think Napoleon Dynamite”. He said this means there’s some urgency to figure out the cause so he doesn’t develop the elongated “mouth breathing face”. This process could take awhile to figure out, not to mention a lot of treatment options (Like orthodontia) he’s too little for, years too little. I’m pregnant and so anxious that I’m not going to recognize my beautiful kid in a few years because we didn’t move fast enough. I’ll Admit I’m a bit fixated on this, thanks hormones.
Other things we are looking into: Consulting with our dentist Going back to ENT for tonsil measurement Requesting home sleep study option Myofunctional therapy (he’s still too little) Understanding if there’s a chance he can grow out of this and what the timeline is for long term Effects.
Any tips, success stories or reassurance are greatly welcome. ❤️
submitted by Saraht0nin518 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2023.04.29 07:01 AndroidDigest Frustrating Cough (4 year old(

Hopefully this sub can help. I've got a 4 year old that has a very frustrating Cough. She seems to get these coughs or a cold every 5 or 6 weeks and she keeps catching it.
She will normally sleep and breathe fine, drainage seems fairly minimal. But after a few minutes of sleeping, even if she's upright, she will start making this weird sucking sound from her throat, maybe her way to deal with drainage. Then she starts snorting or sniffing then she's coughing.
We've tried everything. Cough and cold medicine is now good for 4 year olds, but does very little. We've tried zyrtec, Claritin, hoping to dry up her drainage. We've tried pretty much everything. She's 4 but still can't blow her nose so we still snot suck and we still deal with vics and humidifiers. After all that we still only get success by letting her sleep on a recliner, normally with me holding her. And her coughing on me for 2 hours.
Even moving her to an elevated bed gets the cough started again.
Any advice? It's the worst since she still needs to be held every night, it drains us down to only a couple hours of sleep. Constantly getting coughed on. And it makes it harder for her, and it happens maybe 8 to 10 times a year where she gets sick like this.
PS: she's 4 but still is very skinny. Like only 35 pounds.
submitted by AndroidDigest to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2023.04.17 00:33 765LT_ What happens if you snort a zyrtec tablet?

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2023.04.13 00:22 ankylosaurus_tail Strange nose/throat symptom is ruining my sleep and turning me into a zombie.

44yo Male, 5'11"/220lbs (180cm/100kg), caucasian, western US.
For approximately the last week, following what felt like a very mild head cold, I've been experiencing something like sleep apnea, but only on the right side of my face, in what feels like my sinus region (higher up in my head, closer to my nose than where I think classic sleep apnea occurs, at least as far as I can tell from anatomy images).
When I'm awake, I have almost no symptoms, just very slight pressure in my right sinus area, and maybe a bit more congestion on that side (I'm a generally congested person). But every time I try to go to sleep, as soon as I hit "deep sleep" something jars me awake, in my nose. It feels almost exactly like the turbulent, vibration sensation when I "snort" to clear phlegm from my nose, but it's happening involuntarily, as soon as my soft palate relaxes--and it feels very distinctly located in the right nasal passage only.
It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is driving me a bit insane, because it's making it almost impossible to get into deep sleep--at night I feel like I'm getting a few hours of decent sleep, but on both ends I'm in bed, waking up over and over, trying to fall back asleep--it can happen as frequently as every few minutes.
Other details that might be relevant:
Those are all the important details I can think of. I'm happy to answer any relevant questions. I very much appreciate any help figuring out what's going on--I will go to a doctor if necessary, but I live in a rural area, and doing so takes me most of a day, so I'd rather not. If it is likely to clear up on it's own, I can wait it out.
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2023.03.25 00:11 youravgwhore 7 y/o Shih Tzu, breathing issues

7 y/o Shih Tzu, breathing issues
Hello! I have an almost 8 y/o 9 lb Shih Tzu (technically mixed breed, is a rescue but found she's 50% Shih Tzu and 25/25% Chihuahua and Beagle). She has one eye, tooth loss, breathing issues and arthritis. I'm trying to remedy her chronic nasal breathing issues, even if temporary. I am in a tough spot right now but managed to spare enough to bring her in for an emergency visit after she was having this terrifying intense reverse sneeze episode and was breathing out of her mouth months ago with food coming out her nose. Turns out, it was due to a medication she was taking that had Methylsulfonylmethane, which caused her breathing to worsen drastically. We've since taken her off of it and while she has improved, she is still not 100%. I was told the only solution would be surgery but she is ineligible due to her small size, how dangerous anesthesia would be for her and other factors. (For context, she's had a pretty tough life which was a factor in this. She suffered from a Pitbull attack who jumped through our window but was luckily fine 20 stitches and 1 surgery later. The biggest factors were 2 eyeball surgeries, one was to set her eye back in place after it popped out from another dog attack in 2020 which we later found was botched unsuccessful and the second to remove her eye, which during the healing process had blood and pus draining from her socket to her nose vet said to us was ok. She had to suffer for a few days after multiple vets refused surgery for various reasons. Yeah pretty messed up). Anyways, they basically said there was nothing that they can do besides me giving her saline nasal drops. I carefully did the saline drops as instructed for a while (to her dismay), but at one point she had aspirated and screamed in pain, which she is now too afraid when she see's me pick up the saline drops. We can no longer do nasal drops as its causing her intense pain, and she still yells out in pain occasionally (albeit rarely).
I'm at a complete loss and did more research after seeing she hasn't improved and found a medication by Homeopet. I'm assuming it was a good thing I didn't order it after translating the ingredients and reading about how it's pseudoscience on here, but I'm desperate enough to order it anyways since we have no other solutions from vets. Is Benadryl a good option or does anyone know of any remedies that helped with theirs? I don't want her to be drowsy but I also read that Zyrtec will also work without the drowsiness. I am just looking into a temporary ease for her until I am able to take her to different vets and see if they have anything else to recommend. Her breathing really isn't too terrible, I mainly want her to be comfortable. She snores heavily at night and it eases up when I change the position of her head. Her snoring become snoring when she's in deep REM sleep so I wake her up when it sounds bad lol. Sometimes her breathing will be normal throughout the day, but then her it sounds heavier and scratchy? the rest of the time (Not sure how else to describe the sound). A lot of grunting and snorting. I put my hand in front of her nose and most of the time the air feels like it's going through normally. Other than that, she eats like a little piggie and plays a lot. Today's been a bad day for her as she hasn't played or ran much with her snorting worsening. She drinks A LOT and will throw her bowl and cry at me in the middle of the night until I give her some, which causes more frequent bathroom breaks. I'm also attaching a picture of her nose, she gets this dead skin that crusts and falls off. Not sure if that's part of it too.
TL;DR: Shih Tzu breathing issues from nose, ineligible for surgery and looking for other remedies until I'm able to get a better specialist who will hopefully have a better treatment for her. Grunting, snorting, rapid breathing at times. Trying to avoid anything pseudoscience related or will cause her harm. Just want to make her life a little easier ): These aren't the best pics of her but they're the most recent
submitted by youravgwhore to Shihtzu [link] [comments]

2023.01.02 23:02 LuluLaurent Chronic respiratory illness in my cat. Our vet has not been helpful.

Species: house cat • Age: 14 • Sex/Neuter status: Spayed • Breed: orange tabby • Body weight: 13lbs • History: One of our cats (we’ll call her Paws) keeps getting respiratory infections. Though now I’m questioning if it’s an infection.
This started a while ago. I’m ashamed to admit I let it go on longer than it should. The first time she got it we thought she had allergies and treated it with Zyrtec. But as the seasons came and went it didn’t seem to improve. During this time, she would get pretty snotty and had mostly clear or white-ish discharge. She would also have coughing fits. Sometimes it was light yellow. After a while she also had a relapse of her diabetes. I’m not sure how long this went on for but it was months at least.
I thought maybe the water fountain was maybe causing it because Paws drinks out if it and was getting the infection but our other cat (we’ll call her Buttons) who drinks out of a dish wasn’t. But they both drink out of dishes now and Paws is now getting worse again and Buttons is fine.
We consulted our vet and they gave her an injection of antibiotics. It worked really well but it would come back after a few weeks.
We went through this a couple more times and then the vet said that they were going to do a shot every two weeks, three times, to see if it would go away. During this time we decommissioned the water fountain and switched to regular water bowls.
Days after the third shot she started getting worse again. The congestion (maybe it’s inflammation now?) has changed to very dry and her breathing is much more labored than before. She’s also becoming lethargic.
There’s no discharge, rapid breathing, panting, or crackling sound.
As I noted when she had the infection for a while, her diabetes returned. It now seems to have gone away again, though on her last blood test she is now showing signs of kidney disease. The blood tests otherwise were inconclusive. Or so they tell me.
I thought maybe Paws had developed an allergy to salmon because she seems to have a reaction to it, and doing that maybe seemed to worked at first, but cutting that out of her diet doesn’t seem to work anymore.
• Clinical signs: Labored slow breathing, wheezing/snorting • Duration: on and off for about a year • Your general location: Pacific Northwest
I’m absolutely at a loss. The next step is probably to get her scoped but that can cost thousands of dollars and I think my husband would rather put the cat down so I’m afraid to bring it up.
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2022.09.05 00:02 Applepiessky Allergy hell - what helps?

My ears itch! My throat itches. I am basically brain dead. I am a zombie. I snort Flonase but it's not enough, Zyrtec makes me pass out. HALP!
submitted by Applepiessky to Austin [link] [comments]

2021.09.30 00:34 urhoodie throat swelling issue?

20F 5'3 135 pounds -former smoker (feb 2018-august2020) -current medications: prenatal, vitamin d3 50,000 units (once a week), omeprazole 40mg -duration: 6 months so far (started march 2021 and ongoing)
in march of this year, (also was around 36 weeks pregnant) i started getting the feeling of my throat swelling/constricted airway/globus sensation coming out of nowhere. went to ER when it first started thinking it was allergic reaction, they couldn't find anything although they didn't really look either. they did find i had dangerously low potassium and put me on pills for that though. had my baby in april and it didn't go away, so got a primary care physician in may and we tried zyrtec and a nasal spray (flonase) and not really any improvement so early september i started on omeprazole and at first i had a horribly sore throat. my dr advised to continue the pill so i did and now it helps a bit with the swollen throat feeling but i get sore or painful throat if i talk a lot. and sometimes burning in nose that feels like i just snorted chlorine water. also burping after meals sometimes. does this sound like GERD/LPR or anything else? i don't get heartburn or anything and didn't deal with acid reflux at all in my pregnancy unless it was silent and i didn't know it. just wanna feel normal again and enjoy life again so if anyone has any ideas comment please!! or if there's any questions please ask away.
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2021.03.21 23:40 Sofa_King_Handsome Months long bouts of coughing for over two decades. I've been to many specialists. Is this theory plausible?

I am a male, 39, 215 pounds 5'10" in Southern California and for over twenty years I have struggled with mystery symptoms. Usually about once a year, (sometimes it skips a year, some years it happens more than once), I will get a run of the mill cold which is accompanied by a cough and, after the illness subsides, the cough doesn't go away for many months but rather worsens over time. The cough is triggered by post-nasal drip. Thick clear mucus collects in my sinuses, drips down the back of my throat and out my nose. I will get horrible coughing fits, sometimes to the point of nearly passing out. I've injured ribs, injured muscles in my abdomen, back, and neck. The coughing fits also often end in a sneezing fit. As the months drag on, the coughing generally worsens to the point where I can barely talk without a coughing fit starting up. The longest bout I have ever experienced was about 9 months straight. 3-4 months is probably the average, who knows?
It seems likely to me after experiencing this so many times that it is an allergic response. I have seen many doctors about it, including many ENT specialists. They have prescribed the same treatments over and over, none of which are effective. I've been given GERD medication, allergy medication, cough suppressants, steroids, antibiotics, inhalers, neti-pots, nasonex, rinocort... on and on and on. Rinocort is the only medication to have ever appeared effective but it is not always effective. One ENT even sent a robo-camera up my nose and down my throat which was quite terrifying/painful. The only things she noticed on the video was a lot of clear mucus, a slightly deviated septum to my right side, and she said my epiglotis is "a bit chubby". That was in 2014. I should note that, potentially due to my deviated septum, I often find it difficult/impossible to successfully administer the Rinocort in my right nostril. I try every possible orientation and it just never feels like it hits my sinuses the way it does on the left. Also, I have run sume experiments and I generally don't get the rinocort aftertaste in my mouth after taking it only on the right side but I will if I only do my left side.
A bit more possibly relevant information: I am physically unable to "hock a lugi". That is to say I have never had the normal ability to clear my sinuses by snorting inward coarsely through my nose and expectorating the snot from them through my mouth. Often times, near the end of the long-cough cycle, I will get a horrible putrid taste in the back of my throat/tongue. As if something has been in there rotting for a long time. This is generally accompanied by a sensation of something lodged there and sometimes the eventual expectoration or swallowing of a glob of what appears to be partially hardened mucus. It looks like a rotten vegetable if I manage to cough it up rather than swallow it. This has probably happened about 5-7 times of countless bouts of the affliction.
Something else to note: I have a condition called "exercise urticaria" wherein, if I perform impact exercise such as running (or even walking for extended periods), my entire body will begin to itch and develop hives. This starts and my legs and creeps up my abdomen and back. Sometimes it reaches as high as my neck. This is effectively prevented with a daily Zyrtec.
Now, here is the part I really wanted to ask about. I have had the long cough twice since the pandemic started. The first bout began last spring and lasted for 2-3 months before abruptly subsiding. The second bout began in January and is ongoing at the end of March. However, it has just abruptly improved in one day, followed by the classic putrid taste in the back of my sinuses/throat. Here is the interesting thing that I have just realized immediately preceded both of these abrupt improvements: I thorough (and painful) nasal swab Covid test in the right (deviated) sinus.
At this point, I am very used to nobody believing me about any of this. Doctors, my wife, anyone. But, just hear me out, is it possible that these covid swabs are clearing out mucus that my body is unable to naturally rid itself of or possibly pushing it back far enough into my sinuses that I can finally clear it out of my throat? If so, how can I safely replicate this procedure in future bouts of this ailment to prevent it from worsening to this point or to finally end it if it does? I have used those NeilMed bottles many times but they're not really effective because they're "too gentle". Also interesting to note that, when I do use the NeilMed bottles, squirting the water up my left nostril will result in the water coming out my mouth whereas squirting the water up my right nostril will only result in the water coming out my other nostril. I often fantasize about having the relief of squirting water through my right nostril and out my mouth to clear it.
Thank you for reading this far and for sharing your thoughs!
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2020.12.09 02:34 aplus1234 Medical advice/second opinion help!

Since about August, our 19lb, 13 year old, Female Scottish Terrier has been suffering from a runny/stuffy nose. She's been healthy for her life with a history slightly elevated blood levels in her liver. It started as a "reverse cough" and was treated with antibiotics and allergy meds. When that round was over and she wasn't healed, they recommended claritin and/or zyrtec. We tried 2 weeks if claritin and with no improvements, then we about a week of zyrtec. The vet prescribed more antibiotics and alas, still no success. We are going to try an antifungal now. I made an appt with internal medicine at the local hospital with hopes for an endoscopy and ct scan per recommendation from our vet, but they can't see her until February. Overall, it has been reported her lungs are clear and her heart sounds fine. Bloodwork is normal for her age and history. She is still eating, active, and fairly normal. Some of the antibiotics made her lethargic, but she seems to be her typical 13 year old self. Usually night it is the worst... I feel like when she is in a deep sleep she forgets to breathe or gets too congested. It's almost as if once we all go to sleep and turn the lights off, after a few hours she starts snorting. We have started sleeping with a humidifier to see if it helps keep her from getting too stuffy during the night but again, it isn't helping. We have washed her beds and cleaned the house. She's been on the same food for years and nothing environmentally has changed. When she is awake, she will normally breathe but occasionally really try to suck in air through her nose. The only way i can explain the sounds is when a human has a stuffy nose and doesn't blow it.
Since this started in about August, I don't think it could be seasonal allergies, we currently have snow on the ground and since the onset of symptoms, it has been hot, warm, cold, rainy, sunny, windy, etc..
I feel like we have exhausted many options so far and nothing has improved her symptoms. It's not a life threatening emergency, but i just know she's uncomfortable. Is there anything we can try in the meantime? Any suggestions welcome and any info or jargon i can use to continue advocating for her would be beneficial...
submitted by aplus1234 to scottishterriers [link] [comments]

2020.12.09 02:02 aplus1234 New England, Scottish Terrier with nasal mucus

Since about August, our 19lb, 13 year old, Female Scottish Terrier has been suffering from a runny/stuffy nose. She's been healthy for her life with a history slightly elevated blood levels in her liver. It started as a "reverse cough" and was treated with antibiotics and allergy meds. When that round was over and she wasn't healed, they recommended claritin and/or zyrtec. We tried 2 weeks if claritin and with no improvements, then we about a week of zyrtec. The vet prescribed more antibiotics and alas, still no success. We are going to try an antifungal now. I made an appt with internal medicine at the local hospital with hopes for an endoscopy and ct scan per recommendation from our vet, but they can't see her until February. Overall, it has been reported her lungs are clear and her heart sounds fine. Bloodwork is normal for her age and history. She is still eating, active, and fairly normal. Some of the antibiotics made her lethargic, but she seems to be her typical 13 year old self. Usually night it is the worst... I feel like when she is in a deep sleep she forgets to breathe or gets too congested. It's almost as if once we all go to sleep and turn the lights off, after a few hours she starts snorting. We have started sleeping with a humidifier to see if it helps keep her from getting too stuffy during the night but again, it isn't helping. We have washed her beds and cleaned the house. She's been on the same food for years and nothing environmentally has changed. When she is awake, she will normally breathe but occasionally really try to suck in air through her nose. The only way i can explain the sounds is when a human has a stuffy nose and doesn't blow it.
Since this started in about August, I don't think it could be seasonal allergies, we currently have snow on the ground and since the onset of symptoms, it has been hot, warm, cold, rainy, sunny, windy, etc..
I feel like we have exhausted many options so far and nothing has improved her symptoms. It's not a life threatening emergency, but i just know she's uncomfortable. Is there anything we can try in the meantime? Any suggestions welcome and any info or jargon i can use to continue advocating for her would be beneficial...
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2020.11.10 14:35 livelylou4 TIFU by making a joke about taking the D in front of the HR guy

Literally just happened, I’m sitting at my desk at work cracking up and typing on mobile, so please disregard the typos and formatting issues. I live in the south and fall allergy season is kicking my ass right now. I forgot to take my allergy medicine this morning before work so I emailed my friend (also the receptionist) to see if she had any allergy tablets I could have for the day, otherwise I’d run to the store and grab some. She had some Zyrtec D (stronger stuff than the regular I suppose? Honestly no clue) and she told me it was the behind the counter. Verbatim she goes “it’s the one with the D though, can you handle the D?” And I started cracking up and snort laughed “that’s what she said!” right as the head of HR walked around the corner. Just had to sit in his office for a brief sexual harassment refresher course.
TL;DR I borrowed Zyrtec D from a coworker, she asked if I could handle the D, I made Michael Scott proud and said “that’s what she said” as the head of HR walked around the corner and I had to have a refresher on sexual harassment.
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2020.10.13 19:08 sueprman Uncontrollable sneezing dog (but only outside)

Species: Kanine
Age: 5
Sex/Neuter status: Female/Spade
Breed: Goldendoodle
Body weight: 50
History: Food allergy to grain, gets itchy, choose paws, not anymore
Clinical signs: sneezes, difficulty breathing through nose
Duration: 1 week
Your general location: St. Louis
Links to test results, X-rays, vet reports etc: None
I have a Goldendoodle dog, 5 years old, 50 lbs, living in St. Louis, MO… she has developed a serious sneeze and difficulty breathing this past week…mostly when we are outside. We tried Benadryl and not trying Zyrtec if it is allergies. If she is outside and panting, she breathes fine, but if she’s just walking and sniffing, she starts reverse sneezing and wheezing, and seriously large sneezes. She does not pat or paw at her nose, with no bloody discharge, or seriously itchy skin. Just the sneezes outside like crazy, some snorts or nose blows inside, but nothing like outside. Please help
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2019.11.17 17:26 idratherbeswimming Behavioral and Sinus Concerns in my 5yo Son - Can Lack of Sleep Cause this Behavioral Regression? Neuropsych needed?

We’re kind of in limbo as we wait for upcoming appointments and tests, but in the meantime I’m wondering if there are any insights into what I could be looking into/researching to find him help. Also, forgive me. I’m long-winded already, and there’s so much to detail here.
My son: 5yo, 6 next week Male 43” 41 lbs No surgical history Vaginal birth with no major complications In an integrated preschool and kindergarten class, he is working on K work when able, but not going to be a kindergartner till next school year In speech therapy since 2yo, previously dx with apraxia, but current SPs are doubting that. They are seeing more typical speech concerns, while seeing improvement. Both are concerned about nasality and constant throat clearing and cough. Both parents dx with ADHD, one hyperactive type one inattentive type Both parents dx with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression Father dx with OCD, ODD, and borderline Bipolar, not sure of more details as the psychologists paperwork did not include more details. Bites lips and fingernails/toenails. Grinds teeth.
For the last year and a half his behavior has become an increasing concern, but really I have noticed a slight difference in his behavior since toddlerhood. It was nothing too concerning before, but as it becomes more pronounced it of course is much more noticeable. He is a typical child most of the time, but he does have some differences that are always there.
1-Complete disinterest in school work even though his cognitive abilities and intelligence have been tested as slightly above average for age. He is a curious child that has a multitude of questions about the world.
2-Difficulty making friends and connecting with the other children. The 1 friend he had for two years previously (ages 3-5) was a very aggressive child with a history of trauma and dx of Aspergers. I have wondered if my son picked up some of his aggressiveness from this friendship, but my sin was already prone to aggression, but not out of the range of normal for a toddlepreschooler, especially with speech delays. He is in a new class this year and has made a connection with two other boys (4yos) where they now call themselves the “bad boys.” This is being discouraged by keeping them separated, as they were running away from teachers and mildly messing up the playground, as well as occasionally messing with other children’s work in the classroom. I am on board with the discouragement of these behaviors - but i am concerned that all of these separations from friends is furthering his social isolation.
3-Trouble rhyming until recently. Dyslexia concern for me. Still trouble counting teens. Can sound most letters and blend into three letter phonetic words. But again, NO sustained interest in any of these things. He’d rather know why sharks have so many teeth or why people speak different languages.
4-The behavioral difference I mentioned noticing for a while now is hard to explain. He’s always had this...switch. It’s often in response to redirection, but other times seemingly unprovoked. He will get in this mode where destruction is all he cares about. He has a silly grin on his face while he runs around laughing and making messes. Little seems to matter to him in these moments. It started alongside more typical tantrums, and has progressed since. He still has plenty of moments of more typical tantrums/whining/etc. This is where the regression comes in. Recently when he gets in these moods, he will start talking in a high-pitched babyish voice and will often say “mama, mama, mama” repeatedly.
Finally, the breathing/sinus issues! Our trusted pediatrician (who is in the process of retiring early so he can care for his wife who was recently dx with stage iv cancer, so appointments with him are few and only through dec) is really thinking that the main thing we are battling is a lack of restful sleep. Not ruling out compounding factors, but first and foremost there is something going on with his breathing we have not been able to pinpoint.
A little over a year ago when it started, we tried Claritin. At this point we were seeing him wipe watery mucus from his nose often and hearing snoring and there was barely a difference behaviorally. A couple months later we started hearing coughing and deeper sniffles as well and seeing an increase in aggressive behaviors. We then began Flonase along with the claritin. Hydroxyzine as needed.
A few more months went by, and we did several tests - audiology, language processing through speech since he is still a little young for CAPD testing with an audiologist, and general testing with the local school dept’s psychologist. She did a couple aptitude tests and saw him at his normal behavior, which at this point was still not a huge concern. He passed all of them, although the language processing he was slightly below age level, but not significantly.
Things continued to progress, so we switched to Zyrtec. At this point, about April of this year, he started this throat clearing noise and snorting as though he was clearing post nasal discharge. These noises have increased in severity and now are almost constant. At its worst in the evenings it can happen several times a minute; once recently I counted 32 in a 15 minute period. Benadryl is all that seems to help.
Most concerning for me currently, he has also developed a breathing noise that is unsettling. I’ve never posted a sound link on reddit, so I will attempt to add a link to a comment. It’s a stridor noise, typically followed by a cough, and sounds...gurgly. Like there’s something in the way of him getting a good breath. It’s more often at night, more pronounced after a day outside. And it generally occurs in prolonged spurts. Minutes of back to back noisy, labored inhales.
Current testing results: We finally had allergy testing done a couple weeks ago, and all 12 common things tested for were negative. The allergist dx him with nonallergic rhinitis. A neck and chest x ray was normal aside from minor enlargement of his adenoids. No nasal polyps visible. Blood testing showed slight anemia, so we have started an iron supplement.
We are now waiting on his referral by his ped to an ENT, ADOS testing, a neuropsychologist, and a sleep study to go through. I started getting calls friday from two of the specialists. The problem with the neuropsych is it would be out of pocket, upwards of $900. I am a kindergarten teacher and my husband is a firefighter - that is half of our monthly income, and we have no savings. I am waiting in a call back from the psych office at the school district to see what options he has there for a re-eval and if they have neuropsychologists as a resource.
My main questions... 1- General advice on what may be going on - things we may not have considered? 2- What do I need to be most concerned about/voiced about? 3- Almost everyone outside of the medical field i have spoken to brings up an elimination diet. He already eats little dairy. I’m discovering symptoms of celiac in myself and awaiting an appointment to talk about that with my GP. If he were to have that, would these even be the symptoms i’d see in a child? 4- Regarding the neuropsych - is it typical for practitioners to not bill insurance? Should seeing one be at the top of my list, or is letting that be a last resort (due to the finances) reasonable? 5- Is the time this is taking to help with both the breathing and behavioral issues possibly causing irreparable damage to him in any way. I feel like this has been a waiting game for so long, and he’s on a maturity hiatus. Im not seeing mental growth, and it has to be unbelievably uncomfortable to not be comfortable breathing.
Wow. If you’ve actually read all of this, THANK YOU! I’m a worried mom that is so appreciative of any help anyone has to offer.
submitted by idratherbeswimming to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.06.01 20:17 Mango_Punch Good luck sleeping, Garry

Here we all are, a stag weekend on fire island and Garry is being a cunt. He took the last sausage breakfast sandwich. He squeezed his name ahead of mine on the beer pong list last night. And now he keeps one upping every story I tell to these birds we just met at the beach. Long story short, fuck Garry.
Most of you internet strangers probably don’t know this about me, but I have a snoring problem. Not a little snort here and there problem, but a construction at 4 am when you are hung over kinda problem. Usually I keep it at bay with zyrtec and those nose strip things. But not tonight. Tonight imma snore like Smaug on coke, and poor fucking Garry isn’t gonna sleep a wink.
submitted by Mango_Punch to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2019.02.20 23:25 HealthAnon Fatigue, spotting, low libido -- next step?

I'm a 37 year old woman. 5'3", 130 pounds, Caucasian. I live in Georgia, USA.

My diagnoses are:

My medications are:

My problematic symptoms (in order of distress) are:

I've been tired most of my adult life. In the past 3 years or so (which corresponds to moving to Florida, then Georgia), it's been getting worse. At times, it seems attributable to depression, but sometimes it seems DISTINCTLY physical. I usually get at least 7 hours sleep per night, but I feel like I'm operating on a lot less. This is beginning to seriously interfere with my ability to work or have much of a life. My thinking is often muddled, napping/caffeine is often necessary, and I usually have to stick to low-energy activities.
My mom and one of my uncles have severe sleep apnea, so I had a sleep study maybe 10 years back. Nothing wrong. I don't generally snore and my partner's never observed me gasping or snorting.
I feel like I've been tested for everything under the sun at this point. I don't have Celiac disease or Addison's disease. My iron, B12, folate, and vitamin D levels are normal.
As for the other symptoms, the low libido has been intermittent since being diagnosed with depression and is probably explained by the combo of depression, fatigue, & pain. The premenstrual spotting has been occurring for the week before my period for 10 years. It occurs off and on birth control pills. I've had two ultrasounds (10 years apart) with no issues found. A test of hormones (on approximately day 5?) found an FSH of 29.8 mIU/mL, LH of 10.4 mIU/mL, and progesterone of 1.7 ng/mL. Other hormones tested were in the normal range. The pain with intercourse seems to be localized to my Bartholin's glands. A lidocaine gel seems to help, but this seems like a band-aid, not an explanation or long-term solution.
Also of note is that my nasal allergies are decently severe, but I've never had testing. I take one or two OTC medications daily and still sometimes have breakthrough symptoms.
At this point, I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I've been underwhelmed by the doctors I've visited in Georgia (moved here from Florida 7 months ago). The GP, endocrinologist, and gynecologist I visited were not helpful. Keeping in mind that fatigue is THE MOST DISTRESSING SYMPTOM, do I:

Sorry for the length. Thanks for reading!
submitted by HealthAnon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2018.03.22 22:56 poopcrackers Constant congestion and post-nasal drip for almost a decade

I started getting chronic congestion about 8 years ago. Some times are worse than other times, but in general, 99% of the time I have a lot of sticky phlegm in the back of my throat. Sometimes its so bad it makes it hard to speak as the volume of phlegm running down my throat closes the air gap. I am constantly snorting it up and hocking loogies just to get rid of it. It's pretty gross and I was even told by a former boss to stop clearing my throat so much bc its distracting.
I've been tested for allergies, came up negative.
Then I was diagnosed with sleep apnea, but it's only apparent if I am on my back. If I'm on my side I can sleep just fine without the CPAP machine.
I told the doctor I thought it felt like there seemed to be too much flesh in the back of my throat, like sometimes if I laugh too hard my throat claps shut violently.
So I had surgery to correct my septum. The doctor said it was a "fantastic success" but after I healed there seemed to be no change in my symptoms.
I also produce earwax prodigiously and frequently get ear infections. A lot of the time I can feel pressure in my ears, which one doctor explained away as "eustacian tube malfunction". No shit, really? I also have chronic tinnitus and some mild hearing loss in my right ear.
All the ENT's and GP's I've seen have just treated my symptoms without actually attempting to solve my problem, or even figure out what my problem is. It's very discouraging and frustrating.
My daily routine at this point includes 3 different nasal sprays, Flonase, Azelastine, and Ipratropium. I take these in the morning along with Zyrtec and various other things including psuedoephedrine, gualfenesin, and occasionally Nyquil if it turns into a full-blown cough. When I get super congested, I use NeilMed sinus rinse.
TL;DR Medical history: 36M, 5'6", 150 lbs. Former smoker (quit in '09).
Chronic sinusitis (inflamed sinuses). Allergic rhinitis. Way too much phlegm and earwax. No allergies (among those tested). Eustacian tube malfunction. Sleep apnea. Septoplasty (supposedly successful). Frequent ear infections. Chronic tinnitus. Mild hearing loss in one ear.
I have a feeling all of these symptoms are somehow related but I don't know how. I would just like an answer as to what's causing this and hopefully get it taken care of.
Anybody on here have any ideas?
submitted by poopcrackers to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2018.03.14 16:10 PetiteTrumpetButt Baby loss of appetite while sick?

This is her first real cold, thanks to my sister who stayed with me last weekend, she didn't show symptoms til day 2 so she didnt even know she was sick. She's congested, runny nose, she's snorting a lot because of the mucus, minor cough, and clingy. She's also not all that interested in eating, I have to lay down in the dark to make her nurse and she's not interested in eating purees right now, she's usually very enthusiastic. Her poops have also changed, they're like small hard nuggets so I'm worried she's dehydrated. I keep offering boob but shes not interested and we're working on sippy cups with water but won't suck on them. She refuses bottles at all cost. Should I maybe try Pedialyte?
Last night was pure hell. She sleeps in her crib by my bed and after 30 minutes of laying her down she would wake up and literally scream and have this horrible high pitched cry. As soon as I lay her next to me she tries to go back to sleep, after the 5th time at 5 am I gave up and she slept in my bed because I had to wake up in 2 hours. She spit out all of the Tylenol I gave her, and I've given her zarbees Baby cough and mucus, that she spits most of it out so its hard to give her a proper dosage. At her last appointment they gave me the okay to use children's zyrtec if needed, maybe that woukd work better?
Please tell me all of this is normal. I've never had a sick baby before, and we have a lapse of insurance from my fiance getting a new job, so if I should take her to the doc I need to figure out the funds now, might have to barrow it from my parents.
submitted by PetiteTrumpetButt to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2017.02.05 02:30 kctroway Weird localized Headaches 25 M 6'2" 205 lbs white one year

Hey so I'll try to make this as brief as possible.
For roughly the last year and a half I've had odd headaches that happen on one side of my head, though it changes. First time I noticed this was after inhaling recreational nitrous oxide, also had a few beers that night. Not something I normally do, but I didn't do that much or pass out or anything, but that's when I first noticed this. At the time I became really paranoid, went to the doctor got a B12 shot but she basically said I'm fine and just experiencing anxiety.
As this happened I also began to have weird ear pressure issues. Basically my ears would "pop" as if I were in an airplane much more frequently. One time upon going to the doc she looked in my ear and said there was fluid and to take zyrtec anti-allergy medication. I do not know for sure if those two issues were related but it seems to be the case.
It's now a year and a half since that started and it's still happening. The only way I can describe it is my head doesn't feel normal, and I often times have headaches on the top of my head, back left area of head, or front right area of head. I am also often sleep deprived and I know that plays a contributing role.
I don't exercise much and I smoke pot and also occasionally do snort cocaine. Often times while doing either drugs the head issues will become more noticeable, but not always. Because of this I wonder if I am having arterial issues or what, it's just annoying not knowing. In addition I frequently have hypochondria or suffer from anxiety usually regarding my heart. Also have the beginnings of varicose veins in my legs which run in my family.
Not sure what I'm asking here. I guess my fear is that these odd headaches are the precursor to a stroke or an aneurysm, and I know that with my lifestyle and occasional drug use this danger could be amplified. Do these seem like symptoms that someone experiences in the run up to a stroke?
submitted by kctroway to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2016.04.18 22:31 tpfnf No rhinitis relief. What next?

Hey guys, I've got rhinitis bad. About 80% blockage in both nostrils, severe congestion, nasal drip. I'm constantly sniffling, snorting, clearing my throat, etc. Had the skin test showing no allergies. Had the blood test showing no allergies. Bought oral drops anyways (food based) took those for 3 months with no relief. Then went back, got a different mix, no relief. Singilair, zyrtec, claritin, none of it works. I'm about to call my ENT to schedule another appointment. What should I ask him about? What are the other options?
submitted by tpfnf to Allergies [link] [comments]

2014.08.28 18:44 Lord_infamous1993 I do not want to go homeless, broke, and depressed because I am PEEING MYSELF.

Hi guys, I am a 20 year old male in America. 6'3 and 155 lbs. i am a college student a truck unloader after classes from the morning to evening. I have a few more posts about this issue but i still havent received a response. Guys i am in really big need of help. I had to leave college classes this morning about 30 minutes early because i was squirting and dribbling in my underwear. Everynight at work I have the same issue. But at work i can work around to the bathroom a little bit more even though i squirt every time i pick up a box......welcome to my hell...I had to quit previous very good paying jobs because I was always soaked in my udnerwear by the end of night and I have to run to the bathroom. Today in class the smell was getting so bad and musty i just had to leave. I had to drop out of college twice already because of this issue. This is out of control. ALL DAY THRPOUGHOUT THE DAY IT FEELS URINE IS JUST SITTING IN MY PENIS. not really my bladder. AND THEN IT JUST DRIBBLES AND SQUIRTS OUT. Everytime THAT I DO GO TO THE BATHROMM..WHICH IS ABOUT 15 TIMES A DAY. I have to SIT DOWN TO PEE BECAUSE THE FLOW OF URINE IS VERY WEAK AND THE URINE THAT ACTUALLY COMES OUT IS ONLY A FEW DROPS, DRIBBLES, ANAD A VERY SMALL AMOUNT,. ITS USALLY CLEAR AND YELLOW. tHE YELLOW SOMETIMES SINKS DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE TOILET WATER. ITS NOT ALWAYS BOTH THOUGH. iTS MOSTLY CLEAR. iT MIGHT BE BECAUSE I DEVELOPE INFECTIONS AND STUFF LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF THIS INCONTINENCE AND FREQUENCY. I have seen several specialists. including getting a colonoscopy, endoscopy, many porstate exams. many std checks. i never had an std ever i do not have one damnit. Ive had tubes shoved up my penis several time to check my bladder and prostate. a ton of fingers up my ass. and ultra sounds on my bladder and my abdomen and every ,major organ in my body. EVEYERTHING supposedly seems to check out fine....I do not believe this how could this be. Are they not really looking and just only massuming that I everything is normal because im only 20..? LOOK i am in desperate need and help that is why i have posted several different posts about this and they are my only posts ever... I have searched all around the internet for ways to combat this, deal with this, and products and stuff and i cannot find anything. I have been having these problems for about 3-4 years now but it has basically only gotten worse and its to the point where im at now for about a year and a half. i have lived a very unhealthy abnormally ususual unhealthy lifestyle. i have been so bad, harmful, and abuse to my body that people couldnt do in ten lifetimes. Ive done enough drugs, smoking, and all types of mental distrubances and emotional illnesses that people couldnt even imagine. but now I am a very healthy 20 yr old white mal. going to college to be a psychologist. I have had to drop out of college 3 twice already because of my incontinence issues. this was when i didnt rlly know what was happening and didnt speak about it. basically everyone in the worl i have ever known knows about my issues now because they basically have to because its just so noticeable and going on for ever. My boss's my teachers my parents my friends, this is tearing me apart. comeplete strangers see me go to the bathroom and sit down in the stall everyday where i ever i go multiple times to let a tinkle come out of my boxers. people can smell the urine on my underqwear in class and at work. people make remarksa and comments about it. and about me always having to rush to the bathroom. I have completely cleaned up my diet. I only drink water. i do not acidic foods. I eat healthy. not ever much fruit or acidic fruit. I sip water through the day. I do kegel excersizes. I am in good shape. I do everything i can. And this is my biggest enemy and i dont want it to beat me again. I used to just sit at my house by the bathroom isolated for a long time i couldnt even go anywhere. that was before i cleaned up my diety. i would just be walking and pee my self. Now i cleane dup ym diet and i take meds for my bladdder but they are not working. I am falling apart i am just trying to live freally and healthy. None of my mesd are causing this. there is no drug abuse at all. I am doing everyhtin i can. i am still seeing a urologist but i can never get in soon e nough these appointments are taking forever. I have very many already and they dont know whats going on me. i have tried multiple different medications for this. They have coined it down to me having Oaver actuive bladder and mixed incontinence (stress/Urgency) this is ruling my life and destroying it mentall,y physically, emotionally and financially, i cannot pay for all these doctors appoint, these medications, and i cannot lose my job again. i had to elave school early because i smell musty and like piss. everyone knows now. I am even getting paranoid and extremely anxious of ym conditiona dn people knowing. this is besides the fact they see me running the to the bathroom all time. i hear people laugh and i assume they are making of me because they can somehow smell my piss and see that im struggling barely to hold in my piss. When iw as a young kid i had very frequent urination. I then drank a ton of monster energy drinks and started smoking a TON at a very young age. I then started to abuse pain pills and xanax and then ectasy in hgih school. very hardcore drug abuse very easily accessible at the time. I then developed depression and anxiety and i began to starve my self to cope and calm myaself down. i would go a week without eating nothing but pills and massive amoutns of water. this is when the issues starting occur mildy. I didnt really know i leaking small amount of urine bcuz i never experienced such a thing beforre i thoguht jaybe it was in my head. Then i got of high school and i got big into Methampbhetamine and more ectasy. for a few years. longest i went without food and only ingesting, smoking, snorting and shooting meth was 8 days total. longest i didnt sleep was 10. this is when ym issues got really bad with ym bladder. I have sicne then been to rehabs twice and cleaned up ym act indefinately i have no drug abuse problems. I have no depressiong. i have some anxciety but hey who the fuck wouldnt when ur pissing urself all the fucking time when ur only 20 yrs old. i am healthy as far as i klnow. and bcuz ive seen doctors every other day and spewcialists i guess i check out fine,... but im always busy and school and work and inbetween im doing homework and doing finals and writing books about my life and psychology and medical conditions (ironically). I am always happy but this burden wears down on you and the ffect it has on my well-being is cauing the issues i had emotionally in the past by TENFOLD i am struggling with money and this medical condition. I cant lose my job and go back to the hoemless shelter because Im always pissing ymself. somebody please leave suggestions of PRODYUCTS, MEDICATIONS, DIETS, DIAPERS??? CLAMPS FOR YOUR PENIS??? ANYTHING i have a strong iron will of a thousand men to continue doing what i do and work and class with a smelly pee pants. when i sued to be the cool good looking popular person with friends i am now the isolated anxious mr pee pee pants in the streets about to lose my mind. because this shit is tearing me apart. this is what i do between classes and work now is type on reddit about this and ths is taking up all my time. My meds are as follows: Detrol la 4 mg for oab and incontinence. not working. Zyrtec once a day. Nexium once a day. And just recently prescribed Vyvanse for new adhd diagnosis from about two weeks ago its really helpi ng me focus with school and work to stay focused especially with mk bladder always going crazy and me smelling like piss. Guys im gonna fucking cut it off if i ant get any answers. The vyvanse is not causing this f anything its helping. I sip water through the day. I can hardly drink any now because I cannot let it rule my life. This has been going on 3-4 years its only gotten worse in the past 2 years. take note i pee very small little amounts in to the toilet bowl, while sitting down abpout 10 or 15 times a day. i cannot pee standing up because i have a very weak flow and its always just a few drops. I have lost my dignity and i will seriously wrap a balloon or put a clamp on their if nobody can igve me any adivde bcuz im ready to fucking cut it off. and the doctords are not coming fast enough. I know im trypign alot but im desperate. and ive been reading incontinence forums for about 3 years now everyday reading all day. so theres my story and docotors, other sufferes, and people who would have any good advice to lend a healthy young very itnelligble hardowrking young man that is desperate to stop pissing himself because my condition is rendering my asically handicapped. what can i do??? can i get medical assistance? can i apply for disability? what can ido ? i spray perfume on my boxers everyday and deodorant i tried diaper sbu there too expensive. my diet now has cause dme to lose alot of weight becaise i have no choicolate, sugar, acid food, or ahnything. im gonna fucking cut it off.
submitted by Lord_infamous1993 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2014.08.27 21:49 Lord_infamous1993 Urinary Incontinence. male in my 20's Please Help me...please.. :( ...

Get ready for a very long story and I hope so much that someone can relate and possibly shed light on what's going on for me. I am new to posting on reddit and forums, but I finally had to share my story so here it is. Warning you this is some dark and crazy stuff but I am now fully-recovered healthy very busy college student and part-time worker unloading trucks. Studying for my PhD in Psychology. Here we go I am a white male 20 yrs. old. 6'3 currently 155 lbs. my weight has always shifted my whole life up and down. I live in America. And I have lived a very and i mean very abnormally un-healthy lifestyle. And i basically should be dead. my whole life I have always pee'd more than anybody I knew at a very young age. But i was not SQUIRTING OR DRIPPING. When I got into High school i developed an EATING DISORDER that lasted for about 2-3 years. I had low self-esteem and depression. The longest I ever went without eating was 5 days only eating 1 yogurt and 3-5 grapes with a MASSIVE amount of water. note that this sort of behavior was for around 2-3 years. I shouldve been dead I can only imagine, the damage down.. Around that time i began to pee more and a bunch of weird stuff was going on in the inside of my body and it was eating itself. I HOPE THAT MY BLADDER DIDNT SHUT DOWN PARTLY? OR THE MUSCLES IN THAT AREA SOMEHOW DIMISHED..? During that time I also developed a drug problem with pain pills, and xanax, and ectasy. I basically would only have xanax and ENERGY DRINKS in my system for days at a time. At a very young age before the eating disorder I also drank an un-rational amount of energy drinks through my childhood along with my friends and it was an addictions as well. After high school I became addicted to METHAMPHETAMINE and took more ectasy. The meth and x addictions lasted for about 3-4 years. The longest i went without sleep was 10 days. ONE ONE OCCASIONS I WENT WITHOUT NO FOOD AT ALL FOR 8 DAYS AND ONLY METH AND MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WATER. i would smoke, and primarily snort, and sometimes eat it. i was a very hardcore drug user. Just as I was with the eating disorder. I believe the INCONTINENCE ISSUES came up around the eating disorder in high school but then became a real probelem after all the meth abuse and is a result of the meth abuse and abuse to my body???? But i dont know i tell the doctors I see the same story and they never shed light on that possibility. I am currently taking DETROL LA 4MG, zyrtec, nexium, and just as of recently Vyvanse 30mg for adhd as of like a month ago. I am now seeing my second urologist ive had. I am seeing A VERY WELL-KNOWN SPECIALIST AT KU NOW. October will be second appointment and we will supposedly be doing a urine flow test and other tests. I have seen a urologist b4 him but all that one did was try me on all the different types of incontinence and OAB meds that their are. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT DETROL OR ANY OTHER MEDICATION FOR OAB OR INCONTINENCE ARE WORKING OR EVEN DOING ANYTHING IBN MY CASE. I seen UROLOGISTS, GASTROENAOLOGISTS, and many more specialists. I have had ULTRASOUNDS on my bladder and abdomen. NOTHING ABNORMAL WAS FOUND. I have had a COLONOSCOPY AND A ENDOSCOPY. Nothing Abnormal was found. I HAVE HAD A TUBE SHOVED UP MY PENIS AND CHECK TO SEE HOW MY BLADDER WAS EMPYTING AND ALSO HOW MY PROSTATE IS DOING. NOTHING ABNORMAL WAS FOUND. I have had many prostate checks, and STD checks, and so much more. And nothing has been found. MY SYMPTOMS ARE AS FOLLOWS; DRIBBLING, SQUIRTING, URGENCY, OVER ACTIVE BLADDER, MIXED INCONTINEC,E STRESS/URGENCY. I have had to QUIT MANY JOBS because they are too stress-related on my medical condition. So when i left a box I squirt and dribble myself almost everytime. I have to go pee nearly almost every 30 MINUTES. SOME THE THE URGENCY PASSES. but that hardly ever happens. And thats only after waiting forever. I PRIMARILY SQUIRT WHEN I LIFT, BEND, SIT DOWN, AND WHEN THE URGENCY IS JUST SO BAD AND MY BLADDER FEELS SO FULL I CANNOT WAIT ANY LOGER. AND SO ILL DRIBBLE TOO. BUT HERE IS WHERE it gets WEIRD. I have to pee SITTING DOWN everytime because my flow of urine is so weird. its weak most the time. and other times its strong. It will shoot everywhere sometimes and the flow will get weak and then strong while im peeing so its just a mess so i have to sit down. And when im done peeing EVERYTIME I HAVE TO WIPE MY PENIS because Im almost never done and it continues to DRIBBLE IT IS INSANE. There is no burning, and I never once completely peed my self with my whole bladder full. ITS ALWAYS DRIBBLES AND SQUIRTS. This has taken a giant toll on my social, psychological, financial, emotional well-being. Doctors and pills cost so much. I have to quit jobs because I always am in the bathroom and I my labor jobs require me to stay ont ask and heavy lifting. In the classroom at my college I have to leave at least once or twice every class period. people have got to think something is up. people often believe Im doing drugs in the bathroom, and all other kind of really weird stuff because you would bnever expect a young white 20 yr old male to fucking squirt in his boxers 10 times a day. I DO KEGEL EXCERSIZES REGULARLY. those help stubstantially but not enough. and also IT SEEMS THAT I HAVE TO KEEP ON DOING THEM BECAUSE THE EFFECT DOESNT LAST A LONG TIME. I DO NOT MASTURBATE. I ONLY DRINK WATER. I EAT HEALTHY. I DO NOT EAT MUCH ACIDIC FRUIT. I EAT NO CHOCOLATE NO CAKE NO SWEETS NO SUGARS. If i dri nk cofee or anything else other than water my incontinence will spiral out of freaking control. and the urgency as well. Please respond if you have a similar story, symptoms, or if you can help or provide good adivce. anything at all because please i dont know where else to reach. I am now a health freak, motivated hard-worker but like I said this is affecting my well-being and my boiggest obstacle from keeping jobs and holding relationships. I also am parranoid what people think of me running ot he restroom all thee time at work and stuff. And Why i also have to sit-down to pee in the stall. i get scared that people might smeel the spots of urine in my boxers becase It just happens so often so i look at people to see if they think i stink or something. And its just one big mess. I have had a very hard life on myseklf. but I wish to reach out to you guys now because im desperate and i need somewhere to hold me up. Please respond. I will be responding to you guys. and keeping up on this post. Sorry for being so long if you have any questions just ask.
submitted by Lord_infamous1993 to AskDocs [link] [comments]