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How To Reddit

2021.06.03 23:53 C6H12O6-Cube How To Reddit

We're here to help you learn how to use Reddit, demystify the slang and culture, and show you how to find communities you'll love.

2021.06.03 23:59 C6H12O6-Cube How To Reddit

We're here to help you learn how to use Reddit, demystify the slang and culture, and show you how to find communities you'll love.

2012.04.16 05:12 tabasquito Entrepreneur Ride Along

A community of like minded individuals that are looking to solve issues, network without spamming, talk about the growth of your business (Ride Along), challenges and high points and collab on projects together. Stay classy, no racism, humble and work hard. Catch Localcasestudy at

2024.05.14 17:32 pitchthrowdodge Classic Starter Guide: An In-Depth Look

With all the new players entering the game as of late, a lot of the same questions get asked - specifically, ones like "How can I make the perfect team for classic/endless/etc.?". The guide ahead is an attempt at answering more common questions on the former end, from the perspective of someone who almost exclusively plays Classic and many wins under my belt in doing so. Community feedback welcome; hopefully something like this can expand into something like a wiki/full guide so we can help new players down the line, too!
Classic and You: Starting Out
So you just picked up the game, but not sure where to start. "Which starters are best?" "What team should I go with first?" "I unlocked [x] - can I beat Classic with this?"
Let me reassure you: you can beat Classic with anything. (Yes, even something like Caterpie.)
That said, it's understandable to not know where to start, especially if you don't know all the starters, or maybe haven't played all the various generations of Pokemon through the years. Many of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and some are built stronger than others. For example: Fuecoco is commonly the #1 recommended starter out of the base selection you get when first starting the game. Why? His final evolution, Skeledirge, naturally learns Torch Song, which is a hard-hitting fire move that guarantees a Sp. Attack buff each time it hits. This lets you snowball fairly quickly, as each attack makes you stronger and stronger during battles. Many starters have "specialty" tricks like this that give them an edge - Sprigatito's final evolution, for instance, gets Flower Trick, a hard-hitting grass move that always crits (and therefore always ignores opponent defensive boosts and/or your own negative debuffs). Even with all these being the case, though, there's no "perfect" team to start with that will guarantee a win - and in fact, getting a win on your first run can be exceedingly difficult. Your starters all only have 10 IVs, neutral natures, and no egg moves - they're the bare bones minimum to get going. And that's okay. But it means you need to temper your expectations.
Pokerogue is a rogue-like - and in classic rogue-like form, you build upon what you start with little by little. Your primary goal shouldn't be to get a Classic win at the start. It's certainly doable, but even if you win, you're still likely without any reliable starter to take on Endless just yet, so there's no sense in rushing there. Instead, focus on that concept of building - specifically, building your starter pool. Every time you catch something, you unlock it as a starter (if you don't have it yet). You also get candies, which can be used to power up those starters by either unlocking a passive ability (unlocking additional features) or reducing their point cost, letting you bring more starters to each run (or more powerful ones!). Catching things with higher IVs also make your starting stats better - catching a 31 Speed IV Pidgey, for instance, means your Pidgey starter now permanently has 31 Speed IVs. More stats = more power, and getting higher IVs on your starters is probably the biggest early jump you can get on pushing your team further.
With this in mind, making a "perfect" team is less important than just making A team, so that we can go out and catch some things. As for what to catch, though, here's a list of things I'd keep an eye out for:
This "starting out" phase doesn't have a specific length of time to get past - everyone progresses at their own pace, and some will get luckier with egg pulls and catches than others. Don't get discouraged. Just keep building on what you have - that's your initial goal, and it only gets easier as you do it.
As you start going through your Classic runs, the main resource you're looking to accumulate at first is egg vouchers - as many as you can get your grubby little new player hands on. Beating gym leaders, Elite 4 members, the Champion, and beating Classic all reward you with them. Doing the Daily Run each day also rewards you with a 10x pull voucher. Rarely, they can even show up after beating a stage in the item choice rewards - if so, pick them, usually over most anything else. Eggs build on your starters, and usually with either massively boosted IVs or egg moves to give them considerable bumps in power. Rarely, you can even get shinies from them.
And speaking of the egg gacha: only pull from the Shiny gacha at first. The entirety of your goal as a new player should be accumulating shinies. The legendary gacha is misleading - you only get increased odds for the shown legendary, not all of them (at least as of this post), and even then legendaries often have a huge starter cost tacked onto them, making teambuilding difficult early on. Once you build up your starter collection with a good few handfuls of shinies, and are cruising along in Endless vacuuming up vouchers, you can spend some on the other gachas for specific niches if you like (move gacha for egg moves, legendary gacha for legendaries), but for the most part the shiny gacha is where the money's at. Besides, the shiny gacha can hatch legendaries, too - so you're not missing out on legendaries by not hitting its specific gacha.
I Got a Few Shinies And Legendaries - What Now?
Alright, so you've been cruising along, catching everything you see and building your starter pool like the rockstar rogue-like player you are. Keep building from here, but now you have more options - you can start bringing shinies on your Classic runs to improve the quality of item rewards you get at the end of each floor; you can maybe even bring a legendary/ultra beast along to have an easier time against the end boss and get that first win. At this point, if you haven't gotten that first win yet, now's the time to start knuckling down and making a serious go at it. Some general points of advice for Classic success I haven't yet covered:
submitted by pitchthrowdodge to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 alphariusomega123 I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).

I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).
Were Kryptonians only planet busters in the Post Crisis?
Short answer absolutely not, long answer: let's explain this false belief.
This post arises because, among other things, in several blogs and YouTube channels and tik tokThis is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong., it is stated that in DC's post-crisis continuity, Superman and the rest of the Kryptonians who escape from him only possess a destructive power that reaches planetary (or multi planetary) at its maximum.
which is absolutely false and we'll see because, although this publication will be focused for the moment on the post-crisis, I will also make one for the new 52 that is also nerfed horribly.
Without further ado let's get started.
This is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of ​​Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong.
If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout the Post Crisis period, it is how Kryptonians like Superman or Supergirl can achieve planet-level feats quite casually. Let's review some examples:
  • In just his first year as a superhero, Superman took down a monster with the strength of a planet in one fell swoop.
-According to Batman at the end of the Emperor Joker arc, Superman could juggle planets if he wanted to.
  • A Kryptonian teenager who has absorbed a modicum of yellow sunlight can easily tear a planet in two in a tantrum, according to Superman.
  • Even after being without sunlight for an extended period, Superman is still capable of destroying a planet with a mere leap.
  • Superman destroyed multiple stars in the Galactic Golem dimension without problems and also withstood the explosion of the dimension that housed them.
  • Both Supergirl and Superman emerged unscathed from the Kryptonite explosion on New Krypton, and the former was at the epicenter of the planet's explosion.
-Superman dragged the weight of the Earth, the Moon and a spaceship and it has also been said that he could move the Earth if he wanted to.
  • It was also said that Superman is among the beings capable of moving a planet with one hand
...among other examples. So it is illogical to think that his limit is there.
Not really. This happened on three occasions, and all three have a context behind them:
  • The first occurred in JLA #75. In this, the sorceress Gamemnae had previously killed the entire Justice League, reducing them to mere ghosts/skeletons that were not even a mere shadow of her original power. After this, Gamemnae would release all the water she had accumulated into space, altering the Earth's orbit, so the League would have to keep the planet in its orbit (and not move it, as people think). Even after being resurrected, the League was in a deplorable state, with Superman having to stop to absorb solar energy and even then he was not at his full power.
  • The second took place in Justice League of America #29. Here Superman and Green Lantern are not moving the Earth (again), but fighting to keep it in its orbit (again) against the powerful gravitational pulse of Starbreaker, who was dragging it towards the Sun. Starbreaker is so powerful that it can drag entire galactic clusters with that same pulse and it was also becoming more and more powerful thanks to the negative emotions of the planet. And if this were not enough, Starbreaker had previously weakened Superman with red sun energy.
  • The third and last was in JLA #58. The League had to do an extremely complicated maneuver with the Moon, dragging it as quickly as possible into the Earth's atmosphere to bring oxygen to the Moon and fill it with fire (all at high speeds), removing it at the last second. Not just move it. So it stands to reason that they would want as many hands on the task as possible. They were also quite injured and tired and subsequently suffered even more blows from the White Martians.
As we can see, the evidence normally used to claim that Superman needs help moving celestial bodies is not such, and even one of them, far from being a demerit, is in fact a remarkable feat against someone very powerful.
This is heavily taken out of context. What Brainiac-13 claimed was that Superman did not have the power to move HIS planet away from him, referring to the War World, which Brainiac had taken control of. This distinction is not mere semantics, since Brainiac-13 has just absorbed the universal energies of Imperiex with which he wanted to cause a new Big Bang that would destroy the current universe and replace it with another. These energies were going to allow Brainiac-13 to remodel the entire universe to his whim.
That Superman needed to overload himself with solar energy to face such an enemy is not strange if we take this into account. So managing to move the War World against Brainiac's will is a very high-level feat for Superman, not a demerit. Let's remember that Superman could not destroy the War World, because if he did this he would automatically activate Imperiex's Big Bang and destroy the universe.
Once again we find two extremely decontextualized situations. Let's analyze them:
  • The first occurred in Superman/Batman #4. In this instance, we see how Hawkman supposedly knocks out Superman after hitting him with the claw of Horus, which extracted his power from the Earth's magnetic core. Said claw was a magical weapon, as Hawkman himself implies when asking Superman if he thinks he and Batman believe they invented castling.
And Superman is vulnerable to magic, as we all know and as mentioned in the same instance, which makes this attack that much more devastating. But also in the next instance we discover that Superman and Batman allowed themselves to be captured to take them to Luthor, making Hawkman and Captain Marvel believe that they had defeated them. Which disproves that Superman was actually knocked out by Horus' claw.
  • The second occurred in Justice League of America #30. Here, an 81-trillion-ton shadowy moon was approaching the solar system at 7,614,000 km/h, which would trigger a mass extinction event whether the moon impacted or not; so they needed to pulverize it, not simply destroy it. To accomplish this, Superman punches the moon with a fist of infinite mass, accelerating as close to the speed of light as possible with the intention of gathering enough mass to destroy the moon completely without causing danger to Earth.
I don't know Superman's weight, but according to the DC wiki he weighs 107 kg (they don't cite sources). Accelerating at 0.99 c, that's 5.86x1019 Joules. The figure Batman gives for the moon's mass is incorrect, but assuming he's right, that would be 1.8x1026 Joules. Multiplying both energies, the result is an explosion of 1.06x1046 Joules or solar system. But if we use the real mass of the moon, it generated 1.43x1032 Joules, which multiplied by Superman's energy gives a result of 8.3x1051 Joules, well into the solar system+.
So this is indeed another feat that far exceeds the planet level. It is also interesting to mention that the substance of the creator of said moon (Shadow Thief) is an apparently infinite dimension and that with that same power, Starbreaker was able to fight and defeat Dharma, who kept two universes together.
Faced with the constant exposure of feats above the planet level (like the ones here), a series of preeminent refutations usually arise to try to disprove them, often dishonestly distorting the context of the original scene to give it a completely different meaning. These are the most common:
6.1) "The Nebula Man is not a living universe, because his size is not that of one"
A: Just because Neh-Buh-Loh is human-sized on the outside does not negate that it is a universe on the inside. In the same scan already shown from Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein, it is said that he is a sentient and mobile mass of malleable super-matter, indicating that his universe is scalable to his size; and in fact, in JLA: Classified (same story in which he confronts Superman), we are also shown its nature as a sentient universe and the Justice League traveling inside it (from which they come and go through boom tubes). ).
In fact, in the aforementioned Seven Soldiers, it is revealed to us that if it were not for the Ultramarine Corps, Neh-Buh-Loh would have already grown to replace the current universe. This is therefore the same case as the Galactic Golem, which on the outside barely measured several meters, but on the inside it was a vast dimension with many planets and stars.
6.2) "Absorbing energy to vaporize half a galaxy does not count as resistance, it is a hax"
A: It's not just about the act of absorbing energy. In the same comic it is mentioned how said energy was anti-sunlight, that is, harmful to Superman. In fact, we are clearly shown Superman being damaged by said energy and Batman and Martian Manhunter initially believed that Superman had died trying to absorb it. So it's clearly scalable to the physical attributes of it.
6.3) "Superman did not move the Mageddon, he was just trying to free himself from the chains that held him while it tortured him"
A: Martian Manhunter himself explicitly mentions that Superman was turning the wheels of Mageddon. This is later confirmed, where Martian explains how Superman is now one of the components of the machine and is using his strength. On the other hand, if Superman was just being held against his will, there would be little point in him breaking the chains so easily when Batman managed to snap him out of the trance the Mageddon kept him in.
6.4) "There is no mental limiter. Superman has been defeated on previous occasions and even died against Doomsday"
A: The limiter is subconscious, not conscious. Superman can't choose when he stops using it. At least not until he completed his training with Mongul. It is important to clarify that it is mentioned that his fight against Doomsday was the only time where he was able to free himself from the limiter.
6.5) "The universal black hole was a dream, Superman wakes up in the following pages"
A: This is half true. Sure enough, Superman wakes up from the "sleep" in the following pages. However, just before that, Death clarifies the event as something real and explains that it took place within a plane where mind and matter intersect to shape dreams and turn them into reality. Let us also remember that in DC, dreams give birth to new universes, so it matters little even if we take what happened as a literal dream.
6.6) "Superman did not receive the Suneater explosion, in fact, he had to escape from it"
A: This, on the other hand, is a complete lie. Superman received the explosion, as we can see in the panel; What he had to escape from was a cloud of red solar radiation born as a result, which Jonathan mentions would have incinerated him (not killed him) if it had reached him; Well, as we all know, red sunlight weakens Superman and deprives him of his powers. In fact, Superman had previously received several bursts of red solar radiation, making this feat even more impressive.
6.7) "The solar system that Superman moved was barely the size of buildings while he moved it"
A: The solar system had not yet reached the size it would have according to the scale of our universe, but that does not mean that its mass was proportional to its size. The system was adjusting to the new scale from its microscopic size, since it was originally from a compressed universe. Therefore, its mass was equal to that of a real one, evidenced by the mention that very soon the gravity of its star was going to destroy Metropolis. If he didn't have it, he wouldn't be able to generate such a gravitational field, being so small.
6.8) "In the same story, it is mentioned that his best hits barely destroy planets"
A: And where exactly is it mentioned that those were his best shots? 🤔 Because in fact, it is implied that these were casual.
6.9) "The Void Hound did not destroy all those star systems at once. Furthermore, it is only mentioned that those systems died"
A: Nowhere in the story is such a thing stated or even hinted at. In fact, the mention that the Void Hound was only tested once suggests that it destroyed all of those systems with a single attack. Regarding the other, the mention is accompanied with images of celestial bodies being destroyed, which makes it extremely unlikely that by "killing them" they were not referring to the fact that they were destroyed.
6.10) "Superman only covered the Mnemon fissure before it broke free, and he also had to get help from John Stewart because it was too much for him"
A: Under the pretext that covering the fissure was not a feat of strength, it makes no sense to argue that he needed John Stewart's help to keep it closed. In any case, Superman himself mentions that he was enduring "unimaginable" pressure to keep his hands closed. Regarding it being "too much for him", this was due to the visions that the Mnemon sent to Superman, with the aim of driving him crazy and making him release his grip on him.
As for John Stewart's "help," it simply consisted of acting as a backup for Superman (in case his hands opened) and creating the construct of a magnet to generate an electromagnetic field strong enough to reduce the pressure of the Mnemon enough that Superman could safely release it and throw it into a wormhole.
6.11) "Resisting the explosion of the La Fuente wall was an outlier, since it is a structure superior to the multiverse"
A: Superman only had to resist a tiny portion of the wall's destruction. Specifically, the one he had right in front of him. He couldn't do it all either, even if he wanted to. Since the Source Wall is a pan-dimensional structure that surrounds all of existence, the only way Superman could take all the destruction from it would be by being omnipresent throughout the multiverse. This does not mean that it is a great feat, since a mere breach is enough to destroy a universe.
6.12) "That Orion has a power comparable to the Big Bang is hyperbole"
A: We know that it is not hyperbole because emanations of Orion have feats of a similar level, such as containing an explosion that was going to destroy the universe at a quantum level, fighting against a god that was going to destroy the universe and defeating him (along with Superman, btw), killing an emanation of Darkseid that became one with the universe, contributing the energy to destroy the universe from the anti-life equation, etc.
As we can see based on all this, it makes no sense to believe that Kryptonians who have been absorbing sunlight from a yellow sun are only planetary (or multi-planetary) in attack power, at least as far as Superman and Supergirl are concerned. it means. The opposite has been proven in countless instances, and the evidence in all of them is that destroying planets is only a small fraction of these characters' true destructive potential. Therefore, to affirm that this is its limit or that the many feats that exceed this level are outliers is to speak without any type of foundation.
submitted by alphariusomega123 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 Suspicious_Usual_768 Has anyone else experienced rudeness when posting about trauma-related things in other subreddits?

Long story short, I posted something in a subreddit devoted to my favorite band where I talked about how this line in a song was deeply reminiscent of what it’s like experiencing a life-altering traumatic event(s) and asking if anyone else felt that way. Most of the comments were great but there was one person that just made a really nit-picky comment about one off-handed sentence in the post about the song’s meaning. When I asked her that I would like the thread to stay on topic and not squabble about a subjective song meaning, she just doubled down and said some unnecessary things about how I only wanted people to agree with her. I have a really heavy fawn response and have a tendency to shove my emotions aside for other’s due to my trauma so I’ve been practicing speaking up about how something is making me feel. I ended up telling her that me sharing that post was really difficult and vulnerable and I wanted to talk about music’s impact on people with trauma- not discuss the song meaning. She acted like I was some sort of freak for saying that. I’m also getting downvoted for it. Idk it just feels… not good to put work into something and have society repeatedly show you that you are bad for it. I just don’t get how some people behave online. Like someone spills their heart out and that’s your response? To pick out a single sentence that doesn’t even really have anything to do with the rest of it? Would they respond like that to someone in real life? I’d like to think not, but I’ve also had people respond similarly to me opening up in real life too. This experience just made me a little sad and I wanted to vent to a group that might understand. Thank you.
submitted by Suspicious_Usual_768 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 Sin-God A Very Curious Coincidence: A Setting That Has Jumpchain-Like Elements

This post, in its fullness, is about Ta Mando and the Shiftverse, a setting we'll talk about in a bit but before we get started I do wanna mention something kind of neat.
I've vaguely alluded to how I learned about jumpchains, mentioning that it was through a CYOA creator who also does jumps. Pre-pandemic I was a member of the Make Your Choice & NSFW CYOA communities, and I saw FancyFireDrake's Goddess of Mankind CYOA and I really liked it so I checked out some of their other stuff. At the time I was already paying attention to NSFW CYOAs because of TroyxPage, specifically Grand Adonis which to this day remains at least in my top three favorite CYOAs of all time, and when I saw that I really liked Goddess of Mankind I wanted to see what else FFD had done so I looked through their stuff and saw stuff on Jumpchains. This was happening around the same time I was joining the Shiftverse as a player.
Through the power of coincidence I was joining the Shiftverse, an original setting by a friend of mine named Philososhy, at about the same time I was learning about jumpchains and beginning to really discover the power of crossover fan fiction and stuff like that. Here's a little bit of canon Luciano Lore; as a child I began writing, which is part of what I do professionally and semi-professionally, by writing self insert crossover fan fiction though at the time I didn't know these things had terms. I was raised overseas, as I am an army brat, and I was homeschooled, and my family wanted me to get into reading and writing, and so they had me write stories. I don't think they anticipated the lifelong rollercoaster that that would send me on. Anyways, back to the central topic.

The Shiftverse

Before we get started I wanna say that I'm describing a LIVING setting I'm a PLAYER in not the MASTER of so this information will be necessarily limited and imperfect. That said I'm a VERY passionate player, and given the RL circumstances of this setting and my character's circumstances I know a healthy chunk of lore, though I am not even scratching the surface due to this being a special interest of mine and me being a big nerd, plus my character also has had the chance to learn a lot of neat stuff about the metaphysics at play here and has just been taught a lot of cool lore on the interior of things, SOME of which I'm communicating here in a very broad sense of strokes.
The very, very basic gist of the shiftverse from a player character perspective, is that player characters are... reality TV stars whose lives are shows airing on multiversal, cosmic televisions, and they are watched by monstrous, unknowable beings, while the player characters go from world to world, for various different amounts of time, and just LIVE among the inhabitants of the world, free to do as they please and to interact with locals however they wish. It is a pure coincidence that this VERY basic gist sounds so remarkably similar, conceptually at least, to Jumpchains, though as a very funny matter of fact in the SPECIFIC setting I have a character in, there are others with player characters and another one of us knew about jumpchains before I started sharing stuff about jumpchains in the Ta Mando (the SPECIFIC world my character lives in, which is just one of many settings which exist for the Shiftverse) server (which is public, I'll be posting a link to the world-anvil later).
All of the player character primes (the term used to apply to beings who get sent from world to world for the sake of the tv shows, which does not encompass ALL multiversal wanderers in this setting, and also NPC primes exist) I know of are humans from a mundane Earth, in fact many of us in Ta Mando (though almost certainly not all of us) are from the SAME Earth. Certainly all of the player character primes for Kanda, which is the central location, "location" being used real loosely, are from the same Earth and about the same time period.
Primes get superpowers of various sorts to help us survive and live exciting lives. We're also capable of using the powers native to the world's we visit, though learning and attaining such powers isn't always easy. My character is Jonathan Mondragon, who on Earth prior to them becoming a Prime, was a Puerto Rican doctor. I did insert SOME traits of myself in them, they are non-binary, they are bilingual, they are a charisma main, but my ORIGINAL idea for this character was for them to be a Caribbean Homelander (they have a few different powers, namely the powers of Superman (Smallville style, so the powers are steadily growing and new ones become accessible over time) & a set of social powers, which along with Omega Beams and some doctohealer stuff represent their STARTING kit, in the time since they've arrived they've become a champion of a deity of truth and honor, gained the very beginnings of a dragon's power set, and have attuned to the Ta Mando equivalent to The Force, so we love a chaotic ass power-grabber). That idea... did not last long. Jonathan has been in Ta Mando for a few months now, and is a solidly moral person due in large part to the fucking nightmare they had to endure in the beginning of their time here (they were deliberately summoned by the people of a colony of Kanda who were in a bad spot, and Jon has largely succeeded in solving SOME of the problems but it was ROUGH), and the growth they've endured as a result of both pain and the good things they've done since they arrived. Some other primes include characters with really strong magic stuff, someone who is a Saiyan, and a person who is the Avatar, as well as people more attuned to the Ta Mando version of the force and a Space Marine, so as you can see our power sets can VARY.
There are other vague similarities with Jumpchains, such as vague similarities between items in jumps and items in shifts, as a prime tends to get SOME basic items at the start of a chain (usually a facility which serves as a house, which can differ from prime to prime, and functions as a bit of a less protected/more accessible warehouse) but not ALL primes get that and SOME primes get WILDLY more advanced facilities than others. OTHER items can be included as well, as my character has stuff for medicine and farming, and I know of other primes who've got uranium mines, lightsabers, and even pets as part of their starting kit. There ARE difference, one of the biggest differences is that a shift's (the in-universe term for a stint in a world/setting) length is NOT a decade and can last however long the eldritch beings who run the show feel like, though from what I, Luciano, know it seems like most last about a human lifetime, though there are some that last WILDLY longer than that. Another significant difference, as has been explained and hinted at to my character, is that remembering the details of a shift once you leave is not guaranteed, nor is having and keeping the same powers you once had, and all of this is similar to the idea of drawbacks in a jumpchain but these changes, as far as I know, across shifts do not confer any advantages in exchange like a jumpchain drawback does.

Ta Mando

I'm not gonna say much here, I'll just post two links. One is to the World Anvil for Ta Mando, one SPECIFIC setting in the Shiftverse (there are many worlds someone could get shifted too, Ta Mando is just one of them). The other is to my character's World Anvil page, Jonathan Mondragon. This is not SUPER up to date, but it's the beginning of a good set of articles for people in Soterri, as well as a way to learn more about my adventures. Also, this is a text-based TTRPG campaign and we play using GURPS. It's... weird. I'm very much a D&D person, I've been playing D&D over half of my life (literally, I'm 29, the first time I played D&D I was 13, and I had the books BEFORE then), so it's been an adjustment. I like it though, my character DOES feel powerful and has had plenty of kicks moments, but just LEARNING what I can do and the mechanics of everything was a trip.
Anyways, Ta Mando is my favorite TTRPG setting I've ever been in, there's a lot to discover, there's a lot more for me to do there, and I sometimes think about doing a Shiftverse jumpdoc. I think it'd be very funny to blend the two systems like how I've blended the Troyverse & Jumpchains, and how I plan to blend Akumakami64's Love Azathoth CYOA (have a little surprise announcement, as a treat, for making it this far, but do note that I'm in the middle of my busiest time of the year so this won't be for a minute), but truthfully I just don't know enough to really do it justice. Maybe someday I'll make a jumpdoc for The Shiftverse. it could be fun honestly.
submitted by Sin-God to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:26 iheartcannolis Goodbye, first love.

Back in August of 2023, I met a girl at a music venue who I really believed was the one. We hit it off immediately, but the problem was I met her the same night she was on a first date with whom I thought was her gay best friend. The first thing I asked her was, “Are you a Virgo?”. She lit up and said “Holy fuck how’d you know?” That was the first time I saw her smile on her date. We agreed to hang out sometime, but didn’t until November. Although it took three months for us to make plans, it was one of the best nights ever. She invited me to go to the 1975 with her and we went. But not before mutually agreeing that Matty Heely was giving us the ick and we should leave and get Taco Bell instead.
From then on, we were inseparable for two months before it all came crashing down. Sometimes I feel like “Good Luck, Babe!” was written about my situation with her with how spot on every lyric is. She’s living in comphet and refuses to let her feelings come up to the surface. She didn’t like that I was bringing her true feelings out. Even though we don’t talk anymore, we still make Spotify playlists about each other on the DL. She never goes to her boyfriend’s band shows anymore and neither of them seem happy on social media. I made the mistake of trying to play the long game and grew impatient.
Lesbian veterans, you’re about to facepalm really hard when I tell you this. During the two months her and I were inseparable, I created a journal about her. A lot of journal entries about the things I wish I could tell her was shoved into my notes app. Last night, I sent her the Google doc with this message attached:
“alright i lied. this is the last text im going to send you. i need to do this so i can move on with my life. you must think this is random, but ive been sober for two weeks and thats what it took to realize me not sending you this has been eating me alive for months now. it doesnt really matter because we’re never going to talk again. i know you don’t hate me, and i don’t hate you. i just need to get this off my chest. don’t read it all at once. read as little or much as you want, or none at all. i’d just appreciate if you made me feel heard in this moment above all others. and i would prefer you not respond until you’ve really reflected on everything. maybe don’t respond at all. follow what your gut says.”
Hopefully now I can move on. I think she’s readying it now, but I also think she’s not ready to accept herself. She’s 19 and i’m 22. I don’t think she’ll make the realization for a while.
Thanks for reading everyone. Words of encouragement are appreciated.
submitted by iheartcannolis to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 AwakeningStar1968 Asking for Work Accomodations?

I just turned 56 and I had my therapy appt today and realised vocally that I may need to make some work accomodation changes.
However, I feel like I don't deserve it.
I have been Medical Records Supervisor for a midsize mental health agency for over 20 years and honestly have had some write ups over the years and so my supervisor "Knows" my issues... but I do strive to be professional but despite my supervisors efforts to help build up my professional reputatation within the agency I have been kind of stuck. I know that the agency is shifting and making changes and I may not as valuable as I was.. so I feel pressure to "stay on top of things" and show my value when they may just say "well you are not worth it to us anymore".
I feel my supervisor has seen in me " I know you can be this person " and has tried but I don't know...
The other big issues are that I have 68 mile round trip commute which is killing me.. but then I get "well that was your CHOICE to move far away" AND there are other employees, including our new director that lives even further but they manage..
I have done ALL the things. I have tried medication, therapy, and I am even doing for a DBT group.. so it isn't like I haven't been trying. .but I feel now I need to reclaim a better work life balance.
Before the Pandemic. .I felt like things were falling apart and so the "shut down" was a welcome relief. Then about a year ago Our former older 80 year old director wanted everyone back to work full time or at least 4 days out of the 5.
I don't even work a full 40 hours. I only work until 1pm on Fridays and I do that from home.. but I do feel I need that extra day to work from home. My supervisor said SHE was fine with that arrangement but the directive came from down on high.. As long as i was putting in my hours etc..
The thing I would NEED technically is a work computer for security reasons and I wish I had asked for that during the pandemic.
I am very concerned about my mental health. I also have some physical issues such as a messed up ankle and sciatica pain that is causing me issues. We also have a cat colony (long story) that does take a bit of energy (this was not a choice but just something that we needed to do). I have ADHD and lately my anxiety is thru the roof. I have had horrendous brain fog that may be getting a bit better... with Ritalin/Adderall.. but I do feel I am getting ready to have another nervous breakdown.
Has anyone dealt with this issue before> Asking for work accommodations? How did it go? thoughts on how I can manifest it?
submitted by AwakeningStar1968 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 treslilbirds First visit to the ER for allergic reaction and I’m questioning myself on everything

I just keep replaying the whole thing in my head and everyone else’s reactions and I still don’t know if I did the right thing. Did I do too much? Not enough? I’m hoping maybe some parents in here that work in healthcare can give me an unbiased answer.
So daughter is 4 (turning 5 in June). She was diagnosed at birth with septo optic dysplasia and optic nerve hypoplasia. Long story short, she has very low vision and developmental and verbal delays. She is otherwise healthy as a horse, active, very strong, followed by specialists at a children’s hospital nearby, gets therapy through school, all that good stuff. We’ve never had issues with allergies, she’s been stung by a wasp (barely phased her), eats peanut butter, has had cooked egg and stuff made with egg and no issues. So this was alarming to say the least.
We live out in the country and have chickens so there’s no shortage of eggs that are laid out around my kitchen on a daily basis (obviously not anymore). About a month ago she grabbed one off the counter, broke it, and got egg all over her arms and hands and some on her face. I didn’t think much of it, it had happened before plenty of times. I cleaned her up, wiped up the floor and went on making dinner. She went and played in her room and when she walked back out I noticed she had little bumps popping up on her face and arms where the egg got on her. She didn’t seem bothered at all, I put some hydrocortisone cream on her, gave her a dose of Claritin just to be safe and it was cleared up in less than 10 minutes. I mentioned it to one of her teachers the next day at school and asked if they had ever noticed anything when they would have eggs for breakfast and they said no and told me they’d keep an eye out. And that was it. I didn’t think too much about it after that.
Fast forward to yesterday. Same scenario, I’m about to make lunch and she manages to grab an egg that I was sure was out of her reach, she dropped it, I immediately went over and checked her. It wasn’t even that much that got on her that I could tell. I got everything cleaned up and not even 5 minutes later her entire face is swollen, eyes swollen shut, bumps all over her legs and face. I am internally panicking at this point because it was so sudden and not something I ever expected to deal with. Plus we’re home alone and the nearest ER is at least 30 minutes away. There is a local clinic less than 5 minutes from our house so I called them, explained what was going on. Her face was swollen but she was still in good spirits, breathing fine, didn’t seem to be in distress. They told me to go ahead and bring her in. I just assumed the quicker I could get her to medical professionals, the better. I did consider calling for an ambulance but we’re in a rural area with one ambulance to service the entire county and I knew I could get her to the clinic faster than the ambulance could get to me. We get to the clinic, I’m filling out paperwork, nobody at the front really seems phased, they see her face but not really acting like it’s urgent. Nurse takes us back, gets her weight and height, gets history from me. She tried to get Daughter’s vitals but she has never tolerated any of that since infancy. Blood pressure cuffs send her into a full meltdown, she won’t keep a pulse ox on her finger. I always feel so bad for healthcare workers having to deal with her because as sweet as she is, she is EXTREMELY difficult at doctor visits. I can tell the nurse is getting frustrated with us. So then the NP comes in and looks at her and asks me, “So is there a reason why you didn’t just go to the ER?” My heart dropped and I tried to stay calm and told her I came here because it was a lot closer and I did call first and explain the situation and they said it was fine to come in. She then proceeded to tell me that they weren’t really equipped to handle anything like this and I should have just gone to the ER. I guess that was my first dumb mistake, assuming that a clinic with a full pharmacy attached could handle an allergic reaction. I just figured they’d give her a shot of Benadryl and we’d be good. But apparently not.
Other than the swelling and hives, Daughter wasn’t showing any other symptoms. The NP listened to her chest, said everything sounded good but she still wanted her to be monitored in case something happened and we’d be best off taking the ambulance to the ER. They gave her a dose of oral Benadryl and called the ambulance for us. Thirty minutes later the ambulance gets there, and we head to the ER. They were very kind and understanding, Daughter was actually having a good time riding in the ambulance, laughing and singing. She wouldn’t let them hook up any monitoring equipment still but they kept a close eye on her. I start feeling a little bad at this point because she’s still not in any distress and other than the severe facial swelling, seems totally fine, so I started feeling guilty for wasting local resources and peoples time.
We get to the ER and they get us to a bed and one of the nurses comes over and I can just tell right off the bat that she doesn’t even want us there. She was very short with us and kept talking at my daughter telling her that she’d have to leave if she didn’t act right. I kept mentioning that she was low vision and had verbal delays but I don’t know if she was listening. I was beyond stressed at this point and so was Daughter and she was admittedly being difficult yet again and not keeping the pulse ox on her finger. I just mentioned to the nurse that we have to go to the children’s hospital a lot and they’ve only ever managed to get her vitals once when she was sedated for an MRI. I guess at the time I was just trying to acknowledge that yes my kid is difficult and let the nurse know please don’t feel bad because she’s like this with everybody. I wasn’t trying to tell her how to do her job. She glared at me and snapped “I am NOT sedating your child just to get her vitals!” and stormed back over to the nurses station across from our bed and repeated the same thing loudly, “I am NOT sedating someone to get their vitals that’s just RIDICULOUS!!”
I’m trying not to break down and cry at this point. I feel like I should just apologize to everyone for wasting their time and leave. Like I’m that dumbass that went to the ER for no reason and took up space that a real emergency could have used. A different nurse came over and was very sweet. She used a different monitor that taped to her toe and we were able to get a quick reading just to verify that her stats were good. The doctor came in and listened to her heart and checked her out for any other symptoms. Said she seemed stable but he wanted to watch her for a couple of hours to make sure the Benadryl was working and she continued to improve. So after we hung out for an hour and watched PBS kids, her hives went away and her face cleared up and her eyes opened back up. The doctor came in and cleared her, pharmacy tech came in and brought us her Epipen prescription and gave us instructions on what to do next time (Benadryl, blue to sky, orange to thigh, straight to ER). Paid $300 and went home.
Daughter is perfectly fine. I however am not. I barely slept last night between getting up to check on her and replaying the whole scenario in my head. Part of me feels like I didn’t do enough and the other part feels like I overreacted and wasted peoples time. I apologize for this being so long. It’s just all been so heavy on my mind and I needed to get it out and get another perspective on the whole situation. Much thanks to anyone that managed to read all of this.
submitted by treslilbirds to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Designer_Band_1052 Having a hard time between letting go and facing me fear of rejection and trying again with her

This might be long, but i dont have anyone to talk to so if even one person reads this and helps i'll be super grateful!
Basically, had this “situationship” last November. Me and her were best friends in high school and were in like a 1.5 year talking stage lol, we never confessed feelings and eventually I told myself I had to move on from her bc I didn’t think it was ever gonna go anywhere. Fast forward to my junior year of college and her sophomore year, she had broken up with her bf (late October, a couple weeks before we started talking talking) and we had been in some contact the past few months. She drunk texted me the night she broke up with him and confessed how much she liked me in high school and it just sucked we never confessed feelings bc we would’ve been perfect together.
A couple weeks after all that, we’re on thanksgiving break and we hang out. We then talk about that in person, about how we would’ve been perfect for each other and we should’ve just confessed feelings, etc. Our next hangout, I decided that we shouldn’t talk right now. She had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and I had to study for my dental school admissions test. We would also be long distance, and I could sense how insecure she was in herself due to her past relationship, and she def needed time to be alone. I told her that, and she agreed. We agreed to try again after my Test, which would’ve been 3 months from then. Butttt then we eventually we kissed lol…
That led to us still talking and this was a topic of conversation like every couple of days. We would agree to not talk anymore and try again after my test, but then we would both fold and still talk. Winter break came around, and we said we’ll continue to talk and hang out until winter break ends. We’re with each other every night, she’s telling her friends about me and all her friends love me too. They all made an effort to meet me and they say I’m perfect for her. However, her ex would still hit her up, but she would show me everytime she rejected him so. Although, there was this one night they saw each other to talk and she said "i dont make any promises nothing wont happen btwn us" and that made me so scared, but nothing happened so ig its okay...??? Anyways, My hope was that by the time winter break ends, she’ll see we're good for each other and we can give it a chance, but she was still set on wanting to be single and heal from her last relationship, which I understand.
The night before winter break ended, I went over to her apartment. We basically did everything but have sex. She wanted to but I didn’t want her to get attached, and I didn’t wanna get attached myself so I told her we shouldn’t bc we were gonna be in no contact after this. She understood, but it was still one of the greatest nights of my life. I was finally with the girl I wanted to be with, and it just sucked we had to stop talking after this.
2 days after we're both back in school, she drunk texted me saying how much she missed me. So ofc we talked again that day. Next night, she drunk called me this time...She was talking about how i am her person, she sees herself falling in love with me and marrying me, and all this sorta stuff. She then told me "i dont think im good enough for you" this completely shattered my heart, no matter how much i told her thats not true and that shes perfect for me, she wouldnt agree. this confirmed that shes too insecure in herself to be in a relationship. After this, i wanted to talk to her sober about what she said, but she didnt want to. then she said we shouldnt wait for each other to try again after my test because she said she felt pressured to wait for me to be done...this made me so frustrated bc we agreed to try again every time we talked about this. Anyways, her bday was coming up, so i texted her friend to get her flowers on her actual bday and not tell her its from me (i had already gotten her flowers and a buncha gifts the night i went to her apartment) and she said she would. On her bday, i texted her and she just said "thanks" The combination of this and her bailing on the plan to try again after my test made me super frustrated. So that friend had asked me what happened btwn us and i kinda was in a rough place, so i told her that i dont think anything is ever gonna happen btwn us bc of the way things ended and all this tainted my image of her. I regret this so much. A couple weeks later, her friend texts me again to check in and i apologize to her friend about all the things i said, and i told the friend to tell her i am so sorry about it and i didnt mean any of it.
Okay, so throughout this semester, she texted me every now and then, wishing me happy bday and sometimes just asking me random stuff about school. After my test was done, which i did well on thankfully lol, she asked me how it went and i told her and stuff, but the convo never advanced. Now, I am stuck btwn wanting to ask her to hang out to try again or letting go of her and let fate bring us back together. Idk if she wants to hang out with me or not and its killing me. I feel like i completely ruined my chance with her bc of what i told her friend and its created a pit in my stomach. She def seems more confident and secure in herself bc shes finally posting on social media and stuff like that, which makes me so happy for her. Idk im just stuck. My fear is that she'll say no to hanging out, but i feel like if i never ask her then i'll never know. Like what if i ask her and shes willing to give it another chance, i wouldnt know if i didnt ask her ya know.
Tl; dr My overall question is: Do i let go of her and improve myself as much as possible and let destiny bring us back to each other like it did the first time, or make an effort to try again with her, with the fear of being rejected from the girl i've always wanted to be with?
submitted by Designer_Band_1052 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:13 Hopeful_Friend_374 dear bean - a informal email from me (that you will never see)

dear bean
yknow i know you definitely will not care about this and you will probably tell your friends and say how desperate or annoying or needy or shitty I am, and its fine - say what you want. because honestly I couldn't care less about how you think about me but I just want to be heard from your end one final time. and yea I did say that a couple times, I've tried reaching out a couple times, I've tried being a mature person even though I was actually breaking inside. so yea, I'm sorry I lied, sorry I said it would be my last time contacting you but breaking that promise every time, but this time it really will be the last time.
honestly, I think we had a good run for the what, 4 months we were friends? i have nothing bad to say about you, and even though it was hell after whatever you would call that, I still don't dislike you or hate you or feel negative feelings towards you, cause at the end of the day, we're all humans living life and we can decide when someone isn't worth being in our life anymore (that might sound passive aggressive, it wasn't supposed to sound like that, just read it like I understand the feeling). if you're annoyed by this email - don't keep reading, I'll just go on and on and I guess this email (that I will never send) is just a way for me to reflect and understand my feelings while also giving you, the bean that I knew, a chance to come out one last time before shutting me down once and for all. yea so if you're gonna go beserk from this email, dob me out to all your friends, then I suggest you leave before I pour my heart and soul out.
you were actually really cool in my eyes, talented and smart, it was hard not to admire the determination you had and the willingness to do things. and I hate admitting it, and I know my friends hate hearing me talk about it, but I miss you and your presence. yes, sue me, no I'm not in love with you, yes you made that big of and impact on me. i was scared of you when you first joined honk, you had very sharp and cool eyes. and again - you were talented which intimidated me. but overtime, I understood that you weren't scary, you were actually so sweet and funny and really silly. i liked how you pushed yourself to try harder and new things, like clarinet 1 in honk. i don't even know how we started chatting, I think you were looking for some sheet music or something. honestly it was nice talking to you, even from the beginning. it was fresh talking to someone new, I didn't have high expectations of where this friendship would go but I was happy enough to enjoy the moment while it lasted.
and well, that moment lasted a while. we talked for a week and I could already tell that my crappy feelings would complicate things - I just never met someone so like me before. even though I didn't have strong feelings, I knew they were there, but I still chose to talk to you. how foolish right? i mean we had the same interests, music (clarinet!!), txt, twisted tales, it was a coincidence meeting someone who was like a mini me. and of course, when we started talking about crushes, I felt adrenaline and just kept going until I just puked my feelings over you. I'm not sure how you felt then when I admitted I liked you, but if it was hard for you or if it made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. putting you in that position must have been hard so i'msorry. you said you weren't ready for anything serious, but I was just excited, too happy to find someone finally, that it didn;t occur to me how fast i might be going.
we had our issues, but i thought that we loved each other. i loved you so i thought that even though i had issues, talking it out with you was always the best way to work things out. communication is key, that's what i told myself. i guess it wasn't key, unless it's the key to making friendships break apart. i guess i just tricked myself into thinking you loved me just as much as i loved you, so i thought you had the same idea of communication as i did. and honestly i think a part of me was right, because you did try. but it was my fault, i kept bringing in other little small things that affected me and you had to put me back together. and i guess that must've been annoying cause at some point you just stopped trying. I'm not saying that that's an issue or that it was your problem, I'm under the impression it was all my doing.
looking past that, i seriously loved you so much. i neglected a lot for you - again not blaming you, i did it because i really really loved you so much and i wanted the best for you in every circumstance (even if it didn't seem like it). i left my friends a lot, my mum noticed i was getting more distant and well, after things ended i got into touch with my loved ones again, so I'm in a way grateful for you for doing that.
love is hard to describe. but i knew i had love for you. i said i loved my other crushes, Nathan, louis. but they were absolutely nothing compared to what i had for you. i had love for you that was comparable to evangeline (don't tell her that). mayve you can tell but words could not describe how or what i felt after things ended. not sure what your breaking point was, but it must have been a big point. i have 3 main points regarding this end of whatever we had:
  1. what is it we even had? you said we were just friends - i accept that - but i feel like it was definitely not what i saw. and yes, maybe this is subjective BUT i don't think friends hold hands (well they do but they're not afraid to), they don't celebrate "months of friendship" (recalling every month we were "together" we would celebrate) and friends don't kiss each other's foreheads like that (and if they didn't like it, they'd stop each other). honestly, I'm cringing recalling the fucking embarrassing things i did but it needs to be addressed. i have to ask you - and there's no shame in being truthful because i don't care anymore - what did you see us as? was i a one time fling? was i seriously just your friend? did you have feelings for me then realise i was too high maintenance to handle and dropped me? or maybe there was another factor. that brings me to my next point.
  2. was there another person who you realised was better? again, while an average person might see this as morally incorrect - i do not care - you're human and you can feel whatever you want for whoever you want. But i’m genuinely asking, did you? Was it the guy you liked in year 6? The one who bullied you? Call me a detective but, i remember seqc calling one night after things ended, i was back from vietnam and had slightly accepted the idea of the situation. you pulled out some messages from a boy on discord, it was of him admitting he liked you back in year 6. i looked at the date, it was the 6th of january 2023, 9 days before you had the courage to break it off with me. Did he maybe have a part in this? Did you maybe feel things weren’t working out with me and realised you had a chance with someone else so you took it? AGAIN NO SHAME - you do whatever you want to do in life, i’m not shaming you or judging you I just genuinely want to know. I also saw you posting about a boy on your story - not sure if its the same boy but if it was, i hope it went well for you. Sorry these were all the conspiracy theories i made up to cope - crazy right? Imagine what a person can do to you.
  3. why did we stop being friends? Even though things didn;t work out romantically (or what i thought was romantic, you thought of as friendship), i don’t know what happened to us. You told me you wanted to be friends. I also wanted to be friends. The only reason that kept me alright was the idea that even though you don’t think of me more, i could still keep you as a friend - someone i could share my passions with and geek out over txt music with. Thats why i tried to stay friends with you. I really and truly did try to make ‘friends’ work with you. But the more i tried - the more annoyed you got. Or i think you were getting annoyed. I wouldn’t know because you didn’t tell me how you felt afterwards. I tried to make it work because you said we could be friends but you gave up on me. I think that’s what hurt me the most - breaking your word. I keep saying it, but you’re entitled to do whatever you want, but it left an emotional scar on me. I don’t want to admit it, but on the days you started at (bean's new school name), i woke up early just to talk to you, to keep you company on the bus on your first few days. Yea cringey i know, bare with me please. I thought I owed you that, i thought that being friends with you after you ended ‘things’, i had to earn my right so i tried, i really tried to be my best for you, so you felt that maybe it was worth keeping me around. And maybe, maybe i was still in love with you then. But i think you saw talking to me for three days straight at 7am was annoying and you were probably uncomfortable because it was me. I feel like you saw me as a creep - almost like a pedo. But i tried and you gave up on me, and there was a time a couple months later where we were perfectly fine, but then things just went again.
you might think I just had silly little feelings for you. but I didn't. i really had feelings for you. and I don't know if you genuinely didn't see me that way, or you didn't have feelings for me, if you just thought it was a silly little thing we had going on or if you're hiding the fact you did like me at some point. I just know that losing you as a friend really crushed me to pieces. and yes you told people you never want to talk to me or talk about me - which is fine you're entitled to your own rights - but I just wanted to get this off my chest. one last time - I promise.
I don’t know if this will get to you. It probably won’t, theres a bit too much that i wrote in here. Do you care about this still? Definitely not (I’m assuming). It’s embarrassing how much I think about this and how much i regret not letting my feelings out before you removed me as a friend on instagram and discord (or even blocking me on spotify, not sure how spotify was a way for me to get to you but whatever works i guess). This issue has been taking up my mind for the last few years, and it really does suck. But I’m gonna let it out, so im sorry if you got up to here.
Not sure how much this means to you, but you can contact me anytime if you want to let out your feelings (of life, not about this or me), i want to support you as much as i can. I can also help you with coping with school - again i don’t think you’d take me up on that but it’s always an option if you need it. I won’t make it weird, i wont bring this up again, i’ll talk to you like you’re one of my friends.
I haven’t heard much about your feelings in this - feelings of anger, regret, sadness. If you do want to share (you most definitely don’t have to), email me, text me, contact me and we can talk about how you felt too. This email was for me to finally write down what i wanted to let out and finally let go of what happened (even if you think it was miniscule, it wasn’t for me).
Life is hard, and I learnt that through you and the experience of you. So thank you for teaching me this. Thank you for showing me what love felt like, and thank you for being my first love. You made it very hard for other people because i only compared them to what I had with you. But in saying that - I made life long friends who helped me cope. And I hope you found some life long friends as well.
I hope you have a good life (in saying that, i am assuming we will never meet each other ever again - but if we do meet again disregard this).
Thanks for everything (and nothing as well) (while that sounds bitter, its more like a thank you for what you taught me - life lessons and all - but also thanks for the pain i had to feel afterwards, while that pain was not enjoyable, it was what taught me).
kind regards,
to readers: i censored the names for privacy, but i called her bean (as a nickname - it really suited her), and i was known as her 'toad', hence the names.
submitted by Hopeful_Friend_374 to LettersToYourEX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 Tartanclad How Gates of Hell could make a Commonwealth faction truly unique

Recently Gates of Hell released the American faction and did a full overhaul of the German faction, leading to a pair of interesting factions with an incredible variety of historically authentic uniforms. You could zoom in on any of the squads and see the diverse uniforms depicted right down to the insignia on their caps and the regiments on their patches. Shermanator’s interview of Chase/Trudel (the lead animator & 3D human artist) gave me faith in the developer’s passion for the history and the game. This made me quite excited, because we have yet to see a British Commonwealth faction but there is some heavy implication that we can expect one in the future.
I wanted to make this thread, because I wanted to express my desire to see elements in the game that would make the Commonwealth faction a wealth of interesting units, uniforms and nationalities, particularly via the doctrines system that exists within the game. The intention is to throw in representatives across all the major nations of the British Commonwealth as well as some of the Allied armies-in-exile that came under British command. I also want to highlight some of the vehicles that are rarely mentioned in other games due to their obscure theatre or role. For the record, I'm not telling the devs what to do - I'm just making some example doctrines that I came up with as an example of the variety of units I'd love to see and making their inclusion plausible. Mostly to get the community talking.
I won’t talk about early war, partially because ‘Early war’ in Gates of Hell is largely post-Dunkirk, but also because I feel like what I am asking is still quite a lot just for one faction across two eras. I also I won’t be mentioning the more obvious or general units like Stuarts, Crusaders, Cromwells, Grants etc, as I expect them to be added nonetheless. It’s the vaguer aspects of the Commonwealth I wanted to talk about; the weird, wonderful and the diverse.
Mid War Doctrines
I think the mid-war should be largely inspired by the North African Campaigns, centred largely on the 8th Army and utilising the huge variety of cultures that fought within it. Extra bits can be added from the Italian campaign where the faction is lacking, and the Italian campaign can also be represented in the ‘Temperate’ skin for the mid-war faction. There are a lot of inspirations one can draw to create a variety of options for the Commonwealth player and each doctrine should draw from their unique aspects.
All-Round: Inspired by the Desert Rats, the 2nd Battle of El Alamein and Operation Crusader this one balances the various aspects of the other doctrines while keeping it unique. I’d like to see the Infantry include British Desert Rats Infantry, 2nd New Zealand Infantry, & 1st South African Infantry. I’d also like to see South African Marmon-Herrington Armoured Cars (multiple variants) as an early-battle option, plenty of the more common tanks and maybe the Bishop as a slow but mobile artillery piece. As a special call-in, we could probably include the Free French Legionaries as a powerful assault unit, just to really complete the variety in this division.
Defensive: Inspired by the Siege of Tobruk, this doctrine should primarily represent the Australians. Variations of the Australian 9th Division troops as infantry alongside minor British elements with a heavy emphasis on field engineers, emplacements and field guns. Defensive doctrine could also include RAF Regiment infantry, RAF 20mm Oerlikon guns, RAF Rolls Royces, India Pattern Carriers (from the Indian 18th Division), air strikes and, as a special unit, they could even have captured Italian tanks from the 6th Australian Division Cavalry Regiment! As a defensive doctrine, they should also have access to the best mid-war field guns, including the rare (but historical) ’Pheasant’ 17/25 Pounder Field Gun.
Offensive: Inspired by the Battle of Tunisia and Operation Torch, I think this one should show off the might of the UK’s heavier vehicles in the latter stages of the African campaign, particularly the Churchill III, Sherman III, the Priest 105mm and the Stuart Command Tank, alongside the more standard British tank options. As for infantry options, we can include Indian troops of the 4th Infantry Division (India), Gurkhas, and a motorised unit of 22nd Guards Infantry. I would also add the British Commandos in this division - partly because they were involved in Operation Torch, but also because they had an iconic impact on the mid-war (outside of Africa) that it would be a pity not to add them.
Irregular: This one would be quite unique in mid-war as it is effectively the light vehicle special forces doctrine. Although some standard British units would form the basis of the army, they would have access to a variety of assets representing the Long Range Desert Group; Chevrolet trucks with mounted Vickers MGs, Boys AT rifles, twin 303 Brownings or even Bofors and captured 20mm Breda guns! ‘Bamtam’ jeeps with twin Vickers Ks or 303 Brownings. The transport and logistics would be different too, using the Marmon-Herrington 6-ton Heavy Truck or the White 1064 10-ton. Other unique special call-ins would include an LRDG WACO Recon plane and the SAS (armed with the Lewes bomb). The downside to this doctrine, however, is that imagine it to be much lighter on armoured support, relying mostly on towed guns for its heavy firepower.
Other Units: I’ve tried to use inspirations from specific parts of the war to get a rounded but also diverse array of units, but there are loads of obscure units across the mid-war that I’d love to see; the Priest 105mm SPG, the AEC Deacon Gun Carrier, the Daimler Dingo, the Humber Light Reconnaissance, and so on.
That is as much as I want to say on mid-war without labouring the point. I’m sure there’s interesting things I’ve missed accidentally, and I’m afraid there’s some I have missed on purpose. For example, I considered the Australian Matilda Hedgehog, but it turned out to be late war and never used. I also considered the Greek and the Czech Division, but I think I’ve already stretched it too far as regards voice acting alone without adding units that, as distinguished their service might be, are just too obscure without adding anything extra - appearance or gameplay. That said, my hat would go off to the devs if they achieved that.
Late War Doctrines
Here we get to represent the Commonwealth units from Operation Overlord up until Operation Varsity.
All-Round: The quintessential British doctrine, combining bog-standard infantry with hardy tanks and a decent array of equipment. Partially based on Gold Beach, but also Operation Varsity/Plunder towards the end of the war, I would personally give them 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry, RAF Regiment Gunners, RAF Humber Light AC, Churchill AVRE, the Cruiser Mk. VIII Challenger and the Comet. Maybe give them some 6th Airlanding troops and 1st Canadian Parachute Infantry as a reference to the Normandy paratroopers if we feel they need more skilled infantry.
Offensive: The Canadian Doctrine - mostly inspired by the First Canadian Army in Normandy with elements of their experiences later on (including the Battle of the Schelt and Operation Veritable) with the doctrine largely focused on armoured assault infantry. They’ll look quite unique compared to the British because their uniforms were greener and they were the first to use the British-designed Mk.III helmet at D-Day. Troops of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division as standard, supported by assault infantry. Eventually, armoured infantry can spawn in Buffalos (used at the Battle of the Schelt) and, as a special call-in, Ram Kangaroo APCs (sporting an armoured MG turret). The Otter armoured car would be an early call-in, with M4A1 Sherman Grizzly tanks as well as Ram IIs available in the standard tank tab. Some unique but limited special call-ins would include the Skink AA tank (of which 2 saw historical combat in Normandy) as well as a skilled sniper wielding the Ross rifle.
Defensive: Just as the US Defensive doctrine features the 101st Airborne (no doubt inspired by the Battle of Bastogne), the British Defensive doctrine can feature the British Airborne - particularly based on the defense of Arnhem Bridge in the Netherlands as part of Market Garden. Infantry units can include the 52nd (Lowland) Infantry, 1st Airborne Paratroopers, 1st Airlanding Infantry, Parachute Squadron Royal Engineers and 1st (Polish) Independent Paratroopers (who are distinctive with their grey berets). Armoured units can include the Tetrarch and the M22 Locust. To suit their defensive doctrine, they should get some decent guns and I’m thinking the airborne jeep-towed 20mm Polsten Gun, airborne 17th Pounder as well as (in a departure from the Parachute theme) the BL 7.2-inch howitzer. The Patchett sub-machine gun could make an appearance here too.
Irregular: Based on Sword Beach, Commandos and the 79th Armoured Division, with the more unusual units in the British arsenal. Probably with 3rd Infantry Division Infantry as standard, this unit could have access to No.41 (Royal Marine) Commandos, Fusilier Marines Commandos (based on No.4 Commando’s assault on Ouestreham), the Centaur Mk.IV QF 95mm, the Sherman DD, the Churchill Crocodile and Royal Engineer Assault Teams deployed in the cute Terrapin 4-ton Amphibious. If we want to be really wacky, we could even add the M3 Grant CDL (an unarmed searchlight tank) for armoured spotting, similar to the 150cm Flakscheinwerfer searchlight.
Other Units: Further unique units that would fit in any one (or multiple) of these divisions (based on balance) include the Land Mattress Rocket Launcher, the Loyd Carrier, the Universal Carrier WASP (flamethrower), the Sexton SPG, Sherman Firefly, the Archer TD, Achilles TD, the Priest Kangaroo, the Morris C8, Staghound and so on. There are SO many strange and obscure British vehicles that don’t often see the light of day, but would be perfect for Gates of Hell.
Post-release Doctrines -
More of a final thought than anything else, but if/when the Japanese get added into the game, I’d love to see a fifth doctrine to represent the British 14th Army to match the Japanese. A doctrine that is mostly comprised of Indian infantry and Indian tanks, with representation from the East/West African Divisions, Gurkhas and the British 2nd or 36th Infantry Divisions. Special call-ins could include the Chindits (using Thompsons and the Jungle Carbine) and paratroopers of the 50th Indian Parachute Brigade. If we’re feeling generous enough to allow the doctrine to encompass the Pacific Islands as well, we could also include an Australian squad armed with the Owen SMG, South Pacific Scouts, the Matida Frog (flamethrower) and the Matilda QF 3-Inch.
Conclusion: I apologise for such a long read. But I hope we see how a bit of ambition could really help the Commonwealth stand out and be worthy of the variety seen in the other factions since their overhaul. While the Germans have Spanish soldiers in their ranks, the Commonwealth can see the UK, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Poland, and France (and technically Nepal) all get some recognition. While the German Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe stand out on the field, the Commonwealth might get the distinctive blue battledress of the RAF Regiment, or the long white tunics of the Foreign Legion. We would see such a variety of hats including pith helmets, berets, kepis, dastars, keffiyehs and slouch hats. Some units, like the LRDG vehicles, might even stand out as unique from any of the nations already in the game. It’s a lot of colourful uniforms, a lot of voices and a lot of strange and wonderful machines.
However, it does come with its downsides. Firstly, Africa and Europe are such dramatically different theatres that their version of mid & late war are incredibly different to one another. So much so that the depth of variety might make the faction too big, making it a lot of effort for the art department (especially with uniforms changing for the map’s climate. Imagine making skins for temperate, desert AND snow). The second issue is whether France is getting its own faction in future iterations of the game (the French flag appears in the loading screen during Axis vs Allies games). The final (and probably biggest) issue is voice acting. I’m no expert on games development, but I gather that getting enough voice actors for a faction is hard enough as it is without having to accurately represent 9 countries at once. I would love to hear the developer’s thoughts on the matter - whether such a project is within the game’s scope and if they have the ambition to take it this far.
Do let me all know what you think as well.
submitted by Tartanclad to GatesOfHellOstfront [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 ElleVB1990 AITA for cutting ties with my Aunt (more like a mother to me) due to religious differences?

Trigger warning - religious differences
I always bragged about how awesome my extended family was. NO family is perfect, but I heard horror stories and always counted my blessings that I had strong ties with my Aunt and uncles since I was raised an only child. That was until a few months ago when my last living Aunt, whom I considered a second mom, shattered me.
Ok, some backstory here. My aunt is a Jehovah’s Witness. Now before you get all judgy, I have always loved her, my uncle and her son with all of my heart. I still do. I respect that they have found faith and live by this code on the daily. I have met many people from their congregation and loved them all (ok, a couple of exceptions). I also appreciate the community they have and love they all show each other. If it weren’t for the religion itself, I would have converted.
I, however, am pagan and have always been since I was about 5 (even the first book I signed out from the school’s library was about witchcraft). Not raised that way, but always found spiritual comfort in nature and the natural world. I have a very strong connection and dedication to my Powers That Be and work every day to help the world be a better place. My Aunt did not know my religion until about 7 years ago. That being said, she and I would have very philosophical conversations when we hung out together. Even at the age of 8, I would listen to her preach to me and ask questions to which she never had answers. I remember her telling me how only 144,000 people would be allowed in heaven and didn’t I think that would be wonderful knowing that our whole family could be together again after we died. We’d all be in heaven if we were all Jehova;s witnesses. I had gone with her many times to do field service (door to door) and asked her why they do that if there’s only a certain number of people allowed. Didn’t that lessen her chances of getting in because I’m sure there were many people more deserving than myself. How did she know for sure she’d be one of the ones to get in and was that fair to keep bringing people into the religion when all the spaces were probably already filled up?
At 8 years old, I had many questions and was just trying to figure these things out. Since she was an adult, I figured she had the answers. My questions were not with malice, just for a want of better understanding. When she didn’t have the answers, I'd ask my mother and grandmother. While they were extremely amused, they said they never understood either. They never said anything bad about her or her attempts to get them to convert, just allowed me to explore religion and spirituality as I wished so I could make my own decision of what was right for me.
Once I was an adult, I avoided talking to her about religion, but found that if I didn’t ask questions and just let her talk, it made her happy. I know she’s a good person at heart and that’s all that matters. After my Mom passed, my aunt and I talked almost every week. I loved talking to her and she became even more like a mom to me. She gave me encouragement and we supported each other through health and emotional crises. I’d make it a point to try and visit at least once a year for a few days so she could visit with my daughter and I. We’d always do lunch with her friends and I loved it. I fell in love with some of the people in her congregation and wished we could live closer to hang out more. I, however, never wavered on my spiritual beliefs, but I have never cared about the religion, race, or sexuality of anyone. If we got along, we were friends and that was that.
My aunt and I had come to an understanding that I would not convert and that we would love and respect each other regardless. Religious talk was off the table for the most part until both of my uncles (my aunt’s two brothers) passed and she had a very hard time dealing with it. She was the last surviving sibling and she was sinking into a depression. I’d talk to her at length and listen to her as she mourned the fact that she would never have contact with them (and my mom) in heaven because they never converted. When she asked me what I believed, I told her that I believed that the soul lived on after the body died and that I believed in reincarnation. I explained my beliefs were closer to hindu and buddhism than christianity (so she had context). We had very long talks and she expressed that she respected my views and actually found comfort in talking with me.
That was until my daughter and I opened our store about 3 years ago. It’s a metaphysical shop and we have crystals, teas, gifts, jewelry, candles and more (about 10% strict;y pagan). My aunt was happy for us until it dawned on her that we might sell pagan stuff. I told her what we sold and she asked me if I was a witch. I replied that I suppose that was one way to describe me, but, again, I considered myself spiritual and that I followed a path closer to buddhism, hinduism, native american. I sent a couple of pictures of the jewelry that we made and she said when we came down, we should bring the jewelry making.
We did, I brought down our best crystals to wrap and bracelet materials and my daughter and I made her a necklace with a very expensive stone (A $200 piece). She brought her friends over and they picked out crystals that they wanted, made bracelets and such. We had fun and I was happy to do it, though I wasn’t expecting people that I had never met before. Still, we had fun. My daughter and I also brought her a basket with local items from our hometown, (Raw honey, handmade stoneware mugs, cutting board, herbal tea and some other items made by us as well) She was thrilled. My aunt and uncle had taken a couple of bad falls a few months before and so my daughter and I made them hand carved cedar walking sticks as well because we knew they went for regular walks and thought it would help their balance. It felt amazing to lavish expensive and heartfelt gifts on them as I has struggled so long with money. I was finally in a place that I could do it. To say the gifts probably totalled in excess of 1K is on the low side, but I was still happy to do it.
Besides the fact that they tried converting my daughter when I wasn’t around, it was a lovely visit. The only problem I had was with a new person my aunt introduced us to. This woman, we’ll call her Dee, ignored me and only talked to my daughter. She was my age if not older, but conversed with my daughter, 17, like I wasn’t there. They traded contact info and Dee insisted that they keep in touch while my daughter was in college. Dee said she was going to keep an eye on her. I thought that was odd, but I did enjoy the feeling of having an extended family sort of since I actually had no family besides my Aunt.
Let’s jump forward to the following year and we were struggling financially. Not horrible, but unable to lavish the gifts that we did the year before. Instead, I created a beautiful aromatherapy candle, some delicious herbal teas and we found a couple of very rare antique tea cups that had amazing value to them (about $100 a piece). We made a basket for her and I decided we would cook for them. (gluten free, soy free, dairy free etc). Our visit went so well, it was great to see them. We just enjoyed hanging out with them and talking. They loved the meal we made for them and the dairy free organic chocolate I made. Everything was great until the day we were leaving. Dee showed up and again ignored me, talked to my daughter and chastised her for getting a pet snake as that was an animal associated with the devil. My daughter is one to push the envelope a bit and said how she wanted to get a tattoo as well, one of a snake. Both my aunt and Dee were shocked and said she should never get a tattoo.. Again related to the devil, I went to the bathroom as I was not involved in the conversation and knew my daughter could hold her own. Little do they know that my daughter is also trans. I told her not to say anything to them just yet. I came back to them talking about how college was going and I thought my aunt and Dee would faint when she said her college roommate was male. She quickly explained that it was fine because he was gay and how awesome he was (he is btw). She quickly realized what I meant when she saw their reaction to him being gay. It wasn’t that she was living with a boy, it was that he was gay and “why did he choose to be gay.” I tried redirecting the conversation a couple of times, but they ignored me.
They finally let it go, but just after Dee left, we were getting ready to depart as well. My aunt returned the basket I made for her (minus the expensive tea cups). She said she could not accept them as they were touched by the devil. Shocked, I asked what she meant. She said that because they came from my store, they carried Satan's influence and she could not have them in our home. Truthfully, I explained that I made those items for her and that the only things that came from the store were the teacups. She was confused why I had gotten upset. When I explained that I gave her a gift and if she didn’t want it, she could regift it or throw it away. That gift came from my heart with all the love I have for her and that I didn't need to know her opinions about the gifts because It insinuated I, myself, was evil and it was extremely hurtful. She basically continued on insisting that I was just not aware of how much Satan had a hold of me. All I could do was tell her how much I loved her and leave.
I didn’t take her calls and cried about this for over a month. I finally felt strong enough to talk to her and again she insisted that because those items touched my hands, they were influenced by satan and she wished I could understand how they just can’t have that influence in their home. Frustrated, I asked how she could shop at grocery stores or buy anything from department stores because she can’t guarantee that those items didn’t touch hands that were influenced by satan. Also , I asked her how they could have eaten the food I prepared for them and why did they even invite me into their home to begin with if that’s the way she felt about me. She suddenly needed to go.
We talked a few times since then but it always came back to religion. At one point I asked her again why she would even invite us to her home if she felt that way. Her response was to save my daughter. The pain and heartache she has inflicted is immense, but I cannot bring myself to argue the point because I’m afraid if I make my point to her, it will break her. She’s in her 80’s and I believe has the beginnings of dementia. Her religion brings her comfort and I don’t want to say anything that might make her doubt her religion at her advanced age.
I’ve decided it is probably best for both of our mental health to stop all contact with her( with the exception of sending cards telling them how much I love them) even though I’ve always seen her as a second mom. AITA for making this decision and not trying to work things out with her or allow her to believe that I still might convert?
*** Please understand this is not a bash on any religion. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever religion they wish. That includes me, so if you feel the need to bash them or me for our spiritual choices, you can move along ***
I have never felt like I needed to hide any part of me from my friends, family, and the public in general. Not until now. Buckle up, this is a bumpy ride.
I've always been kind hearted, almost to a flaw. I took care of my grandmother, my step-dad, my mom and helped with a family friend during long term and terminal illnesses. I had my daughter and, without her father's help, raised her on my own with very little to no support. I helped friends with their farm who left me homeless in the end because I want interested in an extramarital affair. I lost my home and all that I loved including my husband because he lied to me and never paid it mortgage while I was recovering from an illness. In short, I have had a tough life, but it has never made me turn my back on anyone who needed help or in difficult family when they were ignored by the others. That's just some background before I tell you this situation.
Three years ago, after a bout of covid, my daughter was suicidal. She had been in the top three of her HS class and yet at that point almost failed her junior year. Not knowing if she would have the emotional strength to face college and adulting in general, I set up a plan B for her. I started a store in her name and that way she'd have something at least to fall back on if she was unable to function in the m-f 9 to 5 world. We started slow by doing craft fairs, seeking crystals, candles, jewelry, and gifts. We were kicked out of one because the person running it assumed we were witches. She was not wrong exactly as we identified as pagan, but we lived our life closest to the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, not traditional wicca. These were people who knew us for years and were considered acquaintances if not friends.
Our business flourished and we ended up opening our brick and mortar that fall after remodeling our garage/ barn and turning it into a store front. Even though I run it for my daughter, it is hers and we work together to keep it going.
In the past few years I've lost my mom, and two uncles. I have no family besides my mother's sister and her husband which we were pretty close. My aunt knew that I was pagan and had tried recruiting me into her religion since I was 5. Even at that tender age her religion never made sense and I would ask her questions to which she never had answers. I accepted her and respected her and her religion even though I didn't agree. I loved the people she introduced me to that were in her church and I always got along with them. That is until we visited the year after we started our store. My aunt was thrilled about us bringing crystals down and making jewelry with her. We met a new friend of hers (middle aged woman) who ignored me completely and oozed affection on my daughter. She got my daughter's contact info and contacted her frequently. Trying to convert and ”save” her. My daughter wasn't having it as even though she was in a delicate state, she is very level headed and strong willed.
This year we visited and we brought herbal tea, candies, and rare vintage tea cups for my aunt. The day we were leaving, she handed back everything but the vintage tea cups and told me she couldn't accept them because they were touched by Satan (aka made by my hands). To say I was devastated is an understatement. This woman was always like a second mom to me and we had grown closer after my mom passed away. It was a 20 hour drive home and I cried most of the way. I cried for weeks after a well. Thinking of it now still brings me tears. As she was telling me that Satan had a hold on me and that she was trying to save me, all I did was remind her how much I loved her and my uncle. Every time since then that we have talked, she says the same thing, but now she told me I was a lost cause. I feel like trying to stay in touch is detrimental to her mental health ( and my own). I don't want to give up or abandon the last of my family, but I can't talk to her and endure the endless insinuations that I'm evil because I don't believe in her religion. She took a bad fall and broke her arm. The last time we spoke, she talked as if it was my fault for bringing the devil into her home.
While I could usually brush this off as delusional ranting, it hits hard because the same day she fell, my dad died. I know the Powers That Be only give as much as we can handle, I just wish they didn't have so much faith in me.
They are in their 80s. I know in all the pieces of my broken heart that they'll never be able to accept my daughter and I unless we change religions and it has crossed my mind just to say we have to put her at ease, but I can't lie like that to them and we cannot betray ourselves like that either. By
submitted by ElleVB1990 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:06 Prestigious-Solid326 Might have given my partner HSV2

please no judgment here as I already feel terrible enough. Found out I had hsv2 back in February and then I met my current partner after the fact. I didn’t have sex with him for a while, but then I ended up disclosing to him and we started using condoms and I was taking lysine. I didn’t have an OB for 3 months. One night things got really intense and he wanted to have sex without a condom. I asked him if he was totally sure, and he said yes and we went through with it. LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY I woke up in really bad pain and noticed one sore. I hadn’t noticed any symptoms prior to this and I’m not sure how long it was there. I told him right away and he claims he’s not mad because it was his choice, but at the same time I thought we were good bc of the lysine and not having another OB. I feel awful and wish I never agreed to having unprotected sex because he is most likely gonna get it now, so now it’s just a waiting game. I feel like the guilt is gonna take me out. He’s been so great about it but he doesn’t actually have anything yet, I’m scared that it could be a different story if he shows symptoms. What I could use from this forum is support & advice. I already know I screwed up by agreeing, but to my knowledge he understood his risk. But this is my biggest fear unlocked. Now if he does get it, how do we safely have sex with both of us having HSV2? if any of you are with someone who also has it I would really appreciate some advice. Thank you all and please remember to be kind. I’m going through it rn
submitted by Prestigious-Solid326 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:05 kayakero Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

What is the stochastic oscillator?

A stochastic oscillator chart allows you to identify momentum in the price of a financial asset. At the core of this indicator is the stochastic oscillator formula. What it does is compare the closing price of a security with the recent high and low prices. It then converts it to a figure between 0 and 100, which is the actual value of the stochastic oscillator.
Let's say you talk to two traders independently and ask them what the stochastic oscillator shows. You will most likely get two very different answers. On the one hand, the stochastic oscillator is an indicator of both up and down momentum. On the other hand, some traders may see it as an indicator of overbought and oversold prices. Both explanations are correct in theory. The fundamental difference lies in how you use the indicator within your investment strategy.
There are other factors to take into account. One of them is the period during which the low price and the high price are taken. You will need to research the ideal indicator settings for your particular trading method. Are you happy to opt for a flatter long-term trend? Alternatively, would you prefer a more sensitive short-term indicator that could alert you to short-term trading opportunities?
A brief history
There is some debate about the origins of the stochastic oscillator. Especially the %D indicators which we will cover later in this article. Many believe that C. Ralph Dystant was the original creator of the indicator. However, George C. Lane is perhaps more commonly credited with playing his role in popularizing it. The latter also introduced several tweaks and adjustments.
We can trace the stochastic oscillator itself back to the 1950s, when C. Ralph Dystant taught courses on the stock market. In these courses, his original focus was on commodities. The classes were one of the first to focus on charts, moving averages, and other indicators as a means of attempting to predict future price movements. By the way, George C. Lane supposedly started working for C Ralph Dystant in 1954. That was the same year that technical “guru” Roy Larson retired. It was a coincidence?
It would be fair to say that both C. Ralph Dystant, and George C. Lane, were integral to the creation of the stochastic oscillator indicator and the influence it still has on investors today. In many ways, the key to its success is its relative simplicity. The masterstroke introduced an easy-to-understand range between zero and 100. In the words of Kelly Johnson, former principal engineer at Lockheed Skunk Works, “keep it simple, stupid.” Many traders today refer to this quote as the KISS principle, because in English it would be “keep it simple, stupid.”
How does the stochastic oscillator work?
Now let's examine how the stochastic oscillator works. We'll also see how quickly you can adjust the sensitivity of the indicator. The basic concept behind the stochastic oscillator is momentum. It gives you the ability to monitor the price momentum of an asset. Doing so allows you to see if, compared to recent highs and lows, you are potentially oversold or overbought. However, therein lies a potential conundrum.

A simple example

What if we look at the S&P 500? The E-Mini S&P 500 futures contract is among the highest volume assets in the futures market. What will its momentum show us if we look at it? Imagine the example of shooting a rocket into the sky. It will not stop suddenly and return to earth immediately after running out of fuel. The fading momentum will continue to push you higher at a drastically decreasing speed. However, when the positive momentum finally ends, the rocket will spin and head toward the earth. As a result, you gain new momentum along the way. This is the idea behind the stochastic oscillator. Using the recent highs and lows, for comparison, you should be able to identify a change in momentum. That result should also be reflected in the graphs.
There is a general consensus that when stochastic oscillator levels fall below 20, it indicates that the asset is oversold. Meanwhile, if it moves above 80, that indicates that the asset is overbought. Let's take 50 as our average value. In theory, positive momentum is above the line, while negative momentum is below it. Although this is often the case, you should be on the lookout for potential false signals. Now let's go ahead and take a look at the ways to read and understand the Stochastic Oscillator indicator.

Stochastic Oscillator Formula and Calculation

In this section, we will look at the stochastic oscillator formula. We'll also point out which elements of the formula you can adjust to change the sensitivity. The formula is the following:
C = the most recent closing price
L14 = the lowest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
H14 = the highest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
%K = the current value of the stochastic indicator as a percentage
To give a practical example of how the indicator works, we will look at the S&P 500 index. This is the figure on which the E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts are based.
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3300
High point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3500
The calculation is as follows:
3490-3300/3500-3300 = 190/200
(190/200) x 100 = 95%


So, according to the Stochastic Oscillator indicator, the S&P 500 Index has strong momentum and is in possible “overbought” territory. Many people would classify this as the standard stochastic oscillator indicator calculation based on 14 trading sessions. However, what does the situation look like based on eight trading sessions?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3400
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3400/3500-3400 = 90/100
(90/100) x 100 = 90%
Finally, what indication does the calculation with a 30-period moving average give us?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 30 trading sessions = 3200
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3200/3500-3200 = 290/300
(290/300) x 100 = 97%
The shorter the period in question, the more sensitive the formula will be to daily movements. The reason is that the difference between the maximum and minimum point should be relatively small, in theory.
In the three examples above, the S&P 500 index has strong momentum for 14 and 30 days. However, it is noticeably lower if you only look at it over 8 days. And, on the other hand, they all indicate a potentially overbought scenario.

How to read stochastic oscillator charts?

Next, let's take a look at two stochastic oscillator indicator charts. We will highlight some of the turning points that could have been beneficial for traders. The first chart is the traditional (fast) stochastic oscillator indicator with a smoother %D trend line based on the %K factor.
The second chart is what we call a “slow stochastic oscillator indicator”. It averages the index level over a longer period. Then we have the %D factor, which is based on the %K and gives an even smoother line.
The longer the period over which prices are examined, including high, low and current prices, the smoother the chart will be. However, there will be a significant delay. On the plus side, in many ways, this can help offset the short-term peaks and troughs that can sometimes tempt people to buy and sell when they shouldn't.

How to use the stochastic oscillator?

The key to using the stochastic oscillator is finding the time frame that best suits your investment strategy. Those looking for short-term trading will focus on relatively short periods, which can lead to somewhat volatile changes in the indicator. Those looking for confirmation of longer-term trends will extend the period in question. These graphs will be smoother and, due to the long delay, are not as susceptible to short-term changes.

What are the best and most accurate settings?

There are three variables to consider when looking at the stochastic oscillator setup, which are:
%K = based on the number of time periods used in the calculation
Slowdown = simple moving average (SMA) factor applied to %K
%D = %K moving average factor
As we mentioned earlier, the stochastic oscillator has three different types. Among them are:

The Fast Stochastic Oscillator (Traditional Indicator)

Fast %K = basic %K calculation for 14 periods
Fast %D = Fast Stochastic Oscillator Three-Period SMA %K

The slow stochastic oscillator

Slow %K = Fast %K expressed as three-period SMA
Slow %D = Slow %K three-period SMA

The Complete Stochastic Oscillator

%K full = %K fast smoothed over a period X SMA
Full %D = Full %K Period X SMA
The beauty of this system is the fact that all previous variations of the original indicator produce figures from 0 to 100. As a result, it is easy to compare and contrast the variation in the trend lines. The longer the periods in which you calculate the simple moving average, the smoother the line will be.
As we mentioned above, the simple fast stochastic oscillator will throw up many possible overbought and oversold positions. Some of them will inevitably be false signals. As you can see from the charts above, the Fast Stochastic Oscillator can be quite volatile, frequently trading above or below the 80 and 20 levels for a short period of time. On the same chart, you can see areas where the %D (SMA figure) is not as volatile and does not always fall below or move above the 80 or 20 levels like the Fast Stochastic Oscillator does.

Trading strategies with the stochastic oscillator

There are many ways you can use the stochastic oscillator indicator to open positions, close positions or even reduce your position if the chart is at a critical point.

Identifying overbought/oversold levels

As you will see in the chart below, there are a variety of very useful indicators that could have generated some significant gains. The first overbought indicator shows the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure reaching the 80% level and then turning sharply downwards through the three-period SMA. These crossover points are considered by many to be strong indicators that momentum is shifting and the short-term trend may be about to reverse.
The second overbought position begins to emerge when the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA move above 80%. A move above 80% or below 20% should not necessarily be seen as a signal to sell or buy, but rather as an early warning that momentum may be about to change.
Many people prefer to wait for a sustained drop below 80% or move above 20% before reacting, thus eliminating a degree of volatility that can sometimes create false signals. This is where SMA lines can be very useful, smoother and less volatile, although you won't necessarily sell at the top due to the lag.
You can also see the two false overbought signals where the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure and the SMA fell below 80. However, they reversed quite quickly when the momentum picked up again and the chart moved back into higher territory.
You will find that where there is a strong uptrend, which has not been broken, at some point there will be a pullback which can be an opportunity to buy into the weakness. This is the reason why the fast stochastic oscillator is more appropriate for day traders, or also for short-term traders.
Bullish/bearish divergence
There will be times when there is a bullish/bearish divergence between the actual chart and the stochastic oscillator indicator. As you can see with the chart below, the lowest point on the chart would indicate the possibility of a further decline. However, when you look at the stochastic oscillator indicator, the trend is moving in a different direction and is slightly bullish.
This may be an indication that the stock has bottomed and momentum may be about to change. One of the main signals to watch out for with this particular chart is the fast stochastic oscillator moving through the SMA line.
You are equally likely to see a reversal where the main chart indicates an intact uptrend, while the stochastic oscillator shows a slowdown in momentum and a turn towards a downtrend. These are some of the rarest trading signals, but they are very interesting, especially when you incorporate simple trend lines into price charts.

Price trend

The relationship between the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA is very important. As you can see in the chart below, the first section is dominated by the strong downtrend with the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA descending in parallel.
Then there is a bounce on the chart followed by a move into choppy waters with an obvious downtrend. As you will see, both indicators remain below the 20% level, indicating that the momentum is relatively weak. That is until the Fast Stochastic Oscillator breaks the SMA line towards the end of the choppy price action area.
This change in momentum is demonstrated by the uptrend, although it is not difficult to see where the momentum begins to fade above 80%. When the short-term trend line breaks through the SMA and falls below the 80% level, this indicates another change in the trend – a possible sell signal.

Advantages of using the stochastic oscillator

Momentum is very important when it comes to trading and there is no doubt that the stochastic oscillator indicator is a very useful tool. There are a number of advantages to consider which include: –

Sensitive to impulse change

The shorter the period during which the high, low and current price are compared, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. Using SMA trend lines can also create very strong buy/sell signals when the lines cross, especially above 80% and below 20%. This event would indicate that the short-term trend is changing and assuming it continues, a new trend will follow.

Opportunity to identify bullish/bearish divergence

Due to the way the Stochastic Oscillator indicator is calculated, you will sometimes see a divergence between the price chart and the indicator. While the price chart may indicate that a downtrend is still intact, the stochastic oscillator chart may already be identifying a change in momentum before the price changes. As you will see in the chart above, these can be powerful trading signals. How long you can wait to see if a new trend emerges will vary between traders. How brave are you?

The formula is flexible

The shorter the period in question, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. However, there is the possibility of identifying short-term trading opportunities. However, for those who have a longer-term investment strategy, they can extend the number of periods in question. This will flatten the line of the Fast and Volatile Stochastic Oscillator and give a smoother line, which can make it easier to identify any changes in long-term trends.

Risks and limitations of the indicator

As with any technical indicator, the stochastic oscillator is not immune to false signals and is probably best used in conjunction with other trading indicators. Risks and limitations include:

False signals

The shorter the period over which the fast stochastic oscillator is calculated, the more susceptible it is to extreme volatility. This can create numerous false signals, although the impact can be reduced by adding a simple moving average line.

Sideways Trading

The indicator works best when there is a new uptrend, a downtrend or perhaps a short, sharp period of consolidation before the trend re-emerges. During periods of sideways trading, this can create a relatively small gap between the high and low points, therefore creating sharp movements in the indicator on relatively small price movements.

SMA lines delay trend changes

Using longer periods to calculate %K and SMA trend lines can make it easier to identify changes in the trend. However, due to the delay, you may miss a significant element of a changing trend before you decide to buy or sell. You can adjust the variables of the full stochastic oscillator indicator to help you with your specific investment strategy, lengthening or shortening the periods and adjusting the SMA.

Stochastic Oscillator vs Other Indicators

The Stochastic Oscillator indicator is extremely flexible and you can adjust the periods and SMA variables to suit your trading plan. However, especially when looking at limited periods, there will be times when the indicator will create a false signal. Therefore, it is wise to consider other means of technical analysis to clarify whether a potential change in momentum indicated by the stochastic oscillator is also reflected elsewhere.

Stochastic Oscillator vs RSI

While it is true that you can use both the stochastic oscillator and the RSI (Relative Strength Index) to measure price momentum, they work on very different principles. The RSI measures potential overbought/oversold positions by comparing recent gains to recent losses. The idea behind the stochastic oscillator is based on the assumption that the current price should follow the current trend. When the current price moves against the trend, it can indicate a change in momentum and a possible buy/sell signal. So who wins the fight, the Stochastic Oscillator or the RSI?
If the two oscillators indicated the same trend, this would be a powerful signal for investors. For example, if the price of an asset moved towards the upper end of its recent high/low range, it would indicate positive momentum. Assuming that the RSI oscillator is also showing a relatively strong trend, this would reduce the chances of a false signal.

Stochastic Oscillator vs MACD

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a prominent momentum indicator, although it is very different from the stochastic oscillator indicator. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average from the 12-period exponential moving average. Many traders use the MACD technical indicator in conjunction with the stochastic oscillator, often looking for crossover points between the two.
Those who consider technical indicators from a distance might wonder why traders don't simply use three, four, five or more technical indicators together. The answer is simple: the time lag between different technical indicators can confuse the situation.
By the time several different indicators have “aligned”, you may end up missing the vast majority of the trend. There is nothing wrong with using a single technical indicator, but there are risks and false signals can and do occur.
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2024.05.14 17:03 seayouIntea Our realtor is no help, advice needed- to buy or to walk (NC)

This might be a little long, and I apologize in advance. I'll include what information I have, and we need input as we don't really have experienced elders freely offering advice and our agent is seemingly no help. (I have yet to encounter a helpful agent, and this is our third home purchase, but I digress)
We are under contract on a home purchase in NC. This is our second time buying in NC and so I am familiar with the process and DD and all of that. The market we're buying in right now is way overvalued. The home isn't our dream home, or final home, for that matter- but we're willing to stay in it for 5-6 years, or turning it into a rental sooner. It's a 1975 ranch, it's too small for us and these boys of mine aren't getting any smaller. Granted, we are moving from 5b4ba 4,00sqft and have done a lot of necessary home repairs between this home and the previous one totalling about $20-30k in each home- just for some add'tl background.
Pros: the mortgage would be equal to local rents (providing we apply 100% of the equity from the sale of our current home) and it is in the school district I want for my children.
SO: 1975 ranch. Sold in 2020 ($250k) and again in 2022 ($340k). Currently listed at ($398k with 5% commission $20k) Both buyers overpaid ~20k over ask. Neither of these buyers did any updates/repairs to the property, it's a bit of a fixer-upper. I don't think the current owners ever actually lived in it, it's completely empty, they are ~75-80 years old, the home is in a trust & I think they're trying to liquidate. While the list agent is out of the same broker as our buying agent, our agent won't divulge any details and that is fine. whatever.
We offered $388k with CC. They accepted our ask, with only $5k CC concession. We accepted. We only put down $1k DD and $1k EMD
We just completed a home inspection this past Saturday. The home has water in the crawlspace, elevated moisture reading >19% "fungal growth," torn down insulation, duct work damage, vapor barrier is only cover ~60% of the crawl space, outdated panel, no GFCIs in the home, leaking sink drain, and a 22+ year old hot water heater showing corrosion. Because we are using a VA loan, the moisture issue would have to be addressed to approve funding.
We would also like to do a septic inspection, though our agent won't schedule one (the whole system was replaced in 2019) and a roof inspection, but she is dragging her feet that "we won't have time."
We told our agent we would absolutely need the seller to cover 100% close so we can address these issues. She said them agreeing to that is unlikely as they agreed $10k under ask with $5k in CC. But, we would need them to cover close to we can address these issues. We are somewhat aware of what these repairs will cost as we have done them before.
She wants us to request repairs from the sellers- though I'm not sure they'll willingly replace an entire vapor barrier (~$6k and electrical ~$2k) She's not offering any additional advice, as we aren't sure what they'll have to do to remedy the issue to cover VA requirements. I don't want to shell out for more inspections if theyre unwilling to make more concessions.
Which brings me here. How would you proceed? Should we walk? I've applied to a couple of rentals as a plan B, to sit and wait and watch the market- but we wouldn't be able to purchase for a year (& that's fine if we save ourselves an outpouring of issues in the interim, despite having to move again in a year).
submitted by seayouIntea to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 s-atch An Analysis on the Dunmer Experience in Windhelm

The Dunmer population of Windhelm is composed primarily of refugees (or born of refugees) who escaped Vvardenfel’s disastrous living conditions after the eruption of the Red Mountain in 4E 5, known as the Red Year. The migration of most of these refugees likely took place in the years following the disaster. In the roughly 200 years since, they’ve built a sizable community within Windhelm’s ghetto, formerly known as the Snow Quarter. The squalor they live in during the present time (4E 201) is indicative of their long struggle to integrate with the Nord majority. Now, why has there been such a struggle?
According to a variety of non-Dunmer NPC dialogue, the common sentiment is that the Dunmer keep to themselves, they do not try to integrate, they do not work hard, and they do not get involved with the war effort. The in-game book Scourge of the Gray Quarter by Frilgeth Horse-Breaker makes many complaints on the Dunmer’s existence in Windhelm, reiterating such sentiments and claiming they do not contribute to the city. That the book makes reference to Ulfric as jarl, it can be assumed that these are at the very least the sentiments of the present time.
The Struggle
The book notably compares the Dunmer of Windhelm to the Dunmer of Riften, claiming the Dunmer of Riften are able to integrate because they are more hard working and engage in honest labor. In this explanation the writer (quite obviously) shows their bias in they neglect the crucial detail of describing the cities themselves. The people of Riften do not have the same level of xenophobia that those in Windhelm do. They do not have a jarl whose actions encourage the separation of multiple “outsider” groups and Nords. The people of Riften engage with the Dunmer like they would anyone else, contrasted with Windhelm where a Dunmer is more often than not labeled as an “outsider”.
The treatment of Dunmer refugees in Riften also differ in that they were not relegated to a ghetto. This is not to say that Windhelm explicitly forbids Dunmer from buying homes outside of the Gray Quarter (although dialogue of Aval Atheron might suggest so), but rather they are not afforded social mobility as a whole. According to Malthyr Elenil ‘s dialogue, the Quarter “wasn't always so bad”. Judging by the architecture relative to the rest of the city, I’d argue that this Quarter was a slum prior to the Dunmer arrival. In essence, it was a slum before they got there and it remains a slum today (if not worse), but is it the fault of the Dunmer? According to the dialogue of Scouts-Many-Marshes, an Argonian living on the Windhelm docks, it is implied that an Argonian working in Windhelm makes 8 septims per day plus lodging, presumably a tenth the wage of a “proper Nord worker”. Whether or not this “tenth” is an exaggeration or not, Scouts refers to this level of pay as akin to slave labor. Comparing the squalor of the Argonians and the Dunmer, and taking into account the kind of jobs available to them in this city, it can be fairly assumed that the Dunmer do not make much more money than the Argonians when working for the Windhelm Nords. Contrasted again with Riften, where no such race based pay gap seems to exist. How can the Dunmer be expected then, to adequately maintain their neighborhoods on a pay that is a mere fraction of a Nords?
Trying to make a comparison of “work ethic” between the Dunmer of Riften and Windhelm is inherently unfair when you ignore the near diametric social conditions of the two cities. This is also indicative of the Windhelm Nord’s refusal to acknowledge the roots of Dunmer issues. The old jarls of Windhelm may have accepted the refugees, but the Nord citizens have clearly endeavored to keep them at an arm’s length, leading to the segregation of the Windhelm Dunmer we see today.
The “Good Ones” and the Model Minority
Many might look upon Beylyn Hlaalu as proof that any Dunmer can work their way out of poverty. He is the only Dunmer land owner in Windhelm, a proud man who credits his success to his hard work and resents the poorer Dunmer for complaining. But what many fail to consider is that he is a descendent of House Hlaalu, a former Great House of Morrowind. Although House Hlaalu at this point has lost all major political power, they’re still a family of considerable wealth and influence in Raven Rock, albeit under a fake name. I find it rather likely then, in a culture who so values clanship, that Beylyn Hlaalu has had monetary support from his wealthy relatives in order to at the very least kickstart his farm. And although there are no explicit pieces of lore that support this, one must wonder if it is truly coincidence that the shining example of Dunmer success is one born from a not too distantly historically powerful family.
The successes of the Altmer residents in Windhelm are also cited as proof of Dunmer failings. They are Nurelion, Niranye, Ulundil, and his wife Arivanya. Niranye is presumably the newest Altmer migrant to the city, saying she's only just arrived from the Summerset Isles. She is the only one of the Altmer to make references to mistreatment by Nords, claiming that it was difficult at first but she'd eventually proved her usefulness. Clearly she has been able to integrate with Nord society, and once again it is credited as her own hard work. But is that completely true? There are three factors for her ease of integration that are being ignored here: Unlike the Dunmer, the Altmer arrived as business minded merchants and not as refugees, There were already well established and respected Altmer living in the city prior to her arrival, and her business is unfairly propped up by her dealings with crime guilds. Her business directly competes with that of Ravyn Sadri, a Dunmer general goods merchant. By acquiring her goods through her criminal connections and selling at absurdly low prices, she is able to quite easily undercut Ravyn’s business, who operates honestly.
Referencing Scourge of the Gray Quarter again, the writing finishes by claiming that Windhelm Argonians should be the model for Dunmer behavior and acceptance. They write that the Argonian “has learned how to best contribute to their new home…toiling with utmost efficiency and bright smiles”. Once again this text omits crucial details. The Argonians are forbidden, by decree of Ulfric Stormcloak, from entering the city. And make no mistake, this segregation is not because of the racial tensions between Dunmer and Argonian. According to dialogue from Brunwulf Free-Winter it was primarily due to Ulfric’s distrust of foreigners and Nord stubbornness. They are only permitted to reside on the docks and, as stated before, make a mere fraction of the pay of a Nord worker because of the explicit reason of not being a Nord. This is the proposed model for acceptance? Exploitation, racial hierarchy, and wage slavery? Who reads Scourge of the Gray Quarter, looks at the Argonians, and genuinely thinks they’ve successfully integrated?
When holding these so-called examples of Dunmer failures to light, it’s clear to see that they hold little water. The successes of the “good ones” are not wholly the result of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but likely by benefitting from pre existing privileges that gave them an advantage over the Dunmer as a whole. And the proposed solution for those without such privileges? Becoming servile and catering to the Nords at the Dunmer’s own expense. In the face of mistreatment and mistrust by the majority group, an administration that refuses to listen to them, racially biased pay gaps, a competition that cheats them, and wage slavery: how rational is it to say all they need to do is “work harder”?
Another Man’s War
A common criticism of the Windhelm Dunmer is that they refuse to join Ulfric Stormcloak’s war effort. Many claim that it is their duty as residents of Windhelm, that they owe a debt to the city for taking them in as refugees 200 years ago. But I ask you this, why should they fight on behalf of a system that harms them? It should first be said that the Stormcloak Rebellion’s primary function is to release Skyrim from the rule of the Empire, so that Skyrim’s people may solely be governed by those who live in Skyrim (Ignoring for a moment that Ulfric’s rebellion was set in motion by the Thalmor to weaken the Empire, according to the Thalmor Dossier). An admirable sentiment, but it has manifested itself as highly xenophobic and oftentimes hostile (most commonly verbally) to those who are not Nords. In the case of the Windhelm Dunmer, it has led to the local Nords being more distrustful than ever before. More dialogue from Brunwulf indicates the escalation of racial tension in the city is primarily the result of Ulfric’s “Skyrim for the Nords” rhetoric. This paired with Ulfric’s complete apathy towards the issues faced by non-Nords in his hold communicates a hatred towards them and systematically harms them.
Many players are under the impression that the Dunmer received free housing and live tax free due to what is written in the Decree of Monument."untithed to any thane or hold, and self-governed, with free worship, with no compensation to Skyrim or the Empire”. I’d argue the text is referring to taxes rather than housing, and no other in-game source makes reference to the housing situation either. But does that mean it is true that the Dunmer don’t pay taxes? One of the outcomes of Revyn Sadri’s quest results in him having to pay “increased taxes” to the city of Windhelm, implying that yes, the Dunmer are currently paying taxes. I do not think it is likely that only Revyn or only some Dunmer are paying taxes. It can be fairly assumed then that at some point between 4E 20 (when the monument was placed) and the present time of 4E 201, the Dunmer were made to pay taxes like any other citizen. As for housing, I find it unlikely the Dunmer received the Gray Quarter for free. As stated earlier, it was likely a slum to begin with, meaning it would’ve been considerably cheap to move in. Perhaps offered to them at a reduced price. It is important to note that the Dunmer being refugees at the beginning does not automatically mean they were penniless upon arrival, likely poor, but it would be unrealistic to assume all of them had nothing at all. Realizing now that the Dunmer of Windhelm are tax paying citizens who are continually ignored and othered by their ruler, it surely must be understandable then why they would refuse to fight on behalf of a system that at this point only takes from them. They owe the Nordic administration no loyalty
With a ruling majority that will more often than not shun, insult, or exploit them, It is no wonder then how the Dunmer of Windhelm as a whole have not been able to integrate, that they “keep to themselves”, that they “don’t contribute to the city”. For how can one integrate with those who refuse to ever fully accept them? If you wonder why they do not leave, with what funds could they start anew? If you wonder why they dont help the Nords in their war, why would they fight for a cause that harms them? The system is as the system does, and that system is racism.
Author’s Note
Idk what I wrote all this for lmao. Ive been playing skyrim for over a decade so I guess I thought it would be interesting to engage with the game in another way that's new to me. It was only recently that I got more interested in actually talking to NPCs, learning more about the game world, not just in it for the cool fights and jiggle physics mods (tho i do love em). There's a good degree of guess work here, which I suppose is to be expected with what few pieces that are available we can put together. But I tried to cite as much from official lore as I can. Was def fun trying to take a more nuanced lens to this fantastical game world.
But what do you think? Do you think my analysis is accurate? I'd love to see your opinions on the topic!
submitted by s-atch to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 mason240 Patch Notes for 1.18

Here we go, we've started rolling out 1.18 😄 While I format the full notes, enjoy the TLDR:
New Battle Pass Season: Featuring Tjark, starts on May 19
New ‘For the Blood God’ event to unlock Azkor the Eightfold starts on May 26
New Guild War Season: Starts on May 29
First ‘For the Skull Throne’ event to unlock Khârn the Betrayer starts on Jun 16
Tournament Arena: The Live synchronous PvP event returns on May 22 and Jun 5
New Campaign Battles: ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 2 and ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 3
New Feature: Machines of War
The Machines of War are coming to Tacticus, adding a new tactical layer and a whole lot of extra firepower to battles!
Get your hands on your first Machine of War in the inaugural Incursion event, starting on June 10. Incursion will be a recurring event, so this is only the first of many.
Please note that this is our first iteration of this new feature, and as always we're looking forward to getting your feedback to improve the experience further. Join our Discord to share your thoughts and ideas directly with the development team!
New Battle Pass Season: Featuring Tjark, starts on May 19
New Guild War Season starting May 29
New Campaign Battles: ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 2 and ‘Elite Saim-Hann’ Part 3
New collectable character: [World Eaters] Azkor the Eightfold, Exalted Eightbound, unlockable in the ‘For the Blood God’ event, starting on May 26
Upcoming Legendary event:
[World Eaters] Khârn the Betrayer, Champion of Khorne, unlockable in the first ‘For the Skull Throne’ event, starting on June 16
Upcoming Quest events:
[World Eaters] Macer Bloodgrin, Jakhal Dishonoured, on May 29 with all Chaos as allies.
[Necron] Aleph-Null, Canoptek Spyder, on June 19 with Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus as allies
Tournament Arena:
May 22: Draft Power-Ups ruleset (72h)
June 5: Conquest ruleset (72h)
Daily deals now occasionally offer an Energy pack purchasable with Raid Tickets
New Damage type: Eviscerating (50% pierce ratio)
(NOTE: 1.19 and 1.20 are still our targets for Guild War tweaks – what follows is what we were able to get done sooner than expected:)
Guild War - Preparation phase:
-- Power score of defensive lineups now visually updates when changes are made to the included characters
-- Improved Welcome popup to be more clear on the Guild War setup
-- Guild leaders can now see player requirements to participate in a War
-- Improved text informing players and guild leaders if no battlefield has been selected
-- Improved tooltip explaining requirements for battlefield selection
-- Improved tooltip explaining that multiple changes to defensive lineups are possible up until the War Phase starts
Guild War - War Phase:
-- Added counter to show the total remaining attacks of the opposing guild
-- Added timer in battle to show how long is left before the battle ends. The timer was also changed to 20 minutes in total.
-- Improved the tooltip breaking down how many points are scored for defeating an enemy lineup
Guild War - Other:
-- Improved tooltip and added inspection for War Crates
-- Added text after a war is finished to indicate that rewards are still pending
-- Popup for promoting a member to co-leader now explains Guild War powers for the co-leader role
Improved AI behaviour for Abraxas
Archimatos’ active ability was renamed to Daemonic Incursion, to be distinguishable from the new event name (no change to gameplay)
Updated icons for several upgrade materials
Improved ability description for Guild Boss Eldryon’s Phantasm to more accurately describe the behaviour
World Eaters upgrade crates added to the Departmento Munitorum
Moved the button for the Danger Zone to the right side of the screen (this change will make more sense once Machines of War get going)
With the new Incursion event coming in the 4th week of the Battle Pass Season, we made some changes to the event schedule:
-- Tournament Arena will now be scheduled in week 1 and week 3 of the Season from Wed to Sat
-- The Character Quest events will now be scheduled in week 2 and week 5 of the Season from Wednesdays to Fridays
-- The Guild War season will now start 1 day earlier (Saturday of the 3rd week), so the other events start during preparation times of the Wars
We made these changes to give each event enough breathing room and not schedule too many high effort events at the same time
Tanksmasha RewORK
Next in line is the rider of our beautiful Smashasquig. We wanted to keep his identity as a fast linebreaker that can cause havoc in the enemy lines. Therefore we buffed his abilities and made him more tanky to give him a better chance to survive amidst the enemies that he crashed into. We also gave him a new damage type that addresses a bit the weakness of Orks against high Armour.
-- Increased Health by 18%
-- Changed Damage Type to “Eviscerating” with 50% armour pierce
-- Reduced Damage by 20% (but he gets some of it back from his new passive)
-- Added “Get Stuck In” trait
-- Adjusted active ability:
--- Affected enemies now get suppressed - or stunned if they have the Big Target trait
--- The ability deals additional damage for each hex that Tanksmasha has traversed from the start of the ability until the damage occurs
--- To counterbalance the increased damage potential and some extreme use cases in the Power-Ups Tournament Arena, the ability cannot be used during the first turn anymore
-- Changed passive ability to “Smasha ‘Ead”:
When he traverses 2 or more hexes during his turn, then Tanksmasha gains +X Damage for normal attacks and takes -Y% Damage until the start of his next turn.
Note: The Tanksmasha side boss battle of Ghazghkull will be updated next release. For now, he will still have the old abilities when you face him.
Fixed bug where Rogal Dorn Battle Tank would change his rotation after the battle starts
Removed references to Beast Snagga from Beast Slayer trait
Vitruvius’ Rad-Bombardment can now target impassable tiles as long as there are passable tiles behind it and affected by the ability
Fixed crash during Ghazghkull fight
Fixed Exitor-Rho having no sound in the character screen
Thaumachus now correctly adds Shields to units that already have a Shield
Fixed the Shield keyword in ability descriptions not having an explanation
Fixed the names of the top three players in the HRE being unreadable depending on the player frame
Ability description for The Wrath of Khaine Unleashed now correctly mentions flame damage instead of fire damage
Fixed Time Ghosts from Toth and Scarab Occult Terminators not disappearing correctly
Fixed visual bug with Toth’s Hellfyre Missile Rack flying in a straight line
Yazaghor's Sorcerous Facade is no longer cancelled if the teleport target dies as a result of Yazaghors normal attack
Damage of non-psychic attacks from Psykers is now correctly reduced by Szarekhs Noctilith Beacons ability
Aethana’s Path of Command ability is no longer applied to units within 2 hexes while Aethana is still in Deep Strike
The buff icon for Shadowsuns Defender of the Greater Good ability now shows the current chance to add an extra hit to T’au allies
Fixed unlock mission chain for Asmodai not appearing
submitted by mason240 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 Hellopainful420 Fire all my favorite colleagues? I'll get YOU fired and get your position.

This is an old story some of my friends told me (29F) I should share here.. so here I am. Sorry for the long text, but there's a lot to unfold.
This started a few years ago, after I got ghosted by my ex, I decided to switch careers and took the proposal of my brother to work for one of his friend in an organic grocery store in my area. I was 22ish at the time, maybe 21 turning 22, but anyways.
I started working in the fruits and vegetables aisle. Despite having a crazy director, I liked my job and my department manager. After a few months, I got the title of "third key" which is basically I'm the assistant manager when the assistant is gone. Then, they decided to hire a new customer service manager that I will call Linda. That woman was CRAZY. While I was 23 at the time, she was only 20 acting like she owned the world.
To give you an idea, in the span of 8 months being here, she got 11 employees fired for stupid reasons and since our director at the time was just as crazy... it was easier for her to get her way. Also, when I say stupid reasons, I'll give you a few examples: Benji got fired because he was "talking too loud" in the break room and it was disturbing her peace and supposedly making her harder to rest to come back fully ready to finish her shift. Marie got fired because she HAD to take off work to go to a relative's funeral and couldn't give her 2 weeks notice. Rose got fired because she was getting "too old to do her job properly and it was ruining the pace of the team's work" (which is bs, I've never seen someone cut veggies and fruits as fast as her). And I could go on. Yes, some of them could've been able to be protested against and even file a complaint against her. Mind you, outside of Rose, everybody was too young to just wanting to fight for a grocery store job. Even Rose just decided to take her retirement earlier and fucked off the work world lol.
Anyways, she took it too far when she tried to mess with me. To give you the context, we had a huge special on lemons and sometimes, those fruits can get rotten and you don't notice it because there's no smell. The only way you'd know is by going through the several small boxes of like 10ish lemons and look at them all one by one. Which I did regularly, but hey, I'm not a robot, sometimes some of them slipped out of my eyes. I was leaving the backstore with more boxes when I saw Linda with a customer that seemed more than pissed. So I go see both of them because mind you.. she has a LEMON box and I work in the fruits department. So it's kind of my job to help IF I CAN. That's when I asked her "Hey Linda, do you need help with the lemons?" And right away she told me "Fuck off, I don't need your help, I already spoke to your manager. Go do your job for once." My face was literally like this 😳 as I went to my department. Even the pissed customer did a bombastic side eyes.
A few minutes later, I go back to the backstore to fulfill the missing products and my manager pulls me aside. "Hey OP, stay out of Linda's business. I can't protect you all the time for talking back." I stopped him right away asking what does he means cause as soon as she told me to fuck off, I did fuck off. He looked at me surprised and said he'd come back to me with it, but only tomorrow because he's finishing his shift and for some personal reason, he can't stay longer to solve the issue. Since Linda was the manager on guard that night, he told me to stay in the back as much as possible to stay in her good graces. That's what I did.
One hour after my manager left, I heard my name being called in the front office (shared by the customer service manager and director). Big wtf. I go in the front and all of my colleagues are looking at me like I'm a prisoner going to their death sentence. Mind you, I know my laws and my rights. I might be young, but as soon as I got called, I started reciting in my head the main laws and rights she has to respect. I open the door's office and Linda is FUMING. And she is alone. She asks me to close the door and I tell her "No, it is my right to have someone in the room with us for this talk. I am not comfortable being alone with you." She starts freaking out and starts to speak louder, on the verge of screaming. "Linda. This room is recorded 24/7 and the customers can hear you talking to me like that. Lower your tone and find a witness to be in the room or I'll go back to work." She stands up to look outside the office and sees that indeed, there's a line in front of the cash looking to the office's direction. She takes a few deep breaths and calls Gabrielle who takes care of the finances of the store so she can be a witness. From the moment Gab got into the room, she seemed like she wanted to get away, so do I.
Gab took a seat in the back and Linda starts her whole speech. I'll be paraphrasing cause the meeting took almost an hour.
L: You know why I brought you here, right? OP: Not really, I've been in the backstore minding my business. Why? L: Well you disrespected my authority in front of a customer and that's a big no no for the company. OP: For the company or for you? L: OP, this is not the topic. You shouldn't be disrespecting authority in front of customers. It makes the managers look bad. OP: I was honestly just trying to help because you had a box of products from my department. I just wanted to help because the customer looked pissed and I didn't want him to ruin your fragile mood. L: My fragile mood?! Are you fucking serious?! OP: Linda, we are being recorded and we have a witness. I'm asking you to stay polite and not scream or I will file a complaint against you. L: Are threatening me??? OP: No, I am stating my rights and making you aware of where your attitude will lead you. I won't accept being talked like that by someone that ain't even my manager. L: Okay OP, let me remind you where your position stands in this business.
That bitch started to draw a triangle, put her name at the tippidy top and mine at the bottom. I didn't even let her finish what she had to say, I stormed off the office, went into the employees lockers, took my stuff and headed out. Linda ran after me, yelling like a psycho "YOU CAN'T LEAVE LIKE THAT! YOU'RE STILL SCHEDULED FOR THE CLOSE!" I stopped on my steps, making Linda almost run into me and said with the most blank expression I could have "Linda, you crossed a line and since you're so good at your job, close my department for me. I will be filing a complaint against you." And left the work place.
Next morning, I came to work as usual and had to see my manager and the director. I explained them the whole situation and showed the papers I was about to send to file a complaint against Linda. Also, this dumb bitch didn't even throw her pyramid in the trash. It was still on display when the director came in to work and asked me what it was. I asked her to look at the cameras, put the sound on and listen to the whole meeting. We watched it to my director's horror and who came in to work in the middle of our screening time? Linda! She came into the office and Linda being a poc turned white as a ghost. I've never seen her being so so pale. "W-what are you doing?" The director asked Linda to sit down and we watched again the video. Mind you, it took us one full hour to watch because she was in a never ending power trip. She used to be smart when she was bullying and making stories about past employees, doing it far from the cameras and usually using the other office that doesn't have cameras or a microphone, but she wasn't with me. I guess she got comfortable or whatever, but check mate on her ass.
My director said I could go back to work with my manager, that she would take care of the rest. Two weeks later, Linda still had her job, but our director resigned from her job right away. Which was hella weird, but whatever. We got a new director, she was a total sweet heart and she noticed Linda's crazy power trips right away. She decided to launch an intern investigation, but sadly, all the employees Linda bullied were fired. There was only me and my little complaint waiting to be served. When Nancy, our new director, came to me asking if I knew anything about Linda. I gave her the file, the time stamps of the video tape, all the employees she fired for stupid reasons with the old director and also phone numbers of those employees.
Flash forward 2 weeks later, Linda left work earlier, balling her eyes out yelling how Nancy was a bitch and didn't deserve her job. How she always came in earlier, put in the work and yadi yada. Nancy waited a few more days before asking me to come into the office and again, I'll be paraphrasing because a lot have been said.
N: HI OP, don't worry, you're not in any trouble. I just saw your CV and noticed you've had a lot of experience in customer service. OP: Yes, I used to be a cashier for almost 5 years, it was my first job. Why? N: I've seen your file, your CV and how you managed the conversation with Linda. We are actually looking for a new customer service manager since Linda have been let go. OP: What about my actual position? N: It's easier to find a fruits and vegetables commis than it is to find a competent service manager.. as you experienced.
I ended up accepting the position and all my co-workers cheered for my raise. I don't want to brag, but I've always been the one to defend everybody in the place, making sure I'll keep my job in the process and following the laws and rights. A few months later, Linda came back to the store as a customer and the look she had on her face when she saw me at the cash with the manager uniform was priceless. It was even more priceless when she asked me when I got the promotion and I told her the exact date, which matched her departure. "So you got my position when I left?" I just nodded and asked if I could do anything more to help have a better experience in the store. She didn't answer to that and just left after paying her things.
To this day, it's still one of my favorite moments to have been through. I'm not a petty person, but if I can ruin you in the process of me trying to defend my people, I'll be more than happy to do so. Last I've heard of Linda, she was working for the competitor, but never had any promotions.
submitted by Hellopainful420 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 Desperate_Limit_4957 What can I apply to the wood to improve it's sturdiness and remove the "wood lines" when applying wood spray paint?

What can I apply to the wood to improve it's sturdiness and remove the
I just picked up woodworking 2 weeks ago, and absolutely enjoy it. As a first project, I went about creating this 2 metre (6f 5inch) long sword for fun. Made a number of mistakes, but it was a great learning experience and I'm going to be making more to go on my wall at home.
I've been doing online research, but I'm not really finding anything clear cut. For strengthening because of the length of the sword, I cut thin lines into the length of the wood and put in 2 long flat iron pieces, from almost the bottom of the sword straight through to the handle. The wood pieces were then put together with glue, with the metal rods in the middle. That seemed to fix the swinging the sword issue, as it felt very bendable. But to maintain the colour and look of the wood (strengthening against chipping, wear and tear, etc), what can I apply to it to give it a bit of longevity?
Regarding the colour, if you take a close look at it you can see the patterns of the wood. I used Pine to make this sword, it was cheap and easy to use hence the reason. But how can I "smooth out" the wooden patterns so that they don't show after applying colour? Just continue applying multiple layers of the paint?
Tia for all input.
submitted by Desperate_Limit_4957 to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:56 JadedToon The Crippled God, Dust Of Dreams, The End: Ranting, Review and Final Thought

So here we are, on the last page. Indulge my ramblings.
It's been one hell of a ride, managing to devour the ten big books in what is a little over a year I think at this point. To say it took me for a ride is an understatement. I haven't been invested in an actual book series for a while now, few standalone novels here and there, but nothing like this.
I don't think I posted my detailed thought on DoD, perhaps it was for the best. Because I truly see it as but a half of a book. While in the past some malazan books picked up right after others, DG and MOI continue directly after GoTM, HOC continues on to DG. It was never with such immediacy. TCG starting second after DoD, heck starting before its end, because we see Cotillion take hold of Lostara.
I had gotten used to a certain pace within these books. Book 1 would be a sort of overture, we see new characters, we see old characters, a cast is assembled. Book 2 expands on the main plot of the book, what will this all be about, plans are set in motion. Book 3, the plans mature, we see a convergance on the horizon. Book 4, we get a convergance. The roller coaster has reached the highest point and goes into free fall.
DoD essentially gets us to the end of Book 2, a midway finale, we have met all the players, we know what the plan is. We are moving towards it.
It was a hard read, because the cast was just overflowing. Usually I praise SE for those small scenes, of the soldiers shooting the shit as they march, between fights and all that. I still like them, but was getting overwhelmed with just how many we were getting. I had to take out my notebook again to keep track of the squads and command structure.
It is a bit of a blur compared to TCG, kalyth, the snake, the shake, the ghosts, tool, toc, torrent, trade guild, grey helms, queen abastral, her daughter, tavore, ublala etc.
The snake being the most jarring and confusing element, it took by far the longest to get used to it and wrap my brain around it properly. Similar to the ghosts.
What left me the most angry and annoyed was olar ethils meddling between Toc and Tool. There are plenty of hateable and evil bastards in the series, individuals it is fun to hate. Olar was not one, she felt like a nuissance. Toc and Tool not getting an ounce of bloody mercy left me very jaded. But I will get into more on that later.
I think I will just jump to TCG.
I did not know what to expect as an ending. I have been disappointed plenty of times. It is no small feat to cap off 14 000 pages of such a rich, complicated and elaborate world. I had no illusion that everything will be neat and tidy, a happily ever after. This not that kind of story.
Steven Erickson did do the series justice. That is the best way I think I can phrase it. It was not what I expected, it was not what I wanted for some characters. But I cannot disagree or see it ending other way.
Those who have followed my rantings while reading will know of my disagreement witht the idea "THE STORY IS ABOUT HOPE". Considering the amount of failure, misery, cruelty and a whole lot more the story dumps on to some characters. My opinion has changed, not fully, but it has. It was not due to the final scene with them defending with the crippled god. It was due to Torrent.
I was so invested in him. He felt so human so mortal, yet despite it all. He kept going. That moment when Olar confronts the guild, mappo and the rest, when they all stand uselessly pissing themselves as she demands the kids. Torrent is the only one to stand up, to go with her. I truly lost a lot of respect for Mappo then.
We don't know what happens to Torrent. He gets the killshot on the witch bitch, then falls down a fissure. I read that line, hoping that he survives. Until someone says otherwise I will keep hoping.
Another character is Cotillion, the most human god of all. I can hardly recognise him from the start of GOTM.....
TCG felt to me what "Return of the king" felt to some of my friends. From the andii kneeling to the shake in respect for holding out, to Korlat and WJ. "And wait he will", that had me straight up bawling for several minutes
Regarding our favourite Trell...when he met with Calm, I knew how it would end. From how clumsily he handled himself to the exhaustion, he never stood a chance. Ublala could have never arrived on time, for he was meant to take up that torch, like so many before him. "I remembered something", there is that feeling again. Hope. far she has come.
I hated her, I hated her so much. From DG all the way to TBH. All the politics, betrayal and bullshit leaving me expecting she was just like Surly or Rel. Boy was I wrong. "I lost her", of all the things expected, it was not that. It all came crashing down with just those three words when she met Ganoes. All her weight, all she did. It made sense.
Yedan's last stand and death hurt, but in the same way Rake's did. It was not in vain, they both died for the cause they believed in. They won.
Now.....tool, toc and hetan. This is going to be controversial. I was aware of something bad happening in DoD, that much was hinted by several sources. It was horrific, but didn't have the same impact some of past horrors did. I find it hard to explain, but what made it worse was....her coming back like nothing happened.
I might be reading it in the wrong way. Ressurection in any fantasy series is a dangerous can of worms, the moment an author uses it, he has to start making up excuses for why it cannot be done every time. Malazan handled it by showing just how nasty the cost is. Rhulad being driven more insane every time he came back, escapees from Hood's realm looking like zombies etc.. Even Hedge reuniting with Fiddler, it is endlessly fraught and warped their relationship.
I like that Tool got a happy ending, but her just coming back like that. It felt cheap and made me resent we couldn't get other characters back the same way. The whole Tool and Toc thing just got me angry and not in a fun way.
I could go on and on, but I needed to get this lot off my chest first.
This series changed me and the way I appreciate stories/characters. There is not a single person in malazan you can point to who is fully good or evil (except the liosan and assail, fuccccccckkkkkkkk them). Humans are messy, despite the best of intent, the world will not let us be good, nor is it easy to be good. We do stuff that seemingly contradicts what we stand for, what we value, knowing the immediate pain it will cause, but holding out hope it will be worth it in the long run.
I am far from done with Malazan. Novels of the malazan empire are next on my reading list. But I will be taking a bit of a break to reset. There is a real danger of getting fatigued with the series, the worst hitting right during DoD.
So book series...
submitted by JadedToon to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about tuberculosis diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:53 dBonesLH Spring Horror Reviews feat. Buehlman, Cutter & More!

Hi Horror fans! I am back with a few more reviews. I normally try to mix up the new and the old the classic and the atypical when I can. My success varies depending on which books call to me. Let me know what you think!
Lowest reviewed to highest.
Survivor Song by Paul Tremblay
Premise- A new rabies virus is running rampant in Massachusetts and Nats is running out of time. Almost ready to give birth and exposed to the rapidly advancing virus she needs help before the baby arrives or she succumbs…
Thoughts- This book almost broke my DNF record. It has been a long time since I gave up on a book and this was close. If it wasn’t a relatively short book (around 300 pages) I don’t think I would have powered through. I disliked one of the main characters throughout (Nats) finding her grating and her attempts at humour embarrassing. It also employs just about every cliché ever put into the apocalyptic or outbreak genre and then makes it worse by being self referential about the cliches. Then towards the end the other main character who I didn’t mind as much becomes so selfish (I understand she’s trying to help her friend but come on) that she willingly endangers a busload of people just for her own ends. All of this is without delving into the awkward and awful kid “slang” Tremblay employs for about 50 pages in the middle of the book. My wife really enjoyed the audiobook for his A Head Full of Ghosts so I will probably try that before writing him off as an author who is not for me but he has a really difficult hill to climb after this. A final thing to note much of this book even when action was occurring felt plodding and slow somehow which I can’t even wrap my head around because rabies infected people chasing down our main characters should be exciting but I could barely keep my eyes open.
Rating- 2/5. Not a 1 because I finished it. Do not recommend. Read any other apocalyptic or outbreak book The Stand or Swan Song comes to mind.
Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman
Premise- The Black Death ravages the French countryside and evil lurks behind every corner. A former knight turned brigand encounters a young girl who is more than she seems. Can he find redemption? Does he deserve it?
Thoughts- This is another horrorlit darling. I actually picked up Buehlman’s fantasy novel The Blacktongue Thief first in anticipation of this this novel because it was the only novel of his available at my book store. I enjoyed that and appreciated the author’s humour and dark side. This novel came with a lot of hype as it has to be one of the most recommended books in this sub. The premise of a medieval horror which features demons and devils was incredibly appealing and my wife and I decided to read through it at the same time (her on audio). We both found it pretty underwhelming which I know might be controversial. It’s strange because its well written, I enjoy the characters and the setting but somehow it did not gel with me. The best way I can describe it is it felt almost like a horror show with say 22 episodes. Like most shows with 22 episodes a lot of them are filler or freak of the week episodes and that is how a lot of the middle of the book felt to me. We would travel along with Thomas and Delphine, they would encounter something strange and remarkable (occasionally horrifying) and move on to another area where another strange or remarkable thing would happen. It felt oddly disconnected. Now I need to talk about the ending which didn’t redeem my feelings about a large portion of the book but it was my favourite thing about this novel for sure. It ends in a fantastic way and encapsulates what I think the author was going for throughout the book but didn’t land for me until the end with themes concerning sin, redemption and second chances. This might be the definition of a book I appreciate and can see what others love about it but didn’t register with me for large portions. That ending though, so good.
Rating-3.5/5 stars. An interesting setting for a modern horror novel let down by some meandering adventures which caused it to lose me somewhat before ending on a high note.
Little Heaven by Nick Cutter
Premise- Three hardened mercenaries team up for what seems like an easy job, rescue a woman’s nephew from a cult down south. What it turns into is a fight for their lives which will haunt them down through the years and will make them wonder if they ever really escaped Little Heaven?
Thoughts- My second foray into the work of horrorlit darling Nick Cutter. I enjoyed The Troop and found it suitably disgusting and chilling to earn the reputation it has in the wider horror fan annals. I actually think I prefer Little Heaven overall. One of my biggest gripes with The Troop was its lack of meaningful characters and many of them felt like stereotypes and while some of the characters in Little Heaven fall a little into that category (the Reverand in particular is just a straight black heart) the main group were all well realized in my opinion and despite their obvious shortcomings I came to root for them. Cutter per usual is a master with description, creeping the reader out with every mention of things slimy, crawly or looming. In this book he has included some pages of art which further the atmosphere and really burn some of the images into your mind (one rather tall character in particular). I enjoyed the back and forth between the two timelines, one during the initial trip to Little Heaven in the 60’s and the ugly return in the 80’s. It had almost an It like feeling of needing to overcome your fear when you know what is awaiting you but finding the courage decades later to face it regardless. Similarly to The Troop, Cutter doesn’t give us the Hollywood happy ending either which I enjoy, you get your elements and take what you can from such an evil place. Without going into spoilers there were things about the ultimate confrontation which I disliked (mostly the reveal of what is within the black rock itself) and things which I enjoyed a lot (the ultimate fate of one of the main characters). I think that I have now read what I would consider his two most applauded books I can move onto the one which splits horror audiences in half, The Deep. Overall though Cutter writes horror that really is a page turner and I will continue to read him until he proves otherwise.
Rating-4/5 stars. Another fast-paced creepy jaunt evoking elements of Heart of Darkness (and modern horror takes like Children of Chaos) and the two timeline split involving children obsessed evil like King’s It, Mr. Cutter continues to impress and make it his own.
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
Premise- The sun has gone dark and the great empire of Elidaen is at war. Not with their neighbouring countries but the great unholy horde of undying monsters that make up the vampiric kingdoms. Gabriel De Leon will learn what it means to survive and battle against these creatures on his journey to becoming a member of the Silversaints, the great brotherhood of warriors who try to keep the darkness at bay.
Thoughts- Let me start by saying that putting this into my horror reviews is a little of a stretch. This is really more of a dark fantasy book with horror trappings. If you just want straight horror and are not into fantasy as a genre maybe give this one a pass, but if you do enjoy fantasy even a little please check this out. It is epic in scale with fantastic characters and really fun dialogue. If I am being reductive it is like 70% Witcher, 20% Blade and 10% Interview with a Vampire. I happen to enjoy all three of those things quite a bit so I loved this book. The story bounces between three time frames, the framing story in the “present” where Gabriel is imprisoned and telling his life story to his vampire jailor, his origin story taking place when he is around 16 telling of his upbringing and becoming a Silversaint and finally him as a 32 year old on a quest for the holy grail. Kristoff does a really good job at least early on keeping the reader engaged on each story as they bounce back and forth and I never felt too much like I needed to go back to the other time line even though I was always interested in what would happen next. There was one sequence which dragged a little for me (basically the sequence going to and time in Redwatch) but it is a minor gripe in a hell of a book. I am very excited for the sequel which should be out in first half of 2024. This book looks from the title and cover a little juvenile but it is very adult (many brutal murders, battles, amusing and creative cursing and a fair bit of the sexy stuff) so do not be scared off by appearance alone. A definite recommend from me. I could see some people finding the dynamics and themes well trodden from other recent media as mentioned Witcher and things like The Last of Us, but the world and characters Kristoff creates makes it work despite the familiarity.
Rating-4.5/5 stars. A brilliant start to what I hope will be the and amazing vampire series.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patick Suskind
Premise- Jean-Baptise Grenouille is born with a unique ability, the most extraordinary nose of all time. He can remember, store and create any scent he wishes. To that end he “collects” as many as possible and aims to create the greatest perfume known to mankind. Unfortunately, the best scents that he wishes to capture for his perfume comes from virginal teenage girls and he will take their odour no matter the cost….
Thoughts- I prepared myself for this book based on comments from fellow readers by expecting it to fall into the more distinguished “literature” side of the horror genre. It did but it still surprised me with the directions that it went in. I was expecting more focus lets say on the murders themselves and Suskind does such an amazing job detailing the inner workings of Grenouille’s mind that when we finally get to that part of the book we absolutely understand why they are not really the focus of the novel but merely a means to an end. The descriptions of odours are amazing and a few times I felt myself almost gagging at some of the images Suskind conjures with his prose. I am not a prose person but he does a wonderful job detailing scents in a way you would never think of. The journey Grenouille goes on is utterly unexpected and fascinating. You truly get a strange insight into this broken creature and why he is doing what he is doing and how ultimately the murders mean nothing to him but a way to capture or collect his perfume which is his ambition. The last few pages erupt into a madhouse of defied expectations just when I thought we would have a fairly basic ending Suskind pulls the rug out once again. It also really underlines how animal humanity can be and what we can be reduced to based on our senses.
Rating-5/5 stars. A truly unique novel which defied all expectations. Very different and easy to recommend to horror readers who want something out of the ordinary.
If you want to read my previous horror reviews I will post the links here:
Devil in the White City, The Troop, The Damnation Game, Swan Song, The Fisherman and Something Wicked This Way Comes
Playground, Ghost Story, Red Dragon, The Exorcist, Children of Chaos
Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters, Mongrels, Strange Weather, Let the Right One in, The Final Girl Support Group
Potential Options Upcoming books:
Owned- Old Country by Query, The Fireman by Hill and Carrion Comfort by Simmons (started this one got about 1/3 through and put it down wasn’t clicking despite me loving his Sci-Fi).
Wishlist- The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Barron, Boy’s Life by McCammon.
submitted by dBonesLH to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:45 lilsnailhasnofriends Uncertain about TB diagnosis

My father got diagnosed with tuberculosis a few months ago. He had been coughing for god knows how many years now (maybe 3). Recently my mom noticed blood so she finally got to convince him to see a doctor. He was very reluctant so that's why it took so long (where I live there's a public health care system so it's not about money).
When he went to the doctor, from the first x-ray of his lungs the doctor got really worried. They sent him to another hospital that had the equipment to make a tomography, sputum examination and even an STD test. He spent the day there waiting for the results.
The sputum test was negative for TB (that's where it starts to get weird in my opinion), also for the STD, so they scheduled a doctor appointment with an in specialist in lung infection.
This doctor just looked at his x-ray and concluded it was tuberculosis and started a treatment that my father followed for a few months before returning. In the next appointment with a new x-ray the doctor said nothing changed and he didn't get better (only lost weight) so he would have to try a new treatment for the following month and if that didn't work they'd send him to a better hospital (wtf?!). My father wanted to give up but my mom convinced him to continue with the new treatment. And he's currently on it - can't tell if it's working.
But there's more: my whole family did the PPD test (since we all live in the same house) and it was negative. Also an x-ray and coincidentally my siblings and I were sick with the flu that day. Just by looking at the x-ray this doctor said the whole family was infected (when none of us have any symptoms). Shouldn't we need more exams? The doctor can tell just by looking?
I'm concerned it might not be a correct diagnosis for my father. Wouldn't the sputum exam show this? Wouldn't other exams like bronchoscopy be needed? And there's one more thing: my father's family has a history of cancer (his father died from lung cancer), the doctor asked about it but my father tried to hide it - my mom didn't let him.
There's no doubt it's something serious, I'm just concerned. Doctors make mistakes and there's millions of stories of misdiagnosis, taking meds you don't need is not good. what do you think?
I wanted my father to look for a second opinion (in the amazing hospital from his health insurance that is a lot better than the public hospital in my city), but he wants to wait ...wait and see. I don't think when it comes to diesieses you should wait, you should take action right away to prevent it from getting worse. He's retired so he has plenty of time.
submitted by lilsnailhasnofriends to Tuberculosis [link] [comments]