Denied job keep in touch letter

For the CRM Archaeologist, you know who you are

2011.02.27 05:37 thebananabandit For the CRM Archaeologist, you know who you are

Need advice for a new pair of boots? Want to trade an exhaustively long list of misunderstandings about what you do? Have tips for those starting out?

2009.04.04 03:20 chrisactuit Accounting

Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss their career choice. Advice and questions welcome.

2014.09.11 06:47 scammingladdy Insider News: News that important AND interesting

Share articles that you believe are significant and influential in your industry -- but are most importantly interesting! News that matters. News that's cool.

2024.05.15 13:39 Spiritual_Hat_5233 Im (38M) beginning to feel resentful of my wife's (38F) low paying career. How can I shake this?

My wife (38F) and I (38M) have been together for 10 years and married for 5. We've always had a supportive and healthy relationship in all aspects, especially finances. We've partnered to buy and fully renovate our first home, have 2x our salary in retirement and recently bought a brand new vehicle. We also recently welcomed our first child less than a year ago.
However, all of this has really taken a toll on me. I'm the primary income earner (before she went part time, I made 2.5x her income). I'm in a highly specialized career that took me around ten years in the workforce, plus pursuing a masters while working. All of this happened during COVID while we were renovating and burned me out. I've had to change jobs multiple times to get where I am salary wise and a quick transition to another role isn't easy.
All of this is background to say, my wife has not had a similar trajectory. She's stayed in the same low paying job for 5 years. It's her dream job and she does so much societal good, but she's grossly underpaid and convinced she can't make more money if she leaves because people in her career don't negotiate.
Im beginning to feel resentful, not because of the money necessarily, but because it doesn't give me much wiggle room to get off the gas so to speak. I'm starting to get burned out from work and feel trapped in this high paid, high stress career.
How can I avoid feeling resentful when there's no reason to do so? My wife and I are fully aligned on her keeping her dream job until she can find something better, but its been a year or so of this.
submitted by Spiritual_Hat_5233 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:39 Petite_lotus So many f***ing headaches now

So I started a new job about a month ago, and ever since I started working, I have had a increase in headaches. I’ve had about six migraines, which absolutely sucks because when I’m taking nurtec I’m dealing with horrible stomach pains for two days. While also most likely dealing with another headache, which I use OTC to help. But it’s like a 50-50.
Now, I am on a computer for almost 10 hours a day five days a week, I have been trying to convince my boss to let me work from home at least one day a week, because not only is the drive absolutely killing me. Even though it’s only 20 minutes, it’s just really hard on me because I’m not used to working this much. So it’s been about five years since I’ve worked a full-time job, this place has a starter up business. So I want to help out as much as I can, but I feel like I’m being cornered..
Fast-forward to the last two days, I am really trying to keep it together. I woke up with a horrible migraine this morning, thankfully, it’s going away after the medicine. I’m just gonna have to deal with an upset stomach later on, I haven’t heard anything from my boss, I asked him yesterday well technically I didn’t ask. I told him that I was staying home because of how my mental and physical health is, I just need a break, but would be more than happy to be online and still help out! It’s not that hard since we all communicate through that. And I can get all my work done here. (Now let me just note, that I will work an extra 3 to 5 hours when getting home which time around 11 PM.. so I’m definitely working and trying to catch up on things, so I’m not overwhelmed the next day. But I’m being thrown things that I don’t even know how to do, and when I ask about it, I get told that I shouldn’t be asking online because it makes me look bad. But when I try and ask in person, no one is there? So do y’all see where the stress is coming from a little bit?
I’m also trying to process the fact that a male colleague found me on Instagram the other day, and sent me a DM asking how they could see more “risqué” photos/videos of me.
I do professional modeling on the side, nothing sexual. Mainly glam stuff… I tried to pretend to not really understand what he meant in the message to see if he would be more specific. But he suggested that we talk off-line and in person. - so that doesn’t help with the headaches 😩
submitted by Petite_lotus to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:38 B1ueberrySea Mom diagnosed with depression

She definitely had a few depressive episodes in the past; when she had her miscarriage and quit her job (at different points of her life). This time around, seems she's under alot of stress due to a recent family emergency and work pressure (recently scouted into a higher-up position)
To some extent, I'm not suprised. She's endured so much in her life and tends to keep her walls up and act strong, as she's a maternal/authorative figure to so many people; family and friends usually seek her out for advice and understanding.
but it doesn't help how incredibly disheartening it is to get a text from my dad about how its so bad she's getting medicated and finding her sometimes crying in the middle of the night. Especially considering I can't directly be there to support her, as I've moved half way across the world for my studies...
As her daughter- How do I deal with this? Is there any effective way I can help her? Should I suggest therapy?
submitted by B1ueberrySea to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:38 Abdullah7714 This is consuming my life I really need help

Ever since finding out about this disease I have been anxious and ocd about it 24/7. For example I’ll accidentally get touched by a door or a desk in my crotch and I’ll feel a sensation in my penis and I will keep slapping my penis with my hand to see if I feel any sensations worrying that that sensation is my penis getting injured and I’ll stop till I feel nothing and that’s when I can stop. I know it’s ocd but I’m worried it’ll cause this disease. Like I might keep feeling my penis to see if I can feel anything in my penis that might be a plaque and then if I have a sensation as well I’ll just keep doing it until it feels alright.
I’m worried that I have cause some damage last night because I kept slapping my penis with my hand and it hurt a little bit. Today idk I might feel slight plain in my penis and worried that I’ve caused Peyronies.
I’m so suicidal because of this I can’t enjoy life tried therapy and it didn’t help. Slapping my flaccid penis could that cause Peyronies?
submitted by Abdullah7714 to PeyroniesSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:37 Loud_Skirt_7421 Help me type myself

How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself. 17, male Just your average quiet teenager • Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow? not that I know of • Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it? Growing up isn't a thing I really recall easily, but I was born in a semi-poor family of 4 members(me,brother,and parents ofc), parents didn't really get along and eventually they split up and I had to fill the role of the father for my brother. Mostly my mother would insist on religion and such, and most of my morals are from her. Now I just think some of them are pretty stupid • What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not? I am in high school currently, I would like to become a doctor, something that ties into sports because I do karate and I really love this sport (I am at the brown belt currently) • If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed? It could go both ways, either I do something by myself in that weekend or I would like to go hang out with others(on calls mostly just to listen and maybe include myself, joke around and all) but if I really have nothing to do I feel miserable if I stay and think about my current situation, not having much going on for me.. • What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities? Playing on my computer and Karate, I am pretty good at sports now but before I really wasn't in a good physical condition (I was fat). But I prefer both indoor activities and outdoor , but mostly sticking with indoor cause no opportunities to go outside which is sad really... • How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate? Not really curious about stuff that aren't of use to me or I don't see value in, like yeah if I need to know something I will hold onto that but for myself for no reason going out to learn something isn't really for me.. • Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be? I don't really go for leadership if I don't have a good level of expertise on the subject, but when I do it's good. I try to simplify my strategizing because there's no point in complicating a plan and plus it helps with staying flexible • Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I don't know what to answer on this "coordination" thing.. But I do enjoy working with my hands even if it won't be good, from time to time I think about cooking food and such for myself/ family • Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
No, I used to like it as a kid mostly because of school, it would get recognition and I would actually think "hell yeah I am the best artist!" (kind of), but since it wouldn't get much recognition I stopped being like that.. kind of cringing at my past behaviour honestly • What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I don't think bout them too much About the past I really don't recall memories, unless it's episodic memory because then I remember what happend all of that , not with all the details tho And I don't stay and think much about my future, I don't like thinking in advance what I'm gonna do but I am indifferent towards it. I try to remain on the lookout for possibilities that could help me later or in the moment
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
People don't really come to me for help unless they try to use me(and ofc I don't let them) But it would go one of the two ways: either I help them because I feel obligated too, or actually want to show the person I am interested into something of theirs(this sounds wrong lol) or I simply say no and go on about my day
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
yeah, I don't really like to have things that make no sense around me which is why I try to make sense of everything even including this system of cognitive functions (which I read a bit but ehh not too sure how they apply to me that is why I am here in the first place)
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Not too much , but I do love when I am efficient and productive. Because in free time if I have nothing to work towards I feel pointless, and miserable.. • Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them? I do karate and play on my pc, that is pretty much it.. I love doing this sport, I want to continue on practicing this sport and maybe become a coach myself + becoming a doctor for a field like kinetotherapy (i hope that is how you call it idk how it is in english)
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I see the logic behind things pretty easy, but when I don't then I still try to make sense of everything. But I learn what I need to go further in what I am doing, and prefer classes where physical senses are used a lot followed by logic and creativity. I like to juggle with the logic of the subject in the moment and see how the equasion in front of me could lay out.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
Like I said I try to simplify planning so I try to do the same with strategizing, but sometimes a detailed strategy is the best , and even improvising is good because something could happen and set you off course • What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
To be productive, influence others, eventually control others (for their good/our good)
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
I get uncomfortable around people who are in a emotional outburst, and look to me for support. I am bad with emotions.. My fear is being rejected, and exploited in a bad way, even if it doesn't happen (which might be because others consider me intimidating and arrogant, which I don't reslly think I am like that) I still know how to manage it, kind of..
• What do the "highs" in your life look like? Really looking forward to everything, actually having something going on in my life. Being overall happy and enthusiastic
• What do the "lows" in your life look like? First thing that I would say is: melancholy, and thinking deeply about life, in a depressing way. Even my friend said that my “miserable” thoughts align with some philoshopies like nihilism and such. But mostly get withdrawn from others, feeling stuck and unable of changing things and maybe more emotional but when alone • How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so? I am pretty attached to it but when alone I do tend to daydream, and think of possible outcomes if I do that, this etc But even daydreaming I am aware of my surroundings
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
When I have nothing to do I just think of “what if” scenarios, even in real life when I am bored and disengaged from anything
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
Depends, I usually try to always be decisive, and I may juggle back n forth with options and outcomes but I really get indecisive for personal stuff but decisive for outside stuff
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I don't really mess with my emotions, I just supress them because they will make me feel miserable and melancholic and I dislike feeling like that… a lot
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
I tend to do this a lot with people who I don't know , because I don't know how they'll react so I do this but at the same time kind of closing off the room to chat about it more and such
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why? I don't break rules but I also don't really care about them when doing something just as long as it won't get me punished and it won't harm others (ofc), eventually exploiting them. But I don't really care too much about them cause if you gonna do your job good you won't break them. I dislike having limits from others, it's annoying
I took the Michael Caloz test and it said ENTJ, ESTP and ESTJ most likely results
submitted by Loud_Skirt_7421 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:37 myanyars It’s getting complicated

hello there, I have been chatting with one girl for over a year and have met her irl 4-5 times. she studies in a different country but comes to visit her homeland (my country where I study) on breaks. recent meeting was very unusual, I went to another country and surprised her with showing up to next her doorstep. she got too excited and emotional, we went to parks and just wandered around a city. I started holding her hands, when we found place to sit, she laid her head on my shoulder. I occasionally went too far and gave her forehead kisses, she didn’t refused. then tried to kiss her lips but she didn’t respond and pushed her head back even though there was a cheek kiss.
we are, I believe, emotionally bounded and have compassion towards each other. that evening I learned from her that she is in her healing stage and we getting to quick in our relationship, dynamics of it is kind of fast and she still living her feelings up after breakup. she shared that her past relationship was completely over this winter.
that evening I was invited to her house and we enjoyed starry night projector and some vinyl music in the background. then we went to sleep, even though we shared a bed, there was no single touch. I believed that getting physical is what might make it even worse.
after that, next morning we went places and enjoyed other things like visiting tourist area and so on. somewhere in between we kept discussing our relationship and tried to communicate about it. as for now, she says, she is in weirdest stage of her life and I appeared there randomly. she has tremendous emotional intelligence and bit of anxiety in putting trust in people (2 weeks ago her best friend and roommate put her down and they had a not a simple conflict, but scandal). If she says I am too quick (despite having been talking to each other for a year) and just met irl 4-5 times only and refuses to think about relationships for now is that over for me? She has important exams within next two weeks and I showed up this unexpectedly, this makes me think that I am extra pushy :( I want to be there for her and not to leave, sorry she is an overthinker as me, I blame myself for being disctractous. what can I do? just keep silent until she brings things up? I don’t say anything like “I need certainty”, “why would you escape?” or “why are you not responding to me?”. It’s not what bothering me, just want to know if she is okay or what can I do for her. I feel so stuck. what do you think?
submitted by myanyars to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:36 Confident-Example284 Can’t find a job

I can’t find a job in this industry that pays well. Its such a labour intensive job for the amount of money I get paid. I currently work at a high end spa and my health is just not as good anymore. I’m able to do the work but I just can’t keep up with my health.
I’ve done medical aethetics and have a part time job in that, its just not busy enough for me to be there full time so I pick it up as I go about my month.
I’m just getting so frustrated, I’ve been in this industry for almost 4 years now and all of these workplaces just treat their employees so badly or pay is too low or both. There are so many unorganized spas, nail bars, etc. out there.
My current spa job is very organized, they just don’t take care of their estheticians properly. I’m in Canada and I’m earning 1k per pay cheque working 5 days a week 7.5hrs. I get paid only hourly and receive 100% of my tips if clients tip and front desk doesn’t steal it. I’m 24F and I thought this was my dream job but I think it might be time for a career change..
submitted by Confident-Example284 to Esthetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:36 TetBoyzzz Anyone else getting misdiagnosed seemingly intentionally?

Don't wanna make an insanely long post but basically I got diagnosed and titrated with a private assessor (referred to by the NHS) and went onto getting meds from the GP. Shortage comes and I can't get meds and about a month in I get told that they either don't have my shared care agreement or that its void somehow (got told both at some point) and that I would have to get re-diagnosed within the NHS; which would obviously take months.
So months later I get sent to an initial assessor who basically just confirms that, yeah this person would benefit from ADHD medication, and sends me on to another assessment with the team that handles prescribing the meds.
The assessment felt fine and normal at the time, but a week or so later I receive the letter of the assessment write up and the doctor writes that he can't justify recommending ADHD meds because "further exploration of possible autism would be more in [my]'s long term benefit." So I re-read the assessment notes and there's so many statements that are just incorrect or misinterpreted, stating things about my past experiences that are just vehemently untrue and I would never have implied otherwise.
Thinking back to the assessment, I remember very few questions related directly to ADHD but a lot of questions related to symptoms of both ADHD and ASD; the assessment even says that the fidgeting I did in the assessment "appeared more in keeping with stimming... than hyperactivity" which honestly made me laugh cause how can you imply that I didn't fidget correctly.
Initially, I didn't want to believe there was any malicious intent and that it must have just been me explaining myself poorly in some situations but the more I think about it the more I feel like there's no way anyone could have gotten the things wrong that they got wrong. Saying stuff like I enjoyed my old job and the "routine" it brought which is something I have never and would never say because I fucking hated my old job.
I've emailed them and rang them looking for a second opinion and then contacted the complaints department when they didn't respond and I'm still waiting to hear back from them.
Was wondering if anyone else has been through something similar to this, where you're basically denied a diagnosis based on stuff that is inaccurate? I don't wanna get too tinfoil-hat-y but if this isn't an uncommon occurrence then I'd definitely suspect some kind of bullshit happening.
submitted by TetBoyzzz to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:36 no_more_farts_plz Considering the current conditions, is it a good idea to go for FALL 2025?

‼️ Long post a head
Like many others, I wanted to experience the American Dream. Now it is a long gone story, especially for us Indians. But I just wanted to know your opinions.
Just a brief background of me: Graduated in 2020 with hospitality bachelors from a tier-3 affiliated University and tier-100 institute (actually 2021, but my certificate mentioned I completed in June 2020 💀), Been jobless till Aug 2022, switched in Feb 2023 and quit that in June 2023. My manager was toxic, and also planned to give CAT 2023. And it went horrible. Finally landed a job again in April.
Acads: 9.3/67%/72%
Andharu velthunnaru nen kooda vellali Ani aithey kaadhuu. I barely have any circle and even in that circle I don't have any known person went to US.
I genuinely like that place, and ofcourse the added benefits, like the number of opportunities(not now), good quality of life, gudha baali earn cheyyochu, etc.,
Starting from the Shortlisting universities to getting an H1B, there are a lot of uncertainties. Even after getting H1B, things won't go as you planned.
Does this worth the risk?
I am ready to take risks, but sometimes I feel it more riskier than what we actually think it would be in the beginning.
My experience is in analytics domain, although my job titles are not named as such, but I my experience is from that domain, planning for analytics courses, it could be data or business. Not targeting any Ivy leagues. Even tier-2 universities are fine by me. I heard even some state universities are good as well.
Shortlisting universities is a long game. Let's keep it aside. Sometimes I feel like all I just need is an entry and I would be good. But other times I feel, I deserve a good degree from a good university. Considering my profile I often doubt that can happen.
I just want to take my decision as early as possible so that I can focus on GRE. Also, Does great GRE score can compensate my previous mistakes?
Please give your opinions and share your experiences. The cost of each stage is also going to take a hit on my savings, trying hard to save as much as I can.
Considering the upcoming elections, where majority are saying it will be Trump again, if he is, I think the immigration laws might become more strict. And the recession, kontha mandhi Inka mundhu vundhi musala pandaga antunnaru.
So much going in my brain, that I can't put it words.
Other questions related to the procedure
Is taking GRE in August is too late? Considering if I fail in my first attempt, again I have to give it in next 5 weeks. Let's say if I gave my first in August 2nd week, 2nd would be in Sept 3rd week. Will this process hinder my SOP writings and other things of the application process.
Is August to October enough to finalize SOP's, and other things for submitting applications?
Does applying early really have an edge?
I don't have any strong financial support, I have to take loan, but again no properties.
In general, companies in US, doesn't really care about where you are graduated from, they only measure on basis of skill. Is this the reality? Because I am from Hospitality, learned some python, SQL and entered into analytics field. This is one of the reason where I sometimes feel I just need an entry.
Any advice is highly appreciated, TIA
submitted by no_more_farts_plz to ask_Bondha [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:35 CosmeticBrainSurgery Drywall stain: should I have it fixed, or paint over it?

Drywall stain: should I have it fixed, or paint over it?
A roof leak damaged my townhouse, which is in MN. The HOA is responsible to fix the damage because it's a roof leak. They want to have their guy do it, so it doesn't cost as much.
The roof leak has already been fixed. The stain was caused last fall, is completely dry now, and hasn't gotten any larger despite some heavy rainfalls.
  • Reasons to fix it (just paint over it):
  1. It's no cost to me.
  2. Drywall that's gotten wet is weakened and could be damaged more easily.
  3. It's possible there's some mold behind the wall, but since it's been dry for months, the mold is dead.
  • Reasons not to fix it:
  1. It's a PITA to find someone who wants to even look at a job this small.
  2. I don't necessarily trust the association's handyman.
  3. The HOA is trying to keep expenses down, and they tried to get me to submit it to my insurance, which is really sleazy because it's their liability. I know the guy and suspect he's drag his heels about paying for someone else (other than their handyman) to do the job. I hate having to chase after people for shit.
  4. I hate having strangers in my house.
I thought about doing it myself, but I have no experience with drywall, and frankly it's something I'd prefer to avoid.
submitted by CosmeticBrainSurgery to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:35 bootpalishAgain Lumpsum Amount Coming in Nov24. Need investment advice

I have been lurker here for a while trying to learn from the experienced folks and decided to try my luck today. I am expecting somewhere between 30L in Nov and another 15L next year maturing from some long term investments I had made.
My professional life has been extremely topsy turvy and have gone through 4 layoffs in 15 years of work experience and long periods of unemployment but somehow managed to pay the EMI's and not take on any debt. I have no assets apart from this. I don't want to touch my PF account for now. I have LIC policy which will mature in 2034 so that's too far off but I pay 22k annual premium for it.
I have no dependents and my monthly expenses if I live frugally enough have been under 30k per month. This includes Rent 15k+Grocery 5-6k+Utilities 3k+Therapist 5k + Misc expenses
I want to invest the above amount in some fixed income plans so I can at least have rent money coming in every month. I can invest more as and when I get a job which even worst case scenarios would be 12L and may cross 30L if I am lucky but I don't really trust my luck anymore. Been unemployed before for a year, now it has crossed 6months and things don't look really good in the future either. Competition keeps getting higher and salaries have been dropping in my world.
I have been freelancing on the side, run workshops and classes and hustle around to keep my expenses covered but I am scared for the future.
If someone can share a link explaining the process or creating that very humbling excel file, that would probably help more but I do need
submitted by bootpalishAgain to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:34 AndSoItGoes__andGoes School district sued - and all of us in the classroom know pretty much what probably happened here...

Reading the article it does seem like the school dropped the ball, BUT It reads like a stuff that happens daily in our classrooms with a student who "can't keep their hands to themselves" and nothing happens to them to stop it. This is not unfamiliar to any of us in the classroom- the real question is what's going to happen now? Whether this happened because of weak discipline policies at the school or because of a student having legal protections against removing them from the gen ed classroom, I can't help but wonder how many times school districts can get sued for something like this before something changes.
"BOILING SPRINGS, S.C. (WSPA) – Two mothers have filed lawsuits against an Upstate school district alleging their children were sexually assaulted in the classroom.
The lawsuits were filed on June 6, 2022, against Spartanburg County School District Two.
The lawsuit alleged that two students were sexually assaulted by another classmate while in the computer lab at Shoally Creek Elementary School on November 5, 2021.
One of the parents emailed the then-principal, guidance counselor, and teacher stating that the two students were sexually assaulted.
The teacher replied that the children did inform her that a student could not keep his hands to himself, but that she had no idea he had touched them in private parts.
The lawsuits state that the principal and the guidance counselor did not respond.
It also stated that the teacher went out on maternity leave on February 2, 2022.
A substitute teacher took over the classroom on February 3, 2022.
On February 8, 2022, the same student and another student held a pencil near their crotches and stroked the pencil in a sexually suggestive manner while looking at the children.
The next day the parents had a phone conference meeting with the principal. She informed the parents that “she would take appropriate action to end the sexual assaults and disruptive behavior occurring in the classroom.”
On March 1, 2022, the lawsuit alleged that another student sexually assaulted one of the plaintiff’s children by grabbing his private parts on the playground.
The mother reported the incident to the substitute teacher.
After that incident, the child was assigned a seat next to or near three of the students who were accused of sexual assault.
Following the newly assigned seats, one of the students “consistently sexually assaulted” the child by grabbing his private parts.
Upon that information, the substitute teacher resigned on March 11, 2022.
The lawsuit stated that another substitute teacher took over the classroom on March 14, 2022.
On March 22, 2022, the mother found out that her child was seated at a table with those three students and emailed the principal asking that her child be seated away from them.
The principal responded with “Yes, done.”
On March 23, 2023, the child was taken to the doctor who recommended he stop attending Shoally Creek Elementary School.
After that information was released, the second substitute teacher resigned.
The Director of Education for Spartanburg County School District Two confirmed that some assaults were documented in the school’s system.
The mother asked that her son be moved to another school within the district.
The lawsuit said that the request was never accepted.
According to records, the principal resigned from her position at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
The following statement is from the children’s attorneys: "I am proud to represent these boys and their mothers. District 2 and Shoally Creek administration knew that certain students were acting inappropriately and were a danger to other students, but they chose not to do anything about it. Kids should be safe when they are at school, and my clients were not." - Law Office of Tyler Rody
7NEWS reached out to Spartanburg County School District Two for a statement but has not received one.
The Law Office of Tyler Rody said they will be going to court in September.
What do you think is going to happen? District loses or settles the lawsuit and pays a lot of money and then...
submitted by AndSoItGoes__andGoes to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:33 Not_so_ghetto Fuck postdocs, academic Stockholm syndrome bullshit

Recently graduated and was looking into post docs for a few months, hell I even helped write a grant for one( fine out in September). I had a few promising leads and my old lab offer d to keep me on for a while if need be. However I am location limited because my wife's job so I really couldn't leave NJ. So I reluctantly started applying for job to appease my wife. And I'm so happy I did. My starting salary is 25k higher than post docs, I get to choose whero e I live, i get benefits, time off and I DONT HAVE TO WORK AFTER WORK ANYMORE. my stress is so much less, I no longer have that toxic feeling to be better than my colleagues ( even the least toxic ppl in academia are always comparing themselves) and my wife and I can actually afford a house instead of having to relocate every 2 years. Also many postdocs don't even having better job prospects !!!!
Post docs are bullshit, YOU HAVE A FUCKING DOCTORATES after 4+ years of making nothing you shouldn't be making less than the STARTING PAY of a public school teacher in NJ( you know the profession that people are always saying is underpaid, which is true). Yea 65k sounds good when you've been making 30k for all your 20's but it's bullshit and we've been conditioned to live below our means for the joy of work. Im done putting my personal life on hold so I can have a job people don't even respect.
Sell out, the postdoc system is currently fucked and shouldn't require such sacrifice after you've already been in school for ~10 years and aren't guaranteed a job after. If you truly love your work, you can come back, hell I'm still writing papers from my PhD and have been invited to help other group, but now I get to enjoy my life a little and stop putting all my life events on hold
Sorry for the rant, but as some who was all in on academia I felt I had to spread to good word, as I'm so much happier in such a short period of time, and I loved my PhD work.
Also fun fact my new job actually respects my PhD a lot because I'm the only one, whereas in academia you're a dime a dozen
TLDR: post docs only look good because phds are so depriving, the system is fucked making people move and often have more than 1 post doc just to possibly have a good job in their 40s is fucked up and not worth it.
submitted by Not_so_ghetto to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:33 Beginning-Topic-2107 The glaze on my clay feels tacky after weeks

I'm using Mont Marte brand polymer clay and polyurethane varathane water-based clear gloss to glaze the clay. I've tried both painting on the glaze, and dipping the glaze in, as well as 1 layer, 2 layers and 3 layers of coating on different clay pieces. After baking the clay, i typically sand them down slightly with sandpaper to remove fingerprints and dirt before i glaze them. For multiple coats, I wait roughly 2 hours between each coat, sometimes overnight for the dipping ones. For the first 3 weeks, they felt fine, the pieces are mostly sitting around on my table and side table, but I did not really touch or fiddle with them. Few days ago, I found a transparent box and decided to keep the pieces inside, because they still get dust and dirt on them from sitting around and I wanted them to be clean. Today I opened the box and realised they feel ever so slightly tacky, like they will linger on your fingers a little longer than they should, and pull a bit of your skin along with them if you place them against your cheeks and lift them up.
I was previously using mont marte's clay varnishes and they were horrifyingly sticky right off the bat, like they dry feeling very sticky and they peel, so i stopped using them. I read from online that a lot of polymer clay artists use polyurethane varathane so I got it to try. It was honestly great until the pieces start feeling tacky.
I am losing my mind trying to troubleshoot this, I tried combing through some articles online to find out why this happens and a potential solution and I am at a loss.
I am wondering if: 1. Is it the clay and glaze not going well together that's causing this tackiness? Does anyone use the same clay and glaze combination and experienced this issue? 2. Or is it the weather that is causing this tackiness? (FYI, I stay in Singapore, it is humid and hot here), and if so, is there anyway to prevent this from happening? 3. Or did the clay or glaze not cure completely and hence they are leeching(?)/leaking/reacting this way? I've read from this article: from DianeBcurious about rebaking polyurethane glaze on clay to 'set' the glaze, and have tried it with two of my pieces. I am not sure if maybe I am baking them at wrong temperatures or if it's my oven, but i did a 90-100degrees celsius for 5-10 minutes, and they still came out tacky, could anyone advise more on this whole rebaking thing? the right temperatures, duration, and how long to wait before baking after applying the glaze? 4. Is it the container that the clays are stored in that caused them to grow tacky? If so, is there anyway to store the clays so that they will not become tacky. 5. Is there any way of removing this tackiness now that it's happened? Can I remove them with rubbing alcohol or do I apply a new layer of something else on it?
Thank you for reading through, it's a bit much, but I'm really at a loss :(
submitted by Beginning-Topic-2107 to polymerclay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:32 Rich_Pangolin_9913 How do I (F19) deal with my boyfriends (M19) female friend?

My partner (m19) and I (f19) have been dating for almost 2 years now. Him and I are in different universities and in a medium distance relationship as he comes back home almost every weekend. We started dating a month before he left for college and had quite a rocky start. I would say I was extremely trusting in the starting of the relationship and felt quite secure. None of the issues we had were related to a third person. But as time went on, a couple of my friends who go to the same uni as him started telling me things about his behaviour which slowly made me lose my trust. For instance, one time he went for a party, got shit faced and the next thing you know two girls were carrying him to their room. I got to know this a couple of days later through a friend. When I confronted him about it and asked him what happened, he just said he didn’t remember. Another time some girl complained about him touching her inappropriately. Somehow I convinced myself to get over these things as it wasn’t like he straight up cheated on me. Like he toed the line but never crossed it. My dilemma now is, looking at his past, I don’t know how much I can trust him, especially in a situation where drinking is involved. He’s made a new female friend in his uni and whenever he’s with her he’ll never text me or tell me. It’s only after they’ve met he mentions that he met her. What really throws me off is that usually when he’s with his friends he does check his phone and texts me. Even if it’s only one text. But when he’s with her there’s just radio silence from his end, till he gets back. One time he went to her house, I had injured my neck so he came to meet me first. He told me that he’s going to her house with another friend of theirs who was a guy. So I didn’t really mind. His plan was to go there for an hour or two and then go to the gym. One thing about him is that he never misses a day of gym. Even when we met on Christmas, I really wanted to watch a movie with him at home, but he told me he had to go to the gym. Anyways, he reached her house around 6 and I called him at 10, and he was still at her house. I asked him if his friend was still there with them and he told me that he had to leave early. I asked him why he missed gym, his excuse was that he had too many brownies and his stomach would hurt. We fought about this and eventually I had to get over this too. Fast forward a couple of months, we decided to go for clubbing and he invited his female friend too. We were commuting in 2 cars. He was with his female friend, another friend of his and one of my friends while I went in the other car. They reached before I did. While I was on the way, my friend called me and told me that my boyfriend and his female friend went to the bathroom together, and like kept going together. His other friend asked my friend if they were going to “f” each other and that he could sense a vibe. I reached the club and started noticing things myself. Even after I came he was still holding her hand and taking her to the washroom. I confronted him about all of this after we came back. His only defence was that he didn’t want her to get lost and he was the only person she knew there. What pissed me off was that he had no problem with me going to the washroom all by myself. But ofc he didn’t want her to get lost. Anyways currently they’re still friends and meet one on one. Till now I’d never asked him to distance himself from anyone, not even her. But everything that has happened keeps bothering me. It’s like I’m living with a dark cloud over my head just waiting for something to go wrong. I never had a problem with my partner having friends of the opposite gender, but there have to be boundaries. I’ve made it very clear how uncomfortable this relationship of his makes me. But he chooses to do nothing about it. His defence is that they’re just friends and he can’t just “throw people out like trash” I never asked him to do that. All I wanted was for him to respect our relationship and have some boundaries. Now I don’t know if I’m overreacting and just reading into all this too much. Any advice on how to deal with this would be much appreciated🙏🙏
submitted by Rich_Pangolin_9913 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:31 Affectionate-Cow1525 I can’t handle myself

I’m not sure if it’s social anxiety or general anxiety but it’s definitely anxiety. I can’t get a job because I keep on rejecting interviews and offers,if I even get to applying. I found a nice paying job with a friendly boss and good atmosphere. They gave me an offer but I immediately got very sick and stressed, it felt like an elephant was sitting on top of my body, it wouldn’t leave until I declined the offer. Everything in my body was screaming ‘this is not right for you’, ‘this is the wrong decision’, ‘ you’re going to get burned out’. So after a couple of days I declined the job offer. I felt kind of relieved but also even more stressed since I have to look for another job now. Now a couple of days later I feel bad and regret that I did not even try the job. I feel like a failure and looking for a job is becoming increasingly harder, I don’t trust my decision making anymore and my money is running out.
submitted by Affectionate-Cow1525 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 LanesGrandma You'll never guess what Martine's new boyfriend did to me after she passed out!

About two weeks ago I thought about writing a story under 1,000 words. Would you believe ... 2,093 words? Enjoy!
At 9 PM, my roommate Martine pulled her knees closer to her chest and corrected her balance on the bay window bench seat. She never once looked at me as I finished neatening up the living room behind her. I didn’t expect her to notice me. She was waiting for her new love interest, Baylun. Nothing short of setting her clothes on fire would break her concentration before he arrived.
That’s why I didn’t bother to ask her if I looked okay. Yes, I wanted to make a good impression on Baylun because being presentable is being polite. Also, I didn’t want to give Martine any reason to leave me without her monthly half of the rent. If she left despite me being as perfect as I can be, well, nothing I can do about that. And given how intensely she was staring out the window, I wouldn’t be surprised if she expected Baylun to propose tonight. On their third date.
As if she’d read my mind, she spoke without turning her head. “Would you add him to the lease? I mean, if you like Baylun?”
“My Aunt Gloria might okay it. There’s enough room here. We can ask.” Why did I feel the need to appease her and pretend I wouldn’t be uncomfortable as the third wheel in my aunt’s rental house? My best guess is because appeasing and pretending are the cornerstones of my life, I’m very good at them.
Luckily, Martine was already not listening. “He’s here,” she whispered, sliding off the bench seat. After picking up her silk shawl, she partially opened our front door. Footsteps coming up our front steps stopped at what I presumed was the top step.
Beaming, she opened the door and invited him in. The man who entered had to duck to get in and I had to stop myself for apologizing to him. He was well dressed, looked like the proverbial “million dollars” and as he bent to give Martine a kiss on the cheek, I saw his eyes.
I froze for a moment, staring at the wrinkles around his eyes. Inhaling sharply, I blinked and shifted my gaze to Martine. She’d described Baylun as mature for his age. She’d failed to tell me he was at least middle age. That may sound ageist and I’m sorry for that but Martine and I are both 22 years old and Baylun looked twice that. He might be kind and, as Martine mentioned more than once, rich, but he might also be constantly on the lookout for a younger model than the one currently on his arm. Far be it from me to pass judgment without proof, but I would need more than Martine’s affirmation to feel comfortable with him as a roommate.
Introductions were short if not sweet. Baylun extended his hand and shook mine, which gave me some relief. If he’d kissed my hand I would undoubtedly have done nothing except internally cringe.
“Are you ready?” he asked, looking first at Martine who nodded enthusiastically. Then he looked at me and raised his eyebrows as if waiting for a reply. My jaw dropped, in real time.
Martine stared at me for half a second before jumping in to save me. “Lise was just getting her sweater, right, Lise?”
Thanks for covering for me, Martine. My plans for the night included pjs as soon as you guys left, but how could I say no? Except for flat out saying “No” which would be unthinkable.
“Right, I forgot it, and where are we going?” I squished in behind Martine, reached into the closet and took the top sweater from the neatly folded pile in the sweater drawer.
Baylun made a noise that was probably meant to sound like laughter. “Heddon’s Hill. To see the stars. Cloudless night tonight!”
Martine clapped her hands a couple of times, giving me a jolt of second-hand embarrassment. “Baylun asked me to keep it a secret. He brought a bottle of really good wine. It’s in his car, right, babe?”
Baylun didn’t say anything as he put his hand on her cheek like she was a child. She stared at him, as if in a trance. He didn’t purr audibly but that’s the best way I can describe his facial expression. Then I looked him in the eyes and the silence that followed hurt my ears.
A wave of panic immobilized me. I looked away and struggled to put on the sweater.
When he spoke, he whispered but it felt like thunder to my ears. “Perhaps a heavier outer layer?”
Martine snapped back into reality. “You look cold. Grab a hoodie, we’ll meet you in the car.”
That was the out I needed. “You know what, I feel awful. Go ahead, enjoy. I’ll take cold meds and try to be awake when you get back, to hear all about it.” To convey sadness at missing out on being a third wheel and resigned acceptance of impending illness, I grimaced and shrugged.
Martine considered me for a moment before agreeing. She leaned gently against Baylun’s arm and squeezed his hand. “Could we be back in an hour, babe?”
He turned his full attention on her and nodded. “Yes. We will. Goodbye, Lise.”
I thought about saying goodbye and decided a coughing fit would be more suitable. As I covered my mouth with my left elbow, I waved weakly with my right hand. The two lovebirds got into the car and when I heard it backing down the driveway, I poured a couple of teaspoons of night time anti-cold liquid down the sink. To make sure I smelled like I’d taken it, I licked the spoon before washing it.
When they returned, Martine walked in at a slower pace than usual and Baylun put his arm under hers as soon as they were both inside, so she could lean on him. She didn’t seem upset. She also didn’t make eye contact with me. My first thought was she had a bit too much wine, but we’ve had drinks together. She’s always been a little louder, a little more animated after a bit of alcohol. I started wondering if she’d consumed something other than wine while stargazing. Not judging, just trying to find an explanation that didn’t scare me about her health.
Instead of speaking to me, Baylun nodded and continued supporting Martine, helping her through the house. I reasoned he was taking her to the bathroom or her bedroom, so I squeezed in beside him and ran to open her bedroom door. Baylun led her to the far side of her bed so he was facing me, and helped her to lie down.
Except he didn’t lay her down right away. He held her halfway between standing and lying down, stared into my eyes and put his mouth on her neck.
I know how this sounds. My brain undoubtedly recognized the set-up. Yet I was unprepared for what happened.
Baylun retracted his lips, revealing two bloody fangs and touched Martine’s neck as if searching for something. Just before his fingers found them, I saw two wounds on her neck. He positioned his fingers so his fangs went into the wounds. Martine shuddered for a second, then sighed and stopped moving.
I inhaled sharply. Nothing made sense and I couldn’t remember how to move. When I realized my hand was still on the door handle, I leaned on it slightly, turned and ran to the front door.
Baylun met me there. I didn’t hear him walking or running. He wasn’t at the door and then he was, positioned to prevent me from opening it. He wasn’t frowning. He didn’t lean towards me or touch me, for which I was grateful.
But his eyes. They sparkled, they were bright and lively, and they were wrinkle-free. He looked my age, not middle aged. He looked like the guy I’d met an hour earlier, only younger.
I took a step backwards.
He took a step forward and spoke, his voice quiet and calm.
“If you say anything to her about what you saw, I will deny it and she will believe me. Then I will show you what it’s like to burn in hell.”
This was the second time in one night life handed me a “get out of trouble” card and I grabbed it with both hands. Frowning with the hopes of presenting as confused, I asked, “Okay, I thought it was very kind of you to bring her home, but I think I get it. What’s our story if she asks?”
He crossed his arms and studied me for a long moment. “I’m glad you understand. You can take credit for getting her into bed.”
I nodded and brought my left hand to my mouth, trying to look thoughtful. “And you asked her to text when she gets up tomorrow? Or is that too much?”
He chuckled and uncrossed his arms. “That’s just what I was thinking.” He stared at my mouth.
A rush of fear froze me in place. “Everything okay?”
“It will be.” He pointed at the right side of my mouth.
A sharp pain on the side of my face woke me up. It was still dark. I was in my bed. I tried sitting up and learned my pillowcase was stuck to the corner of my mouth.
Instant panic. I picked up the pillow and ran to the bathroom where a quick glance in the mirror above the sink revealed the substance wasn’t glue, it was blood. As awful as that was, my initial reaction was “Better than glue.” A little warm water on a face cloth eased the pillowcase off my skin and I set the case and face cloth on the counter.
For a brief moment I felt absolute relief. I held onto the sides of the sink and took a deep breath.
A drop of blood landed on the right side of the sink.
Blood could be from biting my lip, or inside of my cheek or even my tongue in my sleep. Or a nosebleed.
Another drop of blood landed on the sink.
It was so weird. Nothing hurt. Not my nose, not my lip, not my tongue. I struggled to figure out what I did, why I would be bleeding. Did I do something foolish before I went to bed?
I couldn’t remember going to bed.
Time to look in the mirror. There wasn’t any obvious damage, so I used my fingers to move my lips away from the right side of my mouth.
My canine tooth was missing. Another, sharper tooth was working its way out of the gums. That’s where the blood was coming from.
I leaned in and looked more closely at it. The emerging canine was definitely tearing through the gum, making it bleed.
A scream worked its way up my throat. I stood up, ramrod straight, shut my mouth and gently placed the face cloth on it.
I tiptoed down the hall to Martine’s bedroom door. It was shut. She was breathing in a regular pattern, not quite snoring.
I came back to my bedroom and checked my phone. 4:45 AM. When did I come to bed? Baylun was here, I remembered him with Martine and then at the door. Seems like he’s gone, unless he’s sitting in the dark in the living room or kitchen.
Any other day, Martine would be waking up in two hours. If she does, I don’t doubt she’ll be excited to hear Baylun wants her to text him.
I want to throw up. A few hours ago, life felt so normal. Now a giant canine tooth is pushing its way into my mouth. Maybe the other one is, too. I don’t care to find out. I also don’t want to go to the hospital where I’ll run out of answers before the staff run out of questions.
Maybe I can take a couple of days off work, see if the new dental situation affects my sleep schedule. Maybe I can find a night job.
Or maybe I’m a vampire, condemned to a life of hunting humans and being hunted by humans. I’m going to wait until Martine gets up before posting this. She might have a lot more information on this.
My mind is clearer now. My memories are back. It’s time for me to disappear from Martine’s and my Aunt Gloria’s lives. I can do it. I must do it. For their safety, and for mine. Everything is not okay. Not yet.
submitted by LanesGrandma to LGwrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:27 Negativerizzhaver1 Okay, it's official, I hate the "Daughters of Ash" mod

Have been trying the Daughters of Ash mod for DS1 and I can confidently say that I won't touch this mod ever again, even after only a few hours.
I felt like I was playing DS2 with DS1 gameplay: The HP reduction was here, enemies nearly everywhere, and lot of trolling.
I don't mind the HP reduction in DS2 and I actually find it a good then they gave the "human form" more benefits compared to being "hollow", but I don't like how they basically copy-pasted this in this mod. Also felt like the HP reduction after just one death way too punitive.
The encounter system in this mod makes the one in DS2 appear like a master game design. Not only there are enemies nearly everywhere, there are also more stronger enemies (Balder Knights, Channelers, etc). This mod makes the amount of enemies there was in DS1 feel like tripled.
Exploration & rewards:
This will be short: both these aspects are shit. Exploration in this game is incredibly underwhelming because there are too many dead ends (the one that keeps coming to my mind is the dragon in Undead Parish who, unlike his vanilla counterpart, keeps spamming the bridge in fire as soon as you try to cross the bridge) with just enemies and barely, if not any rewards.
Bosses (please help):
Only fought like 4 bosses and was pretty pissed with all of them.
Asylum Demon "suicides", Taurus Demon spawns in the beginning of the bridge to make sure you die at least once, Haunting Semblance (a weird battle against the Titanite Demon) has an incomprehensible boss fight and omg, OMG, fuck the Moonlight Butterfly. It was already not a shit boss in vanilla DS1 but at least it was easy. NOW HOWEVER, they add a golden golem with a boss healthbar to the fight. The golem has not only shit ton of health, but you can get around him because of the tightness of the bridge, allowing free hits for the Butterfly.
This latter boss fight is the reason I stopped this mod.
Unless your style of gameplay is no-hitting the Asylum Demon with a broken sword, I cannot recommend this mod to you. I felt like the modder decided to troll you as much as possible in this mod with various traps and dead ends.
It made me realize how much of a masterpiece DS2 (still my least favorite FS game) actually is.
submitted by Negativerizzhaver1 to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:23 Background-Touch2485 I have a idea

this idea serves a BIG LOVE LETTER TO SMG4 AND SMG4 TYPE CONTENT while also commenting on smg4 hatedom
its a fanmade mini series called smg4 vs the world
  1. Its serves a meta commentry on SMG4 FANDOM AND OTHERS Series like it
  2. its a fanmade mini series called smg4 vs the worlD
  4. A villain group who Hates modern smg4
  5. who wants restart smg4 world while also destorying other worlds of Other smg4 type creators in smg4 multverse
  6. while other characters from smg4 type content
  7. starts apearing in smg4 world and clausing mayhem
  8. smg4 characters is like whats is going on
  9. smg4 type creators and characters are like where are we
  10. so they team up to defate villain group aka Smg4. Needs to be rebooted and save MULTVERSE OF SMG4 AND SMG4 TYPE CONTENTS
  11. fun facts
  12. It basicaly avengers end game for smg4
  13. at end of mini series the villain group is gone and everyone makes. A new place called SMGMultvisted to vist each other universes with portals
  14. And also there is also a bloopers studio where everyone Who can makes. A blooper in it and in bloopers studios there is everything they want To make a blooper is in it
  15. So there its both serves a. A META commentary slash self aware AND A BIG LOVE LETTER on Smg4 smg4 fans Smg4 type content
  16. its kinda like A MIX OF avengers end game and Sonic forces in minutes 4 by roger van der wilder but for SMG4 AND SMG4 FANS AND SMG4 TYPE SLASH SMG4 YOUTUBERS AND CONTENTS
  17. SMGMultvisted serves a place to have fun
  18. by the way
  19. there is also A subplot about people talking about series is more important than smg4
  20. Smg4 vs the world is based On smg4 is bad now stuff by fans
  21. Smg4 vs the world also comment on
  22. smg4 fan wars
  23. smg4 hatedom WHILE PEOPLE AROUND SMG4 And makes smilar content to him KEEP GETTING POPLUAR and more
  24. But i dont seem to make smg4 vs the world too mean spirtied why
  25. i dont wanna get a lots of impliaction i am direcly Attacking SMG4 FANBASE YOUTUBERS AND MORE OR BLAMMING THEM FOR SOMETHING
  28. I WANNA MAKE IT A BIT MORE NETURAL while also adding a postive elemet to project
  29. You get what i am sayingAdem
  30. a miniseries attacking smg4 FANBASES and smg4 type channels WOULD BE MEAN
  31. AND i dont wanna be some guy who is like i am better that you
  32. i wanna ALSO add. A invasion of the real world to smg4 vs the world
  33. there is a lot of POTENTAL cameos on smg4 vs the world like internet celebrites to give the real world invade s smg4 world feel
submitted by Background-Touch2485 to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:21 error_unknown-0 Received an email from HR after getting automated email saying they’re not hiring

So I sent my resume to this company that I am very much aware has currently 0 job vacancies. I just wanted to take my chance since I applied to them 4 years ago and actually landed the job but eventually lost it because of covid. Now I sent my application directly to their email and attached my CV etc. I immediately got an automated email how they do not accept applications via email and that they do not have any job openings. A few days later I received an email from their HR that says something like they will forward my credentials to the team but still mentioned that they do not have any openings. Then added that I should check with them in the future and that they’ll keep me posted.
I don’t want to get my hopes up, but the mere fact I got an email from the HR when they already sent an automated email gives me a little bit of hope. What do you think? Thanks in advance.
submitted by error_unknown-0 to Recruiter_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:21 adulting4kids Befriend The Blank Page

Writer's Block? Befriend the Blank Page: How to Turn Creative Stagnation into a Goldmine

Ah, writer's block. That looming specter that haunts every wordsmith, from the wide-eyed newbie to the grizzled veteran. But fear not, fellow wordslingers! For even in the face of this dreaded foe, opportunity lurks. Yes, you heard that right. Writer's block, that seemingly insurmountable obstacle, can be your secret weapon, a springboard to unleashing your most creative work yet. Let's delve into the minds of seasoned scribes and discover how they turn their blank pages into bestselling goldmines.
Embrace the Block:
First things first, ditch the self-flagellation. Writer's block is normal, even expected. It's a sign you're pushing boundaries, exploring uncharted territory. So, instead of panicking, befriend the block. See it as a pause, a chance to step back and reassess. As Jodi Picoult wisely says, "Writer's block is a wonderful time to catch up on your reading." Immerse yourself in other authors' work, let their voices spark your own. Remember, inspiration can strike from anywhere, so keep your eyes and ears open to the world around you.
Befriend the Unconventional:
Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Forget the usual "go for a walk" or "stare at a tree" advice. We're talking about weapons-grade creativity here. Here are some battle-tested techniques from the pros:
Embrace the Insane:
Now, let's unleash the real wild cards. Here are some downright insane prompts that might just spark your next bestseller:
Remember, the key is to embrace the absurd. Don't be afraid to be silly, outrageous, even downright nonsensical. Sometimes, the most unexpected ideas lead to the most brilliant work.
Final Words:
Writer's block is not a dead end, but a detour. By using these unconventional techniques and embracing the insane, you can turn it into a springboard for your most creative work yet. So, the next time you face the blank page, don't despair. Befriend the block, unleash your inner weirdo, and watch your imagination take flight. Remember, the greatest stories often begin with a touch of madness. Now, go forth and write something truly magnificent, even if it involves a spork-wielding goldfish detective. The world awaits your words!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:20 WannaBeDistiller Auras before the big boss shows up

I have the corporate supervisor as well as the owner coming to check out what we’ve been up to in two hours and the first thing I do this morning is have a super strong aura to the point where I was positive I was going to have another grand mal. Dude I pride myself on keeping a career going with this condition. I got turned down for disability three times because I made too much money before I got my diagnosis. I had no other choice but to keep moving but I’m afraid I’m about to lose that momentum and possibly this job I worked so hard to get
submitted by WannaBeDistiller to Epilepsy [link] [comments]