How do you make bullets using keyboard text

Find the Sniper

2014.10.08 01:00 1sagas1 Find the Sniper

The well camouflaged hiding in plain sight.

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2013.06.25 03:50 FozzTexx Workbenches


2024.05.14 16:10 jammingaza Grindhouse presents: (the faux trailers, part 1)

Grindhouse theme kicks off the start followed by "prevues of coming attractions"
A narration opens up the trailer "welcome to the hillside, a small town community located on top of a volcano sized hilltop, a community with everything a city wished it had" while shots of people walking around, interacting, socializing,even shopping at small towns stores. "A lake to fish, an army/Navy surplus store, schools, and even a baseball stadium, then a series of unfortunate events and an act of negligence causes a nearby dam to malfunction and flood the entire countryside" a small group of teens look at what used to be a road downhill through the woods, now vanished from the flood waters "what's going on?, that's the only way we used to get out of here, now we're cut off from the outside world". "As supplies begin get scarce and the core of society begins to crumble and shatter, the townsfolk begin to turn on each other, violence, theft, cruelty, MURDER!!!!! as the mayor's son begins to seize control after killing his own father these teens make a desperate attempt to escape with their lives". "What are we gonna do?, how are we gonna get out of here?", "i saw an old fishing barge that crashed into the shores by the forest,if we can attach a couple of motorboat engines from the sporting goods store the back of it,i think it'll still be seaworthy " the next scene would be the kids running through the woods with the engines, while their former friends (armed with guns) are hot on their trail screaming through the night "HALT!!!, STOP!!!!, STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!, DROP THOSE MOTORS!!!!! ". the kids are running through the forest trying to dodge bullets and trying not to damage the motors (natter how many times they've fallen and gotten back up, you then see a close-up of a rifle barrel shoot a flash followed by the echo of the shot as the screen suddenly fades to black. The narration comes back "The Hillside, if the flood waters don't kill you, your fellow neighbors will"
submitted by jammingaza to 420Grindhouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:10 copaceticconvert From Randomness to Revelation: The Synchronicity Generator

Magic tells us that your thoughts have an impact on the physical world, which flies directly in the face of materialism, which is the water we swim in. Do this for a month, and you will start to see the glitches in the matrix.
  1. Pick something you know inside and out. A music artist or genre, a video game, a novel, a cookbook, coding, etc. Could literally be anything, provided that you know it on a somewhat systemic level, and that you love it.
  2. Find some way to randomly generate a bite-sized piece of that thing. If it's a book, flip to a page randomly. if it's music, throw together a playlist and put it on shuffle. If it's a video game, either get an encyclopedia and pick a page at random or, if there's a randomness to it, boot it up for a bit until you come across something.
  3. Do that in the morning. Every morning. Do it knowing that this is the universe giving you a message for how the day is going to unfold for you.
  4. This is the crucial part: At the end of the day, reflect, and make it fit. This is where picking something you know a lot about is going to come in handy. If your "thing" is a band's discography, a band that you know inside and out, and you shuffle a song every day, not only will you be able to think of the album art, lyrics, etc. You will also be able to think about how the song was recorded, where the band was in their career, personalities of various members, etc. The more specific, and the more direct the connection, the better. Treat this as your pick being always right, and that you just need to find the answer.
  5. For the first few days, this will be hard, and it will be forced. But as you learn how to use this system, the connections will be easier. Then, they will be second nature. Then, they will be predictive.
The book is just a book, the songs are just songs, the video game is just a video game.
But get this: The Tarot is just cards.
The magic is coming from you.
Use your homemade Synchronicity Generator for as long as you want, but as you do, think about learning a magical system and eventually transferring over. Because you will find that you will, reflexively, have a deeper understanding of both the world and your choice of thing.
Replace that thing with Tarot, or runes, or any magical book of quality, and the rabbit hole becomes bottomless.
submitted by copaceticconvert to occult [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:10 silverspectre013 How do I best prepare for the upcoming application cycle?

Hello everyone! I wanted to ask this to the community because you all have a lot of good advice when it comes to stuff like this. I mentioned on a post a few months back asking what I should do now I’ve been rejected from my graduate schools for English. I wanted to ask now, what’s the best use of my time now? Besides my job, I’ve got a lot of free time to make me and my application the best it can be for the next time around. That being said, I’m open to suggestions!
To the people who were and are English graduate students, and this question also goes to History students as my education also got me a degree in History (emphasis on Ancient History), how did you all best prepare for your (English or History) graduate application? If you would have been given more time, approximately 6 months, what would you do with it? Would you make a new writing sample, simply read more, or something different? Thank you all in advance!
submitted by silverspectre013 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:10 Fridakhaloislife 38[F4M] TN/outer space space space - hey there

Hello from your neighbor loving geeky Latina, you know the one searching for her Chewbacca. Well a lot have requested an update and here goes Yes I have met new awesome people, some odd and some well… you’ll be contacted from the Reddit police soon enough lol I just have just a couple of questions.. Why so much hate with Star Wars? What’s wrong with happy meals? Good morning text messages, how are they annoying? Females being nice is suspicious, why is that? Do you think dick pics make you hotter?
And that ends my ted talk lol Here’s a coupon for a 10 piece chicken nugget meal 🎟️
If this made you crack up and you like to talk to a Latina Tina belcher, Hit me up! If not have fun and remember you matter 💗
submitted by Fridakhaloislife to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:09 TreeTalesHub Canary Island Date Palm: A Majestic Touch to Your Landscape

Canary Island Date Palm: A Majestic Touch to Your Landscape
The Canary Island date palm! Known scientifically as Phoenix canariensisThe Canary Island date palm! Known scientifically as Phoenix canariensis, this stately tree is more than just a plant; it's a striking feature of many landscapes. Originating from the Canary Islands, this palm is celebrated for its robust nature and elegant appearance. Suppose you've admired the line of tall, regal trees swaying gently in a Mediterranean breeze. In that case, you've likely been captivated by the Canary Island date palm.
The Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), native to the Canary Islands, is a majestic tree that enhances any landscape with its towering height and lush arching fronds. Ideal for both private gardens and public spaces, it requires full sun, moderate watering, and well-drained soil to thrive. This palm is visually stunning and plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by supporting local wildlife and sequestering carbon dioxide. Regular maintenance, including pest management and seasonal care, ensures its health and longevity, making the Canary Islands date palm a timeless choice for landscaping that combines beauty with environmental benefits.
Canary Island Date Palm: A Majestic Touch to Your Landscape

Why Choose Canary Island Date Palms?

Choosing a Canary Island date palm for your garden or street landscaping isn't just about adding greenery; it's about making a statement. These palms feature a thick, textured trunk and a lush crown of arching leaves that command attention. Whether planted in rows to create a natural fence or used as a standalone centerpiece, these palms bring a touch of exotic elegance.

Growth and Care

Growing a Canary Island date palm is a commitment to its future. These trees can reach up to 60 feet in height in their natural habitat. While they grow relatively slowly, their presence becomes more majestic each year. They prefer full sun and well-drained soil, making them suitable for various landscape settings.
Watering needs are moderate, and the key is not to overwater, as the tree's roots do not like to sit in moisture. A balanced palm fertilizer can support healthy growth, especially during the growing seasons of spring and summer.

Landscape Integration

Integrating a Canary Island date palm into your landscape can transform the area. These trees pair beautifully with other Mediterranean plants, such as lavender and rosemary, creating a serene, drought-tolerant garden. They're also perfect for lining driveways or as grand entrance features. Imagine driving up to a home or business flanked by these magnificent palms. It’s a scene straight out of a luxury resort!

Pest Management

While generally robust, Canary Island date palms are not without their foes. The palm weevil is a notorious pest, and managing these critters is crucial for your tree's health. Regular monitoring and treatment with appropriate biological or chemical controls can keep these pests at bay, preserving your tree's health and aesthetics.

Seasonal Care Tips

Seasonal care is essential for maintaining the vibrancy of these palms. In spring, remove dead fronds and apply mulch to help retain soil moisture. Summer might call for increased watering if temperatures soar. At the same time, autumn is ideal for another round of fertilizer to strengthen the tree before winter. Speaking of winter, while these palms are somewhat cold-tolerant, they appreciate some protection from extreme frosts, especially when young.

The Environmental Impact

Planting a Canary Island date palm also has environmental benefits. These trees are excellent at carbon sequestration, capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon. Moreover, they provide habitat and food for various bird species, enhancing local biodiversity.

Final Thought

So, you have a deep dive into the Canary Islands' date palm world. Whether you're an avid gardener or a professional landscaper, consider this palm for its unmatched aesthetic appeal and environmental benefits. It's more than just a tree; it's a legacy you plant today for future generations. So why wait? Bring a piece of the Canary Islands to your space, and let the majesty of the Canary Island date palm redefine your landscape.

FAQs about Canary Island Date Palms

How long does it take for a Canary Island date palm to grow?

Canary Island date palms are known for their slow growth rate. On average, these palms grow about 6 to 12 inches per year. It may take several years to reach their full height. Still, they become striking features in any landscape with proper care and favorable conditions.

How tall do Canary Island date palms get?

In their natural habitat and under optimal growing conditions, Canary Island date palms can reach heights up to 60 feet. However, cultivated in gardens or urban settings typically grow between 40 and 50 feet. Their majestic height is complemented by a broad, dense crown that can spread widely.

Can you eat Canary Island date palm fruit?

Yes, the fruit of the Canary Island date palm is edible. Still, it's less sweet or desirable than the fruit from the actual date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). The fruits are small, with a thin flesh layer around a large seed, and they have a somewhat fibrous texture and a mild flavor. They are more commonly used for ornamental purposes rather than for consumption.

How hardy is a Canary Island date palm?

Canary Island date palms are hardy and withstand about 20°F (-6°C). However, young palms are more susceptible to cold damage. They are suitable for growing in USDA zones 9 to 11. In colder climates, they require protection during winter or can be grown in large containers that are moved indoors during colder months.

Do Canary Island date palms need a lot of water?

Canary Island date palms have moderate water needs. They thrive with regular watering but are drought-tolerant once established. Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot, so it's essential to ensure that they are planted in well-drained soil and that watering is adjusted according to rainfall and soil moisture levels.
, this stately tree is more than just a plant; it's a striking feature of many landscapes. Originating from the Canary Islands, this palm is celebrated for its robust nature and elegant appearance. Suppose you've admired the line of tall, regal trees swaying gently in a Mediterranean breeze. In that case, you've likely been captivated by the Canary Island date palm.
The Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis), native to the Canary Islands, is a majestic tree that enhances any landscape with its towering height and lush arching fronds. Ideal for both private gardens and public spaces, it requires full sun, moderate watering, and well-drained soil to thrive. This palm is visually stunning and plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by supporting local wildlife and sequestering carbon dioxide. Regular maintenance, including pest management and seasonal care, ensures its health and longevity, making the Canary Islands date palm a timeless choice for landscaping that combines beauty with environmental benefits.

Why Choose Canary Island Date Palms?

Choosing a Canary Island date palm for your garden or street landscaping isn't just about adding greenery; it's about making a statement. These palms feature a thick, textured trunk and a lush crown of arching leaves that command attention. Whether planted in rows to create a natural fence or used as a standalone centerpiece, these palms bring a touch of exotic elegance.

Growth and Care

Growing a Canary Island date palm is a commitment to its future. These trees can reach up to 60 feet in height in their natural habitat. While they grow relatively slowly, their presence becomes more majestic each year. They prefer full sun and well-drained soil, making them suitable for various landscape settings.
Watering needs are moderate, and the key is not to overwater, as the tree's roots do not like to sit in moisture. A balanced palm fertilizer can support healthy growth, especially during the growing seasons of spring and summer.

Landscape Integration

Integrating a Canary Island date palm into your landscape can transform the area. These trees pair beautifully with other Mediterranean plants, such as lavender and rosemary, creating a serene, drought-tolerant garden. They're also perfect for lining driveways or as grand entrance features. Imagine driving up to a home or business flanked by these magnificent palms. It’s a scene straight out of a luxury resort!

Pest Management

While generally robust, Canary Island date palms are not without their foes. The palm weevil is a notorious pest, and managing these critters is crucial for your tree's health. Regular monitoring and treatment with appropriate biological or chemical controls can keep these pests at bay, preserving your tree's health and aesthetics.

Seasonal Care Tips

Seasonal care is essential for maintaining the vibrancy of these palms. In spring, remove dead fronds and apply mulch to help retain soil moisture. Summer might call for increased watering if temperatures soar. At the same time, autumn is ideal for another round of fertilizer to strengthen the tree before winter. Speaking of winter, while these palms are somewhat cold-tolerant, they appreciate some protection from extreme frosts, especially when young.

The Environmental Impact

Planting a Canary Island date palm also has environmental benefits. These trees are excellent at carbon sequestration, capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it as carbon. Moreover, they provide habitat and food for various bird species, enhancing local biodiversity.

Final Thought

So, you have a deep dive into the Canary Islands' date palm world. Whether you're an avid gardener or a professional landscaper, consider this palm for its unmatched aesthetic appeal and environmental benefits. It's more than just a tree; it's a legacy you plant today for future generations. So why wait? Bring a piece of the Canary Islands to your space, and let the majesty of the Canary Island date palm redefine your landscape.

FAQs about Canary Island Date Palms

How long does it take for a Canary Island date palm to grow?

Canary Island date palms are known for their slow growth rate. On average, these palms grow about 6 to 12 inches per year. It may take several years to reach their full height. Still, they become striking features in any landscape with proper care and favorable conditions.

How tall do Canary Island date palms get?

In their natural habitat and under optimal growing conditions, Canary Island date palms can reach heights up to 60 feet. However, cultivated in gardens or urban settings typically grow between 40 and 50 feet. Their majestic height is complemented by a broad, dense crown that can spread widely.

Can you eat Canary Island date palm fruit?

Yes, the fruit of the Canary Island date palm is edible. Still, it's less sweet or desirable than the fruit from the actual date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). The fruits are small, with a thin flesh layer around a large seed, and they have a somewhat fibrous texture and a mild flavor. They are more commonly used for ornamental purposes rather than for consumption.

How hardy is a Canary Island date palm?

Canary Island date palms are hardy and withstand about 20°F (-6°C). However, young palms are more susceptible to cold damage. They are suitable for growing in USDA zones 9 to 11. In colder climates, they require protection during winter or can be grown in large containers that are moved indoors during colder months.

Do Canary Island date palms need a lot of water?

Canary Island date palms have moderate water needs. They thrive with regular watering but are drought-tolerant once established. Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot, so it's essential to ensure that they are planted in well-drained soil and that watering is adjusted according to rainfall and soil moisture levels.
submitted by TreeTalesHub to u/TreeTalesHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:09 Inner_Issue3662 Please Help

Brother me and my girlfriend started dating in 2015 both 15 , we moved in together at 21- as of now basically almost 24* (im 23 shes 24 , a couple months older) , she had her own dark world and toxic household and so did i. Difference is i had a complete “family” , she was raised by her mother who treated her indifferent because she is her dads twin. She gave the most purest and sweetest love . It even gives me chills to write about it. She surprised me countless times , validated my feelings , took care of me more than own mother did bro. She put her ass on the line for me whenever and vice versa. We traveled to her country mu country and countless other places at a young age all alone . Im gonna be honest i cheated by grabbing another girls ass in 2018 and a year later in 2019 the girl from hs called her to tell her and she waited for me in my house but i was such a coward i kept denying and denying even though she knew exactly what had went on. Fast forward in 2021 shit got so rough my family always hated her for no reason (jealousy is a real thing bro) and so much happened. And imma be honest in 2022 i was taking care of her since we moved in together but 2022 i told her quit her job around early January February i told her i got us cause i found a job paying great so why not? That was my baby you know? So that year i went to a whorehouse with this dumbass loser i was working with and i fell for the temptation. Mind you this was a bad year for her she gained weight up to 260 and her family (mom and sister) they always treated her like shit and always was jealous of even me getting her stuff and just loving her and supporting her. Im not gonna lie yes i cheated and she found out about it the same day cause i fell asleep and went through my phone. My dumbass recorded a voice note that those whores can’t even give oral correctly they use all teeth , so when she found out that was a dealbreaker. Bro i destroyed her with that and i know i fucked up so bad this chick had a hot meal from scratch ready for me every single day after work. Anyways fast forward to 2023, she told me when i get a job i got you and everything you ever did. She got the gastric sleeve surgery in September 2022 so 2023 in February she had started losing weight drastically and then eventually got a job the same month. Brother she was destroyed and still gave me food everyday still helped me still gave me sex just still was trying not giving up. I unfortunately didn’t see it this way due to my own internal problems and trauma and my selfish and stupid ways. Anyways even for my bday she took me to miami wasted $3k on the trip and it was amazing. Eventually it got toxic i got fired around October and i wasn’t really fully employed after that for a while so she had to pick up alot and my egocentric ass said hey i did it for you whats the problem a couple months you hold me down? (She should of been left me) but it got toxic and the stress from work her family me and me not working she was crashing out she would spazz on everyone and i dont blame her looking back she was just going though alot. We started cursing eachother out really bad and even got physical. Not fists punch or slaps just grabbing eachother , breaking stuff, throwing stuff out, breaking property. Anyways for her birthday we went to paris (February 2024) and it was great till we argued (i really shouldn’t have gone cause i got a job in February the whole month and first month on the job i requested a week off already and i lied saying it was something else but it was really this trip i had) anyways after this trip she someway somehow forced me to quit my job because i was out from 6am-7pm everyday monday through Friday. March came and dont get me wrong guys my family i am blessed enough that they were sending me little amounts of money here and there to get me through they know i needed to pay rent food etc. march came and someway somehow when she said something to me she slammed the door and walked out so i immediately reacted and then slammed the door open to chase her . I come back the whole door is ripped off the frame . All the hinges ripped off. I ran away like a coward because she kept screaming at me and cursing me out saying you gotta replace it now but i didnt have 1$ to my name and im asking my mom and she is being a bitch on purpose. Long story short that was march 23rd i get arrested 4 days later because of property of destruction and then get out on limited order of protection. We ran into eachother a couple days later and we spoke she invited me over and i lived with her again the whole month of April. Anyways in april im still just relying on my parents at this point because all these jobs im applying for are not in my favor to respond to me (no one hit me back up) . So towards the end of the month literally the Sunday before the 1st of May we get into another heated argument she said you dont do shit around here you a grown ass man this that and that and tbh bro i can show you my cashapp my mother send me like $1500 that month and every time she would send me $100 here or $300 there for food or something she would tell me waste it on weed. (We kinda of had a weed addiction we were wasting $40 a day 7days a week on weed, you do the math) so anyways most of the money my mom is sending me is being spent very inconsiderately and bad . I didnt think much of it cause i thought hey fuck it man im here whatever she wants to make her happy. Anyways fast forward after the argument sunday before may 1st the weekend before may 1st i leave again because it got so crazy i wasn’t trying to spazz out so i walked out and left. Monday she tells me come back ik your mom isnt cooking im not heartless i still wanna be friends with benefits or friends . Whatever she said and also she said i built this bond with you no one knows me like you do. (We lost our virginity to eachother , we literally told eachother our deepest darkest secrets , met eachothers families, did all this together was very intimate) so i went back and as she said we ate we cuddled etc. the next day after work we go out the whole day because her and mom and sister arent on good terms i forgot to mention we lived in a basement and her mother on the 1st floor. The whole month of april they were on bad terms (just walking by eachother not even talking or acknowledging eachother) so we go out the next day after that Tuesday before May 1st. After work we do all that and come back home at 6/7 ish . I havent checked her phone in ages cause i fucked up alot and honestly i kind of had a feeling if i did i was gonna see exactly what i was looking for. Anyways i still did it cause im a stubborn hardheaded motherfucker, and ofc i saw her texting sexual with some guy she told me she was talking as friends on and off for since November. The convo went like him: im dying to find out i just wanna carry you on top of me , her: omg i forget you’re so tall i love it , him: omg i forget you’re so short i love it, her: Stoppppp omg with the emojis, him: plus if you aren’t gonna wear that dress when we go out atleast where it when you invite me over :p , her: lol i guess im small ( she posted a picture in a shirt blouse showing her curves and body and curly hair) , bro i saw this and went back inside from checking her phone in the middle of the road and said is this what you’re doing to me ? Are you serious? She laughed in my face and said well you’re reading it aren’t you? I lost it and spit in her face and called her a nasty you know what just like her sister. How shes just like her sister (her sister fucks any guy to fill her void and to get money/gifts in exchange. (Going back as to why they weren’t on good terms in april her and her sister got into a physical fight because her sister wore her deadstock jordans i got her from 2018 that are now worth $700 and fried them . What blew my mind during the fight was her sister looked and me straight in the eyes that day and said i know alot about you as if she got something on me. That made me wonder alot. Also she called my ex gf a slut which made me think what the fuck) anyways fast forward after i catch her cheating on me she chases me in her underwear for 12 blocks and im toying running around cars with her at that point and i threw her phone on the ground and she ran right past it. Long story short i got arrested and now im facing a felony cause of that and its no contact as of rn till July when this court date happens. I miss the fuck out of her and regardless of anything i wish her the best and miss her dearly . Side note my brother showed me she was what appeared on a date Yesterday
submitted by Inner_Issue3662 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:08 sappynerd Why I feel the Teleological argument is one of the more appealing theological arguments

Disclaimer: I am agnostic and do not consider myself a theist by any means. This is also my first post in this sub so if I am not making any sense please feel free to critique it.
Cellular Biology as potential proof of an intelligent designer?
This is a theory I came across recently and I will paste it in here.
After reading a few college level books on molecular and cellular biology I was blown away by the parallels between computers and the mechanisms within the cell. My honest reaction was - How the f**k can anyone look at this science and not see a creator?
I’m a science guy, I respect science, I made a very good living in science but there is no way I could look at the facts about cellular biology (that everyone agrees with) and believe it happened by chance. Even when I specifically looked for evidence of how life first emerged (abiogenesis), I could not find it and so far, neither has science.
Yes, I know all about how molecules can bond spontaneously, but no way can I ever believe that the minimal amount of information (represented by the specific order in DNA) required for a self replicating organism with heritable traits could arise naturally. It is as unlikely as the operating system and hardware of this computer I’m typing on resulting from putting all the parts in a box and shaking it up. Time is not a magic bullet, it would not happen even in the 13.78 billion years available for it to happen.
The mathematical improbability of life arising on its own is as close to a smoking gun in the hand of God as you will ever find. The Big Bang runs a close second though. We can still see the smoke curling out of the barrel in the CBR.
And it’s NOT just the mathematical improbability. It is the obvious design inference we (should) draw from the scientific discoveries in cellular biology. An archeologist at a dig will uncover a circle of stones with traces of ash and infer that it was done purposely; how is it possible to NOT see the much more obvious design in the functional molecular machines we call ‘proteins' and the language encoded in the DNA that instructs the cell how to make them. Watch this animation of the protein 'Kinesin' and tell me you don’t see design.
It's somewhat paradoxical how regardless of faith, people have different interpretations and biases of what science proves/disproves in terms of there being a creator.
My questions
Would you consider this argument to be valid?
What (if any) refutations would you have to this argument?
How do different religious traditions interpret and utilize the teleological argument?
What are some naturalistic explanations for the apparent design in the universe, and how do they compare to the teleological argument?
Most importantly and lastly, are there theological arguments that you find more appealing/sound than this?
submitted by sappynerd to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:06 applesuperfan AT&T Unlimited Premium T-Mobile Go5G Plus with Netflix

Hello! I have spots for both AT&T Unlimited Premium PL and T-Mobile Go5G Plus with Netflix.
AT&T Unlimited Premium - 1 spot(s) available
T-Mobile Go5G Plus with Netflix - 4 spots available
See details for each below.
AT&T Unlimited Premium PL - 1 spot(s) available
Price: $35.00 /mo
No activation fee and pricing inclusive of all taxes and fees.
Unlimited talk, text, and data that can’t slow down based on how much you use.
60GB of high-speed hotspot data.
Unlimited 4K UHD on-device streaming
Activation via eSIM or physical SIM you have
Port-in available but would require 2 months of prepayment, after which your bill would renew monthly as normal.
Pay via Cash App, Venmo, Apple Cash. If none of those work, other payment may be available at request; just shoot me a message.
Bill due on the 20th of every month.
Price includes autopay, mutli-line, and AT&T Signature discounts. ____________________________________________________________________
T-Mobile Go5G Plus (includes free Netflix) - 4 spot(s) available
Price: $31.00 or $35.00 /mo
You can pay just $31.00 /mo when you pay bimonthly (every 2 months) or after you've been a member for 3 months.
If you pay bimonthly, your month is $31.00, and you'll pay $62 every 2 months starting your second month. You can get a refund for a billing cycle that hasn't started yet if you cancel at least 7 days before it starts.
Prefer to pay monthly? Pay just $35.00 /mo for your first 3 months and $31 /mo every month after, for as long as you're a member.
No activation fee and pricing inclusive of all taxes and fees.
Unlimited talk, text, and data that can’t slow down based on how much you use.
50GB of high-speed hotspot data.
Unlimited 4K UHD on-device streaming
Activation via eSIM or physical SIM you have
Includes 5GB of high-speed (then slowed) International roaming data in 215+ countries and free in-flight WiFi on supported airlines.
Port-ins available under very limited terms since port-out should be possible but potentially very difficult since doing so causes discounts to be cancelled if not done carefully. If you do really need to port in (and can't use a low-cost talk/text service from providers like US Mobile with dual SIM), shoot me a DM and we'll see if we can't figure a solution out.
Pay via Cash App, Venmo, Apple Cash. If none of those work, other payment may be available at request; just shoot me a message.
Bill due on the 1st of every month.
Price includes autopay, multi-line, T-Mobile Insider, 2 free line subsidy discounts (with 5 lines on the account). ____________________________________________________________________
Same-day onboarding is available for both plans. Reach out with any questions. : )
submitted by applesuperfan to accountsharing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:06 Cold_deck_22 ACR and Coinbase or Other Deposit Methods

Hey guys, just wanted to get the community opinion here before making a deposit or even trying. So I live in the US and not in a state that allows online poker. I used to play online back before Black Friday but haven't really tried since.
Disclaimer * This is totally hypothetical and for discussion purposes only *
If you had access to a VPN and could access ACR would you use Coinbase to load cash or another (debit card) despoit method? Would you worry about your Coinbase account being frozen due to transfering to and from ACR? Or the same question with your bank account being frozen as well? Like I said I haven't used any of these online poker rooms in many many years and just wandering how others do it. I live like 15 minutes from a casino that offers low stakes but not really very many during the day when it would be best for me to play. Thanks guys for the help.
submitted by Cold_deck_22 to poker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:06 Ok-Train-7275 [HIRING] Accountability Buddy/Coach

I have a problem - I am lazy! But I want to do something about it. To do so, I am looking for an accountability buddy/coach that makes sure that I stay on track and do my work properly.
Goals: Mostly "career", but also personal development. I am actually blessed by the fact that I am completely financially independent (early Bitcoin investment gave me the opportunity to retire at the age of 30). However, I am still doing unpaid, voluntary work as a programmer. I am maintaining multiple open source projects that are used all around the world, getting integrated into all sorts of infrastructure. As such I feel like my work is important and that I can always do "yet a bit more" to help society as a whole. But sometimes I am getting lazy. And don't get me wrong here, I am not talking about "taking a break" or having a free time at the end of the day - those things would be totally fine! I am talking about pretty much doing nothing for multiple weeks, sometimes months. These times are ... problematic. Not only for my work, but also for my mental health. So I am looking for someone that is basically a safe guard for when that happens, reminding me of getting back on track.
Level of accountability: I am aware that I'd be asking for much here, but luckily I do have the budget to finance it, so I'd be looking for daily check ins and motivational guidance. It is especially important that you can be there for me at some time between 9-5 in CET. How much you are there is up to you, could be 1 hour, could be all 8 hours. I do have further ideas that would become a bit invasive, as such they would need to be discussed well, when the time comes. I wouldn't start with those in the beginning either, but once I get used to be around you I might feel more and more comfortable to open up to you and give you more and more access to my life. Pretty much to survail me.
Requirements: I am very open to discuss pretty much every aspect of this job, almost nothing is set in stone yet. There are only two hard requirements from my side:
  1. You are able to understand and express yourself in english. If you were able to understand this job application this far, without help, then you have already passed on this requirement.
  2. Communication is through Discord. Nothing else. I am pretty much constantly on Discord because of my workflow anyway, having any other form of communication isn't possible.
Payment: Around $15/hr, also negotiable.
If you find this job interesting, then please do not hesitate to hit me up via DMs here on Reddit.
submitted by Ok-Train-7275 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:05 Sad_Bat7625 Feeling guilt for messaging my abusive ex

About a year ago, I [29 M] was in a toxic relationship with J [29 M]. While there were no serious stakes in it (no kids or messy finances), the relationship and breakup ended up emotionally affecting me in a way I had never really thought possible. I feel guilty because after the relationship I tried to be friends with my ex still, which I now see as a mistake in the context of this relationship, and then after a few months, he blocked me because I didn't respect a boundary he had set about not sending him long messages. He said he didn't feel safe since I "completely ignored" the boundary.
I was devastated, but over the course of the next few months, came to understand a great deal of ways that I feel that I had been abused during the relationship. I felt angrier and angrier, and even though I was seeing a therapist, it eventually boiled over. My ex had blocked me on discord and probably on text, but I went onto an astrology app called Co-Star that he had had me download, and sent a message using it that said something like, "You were an abusive partner, but you can make it right with an apology."
Now, I have no idea if he actually saw the message. It was sent with a weird feature of the app called Chaos Mode that apparently chooses to send the message at some future time, so who knows if it actually ever sent. I don't know if he still has the app, if he unfriended me, or whatnot. But I feel guilty because I enacted exactly the caricature of me that he had created--I hadn't respected his boundaries, and I sent the message anyways.
At the same time, I am still feeling very victimized by the relationship. To give you a sense of the kinds of things that were going on in the relationship, here's a few examples that I currently find a little horrific [Note: this kind of turned into a summary of the relationship after I wrote it]. I'm aware that to heal I should probably not be ruminating about these things, especially if they lead me to boil over and message him, but here you go.
The first time I had sex with him, he slammed the door on me for not being able to finish and said "finish yourself." When I came to bed, I told him I felt shame. He said "good." The next time we had sex, he set a timer for me and said I had to finish within 5 minutes. These were the first times I ever had sex. He was manipulative in bed, telling me he didn't want to perform certain acts because I didn't give him enough praise for them, so that I started exaggerating my pleasure; he blamed me for why certain positions weren't working and was frustrated with how my body worked. On top of this, he admitted at the end of the relationship to having had sex with me around five times after he decided to break up with me (before he did), which just makes me feel a bit icky.
He would put me down in pretty transparently cruel ways. One example was when I exerted myself, he said I sounded like a muppet and that he "didn't want to be dating a muppet." When I offered him a blanket but apologized that it might not have been washed in a while, he called me a baby. He would insult my ability to give complements, asking me to tell him what color his eyes are but then rejecting everything that I gave him, telling me I was bad at complements repeatedly (and saying that it wasn't fair of him because his other exes were artists, so no wonder I was bad). Now, there were times that he was complementary to me--he told me I was hot, good at singing, good at writing, smart--but also times where he would put me down for things I was less good at, like cooking.
He constantly made me feel insecure about my gender. (For context, we are both men, but he was raised as a woman). So he would make pretty sweeping feminist critiques over fairly mundane things, like if I complained when I was sick he would go off about how men are always babies when they are sick and women don't get attention. When I confronted him about some of the things he was saying, telling him that while I wanted him to express these kinds of social problems so that I could be aware and adapt, I was feeling insecure in the relationship--he flipped it around and told me that if I didn't feel loved, he could say "I love you" less, and that I hadn't been grateful enough for when he came to visit me. (I had written him poetry, deep cleaned my apartment, taken time off work, sent my roommate off for the week, bought him a bus pass, planned his visit, met him in the airport despite not having a car, and just an insane amount of work to be turned into, "you weren't grateful enough").
Other than namecalling, he was just plain controlling. The reason that the boundary around me not sending long messages exists is that when I felt insecure--which I think makes sense given the ways he would talk to me--I would often send him a few paragraphs apologizing and explaining how I was growing. Even though long messages were the first thing he said he loved about me, and that he said our communication was like magic, he eventually set up what he called an "Essay embargo" and told me not to write them. The first time he set the "embargo", he had said it was only until we met in person because he didn't want me to write anything that would make him nervous. After we met in person, I assumed the embargo had lifted. Yet shortly after, he set it again, giving a few explanations--the main one just being that he wanted to appreciate our relationship without overthinking it. It seemed playful. He definitely did also say that long messages made him uncomfortable because he felt obligated to send a response. So, when I did send messages, I would add that he didn't have to respond (which I realize is not fully respecting the boundary). I did ask after sending messages whether they were ok and he never responded to those questions.
Despite this, there were times during the relationship that I continued to send long, often apologetic messages. I had felt like this boundary was set playfully and I also was feeling overwhelming guilt that I, for whatever reason, needed his affirmation for. I am conflicted because on the one hand, I was definitely ignoring his boundary--but on the other, I feel like the boundary was not very thoughtful of my own needs, either.
Prior to the breakup, it was hell. He was getting angry at me for everything--for pretty mundane things like using the bathroom before him and stinking it up. He told me he had to show me how to do everything, but I realize now that a lot of this was just him being particular (e.g, he told me I don't know how to drink tea because I left the bag in, when I just like it strong). Unfortunately, I had flown 5,000 miles to visit him and was sort of trapped in his proximity, and was drunk on love still since I was trying very hard, it was my first relationship, and he had sold me on notions of fairytale romance and told me we were cosmically meant to be together and other lovebomby sort of things. We flew to a convention and I met some of his friends, and at one point he introduced me to a girl he had almost dated before, saying I was a friend and not a partner. I pointed this out to him later and he just said "does that make you angry?". He flirted with a woman at a party, telling her she was pretty while demanding that i bring him snacks (I feel so, so weak for not confronting him about this). He got drunk and I stayed with him as he passed out, but he was angry at me in the morning. When one of his friends told me they thought I was nice, because i was opening doors for everyone, my ex said "Is he really?" Questioning them.
The breakup itself was cold and calculated. He started it by telling me that he thought about not giving me any reasons for the breakup because I always overanalyze things. He told me he wouldn't have broken up with me if I was a woman. He told me I didn't take care of him and he needs a partner that takes care of him, and that his partners always feel taken care of. He threw some things I had said at the beginning of the relationship back at me--misquoting and misunderstanding them.
After the relationship, I had no idea what to think. It was my first relationship. It had started with fairytale romance. I had been passing his tests, I had been an exception to his long string of abusive relationships. He presented himself as this incredibly moral person (vegan, environmentally conscious, telling me of all of the ways others had abused him that he would never do, even his closest friends). I had completely internalized criticisms that he had had of me throughout the relationship, many of which had led to serious self reflection and my writing messages about my growth. Within a week I told him I still loved him and that I always would. He reminded me of his boundary around long messages and said they made him anxious. I was desperate. We took a few weeks of no-contact. We messaged short-messages back and forth, with a few life-updates to eachother each. He told me he was rescuing a kitten that he found, and I remembered how he could be kind.
But as I processed, more and more, I felt angry. I wrote unsent angry letters in the notes app on my phone for a month. I wrote myself a 20,000 word summary of the relationship. This was not a healthy way to process. It elevated me. (Some of you will probably comment that maybe I shouldn't have written this post for the same reason, but oh well--I wanted to process and I want to hear if others have similar stories). Meanwhile, my ex kept pushing back the date for when we would verbally connect again. Eventually, I boiled over. I did not insult him. But I wrote a long message explaining that I wanted to take 3 months of no-contact. I had entered another relationship and told him that even though I was feeling angry at him, he shouldn't be worried because even though I had baggage from the relationship, I was communicating well with my new partner. I also told him that I felt like if I did talk with him, that I would end up tearing him a new one, and that I needed time to cool down. I'm not proud of the message in general, but I didn't call names, tell him he was awful, or anything like that. I was just insensitive and told him I was angry.
And like that, I was blocked. It was over. A period of about 9 months, five of which we were together, with two before escalating towards love bombing and two after escalating towards my boiling over.
And yet, I had never expressed to him that I thought he had been abusive. I felt frustrated that I had told him that I would always love him, when in many ways now I hated him.
Five months passed, during which I came to realize more and more how messed up the relationship was.
And then I sent the message on Co-star.
Fast forward another four months to now.
I just sent him a text, knowing he probably has blocked me there too. It said something like, "I want my last message to you just be: I'm sorry, and I forgive you." I wanted to free myself. I needed to not feel angry at him or ashamed of myself. I needed to not feel like I had a million things to say to him--I needed to just say, this is it: I'm not sending more messages. I'm sorry, and I forgive you. It was for myself. I was forgiving him selfishly, even though he didn't deserve it, so that I could move on.
I feel like I shouldn't have sent this, but I don't feel bad about it yet, either. I needed closure. It always felt like there was some "message I could send" to detail his abuse, and I needed to not have that standing over me--I needed to forgive. I am now oscillating between wondering about myself--whether I have a problem with boundaries, since I had boiled over at this point three times to message him. Feeling frustrated I didn't assert myself about his abuse, that I doubled down on loving him. Part of me is glad that I sent the message on Co-Star saying that he was abusive, because it was the only indication I ever gave him, really, that what he did wasn't ok to me--he had blocked me before I could articulate anything. But I also know that this message even if received would not mean anything to him.
Anyways, now I'm venting about it here on Reddit. Does anyone have similar experiences surrounding self control messaging exes and feeling a bit out of control?
submitted by Sad_Bat7625 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:04 NoFilm2752 AITA for blocking my best friend of 5 years?

So our friendgroup was sort of a quadrat, but one kinda committed suicide back in year 10 so we just became a triplet.
My friend, let's call him Bradley bc it makes me giggle.
we've been friends since year 9, we're all at the end of year 12 now. We were really close right up untill he went to college with my other friend (i stayed in 6th form), and I accepted it like he's a bad texter so ofc we're not gunna be that close anymore since he never texts me back or calls first or something, but it's the way that he will publicly post himself talking with other people and going out everyday and the only time he will ever call me is if he's drunk or high and our other friend refuses to pick up. I text the other friend everyday, we call and go out regularly despite both of us being busy w other subjects, we communicate. He doesn't do that. Whenever he calls me I have to wonder if it's because he's in trouble and needs help. One time we went out together to meet these people we didn't really know, and they were smoking weed, I told him not to because I had to leave early and I couldn't take care of him and he smoked anyway so I just left since I thought it would be fine, but later I get calls and texts from his mum asking where he is and I hadn't seen him in 11 hours at that point so I start calling and texting everyone else, thinking he's dead or something idk (my friend died, I got a weird thought process).
He's a very socially deprived person, so I feel like when he went to college and wasn't bullied anymore, he became so obsessed with being popular and his social image. He was abit like that before but now he's just a total dick. He will make fun of girls and everytime I do something that's slightly cringe or I'm just having fun, he'll make me feel bad abit it and call me cringe or make fun of me. Whenever I call him to say i miss him and just wanna talk, he doesn't really pay attention or talk much, like I'm being boring or smthn but maybe that's just me overthinking.
He's always making it out to be like he's a victim too. Okay I might be petty, but in the end of year 10 we were meant to be working, and he struggled abit with talking so I decided to work with him (we were meant to be doing a work shop for year 7s), and I did all the work and presenting, so idk maybe he got bored and started bothering other groups, and he got told off by both me, the teacher, and my other friend so instead of coming back to sit by me and just help me, he sat at a table, sulked for half an hour with his head on his arms and then left. And later I go up to the office because I'm concerned about him and wanna check up on him and he's crying in there next to the teacher, the teacher forces me to apologise and I just forgive it and move on. Kinda petty but I'm still mad ok. Also when it was the summer holidays, and this was the same year our friend killed herself, he decides to cut off speaking to both me and our other friend, for absolutely no reason. He's still online on insta too. He's still posting his chats with this other random girl so we're obviously like wtf. He refuses to speak to us and so I'm obviously very very concerned and think he's about to kill himself of something (wack mindset but I was like 14), so I walk all the way over to his house twice (my friend was away in London at the time but was still on the phone with me checking up on him) and both times he's sat in his room, doesn't look at me, doesn't speak to me, and at one point he started crying (??) So I just patted him on the back and left after abit.
He used to be a really sweet kid, I think he just became so obsessed with being popular and having fun, he's day drinking now and constantly posting about getting high and drunk because he thinks it's "cool", and I responded to his story, all I said was like "Bradly pls", because it is quite embarassing and he blocked me on that account.
That's another thing too, if I say anything that even slightly hurts his feelings he gets mad and doesn't let go of it, but whenever he says things that genuinley hurt me, he refuses to apologise so I end up having to just left go of it. Like when I had horrible body issues and always wore a jacket, until I took it off one day in class bc it was hot and he called my arms sausages. He also had body image issues and disordered eating so idk if he was like projecting or something ??
But I feel like I've just had enough now, I haven't spoken to him in months, I'm speaking with a girl now and she's great, we're going on a date soon, I'm doing well in school with a proper plan for uni and I feel like I'm just at peace with my life, but I can't just leave him because he's my best friend and he was THERE, and i can't just let him throw his life away because hes too busy having fun to go into his lessons and study, but it's impossible to help him, we've all tried, but like I can't just ignore that or forget about him, I think I can forgive all of this if he changes but it's doubtful he'll just suddenly change soon so I just decided to cut him out of my life, but everytime I see something like him using the scarf I crocheted for him or the handwarmers I made, or our pictures on his wall it just makes me feel so guilty and sad because it makes me remember how we all were together, and I miss that so much and I don't know how to get it back. But idk.
submitted by NoFilm2752 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:04 The-Hive-Queen The Paralegal
*I could recognize a vampire anywhere. No matter how long I've been out of the business and away from my family, I will never forget the tenants that had been carved into my mind since childhood.
Atreus Rhodes is undoubtedly a vampire. Yet he can walk in the sun. He touched my silver ring without so much as a flinch. He even has a reflection.
I used to be a slayer, but he sees me only as one thing.
"I'm going to break you, pretty girl. I'm going to make you beg me to fuck you. And when you do, I'm going to feed from you until your veins run dry."*

Hi wattpad!
I'm here looking for some feedback on the 4-chapter sample of a story I was kind of working on while on my hiatus. I'm not sure if I want to completely invest in making it a real project once I finish with my current WIP. I'd love to get some people's thoughts over the next few months and find out if it's something people would like to see made into a full story.
So check it out and let me know what you think!
submitted by The-Hive-Queen to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 Haunting-Pattern8543 I am trying to figure out my dungeons and dragons character

The campaign that I am in is the wild beyond the witch light. There are other party members they are a black chromatic Dragonborn wizard and a bearded vulture Aarakocra barbarian and the dungeon master their character is a Tiefling rogue character is not in the campaign and there’s also another wizard and lastly a bard which is weird because the dungeon master should never have their own character and the dungeon master was playing favorites with the Dragonborn player and the Aarakocra player right now we’re in the witch light carnival 🎡 when I was in clubs in the dungeons and dragons club I was so nervous/scared because I did not know what to do. I do not know what to say. I was scared and I was anxious. Because the other players got their characters done, but I didn’t and I was constantly changing my character because because I want to fit into the world the lore and the characters and I know in the wild and the witch is the Feywild however, when I tried to ask to the DM see which one would be the most spitting for their campaign however they said, and I quote I don’t want to spoil my campaign “” which I was like okay however every time when we had clubs in school and this was for dungeons and dragons, something always felt off or fishy even you can say odd The DM didn’t have the dungeon master guide only the players handbook The other players didn’t want to help me out or even the dungeon master And they said go figure out yourself and the thing was I was new to dungeons and dragons and I was trying to make a decision for what class and what race I want to pick however, I got so stressed that I did not know what to do and the dungeon master didn’t even help they just said just impulse and the thing was I can’t. I have to think and figure it out I can’t just act on impulse. Not to even mention, they were being rude the other players the Dragonborn wizard player and the A And they were being vulgar and using vulgar language and also mentioning inappropriate things wow, that is happening. They did not even want. To talk to me or even figure out what I’m doing even the DM do not want to either While we had clubs, I was so anxious scared, and even nervous like I said not to mention, I have anxiety players at the table, had ADHD and I had autism and you know what I’m proud that I am autistic but anyway where was I? Oh yeah. They were distracted and they didn’t even want to pay attention to me. or even acknowledge that I am at their table and in my mind I’m thinking do they even want me in their group at all? Because sometimes when we didn’t have clubs, they give me weird glances and looks and felt suspicious while we had clubs for dungeons and dragons it didn’t felt right you can even say strange and they are so many red flags and signs that I did not saw but now I’m realizing they did not even want to me in their group at all they were talking behind my back and secretly pacifically the Dragonborn and the DM, whispering I felt so frustrated and confused in my mind I was thinking what are they hiding and what are they not telling me? Because I am not stupid I’m smart. I knew something felt weird. I don’t have Tasha’s cauldron of everything abd Xananathar’s guide to everything The people at table said he is so innocent like a lamb 🐑 and I felt so used/manipulated not noticing what was truly going on and I love dungeons and dragons. I like it a fantasy role-playing RPG and you can make your own story and characters basically everything But I felt so sad because I wish I had a better First time experience playing D&D, but I sadly didn’t got that and I they were even lying to me I’m a coward and I couldn’t even muster up the courage to say something by the way the second wizard and the barred were not in the campaign I was in. It was just the wizard and the barbarian but to all dungeon masters do you think it’s a good reason for my frustration? And the reason why I was constantly changing my character is because I wanted to know what my character was, and how it would fit in the story to Dungeon masters isn’t it? As a role to invite players into your
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submitted by Haunting-Pattern8543 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 Murky_waterLLC The Greatest Congame in the History of the Universe

Ok, Before I begin, this is my longest Story yet. It was only meant to be a short story, but I don't think 40 pages on a google doc can fit in a single comment thread, so expect multiple posts. Second, I'd really appreciate feedback, even if it's just in the form of an upvote as it really encourages me to keep up this creative outlet. That's all from me, enjoy the story.
Dialog Key:
[Translated]: Dates, Units of Measurement, or other Grammatical terms will be retrofitted to be legible for readers while still staying true to their definition
{Exposition}: Immediate context regarding events, People, Entities, or other key points that allow for understanding amongst different cultures.
We were tricked, completely and utterly duped. It hit us not like a train, but like a lit fuse approaching a massive stack of trinitrotoluene that we were too blind to see until we found ourselves crammed into the tens of thousands of “Corporate Nexuses” that occupied every startup colony, production world, trade hub, and capital world; working ourselves to death. The worst part? We had nobody else to blame but ourselves.
We were blinded by our hubris, our minds stuck in the past, refusing to adapt. All it took was one fledgling, pre-FTL race that made adaptability a main point of their society and culture. One society with just enough cunning to see through and undermine us and our ploys. One Species to pull off what the Humans called “The Greatest Con Game In The History of The Universe.” So where to begin?
We first discovered Humans when they had nearly finished construction on their star’s [Dyson Swarm], though to us, given the vast distances between the galactic core and Earth, we only noticed a minor anomaly, a stable G-class main sequence star flickering in the void of space. It seemed as though someone, or something, was trying to either signal us, or power their stellar civilization for the first time. But in reality, the structure was already done.
When we dropped out of warp roughly [2 AU] away from their 4th gas giant, we immediately began picking up massive arrays of signals and spikes of energy. Turns out our exploration drones had just wandered into a system-wide intraspecies conflict. Spikes in both heat and radiation from nuclear warheads littered their second asteroid belt as our sensors picked up on hundreds, no, thousands of ships, primitive in nature, sure, but still armed [to the teeth]. Their similar design and technological levels seemed to back the idea that this was the same species blowing each other up, and not some other race or civilization.
The last thing our exploration fleet picked up was the warning of multiple target locks as [4 dozen] missiles were launched from what we presumed was a frigate, at our drones. Our drones took evasive actions, though nearly all of them were destroyed in nuclear fire. Only one survived by being manually overridden and found a crater in a massive asteroid to hide in. The human forces must have thought they were of the enemy’s as it never came back up in diplomatic discussion when first contact was established, but I digress.
We weren’t ready to give up first contact just yet so we had our drones observe from afar and move in only when it was safe. We recorded the entire battle. Despite their relatively primitive technology, their ingenuity couldn’t be understated. They used remarkably simple solutions that likely would have ravaged our then-finest warships. We watched as swarms of nigh-indestructible drones simply carved through ship after ship, targeting weak points like reactor cores and bridges that would completely disable the ship. The only thing, it seemed, that could stop these drones were other drones of similar make and model.
Other times, when that didn’t work, we saw them fire missiles at extreme speeds directly into the hull of the enemy. Miraculously, however, they didn’t explode or tear through the armor, they merely embedded themselves into the ship and sealed the holes they made. We found this odd, perhaps a series of malfunctions? Or Factory sabotage? Subterfuge wasn’t uncommon in galactic wars, it was an art that was hard to master, but given the unorthodox yet effective tactics of these primitives, the assumption could be made that they had become proficient in the art of espionage as well.
But we noticed something odd. Several ships struck by these missiles began taking hits to their weapon efficiency, and they began suffering power shortages before going completely offline. A short while later the missiles would extract themselves from the armor and return to their mother ship, and the victimized ship would spontaneously self-destruct when all of the missiles had long departed.
A closer examination of these weapons told us that these were not missiles at all, but boarding shuttles! How could any species survive those levels of [G]-forces!? We once again watched the carnage repeated on another small ship. Watching several heat signatures, these entry teams would breach the hull of the ship and disperse in two separate directions before our sensors stopped picking up on them. We could fill in the blanks from there: They would go through the ship, butchering the crew and initiating the self-destruction of the ship before escaping with their lives.
Pirate tactics, minus the unnecessary depredation of valuable loot, I suppose.
When the battle finally cleared, after [16 Earth Standard Days] mind you, a ridiculously long time to be [duking it out], We watched as the surviving ships scoured for survivors, occasionally firing off a few nuclear warheads at the corpses of large combat apparatus before they turned tail and headed towards what our sensor’s picked up was what appeared to be an outer system shipyard. Our drone was given the go-ahead to move further into the system which became harder and harder to do in secret. There were at least several hundred orbital habitats and [lunar] colonies were spread out across the system, most, if not all of which we had to evade. For [13 Earth Standard Months] we had to hide our drone in what we later learned was one of the “Trojan” belts because one of their gas giants, and all of its dozens of lunar colonies, were giving us a shallow berth in detection ranges.
submitted by Murky_waterLLC to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:01 music_plants_life my ex is being really weird, please help what do i do??? :(

when i was in like 7th grade and like 12 years old (im 16 now by the way) i dated this girl on and off
and when i say on and off i mean like 5 times in the span of 2 years (2020-2022) in which they broke up with me and then asked me out again 5 times
back then i was stupid and i went back every time bc i thought we were in love
i wont go into detail about the relationship because 1) i have zero care for how i was treated back then anymore, im over it 2) it was a lot and id be here forever even if i did want to talk about it
but to sum it up all of my friends absolutely hated this person and were mad i was dating them and were over the moon when we broke up for good
after a couple months after our last breakup we did what has always happened after we broke up and we formed a friendship again, i went shopping with them and got food with them, car rides with them etc
in 2023 i started dating the most amazing man i could have ever asked for, he has truly been a blessing in my life and has really changed my life for the better, and to top it all off he has really shown me how a healthy relationship should be. He has shown me so much kindness and has gone above and beyond for me and i'm so appreciative of him and all his kindness, he has taught me real love
when me and him started dating i stopped being around this ex
  1. because now that i was dating my amazing boyfriend i realized i used to hang around them in some hope they'd show me that temporary love again (i was very blind and easily controlled 👎)
  2. because now that i had realized this and was finally aware of how awful the situation had been and was now completely over them i realized they have always made me somewhat uncomfortable
and 3. who the hell wants to be around there toxic ex?? especially when i'm now in a serious relationship? being around an ex you were long term with is just lowkey weird, if my bf was friends with an ex he was long term with, even if completely over them, i'd be lying if i said it wouldn't weird me out and make me uncomfortable, i respect my partner and he respects me
anyways, my ex hadn't tried to reach out to me since and they honestly haven't crossed my mind in half a year i thought (and hoped) that was the end of the story
TILL RECENTLY my friend group from one of my school activities is also somewhat friends with my ex, and this has never bugged me, but apparently it has bugged my ex strongly.
because half a year later since i stopped talking to this ex apparently they have started complaining to my friend in this shared group about how they • feel excluded when im around • feel i've been ignoring them • and how they believe this is all my boyfriends fault, and that my boyfriend is "controlling" who i talk to
its escalated because they brought it up to my friend again and said they were going to "confront" me about it?????
this kinda happened a couple months ago when they asked this friend if i dating my current boyfriend and trying to get info, but my friend said they should stop being weird.
Now they are back at it worse than before??
why can't they just let me go and leave me alone?
to be perfectly clear my boyfriend is the furthest thing from controlling, and im very offended that my ex is 1) trying to bad mouth him and 2) painting him as controlling and assuming im only destined for toxic manipulative controlling relationships like the one i was in with them
i know im better than that now and i think its wild they believe there has to be some outside force keeping me from talking to them
the reality is it was completely my own decision to stop talk talking to them, and i've been very happy with my decision
my boyfriend doesn't know about the current situation i haven't told him because hearing that someone is painting him to be controlling would break his heart, he is so kind and it's made me absolutely livid that my ex is so immature they have to shit talk my boyfriend to feel better about themselves
but should i tell him? and besides telling him, what do i do about the situation??
do i confront my ex and tell them to get a grip and stop being an obsessive creep? or is that what they want and should i just not ingage in the situation at all
PLEASE help me 🙏🙏☹️
submitted by music_plants_life to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:01 ManawarGames Destiny 2 Caln Recruitment

submitted by ManawarGames to ManawarGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 UnDead_Ted What Really is Faith? Truths to Boost Your Walk of Faith

What Really is Faith? Truths to Boost Your Walk of Faith
Here's one of the most surprising things I've encountered personally and as a minister in spiritual life: believers struggling with believing God’s Word. The more I interact with other Christians in our ministry, including pastors and ministers, the more I realize we truly have a faith problem in the Church. While there are many reasons for this, today we will get back to Faith 101 to discuss fatih from first principles in a way that you will absorb and understand fully—I pray! I want to share a few truths to help clarify what faith means, starting with the basics.

The Error of “Acting to Prove Your Faith”

Years ago, after absorbing numerous teachings on faith to resolve my own faith problems, I adhered to a common notion from my Pentecostal background. Since faith implies action, you must do something to "release" or "activate" your faith. Believing in God for financial provision, I brainstormed ways to “prove I have believed” or “release my faith”. I began doing things to “show that I have believed”—a major faith error.
Here’s another poignant example from my dual role as a doctor and minister: witnessing Christians stop taking medications or rejecting medical treatments "in faith," leading to disastrous results.
Tip: Faith is seen in our actions, but we must not prove it artificially. What we truly believe will show how we naturally talk and act when we are "not in a conditioned faith mode".
These two examples underscore one problem: there is a widespread misunderstanding of what faith really is and how it works, especially among us charismatics or Pentecostals.

Understanding Faith from Everyday Life

This simple yet profound insight can unlock a deeper understanding of faith: the principle of faith is integral to our everyday life.
I'll use everyday examples to illustrate how we already operate under the principle of faith in daily matters and then highlight how this differs from our faith in Christ.
A Young Woman with Many Suitors
Consider a young woman courted by multiple suitors. Naturally, she desires to know their true characters, aiming for a partner who would treat her with love, respect, and tenderness. Upon learning from a trusted friend that one suitor is disrespectful and abusive, she believes this information and naturally rejects him.
This reaction embodies the principle of faith: hearing information, believing it, and acting accordingly.
  • She made her decisions based on information she had and, most especially, information she believed.
  • That is how faith works—the principle of faith. You know something, believe it, and naturally live according to it.
5 Year Old Vs Police Chief
Let's consider another example I discussed in our last Bible study this week. Imagine you're in your living room, watching me teach the Word of God on YouTube. Suddenly, your five-year-old daughter rushes in and exclaims, "Daddy, an airplane is going to crash on our roof!" How would you react?
  • You would most likely smile, ask her how she knows this, and then dismiss her warning as unreliable because of her young age.
  • We typically do not take such claims seriously when they come from a child, recognizing that the source isn't dependable.
Now, imagine a different scenario in which it's not your child but the police chief of your city—a person you know and trust—who calls and urgently tells you to evacuate your home because an airplane is about to crash on it. What would you do then? You'd probably leave your house immediately. Why? because you trust the police chief's reliability and would act on his warning without hesitation.
Brethren, this is essentially what faith is. It is the way we act based on the things we believe.
  • You will not try to prove to the police chief that you believe him. There is no need.
  • You do not try to “confess your faith.” No. If you believe him, you will immediately act on it and leave your home.
  • Your actions will speak louder than anything you say to tell him you believe what he says to you.
Faith is seen by what we do or say. The best proof of what you truly believe is how you act and behave. Faith is visible,
And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. (Luke 5:20, KJV)

The Principle of Faith and Faith in Christ

What distinguishes the principle of faith we use in everyday life from the faith we have in Christ?
Even Atheist Believe!
Every person, whether Christian or not, has the capacity to believe. For instance, atheists exercise this principle of faith, too—they believe there is no God and thus reject Christ based on this gravely mistaken belief.
However, here’s the point: This belief shapes their lives profoundly, underscoring the fact that people can believe what is wrong, leading them astray. In fact, God calls the atheist a fool for this reason,
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, There is none that doeth good." (Psalm 14:1, KJV).
Thus, even those who deny God's existence are inadvertently following a principle of faith by adhering to their beliefs.

What About Demons?
Moreover, Scripture tells us that even demons believe in God’s existence:
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." (James 2:19, KJV).
This highlights that mere belief in existence is not sufficient for saving faith.
The critical difference between the everyday principle of faith and the faith in Christ lies in the specifics of what is believed and how it directs our lives.
  • Faith in Christ isn’t just a general belief like thinking a suitor is unkind or fearing an imminent disaster based on rumors.
  • Rather, it is specifically trusting and acting on God’s Word.
A second vital aspect of faith in Christ is that it requires the Holy Spirit for a person to accept divine truths. The natural consequence of the Fall makes God’s truths seem foolish to an unaided mind. Only through the Holy Spirit can we genuinely comprehend and embrace the things of God.
No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:3, KJV).
This underscores the essential role of the Holy Spirit in transforming our understanding and acceptance of God's truth, moving us beyond simple human belief into a profound, spiritually enabled faith.

What Really is Faith?

To distill the essence of faith without delving too deeply into technicalities, consider the simple illustrations mentioned earlier.
Faith is essentially how you act based on the Word of God you believe to be true. It comprises two main aspects:
Faith starts with accepting the Word of God as true. Today, a significant problem with faith is that while many can verbally speak to mountains of disease, demons, or poverty to move, very few deeply believe in their heart that such commands will work.
  • Anyone can “act faith” but not everyone has faith in their hearts that support those actions. I have extensively taught about believing, and if you struggle with faith, I strongly encourage you to read these articles and watch the sermons I've shared.
  • As always, these resources are free—you only need to pay the price of your time and effort to grow spiritually.
The core of this newsletter is about how your beliefs manifest naturally in your actions. You don’t need to force or "act out" your faith.
  • For example, Judas, despite being one of the apostles for three years, did not truly believe Jesus was the Messiah. His actions, ultimately betraying Jesus, revealed his true beliefs(John 6:64).
  • No Jew in their right mind would betray the Messiah that the entire Jewish nation has been waiting for centuries. Also, if people genuinely believed in hell, their lifestyles would immediately reflect that belief. Thus, what we believe naturally influences our actions.
Faith is a lifestyle—our actions and words are governed by what we are persuaded above, as encapsulated in Hebrews 11:1, KJV:
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Invest in Your Faith

Investing in your faith is one of the most crucial commitments you can make in Christianity. I once believed I was a man of faith until the Holy Spirit revealed how little I truly accepted many things I thought I believed.
You might be surprised to find that your heart has not truly embraced many truths of the Scriptures you assumed you believed. For instance, if you believe you can command a demon and it will obey, that belief will transform how you live. Imagine if Christians truly believe that, it will change how we act!
Here are my recommendations for boosting your faith:
  1. Read thoroughly: Read, watch, and imbibe every article or sermon on believing and faith. The Lord, by His Spirit, has given me the wisdom to understand His Will, as you can see from this newsletter, and you can partake of that grace by simply learning what the Lord has shown me.
  2. Commit to the Word: Faith is nurtured in our hearts by the Holy Spirit using the Word of God as His primary tool(Romans 10:17). As you allow God’s Word to take root in your heart, accepting its truths becomes increasingly natural.
  3. Maintain close communion with the Holy Spirit: The closer you are to the Holy Spirit, the easier faith becomes. My experience shows that when my prayer life declines, so does my faith. Stay close to the Spirit, and you will find your faith not only grows but flourishes.
I pray that as you read this newsletter, something will ignite in your spirit to lead you into a new dimension of faith. And remember, as your faith comes alive, you will begin to see its impact in your health, family, finances, and ministry. This is why investing in your faith is so crucial.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 Any_Two6292 Some Advice?

I am a comic Creator, I use my personal account as my business account and now I fully regret, When I started making my comics I wasn't fully thinking, That I should make a business account first, Is rather than using my personal account, but now That I realize that, I am thinking about Transferring stuff from my personal account to my business account. And way back I did do research based on webtoon. And I believe that it won't allow you to transfer your comic to your business account, I'll figure out a way to do it myself, but, I'm also going to update my comic as well and more, If you want more updates or update you on how it goes.
submitted by Any_Two6292 to WEBTOON_canvas_collab [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 _mamcia We finally won the war with oral trush

Just want to start off by saying I’m not telling anyone to do what we did, it’s more of a rant and this is not advice that I am giving to anyone!!
Nearly 2 months ago we noticed our baby had trush in his mouth, it was actually my grandmother who noticed it and said we need to jump on it because once it gets bad its really hard to get rid off. She told me that theres some home remedies that I can try but he was only 3 months old so I was a bit scared so we went to the doctors and got prescribed mycostatin. After a week and a half of using it nothing improved, it got slightly worse and we noticed him vomiting more - we went back in and got another round of it. If anything it got worse, and we were sick of it at that point because it upset babys tummy, he was puking after it and all. The the doctor sent us to A&E so that baby can be seen quickly by a pediatrician (it wasnt that bad, just how it works in our country in order to get seen quickly by ped). Pediatrician prescribed Diflucan for 2 weeks and said it should clear up in a week. 2 weeks passed, it definitely got better but not gone completely so went back to the GP. GP said he’s gonna run blood tests because he suspects he might have diabetes and in the meantime he’ll have me continue taking the meds.
Hee sent a referal to the hospital, my husband is actually t1 so I was scared. Ran to the pharmacy to get glucose urine strips because I was paranoid and thankfully there was no glucose in the urine. When he said meds I presumed we’ll get diflucan again but nope, I opened the bag from the pharmacy and its Mycostatin again. I was actually in tears, I knew it won’t help and I knew its upsetting his tummy. My husband called back the doctor but they just shrugged us off and told us to continue mycostatin as he cant give him anything else. At this point he was few days away from being 5 months old, he will be starting solids soon and my husband and I decided to try some of the ‚home’ remedies for a week before we put him through another round of mycostatin. It actually got worse again after stopping diflucan but we said we’ll just give it a go.
We used very diluted apple cider vinegar to rub his tongue, coconut oil and started giving him probiotics. I dont know what worked, maybe it was even diflucan working late but day by day it started dissapearing. 4 days later it was completely gone.
After nearly 2 months of us struggling with it it is finally gone. I feel so relieved 😭
And shame on our healthcare system - prescribing medication that is making a baby unwell and also we still didnt get a date for his blood tests and jts been 2 weeks. If he really had diabetes things could be really bad.
Anyway, thank you for reading my rant if you got this far!
submitted by _mamcia to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:59 Longjumping-Night707 AI Utilization in PD Work?

I was curious if any public defenders are incorporating AI into their practice. The reason I ask is because I am an attorney (transactional background -- it sucks, but pays the bills) and I recently had to deal with a somewhat complex New York Family Court motion involving issues that didn't have a vast number of appellate cases, but enough to establish clear legal precedents and demonstrate that I was being railroaded by this fucking Family Court system. Unfortunately, I was unable to afford the retainer fees that other attorneys demanded and was struggling to find representation. I had reached out to numerous law firms and nonprofits, but they were either not accepting new cases, denied my case, or the attorneys were retired or in the process of retiring. This specific area of Family Court law leaves out a large portion of people who can't pay a $20k retainer or make too much to get representation through the nonprofits.
Given the circumstances, I decided to prepare the best possible motion on my own. I had a template for the filing format, but needed additional case law support to strengthen my arguments/facts. That's where Claude came in. I provided Claude with hundreds of cases and instructed it to extract any arguments that were relevant to my case and had similar fact patterns. Since I didn't have access to Family Law on Westlaw or guidance in NYC, I used Judy Records, Google, and Casetext for most of my research. I repeated the feeding of relevant cases for all the other issues I wanted to address in the motion.
Using the summary generated by Claude, I then guided the AI in drafting the motion, directing it to incorporate case law and citations that supported my arguments from point X to point Y in the argument section. The first draft was somewhat shit and veered all over the place, but it had great arguments and support. I went through and rewrote things paragraph by paragraph to get things more concise. Overall, the process took me a few weekends to figure out the law behind the Family Court Act that my case was under since there were a lot of nuances, but most of those nuances were explained in guidance online or appellate cases.
I am well aware of the previous instances where attorneys relied on GPT for court filings, despite the well-known fact that GPT had a propensity to make shit up (hallucinate, as they call it). If you asked GPT for a case about a race car driver who murdered 10 poodles, it would miraculously provide a case with those exact details. The bigger problem, in my opinion, is that we should have been shown the OJ video about Shepardizing or given similar warnings during our FIRST year of law school, which makes me question the overall competence of those attorneys.
However, with the advancements in AI, citation issues are no longer a major concern. Out of the approximately 15 cases cited in my motion, there were only two that I couldn't initially locate. I later discovered one of the citations in a practice guide I had uploaded, even though the case was not easily accessible online. The other citation was inaccurate because I felt it didn't fully support my argument, and the case, in general, was very unfavorable to me as the Respondent.
After years of battling with Family Court, I finally prevailed in my motion -- and AI wrote 80% of my motion, helped with other filings, and scrubbed all the cases for information that was relevant. Also, I was able to take a crash course in this specific area of family law, which is just a weird but not too robust area of law.
I believe AI holds a lot of potential for handling the backend work in public defender offices, freeing up PDs to focus on other critical aspects of their cases and have an assistant that helps them with all aspects of a case, including reminders and updates. (The Microsoft AI sucks, btw. Do not let your offices get it or I think you will be very disappointed in the abilities of AI.) The potential for efficiency for PDs to handle their cases a little more easily seems great, but I wanted to get input on what others think.
Going through this whole process has been a real eye-opener for me, making me realize just how fucking ridiculous the NY state family courts are, just like all those articles have been saying. On the bright side, it felt pretty damn good to legally slap the shit out of the Petitioner after all the crap they've put me through. When the Petitioner responded to my motion, they didn't even bother using a single legal case or precedent to back up their argument. Instead, they resorted to attacking my misuse of a word a couple of times. AI and I whipped up a response in just a couple of hours, calling out how desperate it is to nitpick word usage in a pro se filing when they clearly don't have any legal support for their position. Man, I wish I could dish out these kinds of smackdowns in my day-to-day work.
It's about time I change jobs and do something that lets me legally fight against these bullshit systems instead of helping douchebag companies buy and sell each other. I enjoyed the writing battle and how I knew my shit by the time I appeared for that motion. It feels great to finally have won this bullshit battle, and I wouldn't have been able to write and research so quickly without AI (Claude, specifically, as GPT didn't work well for legal writing or case citations, with a little bit of help from the Gemini AIStudio version).
Ok... that's my long, throwaway account post. I hope others begin taking advantage of AI. Thank you for all the work you do! Hopefully I can transition to something more aligned with PD work or reforming this fucked up NY family court.
submitted by Longjumping-Night707 to publicdefenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:58 Significant-Bother49 The glory of The Silver Pinacle

The glory of The Silver Pinacle
CA absolutely nailed it with The Silver Pinacle. Dawi holds are vast, with the surface of a hold being that of a human city, and with much more beneath. Belegar, for example, took the surface of Karak Eight Peaks but could never free the city proper of grobi and thaggoraki.
Now, Silver Pinacle, you can take it. You can build it all the way up to tier 5. But there is a special building which allows you to "purge the hold." Army after army of undead appear, and if you can beat them back long enough to make the building, then you get large buffs. It's great! It really *feels* like Silver Pinacle was full of undead beneath the surface, and it was a monumental undertaking to take it back. Therefore, we need *more* of this. Just throwing ideas around...
* Karak-Eight-Peaks: It fell to goblins and skaven. A building chain, where at tier 1 you face an army of goblins. Tier 2 you face an army of skaven. Tier 3, an army of goblins and skaven team up to take the hold from you. This replaces the Legendary Grudge "Retake the Realms" as Karak Eight Peaks was the main underway junction. You'd still need to take the locations that it connects to, but having Karak Eight Peaks would be what actually opens it back up.
* Karak Drazh: Now called Black Crag. Fell to orcs and is held by Gorfang Rotgut. Inside the dungeons of Black Crag are the family members of Kazador's family, and he has offered to open up his coffers for anyone who rescues them. Take Black Crag, and do the building chain. Spawns armies of orcs, led by Gorfang Rotgut. Clear the hold out so it is Karak Drazh again, get gold from Kazador paying you, and a legendary hero in his son who was shaven and went insane.
* Skavenblight! Was called Tylos, it is now the capital of the Skaven. It is ridiculous that taking the capital of the Skaven Empire is just a simple and single siege. It should certainly have a building chain like this, of clearing out the Skaven from all of the tunnels. Preferably an army from each of the major clans. Start off with a crapstack, representing just the general populace of the vast warrens. Then Clan Skyre, Moulder, Eshin and Pestilence themed armies. Taking and clearing Skavenblight should really feel like a major achievement.
Anyways, you get the idea. Anyone else agree that this type of building should see more use?
The map attached is to just show how much we are not fighting over...except at Silver Pinnacl
submitted by Significant-Bother49 to totalwar [link] [comments]