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the thicker the skin, the better the roast

2015.04.22 06:28 SwagmasterEDP the thicker the skin, the better the roast

Roasting (v.) - To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback. (As defined by urbandictionary) Hone your roasting skills, meet other roasters, and get yourself roasted! Everybody needs to laugh at themselves! And other people, of course!

2022.07.23 10:55 GBWI Make Me Feel Good

Make me feel good it's a place where anyone who has any kind of issues, can receive compliments or encouragement. Things can be difficult sometimes and a place where you can find the support it's welcome and needed for most of us.

2008.06.11 11:41 kleinbl00 HomeOwners & Investors

real estate investing landlords landlord borrowing lending mortgages foreclosure loan houses house apartment financing loans buying a house foreclosures foreclosure forbearance home buying homebuying first time homebuyer

2024.05.15 00:38 West-Advertising7128 Group Chat

I put this under AITA because i dont really know what to put it under. So i had three best friends, lets call them Regina (my aunt), Gretchen (ex best friend), and Karen(childhood ex bestie). They all had known each other and were decent with one another which was great, we started to hang out together and talk on the phone together, finally felt like i had a girl friend group. December rolls around and me and my fiance wanted to go to see Bert Kriesher, it was already planned out, tickets bought, etc. I was so excited to go i told everybody about it in the beginning of November. Well about two weeks after I told everybody about it i find out the Regina is having “Friendsgiving” and has invited all of the girls. It happens to be on the same night we are going to see Bert, that is completely fine with me, i told them that we can’t make it and we can do something before Christmas (early Christmas) if they would like. All said yes and everything was good, we did early Christmas with Regina and Gretchen lived two hours away so it was hard to connect. Fast forward to early Christmas with Karen a week later and she was acting kinda weird during the entire time, was responding with short responses, wasnt really all the chatty and i just thought she was having a tough day. Asked her what was wrong she said nothing. Well two days later i get a message from Karens Fiancé saying that the people who i think are my friends arent my friends, curious i asked what he meant and he responded with i have screenshots and sends me almost a whole album of screenshots of all three of them talking shit in a group chat named Shit talk and then changed it to Grinch Talk, about me and my relationship, my recovery, how i parent, how i look, my health and more, but what really pissed me off the most is they decided to add my son(2yo) into it, so after receiving the screenshots i decided to make a group chat on snapchat and called it why are you talking shit, no-one responded to the group chat and messaged me individually. Karen called me crying saying the did it because they were concerned about me. Regina texted me saying i was making all of my health issues up and i just wanted attention when i in fact have medical records to prove otherwise (i have POTS, Seizures, stomach issues, and more). And Gretchen blamed it on karen and Regina saying she just wanted best for me. I blocked all of them on snap which Karen took personal and blocked me on everything after getting mad at me for blocking her on snap because i needed a break from seeing them all over my social media. Afterwards i cut Regina and Gretchen off and have completely cut them out of mine and my childs life. Some part of my feel guilty for my son because he was besties with Karens son, but i choose our peace over that drama anyday. Rant over✌🏼
submitted by West-Advertising7128 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 BenocxX Communication between loosely coupled scenes

Communication between loosely coupled scenes
I've read the "best practices" section of the Godot Manual. This article got me rethinking how I'm building my scenes: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/best_practices/scene_organization.html#how-to-build-relationships-effectively
TL;DR of the article linked above:
In the guide linked above, they strongly recommend that:
  • Scenes should avoid having dependencies
  • Scenes should keep everything they need within themselves
  • Scenes operate best when they operate alone
  • Favor loose coupling
The main goal is to make reusable scenes that can easily be added to any parent scene without having to adjust them. A parent scene should act as a "controller" (for those comming for an MVC background) and handle how sub-scenes communicate and act.
I want to know how you guys do, since I'm pretty new to Godot. I have a somewhat strong background in webdev (frontend and backend, most of it in C# and TypeScript). I've used Unity for a few weeks and recently switched to Godot. I feel confortable with common design pattern and coding principals/fundamentals.
I'd like to know how you guys build games with reusability in mind. Either composition, inheritence or a mix of both, feel free to share how you do things! It would be preferable if you could explain why you think that doing "x" or "y" is the best way to do it.
I'll start by explaining how I plan on building my scenes with a simple Player scene example, you could use the same example to explain how you do it:
Player (CharacterBody2D) CollisionShape2D Sprite2D InputModule (Node) MovementModule (Node)
In that example, the Player scene should listen for InputModule and tell MovementModule to move when corresponding inputs are registered by the InputModule. Both scene work by themselves, they have no idea about where they are, who's their parent and who are their siblings.
InputModule reads input: -> IsMovementKeyPressed(): bool -> GetMovementDirection(): Vector2D
MovementModule gives velocities: -> Move(Vector2D velocity, Vector2D direction): Vector2D
The player scripts is the one responsible to handle the logic to "combine" the two modules. Here's the code (in C#):
Inside Player.cs script, attached to Player node (parent of InputModule and MovementModule)
This code is reusable because we could easily use the MovementModule to make an enemy AI move, we would simply replace the InputModule with an other module that returns a direction based on the AI behaviour.
Examples of other modules I will had in the near future:
  • HealthModule
  • TargetDectionModule
  • HitBoxModule
  • BuffModule
Combined with a strong StateMachine, the Player script will be able to order everything accordingly and make each scene work without knowing their context. An enemy would order everything it's own way and so on, thus making each node a reusable piece of logic that does not impact nor is impacted by the context around it.
Thanks everyone for reading this post, I'm looking forward to reading how you're building your games!
submitted by BenocxX to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 rosedeveuo Need to know how to proceed after Favorable Decision.

So just a little background into my Social Security Disability journey.
*Put in social security application March 2022 *Denied within like 2-3 months *Appealed and submitted for reconsideration in or around July/August *Anticipated losing my case, so I hired a lawyer (This is where it gets good) *About 4-5 months later reconsideration was denied, Lawyer didn't help much at this point as lawyers can't do much during this period. *KEY FACT(That hurt my case in the end) The lawyer did not disclose to me that if I applied for both programs SSI/SSDI that if the SSA approved me for both programs I would lose any standing backpay or retroactive pay due to "Windfall Offset" *Skip forward> *Lawyer appealed my reconsideration denial and did not explain thoroughly all of the procedures/possible outcomes or any future issues that could arise *Waited about 6 months for a hearing for a judge *Hearing was scheduled Feb 2024. *All doctors notes/ exams/ testimonials/ diagnoses all submitted to the judge (over 100 pages.) *Hearing was held, judge said she would let us know in 30-60 days and to expect mail. *1 month & Two weeks later a decision was made *Called lawyer because portal was on Step 4, and I was told that the lawyer should see the decision *Judge found me fully favorable since March 2022 *Took awhile to get an official award lette payment letter and backpay letter (but no more than 1 month) *Was told I was eligible for backpay up to $22,000 And that the lawyer was getting his cut first *Called back a few weeks later to check on my backpay and when it would deposit. *Was advised I was NOT receiving any of my backpay because of "Windfall offset" since I was eligible for both programs. The backpay cancelled itself out. So only my lawyer got paid.
Now, first things first. Yes I am very pleased and grateful that I was found fully favorable and that the time line was not atrocious as others has been. However, I feel that my lawyer totally neglected to tell me the fact that I possibly wouldn't get backpay if we applied for both programs. He should have known this, and should have informed me before we even went to the hearing stage.
So, moving forward the only way to fix this issue (and free my backpay )is to have the lawyer withdraw my SSI application. I spoke to his assistant and she forwarded my message to him but he doesn't seem like he's motivated to fix his mistake. So I'm hoping that he fixes it before time runs out for me. I have less than 30 days to correct this.
Anyone with past experiences or have any information about how to proceed in this matter, please share your opinions.
Was the lawyer wrong for not telling me this information beforehand ? And How do I go about fixing it without ruffling his feathers?
Thanks in advance to everyone, and good luck out there! Keep fighting and keep your chins up.
submitted by rosedeveuo to SSDI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 glaive1976 Sender roulette

Are y'all ever going to fix the sender roulette bug?
I have 8 accounts set up in my work T-bird, and despite me being in my main mailbox replying to a message, T-bird will sometimes randomly decide to send from one of the other accounts.
submitted by glaive1976 to Thunderbird [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:37 river_stein I feel no joy in everything I do

First of all, I would like to apologize beforehand for my English writing skills, since I am not native to the English language.
Ever since my ex-girlfriend left me half a year ago before Christmas time, I feel empty.
I feel like there is no joy in everything I do and I completely forgot the feeling of euphoria.
Maybe its my very rational nature. I see in black or white. Wrong or right.
I rarely get sad about things. Because I know that, if there is nothing about it that can be changed, I shouldn’t waste any recourses being sad about it. But so am I rarely happy about things.
Of course, when I meet my friends and catch up with them, I might feel happy for the time being, but deep inside its still emptiness.
I miss knowing that there is someone waiting for me. Someone who’s overloading with joy just at the glance of me. Someone I can always rely on. Someone to fall back on.
For context: the relationship lasted 2.5 years and I am turning 20 very soon. She was my very first girlfriend as well.
I know this makes me very young and some of you may say „it’s normal to feel this way. You’re young. Let time heal your wounds.” Or “you already got a girlfriend. There won’t be any trouble finding another one” (which I am very certain about as well. I would rate my appearance at a good 7 or low 8)
But that’s the point. I don’t want my happiness depending on another person.
For all I can remember I did everything for our future. I worked throughout Highschool and saved 90% of everything to finance our vacations and maybe a house one day (these days you got to start early).
I consumed red/black pill content even before the break up. But always with caution and questioning the contents. I started working out. Because I wanted to be the best version of myself for her and for us.
I successfully applied for a dual study program at a big insurance company with high profile jobs in hopes of securing our financial prosperity.
I knew everything I did had a purpose.
Now I continue to do the same. I work. I work out. I prepare myself for the studies starting in August. That’s everything I do. I feel stuck like being on a treadmill. Knowing that all I do is objectively right. The optimal path for guaranteed success. But I feel like I’m still not moving forward.
All “fun” activities feel not the same anymore.
I really do like my friends. But going to a lake or to the swimming pool with anyone feels like a chore in order to keep my social life healthy and maintain friendships. I rather work and make money in the meantime.
Gaming doesn’t feel the way as it used to. Even tough I have a lot more time now.
I just wanted to tell this somebody who doesn’t know me with a completely new and unbiased point of view.
submitted by river_stein to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 colorado_crazyman Base raids

I started playing BB in 2014. The game didn’t have a whole lot of substance back then.. and I remember getting so frustrated trying to save for upgrades and constantly having what little resources I could gather stolen that I put the game down for nearly a decade.
Fast forward almost 10 yrs and I stumbled upon BB again. The warship play has drawn me back in to playing daily.
However, I find myself plagued by raids again. I’m getting hit 12+ times in 48 hours by players who are 15+ lvls ahead of me. What’s normal these days? How many raids should I expect to happen in 24 hrs? I can’t defend against these players, and it feels like SuperCell is punishing me for playing their game with the repetition of bombardment for these high level players. Everyone on my map is at a minimum of 12 levels ahead of me in progression.
What’s a guy to do?
submitted by colorado_crazyman to BoomBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 Financial-Island1424 My ex 32M and I 36F split. I started seeing someone else and he begged for me back only to discard me. Any advice?

My ex 32M and I 36F and have a very rocky past. We have two children together. However during my pregnancies there was infidelity on his behalf. I was very traumatized outside of it being toxic. We decided to split because we didn’t want it to be a troubled home for our kids. They were still young 1 and and infant. He moved out of state for a few years and would come back to visit. Now he has been back for nearly 2 years and has told me he has changed. It was hard for me to trust it because he is now “friends” with some of the people we had issues with in our past. I never felt like I had true ground to start on with trust if this existed. We tried to make it work when he got back but it was so hard because of this boundary in regards to that. I didn’t feel comfortable with him being in contact. It didn’t last and I moved on. This is the first person I’ve been with since we split. The new guy was amazing and had a lot of qualities I want in a long term partner possibly even someone I could see myself marry. He’s kind, gentle, trustworthy and a hard worker. We had great chemistry. After about a month and a half of us dating I did let him meet my kids. When I told my ex about moving on he was devastated. He knew we weren’t together but thought eventually we would be once we both were in the right space, he was working on healing himself and just getting his life where it needs to be responsibility wise. Once I told him about meeting my kids he was very upset with me. He begged and pleaded for 3 months for me to be with him and give him a chance..that he would create the space for me to trust and if I could learn and see for myself the person he is becoming. It’s not who he was, he regrets the past more than anything. I did like the new guy I was seeing but I realized I was more attached to the idea of finding someone who made sense vs truly caring about him romantically. It made me realize how much I do love my ex, even through our toxic past. I ended things with the new guy and told my ex a couple weeks later. After I told him how I truly felt he told me he no longer wants to be with me. That I hurt him and for the last 3 months begging me almost daily and finding out someone met out kids destroyed him. I admit I did not comfort him because I was afraid, leaving him and moving on was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Not because I didn’t love him but because I had to choose myself. I did say cold things. I didn’t think I was in love him anymore and I told him that I also told him I saw a future with this new guy at the time. However during those moments he was still persistent. However, he said I left him in hell and didn’t care and now the idea of us is just non existent. I don’t understand how he could just shift so abruptley. How do I move forward? I’m just lost on if this was a form of manipulation or did I really damage him? (He has had quite a few relationships after us just never met our kids) I want to side note that. I love him more than anything I just wish he could create a space for us. I’ve laid out my heart and he still just refuses and told me he can’t promise the future but for now to just let it go because it’s not something he sees at all.
submitted by Financial-Island1424 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 40isthename Anyone from the ages 18-25 (male or female), fluent with Chinese (mandarin) and English.

Hey guys, I have a business and I hope Reddit doesn’t flag this, but I need help with translating Chinese (mandarin) to English.
This is my first post ever on Reddit and I just wanted to see if this place would help because I have no where else to look. Especially since where I am from, there’s not much diversity.
I find everyone’s time valuable, and I wouldn’t ask anyone from the internet to do any stranger a favor. If you need $10-$50 bucks for your help, I would gladly pay that. It’s all translating. If you want anymore information you can always message me.
This isn’t a scam, not a get money quick, this is anyone with spare time trying to help and make a quick buck.
submitted by 40isthename to u/40isthename [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 Electrical-Corgi7720 Emv X2 Cloning Software Bundle *with video proof*

Emv X2 Cloning Software Bundle *with video proof*
Pinkz1 On Telegram Message me there if interested In Buying
Emv Bundle Price: 45$ I send the Emv Bundle Through a Mega file Link
The Emv X2 Bundle comes with all softwares needed to clone an emv chip.The list of software's in the Emv bundle are down below in the video and screenshot.
(my telegram user name is in the video for proof that its my video)
submitted by Electrical-Corgi7720 to BinsAll [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 idkwat2pick69 Why can't I [20M] find a girlfriend ?

Hi !back on reddit after 3 years. last time i was in high school and searching for help to cure loneliness and social anxiety. I'm better now. I remembered people were nice to me to i'm back :) .
This is not a super-sad post like i used to post about my loneliness. But something isn't working with girls. I'm at university, don't go out very often but i have friends,. I don't have a main friend groups but rather multiples friends (some are creally close one). if you people consider that post i'll be really grateful
I have girl-friends, and have good relationships with woman in general (saying that cuz I used to be affraid of their perception of me), discussions with them. However, whenever i meet a girl i really like get so uncomfy and completely unable to have normal interations. I'm 20 and feel like this is a "teen-age" social behavior. I'm kinda good looking, kinda funny and normal dude, used to be shy but not anymore.
So, to put context : my mother asked me if i was gay since i've never had a serious relation with a woman. I said no. (i don't take it as an an offence actually that was kinda funny to ask me that(i'm lying that was kinda an offence) )
But i litteraly can't have a girlfriend. When i meet a girl that I found good-looking i'm getting unatural. I know some girls find me cute (not being narcissic) but I CANT .This week i had 2 parties (post-exams parties) where i met a girl i found cute. I'm unable to talk normally. I told a dude that i liked that girl at the first party (good friend i trust him + i was drunk, he told me he'll help me out since he's a friend of her).. The next day i saw that girl at the second party. She looked at me multiples times. I think (maybe i'm crazy) it was the "come and talk to me i know what u said last day" eye contact.
This was also a problem sexually. Even if i've picked up girls in high school, i had my first sexual relationship only this year at 20, with a long-time friend, even if there's no real love feelings behind it and she live in another country. And i'd prefer beeing friend with her anyway even if she lived there.
Last week i saw couple's sending each other cute message and I litteraly cried. I need that cuddles, that deep connection, someone to think of all day, someone to share food, travels, laughs. Sex sucks when there's nothing behind it. Its like eating but not tasting anything. I feel like i'm missing the purpose of life. I mean... friendship is good, but my HEART tell me I need that.
I spoke to that to people and some told me i'm scared to be loved. I felt that but not sure if that's really the point. So I thought random people on a weird website could help me out. Yeah i don't really know why i'm writing that here, but if only 2-3 people could give their opinions it would be nice.
I'd be grateful to anybody answering that so you can be "brutal honest"
Have a nice one !
submitted by idkwat2pick69 to AskGirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:34 Silent_Seaker93 Living in America ( Part 1)

Sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes. English is my second language.
I never thought I’ll come and live here in America . Always had dreams of living in Cyprus and just living close to the ocean. But your plans aren’t always what needs to happen. Will be in the USA for 8 years now this year . Never planed on it to be honest.
My first year was very interesting . Made new friends and could not believe that people don’t lock their homes and cars around here . It’s a very small town up in Wisconsin.
Never thought that there was a place like Wisconsin .
What is interesting to be honest, I look back on those years and I actually feel stupid. Why did I not keep on doing the visa program, but have to say I was young, dumb and in love with the wrong guy.
I never thought of this but today I’m sitting by my kitchen table and wishing I would have never done it . But I have to say I’m married now and I’m very happy with my husband. Would probably have never met him if I stayed here . He is from France studying here on a visa .
Of course we could not get married on paper but we did what we could. If we do that we will both be send out of the country because I don’t have citizenship ( I’m on an asylum ) and he is here to study. Makes stuff very difficult but it’s oky . We go through everything. That’s one thing I have learned, never be to comfortable and always be ready to change your plans and mindset. Not the easiest but that’s what the United States have taught me.
submitted by Silent_Seaker93 to Life_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:34 XYoungZ Weyburn Terrace graduate apartment summer sublet

I'm looking to sublet my UCLA Housing graduate apartment for the summer. Please see the details below.
Weyburn Terrace Jacaranda Court
Availability: Move in early early/mid (negotiable), - Move out by late September (negotiable) (roughly 3 months)
Price: The official UCLA Housing for the 2bd/2ba townhouse in Weyburn Terrace is $1644.33 per month (negotiable). Please see this link for more information: https://portal.housing.ucla.edu/my-housing/rates-contracts-rules/2023-2024-single-graduate-housing-contract-rates
All utilities are provided.
Location: 15 minute walking distance to campus, 3 minute walking distance to a bruin bus stop that goes directly to UCLA.
Parking: Parking is available in a private garage (350 something for a quarter probably same for the summer) or street parking is free and available to find along Veteran.
Apartment comes fully furnished (bed frame, couches, chairs, desks, etc.)
Please note these are requirements under UCLA Housing policy to sublease.
Please see this for more info: https://ask.housing.ucla.edu/app/answers/detail/a_id/278/kw/sublease/session/L3RpbWUvMTU3OTI5NTQ3My9zaWQvOFJxWno5em8%3D
Contract Details:
You can see the townhouse floor plan and virtual tour here: https://portal.housing.ucla.edu/student-housing/graduate-students-and-students-with-families/single-graduate-students/weyburn-terrace-apartments
Please send me a message if you are interested, I'm happy to provide more details. Thank you!
submitted by XYoungZ to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:34 Perfect_Bubble_Child Results came back faster then expected & it’s positive

I guess it’s the best case scenario as my Neuro muscular doctor when sending me the results via MyChart message said it’s a mild case but that my all 3 of my biopsies have abnormal nerve fiber density. I think mine might be autoimmune related (I have positive markers) and I also have POTS & M.E. My biggest concern is it getting worse. I don’t see my Neuro muscular doctor till September so I won’t really get any more info till then as I’m sure my other specialists won’t speak on it. I’ll try and research as much as I can before my next appointment so I’m prepared but if anyone has similar experience feel free to comment.
submitted by Perfect_Bubble_Child to smallfiberneuropathy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 Dokfro54 In search for a prebuild PC

I was going to buy a redux but seen some awful reviews and it changed my mind so fast. Anyways can you guys send me some links of some good pc builds please.
submitted by Dokfro54 to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 cuckmeister66 My body's response to anxiety - any tips?

Hi everybody,
I'm a 28 year old guy with a relatively good corporate job, a decent social life, and good health and hobbies. I'm likable and don't have a particularly stressful life.
That said, I've struggled with anxiety since I can remember. I've always been the anxious type, thinking bad things will happen and fantasizing about potential bad outcomes.
I've come along way with the mental part of anxiety - I know the tricks and have been to therapy on and off. Re-frames, journaling, scheduling worrying time, actually playing out the bad scenarios to realize how unlikely they are. All these provide marginal relief, and I appreciate them for what they are.
However, what I'm really struggling with is my body's response to anxiety - particularly acute anxiety. I do take beta blockers which help keep my heart rate low, but even with them, my blood pressure shoots up, I feel it in my heart, and I get a bit sweaty, tense, and tunnel-visioned.
It's been happening all my life, but I'm starting to get more frustrated than ever. I know what it traces back to - yearning for others' approval, fear of being judged, being in trouble, and/or looking dumb or inept. These things make me feel scared and as though I'll be exposed. However, I've had success in life in spite of my anxiety response - it's almost as if because I've succeeded in spite of my anxiety, my body has entrained the anxiety response as a positive. It's not a positive for me, though - it's excessive and unhealthy.
I am trying to find a way to re-wire my body to not have such a strong response when confronted with things that make me anxious. Breathwork helps me calm down after the resopnse, but it doesn't blunt the response in the first place.
Maybe I need EMDR or to try holotropic breathing, or perhaps something else.
Does anyone have any tips or any similar experience? Thanks so much.
EDIT: some specific triggers that give me an immediate feeling of tension and adrenaline/pounding heart, sometimes with one sided head pain(even though it's slowed from the beta blockers):
submitted by cuckmeister66 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 Mediocre_Comfort8737 GIVE ME ALBUM RECS

submitted by Mediocre_Comfort8737 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 johnrushx Just reached $300k ARR & 130,000 users. Here is how:

Today is a very special day for me.
Unicorn Platform is at $300,000 ARR!
I bought it two years ago for $800k with 40k users.
After having one bad year after the purchase, the next year, I managed to grow it to 128,328 users, who built their Websites, Directories, Job Boards, Launchpads, and landing pages for their SaaS, Personal, App, Course, or Podcast.
How I got there (last 12 months):
1. Redesign.
I went through 1000+ support tickets one by one to 100 frequent requests.
At first, I wanted to start fixing them, but it'd taken us a year. I slept on this idea for a few weeks and realized that half of these may be solved by changing our entire UX from page-based to canvas-based. Like Notion, where there are no pages. It's only a canvas with a page, and everything else comes in popups.
It just erased 80% of the tasks from the backlog.
Then we tackled the remaining 20%(not all ofc, still working on it).
It reduced churn from double-digit to single-digit.
2. SEO.
I knew very little about SEO a year ago, so I had to learn a lot from scratch. Instead of implementing just one strategy, I went on to try pretty much all of them at once
3. Directories.
I saw traffic from directories 2 years ago on my other project(marsx). So it pushed really hard on listing on all directories for Unicorn Platform too. back then, most directories were not so popular yet, so I was kinda lucky to list there early and as they went viral, I got really good share of that traffic too.
4. Product Hunt.
We launched there in July. If you win the product hunt, there is a very long aftershock. You end up in newsletters and blog articles. We took 2nd place, but it was a very busy day. We scored over 1000 upvotes, so we got pretty good traffic and results.
5. Talking to users. Helping them.
I sent an email to every paid user asking for feedback and starting a discussion. I talked to at least 300 of them. It helped me figure out some low-hanging fixes I could do to keep them, and I also had a very strong network effect afterward. Many new users would tell me they got a recommendation from their friend.
Eventually, I started simply helping out all my users every day(I still spend at least an hour a day). For free. With my feedback on everything they ask, tips, and advice. I even connected one guy who was raising a round to an investor.
6. Social Media.
I shared all my steps—not just MRRs but my actual steps on how I got there and what I did. Many of such posts went viral and helped other makers grow their products. This led to X becoming the top 4 traffic source for sign-ups.
7. Traffic from my directories & products.
I have 24 products in total.
So my other 23 products drive traffic to this one via links in the footer and banners, and sometimes I recommend it in an email. About 30% of the traffic comes this way.
Also, I have over 20 directories, some of which are very successful, and they drive good traffic, too. I had a gut feeling about directories 3 years ago. But my friends kept saying, "Directories are out of hype by now..".
So, I gave up on the idea until November, when I launched the gpt directory, which went viral with millions of visits. After that, I built a few new directories every month.
8. Word of Mouth.
I track this via social media mentions, and it's my most important metric. It's the one in a pair with SEO that leads to PMF. In Jan last year, I was pretty sad to see that the viral "best landing page builders" posts on the internet would never have Unicorn Platform in them.
But all that I did above helped, and we started to appear in many such posts. Today, 90% of the mentions come organically from people on the internet.
Thank you people. Thx for sharing. I work really hard to justify your trust.
9. Affiliate partners.
I've been running it for 8 months, and it works.
People bring sign-ups, and they eventually convert into paying users. Easy to setup. No effort at all once it's running.
10. Paid ads.
This one is short: I tried and failed. Most likely, I need to learn more about this, or maybe it never works.
11. Sponsoring other directories.
I sponsored a few directories to place my banner there.
I like it. There is traffic. The ROI seems good. I wanna do more of it. If you have a directory that's visited by busy founders, let me know, and I may sponsor you.
12. More templates and blocks.
I hired an amazing designer. He is the next Johnny Ive, trust me. We created many new templates and components.
Now, we're working on a new update that will 10x the power of Unicorn when it comes to visual stuff. Once this is out, you'll forget what webflow and framer are.
Imagine getting similar power with 10x less time than is needed and 20x easier UX.
13. Cross promo.
We partnered with Senja by adding their testimonial block to our third-party blocks. Now, Unicorn users can add Senja blocks with just a few clicks. It's so powerful that users love it and use it. We drove traffic to Senja, and they drove some traffic to us by posting on social media about this integration. We may do more, for example, sending an email to all our users about Senja, and Senja sends an email to all their users about a Unicorn.
I have many more such collaborations coming. The next one is RapidForms. Users will be able to add very advanced forms with multiple steps and even payment steps.
Launching it next week.
If you think your product fits in, too, let me know.
We both will grow our userbase by doing these collabs.
That's it.
I may have missed some details.
Just ask me in replies, and I'll answer.
P.S.I don't read DMs here, only on X or Linkedin.
submitted by johnrushx to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:31 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 17

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One had recently become a 2nd realm martial artist, while the other was renowned solely for her exquisite beauty that turned heads wherever she went.

Ji Wuye's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Song Jia, who appeared outwardly calm despite the fury that had been etched across her delicate features moments earlier.

With a curl of his lip, he muttered inwardly, 'Come to think of it, what realm is she even in now? First? No... perhaps second...'

As Ji Wuye pondered, his Senior Sister raised a hand, ebony silken robes whispering around her wrists. "Begin!" she commanded, her voice cracking like a whip in the silent sect ground.

At her signal, Qin Bai burst into motion, his body wreathed in a shimmering azure aura of Qi. He closed the distance in the blink of an eye, crossing the three zhang between them in less than five breaths.

Qin Bai leapt, raising his wooden sword arm in a blur until the wooden blade was parallel to his body. A vicious grin split his features as he took in Song Jia's seeming lack of reaction.

"Hahaha, take this, you bitch!" he jeered, assuming her stillness meant she was frozen in fear or shock.

As the one who has basically stayed longer in the sect, even though Qin Bai rarely practiced, with the ease born from years of being in the sect, he still managed to draw the wooden sword down in a straight, powerful line.

In addition, confidence blazed bright within him now that he had finally overcome the barriers of the 1st realm. And from what he had gathered, this Song Jia was all beauty with no bite, just another fresh-faced newcomer with no real strength to speak of.

The wooden blade sang through the air, trailing streamers of azure Qi that stirred Qin Bai's hair into a wild dance as it arrowed down towards her unprotected head.

To his delight, she made no move to channel her own Qi in defense against his attack. His smile stretched wider, vicious satisfaction blazing in his eyes at being proven right.

The Kunlun Sword Style he practiced was famed for its elegance and swiftness. The opening stage of Meridian March focused on stimulating the flow of Qi through the body's meridians and was practiced by those below the 4th realm who had not yet formed their Three Main Dantians.

Meridian March, First Move - SINGLE WHIP! 

A straightforward vertical slash tracing the path of the Taiying Lung Meridian along one side to promote Qi flow from the hand into the lungs.

Though not a tremendously powerful technique, it packed more than enough force to easily floor an untrained civilian when fueled by a 2nd realm martial artist. Yet Qin Bai missed one crucial aspect in his arrogance...

His wooden blade met an impenetrable horizontal guard as Song Jia effortlessly parried his strike!

With a resounding clank that reverberated through the courtyard, she turned the wooden sword to absorb and disperse the weight of his weapon and the intense momentum of his descending body.

Qin Bai's victorious sneer froze, transmuting into sheer panic mid-air as he absorbed the impossible scene before him.

Not only had this slender beauty remained utterly unharmed and unmoved from her position, but she had negated and deflected the full force of his offense with apparently no effort at all!

Her calm expression didn't even flicker as the impact shuddered through her slim form in a manner that should have been impossible.

For a lower realm martial artist to withstand an attack from someone of a higher realm was nearly unheard of.

The only explanations were if she had undergone intense physical conditioning to augment her body's fortitude, but surely not at her delicate size.

'Or perhaps she had superior skill and experience in the same martial style as me... or even employed a different art entirely designed to counter the Kunlun sword techniques.

'But no... that couldn't be... could it?' Those were the inward thoughts ranging in Qin Bai's mind.

In that case, Song Jia could easily exploit any openings or weaknesses left by Qin Bai's overconfident assault and capitalize on her evident advantage.

And finally, the most logical yet unthinkable conclusion - her realm was higher than him...

"You..." Qin Bai snarled, poised to rotate his waist and deliver a retaliatory kick. But before he could, a look of acute satisfaction gleamed in Song Jia's eyes as her wooden sword continued halting the progress of his own blade.

The shock and disbelief writ large across his features made enduring his crude insults absolutely worth it.

"Stupid," Song Jia retorted, a mocking smile curving her lips as she reveled in his humiliation. For a brief moment she allowed the tension to ease from her slender shoulders, savoring the sight.

Then, with a subtle adjustment of her wrists, her wooden sword shifted trajectory. The pressure abruptly released from Qin Bai's suspended weapon, sending him stumbling forward towards her in his precarious, airborne position.


In the next instant, a stunned gasp of surprise escaped Qin Bai's lips as Song Jia's wooden blade struck the unprotected right side of his abdomen with pinpoint accuracy.

"Gah!" His body flung violently to the side, legs buckling as he crumpled into an undignified heap on the ground. The surrounding disciples squinted against the billowing clouds of dust kicked up by his impact, watching in hushed disbelief as his form convulsed.

"That's it? He didn't even realize his mistake..."

"I thought Qin Bai was supposed to be strong...how pathetic am I in comparison..."

"What a disappointment, it ended in just one move..."

The whispers and mutterings among the observing disciples filled Qin Bai's stunned mind as he coughed and struggled to push himself up on trembling arms.

He looked towards Song Jia, who smirked and mockingly stuck out her tongue at his prone form.

Fear, rather than rage, consumed him in that moment.

"She's already...in the 3rd realm..." he rasped, grasping at the only explanation that could account for his utter defeat. His obsessive pursuit of climbing through the realms at the expense of true martial skill had clearly blinded him.

Qin Bai swallowed hard, casting venomous glances around at the other disciples gathered who were all weaker than him in terms of realm alone. The bitter shame and impotent fury churned in his gut as their mocking disdain washed over him.

Meanwhile, Lian Ruogang, the senior sister who had overseen the duel, observed the scene unfolding with a discerning eye.

Though her expression remained outwardly inscrutable, inwardly she felt a sense of satisfaction at Song Jia's elegant display of martial prowess against such an arrogant, overconfident opponent.

As Qin Bai continued struggling fruitlessly to rise from the ground after the devastating blow, Lian Ruogang directed her piercing gaze towards his prone, pathetic figure.

Instead of focusing on his opponent, he seemed lost and absent-minded, eyes roving wildly around as if uncomprehending of his surroundings. It was clear he either lacked the intention or ability to stand and face her.

With a tone that demanded respect and carried a sense of finality, Lian Ruogang addressed the defeated youth, each word dripping with censure:

"Qin Bai, it is evident that your so-called prowess has finally found its match on this day. Will you yield now, preserving what little honor you might have left? Or will you continue to invite further embarrassment and humiliation upon yourself with this disgraceful display?"


[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

[>>[QUICK ADAPTATION(F)]<<] The proficiency of your passive skill has been increased by 0.01%! 

Meanwhile, amidst the crowd of onlookers, Ji Wuye's glowing crimson eyes gradually faded.

His gaze fell upon Song Jia, whose hands now trembled with the force of her exertions as jubilant female disciples swarmed her, hugging and playfully pressing her flushed cheeks in congratulation.

'It's not the 3rd realm, but her stance...' he pondered inwardly, brow furrowing slightly.

Having witnessed arrogance and underestimation of an opponent's skills countless times before in those like Qin Bai, Ji Wuye understood that most of the other disciples present were not as oblivious to the truth as the defeated youth.

Thanks to his passive skill Quick Adaptation constantly analyzing and adapting to situations, Ji Wuye was able to not only identify critical flaws in Qin Bai's movements, but also recognize the subtle preparations and feints behind Song Jia's deceptively simple actions.

'Firstly, Qin Bai made the mistake of levitating his body off the ground by jumping, sacrificing a solid footing,' Ji Wuye mused to himself.

The initial Single Whip strike of the Kunlun Sword Style's opening Meridian March sequence relied heavily on proper stancing and grounded footwork to unleash its full potential.

Yet the overconfident youth had forgone those fundamentals.

'On the other hand, Song Jia clearly had her stance and rooting mastered.'

In her brilliant counter-attack, she seemed to have utilized the follow-up Double Slash movement to simultaneously target both flanking sides of Qin Bai's exposed torso - his key vulnerable area left unguarded by his unbalanced posture.

'Furthermore, Qin Bai has only recently broken through to the 2nd realm after wasting years on frivolous pursuits fixated solely on realm advancement, neglecting the true essence of martial arts...'

Ji Wuye nodded in satisfaction, confirming the current timeline seemed to still align with the previous one despite the subtle alterations he had introduced.

Qin Bai's lack of true skill and one-dimensional focus were glaringly evident.

But there was more to Song Jia's effortless victory. As Ji Wuye's crimson eyes studied her movements, he realized she had not merely relied on superior stancing.

Even as she appeared to make no attempt at channeling her Qi, deftly concealing it, Song Jia had been circulating and consolidating her Qi beneath her feet the entire time.

The implications gave Ji Wuye pause.

For Song Jia to already be capable of such fine Qi control, there were only two possibilities - either she had secretly become 5th realm martial artist...or she possessed a hidden, powerful martial art imparted by her Master.

'Hmm…the 5th realm… then, why would she have bothered concealing such an achievement all this time?' Ji Wuye dismissed the former option as unlikely, leaving only the latter conclusion.

'Which means...her Master's sword art is the key,' he murmured, thoughts trailing off as he pieced together the full significance.

'So basically, all this time she used her Master sword art, heh,' This was a new revelation; in the previous timeline, Ji Wuye neither possessed the Quick Adaptation skill nor had knowledge about Song Jia's secret art.

Just as he was about to take his leave and ponder this further, a sudden prickle of unease ran down Ji Wuye's spine.

Almost unconsciously, his crimson eyes scanned the surrounding area, coming to rest squarely on the burning, venomous glare aimed directly at him from none other than the humiliated Qin Bai himself.

'Ah... I almost forgot about this one,' Ji Wuye exhaled softly, lips quirking in a curled-up smile as their gazes met and locked.
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submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 arabishtranslations Large Facebook Pages for Sale! (BOOST your business with organically grown large fan base)

I have a couple of Facebook pages for sale, boost your business' presence on social media with a page with organically grown fans. It's always a good idea to have a social media page with many likes to make customers trust your business or to get some reach.
All pages' names and links can be changed, then use them for your business or whatever you want to use them for.
Send me your offer in a message
submitted by arabishtranslations to Flipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Accomplished_Taro305 AITAH for not doing more to control my 3 y/o on a flight?

I was on a flight this afternoon with my three year old daughter who, mostly, was really well behaved. She stayed in her seat and quietly played on a tablet while eating the occasional snack. Half way through the roughly 2.5 hour flight the man seated in front of her turned around and asked me to have her stop kicking his seat. It was clear he was already pretty frustrated with the situation which I had not noticed so I talked to her about it. We discussed how when she touches the seat in front of her the person can feel it and how that is rude behavior as it makes them uncomfortable.
I’m on high alert for any kicking now which never comes, but it quickly becomes apparent that my daughter is exactly the right height to keep bumping the seat in front of her. The seat is too long for her to bend her legs so they stick straight out and end within an inch of the seat in front of her. Whenever she wiggles or adjusts how she’s sitting she bumps the seat. I talk to her again about how it’s disruptive to touch the seat in front of her. I move her legs to angle towards my middle seat. I ask her if she wants to sit in my lap. I have her sit criss-cross-applesauce, but nothing lasts for long and she’s back with her legs poking forward sitting in her own seat. For the next 30 minutes I get nothing but dirty looks and scowls from the seat ahead as I talk to my daughter over and over again any time she even looks like she might touch the seat. She inevitably rests her feet on the back of the seat again and I get an angry “Are you kidding me? Make her stop” from the guy in front. I tell him I’m trying, but she’s a kid and her legs stick out right into the back of the seat. He can hear me trying. I’m not sure what else he expected me to do. For any parents out there, I welcome pro tips.
Now here is where I start to loose some sympathy. As the plane gets closer to our destination the flight attendant comes around asking folks to put their seats in the upright position and this guy’s seat moves up. He had been reclining back and then complaining about her feet bumping his seat?!
The plane lands and we’re in the cheap seats waaaay in the back so it’s taking a while to unload. I have my headphones in and am packing up all of our gear while we wait. My daughter stands up and at some point while looking out the window and/or playing with the in-headrest touch screen display touches the man’s long hair. I’m packing and don’t see. He loses it and turns to me shouting “Are you kidding me?!”. I’m lost at this point as I didn’t see what happened and it’s clearly not about kicking his seat as she’s standing up. With prompting he tells me about her touching his hair. Exasperated I ask if he said anything to her before yelling at me. I’m not expecting much, but wouldn’t most people say something like “please don’t touch me” and then tell the parent. I can’t correct behavior I don’t see. He gets set off and starts into it’s not his job to parent my kid. I need to get her under control. Then proceeds to tell me what a bad parent I’m being.
AITAH? Should I have been doing more?
submitted by Accomplished_Taro305 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 Zyairrahbrown Car repairs not done

So my car needed repairing after an attempted theft and I went to an auto shop my sister recommended. This was a private auto shop who is not in my insurance network. They had my car for 2 weeks fixing it and finally called to say it was ready for pick up.
Ok we agreed I would pick it up Saturday. The day comes I call the guy he does not answer. I show up to the shop regardless to pick up my car because it was time to return the rental and this is what we agreed! His son was there, he didnt answer the son calls either but the son released the car to me. Upon checking my car things in the inside were not fixed and touched at all how they were supposed to be. I have an all white car but black parts were used on it. Plus my airbag symbol came on after driving it home. and when opening my passenger side door the handle fell off!
I immediately took pictures and called the guy AGAIN. He sent me a text a day later saying he apologizes he was sick and in the hospital from diabetes but he’ll have a tow truck come get the car again so he can look at what he didn’t fix as if it isn’t fucking obvious. I call my insurance because I don’t wanna go back to him but now I have to since it was a private shop and they already paid. Ok I get it, I call him again today. He does not answer! But sends a text saying he’ll call me right back. That was HOURS ago! Now I feel like he’s avoiding me, my car isnt fixed properly and my insurance paid him over 6000 to fix!
What do I do at this point?? My insurance is saying it’s out of their hands which I get but come on they took your money and did not fix my car properly! And now he won’t answer any of my calls
submitted by Zyairrahbrown to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:30 InfamouslyJuniper Did I do something to cause him to slow fade? How to prevent it

Recently had a first date (in a while too lol). The guy and I tried making plans and it didn’t work with our schedules, I’ll admit I was vague and said “how’s next week” he never replied. Met him on a dating app.
Anyway a week later I see him again and shoot him a like but no message (idk why) he says “nice seeing you here” and I told him he never replied to me, he answered saying he didn’t remember getting a message but still wants to go out. We made plans but I just didn’t reply for a few days because I was talking to my friends and saying hell def ghost me. When I did reply he said he thought I ghosted but we finally made a date.
I must add I was a bit more flirty, most of our convo was just about plans. He said he’s intrigued because we’ve been going back and forth too long. We went out but I was so nervous I just acted friendly not flirty, we were at this very loud festival and it was super crowded so neither heard one another.
After we met up I expected him to ghost me but I knew there would be no second date because he didn’t ask me during; which I heard is what happens? But he texted me and we continued a conversation for two days asking one another stuff and he just stopped replying as quick then quiet.
I’m still on the apps and I saw him, i keep running into his profile and he changes his photos a lot so he’s active on there. (Run into him when the app tells me I ran out of people and to swipe through my skipped, or change preferences) anyway what happened … I know I was in the wrong too but this happened like 2 weeks ago? I’m not sure I just need help with this? Should I tell him something?
submitted by InfamouslyJuniper to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]
