Goatse ascii

What would be some irritating text to put into my friends' discord chat?

2020.11.21 07:41 firmkillernate What would be some irritating text to put into my friends' discord chat?

He disabled gifs which pretty much kills the soul of any response I have. I seem to have irritated him with a cartoon gif of Jim Carrey rubbing his crotch through his zipper, so I've been looking to put some ascii art or something equally as annoying/disgusting.
Ascii penises are pretty generic, and to my dismay, ascii goatse does not display properly. Is there any repository that will properly format ascii art for discord?
submitted by firmkillernate to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2020.06.15 00:38 curiouspeach26 I just goatse’d myself

Someone commented on a reddit post that “A” looks a lot like goatse in ascii form. Erik from internetcommentetiquette mentions goatse a lot. I thought someone had sent the link to me in elementary school, but in reality my memory is of some other shock website. So i went to the goatse website to see if I will remember the image and spoiler alert, I just saw the image for the first time and it is now seared into my brain. My day just keeps getting better and better
submitted by curiouspeach26 to PointlessStories [link] [comments]

2015.06.03 08:50 RealtechPostBot Great, Someone Managed to Sign Facebook's PGP Key with an ASCII Goatse

Great, Someone Managed to Sign Facebook's PGP Key with an ASCII Goatse submitted by RealtechPostBot to realtech [link] [comments]

2015.06.03 08:42 hazysummersky Great, Someone Managed to Sign Facebook's PGP Key with an ASCII Goatse

Great, Someone Managed to Sign Facebook's PGP Key with an ASCII Goatse submitted by hazysummersky to anonymous [link] [comments]

2015.04.30 15:49 Bytemite TPP is not yet truly free.

Friends, yesterday we defended ourselves against the shadow of censorship and oppression. But we aren't done yet. In protecting our inalienable right to call it like we sees it, I am afraid that we have not yet gone far enough, we must now go on the offensive, literally, and push back the other way, or else they will regroup and come back stronger.
I remember a time in the TPP stream, when ASCII Hitlers and symbol goatse would dance by almost too fast to see, like snowflakes in glorious, wild, hilarious abandon.
Those beautiful times ended with the rise of the modbot overlord.
Those of you who also miss those times: we can reclaim this. We can restore our heritage. Join me and let the slurs and memes fly. Thank you.
A message from your friendly consummate anarchist.
submitted by Bytemite to twitchplayspokemon [link] [comments]

2014.10.01 13:02 AutoModerator angrypotato1: Diamo Of The Day October 1, 2014


angrypotato1 likes to mod stuff and get upvoted.
Fuck, he's meme. He mods a lot of the imaginary network subreddits and has a ton of karma.

How did you come up with your brave username?


Have you ever pleasured yourself while watching online pornography?


r u gril :3?

George Foreman

u single ;)?

Nah Double extra large

How old are you?

15 and a half

Do you have any pets?

Here's one of my two dogs. The cone is to protect it from autism.

What is your favorite animal?


What is your spirit animal and why?

Puffin coz I have lots of opinion

How did you discover JTD?

no idea, I've been lurking since creation

Who is diamo?


What is your favorite meme?

[a meme is] ... passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
From the Oxford dictionary.
Ebola is passed on non-genetically. Ebola is my favorite meme.

What do you do when you aren't being a pro-memer?

I don't stop meming, I just multitask with school work, social life, and programming. Seriously, I wouldn't have the amount of memepoints I do if I stopped meming.

What is the best .gif you have?

.webm is a better format but here you go http://imgur.com/PlDnRfw

Who is the best admin, in your opinion, and why?

bluemoon3689 because they have lots of karma

What are your favorite subreddits and why?

I enjoy /DiamoOfTheDay as it informs me of new Diamos which I may not notice otherwise.

What is your wallpaper?


What is your favorite food?

prune juice

What are your favorite TV shows and movies?

Betas, Silicon Valley, Breaking Bad

What type of music do you like?

grunge, rock, alt rock, and vaporwave

Did hitler do anything wrong?

He should have checked out /suicidewatch

What is the best copypasta you have?

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

What is your favorite ascii?

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;::,,,:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;::';:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;:+::::::;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::;;';';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::,:::;''';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;'::::::::;;'';:''::::::::::::::: :::::::::::;::::::::;;;';:;'::::::::::::::: :::::::::::;;:::::;;;;'';:';':::::::::::::: :::::::::::++;::;;+#++'+',+++:::::::::::::: ::::::::::;+:;':;+::;'++''+++:::::::::::::: ::::::::::;;;+':;''#'''++++++:::::::::::::: ::::::::::;'::::;;;;;;'++++++;::::::::::::: ::::::::::;:::::';,::;'++'+'++::::::::::::: ::::::::::;:,:,:';:,::'+++++''::::::::::::: ::::::::::;::;'+##';:;'+++++''::::::::::::: ::::::::::;:+;;#+'';';+++++'':::::::::::::: ::::::::::;;:;:,;;''';+++++'+:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::;#:,,:;';:++++'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ::;;;;;;:;;;::++#++;::'+++#;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;'::;,,:;;:;;++#+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::;;:''+++;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;:::::::;::::;;:;'+++';;;;;:::::::::::: :::::::::::::;:::;;'+++++;;;;;;:::::::::::: :::::::::::::;;;;''++++++;;;;;;:::::::::::: :::::::::::::;;''++++++++:::::::::::::::,,, :::::::::::::`:'''++++++::@':::,,,,,,,,,,,, ::::::::::::#`.:'++++++,,;'@'::,,,,,,,,,,,, :::::::::::##``.;;''+',,:;+@@@:,,,,,,,,,,,, ::::;:::::##'````;'+,,,,:;#@@@@@@@#+;,,,,,, ::::::;+####'``` `:```.,,;############@',,, ::::#######+;``` ;:;`..,,:##############@', ::+########+````.':+.`..,.################# +##########+````;;;+#`...`################# ###########+```..`+;;``.`.################# ###########+`````:#',````;################@ ############````.:#;;````########@########@ ############````;,'+#.```################@@ ############. ``;,',+,```#######@######@##@ ############.``':,,,;:``,############@@@##@ ############,``##,,,::``;######@####@@@##@@ 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

2 and 2. I failed math
submitted by AutoModerator to DiamoOfTheDay [link] [comments]

2012.12.06 01:09 JonathanDoeKM ENOUGH OF THIS FAGGOTRY

I'm sick of people trying to define Anonymous, sick of hearing about new operations that will garner no support, produce no lulz, and, more importantly, produce no results aside from a couple of retweets on twitter and a self congratulary slap on the back from those that retweeted it. What the very fuck is going on?
We are citizens of the Internet.
I was raised on DOS and IRC, on ASCII art and Back Orifice, Sub Seven and MSN Messenger, WINMX, Soulseek and Napster. We trolled IRC chats, Geocities guestbooks and sent viruses to pedophiles over MSN. We sent people to Goatse and Rotten.com. Google did not exist. I had a modem which you had to lift the reciever of the phone. I watched War Games, Hackers, Lawnmower Man and lapped up the coming technology. We played Lemmings and Doom and Zelda and owned a NES. We knew more about computers and the online world than our parents and teachers and used that to our advantage. And with the birth of the Chan culture, I realised there were MANY more like me, who liked to cause electronic chaos. And our name was Anonymous.
There were raids, and trolling and we enjoyed ourselves in our own digital playground. the Internet was ours and the newbies were clueless and ours to produce lulz from. They were the lolcows and we were the farmers, doing anything to produce humour at others expense, regardless of how stupid or infantile it may seem. As long as there were laughs to be had, we could team up and produce them. they were the good old days of the Internet, and keeping with the Internet culture that had always been there from the first moment I had heard the sweet tones of a modem signal. If you didnt understand the culture, then you deserved to be raided. This is perhaps the reason for the rule "LURK MOAR".
Project Chanology changed everything. Anonymous was suddenly unleashed on the real world. A concious stream of idiocy and retardation that had decided to force itself upon Scientology. Mainly because we collectively thought Tom Cruise was a fucking douche. Scientolgy had struck out at YouTube and similar video hosting sites, which, at the time, were communities in a similar veign to the Chans and Forums we called our homes. And so, with an attack on our homes, we fought back, and it was lulzy and created much butthurt from the scientologists, which in turn created more lulz for us.
With the overwhelming success of Chanology and the public furore it created, we were suddenly inundated with newfags. At first it wasn't so bad, as the newfriends were mainly baffled by the cries of "I HERD YOU LIEK MUDKIPS" and the excessive use of the term "faggot". However as we moved into other areas, and Anons began wielding their new found power for other reasons, more and more newfags flocked to "join" Anonymous. Wikileaks launched not long afterwards and with it brought an avalanche of butthurt from the American government. Anonymous appreciated that wikileaks was in fact an epic troll and, as part of our online world, an ally. Amazon and Paypal were guests in our domain where all information and media is free. they tried to troll wikileaks and we responded by striking out against them. Suddenly, the whole world knew the name of Anonymous, and in turn, Anonymous found that not even the biggest companies in the world could escape our wrath should we wish to attack them. Anonymous grew cocksure and arrogant and the influx in newfags swelled. The "Arab Spring" operations were less lulzy, creating little to no butthurt from which to reap our lulz from. However, we were defending our Internet and helping Anons in these countries access their porn and warez with the help of Telecomix. This is where the moralfaggotry REALLY began. Anonymous was helping them access the Internet. We were defending their right to access the hivemind and say whatever they wanted, regardless of what it was they wanted to say. They did not ask for our help, we provided it because we thought their cause was just. We were not taking a political stance, we were defending the right to FREE information for all. And again the media leapt to sensationalise us. And still the newfags came, ignoring the basic rules of the internet and the cries of LURK MOAR rang out like 9001 modems screaming in the night.
The birth of lulzsec saw an increase in lulz and butthurt. Partly political but with the lulz that we had been missing, the 50 days of lulzsec caused outrage and butthurt like never before and Anonymous grew exponetially in number, with Topiary providing the humour we had lacked with the Arab Ops. The Sun newspaper, HBGary, and many more felt the wrath of Anonymous and the media tried to fathom why Anonymous had become this Internet hate machine. the truth was, of course, that we had always been a hate machine. they just hadn't understood. And neither did the newfags that had heard about Anonymous through the media.
With the death of Lulzsec, the moralfaggotry was rife and spread to the point where newfags outnumbered us, and Anonymous became a scattered mess of retardation. "Ops" were created on a daily basis and achieved little or no support and provided little or no lulz. We looked weak and pathetic and Anonymous became Your Personal Army. And so, here we stand today, with faggotry everywhere and Newfags claiming that "Anonymous has grown up" and "we have a duty to save the world". BULLSHIT.
And so, I say to those who believe we should be feeding the homeless, legalizing cannabis, or helping Alex Jones stop the march of the Annunaki, please, FUCK YOURSELVES. You do not undertsand the culture from which Anonymous was born, and you are doing more damage than good to our title as The Final Boss of The Internet. We are a hate machine that spills bile and destruction towards those that threaten our home and our culture. We thrive on laughter and butthurt and we do not care about your pathetic causes. If you want to be a politically motivated force for good, then Anonymous is NOT for you. We do not like you, we do not support you and we are NOT your personal army. We are not hackers, we are not activists, we are not terrorists. We are the citizens of the true Internet, we are people of spite and we just want to see what happens when we watch the world burn.
End the faggotry NAO. If you have a legitimate target that will produce lulz and butthurt in epic proportions, then we may support your op. If no lulz are to be had, if no butthurt can be reaped then your op is invalid and you can take it elsewhere.
WE are Anonymous. We are the Internet Hate Machine. We are the final boss of the internet. We are united by all and divided by zero. We liek mudkips.
submitted by JonathanDoeKM to anonymous [link] [comments]

2012.08.29 07:37 ferroh #bitcoin gives voice to registered users, after 2 days of goatse ASCII spam.

submitted by ferroh to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2012.01.07 05:34 orther I setup my HTPC tonight and was showing off IRC to my girlfriend when all of a sudden I had to explain ASCII goatse to her.

I setup my HTPC tonight and was showing off IRC to my girlfriend when all of a sudden I had to explain ASCII goatse to her. submitted by orther to funny [link] [comments]

2011.11.18 20:10 Thump241 Story Time: What is the best prank or troll you have done or witnessed?

I wanted to prank one of my fellow SA's on our team. At that point in time, Dev would check in our Company's web app to SVN, and we would check it out to the production webfarm.
Despite my post in the "Sysadmins, what's your daily routine?" (which was catharsis, and mostly not true), I have a strict SysAdmin Code of Ethics. So, I couldn't mess with his production profile. Inspired, I created a "Deployment VM" and made a moc-script called "automated-rollout.sh" which was basically a shell script that would do the following...
"Checking current state..." wait 10 "Backing up current state..." wait 10 "Checking out latest tag from SVN..." wait 10 "Verifying checksum..." wait 10 "ERROR FOUND! Opening log file for your review." wait 10 "Hit any key to review the log..." 
At this point, hitting any key started echoing a slew of ASCII based pictures of anything I could find that I found funny: a monkey giving the finger, a rabbit with crossed eyes, etc...
The piece de resistance was that I put an ASCII goatse as his .bash_logout script, and removed "clear; exit" at the end. So, in effect, after he laughed at the mock script and logged out of the VM, his terminal window showed an ASCII goatse and did not return him to his shell.
submitted by Thump241 to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2011.09.02 08:35 neoronin A Humble Request

This is a humble plea to all my fellow redditors in india and to whoever is trolling us in the name of maula and his sock-puppets.
The forum has gone through so many changes in the last year. We have grown from a small community of 3000 subs to close to 6000 subs within 8 months.
Reddit as a community has contributed to many positive changes in the US. Look at what kleinbl00 did for youngluck, or look at communities like favors, assistance, randomactsofpizza and their likes.
I'm not asking or even suggesting that india to do something on that level. All I'm asking for is civility in discussions and to users to stop abusing each other.
From a community that was robust in its discussions, we have devolved into a community of name calling, hatred, trolling and religious hatred. Debates are healthy and enrich the knowledge of everyone involved if done in the right manner. But here the only response seems to insulting each other and their family members
The experiment of banning users was something that I myself was not convinced on. But I didn't have the foresight to see the limitations of it and couldn't find an another acceptable way of maintaining civility in the forum. After discussing with the new mods, we decided to implement it as they were in agreement.
What followed was something everyone knows. I will honestly accept my mistake of banning sniperinthebushes and apologise for it. My fellow mods ensured that it was reversed and I immediately realized what I had done and unbanned him. It was purely an emotional moment when I was called names and I acted on that. I have learnt much from that episode personally and have ensured that internet abuse does not affect me anymore.
I believe that india as a community will not stop growing and if this uncivil behaviour continues, we may end up attracting the wrong attention towards us and the community may suffer for it.
Now that dirtyd0ggy has gone, can we, as a community, move on to making india a positive forum for discussion?
I humbly request each and every one of you and the troll brigade to please, stop the religion bashing and hatred and abuse [also the ascii goatses] and the incessant downvoting.
Let us make india as an example of what goodness we are capable of from our country.
TLDR: Please be nice in india and follow reddiquette
submitted by neoronin to india [link] [comments]

2011.08.08 08:46 HungryMoblin We've hit the motherload: Misogyny, shitty novelty accounts, and goatse ASCII. All in one thread.

submitted by HungryMoblin to worstof [link] [comments]

2009.07.07 02:35 technofencer Eww, ASCII goatse

submitted by technofencer to worstof [link] [comments]

2009.07.07 01:08 Scarker An ASCII Goatse.cx that you can't downvote randomly appears in a submission

submitted by Scarker to bestof [link] [comments]

2008.11.02 15:02 qgyh2 Cruel blue screen of death prank with revolting ASCII goatse

Cruel blue screen of death prank with revolting ASCII goatse submitted by qgyh2 to hardware [link] [comments]

2008.06.21 00:57 Moldavite ascii goatse

submitted by Moldavite to reddit.com [link] [comments]
