3 guys 1 screwdriver


2023.11.15 14:16 ConfusionMountain458 3Guys1Hammer


2019.10.05 21:05 byPaz Fall Guys

The community-run and developer-supported subreddit dedicated to Fall Guys – a video game developed by Mediatonic Games which flings hordes of contestants together online in a mad dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains. Available on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. – Subreddit icon designed by Thegr8Klink

2018.07.20 06:46 ethanbrecke The Try Guys: The Original Fan Subreddit

A group to discuss the Try Guys. A YouTube group who does fun challenge-based content. Providing us twice weekly videos, podcasts, IGTV videos and other content. www.tryguys.com

2024.04.29 04:14 washout25 Account blocked?

I’d like to share my experience with revolut and see if someone had similar issues.
First I want to say that I’ve been using revolut for years with no problems at all. I do have: - personal - pro - joint
During 2023 and January 2024 I’ve received 2 request for verification and proof of funds based on certain transactions. One was for PRO account, the other one was for a 8k transaction on joint account (I do have a joint account with my fiancé which we do use only for extraordinary expenses like renovations) considering that the 8k transaction came out of nowhere and the joint account only makes few transactions per year it made sense at the time that the system was triggered In both cases (pro and joint) they just asked for my employment status and few invoices.
I was verified and everything was unlocked after less than 24 hours. (Both time I got each account blocked)
Last week I’ve received an email + notification in app stating that I needed to show source of income for the total that was processed on my revolut account in the last 365 days (I won’t disclose here the full amount but It was really a lot since I started using revolut as the main account for personal expenses) Also I do think that revolut keeps adding up every transaction that you receive so if you keep moving money even tho it’s always the same money for revolut will stack up. Anyway I was able to provide source of income since luckily my yearly salary was barely more than that. 19th april I was asked to provide source of income (my account wasnt locked or limited, I had till 10th of may to do it). After few hours I’ve provided all the documents asked (also I had to provide statements from other banks because I do use revolut pro only for a small amount of business transactions especially the ones in USD which are 2/3% of my business) So despite revolut being used as the main account for PERSONAL expenses, Pro account is barely used compared to my others businesses accounts.
After 4 days (23th april) the status changed to “in review” after less than 24 hours I was verified but I’ve received this weird message from support stating that: the verification requested was part of their routine, everything was fine BUT
My account may be suspended in the future if I kept the same behavior
They quoted article 11 from their terms in particular this
“To abuse, exploit or get around any usage restrictions set by a service provider your Revolut Card is registered with. For example, you must only use one Revolut Card for any particular service provider that offers a free subscription or trial period;”
I tried to contact support but I was redirected to another division and still didnt receive an answer.
Does anyone know what this could be about?
When they asked for source of income it wasn’t linked to a specific transaction like the pro/joint verification but they were asking for source of income of the total that went through revolut in the last 365 days.
I’ve tried thinking what I may have done wrong but I cant wrap my head around it
I’ll list the following actions that aren’t ordinary, maybe someone can give me an insights
The functions that I use the most is sending money to crypto exchanges and curve go back in time (weekly bases)
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to include everything, Honestly I dont want to lose revolut so if someone has any idea on what could be wrong here let me know.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read it
submitted by washout25 to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:14 Nearby_Onion_9501 Make sure this is turned off.. then no one can see you in the list of who’s in there

Make sure this is turned off.. then no one can see you in the list of who’s in there submitted by Nearby_Onion_9501 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:14 Talliesttall Skal jeg sige mit helt nye job op?...

Hej mine fellow danske danes
I marts blev jeg ansat i en 9 måneders projektansættelse i et projekt jeg selv skal køre i hus, inden ansættelsen slutter. Jeg fik at vide at projektet, i sin tid, var antaget at være klaret på en enkelt måned. I stedet har projektet endt med at tage 5 år og min arbejdsgiver har nu desperat brug for at få projektet lukket, da den tidligere projektansatte søgte et andet job i organisationen. Det skal siges at der har været otte konsulenter involveret i gennemførelsen af projektet før mig, som alle er hoppet fra, og jeg er nu den niende der skal få det gennemført.
Min ansættelse er lidt speciel, da jeg er ansat i én afdeling i organisationen, men udfører 100% af mit arbejde for afdelingen der har projektet. Jeg har derfor en administrativ chef og en chef jeg udfører opgaven for. Min "virkelige" chef (administrative) kører en afdeling der har stort fokus på udviklingsopgaver. Jeg er derfor også ansat i den kapacitet, som også var en af de store årsager til at jeg takkede ja til jobbet. Chefen jeg udfører arbejdet for er tilgengæld en enorm "driftsmand" og har nogle andre forestillinger om min ansættelse.
Jeg har ugentlige opfølgningsmøder med dem hver især hvor jeg ofte føler at jeg skal imødekomme deres forskellige tilgange, hvilket er pænt frustrerende. Det har flere gange været tydeligt at de ikke rigtig har talt sammen eller forventningsafstemt om hvad min ansættelse 100% skal bestå af, og min administrative chef har flere gange nævnt at h*n kontakter drift-chefen for at få det afklaret. Det er dog ikke rigtig sket endnu. Jeg sidder i et underligt krydspres, hvor drift-chefen ordret har sagt at hvis den anden chef blander sig, skal jeg huske og sige fra. Hvortil den anden siger at jeg skal huske at fremhæve udviklingsopgaverne, da det er dette jeg jo er ansat til. Det er derfor meget tydeligt at drift-chef helst ser at projektet bare kommer i mål (og klart nok lol), hvilket virker forstyrrende for mit ansættelsesformål som "udvikler", som min min anden chef jo presser mig på - og som jeg helst gerne selv vil.
Derudover skulle 1/3 del af projektet være fuldkomment implementeret og gennemført inden januar 2024. Da jeg blev ansat i marts var intet af det blevet gjort, så min ansættelse begynder bare i underskud i et projekt der ærligt talt virker som noget fucking rod (undskyld sproget) med otte konsulenter der har et hav af uorganiserede mapper, filer, tidsplaner og what not, som ingen af de nuværende ansatte rigtig har overblik over.
Den sidste konsulent før mig møder ind 1 gang om ugen for at hjælpe mig, men h*n er selv i tvivl om hvad der er op og ned, og bruger mest tiden på at aflaste mig administrativt, istedet for at hjælpe mig med at organisere mig ud af det her mess (jeg bebrejder hende nu ikke).
Dette er mit første job efter studiet og jeg kan mærke at jeg ikke har evnerne og overskuddet til at skulle administrere så mange bolde. Jeg har bare brug for at få at vide hvad det konkrete mål er, hvad mine konkrete opgaver er og hvad der konkret forventes. Men fordi projektet har kørt i så lang tid; har skiftet hænder otte gange og mine to chefer ikke har afklaret hvad jeg skal (måske pga ovenstående) føler jeg at jeg skal enormt på arbejde for at få de her grundlæggende ting på plads. Arbejdet i sig selv handler om at optimere udgifter, så der potentielt kan sparres et enkelt årsværk væk (og det har man så brugt 5 år på LOL). Arbejdet er derfor heller ikke meeeega meningsfuldt, men jeg har selvfølgelig takket ja med kyshånd, da jeg først fik det tilbud. Det gør dog også noget for min motivation for at få hele det her shit show i hus, kan jeg mærke... Mange af mine opgaver handler heller ikke om udvikling, men implementering, hvor jeg lige nu sidder og retter og udsender kontrakter til en masse kunder (hvilket er dræbende kedeligt arbejde....)
Jeg har bare fået lyst til at sige op inden min prøveperiode slutter...
Jeg har utrolig lav energi efter arbejde og alt hvad der hedder træning og social liv er bare kommet nederst på listen. Jeg følte mig tæt på udbrændt med dårlig søvn og stress for to uger siden, inden jeg tog en uges ferie... Nu skal jeg så tilbage i morgen, men jeg sidder er kl 04 om natten og skriver et desperat indlæg på reddit..
Jeg skammer mig dog over at der kun er gået to måneder og noget i mig kan godt "frygte" at det her bare er the name of the game når man er ansat i så stor en organisation. Jeg er også bekymret for min dagpenge ret og om jeg bare ødelægger mine chancer for nye ansættelser, da jeg endelig har fået foden indenfor... (det skal siges at jeg kun har brugt 5 måneders dagpenge efter endt uddannelse, men jeg ved hvad der nu gælder for mig?)...
Så kære hestenet
Hvad ville I have gjort i min situation?
Har I lignende erfaringer fra et første job der bare ikke var fedt?

submitted by Talliesttall to Denmark [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:14 TJKitsune Had to remove a player for the first time an what caused it. C/TW: mentions of in game bodily harm, likely manipulative/gaslighting.

I recently had to properly kick my first ever player, things got a little intense between us for it and well left me on the all sorts of spectrum of emotions sides. I just had to get both feelings and my logic for the reasons for this removal of at the start, a good player and good guy and character that.. to me just started to not be. Maybe to just vent out, maybe to see if I was justified, but also to hope that, if there were points I didnt see or think of at the time that someone can help me think better if a scenario ever bubbles up like this, I have a better headspace to go about things right.
To start, I am more or less a newby forever DM (1 oneshot game to my belt under as a player), my current running campaign is only my second, going 2 years strong now. Its been bumpy recently do to my work schedule last few months but we are nearly up to our 100th session together and things have begun to heat up story wise and excitement wise by my players. Everything's in the story is homebrew more or less, both my own works and others I found and my players bring up to me.
At the start of the game, I had 5 starting players, and the one in question was one of them. We lost a few of them, first sadly I more suggested he leave, as much as he wanted to play, it was to the point he was playing while traveling via busses, planes and others (he traveled alot for his daily life events he couldnt get out of) an never mentioned when these would happen. That went smooth, we were both polite and I wasnt upset with them, just upset a good player like him will have hard times with finding a table. Better ways, would have been having a blast with them to this day. The second was starting to act up, I had to shoot him down a bit hard at times, more so when a new player, a girl, joined up an he started being a bit inappropriate and not act like the character he told me he would be. After I started blocking his more chaotic antics, he pretty much ghosted the group all together. Our third player who left is more on a prolonged hiatus cause of his work schedule, but he keeps in contact. So as far as the original party goes there are only two, with the first whom replaced our enthusiastic but unable to stay with us player being 'Miss 3 1/2's'.
With most of that out of the way, I can get onto the player in question. Again, he was there from the start, only second in my player search to start this campaign. Wanting to play a neutral good paladin who grew up a simple farmers life and was on a life walk-about to enrich himself before his turn to take over the family farmlands. At the start things were bit fine, he showed a general interest to hooks that kinda developed in the intro fight, making some good goofy aspects with his character and interactions and at least at first, an interest to some of the things in the world at the time. But looking back, I did likely trust him with a bit much, the other characters likewise were very 'go with teh flow' but they liked to investigate and get into things outside the city that they were given slight hero titles to after the start of things. With him though, he did 'actively' have his character go to get the town effective 'quest board' and ask around if people needed help with things... and.. not tell the other PC's about it or try an start the missions or plots.
While in itself it wasnt 'bad' people also trusted him a bit as 'the note taker' at first, so maybe we just expected him to go into things later or something, but, this became something I was concerned of with him on it. I mentioned his own story progression aspects from the start of the game, well, when given a lead that would let him undo a poor families ailment he showed interests too with time to go at least check it.. he suddenly invented a sister for his character.. who was getting married, back in his home country, that they 'had' to visit right then an there.
He had been vague about his characters history, he may have mentioned a sister 'in passing' but nothing ever set in stone besides his Grandfather being the true head of the farm and his dad. Not even anything about his characters mother, an now suddenly he wanted to spend a week or two travel via air ship to go see a 'new fiance' on top of it. I admit, I wasn't too happy but I also didnt outright pull him to the side to talk about that. Mark against me I know.
But it kind of worked out, as because no one could do much since he was kinda blocking the group from reaching the intended quest givers that he swore he would get with (2 of the other remaining characters at the time mostly had their stuff working on things they were trying to do that wasnt too crazy but at least progressed their characters in ways). And Miss 3 1/2 wasnt sure of her character at the time so played a temp one to feel out being another class and style for a bit. It helped her bloom a little. They ended up helping another little quest idea i had for halloween, late it was, but had fun with it an great action. But do to how that took an bad dice rolls which I do no flub or such, they got sidetracked from things an had to go back to go onto a quest 3 1/2 got them to.. an he wasnt exactly actively happy or doing the quest (guard a noblewoman on a quest to one of the countries for buisness matters. Kinda.. avoided the woman in weird ways.. like trying to push the hotel cooks asideto 'show them how its done'..).
When the crew finished with it, it was with another teaser to quest lines he was kinda pinning the group with. Again unfortunately the rest were 'kinda' okay with his choice on it but they were doing a bit more to be active now so it wasnt likely to work out for long. Around this time is when 'Work Haitus' had to sadly step away, so i started to put feelers out for new players again. During this time, he was still kinda pulling back on things as best he could, but he started to show a.. interesting trait. He wanted to start 'grinding' for EXP.. without going into the literal forest where some creatures could be faught, instead, he went to the city coliseum. Now this was explained since session one, I dont give any real EXP for fights there, quit literally if you have a fun sparing match or a more rough bloody match in it against a tamed or caught creature or class person, you'll only end up with 1 xp point. I did this cause I heard of a number of stories of 'those' players showing up, going to fight pits to make themselves stronger an not bother with rp time stuff. But I also tweaked it, so you could make bets for yourself, and the boon of prize and noterity (IE, people start being more favorable to you, seek you out that sort of stuff.. which considering he had so many 'hidden to activate quests' at this point wouldnt have mattered either way). He very quickly stopped after his 2nd or so solo attempt and made a passing comment on being upset of it. I overlooked that time.
During this, the entire party collectively was sought out, as the city knew 'all of them' roughly, so no reason only someone looking to the quest board would be involved alone. They were given a new quest by a neighboring kingdom, to deal with monsters they had ties with from the start as an already active side-story plot. He kinda 'backed' a bit into doing his characters 'im off to clean the broom closet' antics during some of this.. alot.. so looking back it feels he was upset not only was he not 'in charge' of getting the quests, but that the whole party agreed to be invovled with it regardless of anything else. I did try to bring him bback in, by having that Sister and her Fiance appear to meet them since he couldnt make the meeting.
There was some .. issues.. he kinda started to instantly mistrust the fiance, he litterally used 'every' detection spell he had on them trying to sus if they were demon, enregy or otherwise. An more or less ignored the sister even when she asked him his plans on things.. an since he 'left the sibling things to me besides she pranks him maybe' he didnt seem thrilled that she was upset the 'Lord title' brother, who won plots of land in this country an was going to open, I kid you not, an 'Pizzaria Inn petting zoo pet super plant farm forge and factory' on said plot of land with 'secret super caves our befriended monster friend will terraforming for us'. Short version of the monster thing.. monster had no such ability and at best had very tiny cute versions of itself digging out the cave, one pebble at a time.. this is when i noticed he sort of 'half' listened to details given.
I will admit, I wanted to have a moment where the sister was going to become some sort of 'rival', if she couldnt find way to convince the older men who are currently running the farm that big bro might have more important things to do as 'a Lordship hero paladin' maybe its time to break 'the men run the farm' tradition. In character he was warned 'she really wants your farm, and as someone whose seen people go extremes maybe you should reach out to her so its not so bad an no bad blood has to happen'... he kinda took it that she wants him dead, sorta. Took a bit with the informer to correct it.
He .. 'kinda' tried to 'make it up to her' i think by baking her favorite pie an admittedly as a nice act gave her his holly symbol which was the family's given by grandpa to him.. no biggy as the city hade a temple of his goddess to get a replacement soo.. yeah. Honestly I did talk with him a little on it.. but this is when another aspect started being apparent.
I hadnt mentioned, but I am not a fan of no call no show specially when we had a constant schedule, he had a few, but 'did' sorta apologize, at first. We do everything discord and roll20, so when he starts to not appear i would '@' the group and then '@' via DM's, and there maybe 'weeks' to 'months' if theres nothing 'important' to talk to me about response wise. And at the start of those times he started missing alot. An also, not apologizing or saying why. He doesnt always have to I know, but given we were having fewer players, wed have sudden 'we cant plays' cause it was 2 people only..
Then, we get introduced to not one or two but three new players. I kinda worried with them being prior friends and click group but its been working out for most part. Timing for ones admittedly stunk, an their on a personal leave Im not faulting but having their character background for now. They show up, an their characters, well starting at high level for at least 2 fresh faces an one long term one is a little odd, but its been fun. They instantly get into their characters mindsets, weird quirks that fit their upbringings and own style of things, but they also work as a functional communicating and asking questions group with slight airs of 'they are not lower class but deal with both from the noble side of things' air to them. Again its worked out, given they lost a litter hard hitter the three work great.
As the plot went, they were actually being lured away by a group who they helped bust antics an get called out on it in the city, the bait was just 'oh it might be the same type of monster you guys are looking for who might eat an entire city', done via a modified memory spell on the patsy. They were lead to a campsite the badguys set up to be a kill/trap spot.. It was a bit rough with things, but the group was doing 'amazingly' well. But I had an even bigger surprise for everyone, to take our game to a new level an give a 'big' meaty plot hook to hype and put every character on an equal 'i dont know anyone around here/dont have the same resources you do' foot from how the characters went, as an idea to build their bonds.
The trap, got ambushed, by a big honken monster I teased the first players with barely into session 4 that was a corps but came back. An this thing was a beast, CR minimal 20+ an higher (i suck at figuren the maths) but yeah, it was 'not' a winnable fight they could escape from that even the badguys said 'truce till were not monster food???'
It blew apart the trap-badguys, an sent the PC's hurdling into a space that was supost to be instant death, but plot armor I intended for em saved them if only 'barely' but now, their in ' a ocean like space between the outter realm and multi realms', with faint contact by the holly characters gods saying 'theres a way back, you must return'. including to the Paladin an 3 1/2 (who is cleric).. and honestly, everyones raved to me about it.. but looking back agian, given lack of Paladins communications 'out' of his appearances in game.. he hasnt said much, unless someone else starts it..an even then its.. barely a sentence..
The players were picked up by 'friendly pirates' an have been discovering things and gaining new strengths.. least, most of them again. 3 1/2 really bounded with the new NPC's an been expanding their character (shes been very creative that way an shes really gotten into the player bug, im sooo happy i could get her into the hobby) the new players had their growths too, the full slightly higher brow noble of them has come to terms 'hes mortal an can die, but people need his strength' too, as well as 'living is hard.. their not just 'dirty' or something by chance its just the efforts of their brow' to the sorceress of his friends being delighted to be sailing the seas with quirky merman, turtle an other type pirates with treasures an jerks to kick in the seat of the pants. Even the other first player has tried new character aspects, trying to be a 'new version' of himself till an event happened (which he half told me of, but it was more workable then 'sudden sister quest').
But.. paladin has been a bit more missing an sadly we have had spotty game times cause this is when my own work schedule has been bad. An again, he never gets back or says 'oh sorry cant make it' or whatever happened. I brought up a bit ago about his passing remarks of the exp thing for this point to make, he doesnt like to have his character have much of my homebrew stuff.. despite how many treasures hes had that hes just gone 'i sell it' or 'eh if you want it take it dont want it' that has been (a) a plot starter, or (b) a pretty handy if maybe OP item, hes just passed them off even from session z where I give every player chances to pick a unique thing for their character that helps tie them to the world. He opted out of it, an through everything they have done an gathered.. hes held onto a grand total of 2 homebrew things.. a sword, that after a 'certin point' he used as his hexblade warlock focus point with his goddess also being his patron, and 'one' spell that I had to reach out to offer him, well, technically '2' spells. One that he could use to turn a mundane object into a powerful magic weapon, an a ritual spell that he needs to cast to regain uses of the other spell.
The reason this ties to the EXP block from the coliseum bit, is because as part of the ritual to regain usages, he has to create a small 'choke point' of a ritual spell ring to fight an unending horde of monsters that the spell summons to fight just him. Now, the monsters are extremely low level, like 1/4 cr, an they wont try an kill him, as the ritual ends when hes KO'ed. It took a bit before he had to properly cast it in ession (big surprise, had him recharging it on some of the missing day's of his). But when eh did, an he finished it, he did instantly ask 'how much exp to i get?' an kinda grew hushed when I said 'you.. get your six usages of your spell back?'. I.. low key wonder if he wanted to try an use it as a cheat to grind or something..
This also does not help that, just prior, 3 1/2 managed to do our 'biggest' damage in a single round during a hord fight, literally between her spells an a new weapon with some seriously amazing rolls, did over 200 hp of damage on her own. To the point she KO'ed the boss monster leader. granted it was with a smart play and some literal crit hits, but thats when his vibe for games started kinda feeling off big time. An come now, to the more recent events before the kick..
I had a rare day off i could have a game completely unhindered, an we agreed to all have it.. sadly starter 2 forgot the US has Daylights saving, so we did loose an hour for him getten outta work. Eh it happens. An sadly the new 3 didnt get to join in so it was an agreed on one shot. Well, that 'was' the idea..
When we started.. when we 'could' have started, I gave them the quick plot of how they got to this place (this all happened just before the event with the pirates so they had their stuff but meta'ed they were still their current levels). Now, Im loose with my own OS's, so I used a module i bought that looked fun an it was interesting. I did have to build a bunch of rough doubles of the maps, since turns out the PDF didnt want to let me get the pics right at the time, so wasnt focusing too much on some details but for key point ones. Its important for later. But anwyay after the basic 'you did a hero thing an was invited to a small isle city by its noble ruler who has big parties every week an your the guests of honor', you know the usual kinda crud. Well i started to get into the start of it, about to go to details of the maps location.. when he, stopped me an blocked me to go 'oh i climb the building or whatever to get that gun!'.....there was unfortunately an image of a gun on the part of the token i used to build the maps clocktower..didnt notice it.. he sure did.. an kinda derailed me a bit more..reminder, we were an hour late into session.
I managed to get back on track, the security at the start of the party line stoppen the crew an saying 'sorry its a costume party, dont worry we always have spares, pick one' an they got to pick a set of masks for themselves. They rolled to take turns, he got first dibs, an picked one he 'really liked', but I do kinda wonder cause my tag name relates to what it was.. Well, I sent them the screenshot of the masks an their effects as an item/equip card... he started to.. get sour sounding.
In prior in between an pre game times, hes mentioned hes.. not exactly a fan of alot of stuff. Even some of the oldest movies an comics that are still being made now an are big on fandoms, hes got zero interests or cares for.. an on troupes, he is not big on mysteries. An sadly, the mask gave him an ability thats great in discovering secrets...
Well, I started to bring one of the moduels NPC's to start pointing out details, give them some hook bits an background to what goes on normally in the city... and.. he used that one use ability to check if she liked her mask.. literally stepping the entire conversation, then walked away to break into that clocktower.. that had the guns on it..
3 1/2 an second 1'st decided 'lets try an get on with the actual story regardless' an tried to go to the party which they did, trying to get him to come with too, crossing the small castle bridge to get to there an start mingling as they do.. paladin did 'eventually'.. but first he shimmied the bridge to use up his stealth abilities from the mask... then when 3 1/2 noticed, tried to get him to come in, he... started climbing to the top of the castle wall..
His character, never acted like this, in any OS we had before or in game before. Second 1'st did do a little weird, but it was stuff his character was infamous for, but not good for the long run. I admit.. I lost my cool, I didnt shout, yell, or otherwise.. but at this point, from when we 'late started', to paladins 3'rd athletic roll to scale the building he was invited for, we had lost over 2 hours of our usual session time an it was very apparent he was really not going to act like the character we were accustomed to.. so I said, 'sorry guys, see you next time'.. admittedly, I did kinda vent in our group chat text wise.. I was pretty upset an tired i cant lie on this, i had spent very early hours on the maps an looking over to familair most of the thing as best i could while having lack of sleep beforehand. But, I basically just said, if you dont feel up to a game please just say so cause putting all that time en effort for even a one shot was time an tiring thing an just frankly kinda rude antics for no reason just hurt.... didnt use cures or otherwise but that was about it..
It did help that, the group reached out to me about it, even both our Hiatus ones.. everyone but Paladin who kinda went back to basic no coms with me pretty much like norm.. he kinda missed a few more sessions between then to now.. so lets get to what became the last straws of the DM..
So, in the 'undersea' places, the crew realized that, the party had something they could use with their nations rulers to try an breach peace with the races that was locking everyone up in this space between the multiverse, to escape some big dangers thats happening here. This thing was second 1'sts 'tie in starting choice' i gave the first party options too an hes loved ever since, giving his character a level of importance. Of course there is the risk the guys could go 'we dont need 'them' for just 'that'. but thankfully its the nicer space sea folks side so thankfully its all negotiations. I rolled beforehand to see what outcome would happen.. not the best roll but it was one with surprising good results but the meeting was postponed with the intended target cause.. well the system got fragged as they sent the unintended invite back to the outer realms and their time slot to reach out to there was lost. So the party an the friendly pirate captain npc buddy was told 'come back in several months well try again'. The captain was telling the leaders 'oh sure no problem' while giving a 'if we dont find you guys a way back to your side of the world to stop that big bad monster for good first 'wink' to them..
An paladin.. confronted an tried telling the nation guys the details in a... weird way. I really dont know how to explain how he said it it still sounds weird to me. But he basically wanted too.. convince the nation that 'the party' could end all their troubles.. against a hord of demons an undeads effectively 'not understanding' the monster that threw them here was not one of the creatures in question. Which even after i pointed out 'if he couldnt do more than 13 points of damage to that thing, how would he think he can beat the monster he 'thinks' made it?'... which on that matter, he was told multiple times it wasnt.
Well, the rest of the gang tried to talk reason to him, even pull him aaway.. an i had made split choice of the captain decided to put a 'command bracelet' on him, effectively 'if you fight the order given you get zapped an paralyzed'. telling him 'please stop an lets talk about this somewhere 'safe'... because the party and them werent safe..
People in the sea space place, dont like people 'from their side' not that any survive coming down to there. Again, they survived via their plot armor's they dont even fully get yet. With the leadership litterally saying to him before the captain dragged him to the doors a bit 'let them hang for all we care'...
Well, paladin passed the check against the paralyze effect (again, i give honest rolls unless absolutely necessary which i dont like doing..) an.. he had his character chop his hand off, use every will save till he passed the players spells an use his tp abilities to get out of any grapple an ran into the building to more or less brow beat the leaders into listening to him...I made a choice as the captain npc... an ran for the ship to get the heck out before his crew would be arrested an maybe killed for hiding the PC's, an the other PC's likewise, ran for the hills too with them saying 'your mad if you do this'..
That is where that session ended, he made a passing comment 'guess ill reroll a character for the time being'... an he never showed up for the following one despite knowing 3 weeks in advance..though it turns out he 'did' roll stats for a character after I left the chat an roll20... an 'then' designed his character... which at first i was iffy but gave him a sheet to fill in to go ahead an start worken it, not knowing he had pre existing stat rolls for it or clearing that with me.. something I dont like..
Well, cant say i fault him for not knowing this, none of them did.. but there was a planned event for the city they were in. After the 'meeting the outsiders' event, they were going to be there during a siege by the monsters the leaders were worried about. I had the mechanics that, theyd get swarmed by mooks they could likely kill in a round or two at worst with a few higher level front line commanders thrown in, for each one of these theyd get a -5 to around -15 against a d100 roll (which I infamously roll low on all the time) on how much the city gets damaged up (multiple of the results for fyi), where either (a) they would stand their grounds just enough to cause the enemy to tempt pull back from the current onslaught, (b) the do enough damage an pull back gettin more then they need for now (long story) or (c) the party retreats for the time trying to pick up some survives they could fit on the ship an get the heck out as the city is torn up...
Instead.. I roll flat 3d100's as the party 'just' avoided the guards an lockdown.. which didnt add any bonses for the city guards chance to prep ships an counter attackk.. of the three, 2 in the ninties, one over fifty.. the city was whiped out.. I was 'devastated' that now i may have put the paladins character in a state he was just outright mamed and couldnt even give his player a 'last hura an fade to black'...because they never showed up or said anything...
I had to take a day or two before i sent the news to him, i did kinda phrase it a little angerly but i was 'where were you what happend'?... no response the entire week, right up to our next game session with nothing being done to that character sheet i gave him for a month..
And then came to our last bit of communication.. one hour before we started, he wanted to ask me about his character creation thing.. he stuck with the class i was iffy on to begin with but he.. went with a completely different class, an frankly he was maxing out the stats on the class too..
I confronted him since at least then he was 'finally' speaking to me. He was giving me the 'he would have convince them' speach of his characters plans.. I was just getting more confused by some of his responses of what that even was. The 'misunderstandings' of his character of what things are going on, why he did an extrem like 'why would he cut his hand off' an then he admitted no matter what, his character was going to leave. All on the fact his 'Paladin Alignment as Lawful good' wouldnt let him 'let a bunch of people die in the city'... his character has pulled back from fights an stuff before, while yeah if he saw a fight he would totally try an defend someone if need be, but, the abandon the party thinking they were doing wrong, knowing that the plan the group would be involved with after the outsider meeting, was to go search for things that might power them all up enough to be on the same playing field as the monster that beat them, or event he ones attacking the undersea side.. He even made a passing comment 'yeah i know they all talked about it for an hour'.. when.. he caused the conversation to las tthe hour by having them repeat it different ways several times.. something he also did alot im afraid when the quest was not one he started/invested in specifically of himself (the starting foot of it happened to one of the new players an 3 1/2 while he was on one of his missing days again).
He made a slight passing comment about me jus killing off his character an how they were acting as a 'what if someone wanted to play something else' .. which i did ask 'did you want to play something new why didnt you just ask?' to which.. he kinda ignored an went on. It was roughly at this time that he said he was trying to focus on his wizard spell list that i clicked to he was playing a new type of character all together.. one he admitted he wanted to play as 'weird and kinda crazy'.. it honestly sent chills to me given his 'sane' character did something extreme out of the blue for no reason an would never had done before was a bad sign what he considers 'slightly weird/crazy' would be.. but i was further made up set he made up a character only 'after' getting rolls he didnt get clearance from me with beforehand. I asked if this was the case which he confirmed and simply asked 'what want me to do point buy instead?'... an thats when I said i dont think he was set for my game again.. most so since all this all he focused on, again, an hour before game time, was only the basic mechanics an nothing else (given my honest mistrust of him springing something on me on this point with the sister visit 'quest').
I had literally given him my reasons, told him didn tlike how many red flags hes pulled lately. Including our game communities famed words by players who do things that tend to do things that.. kinda make things weird or bad or start to trail from how they start as.. When he first started missing the bulk of sessions, an losing plot interest, was when he 'lost his notes'. Then an most infamous last appearance, literally last bits hes said when he decided to have his character leave (which in hindsight i think he may have just wanted but again.. pardon me for guessing since he never communicated) 'Its what my character would do' when he had him cut his hand off.. Then during our conversation when i was trying to figure out what the heck was all that an what happend he said 'because my lawful good paladin couldnt let that under his oath'... his 'netual good' character whose hidden monsters under his house, stolen from a school of magic, made friends with an had sight powers from a devil an a few other shady things to say the least...so he was plannen or taking that his character should have a diff alignment without communing with me on it..who knows ont hat one..
I honestly did my usual, 'i dont think this game is for you' exit speech... an he said 'dont bs me with this over polite crap' an tried to make me say 'i want you gone'.. he was more or less animate on the specifics of the words.. and I think i know why..
Because, the players have a private text chat, not that hes much on there himself unless his character name is mentioned multiple times, but they do have it for funnies an stuff between em. I dont mind it, but.. at some point when I officially announced I'd be removing the player in our whole group chat.. he sent a very cropped two lines that was the tail end of us with me saying him in the groups not looken good, but told them 'i shouldnt be contacted about this'..
Tooo bad for him, I screenshot everything big like this. An further bad for him, the new guys an me talk alot too, like constant, and he forgot, 3 1/2 are friends for over a decade. 3 1/2 told me that... so i reached out to the rest of the group, shared the entire thing with them on the spot, saying 'i am sorry, its been bad with all these points' (i mention in here better more details after all, given how it was an hour of getting heated an trying to get him to tell me what his game plan is or anything else if need be given everything else sounded like he was flipping between wanting to be something new or... again i can only speculate since he just went offensive/defenses with no explanations or stuff to understand him the player). an sent them the entire conversation the two of us had as a screenshot.
While I was polite an just saying 'dont think the games for you' which yeah is a little over gentle.. after i pointed out one of them mentioned with a tiny screenshot of only me saying 'you should go' an the 'dont talk to me about it'. He honestly said 'i told them they shouldnt bother with it' like they should have just listened to him on the get go...an that 'he' would send it.. told him I already had. And for that level of honestly kinda manipulative tactic, both trying to isolate the party from me and only showing the 'closest' he would have of me saying 'i want you gone' comment, which he had stressed for a bout a minute i should 'say' in our private chat, i cant help but wonder if he was seriously trying to poison the well between me and the others.. an then said he would 'show them the whole conversation.... well he kinda got super silent with the private group and to me when i said 'i already sent the whole. I told him, good luck an goodbye, an then removed him from my DND group.. he suddenly for the first time in 2 years 'went offline', on my notice thing, so i think he made himself invisible but at first i thought he blocked me.. made a passing comment to test, but he went 'no' an was suddenly fully online an back to his MMO's that he 'usually' played too much an overslept some of our early day games on... not surprising..
The rest of the party were.. thankfully understanding, 3 1/2 suggested we didnt play but i pressed on but we did kinda vent.. helped one of the experienced newby of the three was a dm, an said 'hey its what you feel too, if he was making you feel uncomfortable at the table with that, your alright to feel it an remove him' which helped too..
But part of me does have to have that nagging feel since, he is the 'first' true kick i have done. ALl my other possible problem players ghost themselves from my games an he had been in for 2 years.. not that we done much since we are nearly at our 100'th session an only 'now' getting to the possible tea of the world i have been sitting on for 3 years since started working on the campaign over it. I left it openf or them to discover, an things started to click when the new guys came in an started being able to 'take lead' a bit on group choices.. not waiting for the paladin to lead them.. but.
of course, communication is '2 way street' i know, I said he didnt talk to me on things but likewise maybe i shoulda been more active reaching to him. To a point I tried, but, unless it was 'hey want a new power or something' ...he didnt respond back much. Again we had not much on similar things an it feel slike he was cluing in that many of my influences was from comics, movies games an anime that even if he was into the fandoms of, he didnt know alot as I have a broad and little known spectrum of series. Maybe a bit of it was lill mix of we didnt upfront what we expected, but also disinterests... but I do know at least 2 of his fave games.. tha has owning land, getting bonus in some way from that, an thats that.. an some other aspects, kinda in hindsight were what he wanted/expected for his character at times.
Again, my thing is full homebrew, an always say 'hey if you find something you like, lemme know an see maybe we can toss it in.', sadly some of the gang dont take that up too much, but the new players have lately an its been fun. He did at first 'start' suggesting something.. but with no set things, so when i brought up things that we can do for it he kinda.. shot em down, like not say full on no but.. just went silent.
In the end, Im upset with myself over not confronting the problem a bit more 'first', but i guess i just started to let him just 'be silent all the time is fine the problem goes away' as much as he did it when i reached out to him. Hell if he stepped away for a bit, sadly perfect since his first character might be KO'ed, i may have taken him back if he just said 'been dealing with things' or 'wanted to be something new' or, 'can i try something crazy'.. but in the end he only wanted me to respond in the moment to what he came up without double checking things an it can happen so sparatically, so 'railroady' for me an the other players I just cant anymore. An knowing hell honestly try an manipulate my words behind my back to the rest of the players.. yeah Im not trusting that player at any of my games ever again and wont ever trust one like that... but I hope it doesnt turn to that for just that factor an not because of other reasons that can be avoided...
Anyone who reads, thanks for your time. If you got tips or mindsets to consider for me here, like to help get them like a mindworm to maybe help me over things, given how my head is still lill swimmen on it both emotionally an thoughts. I guess maybe im looking to see if I was valid (I know for my 'mental health' i was, but want to know its not just my own head thinking it an maybe cases like this is at least partly justified). An hey, if you ever had a sitch like this, lemme hear how ya felt too, never helps bottling it in. Just typing this at first as a note to myself before it showed up anywhere helped me clear my head a fair bit, so theres always getting the words out there wither someone's ear or eyes take it is a nice way to get the happy feels in. Next order buisness to feel better... getten to those cursed die rolls (come on Dice Gods treat me an my players failry, ah dangit another 1! I thought i blotted it out!)
submitted by TJKitsune to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 MVguru777 What determines where my impressions come from?

My last video did pretty well and most of my impressions came from "browse features" (~93%) and a much smaller portion came from "suggested videos" (~3.5%). I just posted my newest video and the impressions have switched. Most of them are coming from "suggested videos" (~94%) and very few from "browse features" (~3.6%). The reason I'm asking is that my click-through rate is much better on "browse feature" impressions than "suggested video" impressions (7% total CTR on the prior video and 1.6% total CTR on the current video)
submitted by MVguru777 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Puzzled_Hurry5024 Me (m21) and my girlfriend (f20) are having a religion issue in our relationship. After dating for 2 years and 7 months what do we do if we have 2 different religion and want to get married in the future? (Update)

I don’t know what to say. I left. It hurts, it still hurts. I can’t believe it but I had too. I love her so much but I had to let her go. It hurts me. I watched her cry and beg for me. Telling me I was the best boyfriend, telling me I was better than anyone. It pains me to see her suffering. My heart i don’t know. Seeing her cry so much, seeing her pretend to be okay. It was killing me. For a month straight of me thinking what to do, only for me to be alone. Ever since my birthday a month ago, I lost everything. Now I’m here sitting alone in silence. Crying. Thinking about her. Thinking if she’s doing okay, thinking how she’s gonna handle life without me. How she’s gonna do on her tests. How she’s gonna get places. It’s killing me. It’s hurtful. Sigh. Just wishing her well. Just wishing she would come back to me or text me back or anything. But i don’t know. All I see is just her crying and hugging me begging me to stay and not leave her. Not to leave her alone, not to abandon her. Watching her begging to convert to her religion or compromise. It hurts. Now that’s what replays in my mind. That’s all I hear now. It felt like I lost a good girlfriend. But maybe it was for the best. Our relationship wasn’t the best. We argued a lot, sometimes she would hit me and k would just defend myself crying bc why is she doing this to me. I love her, why is she trying to punch me or slap me. And her anger. Her anger was the worst of it. I couldn’t handle it. I’m too sensitive and too emotional. Every time she got mad I would just shut down. Which made her even more mad. And instead of listening what was hurting me or trying to understand my feelings, she just got more mad or saying “we’re over “ then come back and say “I was just mad, I said it out of anger” she would say “we didn’t break up, it was barley a day and I just said it out of anger. It doesn’t mean anything” but to me it hurts, those words felt real. I was always scared of losing her. And her saying that too me every time she got mad at me. It broke me down more and more each time. Yet I still loved her when she came back. I love her even though she hurt me. Another incident was earlier in the relationship,she was going to prom(she was in hs and I already graduated ) and I didn’t go. So I just drive her to the prom location. While driving past the place, I saw my ex with her new bf. To let you know prom was April of 2022 and me and my ex broke up April of 2021. And I found out they were 11 months. And it caught me off guard and seeing them right in front of me hurt. Finding out that she had someone else after the relationship hurt. And my current girlfriend saw that pain. And I hid it. So that ruined everything and her happiness. Whenever we had a fight, she would bring it up. She would use things against me. And I did my best to show her the love and spend all the time I can with her to make up my mistake. But i guess it wasn’t enough. She still holds that incident against me. But i think she let that go. Last few months. Things was a little rough. Around my birthday mid March of 2024, I asked my parents if I could invite her and they said yeah. And I told her she could come. A day before my birthday. My mom changed her mind and said no. And that’s when all of the religion problem started. You see my girlfriend thought my mom didn’t like her, but in reality, my mom was just uncomfortable with how I did things. I didn’t ask her mom if I could date her daughter but also the Christian part. She is a Protestant now that I learned everything. My mom would ask me: how is your relationship going to work if you’re Catholic and she’s Protestant? How are you going to raise a baby? Are you going to convert or is she? And my girlfriend thought my mom didn’t like her. (We all work in the same place) but it was because my mom wasn’t comfortable with how I did things. And on my birthday I told my girlfriend she couldn’t come, and that when all the religion stuff happened. For a month straight I was just thinking and thinking. What do I do? Do I convert? Do I ask her to convert? What are the consequences? If I do convert, will I lose my family? Is converting okay especially if you doing it for love? It just got me thinking and thinking and she waited and waited cried begged, gave me reasons to not leave, we talked about it a little but it was just left to me to decide. All I know this that we want 1 religion,marry in one religion, and support each other in that religion and teach our kids. My first thought was convert to her religion. But then I would just be doing it for love not because I believed in her beliefs. What if my mom stops talking to me since most of my family Catholic. Then I think if that was a mortal sin since I’m forgetting my own religion and going to another. My next thought was compromising. We both stay in our own religion. 1. We are not unified and how will that affect the kids. 2. The plan was get married Christian/protestant and go to Catholic mad and teach our kids Catholic. Will she be happy knowing I’m okay with her being Protestant but not supporting and growing in her church. 3 will our marriage be recognized by the Catholic Church ? 4 a positive about this, some people say (that have gone through this route have said their partner converted eventually. But some have said it causes them to grow farther apart. My last option was breaking up. Not because I hate her or don’t love her. But because I love her enough to let her go so I’m not causing her more pain and wasting her time and breaking her heart even more. But right now I’m just crying . Regretting it . This was my first time break up with someone. I’m used to the other side where they are leaving me. But leaving her. Omg the type of pain is different. Right now I’m just looking at our conversation with a “I miss you” text but not sent. Hasn’t been a day yet and I’m already missing her. I’m just here thinking if I did the right thing or not. I’m just crying on her jacket and pretending she’s sitting next to me in my car. Sorry for the long post, I don’t have anyone to talk to. And so does she and it’s worrying me. I don’t want her to be alone. I’ve been on the other end so I know how it feels . At least I got to spend time with her yesterday and feel her hug,hand, lips, laugh, smile, and eat with her one last time. Sigh
submitted by Puzzled_Hurry5024 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Puzzleheaded_Pain802 Making history for a 5 star

Making history for a 5 star submitted by Puzzleheaded_Pain802 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 winkyblue Birthday cake mani

Birthday cake mani
My birthday is tomorrow but I have to work so birthday nails it is! Ela + Mila- All About that Base Coat x 1 Olive and June- Icing is the Best Part x 3 Ela + Mila- In a Rush Top Coat x 2
submitted by winkyblue to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 spikebomb5 Less useful/efficient strategems should be given for free on deployments based on how many of the same type you take

Eagle: 1=eagle smoke 2=eagle strafing 3=eagle rocket pods Orbital: 1=orbital smoke 2=orbital ems 3=orbital gatling barrage 4=orbital precision strike Defensive: 1=HMG Emplacement 2=Tesla Tower 3=Machine Gun Sentry
submitted by spikebomb5 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 E_lluminate The Stage is Set!

The Stage is Set! submitted by E_lluminate to CVFirebirds [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Swamivik Wuxi XDC 2268 Upward revision of annual caps for raw materials procurement - shares up 4.15%

REVISION OF ORIGINAL ANNUAL CAPS The Original Annual Caps and the Revised Annual Caps are as follows: For the year ending December 31, 2024 2025 Original Annual Caps RMB32.6 million RMB21.3 million Revised Annual Caps RMB80.0 million RMB75.0 million Further, the actual transaction amounts for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the three months ended March 31, 2024 in respect of the Raw Materials Procurement Services
Agreement are as follows: For the year ended December 31, 2023 For the three months ended March 31, 2024 Historical transaction amounts RMB41.4 million RMB31.8 million(Note) Note: Based on the unaudited management accounts of the Company for the three months ended March 31, 2024. REASONS FOR REVISING AND BASIS FOR DETERMINING THE REVISED ANNUAL CAPS The Group’s XDC CRDMO business model has continued to fuel its exceptional business growth and outstanding results. In 2023, it exhibited exceptional growth in revenue and gross profit of 114.4% and 114.3%, respectively, and its adjusted net profit attributable to owners of the Company also increased by 112.1%. Furthermore, the total number of ongoing integrated projects increased by 52.1% from 94 in 2022 to 143 in 2023. In particular, the Group experienced even more rapid and robust business growth in the fourth quarter of 2023, and such momentum of growth carried forward into the first quarter of 2024. Given the strong clients’ demand for XDC CRDMO services, it is imperative that the Group can timely procure sufficient raw materials to fulfil such demand. On this basis, the Group has stocked up on its inventory to ensure stable and steady supply of raw materials and to avoid any unnecessary delays or disruptions to the existing XDC CRDMO projects. To this end, the Company believes that procurement of raw materials through the Remaining WXB Group is a reliable source and allows the Group to enjoy the benefits from the economies of scale. In addition, the Group’s second Wuxi XDC facility has commenced operations since the fourth quarter of 2023. The new facility at Wuxi has significantly enhanced the Group’s capability to provide GMP manufacturing services in relation to monoclonal antibody (mAb) intermediates that the Group were not able to fulfil in the past. As a result of such expansion, the Group is required to procure on behalf of its clients certain raw materials (e.g. resin) necessary for the provision of mAbs manufacturing services by the Group. The transaction amounts of these raw materials purchase orders are generally sizeable, and clients are generally required to pre-pay the full amount of those purchase orders when the Group procures on their behalf. As the scale of the Group’s mAbs manufacturing capacity ramped up faster than anticipated, the Group has received substantially higher volume of purchase orders for raw materials from its clients since January 2024. For example, only in the first quarter of 2024, the Group procured on behalf of its clients approximately RMB9.7 million worth of resin for the purpose of mAbs manufacturing, which represented approximately 29.8% of the original annual cap for 2024, as compared to approximately RMB0.4 million worth of resin being procured for the purpose of mAbs manufacturing during the year ended December 31, 2023. Accordingly, the Group has a genuine need to purchase additional raw materials in anticipation of the growing demand for manufacturing services in the coming years. Having considered the above, the Board has resolved to revise the Original Annual Caps to the Revised Annual Caps, which are determined principally with reference to: (1) the actual transaction amounts in relation to the Raw Materials Procurement Services Agreement for the three months ended March 31, 2024 based on the Company’s unaudited management accounts; (2) the expected transaction amounts in relation to the Raw Materials Procurement Services Agreement for the remaining nine months of 2024 based on the ongoing projects and purchase orders from clients; (3) the estimated new projects and purchase orders expected to be obtained by the end of 2024; (4) the estimated overall business growth of the Group and demand for raw materials from clients for 2025; and (5) the estimated purchase prices of the raw materials and the Group’s increased capacity for procurement in 2024 and 2025. The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) are of the view that the Raw Materials Procurement Services Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder have been entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group, and conducted on normal commercial terms according to the terms therein, and that such terms as well as the Revised Annual Caps are fair and reasonable, and in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.
submitted by Swamivik to HangSengNews [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Blueberry-Muffin5 Need help finishing some sets please ✨

Need help finishing some sets please ✨
Trying to finish those sets/some cards I can trade from other sets 😊
submitted by Blueberry-Muffin5 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Childhood_Crafty Need help tracking out KO II to FL Studio

Currently have the ko2 connected to my computer with a usb c and plugged into my Scarlett solo audio interface with a 3.5mm cable and 1/4th adapter. It records on input 2 but it sounds different and there’s a tiny pop before each recording that I don’t know how to get rid of. Also don’t know how to do a 4 bar loop so that it stops at the perfect time. Any help would be very appreciated, need to track out these beats asap.
submitted by Childhood_Crafty to teenageengineering [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 yackhustier Venu 3 Elevation gain issues

I currently have the venu 3 garmin watch and about 2 weeks ago the elevation gain for my bike and hike work outs have been way off. For example on one 50mile bike ride it said I did 25,000ft of elevation gain when it was actually about 1,500ft elevation gain total.
I tried calibrating the altimeter and submerging the watch for 5 minutes to clean the altimeter port but it still reads 2X the expected elevation on my hike and bike rides. Has anyone else experienced this problem with there watch? Has anyone found a good fix?
submitted by yackhustier to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 ColtBTD T.I.A

T.I.A submitted by ColtBTD to USPmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 killerbuddha757 H: Savage Divide 1 maps W: Live & Love 3 mags

Ratio 10:1
submitted by killerbuddha757 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 electric_tiger_root 30% Off Haul - It ain’t much but it’s stuff I “needed”

30% Off Haul - It ain’t much but it’s stuff I “needed” submitted by electric_tiger_root to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 tikihead_ Welcome to Hitmakr: Revolutionizing the Music Industry

Welcome to Hitmakr: Revolutionizing the Music Industry


What is Hitmakr?

Hitmakr ushers in a new era in the music industry, leveraging the power of web3 to champion artists' rights, transparency, and equitable compensation. Our platform is a place of empowerment for musicians and content creators, offering them the tools to reclaim control over their art, unlock new revenue streams, and forge sustainable careers in this digital age.
In a landscape where established entities often dictate terms to the detriment of artists, Hitmakr stands as a beacon of change. We envision a future where creatives unite to shape the next evolution of audio, paving the way for a community-driven renaissance.

At Hitmakr, we advocate for artists to have complete ownership over their creations, believing that they should not only create but also control, nurture, and profit from their works. In contrast to the restrictive norms of the current music industry, which limit artists' ability to benefit fully, Hitmakr provides a sanctuary for true ownership, asserting that ownership is a fundamental right that revolutionizes music creation and appreciation. By empowering audio creatives as entrepreneurs and offering diverse income streams beyond traditional models, Hitmakr serves as a launchpad for building sustainable and rewarding careers, facilitating collaborations, royalties, and licensing agreements to maximize the value and reach of artists' creations.

🔎What is it?🔎

A protocol that aims to invent a new type of audio economy by creating a new sort of supply chain.

$HMKR Nodes - Protocol Validation
Factory - Onboarding Audio
Storefront - Value Generation
AI Workshop - AI Plugins & Tools
Mobile Apps - Audio Ingestion

Who is Hitmakr for?
- Artists
- Fans
- Producers
- Instrumentalists
- Content Creators
- Record Labels
- DJs
- & more!


🔐 What is the $HMKR Node? 🔐
$HMKR nodes play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of the platform's audio library and ledger. It verifies ownership, and provides a transparent and reliable system for managing digital ownership.

🏭 Enter The Factory! 🏭

Bring Audio On-Chain in 4 Steps:
1 - Authentication: Use our Audio Fingerprinting API.
2 - Metadata: Store all forms of the audio & assign metadata.
3 - Royalty Splits: Assign Splits & Wallets.
4 - Licensing: Creator sets licensing agreements & more.


🏪 Storefronts 🏪
Create storefronts aligned with your unique value propositions. Whether it's selling individual tracks, offering audio packs for producers, or introducing exclusive merchandise, the storefront becomes a canvas for artists to express their creative identity.

Storefront Examples Include:
- Traditional Audio Sales (songs, albums, SFX)
- Gated Content
- Tiered Rarity Systems
- NFT Burn Conditions
- Physical Utility Packages
- Auctions
- & more!

🏚️AI Workshop🪚
The AI tools seamlessly integrated into the platform will be accessible on the dApp Marketplace upon its imminent launch. These tools & plugins include:

- Visual Content Generation w/ persistent avatars
- AI Music Label Assistants
- Custom AI Plugins
- & more!

💻Website & Mobile App📱
We have an entire development team working on the site and both iOS & Android apps. We are currently 5 weeks into a 8-9 week cycle.

The web3 site will focus more on the overall ecosystem, and factory.

Apps will be for a new method of audio ingestion.


Hitmakr X Assure DeFi:
We are KYC verified by Assure DeFi, meaning if we do anything nefarious, we will be held liable.

Read more here: https://assuredefi.com/projects/hitmak


Hitmakr X PROOF:
Hitmakr is proud to join forces with the PROOF Platofrm to amplify our commitment to trust, transparency, and innovation in this space. PROOF provided an audited token contract, KYC, and invaluable advisement and networking opportunities.


Hitmakr X SKALE:
We have partnered with SKALE Network to introduce the perfect use-case for audio using their blockchain.

SKALE is the perfect playground for trailblazers who want to reach for the stars, and turn their dreams into realities.

Read more here: https://medium.com/@hitmakhitmakr-x-skale-disruption-75d2f8e8d9c6

Hitmakr X PaLM AI:
AI tools within the $HMKR marketplace will be developed and supplied by PaLM AI. These real-world AI applications will harness the latest and most efficient AI systems, benefitting artists, creators, and users alike.

Expect dozens of plugins, fast.

We're still building, always have been. Bringing you Revolution, as a Service. Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together. Welcome to the future of music creation and distribution, powered by Hitmakr.
submitted by tikihead_ to Hitmakr [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Tekh-Knight Should i ask her out?

Before i tell you my dilemma, i just want to explain a few things so you can kind of get an understanding of me and automatically assume it’s all my fault
  1. I was diagnosed with autism (not entirely sure where on the spectrum but it gotten less and less noticeable as i’ve gotten older) so i don’t usually have a good understanding on certain things
  2. I’m horrible socially (like most teenagers)
  3. I’ve also never kissed/ had a girlfriend or had a crush before and i believe i’ve managed to do most of the don’ts in puberty’s handbook on ‘having feelings for the first time for another’
So bit of a backstory, Me (15M) and her (15/16F) have known each other since we were in primary school, but now we are both halfway through secondary school and i now kind of have a crush on her, me and her didn’t really talk much in primary school but we have now started cause me, her plus some mixed friends of ours now have a class together. She’s nice to be around, funny (sometimes), doesn’t take crap from anyone, smart and generally nice, shes basically the “not like the other girls” girl but isn’t if you know what I mean. I’m sure the feelings are only one-sided but I want to try and ask her out by mid-August when school starts again from the summer but I’m having a hard time making the decision of doing it or not, there the usual “it becomes awkward if she says no” and “losing a good friend” but that’s not what i’m really concerned about.
  1. She’s a little condescending with her intelligent. She has always been extremely smart but i feel like sometimes she kinda acts like she’s better than everyone, the thing is idk if she’s joking about it but i know i wouldn’t want to go out with someone like that.
  2. I think the way i’m depicted at school isn’t good, mainly because of the people i hang out with (mostly boys from primary and secondary who are now kinda narcissistic idiots which i used to act like) but I’m trying to stop being like the rest of them cause it’s not a good way to act and what girl would like a guy who acted like that.
  3. She’s really good friends with the girl i used to have a crush on. So bit of the backstory, Me and the other girl had both met in secondary and I soon had a massive crush on her, I would do anything so I could get to know her better. I didn’t realise that I was coming off as creepy with the way I was acting so before I realised it I was now branded as this creepy weirdo, so I backed off for a while and for some reason against my better judgement I wanted to try and fix things so I went up and apologise for coming off as creepy and wanted to set things straight so I asked her if she wanted to go out and talk. We scheduled it for two weeks from that day but she bailed on me a day before we were going out by texting me saying she was busy with her boyfriend that day. after that I realised I had wasted about a quarter of that school year on someone who didn’t want to hear me out after I tried to apologise. so I’m 100% sure that the other girl has talked about what I did to her friends which includes the girl I currently have a crush on.
So with what I’ve said, I’m still unsure of asking her out so I ask you the people of Reddit, ‘should I pursue this and ask her out or should I just leave it?’
submitted by Tekh-Knight to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 Little_Broccoli_3127 Ram...Ram's?

Just doing things.
submitted by Little_Broccoli_3127 to ram_trucks [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 MaximumPeavey Modified SG Classic, triple p90 sweetness!

Modified SG Classic, triple p90 sweetness!
I routed out the body and wired it to a 3 vol, 1 tone "Frampton wiring". you can have it act like a regular 2 pickup guitar and blend in the middle pickup anywhere with that 3rd volume.
it looks cool and it sounds great! The wilkinson p90 sounds pretty good for a 20$ pickup. I stole it from the bridge of a les paul I have.
submitted by MaximumPeavey to Epiphone [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:13 shadowfalcon233 Cloning is taking forever on Analyzing Partition.

So I just bought an ssd and it came in the mail today so I wanted to transfer my files from my hdd in my computer. So i started the transfer using AOMEI Backupper 6.3 and at first it was going at a decent speed but now once it reached the Analyzing partition part it went to a snails crawl. Only going 3% in three hours.
The ssd is a 2tb and the hdd is a 4tb with about 1.5 tb used on it.
submitted by shadowfalcon233 to buildapc [link] [comments]
