Biker wallets with chain


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2024.05.14 10:33 AggressiveSelina Enter the Futuristic World of R Games: A New Era in Formula One Racing

Gyros Studios brings a revolutionary twist to the world of Formula One racing with R Games, a blockchain-based racing game set in a futuristic universe. Powered by Unreal and Unity engines, this Alpha-version game promises a highly immersive experience, merging cutting-edge technology with player-centric economics. Available on both PC and mobile platforms, R Games is poised to redefine how we perceive digital racing.
Immersive Gameplay: A New Racing Universe R Games offers a diverse range of racing modes, each designed to test different aspects of players' skills. Whether it's the high-speed thrills of Formula R or the rugged excitement of off-road truck adventures, there's something for every racing enthusiast. The game’s custom vehicle design feature allows players to modify and upgrade their vehicles, ensuring a personalized racing experience that adapts to individual styles and strategies.
Dynamic Economy: Earning Through Engagement The game's innovative economic model lets players earn in various ways. You can develop content, compete in races, or even simply watch events to gain rewards. As the game evolves from its Alpha to Beta version, NFTs will become central to the experience. These NFTs, ranging from consumables to essential game assets like vehicles, are crucial for competing in races and unlocking the game's full potential.
The NFT Revolution: A New Way to Play and Earn R Games integrates NFTs deeply into its gameplay. Players need to acquire these NFTs, either through Initial NFT Offerings (INO) or the marketplace, to start their journey. Once equipped, players can connect their wallets, download the game, and dive into the electrifying racing world where strategy, skill, and speed dictate success. This NFT integration not only enhances the gaming experience but also offers tangible rewards, encouraging continued player engagement.
The Power of RGAME: Central to the Game's Economy The game’s native token, RGAME, is pivotal to its economic structure. Operating on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Solana networks, RGAME facilitates in-game transactions, enabling players to buy upgrades, NFTs, and other crucial items. As a governing token, RGAME empowers the community by giving players a say in the game’s development and feature updates, fostering a democratic and evolving gameplay environment.
Rewarding Participation: Earn While You Race Players can earn RGAME tokens through various in-game activities. Whether participating in races, tournaments, or weekly leaderboards, or engaging in competitive matches, every aspect of the game is designed to reward player participation. This model not only enriches the gaming experience but also supports a thriving community, ensuring sustained interest and growth.
Conclusion: A Thrilling Future Awaits R Games is not just a game; it's an innovative platform that blends high-octane racing with blockchain technology, offering both entertainment and economic opportunities. As it transitions from Alpha to Beta, the introduction of NFTs and the RGAME token will unlock new dimensions of gameplay and earning potential, promising an exhilarating future for all players. Dive into the world of R Games today and experience the next level of digital racing.
For more information, visit their website:
submitted by AggressiveSelina to cryptomoongroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 Pimasterjimmy Tales of Zippy and Friends: Katniss the keeper of pens. (Boomer tries to get me fired for Handing her a sticker)(tw: suicide)

My last post went over surprisingly well, that said you should check out my new subreddit Talesofzippy for more content, because I'm definitely going to posting in more places around reddit and I'll be cross posting them in the tales sub for more people to enjoy!
With that, I don't remember any good stories about Zippy, but the place I work at is fucking filled with loonies, so tonight I'm going to introduce you to Katniss.
Katniss is about 63, tiny, and absolutely loved to talk about how good her guns are, even if she can't shoot or generally understand how they work. She tried to tell me that her Girsan was a high quality gun because the barrel is pinned in place.
I'm a competitive shooter, I grew up shooting and learning about guns.
When a pistol fires a round, a floating barrel will be pointed at an upward angle at the end of the stroke, while a pinned barrel doesn't. The floating barrel doesn't effect accuracy in any meaningful way because it is held in place by several seers, and doesn't begin to move until well after the bullet is out of the gun.
I tried to explain that, she didn't listen. She also can't shoot. Katniss.
She also wears boomer shirts about "snowflakes" and shares memes about the good old days when you could say whatever you want and be offensive.
This gets funny later.
Katniss and I worked together running gas pumps, and we generally got along great, in fact for a year I considered her to be a friend.
And then my dad killed himself.
I got the call at work and got a ride home as quickly as possible. Katniss was on shift with me and Yawn, who is the most chill person you can imagine.
They were incredible, Katniss broke into my apartment (at my request) and took my shotgun for safe keeping. She also took my keys and made me wait for a family friend to pick me up.
I called the night manager and told him I was going home and why, He offered me a ride.
I came into work three days later and stuck my head into my boss (Elk Daddy's) office. He simply said "how long do you need?"
"Two weeks."
I mention this because Anything less than this is a cancerous work environment. If a manager tries to negotiate with you when you've experienced a true tragedy, they're not a manager, they're a slave driver.
I had severe PTSD, nightmares, the whole shabang, for months I would stand at the desk and hear my mom's voice telling me my dad was dead, the first night back at work I witnessed some dumb janitorial drama (not zippy) and I started smelling the sickly sweet smell of human brain before I ran home and had my first panic attack.
(I'll tell the story of Elk Daddy, and make good on a promise I made my dad as a bonus at the end.)
Six months passed, my PTSD wasn't even beginning to heal, and she pulled me aside.
"Okay. It's time to stop now."
"Stop what?"
"This, you're in a rut, and you need to get out of it. It's high time you moved on and stopped being sad and moved on. See my sister was in a car accident and went into a coma when I was about 20, and I had a dream about her getting up and walking out of her hospital room and saying "it's about fucking time." The next day her heart gave out and she finally died. It was this freeing thing for me, because I felt like she was finally free of the broken body and the pain."
"Katniss I just don't feel like I'm... There yet. I'm still hurting, and I really don't feel like I'm ready to let him go. Things aren't that easy."
She didn't like that answer.
At the time I just felt broken, and just laid there and took it, but today I'm genuinely angry about it.
I was hurt, and now that I've rebuilt myself I realized how truly broken I was as a person.
She had no right to say anything to me about how it was time to stop. I'm still healing four years on.
That was when we stopped being friends.
Last year I was going through stickers for our local pride, the second one our community has ever had! I had come out as bi the year before, and had a side project that had grown large enough to have a booth at the local event. I was showing off some cool and funny stickers to Yawn, another cashier.
Yawn is great, he has no blood pressure, everything is just really cool and chill, and he really just wanted to be friends with everyone.
Genuinely nice person. I always get him a Christmas gift and he's always grateful, no matter what it is.
I turned around and handed a sticker to Katniss that said "be gay, so crime" with a little picture of a fabulous criminal goose on it.
She took one look at it and just went "No" rather forcefully, so I just backed off and moved on.
The next day my boss, Elk Daddy, calls me over.
"Op, you handed Katniss a sticker yesterday, and I just want to tell you. Stop talking to her. Please. For me."
"She really complained about that?"
"No, she threatened to go to HR because you "assumed her orientation" and tried to give her a sticker."
It is at this point that I'd like to add that Elk Daddy is gay. Like... Really gay. Him and his husband both donate their time and money to pride, and have been instrumental in making it happen. They are the gay uncles that stepped up to be dads for their nephews when Elk Daddy's brother couldn't.
He knows Katniss, and both of us know her HUSBAND.
So. We didn't talk outside of necessary conversations, and haven't really said anything to each other for any reason.... Until I transferred to my current department and ran out of pens.
I walked over to the cashier desk "hey Katniss, can I get a handful of pens? I ran out."
"I gave three to morning shift last night, what happened to those?"
"I don't know, and it doesn't matter, can I get some?"
Yawn walked over to the drawer where we keep the pens and opened it, while Katniss sighs and opens up her drawer and drops a pen on the counter.
"Come on Katniss, I need more than that."
"I don't have that many pens, they're not giving them to us, here, this is all I have."
She angrily throws down two more pins on the counter as Yawn retrieves an entire box of pens from the drawer and begins walking over. She sees him and motions for him to stop."
"Don't fucking bullshit me Katniss, I see Yawn with the box. Just give me some pens."
She drops six more down on the counter, I take them and walk off. "Thank you."
Ten minutes later she comes over to the deli and slams a box of pens down on the counter for me
"Don't ask me for pens again."
"Wouldn't have it any other way."
She then told the MOD that I cussed her out. I told my side, and several people in the management chain pointed out that she wore tee shirts under her uniform that said more offensive things, one of them even saying "don't fucking bullshit me."
She is no longer allowed to wear her tee shirts.
She's also had it pointed out to her that she says "don't fucking bullshit me" all the time, and management has gently reminded her that she should not swear.
A few weeks ago she very dejectedly told me that she was done trying to help people, and I had to bite back a "good, we don't need it."
And here we are... End of another post about the weird boomers I work with.
As for Elk Daddy.
My boss has only ever taken his husband out hunting one time. When they did, they ended up trekking across the country on deer trails and through the brush. After 12 hours of being dragged through the brush and not shooting anything, his husband said something to the effect of "I hate this. I can't keep up with you and you just disappear all the goddamn time." He took my boss's phone, logged in, and yells "in fact HEY SIRI, FROM NOW ON CALL ME ELK DADDY."
nickname earned. He has it monogramed on his wallet.
And finally, my dad, who was another Boomer, used to love taking me out camping.
He was an electrical engineer, and was most certainly on the spectrum. He was brilliant in his own way, but absolutely unhinged when it came to teaching things.
A lecture from my dad could cover cleaning the stove (with diagrams on proper wiping techniques) to the finer points of building and firing a nuclear weapon. (With math included. No mercy.)
He tried to teach me calculus when I was six. It didn't work.
Anyway, on this particular camping trip he pulled me aside and said "op, I want you to make me a fire using nothing but two sticks, your knife, a match and the chainsaw"
Now. I knew where he was coming from, he wanted me to make a fuzz stick. I knew because he had only brought up the topic of making a fuzz stick every night for the past three days of camping. He then very helpfully added "and the chainsaw is a distraction."
Uh huh. Okay dad.
I Start cutting up the wood and making a teepee fire, and I hear a little "hmph" I look up and I see the smile. The grin he used to get as he started planning one of his little lectures. He was picking out the right words, deciding if he needed to demonstrate or just use a pen and paper.
I then opened up the gas tank on the chainsaw, dumped in a tablespoon of gas, lit the match and "whoof"
Then the argument began.
"I said you couldn't use gas!"
"You said I could use the chainsaw, that includes the gas tank!"
"The chainsaw was a distraction!"
"Still gave it to me!"
"You cheated!!!"
Long pause.
"I won, admit it. I beat you in a way you didn't expect. You will never live this down. I'll tell this story at your funeral!"
And I did. Three years later I tore up my hastily scribbled notes and told a group of the friends, neighbors and coworkers that he knew and loved about the time I finally beat him. We laughed.
I think he'd be proud, and a little indignant.
I miss you dad.
submitted by Pimasterjimmy to Talesofzippy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:29 Pimasterjimmy Tales of Zippy and Friends: Katniss the keeper of pens. (Boomer tries to get me fired for Handing her a sticker)(tw: suicide)

My last post went over surprisingly well, that said you should check out my new subreddit Talesofzippy for more content, because I'm definitely going to posting in more places around reddit and I'll be cross posting them in the tales sub for more people to enjoy!
With that, I don't remember any good stories about Zippy, but the place I work at is fucking filled with loonies, so tonight I'm going to introduce you to Katniss.
Katniss is about 63, tiny, and absolutely loved to talk about how good her guns are, even if she can't shoot or generally understand how they work. She tried to tell me that her Girsan was a high quality gun because the barrel is pinned in place.
I'm a competitive shooter, I grew up shooting and learning about guns.
When a pistol fires a round, a floating barrel will be pointed at an upward angle at the end of the stroke, while a pinned barrel doesn't. The floating barrel doesn't effect accuracy in any meaningful way because it is held in place by several seers, and doesn't begin to move until well after the bullet is out of the gun.
I tried to explain that, she didn't listen. She also can't shoot. Katniss.
She also wears boomer shirts about "snowflakes" and shares memes about the good old days when you could say whatever you want and be offensive.
This gets funny later.
Katniss and I worked together running gas pumps, and we generally got along great, in fact for a year I considered her to be a friend.
And then my dad killed himself.
I got the call at work and got a ride home as quickly as possible. Katniss was on shift with me and Yawn, who is the most chill person you can imagine.
They were incredible, Katniss broke into my apartment (at my request) and took my shotgun for safe keeping. She also took my keys and made me wait for a family friend to pick me up.
I called the night manager and told him I was going home and why, He offered me a ride.
I came into work three days later and stuck my head into my boss (Elk Daddy's) office. He simply said "how long do you need?"
"Two weeks."
I mention this because Anything less than this is a cancerous work environment. If a manager tries to negotiate with you when you've experienced a true tragedy, they're not a manager, they're a slave driver.
I had severe PTSD, nightmares, the whole shabang, for months I would stand at the desk and hear my mom's voice telling me my dad was dead, the first night back at work I witnessed some dumb janitorial drama (not zippy) and I started smelling the sickly sweet smell of human brain before I ran home and had my first panic attack.
(I'll tell the story of Elk Daddy, and make good on a promise I made my dad as a bonus at the end.)
Six months passed, my PTSD wasn't even beginning to heal, and she pulled me aside.
"Okay. It's time to stop now."
"Stop what?"
"This, you're in a rut, and you need to get out of it. It's high time you moved on and stopped being sad and moved on. See my sister was in a car accident and went into a coma when I was about 20, and I had a dream about her getting up and walking out of her hospital room and saying "it's about fucking time." The next day her heart gave out and she finally died. It was this freeing thing for me, because I felt like she was finally free of the broken body and the pain."
"Katniss I just don't feel like I'm... There yet. I'm still hurting, and I really don't feel like I'm ready to let him go. Things aren't that easy."
She didn't like that answer.
At the time I just felt broken, and just laid there and took it, but today I'm genuinely angry about it.
I was hurt, and now that I've rebuilt myself I realized how truly broken I was as a person.
She had no right to say anything to me about how it was time to stop. I'm still healing four years on.
That was when we stopped being friends.
Last year I was going through stickers for our local pride, the second one our community has ever had! I had come out as bi the year before, and had a side project that had grown large enough to have a booth at the local event. I was showing off some cool and funny stickers to Yawn, another cashier.
Yawn is great, he has no blood pressure, everything is just really cool and chill, and he really just wanted to be friends with everyone.
Genuinely nice person. I always get him a Christmas gift and he's always grateful, no matter what it is.
I turned around and handed a sticker to Katniss that said "be gay, do crime" with a little picture of a fabulous criminal goose on it.
She took one look at it and just went "No" rather forcefully, so I just backed off and moved on.
The next day my boss, Elk Daddy, calls me over.
"Op, you handed Katniss a sticker yesterday, and I just want to tell you. Stop talking to her. Please. For me."
"She really complained about that?"
"No, she threatened to go to HR because you "assumed her orientation" and tried to give her a sticker."
It is at this point that I'd like to add that Elk Daddy is gay. Like... Really gay. Him and his husband both donate their time and money to pride, and have been instrumental in making it happen. They are the gay uncles that stepped up to be dads for their nephews when Elk Daddy's brother couldn't.
He knows Katniss, and both of us know her HUSBAND.
So. We didn't talk outside of necessary conversations, and haven't really said anything to each other for any reason.... Until I transferred to my current department and ran out of pens.
I walked over to the cashier desk "hey Katniss, can I get a handful of pens? I ran out."
"I gave three to morning shift last night, what happened to those?"
"I don't know, and it doesn't matter, can I get some?"
Yawn walked over to the drawer where we keep the pens and opened it, while Katniss sighs and opens up her drawer and drops a pen on the counter.
"Come on Katniss, I need more than that."
"I don't have that many pens, they're not giving them to us, here, this is all I have."
She angrily throws down two more pins on the counter as Yawn retrieves an entire box of pens from the drawer and begins walking over. She sees him and motions for him to stop."
"Don't fucking bullshit me Katniss, I see Yawn with the box. Just give me some pens."
She drops six more down on the counter, I take them and walk off. "Thank you."
Ten minutes later she comes over to the deli and slams a box of pens down on the counter for me
"Don't ask me for pens again."
"Wouldn't have it any other way."
She then told the MOD that I cussed her out. I told my side, and several people in the management chain pointed out that she wore tee shirts under her uniform that said more offensive things, one of them even saying "don't fucking bullshit me."
She is no longer allowed to wear her tee shirts.
She's also had it pointed out to her that she says "don't fucking bullshit me" all the time, and management has gently reminded her that she should not swear.
A few weeks ago she very dejectedly told me that she was done trying to help people, and I had to bite back a "good, we don't need it."
And here we are... End of another post about the weird boomers I work with.
As for Elk Daddy.
My boss has only ever taken his husband out hunting one time. When they did, they ended up trekking across the country on deer trails and through the brush. After 12 hours of being dragged through the brush and not shooting anything, his husband said something to the effect of "I hate this. I can't keep up with you and you just disappear all the goddamn time." He took my boss's phone, logged in, and yells "in fact HEY SIRI, FROM NOW ON CALL ME ELK DADDY."
nickname earned. He has it monogramed on his wallet.
And finally, my dad, who was another Boomer, used to love taking me out camping.
He was an electrical engineer, and was most certainly on the spectrum. He was brilliant in his own way, but absolutely unhinged when it came to teaching things.
A lecture from my dad could cover cleaning the stove (with diagrams on proper wiping techniques) to the finer points of building and firing a nuclear weapon. (With math included. No mercy.)
He tried to teach me calculus when I was six. It didn't work.
Anyway, on this particular camping trip he pulled me aside and said "op, I want you to make me a fire using nothing but two sticks, your knife, a match and the chainsaw"
Now. I knew where he was coming from, he wanted me to make a fuzz stick. I knew because he had only brought up the topic of making a fuzz stick every night for the past three days of camping. He then very helpfully added "and the chainsaw is a distraction."
Uh huh. Okay dad.
I Start cutting up the wood and making a teepee fire, and I hear a little "hmph" I look up and I see the smile. The grin he used to get as he started planning one of his little lectures. He was picking out the right words, deciding if he needed to demonstrate or just use a pen and paper.
I then opened up the gas tank on the chainsaw, dumped in a tablespoon of gas, lit the match and "whoof"
Then the argument began.
"I said you couldn't use gas!"
"You said I could use the chainsaw, that includes the gas tank!"
"The chainsaw was a distraction!"
"Still gave it to me!"
"You cheated!!!"
Long pause.
"I won, admit it. I beat you in a way you didn't expect. You will never live this down. I'll tell this story at your funeral!"
And I did. Three years later I tore up my hastily scribbled notes and told a group of the friends, neighbors and coworkers that he knew and loved about the time I finally beat him. We laughed.
I think he'd be proud, and a little indignant.
I miss you dad.
submitted by Pimasterjimmy to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:38 fabulouslasvegasesco Discover - A Next-Gen Web3 Neobank for Seamless Crypto Payments!

We're thrilled to introduce you to, our innovative platform serving as a Digital Infrastructure for Crypto Payments (DICP) and a Web3 Neobank, all powered by the cutting-edge technology of EntyLabs. Our mission is to simplify and enhance the way you interact with cryptocurrencies:
Our whitepaper details the exciting features and technical foundations of We invite you to read through it and discover how we plan to revolutionize crypto payments and digital banking.
In addition, we're kicking off the presale of our project tokens. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved early and support the development of a truly groundbreaking platform. Your participation and feedback are highly appreciated.
submitted by fabulouslasvegasesco to Crypto_Talkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:15 GrafaCharts Bitso revolutionises Latin America with Web3 digital wallet launch #News #BlockChain #Blockchain #Web3 #Grafa

Bitso revolutionises Latin America with Web3 digital wallet launch #News #BlockChain #Blockchain #Web3 #Grafa submitted by GrafaCharts to grafa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 Guerrero_de_Tronos In positive news for cryptocurrency holders, SafePal announced an upcoming integration with BounceBit.

In positive news for cryptocurrency holders, SafePal announced an upcoming integration with BounceBit. This exciting development allows SafePal users to not only store BounceBit assets securely on their hardware, software and extension wallets, but also explore the native BTC recovery chain, potentially opening up new earning opportunities for their cryptocurrency holdings. . This integration perfectly aligns with SafePal's mission to provide a secure, easy-to-use platform to manage and grow crypto wealth. A group of Ethereum developers, including Vitalik Buterin, proposed EIP-7702, a new transaction type, to improve the functionality and security of the Ethereum cryptocurrency. This approach offers benefits such as batch processing of transactions, sponsorship of payments from others, and enhanced security through temporary smart contract functionality for regular accounts, all without compromising future support for even more advanced account security.
submitted by Guerrero_de_Tronos to btc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:10 BikingExpert Guide to Essential Mountain Biking Accessories Beyond the Bike Itself

You've got your sweet mountain bike all set up and ready to hit the trails. But before you go shredding those epic singletrack loops, there are a few key accessories you'll want to have on hand. Proper gear can make the difference between a fun ride and a total bummer of a day. So let's dive into the must-have items to round out your mountain biking kit.

Hydration Pack

Staying hydrated is crucial when you're putting in long hours on the trails. A hydration pack is a backpack designed specifically for mountain bikers and hikers. It has a built-in reservoir that holds water and a drinking tube so you can sip on the go. Most packs hold around 2-3 liters of water, which should get you through a solid 2-3 hour ride. The pack itself has room for snacks, an extra layer, and other gear. CamelBak is one of the biggest names in hydration packs.


Unless you want to get stranded trailside with a broken chain or stuck seat post, you'll need a good multi-tool. These compact tools have all the essentials like allen wrenches, screwdrivers, and sometimes even a chain tool. Throw it in your pack and you'll be able to handle basic trailside repairs and adjustments. Brands like Topeak, Crank Brothers, and Park Tool make great options.


Flats happen to everyone eventually. You'll want to make sure you have either a frame-mounted pump or a pump that fits in your pack. CO2 inflators are another solid option if you want to skip the elbow grease. Quality pumps from companies like Lezyne, Topeak, and Blackburn should get you rolling again without too much of a struggle.

Spare Tube

Having that fresh tube is only half the battle though - you'll also need to pack a spare tube along with tire levers to swap it out when you get that dreaded hiss. Ensure you have the right size and width for your tires. Some riders also stash a spare tubeless valve stem in case theirs gets damaged or gummed up.

Multi-Tool & Tire Plug Kit

For a much quicker flat fix, pick up a plug kit that lets you jam a sticky reusable plug into the hole and get back riding lickety-split. The plugs work decently for smaller punctures in the tread area until you can get a more permanent repair.

First Aid Kit

Mountain biking's not exactly a dangerous sport, but you're still cruising over rough terrain at high speeds. It's smart to have a basic first aid kit with bandages, antiseptic wipes, etc in case you take a spill and need to patch yourself up. Pre-assembled kits from brands like Adventure Medical Kits are a convenient solution.


Speaking of crashes - elbow and knee pads can be smart armor additions if you tend to push it a little too hard on the gnarly stuff. You can even find trail-certified helmets with extra coverage around the back of the head.


Don't underestimate how much energy you'll burn shredding the gnar for hours on end. Trail snacks are essential to stay fueled and powered up. Energy bars, gels, chews, nuts, and jerky are all great compact options to stuff in your pack.


If your rides tend to stretch into the evening hours, having a good lighting system is pretty key for seeing the trail and being visible to others. Most riders opt for a headlamp and a handlebar-mounted light. Just be sure to pack spare batteries!
There are plenty more optional accessories out there from trail tools to frame bags to spare gear and more. But those key items should cover your bases and ensure you're prepped for whatever the mountain throws your way. Stay safe, have fun, and get out there!
submitted by BikingExpert to TrailRiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:07 Jonny511 How do I swap USDT TRN20 to a coin I can exchange on Coinbase?

I was recently sent $83 in USDT trn20 to a Trustwallet account I made. I mainly use metamask as my wallet. The issue I have is I have no idea how to convert, move, or swap this USDT trn20 into a coin I work with nor how to move it to Metamask. Does anyone know the process to convert this to something on ETH chain, or into some coin I can actually use for transactions and gas fees? If there is a way to convert it to coin I can use on the Coinbase exchange that could also work.
To add to this I tried using MoonPay and also Binance but they will not work in my State so they are not options I can use. I also tried Coinbase but it seems like that exchange does not work with trc20 either. I'm not sure of any other exchanges I could try.
submitted by Jonny511 to CryptoHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:06 Jonny511 How do I swap USDT TRN20 to a coin I can exchange on Coinbase?

I was recently sent $83 in USDT trn20 to a Trustwallet account I made. I mainly use metamask as my wallet. The issue I have is I have no idea how to convert, move, or swap this USDT trn20 into a coin I work with nor how to move it to Metamask. Does anyone know the process to convert this to something on ETH chain, or into some coin I can actually use for transactions and gas fees? If there is a way to convert it to coin I can use on the Coinbase exchange that could also work.
To add to this I tried using MoonPay and also Binance but they will not work in my State so they are not options I can use. I also tried Coinbase but it seems like that exchange does not work with trc20 either. I'm not sure of any other exchanges I could try.
submitted by Jonny511 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:41 millennialzoomer96 Experience with BTC at Saturday Sat Market

I posted my experience as a comment in another post but I feel like it deserves it's own.
There was an event in November or December in Calgary, Alberta, Canada called the Saturday Sat market. I went with my dad. At the time, I was just beginning to have doubts of BTC after about 8 months of being a maxi. My doubts were a result of Peter McCormack's recurring question on his podcast, "Can you truly be self-sovereign without owning a UTXO?"
When I was at the event, the fees on the main chain were something like $50 CAD. In order to fund my lightning wallet, I had to buy liquid BTC from an exchange (Bull Bitcoin), and swap it into lightning. Annoying for me but I could manage.
Once I went to buy items from vendors, I found some people were either using Wallet of Satoshi without realizing the custodial nature of it or other non-custodial lightning wallets. One vendor that used Phoenix Wallet, ended up paying the $50 to fund his lightning wallet. When someone would try to pay him, his channel would overflow (as far as I understand) leading to more payments just to RECEIVE a lightning payment. I believe he ended up using Wallet of Satoshi for the remainder of the event. It's too bad, because he was trying to do the right thing by using the non-custodial service.
When I went to buy my first hardware wallet at the same event, I used Phoenix Wallet to try to pay. Some error occurred that was along the lines of not being able to find a derivation path. The vendor had to receive the payment using Muun Wallet after it didn't work with his lightning wallet (not sure which).
I met BTC Sessions there and asked him about his thoughts on not everyone being able to own a UTXO in the future. He gave me an answer involving fediments and covenants which I still don't fully understand. I smiled like it was enough to not make me worry but in reality, I still felt that BTC wasn't the perfect money that I was preaching it to be.
All these work-arounds to avoid using layer one are complicated and really not that efficient. Lightning requires on-chain payments which are bound to get more expensive over time. Liquid is a side chain that requires trust in those who run it. Anything beyond those methods is getting too complicated for me to want to use. I'm not a person who has a great understanding of everything bitcoin, but I do know more than the average person. With that in mind, the average person is not going to want to use these complicated methods to transact.
submitted by millennialzoomer96 to btc [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 falk_lhoste The truth about airdrops based on my (limited) experience.

Hey guys
I just wanted to make a small post about airdrops based on my own experience the last couple of weeks/months. There are other users way more experienced on the topic who might add to this with informative comments. Some things I would consider worth knowing:
1) There is no such thing as totally free & gifted money (except from your grandpa as a child). The projects doing airdrops get something back for their money and it works this way: By incentivizing users to use their project, the chain or dapp has more daily active users (DAUs) and can push their metrics which serves them well when searching for additional funding (mostly from VCs) and they earn through the network effects, user growth and fees.
2) There is no entitlement to earn anything when farming airdrops. Some people get mad at protocols because they don't send them $3k for a couple of transactions made, but the truth is that you aren't entitled to receive anything. It's mostly speculating on a future airdrop and doing your best hoping for a favorable outcome.
3) The space is pretty overcrowded right now and it isn't as easy anymore as it was. Protocols are using the " multiple season approach" to get the most out of their drops and huge drops like Wormhole and Arbitrum are exceptions.
4) You should try to look where others aren't as active. The most shilled airdrop on earth is the most overfarmed as well.
5) The Security risk shouldn't be neglected. I do airdrop farming on a totally separate wallet, bookmark all URLs directly from verified Twitter accounts and I'm super paranoid which is a good thing. Never use your main wallet for airdrop hunting.
Let me know what should be added.
submitted by falk_lhoste to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:40 HiddenMentality New wallet can't receive funds?!

Hi all,
I just created a new wallet and i'm having trouble receiving funds... When i attempt to send bnb from my metamask to trust, i get a json error or a message saying "Transaction error: approval request with id '[X]' not found". I am on the binance chain in my metamask and I have disabled all other networks besides bnb in my trust wallet. I still cannot get the transaction to go through- do you have to verify your wallet before use or something...?
submitted by HiddenMentality to trustwalletcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:30 Crypto-4-Freedom A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Rabby Wallet

A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Rabby Wallet
Why Use Rabby Wallet?
Rabby Wallet offers users a smooth multi-chain experience for DeFi that automatically selects the chain for a dApp, saving users from the hassle of manually switching between chains. Rabby Wallet also prioritizes security, with security features such as transaction previews, risk scanning, and security alerts.
Really guys, look into this!
Rabby wallet is waaay better than MetaMask.
submitted by Crypto-4-Freedom to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:08 Koreszka07 First Radix NFT App Featured in Apple AppStore! 🍎

We're super excited to tell you that NFTWars is now available in the Official Apple AppStore! This is the first Radix-based NFT app to be available on Apple's platform, a step ahead even before the integration of Radix Wallet's mobile app connection.
Apple is known for its thorough review process, ensuring that only apps meeting high standards of quality and safety are available in the AppStore. Continuous reviews by Apple mean that we regularly update NFTWars to stay compliant with these high standards, ensuring the app is reliable and secure for our users. Everyone can feel secure knowing that the app meets the standards of the most demanding app store in the world.
Boosting Radix Visibility and Adoption
Being there is a significant achievement for an NFT app. Many Web3 games, even with market caps well over hundreds of millions of dollars, fail this. The AppStore is a place where users can safely experience the Radix ecosystem. The game also offers the opportunity for people who do not yet own a Radix NFT to play. This way, they can learn about the ecosystem without having to invest upfront. With the right education, they can become potential holders.
But to attract users from other chains or even people who rarely or don't use blockchain technology, we need your help:
Join Our Alpha Testing!
Our alpha tests have just begun, and your feedback is crucial. This phase is focused on refining the Radix sign-in process and enhancing gameplay.
Head over to to learn more and join. Keep in mind, that it is still an MVP (Minimum Viable Product); your feedback will significantly shape its development and improve the final user experience.
Any positive or negative feedback is much appreciated! 💙
submitted by Koreszka07 to Radix [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:44 MathematicianFew335 Does Electra Protocol supports Rosetta API?

Does Electra Protocol supports Rosetta API?
  • Yes👽
  • Rosetta API is a game-changer in the blockchain world! 🌟 It's an open standard designed to simplify blockchain deployment and interaction, offering a common interface for communicating with various types of blockchains.
  • Each blockchain has its own way of doing things signing transactions, querying balances, you name it. That's where Rosetta comes in. It streamlines the process, making it easier for wallets, exchanges, and developers to interact with multiple blockchains effortlessly.
  • 🔍 Key Features:
  • ✅ Simplifies blockchain deployment and interaction
  • ✅ Provides a common interface for different blockchains
  • ✅ Makes it easier for wallets and exchanges to integrate with various blockchain technologies
  • By integrating the Rosetta API into the software development kit (SDK) of a blockchain, exchanges can easily list each respective cryptocurrency coin and its additional smart contract tokens. Wallets and other services also benefit from seamless interaction with chains supporting Rosetta.
  • Ready to simplify your blockchain experience? Don't delay and join XEP with Rosetta support today! 💫
  • #RosettaAPI #BlockchainIntegration #Innovation
submitted by MathematicianFew335 to ElectraProtocol [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:14 miwubai What has trust in Mr. Sun got to do with TRX as real world use case?

TRX as gas for transferring USD over the last year has been the LEAST volatile. Simply as holding it makes for free transactions of stable value which is what everyone who wants to use crypto for transactions wants.
I don't understand why people keep using Justin Sun as a argument for buying/holding or not holding TRX... 5 years ago when i first moved some funds between exchanges i chose Tron for it's low withdrawal fee, and for another 3 years i never learned any more about tron then that in the past it was volatile, and now it's the least volatile. Gues why? only reason can be because the real world use case has gotten stronger. While BTC ETH BNB and the likes sunk 60-85% trx sunk only 15%. Bitcoins usecase was to send money around cheaply, and store of value, but now value is being drained first by futures on BTC (making profit while BTC goes down) and now by by ETF (making profits while going sideways). You really think you can trade against Binance using supercomputers, AI behavioural modelling you as a trader and win??? the only way in the past was to be safe in a offline wallet (not so much for security, but to make the AI think you are dead wallet and maybe lost your keys) for like years to then show up alive. Now the only way is to run to the hills (oh wait there are no hills!) from anything volatile. There is a need for one currency impervious to printing but stable enough to not rug you, but since we pay most our actual products in USD or EUR and that is not going to change, the safest is to stay in USD (actually hold YUAN as a currency, since most products made in China, and USD pegged to the YUAN, so as difficult to hold YUAN, just hold USD.) I'm not sure what % Justin holds of tron, but i beleive he got 'out' of the project, and even if he did not, my point is i buy Tron because of it's use case, and not because i like or not like mr Sun. Same here for Doge and mr. Musk, or ETH and mr. Buterin (it's the crypto to hold to send USDT around for free), or BNB and Mr. Zhao. Trust got more to do with it. We trust BTC because Mr. Satoshi is dead, Doge because Mr. Musk owns a lot and he probably has the best AI in the world help him trade against all other crypto (making it SUPER VOLATILE THOUGH!) We trust BNB because it's deflationary and in the past could be used to get discount paying for trading fees (why not anymore?) We trust ETH because we trust Buterin religion-like 'never sell' attitude. and because people pay shitloads in transaction fees and we want in on that profit but no-one wants to pay high transaction fees unless you are rugging someone else..
Well i trust TRX because of all cryptocurrency it's the onle with lowest transaction fees (when staking TRX) and lowest volatility (if sending USDT over tron), therefore filling in the best use case.
use case of crypto as 'investment', paying something and asking the next person to pay twice what you paid for the same thing later (waiting for 'the price to go up') is instead a big PONZI SCHEME! because yes, even if there is a lot of printing of USD going on, it's not 10x 20x or 100x within a year,like you dream of making. and it's printed by people who used to stash this free money into BTC, (tether) and THAT IS WHY bitcoin value rose 60.000 times, NOT because of so many people having 'use' of bitcoin for making payments! I'm absolutely sure 90% of people LOST money in bitcoin, and i am still amazed at the gullability in which people are led to beleive that it would be easy to buy BTC from an exchange (who holds a BIG bag of it) and expect that just magically after a few month or years the SAME EXCHANGE would suddenly be willing to you back double what you paid them for the same amount of BTC... just THINK: where do they get the extra cash? do exchanges have USD printers in their basement?? NO! if you DO make a profit, it is because they first tank the price of BTC after you buy it, and when enough people sold at a loss (and thus profit for the exchange as they buy back cheaper) if you make any moneny at all, it's from what other people LOST! IE: classic definiztion of a ponzi: so called profit's of people who come in at a later point are in fact losses of people had earlier on combined with and paid by people who want to get in later on for more. actual value not created.
unless you have your personal AI fed with all public blockchaindata and massive amounts of in-app userdata from exchange apps etc i give you 95-99% chance of losing when trading crypto, and the more you trade, the better profile of your behaviour the AI makes on you and eventually... you lose!
Think of it this way: if we look at all crypto and all FIAT: even if crypto could not be printed and was 'fixed' in supply as we dream BTC is (but alas even BTC is printed now that more WBTC tokens of it are created on ETH then are existent as reserves, and of course by mr. Sun on tron... crypto in general IS being printed like crazy and daily hundreds new cryptocurrencies with billions of coins are made!): As long as you pay your petrol, your groceries in USD, and you wish to CASH OUT crypto into USD at the END: It's simply impossible if everyone hold BTC and let's say the price goies 100x to get MORE USD out then there goes into crypto. unless USD are printed 100x! Ok, there IS USD inflation, true but NOT 100x in a year, more like 6-9% a year. if you 'earn' more then that out of crypto you are earning over other people's losses, because those USD have not been printed! and when you do earn that percentage: the dollars which are left are now in the hands of the people wro printed it, and a fair amount in your hands, and much is lost by poor people who got into crypto hoping to get some gains but only to lose out. Winners are tether, US gov. etc. printing away. getting into crypto only takes away power from national goverment toward globalist rich people like SBF, who have even LESS morals then goverments (who are held accountable) are. And don't forget as soon as quantum computing kicks in all crypto is deemed wothless. the only reason crypto is popular because o many people like the fact it is difficult to be conficated by the legal sustem.
For me the only right way to invest is to go long on something that obviously has real world value.
Last months Tron has proven least volatile, and steady to go up, even if i was holding a big bag, now that can only mean one thing: a real world use case.
of course mr Sun is fishy for 'printing' BTC, but he is building on credibility for Tron as transaction layer... also Binance printed more WBTC on etherium and Binance chain then there are BTC in storage by Binance. and Tether printed more USD then they had in reserve, as long as they earned it back from manipulating prices on their exchange so people losing USD on Bitcoin on exchanges made BTC price rise, and tether backing hold steady, so now your tether holds strong because they invested in BTC as a ponzi/stay out of paying taxes scheme.
Actually I was always distrustful of Tron, but one day had a feeling thebig G. whispered to me to put my faith in tron. and so i even did the unthinkable: to send some real btc to mr. sun's echange and put my faith into 'fake' BTC on tron (no transaction fee!). why? because fake things are only as fake as people beleive it to be, if people beleive it's real, it becomes real. plus because i want to support BTC be able to go higher, and holding some real coins will make that heavy and difficult, so owning some rubbish fake copies of BTC will make mr Sun's exchange help me get BTC price up. but yes, i know... i take some risk there because if there's a bankrun away from BTC towards USD, mr' Sun's exchanges could suddenly not accept their BTC on tron anymore. But until now when i look at BTC on tron it follows close enough follow BTC price, only time and as long BTC trades sideways or down, should be no problem and makes my BTC to TRX swaps free with the energy i got from tron staking.
However big WBTC or stETH are, when push comes to shovel the VALUE in USD of stETH could depeg from ETH in calamity events, because you need weeks to get your ETH back.
even if BTC and sTRX obviously seem to have been made to depeg easily in case of a 'problem', that does not neccessarily mean bad intent, if used to protect oneself or one's currency from big players. because people in control of freely printed USDT, can use the fact that the money came for free, to pump up any crypto they put their eyes on, and 'rug' the currency (especially if a competitor!) by selling, having no losses as the USD came printed for free in the fisrt place. So in a system where all value of crypto is fake, it's just a matter of who fakes best and be credible to most, and as a result can rug anyone else and if enough people keep beleiving (and having no choice as the winner is the only one left standing without defaulting).. so the lie becomes the truth.
When the price of BTC is pumped up with 'fake' printed USDT, so does the value of Bitcoin itself become largely fake, as a result the insane dips after normal people step in and buy, with as result losing upto 80% of one's investment, while sinking 85% should not be possible if only normal money by normal people was used to buy bitcoin.
Because Tron is so obviously 'fake', and possibly can be rugged by Mr Sun, as a result the nr1 fake currency did not dare pump it too much? anyway Tron is obviously more volatile then other currencies lately (add some screenshots..)
interested to know one's thought, am i way off?
submitted by miwubai to Tronix [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:28 Mental_Temperature_2 Do you think this defi project can bring crypto to the masses on telegram?

Well I guess most of you use Telegram , since it is a popular platform, but its built-in wallet is limited to three assets and requires KYC, so it sucks not having lots of things into that. so I was looking at this project today, iMe Lab, surprisingly they have built a new app on the Telegram API that has more advanced wallet than default wallet.
With that, you can transfer any supported asset across 8+ chains, including BNB, the default chain for their native LIME token. It's essentially Telegram with a full-fledged wallet, allowing you to send crypto to anyone who also has the app. Since it's built on the Telegram API, your privacy remains intact.
Their DeFi tools are pretty cool too – they even have Uniswap integration for swapping tokens, and Binance is part of their ecosystem. Their own LIME token is used for premium features, governance, and gas fees. The token is listed on major exchanges, gate Io, uniswap, and Bitget being latest addition today along with their candy bomb airdrop event. And this is like a fairly new project to me.
This is the first time I've seen this kind of integration on Telegram. I love the idea of having seamless access to full crypto tools within a familiar messaging app.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by Mental_Temperature_2 to AltcoinAdvisor [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:17 Herewithnopurpose Legit check

Legit check
I recently just got this wallet + chain from Grailed for ~$3800 USD (seller dsteiman with 47, 5 star reviews). This is my first ever chrome purchase on Grailed, so looking for insight if the item is fake or real.. wallet looks alright but it's the chain im worried about.. If y'all are able too help legit check it that'll be awesome!!! And tell me the following steps to get my money back on Grailed lol. Thank You
submitted by Herewithnopurpose to chromeheartlc [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:27 importmonopoly [FS][USA] FLASH SALE PRICES REDUCED 925 Silver Chrome Hearts Jewelry (Cuban Link Chains, Bracelets, Wallet Chains, Pendants & More)

Paypal Invoice Only- Free Shipping CONUS
If interested, please send me a PM to purchase!
Prices are as listed below in the tagged photos
All Items are made from 925 Silver
Image 1: Cuban Links
All chains in this picture are 22 inches
Cuban Link with Accents - $50
Cuban Link- $50
Large Paperlink Chain-$50
Image 2: Wallet Chains
All Wallet Chains are $50 each
Image 3: Bracelets
Plain Cuban Link Bracelet - $40
Cuban Link Bracelet with Motiffs- $40
Plain Cuban Link with Flower on Buckle -$40
Dice Bracelet- $40
Mini Cross Bracelet- $40
Paperlink Bracelet - $30
Image 4:
Mini Cross Necklace- $40
Paperlink Necklace - $30
Paperlink Necklace with Dagger or Mini Cross Pendant- $40
Dagger Pendant (comes with bead chain)- $30
Mini Cross Pendant (comes with bead chain) -$35
Image 5:
Big Boy Cuban Link- $60
Image 6 & 7
Dagger Bangle Bracelet (adjustable) - $35
submitted by importmonopoly to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:14 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 124 offenders executed by the state of Oklahoma since the 1970s (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1-62]

This is the list that I wrote for Oklahoma's execution roster since the nationwide reinstatement of capital punishment in the late 1970s. Something that should be mentioned is that given the nature of many death penalty related crimes, many of the descriptions contain very disturbing details. Please read at your own risk.
Florida's list is next, and I'll post my list for Texas once I've completed it. With Texas, I've currently finished 464 entries out of the 587 cases to date. That will probably take 7 or 8 posts for it all to be released, so I'll probably do two posts a day with Texas to avoid spamming the sub. At the end of this year, I'll repost the states that have conducted further executions with the updated information.
As with Missouri and Virginia, Reddit's maximum character count limitations forced me to divide Oklahoma's list into two separate parts. Here is the link to part 2.
The currently 124 executed offenders, cases 1 to 62:
1. Charles Coleman (~1950s-1990, lethal injection): A month after he was released on parole in 1979, Coleman broke into a house. While sacking it for any valuables, the homeowner’s brother and sister in law, 68 year old John and 62 year old Roxie Seward, walked in on him and were both shot dead. Coleman stole Roxie’s purse, several packets of frozen meat, and the homeowner’s watch during the burglary, and was arrested shortly afterwards. However, Coleman managed to escape custody, and went on a rampage that involved several burglaries, auto thefts, slitting the throat of a policeman in a failed murder attempt, the shooting death of 49 year old Russell Lewis Jr. in a carjacking, and the abduction of a deputy. The kidnapped deputy was rescued following an armed standoff with other police officers. Coleman had an extensive history of animal cruelty, armed robberies, assaults, and carrying concealed weapons convictions dating back to when he was 11 years old. He was also heavily suspected in the murder of his teenage girlfriend’s father, but was acquitted by the courts despite the prosecution’s strong belief in his guilt.
2. Robyn Parks (1977-1992, lethal injection): During a gas station robbery, Parks shot and killed Abdullah Ibrahim, a 24 year old Bangladeshi immigrant that worked as the attendant. According to Parks, he murdered Ibrahim for catching him using a stolen credit card.
3. Olan Randle (1980-1992, lethal injection): Randle invaded a home and shot the occupants, 41 year old Robert Swinford, Sinford's fiance 42 year old Averil Bourque, and Bourque's friend 38 year old Julia Lovejoy, dead. He took a pocket knife and several watches from the victims.
4. Thomas Grasso (~1970s(?)-1995, lethal injection): While living in Oklahoma, Grasso strangled 87 year old Hilda Johnson, the best friend of his girlfriend's grandmother, to death with her Christmas lights. He took $8 from her purse, several coins that added up to $4, and a television set that he sold for $125. Grasso then moved to New York, and strangled 81 year old Leslie Holtz for his social security check. The trialing arrangements caused some controversy, as the New York governors at the time were anti death penalty, and tried to prevent Grasso's extradition in favor of giving him a life sentence in their jurisdiction. Grasso had several previous convictions for theft and was fired multiple times for stealing from his jobs.
5. Roger Stafford (~1974(?)-1995, lethal injection): Stafford was condemned for killing at least 9 people in two separate robbery incidents with his brother and ex wife, though his ex wife claimed that he was involved with as many as 34 murders nationwide. The first convicted incident was when he and the ex wife carjacked and fatally shot a couple, 38 year old Melvin and 31 year old Linda Lorenz, and their son, 12 year old Richard. A few weeks after the Lorenz murders, Stafford stormed a restaurant and gunned down 6 employees, 56 year old Isaac Freeman, 43 year old Louis Zacarias, 17 year old Anthony Tew, 17 year old David Lindsey, 16 year old David Salsman, and 15 year old Terri Horst. One of Stafford's additional attributed victims was 20 year old Jimmy Berry, who was killed in the hold up of an Alabaman McDonalds, but he wasn't charged by the state due to his death sentences in Oklahoma.
6. Robert Brecheen (1983-1995, lethal injection): Breechen was involved in a feud over money with 59 year old Mary Stubbs and her husband. In an attempt to take what he perceived was owed to him, Breechen carried out a night time burglary of their home. While rummaging through the house, Breechen stumbled upon old Marie in her living room and shot her to death. The gunshots and screams awoke her husband, and he chased him away with his own gun.
7. Benjamin Brewer (1978-1996, lethal injection): Brewer raped his neighbor, 20 year old Karen Stapleton, in her home and stabbed her to death
8. Steven Hatch (1979-1996, lethal injection): Hatch and another assailant, Glen Ake, forced themselves inside the home that Richard Dougass, a 43 year old reverend, shared with his wife, 36 year old Marilyn, and their two children, 16 year old Brooks and 12 year old Lesile. The pair tied up the family and raped Lesile in front of her parents and brother. All four family members were shot, and Hatch and Ake ran off with $43 and the parents’ wedding rings. Richard and Marilyn were both killed in the shootings, while their children survived the attack. Ake was also initially condemned for the attack, but his sentence was overturned and resentenced to life following mental health concerns, and passed away from undisclosed natural causes in 2011.
9. Scott Carpenter (1994-1997, lethal injection): In a convenience store robbery, Carpenter stabbed the owner, 56 year old A. J. Kelley, in the neck, and hid the body in the minnow room. He filled his truck with $37 worth of gas from the pumps and drove away from the scene. His execution caused some controversy, as it was reported that Carpenter gasped and spasmed for 11 minutes after being injected.
10. Michael Long (1997-1998, lethal injection): Enraged that his coworker, 24 year old Sheryl Graber, refused him sex and started screaming for help, he stabbed her over 31 times. Long also shot and killed her son, 5 year old Andrew, for being a witness.
11. Stephen Wood (1992-1998, lethal injection): While heavily intoxicated, Wood stabbed two other homeless men, 46 year old Charles Stephen and 34 year old Charles Von Johnson, dozens of times each. He was given a life sentence for both of their murders. During his incarceration, Robert Brigden, a 59 year old former minister that was serving a 40 year sentence for molesting several girls between the ages of 4-14 in his congregation, moved into his unit after refusing to go into protective custody. Woods killed Brigden in a stabbing attack, and his sentence was escalated to death by the courts for it.
12. Tuan Anh Nguyen (~1982-1998, lethal injection): By all accounts, Nguyen was jealously possessive over his wife, 21 year old Donna. During one of their arguments over his behavior, he stabbed Donna, her 6 year old nephew Joseph White, and her 3 year old niece Amanda White, in their home and left the bodies to be found by the children’s parents. He fled to Arizona, groomed a 14 year old girl into an illicit “relationship”, and impregnated her. After he convinced her to move in with him, Nguyen physically and sexually abused the girl until she fled and went to the local police for help. Nguyen was then deported back to Oklahoma to face trial for Donna and the White children’s slayings, and was sentenced to death for them.
13. John Duvall (1986-1998, lethal injection): During a fight with his wife, 30 year old Donna, Duvall stabbed and suffocated her to death with a pillow.
14. John Castro Sr. (1983-1999, lethal injection): Castro carjacked Beulah Cox, a 31 year old Oklahoma State University student, after she picked him up hitchhiking and shot her to death. A few months later, Castro held up a restaurant with an empty pistol, and attacked the manger, 29 year old Rhonda Pappan, after forcing her to open the register. During their struggle, Pappan was fatally stabbed, and he took off with her purse. During his mid teens, Castro was allegedly molested by his mother. Castro's attorneys made the argument that his glimpses of Cox's buttocks reminded him of his mother's reported abuse, and he was triggered into attacking her for it.
15. Sean Sellers (1985-1999, lethal injection): In 1985, a then 15 year old Sellers tried to buy beer from a convenience store, but the clerk, 32 year old Robert Bower, denied him due to being underaged at the time. Sellers gunned him down in a fit of rage. A year later, Sellers shot and killed his mother, 32 year old Vonda Bellofatto, and stepfather, 43 year old Paul, in their sleep. Due to being 16 at the time of his conviction, Sellers remains the youngest condemned offender to have his sentence carried out in the post Furman era. He also attracted national media attention for claiming that his crimes were the result of demonic possession.
16. Scotty Moore (1983-1999, lethal injection): Moore was fired from a motel for undisclosed reasons. In retaliation, Moore and a cousin (whom he was dating at the time), assaulted the motel, and gunned down the desk clerk, 42 year old Alex Fernandez. According to court documents, the pair took a total of $97 in the robbery.
17. Norman Newsted (1984-1999, lethal injection): Newsted tricked Lawrence Buckley, a 26 year old cab driver, into picking him up. He shot Buckley dead and took his wallet. In an attempt to cover his tracks, Newsted placed the body inside the cab, and drove it into a creek near a local church. Despite his best efforts, Buckley’s cab and remains were discovered a day later by the church’s pastor.
18. Cornel Cooks (1982-1999, lethal injection): Cooks and his accomplice broke into the home of 87 year old Jennie Ridling. She was gagged, raped, and suffocated to death with gauze wrappings. According to autopsy reports, the pair abused her for over 2 hours. They then sacked the house for any valuables and left with her checkbook.
19. Bobby Ross (1983-1999, lethal injection): While robbing an inn, Ross fatally shot a police officer, 30 year old Steve Mahan, that tried to intervene.
20. Malcolm Johnson (~1970s(?)-2000, lethal injection): Johnson invaded the apartment of 76 year old Ura Thompson and sexually assaulted her. Thompson either died from having her chest compounded during the abuse or was suffocated by Johnson’s hands covering her nose. He seized several possessions such as furs, typewriters, purse, watch, rings, and a hand mirror, which were discovered by police in his residence during an unrelated investigation of a firearms possession charge. Johnson had an extensive criminal history, which included several convictions of rape, armed robberies, and burglaries. The case attracted controversy when it was discovered that the lead chemist in the investigation misconducted several of her other cases, and forged some of the evidence used in the trial. Despite the other overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Johnson’s supporters took the opportunity to push a narrative of his innocence.
21. Gary Walker (~1960s-2000, lethal injection): Walker abducted, raped, and murdered at least 5 women, 36 year old Margaret Lydick, 35 year old Jane Hilburn, 32 year old Janet Jewell, 25 year old Valerie Shaw-Hartzell, and 24 year old DeRonda Roy, and non fatally assaulted several other women and teenage girls. The victims were mostly strangled to death with their bras and panties. Some of them were forced to withdraw hundreds of dollars from ATMs before they were killed. He also strangled a man, 63 year old Eddie Cash, with an electrical cord while robbing his home. Walker had dozens of previous convictions for burglary, carjacking, drug possession, and carrying concealed weapons. Some of his earliest arrests occurred when he was a teenager.
22. Michael Roberts (~1988-2000, lethal injection): A career burglar, Roberts was condemned for murder of 80 year old Lula Brooks. She was raped and her throat was slit by an intruder in her home. Roberts' death sentence and execution has been contested, as he was convicted on his later recounted testimony alone. He claimed that the investigators tricked him into confessing with the promise of a plea deal that was allegedly withheld from him.
23. Kelly Rogers (1990-2000, lethal injection): Rogers’ girlfriend lured 21 year old Karen Lauffenburger into her apartment with a fake pizza order. They accosted her when she arrived with the delivery. After the couple forced Lauffenburger to hand to over the $40 she earned from the night's pizza deliveries and withdraw $175 from an ATM, Rogers raped and stabbed her to death. The body was left in Lauffenburger’s apartment and was found by her boyfriend.
24. Ronald Boyd (1986-2000, lethal injection): During a robbery spree of several gas stations and supermarkets, Boyd engaged in a shootout with the responding officers. A Master Patrolman, 32 year old Richard Riggs, was killed in the exchange.
25. Charles Foster (~1980s(?)-2000, lethal injection): Foster suspected a grocery store owner, 74 year old Claude Wiley, of making sexual advances at his wife. He arranged for her to entice Wiley to their home with an order. When he arrived with the delivery, Foster stabbed and bludgeoned him to death with a baseball bat. He a history of convictions involving threats and violence, though my sources didn’t disclose any specific details.
26. James Robedeaux (1978-2000, lethal injection): In 1978, Robedeaux strangled his first wife, 30 year old Linda, and plead guilty to a second degree murder charges. He was released after serving 6 out of a 25 year sentence despite an escape attempt. In the following year, he began a relationship with 37 year old Nancy McKinney while he married a different woman. During an argument, Robedeaux beat McKinney to death, dismembered her body with a saw and machete, and scattered the remains across the state. While being investigated for McKinney's murder, he was arrested for choking and beating his estranged second wife. The cases were incidental and kept separate by the courts.
27. Roger Berget (~1985-2000, lethal injection): Berget carjacked and abducted 33 year old Rick Patterson with an accomplice, and shot him dead. He also admitted to the beating death of a roommate, 40 year old James Meadows, on the behalf of the man's wife. As a trivial side note, Berget's brother Rodney was executed in 2018 by the state of South Dakota for killing a prison guard [for more information, please see Rodney Berget's entry under the South Dakota section of my states with less then 10 executions post].
28. William Bryson (1988-2000, lethal injection): To collect a $300,000 life insurance policy, Marilyn Plantz recruited her boyfriend Byrson and his friend to kill her husband, 33 year old James. Byrson and his friend ambushed Plantz in his house as he was coming home from work and beat him to death with a baseball bat. With the intentions of staging an accident, Marilyn ordered the pair to burn the body in the couple's pickup truck.
29. Gregg Braun (1989-2000, lethal injection): Across several states, Braun shot and killed 4 women, 48 year old Geraldine Valdez, 31 year old Gwendolyn Miller, 28 year old Mary Rains, 27 year old Barbara Kochendorfer, and one man, 54 year old Pete Spurrier, while robbing stores.
30. George Wallace (~1970s-2000, lethal injection): Known as "the Mad Paddler" due to his habit of spanking abducted preteen and teenage boys with a wooden paddle, Wallace kidnapped his victims by posing as a police officer. After duping his targets into thinking that they were being arrested, Wallace restrained them with handcuffs and leg chains. The captives were then sexually abused and shot or stabbed to death. His crimes were exposed when an 18 year old man he abducted escaped from him despite being shot and stabbed numerous times. By his own admission, Wallace murdered 18 year old Thomas Reed, 15 year old William Domer, 14 year old Mark McLaughlin, 14 year old Jeffrey Foster, and 12 year old Alonzo Cade.
31. Eddie Trice (1987-2001, lethal injection): Trice snuck into the home of 84 year old Ernestine Jones and raped her. After he beat Jones to death with numbchucks, he terrorized and extorted her cognitively disabled son of $500 with threats of killing him if he told anyone of the murder. The son was also assaulted with a hammer, and he received injuries to his right eye, right cheekbone, and his right forearm.
32. Wanda Allen (~1981-2001, lethal injection): In 1981, Allen got into a fight with her live in girlfriend, 21 year old Dedra Pettus, and shot her dead. Despite giving a bungled story about her being accidentally killed in a shootout with Pettus’ ex boyfriend to the investigators, Allen managed to secure a 4 year sentence for manslaughter after pleading guilty to a plea deal, and was released after serving two years. While incarcerated, she started dating a fellow inmate, 29 year old Gloria Leathers, and continued their relationship outside of prison. The couple’s relationship was marred with extreme domestic violence on Allen’s end. In one incident, Allen struck Leathers with a rake. In 1989, while they were arguing in front of a shopping center, Allen shot and killed Leathers. Leathers herself also had history of violence, and had a conviction for stabbing a woman to death. Allen and her defense team tried to use Leathers’ previous convictions to make a self defense argument, but that was shot down by the courts.
33. Floyd Medlock (1990-2001, lethal injection): 7 year old Katherine Busch went to visit her family's old apartment, which Medlock was residing in, by herself. Busch knocked on the door and Medlock let her inside after she begged for food. He then choked and sexually assaulted the girl, dunked her head in a toilet bowl, and stabbed her to death. The body was hidden in a nearby dumpster. Busch's grandmothers were staunch pro capital punishment and anti death penalty activists respectively, and their public feud over Medlock's sentence and execution attracted some media attention. Medlock also had an extensive criminal history despite being only 19 at the time of Busch's murder, and was previously arrested several times for indecent exposure, arson, armed robbery, and marijuana possession.
34. Dion Smallwood (1992-2001, lethal injection): Smallwood walked into the home of his ex girlfriend's adoptive stepmother, 68 year old Lois Frederick, without invitation. He had a tumultuous and often violent relationship with her adopted stepdaughter that she strongly opposed, and they broke up under her pressure. After an argument, Smallwood knocked Frederick unconscious with a croquet mallet, locked her in a car, and burned her alive in it.
35. Mark Fowler (1985-2001, lethal injection): To get back at his ex employers for firing him, Fowler and his partner, Billy Fox, stormed a supermarket that he used to work out. The pair rounded up 3 employees, Chumpon Chaowasin, a 44 year old Thai immigrant, 33 year old Rick Cast, and 27 year old John Barrier, at gun point. Their hostages were shot, clubbed, and stabbed to death, and they took over $2,7000 in cash and checks.
36. Billy Fox (1985-2001, lethal injection): Fox assisted the above mentioned Mark Fowler in robbing a supermarket and murdering 3 of its employees
37. Loyd Lafevers (1985-2001, lethal injection): Lafevers and his accomplice, Randall Cannon, kidnapped 84 year old Addie Hawley from her home. She was raped, trapped in the trunk of a car, and burned alive in it. Although she was rescued, Hawley died from her injuries 6 hours later. The pair stole Hawley's wedding ring and Lafevers gifted it to a stripper. As Hawley's nephew was a Colorado state senator, her murder gained some attention from media outlets.
38. Dorsie Jones Jr. (1979-2001, lethal injection): While drinking at a bar, a barmaid chastised Jones for carrying an unconcealed gun. He shot at her in a fit of rage, but missed and injured his female companion instead. Jones then turned his attention to the other patrons and fired on them. 48 year old Stanley Buck Sr. was killed in front of his 19 year old son, who was also wounded in the shooting.
39. Robert Clayton (~1980s-2001, lethal injection): Clayton attacked 19 year old Rhonda Timmons while she was sunbathing near her apartment. She was raped, stabbed, kicked in the head, and strangled to death with her swimming suit. Her husband found Timmons' body laying next to their infant daughter, who was left unharmed. Clayton had a previous rape conviction in Tennessee and a robbery conviction in Texas.
40. Ronald Fluke (1997-2001, lethal injection): Out of despair that his gambling addiction drove his family to near poverty, Fluke shot and killed his wife, 44 year old Ginger, and their daughters, 13 year old Kathryn and 11 year old Susanne, while they were sleeping in their bedrooms. He initially attacked Ginger with a hatchet, but turned to shooting when she fought back.
41. Marilyn Plantz (1988-2001, lethal injection): The married girlfriend of William Bryson. As mentioned under Bryson's entry, Plantz arranged for him and his friend to kill her husband James to collect his life insurance policy.
42. Terrance James (1983-2001, lethal injection): While awaiting trial for a theft of government property charge, James and two accomplices strangled a fellow inmate, 25 year old Mark Berry, with wire out of their suspicions of him being a snitch. They then hung the body in an attempt to make it look like a suicide. Berry was another party in the theft of government property case, and James and his accomplices believed that it was his testimony that got them arrested.
43. Vincent Johnson (1991-2001, lethal injection): Johnson gunned down 44 year old Shirley Mooneyham in her home. The prosecution believed that Mooneyham's boyfriend arranged the killing to collect a life insurance policy, but he was acquitted at trial.
44. Jerald Harjo (~1980s-2001, lethal injection): Harjo snuck into the bedroom of 64 year old Ruth Porter, raped her, and suffocated her with a pillowcase. He then snatched Porter's car keys and drove off with her van. His past criminal history was extensive, and was in prison numerous times for burglary and autotheft.
45. Jack Walker (1988-2001, lethal injection): Disgruntled with the custody dispute over their then 3 month old son, Walker stabbed his ex girlfriend, 17 year old Shelly Ellison, and her uncle, 30 year old Donald, 32 and 11 times with an ice pick during a confrontation at their home.
46. Alvie Hale Jr. (1983-2001, lethal injection): Hale kidnapped 24 year old William Perry to extort a $350,000 ransom from his banking family. When the negotiations failed, Perry was shot dead, and Hale buried the body on his father's property.
47. Lois Smith (1982-2001, lethal injection): Smith, her son, and a female accomplice abducted her son's ex girlfriend, 21 year old Cindy Baillee, from an airport out of fear her testifying of his involvement in the drug trade. Baillee was taken to Smith's ex husband's house, and stabbed in the throat by her ex boyfriend while driving to their destination. Inside the home, she was taunted by Smith with a gun, and was shot 7 times in the chest and 2 times in the back of the head. While her son was reloading the gun, Smith jumped on and crushed Bailee's throat.
48. Sahib Lateef Al-Mosawi (1992-2001, lethal injection): Following a dispute over their newborn son's name, Al-Mosawi's estranged wife, 26 year old Inaam Al-Nashi, fled to the apartment of her uncle, 45 year old Mohammed. Al-Mosaw attacked the pair in the apartment and stabbed them to death. Inaam's sister was also stabbed, but she managed to escape with her life. The couple and their families were refugees from Iraq that were displaced by the First Persian Gulf War, and they fled into the United States.
49. John Romano (1985-2002, lethal injection): Romano and his accomplice David Woodruff robbed and murdered two of their acquaintances. One of the victims, 63 year old Lloyd Thompson, was attacked in his apartment. Thompson was held down by the pair while they stabbed him 22 times and served his spinal cord. The other victim, 52 year old Roger Sarfaty, was tied up, beaten, stabbed 5 times, and strangled to death in a jewelry store he owned. In the robberies, Romano and Woodruff stole several pieces of jewelry from Sarfaty, and took most of Thompson’s quarter collection.
50. David Woodruff (1985-2002, lethal injection): As mentioned under John Romano's entry, Woodruff took part in the robbery murders of Lloyd Thompson and Roger Sarfaty.
51. Randall Cannon (1985-2002, lethal injection): Cannon assisted Loyd Lafevers in abducting, sexually assaulting, and burning Addie Hawley alive in her car. Although he was acquitted of molesting Hawley, Cannon was still condemned for his part in the kidnapping and murder.
52. Earl Frederick Sr. (~1989-2002, lethal injection): Frederick beat Bradford Beck, a 41 year old veteran that was crippled during his service in the Vietnam war, to death in his home after befriending him. He ransacked the house and dumped Beck's body in a field. A second murder, the robbery and shooting death of a Texan man, 77 year old Shirley Fox, was also tied to him. However, authorities in Texas withheld from prosecuting Fredrick due to his death penalty trial and conviction in Oklahoma. Both Fox and Beck had physical disabilities, which led prosecutors to the conclusion that Frederick intentionally selected and depredated on disabled men.
53. Jerry McCracken (~1980s(?)-2002, lethal injection): McCracken and his accomplice shot up a bar, killed 3 patrons and the bartender, and made off with $350. The victims that lost their lives were 41 year old Carol McDaniels, 37 year old Timothy Sheets, 34 year old Steven Sheets, and 27 year old Tyrrell Boyd. Months before the mass shooting, McCracken was paroled after serving time for stabbing 3 people in a bar fight.
54. Jay Neill (1984-2002, lethal injection): During a bank robbery, Neill disemboweled and nearly decapitated 3 tellers, 42 year old Kay Bruno, 25 year old Joyce Mullenix, and 19 year old Jerri Bowles. A group of 4 customers, consisting of 33 year old Ralph Zeller, a married couple, and their 14 month old daughter, unwittingly walked in on him, and he herded them into a backroom to be shot. Zeller was killed, the couple were wounded, and Neill left the daughter unharmed due to running out of bullets. Neill's boyfriend was given a life sentence for the robbery and murders, despite not being directly involved.
55. Ernest Carter Jr. (~1989-2002, lethal injection): After being fired from an autoshop, Carter robbed it with an accomplice, and fatally shot a security guard, 35 year old Eugene Manowski. The pair stole the shop's tow truck, and later tried to burn it with Carter's girlfriend to destroy any traces of the crime. Carter was also previously accused of burning a friend to death in the previous year, but the charges were dismissed.
56. Daniel Revilla (1987-2003, lethal injection): While babysitting his girlfriend's son, 13 month old Mark Gomez, in their home, Revilla broke the boy’s ribs in a beating and scalded him with boiling water. When he brought the boy to a hospital, Revilla gave a story that he accidentally hit Gomez’s head with a door handle, which was quickly seen through by the staff. According to the accounts of his girlfriend and her family, Revilla was violently abusive to Gomez, and they recounted incidents of him trapping the boy in a kitchen drawer, dunking him in cold water, folding him into a pull up bed, and hanging him by his ankles with duct tape.
57. Bobby Fields (~1990s-2003, lethal injection): Fields shot and killed 77 year old Louise Schem while burglarizing her home. She had tried to shot him with her .25 calibre pistol, but he wrestled the gun away from her, and gunned her down with it. His intentions was to steal Schem's television set to sell for cocaine, but left empty handed after losing his nerves with the struggle and murder. According to court documents, Fields had a previous robbery and assault conviction, and several arrests for drug possession.
58. Walanzo Robinson (1989-2003, lethal injection): A member of the Gangster Bloods street gang, Robinson shot and killed 26 year old Dennis Hill, an affiliate of a rival gang, in a turf war over drug sales.
59. John Hooker (~1971-2003, lethal injection): As a teenager in 1971, Hooker attended a party at a friend's house, and got into an argument. In a fit of anger, he fatally shot 18 year old Alta Lang, and wounded two other partygoers. Due to the witnesses refusing to cooperate with the investigation and being unable to prove any calculated intentions, Hooker was given a manslaughter conviction, and released a few years later. After he was paroled, Hooker started dating Sylvia Stokes, and fathered several children with her. Their troubled relationship lasted for 8 years, and ended when Stokes filed a protection order against him. In retaliation, Hooker lured Stokes and her mother, 53 year old Durcilla Morgan, into his apartment and stabbed them both to death.
60. Scot Hain (~1980s-2003, lethal injection): Hain carjacked and abducted a couple, 27 year old Michael Houghton and 22 year old Laura Sanders. After taking $565 and some bags of clothing, he forced them into the trunk of their car at gunpoint, and burned them alive in it. He had several previous arrests for robbery, and was involved with a number of rapes and attempted kidnappings months before the Houghton and Sanders' murders.
61. Don Hawkins Jr. (1985-2003, lethal injection): Hawkins kidnapped 29 year old Linda Ann Thompson and her two daughters, aged 4 years old and 18 months old, from a mall. Although his original intentions were to ransom off Thompson and her children, Hawkins gang raped the captive woman with his cousin and his girlfriend's teenage nephew, and drowned her in a lake. Thompson's children were spared and simply left with a babysitter. Hawkins and his accomplice then went on a nation wide rampage with his accomplice that involved the abductions and rapes of several grown women and teenage girls, hanging 31 year old David Coupez of Colorado in his home while robbing him, and countless other robberies.
62. Larry Jackson (~1984-2003, lethal injection): In 1984, Jackson shot and killed his girlfriend, 19 year old Freda Washington. He accepted a plea deal that dumbed down the charges to second degree murder, and was given a 30 year sentence for it. During his incarceration, Jackson started a relationship with 29 year old Wendy Cade. Despite her promises of marriage after his release, Cade left him for another man, and they got engaged. When Jackson was assigned to a prison work crew, he snuck out and went to confront Cade. Reportedly, the two had bought alchool, cocaine, and cigerates together and had sex in Cade's apartment. However, they got into an argument, and he slashed Cade's throat and stabbed her 31 times with box cutters. Jackson then left with her jewelry, watch, and the keys to her jeep.
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2024.05.13 14:47 praveenbm5 Make Bitcoin Unstealable, Unlosable and Unconfiscatable with Hybrid Custody™ using Layer 2 Smart Vaults™

Hybrid Custody using Layer 2 Smart Vaults - Intro - POC Implementation & Technology Demo

POC Implementation:
Hybrid Custody using Layer 2 Smart Vaults makes Bitcoin and other similar Altcoins Unstealable, Unlosable and Unconfiscatable for all practical purposes.
Hardware and software we use to secure our Bitcoin are most likely leaking critical information in ways we don't know yet to a myriad of entities not necessarily acting in our best interest.
This protocol and framework assumes that our private-keys will be lost or stolen, sooner than latter, and provides recourse even in those situations.

Smart Vaults

Smart Vaults (Layer 2) are like Multisig or MPC Vaults on steroids. Key difference is that you can assign priorities to private-keys participating in a Smart Vault.

Next-Gen Scalable Security

  1. "Unlocking" and "Spending" from your Smart Vaults are distinct events (transactions) with a programmable delay between them unlike MultiSig/MPC Vaults.
  2. The mandatory "Unlock" which is visible on-chain as a transaction alerts all participants of a Smart Vault to take corrective actions if the unlock was not initiated by them in the first place.
  3. When m private-keys are presumably used by an adversary to unlock-and-spend from your Smart Vault locked with n private-keys, you can use any m+1 private-keys upto n to override the malicious unlock-and-spend attempt and recover your Bitcoin before the preset delay expires i.e. m-to-n of n. (Assuming all private-keys have equal priority.)
  4. Stealing becomes impossible unless adversaries have all the n private-keys.
  5. Can be customized to allow some private-keys and combinations to override other private-keys and combinations.
  6. Uses simple yet powerful Zero-Knowledge Proofs to determine which private-keys and combinations take precedence over other private-keys and combinations.
  7. Protects against hacks, social engineering, insider fraud, etc.
  8. Optional on-chain “Out of Band” Authentication & Autherization with Hardware Tokens (proprietary technology).

Supercharged Safety

  1. Even 1 private-key is enough to recover your Bitcoin from Smart Vaults locked with n private-keys i.e. 1-to-n of n.
  2. Can tolerate loss of n-1 private-keys
  3. Useful for disaster management, accidental loss, unexpected death and factors beyond control.

Hybrid Custody using L2 Smart Vaults

To put it briefly, Hybrid Custody is a framework built on top of Smart Vaults and combines the best of "Self Custody" and "Managed Custody".
You have absolute control of your private-keys and coins just like "Self Custody" and you can recover your Bitcoin even when all your private-keys are lost or stolen as if you opted for fully "Managed Custody" and you never needed to manage your private-keys to begin with. It's almost magic!
With just a simple MultiSig transaction and a couple of Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions distributed rather cleverly between the participants, Hybrid Custody using L2 Smart Vaults drastically increases the safety/security of your Bitcoin and even handles inheritance for you without any prior arrangements with your beneficiaries.
The repository linked above demostrates the feasibility and steps involved during setup, termination and recovery from Smart Vaults in their most basic form with just one private-key from "You" and one private-key from "Ledger" who doubles up as a Hybrid Custody Provider.
When your private key is lost, you can recover your Bitcoin using just Ledger's private key as with any Managed Custody Provider.
And when your private-key is stolen and used to initiate the unlock-and-spend process, you can cosign a spending transaction with Ledger, override the attempt and safely recover your Bitcoin.
Lastly, if Ledger tries to steal your Bitcoin using it's private-key, you can always override that unlock-and-spend attempt and safely transfer your Bitcoin to wherever you wish using just your private-key.
The POC Implementation in the GitHub repo linked above clearly demonstrates all these scenarios.
Once you get this, you can easily extend your undertanding to include more factors/private-keys as well as complex contingency planning using multiple factors/private-keys from multiple participants.
Disclaimer: Ledger's name is used hypothetically as a Hybrid Custodian for ease of understanding and no relation is implied to Ledger or with anybody at Ledger.
Everything is explained in detail in the videos below.
Hybrid Custody using Hardware Wallets - Intro (Video) (Click to play)
Hybrid Custody using Ledger - Technology Overview (Video) (Click to play)
Proprietary Technology - See Legal Notice in the GitHub Repo!
More info -
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