Analogy worksheets high school

Should I consider adoption?

2024.05.14 00:53 burnerback9 Should I consider adoption?

Hey guys
I'm 5 months pregnant and due in September. I'm a 23 YO girl who just got out of homelessness. I am in credit card debt, my score falls more and more each day, and I suffer from a range of mental illnesses (Depression, bipolar -doctors suspect, still need tests ran to confirm -ADHD, OCD, and anxiety)
I just got back into school, and I'm getting used to "being a student" again. Surprisingly, I'm doing very well - I actually graduated with the top of my class back in high school, so academics are something that have always come easy to me. As far as employment, I work an extremely part time job as of now and barely get any hours in. Before I went back to school, I was a notorious job hopper, mostly due to personal life reasons but a few reasons being job performance and anger out bursts + rage quitting at work.
before discovering how dysfunctional and incapable of fitting into society I was - it has always been a dream of mine to be a mom. I feel like I come from a very broken and estranged family, so being able to find/create a family of my own has always been the goal.
I have calmed down and started working on myself a few months before discovering I was pregnant. I plan on getting on medication as soon as my son arrives and I am actively looking for CBT therapists to hopefully help me become functional again. My patience has gotten better and my anger issues are also improving.
When I was a homeless dancer, I was on drugs (coke, alcohol, adderall, and made some wreckless and impulsive decisions, especially concerning my sexual safety). I slept with 4 guys, but all wore condoms except 2. I would have to request a paternity test from both of them to confirm who the father is, but the guy I really suspect is a long time FWB I had long before becoming homeless. I slept with him to get coke.
That should tell you enough about the mental aptitude of me and the father. He's actually in a good place financially and could help out with co-parenting but he's made it clear he doesn't want to be a father and even told me to go get an abortion even though I'm 5 months in.
I don't want to be associated with either of those two guys after my son is born.
I can't even afford my OBGYN visits - I have to figure out how to meet the deductible for my insurance company or I have to call an adoption agency and find a family who's willing to cover my labor and OBGYN appointments. I also heard horror stories of new borns being taken from their birth mother immediately after labor and I already know myself and know I wouldn't handle a situation like that. I would like to have AT LEAST 30 minutes of holding my baby or spending a few days in the hospital with him before he's taken from me.
I've convinced myself that if I were to put my son up for adoption, he would come back in my life but that is no guarantee. I'm convinced my financial situation will improve though, and I do think my mental health will be a lot better within the next 5 years but those are no guarantee either. With or without my child, I want to improve my life and I can feel myself never going back to what I was before. My plans are to get a job working assistant admin by next year since I'll have my associates, pay my credit card debt off, and by the time I graduate with my bachelor's, I hope I can land a better paying admin job.
I already know once my son is here, and if I have to give him up for adoption, I'll live everyday with a bitter and broken heart. I was already kind of detached and cold and felt so spiteful and bitter about the world before he came, when I have to give him up, I know I'll be hurt yet again by the world, but at the same time I would love with soooo much relief knowing he's in the hands of a loving two parent home with all the resources he needs. And if something happens with the adoption/foster care system, I pray I'll be in a better financial situation by then and let him come back home.
submitted by burnerback9 to birthparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:52 Wastedspacecowgirl Cost of Attendance + Bright Futures

I just checked the financial aid that FSU would be able to offer me as someone that qualifies for the Florida Academic Scholarship program with Bright Futures and I’m not sure if that’s considered in the price they’re showing me yet. I know as a Florida resident I should get the in-state tuition price and to my understanding FAS covered the full cost of tuition so all that would be left would be housing and dining plan costs. Yet when I check the cost of attendance it’s still about 14k. I’ve heard from some counselors that Bright Futures doesn’t kick in until August but still, 14k seems pretty pricy for an in-state school. Has anyone that attends had a similar experience? I’m also pretty stressed about student debt as a high school senior because I know it gathers interest so I’m not sure if it would be better to live off-campus to minimize the cost of attendance. Also does the FAFSA combine with Bright Futures at FSU?
submitted by Wastedspacecowgirl to fsu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:52 user683936368 Lost Manga

I’m trying to find this manga i read in 2021 or like 2022 😓, and i don’t really remember many details. But basically it’s a romance manga of a girl and boy that are in high school. I think whenever the ml touches the fl , the fl is completely honest. That’s honestly the whole jist of the manga but i rlly enjoyed it. If anyone knows what im talking abt pls share the name 😞😞
submitted by user683936368 to manga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:51 mysigh Advice desired: UWaterloo vs UofT for Mathematics Undergraduate Studies

I've had my eyes set on U of T for as long as I can remember, but now, I'm starting to having doubts... I've been accepted to UWaterloo's Math + Co-op and U of T's Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Truthfully, I don't quite know what I'd like to pursue for a living, but it'd either be a PhD or high school mathematics teacher. I suppose I'm leaning towards high school math teacher since A) less competitive & arguably easier
B) stable job with summer vacation & other benefits. But again, I don't know what I'd like to do.
I know that both U of T and UWaterloo will provide me with an excellent education for undergradauate, but I don't know which I should choose. I know that U of T also has the Masters of Teaching program which would also make me very employable, even without all of the experience that I'd get at UW.
What would you guys suggest for:
  1. only pursuing PhD
  2. only pursuing high school mathematics teaching
  3. undecided ?
Note: I guess I'm leaning towards uoft. I'm potentially interested in pursuing a Minor in English, so uoft might provide a better education for that. And from what I've heard, uoft is pretty flexible in terms of changing your career path or something. I also really like the st. george campus and being downtown.
submitted by mysigh to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:51 jess32ica Did Josh know?

About Valencia’s and father brahs high school affair? Like they’re friends… does this change everything?
I think he knows…but maybe not. What do you think?
submitted by jess32ica to crazyexgirlfriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:51 snotrocketscientist Traverse City West High School holds student voter registration day - 9 & 10 News

Traverse City West High School holds student voter registration day - 9 & 10 News submitted by snotrocketscientist to greatlakestate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:50 MyUncannyValley WIBTA if I confronted a teenager about riding his bike through my yard every day?

I moved into a new house in a suburban town about 2 years ago. I came here from 20+ years in New York City so I sometimes question my judgement, as in “is this normal in the suburbs and I’m just thinking like an asshole New Yorker?”
The house I bought was previously occupied by an old lady and then sat vacant for about 5 years before I bough it. So the yard was overgrown and it was generally rundown.
The house is uphill from a high school. Lots of kids cut through our neighborhood yards to and from school, as following the streets would be an indirect and uphill trek. And since my house was quiet & seemingly empty for years, no one thought twice about using our yard as a path.
When we moved in, we immediately started renovations & repairs. It was visibly obvious a new owner had moved in. The first few weeks, a kid who was cutting through our yard actually rang the doorbell to introduce herself to ask if it was ok to walk through. We appreciated her gesture, of course said yes and it was no big deal, and she has continued to use our yard as a path. She’s respectful and always says hi.
But this one other teen guy is awful. While the other kids walk, he rides his bike (one of those thick-tire beach dune bikes that shouldn’t even be used on the streets) and zips through our yard at high speed with headphones on. More than once I’ve been in our backyard when he rides through and he doesn’t even acknowledge me. Like, you’re literally in my private backyard and you’re just pretending you don’t see me? And as we’ve improved the property, we now have landscaping, flowers, fresh grass, etc that he just rides over with his bike, tearing it up. But the last straw was when my toddler daughter who is just learning to walk was playing in the backyard and he zipped through and swerved around her, narrowly avoiding hitting her, and again he just ignored us and kept riding.
I love that we’re in a small community and I’m happy to give kids a safe way to walk home. But this kid is going over the line. Would I be the asshole if I waited for him, flagged him down, and told him to stop riding through our yard? Or if I posted in the town FB group a description of the kid and his unique bike to try to talk to his parents?
Is this just what happens in small towns and I’m expected to deal with it?
submitted by MyUncannyValley to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:50 6alr I regret not flipping off a teacher that got me in trouble when I was in high school.

So me and, let’s call her “Mrs. Crabblesnitch”, had beef the entire year because she wanted to go “Ms. Hall Monitor” mode on me throughout my entire senior year. So anyways, she continually pissed me off one day and when I walked passed her, I looked Mrs. Crabblesnitch in the eyes and murmured something under my breath. I went to my next class and 25 minutes into the teaching, administration walked in and escorted me along to the office. I had to spend the rest of the day in ISS (in-school suspension). School jail. Why? Turns out, Mrs. Crabblesnitch had told on me and got me in trouble for harassment. I should’ve flipped her off the last time I seen her.
submitted by 6alr to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 Imatthefridgee Need help deciding which uni!

Hello, as the title suggests I need some help deciding which uni to go to. As of right now my top 3 choices are UTM life sci, Waterloo health sci and TMU biomed. I’m still waiting on mac life sci. My ultimate goal is probably med school or dental school, so I would have to maintain a high GPA. I currently live near UTM, so the commute would not be bad, same with TMU. Which school overall would help me achieve the highest GPA and has somewhat easy going profs? Thank you for your time!
submitted by Imatthefridgee to UTM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 supernasty How do I (32m) tell my best friend (31m) that him constantly bragging about work makes me feel bad sometimes?

I (32m) have been best friends with my buddy from high school (31m) for about 15 years now.
He went to college for 8 years for Engineering, and a year ago he finally got the Engineering job he always wanted, as both his Dad and Brother are in the same field. It's something he's wanted for a long while.
But now, a year later, I feel like an asshole for dreading conversation about it with him. Every week he brings up something awesome about work. How he just got his first business card, how his boss loves him, how he got promoted at work, how in the next couple of years his income will steadily keep increasing, showing a graph his boss gave him projecting his growth. I never have to ask, he will just text it to me randomly or go off topic to bring it up.
I was very happy for him, and still am. I'm really glad he found something to be this happy about. So I have done nothing but praise him whenever its brought up, but I don't have all those "awesome" things he has at my job. I don't get annual raises, or projections for how much money I'll be making next year. I don't have a boss that tells me how great I am at my job, and I especially do not make nearly as much money as my friend, nor will I in the near future.
I like my job, but his constant bragging makes me feel like a loser in comparison. I don't have anything I can brag about like that to him, and sometimes it makes me feel like a loser whenever I have financial issues and he texts me randomly how his boss talks about giving him a big raise for his hard work.
I don't want to prevent my friend from sharing with me, but I can't help but compare my own life whenever I hear about it so frequently and during times when my life isn't going so well. How should I approach this?
Friend will constantly brag about how awesome his job is and how much money he will be making, and how much recognition he gets at work. I am happy for him, but he will bring this up almost every week, and sometimes I am not doing well financially or just got into it with someone at work, he'll text me out of the blue to tell me how his boss is giving him a raise for being great at his job. I can't help but compare sometimes and feel like a loser in comparison on days when things aren't going so well for me. But don't know how to tell him this without looking bitter or resentful of him chasing his dreams. How do I approach this?
submitted by supernasty to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 Imatthefridgee Need help deciding which uni!

Hello, as the title suggests I need some help deciding which uni to go to. As of right now my top 3 choices are UTM life sci, Waterloo health sci and TMU biomed. I’m still waiting on mac life sci. My ultimate goal is probably med school or dental school, so I would have to maintain a high GPA. I currently live near UTM, so the commute would not be bad, same with TMU. Which school overall would help me achieve the highest GPA and has somewhat easy going profs? Thank you for your time!
submitted by Imatthefridgee to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 nixsto What was your worst high school experience?

submitted by nixsto to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 Jordan_TYCE MacBook Pro

I’m a student in high school and planning to peruse trade school after, I wanted to invest in a pro for photo editing from my camera due to the pros HDMI and SD card without a dongle, I wanted to ask if 512gb in your experience and the M1 will last till 2028-2029 with software updates and how long I could use it for until i would need to upgrade ideally to get software updates and if it would be a better idea to wait until the end of the year and get an M2 instead, I was planning on buying refurbished off of Amazon and in excellent condition and M1 16/512 is $1130 in comparison to $1420 for the M2 right now but that’s expected to go down near the end of this year especially with back to school later
submitted by Jordan_TYCE to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:44 throwaway84736263839 I 31m feel horrible for talking to my 8th grade cousin

So my cousin came to visit my family this past week. It was just her it’s her first time visiting. She’s staying with my parents and my sister that’s a sophomore in high school. I live in my own house like 25min away.
I haven’t been able to go to my parents house all week but I finally went yesterday for Mother’s Day.
Apparently she hasn’t really came out of her room. I think because she’s really not that used to my family. I have always been close to my cousins dad and I would go and visit them in Florida often. I mostly hung out with him and her brother. I was always really nice and cool with them.
So when I went over she started coming out of the room more just felt more comfortable. I suggested we all go out for ice cream for Mother’s Day. So my parents, her, and my sister went. They went in their car and I went in my own car. As we are sitting in the ice cream shop nobody is talking. My parents aren’t talking my sister isn’t even making conversation with her. So I started talking asking about how school is going, her sports etc… I think she liked that and started talking a lot.
Then as we are leaving my cousin asks me if I’m going back to my parents house. I tell her I am and she asks infront of them if she can ride back with me. I tell her sure I think my parents were surprised, they don’t really know how close of a relationship I have to her dad.
So we ride back and we’re just talking about when they were little growing up playing video games etc..
When we get home, my parents haven’t gotten home yet. So I tell her well let’s go wait for them. As I’m starting to open my car she immediately asks me do you talk to anyone in Florida?
So her asking if she could ride back to my parents house with me and her asking that right as I’m reaching for my door made me think maybe she wanted to talk about something. So I tell her no, then she kind of starts telling me about things she doesn’t like with some of our family members in Florida. At this point I do feel kinda weird. I’m having a conversation with an 8th grader in my car and then my parents get home. And when my mom sees me and her inside the car talking. As everybody goes inside my mom starts making a waving motion for us to come inside. She did it in way where I could tell she might have been thinking something was strange.
After that we got out and went inside.
Later on she started asking about things to do in our city. One thing people in my city do is walk around this really close lake at night. There’s a hill there and you can see a cool view of the city. I told her we should take her. So I tell my parents and my sister to take my cousin to the lake. They agree but once we get there my parents didn’t want to walk around it. They’re getting older and there’s some steep hills around so they said they would just wait by a bench. My sister didn’t want to walk either.
We brought my cousin all this way and they didn’t want to walk with us. So I take her up to the hill we talk about the family I try to give some advice etc..
The whole thing has left me uneasy. With the way my mom reacted when she saw us in the car. Them seeing me really sociable with her at the ice cream place. I’m not that sociable with my own family but I saw her and her brother grow up. Me a 31 year old spending time with an 8th grader.
How her mom or dad could interpret “yeah I hung out with my 31 year old cousin.”
I don’t know why I feel this way I never meant to cross a line. I was just trying to be nice but the way things are now a days. People’s minds might have their own perspective.
TLDR: cousin came to visit from Florida. She’s been staying at my parents. She’s hasn’t really been the sociable this weeks until I finally went over this weekend. She feels really comfortable with me and she wanted to spend alot of time with me but it’s left me feeling uneasy on how people might think about that
submitted by throwaway84736263839 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:44 Roax47 Are online high school courses accurate and reliable in terms of teaching and learning materials?

I plan on taking mhf4u online during the summer as I am graduating high school. Part of the reason is for university after 2-3 yrs of college, but another part is to learn the material from that course as I really enjoy math.
I’m currently enrolled in Seneca College computer engineering technology program. I have yet to submit the tuition fee. My parents say to do it as it’s difficult to get back into the academic mood for in-person learning. I agree, but I don’t fully know if it’s the right program for me.
I also was thinking about an extra year with these 4 courses: mhf4u mcv4u sch4u and sph4u (I have all the prerequisites). But my parents say it’s not worth doing 4 courses for a 1 year delay in education. I find that part does not matter too much, but they still don’t see it as worth it.
As of now, I’m feeling mentally ill and wondering if I should talk to my guidance counsellor about these issues I just talked about.
If you’ve taken online courses before, please tell me. This would be helping me out a lot. Also, if online courses are accurate, tell me the website name.
submitted by Roax47 to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:44 Substantial-State I’m weird I need help 😔

I have a weird feeling and need help to understand what is going on. I start medications for anxiety and depression in Nov 2020. I met an amazing girl, I fall in love with her on May 2021 and we date for several months, we connect so pure and unique that we both would like to be together 4 ever she had a crush on me in high school. The months go by and 6 months later after many dates I broke down on Nov 2021, my mind go completely numb and forget about her and everything in my life, quit my job, forget my family and all that implies living life, I was in a constant sleep (living in automatic) throughout the last 2 years, she waited for me until march 23 of 2024 and told me that “can’t wait anymore, you disappeared” and when I read that I wake up, she waited 2 entire years for me… and I feel fucked up, my family even doesn’t “feel” me disconnected from reality and they “miss” the old me, the one who doesn’t even was living 🙁.
I’m currently going to therapy and find out a lot of pretty bad things, I had my last date with her Nov 6 2021, I was raped and severely drugged Nov 16 2021 try to commit suicide Nov 21 2021 with 13 pills the reason I disappeared was a Dissociative Amnesia that blocks my entire life…
I beg her yesterday and make her understand but she doesn’t want to be with me anymore and I completely understand, but I didn’t fucked it up, someone mess me 😓😔 I have 5 gifts (Christmas, valentines, birthdays) and I didn’t give her none of them…
I didn’t remember this, but I write about her and feeling bad about it 😓😔 I miss her
How can you overcome trauma, and even that I totally forget 💔 can’t understand anything at alll
submitted by Substantial-State to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:43 Tomhur My thoughts on Daughter of the Deep and the big hang-up I have with it. (Spoilers)

Okay, so I'm a huge fan of Rick Riordan. I love the Percy Jackson books and the expanded universe they take place in. So I decided to give his other novel Daughter of the Deep a shot.
So I read it on my own a few months ago and I'm currently revisiting it in Audiobook form.
Honestly... I kinda have mixed feelings if I'm being honest.
I can't in good conscience call it a bad book because I do think it's a good book. It's well written, has a really cool premise, really fascinating ideas and it does a good job making you emphasize with the main character Ana Dakkar.
But there's one big hang up I had that just puts a shadow over the entire book that makes it difficult for me to get past. And I really really just need to talk about it.
Okay, so spoilers past this point,
So for those who haven't read it, the premise of the novel involves the main character Ana Dakkar who's attending this school for Marine Biology called Harding-Pencroft, which has a rivalry with another school Land Institute.
To make a long story short, it turns out both schools were founded by the protagonists of the novels "The Mysterious Island" and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" respectively which as it turns out were secretly works of nonfiction. Captain Nemo is real and Ana is his descendant. The two schools' rivalry is all about what the legacy of Captain Nemo should be. Either sharing his technological advancements with the world (Land Institute.) or keeping them hidden to make sure no one misuses them (Harding Pencroft).
That's all well and good but what bothers me and what kinda wrecks the novel for me is the inciting incident that kicks off the story.
Namely, Land Institute using a high-tech submarine destroyed Harding Pencroft potentially killing hundreds of innocent high schoolers and faculty.
I mean...what!? You're gonna open with that Rick? You're gonna open with potentially over a hundred people getting their lives snuffed out!?
It was just such a dark moment that it invoked "Too Bleak Stopped Caring" for me.
And it just continues. The novel just keeps going on about this. It keeps coming back to that point. How the characters mourn the family and friends they lost.
It also made me really hard to Land Institute doing this. Like... no one had reservations over killing one hundred people? NO ONE!? I understand LI is supposed to be like this "Hardcore military academy" but I still... I just don't buy that no one had reservations about killing a bunch of people like that.
Honestly, I was tempted to stop reading/listening in disgust when it got to a point where the characters look at a news broadcast and it showed some parents weeping.
Rick. Buddy. If you're reading this (I doubt you are) I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to make me hate LI as villains so I want to see them get taken down, but this doesn't make me hate LI, it makes me hate the story for forcing me to experience this!
They only hint that maybe some people survived towards the end but Rick really really should have implied that earlier (Or better yet just revealed most everyone got out at the end), because otherwise it just made an already pretty depressing book even more depressing than it had to be.
And there's another twist in the book that frankly makes it worse and adds to the "No one had reservations about this?" issue I stated earlier but I'm not gonna spoil it. If you've read the book you know what I'm talking about.
No joke this is probably the most depressing book I've read from Rick. Yes even more than the Burning Maze. Especially because aside from some references to Finding Nemo here and there, his trademark humor isn't really present in it. The whole thing is just soul-draining at points.
No one wonder one of his next books was Chalice of the Gods. He probably needed something easy and lighthearted after writing this.
You know though? Maybe it's just a me thing. Maybe I'm just too much of a softie for this book. Every other review I've read is just people gushing over how good it is; so there's a decent chance, that this is just a me problem.
Look if you like this book, more power to you. I totally see why. Like I said, I don't think it's bad. I think it is really good.
It's just that one part I really have a hard time getting past...
submitted by Tomhur to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 Gold-Gazelle-6131 nurse externship dilemma

Sorry if this may be a silly dilemma, but i’m not sure if i have the right thinking. I am about to enter my senior year in nursing school, hoping to start in ICU after graduation. Recently I applied for a competitive critical care externship in the ICU at an academic hospital tied to my university and received it. However, the requirements that came with it consisted of teching during the school year on a contingent basis, having a senior capstone on that unit, and being a potential highly desired candidate hired into the unit which requires a two year commitment. I accepted this position because I had no problems with the requirements. However, I spoke with one of my classmates who declined the position after discussing how she doesn’t know if she wants to stay here after graduating. She expressed this to the externship coordinator who told her that if she accepted the extern position but decided not to accept the hospital position if offered the job, she would be “red flagged”. This alarmed me because I didnt interpret the position as a “guaranteed” hired situation, and nothing was signed for that to be indicated. Now i’m worried that if I decide to move after graduating, i’ll get red flagged, my externship experience would be for nothing, and that a reference from them would be a poor one if trying to get hired elsewhere. Am I wrong to assume that because of this externship, I am not binded to this hospital? Would I be wrong to not take the job position if offered because I want to relocate? I just find it weird that you would be red flagged and you don’t even know if you enjoy the specialty, unit culture, or hospital culture.
submitted by Gold-Gazelle-6131 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 throwaway3434xyz Trying to uphold my ethics (school setting)

Hi fellow SLPs, I’m in a really tough place and wanted to seek advice. Pronouns have been changed to protect the privacy of the student. Sorry if this is long-winded, I have a lot to think about.
This is my first year working in public schools. I work with a population of students with complex, high support needs. Mostly AAC, ID, autism, ASL. So far, I’ve had really collaborative parents. They’ve been so open to round table discussion. Lately, I’ve been butting heads against parents who still want to keep their kids in the sub-separate classroom or in therapy services when it is not indicated anymore. I feel this is a denial of FAPE and LRE.
One particular student (ASL is their first language, Deaf+) I’ve had this year has met all their goals (they only had one). The story I got from their staff was that the parent wanted to keep them in speech so they can learn to “speak.” My student has expressed within my speech sessions early on in the year that they do not want to speak. Their language is ASL and they are part of Deaf culture. Their ASL interpreters have affirmed my confusion about why we were working on an “maintaining pragmatic skills via interpreting figurative language” goal when that type of language gets lost in translation. However, they have done spectacular carrying over skills given exposure to figurative language and background knowledge (e.g., Translation of English idioms to ASL, teaching of figures of speech via video examples in ASL) and teaching it back in their own words in ASL. Staff have mentioned their previous SLP expressed frustration about how S/L services have not been appropriate for a while. Previous triennial testing indicated that they could not finish certain tests (e.g. GFTA-3) because they expressed they had a hard time producing sounds.
In a recent meeting for this student’s new IEP, the parent rejected the IEP because I proposed moving to a consult model. Student has met all goals, there are no language or pragmatic concerns, but the parent said they need to stay in speech because “(student) expressed they love speech” and the parent has concerns about communication outside of school in the community. These communication breakdowns occur in unfamiliar places (e.g., not paying attention to surroundings, eloping, not using the restroom or eating in unfamiliar places)…but would this not be a behavioral/psych target if their increased anxiety results in these concerns?
I do not want to give up on this student and want to support them the best I can. I do not think they will continue to benefit from direct therapy (plus having a TOD/ABA on top of speech in the mainstream classroom would be A LOT for this kid who already has anxiety and is a budding teenager who is intelligent and aware of their differences). I have loved and thoroughly enjoyed working with them. Of course I don’t want to let them go - I would work with them forever if I could. I just do not want to overstep my expertise. The student has expressed that they enjoy speech a lot, but this is not a reason to keep them in speech and I feel it is unethical (violation of LRE). Yes, I can target utilization of alternative means to communicate with hearing peers and adults in the community (I already baselined some data and student has fantastic communication repair skills, communicated beautifully via writing and typing). Student already uses the phone to communicate via text with adults and friends.
My ultimate concern is why the team is stepping around this issue to appease the parent when this is no longer in my domain of expertise? Yes, I can work on this skill via a push-in model, but to stretch it a whole year (like the current goal) when they already demonstrate the foundational communication skills at baseline? In addition, student expressed that communication needs in the community setting (e.g., ordering at a restaurant) are done by their family (hearing individuals). In order for this goal to have any impact (again, I am only a school SLP) the student needs the room and opportunity to be independent communicating with hearing individuals outside of the school in order to carryover this skill…
Honestly, I feel like I would be wasting their Medicaid, keeping the student in a more restrictive environment, and we are stuck in the same cycle again.
I appreciate whatever input I get deeply. Thank you for reading.
Note: Using my non-personal account for privacy reasons.
submitted by throwaway3434xyz to slp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 EvenOutcome7777 Language Schools

Hello! I would like to live in Medellin for a year to learn Spanish. My dad is Colombian, but I was never taught Spanish and after taking 5 years of Spanish in high school, I still only know basic sentences. I know the only way for me to truly learn is to immerse myself in the culture.
Does anyone know of any year-long programs? Looking to save up this year for it - Thanks!
submitted by EvenOutcome7777 to medellin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 Kweonsuni NYU Tisch Game Design

NYU Tisch Game Design
I have been accepted to one of the top game design schools, NYU Tisch!!!!! Was ED1 declined in high school, but the 881 days of waiting was worth it!
submitted by Kweonsuni to TransferToTop25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:42 Forsaken-Piece8388 Am I completely delusional about grad school?

I've had the goal of going for a PhD for some time now and I've been published in three papers, soon to be a fourth after this summer. However, in my classes I've been doing about a B+ average and I'm getting nervous that my GPA is going to really hurt me.
I am a double major in biology and biochemistry, I have strong relationships with PIs and professors who have agreed to write recommendation letters for me.
Everyone I've talked to has seemed confident that I'll get into a grad school, but I'm worried that I've shot myself in the foot and I'll have to reorganize my plans for after my undergraduate. I'm just worried that I've set my sights too high and I'm going to have a really tough time getting only rejections later.
submitted by Forsaken-Piece8388 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]