When i wake up in the mornings my face is red and feels like it is on fire

I think I got fired for being sick

2024.05.14 20:03 JustAnAuthor5490 I think I got fired for being sick

I only worked at my previous job for about 3 months? I had never called off, never been late, and tried my hardest to be a good employee. Hell, my very first week I covered 3 different peoples shifts and I was almost always avaliable to cover people because I needed the money. Problem comes in last Friday, I wake up and am puking my guts out. I wait a few hours to see if it'll pass, but I'm puking a few times every hour. So around 11:00/12:00 I try to call out but the only person avaliable to cover me isn't able to cover my shift. I ask my manager what I should do and she tells me to call the head manager and ask her. The head manager basically implies that I'll need to come in anyways and I say okay. I was fully prepared to come in sick, I couldn't afford to lose my job and I needed the money. Then, they both text me saying they figured it out and found someone to cover me. My head manager says I'll need to come in early tomorrow "to talk". I'm obviously freaking out, but when I go in she tells me I'm fired. She says that if our drawer is short or over 5$ then we get a write up and if it happens again we get let go. I accepted this and moved on but I've been thinking about it since and I feel like there's just no way that's true. There's a manager who constantly messes up with counting to the point I was warned about it before my first shift (the head manager had told me specifically if manager even had made this mistake, they would be let go). Also, she fired me a day after my second mess up. Basically the timeline is I mess up counting my register (during which my manager calls my head manager to let her know), I call out sick, and then I get fired. And she said I was fired like that day like do not come in for my next few scheduled shifts I'm just done and I think if it were truly that serious she would've fired me the day I called out. But she didn't. Idk I'm just freaking out because I don't have money for rent and finding a job in my town is impossible.
submitted by JustAnAuthor5490 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 Agreeable-Craft7456 My girlfriend (19f) is putting doubts in my head about her leaving me (18m). How should I approach this?

Should I be worried that my GF (19f) is going to leave me (18m)?
This is a really long story so please bare with me.
Ok so first of all, you're all going to see that I'm not innocent in this but I just couldn't help myself as you'll see.
So for context, my gf and I have been dating for 3 months now at long-distance. I've visited her every 2 weeks since we met and I feel we really do like/love eachother.
However, there has been some road bombs since we started dating but this story only concerns one of them.
And it's important to note that my GF has had a few "crushes" and 1 or 2 short "relationships" in highschool before me. One of those includes a crush on a guy who we'll call Frank. This was at most just the 2 of them having a deep interest in eachother and they both knew. All of this being around 2 years ago.
In early April, my GF's older cousin got an invitation from one of her friends, who we'll call Oliver, to go to his Birthday Party. And he told my GF's cousin to invite all of her cousins if she wanted to. Including my GF.
And lord and behold, guess who was also going to the party? Frank.
And when Frank got word that my GF was going, my GF, who at the time told me all of this btw, said that Frank let out a joyful "yes" in response to her going.
Now, I obviously HATED hearing this, but I appreciated the fact that my GF told me when she didn't have to if she didn't want to.
So a week goes by and the party is coming up...
Everything is going well between us until...the night of the party. On the day of the party, we were both good as usual. We talked, called, she went to work just before the party and she sent me cute pics of her and all that stuff until after her shift.
After she finished work, she was immediately taking the bus to the party and that's when things went south. We called whilst she was on the bus and she suddenly became so cold to me. I can't explain it but she just became cold and her tone sounded mad at me. I kept trying to talk to her until she cut the call and texted me: "we're done".
I called her back and texted but she was still cold. I to talked her about all the things we've said and done and what they meant to her and she basically said "I don't care". I was depressed but after trying too much, I stopped texting.
2 hours later, at around 1am, I get a text from her calling my name:
I answer:
To which she replies "I'm sorry". It kept going a bit like that until she started telling me about why she ended it. And the first reason was because we were so far apart. And I'm like, ok sure, I understand that, but why not talk to me about it rather than making me feel so shit about myself?
That kept going for a bit and a few other things happened but aren't important. Let's skip to when she arrived back home.
As she was back home, in her bed, we continued texting. And this is when she told me the second reason as to why she ended it. Which was the fact that, a week earlier, I brought up how she's going to uni soon and that I was concerned about her meeting new people there and potentially leaving me. And I guess this kinda backfired because it apparently put doubts in her head about whether or not I'd leave her. So essentially, she ended it before I could, so she wouldn't have to endure that pain.
So we talked we talked we talked, and in the end, about 4 hours of reassuring her later, we got back together.
So the next day, we started talking about the party. And that's when she opened up about something. So apparently, Frank, had approached her during the end of the party when she wanted to go home and started talking to her about how he left his old gf and blah blah blah, obviously trying to show an opening but my gf didn't show any interest, allegedly. I didn't think much of this, even though once again, I HATED it.
Now let's skip to today.
So this is where I also become an AH in this. A week ago, when I was visiting her, she logged into her Instagram on my phone because her phone died. And when I left, she didn't log out.
So curiousity got the best of me. I snooped around in her DMS. First of all, there are absolutely zero guys in her DMS. Cool. But the main reason I was snooping was actually precisely because I wanted to see what she was gossiping to her close friends about, especially on the night of the party.
And as I scroll, I see something.
In one of her DMS with her friend, she talked about the moment Frank got word that she was going to the party.
And to cut it simple, she talked about how he was excited she was coming and all that until I see:
"I feel bad"
Her friend replies:
"About what?"
To which my gf replies:
"About thinking for a second about leaving Toby for Frank".
When I read this, my heart, dropped.
The next messages were her friend saying I'm better, my gf agreeing and all that stuff.
But then my gf says "put me back on the right path please". Like what?
She then went on to say that she knew Frank wasn't worth it regardless of what she felt and that she was just flattered in that situation. "As all girls are".
Needless to say, regardless of the fact that they said I was better, that hurt me like a mf.
And then in another DM with another friend, they talked about the moment Frank approached her at the party. And essentially, they said what I said earlier but in no way did my GF say anything like "No I'm not interested" or "I have a BF". In fact, she was talking about how bad his flirting skills were with her.
I feel so down rn after having seen all of that.
But it's worth noting that my GF expressed many times before that she doesn't support cheating in any way. She HAS good values (doesn't like exposing herself, partying often all that stuff) and she is a good person overall. And she has expressed recently as well, to her friends via DMS, about how much I make her happy and that I have no red flags or whatever. And that she loves me a lot.
So I just don't know what to think or do.
submitted by Agreeable-Craft7456 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 codedkid Should I fight for her or not?

Im a man, 29 and I’ve been with a woman 27, for 2 years.
At the beginning of dating, she went on to fuck 2 other guys, 2 guys that I knew.
She didnt let me leave her after this, she told me she was very drunk and didn’t know what she was doing. I told her that we were not a couple yet and I cant think of this working now that you have done this. But she told me while crying, screaming that she Will do anything to make me forget about this and just think about us 2. She really made me believe in it, with her.
During the 2 years we been together, she became a woman i’ve always dreamt of, I wouldve married her but the only thing that was bothering me was the incident with the guys. I couldnt accept it somehow.. which is my fault to continue with her.
I left her maybe 10 times during these 2 years, but she didn’t let me leave her. She came to my home, called me everyday with different phones, waited outside my house for hours for me to come home, chased me around the city with the car, she did all crazy things to not let me go, because she always told me that she believes we can make it because we love eachother. And its true, I love her, I really do. But it was that incident that always led me to second thoughts.
Last week, I finally decided to end it again, and she was going along with it. She didnt want to end it ofc but this time it had gone too many times that I ended it and I guess she had enouugh to fight like she has always done, but she told me that we shouldnt end it anyways but I did.
3 days pass, during these 3 days, I’ve gotten ’lonely-time’ to think, to evaluate what I REALLY want. And I decided that I dont want to be bothered by that incident anymore. I rather live with her, and have a good life now on as grown ups, get married and have kids, the forever that she always wanted,(she even tattooed my name on her back).
I let her know that I think its a mistake by me, that its time to move on together, let us get serious, get engaged, have kids and live Together and have the best life. No more bad vibes.
And during these 3 days, she totally has switched. She is copying every word I’ve been saying to her during all those times I left her. She is extremely ready to leave me, doesnt want me to contact her or anything and now the tables turned. She told me she’d never block me, but she did still. So now I cant get to her.
Just me saying that I want to get engaged, have kids and all that, I thought that she would be so happy, because thats all she wanted, and has been doing all crazy stuff for this to happen. And i finally do it.. I tell her lets do it, I’m letting that incident go. My love for her is bigger than that, I figured.
Now the problem is, I called her last friday, and she make it clear that she does not want to get back to me, like really really never. And i accept it. But she called me the morning after asking what i’m doing, I told her im going to visit a friend to clear my mind. And then she gets super angry, telling me I should be home, fighting for her, trying to get her back, but instead im going to ”Fuck hoes” with my friend. I told her that I can send a picture of every step I take but her reply was ”dont dare sending me anything” so I didnt.
She later writes a book to me blaming me for not caring at all about her, not sending picture or anything. Tells me ”even if I say dont send, you shouldve sent me pictures”
Thing is now, she fought for me everytime I left her; now the tables have turned. I told her that I want to fight like she did, but I dont want to get called on the police or anything, because she was literally doing a lot of stupid shit to get to me when I rejected her.
I want to fight for her, do the things she did to keep me, is that the right thing to do? I refer to her words ” even If I tell u not to send pictures, you should” im very scared she Will hurt me more if I do this… Should I fight or should I Wait to see if she changed her mind?
PS. Please bare in mind that I rejected her 10 times, so thats why I feel that I owe her a ”chasing” to make this work.
Appreciate all the comments.
submitted by codedkid to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Global-Elite-Spartan I think my girlfriend 19F might be emotionally abusing me 20M

I 20m have been with my 19F girlfriend for a little over 2 years. We've lived together for about a year now. I work 30+ hours a week and my GF 40+ hours week.
For context me an my girlfriend have always had a rocky relationship. In the beginning it would be small things like me falling asleep on call at 2AM when she was talking about something she liked. Me being late for stuff or just plain braking promises I shouldn't have made because I knew I properly wouldn't be able to live up to them. For the first year we would have 2 good weeks and then a bad week because I messed up by falling asleep, being late, buying the wrong fries/burger, not calling early enough among other things. I had a hard time apologising in the beginning, but learned how to do it after hard work. Whenever we would get in an argument I would apologise immediately and tell her how sorry I was. I understood I had made a mistake that hurt her and I should be better. I started seeing a mentor at school to work on why I had such a hard time keeping promises and breaking them. After a few sessions the mentor flat out told me I shouldn't be with my girlfriend and called it "emotional terror" on her behalf. I talked with my girlfriend about what I had discussed with my mentor. My GF told me that what I was telling wasn't the whole truth so of course that was the response I was getting from the mentor. I agreed and everytime I went to see the mentor I would also defend my GF in every scenario we talked about.
Cut to some time later where this cycle of 2 good weeks 1 bad week had continued and we had moved in together. She worked a lot and I tried my best to handle all the cooking, cleaning laundry while working my own job and my other hobbies. I started feeling really drained and began to slip on my chores. During this time my GF would also work a lot more (around 65-75 hours a week) primarily cleaning at night. She would get paranoid around 02:30 to 03:30 so I would drive to her work and sit in my car. Some times for more than 5 hours just so she had me close(for the record it was a brand new top of the line car warehouse(picture lambos, Ferrari and such) so she was safe).
When I finished school it's tradition to party in a truck with your classmates and so of course I did. We drove around for 10 hours and with me being drunk I didn't text my GF at all. We drove for 2 days and on the last day I had arranged with her to meet me at a bar so we could celebrate my graduation together. I ditched my classmates to go see her and when I met up with her she wasn't happy at all. Long story short she was mad I hadn't texted her and it ended up in me following her home apologising and crying until I feel over and had to be driven home by a stranger. I still regret not celebrating my graduation more than what I did.
I talked with one of my coworkers about all of this and more like me seeing a therapist to work on the problems from earlier, driving spending hours on hours waiting for her to finish school and work. Her having full access to my so she could check it whenever she wanted and I wasn't allowed to see hers (I've never really suspected cheating. One time I spent my lunch break at work to drive home and make sure she got up and drove her to work because she got up too late and didn't answer my calls. Anyway my coworker said the same the mentor said and this time I made damn sure to tell the whole story and showed proof so I could get straight answers. He suggested she might be a narcissist. I ended up spending a night at his place where she spammed my phone with calls and messages which I didn't respond to per his advice. He along with every else I have talked with has suggested I should break up with her, but I just love her much. I eventually went home to her and talked with her. She said she was sorry about everything and would be more forgiving of me making small mistakes like buying the wrong fries or not having done the dishes. It's been 4 months since that happened. I talked with my long time friend about it and he told me the same. He had just come out of a 2 year relationship at that point so he knows how hard it is. He suggested I set a date in my head where if things haven't gotten better by that date I should end it. So I did. The date came and went and I couldn't make a decision. Some things had gotten better, but some didn't. I still do all the chores except laundry. She works less so she's taken that. I couldn't bring myself to make a decision by the date so I just didn't. I haven't kept her up to her promises to me since I have forgotten what they were. My memory hasn't always been as bad as it is now though.
Anyway that bring us to today. She asked me to wake her up at 11:00 am today. I'm home with a bad ankle sprain (trying to find transport to see a doctor) and she took a day off from school. I woke her up at 11:00, 11:02, 11:05, 11:07.... I tried to wake her for 15 minutes, shaking her and talking to her, but she would get up. If I could get a lift by 11:25 I could see the doctor today (I didn't) so I after she only woke up a little bit at went back to sleep I gave up. I tried again at 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, but she just wouldn't wake up more than a quick second. She woke up now at 18:30 being really mad at me for not waking her up. I tried to tell her that I did my best at waking her, but she just wouldn't get up. She wasn't having it a told me it was my fault she didn't get up and missed her own doctors appointment which I had no idea about. It apparently was a meeting to get a new prescription for her ADHD medication which she needs this week. She noticed she was running low last week so I don't understand why she waited until now since she also had Wednesday to Friday off last week. I don't think it's my fault she didn't get up as I told her I'd try to get her up and she "knows I'll disappoint her". She's said this a lot in the past and did today.
I know I wrote a lot, but I feel like I'm going crazy some days. I know I'm far from perfect, but I can't be that bad. I wish I could have followed her when said she was leaving 45 minutes ago to "go somewhere not here", but since I can barely walk I didn't follow her.
I just want to know if I'm as bad as she says. What should I do? I do truly love her and want to be with her, but some days it seems like a big mistake.
Tl;dr I have made mistakes which friends, family and professionals have told me isn't my fault and I'm being abused, but I fear I explained things so poorly they're not giving me real/biased answers/advice in the situations me and my GF have been in.
I'm really emotional right now so let me know if I did anything wrong or just have questions.
submitted by Global-Elite-Spartan to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:56 rodolphoteardrop House of Representin': Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you, South Carolina!

Yes, it’s not an airport and I don’t have to announce my departure.
The idiots have taken over Idiocracy. I’m sure the sub owner didn’t mean for wing nuts and homophobes to take over but…here we are. I’m guessing it’ll be 3-6mos before the sub is banned for hate speech.
The premise of the movie was NOT that Democrats turned everything into a hellscape of stupidity. It’s not the LGBT+ turned everything into a hellscape of stupidity. If you watch it (and I have a feeling that very few of the new posters have) you’ll see that there are almost no politics in it. “Talk like a fag” doesn’t refer to actual gay people. There’s no racism, either. Calm down, Cleavon, all is not lost - women are still treated like objects.
If you’re still hung up on politics, ask yourself this: Who would Cleavon have voted for? Was he a sissy libtard lose whose attitude and policies led to plants being watered with Brawndo to increase profits? Or was he a red-blooded, carnivore who loved freedom and hated libtards. Was talking like a fag a bad thing because Cleavon’s genes propagated libtard values? Or was it because it ran counter to the “hold my beer and take your hands off my junk” ethos of the movie?
So am I claiming it’s a liberal movie? No. It’s an a-political movie. However, the premise is that a bunch of dumbasses grabbed power through sheer numbers and fucked everything up. If they’d done it through the clever use of pronouns and concepts of gender, it would be a different movie. It’s about a world where a professional wrestler becomes president and people who talk like fags face the Dildoizer as punishment.
Enjoy turning America into shit because you’re just too ignorant to understand the point of satire. And enjoy watching Ass.
submitted by rodolphoteardrop to idiocracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:55 latebutstillearly1 The Stray

Two years ago, I had just moved to a new house from a different neighbourhood for work. I was settling in and getting used to the place, but I was still lonely and went through bouts of depression.
My ex-boyfriend of five years had ended the relationship a while before I moved, and I wasn't having much luck going on dates. I eventually decided to focus my energy into work and fitness instead, but the loneliness lingered. The house still felt empty at times, and the silence was painful. I went through the motions numbly as the days passed by.
About two months after I had moved in, I started noticed a stray dog pacing around my front yard from time to time. It had big, brown, sad eyes, and there was no collar around its neck. I couldn't tell you what breed it was - a reverse Google image search tells me it looks like an Indian Pariah dog. I could always recognize it, as its left eye was slightly larger and darker than the right, but that gave it some unique charm. After seeing it outside my front door for three days straight, I put up some posters along my street inviting anyone who might have lost a dog to call me. I quickly learned that I probably shouldn't have done that, after getting a few silent calls from an unknown number that I eventually chalked up to being a prankster or some scammer.
I called a local animal shelter and them pictures of the dog. A guy came over to scan the dog for a microchip, but found nothing. He said it was most likely abandoned as a puppy. He could take it back to the shelter, or I could look after it for the time being - they would contact me if anyone ever tried to claim it. My grandad had a german shepherd that I used to love playing with, so I always had a soft spot for dogs and agreed to look after it, even if it was for a while. The guy from the animal shelter advised that if I didn't hear back in a week, I should take it to the vet to get it checked out and microchipped, or to the shelter if I didn't want to keep it.
I took care of the dog and let it roam around the living room, with free access to the back yard. I decided to name him Charlie, and purchased more dog food, a labelled dog collar, some brushes to groom him with and dog toys. The nearest vet was a two hour drive away. Work was busy so I wasn't incredibly flexible for a visit, but I managed to get an appointment booked in two weeks' time.
The first night I spent with Charlie, I realized that he might just be what I needed in my life. Late in the evening, I sat on the couch looking at him, sitting quietly in the middle of the room on my wooden floor. I began talking out loud to Charlie. It seemed stupid at first, but the way he sat quietly and listened was comforting. After a while, I got more into it, and vented about my loneliness and frustrations to the point of tears.
How I stayed with my cheating, gaslighting ex-boyfriend because I was too insecure to be alone, until he dumped me. All my failed dates, and how I thought I would die alone and unloved. I poured my heart out to my new companion, spilling my deepest secrets until I cried myself to sleep. The next day, I again began talking to Charlie about the pain and depression I had been through, and he listened patiently once more. I discovered that spending time with my new friend was cathartic. Perhaps I needed to get it all out, and be listened to for once, even if not fully understood.
The third day after I had taken Charlie in, I woke up to realize that I'd overslept half an hour. I poured some food into Charlie's bowl and brushed my teeth at lightning speed, then grabbed my bag and flung the door open, ready to bolt into my car. A surprise greeted me at the front door, that made me stop.
There was a bouquet of red and pink roses on my front door step.
I picked it up and looked at it, confused. There was no note attached or anything. I couldn't think of who it would be from - I obviously hadn't been on any dates recently. Being late for work, I didn't have much time to ponder, so I dropped the roses back on my doorstep and drove off. During the drive, I panicked for a second at the thought that it could have been my ex, but then realized he didn't know my new address, or even that I had moved. The mystery bugged me all day at work. When I came back home, the roses were gone, so I assumed someone had accidentally left them at the wrong address.
That night, I woke to the sound of creaking. As I opened my eyes slightly, I saw something at the foot of my bed and bolted upright, adrenaline rushing through me. As the fogginess faded, my heart rate settled a little.
"It’s just you, Charlie," I sighed, "you scared me."
Charlie continued to stare at me from the foot of my bed. After a minute, he stood up and left the room. I didn't think much of it, and fell back asleep.
For the next week, I continued the usual ritual of talking to Charlie before I went to bed. I would talk about my day, my plans, hopes, dreams and other such things. I found our one way conversations getting more positive each day - they were very therapeutic. Charlie would always stare at me with those big brown eyes and sit quietly still as I talked.
On the morning of the vet appointment, for which I had taken the day off work, I noticed that my car was much cleaner than usual. Had it always been this shiny? I thought. I had driven it to work the Friday before, but I hadn't taken notice of how clean it was then. The last time I had, I could swear there were bird droppings on the back window, and some general grime that covered it all round, but it was now spotless. I pondered for a few seconds, and came to the conclusion that it must've just be a brain lapse on my part - it was probably always clean. Those droppings must have washed away over time with a few rainy nights.
I drove Charlie down to the vet and explained the story of how I'd found him.
"He's very well behaved," she beamed, as she began examining Charlie on the table. "We see a few of these cases from time to time. People's dogs have puppies, and they get sold or abandoned."
"It's a real shame," I sighed. "Charlie's been a star, I'm lucky to have him really. I live alone, so as odd as it sounds, I've been talking to him and it's helped me through some difficult moments."
"That's not strange at all," replied the vet, checking his teeth. "Owning a dog can do wonders for your mental health, especially if you live alo-"
She suddenly stopped.
I stared as she squinted and moved Charlie's head up and down, trying to get a look at something. She plucked a light out of her pocket and aimed it into Charlie's left eye.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She didn't answer, and kept looking at Charlie from different angles. He whimpered slightly.
"Did his eye look like this when you found him?" She asked. I leaned in closer.
"Yeah, I did notice his left eye was slightly darker and larger than his right."
She looked at me for a second and raised her eyebrows, then back at Charlie.
"I'd like to get a closer look at his eye and examine it in the next room, if that's okay?"
"Uh, sure," I said, confused.
Without further explanation, she hastily picked Charlie up and carried him off into a different room. I sat down and waited, reading the news on my phone, expecting her to be back in a few minutes. However, when the vet didn’t come back for a while, my concern began to grow. I paced around the room and tried to glance into the door she had left through a few times.
Then I sat back down and watched the minutes pass by, getting more anxious. Hopefully it's nothing, I thought to myself. An easily curable eye infection perhaps, or a defect he was born with - hopefully it was something like that or nothing. I'd only spent a few weeks with Charlie, but he was the best friend I'd ever had. I had told him so much about me, and he was the only one that had ever really listened to me. I had grown very attached to him quickly, so I almost felt like a worried parent, blaming myself for not bringing him to the vet sooner.
An hour and a half passed, but it felt like eternity. The vet finally came back through the door. I stood up.
"Everything okay?" I asked.
"Have you noticed any odd events recently?" she asked, "Like, anything you couldn't explain?"
"To do with Charlie?"
"No, just in general. Anything you've seen or heard around you that felt out of place in your life?" She insisted. I took a second to think.
"I'm pretty sure this isn't gonna be relevant," I said, "But I have a couple of times. For instance, this morning I thought my car was a lot cleaner than usual. I've been getting some unknown calls, and hearing some creaking noises at night lately, but I'm sure it's just Charlie walking around and waking me up. And… someone left roses on my front doorstep one day. Didn't say from who, but… Sorry, I'm not sure why I'm even telling you this."
I looked up at the vet, who now had a very concerned look on her face.
"I'm going to have to call the police," she said.
It took a few seconds to register. A million thoughts started racing through my mind. Did I say something wrong? Did she think I was abusing Charlie?
"I swear," I said, "Everything I've told you is true, I'm really sorry it took me so long to bring him in, it's my first time owning a dog and all…"
"No, no, it's not that," she said. She gestured for me to follow her into the room through the door.
Charlie was sitting on a table in the middle of the room. There were a few other tables surrounding it, with dog toys and surgical equipment on them. There was a large hole where his left eye had been, now a gaping black cavity.
The vet pointed at a sheet of blue paper on a table next to the one Charlie was on. There were two black domes resting on it, like two halves of a black ping pong ball had been split in half. A clear fluid was covering the outer sides, and staining the blue paper. There was also a tiny black cube. I looked closer, and saw some red and green wires coming out of the tube.
"I took this out of Charlie's left eye," the vet explained, "I thought my eyes were fooling me, but I took a closer look and was sure this thing definitely shouldn't have been in his head. When I took it out, I thought it was some kind of prosthetic eye, until I heard something moving inside it. I opened it up, and found this."
She pointed at the tiny cube and picked it up with some tweezers, revealing a transparent circular window on one side.
"Now I'm no expert, but I took that apart just now and to me it looked a lot like the inside of a camera lens you'd get on a smartphone."
She looked back at me.
"Do you think…" She paused.
"Do you think it's possible someone could have been watching you for the past few days?"
The police were eventually called and an investigation started. The tiny device inside Charlie's eye was indeed a camera lens with a built in audio recording device, and it had a wireless connection. It was an advanced piece of kit, but with some technical expertise they were able to examine its traffic logs and identify an IP address to which the miniature device was streaming.
That IP address belonged to my neighbor, who lived in the house opposite to mine.
I had never seen him leave the house before, although when I moved in I did see his silhouette in the top floor window a couple of times. He was a fifty five year old balding, slightly overweight man who worked as an engineer, but otherwise lived a reclusive lifestyle. I later found out that he had multiple restraining orders placed against him from ex partners. He had a collection of tiny bugging devices which he had been planting in various places including public women's bathrooms for years. These devices could livestream video and audio to his computer, and in his spare time he would watch and listen to this footage he collected.
A while before I moved into the house, he had purchased a puppy from someone he knew, and kept it as a pet without registering it. I assume he got bored of spying on women in bathroom stalls, and when he saw me move into the house opposite, he suddenly got a wild idea of how he could get a peek at something more intimate. The rest is some truly horrific history.
Charlie had been in my room while I slept and even a couple of times while I undressed. But worst of all, I had told him everything about me. The names of previous partners, things about my family, companies I had worked for and more. I wish I could say that I kept Charlie, but I just couldn't. Not after that. The vet arranged for him to be sent to the animal shelter where I'm glad to say he eventually did find a new home. I also relocated and changed my phone number.
For anyone out there wondering, I'm still single. The difference is that nowadays, I'm completely at peace with being alone. I've experienced a worse alternative, that's for sure.
submitted by latebutstillearly1 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 JesseDowntown AITA for coming down on my mother in law in this situation?

So, I’ve been with my wife for a total of about nine years, only married for a year and a half of that, first got a place together eight-ish years ago. I’m 34 and my wife is 31, if that matters or adds any context.
My mother in law, for the entire time we’ve been together, has had no respect for the fact that she is in the home of two adults and takes liberties with our things and is generally rude and it’s always been something that’s gotten on my nerves. For instance, I came home from work one day at our first apartment when her mother was in town to find my bread in the fridge, my pots and pans in the oven, and my furniture rearranged in my living room. I told my wife I didn’t like that and they aren’t her things to move and that she needs to tell her not to do that.
At this point we’d only been together for a year so I wasn’t super comfortable getting into head on confrontations with her family.
This is something that’s happened, in one form or another, for the entire time we’ve been together. I have never once confronted her about the dozens of rude things she’s done in our home and I’ve always told my wife when I’m getting irritated enough that I’m about to say something, and that she needs to before I do. She also doesn’t like dogs, and I have a deaf and blind heeler who, due to being deaf and blind, has mostly memorized routes around our home and she insists he not be around her and does things like leaving luggage on half of our couch so he can’t sit in whatever spots she’s decided that she owns while she’s here.
Two days ago, her mother is in our living room, having built a barricade around our coffee table and couch to make sure the dog doesn’t go where she doesn’t want him to go. Never asked, just started erecting defenses.
Riggs (dog) jumps up next to me and starts walking in her direction so she holds a pillow up to his face and tells me to get him off the couch. I told her she’s sitting in his spot and that he can’t see or hear, admittedly already a little angry from things she’s been doing during the trip. She responds with “he can have it back when I’m gone” and I came down on her. On mothers day, I know, but man. I just couldn’t deal with it anymore.
I said that this is his home more than it’s hers, and not to forget that, ultimately, this is MY home. I told her that she makes no rules here and I am the one who decides where my dog can and can’t go, and she needed to get all the way over the fact that she doesn’t like dogs when she’s coming to our home, knowing that we have one. She responds with “it’s just while I’m here”, and I said no, it doesn’t work like that, you’re not temporarily in charge of my home, my things, or my dog, while visiting.
There’s more but this is already pretty long and the dog was the main catalyst. My wife is furious and says I made this about my ego and not about her.
I feel like eight years of being disrespected in my home is more than enough patience and I’m struggling with the idea that I did something here that warrants the amount of rage that’s being directed at me. Was hoping the objective opinions of strangers might straighten me out a bit.
submitted by JesseDowntown to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 boathouse_floats Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound

Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound
Here's the deal.
There's a lot of chatter about the return of meme stocks and I'm sure you've all seen GME and AMC charts from today. Fucking rockets... but lets talk about meme projects and why I think there is going to be a brand new set of meme millionaires born from the meme action we're seeing today. (I'll save you some time if you don't feel like reading... they'll all be in KENDU).
As you all know, back in the good ol' days of 2021 when we were all face humping masks and rotting in our houses, some real fun was had and a lot of "New Money" millionaires were born. Some of these were from meme stocks, but a lot of people made fat bags on meme projects which they carry with them to this day.
First in Jan/Feb $DOG E pumped. Following this, $SHIB ($KENDU's Chad in Arms) pumped. These projects lost a bit off the top, but have sustained multi-billion dollar market caps to this day. But could they have done it on their own? Was this all just coincidence? Were market conditions so different that these pumps were just a factor of people being stuck at home with nothing better to do than sit there, thumb in ass, trading memes? Science says NAY!!
Please bear in mind that I'm wearing a helmet, which might have restricted some of the blood flow to my brain. This is NFA and you should DYOR... but I'm all in.
To prove my point, I am referencing the paper "The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach" by Yousaf et al. from 2022. Please note that I only have access to the pre-print, so the peer-reviewed edition might be a little different, but I would muster a guess, not really.
These authors are using data from 2020-2022, which includes data outside of the range of what I would consider the "hard" meme squeeze (Jan. 2021 and the few months following). Given the analysis from this paper was done using data from August 2020 to April 2021, I posit that the conclusions the authors draw, can and will apply to meme events outside of the infamous 2021 meme run which some might say is the primary reason meme projects squoze. The HUGE meme project runs we saw in SHIB and DOG E might have been born of the "Funny Money" era, but lock-down degeneracy isn't the end all when predicting price movements.
The meat
"Why, Butt?" I hear you ask. "Why do you bring this paper up?". Surely it can't be because you wanted to "prove" that meme projects can run outside of the golden age of meme pumps? Well dear Redditor... yes and no. I bring it up also because of the interesting point it mentions about how predictive certain market events are for similar market events in other assets.
To do this, the authors use Quantile Connectedness (QC) to analyze Meme stocks, Meme projects, and some more traditional asset classes like USD, Treasuries and Gold. QC is a concept used in economics to measure the degree of interdependence (how connected things are) among different segments of financial markets. The method uses some fancy stats and math to do so, and the analysis done in this paper says some interesting things about the interplay between traditional assets, meme assets and meme pumps (summarized in the following screen grab).
Memes go brrrrrr... other things do too
Yousaf, 2022 - The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach.
So... market events in the upper extreme quantile (or in laymen terms, extreme upwards market movements) in meme assets tend to cause spillover events into both meme assets and traditional financial assets. That's interesting... You know what we saw today? An extreme upward market movement. Specifically GME and AMC, which are both up over 100% (in after hours) from previous close.
Second, and perhaps more of a bull case for me... the spillover events are even more well predicted by movement in meme stocks than they are by movement in BTC (please see the useful red circle in the screen-grab below). Higher number = better prediction of spillover event. So, SO often, I hear people predicting runs in the smaller meme projects based strictly on what BTC is expected to do. But it turns out, there's an even better predictor!!! Meme stocks!
Please also note: The authors state "All meme assets are highly positively skewed, which reflects their price surges during short squeezing periods." Pretty sure this means, green begets more green for these spillover events.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB.
All this brings me to my last point. What does this all mean for meme projects and for $KENDU?
I hear you thinking "Why not just choose SHIB or DOG E, Butt?" and I get it... safe bets that will for sure "moon". Yes... "moon" :eye roll:
These projects are fine and good if you want to just grow the bags you've been holding and just keep, HODLing... but I know the real reason you all are playing meme projects, and it's that sweet, sweet alpha. You don't want to see the 2x, or 3x that these bigger memes might fetch during the next run. You're looking to eat zeros... and the only way to do that is to get in early with a project that is going to FUCKING RUN!
Enter KENDU INU... it's the project that "Can do"
Arguably, the most important fundamental for a meme project is the hype that it generates and how infectious its energy is. Well, you're not going to find a more hype community with a more infectious can do attitude than the KENDU community. The TG is wild, memes are on point, new art being made ALL THE TIME, and so much love and support for every single member in the Kendu clan.
Ignoring the fluffy feel good stuff though (NO DON'T DO THAT), what does this project really have going for it. I'm glad you asked.
  • We have strong support in the 40M range right now and are primed to run.
  • There are ABSOLUTELY (and we mean stay TF away if your looking to trade capital for services) no paid shills. Everyone is working hard to get this to project1BN+ and to get there organically! We know we can do it!
  • Shytoshi Kusama (the project lead for SHIB) has been following the project since 300 xitter followers. Shytoshi has also joined our Telegram community and said that he wants to feature KENDU in Shib Magazine (Look for the screen grabs in the comments).
  • The mega-chad developer, Kendu Miyazaki, has run multiple projects to 100M+ and is an incredibly active part of the community.
  • Kendu recently been listed on some BIG crypto tracking platforms like CMC.
  • 3 top 10 exchanges are lined up to launch KENDU when the time is right. One of these exchanges is a top 5 CEX !!!
  • The community! The community! The community!! (One more time for those who didn't hear: The Community!). This community is unhinged in the best way. So many people dedicated to the success of the and project to keeping positive vibes going ALL THE TIME in the Telegram.
  • What more sorta hype could you ask for!!
I will leave you with this. Dump those trash projects, put your M-Effin helmet on, and join the KENDU Clan!
Screw these JEET ass meme projects. KENDU is the only play
  1. Huge meme alpha was not strictly generated from pandemic lock-down funny money degeneracy.
  2. The GME and AMC pumps we saw today are a good predictor for what's to come with meme projects.
  3. You want alpha and to add to zeros to your portfolio. Bigger projects WILL NOT do that as well for you.
  4. Those other meme projects don't hold a candle to the dedication and spirit that all my fellow KENDU Chad's have!
TLDR the TLDR: Meme projects are going to run and $KENDU is going to own the day!
submitted by boathouse_floats to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:53 ondobi98 Conflicting emotions

Before I start, this story is long, and I'll repeat myself a lot; my first goal is to get what's inside me out and vent, so please be patient and if you respond be respectful, please.
I (29M) came out of the closet about two years ago, but living in the environment I live in, I couldn't be as open as I would have liked until recently. During that time, I lost a lot of weight and gained confidence in myself, which made it easier for me to open up to the world that interested me. I'm not someone with much experience when it comes to sex, but I've had my adventures, mostly with women, but once I accepted who I am, my experiences shifted towards men. In recent years, I've had fleeting relationships and two relationships that lasted more than four months, but in recent months, I've been puzzled by a situation I've had to live through, and that's why I'm writing this here, to see if the perspective of strangers helps me clarify my thoughts a bit.
I don't consider myself ugly; I can even be attractive, both physically and in personality, but insecurities have affected me since I was very young. This story begins in September of last year when I started working at a new company. The workgroup consists of about 30 colleagues, some of whom I knew from before. But the story focuses on a guy (32M), let's call him Stephen. I must mention that he didn't attract me at first; he's not my physical type. But around November, as I got to know him, I was attracted to his personality, which surprised me because I'm usually a very superficial person (I know I need to work on that), and it's not very common for me to be attracted to someone because of their personality.
Over time, I formed a very close group of friends, who told each other everything that happened in our daily lives, so it was only a matter of time before I mentioned to them that I was attracted to Stephen. The three colleagues, Anna (37F), Violet (36F), and Lily (20F), were happy for me and told me that the interest seemed mutual because they thought the guy was getting very close to me. I liked that because I had already noticed that the jokes or comments I made to him received the same response, or at least he played along.
We reached December, we organized a dinner with some colleagues, and both he and I attended. By then, my colleagues had been pressuring me a lot to tell him something, but since we only had a relationship at work, I didn't dare to take the step; it didn't seem right to me. I also mentioned my situation to my friends, who could give me another point of view, but they all told me that not seeing the relationship we had made it difficult for them to evaluate it. I must mention that all this was happening while I was seeing another guy, John (27M), in a stable relationship for 6 months.
At the dinner and at the after-party, Stephen didn't leave my side. If I went out to smoke, he came out with me even though he doesn't smoke; if I had a drink, he accompanied me to the bar. My colleagues were ecstatic because they saw that this was the night something was going to happen. Well, it didn't. Between my relationship with John and the nerves of the moment, I didn't dare to do anything. But I already saw clearly that with those ideas in my head, the relationship with John was unfeasible; he was no longer my priority. We broke up during the following week.
I was already going all out for Stephen; I was attracted to his personality, to what he could offer me in a relationship. The week before Christmas arrived. We had a one-week break from work, and I didn't want to leave with doubts on vacation. On Tuesday of that week, I went to talk to him about the subject, determined, but when I started talking, I saw that we weren't alone, and I didn't dare to continue. I didn't dare again until Friday; he insisted that I finish saying what I had to tell him, which excited me even more because in my head, what I wanted to tell him seemed obvious.
Friday came, the last day for me to tell him something. When there was an hour left to finish the workday, I saw that we were alone, and I approached him. I was very nervous, I even stuttered, but I practically told him that I found him a very interesting guy and that I would like to get to know him outside of work, to which he responded that he was flattered but that he was not homosexual. It crushed me. I tried to disguise it by saying that he had become a very important support at work and that I wouldn't want this to ruin that relationship; he accepted it.
I left there as quickly as possible, holding back tears as best I could (yes, very teenage everything). I met up with my colleagues and told them what had happened. They supported me, but they kept saying that they didn't believe Stephen, that the relationship we had wasn't just friendship. I didn't give importance to that; at that moment I just wanted to forget what had happened. It was one of the toughest Christmases I've ever had. My family didn't know anything, my friends outside of work didn't understand it, and my work colleagues kept insisting that I needed to clarify things even more with him. My head was spinning.
I decided that I was going to fulfill what I said to Stephen, that the work relationship would continue as it had until that moment. The first week was weird and tough, I won't deny it, but I handled it quite well. I insisted that my colleagues avoid the subject, but it was impossible not to see the looks every time Stephen and I talked. Over time, we've returned to jokes, and although there's attraction on my part, I've come to understand that nothing will ever happen between us. Or so I thought. The last month I've had abrupt changes in my life. My grandmother died, I started dating Parker (33M), I got promoted at work, and I moved out on my own. It's important to mention, I think, that Stephen was my superior, and now, with the promotion, he's my immediate superior, I have to answer to him. So we spend much more time together, and we've come to know each other more intimately. I know about his problems with family, his friends, his plans for the weekend... But he never talks to me about relationships. We have a colleague who lives in the same city as Stephen, who has known him for years, and my colleagues, being the gossips they are, interrogated her about Stephen, and she managed to find out that he has never had a known relationship, nor has he had relationships with anyone, which surprised us all because, even though he's not my type, he's an athletic and quite attractive man.
Meanwhile, physical contact has emerged; he touches my shoulder when speaking, he hugs me when greeting me in the mornings... That was what I was missing. Just when I was rebuilding my life after the Christmas fiasco, to doubt again because of physical contact, once more when I was in a relationship that seemed perfect on the surface. More doubts on the subject. I had been with Parker for three months; I met him at a party with friends, in early February, falling back into the same old mistakes, focusing on the physical and then on the personality, luckily we were compatible, until feelings for Stephen surfaced again. The relationship faded, literally, no sex, no affection, no compatibility. My work colleagues didn't accept Parker, they were still insisting on Stephen. We come to yesterday, I broke up with Parker last week, and I really felt bad because it seemed to me that I was making the same mistakes as with John, obsessing over a relationship that didn't exist, that I had already received rejection for. But I moved to my new house, perfect for me, and liked by everyone, even Stephen. Today I received the comment that led me to speak here. I have organized a dinner next weekend at my house, Stephen is coming, he has asked to stay the night, I only have one bed, he has said we will share with a wink. I got excited, but I don't want to. I couldn't bear another fiasco. My work colleagues are already on cloud nine.
So I ask, do I have reasons to be excited or is it all in my head?
submitted by ondobi98 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 prettyorpetty AITA for sticking to going LC with my mom?

There’s a lot of history that would take too long to go into fully, but this mainly involves me (30f), my sister (28f), and my mom (54f).
My sister and I have never gotten along for one reason: I am more attractive than her. I feel stupid even typing that, but it’s the truth that I am conventionally good looking. My sister is also pretty, but we grew up in a shallow family, I guess, because we were often compared to each other in that way.
Things changed when I was 15-16 and my sister was 13-14. All I’ll say is that my sister attempted to do something very drastic. She spent some time in the hospital and in some intense therapy and apparently she was hysterical at the idea of having to live with me. So I went to go live with my aunt and uncle so my sister could continue therapy at home.. I figured it would only be a couple of weeks or months, but it ended up being basically forever.
I never lived back at home all the way thru high school. I would go back sometimes but it was so awkward and I felt really unwelcomed. I also wasn’t allowed to wear makeup or dress nice or do anything to “improve” my appearance because it would set my sister off. I decided to go to a university across the country just to give myself some space. My sister improved with the distance, and I didn’t have as many restrictions on me when I would return home but it was still obvious that she resented me a lot.
However, it seems like my sister has started to weaponize her issues. I've noticed that every time I was excited/happy about something, or schedule time to visit, my sister would “relapse” and my mom would have to drop everything to tend to her. She even left halfway through my wedding ceremony to rush to take care of sister.
I have started pointing this out but mom just says I’m being ridiculous. What broke for me was my mom was supposed to visit to see my baby daughter for the first time in March. But my sister had a relapse that happened literally the same morning my mom was supposed to fly out. She called to say she wouldn’t be able to come and I just lost it and told her that if she didn’t come out than I was going to give up as well.
After that, I stopped calling my mom. I think it started to hit her after a few weeks because she has started calling me a lot more. She even called to ask about us coming out to visit her for mother’s day but I told her I had plans. We were really going to surprise my aunt for mother’s day
Well, we all posted the pictures from the visit and my mom called me crying but I told her that I was just reciprocating her effort, and that unless she stopped putting my sister above me all the time, then that would continue on. My mom was hysterical and said I was being cruel.
After that I just cried with my husband. Now that I have a child, I can see why my mom would do everything she can to protect her children, and I’m starting to get doubts now that I am being overly harsh.
submitted by prettyorpetty to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:50 No-Palpitation2954 I think I’ve been visited

So about 6 months ago I started having messed up dreams where I was compelled to pray to get out of them and I wasn’t religious and didn’t pray. Dreams where people have distorted faces and black eyes and I even saw an angel winged being with a sword one time. Awful ones where there are chains around the room I’m in and body parts severed floating through the air. Then one night in my dream I was in a bedroom with someone I thought was my fiancé. He was on the computer and there was a screen with weird occult-like symbols on them and horrific pictures, on the top was the word Mammon. I had not heard this name before and had not read the Bible at this point. He gets off the computer and lays on the bed and we spoon. Then he started laughing so I’m like “what? What’s so funny” and he says “she hasn’t even noticed yet”. Then I look down and realized it’s not two arms but a dozen holding me and I freak out and am able to pull myself away and then it hits me that the person I was thinking was my fiancé wasn’t but some random guy. He was smirking and got off the bed and walked behind me completely disappearing into the wall. I was more preoccupied that the blanket balled up in the corner of the bed was raising like in a horror movie. It got to about person size and the blanket fell and it was actually my fiancé this time. He was smirking as well and floated across the bed to the edge and sat down looking smug. I started to pray and after saying Jesus’s name his smile faded and he said “doesn’t matter, I’ll get you some day”. I walk out of the room and down the hall I look back when I reach the end and see him floating sideways with his back to me into the closet. I woke up then. I looked up Mammon just to see if maybe I’d heard it before and learning it was something wicked in the Bible coupled with my random praying even though I wasn’t religious just gave me a bad feeling. I now often have dreams where something is wearing my fiancés face and I pray at them to get away. I’ve had other strange dreams with religious undertones if anyone is interested. Also all these dreams made me seek religion
submitted by No-Palpitation2954 to demons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:49 ollie-baby ADHD symptoms are making gardening impossible. Can I get tips and tricks from any gardeners?

I was partially emboldened to ask for guidance in this subreddit because of the (very validating) post about certain medication leading to heat intolerance, but I’m also asking here because gardening and sensory issue subreddits didn’t seem like the appropriate place. I’m just hoping someone here has the same experience as me but with more insight and solutions.
I live in Alabama. The air is scorching hot, damp, and alive with all manner of swarming, buzzing insects that desperately want to get inside your eyes, ears, and nose. Even taking out the garbage and coming right back inside makes sweat roll down my back, and it’s not uncommon for me to see sweat dripping from my nose and elbows if I stay outside for a half hour in the summer.
During the summer months, I try to avoid being outside if at all possible. I’ve decided it would be great to grow a small garden, though, and that’s pretty incompatible with staying indoors all summer (no space for an indoor garden), so now I’m faced with:
1) the desire to go outside, and 2) the sensory discomfort of being outside.
Does anyone else hate the heat, feel suffocated by the humidity, want to scream from sensory overload when bugs crawl on them and STILL manage to garden? If so, HOW??
To get ahead of the obvious solutions, I already use bug spray, but it only cuts the bug issue in half. They’re still always around my face, and I always get some mosquito bites no matter how carefully I apply the spray. Of course I use sunscreen religiously to protect my skin, but the heat itself is still miserable.
Are there any pants you wear that are mosquito-proof? Or do you get up at 5am every Saturday to work in your garden to beat the heat? Do you use citronella torches around your yard?
Thanks for reading this far, and much appreciation to anyone who throws a thought or suggestion my way!
submitted by ollie-baby to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 thecollection14 The short story

I decided to do it in a summery short version because I don’t want to feel like a tease or keeping you guys waiting I won’t drop names or specific location mostly things that has to do with the recovery and time on mdma pills
How I obtained the bags : me and my friend found a good trustworthy source and decided to buy bulk while the legit pills where around they where a variety of different shapes some basic like angry birds , 1up mushrooms,teslas until the second bag we where planning on both using and selling only during festival season or for summer more party like seasons which we would take a certain amount with us that event to sell
While we did test the top of the bags which was cleared for mdma I won’t lie and say we tested the whole batches but can vouch every pill had the same effect idk
The good : while my time on mdma i had social experiences I never would of had otherwise it helped me understand a lot about my depression and anxiety along with social anxiety in big crowds. Another thing was connecting with people in a deeper level really understanding the full spectrum of deep emotion found alot of new and odd music that I still listen to that I am grateful for completely took away doubt in terms of trying new things or going new places with out those little shapes I don’t think I would’ve had a glimpse of normal life without depression and anxiety.
It sure in hell helped me creatively not that I wasn’t without it because as a hobby I love designing and concepting things such as films ,books , animation even found that I’m pretty decent at rock music well back up vocals but that’s the beauty ig finding some sort of new talent
Where I messed up at is falling I love with the therapeutic aspect of it because I would take it a lot solo and dig with in my self to completely understand every aspect as well as other aspects of people psyche it was so refreshing to connect in this way… non the less good things can’t last for ever.
Lol as for pleasure ehhh I mean yes can be horny but not as it seems in media also for my males out there dude be ready for e dick 🤣 aka the shrivels
What it really helped me with is coming to terms with wounds from exs that never fully healed or suppressed especially with a girl which was my first long term relationship 5 yes
Helped me plan/focus on a way I wanted to be and self improvement I won’t say this for everyone though depends on how you use mdma
Helped alot with ptsd letting shit go and setting rules/boundaries
Had some killer work out sessions and improve my combat sports technique along with performance also actually listening taking in the coaching
The bad
The sweet release and momentum you get from them leads you to taking them everyday for me ig to be more consistent in mental mood (even though this would have the reverse opposite coming off the first year bad )
I found my self building a tolerance leading to dosing 3 times a day or taking a couple half’s max no I’m not a mad man I think I would be dead hell I’m not sure how I’m not dead with the abuse lol but sure I’m hell ain’t the same
I won’t say all the connection but a quarter of them where fake ig or not intense for the person once completely sober it can lead to of alot of truthful moments maybe not ready to be touched on or maybe the person/oneself can’t handle. Can say Boths builds or destroy relationships/friendships
The brain fog on brakes are shit depending on how active your day is can be tolerable what sucks it’s the frequent space outs and irritability
Idk if other hard users have or do experience this but frequent sleep paralysis no audio or visual hallucinations though
Please please I stress stay hydrated with water or the frequent urination will persist took me months after for it to get better still piss like a racing horse more then usual
Ehhhh depending on diet and fitness I found my self bouncing between 150 to 205 male in his 20s it will knock your hunger sometimes not eating half of the day
Some days finding myself wasting the day away hyper focusing on few things and not finishing them getting distracted
Another part where I messed up at was dosing in the morning I feel my not giving my body time to naturally register and then simply rolling to frequent
Leading up to the ugly I did take a month break but one night the night of clarity was when I started back up took 4 in a day idk how I didn’t od but definitely got serotonin syndrome which was hell lasted a couple days well the side effects
The ugly aka after
Dude the first year was hell I won’t lie mostly mental can’t say I suffered to many physical effects besides easier for body temperature to rise and memory
The first year was almost unbearable I’m a way it feels like a chemical lobotomy no emotions just the most intense extreme sadness sometimes not leaving my room
Weaker vision like in terms I can’t focus on things long like I use to before blurring or higher sensitivity to light/sun
Restless leg syndrome for a couple months and a cloud of anxious feelings Ovr your head like say when you’re in highschool and you get called out after school to fight the next day at lunch
Times of just spacing out staring straight forward
Chills and inconsistent body temperature
Robotic emotional responses noooo not even my favorite songs triggered anything it was just like blabbering in the background while I spaced out
Bad short term memory lost this has gotten better now on year two but memory issues still persist like if I want to remember a fun memory I have to really sit and think also not very vivid as it use to be to described in a story
No interest in simple human interaction such as a short convo improved after half a year clean
alot of light headedness through out day to day task with shortness of breath and heart palpitations but these all have dissipated thank god
It was weird for half a week one pupil was dilated
Frequent urination although has gotten way better i still have to piss more then I use to
This is a shitpost summery I will make a cleaner more detailed description of each part separately but feel free to ask questions below I just didn’t want to keep you guys waiting I’m pretty sure I’m missing some stuff but hey I’ll get it in the full individual post.
submitted by thecollection14 to ecstasyMDMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 notyourbae_tie Ingrown Facial Hair/Dark Spots?

So I've been dealing with facial hair in this one patch on my jawline for basically 10 years now, it's been getting worse and harder to manage in the last year or so. I'm getting married in September and would love to hear your solutions for ingrowns/reducing the dark/red spots, it's always so red and angry, the only time it isn't is when I let it grow but it's very dark and I have fair skin.
Right now I do a combination of plucking and using a face trimmer. I have been using glycolic acid toner and salicylic acid for about a month now daily but it doesn't seem to be doing anything yet. I do have one of those IPL at home things but I've been afraid to try it because I often will have one open sore like spot in the patch after plucking or shaving. I can't afford to do laser or anything like that right now. I was considering trying spirolactone but nervous about any side effects so close to my wedding.
Help :( I'm so afraid I'm going to feel ugly on my wedding day. My fiancé loves it when I put my hair up but I always wear it down to cover this part of my face, so I want to wear it up for the wedding but I'm literally dreading it. Any advice would be so appreciated. 🙏🏼
submitted by notyourbae_tie to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 locustoftheapocalyps I hate that restaurants expect you to work while sick

I think I'm actually about to get fired for being sick. We're super short staffed because the idiot owner fired a bunch of people without finding replacements, so managers freak out if someone can't come in because it's so difficult to have anyone cover.
I called out yesterday, today my partner has been driving me around to find minute clinics or urgent care that can fit me in to tell me what I already know just so that I can pay for a sick note. I called in to say I'm still sick and I was told that if I can't find someone to cover for me I need to come in anyway because somebody else called in sick too and I 'already took yesterday off'.
So they'd rather I get other coworkers and very likely a bunch of customers sick instead? What the fuck is the deal with people thinking you should just power through it and come into work sick anyway, and if you don't you're just looked down on. It's so fucked up. Just let people stay home and recover or half your fucking staff is going to be calling out when everyone's passing it around to each other. Also, why the fuck is it my responsibility to find a cover for my shift and not the manager's? I don't know a lot of my coworkers that well, so cold texting asking for a cover just feels weird and nobody ever replies. So I'm not sure who they even expect me to find to do that??
I'm really pissed about it all because I really do feel like absolute dog shit and need to stay home and rest, but I also need money. This place has been keeping me as host the whole time and I wanted to stay until they trained me as a server so that I have the experience needed to get a job at a better place that makes more money. I don't know if it's worth working sick and pissed off all night with a bunch of people I really don't like anyway
submitted by locustoftheapocalyps to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 BigGap9930 Will no contact be effective in this unique situation???

Hi all - strap in lol..
I (23M) had been seeing a girl (22F) for around 9 months and we became official just touching 7 months ago..
At the beginning, everything was pretty good and I was happy. Around March this year, her effort dramatcially decreased. There were a few red flags that I admittedly ignored such as a promiscuous past ( not necassarily a red flag in itself but she was pretty vocal about it which I'll get to ), me being her first boyfriend and from what I could gather, the first guy to treat her well.
For the duration of the 9 months, she didn't plan one single date, she did not get me anything for Valentines day or our 6 month anniversary, when I asked her to join me and my family for dinner for an important milestone in my life ( 1 year sober ) she did not make the effort to be there as she was " too tired " . I got her a nice photo of the two of us framed for our 6 months which she hadn't even bothered to unwrap up to the last time I saw her which was less than a week ago..
I planned every date, paid for 98% percent of them, planned and paid for two holidays which I wouldn't mind doing had she shown effort in other ways.. Like at the beginning, she would make the effort to call me every night which was more than enough for me to know she cared. I'm not a needy bloke, I didn't need gifts and to be wined and dined but something so simple as the phone calls was good for me, but that faded around February..
Things really started to look bleek around the time of our second Holiday which was the beginning of last month. She had been out drinking the night before and told me the next day she had a guy from her class pour liquour into her mouth which personally for me, was a boundary crossed that I foolishly ignored. Then, one of the nights on holiday, while drunk, she decided to show me a list she had kept in her notes app of all her past sexual partners and even went as far to tell me how big one of the guys dicks was (upon reflection I should've left her there and then).
Now, don't get me wrong, she was not a demon. She had many moments of showing affection and care, she bought me some nice clothes for Christmas and my birthday aswell as other small but thoughtful gifts and often used to keep my favorite drinks in the fridge for when I came over. But for the mostpart, the effort was just not there and would frequently go hours without snapping me back, and often times wouldn't start an actual verbal conversation ever and there wouldn't be one if I didn't start one..
I brought up the lack of effort to her 3 or 4 times and and told her, if she just wasn't into me it was fine and we could call it quits, but we needed to communicate. Each time she would cry, maintain that she loved me, she wanted me in her life and wanted to be with me. She is super focused on her studies and I told her I totally get it and that I don't expect to come first, and don't want much, but something so simple as the nightly phone call was enough for me to know she cared. Each time she told me she would try and do better but nothing ever changed.
So, this Sunday gone, I couldn't do it anymore and initiated a break up. Once she saw I was serious she kind of scrambled to make it mutual, but I inititated it and I don't think she had intented to finish with me any time soon. I told her nothing has changed and I don't see it changing, she told me she doesn't feel she can give me what I need (which is not very much) or deserve. She said she loves me still and probably always will. The last thing I said to her was, I will miss you, I am thankful for the times we shared, wished her the best of luck with her studies and the rest of her time in my country ( she's not from here) and goodbye. I have since entered a period of no contact with her.
I also don't believe there was another guy on the scene, she was never secretive with her phone and always left her location on, which I never checked as I found that to be unhealthy, but her wilingness to leave it on was fairly reassuring in that regard.
The reason I am conflicted is because, I don't believe she saw it ending and I do believe she had genuine feelings for me, but I couldn't allow myself be disrespected and taken for granted any longer for my own sanitys sake.
What I'm asking is, given it ended amicably, is it hopeless to think that she will realise what she lost and come back and make an effort, or is it dead in the water.. Afterall, even though I ended it, I am in love with her and am finding the no contact incredibly difficult although have no intention of breaking it.
I find it hard to believe she is able to let someone who did and cared so much for her go that easily, but am also aware life is cruel and unforgiving..
I'd really like some non biased opinions on this.. Thanks!
Edit: she has not yet taken down the photos of us together on Instagram if that counts for anything...
submitted by BigGap9930 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:43 Kooky-Quarter-7306 How would you write Kong: The New Empire?

Everybody keeps saying that the new movie should be a Kong movie, and I do personally agree with this even though I like to see Godzilla, who seems to be a very long cameo in a movie that has his name written first. But that begs a question, hypothetically how'd you rewrite GxK to make it more like a Kong movie?
Mine is not the best, but I'll try my best.
The movie intro starts nearly the same, but remove all Godzilla scene, until the traps Kong set up collapsed, and Skar King emerged from the gap. Instead of destroying the outpost like he did in the movie, he'd try to lure Kong in the uncharted area without Monarch knowing. Then Kong ventures around, meets a Drownviper and almost gets incapacitated (doesn't make sense given that Kong killed it canonically), just before Kong gets drowned, Skar King takes the opportunity and swiftly saves Kong from the eel-like titan.
For Skar King, who is better be bigger and stronger than Kong, he should be extremely manipulative in an emotional sense, but the tyrannical sadistic side should be kept hidden until the big reveal. Kong, still too shocked and surprised to see a fellow species of his though he is a bit different, would immediately follow him around without any hesitation, who took him back to his kingdom. The red ape puts on a friendly facade and tells him that the Gojira species locked him and the apes up, thus, making Kong's already present dislike toward Godzilla grow.
When they get back to the kingdom, which doesn't contain Shimo like the movie did, Kong does express sadness after seeing how malnourished his species are, making his sympathy toward Skar King bigger. Here's a really stupid catch, prior to inviting Kong, Skar King basically becomes Kim Jong un and turns every ape into an NPC, which means actors. They'd act all scared and surround Kong, thus, fueling the big guy's remorse and empathy. The red ape would then introduce Kong to Suko, who'd later be Kong's companion and savior, and say that he could lead the apes to a better place, that's if he got the Hollow Earth energy with Kong's help. Wanting to free his people and the emotional manipulation from Skar, Kong instantly agrees without even noticing Suko's fearful expression.
Kong, Suko, Skar King and his armies set out to find the energy that could help the apes thrive. Along the way, Kong would notice Suko's anxiety around his own father but never question why. Nevertheless, the big guy would still bond over his nunchuck, and a montage of them skipping rocks on the lake and Kong teaching Suko how to properly throw a rock at someone's head (This might or might not be crucial). After reaching an unknown area, the whole scout manage to find a crystal that could help them control megafauna and even smaller titans (kinda like Shimo but wider range).
But upon acquiring the crystal, Suko suddenly snatches it from Kong's hand, and Skar King, along with his subordinates, laughs hysterically and says that Kong is a stupid moron. Skar King then reveals that he is the tyrant who caused the Titan War and starves the apes, and Kong realizes that the one who saves him was just power-hungry dictator. Confused, enraged and betrayed, Kong challenges him into a fight, and Skar King pulls out his whip, which then breaks Kong's rotten tooth. Kong does put up a good fight, but ultimately, he loses to Skar King's superior build and experience. Instead of chopping his head off with his axe, Suko says that throwing him off the cliff will do just find, and for once, Skar King agrees with his son. They take the axe and dump Kong's body over the cliff, but using his most powerful weapon ever (plot armor), he falls into a lake and survives but heavily injured.
He crawls back to Jia and Ilene, saying that he lost his home and people because of his stupidity and ignorance. Jia then tells him that she also lost her people and home and he will lose his species if he decides to do nothing. Kong gets motivated and is given a BEAST glove and instantly heads to Skar King's lair, where the tyrant is still flaunting his new piece of weapon that could help him rule the surface. When Kong arrives and once again challenges Skar King, who is surprised to see him but happy to accept the offer. With the BEAST glove, Kong clearly has the edge and sometimes grapples Skar and beats him up quite easily. Skar King spits out his tooth and tests his new toy, which attracts a bunch of Wart Dogs and Spineprowlers to attack Kong, who prevailed with minor injuries.
When Kong manages to pin Skar King down and chokes him, the tyrant swallows his pride and orders his subordinates to jump Kong all at once. The other apes hopelessly watch as Kong, despite being the strongest specimen of his species, can't fight all of the stripped apes. Even though one punch from his BEAST glove can put them to sleep, it's too much for Kong to manage, and eventually, he succumbs but still keep fighting. This desperate act seems to motivate the starved apes, but they don't have the courage to stand against them, but then, Suko, and Doug as his battle horse, roars as he throws rocks at his father's head. A small act of retaliation sparks a flame, and the apes all rush down to help Kong fight the Skar King and his armies.
Kong is then released and faces Skar King again, who is now more pissed off and swears that he'll kill every traitor when this is over. After a short fight in the arena, Kong and Skar King would then stop to catch a breath before continuing. Of course, Skar King notices the weakest Kong, Gnarled Finger, sneaking up on him, and he smiles before kicking the ape into the lava. Suko witnesses this and cries out in agony, and Kong, enraged, charges forward and goes all feral.
The final battle ends up with Kong prevailing and having Skar King at his mercy. Just as before Kong drops him into the lava like he did to Gnarled Finger, our protagonist chooses to spare him, but not without any consequences. Skar King, now utterly defeated and humiliated, and his army were now banished from his own kingdom by an outsider. He swears revenge and desire to take over the world, but Kong doesn't give a shit about his trash talking and throws the crystal into the lava, destroying it. The movie ends with Kong doing a victory roar along with his apes, and the our big guy is crowned King Kong.
The after-credit begins with a roar, and a broken crystal is dropped to the ground. Skar King, still could not let go of his revenge of both Kong and Godzilla, sadistically smiles as he grabs the crystal, and a roar of pain can be heard from a cave that seems to have two glowing blue eyes.
Yeah, not the best plot but that's all I can come up with. I'd have liked it more if Skar King was more of a threat instead of Shimo since he was hyped up so much. We heard the word 'hunger' in the reveal video, but in the film, he only ate once. No cannibalism, no eating Gojira, just... some Hollow Earth creatures. Ngl, I kinda hate it when the novel confirms that Kong could kill Skar King. Well, I hope that they release some comic about the Titan War, which could give us insight more about Skar King and his past.
submitted by Kooky-Quarter-7306 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:43 screaminginmiear migraines when it’s sunny and nice out make me sad

i had a whole plan for today - wake up early, go to the gym, do my work and meetings and go back outside again before sunset. but i’ve been up since 5am with a splitting migraine that feels like someone is hammering nails all around my head + nausea and GI issues. could barely get up and do my kitty chores without squinting one eye and moving slowly.
it’s almost 2pm and 70 degrees. my rescue medications are working somewhat, but along with my period, i am down for the count. the breeze is flowing in from the window that is only open just enough to keep the rest of the blinds down. i wish i could go outside and feel the sun on my face. it is even more difficult to keep myself focused on my computer screen.
sincerely, an annoyed migraine-sufferer
submitted by screaminginmiear to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 Majestic_Corner_1131 My pharmacy coworkers hate me :

I can tell they don’t like me. When I returned back from my “training store”(which didn’t even know I was being trained there, and I didn’t have a trainer, everyday I had to go out ajd find ppl to help me but I didn’t really get anything hands on & my training was my responsibility to learn) they expected me to come back & know what to do, I came back at shift 11 module & my pharmacist had me on drive thru for the full 8 hours & she didn’t know I still had modules & like no actual experience working. So I had yo ask A LOT of questions & I could tell they didn’t like me.
It’s been like 3 or 4 weeks at my home store & I’m pretty confident in doing most stuff alone now. But I only got to do production like 2xs when other ppl called out & the rest of the day I spent as a cashier or drive thru person :(
I think they hired me thinking I was 20 something but when they found out I have kids & am 32 they started acting a little different.
My pharmacist favors one of the younger girls and if she does anything so small she’s like good job! Yay! But if I do anything she’s always like giving me criticisms, which is fine but it feels bad when I feel like I’m treated different.
To top it all off the lady who scheduled me to work in the other store was suppose to come to our store today just to evaluate me. I asked what she would do and they said idk she’s never done that for anyone. She never showed up but to me I’m like this job pays me 18 an hour, my last job was 23 and hour but I took the pay drop to step into the medical field.
Also. Today whenever I went toward my coworkers they all start sneezing /coughing acting like so I smell bad or something? I don’t wear perfume but obviously I shower every morning. And wear deodorant etc & I don’t wear perfume and it could totally not be from me but I just find it a weird coincidence.
My jobs been fine up until yestdsy & today it’s starting to effect my mental health pretty bad & im starting to consider to quit. My plan was to just stay till like august bc I wanna go back to school anyway but idk if I even wnaa make kt that far. I’m on my break now & im legit crying. I just don’t feeel good at all.
submitted by Majestic_Corner_1131 to u/Majestic_Corner_1131 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 kyeowonagi And hirap pala no, pag wala kang natatanggap na emotional support?

It's hard when you don't have emotional support coming from your parents or family. Not even my friends but tbf, I'm not exactly an open book with them emotionally, so that makes sense.
I'm a first born, learning everything first hand. I don't have someone to lean on while facing this whole "adulting life" thing. I thought I was prepared but no one ever told me it would be this hard and depressing.
I can be emotionally tough but mentally weak. I grew up in a household where we don't really speak our hearts out. With everything that's been happening to me right now, I show everyone that's its okay and that I'm still okay but deep inside I feel so alone and empty every single day. I get discourage a lot and disappointed with myself. I got used to shoving everything away, distracting myself because I hate the weird feeling it's giving me.
For the past few years, feeling "depressed" has strangely become a normal thing to me. It's gotten to the point where a "fun" day feels weird like something is not right and I somehow miss those empty feeling because at least it felt familiar.
It's not that I don't cry, but I can't seem to do it on my own. When I get overwhelmed with all those bottled-up feelings, I watch I sad movie to cry my chest out til I feel better. Sometimes the thought "I just want to die" creeps in, but I don't even have the energy and courage to do so.
It's just upsetting how my parents treat me, being mad at me for the things that I didn't do for them, not knowing I have a lot on my plate too. :(((
submitted by kyeowonagi to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 Scared-Carpenter4288 They hid their relationship with ex. Are they codependent? Did I jump the gun? Feeling lost.

This is a long 'get it off my chest'. Met A online while they were engaged to and living with Z. A and I hit it off very hard, very fast. The romance was intense, and A would sometimes say things that rubbed me the wrong way: “I want to be with you at the end of the universe” and the like -- things that seemed very “mono-minded”. Z had had a secondary partner for a year at this point, while A had not kept one since they asked Z to open the relationship. A and I met up once IRL during this time. I did not meet Z, nor did I ask to. I said eventually that I may be falling too hard to handle being secondary.
Also… I’ve been around poly enough to be able to tell A’s engagement was failing, and told them so. A insisted that while their love for Z was not intense or sexual anymore, they were still in love and planned to get married. I was not trying to replace Z, but simply saw it as a matter of fact that they were ‘over’, and trying to use poly to fill the cracks or branch off, which A denied. A was desperate to keep me around and said they wanted me to be “co-primary”, which felt ridiculous given the engagement.
Eventually, I left due to the distance making it impossible to get my needs met in the way I wanted with this person, and I was too emotionally invested to find a primary partner if I was seeing them (I generally consider myself more “poly-saturated at one partner” than mono).
Three months later, I get a 15-minute VM: I was right, they were no longer engaged, and they still held a torch for me. A told Z about their unhappiness, and despite attempts to rekindle, it was over. A+Z were now ‘queer platonic’, a phrase I admit I’d only heard a couple of times. I assumed that this was a relationship like mine with my ex — we live together, care for our home together, are best friends, and are part of each other’s families, but we are not ‘together’ and cannot ‘break up’. I was a bit skeptical (my ex and I needed a couple of years at minimum, with lots of discussions, breaks in contact, time living apart, etc. to get to that healthy point), and I felt that A needed to be single: they’d had two nearly back-to-back LTRs (both failed engagements) since their teens, and I didn’t feel that jumping into things with me was the best idea. Being stupid and still in love, of course, I waited barely any time before jumping back. I tried whenever I could to get A to do more for themselves, as they seemed so focused on me. Looking back I would say with certainty they have codependency issues, and I felt like I could “fix” it somehow.
We spent the next few months talking, planning a long-term future together, where they’d move and our general timelines. I asked that, due to our distance and the complications of our history, I’d like us to start off monogamously for a mutually-agreed on period of time. They readily accepted, and I planned to ask them to be my primary this summer.
1st flag: A and Z were still partnered online. When asked, A said “I don’t use the (gay) apps much [not true] and don’t care what my profile says [questionable, given my perception of them]”. I let it pass for months, nothing changed, and then was firm that (1) I knew that they were not being honest, and needed to tell me what wasn’t being shared, and (2) It was important to me that they were publicly single before we coupled. To (1), they admitted that Z had asked A that they not make their breakup public yet. Z had had recent personal problems, and A felt bad pushing the issue, especially after initiating the breakup. To (2), A said they would revisit the question with Z soon. I felt hurt, and they were worried we had escalated too quickly, so we took a month break.
Towards the end of this break, A finally talked with Z, saying they wanted to pursue me. This did not go over well, but A was insistent. I was glad, but days later I still had some discomfort based on things A said, and, taking a wild guess, I asked — “Hey, is Z insisting you keep him as a partner, so he’s your platonic/nesting partner and I’m the ‘romantic’ one?”. A admitted this was true, and that, while they wanted a clear breakup, their life was too enmeshed with Z to risk his reaction. They even worried Z would kick them out of his house and take back his car if they did not stay partnered. They also said I “should have said something sooner” to pre-empt this situation, which seemed… nuts, especially since we talked about mono/being single. I said I would not participate in this arrangement. They said I was making ultimatums, but I felt that ‘surprise poly’ was an exception. I felt completely betrayed by all this. I asked A if this situation would end once they found a way to move out, and they said they ‘didn’t know’. They could not stand hurting him further (this was the refrain over and over) or risking what they had. I ended things then, because:
  1. I no longer knew how to trust A after seeing this pattern multiple times
  2. They had gone back on our agreement that they be single and we start off mono — without communicating to me beforehand or after, only telling me because I guessed.
  3. The poly situation I was being asked to come into exists primarily out of fear of loss.
  4. I felt, selfishly, like whatever A+Z had was always going to be chosen above what A might have with me, or that Z and I would be forced to be ‘enemies’ for A’s resources given the bad blood.
I’m feeling very adrift and frustrated right now. I’m a pretty independent person, and pride myself on being honest and upfront now, because that skill took me a LONG time to learn. A is slightly older than me, and I just don’t understand why they couldn’t be clear with me or Z. I’m feeling insecure because I haven’t had a partnership as long as A+Z, and part of me thinks I’m being immature and trying to rush their decoupling… but also, A is the one that reached back out, and I’m not trying to set their life on fire. I just think everyone will move on in a more healthy way with honesty. I worry that I should have been more open to the poly situation, but I also know that I’m free to set my own boundaries — also, I didn’t walk in knowing that A+Z were now basically NPs. I think I was given the runaround. Ugh.
submitted by Scared-Carpenter4288 to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 momgoon92 Trying to self regulate at work

I have no one to talk to at the moment and I am just trying to stop crying while at work. I have been dealing with depression from feeling guilt of working full time and not being there for my son and all the physical changes from after having a child. My son is a year old. I had been doing better these past few months, going to therapy, and feeling better in the morning. I cannot stop crying today because of how my mothers day weekend went and fighting with my husband.
A couple weeks ago we went shopping as a family to get birthday presents for my dad and brother-in-law. while we were out, my husband surprised me with a awesome set of bath bombs from lush, which are my favorite and said they were from my son. I was so grateful and I noticed that they are really expensive so I told him please don’t buy me more expensive gifts for Mother’s Day as we are trying to save for a family vacation. I didn’t think that would translate into not doing any type of gesture on Mother’s Day. I woke up on Mother’s Day with no card or even a hug and kiss wishing me happy Mother’s Day. My husband comes from a broken family and did not have the best relationship with his mom, so I tried to let it go and remind myself that it might not be the same for him as we did growing up. I remember that would be the first thing I would do in the morning is find my mom and wish her a happy mother’s day with a big hug…
We still had a decent day together (I always look forward to our weekend time) and I tried to hold it in but I cracked and said something. My husband felt bad and then wrote some cards at the end of the day for me. My son has been teething so bad and been really cranky for the past week so on top of his dysregulation I am struggling, and I am an OT… I help my students regulate every day. This morning, my husband snapped at me when I was trying to position my son on the couch and told me he doesn’t like to sit like that. I immediately left the room and got ready for work and just left. My heart can’t take criticism right now, I already don’t feel like I get to do mom things enough. I guess I am better off just being at work, yet I am hiding in my treatment room just crying.
submitted by momgoon92 to workingmoms [link] [comments]
