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Gift Cards and Uber One

2024.06.07 22:17 speedrunner99 Gift Cards and Uber One

To save whatever money I could, I plan to buy discounted uber gift cards whenever I can. However, I also have Uber One and wonder if I use the gift card balance, would I still get the 6% cashback, or does that only work when paying with a debit/credit card? This might be a dumb question but trying to see if I should stick to gift cards or if I should just use my credit card to pay for it instead.
submitted by speedrunner99 to uber [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 TimmyGUNZ Does the Apple Cash virtual card work like a debit card?

My minor-aged kids both have Chase debit cards where I can add money to it and they can use the cards just like anyone else would with a debit card. The problem I’m having is that they never want to carry their wallets around and Chase won’t let those debit cards be added Apple Pay for some strange reason. I’m thinking about just using Apple Cash instead however I can’t tell based on Apple’s on support site if the Apple Cash card will work anywhere that accepts tap-to-pay? Does anyone know?
submitted by TimmyGUNZ to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:16 MindCapalot Making/farming/selling dokkan and legends accounts for cheap, I can do cashapp, PayPal or psn cards, dm if interested. Anni units on legends as well.

8k+ stoned global and jp dokkans and 30-40k+ cc legends android accounts(iOS isn't fully compatible yet) dm if interested and I gotcha and other phone games as well.
submitted by MindCapalot to DokkanBattleTrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:15 Revolutionary-Set807 Anyone need Bias Wrecker for Smash Hit? 1:1 trade

Anyone need Bias Wrecker for Smash Hit? 1:1 trade
Last card I need to complete my whole album for the first time! 🙂
submitted by Revolutionary-Set807 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:15 I_miss_RIF_ Going to send this off for grading

Going to send this off for grading
Personal card from my childhood.
submitted by I_miss_RIF_ to pokemoncardcollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:15 Crusty_Crunch Another week another 25% spotlight brick

I’ve played enough where I have a handful of series 4 and 5 cards so every single spotlight week it’s between 2 new cards the random series 5 and the variant. I am on 4 weeks straight pulling the variant and I only get about 1 key a week. This game has given me severe depression
submitted by Crusty_Crunch to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:15 Lazy-Acanthaceae-926 Lf either card

Lf either card submitted by Lazy-Acanthaceae-926 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:15 LeBwA2601 Jutsu World

Jutsu World
🚀 New GameFi platform on Injective: Jutsu World 🌍
Jutsu is building the first on-chain CW404 fantasy card game! Battle, trade, and reroll (“Jutsu”) to build an epic collection like never before.
Join the revolution in GameFi:
submitted by LeBwA2601 to injective [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 gs448 Pharmacy Looks

So my insurance provider doesn’t pay for Dexcom upfront, I pay for it and then it’s reimbursed. Anyone else get eyed for buying a month at a time? Bro, I’m not rich, I just have a credit card. I guess I’m kind of sensitive and noticed the looks today.
submitted by gs448 to dexcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 ugglygirl Renewal of EL coupon savings card?

Does anyone know whether the Eli Lilly coupon savings card can be renewed? Mine says expires 12/31/24
submitted by ugglygirl to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 Samarth7523 Low wifi strength from my laptop.

So, I have an Acer Predator Helios 300 Laptop. I installed Kubuntu Distro in my laptop for about 4-5 months, my laptop was working fine, no issues at all. But I shifted to windows 11, 4-5 days ago. Since then I am getting lower strength on my wifi networks, even though the router is very close to the laptop. Ethernet is working fine, only WiFi strength is the issue. Can someone give me a suggestion how can I fix this? I tried installing windows multiple times, but it doesn't seem to fix the issue. Is something wrong with my network card or is this a driver issue?
If it is to do with my network card, should I just buy an external wifi adapter?
Please, any suggestions.
submitted by Samarth7523 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 everydae24 [USA-NJ] [H] MSI 4070 Ti Super 16GB Gaming Slim [W] Local cash, 40 series FE (except 4090)

Hello all,
I have a brand new MSI 4070 Ti Super 16GB Gaming X Slim.
Looking for $ 750 cash, or 40 series founders edition card except 4090 plus/minus cash depends on which card and condition. Local at 07024.
submitted by everydae24 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 jlo7693 Building Strength on Strength through the Snap-on Family of Brands – Mitchell 1

Building Strength on Strength through the Snap-on Family of Brands – Mitchell 1
Mitchell 1 is a proud member of the TOTAL SHOP SOLUTIONS (TSS) family of Snap-on® brands that bring together best-in-class automotive repair products from across the industry.
From repair information and diagnostics, collision repair, wheel balancers, wheel aligners, to brake lathe and automotive lifts, the TSS brands offer a unique scope of solutions to outfit any shop from floor to ceiling.
Learn more about it here:
🚗 GET STARTED NOW with a 14 day free trial of Mitchell 1 ProDemand auto repair information for your business. No Obligation. No Credit card. No Risk! It's 100% FREE!
Building Strength on Strength through the Snap-on Family of Brands – Mitchell 1
submitted by jlo7693 to prodemand [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 yuritopiaposadism Capitalism no food.

Capitalism no food. submitted by yuritopiaposadism to Marxism_Memes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 Lucifxre Cinder citys card? Or cash only?

Does cinder citys take cards or cash? Just want to make sure before i go and i havent been there since i was like.. 5 or 6 years old lol so its been well over a decade since ive been 😅
submitted by Lucifxre to Eau_Claire [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 Ok_Pickle2268 Lf: four star ⭐️ cards

Lf: four star ⭐️ cards
Asking for 3 of my missing cards for boogie down or 1 5⭐️ card orrrr best deal.
submitted by Ok_Pickle2268 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 Illustrious_Spare345 CHOYUN VS HUNDSAN

my take is that choyun low-mid diffs hundsan. but i know that most of this sub will take the other side with hundsan winning coz of blah blah blah. so what feats do you guys want from choyun for you people to believe that choyun is in the same level of ui johan or above hundsan ? will you guys believe that choyun mid diffs hundsan if he one taps soohyuen ? or if choyun uses some type shii card ? or do you guys want statements rather than feats ? well , you guys dont even believe the statement of choyun being the strongest in gangbuk anyways and narratively, he is at the level of johan
submitted by Illustrious_Spare345 to Quest_Supremacy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 gaseousfinch186 I have an idea that’s definitely on the “bolder” side. Is it too much?

At a certain point in this project, the main character is going to discover that someone who he thought was a close mentor to him has actually been erasing his memories quite often, so that he doesn’t remember or know too much that could endanger her plan for him. She has been basically assigned a role of being someone that will try to free a large group of people being treated as experimental prisoners.
Throughout the story, he will recover his lost memories of her and gradually learn more about their world and what he has to do to help free his people. However, this woman is afraid of the bad things she needs to do, and so her plan is to force the main character to do it, despite the fact he doesn’t want to.
She reveals to him that she is turning herself in, essentially losing all of her influence so that she can’t help anymore. Before doing so, she stores her entire lifetime of her own memories on a card that he will need to put into his own mind. If he doesn’t, it means that basically everything they’ve done was for nothing, and the people he cares about will die.
So, my problem is that when he views this plethora of her memories, he’s gonna gain a huge, huge amount of information relating to his goal and what he needs to do. Like a lot. He will become pretty traumatized from viewing so many years of someone else’s life and develops many of her personality traits afterwards as his mind is confused as to who he is.
Some of it will be kept a mystery, but much of it will need to be told to make sense of the story from then on, as this girl’s past explains the history that leads up to the beginning of the story, which has never been told before. I don’t wanna just explain this lore and backstory through boring conversations, so I figured I could try to do a few chapters that focus on this girl and her life leading up to the beginning of the story.
It would be tricky and I’ve never seen any book do something like this, which is why I’m worried. Is it unrealistic to want several chapters to just go back several years and focus on mostly new characters? Everything that needs to explained would be, and once that is done it will return to the present.
submitted by gaseousfinch186 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:14 Old-Iron-Tyrant Concept exploration for a werewolf archetype, I did something similar to this a long time ago but never properly finished it, ask any question I understand this could be quite confusing on the rulings with this new mechanic

Concept exploration for a werewolf archetype, I did something similar to this a long time ago but never properly finished it, ask any question I understand this could be quite confusing on the rulings with this new mechanic submitted by Old-Iron-Tyrant to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:13 Traditional_End3826 RK recent stream

Ive been seeing a lot of people talking shit about RK and obviously those are the people who are day trading GME
My insights on todays stream:
1- he proved that he is the one who been tweeting 2- he proved his YOLO 3- he threatened Etrade 4- he showed 3 cards green reversal, red reversal, and WILD card 5- His confidence was mind blowing i mean the guy is looking at our stock down 33% and he is laughing knowing he have millions of $
That all for me is fucking bullish
Every move and every word he said is planned trust me RK turned almost 70K into almost half a billion in 3 fucking years so he aint dumb
We are gona squeeze so hard very soon
submitted by Traditional_End3826 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:13 Keebinator NEED HELP!

Newbie here.
My business partner gave me his old PC and coming from a PS4, I see that PC is the way! However, I was playing Gears 5 with my buddy and for the most part the game ran great. But when it was bringing me back to the main menu or loading me into a game it was taking for ever. To my knowledge the rig isn't terrible, I feel I should be able to load in and out of the games no problems. I had no downloads or anything and I was running about 80-100 MBPS.
Is there anything I can do to make it a little bit quicker in that area or? (I know this has nothing to do with it, but I do plan on upgrading my graphics card here very soon, I know its a little old, I think I will end up with the RTX 3060 or 3070.) Any help is appreciated! Thanks everyone!
Processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700F CPU @ 3.00GHz 3.00 GHz
Installed Ram- 32 gb
Graphics Card- GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER
submitted by Keebinator to iBUYPOWER [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:13 Reasonable_South_715 ArkOS on brand new SanDisk SD Card

Hey all,
I can't find any answers to my particular problem. I've spent the last hour scouring google and reddit for this issue so I've come to you for help.
Brand new RG353V out of the box two hours ago. Best buy trip on the way home and grabbed 3 brand new sd cards and a brand new sd card reader to go with it.
I have formatted these 3 cards 4 separate times each. 2 of each attempts were done on a roommates pc with no success.
The issue I seem to be having is it boots straight to android every time. It just does not see anything on the cards I just formatted. The original linux card works every time so I know the slot is fine and works correctly.
I have also tested these sd cards in a camera I own to confirm they aren't corrupted. They work just fine with the camera. So after formatting my 12th time I turn to the internet for guidance.
I admit I am new to flashing sd cards so there is something simple I am likely over looking.
Step by step process I am following.
  1. Insert card into card reader.
  2. write ark os image to sd card
  3. no errors and no format question from windows
  4. eject sd card and reader from laptop
  5. insert card into powered off rg353v
  6. power on and wait
  7. straight to android
  8. frustrated sigh
When I plug the sd card back into my laptop there is an completely empty sd card. No data written to it at all.
Thank you to anyone who can give advice. I'll stick to the stock os for now
submitted by Reasonable_South_715 to RG353V [link] [comments]