Image fap

All things Freya Allan

2018.10.10 21:46 ljod All things Freya Allan

Celebrating the actress Freya Allan, mainly known for playing Ciri in Netflix's Witcher adaptation. Born September 6, 2001

2012.12.11 22:37 JoshTay r/Petioles - For the reduction, moderation and responsible consumption of cannabis

Petioles is a positive community for those interested in responsible consumption of Cannabis. Discussions include everything from tolerance breaks, to personal feelings and cravings.

2011.06.21 01:46 Alexanderr Porn Addiction and Compulsive Sexual Behavior Peer Support Forum - r/NoFap

A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. Masturbation in moderation is generally healthy, but excessive porn use can have serious adverse effects. We also host challenges in which participants ("Fapstronauts") avoid porn & sometimes masturbation for a period of time, generally 7-30 days. Whether your goal is casual participation as a test of self-control or if porn use has become a serious problem in your life, you will find a supportive community here.

2024.05.14 07:15 jadedtemp 10 years of this addiction this month

Like the title says, it'll be 10 years for me since I've been struggling with this addiction. No self control or anything.
So ironic for me tbh, I was always into Porn when I was younger, I just had no idea it was porn at the time, like I used to like looking at picture at Google images. During highschool I was actually support for my friends who were addicted to porn and masturbation for 3 years or so. But ironically I'm the one who got addicted after high school.
The first time I ever jerked off was when I was 18 and a half maybe. Which was May, hence 10 years ago this month. It was just so out of the blue for me. I had started college early, and there was this older girl, who was maybe in her jr year or sr year who was in my class, and was really friendly with me. I think she lead me on, or not, I'm not sure, that's besides the point. But I had such a huge massive crush on her, but it was a very lustful crush.
I've had crushes before and some were very painful because I tended to have crushes on unavailable women, whether emotionally or physically. Anyways, this girl in college, I was just infatuated with beyond belief, and I knew she was seeing someone. She even invited me to her dorm once to hang out, and (I regret this almost every other day of my college life) but she kept dropping hints and being seductive with me, leaving her clothes out, picking up things, sitting very very close to me etc. And I left her apartment and went straight home, because I knew she had a boyfriend.
I couldn't sleep for days, something came over me. I had wet dreams whenever I slept And one day I actually had a dream of me jerking off. That day I could not focus or even do anything else. I fought it for 2 days and even ditched class to try to calm myself. But inevitable happened, where I went online, tried out the thing my friends did throughout highschool and fapped.
That was such a strong experience for me that I still remember and feel my head hurting when that happened.
Nothing was the same for me after that, and I've been pretty much addicted since that day to now. I think I fap every other day to 2 days on avg. The longest I stayed clean was 7 months I believe
Happened 2 times in the past decade. And even this year, I was able to last 6 weeks.
But I just cannot let it go. It's like I'm on autopilot, where I didn't have control. I'm minding my own business, my kind gets curious and just acts on its own and before I realize it, too late.
This has affected every aspect of my health, no one healthy thing camr from it.
I really want to stop, I pray that I stop. Every day I try to better myself, I fap. It's as if my body and mind want to make sure I don't progress.
Not to downplay other tragedies and issues, But this addiction is I feel maybe one of the worst kinds. The type where you actually have full control but at the same time you don't.
Tl:Dr, been stuck for 10 years, triggered by a Sr in college. Endless cycle, just dumping my trauma to you guys
submitted by jadedtemp to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:25 ProGamingPlayer First time I’ve gotten a top comment!

First time I’ve gotten a top comment!
Congratulate me by saying something!
( subscription to stay on topic)
submitted by ProGamingPlayer to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:02 ExcitingSympathy9895 Cant stop going back to looking at porn.

Guys,advice me,even if I havent fapped for more than 60 days now,I still go back to looking at images and videos,I know it's bad,but I'm kinda lost,and help is appreciated.
submitted by ExcitingSympathy9895 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:06 archdukekenobi 15 y/o Doing 110 Days No PMO + Extras

About time for this. I've been putting this off for a while until I watched this show called True Detective, not the wisest thing to watch at 15 or arguably any age. Usually I check the show's content beforehand but it would seem that I slipped up on the wrong one. Anyhow, needless to say the show disturbed me and showed how twisted some people can be. With the help of God I have recovered from it quite quickly, though this show was a grave reminder that I have to stop watching mature TV shows, which in turn prompted me once again to stop another addiction: the porn. I've had 7 day periods without it, but nothing serious. The addiction came about from quite a young age when I was given art books by my parents. These books were really a good initiative on their part and I am not blaming them. However, the books did have quite a few painted nudes which I believe to be the groundwork of the issue. Those books did bring about a curiosity to search up hot pics, luckily I did not come across any nudes or videos, worst that happened was lingerie. Fortunately that soon passed and I was able to live a great childhood. It started again at about 13, how I do not recall, but these things have a way of creeping into lives through the internet. At first it was just like the first time, looking at imagery except with nudes. It went further downhill when I discovered the act of M. From there it went to images to GIFs to videos, and then a mix of all of them. During this time I have exercised consistently, eaten healthily, cold showers and wrote in a journal, but the issue prevails. I am slightly informed on the effects of the addiction though I could probably find out more. I've noted down trigger areas, which, surprise surprise, is the internet. Just looking to live my best possible life and enjoy the rest of my childhood. I plan to do NoFap for 110 days until my birthday on the 28th of August, when, 3 days prior, I will have flown overseas to unite with my brother to celebrate. It would be pretty amazing to open up to him about my experience then. I have one friend who I've told for accountability, perhaps parents will be told well after I've recovered. In terms of NoFap mode, I might as well do Hard Mode (since the only challenge is wet dreams, not in risk of sexual intercourse), with some of the dopamine detox elements in monk mode, note I won't count these as relapses unless stated: no social media (don't use social media other than this regardless), no mature television shows (RELAPSABLE) [(considering that's what disturbed me), movies are still allowed)], no unnecessary screen time (I won't consider this a relapse, but if I can do this I would be very proud), Monday - Friday working out (unless events get in the way), and regular journaling, prayer, and Bible. I would highly appreciate all of your support in this time, feel free to ask questions, give me material to read, activities to do, tell me how often to send updates, and anything else that I am missing. I am interested in having an accountability partnes. Thanks!
submitted by archdukekenobi to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:31 Cheeto_McBeeto It does get better

Never thought I'd post in a NoFap/NoPorn forum, but I thought my story could potentially be helpful for some.
I have always been obsessed with naked women. Probably since the age of 8 or 9, maybe earlier. I remember seeing naked women in the swimming pool locker room with my mom as a small child. I remember being fascinated with sex ed in the 6th grade. I remember being totally and instantly addicted to porn the first time I saw it at age 14.
I was a regular (or as regular as could be before the internet) porn watcher from age 14 to 40. Sure, I've always masturbated, but that was never the main attraction. I would watch porn anywhere from once a month to daily during my worst times. I always found it spiritually distasteful, shameful, and dirty...but these feelings were muted when I was not pursuing the Lord. It was about 3 years ago now that I really got serious about porn addiction. I attended a men's recovery group for about 1.5 years. This was a turning point for me, because although I still relapsed on occasion, there was now a 'public' forum of accountability. Sin thrives in the darkness, in secret. It hates to be brought out in to the open.
Since then I have only rarely watched hardcore porn-porn, but I've always been a "dabbler" and most of my relapses come in the form of quick peeks at just simple nudity. I was really into drawing for a while (a childhood hobby revived for a minute), and got into "art nudes". My favorite pastime has been peeking at non-pornographic--but still nude--subreddits. A bite here, a nibble there, until the guilt becomes unbearable and I repent and go back to abstinence.
For an addict, you cant make concessions. All sin is addiction, but not all addiction is necessarily sin. Concessions are allowance of less-intense material in lieu of the real mccoy; a surrogate to satisfy the same appetite. We reason that "hey, at least it's not hardcore porn", and it's not, but it's still sin.
The devil loves to play mind games with men about nudity. Nudity, in and of itself, is not sinful. We are made in the image of God. But what the devil does is profane the sacred. Is simply seeing a naked woman sinful? Not necessarily---but what is the context? In general, men should not be seeing any woman naked except for their wives. Exceptions might be professional necessity--e.g. a doctor, nurse, etc. But even then--how are you looking at them? Is it medically necessary? Could you maintain their modesty and still do the necessary exam or procedure? What is the intent of your heart?
This is why nearly any intentional sight of naked women apart from your spouse is sin. Because of concupiscence, we cannot view an (attractive) naked woman without the temptation to lust---to desire her sexually. You cannot, without the grace of God. Even the most saintly of men know better than to tempt lust. Dont get sucked into the devil's mind games about sin.
I've had many turning points in my addiction to lust. One of the most important was the realization from God that this sin is YOURS to give up. For years I begged God to take away this desire. It's the viscous cycle we are all familiar with: temptation, consent, action, regret, shame, condemnation, and abstinence until the next temptation. I realized one day that God isnt going to just magically take away my desire to look at naked women, and leave my sexual desires otherwise holy and intact. You are powerless over addiction, yes, but you are NOT powerless over consenting to sin, and avoiding the near occasions of sin.
Confess your sins. If you are Catholic, confess to your priest. If you are Protestant, confess to you pastor or spiritual mentor. If you are not religious---the law of God is written into your heart and telling you that this is sin! Father Chad Ripperger says that one confession is worth a thousand exorcisms. Sin cannot survive the light.
Confess, and ask the Father to change your desires. Ask Him to help you see this sin the way He sees it. He will---but dont expect Him to undo decades of sinful attachment overnight. He can---and in rare cases He does---but we must TURN from our sin and turn to Him every day. Replace your sin with something righteous.
There will be suffering involved. It is not "fun" to deny your burning sexual desires. You wont get the same dopamine hit out of reading scripture or prayer at first. But with discipline comes freedom. This sin will gradually lose it's hold on you. Imagine a tree losing it's leaves in the fall. There are thousands and thousands of leaves that need to fall off. If the cold weather is halted, the leaves will stay. All of those leaves must die and fall off for the tree to be reborn anew in the spring. It must endure winter, however cold and harsh. Every time you look at a naked woman, you are halting or even reversing this regenerative process. You must let those connections die.
Some temptation is inevitable---Christ said so. You WILL be tempted and you WILL see things you didnt plan on seeing. I am married, so thanks be to God I have a sanctified sexual union, but I am still tempted. I still fall into sin at times. Being married does not make you ineligible for temptation. If anything, the stakes are much higher!! Porn is so pernicious and corrosive to a marriage you have no idea. So is masturbation, believe it or not. You are training yourself to place your sexual urges above that of your unitive and generative relationship with your spouse. It took me a long time to come to grips with this one.
The next time you are tempted, REMOVE yourself from the situation (dont trying to win a wrestling match with sin), and ask God to take this temptation and convert it to grace to help 100 other men who are about to fall into this same sin. You must fight back, but with holy means. As you become more holy, slowly, you will see this sin as God sees it. If you were to just see it in an instant in all it's ugliness, you could not bear it.
I pray this helps some of you. God bless.
submitted by Cheeto_McBeeto to NoFapChristians [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 13:34 Fadviek NoFap to treat my DE

Ive been masturbating without lube since I was 12 and developed a habit of squeezing hard in order to ejaculate. Since my sexdebut at 18 I havent been able to cum without using my hand. Vaginal, handjobs and blowjobs doesnt work. Im now 35 and have a partner I want to get pregnant with and this is of course a problem.
I read a lot of studies, watched doctors that are experts in the area and I realized I must make changes.
I stopped watching porn over a month ago and tried to not fap at all but even with regular sex with my girlfriend I sometimes want the release and gave in. I finished with her but using my hand.. its very clear to me that I have deathgrip syndrome as I can be close to climax and very aroused and able to finish with my hand within a minute but we can have sex for an hour without any ejaculation.
So I also made some other changes, started with applying coconut oil to increase sensations down there, started with kegel exercises. I got a PVS (penile vibrator stimulis) that I try to use according to the studies made and it did make me cum once. I met with a sextherapeuist who said I should be more selfish, focus less on the performance towards my partner, focus less on the goal of ejaculation, be playful, save mental images if I lose focus.
My goal is to be able to cum during vaginal sex and I want all the tips i can get. Im starting my journey to not masturbate now. I recently did about two weeks but relapsed and Im now 2 days in.
Any tips or stories that are related are welcome!
submitted by Fadviek to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:41 QuitMuch1938 Guys please help to overcome my addiction, this is my story of addiction.

22M. I watched porn for the first time at the age of 15. I used to watch it occasionally. I used to live in a hostel where mobile phones were not allowed. So there was no access to porn. I was masturbating without porn. It was not bad, and it was not an addiction. But then lockdown happened.
I was 18. I was at home; I had mobile and Internet. And that's where things started to get bad. Earlier, it was just normal casual porn. But then soon it became boring. I started watching interracial black porn. Not enough. Then I started to watch hardcore porn. And the intensity was just going up with each video. Soon, it was replaced by CNC (rape porn). Then the video porn was not interesting enough, so I started reading sex stories. But there is not a lot to read about these vanilla stories. I started watching caption porn. Image plus text is the is the worst of both worlds. At this point, I started to realise that this was harming my body, but I still continued it.
Then another bad thing happened: Reddit. Some YouTubers told me to join his subreddit. I did, but later I found out about Oorn on Reddit. And it was my biggest mistake. This app had every type imaginable. Vanilla, movies, and caption porn like Cuckold and Sissy Pegging and femdom. It keeps getting worse. And worse.It took me a year to realise that I am an addict. I have been trying to quit for 2-3 years now. Nothing is working for me. One guy told me about his subreddit. You guys are doing great. Please let me be part of your no-fap group. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to live like a loser. I want to have real love, not some pixel. Please, guys, help me.
submitted by QuitMuch1938 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:39 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:14 Tirth9 Fucking tired of life, mental masturbation

18M, gone through a lot, like being verbally abused for 16k+ times in total (I am not kidding), I felt like a loser for most of my life. I didn't feel loved most of the time, I felt like people hated my existence
16, I was 40kgs 5'10, addicted to fapping, found Hamza Ahmed on yt, never improved really because of ego. Got struck by OCD at 17, conquered that, all alone. Because my family said "if they(my relatives) found out about this mental disorder, it would be hard for me to get married", it was apparent that I had OCD, I suffered frpm it for 8 months, by god's grace and yt and a lot of self belief, I got through it(Aug 2023)
I still saw myself as a loser until I found out self identity updation (self image change) that fucking changed my life, in a month, I went from working 1 to 7 hrs, never fapped in months, I work about 9-10 hours yeah I am sad now but I am also 59kgs more or less.
People told me vegetarians can't gain weight, no. I have abs and I am pretty lean, I went from 50 to 58 or something in 2024 alone.
Everything is good unless one thing, I, all the time, doubt myself that what if I never achieve my financial goals? What if nobody ever loved me? I have isolated myself to home and I only go out when it's gym time and if I go out, I have no female friends whatsoever
I used to simp around them(15yo) and I had a massive crush on a girl, simply her existence meant life for me. I am not kidding, I fell hard but, yeah I was 40kgs, I didn't have the fucking confidence I have now to ask her anything, and I cracked hundreds of dirty jokes around her(ruining my image maybe) - my intentions were pure but yeah dumbness is dumbness. 16yo, I was getting constantly abused by my own people, confidence was fucked, all I thought about was hugging a girl and crying 4 times a day
I recently saw her id in insta and decided to request because I am not the same person anymore, got rejected in 30 secs, and she's mad behind a guy, who imo, isn't better than me, except financially. Sorry for saying that but it honestly hurts, like incidents like this make me feel I am inherently bad. Did she reject the version of me in her mind(the old me) or current version that she's most probably unaware of. Because I haven't saw her for more than a year
I remember (potentially correct) the day I saw her first, I remember the last time I saw her, 18th March, 2023 - 18:30.
Honestly I just want abundance and abundance of love and all the things I want in life, I am a web developer now, I am planning to start out my business ( I almost have), my whole life makes me feel like people who get what I want are just god gifted they are special and I can not get to that level because everyone kinda hated me till now and I was treated like shit
I have read like 30 books in that time phase, I don't want another day of mental masturbation, I don't wanna feel unlovable anymore. Yeah self identity shift can change it, for certain - 100%. I scored more than 83% people when I had OCD (world's 7th most debilitating illness - I could have gotten mental disability benefits) because I believed I am a topper student, so I studied but didn't get the desired grade - obviously, my studying technique was shit, I could've done better. But it's sure that I did defeat a fucking mental disorder with self belief.
Don't you think I'd be able to continue glowing up and build an more asthetic body? Don't you think I can Succeed? I believe so, but I feel I am constantly tapping into self doubt, I have to stop that.
submitted by Tirth9 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:23 Greedy-Budget3855 The new start line.

I have been doing No fap since I was third grade of the high school.
but till now I can't quit it completely, of course I am much better then before, it was really hard to stop even 1 week before but now 1month maybe nothings to me. these days I am relapsed about 5times of year so much better then before cus i was relapsed maybe hundread times of year at the past.
but my goal was quit to porn and masturbation completely but at some moment i start to satisfy at my state now and even I can't sure that I can quit it completely in my entire life.
and last night (5, may) I relapsed. and as I've been done before I was googling for some tips what helping to set the new N/f goal. and I saw one writing at here.
and he wrote his N/f jurnal and I can find it's really similar to my one. and the many coments also relate to him.
he wrote after 3~4months it gonna be very easy to standing on No fap but maybe thats the why you start to think few minutes watching porns without masturbation and some sexy tolk or some sexy image what can provoke your nurve maybe ok to you but if you tried it it gonna be much harder to resist relapsed again and thats the what I suffering all of my N/f jurnal and thanks to him I can realise it and I did call to my friend who fighting for banning of porn and told my relapsed for some tips
and he also told me it is like rolling the rocks if rocks start to rolling its easy to keeping but if you stop to rolling even one sec its really hard to rolling the rock again
so i shouldn't lose my intension and I should't to be so ploud myself.
the man who wrote the writing also wrote your subconscious can't trust you even you conscious can.
and subconscious much bigger then conscious so maybe you put much more effort for it
and cus you relapsed so many times maybe your subconscious not think you can quit porn and masturbation completely. and he wrote he needs 2years no fap for it at his case.
so my goal is 700days now my goal was curing my conscious but now I want to change my sunconscious even it needs 700days.

submitted by Greedy-Budget3855 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:34 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:59 ItsYaBoiPepsi i have no urge of fapping and never fapped but i struggle with urges of looking at explicit images

im 13 years old, im starting to think about peeking into women private parts but have failed a few times, the urge is also growing like that and it's a problem for me. any advice on decreasing urges or avoid urges? i also think about erotic stuff when im in my bed. i'm tired and i wanna become better at this, i wanna stop thinking or trying to peek, i wanna clean up my soul from all of this. please help.
submitted by ItsYaBoiPepsi to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:51 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:34 WWA1232 Landed in Hawthorne, California, United States. Apx. flt. time 5 h 2 min.

Landed in Hawthorne, California, United States. Apx. flt. time 5 h 2 min. submitted by WWA1232 to ElonJetTracker [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:22 Shibepy I got a method to stop

So basically just download 1 video and watch the same vid for 1 week after 1 week you won't have that dopamine and personally I didnt even want to fap anymore if it still doesn't work you can continue a second week but with an image
submitted by Shibepy to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 21:29 SuitIll3576 The instinct to breed when I encounter mara struck warden

The instinct to breed when I encounter mara struck warden
Hoyoverse... please add the Mara Struck Warden to Aetherium Wars. I can't take it anymore!! No! Everytime I see this beautiful being during pure fiction, hall of memories, I will never NEVER get those three full stars, because I am distracted looking at that hot fucking body of the warden. I just cannot go one minute, one second without gazing at the curvy and slim body, the beautiful blossom growing out of its body. Really, fuck the rewards for the combat, the REAL reward is being able to see this "abomination".
I spend hours per day looking at the warden in the data bank, furiously jacking off at my screen. I just can't resist the urge to touch myself when I see the hot, juicy thighs of this " abomination". Those dark coloured tights... UUOOOH😭😭 SO HOT. The almost flat chest and that mark there... what is it even made for? If I would fuck the warden, would the mark light up indicating its heartbeat? Just thinking about it makes me harder than a wall of a thousand auromaton gatekeepers. Right now, I'm writing with one hand while brutally fapping my dick high quality printed images of the mara struck warden's juicy thighs. I just can't get enough of the sexiness of this "enemy".
The real reason why they're considered criminals by the Xianzhou isn't because of the mara but because of the warden's beautiful behind. Just look at it. Perfectly shaped, smooth. Imagine the smell. It'd be like... like flowers, blossoms, perhaps even like perfume? That mara warden ass must smell so divine! What if it actually worked as an aphrodisiac all along? That must be the reason, when I come across these wardens, I feel the urge to penetrate them with the force of a thousand lances and to cum inside with a force so great that it's going to instantly destroy the mara and make them mara pregnant. Imagine a mara baby. UUUOOHH IMAGINE A MARA CUNNY 😭😭😭💦💦
Uohh 😭 enough about that beautiful curvy body, the real deal sits right between those mara thighs. That Mara Wardenussy. I'd like to say that that mara GRIP must feel like a thousand plant vines ripping off your cock, and I am definitely in for it. I'm sorry Lan, but Yaoshi wins for creating the hottest fucking enemy ever. I want to fuck the mara wardenussy so so so badly. I want to impregnate it until I cum inside, then drink out all the juice. Would it taste like rose water? Fruit juice? So amazing! Like honestly what type of job does Xueyi even have to have such luck? She can literally just chain up any warden and do whatever she'd want with them. I'd kill for that. Imagine if I'd chain up one of those mara wardens 👹. Looks like I'll be having the best drink of my entire life. Siobhan, take notes, this is where the real drinks come from. I can't imagine mara struck "nectar" not being a thing, but I'll happily volunteer to be the first to try it.
submitted by SuitIll3576 to okbuddytrailblazer [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:16 WalkingHorse INTERESTING IMAGES: Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma Received Combined 177Lu-FAP-2286 Radiation Therapy and Targeted Therapy

submitted by WalkingHorse to LungCancerSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 22:19 Accomplished-Tap8598 Anon uses AI

submitted by Accomplished-Tap8598 to 4chan [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:30 No_Cupcake_9086 Day 5: Re-entering the community

About a year ago I decided to join the NoFap community and tried to stay consistent with it. I eventually failed in doing so and after relapsing I decided not to interact with the community as I felt ashamed of what I had done. I kept doing what I had wanted to get rid of for the next year and tried every now and then not to do the deed to myself. Now I feel motivated enough and have enough information about myself to make a better attempt at straying away from my addiction. I now also feel that I shouldn't have felt shame for what I had done and should've kept on trying to stray away from my addiction. But what's happened in the past has already happened and can't be changed. I will continue to attempt to make a better image of myself and for others and hope to be back tomorrow.
submitted by No_Cupcake_9086 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 09:45 rob_mackew How I got here

Yesterday I stumbled upon few videos by Trish Leigh which impressed me hugely and I thought for sure there's a reddit community where I can meet other guys who struggle with the same issue. So here I am, with dozens of links to pervert, hardcore communities displayed on the app's left panel. And here's my story.
I'm 44 yo, single guy from Poland. I was born at the latest stage of communism in a quite decent family. Only now I know that almost everybody there was or still is emotionally cold and cannot express feelings spontaneously. Yep, Central Europe with all those wars, regimes and religious tensions made a huge impact on mental problems through generations. So I was raised by neglecting, nervous and anxious parents. My mother most probably has a high functional depression. She's a good person but can be cold as fuck. I don't recall being hugged or told they love me. The only spontaneous expression we all shared was laughter (from jokes or comedy movies). It still is something to be happy about. Also there was no alcohol problems and no physical violence. It was just damn cold and I felt so alone in the universe that developed thoughts of self depravation, being unimportant and had occasional dreams about suicide.
When my sexuality started to develop luckily there was no porn available. My parents had two albums of nude photography, rather sensual style. I also found two books by Graham Masterton which impressed me hugely. In secondary school I was unable to initiate any direct contact with a girl. I didn't know how the hell it happens. I had lots of technical knowledge about sex but I could't transfer it to a real life. I masturbated few times a week using porn magazines. Then around age of 19 I discovered web porn and very quickly found all the most extreme niches that exist (some of them are illegal today). Most of which I explored just out of curiosity and they didn't turn me on at all. But I become strongly addicted to all stuff butts and anal. I remember few nights of no sleep at all – 8 hours of fapping, headache and red eyes. Imagination completely destroyed by images of fisted holes, pumped pussies, bondaged tits, piss and scat. I must have been hypnotised.
Fast forward to my 30s. I moved to another city, found great people which are my very close friends since. Started more or less regular trainings (yoga, running, cycling, climbing). Then I discovered zen meditation. So despite unhealthy relationships, painful breakups and long months of being alone (and heavy fapping) I had this healthy side of life, quality time spent with friends, backpacking around Europe and overall very good physical shape. Zen buddhism helped me a lot as well. I was just emotionally sealed.
When I turned 40 I was in another toxic relationship but this time I decided to start a psychological therapy. So for the past 4 years (with 12 months break) every week I talk about my life, experiences with an absolutely amazing therapist. This lady knows me like no one else now. She's kinda strict but cool. The most important feeling was that she never judged me, always approached with compassion and was very supportive. That experience changed me.
Now I can proudly say I can express my feelings, can cry, can be assertive. I cried a lot in the past year and feel much cleaner and happier now. Fapping/porn was still there but very reduced and I was able to experience one or two clean weeks with almost no effort. Therapy thought me to regulate stress other way than masturbation. I thought I just need to meet a girl and my struggles are finished.
So two months ago I met a girl. She is a single mother (just broke up from a narcisst partner). She's fucking pretty, smart, cute and sensual. We started having sex and only then I realised that I am blocked. I love to eat her pussy and stuff but I have troubles receiving bj. I can't maintain erection. Sometimes I cannot penetrate her. Basically my rational brain tells me "fuck her, she's sexy" but my emotional side seems to be kinda away and not driven into her. I discussed it with her (very openly) and my therapist. I know this is not a body problem (because I have very strong morning wood or when exposed to porn). This is mental issue. And I want to cure it. Because I want to feel that my whole body is driven into her (or other girl), not just my brain. I fucking want this feeling back, because I remember it from few experiences in the past.
When I realised it yesterday I cried. But I felt I can do it. I want to be a great lover again. I want to explore new level of sex, more sensual one. I enjoy tips by Alexey Welsh and others on the subtle side. I want to play with our bodies, have long sessions of pleasure and I believe it will happen. I just have to quit this sick behaviour (which is not easy for sure). So today is my 2nd day. Since my GF lives away and we cannot meet sometimes I plan to masturbate once a week if we don't have sex. Because if I don't ejaculate for two weeks my balls and cock are a bit painful. If we break up (I hope not) I will turn to erotic massages or escorts. I want to switch my desire into real life experiences, because I know if I don't – porn consumption will most probably come back. Wish me luck. Fingers crossed for you all as well. Life is amazing, no point of loosing it in for sick dopamine wiring.
submitted by rob_mackew to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 22:11 Havick630 You need a Perspective!

This is my first post on this forum. Therefore I will keep it short.
I am a 22-year-old guy, who just like you has struggled with porn and sexual addiction, but also with gaming (of which I am now free for half a year), and a media overuse. I am currently on Day 17 of NoFap. I feel porn is something which has a devastating effect on my personality, my social relationships but most importantly my relationship with God. As I share the same burden as any of you, I want to use my experiences and insights for your benefit, so you may be saved from the poison of sex addiction.
So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived. (Numbers 21:9)
The question is, why do you even do NoFap? Is it to improve your life and get better at it? Perhaps to work on your social relationships or even to get a partner? Maybe you want to achieve a certain streak in NoFap. You are counting the days until you arrive at , 30, 50, 100 or who knows how much longer you can last.
These are all good goals, but they miss one thing. They are all focused on the self, and not on God. To improve your life and get out of the mess you made with your sins, focus your plans on God! He should get all the honor and all the credit of your journey. The devil laughs at all your well-meaning plans. After a while, he will find your weak spots and fire just as many fiery arrows at it until you succumb... again!
The people of Israel were bitten by poisonous snakes. The venom spread through their veins. They didnt have much of a choice, really. Their only perspective was that lifted up serpent on the pole. Just a simple thing, just look at it! But it had a far-reaching consequence. Whenever someone looked at it, in their struggles and pains, they were healed.
Brothers and sisters, this should be your only perspective! Look at Christ, flee to Him, clamp yourself to His cross. It doesnt matter what your situation is, if you are on Day 0 or Day 300 or more. We are all sinners, poisoned by the venomonous images, thoughts and actions we let in our life. However, His blood cleans us from all this filthy unrighteousness.
And it is exactly this Blood, this Perspective (with a capital letter) that saved me. It will be my dearest joy to exclaim these marvelous and gracious wonders to you, so you may be saved too!
God bless!
submitted by Havick630 to NoFapChristians [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:41 Actual_Ad6502 Trust the process

Never thought i’d be posting on reddit ever but here i am😹.
I’m essentially writing this because i want to confess this addiction to someone and get it off my chest so it won’t resonate with me.and to also share my story.
As far as i can remember It all started in lockdown,watching dirty truth or dare videos on youtube.At the time i didn’t know it was something that could entirely change me so i carried on.From youtube i graduated to adult sites and this is where it took a turn.I didn’t even know how to masturbate so i would just lie down and rub my dick on the bed until i orgasmed😹😹 but i started watching on a steady and i remember it was always the exact same vid and i alw creamed at that specific time frame😹.
As time passed i got into more videos,found more channels and what not,and i was doing it almost everyday. And keep in mind this was lockdown so i was not going out and i was pretty much bored at home cuz my xbox one broke which left me with pretty much nothing to do except play fortnite mobile on my sisters ipad😹(lockdown fortnite >any game).And i feel it was this boredom that caused the addiction in the first place.
The constant fapping everyday caused me to lose interest in other things such as fashion,friends and music started sounding weird etc.because i knew that at the evening i would end the day with my fav video and even days i didn’t actually feel like doing it i just did.
It didn’t take long for life to hit me😹. My school announced our resumption to physical school and tbf i was actually happy because i would’ve finally see all my friends in about 6 months.
But when i returned to school it felt really weird. I became fat (prolly like 90kg or sum 🤷🏾‍♂️),me n my girl broke up during lockdown so i had no girlfriend,usually got jealous when i saw my friends or other people speaking to females,my brain was filled with porn and I kind of lost my masculinity as my friends would joke with me for being fat but because i was already ashamed of my porn image i interpreted the jokes as insults and cried one day.
This was when i realised that porn was actually starting to fuck me up but i just didn’t stop and it even grew more and i started imagining i was the one in the video having sex with some of my female classmates and bro that just changed my whole perspective on women.I would get bricked up by things as little as a handshake or a shoulder bump.
fast forward i bit i found out about nofap on reddit saw all the superpowers and benefits of it and i remember i was reading the symptoms of pmo addiction bro i swear like almost everything on the list i could relate to😹.
I eventually got on nofap and got some lil streaks going but never passed a week(if u acc pree that its crazy, i was busting about 150 nuts in a year😹)
But i remember clearly this one day.I was with my cousins and everyone was chatting on the dining table but i didn’t even say a single word that day. my brain was just shut off,i was there physically but socially and mentally i was far only thing that was on my mind was porn literally i just wanted to fap that evening but i couldn’t even do it cuz of no internet so i was j there with my thoughts had nothing to say barely even smiling and just looking like a zombie.
I can’t lie i cried that night.that’s when i actually took a good look at myself and realised something was wrong with me and i vowed to make a change.Because if i could not even socialise with my cousins due to porn who on earth do i wanna go talk to😹.
This is where i started to kind of gain form to workout and meditate a bit and i actually went a week without it man(bro i was soo gasseddd😹) even after the relapse on the next day i didn’t even feel bad at all😹.
Started doing the streaks and would end up relapsing again and again but with each relapse i believe i acc grew and i wasn’t the guy who used to fap everyday.
Fast forward to today i’m a 15 year old guy i think my last relapse was april 12 or sum idek and had a couple week streaks as well but yea i’ve made mad progress. And to actually recover from this i’ve paired my nofap streak with goals i would like to achieve: 1-grow closer to God 2-get better at football(really good) 3-become more extroverted socially 4-get in shape 5-pass my gcse exams
These are what i would be working on for now some things may add to it in the future
and i feel i am at the point i don’t even want to run back to porn but instead chase my goals.
I’m writing this post to just tell anyone who might be reading this “it don’t matter if flatline is hitting you right now or you feel things ain’t looking too good in your journey,make sure you trust the process in whatever you doing and don’t give up because giving up is guaranteed failure but trusting the process is guaranteed possibilities”
So anyone who might also be a teenager like me or maybe is struggling to kind of find a light in their journey
“trust the process” love to anyone who read this whole thing(sorry it’s quite long😹)
submitted by Actual_Ad6502 to NoFap [link] [comments]