Sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, headache, fever

seamoss gell

2024.05.15 04:59 Design024 seamoss gell

Hello everyone took two tablespoons of seamoss gell and quickly developed a sore throat alongside a consistent headache that lasted all day. my throat is still inflamed alongside the headache which is slightly better but still there any reccomendations?
submitted by Design024 to herbalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:55 frannyg1ass can seasonal allergies feel like the flu?

i usually have really bad seasonal allergies, but yesterday they were so bad. i felt so fatigued and faint, but i couldn’t sleep because of how badly my body and head ached. i literally felt like i was dying, but the feeling mostly went away after taking claritin. today i still feel really weak (not tired, just physically weak) and have symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat, but the claritin 100% helped with my pain and fatigue. are these allergies?? i can’t tell and idk what to do 😭
submitted by frannyg1ass to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:52 Weary-Body-6543 Concerning rash on my 6yo

6y/o male Medications: multivitamin, Singulair, Flovent, Flonase, zyrtec.
History of asthma & sleep apnea, allergies to something unknown. Pics of rash linked.
Woke him up for school and he asked for help getting dressed, stating he was itchy. I immediately noticed this rash & took him to an urgent care as the last time he had something like this it was a complication of covid (kawasaki disease) but he has no symptoms of covid.
He had a swollen watery eye on Friday, and then a mild runny nose over the weekend. I thought nothing more of it aside from seasonal allergies. On Monday he started with this rash on his forehead, and now it's all over his face, neck, back, chest, and arms. It looks like this and it feels like I'm touching a strawberry when I rub my hands over the affected areas.
He has had no new exposures to anything. Hasn't been exposed to heat. We had mangos last night, but hes had them before with no problems. He's also having nightmares, which is normal for him right before he spikes a fever.
I updated his doctor about this and she seemed floored and told us to come in first thing in the morning. She said the doctor at the urgent cares suggestion that it could be strep throat rash is wrong. They didn't say what is concerning, but they are concerned.
All allergy panels come back negative since age 2. High levels of IgE in blood tests though in 2023 at 393.
Seriously, this kid has hives or similar breakouts at least weekly since 2020. This one was just so widespread and quick and so itchy/painful for him.
Dr's appt with his pediatrician tomorrow am. Is there anything specific I should ask of her test wise?
submitted by Weary-Body-6543 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:51 Competitive_Swan4554 Chipmunk cheeks win!

I have struggled for a year with CPAP. I have tried every mask suggestion: nasal, nasal pillows, hybrid (all brands), full face (multiple types). I really want the hybrid masks to work, but they all felt like they leaked and that kept me awake. Many of the masks had straps that sat around the base of my skull/neck. And I have a generally stuffy nose (I've had two deviated septum surgeries and I just have a narrow nose) so I want to breathe through my mouth. Enter the chipmunk cheeks. I should also add that I have a muscle condition, so I don't have hope for "strengthening" my cheek muscles. I tried chin straps that were thick and kept my cheeks from puffing out, but that was just another thing putting pressure on my head/neck, causing headaches. Like I said, so much struggle. Anyways, I decided to try again (mainly because the medical supply company called and was going to send new tubing and such, and I felt guilty that I had stopped using the CPAP in the fall). I learned that there was a new hybrid mask, the reamed Airfit P40. It was just released this spring and looked like it had really good reviews. So I figured I'd give it a shot. Ok, definitely the most comfortable and didn't have any leaks around my skinny nose (using the size medium mask). And the standard size headgear has the back strap at the crown of my head (as opposed to the nape). Now I still had the chipmunk cheeks problem. Side note, my husband had a procedure that required him to change a dressing with gauze. I suddenly thought about stuffing gauze between my cheeks and the face straps. It worked. I finally was able to sleep through most of the night. I don't know why I never thought about that. I'm a nurse and I use gauze all the time. Tomorrow at work, I am going to get split gauze because it is softer than regular gauze. But they also sell it at most drug stores! Anyway, for those struggling, I struggled and gave up and struggled some more for a year. But I finally got this thing to work! My sleep doctor will be so happy with me!
Tl;dr I got the Airfit P40 and stuffed gauze between my cheeks and the face straps. No chipmunk cheeks while breaking through my mouth. This would work with any CPAP mask that lets you breathe through your mouth.
Don't give up, you got this!
submitted by Competitive_Swan4554 to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:20 dgonzo03 How often does your teen get sick!?

Hello ! I was hoping to get some feedback on this. It seems like since December of this past year my son (15) always seems to get sick, he got covid in December and then he gets a cold what seems like every few weeks. I dunno what’s too much to get sick. Never really has fevers but he has sore throat, head aches and he just feels awful.hes sick again right now and they tested him for strep and covid and both negative Dr just says kids just get sick. But I thought that really only happened in school age children ??
submitted by dgonzo03 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:02 CasualRSL I just spent 6 days in the hospital for mystery parasthesia and pain. Is it actually just guillaine-barre syndrome?

Hello! I am a 28 year old male. I just spent 6 days admitted to the hospital with concerns about a cardiac event because I was having facial parasthesia (tingling, numbness), the same sensation in my left arm and to a less frequent extent, my right arm. I also experience lower jaw and tooth pain, but I can’t tell if this is a symptom or if it is secondary to the swollen tonsils and adenoids.
For context, my wife and son recently got sick. My wife was very sick. Enough so that she sometimes cried about how much her throat hurt and even got a couple of chest x-rays for pneumonia. She was tested for every common illness because she had an insanely painful sore throat, a VERY bad cough, a whisper quiet lost voice and her tonsils were huge. The only result that showed was that she had a past EBV infection at some point.
I also got sick, of course. However, things went differently for me. I got sick and developed a bad sorrow throat and that was about it. This continues to this day, which is 12 days later. It’s still quite bad. My tonsils are also huge, but not as big as they were. I have tonsil secretions but I had more before.
A few days into my sore throat, my left face began to tingle. It was… weird. No pain, nothing else really. Just tingle. Later on in the day, my lip went numb. I went to the ER thinking that I was stroking out or something but the CT was fine and they sent me home.
The very next day, my left arm started to tingle and hurt and my arm starting from under my armpit medially(if supinated) running down my upper arm but not below my elbow started to ache. My shoulder had sensations of cold as well. The tinglng sensation continues and it runs down to my hand where I feel pain that that travels around but is mainly in my palm, thumb and fourth/fifth finger. This also occurs in my right arm. In fact, it’s happening right now. Both sides of my face are tingling as well.
To be clear, Yale’s cardiology team did a very extensive workup including s PET/CT nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, several EKG’s, maybe a dozen troponins a chest X-ray. No cardiac pathology was revealed. The only thing that was somewhat weird is that my symptoms were alleviated several times by nitroglycerin, but this may very well be psychosomatic due to my extreme anxiety over it being cardiac in nature and causing panjc attacks that the nitroglycerin calmed by lowering my BP and distracting me with low BP symptoms, honestly. I am a very anxious individual and I was very laser focused on it being cardiac pain because of the location. So much so that I did not even think of the possibility of my illness being related during my hospitalization. They did test me for strep and COVID and it was negative but given the fact that my wife was negative for EBV, they did not think it necessary.
I am wondering if perhaps this mystery infection could have triggered GBS? I do see a neurologist but my closest available appointment is three months from now.
So, what do you fine people think? Do these symptoms sound like potential GBS? If so, would gabapentin help? How can I go about making this easier for myself? I do have an RX for that. Thanks for reading.
submitted by CasualRSL to askneurology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:15 Dinwinning Tonsillitis for 3 weeks

Hi guys, I’m a 23M that has been diagnosed with a probable virus after seemingly having tonsillitis. I’ve tested negative to everything - strep, STI’s, mono, influenza, covid etc. anything that can be swabbed or blood tested. All 4 doctors have no clue. I’ve been prescribed erythromycin (taking it for acne beforehand so doubled dose) for 6 days when there was white puss/infection coming from only right tonsil, then penicillin with erythromycin for 10 days after puss went away but still sore to swallow and swollen. Weird thing is halfway through the penicillin it flared up again, having around 5 tiny white dots appear predominantly on the inflamed right tonsil for a couple days. This was accompanied with swelling that made the tonsil protrude towards the uvula too. Whilst it’s settling down again after 4 days of dots, I still have swelling 3 weeks later. My main concern is the anatomy of my right tonsil because where the puss was coming from in the slit is healing so slowly and it’s like my tonsil has a little dangly thing/uvula of it’s own now lol. Could it be a stubborn tonsil stone or something causing the protrusion? Never had my tonsil look like this. I’ve poked around with a q-tip and it actually tucked in the dangly thing a little, with no clear stones or anything behind it or the tonsil flaps.
Current symptoms are barely any throat pain when swallowing, swelling and inflammation of right tonsil and moderate lymph nodes in neck, chronic fatigue, no fever, sporadic body aches and pains.
I’m lost because I’ve never been sick for this long for a respiratory issue and feel something’s not right.
submitted by Dinwinning to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:00 oceanicfoot855 Can I reinfect myself with strep?

I (female, aged 22, 5’11, 160lbs, east asian/white) have had a sore throat for about a week now (since last Monday). I had a slight fever (~99°F) Wednesday but it went away the next day. I got tested yesterday (Monday) and found out today that I have strep throat (Type A). I was prescribed 500 MG of amoxicillin and began taking it today.
Last Tuesday I went out with a girl and ended up passing the strep to her (she has had a sore throat since Thursday). We have plans tomorrow, but I’m concerned about reinfecting myself if we -swap spit- and I’m wondering if this is a legitimate concern?
submitted by oceanicfoot855 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:36 virandociclista This is Lyme ?

This is Lyme ?
I want to understand what is this in case you saw something similar, please let me know. I really appreciate it
I am on vacations in Arizona visiting the canyons and suddenly I started to feel like crap. Fever, headaches and a urticaria appeared and looks similar bites. Anyone knows what this could be or saw something like that before ? It is on my both legs, arms, behind knees and looks like starts to be on my face today too. I went into two different doctors and they prescribed 7 days of antibiotic doxycline (last day is tomorrow which is freaking me out) to me but they also don’t know what it is. Googling around I was thinking about Lyme disease or bedbugs bites with allergic reaction, hard thing to figure out! Everything started with sore throat and symptoms similar COVID-19 lost taste and smell for some days and all of that but after these marks on my skin I had also allergic reaction lost my breath, had to use inhaler that never used before.
submitted by virandociclista to lymedisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 Routine_Midnight4388 Woke up choking heart racing..

Hello everyone, I’ve never had allergies before and today I thivk is the first season they are effecting me. My nose is runny head is tight throat killing me. After work I took a nap was on my back and had a neck pillow, I woke up choking on what I thivk was post nasal drip? I shot up out of sleep coughing choking and heart racing. It scared me a little but wonder if this can be caused by allergies and laying on your back ?
submitted by Routine_Midnight4388 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:19 stoicdad23 What do y’all do when sick?

30M, here, married to a 30 (f) and have two boys 5 and 3.
What happens when yall get sick? 5 year old brought a bug home Sunday to me with fever, headache, sore throat, congestion. Wife is super supportive, but acts like i should be doing everything the same as normal (very active in all activities with kids and house), when she’s sick i send her to the bedroom and handle it all . Kids still wake us up at 5/530 every day , and it’s hard to sleep when congested. Any tips to resting and getting better while in the trenches?
submitted by stoicdad23 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:03 ProtectionEither3447 Is this an std?

Is this an std in your experience?
Maybe I’m exaggerating and I’m going to the doctor tomorrow but I’m scared. I had unprotected sex last week and 3 days after I got a fever, sore throat, canker Soares on my tongue, very light vagina itch/irritation and then this acne that while I was sick I kept touching and even pulled the skin from and now it’s horible.
I want you to see the pictures of what I have in my chin and tell me if you’ve had it.
Also, keep in mind even if I do feel a mild vagina irritation it wouldn’t be abnormal for me to get yeast infection from sex, even if I did use protection.
I’m just scared about how this looks and I’m going to the dermatologist tomorrow but I have no insurance and I want to have an opinion from others if I have to actallly invest in getting checked by other types of doctors.
Photo 1: Photo 2 (with makeup):
submitted by ProtectionEither3447 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:52 Key_Story2521 how long does it last?

i think i have the flu.. not sure. I started feeling sick last thursday with a tickle in my throat and had a fever by the nighttime. fever stuck on and off for 2 days with severe aches, chills, sweats, heart racing. day 3 i got a full blown head cold with blocked nose, pressure headaches, ears plugged. i’m on day 6 and i still have pressure headache.. nose is less stuffy but still a ton of post nasal drip. i feel absolutely exhausted no matter how much i sleep. i feel weak, shaky, nauseous all day long. to the point i don’t think i could walk any real distance.. started coughing like no tomorrow this morning, hardly getting anything up but a little bit. it feels so…. gross to breathe in my windpipes. i don’t know how to describe it. i’m starting to get a bit worried at how ill i feel for the 6th day though. Is this normal?
submitted by Key_Story2521 to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:50 Ok-Reflection1005 Should I be looking for any other tests or specialists?

Hi! What other diagnostic testing should be requested? I’m having a very hard time being taken seriously by my last few PCPs and am trying to push for further specialist referrals and tests. I have been very dismissed and feeling crazy. I even sought a psychiatrist thinking maybe all this was in my head after all and they have supported me in continuing to push for answers because I am in fact not crazy lol.
I’ve had the following done and come back normal, but wondering if there is anything else my PCP should check before ruling out lupus definitively.
Came back normal-
CBC, metabolic panels repeated 2021-2024
2022- ANA
2024- rheumatoid factor Cyclic certificates peptide DNA DS antibody Chromatin neucleosomal antibody Complement components c3c and c4c Sed rate by modified westergren Complete abdomenal ultrasound Vitamin D, B12, Iron, Ferritin
Came back abnormal- 2022-2024 antiphospholipid antibodies B2 glycoprotein IGM high
2024- head mri with/ without contrast- few white matter lesions and scarring
2023- HLA- DQ8 genetic variant confirmed
I’ve got a whole host of symptoms that are both lupus and other auto immune specific. These include: Brain fog Extreme fatigue Memory issues Intermittent Butterfly and raised skin rash Feeling like I’m sunburnt even after only a few minutes outside Intermittent hearing issues Intermittent balance/ coordination issues Severe skin breakouts, digestive issues Constant illness Joint pain Swollen sore hands Numbness and tingling hands and feet Bladder retention and emptying issues Choking/ swallowing issues, chronic cough Pinpoint burning or itching sensation Since I was young, but now increasing again: “aura” like migraine or seizure aura without any headache or obvious seizure activity. Only other way I can explain this is “Alice in wonderland syndrome” (see fastfeeling)
My doctor has questioned SLE, MS but not really super conclusively. I also have wondered if celiac could be a factor but was informed after ANA testing that I may not have been eating gluten in my diet long enough for it to show other than the genetic test (usually avoid gluten by chance). I also have not yet heard back from my PCP on the results of the MRI- these findings were taken directly from the report uploaded in my patient portal. My family history is questionable as my mom was adopted, no one in my family really goes to the dr. Only Cancers and brain tumors have been confirmed. The most troublesome issues as of late are the cognitive issues and my hearing going out. It’s a few minutes or a few hours one ear at a time, pressure and muffled hearing. Any thoughts are appreciated, as I am exhausted
submitted by Ok-Reflection1005 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 kitkatsmeows Allergic reaction?

So I have NO idea if that's what happened but I also have migraines and dysautonomia so it could be related to those.
Today I had a patient come in with really strong cologne, I was suffering because strong scents can make me feel cruddy.
It started with a scratch in my throat and my nose felt kind of stuffy and then I couldn't stop coughing, I ended up coughing so hard I almost got sick and saw stars. I was dizzy and shaky and my heart rate was up 126 (usually 78) I was also really warm and my face neck and chest were blotchy red.
After he left I propped open the door to let in fresh air and chugged a pedialyte (cold water and electrolytes) and sat. It took a bit but I started to feel better, my hr went down to 84, I was less woozy feeling and hot, my face was still kind of warm and pink but not as bad.
I've never had a reaction like this so I have no idea 😅 I take allegra every day for trees and plants and flowers because my body hates them. Usually scents just give me a headache and make me nauseous, so not sure if anyone else has had something like this happen?
submitted by kitkatsmeows to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 poiuyghk Could this be tonsillitis?

Could this be tonsillitis?
I get this pain quite often right where my nose connects to my throat. Almost a sharp pain that makes it hurt to talk. At the same time I do not have runny nose or sore throat which is weird. This has been an ongoing issue. My dental hygiene is pretty good and I don’t have any major tonsil stone issue as I’ve removed small stones before. When I look at the back of my throat as shown in the picture sometimes it gets really red. Just trying to figure this out, it makes it hurt to talk and I have a sales job my job is to talk! (PS: I went on amoxicillin for 1 week to test if i had tonsillitis and it didn’t help)
submitted by poiuyghk to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:17 Juicy_Overlord Flu symptoms for 2 weeks with no rash or bumps?

Hello I'm in my mid twenties and I've recently started dating a girl and have had a lot of unprotected sex (stupid I know). Thing is I've had a flu for the past 2 weeks that just seems to keep coming back, just after we started having sex. I'm pretty fit so I'm surprised that it hasn't gone away. I've not had sex with someone in over a year and I read online that STI's can have flu symptoms but I have no rashes or bumps. I've booked a health clinic check up. What are the odds it's an STI? I hope I'm just being paranoid. It started as a flu with fever, aches, sore throat, cough that went away for nearly two days then it came back with a vengeance. I had a boiling fever, even worse aches and now my parotid glands are so swollen I can feel the fluid swishing around in my blocked ears.
submitted by Juicy_Overlord to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 VincentVegasiPhone13 Seeking advice and/or consolation for weird ear symptoms

TL;DR: Noise sensitivity and other weird symptoms like popping/creeking and hearing my heartbeat. Possibly fluid in ears from sinus/allergies? Can fluid, or sinuses/mold, or a virus, cause these symptoms?
Hello everyone. Apologies in advance, I just found this community and this might be long but I just want to explain my symptoms so that someone might be able to ease my mind. Just for some background this is over the course of the last 13ish days. I have tinnitus but I don’t think it’s relevant because it is anxiety induced, or at least I don’t have any hearing loss as of last year.
Around the 24th/25th I started hearing an involuntary clicking/popping noise in my left ear. This was accompanied by a small tickling/pain sensation in the left ear. I thought I had tiny amount of ear drainage at nights but thought I could be making it up. Went to urgent care on 27th and doctor said there was no fluid behind my ear. Basically said there was no problem.
After the urgent care day I started to get sensitivity to noises in my left ear. I am a musician and it was enough to have me stop singing. It’s since been not as bad, I can wear headphones again, but still notice it a little bit in my left ear. I also proceeded to get post-nasal drip, like a swallowing mucus sensation, and just feeling slightly crummy in general. Now when I swallow I get the sound of releasing pressure in my ears like when you go on a plane or change altitudes. This is also a popping noise but it’s different from the involuntary one. The involuntary one is loud and has a long duration of back and forth.
I also started hearing my heartbeat in my right ear and feeling a slight fullness feeling, but it wasn’t enough to make me confident it was fluid. Thankfully the hearing my heart beat in my right ear is not as often and the involuntary popping in my left stopped for a few days (is now back sometimes but quieter). I still get them when in certain neck positions or straining during exercises, or when I get a high moment of stress and my heart beats a little harder, but I’m just thankful it’s not as often/periodic anymore.
On the 29th I went to the nurse practitioner at the actual hospital and she thinks it may be allergies. She didn’t see any fluid either. Started Sudafed and Flonase (as per her recommendation) and I had lots of ear drainage the same day. I think it was the Sudafed because apparently Flonase takes a few days to work. As a weird detail, the drainage smelled like the Flonase… just thought it was weird and should mention it.
Went back to the nurse on the 3rd and they looked in my nose this time. Said my left nostril was so swollen that they don’t know how I was breathing out of it. I felt no resistance or congestion, I felt fine as far as that went. They prescribed me the steroid dexamethasone 0.75 mg for 7 days twice a day. At first I thought it spiked my tinnitus but it actually started to help it a lot.
Since I’ve been done the steroid, I took one Zyrtec to help my post-nasal drip, and I got a huge spike in my T back. It could be coincidence, as it hasn’t gone back down much. I’ve had headaches, face swelling, feeling of pressure in my ears, lots of ear fluid one night, maybe even a low grade fever one night but my thermometer is not trustworthy.
When I wake up my ears feel like they have this pressure but I’m pretty sure it’s not affecting my hearing. It’s so weird that I’m getting different symptoms in different ears, and how I got the popping sounds before noticing any fluid. My doctor says this could be a virus, but I’m seeing the ENT for the first time tomorrow. I’m scared they’re not going to see anything and send me off.
The only two things I can think of that caused this was that I was riding in my friends car for a long time one night that week and the car had a mildew smell. Other thing is that I rode in a separate friends loud convertible that maybe the exhaust pipe noises caused these symptoms, but I don’t know how hearing damage can cause fluid and nasal inflammation.
Another thing I think about is that my grandpa hated loud noises… but I really hope this isn’t connected. He likely never wore ear protection and always worked around boat engines and engineering docks since a kid. My grandma said she has had similar situations as me in the past where she gets ear fluid and noise sensitivity from sinuses so I’m praying that it is temporary 🙏
submitted by VincentVegasiPhone13 to hearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 HungryBowl10 Is it normal to feel sick after breathing work?

A few days ago I started practicing this, as stress and anxiety were affecting me a lot, both physically and mentally. I have been doing cardiac coherence breathing, and the first day I did it several times during the day, and I felt very good, I really managed to relax and I felt very good, the second day I felt good too, but the third day I started to feel bad, as if I had a fever. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I feel my head hot and when I exhale I feel an uncomfortable hot air, also my throat feels a little sore. Now, I tried to do the exercise again but I started to feel worse while breathing, and I better stop. Is it normal? why does this happen?
Sorry my English, btw
submitted by HungryBowl10 to Pranayama [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 HungryBowl10 Is it normal to feel sick after breathwork?

A few days ago I started practicing this, as stress and anxiety were affecting me a lot, both physically and mentally. I have been doing cardiac coherence breathing, and the first day I did it several times during the day, and I felt very good, I really managed to relax and I felt very good, the second day I felt good too, but the third day I started to feel bad, as if I had a fever. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I feel my head hot and when I exhale I feel an uncomfortable hot air, also my throat feels a little sore. Now, I tried to do the exercise again but I started to feel worse while breathing, and I better stop. Is it normal? why does this happen?
submitted by HungryBowl10 to breathwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:41 VincentVegasiPhone13 Seeking advice and/or consolation for weird ear symptoms

TL;DR: Noise sensitivity and other weird symptoms like popping/creeking and hearing my heartbeat. Possibly fluid in ears from sinus/allergies? Can fluid, or sinuses/mold, or a virus, cause these symptoms?
Hello everyone. Apologies in advance, I just found this community and this might be long but I just want to explain my symptoms so that someone might be able to ease my mind. Just for some background this is over the course of the last 13ish days. I have tinnitus but I don’t think it’s relevant because it is anxiety induced, or at least I don’t have any hearing loss as of last year.
Around the 24th/25th I started hearing an involuntary clicking/popping noise in my left ear. This was accompanied by a small tickling/pain sensation in the left ear. I thought I had tiny amount of ear drainage at nights but thought I could be making it up. Went to urgent care on 27th and doctor said there was no fluid behind my ear. Basically said there was no problem.
After the urgent care day I started to get sensitivity to noises in my left ear. I am a musician and it was enough to have me stop singing. It’s since been not as bad, I can wear headphones again, but still notice it a little bit in my left ear. I also proceeded to get post-nasal drip, like a swallowing mucus sensation, and just feeling slightly crummy in general. Now when I swallow I get the sound of releasing pressure in my ears like when you go on a plane or change altitudes. This is also a popping noise but it’s different from the involuntary one. The involuntary one is loud and has a long duration of back and forth.
I also started hearing my heartbeat in my right ear and feeling a slight fullness feeling, but it wasn’t enough to make me confident it was fluid. Thankfully the hearing my heart beat in my right ear is not as often and the involuntary popping in my left stopped for a few days (is now back sometimes but quieter). I still get them when in certain neck positions or straining during exercises, or when I get a high moment of stress and my heart beats a little harder, but I’m just thankful it’s not as often/periodic anymore.
On the 29th I went to the nurse practitioner at the actual hospital and she thinks it may be allergies. She didn’t see any fluid either. Started Sudafed and Flonase (as per her recommendation) and I had lots of ear drainage the same day. I think it was the Sudafed because apparently Flonase takes a few days to work. As a weird detail, the drainage smelled like the Flonase… just thought it was weird and should mention it.
Went back to the nurse on the 3rd and they looked in my nose this time. Said my left nostril was so swollen that they don’t know how I was breathing out of it. I felt no resistance or congestion, I felt fine as far as that went. They prescribed me the steroid dexamethasone 0.75 mg for 7 days twice a day. At first I thought it spiked my tinnitus but it actually started to help it a lot.
Since I’ve been done the steroid, I took one Zyrtec to help my post-nasal drip, and I got a huge spike in my T back. It could be coincidence, as it hasn’t gone back down much. I’ve had headaches, face swelling, feeling of pressure in my ears, lots of ear fluid one night, maybe even a low grade fever one night but my thermometer is not trustworthy.
When I wake up my ears feel like they have this pressure but I’m pretty sure it’s not affecting my hearing. It’s so weird that I’m getting different symptoms in different ears, and how I got the popping sounds before noticing any fluid. My doctor says this could be a virus, but I’m seeing the ENT for the first time tomorrow. I’m scared they’re not going to see anything and send me off.
The only two things I can think of that caused this was that I was riding in my friends car for a long time one night that week and the car had a mildew smell. Other thing is that I rode in a separate friends loud convertible that maybe the exhaust pipe noises caused these symptoms, but I don’t know how hearing damage can cause fluid and nasal inflammation.
Another thing I think about is that my grandpa hated loud noises… but I really hope this isn’t connected. He likely never wore ear protection and always worked around boat engines and engineering docks since a kid. My grandma said she has had similar situations as me in the past where she gets ear fluid and noise sensitivity from sinuses so I’m praying that it is temporary 🙏
submitted by VincentVegasiPhone13 to hyperacusis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:54 Doryandbree AITAFor not picking up my sister and partner from airport?

Ok so my sister is planning on coming up to brissy, which she’s had planned for months. I live not too far out from brissy, maybe 1/2-45 with no traffic. So for one night (the first night) she’s staying at my place before she goes to her hotel in the city. Now I said I was fine to pick them up from the airport (which I still am, there’s no issue there). But my issue is I’ve suddenly become really sick, extremely sore throat, chestyy cough, runny nose, headaches, and I’ve been dealing with the bad insomnia due to new meds which is now being made worse by the fact I’m sick. So now I’m worried I won’t be up for the drive and won’t feel well enough to make the 1hr 1/2 round trip to pick them up.
I obviously don’t want to spring it on them last minute that they have to use public transport but with lack of sleep and sickness I don’t know if I trust myself driving into the city to get them either (they arrive tomorrow morning at 10:45 so there’s over a day for us to organise something if needed). Id be happy to cover 1/2 or all of the cost for them to get public transport but part of me still feels shit for it? Idk if I should just suck it up and go get them because I obviously want to see them and get them home the most convenient way but i just don’t feel great to drive. And no one else is able to go get them either ugh 😩 like I know it’s an asshole move but this sickness is out of my control so idk if I should just suck it up and go get them or not.
submitted by Doryandbree to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]