Extreme moshi monster cheats

I’m an Amy apologist till the day i die

2024.05.15 00:31 Infinite_Fish_4322 I’m an Amy apologist till the day i die

Listen Amy is one of the stupidest characters in this show but honestly i don’t blame her for being selfish EVERYONE is constantly on her case about doing what THEY want her to do and once she does she is constantly criticized for how she does it or even just doing it in general because most people always regret the advice they give her and then get upset at her for listening to them. She can never do anything right and i’d support her if she ever went into a villain era truly. Everyone is constantly talking about her and her family creating rumors and making up rumors, her family is extremely condescending of everything anyone does not just her but it’s amplified by 100 when it’s towards her, DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON ASHLEY. i don’t agree with everything she does but i truly do feel sympathy for her when she’s just trying to survive and everyone is constantly talking about her behind her back and ricky is projecting him wanting to cheat onto her constantly.
submitted by Infinite_Fish_4322 to Secretlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:25 133eee55 intimacy and adulthood

Hi everyone, this post contains mentions of SA so sorry if its triggering for someone. Also, I should mention that I've never went to a psychologist so these are just my subjective observations. Sorry for my bad English.
Since as long as I remember I've always felt suicidal. Not in a sense that I have an active plan, but it was more or less an idealization of the death idea itself. When I was little, maybe 4-5 yo, I clearly remember praying for god 'to take me' not in a sense that I wanted to go to heaven but simply I wanted not to exist cause I couldn't really comprehend the idea of permanent death. I remember also that I tried to choke myself multiple times, which obviously did not work out lol. I've lived in a dysfunctional family in a sense that my mom was/is very neurotic and my dad cheated on her when I was little. However, they never divorced for 'our good' but instead just constantly argued. I think because of this, I felt 'unloved' (objectively, my parents did/do love me very much). I felt like I take up too much space and been extremely self-conscious about myself. As a child, and now, I'm extremely sensitive person with basically zero self confidence. However, people, including my parents, always told me that I'm very emotionally mature and 'have an old soul'. I definitely do have anxiety, I'm not officially diagnosed but I think it's pretty self-explanatory (but I understand that I shouldn't self diagnose). For example, I was always scared of everything when I was younger (and now too), I even struggle to go to buy groceries or run errands alone. I'm scared of socializing but I have some good friends. But I've always felt like every single move of mine is watched and judged even though I know it's just in my head. I'm scared to go and talk about it with someone. My closest friends of 9-10 years don't even know nothing about my family except their age or names cause I'm ashamed of explaining things. Here I just present general info, sorry if this is already taking too long to read.
Moving on, I vividly remember drawing really inappropriate pictures imitating various sexual acts/forms when I was around 5, I guess. I knew those drawings were a bad thing cause I felt ashamed of showing them to someone and I always hid them or destroyed them after drawing. I mostly grew up with my lovely grandma and I don't have any bad memories with regards to my dad, cousins or any other family members.However, now, in my early adulthood I am extremely struggling with building romantic relationships cause I feel very weird about intimacy. I don't see myself as attractive or lovable (even though 'objectively' looking I'm conventionally attractive, I guess). Recently I saw a video about meanings of children drawings and this memory I told you about my childhood 'secret drawings' struck me. It felt like I finally found an answer I was searching for so long. The thing is, I don't remember 'actually' something happening to me. I just know that during that age I shouldn't be able to think of such scenes. Is there any possibility that I've experienced SA? Cause I can't show any proof of that but at the same time I feel like something really bad happened in my childhood. And this is why I'm the way I'm now. Is this worth talking to a psychologist? How should I approach this topic cause I can't just go to the first session and say all of this.
Thank you for reading. If someone would be willing to share their own similar stories, I would find that very comforting too.
submitted by 133eee55 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:20 Not_a_vampiree Power system based on faith

Faith is a magical energy which can be imbued into objects. Faith allows a persons belief to change an object. Faith takes two forms, Passive and Active.
** Passive Faith:** passive faith is in everything and is created primarily by humans. Humans need faith to survive without it they become a monster called a Damned. Passive faith can accumulate and create items known as holy relic or holy dominion that contain special properties.
Active Faith: it is a conscious energy only a Paladin can create and control. It can be imbued into any object. Imbuing a holy relic with active faith creates a holy weapon. Holy weapons are unique and extremely powerful containing a new special ability called a Holy Art.
Faith Release: Faith release is when a person releases the faith from an object, on significantly weaker level opponents this can be done to render them useless in combat while it can also be used on ones own faith to make a sacrificial vow.
Sacrificial Vows: the ability to sacrifice something to gain greater power. Results vary
Would love you to ask questions, give ideas and critique
submitted by Not_a_vampiree to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 Hell_with_Psychosis Green Monster of the Swamp / Puppet-Devouring Green Monster - Level 10 (Base Level), Hitless. This bossfight was extremely challenging and one of the hardest for me to do Hitless, mainly cause the 2nd phase has pretty nasty hitboxes on some attacks. Enjoy !

Green Monster of the Swamp / Puppet-Devouring Green Monster - Level 10 (Base Level), Hitless. This bossfight was extremely challenging and one of the hardest for me to do Hitless, mainly cause the 2nd phase has pretty nasty hitboxes on some attacks. Enjoy ! submitted by Hell_with_Psychosis to LiesOfP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:07 dill_with_it_PICKLE Good opinion (rare) from NYT

"Once you understand this context, it becomes clear that processed and ultraprocessed food create a raging hole of hunger, and these treatments can repair that hole. Michael Lowe, a professor of psychology at Drexel University who has studied hunger for 40 years, told me the drugs are “an artificial solution to an artificial problem.”
Yet we have reacted to this crisis largely caused by the food industry as if it were caused only by individual moral dereliction. I felt like a failure for being fat and was furious with myself for it. Why do we turn our anger inward and not outward at the main cause of the crisis? And by extension, why do we seek to shame people taking Ozempic but not those who, say, take drugs to lower their blood pressure?
The answer, I think, lies in two very old notions. The first is the belief that obesity is a sin. When Pope Gregory I laid out the seven deadly sins in the sixth century, one of them was gluttony, usually illustrated with grotesque-seeming images of overweight people. Sin requires punishment before you can get to redemption. Think about the competition show “The Biggest Loser,” on which obese people starve and perform extreme forms of exercise in visible agony in order to demonstrate their repentance.
The second idea is that we are all in a competition when it comes to weight. Ours is a society full of people fighting against the forces in our food that are making us fatter. It is often painful to do this: You have to tolerate hunger or engage in extreme forms of exercise. It feels like a contest in which each thin person creates additional pressure on others to do the same. Looked at in this way, people on Ozempic can resemble athletes like the cyclist Lance Armstrong who used performance-enhancing drugs. Those who manage their weight without drugs might think, “I worked hard for this, and you get it for as little as a weekly jab?”
We can’t find our way to a sane, nontoxic conversation about obesity or Ozempic until we bring these rarely spoken thoughts into the open and reckon with them. You’re not a sinner for gaining weight. You’re a typical product of a dysfunctional environment that makes it very hard to feel full. If you are angry about these drugs, remember the competition isn’t between you and your neighbor who’s on weight-loss drugs. It’s between you and a food industry constantly designing new ways to undermine your satiety. If anyone is the cheat here, it’s that industry. We should be united in a struggle against it and its products, not against desperate people trying to find a way out of this trap."
submitted by dill_with_it_PICKLE to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:04 thatonecoolguyz My best friend's ex told everyone that I was groomed without my consent

It's been a long time since I last used Reddit, but this has been on my mind lately and I wanted to know what other people think about this since It's a really sensitive topic for me and I just can't stop thinking about it.
I (16M) have my best friend (19F) who broke up with her boyfriend (17M) some months ago, I'll call her Lucy, and her ex, Jack.
A lot of things happened for them to break up, I'll try to keep it short.
First of all, Jack and I met when I was 12 through an Instagram group since we both liked art and that stuff. Lucy was already my friend by some months by that time, and we both hated Jack. He was extremely racist, homophobic, transphobic, everything. There was not a single good thing about this man. He used to sexualize me for being a trans guy, commenting gross things on my posts whenever it had my face, and much more.
And for some reason, Lucy and him ended up dating. I don't know how. But I accepted it since she was my best friend and thought "well if she's happy then I'll just keep up with it".
At the same time, I was in a relationship with a guy (16M), through the internet. I'll keep it short, he sexually abused me, deteriorated my mental health, cheated on me 3 times, and this is just the beginning.
Lucy and Jack knew about this, but Lucy couldn't help me because I was 12, whenever she would've talked to me about his toxic behavior I'd just brush it off because I "loved him" and he was just confused or whatever excuse I'd find to keep him as the good guy.
And including Jack wouldn't let me and Lucy talk a lot since he would get "jealous" saying that he "wanted to be my best friend" and not her. He would check her chats and see our conversation and TEXT THROUGH THEM to try and talk to me when I wouldn't answer him.
Time passed by and I got off that relationship when I was 14, met someone else at that time and started dating them. But it was kind of toxic too, we broke up once because I couldn't communicate properly, then he came back and asked me to try again, he broke up again with me because "distance wasn't his thing". So I let him go.
He made a lot of gross comments about my at the time boyfriend, and kept sexualizing me and trying to make my boyfriend leave me just because "he was there first."
I had it and blocked him, I spent months having to deal with his non stopping messages about how sorry he was through Lucy, since she was kinda by his side.
Well, some months ago he broke up with her because, in his words, he couldn't handle being with her because he still missed me a lot and the fact she was my best friend made him feel miserable.
Oh well.
Time passed by and some weeks ago Lucy told me she found something I might wanna see, when I checked her messages she had sent me screenshots of her ex talking shit about me in a DISCORD SERVER. I guess he was having another conversation when he said this because things before don't make sense, so I'll quote exactly what he said to like a hundred of people in that server about me:
" Oh yeah, I had a friend who fell in love with a 17 year old chilean guy when she was 14. I mean, 14 when she started dating him. But I guess they actually started having something when she was 13."
The others changed topics, and he kept on talking, but now about my newest ex.
" Because she was a dumbass blinded by love and she forgave him 3 times. She doesn't knows how to live without someone's love. "
Again changed topics, and he talked again.
" And she had the audacity to stop talking to me just because of her boyfriend. Just because he was from the USA and German. Just because she's a gold digger, to get a better future and blah blah blah."
" But then I'm the bad guy, he breaks up with her because he got bored and when I do something slightly bad I'm blocked from fucking everywhere, and the fucking stupid bitch forgives him and not me."
"So she's just a bitch with no self-love."
First of all, I wasn't 14, I was 13 when that guy was 17, and started "dating" when I was 12.
Second of all, he changed the whole story to keep as the "cool nice guy" in front of his friends. And not only that, he used female pronouns on me knowing I've been a trans guy since I was 9. There's no excuse to call me "she" when he knew from the moment he met me.
It's humiliating to know he told everyone about it, and I got an Instagram notification about him taking screenshots of old NSFW drawings I did of me and my groomer when I was 13, and showed to him because I didn't know who else to tell since Lucy wouldn't talk to me because of him.
I feel gross and I honestly don't know what to do. He texted all those things on December 2023, and it's been months since then but I don't know if I should do something. I feel like letting go is the best option but I can't stop thinking about how he's just spreading the SA I went through to everyone and I'm just here, suffering the consequences of it. Since when I was 14 I went through the same at school because of my cousin who looked through my phone and found erotic pictures of me and conversations I used to have with my groomer and told everyone the next day. I was harassed for months.
Anything that I could do? I'm confused and at the same time so mad, but sad.
Thanks for reading. Sorry if it was long, I needed to get a lot of things out.
submitted by thatonecoolguyz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 FappidyDat [H] TF2 Keys & PayPal [W] Humble Bundle Games (Also Games From Past Bundles), Bad Rats

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2024.05.14 23:54 ralo_ramone An Otherworldly Scholar [LitRPG, Isekai] - Chapter 118

The master of ceremonies glanced at the paper in his hand, and a glimpse of confusion showed on his face.
Something was wrong.
“And the third and last team representing Farcrest. Lowell’s Orphanage!”
Elincia clung to my arm, fear and impotence reflected in her expression. We were supposed to be called Rosebud Fencing Academy during the tournament. I clenched my jaw and glanced across the pavilion, giving [Awareness] free rein. Lord Osgiria gave me a mocking look.
I cursed. Among the nobility, everything was appearances. The fact that Farcrest had to resort to a poor orphanage for representation spoke badly about the state of affairs in the territory. The nobles around us exchanged funny looks.
“Keep your heads up. That’s our call,” I said, loud enough for the whole pavilion to hear us. If nobles thought this would weigh upon our shoulders, they were wrong.
Ilya took position by my right as the team captain, and we entered the crescent-shaped arena. The cheering died. Our magnificent uniforms didn’t fool the crowd anymore. I reached the Marquis's side and saluted the VIP box. Only after Prince Adrien started applauding did the rest of the nobles acknowledge our presence.
The commoners in the stands hesitated to cheer for us. This wasn’t a gentle world. They didn’t care about the kid’s feelings. I glanced over my shoulder. Wolf was unfazed, and Zaon moved his lips, repeating, ‘Nervous is good’ repeatedly. Firana, on the other hand, was furious.
“Tough crowd, uh?” I muttered.
“It’s only expected. Orphans don’t get good classes. There is no reason to cheer for us,” Ilya replied with a grin. “Yet.”
Did she look so mature back at the carriage?
The crowd’s attention lingered on us for an instant before the next team entered the arena. To my surprise, a single team represented the royal family: a group of cadets from the Imperial Academy. Five young cadets dressed in plain black, guided by Holst, entered the arena. The crowd came back to life. Considering the opulence of the other teams, the uniforms of the Imperial Academy cadets were disappointing. Even my group was better suited to the occasion.
Holst stood by my left, saluting the stands with a dull gesture.
“Robert Clarke, good to see you still among the living,” he greeted me with a bored tone.
His words, however, sent a shiver down my spine. Did he know assassins had tried to kill me a few days before? Captain Kiln had sworn to keep it a secret. The coincidences piled up. Holst knew about the attack and asked Lyra Jorn’s help with the library when Luzian Abei had a small army of Scholars and Scribes at his disposal. I couldn’t help but think Holst was still in contact with the culprit.
“Preceptor Holst,” I coldly greeted, my brain too busy to formulate a more wordy sentence.
“I didn’t expect to meet my former students,” he added, looking past me at Ilya and the kids. “Certainly not in these circumstances.”
I swallowed my anger. This was a golden opportunity for the orphanage. Watching the skill of the imperial cadets could help me understand why Sir Janus had been the only commoner in Farcrest to assist the Imperial Academy. Even if we lost the tournament, we could improve our chances of getting them accepted into the Imperial Academy, putting them in the same echelon as nobles.
“Do you trust the ability of your current students to win the tournament?” I asked, examining the cadet’s faces. Three humans, a half-elf, and a harpy. They didn’t seem thrilled to be part of the tournament.
Holst laughed.
“These idiots aren’t my students. These five failed their first year. If they don’t win the tournament, they will be kicked out of the Academy,” he replied, shrugging. “For failures like them, I’d say they are the favorites to win the tournament.”
A glance at the Imperial Academy team revealed their strong shoulders and steady feet. Despite the lack of fashion, they looked like trained warriors instead of pampered noble kids. Their faces had lost the roundness of childhood, and their calm demeanor and sharp eyes revealed an intense training regime. I hoped not to bump into them until the later rounds of the tournament.
Our conversation was cut short because the Osgirian teams entered the arena. First, Lord Osgiria, then Lord Nara, and finally, a man dressed as a knight, followed by a group of kids in mismatched uniforms—each one with the colors of their respective houses. Lord Osgiria stood by Holst's side and greeted the VIP box.
If Captain Kiln were right, our team would fight Lord Nara in the first round. I expected the man to be a merchant with a comically large belly. Instead, he looked like a cunning gray fox. I had to remind myself that buying a way into nobility required a skillful negotiator.
“Three teams, Lord Osgiria? You don’t seem too confident in your chances,” Holst casually said.
The Imperial Academy had to be a powerhouse within the kingdom because Lord Osgiria swallowed any snarky remark.
Lord Herran, a tall and muscular redhead dressed in full warrior attire, entered next. I remembered him from the feast—boisterous, talkative, determined. The black mana-repelling axe hung from his belt, causing my stomach to feel sick if I looked for too long. House Herran only had two teams, one led by Lord Herran himself and the other by a man who could be his twin. Only half of the team members were human; the other half were different flavors of beast folk.
More than half of the kids had bright red hair like their lord. I wondered if red hair was a dominant gene in the Herran Dukedom because the kids looked healthy. There was not a trace of the infamous Habsburg chin. They were tall and robust like their lord.
I tried to glance at the axe’s runes, but Lord Herran was too far away.
“That’s lord Herran and his army of copperhead bastards,” Holst pointed out, laughing at his joke.
I doubted that having a dozen children the same age was normal, even more so for a noble, considering how difficult succession could be. Lord Herran must’ve loved to spread his genes.
“It’s okay for him to present his… illegitimate kids in an official event like this?” I asked.
“Do you like gossip, Robert Clarke?” Holst raised an eyebrow.
“I like to be informed,” I replied.
Holst seemed satisfied with my answer.
“Lord Herran is one of the few Combat Prestige Classes in the kingdom. He has the [Conqueror] Class,” Holst replied. “It’s only natural that he can do whatever he wants. Not even the king has enough power over Lord Herran to stop his… reproductive impulses.”
I nodded. The relationship between the royal house and the great three dukedoms was more complex than I initially thought. According to the stories, Combat Prestige Classes were, in essence, one-man armies that could create whole countries around their power. I wondered what kind of monsters the royal army found in the Deep Farlands to be obliged to retreat.
After Lord Herra, Lord Gairon entered the arena. The Gairon House was arguably the second most powerful family after the royal house, and their uniforms reflected their status. The blue was rich and deep, and the gold shone under the winter sun, seemingly casting the few clouds away. The crowd yelled and cheered. It wasn’t surprising. Lord Gairon was a tall, tanned man with hair the color of ripe wheat—the perfect poster boy and leader of the anti-war faction.
“He has to go down if we want the royal faction to have a chance,” Holst said.
It suddenly hit me. Holst and I technically supported the same faction.
“Lord Gairon is also a Prestige Class?” I asked.
“A [Sacred Knight], yes. Rumor says he reached the mythic level sixty,” Holst replied. “Let’s hope their teams are more… farming inclined.”
The crowd became more tame after the three big houses made their entrance. Lord Vedras received less than half of House Gairon’s support, probably because of the tax disputes between Farcrest and the Vedras dukedom. He had brought three teams.
Duke Jorn’s presence almost caused the arena to become completely silent—Holst told me he was also a high-level Prestige Class, a Shadow Stalker.
“That sounds dangerous,” I pointed out.
“Sellen Jorn is one of the most dangerous men in the kingdom. His mere existence was enough for the king to create a whole new duchy,” Holst said. “Take an Assassin and a Shadow Fencer, mix them, double their powers, and then double them again. That’s a Shadow Stalker in a nutshell.”
I tried to imagine it. The Assassin who attacked the orphanage would have had a hard time with any class without a skill like my mana blades. I had been lucky to have a favorable matchup against him; otherwise, I might have been dead. His capacity to disable my movement was scarily effective. A man with the skills of an Assassin and a Shadow Fencer had dangerous implications.
“Prince Adrien wanted Sellen Jorn as his Master of Assassins, but he didn’t want to leave his people in the north,” Holst said. “Walls, doors, bars, locks, nothing can stop a Shadow Stalker. Only the woven barrier of several high-level Fortifiers can stop him. Or so it’s said.”
Gears turned inside my skull. I wondered if Duke Jorn was involved in the disappearance of the evidence of Raudhan’s poisoning. He certainly had the skill to move unnoticed through the Great Hall. Stealing a box with shards of glass would be a walk in the park for him.
The rest of the teams passed in a blur as my mind reviewed the party's events. Sellen Jorn was undoubtedly suspicious. His lack of presence was as unnerving as it was useful for an infiltration mission. Could he be involved in Raudhan’s poisoning? Lord Vedras had denied the existence of any co-conspirators, and we were almost entirely sure that Raudhan hadn’t been poisoned by Ashroot.
Duke Jorn's political positioning was hard to determine. The northern dukedoms were poor, and just like Farcrest, they served as a bulwark against the Monster Surges. Four families controlled most of the kingdom’s economy and politics. House Gairon, House Herran, House Osgiria, and the Royal Family. The northern dukedoms didn’t benefit from the current trade routes and wouldn’t directly benefit from a new trade route into the Kingdom of Tagabiria.
However, they would benefit from a closer relationship with the royal family.
Duke Jorn had no reason to poison Captain Kiln.
Ilya tugged the sleeve of my jacket, bringing me back to the present. The master of ceremonies was finishing a long speech about the legacy of Stephaniss of Farcrest, the previous lord of the city and the Marquis's grandfather. Even the Marquis seemed bored.
“Prince Adrien will draw the matches for the first round!” The master of ceremonies announced.
Prince Adrien came forward, and an assistant brought a glass bowl filled with small wooden rods. He put his hand in the bowl, picked one randomly, and passed it to his companion. The woman dressed in purple read it out loud, her voice magically amplified. Her pleasant contralto voice made me think she was a singer.
“House Nara versus…” she received the second wooden rod. “Lowell’s Orphanage!”
Just like Captain Kiln had warned me.
I didn’t expect us to be the opening fight. The other teams returned to the pavilion, and a group of Scribes carried the System Shrine Shard embedded in its copper nest to the center of the arena. I assumed it was there to ensure all participants met the requirements for the tournament.
“Let’s go, team,” I said.
We formed next to the Shrine Shard and in front of Lord Nara’s team. The master of ceremonies activated the blue orb, and the kids' names, classes, and levels appeared before us. Luckily, Lord Nara and I were exempt from the crystal ability. Being outed as a Runeweaver wasn’t part of my plans.
Belya Nara, Geomancer Lv.3
Arel Nara, Warrior Lv.5
Lino, Soldier Lv.9
Jan, Archer Lv.3
Aiwin, Courier Lv.7
Firana Aias, Wind Fencer Lv.1
Ilya, Hunter Lv.2
Zaon, Classless Lv.1
Wolf, Classless Lv.1
The System prompts might have been big enough for the crowd to read because a murmur rose from the stands. I didn’t need [Awareness] to understand the commotion. Half of my team was classless in a world where Classes were everything. Lord Nara also seemed to notice the discrepancy between our teams.
“I’m feeling generous today, Mister Caretaker. I will gladly accept your surrender and spare you the embarrassment if you apologize for wasting our time,” Lord Nara said with a mellow, totally fake voice. “You can save the kids the shame of losing in front of their countrymen.”
The master of ceremonies looked at me.
“What do you think, Ilya?” I asked.
“The team is ready, Mister Clarke. We fight,” she replied without any hint of doubt.
Despite Lord Nara’s clever expression, he was underestimating us. I couldn’t blame him. He had lived all his life in a world where value was determined by class and level. Developing an eye for people wasn’t as helpful as on Earth, where it could mean the difference between life and death.
“We fight,” I said.
“Don’t say I didn’t extend the courtesy of an honorable withdrawal,” Lord Nara grinned, his fox-like eyes turned into thin lines.
The master of ceremonies nodded.
“The Rules are simple. The team that loses the coin toss has to choose its first fighter, and then the winning team chooses its opponent. Then, the roles change. Every team has two picks and two counter picks, for a total of four fighters,” the master of ceremonies explained, pulling a gold coin from the pocket.
I nodded. There was a level of strategy involved in the pairing phase. I could pair Firana against their weakest member to ensure a vast point difference. Or I could choose Zaon to keep things equalized. If I were Lord Nara, I would leave the Lv.7 Courier outside the selection. As fast as they were, they weren’t a combatant Class, but on the other hand, even non-combatants could develop useful masteries.
Zaon had a good matchup against the Soldier and the Warrior, as their combat skills were on the ‘basic’ side of the spectrum. However, the Archer, the Geomancer, and the Courier could present a problem to him. Wolf also had a bad matchup against the Archer and the Geomancer because he relied on solid and static positioning to use his muscles. Ilya and Firana had good matchups against the enemy team, but the enemy Geomancer worried me the most. She wasn’t just an Advanced Class, but a relative of Lord Nara.
“Here goes the coin,” the master of ceremonies said. He threw it high and caught it mid-flight.
Lord Nara kindly offered me the call.
“Heads,” I replied with a grin.
“Heads,” the master of ceremonies said, revealing the coin.
[Awareness] didn’t disappoint, but I made a mental note to keep it hidden from Ilya. She wouldn’t be on board with blatant cheating, even if we had the disadvantage. As cunning as Ilya was, strategy and cheats were completely different.
Lord Nara huffed. “Lino, you go first.”
The Soldier kid stepped forward. He was tall, probably a year older than my kids, but [Awareness] told me he was nervous. Soldier Class was painfully close to no class at all.
“Zaon, you go first. Is that okay with you?” I said, hoping the combination of Light-Footed and Lv.2 Longsword Mastery would match a Lv.9 Soldier with a couple of skills under his sleeve.
Zaon nodded.
It was my turn to choose and Lord Nara’s turn to counter-pick. “Ilya, you go second,” I said.
Ilya came forward, prompting a laugh from the rival Fighter.
“Do you want to fight the gnome, Arel?” Lord Nara asked.
“Yes, my lord. I’m confident I can get a ten-point lead over a Gnome Hunter,” Arel Nara replied.
A vein popped on Ilya’s forehead.
“Good. I chose my cousin Arel Nara for the second fight,” Lord Nara said.
Then, Lord Nara selected the Archer boy for the third fight, which put me in a tough spot. The Archer and the Geomancer were hard matchups for Wolf, and I lacked a fifth or sixth member to play around it. Nonetheless, the Archers weren’t known for their vast arsenal of skills.
“Wolf, you go against him,” I said.
Wolf nodded.
“Which leaves us with the last pair,” Lord Nara said with a mocking smile.
“Firana, you go last,” I said.
“Belya, my daughter, will be my last pick,” Lord Nara replied.
The dueling pairs were ready.
“So be it. The tournament's first match will be between Lino the Soldier and Zaon the Elf,” the master of ceremonies said, his voice suddenly amplified again as the Scribes took the System Shrine orb away. “Contestants, please go get your equipment. May the System bless you all.”
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2024.05.14 23:44 inmthuinmtl12 Birthday blues

I’m turning 24 tomorrow. I know it sounds stupid but ever since I was a kid my birthday has always made me sad. Along with the birthdays of my friends and family, something about those around me and the ones I love getting older breaks my heart a little more every year. I remember my sisters 16th birthday, I was 8, I just remember sobbing as a kid when everyone sang her happy birthday at her birthday party. I couldn’t quite understand why, birthdays should be exciting, celebratory, I mean we truly are lucky to be here and celebrate another year. It is a blessing. Why does aging make me so sad? Why am I so afraid of it.
I believe that for me, I can’t stand the thought of losing my loved ones or watching them get old, if I could keep all of my loved ones young, youthful and healthy forever I would do it in a heart beat. Because that would mean they’d be by my side forever. Loss sucks, I hates to see people go, I feel this for myself as well, I never want to get older. The older I get the more I realize I am only getting further and further away from the moments I hold so near and dear to my heart…my childhood. I have suffered many unfortunate events in such a short amount of time, abusive breakup after four years, my dad suffering an extreme mental illness then up and leaving our family instead of getting help. Parents divorcing, finding out my dad has a secret child and cheated on my mom. Watching my mother struggle with her finances and barely making it by. Watching my dad mentally suffer.
It is all so heavy. I had the most perfect childhood, I saw it, I lived it, I felt it. The passing of time calls for inevitable change, but I was never prepared for it to be this hard. So I suppose I will spend my 24th birthday reflecting on my sadness, when I should really just be grateful to be here. Why is it so hard?
submitted by inmthuinmtl12 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:42 angelcatchfire am i asexual or just have a very low libido?

am i asexual or do i just have a very low libido?
TLDR: i have been questioning if i am asexual for a while now, this mainly came up about halfway into my now 1 1/2 year relationship. i am a lesbian and have only been with one other girl when i was 15. however, in my current relationship i discovered that i am a switch, rather than just a top like i previously thought. i enjoy the idea of sex, but i never jump at it and very rarely do i initiate with my girlfriend. i am incredibly in love with her and am attracted to her, there is just a disconnect between us as she also deals with hypersexuality.
like i said above, my girlfriend and i have been dating for a year and a half. when we first started dating we were a lot more sexually active than we have been in the second half. this is primarily because of me, however my girlfriend has been questioning whether she is non-monogamous and has expressed thinking about other people (mainly celebrities but on one occasion two of our friends). i trust her deeply and she shares her feelings and thoughts about this with me as she has no intention of cheating on me, and is specifically interested in sexual acts including both me and other people (threesomes) - from what i understand she is more interested in sex rather relationships with other people and can identify this as being a symptom of her hypersexuality.
aside from that, i have always enjoyed the concept of sex more than the actual execution. for one, i have never experienced an orgasm or cum, and the fact that i don’t know what that feels like despite it being extremely hyped makes my interest in sex decline a bit since i worry ill never fully be satisfied. i have tried masturbation as everyone always says that is the key to knowing what you like. however, i never find any success in masturbating either and the act of it just doesn’t interest me much in the typical sense. i watch porn, i watch our own videos, ive tried a vibrator, but nothing helps.
back to asexuality - i’ve questioned if i am asexual because of this disconnect from sex. it has come to be the main problem in my relationship because i have started to withhold any form of sex and intimacy from my girlfriend, someone who expresses a huge need for it. it’s not necessarily that i don’t want to have sex with my girlfriend, it’s that i 1) worry about her thinking about other people ever since she told me she thought about our friends 2) i get shy and lack confidence to initiate, causing her to feel undesired and unwanted 3) i just feel a sense of unsatisfied everytime we have sex because i can only get her to orgasm very quickly but i can’t orgasm myself.
of course, there is a lot more details that i could share but this post is already long enough. my girlfriend and i are at a rough spot for a while now because i should have started therapy a year ago, but i just keep procrastinating and this has caused her to feel like the only one putting in work into our relationship as she has spent many of her own therapy sessions talking about our issues and has made her own decision in suppressing her feelings of non-monogamy as she knows it makes me uncomfortable and deeply sad to see hethink about her with someone else. she has expressed to me many times that she wants to be with me more than she wants to fulfill those desires and that she is okay with it. she is just starting to get resentful because i wont do anything to help our sex life be brought back to life, which i completely understand the frustration and the being tired of it.
i want to do better and i want to be with her for the rest of my life, it’s just something about getting started that always comes hard to me. i hope i don’t offend anyone in this subreddit, i truly just need advice and don’t know where to start to look.
submitted by angelcatchfire to Asexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:39 angelcatchfire am i asexual or do i just have a very low libido?

TLDR: i have been questioning if i am asexual for a while now, this mainly came up about halfway into my now 1 1/2 year relationship. i am a lesbian and have only been with one other girl when i was 15. however, in my current relationship i discovered that i am a switch, rather than just a top like i previously thought. i enjoy the idea of sex, but i never jump at it and very rarely do i initiate with my girlfriend. i am incredibly in love with her and am attracted to her, there is just a disconnect between us as she also deals with hypersexuality.
like i said above, my girlfriend and i have been dating for a year and a half. when we first started dating we were a lot more sexually active than we have been in the second half. this is primarily because of me, however my girlfriend has been questioning whether she is non-monogamous and has expressed thinking about other people (mainly celebrities but on one occasion two of our friends). i trust her deeply and she shares her feelings and thoughts about this with me as she has no intention of cheating on me, and is specifically interested in sexual acts including both me and other people (threesomes) - from what i understand she is more interested in sex rather relationships with other people and can identify this as being a symptom of her hypersexuality.
aside from that, i have always enjoyed the concept of sex more than the actual execution. for one, i have never experienced an orgasm or cum, and the fact that i don’t know what that feels like despite it being extremely hyped makes my interest in sex decline a bit since i worry ill never fully be satisfied. i have tried masturbation as everyone always says that is the key to knowing what you like. however, i never find any success in masturbating either and the act of it just doesn’t interest me much in the typical sense. i watch porn, i watch our own videos, ive tried a vibrator, but nothing helps.
back to asexuality - i’ve questioned if i am asexual because of this disconnect from sex. it has come to be the main problem in my relationship because i have started to withhold any form of sex and intimacy from my girlfriend, someone who expresses a huge need for it. it’s not necessarily that i don’t want to have sex with my girlfriend, it’s that i 1) worry about her thinking about other people ever since she told me she thought about our friends 2) i get shy and lack confidence to initiate, causing her to feel undesired and unwanted 3) i just feel a sense of unsatisfied everytime we have sex because i can only get her to orgasm very quickly but i can’t orgasm myself.
of course, there is a lot more details that i could share but this post is already long enough. my girlfriend and i are at a rough spot for a while now because i should have started therapy a year ago, but i just keep procrastinating and this has caused her to feel like the only one putting in work into our relationship as she has spent many of her own therapy sessions talking about our issues and has made her own decision in suppressing her feelings of non-monogamy as she knows it makes me uncomfortable and deeply sad to see hethink about her with someone else. she has expressed to me many times that she wants to be with me more than she wants to fulfill those desires and that she is okay with it. she is just starting to get resentful because i wont do anything to help our sex life be brought back to life, which i completely understand the frustration and the being tired of it.
i want to do better and i want to be with her for the rest of my life, it’s just something about getting started that always comes hard to me. i hope i don’t offend anyone in this subreddit, i truly just need advice and don’t know where to start to look.
submitted by angelcatchfire to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:17 Gunman71599 I don't sleep 4 night a week

I work at an Amazon fc 4 days a week on a shift referred to as the donut shift I work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Those 4 nights I don't sleep on purpose, I started to miss a lot of days and was late a lot of days so I decided to stop sleeping to fix that, my car is full of double cans of monster. It sounds insane ik but the reason I stopped sleeping is because I keep having these dreams I literally am scared to go sleep because of these dreams. I've been struggling with my mental health for the past few years and I even got myself into therapy because I almost kms in 2020 but these dreams the past few months have been killing me. The dreams aren't even nightmares they're extremely happy dreams I'm more happy in them then I've ever been in my entire life I'm pretty sure but then I wake up and I just...self destruct my brain just goes through all the reasons why I'll never be there irl and it kills me. I recently told my therapist about these dreams and he told me that he believes its my subconscious telling me that I'm deserving of happiness after so many years of telling myself that I'm not but I didn't tell him that I haven't been sleeping. Any insight or help on how to ignore these dreams would be helpful.
submitted by Gunman71599 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:12 Puratinamu_Seishi Most evil monster in One Punch Man?

Almost all of the monsters in the series have a natural desire to cause chaos and kill innocents. But they're clearly some who are more evil than others. We have monsters like Golden Sperm, who was pretty chill, willing to cooperate with weaker monsters with no animosity and even put himself in harm's way to save Homeless Emperor. Or Gouketsu, who gave the human martial artists a chance to surrender and become allies of the Monster Association and calmed down Bakuzan without hurting him, even after he attacked Gouketsu and was pretty disrespectful to him.
On the other side we have monsters like, well... Bakuzan, who takes sadistic pleasure in hurting those weaker than him and doesn't hesistate to attack fellow monsters for petty reasons. So who do you think is the most evil we've seen so far? I picked out some options, who I think are pretty good candidates, but if there's someone else you think deserves it more please write a comment and your reasoning for said monster.
My Top 5 are:
- Bakuzan, for the reasons stated above
- Fuhrer Ugly, who also enjoys torturing his victims, wanted to make Black Sperm his everlasting snack in his vomited form and was implied to be willing to rape Tatsumaki
- Deep Sea King, who was eager to brutally kill civilians and hear their screams of pain, even after they surrendered to him and took his sweet time beating up heroes to enjoy their suffering
- Pureblood, pretty much a racist monster who kills his fellow comrades. Heck, they were so scared of him that they were cheering for Zombieman (an S-Class hero and thereby one of their biggest enemies) to defeat him
- Royal Ripper, an extremely bloodlusted monster, who specifically likes torturing little kids and is also willing to kill fellow monsters to satisfy his bloodlust. I think he would be my pick, since targeting defenseless children is always a special kind of evil
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submitted by Puratinamu_Seishi to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 Low-Reindeer-6251 Should I give up on my relationship or keep working on it?

My husband (33M) and I (28F) are currently facing a challenging period in our relationship. After a year of marriage and cohabitation, he has made the decision to relocate to another state. We originally met in that state (California) and dated for a few months (we were friends first and were dating other people, no cheating just eventually happened) before I moved to Michigan to pursue my career goals. I secured a job with an annual income of approximately $200,000. He followed me to Michigan, and we eventually married. It was an elopment because I'm catholic and I always wanted to be married before living with anyone.We spent months ring shopping before the elopment but we never had an engagement.We just decided to elope so no one knows. We wanted to wait to eventually have more money do a proper ceremony and engagement. etc. I always dreamed of having a family and moving back to California to settle down. I dont see Michigan as my home,I was just looking for a better future for us.We always had the same goals and come from very similar backgrounds, except his family is dysfunctional and mine isnt.
It's important to note that he has experienced significant financial setbacks this year due to inflation/the economy and the loss of his business. I provided him with support in various ways, including financially and emotionally, and even helped him secure a job at my company. (He didnt like it so he got fired) However, he became increasingly depressed over time and refused to share his financial situation with me or accept my assistance. He expressed dissatisfaction with our current location, citing a lack of activity and friends, despite having only two close friends in California who live with their significant others , arealways traveling therfore he would be alone a lot of the time.
Initially, he suggested a long-distance relationship, but his lack of commitment and concrete plans made me hesitant. Without a clear indication of his intentions or a timeline for our reunion, I find it difficult to maintain hope for our relationship. I dont know when I'll see him again and if I ask he just says he doesnt know anything, that right now he is focusing on taking care of his debt ($60,000)and regaining his life as a man.
He has since admitted that he may not have been fully prepared for the responsibilities of marriage and feels the need to stabilize his finances before committing to a relationship, let alone a wife. Note that I'm very independent and never have asked him for money. Not for a single thing, just that he pays half of the rent. When he couldnt make it, I still helped him and covered ALL expenses. Our entire year here I stood by him, i didnt pressure him for nice things even though I miss them and I personally could afford them. Going to dinners, going to the movies, having drinks with friends, etc that was non existent. Maybe three times in the entire year we did that. We spent the entire year at the house on the couch watching movies and eating fast food. I didnt care, I knew this was temporary and that he was my husband, for better or worse. I felt bad leaving the house without him to do anything, so I never did it. I also didnt want to sponsor EVRYTHING in his life, that didnt feel right as a woman and my tradiotional outlook on relationships. In the beginning I was extremely resentful because I thought he didn't love me enough to do anything with me or take care of me, but eventually through therapy and being more patient and seeing his perspective, I realized he was just depressed and couldnt cope, so his financial life was going down the drain and it wasnt about me. Or so I thought.
We always had a plan to move back together because I see myself living there full time and settling, but at this time I had zero job prospects there. The maximum I could get was $48k with benefits and given that he doesnt have the capacity to provide (at least now or at least for me ), it seems stupid to leave my job and my security blanket. I worked really hard in my career whereas he only has jobs, not a career per se. Im more than willing to prioritize a family over career but I need security in the main pillars : love and finances. I always felt like he loved me but now I'm doubting everything.
He has expressed a desire to return to California and is moving in two weeks, where he feels more at home, despite the uncertainty of job prospects for him there. If he lost his business and all his income(he works for himself) while being in Michigan, what makes him think that wont happen in California? He is moving with his dad at first , while dad is on vacation for a month, suposedly to get back on his feet but I dont know how true this is. This is the last thing he said to me about the topic. Later I find out he was cashing some of his invesments to move but didnt hear it from him; I accidentaly read it on an email. Maybe this is how he is moving there?
This sudden upheaval has left me scrambling to adjust, as I cannot afford our current apartment on my own and I just lost the life we had together and most importantly OUR DOG. We were a little family. I have 5 days to move to a new apartment.Despite my efforts to support him, he remains distant and uncertain about our future together, particularly since I began packing so quickly in response to my impending move. I had to start moving things along as I only have 5 DAYS to restructure my life. He commented that he thought this process would be easier and that seeing me crying everyday makes it hard to continue hurting me and the relationship and that hes unsure of the future because he has nothing to offer me right now.
I'm left wondering if there's any hope for our relationship and if he will ever be willing to communicate with me again. I understand his frustration and depression, but I struggle to comprehend why he would give up on our relationship when I have consistently stood by him. Why can't he be honest or straightforward? I understand moving for a job , but he doesnt have that and I could understand dealign with his mental health, but why abandon me?
Is there a chance for us to reconcile, or should I accept that it may be time to let go?
Do I give him time to process this? Im just confused and he wont talk to me. Apparently, in two weeks, I'll have a new life and I don't even know if im single or if he plans on being single? Do I wait for him?
Any straight males reading this, please advice. What should I do? What is going through his head, what can I do? Will he reach out once he is there?
Im spiriling, so welpp!
submitted by Low-Reindeer-6251 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:56 Quickafboy My account got permanently banned for "cheating" and I don't know why

My only league of legends account has been falsely banned for cheating and Riot refuses to help me understand what got me banned.
I started playing League of Legends in 2021 and have never made a smurf or bought another account. I have never received any other punishments and had a high honor level. I had almost 500 ranked games played this season and climbed up to mid diamond by learning how to play Nunu and getting coaching from various players.
I have not ever cheated, nor do I have anything on my PC that could possibly modify my game files in the exception of Porofessor. I am going to need to level up a new account, but I am scared that it will be pointless and that I will get banned again since their support refuses to tell me what triggered their anti-cheat.
Below is the ban message I received, 4/08/24.
OPGG - https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Maqind-NA1
After ban
My opgg is extremely normal and shows no signs of cheating. I am a nunu OTP and have violated no Terms of Services. This is the only account I ever have had for the game, feel free to look back at all my previous seasons of play.
Tier Graph
Over almost 500 games this season this was my progress. With help of friends and higher elo players I felt like I was starting to finally understand the game.
The largest chunk of my games were on nunu, but at the start of season I was a bit lost and followed advice to try to pick up a second champ in order to stop autopiloting. I will show the opgg of all the matches of the day I got banned, again feel free to scope out, cherry-pick any match you want throughout my account history.
I made a ticket as soon as I recovered my mind from seeing the Permaban screen. It is down below in its entirety.
Maqind: I did not cheat, only things I use along the game are Overwolf Apps, Porofessor, Outplayed.\
Riot Support: Confirmed 3rd Party Apps (Cheating/Scripting/Bots) linked to your account.
The 0 transparency, communication to any anti-cheat specialist, lack of support or guidance for me to be able to continue playing the game is crazy for such a giant in the gaming atmosphere. I refuse to believe these are not all copy paste mostly bot responses, and even more that anyone reviewed a single game of mine.
submitted by Quickafboy to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:54 Walkthroughthemeadow What do you think to it’s no excuse

I see it on Reddit all the time and on some mental health sub the mods will remind everyone it’s no excuse even in extremes like someone cheating on her partner that was beating her up black and blue and even then it’s no excuse, we can’t post our story without having to mention it’s no excuse , it’s pretty much the big and only thing said about psychosis that it’s no excuse otherwise we don’t exist
submitted by Walkthroughthemeadow to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:44 throwra_Davidjealous My boyfriend wants me to admit I regret leaving him for another man when I don’t. He’s acting jealous and insecure?

I (28F) have known my partner, David (29M) for 5 years now, which includes an 8-month period in which we were broken up and I was in a serious relationship with another man, Luke (30M).
Before I met Luke, my relationship with David was suffering from a ton of very textbook communication issues. I won’t go into too much detail, but here’s an example. Whenever I tried to do something nice for him, he would guilt me for trying to make him feel bad because he would not do nice things for me (he was depressed at the time so that’s why it made sense to him). Or rather than talk about our feelings in a healthy manner (I-statements), we would blame each other. It was messy and resentment grew in our relationship. I used to cry a lot.
This was exactly the time I met Luke, who is a relative of my stepmother through her late husband before she married my dad. My stepmom was renting out a portion of my dad’s and hers marital home to Luke and one night she invited me to dinner with all of them. Luke instantly drew me in. He was a child’s psychologist and since I also work with small children, we had so much in common. We had an amazing conversation that evening and I learnt he had a great insight into people. I could not put my finger on it instantly, but it felt so refreshing meeting someone like him. When I shared that I met Luke with my then boyfriend David, he accused me of cheating on him and acted extremely possessive about me which angered me because I didn’t do anything wrong.
Having Luke around was more frequent now since I am close to my stepmother. Maybe because my relationship with David was getting so bad, I projected a lot of my fantasy on Luke, unconsciously. I never meant to get emotionally close with him, and as soon as I realised I was developing feelings for another man, I ended my relationship with David. That very week, Luke asked me out and our relationship blossomed. At the time, it felt like destiny, like we were meant to be and we moved too fast. It was a whirlwind romance. He was incredible and after 5 months of dating, we moved in together. However, he does not want kids of his own and I realised we were incompatible ultimately and we broke up amicably. I should admit that despite our incompatibility, there was a lot of genuine love in our relationship and he is going to be one of the “great loves” I have experienced in my life.
A lot of you might also feel differently about this, but we cannot control our feelings, only our actions. And as soon as I realised I was falling for Luke, I did right by my then partner, David, and ended things with him. I NEVER wanted to lead him on, NOR am I the cheating type. I ended things when I realised my feelings. I never cheated on David and our couple’s therapist agrees with this
I remained single for a whole year, and David reached out. He was doing better mentally now and we went for couple’s therapy as well and are in a good place now when it comes to communicating maturely. However, he cannot seem to navigate his insecurity of how I “left him for Luke”, and he wants me to say that I regret being with Luke. As hard as it is on David, I do not regret meeting Luke. David and I were bad for each other back then and we were different people. I see that the way life lead us apart, and now together, we have grown so much. Yes, it’s true, that while being with David, I fell in love with Luke, and I do not believe in the concept of “love of my life”. David also feels insecure because I never moved in with him, but I moved in with Luke. However that’s an unfair comparison because no 2 relationships are equal.
I am committed to making my relationship with David work and I know a lot of you will want to know this, but I absolutely have no feelings for Luke now. He is a different chapter of my story and is in the past.
TLDR: I was in a rocky relationship with David due to communication issues, which led to meeting Luke and eventually leaving David for him. Despite our differences, Luke and I had a whirlwind romance but ultimately realized we were incompatible. Now, David struggles with insecurity and wants me to regret leaving him for Luke, but I don't. I ended things with David as soon as I realized my feelings for Luke, and while it was tough, it was the right decision for me. I'm committed to making things work with David now, but I won't deny my truth or regret meeting someone who was once a significant part of my life.
submitted by throwra_Davidjealous to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:23 National-Ear470 Jujutsu Kaisen if Potential Man isn't a bum, part IV.

Previous part: https://www.reddit.com/Jujutsufolk/s/Yxr0cpiEwe
Part IV: Bitchslap.
I was lucky that his mission was capturing me, not outright killing. That alone limit more than 99% of Jogo's firepower. He cannot use most of his moves which was meant to kill, can only aim and limit his flame at my limbs, else he would kill me instantly.
The moment he got trapped by my domain, he turned the tide immediately, easily overwhelmed me by his sheer firepower alone.
Sukuna was right. In the end, with an imperfect domain like that, I am still nowhere near the level of monsters like Jogo.
I need to be more serious. More focused. More greedy.
More free.
Be the man who've left it all behind. Carry on his sheer intensity.
Drown all obstacles in my shadow. Beating down everything to reach the very top.
That being said, those philosophies aren't a valid reason to pummel Maki's bitch of a sister. "Letting bitches know their proper place" should do tho. I've been a lot more and more violent lately
My head has been cooled down a lot after seeing a masculine face instead of a beaten up Mai.
Todo Aoi. Perfectly summed up in two words: Extremely Eccentric.
Boogie Woogie, his technique, allows him to switch the positions of anything with cursed energy within his range with a clap of his hands, which was used to save Mai moments before.
Knowledges I gathered from the seniors are very useful it seems. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
Casually ignoring that I just punched him at face, he asked me what kind of women I liked.
To piss him off, I answered: "Everything that move".
It was very effective.
submitted by National-Ear470 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:20 Known_Rip4406 Any Suggestions/Ideas?

Sorry it’s a long post, I’m just lost…..
I was officially diagnosed DID a little over a year ago, as well as BiPolar and PTSD. I am a married (of 17 years) 42 y/o female. Before being diagnosed I had learned I was having an enormous amount of sex with several people (even strangers)! I had zero memory of ANY of these encounters! The sex was with multiples, rough, crazy, hardcore sex! Videos and pictures were taken! It was just a lot! Which is how we (my husband and I) found out…. We were being sent videos/pics of me with other men! That had been going on since about 2019! One of the men was someone we knew. Long story short, I negotiated with my sexual alter to stick with ONLY that man we knew! She has stuck to that agreement for now. But her and that one person have an extreme amount of sex still l that is rough and hardcore - a type of sex I’ve never been into. She is using this man as a communicator at this point bc she refuses to communicate with me directly. My sexual alter refuses to front with my husband stating “that is my job!” She also stated she has cheated on my husband basically our whole marriage starting after my mother died in 2008. She stated no SA has happened but it was emotional abuse by my mother and sister along with a lack of self confidence my entire life! My mother also basically raised me that sex was bad (I do not believe this now). Also, my alter had been known to lie a bit so I’m not sure how trusting I am of her. I remember the emotional abuse so why would I have amnesia through all of these sexual encounters if the emotional abuse was the cause of all of this. I feel like there is something more…. What seems to be a huge SA that happened and she is holding that and not telling anyone. I just don’t know!
Me and this alter have come SO far with negotiations and getting her calmed down. But she continues to make threats that she will go back to her old ways if I don’t do “xyz.” It’s just been hard!
Does anyone have ANY suggestions or advice?? It’s been a long road and my goal is fusion and obtaining some of her sexual characteristics but keeping everything only in my marriage! Thank GOD for my amazing supportive husband through this!
submitted by Known_Rip4406 to DID [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:18 Adventurous_Cup7743 Batman vs urban renewal

I really felt the need to talk about the episode of Batman: The Animated Series I just watched, and my family does not care, so I will subject reddit to my rants! Put this in urbanplanning and it was getting plenty of upvotes and good conversation but then the mods deleted it for some reason, so hopefully this is appropriate for fuckcars since urban renewal and car dependency go hand in hand!
I recently finished reading The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs,* which is of course in large part a response to the "urban renewal" and slum clearing that occurred on a large scale in the mid 20th century that we are still dealing with today. I am also watching Batman: The Animated series for the first time since I was a child, and I was not expecting an episode to ALSO be a response to "urban renewal" and slum clearing!
For those who may not be familiar, Batman: TAS is an animated "kids'" television show that aired in the mid 90s. I put "kids'" in quotation marks, because many episodes feel very little like children's programing with their dark aesthetic, complex plots/character motivations, and mature themes. Case in point, my 7 year old daughter got through a couple episodes with me, but at the conclusion of the body-horror filled Clayface-starring 2-parter, she bravely said "Daddy, I don't think I can watch this anymore," which I agreed with and felt bad for subjecting her to it!
An actor transforming into a giant shape-shifting poop monster (Clayface) might be frightening to a 7 year old, but government bureaucracy is what's scary to adults, and a zoning board's denial of a massive "slum clearing" operation and subsequent redevelopment is the subject of the episode "Appointment in Crime Alley," loosely based on Detective Comics #457. Here, ruthless real estate developer Roland Daggett plans to secretly blow up a section of a crime-ridden but formerly upscale neighborhood, taking matters into his own hands after his board appeal to demolish and "revitalize" the neighborhood through legal means is rejected.
This neighborhood, formerly known as Park Row but now as the titular "Crime Alley," has its issues with crime and decay (and is in fact where Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered). But the writers make it clear that it is its diverse citizens' home, and is worth fighting for, especially through Park Row resident Leslie Thompkins (who was Wayne's mentor after his parents' death) and others who hold signs reading "Save Our Homes." Thompkins' support for her community as a longtime neighborhood resident mirrors Jacobs' for Greenwich Village in the face of its redevelopment threats.
Daggett is championed by the business community, being called a "force for progress." He gives a speech to the community prior to the planned explosion of the block where he says, "we cannot allow the underclass to hinder us from building a better tomorrow," which strikes me as one of those "quiet part out loud" moments. Batman senses his greedy intentions early, and accuses him of "running the people in the neighborhood out of their homes." He later comforts his mentor, Thompkins, at the end of the episode as she is expressing her disappointment in the state of her neighborhood as they walk down its streets, with Batman responding to her remark that "Good people used to live [in Crime Alley] once" with "Good people still live in Crime Alley," even as he lays a rose at the spot of his parent's death.
Ultimately, Daggett is successful in blowing up the neighborhood and in his cover-up (though Batman prevents the loss of life), and attempts to blame the neighborhood residents for the crime, saying to a news reporter, "you have to expect violence in Crime Alley. These people don't value human life like we do," which was an especially chilling line that rings true to the dehumanization that has occurred against minorities and marginalized communities in the US. Will Batman take him down later in the series? I guess we'll see!
I was just really impressed with the compassion that this episode showed towards the people of this run-down neighborhood, all while still being honest about the poor state of things and the need for improvement. Jacobs' chapter on "Slumming and Unslumming" felt very relevant here, as the neighborhood still had potential that needed to be gradually coaxed out and nourished, rather than taking it to the extreme of demolishing the neighborhood and displacing its people. TL;DR, watch this show, it's good!
*Wow it's incredible, I also desperately feel the need to talk about it book club style, because I know this is a very famous book but I don't see many people talking about it past "Jacobs was very important and she rallied against Robert Moses." I can't imagine reading this book in the 60's and seeing over and over again for decades that she was right about so much, as we continue to dig deeper into the hole. Also, the people that say her theories lead to gentrification clearly didn't read the chapter "Self-destruction of Diversity."
submitted by Adventurous_Cup7743 to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 throwra_Davidjealous My boyfriend wants me to admit I regret leaving him for another man when I don’t. He’s acting jealous and insecure?

I (28F) have known my partner, David (29M) for 5 years now, which includes an 8-month period in which we were broken up and I was in a serious relationship with another man, Luke (30M).
Before I met Luke, my relationship with David was suffering from a ton of very textbook communication issues. I won’t go into too much detail, but here’s an example. Whenever I tried to do something nice for him, he would guilt me for trying to make him feel bad because he would not do nice things for me (he was depressed at the time so that’s why it made sense to him). Or rather than talk about our feelings in a healthy manner (I-statements), we would blame each other. It was messy and resentment grew in our relationship. I used to cry a lot.
This was exactly the time I met Luke, who is a relative of my stepmother through her late husband before she married my dad. My stepmom was renting out a portion of my dad’s and hers marital home to Luke and one night she invited me to dinner with all of them. Luke instantly drew me in. He was a child’s psychologist and since I also work with small children, we had so much in common. We had an amazing conversation that evening and I learnt he had a great insight into people. I could not put my finger on it instantly, but it felt so refreshing meeting someone like him. When I shared that I met Luke with my then boyfriend David, he accused me of cheating on him and acted extremely possessive about me which angered me because I didn’t do anything wrong.
Having Luke around was more frequent now since I am close to my stepmother. Maybe because my relationship with David was getting so bad, I projected a lot of my fantasy on Luke, unconsciously. I never meant to get emotionally close with him, and as soon as I realised I was developing feelings for another man, I ended my relationship with David. That very week, Luke asked me out and our relationship blossomed. At the time, it felt like destiny, like we were meant to be and we moved too fast. It was a whirlwind romance. He was incredible and after 5 months of dating, we moved in together. However, he does not want kids of his own and I realised we were incompatible ultimately and we broke up amicably. I should admit that despite our incompatibility, there was a lot of genuine love in our relationship and he is going to be one of the “great loves” I have experienced in my life.
A lot of you might also feel differently about this, but we cannot control our feelings, only our actions. And as soon as I realised I was falling for Luke, I did right by my then partner, David, and ended things with him. I NEVER wanted to lead him on, NOR am I the cheating type. I ended things when I realised my feelings. I never cheated on David and our couple’s therapist agrees with this
I remained single for a whole year, and David reached out. He was doing better mentally now and we went for couple’s therapy as well and are in a good place now when it comes to communicating maturely. However, he cannot seem to navigate his insecurity of how I “left him for Luke”, and he wants me to say that I regret being with Luke. As hard as it is on David, I do not regret meeting Luke. David and I were bad for each other back then and we were different people. I see that the way life lead us apart, and now together, we have grown so much. Yes, it’s true, that while being with David, I fell in love with Luke, and I do not believe in the concept of “love of my life”. David also feels insecure because I never moved in with him, but I moved in with Luke. However that’s an unfair comparison because no 2 relationships are equal.
I am committed to making my relationship with David work and I know a lot of you will want to know this, but I absolutely have no feelings for Luke now. He is a different chapter of my story and is in the past.
TLDR: I was in a rocky relationship with David due to communication issues, which led to meeting Luke and eventually leaving David for him. Despite our differences, Luke and I had a whirlwind romance but ultimately realized we were incompatible. Now, David struggles with insecurity and wants me to regret leaving him for Luke, but I don't. I ended things with David as soon as I realized my feelings for Luke, and while it was tough, it was the right decision for me. I'm committed to making things work with David now, but I won't deny my truth or regret meeting someone who was once a significant part of my life.
submitted by throwra_Davidjealous to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:53 Aginagala WWF Wrestlemania 13 Review

Welcome back to my running series of WWF PPV Reviews from a ‘blind’ perspective (I have no idea what’s going to happen; the results, the feuds or how good any of the matches will be). I have always heard stories of the attitude era and golden age but never watched it myself so I set myself to watching every single PPV event chronologically. I am also watching Wrestling Bios ‘reliving the war’ series to keep me updated inbetween the events with the feuds, and to get excited about upcoming matches.
Before I review the matches, based on the past few episodes of raw and last PPVs I’ll let you know, going into the event, which match I’m most excited for and which feud I’m most excited to see.
Is it even a question? Even though I haven’t watched wwf during this era I’ve heard stories of how fantastic Austin vs Bret hart at WM13 is, feud and match wise this is my most hyped match of the night.
WWF Wrestlemania 13 1997 Review
Four way Tag Team Elimination Match 1.75/5
Rocky Maivia vs Sultan 1.75/5
HHH vs Goldust 2.5/5
Vader & Mankind vs Owen Hart & Bulldog 2.5/5
Stone Cold vs Bret Hart 6/5
Nation of Domination vs LOD & Johnson 3/5
Undertaker vs Sycho sid 1.5/5
In the opener of the match I thought it was just an 8 man slug fest will pinfalls to eliminate each person as they all just start beating the sh*t out of each other but then they go back to the usual tag team corners, a little disappointing but let’s see what this match has got.
The godwins are growing on me… just a bit, not very much but a bit; spitting on people, dancin around like mad men they’re an okay watch from time to time I won’t lie. What happened to lafon and furnas in this match though? Did they just disappear? It felt like a blink and you’ll miss it I swear they didn’t even get in the match but maybe I’m crazy. In terms of an opener with tag teams this was an okay match it wasn’t anything special but it did its job. The headbangers did some cool aerial moves, trying to prove themselves was good to see but not too much to say. It was a little messy with teams literally eliminating themselves, but nothing botched.
It feels like there’s been next to no build up to this sultan rocky match, it was just thrown together as, in terms of main attractions, the wwf was still pretty thin.
The match gets going and rocky is firing on all four cylinders tonight, he’s improved extremely quickly from his first match, show boating, over hyping the smallest of moves he’s getting exciting to watch. The same however can’t really be said about sultan, as soon as he gets control the match really slows down and gets pretty boring (holding a chin lock for all eternity). Rock gets back in control and here we go, he’s really feeling it tonight and his moves are looking really clean, especially his punch exchanges. This match wasn’t really anything too special but it’s great to see Rocky starting to warm up in the WWF. Sultan and sheik assault Rocky after the match and oh my god the splash from the top rope looked so painful for Rocky 💀. Then Rocky’s dad comes out to help and we get a great crowed pop after rock and his dad both slam the iron sheik, this was actually a really cool moment; father and son in the ring. The crowd still isn’t behind Rocky all that much yet still, which is kinda surprising as his wrestling is good to watch but I suppose his character itself is a little bland.
Chyna and HHH come to the ring and the camera pans to a couple of fans signs “HHH + CHYNA WHO HAS THE WILLY” which were f***ing hilarious, the public is always on point. It’s also insane how massive Chyna is here, she actually looks bigger than triple H. You would not wanna walk past her down a dark alley.
Goldust and HHH actually had a really good match, everything they did looked really clean, it was fast paced, good wrestling shown and an okay feud to fuel the fire between them. This is the best I’ve seen Goldust in a while and HHH is really building his repertoire of moves up; They had some great chemistry as well and the crowd starts getting into the match towards the end, a stark contrast to previous events where it would almost be silence until the main event. The match ends with marlena being shoved into Chyna and being literally tossed around like a rag doll I’m surprised her head didn’t come off, triple H hits a pedigree and it’s 1 2 3 goodnight Goldust. There wasn’t anything crazy but I enjoyed watching this match, well paced, good physical moments including Goldust going face first from the top rope into the side of the ring which looked really good.
Mankind and Vader REALLY work as a concept for a team in the WWF during this era for me, very intimidating but also two great entertaining wrestlers. Mix them with Owen hart and bulldog and you’ve got a great match on your hands… right? Well turns out maybe not. The two teams didn’t particularly click well as they were both heel teams with no baby face. This being said they still put on a good show (my god bulldog is incredibly strong to hold mankind up like he did and then do the same to Vader!?) but it wasn’t anywhere near as good as it should’ve been on paper. That finish as well? Why… I don’t know why they’d book that finish in a wrestlemania event, a double count out? 😴. I still think it had its good moments and I did enjoy watching it but like I say it wasn’t nearly as good as it should’ve been.
Now… I’ve heard so much about this match with stone cold and Bret hart at WM13, so I did have high expectations going in, and with a fantastic build up, an iconic series of promos from either side I was hyped I was ready willing and able to sit back and enjoy whatever I was about to see.
I gotta say it exceeded every single expectation I had. The crowd from the first punch to the end submission was absolutely electric, they ate up every single second of this match and I can’t blame them it was awesome!!! This is now in my top 5 matches of all time, maybe even top 3, it had everything I could’ve asked for. No interference from anyone else no weird ending no stupid sh*t going on just two legends having a full on war at the biggest wrestling event of the year. I also love how Austin never tapped and literally passed out from the pain which was a really good booking choice to keep his character still looking really strong. We had blood we had chairs we had ring bells and fighting in the crowd I’m gushing about this match. It was perfectly paced as well even when it ‘slowed down’ it was entertaining. Some iconic images of stone cold in the shooting star press, face covered in blood. Absolutely flawless match and the best match I’ve seen so far in this era. The crowd ends up backing Steve Austin for his efforts and because Bret decided to continue the assault after the bell, finally hearing that deafening ‘Austin’ chant throughout the stadium was really cool. I can’t say enough, if you haven’t seen this match go and watch it right this second you’re in for a massive treat. And this match gets its own 6/5 rating which I think I’ll introduce for matches that are all time legendary matches, in my opinion, and they aren’t gunna come out often but I have to, the whole thing was simply in its own league. WOWOW!
I’m just finding it hard to put into words how entertaining this was I was glued to the screen. A brutal submission when Bret Hart is pulling Steve’s leg off almost outside the ring and Steve is in the ring had me wincing. Also Austin’s selling, and his hype between shots shouting at Bret and giving him the double trouble with his hands it’s all just so iconic, this match must truly have cemented Austin as a main eventer going forward.
This whole match just screamed Attitude era style match and I seriously believe this must have been extremely influential on the wwf going into the coming years. Having seen Austin’s matches in the future I have to say this has got to be one of if not his best technical wrestling match of all time, I can see both wrestlers being even bigger stars after this match it was that good. Top 3 all time favourite matches, wow, well done to both of them for this. Experiencing this for the first time was magical I can’t imagine watching it live or being there, I’m very jealous. It’s currently a Monday evening and I was shouting and on my feet and as I write this I’m pacing back and forth with glee. I’m gunna have to take a break before the next match 😂.
It’s a shame that hart vs Austin wasn’t the main event because there’s absolutely no way anyone could upstage up to the match we’ve just seen, but I’ll try to go into the next couple of matches not comparing it to the previous one.
The LOD vs NOD match was absolute chaos I was literally laughing because it was so fun to watch, I had no clue what was going on there was so much to look at and once again this was another attitude era style match. It was pretty entertaining. It felt a little experimental and I would’ve liked to have seen at least a little bit of wrestling but during the whole bout there was maybe 3 or 4 moves that weren’t hitting each other with trash cans, literally hanging each other with nooses, freezing with fire extinguisher it was nuts.
We’re really feeling the influence of ECW in this match and it was great to hear the crowd so alive and enjoying it, they were probably riding the high of the legendary match we’d just seen as well as me. This was the first time seeing LOD for me and it was great, the reminded me of the Dudley boyz which are my second favourite tag team of all time. But seeing weapons finally introduced into the wwf was amazing and I’m super excited to see future brawls I think this is all taking a huge leap in the right direction for making mid card matches more enjoyable. Post match LOD hits a double flying closeline and on two NOD members and it was a decently booked bout. Not the best but good fun.
Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring and like him or not it’s always great to see Shawn at wrestlemania, and here we go I’m ready for a great main event, obviously knowing the streak I know the outcome but I’m excited to see what the two monsters of the WWF can do in the ring. Side note, it’s really cool seeing undertaker come to the ring in his vintage attire.
Bret hart comes to the ring just as the match is about to get underway to fully engage with his heel turn in the WWF and I think it felt… a little bit out of place but he gets hit with a power-bomb to the applause of the audience which was pretty satisfying. Let’s get into this massive main event match, and oh boy… the main event.
I was majorly disappointed at this main event especially after the matches we’d just seen it just did not hit at all for me. It never felt like it really got going even in the last part with undertaker kicking out of a tombstone piledriver to a big crowd pop… it just didn’t feel like a main event.
Dont get me wrong Sid’s character is cool and he plays it well but he just cannot perform on the big stage with the big players of the business. I don’t know how you can book such a perfect match like Bret and Austin and then have this as the main event. Bret shouldn’t have interfered either the undertaker did not need it at all. The coolest part of this match was the undertakers iconic celebration afterwards. Please don’t let Sid main event again, he had a great push and was fun to watch but he just can’t do these matches when the time calls for something of this magnitude. Very disappointing, very slow match, and I won’t lie probably the worst main event I’ve seen on my journey through this era. I also looked it up and apparently sid literally sh*t his pants during this match? I’d love to know if that’s true or not. But yeah that’s all I really have to say about this one, not much happened and there was an extremely tedious segment in the middle of the match where sid was going to the second ring rope and dropping a double fist on undertaker which seemed to go on for so long and it was just boring.
Overall the event was pretty decent but the main event really let it down. I won’t let that sour how amazing Bret vs Austin was though, they truly carried this event and elevated it majorly and it’s worth watching even if just for that one match. I enjoyed most of the mid card alongside that as well but with all the build up to such a let down, actually think the main event was the worst match of the night, and that’s coming from a massive undertaker fan.
Overall rating 3.25/5
submitted by Aginagala to WWE [link] [comments]
