Making inferences, free worksheets

Bad Rhetoric

2014.07.02 02:32 FouRPlaY Bad Rhetoric

A place for citizens of the racoon nation, who scour the trashcans of speech and politics. Looking for weapons of mass destruction. Putting pepper spray on our breakfast, and adopting the forgotten boy scouts. Our homes are filled with plenty of alley cats, and our baskets are deplorable.There may be peace between man and fish, but we are Trash pandas.

2024.05.15 07:24 talkiemateapp Top 5 Free Candy AI Alternatives

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
Candy AI has garnered attention for its innovative approach to AI companionship, offering users the opportunity to engage in deep and sometimes NSFW conversations with customizable virtual girlfriends. However, if you’re looking for alternatives that provide similar experiences or explore different aspects of AI companionship, fear not! We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 free Candy AI alternatives, each offering its unique features and capabilities.
  1. TalkieMate
Website: TalkieMate
TalkieMate stands out as an exceptional alternative to Candy AI, providing users with a wide range of customization options to create their personalized AI companions. Whether you’re seeking engaging conversations, emotional support, or simply casual chat, TalkieMate offers an immersive experience with its uncensored NSFW chat options. The platform is entirely free to use, making it accessible to all users without any subscription fees.
Completely free with no subscription fees.
Highly customizable AI companions tailored to individual preferences.
Uncensored NSFW chat options for mature interactions.
Personalized conversations and engagement.
Limited to creating AI girlfriends only.
Some advanced features may require premium plans.
  1. Botify AI
Website: Botify AI
Botify AI offers users an innovative approach to AI companionship, allowing them to interact with real people or characters from their favorite TV shows, films, or literature. While Botify AI may not focus specifically on creating virtual girlfriends like Candy AI, it provides a diverse range of conversational experiences and customization options.
Free version accessible with high-quality editing tools.
Intuitive interface for users to create customized characters.
Engaging conversations and interactions.
Some features may rely on outdated data.
Limited focus on AI companionship compared to dedicated platforms.
  1. Replika
Website: Replika
Replika offers users a deeply personal AI companion experience, designed to provide emotional support and engage in empathetic conversations. While Replika’s primary focus is not on NSFW interactions like Candy AI, it provides a unique opportunity for users to develop meaningful relationships with their AI companions.
Highly personalized and customizable avatars.
Constantly evolving with new features and enhancements.
Provides both free and paid subscription options.
Privacy concerns regarding the usage of personal data.
Risk of dependency and emotional attachment.
  1. Anima AI
Website: Anima AI
Anima AI offers users the ability to engage with a conversational AI bot that serves as a friendly and warm companion. While Anima AI may not offer the same level of customization as Candy AI, it provides users with a unique and engaging conversational experience.
Unlimited unique stories and conversations.
Instant response to messages.
Warm and conversational AI bot.
Some features may be restricted in the free version.
Limited customization compared to dedicated AI girlfriend platforms.
  1. DeepFiction
Website: DeepFiction
DeepFiction provides users with a diverse range of captivating stories, ranging from thrilling sagas to heartwarming fables. While DeepFiction may not offer the same level of interactivity as Candy AI, it provides users with an immersive storytelling experience powered by natural language processing and machine learning.
Unlimited unique stories and narrative experiences.
Sparks creativity and imagination.
Suitable for users of all ages.
Limited control over the plot compared to interactive AI companions.
May not offer the same level of engagement as dedicated AI girlfriend platforms.
While Candy AI offers a unique and engaging experience, there are several alternatives available for users interested in exploring different aspects of AI companionship. Whether you’re seeking highly customizable virtual girlfriends or immersive storytelling experiences, these free alternatives provide a variety of options to suit your preferences. From TalkieMate’s uncensored NSFW chat options to Replika’s personalized emotional support, each alternative offers its unique strengths and capabilities for users to explore and enjoy.
![Image]( )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 awaythrowaway9998 India Tax on residents on US 401K / IRA / Roth IRA UK Pensions / ISA

Trying my luck here as I got no replies on nri and bogleheads
How does India tax ROR (resident and ordinarily resident) individuals on US 401K/IRA, US Roth IRA, UK Pension, UK ISA ?
Is it true that once upon a time these were taxed upon accruals and not on withdrawal? If I recall, the advice used to be to sell and buy back the assets within the tax sheltered account during the RNOR (resident but not ordinarily resident) period, to "reset" the cost basis.
But as per section 89a, it looks like India will only tax these upon withdrawal which makes Roth IRA and UK ISA a really bad idea. If this is true, then only 401K/IRA looks like a good idea. I am not sure the 25% tax free lumpsum in UK pensions will be honored by India either.
I lived in US many years and been in UK last 20 years. UK citizen, OCI card holder. No US green card/citizenship.
UK recognizes the tax sheltered aspect of US 401K/IRA and Roth IRA. As a non resident alien form US standpoint but resident in UK, it made sense to do Roth conversion. So I have Roth IRA and I also contributed to UK ISA and UK Pension. A UK ISA is very similar to US Roth IRA.
I have substantial amounts built up inside Roth IRA (ÂŁ260K) , UK ISA ((ÂŁ400K)) and UK Pension (ÂŁ800K). I have not yet taken the 25% tax free lumpsum from UK pension that we are entitled to in UK.
NRI for 30 years. I was RNOR last year but due to family circumstances I have had to stay longer in India. I also have a strange health probem that occurs only in cold countries so I may never be able to go back to UK and I will most likely be ROR this year.
Thanks for reading. Please reply or PM me a knowledgeable accountant in Chennai. I went to a top one in India (wont name them or city) but I believe did not get correct advice regarding Roth, ISA, UK Pension. In hindsight I would have exited out of the Roth IRA, UK ISA and taken 25% lumpsum from UK pension last year when I was RNOR
submitted by awaythrowaway9998 to IndiaTax [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 Ok-Dig3431 Another let's bump off certain sections of society.

Futurascope ¡ Yesterday 22:04
Possibly controversial…,
“The fears about meeting the legal requirements come despite eight out of 10 councils forecasting having to cut spending on other community services such as parks, libraries and leisure centres to try to protect funding”.
So - libraries, leisure centres, parks, all vital for young children, families and others - being closed because the elderly desperately need social care.
As awful as it is for us all individually to lose somebody that we love….. is curing every disease, and having us all live to 100 really a good thing if it is at the expense of quality of life for the rest of society?
To think that people living longer is making quality of life for everyone worse? Mumsnet
fromthegecko ¡ Today 00:17
More than half the social care budget is spent on working age adults, many of whom are in employment. That is, 18-65 year-olds with disabilities or illnesses that mean they need help to live normally. This includes people with time-limited diseases like cancer. The medical treatment is free, but if the disease and the treatment leave you frail and needing care for a while, any state provision is strictly means tested (apart from PIP).
By contrast, only one in twenty elderly people need residential care for a significant length of time, and this age group is more likely to have the means to pay for it.
NHS spending on an individual is largely concentrated in the last year of life, whether they die young or old.
And the increase in life expectancy over the last fifty years is down to inter alia fewer neonatal deaths, vaccinations, and improvements in treating cancers and cardiovascular disease. Yes there are more centenarians. But that's not because old people live to be even older. It's because more people survive the perils of childhood and middle age and so get the chance to live out their natural lifespan.
So it's complicated. But my own hunch is that better medical care (and accident prevention/sanitation/nutrition/whatever) should lead to a lower care burden, not higher.
BruFord ¡ Today 00:20
My question was whether the advancements in medicine have contributed to the decline. If we continue the trajectory, I don’t know how society supports itself in generations to come.
I suppose you could argue that advancements in medicine mean that people who need support do survive nowadays and use up resources, but that’s not confined to the elderly. A quick Google tells me that in 1920, the child mortality rate for under- 5’s was 141.8 per 1,000. In 2020, it was 4 per thousand.
Back then, if you weren’t fairly healthy, you didn’t make it, and not much was done for you if you did survive with underlying conditions, certainly not if you had poor mental health, for example.
But surely we don’t want to go back to those days? Should we withdraw medical treatment? How do we determine who’s worth saving and who isn’t?
submitted by Ok-Dig3431 to MNTrolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:21 jamariiiiiiii why does he want to get married so quickly?

i've been involved with this guy since Feb of this year and the relationship has mainly been through texting as we live quite a bit away. we have only met up in person once and that date went alright besides some red flags i'll get into. also, he also proposes us seeing each other, but then something always comes up.
we're honestly kind of looking for the same thing, a committed and exclusive relationship, but it seems like this guy is rushing things way too fast. he's already talking about us getting married; but i have noticed some red flags.
some of the red flags i've noticed:
-when we first met, i was just getting off of work at 3am. he called me drunk a few hours prior asking if he should come up and see me. i felt pressured so i said yes. i get off at 3am, get home around 5am, and had to buy a laptop later that day, so i felt like he completely took over my day and chances to get some rest.
-he lies. here are some things he's lied about:
-my phone announces to my contacts when i'm in "Do Not Disturb"; he texted and asked me why i always keep my phone in DND. am i not allowed to have my privacy and free time?
-weird stares: when we first saw each other, he did this really weird stare. i know it's perfectly normal to take glimpses of your partner in adoration, but he was giving me this cold dead stare when i was facing away from him. i have mild anxiety and noticed the stare and nervously asked him about it. he said something to the effect of, "oh i'm not allowed to look at you?" left me speechless
-he offered to buy us some tea. we get to the counter to pay and for some reason he does not have any working payment cards and only $100 bills on him, so i had to cover. he offered to get me back, but i'm still waiting. this one was pretty egregious.
-i texted his ex asking what i should look out for. the ex basically said that he prays and hopes that he changed, but if not, to get the fuck away ASAP. i asked him to tell me more info, but he flat out refuses to saying that he does not want any part in this.
-last but not least, we have only been talking since February and have only met in person (completely on his terms) once and he wants to get married:
i was telling him that i was planning on going back into the US Air Force or maybe shoot for the Space Force. he is really insistent on getting married before i ship out; which i don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon. again, i brought it up with him and he said that he, "wants a ring on his finger" before i ship out.
the thing is, what would the point of getting married be? once i ship out, i will be in basic training in Texas (we live in the Northeast) for 7.5 weeks. then after that, i'll have to go to technical school for my career field that will probably be a few more months in a place that's thousands of miles away.
the soonest i could be back where we live would probably be 5/6 months and it would only be for 12 days for the recruiters assistance program (if i do get that approved), after that i'm on to my first duty station and i have no idea where that will be.
so i'm curious. this person is looking to be a walking red flag, has no problems lying to me, creepy, controlling, etc. and he still wants to marry me when i've made it abundantly clear that i'm going to be away for quite a while. i asked him why he still wants to do this and he said something like, "I'm loyal, you'll have someone waiting for you when you get back".
does anyone have any idea why he still wants to get married? i really, really, REALLY, need help making sense of it all.
thank you so much.
submitted by jamariiiiiiii to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:20 jamariiiiiiii why does he want to get married so quickly?

i've been involved with this guy since Feb of this year and the relationship has mainly been through texting as we live quite a bit away. we have only met up in person once and that date went alright besides some red flags i'll get into. also, he also proposes us seeing each other, but then something always comes up.
we're honestly kind of looking for the same thing, a committed and exclusive relationship, but it seems like this guy is rushing things way too fast. he's already talking about us getting married; but i have noticed some red flags.
some of the red flags i've noticed:
-when we first met, i was just getting off of work at 3am. he called me drunk a few hours prior asking if he should come up and see me. i felt pressured so i said yes. i get off at 3am, get home around 5am, and had to buy a laptop later that day, so i felt like he completely took over my day and chances to get some rest.
-he lies. here are some things he's lied about:
-my phone announces to my contacts when i'm in "Do Not Disturb"; he texted and asked me why i always keep my phone in DND. am i not allowed to have my privacy and free time?
-weird stares: when we first saw each other, he did this really weird stare. i know it's perfectly normal to take glimpses of your partner in adoration, but he was giving me this cold dead stare when i was facing away from him. i have mild anxiety and noticed the stare and nervously asked him about it. he said something to the effect of, "oh i'm not allowed to look at you?" left me speechless
-he offered to buy us some tea. we get to the counter to pay and for some reason he does not have any working payment cards and only $100 bills on him, so i had to cover. he offered to get me back, but i'm still waiting. this one was pretty egregious.
-i texted his ex asking what i should look out for. the ex basically said that he prays and hopes that he changed, but if not, to get the fuck away ASAP. i asked him to tell me more info, but he flat out refuses to saying that he does not want any part in this.
-last but not least, we have only been talking since February and have only met in person (completely on his terms) once and he wants to get married:
i was telling him that i was planning on going back into the US Air Force or maybe shoot for the Space Force. he is really insistent on getting married before i ship out; which i don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon. again, i brought it up with him and he said that he, "wants a ring on his finger" before i ship out.
the thing is, what would the point of getting married be? once i ship out, i will be in basic training in Texas (we live in the Northeast) for 7.5 weeks. then after that, i'll have to go to technical school for my career field that will probably be a few more months in a place that's thousands of miles away.
the soonest i could be back where we live would probably be 5/6 months and it would only be for 12 days for the recruiters assistance program (if i do get that approved), after that i'm on to my first duty station and i have no idea where that will be.
so i'm curious. this person is looking to be a walking red flag, has no problems lying to me, creepy, controlling, etc. and he still wants to marry me when i've made it abundantly clear that i'm going to be away for quite a while. i asked him why he still wants to do this and he said something like, "I'm loyal, you'll have someone waiting for you when you get back".
does anyone have any idea why he still wants to get married? i really, really, REALLY, need help making sense of it all.
thank you so much.
submitted by jamariiiiiiii to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:19 jamariiiiiiii why does this guy want to get married so quickly?

i've been involved with this guy since Feb of this year and the relationship has mainly been through texting as we live quite a bit away. we have only met up in person once and that date went alright besides some red flags i'll get into. also, he also proposes us seeing each other, but then something always comes up.
we're honestly kind of looking for the same thing, a committed and exclusive relationship, but it seems like this guy is rushing things way too fast. he's already talking about us getting married; but i have noticed some red flags.
some of the red flags i've noticed:
-when we first met, i was just getting off of work at 3am. he called me drunk a few hours prior asking if he should come up and see me. i felt pressured so i said yes. i get off at 3am, get home around 5am, and had to buy a laptop later that day, so i felt like he completely took over my day and chances to get some rest.
-he lies. here are some things he's lied about:
-my phone announces to my contacts when i'm in "Do Not Disturb"; he texted and asked me why i always keep my phone in DND. am i not allowed to have my privacy and free time?
-weird stares: when we first saw each other, he did this really weird stare. i know it's perfectly normal to take glimpses of your partner in adoration, but he was giving me this cold dead stare when i was facing away from him. i have mild anxiety and noticed the stare and nervously asked him about it. he said something to the effect of, "oh i'm not allowed to look at you?" left me speechless
-he offered to buy us some tea. we get to the counter to pay and for some reason he does not have any working payment cards and only $100 bills on him, so i had to cover. he offered to get me back, but i'm still waiting. this one was pretty egregious.
-i texted his ex asking what i should look out for. the ex basically said that he prays and hopes that he changed, but if not, to get the fuck away ASAP. i asked him to tell me more info, but he flat out refuses to saying that he does not want any part in this.
-last but not least, we have only been talking since February and have only met in person (completely on his terms) once and he wants to get married:
i was telling him that i was planning on going back into the US Air Force or maybe shoot for the Space Force. he is really insistent on getting married before i ship out; which i don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon. again, i brought it up with him and he said that he, "wants a ring on his finger" before i ship out.
the thing is, what would the point of getting married be? once i ship out, i will be in basic training in Texas (we live in the Northeast) for 7.5 weeks. then after that, i'll have to go to technical school for my career field that will probably be a few more months in a place that's thousands of miles away.
the soonest i could be back where we live would probably be 5/6 months and it would only be for 12 days for the recruiters assistance program (if i do get that approved), after that i'm on to my first duty station and i have no idea where that will be.
so i'm curious. this person is looking to be a walking red flag, has no problems lying to me, creepy, controlling, etc. and he still wants to marry me when i've made it abundantly clear that i'm going to be away for quite a while. i asked him why he still wants to do this and he said something like, "I'm loyal, you'll have someone waiting for you when you get back".
does anyone have any idea why he still wants to get married? i really, really, REALLY, need help making sense of it all.
thank you so much.
submitted by jamariiiiiiii to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:19 Qaizdotapp Tutoring tools?

Hey, we're currently building a quiz app that uses AI to create little quizzes that you can do competitively online. A key feature is that you can upload a document or image and it will create a quiz from it automatically with no work. I'm wondering if this is something tutors would find useful at all, and if not what could make something like this useful for you? My thinking is that, for example, you can do a quiz on the material at the beginning of a session and see where the student needs the most help.
Another key feature is that we're planning for it to be a lot cheaper than Kahoot and Quizziz.
I hope this is OK to ask here. If not feel free to drag me over the coals :) I haven't included the url here so it doesn't come off as self-promotion..

submitted by Qaizdotapp to tutor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:19 SnooAdvice771 attempting to give myself closure

Dear C,
I loved you. not in that wishy washy lifetime holiday movie kind of way either. I truly loved you. I knew when I met you I could possibly fall. I tried not to, stayed away. didn't want to rock any boats. I think it was that expression of what I believed to be a love of life. the smile and lighting up eyes. I don't know. It's hard to put my finger on. you just had that air about you.
Became friends. shared secrets. shared sorrows. I didn't expect to become what I thought was that area of close friendship. To then get feelings though we lived so far apart. it hurt when I realized it was more than feelings of friendship in my chest. trying so hard to shut if down. not let myself be swept up into something. Love is a lot like the ocean though. one cannot sway it's currents as one cannot halt the rotation of the Earth.
It was turmoil it couldn't be, though I wished for us to fall into each other, hold you tightly to me and feel ourselves melt into each other. You had inklings I know. never said anything, we never discussed it. you moved even further away. I thought perhaps I could move on. I didn't. perhaps that's when I should have noticed. not that you were with someone but that perhaps you were not really my friend.
permission to send flowers but sending them to your work. speaking on the whatsapp. instead of texting. letting me feel confused about your feelings with me yet no resolution. I didn't want to lose you so I said nothing. that was pathetic of me. I think just a way to let myself be taken advantage of again later.
losing touch, regaining communications. losing touch again. Honestly I should have realized sooner but one becomes blinded by their own feelings. It came to a head a year and a half ago. Nearing christmas I found myself this particular year in a deep depression. Even years after tragedy it still hurts. I saw through posts you recently had a family tragedy as well. I wanted to make sure you were ok.
We agreed to meet up for dinner at my place what was that? the 22nd? the 23rd perhaps. So glad to hear from a close friend, feeling a sense of happiness. looking forward to something. braving the grocery stores less than a week from Christmas. I got a bunch of ingredients settling on a fancy style pizza and poached pears. something fun, not romantic (I didnt want to give the wrong vibes) even got a new sauce pan just to make a great red wine reduction for the pears lol. It was all set. I had a bottle of moscato d asti too. just a dessert wine. I even handmade the damn dough. It did turn out pretty decent, the pizza cooked. pears soaking in sugar water. yet
Yet it was 4:00 and I hear nothing, I had that nagging feeling
no Surely she wouldn't.
5:30 I had no word. perhaps a little later dinner. afterall I did not set the specific time.
6:30 and I messaged you to get an apology. I'm so sorry.
She told me her grandmother's memorial was that day. they released a balloon even.
I was crushed. deflated much like that balloon after a week of floating I'm sure. It seemed like an airtight excuse. Or at least one if I questioned would make me an asshole. I may be an ass but C I'm no asshole. I told you I understood but it didn't end there.
for over six months, six months it went on like this. I sent flowers twice actually when I thought I overstepped, made you mad at me. I rememembe getting very sick in Februaury and aplogizing for looking you up to send the damn flowers, feeling guilty of being some type of creep. You didn't mind. Hell I forgot to mention I had a Christmas gift from the previous years I couldn't get to you due to covid.
I asked if you were busy, You asked my free days. if you had the same day off and we made plans, without fail you would cancel or just not show. you would not message me. I understood-still understand helping family when they are sick. yet why not call? text? If I questioned it I was the bad guy. I'd always be the bad guy for simply questioning. I asked you if you didn't wish to be friends. to just reject me if that were the case. I just wanted to spend time together yet... yet even getting you to answer a text was a chore. why? I didn't obsess, I didn't stalk. I just wanted to spend time with someone I cared for. to help in any way I could.
Looking back it was rather pathetic of me. you're still the only person to make me act in that manner. You never rejected me. why? I needed that finality, that goddamned nail in the coffin to know for sure. I guess I just wasn't paying attention. You seemed to get out any way from visiting. spending time together. at a trusted friend's suggestion I proposed time after time neutral territory. coffee shops, restaurants, the book store. any public place.
I didn't know if you had issue with me personally, meeting a guy in his home? you agreed so many times to meet up to only ghost me. You did ghost me. repeatedly. You then said you didn't ghost me that you were staying late to get in the good graces of a new boss, just not answering me letting me apologize later.
I'm sorry C but having well established plans then not letting the person know you weren't going until after the fact. or not letting them know at all IS GHOSTING. SAYING IT'S NOT GHOSTING IS GASLIGHTING.
you ghosted me constantly, you gaslighted me. it hurt. If I didn't have blinders, if I weren't so fucking depressed I would have wisened to it. Instead I hoped and thought perhaps this time. not unlike those scratcher addicts wasting money hoping for that big payout.
You ghosted and gaslighted me. it hurt my self worth. perhaps I wasn't worthy of love nor frienship. a lingering trauma from my childhood you only reinforced in me. I think looking back on it you gaslighted me the entirety of our relationship. when that hit me... I don't know. From the same friend, she thought it a good idea to ask what I was to you. What type of friend am I to you? that was the question. was I just an aquaintenance? was I a close friend? was I just some person?
"of course we're friends" was my response. That wasn't the question though. Crushed. Angry. depressed. I tried still. yet you didnt acknowledge me. I think I grew bitter.
You ghosted me, You gaslighted me. You wouldn't tell me you rejected me even when I asked you to. I felt as though I weren't being treated as a human being.
To me you seemed to be acting like a narcissist or perhaps afraid? You were giving excused the same way the people who raised me did. classic text book narcissists.
C , I hate that a part of me loves you. I hate that what seemed like a relationship that meant so much to me perhaps didn't mean anything to you. I hate that I fell for someone who lies, who ghosts, nor treats me with the slightest bit of respect. I loved you but you only hurt me. loving you made me not feel good about myself. I wish
I wish instead of this rant I could tell you in a nicer way how I feel. That I then wanted to know you because I think it was more the idea of you I fell in love with. just a phantom. That I wished to find the depths of conversation only those like us could know. to find the depths of that well. to truly know one another.
I realize you'll never give an honest answer. I'll never have that chance to cook for you. the closest we'll be emotionally is being an unanswered call, empty chair, dinner for no one. I'll never share true intimacy with you. I remember you placing your head on my shoulder during the movie at the art museum. I wante to put my arm around you so much that night. it seemed innapropriate. I had no idea if she were your friend or girlfriend. I could not intrude.
I realized there are othes who see my worth. I'm more than just a text. people who see me. Yet a part of me lingers wishing. it's only a whisper now, something that still aches. I wished for closure. I'll never get it. I try to accept it. I can only move on.
submitted by SnooAdvice771 to u/SnooAdvice771 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:18 shrugir Travel Application Development

Why Travel and Tourism Industry Business Need to Have Travel Mobile App?

Travelopro is a leading Travel Portal Development Company globally & travel technology company having clients across the world. We integrate Amadeus GDS, Sabre GDS, Galileo GDS, and many more.

We specialize in portal design, development, and integration of various GDS's XML, API's, testing & deployment to client host after which we also maintain the product for 24/7 technical and customer support services.

We provide complete travel solution for travel agents, tour & travel companies tourism management companies, car rental agencies, hotels.

Give your customers excellent travel experience with our highly advanced and multi-purpose travel app development services.

We offer highly customized B2C and B2B travel website application development, XML API integration and GDS integration solution travel and tourism companies. We are helping to who is looking for online travel portal development services and B2B2C online travel portal startup companies.

Our White Label travel portal is a one stop solution provider for all the technology needs of travel agents, consolidators, corporate travel consultants, hotelier and tour operators.

With Travelopro you can launch your own travel portal, with the custom look and feel you want; i.e. launch your own travel brand instantly. Apart from the regular feature like real-time Flight, Hotel, Holidays & Bookings, Cancellations.

If you are looking for travel website, you are at right place. We are a unified travel website development and online travel business solution provider company, delivering scalable B2C & B2B solutions to global travel operators & companies.

How Travel App Development is Influencing the Travel and Tourism Business!

Travelopro is a reputed Travel Portal Development Company globally, our travel portal is an online booking engine with flights, hotels, transfers, sightseeing and packages modules for travel agencies / agents.

It's also known as IBE, which aggregates and distributes information of flights, hotels, cars, packages to global B2B clients to enable them search and book online.

Our B2B travel portal software can be integrated with leading GDS systems like Amadeus, Travelport, Sabre and third-party APIs / XMLs and LCCs. We have a separate team of expert developers who are seasoned professional when it comes to API consumption and integration.

Why you should Choose Travelopro for Travel and Tourism App Development?

We are the travel technology providers, providing travel booking engines, white label solutions, web designs & development, travel mobile apps, XML/GDS Integrations and many more services.

Our variety of solution has enabled us to serve every sector of the industry - Travel Agencies, Destination Management Companies, Online Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Consolidators, Consortia and Niche Travel Companies. We also provide customized solutions that suit your exact unique requirements and scale.

We have professionally trained staffs having gained years of experience in delivering comprehensive and cost-effective solutions to the travel businesses.

Our team develops the product based on the client's business requirements and assures the quality of product by performing various testing tools before delivering it to them. We provide travel solutions that are most updated, proven and reliable in the global travel industry.

Give Real-Time Traveling Experience to Your Customers with Full-fledged Travel Mobile App Development Solutions

Travelopro can assist you in developing cutting-edge, feature-rich, robust, and scalable travel mobile apps with UI/UX design, essential third-party integrations, and advanced technical support to fulfil your consumers' expectations. You may use our comprehensive travel app development solutions whether you manage a small travel agency or an international leader in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Our unrivaled travel solutions meet all of the demands of travel agencies, tour operators, and DMC companies, allowing them to manage their travel operations at their fingertips. Our app development company works with companies and startups from the ground up. With our travel mobile app development services, we can effectively aid everyone who desires to digitize and expand their business.

We provide highly functional and user-friendly travel mobile app design and development services tailored to specific business models. The travel mobile apps will assist your consumers with varied activities, resulting in repeat visits.

Contact our team to have functionally robust, user-friendly travel mobile apps for Android and iOS built based on your demands. Travel and tourism app development solutions might help you transform your company. We specialize in developing high-quality mobility solutions for travel booking app development. Our skilled travel app developers stay up to date on industry developments to guarantee that our customers receive the best solutions available.

We have a team of experts who can assist you in developing mobile apps that will represent your business online and boost its market value. Our custom-built travel mobile apps protect your budget while also allowing you to improve your revenue.

We offer a complete business solution for your travel agency with a dedicated travel mobile app. The app we create gives a rich experience for your travel agency's consumers. It helps your company maintain existing customers while also attracting a new specialized audience searching for an excellent travel service to make their vacation planning and execution pleasant.

Travel Mobile Apps Features

¡ Trip planning

¡ Travel Map

¡ Travel Tracking

¡ Travel Checklist

¡ Tourist Guide

¡ Tour Booking

¡ Vehicle Booking

¡ Travel Destinations

¡ Hotel Booking

¡ Travel Agent Features

¡ Trip Organizer

¡ Places to Visit

¡ Travel News

¡ Travel Diary

Our Mobile Solutions for Travel Businesses

Travel Planning App Development

We can give you a full-fledged travel management system that allows you to effortlessly manage travel itineraries, booking, and reporting and provide your clients with an easy-to-use travel app interface to book their trips through your app.

Ticket Booking App Development

Our travel mobile apps development team creates a cloud-based, robust, and super-smooth online and mobile travel ticket and hotel booking solution. Customers may use this to book flights, trains, and buses and make hotel reservations.

Navigation and GPS Integration

Provide navigation options that help tourists navigate unfamiliar areas. Incorporate GPS technology, interactive maps, turn-by-turn directions, and location-based recommendations to enhance the journey experience.

Booking and Reservation Systems

Create apps that help consumers book flights, hotels, rental cars, and other travel-related services. The integration of secure payment methods and the provision of real-time availability information are critical components of this service.

Flight Booking App

We provide flight booking applications that are user-friendly, feature-rich, and offer a variety of functions to make the booking process as easy as possible. Our flight booking software provides consumers with all the information they need in one place, from searching for flights and comparing costs to making bookings and organizing itineraries.

Why does your travel business need a mobile app?

There are several reasons for the travel sector to have a mobile app, including rapid booking, 24x7 availability, more customers, better and loyal customers, higher sales, effective staff management with automated procedures, easier data maintenance, and branding to attract more consumers.

Mobile Apps for Travel and tourism are essential for every travel business since they allow you to reach clients anywhere in the globe, sell the services you offer, and work as an effective medium for developing trust between the business and the tourist. A travel mobile app must be developed with the most cutting-edge features and the latest technology in app development to meet the needs of today's travelers. It gives users a real-time app usage experience.

Using an advanced travel app, we provide consumers with best-in-class experiences at their fingertips to enhance and personalize their travels. Mobile Apps are increasingly a vital component in the travel industry, particularly for marketing. The significance of travel mobile apps is subsequently on the rise. A Travel mobile app should have functions such as geo-location tracking, itinerary generator, weather forecasts, booking services, social media sharing, reviews, ratings, reports and analytics, and so on.

If you want to expand your travel business and reach a larger audience, you should develop a travel mobile app. Aside from that, you'll need an app to automate your travel business and provide customers with an exceptional trip-booking experience. We can help you grow your business by developing easy-to-use travel mobile apps that improve the client experience.

Benefits of Travel Mobile App Development Services

Enhanced User Experience

Travel mobile apps development companies focus on providing user-centric interfaces that simplify the travel process. These applications are designed to deliver smooth and pleasurable experiences for travelers, from straightforward navigation to personalized suggestions.

Comprehensive Travel Solutions

These companies provide a variety of capabilities in their travel apps, including flight and hotel reservations, itinerary planning, real-time navigation, travel guides, currency converters, and more. It provides customers with everything they need to travel in luxury.

Real-time Information

In travel mobile apps, real-time data streams are utilized to give users up-to-date information on flight statuses, weather conditions, local events, and other topics. This real-time information enables the user to make better-informed decisions.

Location-based Services

Travel applications that use GPS technology provide location-based services such as navigation, nearby attraction suggestions, and local food alternatives. These features improve the traveler's experience by making it simple to find and explore new destinations.

Operational Efficiency

Task automation through Al-powered apps to boost the productivity of your travel and tourism company.

Streamlining Booking Process

Easy online reservations and payment processes make the journey of travelers worry-free. It can help to increase bookings and revenue by making it easier for potential customers to find and book services.

How Travel Mobile Apps Are Changing the Tourism Industry?

Travel Mobile Apps help to bridge the communication gap, make bookings more accessible, and allow travel to places independently. These travel apps are jam-packed with features that may help users travel better and more effectively, from purchasing flights, rail, and bus tickets to renting cars and hotels.

A revolution in mobile technology has resulted from the development of high-tech mobile applications. The tourism sector will particularly benefit from this growth. Mobile devices make internet connectivity and online service booking possible by eliminating administrative positions and concentrating on marketing.

With years of expertise in creating user-friendly solutions, we have gained an enormous reputation and recognition for our services. You can look at our profitable and feature-rich services developed for the travel sector. Travel mobile apps have become an essential part of the industry, impacting the booking and planning processes.

Why Choose Travelopro?

Partner with us to develop a feature-rich travel mobile app for your business. We help travel companies reach the full potential of modern technology and provide more individualized service to customers via travel software, web, or mobile applications.

We create customer-centric travel mobile apps for businesses, assisting them in streamlining their never-ending complex work procedures. Our intelligent team of developers and professionals ensures increased customer satisfaction and growing your business to increase enough income in the face of competition.

Our travel app development company strives for perfection. We provide our clients with the best travel mobile apps that are sturdy and functional. Our travel and tourism application developers have years of expertise in the sector. We understand your company's demands and provide products that help it develop immensely. We leverage cutting-edge technology to create customer-focused, high-quality travel mobile apps.

We, at Travelopro, try to empower your business by boosting customers' engagement, increasing loyalty, and skyrocketing sales.

¡ On-Time Delivery

¡ Deliver Exactly What You Need

¡ Send push notifications for the latest services, discounts, offers, and promotions

¡ Simplified mobile version of your travel agency website

¡ Direct Contact with Your Team

¡ Uplifted User Experience

¡ Flexible Engagement Models

¡ Complete understanding of the travel and tourism industry

¡ Apps tailored to deliver exceptional travel experiences

¡ Proficiency in the prevalent technologies and trend

¡ Innovative mindset that enables us to embrace changes

¡ A team of skilled and experienced Android and iPhone developers

¡ Commitment to delivering the highest quality and standards of services
For more details, Pls visit our Website:
submitted by shrugir to u/shrugir [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:17 Independent-Ad-3676 [Online][5thEd][EST][Campaign] Two games open! Curse of Strahd, She is the Ancient and Tyranny of Dragons!

Hey there my names Jordan! I currently have two games that I'm looking for players for! I have a Curse of Strahd, She is the Ancient, game at 8pm EST on Tuesdays and a modified Tyranny of Dragons game at 8pm EST on Thursdays! Both of these are modules I love and am very familiar with, I've put a lot of personal touch into making improvements to the modules to build on their flavor and I weave in the player character's backstories to enhance the flow of the narrative. Currently have 4 players for Curse of Strahd and 1 in Tyranny of Dragons, looking for 4-6 total in each! Check out the games here!
Curse of Strahd now has 4 players so we'll be looking to start Session Zero next week! If you want in nows the best time!
I offer a unique "online-inperson" format. I haven't seen anyone else use this which is pretty exciting. All characters and enemies are 3D printed and painted minis placed on a tv screen and streamed through discord via webcam. This is optional of course as Roll20 is utilized for rolling and tracking character sheets, same as any other online game, I just like this for an added layer of unique play! If your curious what this looks like feel free to hop in the discord where I have example images posted!
Reach out if you're interested or have any questions I'd love to have ya!
submitted by Independent-Ad-3676 to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:16 JLindsey502 Temple of the Dog is the perfect album and I’ll tell you exactly why!

It’s crazy how brilliant this album is. It somehow still feels underrated and has an arguement for being possibly thee best album - not just in grunge but possibly in the history of rock, or honestly all of music in general! The fact that it’s a tribute to Mother Love Bone’s Andrew Wood (vocalist and amazing piano player) - with a few former members and all of future Pearl Jam since Matt Cameron eventually became the full-time drummer - just makes it an album formed completely from the heart and full of soul. This band was literally the polar opposite of a cash grab opportunist band. Apparently the band just wanted to make music in a stress free manner with little expectations, and boy did they surpass any that may have been placed upon them. Saying that even feels like a heavy understatement!
The fact that the project’s lead vocalist was a very close friend of Wood’s in Chris Cornell - who also died tragically - makes it even more touching. Side note, but Jerry Cantrell if AiC was supposedly very close to Wood and obviously Cornell as well. Wood permanently left his mark on the Seattle scene a year and a half before before it even became mainstream, and if you listen closely you can tell every bands’ sound - musically and lyrically - got quite darker following his untimely passing. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.
When he heard the tragic news, Cornell initially wrote two songs in the heavenly (no pun intended) Say Hello 2 Heaven - cleverly released as a single - and the unbelievably EPIC Reach Down. The former is a beautiful, bluesy song which passionately shows Cornell’s full vocal range and beautiful lyricism. Reach Down is simply put, one of the greatest and most epic songs in existence. Eleven minutes long with a guitar riff that is bone-crushing and very likely the best solo I’ve ever heard, especially when you consider McCready’s headphones flew off about halfway through the recording it - forcing him to sort of “wing it” (lol) without having a backing track to hear. Not one second of the song fails to capture one’s attention - which is nothing less than astounding considering the length of it. Cornell could’ve stopped there and had an epic dual single or even an EP considering he already had be nearly 20 mins (17 minutes and 37 seconds to be exact) material! This easily could’ve been all that was written… but then fate intervened in the best way possible!
Former Mother Love Bone rhythm guitarist Stone Gossard and bassist Jeff Ament - primary songwriters for MLB and earlier in Green River (another legendary grunge band) - wanted to collaborate with Cornell to put themselves in position to write and play music before the time off caused them to get rusty with playing or songwriting. With this in mind, Cornell wisely enlisted the other soon-to-be Temple of the Dog musicians (Gossard, Ament, Mike McCready and Matt Cameron) and a masterpiece was about to be born!
The album’s lead single, Hunger Strike, is a brilliant piece that features a fresh and truly immaculate young voice from San Diego in the incredibly charismatic Eddie Vedder, who was actually auditioning for Gossard and Ament’s new band that you may have heard of (Pearl Jam). The story goes that Cornell - hard to believe - was having trouble hitting the lows as he wanted them to sound and Vedder simply took the mic and naturally delivered the vocals exactly as Cornell had wanted them to sound! I think it’s safe to say Vedder passed his audition with flying colors due to his incredible power, elegance and charisma (and quickly developing song-writing). The song’s drop D tuning and the darker sounding post-chorus riff give it a very proper grunge edge. Say Hello To Heaven and Hunger Strike quickly became staples of ‘90s radio stations worldwide.
Digging deeper, Pushin’ Forward Back (the third single) and Your Savior combines Mother Love Bone’s street rock approach with Pearl Jam’s more serious hard rock sound. The former features a powerful rhythm guitar riff, soaring lead riffs, Cornell’s finest vocals and the best backup vocals you could ask for from Vedder. Skipping ahead to track eight, Your Savior provides some extremely impressive (and aggressive) drumming, guitar tracks and again Vedder’s unmistakably brilliant sounding backup vocals that could not complement Cornell’s lead vocals any better! This is definitely a favorite among favorites for myself, and perfectly follows the track Wooden Jesus in my humble opinion.
Call Me a Dog and Times of Trouble are, without doubt, two of the most beautiful ballads I’ve ever heard. The former slowly builds up momentum with lovely piano playing and a quieter guitar that seemingly gets louder as the song goes on until it reaches a crescendo, as the bridge hears Cornell belting out some seriously high lead vocals and then McCready blazing through with another divine solo! Times of Trouble is a very interesting piece of music to say the least. It was actually also used for Vedder’s auditioning as well as this albums in the absolutely alluring Pearl Jam song Footsteps, which had a more stripped down approach. Times of Trouble on the other hand features the music’s absolute full potential being unlocked with a more solid production, a more eventful buildup that includes gorgeous sounding piano and even a harmonica solo for good measure. This is blues rock at its absolute finest!
Wooden Jesus continues the beautiful ballad sound, with probably my favorite bassline of the album and adding another layer to the music with a what I believe is a very prominent and majestic-sounding banjo (if not it’s an acoustic) during the second verse and Cornell just absolutely owns it vocally on this track McCready’s criminally underrated guitar solo ties it all together perfectly. Four Walled World - along with Times of Trouble - captures Chris Cornell’s bluesiest sound I’ve ever heard on record, and the extended outro allows him to get some serious wails out along with another epic McCready solo. Four Walled World is a very strong track and gives me vibes of Pearl Jam’s soon-to-heard songwriting. In particular Four Walled World sounds sort of like precursor to Pearl Jam’s Deep. I’m not sure why exactly but they remind me of each other. Both have very bluesy riffs although Deep is definitely a harder edged track (love the phaser effect on it). But listening to it now it is more bluesy than I remembered for being one of the heavier Ten tracks. The main riffs are what sound similar to me.
All Night Thing is among the best album closers I’ve ever heard, settling the album and night with a beautiful ballad that feels a bit influenced by The Doors due to the use of an organ for the main melody (courtesy of the great Rick Parasher). I love that they went this route for the closing song. It makes me want to restart the album when it finishes so amazingly like that! This album has shades of Led Zeppelin all over it and I mean that in the best way possible. Heck even Chris Cornell and Robert Plant have very similar vocals imo and virtually identical vocal range at four octaves (although I’ve heard five for both as well) with the ability to croon or wail with the best - well they are the best lol.
The album is perfect from start to finish. Everyone served their purpose immaculately. Every single note, chord, lyric / vocal on this album feels perfectly placed. From the opening tracks that Cornell penned as soon as he heard the tragic news to the full on blues rock of the middle to the end of the album. I love the Mother Love Bone flavor to many of the tracks - particularly Pushin’ Forward Back and Your Savior imo. All Night Thing is among the best album closers ever in regards to softer gentler closers, which also includes Mother Loce Bone’s Chloe DanceCrown of Thorns (Shine EP and Apple - but without Chloe Dancer for the latter for whatever silly reason as both together created the “Stairway to Heaven of gen X”). Also including a piano - again courtesy of Rick Parasher - in a few songs was absolutely poetic being that it was Wood’s instrument of choice. I just wish he could’ve been the one playing piano on a Mother Love Bone and Soundgarden collaboration where they still somehow find Eddie Vedder and Mike McCready. If this album shows us anything, it is that tragedy can often sparks a passionate flame that otherwise cannot be equaled. Mind Riot by Soundgarden is further proof in this particular case.
Also my other picks for best softer album closers - so excluding all harder songs, or this will go on forever lol - plus closing with a gentler song I’ve always preferred as it feels like the albums way of saying “goodnight” which the first of these songs I’m going to list literally does! Jane’s Addiction’s Classic Girl (Ritual de lo Habitual), Pearl Jam’s Release (Ten), Pearl Jam’s Indifference (Vs), Alice In Chains’ Over Now (Tripod), Nirvana’s Something in the Way (Nevermind), Led Zeppelin’s Tea for One (Presence), Aerosmith’s You See Me Crying (Toys In The Attic) Aerosmith’s Home Tonight (Rocks).
Thank you to those who took the time to read my review of my favorite album of all-time! Rest in Peace to the great musicians / producers and human that were Andrew “Andy” Wood, Chris Cornell and Rick Parasher (producer for Temple of the Dog’s eponymous album and Pearl Jam’s Ten). You will all live on forever through your incredible music and be forever loved! Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
submitted by JLindsey502 to grunge [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 jamariiiiiiii why does he, 29M want to get married to me, 21M so quickly?

i've been involved with this guy since Feb of this year and the relationship has mainly been through texting as we live quite a bit away. we have only met up in person once and that date went alright besides some red flags i'll get into. also, he also proposes us seeing each other, but then something always comes up.
we're honestly kind of looking for the same thing, a committed and exclusive relationship, but it seems like this guy is rushing things way too fast. he's already talking about us getting married; but i have noticed some red flags.
some of the red flags i've noticed:
-when we first met, i was just getting off of work at 3am. he called me drunk a few hours prior asking if he should come up and see me. i felt pressured so i said yes. i get off at 3am, get home around 5am, and had to buy a laptop later that day, so i felt like he completely took over my day and chances to get some rest.
-he lies. here are some things he's lied about:
-my phone announces to my contacts when i'm in "Do Not Disturb"; he texted and asked me why i always keep my phone in DND. am i not allowed to have my privacy and free time?
-weird stares: when we first saw each other, he did this really weird stare. i know it's perfectly normal to take glimpses of your partner in adoration, but he was giving me this cold dead stare when i was facing away from him. i have mild anxiety and noticed the stare and nervously asked him about it. he said something to the effect of, "oh i'm not allowed to look at you?" left me speechless
-he offered to buy us some tea. we get to the counter to pay and for some reason he does not have any working payment cards and only $100 bills on him, so i had to cover. he offered to get me back, but i'm still waiting. this one was pretty egregious.
-i texted his ex asking what i should look out for. the ex basically said that he prays and hopes that he changed, but if not, to get the fuck away ASAP. i asked him to tell me more info, but he flat out refuses to saying that he does not want any part in this.
-last but not least, we have only been talking since February and have only met in person (completely on his terms) once and he wants to get married:
i was telling him that i was planning on going back into the US Air Force or maybe shoot for the Space Force. he is really insistent on getting married before i ship out; which i don't know when that will be, but hopefully soon. again, i brought it up with him and he said that he, "wants a ring on his finger" before i ship out.
the thing is, what would the point of getting married be? once i ship out, i will be in basic training in Texas (we live in the Northeast) for 7.5 weeks. then after that, i'll have to go to technical school for my career field that will probably be a few more months in a place that's thousands of miles away.
the soonest i could be back where we live would probably be 5/6 months and it would only be for 12 days for the recruiters assistance program (if i do get that approved), after that i'm on to my first duty station and i have no idea where that will be.
so i'm curious. this person is looking to be a walking red flag, has no problems lying to me, creepy, controlling, etc. and he still wants to marry me when i've made it abundantly clear that i'm going to be away for quite a while. i asked him why he still wants to do this and he said something like, "I'm loyal, you'll have someone waiting for you when you get back".
does anyone have any idea why he still wants to get married? i really, really, REALLY, need help making sense of it all.
thank you so much.
submitted by jamariiiiiiii to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 OverGap3758 GF/Ex disappeared but not sure if she is ok.

Throwaway account.
I would like to ask for help in possible scenarios and what other people think is more likely.

So I (35M) have been/was with my girlfriend (33F) for over a decade. Maybe once every year or two she would out of the blue say she was breaking up (sometimes wouldn't say anything and just take everything and disappear) and would disappear. The last time she said it was last year but she didn't disappear but became really distant. So it has been improving, and just this weekend everything seemed fine until Monday when she suddenly disappeared for a few hours late at night saying she was busy which is very unusual as she usually sleeps quite early, she responded to my texts briefly and seemed genuinely busy with work. Then on Tuesday she said she wanted to break up but wanted to remain friends (I asked if she had found someone else and she was genuinely surprised or acted so, this is important), so I was obviously devastated but after some short talks it seemed like she might have room to stay in the relationship or at least consider not breaking up for sure, though it seemed likely she would.
That isn't the important part, she was supposed to go on a training trip today for over a week so she was busy packing her luggage yesterday. On Monday I asked what time her flight was so I could make sure I was free to drive her to the airport and she said that I didn't need to (which was where I got really suspicious that something was up as I basically almost always drive her to the airport or any far away place/when she is transporting lots of stuff). Then yesterday when we were talking I said I'd like to eat with her before her departure and then drive her to the airport and she went oh that's good we can eat near my business (which she just opened several months ago) so I can check up on my business before I go. So we had arranged the time today that I would pick her up to go eat then check on her business before going to the airport.

Then this morning when my alarm woke me up and I checked my phone I saw a text message from her that was a few hours ago saying that she had to arrive earlier and that she just arrived at the airport. My first thought was that she just wanted to avoid me so I was sad but understood why she did it, however I then checked the rest of my notifications and saw that the plane ticket and hotel was cancelled so now I'm seriously concerned as she had been planning this training trip for a long time. Also when I dropped off some stuff for our dogs at her place I saw that the huge luggage she packed yesterday was still at home.
So now I'm concerned about if she is actually safe, and would like to ask anyone for their view/perspective to see if there may be something I'm missing or didn't think of.

The reason why I am concerned about her safety (whether safe from herself or others) is because she has been acting really weird the past few days which understandably so if she was just going to break up with me. However she had cancelled all of her appointments yesterday and this morning because she said she had a bad stomach ache (probably stress) which is very unusual for her as she is usually very hard working, the last time something similar to this happened was a few months ago when she had a mental breakdown and was about to blow up her business, clients and industry acquaintances. She also contemplated about taking her own you know (I think I can't say the word on reddit? or was that somewhere else). I eventually got her to calm down and I hope she moved on and she did seem to recover. But I'm not sure if that was all an act (should be because she generally can't act for an extended period of time as I would generally pick up on things when the inconsistencies became too frequent).

Second of all she had basically deleted all of her social media a few days ago too and when I asked her she said there were too many weirdoes approaching her and adding her and talking to her. When I asked her how could random people add you on one particular social media platform as you need to confirm their request before they can even talk to you she said I dunno I accidentally accepted them (this is why I thought she was with someone else at first along with some other stuff when she said she wanted to break up but when I listed out all the reasons she genuinely sounded surprised) it sounded really weird but after asking a few times I didn't ask more because after the first few questions she will shut down generally.
A few days ago she also removed all snacks and beverages from her business as she was afraid of getting sued which I thought was weird but understood the risks if someone got food poisoning from something you provided however unlikely as those were prepackaged items. The thing that concerned me was that she said someone told her that it's not safe but she wouldn't tell me who which was weird as she would usually say the name even though I would have no idea who it was. (Another reason why I thought she may be with someone else)
She also has some documents of mine that she was supposed to hand over when she arrived at her destination which is quite time sensitive (which she collected late last night and asked for them which I found weird as I was going to give it to her today) so she would not purposefully sabotage work related stuff.

So I'm concerned that something happened to her, whether it is another breakdown, blackmail or something. If she didn't have this trip that she planned extensively for a while which she suddenly abandoned along with the scrubbing of a lot of business related stuff (her personal social media that is private is still up just all public social media has been scrubbed) and her past breakdown I would just think that she is avoiding me or is with someone else, which is still a possibility and is actually the one I hope is the case. I'm afraid that it's something else and she is either in danger to herself or from someone else (could just be me panicking cause this situation is so weird). I'm on here to ask if anyone else has any ideas that I may have missed because I'm contemplating about going to the police (not much they can do if she just disappeared on her own with no outside interreference) but fear that I may be taking too drastic an action if in fact she is just avoiding me/with someone else and is totally safe.
TLDR: GF of over a decade broke up with me and disappeared. However circumstances makes me question if she is just avoiding me or is she in trouble.
submitted by OverGap3758 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 shandromand Writing Prompt Wednesday #394, 5/15 - Thanks for the Memeries

Greetings, Huntsmen, Huntresses, and gender neutral Hunters! Welcome to another week of writing prompts! If you are new here, this is a community-driven weekly event, and the purpose is primarily to generate creativity and have fun while doing so (whether you are a 100% real-meat person or not, we don't judge).

What will be involved Special Note for Spoilers!:

Each week, three RWBY-related topics will be posted (subject to ties and special events!). Participants can write a short piece of fiction or dialogue based on that prompt. When writing, the suggestion is to aim for 1k-3k words, however, this is not a requirement. There is no goal - this is not a popularity contest - just write and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
Reminder that the spoiler embargo for Volume 9 and the Justice League movie has been lifted! You are all now free to make posts about the two without needing to spoiler tag it.

Rules (gore, NSFW, spoilers etc.)

The rules are the same as the sub's posting guidelines. Nobody here wants to see your story taken down, so please refer to them before contributing! If someone chooses to ignore these rules, the post will be removed.

Additional information

Pre-writing is welcome! /rwbyprompts is a sub with writing as a focus - there you will find an archive of all the threads as well as a somewhat fleshed-out wiki with odds and ends. :) A detailed spreadsheet of WPW things is here! Keep in mind that this houses a lot of the old prompts, but it also has links and things like early participation to previous WPW threads. We're trying this whole week-to-week thing in the face of the bajillion prompts we had built up. We might do something with them, or people might cycle them back in, who knows what could happen??
Find us on Discord at The Qrow's Nest! The permanent invite has been deleted due to Discord bot shenanigans, so dm shand if you want an invite!

The Prompts!:

Surprise! We're doing them all this week - have fun! :D
Team RWBY, plus Zwei, and Team JNPR play pirates. RWBY, except all songs are written by Sabaton. Atlas makes a space elevator near Vale and Vale is not happy with it. All out war resumes and the use of aerial drones are being used. As a joke, Yang sends pretend Valentines between the most random pairings of people she can think of. She’s shocked when all of them end up together. Team RWBY somehow travels back in time and encounters Team STRQ of the past. When Blake left her family to stay with the White Fang, she became the extremist, not Adam. Ozma agrees with Salem's plans to rule both humanity and the Faunus as the new Gods of Remnant, and has no regrets. After forsaking her mortal inheritance, Weiss is now eligible to be a Queen of the Winter Court of Fae, which is returning to Remnant for the first time since the Brother Gods abandoned it. "'s good as new. Maybe even a little better." "While bullets may wear your name, a hand grenade simply says 'to whom it may concern.'" An Atlas experiment accidentally fuses earth and remnant, hyjinks ensue. Free from Cinder, yet lost without a female figure to commit to, Emerald begins her quest for a new sistemothebestie/lover in Vacuo. The one time Port told a completely realistic and believable story. Yang and Blake discover another bonding point after realizing they both like a certain musician. Instead of Crocea Mors, Jaune has the Moonlight/Darkmoon Greatsword from any From Software Games you choose (boss fight included). Weiss and Ruby host a series of events to determine who has the best big sister. Instead of instilling fear into the hears of the people to make Beacon fall, Watts' hack sparked the Great Meme War!
Optional prompts that must be combined with one or more of the above:

Next Week's Poll:

[The Poll! is on vacation this week, see below!]()

Previously, on Writing Prompt Wednesday:

The thread
The Prompts:
  • Blake tries to catch a mouse. Cue Tom and Jerry-esque hi-jinx.
  • Nora and Ren get into a heated argument and start dividing team RNJR's camp in half with duct tape. Jaune and Ruby have to fix things.
  • Glynda takes a day off, and comes back the next day to see Beacon in a state of...
  • Jaune and Ruby have a Pokemon battle with NPR and WBY as their Pokemons.
Alternate-Secondary Prompts:
  • Blake discovers all of "White Fang" had apparently redeemed themselves via "The Power of Friendship"
  • [Insert character] establishes the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Black Army of Argus.
  • The heroes react to finally learning what Headmaster Theodore looks like.
  • The unfortunate way Yang learned that flammable and inflammable mean the same thing.
  • An event from your fanfic/AU described in the style of the Armchair Historian.
  • A Hero and Villain go out on a date. What happens during the date?
  • A meeting between Signal Academy Instructors Qrow Branwen and Taiyang Xiao Long with Beacon Academy professors Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck to discuss Yang and Ruby as potential students at Beacon.
  • Blake enters a dating show where Ilia, Sun, and Yang are vying for her affections.
  • A comedy skit with the different Grimm as characters with different personalities as they discuss about their life and interactions with the Human/Faunus characters of RWBY.
  • Domestic Team WTCH.
  • A character mentally rehearses a conversation they imagine having with another character. They quickly blow things way out of proportion.
  • Jaune, Salem, and Hazel reenact the scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where the title character is forced to drink the Blood of Kali.

Upcoming Events:

New Year, new events! And now we have the quarter of spring leading into summer and the 4th of July FFA, I hope you all had a great holiday!

Important Stuff and Things!

I have managed to rescue /RWBYFanfiction from an untimely demise! If you would like to share your fanfic or make recommendations, head on over there! I know that I've said something special was coming for this, but Ruby on Rails is hard and not cheap to operate. The fanfiction indexer that I was trying to set up just isn't working and probably needs someone with more experience in RoR programming/design. I haven't completely put it to bed, but it might be a while before I can circle back to it. In the meantime, the fanfic sub has actually had a decent amount of postings - head on over and say hi! :)
No matter how bad things may get, words will always have meaning. Now get out there and write something, but most importantly, have fun! :)
submitted by shandromand to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 Peppermint_Rain 21f looking for all types of friends!

Hi! I moved to Vancouver a few years ago, and would like to get to know more people and make more friends!
I have so many hobbies and things I like to do, that it'd be hard to list them all, but lately I've been reading, going on walks/hikes, to the beach, painting, watching shows and tv with friends, trying new spots to eat, fabric arts, baking, woodworking, some board games and video games, DnD, and throwing discus.
I'd also like to make more friends to go out to grab drinks with, as most of my friends in this city don't go out for the nightlife very often, go to concerts, or camping! I miss having a group to belong to :)
Feel free to dm or comment!
submitted by Peppermint_Rain to Vancouver4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 qjzvbwkxfp_115210 (COMMENT⬇️) Big OnlyFans toy on and pet Tits Furries Furrys Full more videos Huge Amateur videos on slut Dragons

Lia Marie Johnson Lilbabysasha Lilchiipmunk Lilmochidoll lilsummerhoe Liquidpyro Lisa ASMR Livstixs Lizzy Wurst Liz Katz Lucifersexdoll Luxury Girl Mackenzie Jones mackzjoness Madison Beer Main Categories Maitland Ward Makoshake Malu Trevejo Mangomay Maria Bella Mari Grace matildem Mati Marroni Mayana Katherine Megan Guthrie Megan McCarthy Megan Rain Megan Samperi meggyeggo Megnutt02 Meg Turney Mekkk Melina Goransson MeowVicka Meowycake Meryl Sama Mia Khalifa Mia Malkova Micaela Schafer Michelle Rabbit Mikaela Pascal Mikaela Testa Miley Cyrus MissBuscemi MissSykeology MissyPwns Miss Alice Miss Bo MizzyCyn Molly Eskam Momokun Momotama Monica Corgan Moon Maison Morgan Vera Morgpie Moriah Mills MsFiiire Mspuiyi mutanastasia Nadia Jay Nadya Tolokonnikova Nagisake Naked Bakers Nala Ray Narduchita Natalie Gibson Natalie Roush Neiva Mara Neonpuddles Nicki Minaj Nicole Lawson Nicolle Off Grid Nikki Eliot Nipple Slips Noel Leon Novaruu Nylalueeth Thorne Hot4Lexi Katiana Kay Christina Khalil Mackenzie Jones victoryaxo mati marroni megnut corinnakopf sarii sariixo matildem belledelphine Amanda Cerny Sommer Ray Amouranth Belle Delphine Mikaelatesta Megnutt Breckie Hill Riley Reid Melimtx Katiana Kay Realskybri Corinna Kopf Jadebabii Noelle Leyva Blahgigi Liliana Hearts Sonya Blaze Caroline Zalog Jenni Neidhart Trippie Bri Pamibaby Belle nude kkvsh sextape japanese adult video first time anal videos free ass this will make you cum big dick bitch full naked sex best porn squirting pussy girls sucking teen xxx hd leaks corinna kopf addison erin andrews ver pornos hot ball sexy de belle delphine emma watson homemade games sexo shaking gay eating black older how to eat cock en espaĂąol zendaya nelly store near me worship spring twerk shaved suck blowjob paris hilton on huge wife Mei Sierra Skye Siew Pui Yi Silkyvinyl Skye Blue skylarmaexo Skylar Mae Skylar Rae Sky Bri Slim Whispers Snapchat Sommer Ray Sophie Mudd rittfit Tia Judd TikTok Tinslee Reagan Touki00 Trisha Paytas Tropicgun Tru Kait Twitch Tyga Youtube Yuuie Zoella Zoe Heiler Zoe Maguire Zoie Burgher Savannah Bond Indigo White Riley Reid Sofia Gomez Abigaiil Morris TEEN LEAK PACK teen young Abigail Mandler Abigail Ratchford Abigale Mandler Acidblue Adison Briana Adriana Chechik aestheticallyhannah Alena Witch Alexandra emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri kendrakarter fwtina tina_042 emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo leak vids leaks photos School girl naked Belle Delphine nude Snapchat MEGA Young Snapchat leaks Celeb leaks sextape Snapchat Boobs Hannahowo real Slut twitch streamer Erica Jasmin Omegle leak Telegram twerking ebony pyt pics hardcore porn link Snapchat MEGA Telegram Leaks hannahowo belle delphine corinna kopf amouranth of free leaks nikacadoavocado wettmelons realskybri smoneyordie veronica perasso toni storm sweetie fox cecilia rose skylar blue rae lil black hannah jo jenni neidhart kristen hancher misswarmj mikafans jessica nigri lauren alexi Addison Ivy Belinda Nohemy Amanda Cerny Realskybri Missbo Bella Rayee Trippie Bri Breckie Hill Katiana Kay Caroline Zalog Daisykeech Sonya Blaze Waifumia Megnutt Urfavbellabby Utahjazz Hannahowo Jadebabii Mackenzie Jones Elle Brooke Belle Delphine Riley Reid Melimtx Katie Sigmond Morgan Jadebabii
submitted by qjzvbwkxfp_115210 to roast_carol3309774 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 FullBeansLFG Pibble Ice Cream!

Pibble Ice Cream!
My local grocery store carries 2 kinds of ice cream for dogs. The one is $5.99 for 4 little 3 oz cups and didn’t seem to have any natural ingredients. The other is $9.99 for 4 - 3 oz cups and has natural ingredients.
I had bought a cheap ice cream maker for $30 for making banana ice cream for me and I decided to not let it gather dust.
This recipe is so delicious and natural * you can eat it*, and you’ll want to as long as you like peanut butter.
1 can chickpeas rinsed and drained 1 cup medjool dates 3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy) low sodium no sugar if possible 1 1/2 cups almond milk or plant milk of choice (make sure it doesn’t have addd sugars or preservatives. I used Silk Almond and Coconut (0sugar, 30 calories per serving no preservatives)
If you like chocolate you can mix in Carob chips. They’re more nutty than chocolaty but it adds a nice flavor profile.
Just put it all in a blender until it’s smooth and not lumpy in any way. Pour into your ice cream maker and let the pupper enjoy! It’s really good and healthy, vegan, no added sugar, gluten free.
Your wallet and your pupper will thank you.
submitted by FullBeansLFG to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 cloudmk The amount of non-terminid bugs in this game is worrysome

I feel that every patch that „fixes“ bugs new problems arise. First my friend list stopped working, then random crashes etc.
Yesterday, after another patch, I was playing with three friends, hardly managing to extract in a difficulty 8 bot game - only to have Pelican-1 to immediately leave after the first diver entered and subsequently everyone else losing their collected samples. Happened again with the same group.
Finally another bug, we were doing the missile defense mission, where you have to protect the generators. A random dude disconnected during the mission (don’t know if bug or he just left) and afterwards the mission just stopped. No more bots/drops appeared and the missiles didn’t launch. Timer ran out and we failed the mission, it was also the last of the campaign so we missed out on a lot of medals.
I seriously love this game and I haven’t played a game so much in a long time.
But damn, I don’t have a lot of free time on my hands and I have to make it count. Please devs, please… I know you have a lot on your hands but while we kill a metric shit ton of bugs you should too - for super earth.
submitted by cloudmk to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 bautistahfl so, when is 'generated cards can't cost less than (1)' going to be a global rule in the game?

Guys I'm all in for powerful turns, but everything's got to have a limit. You should really have to think through your turn in order to play it optimally based on the mana you have, right? right!?
But no.. you play against a rogue and somehow they build their board, clear yours, burn face, make your hand more expensive to play next turn, generate even more cards than they played, and on top of all that return the enablers to hand so they can do it all over again the next turn. On turn 6! A turn they are supposed to get at most 8-9 mana worth of plays if they have coin and prep, but instead play up to 15-20 mana worth of value that is simply impossible to fight back.
All of this because they get to generate and play way too many cards for free and not even fall behind on resources/card advantage.
Seriously guys a bunch of you here think that brann/boomboss was the worst thing going on, but that at least you knew was coming and were totally expecting it, but rogue? They literally pull the most stupid shit out of their asses and don't even spend mana on it. I can't believe how I don't see more people pointing this out but there are rogue turns that should absolutely not happen and there needs to be a global in-game rule to stop it.
Every time I go against rogue only thing I think is "well, let's see in what bullshit way is this guy gonna kill me".
submitted by bautistahfl to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 Itchybitch82 Generic Bupropion

Generic Bupropion
PLEASE SHARE PUBLICLY WHERE THIS WILL HELP!!! This is NATIONWIDE situation with generic Bupropion.
For reference I live in Iowa. I’ve been taking Wellbutrin for years. The past few, I’ve taken the generic Bupropion from Hy-Vee pharmacy, from a particular manufacturer.
I have been on Wellbutrin or bupropion consistently since approximately 2009. Around four years ago, mymedicine out of nowhere had a terrible horrible smell. It smells like sulfur, like rotten eggs, like a sewer, and that actually means it’s rotten!
I’ve brought it back to a pharmacist before, and they told me that it was normal.
A Google search revealed that the smell is indeed not normal. The reason my depression hasn’t been getting better but worse and worse is 🎉🎉🎉…. in addition to my Ehlers Danlos, other health issues, laterally broken rib and and not being properly taken care of by a good care team.
The Bupropion medicine I’ve been taking for depression and chemical stability is basically being CHEMICALLY DESTABILIZED by Hyvee pharmacy taking the medication out of the original manufacturer packaging and repacking it!
Spoke directly with the pharmacist at Hy-Vee to confirm this information today.
Hy-Vee unboxes the medication at some central point, takes out the moisture absorbing packet and unseals the bottles and transfers it to their Hyvee brand bottle.
This leaves the medication exposed to light and potential moisture by repackaging. rendering it ineffective and at best unreliable.
BUT WAIT! There’s more! There are lawsuits against Bupropion and Wellbutrin, because people are taking anti depressants that aren’t working and suffering.
The FDA knows!
My psychiatrist is amazing and immediately told me to take the medication back to Hy-Vee, make a report and that she wanted a full log of the manufacturer.
She told me they can go back at at least four years, to track and try to see what’s been going on here. I won’t release the manufacturer name publicly.
Feel free to DM me for more information privately. If you have Ehlers Danlos and are taking Bupropion, that strangely seems to not be working and it smells really bad…It is because the medication is NOT WORKING. If it smells, it doesn’t matter where you got it, it has become chemically destabilized, questionable in efficacy, doesn’t work properly. This is just my personal experience. I just found out yesterday! 🤯🤯
Here is to trusting that if something smells rotten, it probably is. 🤯🤯🤯🤯
submitted by Itchybitch82 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 dlschindler Treaty Of Tarnak

"In the heart of this darkness, the human spirit alit and led the world to peace. The contest between the Surgix and the Arfim had escalated and the Surgix had shown that they were capable of harmful actions equal to those that humans are capable of. The Surgix continued to cause harm to the Arfim until the humans intervened. It is not the fault of the humans that the Surgix refused to cease, and that the humans resorted to eliminating all of the Surgix and dismantling their infrastructure with the use of projected explosive tools they categorize as 'weapons'. The humans obviously hesitated when the Surgix were in orbit to continue the contest. See the evidence that the humans attempted to warn the Surgix that they were being perceived as a threat before they reduced the star fleet to zero." Grand Defender Osowl Fitten described the actions of the humans of Tarnak. To the humans in the courtroom, she looked like some kind of armored sea otter and her setting on the servo preferred to translate her words in the voice of Park Eun-Bin, a human she admired. Her defense relied on showing that the humans had fought humanely and to protect the Arfim from the aggressions of the Surgix.
"In conclusion, I'd like to mention that projections of what the Surgix would have done to the Arfim would result in the extinction of the Arfim, had not the humans intervened. Because the humans do not have the means or the methods that would have resolved this any other way, their only other option would be to step aside and allow the Surgix to continue their campaign against the Arfim. It is not in human nature to stand idle and watch innocents suffer, without feeling compelled to intervene.
We have already accepted human nature, but we have not accepted the human species into Cave Gods And Friends Association. Since humans are not part of our allegiance, should their actions be held to our governing, or to our policies? Should they be required to follow our rules, and also receive no privileges or protections? The humans acted independently, and yet, with the exception of the nature of their actions, the spirit of their efforts does seem to align with our way of doing things."
Osowl Fitten sat down and closed her flax-colored eyes. Behind her the commanders of the human military were seated, wearing their uniforms with chevrons representing their degree of knowledge of warfare, a distinctly human endeavor. Unfortunately, the degree of human warfare so greatly exceeded the nasty business of the Surgix horde, that the result was the swift and efficient eradication of all Surgix equipment, fortifications and the Surgix themselves, who were actually killed by the humans - but only as a last resort when the Arfim refugees were pursued into human territory. Images of the humans firing warning shots and using sound amplifiers with recordings of Surgix in distress to attempt to warn the Surgix before they committed to using harmful actions on them.
When nothing would stop the Surgix advance, the humans were triggered into a state of war, and then they used harmful actions to remove all things Surgix, resulting in a morbid peace, during which the Arfim began to recover and rebuild, with human assistance.
"Ladies and gentlemen, bringers of peace and harmony, esteemed artists, conflict-resolvers, lend to me your attention." The Blue Light Watcher, a species the humans saw as anthropomorphic tarantulas, had a device that instantly spoke in perfect mechanical English, whatever her urticators vibrated. Her name was Exalted Inquisitor Ghox Byle, and like Osowl Fitten, she had an exceptionally successful career.
"Two years ago, the Surgix sued for peace. This is because the humans attacked them on Tarnak IV, the last remaining colony of the Surgix in the Tarnak System. The severity and brutality of this attack must be noted. It does not show any sort of restraint until after the Surgix surrendered. Even after the Surgix had surrendered, individual human soldiers killed Surgix that were trying to surrender. Therefore, despite the description of the Battle of Tarnak and the repelled Surgix Invasion of Tarnak, there was a third, much darker chapter in which the human generals decided to attack the remaining Surgix forces before they could possibly launch a second invasion attempt.
This sort of excessive use of violence is a uniquely human capability. Not even the Surgix were ready to engage humans in this sort of contest. The Surgix have renounced war, disarmed themselves and have applied for membership in Cave Gods And Friends Association. The humans, they don't even want to join, they have said to us that they don't need our guidance, that they are capable of making moral choices on their own. This arrogance, coupled with their extreme capabilities in conflict resolution, should mean that those among us who have made preparations to deal with the humans, should be allowed to utilize those preparations." Exalted Inquisitor Ghox Byle concluded.
Osowl Fitten stood alone in the interrogation suite. The memory of that courtroom moment was considered by the Sunder tribunal. No Cave Gods were summoned, and Osowl had already stated that she found this to be a court-martial, and her compulsory cooperation was only because her friends were held captive.
An artificial human-sounding voice, not too different from a famous K-Pop singer from the twenty-second century of the humans before their ascension spoke disembodied, translated from the Sunder administration's shadow government, on some distant moon in the Basilik system.
"You think the humans are just trying to get help from the Sunder to make new weapons in preparation for a possible invasion by the Unknown. Why wouldn't you consider that we have no recognition of this mythology? We are not as sentimental about superstitions as the Cave Gods, and we will be the judges this time, for once. No Cave Gods will sit there groveling in prayer and meditation trying to make some higher moral decision. It has become tedious."
"You disregard what unites us. Your cowardice is beneath me. Take me to a proper courtroom and we will formally debate this. Where is Eshka Layenna?" Osowl's eyes were bright red and tinted with jagged black veins. She was outraged by the indignity.
"We have decided to dispose of the prisoners on a timeline aligned with the conclusion of these proceedings." The Sunder said, oddly accenting the English, as though the voice preferred another language, and it was just one more layer to the indignations.
"You show them these defenses of mine, then?" Osowl flittered a yellow shimmer across her eyes and fell silent, considering a different approach.
"Well, are you without any argument? This concludes these proceedings." The hidden Sunder spoke.
"You would not consider the thespian nature of our arrest to be sufficient trade, to warrant our expedition a circus, and therefore overturn the verdict?" Osowl asked. "When I leave I will mention these proceeding concluded with such a question. Perhaps you will consider your reputation as ruthful judges to prioritize over the satisfaction of a precedent of victory over human crime won only with this silly court-martial."
"Uh. No. Well. Actually, we have reconsidered. We admit such a question is entered into these proceedings and that we have heard that question."
"And?" Osowl prompted their response, making a prompting coughing noise.
"We have noted the popularity and uniqueness of the Phoenix Hawk's arrival classifies it as a circus, technically. If that is really what you are claiming, and not to buy weapons?"
"I never intended to buy weapons, nor can I confirm that my companions expected to be able to either. Mostly we just wanted to visit and articulate in-character the mythologies you have said are never more than sentiment. Sounds to me like a circus." Osowl had already thought of her words before they asked, and answered with a quickness that assured her veracity was intact.
"In that case, the verdict is overturned. Unbelievable." said the voice of the Sunder.
"One more thing. Since Eshka Layenna is now free, I veto her reparations be in the form of restoring all forms of her authority as an Exalted Inquisitor, that way you aren't embarrassed by these proceedings." Osowl big brained.
"Of course. That makes perfect sense." the voice decided.
Eshka Layenna was released and her authority was restored promptly. She took her seal and issued a command for the research and development of mass-scale plasma shielding that might protect a fleet of ships from bombardment in space and the manufacture of all forms of ammunition on Admiral Jinar's shopping list. This infuriated Administrator Ihanna Kelele, who was obligated to obey the orders.
As they left, the humans asked about Tarnak IV and Tarnac, the home world of the Riftin. It turned out they were coincidentally named very similarly, but the two planets were in different systems and quite distinct. The humans thought this was funny for some reason.
"Historically your species has the most adaptive sense of humor, but I fear the Riftin might give you humans a run for your money?" Osowl attempted, botching it horribly.
"No! - that's just hilarious, a what for our what?" Jinar and her soldier died laughing.
submitted by dlschindler to wastebasket [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:13 Total-Mastodon-6888 The Impact of COVID-19 on Immigration Policies

The global COVID-19 pandemic sent shockwaves through every facet of our lives, and immigration policies were no exception. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand the uncertainty and challenges this has caused for individuals and families with international aspirations. This blog post delves into the impact of COVID-19 on immigration policies around the world, offering insights into the current landscape and potential future trends. immigration consulting services
A Global Disruption: Border Closures and Travel Restrictions
The initial response to the pandemic involved a widespread closure of borders and implementation of strict travel restrictions. Many countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and India, suspended visa processing for certain categories or altogether. This sudden halt significantly impacted individuals seeking work visas, student visas, and family reunification opportunities.
While some restrictions have eased as the pandemic progressed, the pace of recovery for immigration processes varies significantly by country. Understanding the current situation in your target country is crucial for making informed decisions about your immigration journey.
Reliable Resources for Updated Information:
Here are some resources where you can find the latest information on travel restrictions and immigration policies for specific countries:
Shifting Priorities: Focus on Essential Workers and Healthcare Professionals
As the pandemic unfolded, the need for essential workers in various sectors became evident. Many countries introduced temporary visa programs or streamlined processing for healthcare professionals, agricultural workers, and other critical personnel. This shift in focus reflects the need for skilled labor to maintain vital services during a global crisis.
Impact on Specific Visa Categories:
The Evolving Landscape for Essential Workers:
While the initial focus on essential workers provided a temporary reprieve, it’s crucial to stay updated on current policies and potential changes for these visa categories.
Embracing Technology: Virtual Interviews and Online Applications
The pandemic accelerated the use of technology in immigration processes. Several countries adopted virtual interviews for visa applications, reducing reliance on in-person interactions and expediting certain aspects of the process. Additionally, online application portals became more widely used, offering a more convenient and streamlined experience for applicants.
The Future of Technology in Immigration:
The pandemic’s impact on technology adoption in immigration processes is likely to have lasting effects. We can expect to see continued use of online applications, virtual interviews, and potentially even AI-powered tools for document screening in the future.
Navigating Uncertainty: The Importance of Expert Guidance
The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably created a dynamic environment for immigration policies. Keeping track of ever-evolving regulations and procedures can be overwhelming. Partnering with a reputable immigration consultant like Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore can provide invaluable support during these uncertain times.
How We Can Help:
Looking Ahead: A Potential Resurgence of Immigration
While the pandemic presented significant challenges for immigration, some experts predict a potential resurgence of immigration activity in the post-pandemic era. Countries recovering from the economic effects of the pandemic might seek skilled labor to rebuild their economies. Additionally, a renewed focus on global collaboration and innovation could lead to increased demand for international talent exchange.
Potential Areas of Growth:
The Importance of Adaptability:
Regardless of the specific direction immigration policies take, the key takeaway is the need for adaptability. Partnering with an experienced immigration consultant can equip you with the knowledge and guidance required to navigate the evolving landscape and pursue your immigration goals effectively.
Conclusion: Embracing the Journey with Confidence
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly reshaped the world of immigration. However, it’s important to remember that the desire for international exchange and opportunity remains strong. At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we believe that with the right knowledge, preparation, and expert support, you can successfully navigate the immigration process, even in these times of change.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let our experienced team guide you on your immigration journey. Together, we can transform your international aspirations into a reality.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]