Songs about guy friends guy to guy


2020.08.23 17:39 RepulsiveSplit7 FallGuyFriends

Find friends to play with on Fall Guys, as we all know that game can get boring without amigos

2009.03.16 05:31 astrosmash Family Guy on Reddit

A subreddit dedicated to the TV show *Family Guy*.

2024.02.24 20:05 BowsersWaffle FoundBackToThatGuy

For when you find u/BackToThatGuy.

2024.05.14 01:01 MrDaddyMan100 Women been stressing me out lately

As an ugly black man I’m not seen as a person, I’m seen as a joke, a big ogre. a monster. Being ugly is the worst. Worse than death. I am the ugliest man in the world, with undoubtedly the most hated on race so I literally am going through it everyday. No,
I’m not saying all women either because a couple of days ago there was this hot white girl at the donut shop we had a convo and she bought me a free donut. Also my friend “E” is so nice I was thirsty and she let me drink some of her sprite. And she lets me smoke weed with her. Since I don’t got my own rn 😭.
Anyways at work I mind my own business I usually only mess with the dudes at work since I know a woman would feel uncomfortable and just tell HR if I even just stand near her. So I keep my respectable distance and I don’t say a word to them unless they talk to me. But somehow someway. My friends (I’m literally bestfriends with every guy at the jobk) they told me that a girl “doesn’t like me”
What the fuck? What did I do this time? A girl who I’ve never even said a word to doesn’t like me lmao. They tried to say “she’s jealous ppl like you way more than they like her” but I wanna really dissect why she feels the need to talk shit about a person she hasn’t ever crossed paths with? As stupid as that sounds that’s the reality of ugly men, people have a problem with you for just existing. Not the first time this will happen def not the last.
my manager hates me too. My friend fucked her and she admitted to him she gives the ugly guys the hardest jobs and the handsome dudes the easiest ones…. Guess who gets assigned to the hardest job everyday…. Me.
Today They told me to teach a new hire girl how to do something and she looked so scared of me like she wanted to cry. I knew for a fact if I accidentally looked her in the eyes or maybe accidentally get more close than 8 feet I’m probably going to get a complaint and fired. So I asked my woman homie to handle it. Apparently she told me the girl thought I was staring at her boobs even tho I took a glance at her for less than 1 millisecond. I was looking at her dirty ass brown stained shirt but I’m a creep right?
Also one last thing. There’s 2 other girls that I’m friends with who I lowkey have a crush on. They know I have a crush on them and they think it’s so funny to tease me. Telling literally everyone. So embarrassing. Think it’s time for a new job.
I just can’t get over the fact that women online say “all we want is for ugly/ creepy men to stay away from us” and that’s what I’m doing but I’m so ugly and creepy that even if I literally just do my own thing there’s someone hating on me because I’m not attractive. I do want a gf one day but I really want to be left alone and I want to rest, from this endless torment.
submitted by MrDaddyMan100 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 ABookishRevolution Fitness tracker recs?

Hi guys, my Fitbit versa 3 just died completely on me recently (while I was swimming actually although it was 3 and a half years old) and I want to get another fitness tracker /fitness watch and wanted to know your opinion. My instinct was just to get another Fitbit cause I really liked it but I want to know if there are better alternatives for swimming out there
Thanks in advance!💜
submitted by ABookishRevolution to Swimming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 Salyare LARPER in need of Advice

Hi Everyone!
Larper here looking for a chest rig for range days / classes. Currently only shooting AR15 platforms and PCC's that take glock mags. May or may not get into .308 way later down the road, TBD. Ive been in the market for chest rigs and narrowed it down to 2. the Haley Heavy Chest Rig or the Mayflower Rig.
Does the mayflower rig only fit 4 mags, or can I put 2 in each slot like I could with the Haley, giving me an option of 7 mags? (the one behind the pistol mags cant double up.)
What do you guys recommend for comfort, x or H? 6'2 240 for reference.
submitted by Salyare to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 ClipperSmith Want to improve your running technique? Get a jump rope.

Here is an article I recently published on my Substack. If you'd rather read (or listen to an audio version) it outside of Reddit, you can do so here.
Why jump rope isn’t already touted as a leading running drill tool is completely beyond me. But then again…
I'm by no means an "experienced runner"—having started running in 2021 at the age of 34. So, at the time of this writing, about 3 years.
Despite this, I managed to silver-medal my age group in my first race ever.
And it was a 10k. And I was wearing barefoot-shoes.
And I had only been running before that race for about 3 months.
How the heck did I manage to pull this off?
The answer eluded me for a while. Then I remembered—ah, I’ve been jumping rope nearly every day for 2 years.
But how do those connect?
But first, why the heck would some guy start jumping rope at age 32?
About 2 years before I started running, I took up jump rope really just as a fun outdoor hobby.
Even though I was pretty inactive and a bit overweight, that’s not the reason I started skippin’.
One day, I came across some footage of boxer Lulu Hawton doing some jump rope training.
In addition to her seemingly effortless rope handling skills and rhythmic footwork, what caught my eye was a giant grin that spread across her face about 45 seconds into the video. While she was probably skipping to warm up for a match or a training session, something was abundantly clear.
She was having a blast.
And this was from a prize fighter! None of the usual boxer mean-mugging—she looked more like a kid on a carousel.
So, after buying a $10 jump rope on Amazon, I took to the driveway in my swim trunks (yes, I was so inactive, I didn’t own gym shorts).
And…whoo, did I suck.
After a few months of making puddles of sweat in my driveway as well as wheezing sounds so loud that I’m surprised the neighbors didn’t whistle EMS, I eventually got pretty decent at it.
And I lost about 45 pounds in 6 months—probably also from making some lifestyle changes merely to make jump rope less of a slog. Not the original plan, but hey, not too shabby.
After about a year, I found myself constructively critiquing other people’s beginner jump rope videos.
But how did that turn into running?
Though jumping rope is inherently enjoyable, 30-minute skipping sessions of staring at the wall without something in your headphones can be a bit drab.
One fateful day, about 2 years into being student of the jump rope, I began listening to the book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall.
Even before I got to the end of the book, running—just like jump rope— sounded fun**.**
Yeah, I know that sounds counterintuitive—unless you’ve read the book.
“I knew aerobic exercise was a powerful antidepressant, but I hadn’t realized it could be so profoundly mood stabilizing and — I hate to use the word — meditative. If you don’t have answers to your problems after a four-hour run, you ain’t getting them.”
Ok, ok—I’ll bite.
I proceeded to dive into all of the normal “Couch to 5k” running programs I could find and took my jump rope to a nearby park with a 1k walking path—sprinkling in running between jump rope sessions.
But something wasn’t adding up.
There was a lot of advice about walk-running to build endurance until one could run a block, two blocks, a mile.
Not to brag, but I wasn’t experiencing most beginner snags.
**“Ah, I know why—**I did most of my newbie wind-sucking two years ago!”
This isn’t to say I wasn’t still periodically sucking wind but after two years of consistent boxer skips and double-unders, getting gassed felt like part of the fun and not a medical emergency.
I also felt much springier than the average beginning runner—able to run for miles all over the city in the most minimal of footwear.
And so, I tried my hand at my first race—a donut-themed 10k. And silvered in my age group.
(Ok, there was only two of us…but my time was still respectable. 😂)
Running became an amazingly freeing activity, like getting my driver’s license for my legs.
But I still didn’t understand why running was coming easier to me than the average newcomer.
Digging still deeper, I unearthed another exciting revelation—this time from multi-decade sub-3-hour Boston Marathon runner and one of the foremost running experts on the planet, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella.
“Running with a jump rope is also an amazingly simple drill for posture, balance, and rhythm.”
In other words—form. Overall technique.
Digging a little keeper and experimenting on myself, I discovered just how similar proper running technique and proper jump rope technique were.
Both require:
And so many other commonalities. The list unraveled before me on every run.
And like running, without proper technique, jumping rope just doesn’t work—though the consequences are different.
For a jump roper, due to the lower impact, the risk of injury is quite minimal.
Most newbie rope slingers will report sore calves, slightly tender Achilles tendons, and the odd shin splint if they go full Rocky at it. No need to worry, though—most of these injuries see themselves out as the skipper becomes more experienced.
However, for runners, the injury story is more severe.
The next time you’re at a park with a good path, take a seat on a bench and watch the runners. See if you can spot folks reaching far out in front of them with straightened legs—smashing heels into the pavement.
This style of running results in everything from screaming knees, plantar fasciitis, lower back pain, to hips issues.
But why do all of these occur to new runners, but rarely to new jump ropers?
Most new runners commit a major physiological no-no when they begin their running journey: they treat running like fast, aggressive, airborne walking.
“Well, what is it supposed to be?”
Synchronized jumping.
Simply put, proper running is nothing more than a series of coordinated single leg jumps through space with each landing compressing the springs for the next stride.
To compare this synchronized jumping to the aggressive airborne walking of heel-led running, you can test these in just a few seconds.
Step 1: Stand up.
Step 2: Kick off your shoes.
Step 3: Jump up and down three times.
How did you land?
Probably on your mid-foot, knee bent slightly, with your weight stacked above your pelvis.
And did you use your compressed “leg springs” to launch you into the following two jumps?
Oddly enough, if you were to add a jump rope to this, you would on your way to spinning side swings like Lulu Hawton.
If you were to take this same technique one foot at a time moving forward, you would be running in a way that increases speed, preserves stamina (springs!), and drastically decreases your likelihood of injury.
Let’s try the same test with a few tweaks.
This time, jump, but land on your heels.
Your knees probably remained fairly straight and you felt the impact in your ankles, knees, hips, and possibly even your lower back.
Now, imagine attempting to jump rope this way.
It simply doesn’t work.
Not only would there be no second jump due to the lack of spring but the pain would stop you in your tracks—even in cushioned shoes.
But if jump rope technique and proper running technique are nearly identical, what are aggressive heel landings doing in running?
While a jump roper landing on their heels would resemble Frankenstein’s monster in an express lane to an orthopedist, this is how many people perform the aggressive airborne walk—aka, a heel-striking, over-striding run.
But why do we run this way? Well, our shoes let us get away with it.
Thick heel cushioning and a bit of forward momentum do a great job of masking the pain of repeated blows against every joint up the chain—for a while, anyway. Eventually, the chickens come home to roost in the form of stress fractures, meniscus tears, plantar fasciitis, “runner’s knee,” IT-band syndrome, and more.
Not to brag (and maybe to knock on some wood), I have never experienced any of these injuries in my three years of running.
Is this because I’m some kind of running genius with all of the cheat codes? Haha, I wish! It’s simply sheer luck that I started out with jumping rope before running—an activity that shares the same injury-preventing techniques.
So, are the shoes totally to blame? No.
It is possible to run with proper form in shoes with raised, cushioned heels. But it’s not as easy.
When your heel is totally cushioned, you will be able to run with a heel strike in the same way you can hit your head against a brick wall while wearing a football helmet. And in both instances, it will eventually become less about the forces outside of the foam and more about the forces inside the cushion against each other that do the most damage.
“So, how can getting a jump rope help me become a better runner?”
Jump rope is a tremendous training tool for runners for the same reason why running barefoot can also be helpful—the feedback is immediate.
Though running with inefficient and injurious form is possible, the feedback from doing so isn’t so immediate. When it comes to jumping rope, however, you won’t get through too many skips if you don’t learn to utilize the springs in your legs. The rope doesn’t pull punches.
So, get a rope and get started.
If you’re new to jump rope, I would recommend acquiring two pieces of equipment.
Firstly, find a jump rope with a little bit, but not too much, weight to it. The weight will help you feel the position of the rope during it’s entire rotation and remain in better sync with your wrist spins
My favorite rope for this purpose is a 7mm PVC model called the Hererope, which costs a whopping $15. If you find this to be too thick or heavy, a cheap 5mm PVC model will work as well.
Secondly, to protect your rope and provide a nice jumping surface, I would recommend a large foam-rubber exercise mat. My favorite is a massive 78” mat for $32—which is probably the cheapest jump rope mat you will find.
When it comes to footwear, barefoot is ideal. This will help strengthen and mobilize your feet—including your likely overly-supported neglected arches.
And just how does one begin to jump rope?
Start with short seasons hopping with both feet—maybe 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest. Aim for minimal muscular activation, instead, using the recoil of your tendons and ligaments for suspension and launch as much as possible.
From jumping with both feet, move onto learning an alternating leg bounce—essentially a jog skip. Right, left, right, left—all while keeping an imaginary belt level with the horizon.
By now, you’re essentially running in place with an extremely efficient technique.
Now, apply your jump rope skills to your running!
This is going to seem quite bizarre, but it is possible (and even beneficial) to take your jump rope for a run.
And there you have it!
You may find it quite helpful to return to this drill once or twice a week. Also if you find your form slipping a bit or becoming slugging mid-run, feel free to skip imaginary rope to try to correct your technique mid-stride. It will restore lightness and springiness to your running.
I still find myself bringing my wrists to my pockets and spinning imaginary jump rope handles if I feel my technique is collapsing a bit or if my running is becoming less springy.
And remember, most importantly—have fun. 👍
Enjoy this piece? Subscribe to my Substack blog!
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submitted by ClipperSmith to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 Motor-Squash-449 Snubbing due to mental health

Do you guys ever experience snubbing or what’s commonly referred these days as “ghosting” once you reveal you suffer from mental health problems?
I believe if you want to be good friends with someone then you can’t build the foundation of a friendship or a possible future relationship on lies. If they are open and honest with you then you should do the same as well.
submitted by Motor-Squash-449 to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 phantom_lost_his_acc I’m a little conflicted.

I’m a little conflicted.
Hi guys, I’m looking to add one of these to my collection next, but I’m pretty conflicted on what to pick and looking for help from you lovely nerds. What would you all suggest? Any and all suggestions are appreciated :)
submitted by phantom_lost_his_acc to starwarsblackseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 thisisntmars i dont think i can forgive my boyfriend

So we’ve been together for a year now and we’ve been on and off for a few weeks or months. So the first time he broke up with me everything was going so well and we still talked because we both knew that we were going to get back together, but last time, he broke up with me a few days after valentine’s day. and it really hurt me because i gave him a big gift and invited him to the restaurant. We went no contact after the break up and i had a mini relationship with another guy (i only dated this guy to change my mind and he did the same) but i still had feelings for my ex. Now, a month ago, when i wasnt in a relationship with my boyfriend, my friend told me that he hit up on another girl. He was saying she was pretty and that she wanted to date her. I didn’t mind at first because he can have feelings for someone else but then i saw the dates of when he said that and it was 5 days after the break up. And now every time he tells me he loves me or that im pretty i dont believe him and i feel so insecure next to that girl and i feel so embarrassed of myself. but idk
submitted by thisisntmars to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 No-District9061 19f, I have no female friends so I’m making this post

Hi, I’ve been feeling lonely lately because i only have guy friends at the moment but honestly I hope for a tight knit group of female friends cause I miss that kind of company & it’s hard looking for friends when ur introverted. If you’re looking for a long term friendship lmk! Most of my friends have known me for a while. Some info about me, I’m an isfp and my interests are music, movies, reading, etc. I’m open to talking about anything :]
submitted by No-District9061 to FemaleFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 Master-Special4968 Need a friend?

You need a guy I’m your man,
Perks of me being your new homie.
-I suck at ship combat so you get to fly every where
-I’m also broke so you can flex on me all you want
submitted by Master-Special4968 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 Itz-a-me- I just wanted to try this out… There has been so many Mario kart tracks over the years so maybe you guys can tell me your ideas…

submitted by Itz-a-me- to u/Itz-a-me- [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 Parking_Zone8175 Hey everyone I really need help I did a terrible thing and my conscious is hurting me I wish someone will give me a real advice maybe a psychologist cause I'm losing myself

The story starts when I was young (17yo) I was studying at university I've been with someone we were deeply in love we broke up a lot when we were toghther but we get back together eventually we've been like this for 5 years. In The last break up I decided to move on, and I did. I met someone who's toxic i ended up the relationship. I met someone else( I will name him Liam )he was extremely good for me he was kind loving respectful I spend with him 3 years( in these 3 years my ex from university was still calling me but I didn't give him a chance )they were good 3 years I was faithful honest I've never kept anything from him he made happy I started seeing him as a blessing, At the end of the 3rd year toghther we started having fights he changed because of some problems at his work he didn't give me attention like he use to be, I spent 6 months telling him if his going to treat like this I'll leave him, he didn't listen we've been always arguing, I was telling him how hurt I was I just wanted him to treat me as he was so we can be happy again, but he didn't I was feeling sad I cried I told him what he needs to do I reminded him how he was with me so he can fix himself but he didn't, Then I did the Terrible thing I cheated on him with a guy just to feel loved feel that I'm wanted I didn't like the guy so I ended up the relationship. after that my ex from university showed up and I did talked to him I thought we are just talking there is nothing serious but eventually we got back together he asked me if I knew someone in these 3 years and I lied I didn't tell him about liam. Liam didn't know about all this because I stopped talking to him since my ex was back, I rejected Liam's calls his socials but I didn't say that it was over I ignored him. I was feeling horrible from that day untill now I didn't expect that I'm capable of cheating I didn't think of it at all, I can't sleep I can't eat well I'm a bad person I'm playing with two guys I didn't tell anyone the truth this is ripping my heart, my ex is sensing that there is something I'm hiding because I started lying to him he wants to know what's going on and I can't tell him he will hate me and he will never show up again so I told him let's have a break I need to clear my head I need to change to a better person to be with him. I haven't talked to Liam because I told him a lie that I have a family problem when the problem is solved I will call him. All I'm thinking of is letting them both go. Can anyone please help me I will appreciate it I really need an advice I started having suicidal thoughts. I can't live with myself like this. I really want a solution to this situation thank you in advance.
submitted by Parking_Zone8175 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 CartoonistOk3238 Sexuality

hi before i begin this i just wanted to say this might be very long and ranty and the grammar won’t be correct. thank you if you choose to go on!!
i’m a female and i won’t disclose my age (i’m a teen) but since i was about 11 i’ve explored being bi. realizing i liked girls wasn’t a hard thing for me to truly accept to myself although i grew up with a homophobic scary father who could definitely hurt me if i told him about this. since i realized i liked girls i’ve always worried that maybe i’m just doing it for a show and maybe i’m just trying to be different. since i labeled myself as bi being unsure of that label and having no label is very uncomfortable and although some people would say just go with the flow which i do agree with that as i said i feel very uncomfortable to not be able to say to others or to myself what i am without feeling guilt that what i’m saying isn’t true. when i was in 7th grade when i was about 12 i started dating boys and my first “relationship” he guilt tripped me into being with him and when he broke up with me i felt the need to be sad or itd be like i never liked him so i forced myself to cry. then i dated his friend (…) i definitely liked him friend more however one night i started talking to this girl and i realized i did like her so the next morning i broke up with my then boyfriend for her. none of my “relationship” lasted very long about 2 weeks for the guys and around 1 month for the girl. but when i started talking to that girl i would talk about my ex and say that i missed him which i did (i feel awful about that). she broke up with me a few days after school ended and it didn’t hit me in the moment but when we went back for 8th grade i felt EXTREMELY hurt and i missed her a ton but what if i just missed our friendship? we talked again in 8th grade when i was 13 and she broke it off again (it hit me even harder that time) then we decided to stay friends (i still really liked her) then i met this boy and i do believe i really did like him but even when i liked him that girl was still on my mind always. to this day i believe she’s the only one out of my relationships that i truly loved and would go back to. the love i felt for her exceeded anything i had ever felt for a boy. and throughout all of this i’ve always felt unsure that i truly liked boys, that me liking girls wasn’t just an act. i’ve tried multiple labels but i always go back to thinking maybe i’m lesbian. i’m not sure i resonate deeply with anything in the lesbian media i feel like my experience if i am lesbian is so strange that i can’t bring my to think i have the right to identify with any lesbian character or celebrity. i’m still young and i haven’t slept or even kissed anyone and i don’t plan to for the time being. i’ve tried the lesbian label and sometimes when it was late at night when everyone was sleeping when i was 11 i would watch lesbian shows and feel okay with that label until the morning came then i’d feel the worry that it’s all just a show again. if i see an attractive guy and i recognize that i feel like i’m betraying the label of being lesbian. me liking girls is rare but maybe that’s just because they’re true feelings and not something i can’t just switch off like i can with guys. i’ve liked guys in the past but the thought of being with one now isn’t truly appealing to me. i feel like hearing just wait and see doesn’t help me because i have waited and i haven’t seen anything.
thank you for reading this and please give me advice, share your experience, tell me what you think i could be. anything to help me understand what this is. 🩷🩷
submitted by CartoonistOk3238 to QuestioningTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 Pope-Francisco How should we rework Tryndamere’s ult?

The main problem with Tryndamere’s ult is the fact that it’s just a free win button. He can literally not die, lasting a full 5 seconds, along with 0 counter play.
You can’t really run away from him due to his infinite dashes late game and his slow. You can’t use a Zhonya’s to outlast him, because his ult has enough time to still keep alive. Not to mention he has enough damage to melt you while he remains unkillable.
How could we change this ult, still making him unkillable, but with at least some decent counter play.
I was thinking he could be drained of all Fury to at least make it more fair, reduce the cooldown, or require a channel. Do you guys have any other ideas?
submitted by Pope-Francisco to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 Coffee-101 which CMSs to do?

Hello everyone!
Do you guys recommend to do all CMS forms? meaning family medicine, emergency medicine, medicine, peds etc? or only a few subjects?
thanks in advance!
submitted by Coffee-101 to Step2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 Nice_Salary8630 Best Settings for Acoustic Mandolin? Spark Live and Mini

What’s up team….looking for some help to get the most out of the Live sound wise my mandolin. Switched to Ch2 as it’s geared towards Bass/vox/acoustic. Starter messing with the 2 Acoustic settings but really trying to tone down the tinny sounds and get the natural tone of the mando(as much as possible) I may ended up mic’ing it up. Currently have a K&K twin installed. It’s close but I think it can be better. Any EQ experts that know Mandolin?
Also what would be the config with multiple Lives? Is there away to make one of them Left and one right? A third center? Would MP3 play out of all of them? just curious. I have one and some guys I play with are looking at them.
Thank you In advance!
submitted by Nice_Salary8630 to PositiveGridSpark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 Front_Ad_8752 Nmom keeps pushing a relationship with the entire family onto me and defends them. How do I make her understand

How do I stand up to her? I'm 20 years old and I live with her but her rule is if I live with her u have to talk to the family. It seems unfair and she never hears me out on why I cut everyone off. My ndad finally got his karma after abusing me, he's in the hospital hooked up to machines bc he had a stroke. I was extremely happy because something bad finally happened to him. He was in pain like I was when he abused me. My ndad never made himself a huge figure in my life, he often made excuses to not see my school performances to not go and didn't even want to see me graduate high school, he was a bully to me and very unmotivating as a father. He wasn’t a father who was there for me and supported me. He was very fucked up. I didn’t see a bother to give a crap about a person who didn’t bother to come to my events and support me nor care for me. He didn’t do the bare minimum of what a parent was supposed to do either. He’s a a lazy slob who didn’t wan to work a job and help out, he uses his diabetes as an excuse to be enabled and babied and get my money. He “cared” a lot more about my Nmom, he didn’t care about me at all.
My nparents didn’t have me for the reasons non-nparents would have. He defended my nmoms explosive abusive immature behavior a lot, he was never there for me because he chose my high maintenance Nmom. Even when my Nmom was in the wrong and challenging me like a child he just let her do it. My ndad also abused me too, he enabled my nmoms abuse to me. He made my choice into not wanting a relationship with him very easy but my Nmom doesn’t like that i’m in NC wirh him. I’m also not seeing him at the hospital too. I went once because my Nmom was loosing her shit but after that I didn’t. She keeps guilt tripping me into this bad daughter completely ignoring the fact he wasn’t a active father in my life. He’s a lazy slob who used everyone to his advantage to be housed. My ndad gives my Nmom supply how does me being in nc with my ndad affect her? It SHOULDNT. I’m guessing the family image is becoming public? I don’t care, I care about my mental health. Guys I need some advice. Why is she acting like this? Please give I need some advice. I’m 20 years old, i’m about to make it known that I’m paying for my own phone which means I can who I want and text who I want. She was just texting me today to text my enabler aunt a happy birthday which i’m in NC with as well as she’s a enableflying monkey to my Nmom too. As soon as I can get out i’m cutting my Nmom off so fast. She wants me to be in contact wirh everyone and acts like they didn’t do anything bad. I can’t move out yet but she can’t control who I talk to? This is insane she’s even trying to control who I speak to.
submitted by Front_Ad_8752 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 Fallsman613 I was thinking of selling my current pc to build a new one, what do you guys think it's worth? (CAD)

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor 3.70 GHz-
GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070-
Motherboard: ROG STRIXB450-F GAMING-
Ram: Tforce 16gb ddr4-
Storage: Samsung 500gb SSD and Seagate barracuda 2tb-
Power: Vengeance 750m-
Operating system: Windows 10
Cpu cooler: Default AMD fan.
Not sure if there's other information you would need, if there is, let me know and I'll tell you.
submitted by Fallsman613 to PC_Pricing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 SigmaWolfGrindset 32 [M4F] #Maine/AnywhereInUSA - Looking For Voice Chat And Potentially More If We Vibe

Looking for ages 21-45
Hello, I'm a 32-year-old guy seeking genuine connections and captivating conversations. I thrive on direct and honest discussions about life, passions, and everything in between. If you appreciate authenticity and straightforwardness, let's dive into meaningful conversations without the need for formalities.
Should our talks lead to a real-life meetup, the prospect of sharing pictures and video chatting could enhance our mutual understanding and attraction. Personally, I find intimacy to be a significant and unique part of a relationship, creating a deep bond. I'm on the lookout for someone who shares this perspective for a potential journey together.
Moving at a nice pace is important to me as it demonstrates a serious commitment. I'm inclined to transition to voice and video chats swiftly to ensure things progress smoothly. I'm also a very sexual being, and once we're in person, I'll be eager to explore the physical aspect of our connection, including the chemistry in bed from day one. While I understand that meeting in real life takes time and effort, understanding our compatibility in various aspects is crucial to me.
Shifting gears, I'm an enthusiast of recreational activities and gaming. Whether it's enjoying a smoke, gaming on my PS5 and PC, or exploring virtual reality with a headset, there are various avenues for connection. Virtual hangouts, discussing diverse topics, enjoying music, and Netflix and chilling are all open for exploration. In previous relationships, I've cherished moments at museums and fine dining.
I consider myself easygoing and approachable. While I lean towards being a bit of a loner, I highly value quality time with a partner. Currently single and open to new connections, I appreciate individuals who are 420-friendly, but it's not a deal-breaker if it's not your vibe. If you're genuinely intrigued, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's craft unique and memorable moments together!
submitted by SigmaWolfGrindset to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 Bi-tch-sexual Hey all, found this little guy

Hey all, found this little guy
I found this little guy in my patio. HE IS ALIVE! He doesn't look great, but he's breathing and moving a little bit. Any help as of what to do? Or at least what kind of mice is he?
submitted by Bi-tch-sexual to PetMice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 I_would69785 I would give anything to her for a footjob

I would give anything to her for a footjob
I really wanted to see Melodie's naked body all covered in milk, so i will lick her entirely. I wish her to step on my 🐓 and rub the tip of it, so when i am about to 🍆💦 she stops and says: "Not yet little boy, you can only do it when i say so". (Guys, do i still have salvation?)
submitted by I_would69785 to MelodieSimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 Soup-Fit Looking for activities at night

Hey guys, I just relocated here from Southeast Asia for work and im trying to figure out things to do at night in Florida, back in Asia we have things like night markets which is a big thing and you will never run out of things to do. I’m not into night clubs or bars, apart from these I can’t seems to find night activities here in Florida, i drove up to Miami, Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale and the only interesting thing was casino, can someone help me out, thanks.
submitted by Soup-Fit to WestPalmBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:58 IamThe2ndBR Hanna in the HCP

The following is an original work of fan fiction. It will only make sense if you’ve read Corpies and SP4
“Fucking bullshit cock-garglers!”, Hannah, formerly known as Hexcellent, uttered louder than she intended.
Luckily, she was sitting by herself in a third floor private room in the brand new wing of the Sizemore undergraduate library. On the main floor, any sound louder than a fart would’ve earned a collective, “shhhhh,” and annoyed stares from half the people studying. And frankly, as difficult as these Gen Chem practice exams were, the former PEERS would be spitting out a few more expletives before she was done.
Hannah glanced at her watch and sighed heavily. It was 4:43 PM. She still had two and a half hours before she’d need to head to the lift to meet Devon and Kacey, two other first year HCP students, for some evening training. Okay, you got this girl. You just fucked up some amped criminal supers, you can handle goddamn mass to mole composition formula and stoichiom-whatever-the-fuck, she thought to herself. With resigned determination, the HCP student began swiping through class presentation slides on her tablet, reviewing problems she had trouble with. For a solid 2 hours her eyes never left the material and she honestly started to feel more comfortable with what she needed to know. Hannah was in the zone. That was until she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“What. The actual. Fuck?“, Hannah said slowly as she looked up towards the door and the adjacent window.
The summoner saw two boys standing outside , one of whom was a short muscular guy with dark brown hair that she recognized. She was fairly certain his name Lucas, and that he was another HCP first year. He was in the alternative class though, while Hannah was in combat, so they hadn’t been around each other a whole hell of a lot. The other seemed familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger or on where she’d seen him before. They were each moving their mouths, and pointing a finger at themselves and into the room clearly asking if they could come in. Hannah got up and opened the door.
“Hey, Helen, right? You think that we can study in here with you? All the good tables downstairs are full. I just met Tristan here and he’s in the same predicament as me,” said Lucas before he lowered his voice to a whisper, leaned his head in, and pointed to the boy he referred to as Tristan. “He’s in the same ummm…special program as us. In his 2nd year.”
With that information, Helen realized where she’d seen that guy. He was at the freshman party hosted by the second years. She remembered thinking that he came off as kind of a douchebag by the way he was standing around, nursing the same drink with a smug look on his face the whole time.
“Yeah, sure, whatever. As long as you guys dont act like complete assholes and make a bunch of noise. I gotta focus for about another 30 minutes then the room is yours. Cool?”
“Cool,” the boys said in unison.
“And it’s Hannah by the way. Not Helen. You’re Lucas, right?” She held out her hand towards him.
Lucas politely shook her hand. “Sorry about that Hannah. I’m terrible at remembering names,” he said with a slight shrug. “Just gonna grab a seat on this side so I can stay outta your way.” He held out his arm towards the opposite side of the table from where Hannah had been sitting and started walking over there.
Tristan walked in and closed the door behind himself. He gave Hannah a simple head nod and smirk but never formerly introduced himself. Very similar to his demeanor at the party; as though he couldn’t be bothered.
Yep, arrogant douche, she thought. Then she pictured the look of surprise on the 2nd year’s face if she were to manifest her big furry friend to accidentally-on-purpose kick him in the balls.
Hannah had often wondered if anyone in the HCP realized her summon was the same giant bunny that helped save Brewster almost a year ago. Titan had told her the DVA would hide any association between the tower-sized rabbit and her PEERS persona but she figured that once classmates saw her summon for the first time they’d make the connection. That didn’t seem to be the case though, at least as far as she knew. It helped that when she summoned Hopcules these days, he was about the same height and stature as Titan. None of her combat training took place outside yet, so no one in HCP got to see her manifestation at his full potential size. He’d also taken on more humanistic facial expressions lately and had been appearing in a variety of different clothes and accessories. Hell, the last time she trained with Kacey, the hulking rabbit materialized in a denim vest, a blue bandanna on his head, metal spiked leather bracelets around his wrists, brass knuckles, and with gold chains around his neck. Kacey couldn’t stop laughing during their sparring session until Hopcules had her bound and hog tied. Even with her enhanced strength, she couldn’t break free of what evidently weren’t just plain gold necklaces. It hadn’t dawned on Hannah until later that, the night before, she’d fallen asleep to an old 80s action flick about a renegade cop taking on a vicious street gang. She wondered if tonight her childhood protector would show up in a lab coat, holding a periodic table. The Sizemore freshman briefly shook her head to snap herself out of her thoughts and sat down to resume her work. She’d gotten fully back into her study mode until…
“Yo, does sound carry out of this room?” Tristan asked.
“Seriously?! You do remember that whole bit about NOT being obnoxious assholes, right?”Hannah asked incredulously.
“Damn girl chill. I just wanted to ask my guy here a question and didn’t want to risk being overheard. You should smile more girl. You know what I mean?“
Relax. Breathe. You don’t want to be seen as a troublemaker. It would not be a good idea to kick this fucker’s ass while inside of the school library. Or would it be? No. No. Definitely not a good idea, she thought to herself.
“Well unless you two were standing outside of here practicing at being mimes as a back up in case you don’t make it to graduation, I’m pretty sure this room is well insulated to sound.”
Tristan grunted in indignation and sarcastically replied, “you’re hilarious.”
“I’m definitely going all the way through. No way I won’t graduate,” Lucas chimed in, seemingly oblivious to the tension that’d just arisen between the other two people in the room. I’ve known I wanted to be a hero ever since I was little. My parents have spent a fortune sending me to an elite training camp for the last seven summers to make sure I’d be prepared as possible for the HCP. Plus I’ve had personal coaches work with me for years on new ways to use my power.”
“Bro! That’s what I was wanting to ask you about. I saw the logo on on your bag. Holy shit, did you do the SETA training camps?” asked Tristan.
“Yeah, I take it you’ve heard of it.”
“Hell yeah I have. The Super Elite Training Academy. Who hasn’t? I hear those workouts are so intense. No wonder you’re so jacked. You must’ve been in great shape for your first day here. Mad props bro. Is it true you get to fight against human looking robot…”
“Hey! Tweedledum and tweedle-dickless, I honestly didn’t know there was such a thing as a two-man circle jerk, so I really appreciate the show but is there any chance I can get back to work without any more distractions?“
Lucas had mixture surprise and guilt run across his face. He opened his mouth as though he was about to say something, but then glanced over at Tristan and stayed silent.
“What? You mad because you’re realizing you can’t stack up against the competition. Guess what. My guy here isn’t the only one who’s been preparing for this program long before he was admitted. I’ve been getting ready for years too. Trained in jiu-jitsu and boxing on top of honing my super abilities. Have you even done anything? Or did you just apply and cross your fingers?”
Hannah could see where this was going in. She decided in that moment to just let it play out. Fuck it, she thought. She was basically done studying. Even if she failed the final, which she was confident that she wouldn’t, she’d still pass the class. She stood up, pressed an icon on her tablet touchscreen and began putting other things away in her bag while she spoke. “Actually, I never had any special training as a kid. To tell you the truth, I shouldn’t even be here. I got into some trouble years ago. The kind of trouble that normally prevents one from getting admitted into an HCP. But, I was on a PEERs team for years and I got to do a lot of…
“Ha! You’re telling us you’re fucking a Corpie. Can you believe this, dude?“ Tristan nudged Lucas, looking for his agreement. To his credit, Lucas appeared visibly uncomfortable and leaned away from the other boy.
“Don’t know what it says about your class if they’re letting Corpies in,” continued Tristan with a sneer. “I guess you really do need to study. Obviously you’re the one that needs a back up plan. And here’s another thing little girl. It’s not just about how much you’ve trained beforehand, it’s also about who you know. And I know people. My mom‘s best friend is related to the Hero, Unseelie. So I’ve actually met a few Heroes who I’m sure will vouch for me when the time comes. Pity you can’t say the same. We all know Heroes don’t give two shits about Corpies.”
For a moment Hannah’s face expressed a flat affect. Then suddenly she burst into laughter. And not just some derisive laugh as though she was trying to convey to Tristan that she didn’t take his comments seriously. But an eye watering, oxygen depriving, honest to the Gods belly laugh. The kind of laugh that would’ve been contagious had she been around friends. She carried on for a minute until her amusement died down to a just a mild chortle. Hannah wiped her eyes. “You know people?“ She started laughing again, even louder than the first time. “Oh my Gods. Stop. Stop. I can’t breathe. Is this your fucking power?” Hannah was bent over at the waist still laughing hysterically, holding out one finger as to communicate, “give me a second.” After another minute, she wiped her eyes again, took a big gulp of air, and collected herself. “Woooh. Now that was some funny fucking shit.”
“Who in the hell do you think…“ Tristan started to say through gritted teeth.
“No no no. Please don’t get me started again. I don’t think my ribs can take it,“ said Hannah still chuckling some. “Let’s see what have I done and who do I know? You know I always knew that eventually I’d tell people about this, I just didn’t think it would go down like this.” The summoner raised her hand, then slowly curled it into a fist. Standing 3ft tall and leaning into the corner so as not to be visible to anyone who happened to be looking into the room at that moment, was Hopcules, adorned in the same armor he’d worn on the day he helped to save Brewster. “Look familiar to anyone?”
“That looks like the giant rabbit that fought robots with Titan. Hare-a-clees or something like that. My little sister has like 5 of its t-shirts ,” Lucas responded.
“Wow kid, you really are shit with remembering names. Hop-cu-les is the name I gave him when I was just a kid. Surprised the shit outta me that he came out the size of a skyscraper when those robots nearly killed me and my team, ” Hannah stated nonchalantly as she waved her hand and made Hopcules fade away.
With a grudging realization, Tristan began to ask, “wait, you’re not actually saying…”
“Oh look, captain mc-douche-nozzle is catching on. Somebody give the kid a prize. Yes, dumbass, I’m actually saying I fought with Titan, yes, thee fucking Titan, with every other Hero team in Brewster to stop those mechs from destroying the entire city. I’m saying the strongest hero alive is my personal mentor and it was his recommendation that got me into this program.”
Lucas looked back and forth between Hannah and Tristan having already realized that the sophomore might be one of those guys who’d lash out over his perceived inferiority. Lucas was so curious though he had to ask, “but… But, that rabbit is everywhere these days. Not just T-shirts. Toys, a cartoon, and I just read there’s going to be a next-gen console video game based on his character. If you own the rights to that image, you’d be loaded.“
“Eh,” Hannah said with shrug. “Youre leaving out the movie deal Lenny just got for me, but not something I talk about too much . It leaves me enough to be comfortable and to be able to donate a library wing to the university thats giving me a shot at being a hero.” Hannah responded. She gave Tristan a quick wink and glanced over her shoulder towards the door.
Tristan looked in the same direction and noticed something he hadn’t bothered paying attention to before, a small engraving on the center of the door of a bipedal rabbit. This would’ve been the most surprising thing that he’d seen since he set foot in the room if it wasn’t for the photo that appeared on Hannah’s tablet now facing him. It was an image of five people: Graham De Soto, the new head of the DVA, Titan in his iconic Hero costume, Dean Jackson, a large muscular young man with a shit eating grin who Tristan didn’t recognize, and another person in a generic gray mask, presumably female, and wearing a smile of malicious enjoyment, the same as the women standing before him.
Hannah saw what caught his attention and picked up her tablet. “Oh, did you notice this? I love this picture. Titan called me in for back up as a Temporary Emergency Hero Asset. We beat the shit out of a literal army of enhanced criminal supers and took this picture after everything calmed down. All the other HCP deans were there too. Mr. Desoto actually told me if I ever needed a favor, he owed me one.” Hannah wore a wistful expression as she thought back on that day with fondness.
“Anyway, I gotta get outta here. S’posed to meet up with my training partners. Cause no matter what your background is or who you know, no one is a shoe-in for the final 10. Lucas, feel free to meet us in the combat cells tonight if you want to get a work out in and get tired of hanging out with this fuckwad. Later losers!” Hannah said this last part as she turned around and headed towards door while holding up her middle finger for all to see.
Tristan was obviously livid. His hands had been visibly shaking as he stood and listened to all the ways this 1st year had accomplished more than he’d even thought possible for student. Who does this little bitch think she is? She’s full of shit. She has to be. I’ll show her. From his elbows down, Tristan‘s arms began to darken. In seconds the two appendages looked like small tree trunks, with his fingers elongating into barbed tendril-liked branches rapidly moving towards Hannah.
Although Lucas had worked for years to improve his ability to cast his energy based illusionary environments-referred to by one quirky coach in the past as a “holodeck”- speed was an element that he continued to struggle with. He began to cast a simple illusion of darkness, so as to blind Tristan, but he knew almost immediately that it wouldn’t reach him in time. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw furry white movement. The miniature Hopcules had reappeared and was running towards the back of the chair Tristan had been sitting in. With a parkour maneuver that would make Jackie Chan jealous, Hopcules leapt from the floor to the chair, then from the chair to the rear wall. He torpedoed off of the wall with the force of both hind paws and made contact Tristan’s head, knocking the arrogant second year to the floor. He laid there dazed and confused about what had just struck him as his branches retracted and his arms returned to normal. The summon vanished before he even touched the ground.
Hannah smiled as she exited the room. Thanks be to the Gods. I was hoping that piece of shit would try something so I could have self-defense as an excuse. Kacey and Devon better be ready. I’m already warmed up.
submitted by IamThe2ndBR to superpowereds [link] [comments]