Labeled picture of the face muscles

Some faces are made for punching.

2015.06.11 03:28 MikeFromLunch Some faces are made for punching.

For those faces and people you just want to hit.

2017.01.05 16:41 clouddevourer Supermodel cats

Very good looking, photogenic cats.

2020.09.21 02:24 FBAHobo Awarded… posthumously.

Nominees have made public declaration of their anti-mask, anti-vax, or Covid-hoax views, followed by admission to hospital for Covid. The Award is granted upon the nominee's release from their Earthly shackles

2024.05.15 17:29 marketingelegance Unmasking the Social Media Manager: The Skills, Challenges, and Top Platforms you need to know.

The digital era has transformed communication, and social media has become the go-to platform for brands to connect with their audience. But managing social media managers presence requires more than just posting captions and pictures. This involves tasks such as creating content, engaging with followers, analyzing metrics, and staying updated on industry trends. Essentially, they act as the voice and face of the brand on social media, working to enhance brand awareness, drive traffic, and foster meaningful connections with the audience. Enter the social media manager, the mastermind behind the curtain crafting engaging content and building thriving online communities.

What Skills Are Required for Social Media Managers?

A social media manager wears many hats. They need to be creative storytellers, data-driven analysts, and brand ambassadors all rolled into one. Some of a social media managers include the key skills :

– Content Creation :

From crafting compelling captions to eye-catching visuals, social media managers understand the art of creating content that resonates with their audience.

– Social media Savvy :

Staying on top of trends, understanding different platforms, and knowing how to tailor content for each is crucial.

– Community Management :

Skill in fostering relationships with followers , responding to comments and managing online communities.

– Analytics and reporting:

Social media managers track key metrics to measure campaign performance and informsocial media strategies accordingly.

– Communication and collaboration:

Strong written and verbal communication skills to convey the brand’s message effectively.

What is the hardest part of being a social media manager?

While being a social media manager can be rewarding, it also comes with its challenges. One of the toughest aspect is keeping a steady stream of fresh and engaging content that requires constant brainstorming and innovation. New platforms and features emerge all the time, demanding continuous learning and adaptation so we have to keep up with the trends. . Additionally, dealing with responsibilities of a social media managers negative feedback or crises in real-time requires quick thinking and effective crisis management skills.

Top 5 Social Media Platforms


A social media giant with a diverse user base, ideal for brand awareness and community building.


Known for its visual appeal, Instagram is a favorite platform for brands looking to showcase products and connect with a younger audience.


A professional networking platform ideal for B2B businesses and thought leadership content.


Offering real-time engagement and conversation, Twitter is ideal for sharing news, updates, and engaging with followers.


The go-to platform for video content, allowing businesses to create informative tutorials, product demos, and engaging brand stories.
submitted by marketingelegance to SocialMediaManagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 bostonmovingcompany How to Stay Calm During a Move

Imagine this: You’re amidst the chaos of packing boxes, coordinating logistics, and saying goodbye to your old home. Amidst it all, you’re struggling to keep your cool. But fear not, because in this article, we’re diving deep into the art of staying calm during a move.
Moving can be a stressful experience, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate it with ease. According to recent studies, moving ranks as one of life’s most stressful events, alongside divorce and starting a new job. However, by implementing proven techniques and maintaining a positive outlook, you can mitigate stress and ensure a smoother transition.

Here are some expert tips to help you stay calm during your move:

  1. Plan Ahead: Begin by creating a detailed moving plan, including timelines, checklists, and tasks to accomplish. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, you’ll feel more organized and in control.
  2. Practice Self-Care: Amidst the hustle and bustle of moving, don’t forget to prioritize self-care. Take breaks when needed, stay hydrated, and make time for activities that help you relax and recharge.
  3. Lean on Support: Don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family, or professional movers like Premium Q Moving and Storage for assistance. Surrounding yourself with a support network can alleviate stress and make the moving process more manageable.
  4. Stay Organized: Keep your belongings organized throughout the moving process to minimize chaos and frustration. Label boxes clearly, pack essential items separately, and create an inventory to track your belongings.
  5. Focus on the Positive: Instead of dwelling on the challenges of moving, focus on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Visualize your new home and the memories you’ll create there, keeping your spirits high.
  6. Take Breaks: Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so it’s essential to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Schedule downtime into your moving plan to prevent burnout and maintain your well-being.
  7. Embrace Flexibility: Despite your best efforts, unexpected challenges may arise during the moving process. Practice flexibility and adaptability, staying calm in the face of change.
  8. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate each milestone you reach during the moving process, no matter how small. Recognizing your achievements will boost your morale and keep you motivated.

Important tips: Hiring movers or DIY?


In conclusion, moving doesn’t have to be synonymous with stress. By implementing these tips and maintaining a positive mindset, you can navigate the transition with ease. Remember, at Premium Q Moving and Storage, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Because at the end of the day, we move lives, not just things. Stay calm, stay focused, and embrace the journey ahead.
Contact Your Favorite Local Movers
Experience a seamless moving experience with Premium Q Moving and Storage as your favorite local movers. Get your personalized quote:
Unlock a seamless journey to your new home with our unparalleled moving services. From meticulous packing to expert transportation, trust us to elevate your move to new heights. Say hello to stress-free moving and goodbye to hassle with our top-tier solutions.

Listen/Watch Life Beyond Boxes Podcast Episodes Below

Catch the latest episode of the Life Beyond Boxes podcast now! Tune in for captivating conversations and eye-opening insights:
Don’t just exist – thrive! Listen to Life Beyond Boxes podcast now on your favorite podcast platform and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Subscribe now for a smoother, stress-free move and a brighter new chapter in your life. Let’s go beyond boxes together!
submitted by bostonmovingcompany to u/bostonmovingcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:24 Sgtpepperhead67 What if they made a single use, single deployable. 500kg RPG?

Oh boy guys if you think the air burst rocket launcher is the king of squad whipping you ain't seen nothing yet.
So picture this
you are facing down a factory strider or a bile titan. But instead of calling in your other stratagems and trying to chip away at it. You and your teammate instead pull out this bad boy. And with the precision of a handheld launcher and the the destructive force of a 500 kg bomb. You manage to eradicate the fowl monstrosity. And as your doused in oil or blood. You think to yourself, You've become death destroyer of worlds.
The idea is, that this launcher would need to be "team reloaded" to even fire because the force of the blast would be too great for one diver alone. The weapon would only be able to be used once. Like a disposable AT launcher.
Think of this like a man portable Davy Crockett launcher that launches 500kg's instead of nuclear warheads.
Stats can be filled in by you guys. I'm just the insane diver who thinks freedom requires overkill :)
submitted by Sgtpepperhead67 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:22 Academic-Mine-8066 bisexual homoromantic or lesbian?

CW: mention of coercion, SA, trauma urges
im not sure if im a bisexual homoromantic or a lesbian with a rlly bad case of comphet + trauma urges for men. I thought I was fully bi (sexually and romantically) for the last 7 yrs or so, but recently I realized I am incapable of romantically loving men and cannot see myself in a relationship with one (I have one ex boyfriend from 8 yrs ago lol but I know now that was comphet)- but figuring out my sexual attraction is confusing me.
are there any bisexual homoromantics out there who could share how they knew they weren’t lesbian?
about my physical relationship with men: - The first time I saw a naked man’s body via straight porn was by accident and while I was looking at pictures of titties😭 I remember feeling disgusted and just scrolling away immediately. Growing up I never really had crushes in boys, just “picked” boys that my friends thought were cute but I wasn’t boy crazy or keen on having my first kiss with them/having sex with them until I felt social pressure to do conform (anything to be “normal straight girl”) - the only time i feel like i get pleasure or enjoyment out of hetero sex is only when 1) the man is a strangeloose acquaintance that i met IRL/at a bar; 2) it’s the first night we’re having sex w each other; 3) the man has clout, is conventionally good looking, or is someone that i know straight girls would typically be attracted to. - i ALWAYS develop an aversion to sex (with men i like) when i feel like im getting “too close” to the man, the sex stops feeling “platonic”, or if we seem like we’re “dating” - is this just my fear of intimacy/avoidant attachment or an indication that I’m not sexually attracted to men? - The first time I had sex ever was with a man and it was a violation, so I have a chaotic and self destructive relationship with sex in general - instead of avoiding sex after trauma I became more promiscuous as a trauma response. I think they’re called trauma urges. But I remember the first six months of me having sex (only with men, I didnt know I was queer at the time), I was deadfishing/laying there and did not bother to learn how to participate in sex with a man (how to give blow jobs, how to ride dick, etc it never occurred to me that I should learn how to please a male partner). It was more like “other girls are doing it so I should too” and I was almost always nearly blackout drunk. I dont think I even looked down at the man’s body parts during sex cuz I had no interest/wasn’t compelled to do so, and I wanted it to be in the dark. - All that changed when my ex coerced me into giving him a blow job (I didnt know how to give one, it was my first time), then telling me I did a bad job afterwards. I think I was so triggered/scarred by that comment that something switched in my brain and from that point onward, I started training myself on how to please men sexually and it worsened my hypersexuality/compulsive sex tendencies - but I got enjoyment (it was almost like a “high”) every time I made a man come. So I’ve grown to have hetero sex more “normally” like I imagine a straight girl would, I assumed if I had positive feelings/ego boosts after sex with men, that must mean Im attracted to them. - I dont like when men try to make me come/I don’t like receiving from men sexually, I always feel like I have to be on top or else I wont feel good about it.
and now, ever since i started questioning whether im lesbian, i feel like ive been procrastinating on sex w men when i get hit up by past sneaky links etc- like I’m planning a threesome with a straight couple rn and i start feeling dread about having sex w the man, but then i think maybe its cuz he’s just not hot enough?
does what i described sound like I’m sexually attracted to men? or is it still comphet? thank you for reading so far and sorry for TMI, i dont have anyone to talk to about my trauma and identity crisis irl. I’m not trippin over labels or anything but I would like to be able to tell my trauma urges apart from my true desires. 😔
submitted by Academic-Mine-8066 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:20 unusualspider33 Can y’all tell what facial expressions you’re making?

I’ve been trying to figure out where to post this and I decided on this sub because I have adhd and it usually explains a lot of my weird habits and problems, lol.
I have had this issue for as long as I can remember. I don’t know what my face looks like unless it’s an extreme facial expression, like if I’m laughing or crying. I will often think I’m making a certain face in photos and then later be shocked with how I actually looked.
For example, one time my friend and I were hanging out and she asked me what was wrong. I said nothing, why? She said I was making a disgusted face at her. Later she took a picture in the mirror and I was in the background, scowling. She showed me because she thought it was funny and I was surprised because I wasn’t trying to make that face at all.
I also struggle to make a neutral face. I always feel like I’m slightly smiling even though I’m not. I have to go out of my way to make my face look serious when someone’s talking to me about something serious.
Does this happen to you guys? I’ve googled this but no one seems to have the same issue.
submitted by unusualspider33 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:19 CDM2022 Thoughts on tv graphic violence at a very young age?

I don't know that this is truly the right sub to ask this but I know a good portion of you all are good at thinking things through, solving what I call algebra problems in thinking, finding the value of the unknown variable in the middle when you think you already know the beginning and the result. I've become good at this too since i started some mindful practices 2y ago but I think this one may be too big or too different than what I'm used to figuring out so I'm asking for other thinkers/figure-outers.
I'm mid 40s, when I was young elementary school age, my parents were sorta hippyish in some ways and sorta conservative in others protecting me from sex, drugs, violence and bad words on tv. I think maybe though they thought of violent historical/factual programs as "different" and ok. Possibly to instill some type of anti-war sentiment in me. My dad watched lots of war stuff. I saw lots of bomb and bullet combat deaths on tv but the executions were the things I remember most. Regardless of one's thoughts on the death penalty on or off the battlefield, what I saw with a very young mind was someone captured and helpless who knows it's coming being killed by a group of people that they in the moment posed no danger to.
I can remember one quite vividly from probably before I was old enough to read, multiple guys with their hands tied behind their back and with an 8 foot tall bamboo pole tied to their hands behind their back, pole standing up in a vertical fashion. The pole was not fastened to anything else. A soldier would grab the pole and use it to guide/push the guy from behind to a spot where they would give the pole a quick shove knocking the guy to his knees and then shooting him in the back of the head. He gets shut off like a light switch and falls dead face first to the ground. I'd seen a few dramatized state executions (electric chair) on tv too. The guard comes to get the guy out of his cell "I'm afraid it's time buddy" is my one of those I don't forget.
The picture of that bamboo one especially has popped up in my mind my whole life. I've never until recently thought of this as maybe a bad thing maybe affects me. But it's quite obvious from what I just typed that it has in some way. What do you all think of very young kids seeing things like this keeping those memories for life as vivid as my first kiss?
submitted by CDM2022 to Mindfulness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:18 YouknowwhatUdid Therapist’s suggestion for reality checks just don’t work and here is why…

I’m sure many of you have suffered TT and lots of it. I have been unknowingly wracking up 2 decades worth of lies to that supposedly are all revealed now.
From what I’ve seen and read over and over again, what is given willingly is the tip of the iceberg in a lot (most) cases. So if they say they kissed someone, they did a lot more. If they say they almost did something but didn’t, they did something. If they only chatted about this little thing, they had full on cyber sex. If they only chatted with 2, it was a slew of women. You get the picture. My issue is there have been so many lies and revelations and “I don’t remembers”, but enough small admissions to shake me and convince me that there is so much more I don’t know.
One of my therapists straight up says, there is more and likely there will be more. You need to let that be, set boundaries and focus on you and getting stronger and better. The other, (our MC), says to put the thoughts on trial, do I have evidence of these things? No? Then they likely didn’t happen and I can calm down and know it’s not reality.
I know this technique, I’ve used it in the past. But this situation is quite different and the trial would most certainly not go that way. Sure, there may not be enough evidence to prove additional wrongdoing beyond a shadow of a doubt, but what’s there is enough for me to want to walk and this is a civil trial, not a criminal one so the burden of proof is on him, not me. And the circumstantial evidence here is a bitch.
I just can’t let this go. It is making me sick. I can’t think, I can’t function, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I just want to numb myself to try to forget the pain of what I know he has done already but the pain of what my heart and mind know are beyond those transgressions, the lies that remain, make me want to die.
I think about it. I feel like nothing matters. I feel like everything in my life is overwhelming and took every ounce of my energy on a deficit before this and now I just can’t do it. How am I going to pick myself up from this and move on? It would be hard enough to do it in this relationship with the pain of what he has done in my face every day. It would be impossible out of this relationship where I have to not only repair myself but do everything on my own.
I feel like I need to break my mind in two to survive. I need to break into the damaged hurt woman who needs to heal and can’t live like this or forgive, and separate her from the woman who can forget all the pain and hurt and live in the now to avoid the past or future. When I try though, I fail. My life requires so much mental energy and focus and I can’t do it. I am scattered to the wind. How do people do this?
submitted by YouknowwhatUdid to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 Specialist-Ebb4885 Favorite Person (Patsy)

Thought I'd share this outstanding research article regarding the "favorite person" briar patch that unwitting friends, family, and partners find themselves in. To label these relationships as internecine is both a fact and an understatement. Understanding a Mutually Destructive Relationship Between Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their Favorite Person
For those who don't have time to scroll, here are some quick highlights:
"In most instances, FPs are friends, crushes, romantic partners, family members, or others with who the person with BPD interacts (teachers or therapists). When referred to as a FP, it goes beyond what other people would generally refer to as their best friend or favorite person. FPs are the object of complete attachment and extreme love from people with BPD. Therefore, those with BPD feel unable to function properly without their FP and fear that their FP will abandon them. Individuals with BPD are likely to have these relationships, in which the love they feel for their FP is all-consuming and so overwhelming that it is beyond their control; they often have no idea what they are doing toward their FP. In other words, FP is someone who a person with BPD is especially obsessed with even when they have other close friends; FP becomes exactly who the person with BPD needs at that moment."
As endearing as all this may sound, there's a hidden punchline with an emphasis on the punch.
"The FP–BPD relationship often gets worse with time, as the person with BPD needs more attention and validation from their FP to get the same feeling of being cared for. Consequently, the FP faces more responsibilities and pressure to fulfill their person with BPD’s needs, such as constant contact. FPs are then highly likely to feel suffocated in the obsessive relationship, as they feel their boundaries are no longer being respected. They have to repeatedly comfort when their person with BPD suffers from the perceived abandonment, often to the extent that they feel unable to set healthy boundaries and function normally or socially, feeling the need to maintain a safe distance. Although they politely and cautiously try not to upset their person with BPD, it still strongly influences their emotions and behaviors. Those with BPD struggle with what is known as 'splitting' on their FP, constantly shifting between idealization and devaluation; the shifting goes between these two extremes. When they are in the idealization phase, their emotional attachment toward their FP is strengthened. However, when their FP fails to fulfill their expectations, they are immediately devalued, causing anxiety and depression, sometimes anger and panic attacks. The relationship gets to the point where it stops being a good friendship and turns toxic and destructive. Those with BPD can get too reliant on and obsessed with their FP to get out of the relationship but the emotions they experience, simultaneously, are too intense to stay secure and healthy in the relationship."
submitted by Specialist-Ebb4885 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:12 env_adhd IUD insertion experience

Content warning: Trauma
I got my first IUD on Friday. I had never had a pap or examine (32 yr) and have always felt guilty about being behind on preventative health care. I have also exclusively used withdraw since I was 18. I have only been in long term relationships and when the birth control conversation inevitably came up in the beginning of each, I would bristle. It would follow the ceasing of condom use and come with the implication that we (I) should be more responsible about birth control. I resented the suggestion that I alone should be responsible for altering my body to accommodate a man's, even my partner's, pleasure because they would rather not wear condoms and don't want to pull out. The idea of bearing the full burden of responsibility by inserting a foreign object in my body, in my most intimate organ has always insensed me on a fundamental level. But in truth, I always felt guilty for depriving my partner. and when friends would rebuke my choices as reckless- I don't know how many times I've been told I must be infertile if I haven't become pregnant yet while not using birth control. So when I went for my first exam, I thought it might be wise to do the responsible thing that I've felt urged to do from all fronts.
I wasn't nervous. In fact I saw it as a challenge to overcome. I listened to the information given to me during the consultarion. I felt like I had enough of a grasp of what was going to happen. I was offered xanax and lidocaine, but it was implied that lidocaine could be just as painful. I don't feel I was discouraged necessarily, but I felt it was not being encouraged. I wish I would have taken both offers instead of just the ibuprofen.
I was told of the potential pain and range of variable experience, that some women have felt the pain of insertion worse than child birth. But everyone that knows me knows that I have a high pain tolerance. And so say many women I imagine. The doctor told me I might have a "whoosh" experience, which I understood to mean fainting. I still didn't feel much fear leading up to the procedure.
I was told how the procedure would go, the assessment, the speculum, the measuring and the insertion. I was surprised by the size of the model iuds, though I'm not sure what I was expecting. I thought I understood the sounding- I didn't. I had no idea about the tenaculum. Once the examine was rolling it seemed all previously mentioned anxiety and pain management were off the table unless I insisted they stop.
I was uncomfortable from the beginning and realized I was in for an unpleasant experience if I couldn't get myself to relax. The resident MD was being coached by the doctor. I heard them discussing the tilt of my uterus as she seemingly went rutting around for my cervix. Even the cotton swab was painful. They brought in a nurse to squeeze my hand and try to distract me with idle conversation. He was a literal angel and I wouldn't have been able even attempt to mask the agony without him there.
I knew it could be painful but I had no idea. I have only ever heard of the "pinch" and some menstrual like cramps. I had only ever heard from women that had had relatively uncomplicated insertions with moderate pain if any.
The insertion was the single most excruciating event of my life. It is still so surreal as my mind is already trying to protect me from the memory days later. I was close to screaming but tried hard to laugh through the agony out of embarrassment and not wanting to make the doctors feel bad. I wish I had blacked out but I was acutely aware of every sensation. At peak pain, I did something I would normally never do and said "This Really Hurts". I can't put into words how much but I know some reading this may understand.
It felt like it lasted ages but eventually it was over. I felt absolutely broken. I was able to sit up even though I was in severe pain and all I could feel was my wrecked cervical canal and the device inside of me. I was able to dress and have some juice that was brought to me. The angel nurse came and sat with me some more to make sure I was okay. I was not, there was no position I could sit or stand in for relief but I again tried to put on a brave face, for a moment.
I felt delirious trying to make conversation and I suddenly realized I was sweating profusely. I informed him I needed to get undressed again. He suggested I lay back down. Terrible, no. I put my head under the faucet. My pelvis was screaming. Standing was awful. I hobbled to the bathroom across the hall and immediately took my shirt off again, more water. I felt like I needed to shit and puke. The pain was getting worse and worse so I weakly crossed the hall again shirtless back to the bed. Now the staff were concerned and coming to assist me.
I spent the next HOUR in pain again, nearly as bad as the procedure. Charlie horse level cramps all over from the waste down, the worst of which concentrated in my cervix. Fever chills and aches like the worst food poisoning/stomach virus you've ever had. The muscles in my hips were screaming and moving was not an option. I had ice packs on my head and warm packs all around my waste. I wondered if my body was in full assault mode against a perceived foreign invader. I am pretty sure I was in shock. I was hypotensive the whole time while a new nurse monitored my vitals. I struggled to respond to any one verbally.
The doctor overseeing the insertion swung by, placed pressure on my lower stomach and asked if it hurt. Yes. You're not gushing blood though are you? No. I don't recall him saying much else before a left again. Later, when delivering my exit consultation he reminded me of the "whoosh" sensation he'd told me about and explained thats what I had just experienced for the last hour and that it was not uncommon.
I felt like I was nailed to that bed for hours pouring sweat and trying everything to avoid the pain in my entire body. Eventually I noticed my breaths were finally seeming to connect back to my heart rate. I started coming back to life and immediately asked the new nurse if she knew why male birth control options were not available in the US after decades. She flatly responded, the patriarchy. I told her I had used tracking and withdraw for the past 14 years and I wasn't sure what I had just done to my body was necessary. She agreed, tracking could be a viable planning option she said. I still hadn't shed a tear during this ordeal.
Tears were to come and to come repeatedly in the following days, every time I remember anything about what happened. I was depleted and deeply depressed. I feel hurt and violated and alone. I'm not mad at any one in particular. I mad on the whole that we are made to feel we have an obligation to bravely endure Why?
The pain largely subsided after the worst of it but I could, and still can, feel the IUD inside me. I hope that awareness goes away and I can eventually forget it's there and what I went through for it. I was starting to feel better today until I got my medical report in my email. Notes for post procedure: "patient tolerated procedure well."
I am so beyond hurt and angry. This has to be a mistake? I've left voice messages with the clinic. This is very important for me that this is corrected, for my record and the larger record. I found it so hard to find stories like mine outside of this forum. Are they going unreported? How common is this? What are these statistics that are published?
I'm mad and exhausted and I hurt for anyone who had also experienced this. I want to hear your stories of your experiences, even if they were more fortunate than mine.
I don't not recommend getting any IUD, but I won't recommend it, at least not without pain management. do yourself the favor. But I feel more opposed to the concept now than ever before. I won't accept that this is the best option available in this day and age. Really?
submitted by env_adhd to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:11 PassAcrobatic1475 The strangest pre-waking dream I had: The Journal of Emilidis

Sometimes in the morning, I wake up to the sound of the alarm, close it and then drift back to sleep, and then wake up again by the successive alarms that I've set. Right in these periods was where I can recall those dreams most clearly. Usually, those details contain only a static first-person view, like being tied down in front of a screen. In particular, this one is a rare exception where I remembered moving and acting in that dream. I remember reading from an unmarked old tome, its pages yellowed, the page I remembered was a simple list, the contents of which are blurred but one in particular was clear: it was labelled "Day Lantern" and following that is a very brief (barely a paragraph) description of how it was made and the philosophy behind the process, one that seems to be more of a "recipe book" by Emilidis himself rather than something "official" compilated and penned. It was quite vague, and I only remembered fragments but it does make the metaphor of the world as a lion, and the process of making the DL as a "circling pack of hyenas", and of "striking while the lion sleeps, draw no blood but take only a patch of fur, go no further". It seems that my dream self had concluded something very interesting: Emilidis had independently discovered and mastered the Anagogis, and used it extensively within his Contrivances, and for whatever reason he kept this fact secret. I also remember a section describing the designing process of the Barricades, and this was very long, with an implication that Emilidis seemed to have an understanding of relativity, and might have made the Barricades an ideal flatness, a 2D space if you will, in the phrase "Make of the [full emptiness] a house that is [inside-facing-out], that the guest and his rights will find no root on either side of the door. Make the whole of the house the door so it cannot be opened."
submitted by PassAcrobatic1475 to bakker [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:10 Chen_Geller Tolkien Begginings: the antecedents of Peter Jackson's (and others) Middle-earth

Tolkien Begginings: the antecedents of Peter Jackson's (and others) Middle-earth
I still sit sometimes and chuckle, thinking "When Ralph Bakshi started animating The Lord of the Rings in 1976, did he know what he was going to unleash on the world?" There was also the Rankin/Bass TV special, being developed concurrently, but its the Bakshi film that, in 1979, Peter Jackson saw, and this young Photoengraver would later direct six (!) live-action Tolkien films and, between himself and co-producer Philippa Boyens, are hard to work producing three more such films. Other adaptations since - namely, The Rings of Power (especially Season One) but also games from The Shadow of Mordor to Return to Moria - have at the very least taken cues from Jackson's films. All because a Kiwi photoengraver saw a cartoon....
But the relationship between these properties is not so clear-cut as it may seem. I ednumbered the similarities and dissimilarities between Jacksons' films and The Rings of Power elsewhere. Now I want to delve deeper into the similarities and dissimilarities between Jackson and previous adaptations of Tolkien.

The Rankin/Bass TV Specials

Side-by-side video comparisons between Jackson's films and the two Rankin/Bass TV Specials do not reveal any similarities that don't come from the fact that they're adapting the same books. This is an important point: Jackson is NOT trying to make some post-modern "collage" Hollywood film. He's only tipping his hat to those adaptations of Tolkien that he had seen growing up and that influenced him personally.1
Due to copyright, the Rankin/Bass specials probably didn't air in New Zealand at all, and although it seems Jackson got a hold of the Rankin/Bass The Hobbit before embarking on The Lord of the Rings, he had not seen their Return of the King, certainly before 1999, and neither he nor his close collaborators have made comments about either of the two Specials. By contrast, the (American!) showrunners of The Rings of Power had referenced the Rankin/Bass Specials, and seemingly tipped their hat to it in a set design for season two.2

The Ralph Bakshi film

As I said, Jackson went to see the Bakshi film. He had enjoyed some of Bakshi's previous film, including the Tolkien-esque Wizards, released the previous year, and went to see his latest. At the time he hadn't read the books, making Bakshi's film his first exposure to Tolkien, but he does admit he "heard the name" of the book beforehand. His biography suggests he saw it in late 1978, when it first premiered, but surely it would have arrived at New Zealand in early 1979.3
The connection between the two films had been played up, unsurprisingly, by Ralph Bakshi himself. A leonine, grandiose man, Bakshi is anything but a reliable narrator. His own suggestion that he hadn't actually seen the films - only trailers, he claims - sounds believable enough and certainy understandable.4 But, then, if he didn't watch them, it makes his critique of them as deriviative of his films all the more dubious, even without actually looking at the specifics of what he said:
Look at his Lothlorien. Look at my backgrounds of Lothlorien. Take a look! He had much more to see than I did, and if you don't think he lifted it over and over again, you're wrong. I mean, how did he design a knife in Lord of the Rings? How did he design a sword? How did he design the dwarf with his axe? How did he design the fur around him? Why did Peter Jackson put fur around the dwarf? Because I put fur around the dwarf! Why would the dwarf have fur naturally? You see, I could give you a billion little things. I wish I had a movie to look at.5
These are truly some confused claims, for the most part. The most credible part here is the Hobbits hiding under the branch from the Ringwraiths, a shot composition later to also be replicated in season one of the Rings of Power, and which we'll get to later.
Another claim of Bakshi's that cannot be dismissed out of hand is that, however big or small a debt Jackson owes to his film, he said that Jackson didn't publically acknowledge the influence and felt that it was only appropriate to have welcomed him to visit the set or something: by comparison, Jackson invited Rick Baker, who played King Kong in the 1978 version, to cameo in his King Kong.6
Jackson actually did mention the Bakshi filming in passing in the making-ofs. Then again, he entirely fails to mention the radio serial, either. Ultimately, Jackson possibly in cahoots with New Line Cinema, must have felt it unwise to point to a previous adaptation that had only achieved mixed success, at the outset of his own enterprise. He did talk more about the Bakshi film, and more fondly, in the director's commentary to The Fellowship of the Ring and in a couple of later interviews, which are significant gestures, but he clearly wasn't going to trumpet the influence Bakshi's film had on him off of every rooftop.7
In his 2006 biography, Jackson actually briefly reviews the Bakshi film:
I liked the early part – it had some quaint sequences in Hobbiton, a creepy encounter with the Black Rider on the road, and a few quite good battle scenes – but then, about half way through, the storytelling became very disjointed and disorientating and I really didn’t understand what was going on. However, what it did do was to make me want to read the book – if only to find out what happened!8
This is a complementary but admittedly mixed review, and Jackson had made similar comments since, calling it "brave and ambitious" but consistently decrying the hokum of the film's second half.9 Now, it is true that artists can be influenced by a work of art in spite of themselves, but lets see if we can try and quantify the influence.
From the outset, in the audio commentary, Jackson remarks that "our film stylistically is very different and the design is different," which is apposite: Bakshi swore a debt to Howard Pyle, which certainly leaves its mark of the gorgeous natural bakcdrops, but a source closer at hand (especially considering his follow-up fantasy film, Fire and Ice) is the most popular fantasy illustrator of his day, Frank Frazetta: Bakshi's Witch King is practically ripped from Frazetta's famous "Dark Rider" illustration.10
Jackson's approach, however, was steeped in a kind of romantic realism that by and large eschewed the heightened work of Frazetta, opening a yawning stylistic gulf between his film and Bakshi's on a general level. Bakshi's Hobbit-holes have overhanging roofs that give the impression of fairies living under mushrooms (which they in fact had in his previous film, Wizards) and the interiors of Bag End are earthen, more of a rabbit-hole than Jackson's English countryside villa. There are some similarities, like the Hobbits having similarly-clipped pants, but its hard to say costume designer Ngilla Dickson had Bakshi in mind for that look.
There's the basic structure of the narrative: both films leave some of the same plot beats out - Tom Bombadil, most notably - both intercut the Frodo and Aragorn storylines throughout (as per the appendices rather than the body of the text), and both open with a prologue. However, many of these are common-sense approaches that, if one were to put 100 screenwriters in a room, a good 90 of which would choose to pursue: in fact, Sir John Boorman's earlier Lord of the Rings script had likewise intercut the stories and redacted many of the same episodes as both Bakshi and Jackson, and similar approaches were taken in the 1958 Morton Zimmerman treatment. Certainly, in the case of the choice to pursue a prologue, a precedent closer at hand exists in the form in the 1981 radio serial, a point made all the stronger by the fact that when Jackson first concieved of and sketched the prologue, he hadn't seen Bakshi's film in 20 years.11
Bakshi did claim that New Line were screening his film repeatedly, but author Ian Nathan says that was never the case. Miramax did screen the film for Jackson in 1997, after he'd written the treatment. Jackson's treatment included Glorfindel and Erkenbrand, who in subsequent drafts are replaced by Arwen (Legolas in Bakshi's film) and Eomer, but still I find that it falls more into the realm of common-sense screenwriting decisions than anything that could be tied to Bakshi in a clear way, especially the latter which happens at the end of Bakshi film, a part of the film Jackson admits to have found incoherent.12
Rather, the place to look for similarities between the two projects is in the opening leg of The Fellowship of the Ring. Jackson actually, in the director's commentary, points out the shot of Odo Proudfoot calling "Proudfeet!" as a deliberate homage to Bakshi's shot, "which I thought was great." He doesn't acknowledge a couple - only a couple - of other shots that are quite similar: one is the evocative shot of the Ring tumbling over the rocks in Gollum's cave just before Bilbo finds it. Another still is an entire sequence of shots which misdirect us into thinking the Ringwraiths killed the Hobbits in their beds. Both are a little TOO similar to be waved away as coincidental.13
The Ringwraith shot is a more special case: It was nominally based off of a John Howe illustration, ostensibly of the Bakshi scene. But Jackson - who's quoted review of the Bakshi film mentions this scene - could hardly not notice the similarity to the Bakshi scene, especially since the scene doesn't at all play like this in the novel. What's more, the scene was first storyboared only shortly after Jackson say Bakshi's film for the second time, and shot not too long after that being that it was the first scene filmed. So its only fair to cite Bakshi as an influence on that shot.14
There are other bits and pieces: did Jackson have Bakshi in mind when he added a scene of Saruman rallying up the Uruk-hai before the siege of Helm's Deep? Its hard to say. An even more elusive case is made by Bakshi: "I'm glad Peter Jackson had a movie to look at—I never did. And certainly there's a lot to learn from watching any movie, both its mistakes and when it works." In other words, Bakshi here suggests his film influenced Jackson in terms of what NOT to do. To his credit, Jackson does remember that the design process for Treebeard was in part motivated by trying to divorce him from the Bakshi version, which both him and Dame Fran Walsh remember as being "like a walking carrot." But when we start getting into that level, it all becomes very tenuous. There were a lot of things about the fantasy genre in general - Conan the Barbarian and Willow are oft-cited by Jackson - that he tried to avoid.15
Ultimately, I have to judge that the similarities between the two versions amount to a handful of rather insignificant beats, all in the first hour of Fellowship of the Ring. To hyperbolically play up the similarities between the two projects is to give in to Bakshi's hyperbolic rhetoric.

Tolkien illustrations

Jackson's first and, at the time, only copy of The Lord of the Rings was a tie-in to the Bakshi film. This would mean he hadn't gotten into the world of Tolkien illustrations until developing his own films, when he suggests he went on a detail-exhaustive search for Tolkien art. He had seen Tolkien's own illustrations, but decided that they're "not very helpful in terms of the lighting and the mood."16
The most acclaimed illustrators of the previous era of Tolkien were Pauline Bayens (whose Minas Tirith is reproduced in the Rankin/Bass Return of the King) and the Brothers Hildebrandt, whose bestial Balrog presents a precursor both to Bakshi's but also to the Minotaur-like Balrog of John Howe.17
Howe was one of a trifecta of Tolkien illustrators, along with Ted Nasmith and Alan Lee, to enjoy great vogue at the time when Jackson was developing his films. Of the three, Lee is often deemed the most celebrated and certainly made the biggest impact on Jackson, whose next copy of the book was to be an Alan Lee illustrated edition. But he also noticed Howe through is work on Tolkien calendars, and later also purchased some originals of Ted Nasmith. All three were approached to participate in concept design for the films, although Nasmith sadly had to decline.18
In many places, Jackson precisely copied designs of Lee's and Howe's existing paintings, and in some places carbon copied their lighting and composition for shots, as well as grading the films (before the advent of the latest remaster) somewhat along the lines established in their paintings. But the majority of Lee and Howe's work for Jackson was in producing NEW concept art to his specifications, and so its wrong to look at Jackson's films as being a part of the Lee-Howe ouevure, as such.

The 1981 Radio Serial

A less touted influence on Jackson's film is the superlative 1981 BBC radio serial. Where Jackson hadn't reread the book nor revisited Bakshi's film between 1979 and 1997, he had spent much of the that time listening on-and-off to a tape of the radio serial, usually while working in his garage on special effects.19
The most obvious similarity is the casting of Sir Ian Holm, who had voiced Frodo in the radio serial, as Bilbo. Holm was apparently at the top of Jackson's casting wishlist, partially for this reason. A particularly striking moment occurs when Holm's Frodo quotes Bilbo's "Its a dangerous business Frodo, going out your door: you step on to the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to", a line again given to Holm - now as Bilbo - in voiceover at the same spot in Jackson's film.20
Again, many of the similar structural choices here are similar to Jackson, adding a prologue, contracting the early stages of Frodo's quest and intercutting the Aragorn and Frodo's stories throughout. Brian Sibley admits to have modelled his prologue on Bakshi's own, but Jackson is unlikely to have known it at the time, and when we start thinking in terms of second-hand influences we're again into very tenuous territory. Otherwise, the influence doesn't seem all too great, although Sibley remembers that Walsh, perhaps half-jokingly, told him "we stole your ending" in the way that they did the Grey Havens and then a quick segue to Sam's return home, basically along the lines of the book.21
A young, and already Tolkien-devotee, Sir Ian Holm recording Bilbo
Sibley had recruited his cast from the BBC's company of actors, which is also the troupe Bakshi turned to, meaning that Sibley ended-up with Bakshi's Boromir (Michael Graham Cox) and, notably, his Gollum (Peter Woodthorpe). In spite of Woodthorpe's evocative performance of Gollum's voice in both the Bakshi and Sibley versions, its influence on Andrew Serkis' performance of Gollum is nonexistent, as Serkis had developed the voice before having heard Woodthorpe rendition, having only read The Hobbit prior to being cast.22

Other fantasy films

Jackson had seen pretty much all the fantasy films of the 1980s, and while they were important in terms of establishing the genre, they hadn't left much of an impression on Jackson. The most succesful - George Lucas' Star Wars - was more space-fantasy, undoubtedly impressed Jackson but didn't much influence his films: to this day, he professes to not be a huge Star Wars fan, in spite of the amiacable manner he and Lucas took with each other in later years, and admits that he sees the influence of Lucas more "in what he did for the industry, not in terms of the actual films that he made."23
The first major high-fantasy film, Sir John Boorman's Excalibur, was a little closer to Jackson's heart, but isn't much of an influence on his films either. Its true that Jackson's films feature a lot of plate armour, but that's indebted primarily to John Howe's abiding love of late Medieval armour, and at any rate is quite different to the Enlightement-era suits of armour one finds in Boorman's film. Willow, produced by George Lucas, was a big shot to the arm of New Zealand's fledgling film industry, and like Star Wars is much indebted to The Hobbit, but left a bad impression on Jackson.24
The Clockmaker's Cottage in Sir Ridley Scott's Legend
Two exceptions are to be cited; Ray Harryhousen's stop-motion fantasy films from the 1950s were huge favourites of Jackson's, although their more Graeco-Roman subject matters were a genre apart from Jackson's films. He is also a big fan of Sir Ridley Scott, and while he joins the consensus of deriding William Hjortsberg notorious screenplay, had taken some cues from his Legend (1986): there's something of the Clockmaker's cottage in Rhosgobel, and Jackson referenced some of the features of Tim Curry's devilish "Lord of Darkness" for the Wargs sinewy faces.25

Other films

Jackson took influence from paintings of old battles and landscapes, but surely his biggest influences are other films: Zulu and Saving Private Ryan had been referenced for Helm's Deep, and there's a touch of Terrence Malick's The Thin Red Line, which Jackson had watched before principal photography, to the atmospheric shots that close the Fellowship prologue. Jackson admitted to rewatching mostly Scorsese films while shooting, and certainly the energy of his moving cameras find a closer kin in Scorsese's films than in anyone else's. There's something of David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia to Jackson's intention to make living, breathing people out of his fantasy characters.26
Surely the inspiration for the shot of Aragorn arriving at Helm's Deep
But there's one film that looms largest in Jackson's films, overshadowing any influence we're looked at so far: Mel Gibson's latest spectacular, Braveheart. Along with other films of this kind like Dances with Wolves and Rob Roy (Gladiator came too late to much influence Jackson's films) it is of crucial importance to the overall cinematic style of Jackson's films, having come out just as Jackson first started thinking of making an original fantasy film, and winning the academy award for Best Picture before any sustained work was done to develop The Lord of the Rings.27


  1. Matt Skuta, "The Hobbit Side-by-Side: Rankin/Bass ('77) & Peter Jackson ('12-'14)" and "Return of the King Side-by-Side: Rankin/Bass ('80) & Peter Jackson ('03)," YouTube, 15 February 2018.
  2. The Rankin/Bass Specials were only made exploiting a loophole in the publication of Tolkien's books that temporarily made them public domain States-side, but meant that their airing was limited to the US, and subsequent a legal agreement with the Tolkien Estate, Canada. Jackson says he hadn't seen their Return of the King in an interview from late 1998. Eric Vespe, “ 20 QUESTIONS WITH PETER JACKSON – PART 2 Ain’t It Cool News,” , 30 December 1998.
  3. Brian Sibley, Peter Jackson: A Filmmaker's Journey (London: Harper Collins, 2006), pp. 107-111.
  4. Kyle, ""Legends of Film: Ralph Bakshi," Nashville Public Library, 29 April 2013.
  5. Emru Townsend, "INTERVIEW: Ralph Bakshi", Frames Per Second, 2 July 2004.
  6. Ken P., "Interview with Ralph Bakshi," IGN, May 25, 2004. Broadway, Clifford Q., "The Bakshi Interview: Uncloaking a Legacy". The One Ring, 20 April 2015.
  7. Anonymous, "From Book to Script," and Peter Jackson et al, "Director's Commentary," both in Peter Jackson, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (New Line: 2002). Also Anonymous, "Peter Jackson interview". Explorations (Barnes & Noble, November 2001). Peter Jackson interview at the Egyptian Theater, 6 February 2004.
  8. Sibley, pp. 109 ff.
  9. Director's Commentary.
  10. Ned Raggett, "The Trouble With Ralph Bakshi’s The Lord Of The Rings & Other Tolkien Misadventures", The Quietus, 19 November 2018
  11. Ian Nathan, Everything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth (London: HarperCollins, 2017), p. 138.
  12. Peter Jackson et al, The Lord of the Rings, quoted in Sibley, pp. 109, 704, 751.
  13. Director's Commentary.
  14. Celedor, "10 Things You Know About The LOTR Movies (That Aren’t True)," TheOneRing, 11 June 2013.
  15. "Interview with Ralph Bakshi."
  16. Sibley, p. 738-744. Exeter College, Oxford, "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation: Exeter College Oxford Eighth Century Lecture Series", YouTube, 30 July 2015.
  17. Howe admits to the influence of the Hildebrandts, and in turn his own bestial Balrog would influence those of Alan Lee and Ted Nasmith. This would be popularised by Jackson, and finally emulated by Rings of Power. John Howe, "First Thing's First," John-Howe, 6 January 2012.
  18. "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation", Sibley, 738-744. The One Ring, "Peter Jackson MISSED OUT! Talking Tolkien with Renowned Artist Ted Nasmith," YouTube, 11 July 2023.
  19. Nathan, p. 123, NB 1008.
  20. Nathan, p. 258.
  21. Nerd of the Rings, "Brian Sibley, writer, BBC's The Lord of the Rings (1981) - Interview," YouTube, 20 April 2021.
  22. Nathan, pp. 621 ff
  23. "Sir Peter Jackson in conversation"
  25. Ibid.
  26. Nathan, pp. 158, 393, 645.
  27. u/Chen_Geller, "How Masterpieces beget Masterpieces: Braveheart and The Lord of the Rings," Reddit, 23 June 2021.


Any notion that Jackson's films are derivative of previous Tolkien adaptations - namely, Bakshi's - are very much hyperbolic, and stem more from adopting an inflated rhetoric taken by the likes of Bakshi. As an adaptation, Jackson's works are based soley on Tolkien's books, and merely tip their hat occasionally to previous adaptations - and not all previous adaptations, either. Cinematically, they draw rather from other sources: less from other adaptations of Tolkien or other fantasy film (Tolkien-esque or not) and more from historical epics, both from the 1960s but also and especially from the time in which Jackson first started developing his films.
submitted by Chen_Geller to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:09 Great_Potato123 AITA for not inviting my entitled cousin to a big famous party?

I (25F) and cousin (26F) have been friends since we were a kid. We have a friend group, we'll call them Ali (23M) and Zee (23F).
Let me tell you about cousin. Cousin is a kind of person who's very entitled and wants what she wants. There was this one time, I was with Ali and Zee coz we we're doing a project together. Cousin knows we we're together coz we mentioned it to her. We we're so busy running errands around and she keeps calling us. Since we're already stressed, we didn't answer her calls. She then messaged us and just went on and on that she's our friend, she should be included in things, she wants to do things too. Mind you, this project doesn't include her and it wasn't in the plan.
Another time was we we're riding Zee's car. The AC of her car isn't good so we just opened the windows. She keeps complaining on how Zee should get it fixed and it was so hot. Her makeup is melting and so on. She was very grumpy.
Now you get the gist of her personality, let's move on.
I got a fling from Tinder and we'll name him Sam (28M). He is a hot guy, like HAWT and Handsome! Me and Sam met on 2017 and we had a flirtashionship. We had strong feelings for each other but since he had to work in another country, we kinda drifted apart. My cousin and friends knows about this. When he came back, I was already in a relationship with someone else. Me and Sam remained close friends still. We hang out together with our friend group.
There was this one time, we we're in Ali's house. Just a get together with alcohol and food. Since I don't drink that much alcohol, I wasn't as drunk as my friends were. My cousin sat with Sam while Sam's playing a video game. She was flirting with him, rub her body on him, laying down on him, cupping his face. It was so obvious coz she was loud and drunk. Sam was really uncomfortable but he's just being respectful to just let it be. Me and my friends are just looking at her like what the hell!
That night was terrible for me coz I got kinda feel betrayed by my cousin in some way. I let it slip coz maybe she's just drunk and horny, I don't know. As a girl code, if your friend dates someone, don't flirt or date him too. That kind of ideology.
Another incident, another party, not much alcohol involved. Same friend group and other friend of friends were there. My family was there too. Sam was with me and we were just talking. Cousin came, interrupted our conversation, sat beside Sam and trying to hold his arms. She's like "it's cold". She's NOT drunk. Me and Sam continued our conversation and cousin interrupted again. She's like "let's grab something to eat". Sam look at me and I kinda gave him the nod. So I excused myself, and hangout with my other friends. They noticed that and asked me if I was ok. My friends knew about the history between me and Sam. they kinda feel bad, Cousin's just clinging on to him like a leech. My family even told her to behave and act like a lady. Sam didn't do much coz he's just being respectful not to push a lady away. After the party, I'm just filled with betrayal and jealousy.
Believe me, it is not just those two incidents. There are MORE! She's just trying to push herself on him.
So, there was this big famous party going on in our city. In order to be invited, you have to know someone. I was invited and I can invite 3 people. So I invited Ali and Zee and they were excited. Now I was thinking, should I invite cousin? She had work at that time and at the same time, I'm so fed up with what's going on and her attitude, I'm like nahh I'm done. I invite Sam instead. I asked Ali and Zee if it's ok not inviting cousin and invite Sam instead. They 101% AGREE with my decision. Being with her around is just frustrating. So it's me, Ali, Zee and Sam. We had a blast at the party, we took pictures and posted them on Instagram. She SAW it. She was bombing us with calls and messages, of course we didn't answer coz we're still having a great time. After the party, we read her messages like why didn't you invite me, why didn't you tell me about the party, why wasn't she part of it, it's a big famous party so she should be there yada yada yada. So we are thinking how to reply to her.
Ali is a pro at Photoshop. So he photoshopped a chat that "supposedly" we sent her the day before but didn't go through coz maybe "internet is not working" so she didn't receive the message at all. Ali changed the chat feed, change the time, pretend we sent her a picture of the invitation but didn't go through. So we just told her, "oh no, the invitation didn't go through. We're sorry for that. Maybe our internet was bad." .. She believed it. We we're kinda glad we nailed that sh*t!!
As a girl code, if your friend dates someone, don't flirt or date him too. It's like getting leftovers or something like that. I don't know. AITA for doing this or feeling this way?
submitted by Great_Potato123 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:08 Resident-Cheek-5751 21F [F4M] anywhere! Looking for my soulmate!

Hello I'm 21F and I'm looking for something genuine that's long term! A bit about myself, I'm in my 3rd year of uni, I like watching shows and movies, listen to music (my fav genre is rap), some of my fav artists are Kanye, Travis Scott, Kendrick, and The Weeknd, I love scrolling through TikTok, I love dark humor! and I'm into fashion and health! I'm looking for someone who's down to FaceTime and call after we get to know each other, someone with similar interests and social media so we could communicate, preferably from an English speaking country, from the ages of (21-26), please send a picture of yourself along with a an introduction! So u could make it easier for me to respond to you I'm 5'4, tanned skin, long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Honestly I don't have a type I just want someone who looks after his weight and body and dresses nicely ** only message me if ur interested in forming a long term relationship and I'm not into sending nudes or any of that stuff**
submitted by Resident-Cheek-5751 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:03 syrupypancakee Makeup Advice

Makeup Advice
Hello everyone! I originally wanted to ask what my undertone was but I honestly just want overall makeup advice. I’m 27f, have scars from cystic acne, and PCOS. So those are the uncontrollable factors that I have going on. Other than that any advice is appreciated! First picture is no makeup and the second is the only one I have of me with a full face 🩵
submitted by syrupypancakee to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:02 Tremendoustip Best video subscriptions?

Looking for recommendations on which mobile friendly face swap platform offers decent subscriptions. Im open to paid subscriptions but dont like the idea of paying per video. Is there a platform that offers unlimited video/picture editing for a monthly fee?
submitted by Tremendoustip to faceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:02 GrlmCatchM3 Transforming the Gaming Universe: The Rise of STYLE Protocol

In a world where gaming reigns supreme, STYLE Protocol emerges as a beacon of innovation, bridging the realms of reality and virtuality. With a recent infusion of $2.5 million in seed funding, and its native utility token $STYLE now listed on major exchanges, the protocol is poised to revolutionize the gaming landscape.

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In the ever-expanding universe of gaming, STYLE Protocol stands at the forefront of innovation. With its $STYLE token paving the way for interoperability and multi-world assets, the protocol is poised to redefine the gaming experience for players worldwide. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, STYLE Protocol remains committed to empowering gamers and unlocking new realms of possibility.
submitted by GrlmCatchM3 to CryptoDose [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:58 Jonbieniemy87 A Lily in a Valley of Haze (Part 5 of ?)

(Probably my last chapter. I'm not yet sure)
Her lily was recovering well, though they had to start wearing their mask again to aid with their breathing. She spent a lot more time in the garden with them, even more than she used to. The two would garden, and she would accept their help controlling her newfound psyker powers. Perhaps it was because it was her lily that was helping her made it more bearable, maybe it was because she knew that this was the only way to prevent her from being a pawn of beings that did not care for her. Regardless of why, she knew it was necessary, and dare she say; nice. It felt nice to be able to rely on someone else. She only hoped that it would last.
She had started to control her psychic powers to some degree, and grown incredibly strong psychically, though that fact often concerned her. She didnt want to lose control and create the same system that she had destroyed on her home world. But gardening helped ease her worries. Spending time with her lily helped ease her worries, calm her spirit. It was nice. Her sons questioned the amount of time she spent away from them, but they also knew not to mess with her. Maybe she would teach them to take care of their own garden, one day.
Unfortunately, that day would not come. As they traveled through the Immaterium, she shot awake from a terrible nightmare, only to see her garden withering and decaying once more, the petals of her flowers falling lifelessly to the floor, and her herbs turning brown and wilting. She saw daemons tearing into her plants and dragging her Lily into the Immaterium through a gap in the gellar field. She had to CALM down. She needed to CONTROL it. Breathe in. BREATHE out. She. had. To. focus. She. had. To. kill. Them. all. She had to save her lily. SHE NEEDED to send those DAEMONS BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM.
Through cold tears, and a pain that shook her to her core, Morrigan could no longer control her psychic powers. She just couldn’t DO IT ANY longer. The daemons turned to see the Primarch shaking, and a psychic force hit them so hard that they were forced into the warp, without lily. Morrigan rushed to her lily’s side as they lay in the withering garden, torn and dying. She used her psychic powers to try and heal the garden, to heal her lily. But she went too far. The sheer psychic power she wielded, the uncontrolled emotion, the uncontrolled rage and the pain was too much. She found her garden lithe and green once again, and her lily was standing once more before, pale but healthy. But as she wiped the tears from her eyes, she could see that not all was well. Her lily had become part of the garden, they had become one with the plants that they had taken care of for so long. Morrigan broke down. What had she done? WHAT HAD SHE DONE.
She wept and tried her best to ease her mind by gardening, as she had always done since she had met her lily. But this only made things worse. As her tears wet the ground and dirt caked her hands, the psychic energy further transformed the budding seedling that was her lily. The garden began to grow and spread, mutating under the strain of psychic energy. The budding seedling grew at a rampant pace, growing around the body of the former apothecary. When the growth was finished, a tree of enormous stature had grown from the budding seedling, reaching every corner of the room, with lily at the center of its trunk.
Morrigan spent a long-time gardening. She didn't know how long it was, she didn't want to know, she didn't care. She didn't eat, she didn't drink. She hadn't worn her mask or her armor since the incident. All she could focus on was the garden and the tree that was her lily. She pruned the leaves often, doing everything she could to give her lily what she could. She started to talk to her lily as she lay gestating inside the tree. She would talk about her past, talk about what she had wanted to accomplish. She apologized for what she had done, how sorcery was a trap that she had willingly stepped into, how it had cost her lily their freedom. Her lily would always try to console her by raising a flower to her, but Morrigan didn't want to hurt her lily any further and would always refuse.
Even as they exited the warp and returned to Barbarus, the uncontrolled psychic energy continued to affect her garden as it expanded, taking over the ship layer by layer, system by system. Her sons became rooted to their stations as the garden became the ship, as vines bound marines to their posts, trapping others in bulbous flowering pods. The air became thick with a haze not unlike Barbarus, but was filled with sweet smells of flowers, and the sickly smell of flesh consumed by plants. Her sons began to transform, vines began to enter their armor, mushrooms growing from inside them, and flowers budding from their helmets. Organs were held in place by cracking armor and vines, muscles replaced by roots, and all sorts of vegetative replacements. Yet others would be consumed by bulbous pods, their gene-seed being sent through runners, the psychic energy fostering new bulbous pods to grow, gestating new marines.
And at the center of the grand mass of plants and space marines was a huge tree, growing from inside the Primarch’s quarters. Morrigan was a mess. Their clothes had long been tattered, covered in dirt and grime as she wandered the halls in psychic delirium. She seemed to talk to no one, ranting about that she was sorry, that she would fix it. The ship seemed to almost reach out in reply, the plants embracing her as if they were trying to console her. Morrigan accepted their embrace, having long lost any ability to differentiate her lily from the ship-wide garden. She pruned the vines throughout the ship, watering her sons as they still sat rooted to their stations. She made sure to put extra care to the new, small bulbs that held the gestating seeds of her new sons. She would continue this for long stretches of time, talking to the ship as if it were a living thing, pruning painful growth to give some relief to her lily, to the person she cared for but couldn’t quite accept that she loved.
However, her isolation would soon be broken as her sister Alakhai Khan. Having returned from her fight against the Greenskins in the Chondrax system, she had been searching for answers as to what had happened during her absence. Finding no sign of her sister Magnolia, she went searching for her sister Morrigan. Upon her arrival to the outskirts of Barbarus, she could see the hulk of the Endurance in orbit, floating listlessly in space. Sensing something was wrong, she approached the ship, sending a vox to her sister's ship in order to identify the problem. Hearing no answer, she decided to investigate the disturbance in person.
Her stormhawk landed inside the hangar of the Endurance, and immediately she could see something horrible had happened. Every inch of the ship had been claimed by a massive growth of plant life. As Alakhai ventured further into the ship, she decided to investigate some of the plant growth, to see if there were any signs of daemonic corruption. Instead, she was startled as the plant reached out, as if to greet her. Hands made of vines, eyes made of flowers, kept together by Space Marine armor that had been long since neglected. This was one of her sister’s marine’s, consumed by plants but very much alive. As she prepared to end the marine’s suffering, she heard a voice, and a psychic pressure that gave her a splitting headache.
“Sister, please let my sons rest. They need to sleep if they wish to grow and revitalize.”
Alakhai looked towards the origin of the voice, and saw something that resembled her sister, but surely was not. “Morrigan? What has become of you? What has happened to your ship?”
Morrigan smiled, caressing the walls of the ship, running her hands through the petals and flowers. “My lily requires a lot of work to keep healthy. I’m afraid I haven't found time for myself these days.” The ship seemed to groan, almost as if it were talking to Morrigan. The plants reach out, as if to console her, wrapping her in their embrace.
Alakhai now understood. The ship was alive, a living plant that her sister was cultivating. What warp entity had caused such growth and transformation. “Sister, what has done this to you? What warp entity has corrupted your ship?”
Morrigan began to cry, tears streaming down her face, watering the plants at her feet. “I have cursed them sister, and now I must forever make up for my failures.”
submitted by Jonbieniemy87 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:58 lazy_human5040 Geometry Nodes - Instance on Points: how can I finetune the transformations?

I want to learn how to modify object instances on points. Here, I've created a very basic dragon mesh, and a single scale. Using Geometry Nodes, I placed the scale ontop of the dragon's body and, as you can see in picture 1, it doesn't look natural at all. I want to know whether I can solve this using Geometry Nodes, not a surface texture. Specifically, I want to know:
So can you help me turn this sorry child of a porcupine into an actual scaled creature?
Using Blender 4.1, mostly base set-up, no relevant Add-ons.
submitted by lazy_human5040 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:56 glitterlungs What is actually going on in my head that causes the pain?

Been suffering 20 years from clusters. Suicidally strong headaches 3x a day for 6 months this cluster. Neurologist told me there was no rebound from taking too much sumatriptan and after reading here a bit I feel like it’s only prolonging my cluster. I’m trying to use only o2 now to get off the sumatriptan to see if that helps. Tried shrooms a few days ago and been micro dosing daily since, feel better mentally but still having headaches I think from rebounds.
I’ve had them a long time and I’ve isolated a few triggers like too much dairy or cured meats… but what is actually happening in the brain that causes the pain?
My eye literally swells up. You can actually see it on my face, one side starts to sag and droop. It feel like there’s pressure behind my eye like it’s going to pop out. You can actually take a picture of my “headache”.
What else can I do to stop this pain. Should I take more shrooms? LSD? Ketamine? Go to church? I will literally fucking try anything to make these go away. I would be open to the idea of a lobotomy, the release of pressure from behind my eye sounds relieving af tbh.
submitted by glitterlungs to ClusterHeadaches [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:51 Academic-Mine-8066 bisexual homoromantic or lesbian?

CW: mention of coercion, SA, trauma urges
im not sure if im a bisexual homoromantic or a lesbian with a rlly bad case of comphet + trauma urges for men. I thought I was fully bi (sexually and romantically) for the last 7 yrs or so, but recently I realized I am incapable of romantically loving men and cannot see myself in a relationship with one (I have one ex boyfriend from 8 yrs ago lol but I know now that was comphet)- but figuring out my sexual attraction is confusing me.
are there any bisexual homoromantics out there who could share how they knew they weren’t lesbian?
about my physical relationship with men: - The first time I saw a naked man’s body via straight porn was by accident and while I was looking at pictures of titties😭 I remember feeling disgusted and just scrolling away immediately. Growing up I never really had crushes in boys, just “picked” boys that my friends thought were cute but I wasn’t boy crazy or keen on having my first kiss with them/having sex with them until I felt social pressure to do conform (anything to be “normal straight girl”) - the only time i feel like i get pleasure or enjoyment out of hetero sex is only when 1) the man is a strangeloose acquaintance that i met IRL/at a bar; 2) it’s the first night we’re having sex w each other; 3) the man has clout, is conventionally good looking, or is someone that i know straight girls would typically be attracted to. - i ALWAYS develop an aversion to sex (with men i like) when i feel like im getting “too close” to the man, the sex stops feeling “platonic”, or if we seem like we’re “dating” - is this just my fear of intimacy/avoidant attachment or an indication that I’m not sexually attracted to men? - The first time I had sex ever was with a man and it was a violation, so I have a chaotic and self destructive relationship with sex in general - instead of avoiding sex after trauma I became more promiscuous as a trauma response. I think they’re called trauma urges. But I remember the first six months of me having sex (only with men, I didnt know I was queer at the time), I was deadfishing/laying there and did not bother to learn how to participate in sex with a man (how to give blow jobs, how to ride dick, etc it never occurred to me that I should learn how to please a male partner). It was more like “other girls are doing it so I should too” and I was almost always nearly blackout drunk. I dont think I even looked down at the man’s body parts during sex cuz I had no interest/wasn’t compelled to do so, and I wanted it to be in the dark. - All that changed when my ex coerced me into giving him a blow job (I didnt know how to give one, it was my first time), then telling me I did a bad job afterwards. I think I was so triggered/scarred by that comment that something switched in my brain and from that point onward, I started training myself on how to please men sexually and it worsened my hypersexuality/compulsive sex tendencies - but I got enjoyment (it was almost like a “high”) every time I made a man come. So I’ve grown to have hetero sex more “normally” like I imagine a straight girl would, I assumed if I had positive feelings/ego boosts after sex with men, that must mean Im attracted to them. - I dont like when men try to make me come/I don’t like receiving from men sexually, I always feel like I have to be on top or else I wont feel good about it.
and now, ever since i started questioning whether im lesbian, i feel like ive been procrastinating on sex w men when i get hit up by past sneaky links etc- like I’m planning a threesome with a straight couple rn and i start feeling dread about having sex w the man, but then i think maybe its cuz he’s just not hot enough?
does what i described sound like I’m sexually attracted to men? or is it still comphet? thank you for reading so far and sorry for TMI, i dont have anyone to talk to about my trauma and identity crisis irl. I’m not trippin over labels or anything but I would like to be able to tell my trauma urges apart from my true desires. 😔
submitted by Academic-Mine-8066 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 jab296 [Sell] Buy my super high-end dress shoes! (Size 11D brannock)

For sale - well loved, but well cared for dress shoes. Until recently, I lived in the DC area so I was lucky enough to be able to personally bring my shoes to Bedo's in Virginia. I currently live in New England and would be happy to do any sale in person if possible.
Pictures of each can be found here:
Pair 1: Gaziano & Girling Buccleuch in Tobacco Suede
Size: UK10F
Asking Price: $425
Pair 2: John Lobb Philip II, Prestige Collection (Brown Museum Calf)
Size: UK10.5E
Asking Price: $650
Pair 3: Alden 9015 - Shell Cordovan Perf Tip Bal Oxford
Size: US11B/D
Asking Price: $450
Pair 4: Allen Edmond Dundee in Brown Shell Cordovan
Size: US11D
Asking Price: $300
submitted by jab296 to MaleFashionMarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:47 SlipKnotscummin A "fixed fixed" version of silly billy and him with a normal face

I made a fixed version of one of my fixed silly billy art things becuase it wasn't "perfect" so I fixed the things you guys wanted fixed and I also made the face normal on the second picture
submitted by SlipKnotscummin to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]