Best naughty text messages

the thicker the skin, the better the roast

2015.04.22 06:28 SwagmasterEDP the thicker the skin, the better the roast

Roasting (v.) - To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback. (As defined by urbandictionary) Hone your roasting skills, meet other roasters, and get yourself roasted! Everybody needs to laugh at themselves! And other people, of course!

2011.06.28 22:08 Pudie r/SquaredCircle

Reddit's largest professional wrestling community!

2018.07.26 01:42 Gaenya Brand New Sentence

For sentences never before written, found in the wild.

2024.05.16 04:34 throw_awayaccount224 Why do people ghost?

I (30m) had gotten this woman’s number a while back and sent a friendly message the following day. She took a few days to respond and her messages contained some flirtation and compliments. In her message she urged me to message her whenever.
I sent a text back, minimally flirtatious and nothing over the top. I complimented her back, showed interest in what she had said and asked her a little bit about herself. Checked my message through with a few female friends before to confirm that it wasn’t overbearing. Everyone thought it was sweet and respectful.
Well she ended up ghosting me but still checks out my social media and hasn’t deleted my number. Initially, I thought I had done something wrong but that wasn’t the case. And if it were, I would’ve liked the opportunity to amend things. Or even rejection would be fine. Being ghosted just feels a bit cruel as I would still like to work towards a friendship if someone doesn’t reciprocate attraction. I’m not angry about it, just a little confused.
submitted by throw_awayaccount224 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:31 Interesting-Sir-3774 How to react (27M) when woman i'm dating (29F) wants to keep things "casual"?

I started dating a woman in January. Spent 2-3 nights together everyweek. Spent Valentines with her. 3 weeks ago, I expressed emotional feelings towards her, something akin to a committment relationship. She told me she doesn't see a committment partnership with me because of "political value differences" (her words, maybe it's a BS excuse). However, she said she still wants to see me casually (friends with benefits).
It stung, since I want more, but I went with it. However, I told myself that I wouldn't reach out to her. Even though I think of her, it's best that I don't express too much attachment, since this is going nowhere.
We saw each twice since then, each time she had reached out. She texted me again to hang out, this time I waited a day before responding.
2 questions. First, it kind of felt good not responding immediately to her. Is this normal? Is this good feeling due to me thinking that I've gained control over the relationship? Might be crazy..
Second, would it be a good idea to simply stop seeing her? I still see myself in a relationship with her, I do like her a lot. Knowing this is going nowhere (even if hope is always there), I have friends tell me it's best to stop before my feelings get more hurt.
submitted by Interesting-Sir-3774 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:31 Maniacal_K1tt3n I Despise Her

My mother in law has got to be one of the most horrendous humans alive. I wish I had a place to start, but in all honesty I just want to have no contact with her ever again but I know it wont be possible because my husband wants his parents in our lives.
To begin this tragic turn of events I guess I will start about a year and a bit before my husband (32M) and I (33F) got married in August of 2022. We had asked both FIL and MIL to be if they would help us with some of the payments for the wedding. My parents had agreed to helping with paying for a third of our wedding, his parents though asked what the price point would be and then assumed it would only be about $550 that would be needed. I told them that when my older sister had gotten married it was about #$25,000 at the end of the day, they had over 100 people attend their wedding as well. They looked at me and said sorry, we can't help you out. My parents, my husband and I paid for the whole wedding just as a precursor to what is about to happen.
We were finalizing our guest list, which at this point was our immediate family no extras. We were having a smaller wedding of only 25ish people, when my then fiancés mom decided to say I want my sisters to be invited to the wedding. We both talked about this and ended up saying no, she asked a couple weeks later if she could have her sisters invited and we again said no. Two months before the wedding when we had sent our invitations out for the save the date and actual wedding invitation, his parents came to our house and his mother proceeded to guilt trip us by saying "My sisters are my immediate family. If my sisters don't get invited then there will be no more relationship between us." Meanwhile my now husband should have said "Sorry mom, but this isn't your wedding so your immediate family isn't invited to a wedding that isn't your wedding." Instead he looked at me and I will just say yes I was a people pleaser. I turned to him and said "We will have to check with my parents to make sure there is enough space..." My parents were not happy with the concept of having to add another person or two to the list of people coming. In the end only one sister was able to make it.
She called us a month before the wedding demanding a rehearsal dinner with just the wedding party and parents were allowed to attend. When I heard that I told my now husband, that won't work seeing as we have a lot of people staying at our venue. The venue was hosted by my family friends, so to say the least I wasn't impressed that my grandmother, my family friends, my siblings partners and everyone else helping out with the wedding wouldn't have been included in this dinner. I said to them I will join you for dinner but if we aren't including the rest of the people at the wedding then no one else would be there to celebrate with us.
Fast forward to the day before the wedding, the in laws to be are upset they didn't get any jobs to do to help with the wedding at all. Well my MIL to be actually was given a job, she ignored it to the point where a surprise for my now husband and I were going to be getting ended up getting ruined because she was so ignorant of my moms messages and pleas to get some pictures of my husband from when he was a baby to the present time so they could create a slideshow for us. Then I asked her to do another task, which was getting wine for us and they did but that was it for anyone wanting help from them.
The evening hit and my husband and I set out to go tot he rehearsal dinner (it wasn't even a rehearsal dinner just a dinner). We got there and all night his mother complained about how no one else showed up for the rehearsal dinner. I started to tune her out until she said "I was wondering if I should just get ready at the cottage with the rest of the bridal party seeing as I am getting my hair and makeup done there anyways." I looked at her stunned she thought that she could just invite herself to someone else's home. I responded with "I can always check to see if that would be alright." The dinner finishes and neither of the in laws to be paid for dinner, instead my husband paid for the whole dinner. Happy wedding eve to us love us right?
Later that night I gave my now husbands phone a call, and I told him "Can you explain to your mom that I want my pictures with my family to be just that my family. I would prefer it if she got ready and came back to the cottage with the rest of you." He understood and explained that to her, and I thought that would be the end of the drama my MIL to be would end up doing. Was I ever wrong!
I barely slept that night having the wedding jitters, I was so excited and nervous to be marrying my best friend. The day started and my MIL to be at the time arrived, and was painfully honest with the hair stylists doing our hair. According to my hairstylist she had said "I was told I was allowed to get ready here, I was then told that I couldn't stay. She doesn't like me, she was so unkind to me I just wanted to share this day with her.." Meanwhile I am having anxiety with everything starting to happen. Honestly the only thing my MIL to be wanted to do was see me in my dress before my husband to be ever got to see it. Oh I almost forgot to mention she tried to get away with not paying my parents back for her hair and makeup, she asked me how much she owed my dad and I said for right now he has it covered but after the wedding I would let her know what she owed him.
When she returned with the rest of the family to take the grooms side of the families pictures she decided it would be a good idea to try and see me in my dress again, I literally ran into a room to hide because I wanted my husband to see my dress before his side got to see it. The rest of the day goes by without any issues though and honestly it was an amazing day minus all the extra drama.
A week goes by and my mom asks me about why my no husbands mom hadn't paid for any of the things she was supposed to pay for, I said I told her she would have to pay back what is owed. My mom reached out to her and my MIL said "Well I was told that I didn't have to worry about paying for anything. I thought (insert dads name here) had it all covered and paid for." Finally my mom got her to pay for something.
I absolutely hate her and her drama and honestly I guess that's why her name is Karen. Stay tuned for more drama from this MIL from hell.
submitted by Maniacal_K1tt3n to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:30 choptopsbbq2019 Share your experiences of dealing with people who just constantly derailed/stalled the production

I think we have all had these people involved in collaboration at one point or another...
You know the type, you bring them on board only to start regretting the decision because they find ways to dig their heels in over tiny things, then slowly start assimilating themselves into the directors chair and try to take over everything and slow everything down to a crawl.
I was finding myself to be a pretty decent low budget filmmaker. I know every production is different and every crew works a different way. I was big on not over planning my movies. I knew that what was in my head was unlikely to be what appeared on screen with the limited resources I had, so I would arrive on the day and adapt. I liked a fast paced environment, ideas were always welcome and I wouldn't be too precious over production issues. Working at such a low budget, or sometimes no budget at all, I understood that I would rather shoot the scene how I could and make the most out of it rather than be bitter about it not being perfect. It was freeing, it was fun to be creative in working around issues etc.
My short films were garnering some interest and local actors and crew were wanting to work with me when I was trying to set up a project.
I had worked hard on getting my first low budget feature film into pre-production and it looked like it was about to start shooting in the next couple of months (this was in 2016).
...and then I brought in the cinematographer...
The DP was a good friend of mine. We had met through the local film scene and followed each others work, but never actually collaborated. I thought it would be a good idea to delegate DP duties and we could both embark on feature films together.
He had worked on bigger productions before, bigger than what I had worked on though not as a DP.
It was apparent very quickly that he was unwilling to just adapt to the smaller scale of my production and was pressuring for more and more.
What started as me hoping somebody with DP experience would be able to come in and improve the visual elements of the films through sheer experience and resourcefulness and understanding, was very far from the truth.
Very quickly, he was insisting I spend a good amount of the budget on renting better high end cameras, better and more extensive lighting and wished on me bringing in additional crew to assist him with the DP duties. I was not opposed to this, and figured as a cinematographer it would be a worthwhile investment to the project. Then of course came insurance for that gear and suddenly my very low budget was already starting to dry up if I proceeded.
I figured if we are going from making a cheap local indie feature into something more professional looking, maybe we should try to utilise the gear we had to try and film a couple of things to raise interest and potentially gain some more investment via crowdfunding, so we took some scenes and shot them. They looked alright. Better than what I had been doing on my own anyways...
It was apparent during the shooting though, that he wasn't just focusing on cinematography. He was overruling some of my decisions with actors, trying to change locations and entire conversations. At one stage when I was elsewhere, likely catching a smoke or toilet break, I came back to see him talking the actors through a few things, and when I was trying to get him to adapt what he had in his head to what was actually possible to shoot, he was getting a bit preachy and huffy about not getting his own way.
All things considered, the shoot turned out ok in the end. After I edited it and carried out some detailed sound design, it was actually pretty decent.
The cinematographer then started sending me messages questioning the casting of certain people, and started suggesting alternative actors. He would also start questioning the tiniest bits of dialogue with a sort of 'know it all' attitude, wishing to change locations of certain scenes (for example, from a bar to an office). He obviously had plans in his head to make 'this scene look like the scene from X movie or Y TV series'. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was trying to film ideas he wanted to visually do, and not actually shoot the script the way I was asking him to shoot.
This progressed into him requesting more gear, because he had ideas. I just didn't have the money for this, but he was digging his heels in again and again over everything including directing decisions, writing, casting.
Film is a collaborative effort, but I had brought in somebody who was taking over the production and any time you had to move him back into his station he would give you the 'trust me, I worked on this and this...I know best' mentality. Production was slowing to an absolute CRAWL because he would just constantly bombard you with expectations and challenge everything, and when things finally got started would take forever reviewing a shot and lighting before he was happy to shoot. I am not against quality control, but this isn't Hollywood, we didnt have the time, money or resources to be this strict about the craft. We had to be in and out of locations within a certain timeframe and he was just too unwilling to meet me in the middle between what he considered his level and my level, it was his way or nothing.
The guy had clearly wanted to work with me, so it confuses me as to how the guy who apparently liked my work and style just wanted to entire project to fit what he thought was best, and my role as the director was requiring the inevitable where I was going to have to kick him off the production because we weren't moving any further forward with his elitist attitude towards the project.
The project eventually folded and never returned. It was what it was. If I had kicked him sooner or even shot it myself, it probably would have been completed. Maybe not to a super high standard, but I wasn't looking for a BAFTA, I just wanted to shoot my first feature script with the money I saved for it, but the budget was drained and the project had been at a standstill for too long directly because of this cinematographer that was constantly throwing spanners and changes into the works.
I thought it was me and I just couldn't handle a production. But as time went on, I worked with others and projects all came together nicely, I had good working relationships with crew and cinematographers. I may have been less experienced, but he certainly damaged the production.
Years later, we are still friends and we do still share ideas with one another.
But I have noticed every single time we initiate the possibility of collaboration, the professional side of him flares up and it becomes the controlling production knowledge it all demon that I experienced back in 2016 all over again. Anything I've ever sought to make without him, gets made. Every time we try to work together, it never gets made for all of the same reasons initially.
submitted by choptopsbbq2019 to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:29 Wild-Ad8124 Is it normal for a nurse to give you their personal number?

30+ F
I was at the hospital for anxiety / heart palpitations a while back. A nurse sat down with me (not even my nurse or related to the care team I was seeing, she was just there to keep me company due to my anxiety) while I was waiting, and she wrote down her personal number for me, saying that I could call any time if I ever feel this way again, day or night.
Is this more of a kind act but she doesn't obviously think I would use it (which I likely wouldn't), or would I really be allowed to call or message her if I ever felt like I was in crisis again?
I thought she was really nice and empathetic and I appreciated the gesture even though I almost certainly wouldn't use it. But if I was really in crisis at some point, and couldn't get help, I would want someone to reach out to, and I guess I'm wondering if it would be ok to text her in that case, however unlikely, or if that would be weird.
I'm not in any kind of crisis now, this is more of a general question I guess. I'm wondering if this was more of a normal kind act vs a genuine "please contact me if you need to". Like is this standard practice or was she just exceptionally kind
submitted by Wild-Ad8124 to asknurses [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 Illustrious-Emu8866 AITA for holding to my religious beliefs?

A little background:
My best friend (here on out referred to as Jordan) and I met in sophomore year of high school and have been best friends for 6+ years since then. Jordan has always know of my religious beliefs and never treated me any less or differently because of them. I never looked at Jordan as any less of a person or any differently because we didn't share beliefs either. We were just, friends. I left on a mission trip for 2 years right after high school and unfortunately lost contact with Jordan, but was able to regain contact with them after I had returned. During my time away, Jordan began identifying as transgender, which didn't bother me. While I disagree with the idea of transgenderism and believe that there are only two genders (because they go against religious teachings I believe to be true), I didn't let it get in the way of the friendship that we have. To my knowledge, Jordan has always known of my beliefs regarding that as well. Jordan and I live far away from each other now, so we never get to see each other in person.
Now the current dilemma:
Recently I have made my statuses on discord of that sort, reflecting my beliefs and the current state of society. The two controversial ones being, "You can live in your fantasy all you want, but don't get upset when reality hits" and "when did 2 become 50" (referring to gender). Jordan, who is home after graduating college, messaged me after I had changed to the second status asking what I meant. I replied saying that it was referring to gender and that I believe in the gender dichotomy, or that there are only two genders and that every person falls into one of those two (male and female). Jordan then didn't talk to me at all for the two next days, which was odd because we normally talk all day every day.
Then today Jordan texts me saying, "it's really important that we talk. I've really needed time to think about some of the things you said, and I think we really need to talk about your beliefs, the impact your beliefs [have] on the people around us, and how that impacts us."
I respond asking, "Are my beliefs getting in the way of how we interact?"
and Jordan responds saying, "I don't want them to, but if they are your true, heartfelt beliefs, then yeah, I think they will."
I don't want the friendship between Jordan and I to disappear. We've gotten each other through so much, and not having that and our friendship will break my heart. I'm also not going to stop holding true to my religious beliefs. Can we not continue seeing each other as human beings and keep being friends? AITA?
submitted by Illustrious-Emu8866 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 milvidas Just finished my evil Durge playthrough

What a blast! I just wanted to share the ending for my characters, because that was just too great. Just to reinforce, lots of spoilers ahead.
My oathbreaker Durge rejected Bhaal and destroyed the brain, so I could conquer the world with Minthara on our own terms, starting with the underdark, which is where we went.
Astarion ascended, of course, and by the end he was one super strong vampire that I made monk/spore druid. He was taking 100hp by punch, so it was very fitting for him. And I recommend coating the armor of the sporekeeper with black and red for him.
Laezel, eldritch knight that was throwing Nirulna EVERYWHERE, took Orpheus dragon and is leading a revolution to kill the Lich queen.
Shadowheart killed Aylin, killed her parents, and then became the leader of Shar. Honestly that was the one companion ending that I consider worse than the good one, because she felt like a puppet. Anyway...
Gale was the best. Dude became a god! He was already a power necromancer but he went just beyond.
And all of that appeared in the end, which for me was a great surprise. The text itself doesn't do justice for all the fun, but wanted to try anyway. Thanks for the time. Now I'll start GoW Ragnarök and see what's up with that.
submitted by milvidas to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:27 Haunting-Search-690 My husband thinks I’m cheating on him

Okay, so I've been married to my husband (35M) for 5 years, but we've been together for 9. We have three kids, two girls and a boy. The boy is from my previous relationship, and my husband has always been uneasy about me talking to my son's father. At first, I found it somewhat endearing, like he was just being protective, but now I see things differently.
I've cut off communication with my son's father to respect my husband's wishes, but it's becoming increasingly challenging because my husband isn't the best stepfather to my son. He could definitely make more effort to bond with him. A few months ago, I reached out to my son's father because my son was acting out, and we decided to improve our communication for our son's sake.
Recently, my husband went through my Apple watch and found texts where I mentioned talking to my son's dad and asked my son to look at old family photos on Facebook. He got upset, particularly about me saying "we love you very much" to my son, interpreting it as if we're still a family. He accused me of hiding things from him and questioned why I deleted my son's father's number from my call log.
Now, our tax lady informed us that we can't claim my son on our taxes because someone else already did – his father. This is the first time in 13 years, and I agreed to let him claim him and do it every other year. He gave the entire refund to my father for things my son needs. My husband is furious, not about the money but about what he sees as ethical issues, accusing me of cheating and using the situation to leave him.
I'm at a loss here. I feel like my husband is overreacting and jumping to conclusions. He caught me twice, but it's not like I'm having secret love affairs with my ex. I suggested he call my son's father to clear things up, but he refuses. I don't know how to resolve this situation. Any advice?
submitted by Haunting-Search-690 to cheatingexposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:26 Electronic-Edge-8040 Should I continue therapy?

Hello, I (22m) went to an initial therapy session 2 weeks ago. I went because I wanted help with being comfortable around people. I don't have any friends, and haven't had any since middle school. I only show my true personality to my two sisters and parents. With other people my personality retreats into a shell. I am very quiet, my mind often blank in conversation not knowing what to say. With my family I don't have to think of what to say or do, I just am. I see others interact with each other so easily just being themselves with each other the way I can be myself with my family. Seeing them interact so easily made me feel a bit envious. I wished I could just be comfortable around people like they are, and not be so tense and uncomfortable when socializing. I hate that I probably make people uncomfortable when socializing because of how awkward and socially inept I am. In my work I've noticed the ones with the best social skills get special treatment and get promoted to better positions. This is what brought me to my first therapy session. I felt something is wrong with me because of how much I stand out from my peers.
But after reflecting a little the last two weeks. I don't know if I really care about being closer with people or connecting with them. I don't have a desire for friends. I haven't had them for a long time and never felt lonely from it. The few times people have tried to be my friend, I disliked engaging in conversation, texting, hanging out, etc. I have almost never felt a desire to initiate conversation with people, the few times I did it was so people wouldn't think I am so weird for never talking. A part of me does desire a girlfriend, but I think I just like the idealized fantasy, I know the real thing would be just as exhausting as other relationships.
My therapist said we'll work on helping me be more comfortable around people. I think I am well socialized enough to do my job and do everyday things out in the world. It was just making genuine connections/friends that I struggled with. But I don't know if I care to make genuine connections/friends. I don't think I do. So this is making me wonder if I should even continue going to therapy. But perhaps I do want to have friends/relationships and I am just coping telling myself I don't need or want them. I don't feel this is the case but it could be. I feel content now, but will I still feel content in a decade? Two decades? Eventually my siblings will leave to make their own families, and my parents wont be there forever. I would be truly alone then. If I did have a problem it would be easier to solve now than solving it way later in life. These are the concerns I have. Is it best I stay in therapy even though I feel mostly content right now?
As a side note I also really struggle with coming up with things to say in therapy (people in general) so I feel it would make therapy a lot harder. My mind blanked so much on the last session.
submitted by Electronic-Edge-8040 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 anonymous01941 Why are there only a small percentage of people who appreciate me and my actions?

I 16(M) have been through a few short relationships and it always ends the same way. They would always tell me that it was their fault and not mine or that I was too nice. I get it. Furthermore, I always see such happy relationships where the guy acts the same way as I did and the girl actually appreciates the way he does things for her and himself. Am I living in the wrong area? Or perhaps am I just not meeting the right people.
I am what someone calls a ‘hopeless romantic’ and I tend to go out of my way to make my partner comfortable being around me. I want to be able to give them peace and the ‘Home’ sensation. But I always find it so hard because none of my past partners have shown appreciation for what I do for them. I always pay attention to the littlest details and remember the smallest things they say. Like when she says she had a class on 10.30am till 4pm, I would always leave my phone alone and let her focus on her lessons. Bare minimum right? Yet she thought that I was purely ignoring her and talking to other women. I always ask how their day was, type paragraphs to reassure them that I was doing nothing of the sort. Of course, I always text them these things at night to prevent distracting them from their daily activities. I ask them questions such as “Have you eaten?” and they would always find me clingy. After a week or two of constantly being nothing but so nice to them, I would get a certain message saying that they would want nothing to do with me anymore and that we should go our separate ways. I got so used to the messages that I don’t even bother to react to them anymore.
I received the text 5 times, all in one year. I didn’t date anyone, or at least try to, until I was 14 and thought I had already worked on my appearance enough for someone who I can show this side of me to. By the time I turned 15 I never bothered to have feelings for anyone. Maybe just a small crush which lasts for a day or two. And now I find it really hard to believe that there are actual women who would appreciate how I am. I get that some women may find this uncomfortable because the relationship is moving quite fast and that this is ‘love bombing’. However, I have no problem committing to something that may turn out into us growing old together. Anyone can relate?
submitted by anonymous01941 to romance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 Shecouldvemadesucha I have to accept that he will never come back and apologise for hurting me

Rant incoming. I [23F] am the dumpee.
My pretty much LDR ex [21M] was going through his finals season. One night we watched a movie. The next day I sent him a screenshot of a Reddit post talking about some movie lore and a bit of text. He said he would get to the text eventually and ignored me for a couple of days. Never replied to the text. Normally, I could let something like this go, but it was becoming a pattern where I felt like I was walking on eggshells every time I wanted to reach out to him.
This really triggered the anxious attachment in me. It got to the point where I was sleep deprived after starting work early and I lashed out at him with a giant paragraph saying how unloved I feel because he doesn't have time to send me a five second text to check in. Or didn't have the time to pick up the phone and call me.
He replied saying he's going to be super busy for the next two weeks and we should put this thing on hold. I give him space for a couple of days and ask if the thing means relationship. He said yes and said to only message him if it was bare-minimum or light-hearted, even though he wasn't giving me the bare-minimum and the problem was still looming. What I wish he did was set a time to check in with me over text or call, because I know flow state exists but surely if he really cared, he would've checked in?
I tell him ok I'll give you more space. But I just couldn't do it and overstepped a bit. He was ignoring me so I lashed out again saying if he can't send a message, I'm done. In hindsight, I very much regret that. That was a silly thing to send. I should've just waited but I felt like I was going batshit crazy. I backtracked the next morning and apologised saying I just miss him. I get left on read for another few days. No reply. I can see he's still alive because his friends are posting stories with him in it with his phone in his hand. From the nature of these stories, I inferred that he had told them about what I did and they had told him to end it with me.
The next day it was my birthday. I got no birthday message. I spent most of my birthday anxious and crying over this, because I knew a breakup was imminent. I stupidly sent another paragraph detailing everything he could've done to make me feel better and suggested it might be beyond working out. I should've just ended it right there and then instead of beating around the bush.
A few days later, after more ghosting, I get a message whilst I'm at work that says we're done. He didn't even acknowledge anything I said. I tried frantically calling him but blocked me everywhere. I have a panic attack and leave work.
That was three weeks ago. We were only dating for about a year, and I've had a pretty good support system. But it still really freaking hurts. I wish he understood how he hurt me and came back to apologise. I want him to come and tell me that we are going to be fine and that he meant no malice. He knew how I felt about ghosting and being ignored because I have been through that in a dating situation before. He told me he loved me a few weeks ago and now doesn't think I'm worth fighting for? That's the part that hurts the most.
What I've realised though, is that the person that I once loved is dead. Yes, he may still be alive and is probably thriving and dating someone else by now. But the person with the traits that I loved and who loved me is dead. He lost someone who loved him through her actions, who cared about him deeply and accepted his flaws, and I lost someone who only could love me when it was convenient for him, and couldn't show me through his actions. I always put him first, even before myself at times. He didn't really ever do that. That's the silver lining about it ending. I can really put myself first (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reference anyone? Would recommend the show, it's so good).
I'm doing better since it ended but I still feel pangs of sadness. It's time to live for me now, because looking back, in that relationship, I felt like I wasn't really living for me. If I ever get into a relationship again, God forbid it ends up like the last one and I hope I'm finally my highest self and not a people pleaser to the detriment of my wellbeing. I will never beg for a man to reassure me again. To love me at my lowest. Because if he truly loved me, he would've been there for me in at least the tiniest ways, even though he was busy.
We've got this 🫶🫶🫶🫶 one step at a time
submitted by Shecouldvemadesucha to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 Capable-Angle-914 Am I wrong for telling my brother he’s the reason I have trust issues and that I don’t think he can make up for lost time?

I am a 16 year old girl and my brother is 27 years old. Growing up, it was mainly just me and my brother. My dad left shortly after I was born and my mom wasn’t around much. I know that my brother took all of the work to make sure that I was healthy and happy, and I can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me. He got a job at 15 to provide for us both while my mom was off doing God knows what. I was around 9 years old when my brother left for college at the age of 20. I remember he promised me that he would always come every weekend to check up on me and give me groceries for the week. For the first two years he kept true to his word. He would come by with food and hang out with me. I was lonely and sad without him, but I managed as best as I could for a child. It wasn’t until he met his girlfriend (now wife) that he changed. He stopped coming over as often, leaving me going hungry. I would text him, asking when he’d be back, and he would give me vague answers. I remember for two weeks I could only eat plan turkey sandwiches because that’s all I had to eat. Those vague answers soon turned into no answers. He would also make promises to me that he wouldn’t keep (e.g. buying me more food, clothes, money, etc.) I think I was around 12 or 13 when he stopped coming by entirely. He would no longer answer my texts and I would get no information about his life. He even had a kid when I was 14 that I didn’t even know about until a few days ago when he messaged me. I had honestly given up in ever contacting him again because it had been years since we last talked. He says that he wants to make up for lost time and that he misses me. I honestly felt so mad in that moment that I wanted to block him, but I didn’t. I instead agreed to meet with him. We met a few days later at the park we grew up nearby. He was there with his wife and son. When he saw me he got teary eyed and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away and told him I don’t like hugs anymore. He seemed hurt and that made me just the slightest bit happy. He started talking about what life was like in and after college and what he’s doing now. He said that now that I’m older he wants to be able to do more stuff with me that he missed out on. To put it bluntly, I went crazy on him. Here is a gist of what I said: “I’ve missed you a lot. I remember always turning on my phone to see if you had even responded to even one of my countless messages. For years I heard not one word out of you. I went hungry and dirty because you were no longer around. I get that you had to live your own life, but I didn’t know it included kicking me out of it. I was basically an orphan because Mom was never around. I was 13 when my period started and I didn’t have any money to buy what I needed. And why do you think that my texts randomly stopped one day? It’s because I have up on you. I gave up on you ever being able to care about me like you used to. Because of you I can’t trust people and what they promise me because I’m afraid they will leave me like you did. So I don’t care if you want to make up for lost time, and I don’t think you can because it’s your fault.” By the end of my rant he was crying and his wife was giving me the death stare. He started apologizing and saying that he didn’t know that was how I felt. I called BS because there is no way he never saw any of those texts I sent. After that I left and sobbed when I got home. I love my brother, I really do, but I don’t think it’s fair for him to try and come back like nothing happened.
submitted by Capable-Angle-914 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 Haunting-Search-690 Help a girl out 😟

Certainly, here's a refined version of your Reddit post:
Okay, so I've been married to my husband (35M) for 5 years, but we've been together for 9. We have three kids, two girls and a boy. The boy is from my previous relationship, and my husband has always been uneasy about me talking to my son's father. At first, I found it somewhat endearing, like he was just being protective, but now I see things differently.
I've cut off communication with my son's father to respect my husband's wishes, but it's becoming increasingly challenging because my husband isn't the best stepfather to my son. He could definitely make more effort to bond with him. A few months ago, I reached out to my son's father because my son was acting out, and we decided to improve our communication for our son's sake.
Recently, my husband went through my Apple watch and found texts where I mentioned talking to my son's dad and asked my son to look at old family photos on Facebook. He got upset, particularly about me saying "we love you very much" to my son, interpreting it as if we're still a family. He accused me of hiding things from him and questioned why I deleted my son's father's number from my call log.
Now, our tax lady informed us that we can't claim my son on our taxes because someone else already did – his father. This is the first time in 13 years, and I agreed to let him claim him and do it every other year. He gave the entire refund to my father for things my son needs. My husband is furious, not about the money but about what he sees as ethical issues, accusing me of cheating and using the situation to leave him.
I'm at a loss here. I feel like my husband is overreacting and jumping to conclusions. He caught me twice, but it's not like I'm having secret love affairs with my ex. I suggested he call my son's father to clear things up, but he refuses. I don't know how to resolve this situation.
submitted by Haunting-Search-690 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:24 Legendlam1 20 [M4F] Just a hopeless romantic looking for someone to call mine California/anywhere m

About me:
I am a 20 year old 5’ 6” asian guy who is kind of slim but working to put on some more muscle. I guess my family would say I am handsome, but they’re required to say that so maybe you should check the picture in my profile to find out for yourself. I would say I’m a kind, caring person who just likes to enjoy the simple things in life and spending time with people who I care about. My main love language is words of affirmation and quality time probably since I didn’t get too much growing up.
Some interests/hobbies of mine are gaming, going for walks, exercising/playing sports, and watching tv shows or anime. Some of the games I like are league of legends, teamfight tactics, valorant, Minecraft, overwatch, super smash bros, animal crossing, and Pokémon.
Personality wise I would say I’m quite shy and introverted, but warm up over time. I’m more of a homebody but I still like to go out sometimes, just not to parties or that sort of thing. I am also not the best at conversations. I feel like I try so hard to keep the conversation moving, but it doesn’t always happen, so if we chat I will request your patience. I have been in one relationship, but it was all online and when I was younger. I have not been physical with anyone and haven’t even had a first kiss yet. Because of this, I might not know how or what to do, so I hope you can show me or have patience and we can find out together :).
About you:
I hope you’re a kind, caring 18-23 year old person. I’d like to be somewhat attracted to you. I hope you stay in shape and also focus on your health since that is important to me. I guess your hobbies and interests don’t matter too much since we don’t need to do everything together, but some similar ones would give us something to talk about or do if we stay online for a while. And I know I am a bit shorter than average and it’s not usually everyone’s cup of tea (hopefully you can prove me wrong), but I don’t mind if you’re taller or shorter than me.
Anyways, thanks a lot for reading all this. If you send me a message you don’t have to tell me as much as this says, but a small introduction and a picture would be nice.
submitted by Legendlam1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:23 Ok_Web_1877 Review: Dorky Girl GETS REVENGE On Hot Guy, What Happens Is Shocking

Today I am reviewing what I believe to be the most disappointing Dhar Mann video of all time. It had potential, I was invested... then Dhar Mann just completely fumbled it. Expect me to get more scathing and frustrated as this review goes on.
This is also a weird twilight zone moment because Azeem, who famously salvages bad Dhar Mann videos, is one of the main contributors to what made this video awful (His character I mean, not Azeem himself).
Our story begins in the school theatre. Auditions are happening, and our titular dorky girl, Julie (Cecily Dowd), nails it. She does so well, in fact, that the heads of the drama club close up all remaining auditions for that role. That's pretty fucking mean if you ask me. Next up is our titular hot guy, Chase, a jock who hates being a jock. His audition sucks, and the coaches tell him that he's not getting the role.
What the fuck is going on here? Cutting off an audition early is one thing, but outright telling somebody they're not getting the part??? This is like the inverse problem with the tryouts for Bookside's Football team I covered last week. Between this and dismissing all people who haven't auditioned for Julie's role yet, this is super unprofessional.
Disheartened, Chase goes to the back of the theatre to sit with his unnamed narc friends (Azeem Vecchio and Nathan Ing. Knowing that it's these two good actors in this role makes this video just...). We learn that Chase knows he sucks, but he needs to get a role, otherwise his dad will make him play baseball again. We get a namedrop of Chase's bitch of a girlfriend, who blew him off to go shopping. Julie comes by and gives her condolences to Chase. Once she walks away, the narc friends make fun of her, and Chase gets a call from Bitch bitching about shopping or some bullshit. She verbally abuses him and also insists that he sticks to baseball.
Wow, a sympathetic protagonist! This is rare in Dhar Mann. Chase is a good guy, but he's manipulated by an abusive dad and a controlling girlfriend. It doesn't help that his friends suck too.
We cut to lunchtime at school the next day, and typical Dhar Mann plot contrivances occur. The male lead (the role Chase tried out for) turned down the part because he got cast on Broadway... you didn't have to go that far for an excuse Dhar Mann lmao. Oh but the contrivance gets even worse, because apparently the directors are giving Julie full power over who the male lead will be... Excuse me?
Why are the directors letting some random student decide this? This is especially contrived considering we saw how unprofessional and absolutist they were earlier... what the fuck. Anyway, narc friends pressure Chase into doing yet another bad thing: manipulating Julie into casting him by pretending to be romantically interested. This is made even worse by the fact that Julie has had a crush on Chase since they were little. That's fucked up, narc friends. They at least made Chase sympathetic enough to understand why he went along with this.
I have to give it to Chase here, because he doesn't outright ask Julie for the role or even pressure her to give it to him. He approaches her asking to help him get better. He's sincere in his compliments to her about how great her singing and acting is. He gets her number, and they arrange to hangout and practice together. So far, Chase isn't in the wrong yet.
We cut to the next day, in the theatre, where Chase is auditioning by reading a scene with Julie. Once again, I have to give a Dhar Mann video credit on something. It's annoying how his videos always repeat the message of the video word for word, but here, the message is stated in a fictional play that these are reciting. That's a bit more clever if you ask me, and MUCH more tolerable. Nevertheless, the directors are not impressed with Chase. They ask to speak with Julie in private... why? They've already been so mean to Chase right to his face, why hold back now lmao. In any case, the directors really don't like Chase, and Julie, at least for a moment, begrudgingly resolves to tell him he's not getting the part.
Julie tries to let Chase down lightly, and this is where Chase finally enters "in the wrong" territory. In a last ditch effort to keep his shot at landing this role, he lies to Julie by telling her that he likes her. Leaning on somebody who likes you to improve at something? Sure. Having them help you audition with their endorsement? Fine. Lying to them to manipulate them into nepotism? That's wrong and messed up. He even lies to Julie and tells her that him and Bitch broke up. Unfortunately, Julie falls for all of this, and overrides the director's decision.
We cut to Chase hanging out with Bitch at some salon. She never shuts the fuck up until Chase mentions Julie in passing. Chase... buddy... you fuck up here... He tells Bitch about his master plan to manipulate Julie. Why do characters in Dhar Mann snitch on themselves so fucking much?!
Julie and Chase are reading lines that mimic their situation a little too closely. That in itself is fine, I just reaaaally hope that they don't break the 4th wall (and insult our intelligence) by acknowledging this. Chase and Julie start genuinely bonding and it's actually an immersive romance for once. They find out they have so much in common and we see a spark form. Even having watched this before, I genuinely forgot about Chase's plan. For the first time, ever, Chase is realizing that Bitch doesn't even remotely care about him the same way that Julie does.
For once, I actually enjoy a montage. The music actually fits, and we see a lot of cute romantic moments. It's so heartwarming, in a way that Dhar Mann videos fail to tug at my heartstrings. Like I said, I was sooooo invested in this video and it had so much potential.
We cut to the day of the show, and Chase's narc friends... oh, right, these clowns still exist... they sneak backstage and support Chase... sort of. They don't congratulate him on a job well done, they congratulate him on manipulating Julie and talk mad shit about her... like why don't you guys just fuck off and get a life already? They leave, and Julie walks, with a massive glowup! Literally every other Dhar Mann character glowup sucks except for this one. Not only are 99% of the now "hot" people at the very median of the bell-curve, but even IF they actually were that attractive, NOBODY reacts irl with the hyperbolic drooling that Dhar Mann characters do. This glow up works because they don't put Julie on a pedestal, nobody ogles her, and nobody suddenly acts really nice to her. It's a much more realistic, Chase tells her she's beautiful, and that's it.
Chase and Julie absolutely knock it out of the park on stage, and the crowd goes wild! This is the only time I recall getting shivers from a video in a Dhar Mann video. The chemistry is so real, for one and one time only in Dhar Mann! Backstage again, Chase and Julie share a romantic moment, but they're still in intermission, so Julie leaves momentarily.
We are at 17 minutes of this 22 minute video. It was good for 17 minutes. These last 5 minutes are all completely fucking downhill... Dhar Mann absolutely FUMBLED this video in the remaining time!!!!
I genuinely stopped writing and watching for a minute to brace myself for how enraged I am going to get from this point out...
Narc friends sneak back stage again and... how does this keep happening?! And sure they tell him he's awesome and all, which is new, but other than that, they give the EXACT FUCKING SAME exposition that they did before the play started. Even in the context of this story, why? Why do this again? Oh, and they don't just loudly announce Chase's plan quietly among themseleves, they fucking declare this shit so loud that the entire world can hear. Including Julie...
Julie is obviously devastated, but what's even worse is that the narc friends just fucking skedaddle. Some fucking friends, right? They seriously left Chase alone to endure Julie's wrath. Even IF they don't know that Chase developed genuine feelings for Julie, isn't it still in their best interest to help Chase so he doesn't have to play baseball again?! At the very very very very least, the friends should say something like "dont blame Chase! He's a good guy, this was all our idea and we put him up to it!" but no. They just take off. No retribution. No consequences. Nothing. Chase gets the entirety of the rage and the blame.
The whole "I was using you at first but grew to actually like you" trope is something common in Dhar Mann. Dhar has made complete assholes get off scot-free and have a happy ending. Here you have a genuine guy who made a mistake and knows it, and he gets the absolute worst of it.
Oh, it gets even worse though... because in another extreme coincidence, this is THE ONE AND ONLY TIME that Bitch decides to care about Chase's life, and show up backstage (HOW ARE SO MANY AUDIENCE MEMBERS GOING BACK DURING INTERMISSION???) to give PDA right in front of Julie. Bitch literally says right in front of Julie "Why is she crying? Did she find out you were just pretending to like her?" Like holy fuck this is overkill! You don't need to narc on Chase this goddamn much!
Despite everything I just said post the 17 minute mark... This video had one more chance for redemption. Dhar Mann could have, and came soooooo close to redeeming this mess... I have to brace myself once again.
In the second half of the show, Julie's tone is much more scathing, while Chase's is completely timid. Usually I hate when, in fiction, people resolve their conflicts on stage by "being themselves", but here... it works. Chase breaks character and gives a sincere, honest apology and plea for forgiveness. I know I've used this phrase a lot, but it is such a heartfelt moment. If any character in Dhar Mann ever deserved forgiveness and a second chance for being genuinely repentant, it is Chase. Hell, even the entire damn audience is rooting for Chase and wants Julie to forgive and embrace him!
20 minute mark. 2 minutes remain, and we just had another peak moment after a valley, so surely this video can't fuck it up... right?
Julie runs off stage and the director calls an impromptu intermission. But then we cut to the next day at school... What? No! You can't just not tell us what happened the rest of the night and what became of the show!
Chase goes up to Julie at her locker with a gift of their favorite food. Chase tells Julie that he broke up with Madison, much to Julie's indifference. Chase is wearing a "so you see..." backpack by the way... Dhar Mann was INTENT on ruining this video holy shit.
Julie tells Chase that she talked to the director and they have decided to recast Chase's rol- HUH?! What??? What the fuck do you mean recast his role?? They JUST HAD the show!!! What do you mean for the rest of the run? That's not how school plays work. And no, there's no bullshit about it just going on a few more days of this weekend, because Julie specifically says that she can't bring herself to dance with Chase EVERY weekend!
I started banging my head into my desk once Julie said "Did you not learn anything from the show? Like my character says: The truth doesn't cost you-" AHHHH fuck off. The one and only time you had a somewhat clever way of veiling the message of the video, you had to fuck it up Dhar Mann by having her just outright point to the intended message... Julie takes the food and walks away. The end.
...yes... that's actually how they decided to end this. What the fucking fuck? This is so incredibly anticlimactic and absolutely nothing is resolved. Chase is still under the abuse of his dad, his narc friends are off scot free, and Julie is still crushed. Dhar Mann has redeemed absolutely irredeemable scumbags and given happy endings to sociopaths, but Chase of all characters ends up with an EVEN SHITTIER life than how the video started?! This is even worse with the next suggested video being Anna from "Nerds Get Revenge on Cool Teens", an absolute fucking cunt of character who gets off scot-free and suffers no penalties for the shitty things she does INCLUDING USING SOMEBODY ROMANTICALLY, which she neither regrets nor suffers repercussions for. Just get the fuck out of my face already. Fuck this video, fuck the suggested video, and fuck Dhar Mann for ruining one of the only potentially good videos he ever made.
Sorry for how heated I got in this review. I can assure you that no other video even comes close to disappointing me on this level. It just... you know what, nevermind, I've said everything I need to say.
See you all next week for another review! Leave any recommendations below!
submitted by Ok_Web_1877 to dharmann [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:22 Awkward-Return4378 Bug report

All of my text messages are sending four times, any advice?
submitted by Awkward-Return4378 to LightPhone [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:21 PumpkinSpiceStorm (F4A) Literate Fandom Romance! (21+)

Hi there! I’m Pumpkin/Storm! Today I’m hoping to find literate, 21+ 3rd person roleplayers to do MxM romance plots set in the following universes:
Back 4 Blood Bee & Puppycat Big Time Rush (show) Dan vs Demon Slayer Disenchantment Disney (various) Dragon Ball Z Game of Thrones Inuyasha Inside Job (Netflix) Komi Can’t Communicate My Hero Academia Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated Scott Pilgrim (comic) Star vs the Forces of Evil The Owl House TMNT (2012+AUs) Total Drama Yugioh
All characters will be aged to 21+
I am OCxCanon/double friendly and can do any gender pairing for your side! I do prefer roleplaying with women/people who are LGBTQ+, but this isn’t a requirement.
~Rules~ 1. Please be literate. No text talk or bad grammar (minus OOC chatting). 3rd person only. I don’t expect massive novella responses, but your replies should be detailed and show effort. 2. Please be relatively active. I understand we all have busy lives, however if you ghost or aren’t around for long periods of time, I am not the partner for you. If you aren’t feeling our plot or want to part ways, just communicate! I also sometimes have a terrible memory, so if it’s been more than a few days, (politely) nudge me! 3. Because every plot will be 21+, I am asking that you also be 21+. When you reach out me, your age should be present somewhere in your opening message. 4. Please make your introduction more than “hi”, “wanna rp” etc. Your opening message should state where you are coming from, your age, what you are interested in, writing samples (not required, but certainly a bonus) etc. Messages with little effort will be ignored. 5. Let’s have fun and be friends! Let’s chat OOC and talk about our days! As much as I love roleplaying, I love getting to know my partners as well!
And I think that about covers it! If you’re interested, please shoot me a PM and we can discuss specifics! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!
submitted by PumpkinSpiceStorm to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:21 dayto_aus Extreme lag caused by foliage instance replacement?

Hello. I'm new to Unreal Engine and I'm trying to make a foliage mowing game mechanic. I have it setup with many low-poly meshes, I have global illumination turned off, as well as shadows turned off on the grass.
I'm using about maybe 3,000 meshes total. All of it is Nanite with WPO confirmed turned off (red in visualizer).
I'm getting EXTREME lag when I try to cut the foliage. When I use the GPU visualizer, it shows 10ms Scene time with 2.8ms Nanite::VisBuffer and 2.17ms PostProcessing as the highest usages.
It really sucks because I'm basically not doing anything, it looks terrible with how low poly and low fidelity graphics I'm using, and yet it still lags to high heaven. I'm assuming then it must be because of the foliage instance replacement for some reason. I'll include the .cpp file for the mower below.
I'd really appreciate any feedback or advice because I'm not having a great time with Unreal so far and would love to learn how to optimize better.
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "Cutter.h" #include "UObject/ConstructorHelpers.h" #include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h" #include "Sound/SoundCue.h" // Sets default values ACutter::ACutter() { // Set this actor to call Tick() every frame. You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it. PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true; ACutter::CutterMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("CutterMesh")); // this sucks but for some reason it won't let me use an FString as FObjectFinder's argument static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_1(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_1'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_2(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_2'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_3(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_3'")); // ugly static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_4(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_4'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_5(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_5'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_6(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_6'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_7(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_7'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_8(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_8'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_9(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_9'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_10(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_10'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_11(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_11'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_12(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_12'")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder Cut_13(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Game/Blueprints/CutGrass/Cut_13'")); TArray> Helpers = { Cut_1, Cut_2, Cut_3, Cut_4, Cut_5, Cut_6, Cut_7, Cut_8, Cut_9, Cut_10, Cut_11, Cut_12, Cut_13, }; UStaticMeshComponent* CubeMeshComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject(TEXT("CutFoliageTestCube")); static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder CubeMesh(TEXT("StaticMesh'/Engine/BasicShapes/Cube.Cube'")); for (int32 i = 1; i <= Helpers.Num(); ++i) { if (Helpers[i - 1].Succeeded()) { FString It = FString::FromInt(i); FString InstanceName = "FoliageInstance_Cut_" + It; FString MapName = "Cuttable_" + It; UFoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent* FIComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject(FName(InstanceName)); FIComponent->SetStaticMesh(Helpers[i - 1].Object); FIComponent->SetCollisionEnabled(ECollisionEnabled::NoCollision); FIComponent->SetCastShadow(false); ACutter::CutFoliageInstanceMap.Add(MapName, FIComponent); } } } // Called when the game starts or when spawned void ACutter::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay(); } // Called every frame void ACutter::Tick(float DeltaTime) { Super::Tick(DeltaTime); FVector SocketStartLoc = ACutter::CutterMesh->GetSocketLocation("1"); FVector SocketEndLoc = ACutter::CutterMesh->GetSocketLocation("2"); TArray OutHits; GetWorld()->SweepMultiByChannel(OutHits, SocketStartLoc, SocketEndLoc, FQuat::Identity, ECollisionChannel::ECC_Visibility, FCollisionShape::MakeSphere(100.0f)); for (FHitResult Hit : OutHits) { UFoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent* Foliage = Cast(Hit.GetComponent()); if (Foliage != nullptr) { FString FoliageName = Foliage->GetStaticMesh()->GetName(); if (FoliageName.Contains("Cuttable")) { UFoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent** ComponentPtr = CutFoliageInstanceMap.Find(FoliageName); if (ComponentPtr != nullptr && *ComponentPtr != nullptr) { FTransform Loc; Foliage->GetInstanceTransform(Hit.Item, Loc, true); Foliage->RemoveInstance(Hit.Item); (*ComponentPtr)->AddInstance(Loc); if (CutSound != nullptr && SoundEnabled) { UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, CutSound, Loc.GetLocation()); } if (CutParticleEffect != nullptr) { UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAtLocation(GetWorld(), CutParticleEffect, Loc.GetLocation()); } } else { GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "Cut Foliage Instance Component Not Found for Key: " + FoliageName); } } } } } 
submitted by dayto_aus to unrealengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:20 Routine_Passion19 AITA for throwing my friends phone

To start this all off we are not friends anymore. You can call me Tina l'm F24 and call her rose F26. It all started about 4 months ago, we were at a pool party at a friend co-workers house when we met this guy we can call him Ryan (m34). He was super sweet and totally into me. Rose kept saying he was staring so I went over a little tipsy and told him he was cute. After a week of texting me and him decided to go on a date, it went really well and about 2 weeks after that we started dating. A month into me and Ryan dating he started acting a little weird but at the time I thought nothing of it. He kept saying he was busy and hiding his phone when we were together. After a while it stopped and I just moved past it because it was over. Well last month it happened again and I got nosey. He had 5 different girls in his phone called MOM!! I sent myself ss of the five numbers and called all of them 2 were out of service and one was his actual mom. The last to were a Riley (28f) and Janice (33f). turns out Janice is his ex wife and they were planning to get back together. When he got to my house the next day after I had called and talked to them, I confronted him with the evidence. He told me he'd change and I stupidly believed him fast forward to the last month of April he started acting weird again so I checked his phone this time he was talking to my best friend rose. The last message that was texted said "I can't wait to see u at the beach tonight my love don't let Tina find out and ruin our fun time" so l planned to crash their date. I went to the beach 10 minutes after he left and parked right beside his car. At the docks there he and rose were kissing. I walked up to them and screamed how could u and grabbed her phone and smashed it. We all ended up fighting and the police were called no one pressed charges though.
submitted by Routine_Passion19 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:20 trefla2 Is this breadcrumbing or she is genuinely broken?

Is this breadcrumbing or she is genuinely broken?
Hi, No Contact Redditors!
Long story short: we are both 39, separated for 6 weeks, were FWB for a week, I begged her to come back for 3 weeks, and then I went no contact.
Two hours after we broke up, she went on Tinder and was on a first date 2 days later.
The moment I stopped texting her, she started sending me random facts and asking about me, saying her son misses me. She even sent a voice message of her son saying he wants his mom to cook breakfast for me and give me cuddles. The deleted texts are her saying she doesn't expect me to text back, that she's suffering because she's in love, and something along the lines of love being irrational. She deleted the texts.
Is she sorry and wants me back, or is she just doing it for validation?
submitted by trefla2 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:20 TorturedRobot Networking / Keeping in Touch

Any advice for keeping in touch with former colleagues for networking purposes? I struggle to connect with topics unrelated to work, but I want to make sure I reach out semi-regularly, so that it's not always just about needing a reference.
I usually just send a text message, but do you have any tips for ice breakers or how to help minimize the fear that I'm "bothering" people? I always default to the belief that people merely tolerate me, that they couldn't possibly respect or admire me...I know that's garbage, but the fear persists.
Any tips for pushing past the anxiety and techniques for breaking the ice?
Thanks all!
submitted by TorturedRobot to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:19 TheEncryption [M4A/F] Long-Term Cyberpunk Fantasy Roleplay 18+

[M4A/F] Long-Term Cyberpunk Fantasy Roleplay
What's up, chooms? (Epic reference)
My name is Outcast/Necromes. Before we start off, let me just say a bit about me. I am a 22 year old male with 10+ years of writing experience within literate to novella writing style. I do a lot. I'm in a lot of fandoms and a lot of genres so I'm very flexible with things and setting but I am here more importantly to pitch a Cyberpunk Fantasy roleplay. Now what I mean by that is D&D + Cyberpunk. Shadowrun, that one kickass episode of Teen Titans Go for example. (The Night Begins To Shine will forever be in our heads and you cannot tell me otherwise.)
For about half a year I've been wanting to get into Shadowrun, which is a very niche TTRPG but I haven't the friends nor the book (yet), and I am itching to use one of my ocs I made for it.
Disclaimer: We don't need to do Shadowrun. If you know nothing about it I totally get it, we can just context the roleplay as simply Fantasy but Cyberpunk dystopia future. Cities, corporations, mercenaries and criminals biting back against the big corpos. Cyberpunk 2077 with elf ears or D&D with tons of neon.
I currently have two really eager ocs I would like to use, let me tell you about them.
I have two, maybe three more ideas and until I recieve the Shadowrun 6e book I'll likely be making more with the proper systems.
When it comes to plot we can do anything. I for one imagine a few of these:
(Note: The setting doesn't matter too much.)
Jaksen "Reload" Kovachs
Levi "Ghostrider" Remo
Note: I am looking for a long-term relaxed and chill roleplay experience. I have immense ADHD and Autism and get burnt out very quickly and I'd rather take my time to create the best RP response I can muster up than be forced or egged on post after post with no energy. As long as you are okay with varying response window times and are okay with the quality in the end and also have time to chill and talk about OCs on the offtime or on the side then that is perfect.
I apologize for my lack of planning. Planning and gushing is honestly half the fun and I've been desperate. If you're down for any of this, give me a private message. I primarily use Discord. I hope I've peaked your interest!
submitted by TheEncryption to roleplaying [link] [comments]