Ovulate twice on clomid

Starting clomid tomorrow..the Internet is freaking me out

2024.05.14 03:49 cfd4540 Starting clomid tomorrow..the Internet is freaking me out

Probably shouldn’t doom scroll but here we are 🥲.
A little back story about me I’ve had pcos since 2019, I would only get my period about twice MAYBE three times a year and I am completely anovulatory. My husband and I have been trying since November using only provera to get my periods started. But that was basically fruitless because I never ovulated during any of those cycles. She is starting me on clomid tomorrow. My first round is 100mg, unmonitored. I felt good about it until I started seeing all this stuff about unmonitored cycles causing cysts and thin linings and triplets and now I’m completely freaked out.
But since I don’t even ovulate naturally on my own, is it even dangerous to do my first round unmonitored? I feel like I won’t hyperovulate since I don’t ovulate at all if that makes sense? But now I feel like I don’t know anything about the treatment I’m about to receive😭 my OB said they also only do clomid cycles every other month to avoid hyperovulation, thin linings, etc. What do you guys think?
submitted by cfd4540 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:59 livg1520 Let the fun begin

Let the fun begin
I hate waiting of PdG to rise more than I hate the two week wait. It’s our first clomid cycle (clomid day 5-9) so we are both already on edge a bit- with hope that is! Just wanting it to do its job and work. I had typical ovulation cramps all day yesterday (from both sides) but haven’t experienced anything today. I know everyone says don’t pay attention to fsh but this is the highest mine has been in all my cycles with Inito so far. Hoping that’s a good thing!
submitted by livg1520 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:22 HauntingBranch7903 cabergoline anxiety//infertility advice and support

Had hormones tested because of infertility, have regular but light cycles and the appearance of ovulating(positive tests, temp surge, etc). Prolactin levels in the 40s and everything else seems to be normal. MRI normal so officially diagnosed with “microprolactinoma” and started .25 of cab twice a week. Took my first dose and holy crap the anxiety is terrible, I feel like I’m having a heart attack every day. I’m supposed to take the second dose tonight and I’m apprehensive. I’m unconvinced this is even going to fix anything with fertility or if the anxiety is worth it. Does it get better over time?? I feel like I’m not even on that high of a dosage.
submitted by HauntingBranch7903 to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:18 Professional_Ad8512 Increased Clomid, but Progesterone was even lower?

Has anyone had an experience with increasing their Clomid dosage, but their blood test Progesterone levels ended up being even lower?
Recently dx'ed with PCOS. I hadn't had a period for months until prescribed progesterone to kick start it. Then given Clomid to take on days 5-9.
On 50 mg Clomid and the 20 Day blood test to test for ovulation had a result of 0.5
Dosage was doubled to 100 mg, but 21 Day blood test for ovulation came back at 0.4
We've been on a wait-list for months to even see an RE, but I feel like I'm flying blind in the meantime because both Gyno and regular Endocrinologist acknowledged this is not their area of expertise.
On both Metformin and Ovasitol.
I assumed the levels would go up, even if just a little. But is it normal to actually go down?
submitted by Professional_Ad8512 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:23 olliepup High DHEA-S

I was recently diagnosed with pcos at the age of 37 and after having 3 kids. I did have some struggles getting pregnant (clomid, iuis, ectopics) and was considered to have unexplained infertility but I did get pregnant on my own with my 3rd. I have short cycles (short luteal phase really) but ovulate regularly around the same time. I did have gestational diabetes with my last two. Anyways I’ve suspected insulin resistance and pcos, despite regular cycles, for quite some time and finally found an OB who took it seriously. The only lab that’s out of whack is my dheas. Does anyone else’s pcos look like this where you ovulate regularly? What started this whole journey was I was lifting weights and counting macros and suddenly I was gaining weight. I had a bout of cycts last Aug that finally went away but the weight gain continued. I also started losing my hair last month which I thought was from taking Wellbutrin, which I’m no longer on, but maybe is just from the high dhea. My doctor says this is more adrenal related so I’m trying to figure out what things I can do or take to get the dhea back down. Any ideas? I’m only on 500 metformin and she just started me on ozempic. We want to go for our last baby but I have to drop this weight before doing that. My DHEA was 277 in September when things first started feeling out of whack and was 344 Last week.
submitted by olliepup to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:28 witchtownusa I am so scared

We’ve been ttc since November. Nature has been so cruel with giving me late periods twice since we started. I guess from the stress—I started a new job coincidentally.
Today I’m only two days late for my period. I stopped testing any sooner than a couple of days late because I hate seeing the BFNs—I like to at least pretend for a few days that I get to plan a baby shower soon, or make up announcements for our parents.
Ive had some nuanced symptoms—could be me symptom spotting so I’m not going to list them and obsess over anymore. But it’s been enough that I ordered some cheap tests on Amazon last night that will be here in the next hour or two. I’m not letting myself go out to buy one from the store—I’m giving aunt flow the chance to bring me to reality.
My heart is pounding waiting for these tests, though. Part of me still doesn’t want to take it and see another negative. But it will give me closure to move on and plan to make next time’s chances a little better. We haven’t been strictly tracking my ovulation—so there’s room for improvement and a hope, at least. I’m 25, I just feel like it would have happened by now if it could. People all around me are getting pregnant so fast, and some who aren’t even trying. My partner and I have been together for eight years and had sex for most of it—sometimes on birth control sometimes not, but always being aware of my cycle and avoiding unprotected sex near ovulation. But it feels like most people do at least that much, yet some still accidentally get pregnant. So why not me? Makes me feel like something is wrong.
submitted by witchtownusa to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:42 marcodlc23 Need advice before next doctor appointment

Hey Guys, I started TRT about 3 years ago. Test Cyp starting at 75mg and over time going all the way up to almost 200mg. Those first couple years were amazing. Felt better, slept better, sex drive and performance increased greatly. Incredible overall mood. Lost weight and gained muscle. At one point I tried adding clomid and enclomiphine but couldn't stick with either due to bad side effects. About this time last year things started turning for me. Gaining weight, sex drive down, slow to get or keep an erection. Gaining weight. Mood down. Testicle atrophy. My test numbers were very high last summer but estrogen seemed normal. We added pregnyl and it seemed to help with atrophy and sex drive a bit but side effects were pretty terrible for me. Couldn't sleep. Fatigue. Burning skin sensation, increased heart rate, bloated etc. so I've stopped that twice now after trying. I've tried dropping test cyp down to about 125mg a week. But I just feel stuck and want to be back where I was those first couple years. I heard ovidrel worked better for some with pregnyl sides but my doctor didn't seem receptive. He also didn't seem receptive to adding an AI. should I push for these additions again? Did all of this turn for the worse by going up too high on the weekly test cyp? Sorry for this long post but want to give the full picture to see what those of you with experience could advise me. Thanks a lot in advance! im gonna add some recent labs below
submitted by marcodlc23 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:09 Aggressive_Home_5776 Late period and positive LH test

My cycles are always pretty long, usually 34-38 days. This month my NC app said I ovulated around CD 15 so I was due for my period two weeks later than that. On the day I was supposed to start I had light brown spotting that lasted for 2 days and didn’t turn into a period. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative and still a week later and nothing. So that brings me to day 39 and I decided to take an LH test because I was having cramping on my left side. It came back positive and the next morning I had a temp increase after being low for the past week. I read that if you have a positive LH test during a late period it could be a sign of pregnancy but I took another test and it came back negative. Is it possible to have ovulated twice this month without a period or is something wrong? Am I really ovulating or could it have been a false positive?? my cycle has been so confusing this month
submitted by Aggressive_Home_5776 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:53 Old-Construction-883 More IUI's?

I have secondary unexplained infertility, no male factor issues. I have done 4 IUI's now but each IUI has had some type of issue that happened.
IUI #1 – thin lining because of repetitive use of clomid. Was on vaginal estrogen to thicken lining but by the time I got to my clinics minimum, my follicles got too big but still proceeded.
IUI #2 – thin lining again barely got to my clinics minimum of 6 (6.1) and not trilaminar. Had to trigger because I started to ovulate on my own.
IUI #3 – on letrozole now, had 1 or 2 good follicles and lining got to 8! However 2 weeks before IUI my house got the flu and my husbands sperm count was only 3 million at time of IUI because of his high fevers
IUI #4 – on letrozole again, had 1 dominant follicle of 22 at IUI and lining was 8 mm and really good trilaminar pattern. My husbands count went up to 36 million but only 27% motility (likely still recovering from being sick). At my baseline for this IUI cycle, I had a 10 mm cyst so I'm wondering if that 22 mm follicle was the cyst? The ultrasound tech didn't think so.
My question is, should I continue trying IUI since each one has presented with a problem? The first 2 IUI's, the issues were me. The second 2 were my husband. Wondering if I should give it 1-2 more tries to see if my husband's motility recovers, now that my lining issues have resolved since switching from clomid to letrozole.
(We have a quote for IVF, we are very fortunate that we have insurance coverage so it's pretty reasonable. However, we don't pay anything out of pocket for IUIs other than $25 for the trigger shot.)
submitted by Old-Construction-883 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:36 Old-Construction-883 Should I try more IUI's?

I have secondary unexplained infertility, no male factor issues. I have done 4 IUI's now but each IUI has had some type of issue that happened.
IUI #1 – thin lining because of repetitive use of clomid. Was on vaginal estrogen to thicken lining but by the time I got to my clinics minimum, my follicles got too big but still proceeded.
IUI #2 – thin lining again barely got to my clinics minimum of 6 (6.1) and not trilaminar. Had to trigger because I started to ovulate on my own.
IUI #3 – on letrozole now, had 1 or 2 good follicles and lining got to 8! However 2 weeks before IUI my house got the flu and my husbands sperm count was only 3 million at time of IUI because of his high fevers
IUI #4 – on letrozole again, had 1 dominant follicle of 22 at IUI and lining was 8 mm and really good trilaminar pattern. My husbands count went up to 36 million but only 27% motility (likely still recovering from being sick). At my baseline for this IUI cycle, I had a 10 mm cyst so I'm wondering if that 22 mm follicle was the cyst? The ultrasound tech didn't think so.
My question is, should I continue trying IUI since each one has presented with a problem? The first 2 IUI's, the issues were me. The second 2 were my husband. Wondering if I should give it 1-2 more tries to see if my husband's motility recovers, now that my lining issues have resolved since switching from clomid to letrozole.
(We have a quote for IVF, we are very fortunate that we have insurance coverage so it's pretty reasonable. However, we don't pay anything out of pocket for IUIs other than $25 for the trigger shot.)
submitted by Old-Construction-883 to InfertilitySucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:17 AggressiveHelp_ discharge on annovera

i have been on annovera for about a month and a half now. i asked my doctor when i got it if i can leave it in instead of taking it out once a month to have a period. she said it's considered "off label" so it will run out sooner than a year but that it won't be a problem if i do. i had sex (twice a day for a week) about a week after putting it in. first i got some very pink, light colored spotting that i was worried was implantation. now for over a week, i have had brown discharge (like old blood kinda) but not an actual period. does this mean i did ovulate? was it not in long enough before we had sex? is my body just attempting to have a period? but why, if i didn't ovulate? im confused! i know it's probably hard to say since it's technically off label but wondering if anyone has an idea.
submitted by AggressiveHelp_ to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:27 PinkMoon_xotwod BV help DIY or meds

I have a new partner and I believe the 3-4 times we’ve been intimate he’s given me BV or some kind of vaginal issue. The issue resolved, I got tested for std and it was negative. I can’t remember details here but I had itchiness, UTI like symptoms. This time right now, I got watery discharge and a fishy odour. I got swabbed and I was told to take metro. I went on a trip which involved drinking so I avoided metro. Vaginal issue of BV resolved ish. I had used boric acid once and probiotic suppository twice. Him and I were intimate and a few days ago. Now my ovaries hurt. Idk if I should take the metro if most of my issue resolved. The smell is slowly going away. I’m waiting to see how my discharge will be since I was ovulating or still am.
I also want to avoid antibiotics because prior to him I had a shit partner who gave me chlamydia twice and I went through hell with antibiotics and UTI after UTI. So when this new partner caused issues, it was nothing new to me. I thought great just my bi weekly/ monthly vaginal issues.
Should I get this new one treated for BV? Should I take my antibiotics? Should I do a longer course of probiotic suppository? Any help would be great. If the doctor says no to him taking antibiotics. How can I treat him at home?
ALSO, my ovaries hurt as I sit crouched or cross legged. I may be constipated. I’m positive most of the time I feel like I have a UTI. This time it feels worse. Than my regular times. We don’t use condoms either bc he says it’s only me.
submitted by PinkMoon_xotwod to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:48 MedicMom20 Newbie here

Newbie here
How’s my chart look? My spike on the May 3rd was due to Clomid. Today and yesterday are my true ovulation days. How does my chart look? Is my pdg and estrogen too high?
submitted by MedicMom20 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:13 Only_Revolution_7097 questionn

I had sex with condom on during friday, but before that we were playing and he was teasing it and putting it in without condom for like 2-4 pumps but he made sure to wipe his d before putting it in and he did it like twice. But, my app said that my ovulation day was supposed to be yesterday so I’m pretty scared that something might’ve happened. I was wondering if u think that I might BE or what we did was insanely dangerous and could lead to being p-word t-t I am slowly being consumed with anxiety lol
submitted by Only_Revolution_7097 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:43 No-Contact-1030 Ovulation test question

Hi all! My husband and I have been trying and unfortunately not succeeding in getting pregnant for about a year now. I have had several unsuccessful cycles and usually don’t ovulate at all. This cycle my doctor put me on clomid and I finally have had my first positive ovulation test (blinking to show high but not solid to show peak) using the clear blue digital. I took one in the morning yesterday and it was the blinking positive but then I took one in the afternoon with a different box of clear blue digital and it was negative. I took one again this morning and it was blinking again, however, when I released the actual test portion I felt like the text line was more faint than I would have expected for a positive. What do you guys think about this? Have any of you experienced this before? Do I trust the digital result or the other results?
submitted by No-Contact-1030 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:32 mikamimoon Childfree, married woman here (don't worry, I have reasons) - I feel shame having sex in marriage. Anyone else?

Let me start by saying I'm a very sexual person. I've been sexually assaulted at 13, pulled through the ringer by my misogynistic fathenarcissistic mothelegalistic grandmother and Baptist school at that age. I went through a purity ceremony so people would stop judging me by the oral sex I was groomed and coerced into engaging in with that older man. I saved myself for marriage, and have held myself to the highest standards of perfection ever since. I would no longer be compared to "rotten apples at the bottom of the tree", a used napkin, etc.
Now - since I'm talking to procreative Christians and I feel the need to extensively defend my stance, here are my reasons I've never wanted to have children:
1. I am autistic. The smells and sounds surrounding children overstimulates me to the point of having meltdowns. I was even afraid of other children when I was a child myself, and was friends with mostly adults/older people (hence making me a prime target for SA). I was even kind of scared/disinterested in baby dolls as a child. I remember I had a Barbie doll and my grandma said, "She's trying to tell you 'Mommy, I'm cold' " and I was taken aback and disgusted and thought "I'm not her mother." When there are children at a store, I have to go into another aisle. Their screaming, their crying, their bodily functions - it's overwhelming. Even when I'm around my nieces I do not let them touch me and I have to wear noise cancelling earbuds so I can bear the situation as long as possible. When I was asked to babysit as a teenager, I had meltdowns from being overstimulated and needed help from someone else and was never asked to do it again. My husband, also ADHD, is overstimulated by children and needs breaks very often.
2. My husband and I both have emetophobia. This is one of the ways we bonded before our first date! He's kept a running log of exposures to sickness/norovirus/food poisoning since he was a little boy and has foods he won't eat due to trauma associated with vomiting. When I was about 2 years old, my dad said that I was in a high chair next to another child who coughed and I started panicking and squirming yelling "He's gonna barf! He's gonna barf!" I remember being 4 and whenever I'd watch a movie I'd ask my parents if it was a "puking movie". I remember each time I've ever vomited in my life and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't traumatic. My husband can't even clean up our cats' hairballs - he gags and has to leave the room. Thankfully I don't have this issue.
3. I have childhood trauma. My dad hated women. My mom hated my dad and was a narcissist. I was a marital rape baby. She didn't want kids. She got drunk and my dad, wanting children, saw that as an opportunity. I was supposed to be aborted but she was convicted and didn't do it and everyone celebrated it. She's told me her entire life how much she hates sex but it was worth it because she had someone who had to love her no matter what. I could go on and on but let's say she was emotionally a teenager and I spent most of my life raising her, coddling her, and guiding her through her divorce from my father. My mom didn't deal with me being neurodivergent well and saw me as an inconvenience when I had my needs. This deeply hurt me. With how overstimulated I get around children and physically am less tolerant of it than her, I'd hate to pass this trauma on.
4. I have struggles with food/body dysmorphia. Being autistic makes me socially inept. The only connections I've been successful at making are due to "pretty privilege". I hate to admit this and my father thinks I'm vain because I'm a woman and it's "in my nature". I worked as a personal trainer after dealing with an eating disorder for 14 years. I've had tremendous amounts of body shaming and I associate taking care of my body with taking care of my temple. I train hard. I have a strict diet. I will age, yes, but due to my genetics I don't carry weight well and I feel disgusting AND weird instead of just weird when I'm fat. My husband and I even met because he's attracted to thin women. When I was 14, my mom actually thought I was ugly because of my hair, teeth and weight. That stopped when I lost 40 pounds. My Christian school made me wear men's clothing because I was "blessed" (according to a teacher who made this rule while staring at my breasts). I stopped having these restrictions when I lost weight.
5. I cannot deal physically with pregnancy. I have some form of endometriosis and I've been to the ER multiple times for the shooting, stabbing pains that doctors have always said was "normal" and have never believed me. Going on birth control allowed me to hold down a job that I didn't have to double over in pain at, allowed me to not have to skip class due to feeling like I was going to meet God if it got any worse. I take my pills continuously and haven't had a period in over a year and I've never felt better. I also have blood pressure/blood sugar issues and faint often, and need to adhere to a rather strict diet so I don't faint. The unpredictability of children and having to sanitize my food environment whenever their dirty hands come into play would honestly have me fainting once a week.
6. We're not financially capable. We're in debt. I work a full time job and a side gig resulting in 50-60 hour work weeks just to stay afloat. With how rent and food costs are rising, I don't see how this is possible to do alongside me having to cut down those hours to deal with pregnancy, post-partum issues, etc.
Now, it's easy for all Chrsitians to tell me I can pray this away and get over it. Friends, I've tried. I've been on 4 different antidepressants. I've been in therapy most of my life. I've self-harmed all of my teenage years and have tried to "not think about myself" and be a therapist/caretaker for everyone else which led to further burn out. I've tried to be normal as much as I can but my oddities just spring up. It's been like this for almost 30 years and I don't know how to stop it short of a barbaric lobotomy.
I feel shame having sex for pleasure. I've been in a sex positive community of women online for a while and am finding myself LOVING having sex. But I feel like I'm sinning, fornicating even - for not being open to procreation. Even though I take pregnancy tests each month, test my husband's vasectomy annually (8 clear tests thus far after 6 years), use ovulation monitoring strips each time I have sex (and 4 subsequent days after), take birth control continuously and wi-fi monitor the temperature/humidity of where my pills are stored, I still feel like I'm walking around with a target on my back for God to hurt me. I'm actively looking into a bilateral salpingectomy because of the sheer dysphoria I feel with the fact that my body is capable of such horrors. I'd honestly rather lose a limb than endure pregnancy.
I know God isn't above creating people for holiness over happiness and using them at their detriment for how he sees fit (e.g, Job, Judas, etc.). The curse of women is to suffer misogynistic rule, to endure pain in childbirth, to give in to her husband's sexual desire with a lowered ability to enjoy the process, and to be silenced and resigned to a role of obedience. Who am I to try to skirt God's will? He's righteous, he has the power to hurt me, he knows me, and it's terrifying. God will do with me what he will, and it's up to me to praise him from my second-class citizenship in society. God set it up - he created Satan knowing he was evil. He put satan in the garden alongside tempting fruit with his (at the time) perfect creation, knowing the fall of mankind. Then, he placed the curse on Eve for being tempted and giving in to what looked like something that would bring her pleasure and comfort. He put me in a marriage where I'd want to have sex. I am tempted to. Why would he not curse with me with what would hut me most should I give in? Sex feels sinful. But it feels good (obviously). I did everything right but I feel that the goalpost has moved due to the aforementioned issue. When you're a Christian woman, you have 2 ways to have sex:
  1. A fornicating whore who has sex outside of marriage.
  2. A God-honoring wife who is looking to please her husband and start a family.
I have sex and I'm met with so much guilt because we are not open to having children. I have a suicide plan (my father is OK with this and has even said that he wouldn't "rather have a baby than me" because he is so against abortion) should I ever get pregnant because abortion is out of the cards. Intentional miscarriage is possible but I feel that God would punish me through more insidious ways should I go this or the abortion route. Logically, prevention of the issue altogether is the best issue. This paragraph should also tell you that I would not raise a child well or even trust myself not to become the next Andrea Yates as a result of post-partum mental issues. I am relatively stable now, but I know I could not handle this.
Yes, before anyone asks I am seeing a therapist. But due to financial restrictions I can only attend twice per month. So if you reply and you're going to give me that "go to therapy" cop-out, please refrain from giving me a notification to check.
submitted by mikamimoon to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:16 ponytime123 Clear Blue Advanced Digital Smiley - ?double LH surge and ovulation question

Am currently day 18 of a 32 day cycle (varies 30-34 days but usually about 32) 6ish months into trying.
I've been using the clear blue advanced digital tests (purple) and I think I might have a double LH surge? I had a similar pattern last month.
Tested: Day 9 and 10 - neg, Day 11 - flashing smiley (morning and evening), Day 12 - 15 -neg, Day 16 - flashing smiley (morning and evening), Day 17 - solid smiley (morning), Day 18 - solid smiley (afternoon - wasted a new digital test - wasted it ahah)
We had sex on day 10, 12, 14, 17 and 18 (plans were foiled on 16th)
I'm a bit confused re: the solid smiley. If it is still positive today then does that mean I am still surging and therefore likely not yet ovulated?
I'm considering getting the Mira app because I find myself wanting to be as accurate as possible :/
Edit: the reason I used a second digital test was because I wanted to see if the LH surge had ended or whether the window was still open - I felt we hadn't optimized the timing with sex leading up to ovulation - i.e. if I ovulated day 17 then we had only done it twice in the fertile window.
I'm probably over thinking it
submitted by ponytime123 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:53 Embarrassed-Emu-8051 CD23. Still no LH surge. I’ve had enough 😩

This is our 7th cycle tracking. My cycles have actually started to get a little bit longer which I’ve always thought could be due to take some vitamins etc.
The last cycle I had was 32 days long. I’m currently on CD23 and despite testing every day, and sometimes twice a day, I’ve still not had a surge.
Usually I start testing twice either when my result gets slightly stronger, or when it gets closer to my usual ovulation time which is always later.
I am just so overwhelmingly sick of the whole process. We’ve tried the egg meets sperm method this month and had sex every other day. The last time we had sex we both ended up a bit sore so we decided to push the sex a day on, which would have met with my predicted ovulation day anyway. But nope, no ovulation yet. And now I’m having to try think and plan whether to have sex or not today or tomorrow or when?
The doctor has agreed to see us next month and start more tests etc. I’ve had my bloods done and they found nothing, and my husband did an online sperm test which all came back strong.
I just want to be one of those girls that has one night of sex and gets pregnant 😓 we also found out our friends have started to ‘not prevent’ and I am so happy for them but there’s also a part of me deep down that will feel so upset if they get pregnant straight away with no tracking etc and we are still doing this for months on end. I know it sounds awful but it’s just my honest feelings sometimes.
It’s mine and my husbands birthday this month and I would be testing around the time of our birthdays. I have these moments where I imagine being able to hand him a test on his birthday but it just seems so far away. Sorry, I’m rambling now, but just needed a vent 😓
submitted by Embarrassed-Emu-8051 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:57 wellshootsheriff do you guys think I’m pregnant?

My husband and I had unprotected sex twice during my fertile window. He did pull out but I feel like I’ve had some symptoms but I don’t know if I’m just getting in my own head or not? My fertile window April 27th- May 3rd we had sex on the 28th and the 1st and I ovulated on the 2nd (according to my period tracking app). it is now the 11th and I have been feeling extra nauseous every evening this week, I’ve been extra hungry, very tired and my pee smelled like popcorn one day (lol sounds weird but I guess it’s a symptom). My app says my period should start on the 16th, I bought some pregnancy tests from the dollar store but haven’t used them because it probably won’t be accurate this early on. I have been working way more than normal so maybe my stress/anxiety is causing these symptoms? What do you guys think?
submitted by wellshootsheriff to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:32 AZ91291948 What happens if you take clomid while you’re ovulating?

I’ve tried to Google but it’s not understanding my question. I am on CD 50 with no period so my dr prescribed clomid. She said no need for a period before and I started taking it. Based on my temps I may have ovulated while taking the clomid 😬 is there any harm in this?
submitted by AZ91291948 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:29 Relative-Freedom-735 Very Light Spotting 4 Days After Period

So I (27f) had a pap done last month and everything came back normal.
I had unprotected sex twice during the middle of my period (6-7 days ago) and my bf pulled out both times.
I have discharge so I thought I was ovulating rn but I just saw some random light spotting with it and this has never happened before.
Any thoughts on what it could be? Google has been no help and I’m just curious about if it could mean I’m ovulating, have implantation bleeding, or if something is wrong?
submitted by Relative-Freedom-735 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:09 NeitherBarracuda Could this be an ectopic pregnancy? First pregnancy with history of surgery. Please help

Hi all,
As a background: this cycle I ovulated 04/27 and husband and I tried on 04/28. Took test today which is 13dpo and got positive with faint line twice and was confirmed with digital test. I had a laparoscopy to remove a fibroma from left ovary a couple years ago.
My symptoms include left side pain (menstrual cramp-y) with an acidic heartburn feeling all throughout my lower stomach, fatigue, mild light headedness. No sore/tender breasts or nausea. These seem to be near-hallmark symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and I feel I have a risk of ectopic pregnancy due to scar tissue from my surgery.
Scheduled a blood test to absolutely confirm pregnancy with my GP...but what other steps can I take? What could these symptoms mean? Please help.
submitted by NeitherBarracuda to CautiousBB [link] [comments]
