Terbinafine with zeta clear

Pacific has officially highest amount of viewership out all region in stage 1

2024.05.13 15:30 kirito52999 Pacific has officially highest amount of viewership out all region in stage 1

Pacific has officially highest amount of viewership out all region in stage 1
with the america stage 1 grand final number revealed as 294k. it makes pacific the highest amount of viewership in stage 1. incredible growth has been shown in pacific and the franchise model is clearly working for pacific as the big orgs like GenG and T1 returning to Asia that has helped the growth massively.
Gen.G T1 and DRX all are koreans team and all of them were part of top 5 most viewed match in stage 1. their name value can clearly be seen as some of them were getting wasted in north america. now let talk about prx. i have made a post about prx 2 month ago https://www.reddit.com/ValorantCompetitive/comments/1bii8h5/paper_rex_is_the_most_popular_team_in_the_world/
now we can clearly see it in the effect. they have appeared 4/5 in the list. there should be no doubt that prx is a top 3 clout org in the world now. everything about them is perfect i will post a comment that i really liked by u/OGRubySimp
  • no drama
  • literally every single person has their own personality and is pretty likeable
  • cracked aimers
  • troll mentality that makes you go "they just like me fr fr"
  • most aggressive team in the league by a mile. Other games are snoozefest in comparison.
  • qualifies to every single event and makes deep runs, giving pretty memorable moments.
  • YouTube content is pretty awesome too.
  • almost every round they play is highlight reel so you can expect to see them in timelines more often than other teams.
last year it was only zeta show mostly. with PRX vs DRX grand final almost getting us to 400k. we beat that record in first week with PRX vs T1 getting 410k viewership. pacific is getting less reliant on japanese team but they are still relied on the japanese fans. the fans had around 60k watching live in just twitch and my estimate would be 200k people were japanese fans in the final. the average viewership has increased alot. in stage 1 it was 200k so almost a 60k increase but with less air time. the future is bright for pacific.
submitted by kirito52999 to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:40 No-Tax1724 Yet Another Off-The-Cuff Series Tier List

Yet Another Off-The-Cuff Series Tier List
I recently re-watched the original series and have been re-watching Zeta, so I thought I would annoy reddit with my opinion of which Gundam series are the best.
To be clear, I've not seen every series, so this list is missing some notable ones such as Seed, Age, and Iron Blooded Orphans (although I've seen roughly 20 episodes of that one). Also, I'm a cynic and highly critical, so it's possible I am too harsh on some but also too nostalgic on others.
Here's my list in text form:
S Tier
Zeta Gundam
A Tier
Mobile Suit Gundam (1979)
Gundam Unicorn
Cucuruz Doan's Island
B Tier
0080: War in the Pocket
0083: Stardust Memory
08th MS Team
Turn A Gundam
Gundam 00
Gundam Hathaway
Gundam Thunderbolt
The Witch From Mercury
C Tier
Char's Counterattack
Gundam F91
Victory Gundam
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
After War Gundam X
Gundam Build Fighters
Gundam Build Fighters Try
Gundam Narrative
D Tier
ZZ Gundam
Gundam Wing
Gundam Reconguista in G
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
submitted by No-Tax1724 to Gundam [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:20 OnlyRoke "Help me, subreddit. You are my only hope!": Where to Go Next?

Heya folks,
I come to you humbly seeking for advice in regards to my next big project. I have a few avenues before me, but I don't know which one to take at the moment. Maybe one of you fine fellows has the perfect argument to win me over. I'll briefly lay out my potential plans and my concerns in regards to these plans. Maybe you can help me sort out these thoughts.
Two quick caveats
I know that I am missing Sith Eternal Emperor and Lord Vader as well, but I won't mention them here. SEE is smart, SEE is good, but SEE is a terrifyingly real candidate for an LSB, so I don't want to go there. Maybe stupid, but hey. I'd probably be more ready if Bane truly was the SEE lifter that we all thought he'd be, cuz then I'd be sitting on a useless Sith that would make SEE great. But alas, my Bane shits on 95% of teams at the moment, haha. As for LV, he's just too costly in regards to what I'd have to work on at the moment (mainly the Bad Batch shards). He'll be a future unlock, but at the moment I've got options that I'm closer to.
Almost everything is already pre-starred unless I explicitly mention it, so the star-farming doesn't really play a big role.

Idea 1: ReySistance!
Like so many, I bought the LSBs back in the day, but I went the Kylo route and didn't also have time to fit Rey into my calendar. She's the new hotness thanks to Datacrons (which I do not have, so blah). I do have an un-leveled Ben Solo as well, so I could build "the real team". Some concerns are the huge amount of zetas and omicrons I would need. Currently I am sitting at 1 zeta and 3 omicrons saved up. For zetas, I will need 6 for Rey, 3 for Ben, 1 for Finn, 1 for Other Finn, 1 for Other Poe, 2 for Zorii, 1 for Rose and most likely 1 for JTR. Additionally, I'd have to grab three Omicrons minimum, it seems (Ben Dyad, Zorii and Rose?). 16 zetas is a ton of materials that I can't really grab quickly aside from whatever the game throws our way. The main concern is that I'll be sitting there with an unlocked Rey and Ben and Zorii (who's also 7* by now) but none of the teams are anywhere close to "operational", because I'm waiting for zetas.

Idea 2: Leviathan!
Believe it or not, my budget option! Why? NO ZETAS! I have all the zetas required for the SE team and I'd maybe get the Maul zeta for a laugh (and feats), but other than that.. this would be my "I am saving up zetas for another project" farm. I just need to get Marauder to R7 as an additional farm and get the three new Sith Ships from 6 star to 7 star and spend a few days looking at the shop like a hawk so I can grab the needed R8 and R9 mats. Not the worst. And I get more fat Sith at big Relics for my Bane. At the moment I'm just using Darth Vader, since he's a lonely boy, but it'd be nice to have the flexibility of SAss, SET or even Maul. My big issue with Leviathan is that I am not getting it to top the Arena Ranks (got too many R9 SAssy Nutbags in my shard and I genuinely don't care about fighting for Rank 1 constantly) and I will also not get a max star Leviathan any time soon. 5 star, fine, I will do that to Fleets, but 7* just seems like an insane crystal investment. And from what I am seeing, 4* and 5* Leviathan just aren't all that great?

Idea 3: Cal Kestis!
I think I just need to say "I have R9 JML" and that is justification enough to go for Cal Kestis, right? Excellent Jedi, very good additional farms (well, Tarful..) and a beautiful G12 unlock! What's the problem tho? Zetas, again. Three on Jedi Cal, two on Cere, two on Baby Cal, one on Merrin and three on Malicos (yes, I got that Malicussy). Paired with an ungodly amount of Omicrons as well.. it will take me forever to have anything remotely useful, I reckon. I could even add Saw Gerrera, as I have Leia, so having another Rebel Fighter leader for the people that Mon Mothma leaves behind would be cool. But that'd be even more zetas and Omicrons, lol.

Idea 4: Aphra!
I love Aphra. She's a fan favorite of mine. I even have Sana at G12 already, because she was a soft requirement a long time ago in my guild's TW. My main gripe here is that it would, again, require a bunch of zetas (7 total, if we add the two Hondo ones) and I would get half a powerful team that is only very powerful every other year whenever Aphra's Datacron rolls around. Before that she's just "quite good". I don't know if that's .. worth the investment? At least I'd finally have a home for IG-88 and Dengar, I guess.

Idea 5: Gungans!
Meesa mooie mooie liken de gungans and I will clearly work on them once the shards become farmable for everyone. Fairly low zeta and omi investments and a banger legendary with raid relevance. It's clearly the future, but it's the one time where shards are the issue. I am not crystal-rich enough to afford buying the shards from the shop (nor do I care THAT much for the team). Unless CG does a funny thing and gives everyone a week of double bonus drops of Gungans I don't see myself getting them anytime soon.

Idea 6: Something Non-Productive!
This one stands for a team that has no deeper relevance to the game, but seems to impress people constantly. It's the Imperial Remnants. I have DTMG unlocked and the R7 Scouty from Leia, so I could laser-focus on DTMG to get a fun punchy Imperial line-up with some cool mechanics and TW viability. Unfortunately, the team doesn't really "help" anyone. It could be one of those "smart decision for the future" farms tho, judging by how the Imp Remnants are a relevant part of the SW mythos now and we're due a Dark Side GL. Would y'all say that a R5 DTMG squad would be good enough to warrant that detour? Or is the squad one of those "go big or go home, relic 8 everything" squads?

Idea 7: Waiting for the Next Fleet / GL!
My final option. Waiting. Lurking. Building out a few random characters that I still want at relics for existing teams and then jumping at the first sign of a new GL or new Fleet? My biggest fear with Leviathan is that I'll be in the middle of that (rather costly) grind and I'll unlock a mediocre 4* Ship only for them to announce, idk, the new Jedi Revan fleet or something like that which completely shits on Leviathan.
So yeah, this was a long, rambly post and I hope some of y'all can help me sort out my mind. Currently I am leaning towards "Leviathan now, collect materials for Cal" as my current plan. I'm currently just wrapping up Grand Inquisitor to R7 and then I'll have to chart a new course for good.

submitted by OnlyRoke to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:42 NoAddition8789 Say Goodbye to Green Nail Fungus: Tips for Healthy, Clear Nails

Struggling with green nail fungus?
Don't fret! There are several tried-and-tested methods to kick that pesky infection to the curb and get your nails back to their natural state. Here's what you need to know:
  1. Over-the-Counter Treatments: Grab some antifungal creams or nail polishes containing clotrimazole or terbinafine. These bad boys can work wonders for mild cases of green nail fungus. Just make sure to follow the instructions to a T.
  2. Prescription Pills: When the infection gets serious, it's time to call in the big guns. Your doc might prescribe oral antifungal medications to tackle the fungus from the inside out. It's like a targeted strike against those green invaders.
  3. DIY Remedies: Some folks swear by home remedies like tea tree oil, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide soaks. While they may not work for everyone, they're worth a shot if you're feeling adventurous. Just don't skip out on proper medical treatment if things get rough.
  4. Nail TLC: Keep those nails clean, dry, and trimmed to prevent the fungus from spreading. And whatever you do, don't share your nail clippers or go barefoot in sketchy places!
  5. Pro Treatments: When all else fails, it's time to bring in the big guns. Laser therapy or surgical nail removal might sound intense, but they can be lifesavers for stubborn infections.
  6. Prevention Is Key: Once you've vanquished the fungus, don't let it make a comeback. Practice good foot hygiene, wear breathable shoes, and steer clear of fungus-friendly environments.
Remember, everyone's nails are different, so what works for one person might not work for another. If you're struggling to beat the green nail blues, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare pro for some expert advice. With a little patience and persistence, you'll have those nails looking fresh and clean in no time!
How to get rid of green nail fungus? - Learn more
submitted by NoAddition8789 to FeetCorrector [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 18:50 Numerous_Skill_3574 Resistant Candida?

I am having itching in my left buttock area for many years (5-6 years).Last year I thought that I have to treat it. First put Clotrimazole powder and the itching reduced. However the affected area looked the same with no visual change whatsoever. After one month when I stopped using that the itching came back. Next I went to a dermatologist who at first gave me various antifungals like fluconazole, luliconazole, ketoconazole. But no improvement. Rather it spread along my buttcrack. He added terbinafine which seemed to have zero effect. Now the right side of my groin area also started itching. I changed my dermatologist and visited the Dermatology department of govt. Hospital where they again gave me fluconazole tablets. But they gave me miconazole cream to apply. After sometime a part of the affected area got cleared. But other parts never got cleared. I try to keep the area clean and dry as much as possible but nothing seems to work. Tried other things like selenium sulfide, vinegar etc. But nothing is working. Also till now never used steroids. The area is a bit dark with no redness and no ringshape. Can it be due to a resistant Candida infection? Also can it be that the infection is not very superficical and is in a deeper layer of the skin where the ointments can not reach? In case it is a Candida infection can it be due to biofilms? Advice may be helpful.
submitted by Numerous_Skill_3574 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:40 akki4223 I want to get this mod on my CB350RA

I want to get this mod on my CB350RA
I saw this article few days back and I loved this mod. I really want to get this mod for my bike, but I am not sure where to get this done or is it even possible here in Bangalore.
You can read the entire article here
submitted by akki4223 to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:57 staplerdude I don't see webstore shards for Padawan Obi Wan. I think this means the gamble pack approach is not worth it?

For the gungan marquees, we got 65 shards from the event, plus another 5 webstore shards for free, for a total of 70 shards. That meant 2 purchases of the gamble packs, for a minimum of 10 additional shards (though more likely 14 shards), got you to 80 shards and made you eligible for Tier III of the marquee. This allowed you to get more shards on a daily basis for the remainder of the event, and you'd end up at ~44/65 at the end of the event instead of 15/30, plus you'd get some kyros.
However, without the webstore pack, we're just at 65 shards total, meaning we need 15 more shards to hit Tier III of the marquee. But gamble packs are most likely to give you either 5 or 7 shards apiece, putting you just short of the 15 shards you need. Basically there is a 76.03% chance that it would require 3 purchases of gamble packs instead of 2. Also, buying two packs does nothing for you if you fail to hit 15 shards from them, it would just be 2598 crystals down the drain.
2 gamble packs cost 2598 crystals, and 3 gamble packs cost 3897 crystals. The value you get by getting to Tier III, in terms of shards and kyros, is 3984c. So 2 gamble pack purchases is clearly worth it, but 3 is not really. Sure, you come out ahead by 87c, but that's a pretty small amount and it's not really optimal to be spending crystals on kyros and shards in the first place if you aren't getting a significant value. The 87c savings doesn't make it a better deal than just spending crystals on refreshes, and there will be other crystal expenditures in the near future like zeta bonus drops, chase events at random, and a new capital ship before long. Obviously if you want to get Padawan Obi Wan to 7* ASAP then buying packs will help get you there faster, but it's no longer a good crystal value.
So it seems like for most people this marquee just begins and ends today at Tier II. Does that check out? Do we have any indication that we ought to expect a free webstore pack like we got with the gungans? Or are we just back to the old marquees that leave us at 15/30?
submitted by staplerdude to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 21:51 P5ycho1127 Needing C&C on my short story so far...

Arrogance of Victory

Ardan Gervasius was a whirlwind of motion, his sword flashing and steel singing as he danced around his fellow Battle Brothers. One Sword Brother versus five Neophytes, already fresh and eager to prove their worth. Templars gathered and cheered as the five tried them damnedest to defeat Ardan. The sound of steel, cheers, and other noises rang out in the Training Cages of the flagship Eternal Crusader.
Soon, the cheers turned to laughter and boos, as Ardan began to fell each of his brothers one by one. As the last Neophyte was brought to his knees, the match was set. Ardan chuckled loudly in triumph, arrogance spewing from his lips, “oh come on now! I hardly broke a sweat!” Grumbling, the neophytes helped each other up to their feet and begin to leave, not wanting to hear Ardan’s boisterous and cocky attitude. Each brother that sparred began to remove the binding chain-links to their armor, then placing the sparring blades back in the hands of menials and servitor servants. Ardan, however, still felt eager as he stretched his body to make himself limber, “I should have Sword Brother Deimos and his squad to try. I need a better challenge.” Ardan’s skill was only surpassed by his pride. Brothers nickname him “Arrogant Ardan.” Whilst they respected his skill with the blade, which some even compared him to First High Marshal Sigismund, Ardan’s attitude was very much less than desired and unwelcomed by his peers. Once such a vocal critic made his presence known.
“For Throne’s sake, quit acting like a damned iterator and shouting your victories. You can at least be humble.” Ardan turned to seek the noise, only to see Castellan Brocas approach the arena. A smile draped across the swordsman’s face, as scathing words shot from his tongue, “you are just mad that I knocked you flat on your ass, Brother Brocas.” Ardan stepped forward equally at Brocas, his arms out in a challenging demeanor, before bumping his chest into each other. The impact of the ceramite clanged loudly as the two stared at each other with threatening intentions. Brocas’s hands curled into fists, and Ardan was ready to provoke his Battle Brother into combat again.
“Brocas is right, you know,” said a gravely cold pang of a vox-caster, as if the sound broke the tension betwixt the two, “even Sigismund himself cared not for boasting and showing off.” Ardan and Brocas turned their heads, greeted by the sight of a skull plated helm, a red tabard draped over the blackest black armor, and across that was two inscribed pieces of parchment of purity. The two warriors stepped back from the other then glancing back to shoot looks of disdain to each other. Ardan then turned to face the man, smiling welcomely “Reclusiarch Grimaldus. It is an honor for you to join us.” Grimaldus said nothing, his helm hiding his face to not show any emotion. Ardan then spoke again, “I was just showing Brocas that his skills need improving in order to defeat me.”
Grimaldus continued his silence, yet Brocas had a feeling that the Reclusiarch’s anger was emanating, as if anger manifested in an aura. That was soon broken by a crackling chuckle over his vox that echoed clearly. “Perhaps I should try my hand at you, Ardan.” It was a surprise indeed. Ardan could not help but find amusement. Grimaldus was indeed legendary amongst the Templars, but he was older. Ardan was even surprised Grimaldus even stood, even after crossing the Rubicon Primaris like High Marshal Helbrecht. This is no contest, he thought, I still have more youthful vigor. “Very well, Reclusiarch, I acc- “
A fist contacted Ardan’s chin, sending him backwards meters away and landing on the ground in a painful thud and clanging of ceramite and steel. Ardan felt pain in his jaw. Looking up, he saw Grimaldus slowly reel his fist back to his side. “Looks like I have won,” said Grimaldus. , Ardan quickly stood up, his pained voice filled with anger like a child throwing a tantrum. “Reclusiarch?! This is not proper combat!”
“Is it not? Yet, I brought you to heel.”
“That’s not the point!” exclaimed Ardan, “we were to have a friendly spar!” Grimaldus then shrugged, “we did, though. And I still won.” Ardan tried to find words, but the pain in his jaw and his pride made his mind clouded. Brocas stood there, eyes widened to what he witnessed. Grimaldus then spoke his turn, “there is no such thing as proper combat. While it is true we hold honor and tradition, War cares not for such a thing.” Ardan growled in retort, “but we are not at war.” Grimaldus then gave Ardan another quick jab, knocking him back down. Ardan could tell that punch was harder than the first. Grimaldus then showed his emotion through his vox, and it was like a parent scolding a spoiled child, “not at war? We are Templars! We are on an eternal crusade! Even as I speak, our rest and relaxation are but a mere illusion to the fact that we are beset on all sides with various foes that seek our death!”
Ardan then went silent. He was too stubborn to admit defeat. “Forgive me, Reclusiarch. You are correct in the notion of our eternal crusade against the Heretic, the Mutant, and the Xeno. But we are Astartes, the same sons of Dorn, and proud devotees to the God-Emperor. Our battles are mere sparrings.” Grimaldus wanted to strike him again. Yet, he did not. Ardan was not worth the effort. He had more important duties. “Maybe some prayer would open whatever clouds your ignorance.”
Earnhart looked upon the visage of Saint Drusus, the death mask of the Living Saint. In life, Drusus fought during the Angevin Crusades, fought alongside mortals, angels, and mechanical Gods of War. He fought off enemies not only on the battlefield but from those he used to call comrades. Now, Earnhart was about to embark from the dusty and salty flats of Maccabeus Quintus, her home and world, to serve as both a pilgrim and a conqueror of the stars. Such an honor indeed, for this may be the last time she would see home again. She looked up to the Statue of Saint Drusus, admiring the heroic figure. She then looked down at the tomb, placing her hand on the Sarcophagus of the Saint. Even in death, Drusus serves the God-Emperor’s will.
"In all things do we take the example of Saint Drusus, who the God-Emperor saw fit to return from death to continue service in His name,” she chanted, kneeling before the sarcophagus, “We endure hardships, as Drusus did. We show no mercy, as Drusus did. We drive back the darkness beyond His realm, as Drusus did." Earnhart then took the silvery death mask of her Saint, forever covering her face, forever to never show a soul her own. “I pledge my service to thee, God Emperor of Mankind. Do with me as You please for my faith is absolute. I will serve thee with all my honor body and soul and prove myself worthy in your name as did Saint Drusus, till the day my reckoning comes.”
She stood at her feet, giving one last look at the tomb. She wanted to engrave every detail of her home, for she may never return. Such is the way of the Janissaries. Such was the will of the Imperium. Though, everything changed when the sirens went off…
Various Templar Astartes and humans knelt at the Shrine in formations, their heads bowed in prayer and ritualistic chanting. A Judicar wearing the ceremonial robes of the chaplaincy and his mouth sealed by cloth, walked along the rows gently swinging lit incense in the censer adorned with Templar iconography on brass and gold. Grimaldus walked alongside the faithful, speaking in reverence, just as any spiritual leader must to his flock. Ardan was deep in prayer, activating his Catalepsean Node to help focus. He was still angered by the Reclusiarch’s dishonor in the training cages. His body soon became lucid, his mind stimulating itself with a hypnotic jerk to try and keep him awake, but to no avail. Soon, Ardan fell into a trance, and then, blackness… Suddenly, a small light was seen in his vision. The light grew. It was embers of fire, and it grew larger and larger, until it became a roaring Inferno. He saw it. It was a battle. On one side, he seen a warrior clad in artificer armor that bore the color of darkened steel. In hand, bound to the figure, was a long, black blade, as if it were made of ebony or even obsidian. Beside the warrior was Astartes and the sight of soldiers clad in masks with a single tear under the right eye, whose faith and fury were equal to that of a Black Templar. On the other side, it was darkness. However, this darkness was unnatural. Evil. And that Darkness smiled and cackled across its scarred face.
Ardan gasped back into focus, his heart beating as if awakening from a nightmare. Was it a dream? No, he thought. It was too real. Grimaldus stopped, noticing Ardan’s heavy breathing. “Something troubles you, brother,” said the Reclusiarch in cold and analytical tones, yet his voice still showing hints of concern through his vox. Ardan took a moment to compose himself, standing upright. “Forgive me, Reclusiarch. But I saw something. A world in flame. A warrior challenging the darkness.” Grimaldus stood silently, thinking this was a ruse, before speaking clearly, “tell me, brother Ardan. What else can you describe in this dream?”
“It was a world in flames. A Shrine World. I saw Astartes and humans clad in masks that bore the same visage. All facing something evil and unnatural, as if it was sadism manifest.” That was all that Ardan saw and remembered. Grimaldus then turned away, thinking to himself within brief moments, until only a mumble escaped his vox, “follow.” Ardan was unsure what this meant, but to find answers, he must follow the Reclusiarch. The two exited the sanctuary, Grimaldus leading Ardan through the narrow halls of the Eternal Crusader, his pace at a speed that even Ardan was trying to match with in urgency, until reaching the Sanctum of the High Marshal. Helbrecht, sitting on his throne whilst the tech priest of the Mechanicus operated on his bionic limb, saw Grimaldus and Ardan approach. “Forgive me,” said the harsh, hoarse vocal cords of Helbrecht, “I was not expecting to have your companies, Reclusiarch and Sword Brother.” Grimaldus then motioned for Ardan to step forward, his silence giving a clear indication for Ardan to speak of what he witnessed in his vision.
Helbrecht’s battle worn face turned to a scowl as Ardan finished speaking of the vision, which prompted the High Marshal to stand from his throne. Shipmaster Heaslet approached the throne from the side of the Sanctum, only to respectfully kneel. “My lord. I come bearing a message for aid from the shrine world of Maccabeus Quintus,” Shipmaster Heaslet said in timidity, fearing his words may offend the Angels of the Emperor, “The Great Enemy has begun an attack on the planet. False Angels in a pastel of colors, bearing our Imperium’s Aquilla in such perverse manners!” Helbrecht looked upon the Shipmaster, his face flushing with building rage and his vein visibly throbbing from his forehead, as if it were to burst. “Emperor’s Children… A vomitous mockery of our brilliant God-Emperor’s divinity.” Helbrecht brought his bionic fist down in anger, shattering the stone carved throne’s arm rest as if it were fragile glass, “And they even dare strike at a Shrine World. Are they trying to goad us?”
Grimaldus could only chuckle at such a thought, “still, High Marshal. You must give commendation to these heretics for their brazen attack. Even if it is foolish and doomed to fail.” He then turned to face Ardan, “it seems that what you saw was true. Then this means the God-Emperor has granted you a vision of the future.” Grimaldus rested his armored hand onto Ardan’s shoulder, his voice surprisingly sincere and not the usual anger that Ardan often would be berated by, “you may be the catalyst for his crusade to drive back the darkness.” Grimaldus then returned to face back at the High Marshal, “I would like a requisition of all nearby Chaplains to convene briefly to determine if Ardan shall become the God-Emperor’s Sword.” Helbrecht nodded to Grimaldus, then motioned the Shipmaster to relay the call to the Astropath.
Ardan stood only in a loincloth, his genetically modified flesh and scars from past battles and triumphs laid bare for the gathered Chaplains to witness. The Chaplaincy deliberated over such a vision, curious if Ardan was even worthy of such a title. One of the Chaplains, with his name Harmon, spoke in favor. “It is clear he saw the future of battle. Every Champion we select in any crusade always has a common vision of battles past and what is to come. It is a vision granted by the God-Emperor!” There were detractors. One of which was by the name of Whisen, whose angered tone was made clear over the vox, “Ardan is a braggard. And to be clear, we have no proof the God-Emperor blessed him. For all we may know, he may have unlocked detestable Psyker abilities!”

“Then how did he know of Maccabeus Quintus being under siege?”
“He never stated so!”
The deafening chorus of voices over the vox echoed through the chamber, until a loud slam of metal rang out. The chaplains turn to see Grimaldus, whose crozius left a dent in the reinforced railing of his position. “Be that as it may, Maccabeus Quintus, an important Shrine World, where they breed the most loyal guardsmen regiments AND is blessed rest of the Imperial Saint Drusus is burning.” Mag-locking his crozius to his hip, Grimaldus then stood up, slowly walking down the steps down to the center, his voice clear for all to hear him, “true, Ardan’s character is unsatisfactory, but he saw battle. He saw himself fighting with brothers and the Guard.” Soon, the Reclusiarch stood beside Ardan, as if his statement were already what others decided, “his destiny awaits him in the battles to come. He has the skill of Sigismund, and more so, the stubborn tenacity of our genefather. He shall adorn the Blackest Armor and wield the Black Blade. He will lead his brothers.” The chaplains in dissent roared out, taking this decision as an insult to the honor of the Black Templars. Still, the decision was Grimaldus’s and his alone.
Janissary Earnhart rushed through the lines with her guard regiment, rushing through the volley of bullets and explosives. Every step, she chanted prayers for the God-Emperor as if they would shield her from the dangers of War. The Planetary Defense Force needed all able-bodied guardsmen to protect key strategically valuable points of interest. “O mighty God-Emperor, whose golden light pierces the darkness of the galaxy, we beseech thee in this hour of need,” she prayed, her breath heavy from running a long distance in gunfire and shrapnel, “As our valiant warrior charges into battle, grant thee your divine protection. May thy blade strike true, and thy armor hold firm against the enemy’s onslaught. Bless thy heart with unwavering courage and may thee be a beacon of hope for all who fight alongside you. In your name, we pray. Ave Imperator!” She then ducked into cover, as traitors opened fire from a nearby makeshift gun nest.
Earnhart and her regiment kept low, the bullets from the heavy stubber machine gun kicking up the dirt and salt of the earth in the trenches. They had to distract the nest somehow, Earnhart thought to herself, seeking any advantage from their disadvantageous position. The rattling belt-fire of the heavy stubber echoed through the ruined monasteries and buildings with the heretical traitors singing praise to the cacophony of destruction. However, whether it was a miracle or luck, the stubber ceased its fire, and the traitors growled in frustration. The weapon was malfunctioning, and Earnhart motioned her Janissaries to advance. Sounding a sonorous war cry for the God-Emperor, the Janissaries began their charge to advance. The traitors had to resort to smaller arms, but it was too late. They were overwhelmed in a matter of seconds, their blood staining the marbled stone. Janissary Earnhart then radioed to the Planetary Defense Force, “we secured the Courtyard. Send additional reinforcements so we can- “
Her message was cut off when a piercing wail unlike anything she ever heard boomed. If not for the padding in her helmet muffling some of the sound, it was likely Earnhart would have gone deaf. She turned to the source of the noise, and it struck her in terror when she saw the sight of Astartes, clad with pink or purple armor plating, with black and golden trim. The Emperor’s Aquilla either perverted or the heretical symbology was marked on their armor, and with a mocking snicker, one of them shouted, “Children of the Emperor! Death to his foes!” The squad presented their unusual weaponry with a malformed screaming face at the end of its barrel, and with a rippling force, shot sonic waves. Janissaries too close were evaporated into red mists, viscera, and other bits of gore and bone, as if they spontaneously exploded. Those farther were either brought to their knees in agony or were forced back. Janissary Earnhart tried to shout for retreat, but the effort was pointless from the booming shockwaves. Soon, the Emperor’s Children squad begin their advance, either slaying any Janissary or Defense Force in their way or releasing sanity shattering noises from their damnable instruments.
But from the sky, burning light crashed onto the stone walkways, shaking the ground as if a meteorite struck. The traitor Astartes and the remaining Janissaries turned to the sight, only to see the black metal of a drop pod, and the iconic white Templar cross. The drop pod doors burst open, and Intercessors and Sword Brethren, led by a warrior in simple yet advanced artificial armor, charged out to meet the traitors head on. Bolter fire, chainblades, sonic booms, and clashing of metal and ceramite sang out as the two rivalling factions fought with ferocity. Then, another drop pod lands, only to open to the sight of a hulking war machine of metal. “No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!” it roared from its mechanical voxcaster, charging out with gatling fire and promethium flames. The surviving Janissaries cheered, feeling inspired to fight through their pain and joining the fight with lasrifles and explosives. The Noise Marines were no match for the overwhelming force, slain in mere minutes that the Sergeant sounded a retreat.
As the battle died down, and the small fraction of the traitor Astartes in full retreat, Janissary Earnhart slowly approached the leading Astartes of the squad, forming the sign of the Aquilla in her hands. “Bless the God-Emperor, you saved us. We are not worthy to be in the presence of his Angels.” But what escaped from the Astartes’s vox was boastful laughter, “of course you are not. Do you think mere guardsmen could face an Astartes, let alone heretics? I will commend you, though, for trying.” While her face could not be read due to her mask, Earnhart was taken aback by this flamboyant boasting. “m-may I ask your name, Angel?” With pride, the Astartes champion announced, “I am Brother Ardan Gervasius, the Emperor’s Champion. You may address me as Lord Ardan, guardsman.”
“R-right,” stuttered Earnhart, shocked to see such… arrogance? Sure, he slain many of the traitors, she thought, but the least the Astartes could be more… she had no words that would dare match to combat such flamboyant ego. At least, not at this moment. “My Lord, the great enemy blindsided us out of nowhere. The initial strike brought half of the Planetary Defense systems inoperable.” Ardan was unamused, wondering how many of these traitors he could slay on his own. Brocas then stepped forward, as if to meet the surviving Janissaries, “it is good you held out until we arrived. Your actions are deeply commendable.” Earnhart smiled from under her mask. This was how an Angel was personified in her mind. Firm, yet fair. Brocas then broke her admiration and asked, “do we know as to why the heretics dare defile this sacred ground?” This was a question that had no clear answer, but speculation. Earnhart theorized it was to cripple the morale of the Janissaries. Brocas, who had fought the Emperor’s Children before in distant worlds, would believe her theory. This is because those that fall to the chaotic addictions of Slaanesh are trying to seek the stimulations they crave, like addicts to the chemicals they inject into their system for the thrills and pleasures. And what better way to seek the ultimate thrill than the defilement of a Shrine World housing one of the Saints that fought with the Black Templars long before Ardan or Brocas were born.
“Guardsman, is the Shrine of Saint Drusus still guarded?” Brocas inquired. While it was certain that there would be some defense, these mortals were versing the Warp-twisted versions of warriors. Suddenly, one of the battle brothers over the communication two clicks from the squad’s position shouted, “we are being routed! We need reinforcements in Sector Zeta-Two-Six!” Ardan, relishing the opportunity of combat, ordered his squad and surviving Janissaries to move out.
Zeta-Two-Six was a sector close to the Shrine of Drusus, and where the traitors came out in heavy force. Heretic Cultists and traitor guard rolled forward with their heavy armor detachments they looted from the Planetary Defense Force. The roars of Leman Russ pattern tanks and even a Rogal Dorn pattern tank rolled forward, unleashing volley of bullets from its machine guns to the occasional firing of the cannons. The Templar Intercessor Squad and a Squad of Eradicators tried to find a way to flank, but they were pinned down. The traitor Astartes forces reveled with each slain Templar. “Sigismund’s hounds fall rather quickly,” echoed the malformed mouth of one of the leading Champion of the Emperor’s Children, “such sweet cacophony. The smell of gunpowder and blood… my sensory receptors ache for more.”
“It is always a sweet melody to hear the death throes of the weak, Skaalek,” cackled another Child of the Emperor. His armor was unlike the twisted and depraved etchings on the common legionary. As if the armor was alive and pulsed, with faces that scream in agony, this warrior had a slit, morbid smile with scars that practically overtaken his facial features. He smiled, his sharp teeth like polished ivory, and a relic silvery sword of Xeno craft wielded in his dominant hand. Skaalek regarded the Champion, “ahh, Lucius. So grand of you to come to the revelry.” The Champion looked outward to the struggling Black Templars, watching as the foolish worshippers of the Corpse Emperor tried to hold ground against overwhelming odds. But then, out of nowhere, one of the Leman Russ tanks that the traitor guard staffed exploded, releasing a mushroom cloud of fire, smoke, and shrapnel. The surviving traitors that were caught in the blast screamed in agony, or reveled in the pain as either their blood from wounds painted the white marbled stone on the ground or be engulfed in decay. Lucius tilted his head and grinned at the sight.
Ardan and his squad flanked the traitors from behind, with the Janissary kill team led by Earnhart took back or destroyed any heavy armored vehicle. This allowed the Intercessor and Eradicator Squads to push back, unleashing bolter fire and melta charges. Ardan gracefully danced through the traitors like a twister of slashing metal, cutting down any heretic that dared approach or fled. Lucius was intrigued. Aroused even. While he did enjoy the challenge from one of Sigismund’s heirs, this young Champion Astartes reminded Lucius of the time he trained in the ways of the blade. Reminiscing of his days on Chemos to the days of the Great Crusade fighting with or against worthy warriors, Lucius almost shed a tear from his eye. This warrior was like him. And Lucius wanted to revel in this warrior’s lamentations of defeat. “Do not kill that one. I want him,” Lucius growled with a needing hunger for battle, “that Champion of the Corpse Emperor is mine.” Lucius turned, walking away from the battle. Skaalek nodded to the Champion of Slaanesh, giving a silent approval to follow orders. The legionary then ordered, “brothers. Fall back. And let our Lord Commander have his fun.”
The Emperor’s Children fell back as ordered, deciding that their fun had ended. Ardan then ordered Brocas to take the Intercessor Squads and Dreadnought to give chase. It seemed as if these heretics were finally understanding the might of the Imperium, thought Ardan. Taking a cloth from his pouch, he raised the Black Blade and wiped it clean of blood. How such a weapon of exquisite craftsmanship be used to slay those that are truly not worthy disgusted Ardan. Janissary Earnhart tended to her duties with the surviving kill team, executing cultists and traitor guard whilst praying for their souls to redeem themselves in the light of the God-Emperor. One of her teammates questioned this, wondering why she would waste breath and prayer for these damned souls. She replied softly, “because they are just lost. The path for them was dark. All I am doing is giving them the lantern to traverse said darkness.” This brought some weird comfort for her, as if she wanted to give these souls one last chance to return to the God-Emperor.
As she proceeded to execute the last of the heretics, Earnhart received a message from her helmet’s communicator. “All Janissaries! The defenses of our saint have been compromised! Rally there now!” The communicator ended with the scream of the guard and then static. Her heart sunk and her caring prayer stopped. She quickly approached Ardan, her voice cracking in both anger and fear. “My lord. The Shrine of Drusus is being attacked! We must go there now!” Ardan looked at the guardsman briefly, only to give a slight nod. He ordered the remaining squad mates to form up and follow the Janissaries to the Shrine.
By the time the group had made it, the Shrine was littered with the corpses of Janissaries. In the middle of the piled dead stood Lucius, his armor, sword, and whiplike tendrils in his left hand painted with blood and other viscera. Earnhart trembled at the sight. This heretic… no, daemon. Such brazen heresy! Her anger rose, her thoughts clouded as her blood boiled at this macabre display of sadism. Ardan ordered his brothers to engage, charging the Champion. Lucius let out a yawn, before slicing through Ardan’s battle brothers. The gurgling death throes of Ardan’s squad echoed through the Shrine’s basilica. Ardan, however, froze in place. This warrior is unlike anything he had truly faced, he thought to himself. Lucius looked at the Champion, his smile like a mockery to Ardan’s eyes. “Not even worth it, to be honest. These so called ‘Primaris.’ Though, death is such a beautiful song.” Lucius slowly walked to Ardan, to which the Astartes raised the Black Blade in a defensive stance. The sadistic warrior stopped, raising his alien blade in a more offensive posture. “You, Champion of the Corpse God. I want to know. What is your name?” There was a brief silence, but Ardan broke it by granting Lucius the answer, “I am Ardan. Ardan Gervasius. And I will be your death, heretic.”
“Such bravado. I like it,” snickered Lucius, sizing up Ardan’s stance and posture, to discern a needed counter to break it. “We are alike, you and I,” said Lucius, which Ardan took as an insult, “do not compare us, filth! I am nothing like you in the slightest.”
“Oh, but you are wrong,” said Lucius, “we are the same. We are both masters of the blade, dedicating our existence to the dance and grace of such things. Judging from your stance alone, I can tell you are in the stance of an old Terran duelist by the name of Rocco Bonetti.”
Ardan was surprised that this heretic knew of his stance, “so, you, too, know of the greatest duelists. Interesting. With you, I can determine a modified version of Capo Ferro.” With this exchange, Ardan had believed he may have found a worthy and veritable challenge. A true test of his skills. “Although I shouldn’t inquire,” said Ardan, “I would love to know of the enemy I will slay.” Lucius then gave a slight curtsey, “Lucius the Eternal. Champion of the God of Excess. I hope you provide me much more of a challenge than these… well, I want to call them lesser, but that word is giving them too much praise.” Earnhart could not bear to see such respect that these two were showing. Raising her lasrifle, she wanted to open fire. Ardan threatened, “you dare interrupt my battle, I will execute you myself.” Earnhart wanted to risk defying Ardan. To avenge her fallen Janissaries. To cleanse the Shrine of Drusus of this chaotic taint. But her mind fought against her emotions, and she finally lowered her lasrifle. This was a battle between Angels and Daemons. She would only get in the way.
submitted by P5ycho1127 to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:39 WhiskeyDream115 The Fiery Trials of Super Earth

In the unyielding expanse of the Galaxy, where the stars are but distant witnesses to the valor of the Helldivers of Super Earth, there unfolded a tale of bravery, misfortune, and—dare I say—fowl play. It was a tale that would be whispered with a mix of horror and hilarity in the barracks and mess halls across the Federation.
Private Jackson and his comrade-in-arms, Sergeant Cluckles (as he was humorously nicknamed due to his unfortunate resemblance to the domesticated avian creatures of Old Earth), were deep in the throes of an evacuation operation on the hostile planet of Zeta IV. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burning xenos and the sharp tang of ionized plasma.
"Remember, men, our mission is clear!" bellowed Jackson over the comm unit, his voice a beacon of unwavering resolve. "Secure the EVAC point at all costs! For Super Earth!"
As the duo neared the designated extraction zone, the sky darkened ominously, a storm of ash and embers swirling around them. The dropship, their metallic savior, hovered just beyond reach, its engines roaring like the ancient gods of war.
In the chaos of their retreat, Sergeant Cluckles, whose tactical prowess was often overshadowed by his less-than-impressive common sense, made a decision that would forever be marked in the annals of the Helldivers' history. With the precision of a seasoned warrior and the unfortunate judgment of a panicked chicken, he deployed a NAPALM ordnance directly onto their location.
Jackson, mere meters from salvation, saw the world turn a blistering red. The flames engulfed him, a fiery embrace that halted his heroic dash to freedom. As he fell, his last sight was the dropship ascending into the stormy skies, leaving behind a trail of betrayal and fire.
Sergeant Cluckles, realizing the gravity of his error, could only squawk helplessly into his helmet mic, "Oh, by the stars, Jackson! This wasn't the plan!" His feathered visage was a mask of avian remorse as he watched his friend succumb to the fiery inferno he had unwittingly summoned.
The tale of Jackson's fiery demise and Cluckles' fateful mistake spread like wildfire among the Helldivers. They would say, with a chuckle and a shake of the head, "Beware the Chicken of Super Earth, for his wings bring not flight, but fire!"
Yet, amidst the laughter and the retelling, the spirit of Jackson lived on—a reminder of the thin line between heroism and calamity, and the unbreakable bond between soldiers, forged in the flames of both adversity and accidental napalm.
Battle Chronicles: Based on Actual Events As the echoes of the story fade, let it be known across all of Super Earth: this tale of fiery mishap and brotherly bonds, though larger than life, is grounded in the sternest of truths. For you see, dear readers, it was indeed based on a true story—a tale as old as combat itself, where my own comrade, 'Sergeant Cluckles,' dropped the fateful napalm that sealed my fiery fate. So let this saga be a lesson and a laugh, and remember, in the fierce brotherhood of the Helldivers, sometimes the line between friend and fowl is perilously thin!
"Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent."
submitted by WhiskeyDream115 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:25 ShinSwappy A Recount of My Ongoing Muv-Luv TTRPG

Hello everyone, I'm Swappy and I am a relatively new Muv-Luv fan. Despite this and against my better judgement I have decided to run a Muv-Luv Tabletop, titled Muv-Luv Conative. I am not using the Muv-Luv TTRPG system, but rather a homemade system utilizing the Operation V system, a Gundam TTRPG system made for the Feddie Scum podcast (great podcast). Specifically a finished version made by a fan and one of my players, as the official version is still undergoing play testing via the podcast.
Now let's introduce the party:
Alexander Kurylenko (33): A Soviet pilot from Belarus who has the misfortune for being born right as the war with the BETA broke out. He's had his home taken, he's seen friends die, and he has developed a fatalistic viewpoint on life. He believes in the Soviet Union, but isn't necessarily zealous about it. He dislikes aristocrats and the US government and he is the flight leader of the party.
Dana von Romer (23): An American pilot hailing from Texas. Dana von Romer is a guitar playing, shotgun wielding, hat wearing Texan in every way you can imagine. She believes in the principles American was founded upon, but that doesn't mean she believes in the US government and would follow it's orders without question. Her father was killed, and Dana believes it was an assassination on the part of a US Major General, and she wants answers.
Lloyd Aymar (25): A Canadian pilot who's been part of the UN since he graduated from flight school. He believes humanity should be united in the fight against the BETA, and serves as a middle ground between Dana, Alexander, and the next party member. He too has developed a fatalistic view, but he is far more sociable and friendly than Alexander. He simply believes that he'll probably die to the BETA, but he'll attempt to take as many of them with him before he goes out.
Chiyoko Kinoshita (19): Introduced at the start but joining the party later, and played by me for the sake of rounding out the party to a number of four. Chiyoko is a Japanese Fudai who is part of the Kinoshita family, a family who overlooks Japan's TSF development and manufacturing alongside the Takamuras. She is the youngest and greenest of the party, but is still a member of the Royal Guard. Her family relationship seems to be tense, especially with her older brother, and Chiyoko has a lot of expectations on her as a member of this family.
These four are part of the United Nations squadron known as the Wild Stallions. A Squadron with the on paper purpose of showing the capabilities of cooperation between countries via being comprised of pilots from different countries and utilizing all kinds of TSFs from American, to Soviet, to even Japanese TSFs.
One Shot Prologue:
The year is 1999, and the three party members (Alex, Dana and Lloyd) find themselves in Japan during the events of Operation Lucifer. The squadron is waiting to sortie, to fight the Yokohama hive, and as they wait they pack up the belongings of their recently killed wingman. Making small talk, the party soon runs into a Squadron of Japanese teenagers and meet Chiyoko Kinoshita. Chiyoko and Dana talk, but soon have to part ways as they have to sortie. Boarding their F-15E Strike Eagles, our brave pilots begin their sortie to push towards the BETA hive. Of course, they soon encounter a horde of BETA and combat starts. Dana utilizes her missiles to cause a rock slide which inures some grappler class, Lloyd charges in with his melee Halberd and begins cutting beta apart, and Alexander gives orders and lays down covering fire. Despite murdering a bunch of BETA more seems to come making their push forwards slow to a crawl. Alongside that, they can hear their apart list several other Wild Stallion flights being shot down. Eventually the two are suddenly told to retreat, as it seems US forces are going to be dropping something with little to no warning. Before they can retreat however, the party spots Chiyoko by herself in an damaged F-4J, seemingly being the sole survivor of her squad. Alexander tries to have the squad just leave her, as he is more concerned with their survival than hers, but Lloyd quickly comes to her rescue, pulling her out of the F-4 and placing her in the cockpit with him, and the party retreats. They just barely manage to get out of the blast radius of the G Bombs, getting front row seats to their detonation. As they go off, the party feels as though something about the world itself shifts, but they are more concerned with the absolute destruction left before them. Returning to base, the Stallions get Chiyoko to a medic, giving her comforting words. Chiyoko cries over the loss of her own team. With that, the Stallions retire for the day, and the one shot ends with the opening scene of Muv-Luv Alternative; the Discovery of human brains in the BETA hive.
Session 1:
It has been two years since the events of Operation Lucifer, and it is early February of 2001. Our party of three find themselves on a plane heading over to Yukon base in Alaska in order to potentially get involved with Project Prominence (my excuse of having players potentially get upgrades later one). The players now flaunt new TSFs, with Alexander piloting a MiG-290VT Fulcrum, and Dana piloting a very interesting F-18E Super Hornet. Lloyd however, doesn't seem to have his TSF on him, as Alexander managed to get into contact with an old Soviet contact and politically maneuvered his way into potentially getting Lloyd a Soviet TSF. Arriving at Yukon base, the crew first make their way to the Soviet side of the base in order to meet with Alex's contact, with Dana getting looks from the Soviets on the base, but she pays them little to no mind. Arriving at the hangar, the gang meets Alex's contact, one Jerzy Sandek. It is revealed Alexander managed to negotiate and get his hands on an SU-37 Terminator in exchange for proving the superiority of soviet TSFs, as well as a more personal favor from Jerzy. The gang also sees and are introduced to the Scarlet Twins, Inia and Cryska.
With that out of the way, the gang makes their way to the US/UN side of the base and talk with the base commander, before going off to meet the Argos Test Flight. Meeting them, the teams get along, with Alex scolding Tarisa a bit. It is then stated that the two will be going up against each other in a mock fight in order to determine if the Wild Stallions can be brought onto Project Prominence in a limited capacity. The two teams face off, with Lloyd in his new Terminator immediately eliminating Tarisa and then Ibrahim before getting gunned down by Valerio and Stella. Alexander is also shot down, but Dana manages to barely scrape out the win via a combat knife into Valerio's cockpit. With the mock fight finished, Dana and the Argos test fight go out drinking while Alexander forces Lloyd to do push-ups considering he got shot down. Alexander and Jerzy then meet, and Jerzy tells him to forget the personal favor, as he doesn't believe the two don't have what it takes to help progress what he's working on (the twins). The next day, with their objective complete, the Stallions leave back to Yokohama base, ending the session.
Session 2:
Back at Yokohama, the Stallions are missing a member as Lloyd is busy tweaking his SU-37. To compensate however, the team is joined by Chiyoko Kinoshita, now an official member of the Royal Guard and sporting a Shiranui. The gang talks over breakfast, with Alex being cold towards Chiyoko due to her status, and Dana cursing the difficulty of using chop sticks. The players are also introduced to another member of the Stallions, Jason Whiteford (a Brit). Finishing their food, the crew make small talk and head to the hangar before coming across quite the sight. It seems that over the night, someone had come in and VANDALIZED Dana's TSF with provocative words written in Japanese. After practically strong arming Chiyoko into translating for her, Dana laughs like a mad woman which makes everyone in the hangar uncomfortable before dragging the party off to investigate who did it. Making their way to security, they review the footage and see younger folks commiting the deed. Initially believing them to be trainees, Alexander heads to the training grounds and talks to Sergeant Jinguuji Marimo about this, but the cadets are soon dismissed from suspicion as they are all girls, while the culprits on camera seem to have been men. Deciding to ask Jason about any other squadrons who could harbor anti American sentiments, they are pointed to Cracker Squadron. Alexander pulls the Captain of the squadron aside while Dana decides to be less civil about it, getting into a fight with the other aggressive pilots of the flight, who were indeed behind the vandalization. With the MPs and the Captains breaking up the fight, after giving their accounts to the MPs, Alexander orders Dana to several hours of firing drills in her TSF before being called to Brigadier General Paul Radhabinod's office. Arriving, he is informed that he and his squadron will most likely be involved in the defense of Niigata, as it seems a BETA force is planning an invasion there. The two are then interrupted by one Professor Kouzuki Yuuko, and Alexander is dismissed. He leaves due to this, and due to Professor Yuuko's vibes. Late into the night, early morning in fact, Dana finally finishes her punishment and is greeted by Chiyoko, who managed to get her guitar fixed (which had been damaged in the brawl). The two talk about their ideals and the two then promise to win the war against the BETA so everyone can have Wagyu steaks. With that, they go off to make late night burgers as the session ends.
Session 3:
It is now time for the defense of Yokohama! The Wild Stallions are given a briefing by their commanding officer, one Colonel Augustine Gil, about the defense line that has been established at the Niigata shoreline. The Stallions alongside other UN and IJA forces will intercept the BETA hordes at the shores and perform an active defense against this invasion. Colonel Gil also informs them that Chiyoko will be accompanying their squadron as she is on loan from the Royal Guard to the Wild Stallions. With that out of the way, the Wild Stallions sortie (with Lloyd literally doing warm up exercises with his Terminator while taxying towards the runway) towards Niigata. The squadron arrives as the shoreline, and wait for the BETA to arrive. Once they do, the defense begins, starting with air support and artillery supporting hounding the initial waves of the BETA. Of course despite that they keep coming, and the Stallions alongside other squadrons begins to intercept the BETA. Chiyoko and Lloyd prove to be excellent Melee fighters, which is expected from Lloyd, while Dana and Alex fire on the BETA. Alex rolls a critical fail and then a critical success, which confuses all of the characters including Alexander himself. Of course they hear over the radio as people die horrible deaths, but at that point it's white noise. Suddenly, Laser class BETA appear and shoot down any air support! This naturally causes the Stallions to book ass to cover, with the members doing evasive maneuvers against the incoming laser fire. Before they can try to intercept the laser classes, they are ordered to support one of the other defensive lines which is suffering heavy casualties.
Arriving at the scene and seeing a pilot die, Alexander barely manages to use artillery to get rid of the laser class present and the Stallions begin to clean up the BETA. Lloyd actually fails a melee check for once, and Chiyoko fucks up an evasion roll against a Destroyer class and gets hit hard. At that moment, however, more reinforcements appear. They are a squadron of Shiranui's being led by a Takamikazuchi. The pilot is non other than Chiyoko's older brother, Yamato, who witnessed Chiyoko be hit and tells her off while being rude to the other party members. They are then allowed to return to base for resupply. Arriving back at base, Chiyoko is visibily upset by the interaction with her brother, but the others (including Alexander surprisingly) try and cheer her up which kind of works. With that, the session ends with the Stallions put on standby.
Session 4: It is near the end of February and the defense of Niigata is still ongoing! The Wild Stallions are on standby at a forward operating base, with Lloyd and some of the other Stallions drinking, Alexander sulking, and Dana writing a letter to an old friend. While basically partying, Lloyd spots Chiyoko practicing her swordsmanship with a sad expression. Correctly guessing this what still about her brother, Lloyd drags her ass to the party and attempts to offer a drink, but she declines. Lloyd messes around with Jason and then gets into a discussion about Soviet ideals with Alexander after the captain (Alexander) heard him talk about despite Soviet ideals on materialism, they party hard. Of course Lloyd takes the piss out of him in a scene worthy of the Chibi art style before they are informed that they will be sortieng soon. While Lloyd is literally hosing down some of the members of the Stallions, Chiyoko comments on how seemingly free he seems, as he doesn't exactly have to worry about things like familial obligations. Alexander stays silent because he doesn't like her, as her status makes her the enemy to him. Dana comes out the post office to witness Alexander standing there by himself before being informed of the briefing. Arriving, they are once again briefed by Colonel Gil, who explains they'll be intercepting the last of the BETA at a nondescript city. The Stallions once again sortie, with Chiyoko now having a maxed out maneuverability skill, and arrive at the city. While other squadrons intercept the BETA in the city, Alexander has the Stallions hold back and let the BETA come to them. Making quick work of them, they push in only to see two Fort class beta. Thinking quick, Dana fires off her missiles at one of the Fort Class and successfully eliminated it, while Chiyoko and Lloyd go for the other one. Lloyd uses his large halberd to carve into the Fort Class, but doesn't manage to kill it. He lands in front of it's stinger, and it tries to stab into his cockpit with it, but Lloyd barely manages to dodge and promptly cuts the Fort Class in half with his sword, soaking his Terminator in red and laughing, taking enjoyment in killing BETA. At that moment, they receive laser warnings and Lloyd and Alex dodge much larger than usual laser fire.
Off in the distance they see two Heavy Laser BETA. As Alexander barely managed to dodge the laser, he could nearly feel his blood literally boil from the heat. At that moment, he receives a vision, both clear and barely intelligible, both seemingly real and fake, of the heavy lasers eliminating some of the other Stallion pilots, but he chocks it up to adrenaline. Chiyoko and Dana then make quick work of the heavy lasers, as Alexander uses his admittedly broken skill to eliminate all of the remaining BETA on the field. This sudden increase of skill shocks everyone in the squadron, but Alexander brushes it off and they return to base. Considering the strain he put on his body through his intense maneuvering while eliminating the remaining BETA, Alexander vomits up some blood and bile and passes out, as he is taken to the infirmary. Dana spots Colonel Gil with a change in his expression, and the two exchange nods as he returns to his tent. The session then ends with him informing a certain professor about this strange increase in skill.
Session 5:
It is now mid March, and the Stallions find themselves boarding a plane back to America, specifically Dana's homestate of Texas. Oddly enough Chiyoko, now dawning a UN Uniform, is accompanying them. It seems she's gotten orders to continue accompanying the Stallions. Alexander is slightly annoyed by this, but fellow squadron member and Soviet, Nairi Oganesyan, jabs at him for this and notes that despite his dislike of her, he could probably pass off as her father in a civilian setting considering their looks, despite the fact he's only 33. This shakes Alexander to his core, and he turns to dust. Boarding the plane, they head off to America and arrive at US Air Force Plant 4 for, even stranger, an escort mission. They are greeted by Dana's old commanding officer, Major General Jairo Campbell, the person Dana suspects had her father killed, and Dana's old squadron captain and friend Crystal Myers. The two catch up and Dana is dragged off by her old squadron, the Braves, off to the plant, ditching the other three. Arriving at the plant, the Stallions head off to unpack, not before the two captains of each squadron share some words with each other. After unpacking, Dana mentions wanting to see if her old "stache' was still around, and Alexander and Lloyd leave with Alexander saying it's due to what Dana mentioned and how he can't be complacent in it despite overlooking it, and Lloyd wanting to go drinking. This leaves Dana and Chiyoko by themselves, and Chiyoko finds herself being dragged away by Dana, being given looks of worry and concern from other people in the base who knew Dana. Dana takes Chiyoko to an abandoned storage building, and enters. The hangar is home to some abandoned F-16 prototypes and various other containers as Dana takes her to some old, hidden lockers. She kicks the door open, and Chiyoko fails a movement check and gets hit right in the face by the locker door, causing a nosebleed. Dana apologies and lands her a handkerchief before the two look at the contents of the locker. Inside the locker are the belongings and picture of her father. Dana explains to Chiyoko that despite his skills and accomplishments as a pilot, Campbell practically wiped him from the records, and Dana believes it's because he knew something Campbell was planning. That's why she became a pilot, and despite Campbell's attempts to get rid of her, she persisted and soon joined the UN. This shocks Chiyoko.
Alexander meanwhiles runs into Crystal Myers again, her seemingly friendly and upbeat demeanor gone as she smocks a cigarette. The two talk, Crystal mentioning how he's Belarusian, which surprises Alexander a bit. She explains how she fought in the Soviet areas during her own brief time as a UN pilot, and she laments that despite the fact humanity seems to be on the verge of losing against the BETA, humanity still conspires against each other. She then tells him to keep an eye out for his squad, and leaves to go do a flight. This comment kicks Alex's paranoia into overdrive. Back to Chiyoko and Dana, Dana let's slip that she knows about the existence of Alternative IV which one again shocks Chiyoko. However, the two agree to keep this between them out of concern about the Major General potentially hearing about their suspicions. The two shake hands, with Dana spitting on her palm and grossing out Chiyoko a little. They then exit the storage building. Cutting back to Alexander, he spots Colonel Gil and Major General Campbell walking and discussing something in hushed tones. Against his better judgement and rolling a critical success, he listens in. Campbell states that despite being given orders to hand the XG-70s to Yokohama base for the Alternative IV Project he views it as a waste of time and that they should be used for Alternative V. Gil tells him that despite what he thinks, Alternative V is still the backup to alternative IV and he has to comply. They then enter a very large storage building.
Returning to base with Chiyoko still nosebleeding, with Dana saying to tell anyone it's from Texas' dry air, they run into Alexander. The three then being to make their way to the infirmary, not before spotting a new TSF with the monicher of X-35 painted on its jump jets taking off alongside some F-16s. Dana correctly summarizes that Crystal is the pilot of this new TSF and that it could be the replacement for the F-18 and F-16. Alexander curses the "Americans and their toys." Dana then comments on how Chiyoko seems to be fine despite the bleeding, but at that moment Chiyoko begins to feels dizzy and they carry her to the infirmary and retire for the day. Later that night, Chiyoko is greeted by Colonel Gil who asks her to gather up Dana and Alexander, and she does. Walking through the base Gil informs Alexander that he did notice him, and has decided that they should know as the lead flight as to what they are transporting (Lloyd is too drunk to inform). Arriving at the large storage building, the three pilots are out face to face with the two colossal XG-70s that they are to be escorting. Dana and Chiyoko are absolutely surprised by the sheer size of the machine, but Alexander isn't as impressed when informed that mass production would be very difficult. He is also informed of what happened to the test pilots, but is assured they won't be flying it. With that, they return to their rooms. The session ends with Gil apologizing to Chiyoko for getting her wrapped up in this, but Chiyoko tells him that it's fine, and that those machines may be what Humanity needs...
Session 6:
The latest session! The Wild Stallions wake up, with Lloyd hungover. Dana provides coffee to the pilots while Lloyd yells at them to wake up. Making their way to the cafeteria, the Stallions are introduced to another member of the Braves, Ariane Baker, a younger pilot who looks up to Dana. Ariane seems slightly annoyed about how close Chiyoko and Dana seems to be, but Dana manages to (maybe) settle her down. The two young pilots shake hands. They also talk about the F-35, mentioning how they hadn't managed to change the X-35 monicher that had been painted on yet, and how that America will be selling them to other countries as their new 3rd generation TSF. After breakfast and small talk, the stallions are briefed on their mission. The different flights will be accompanying the transport vehicle all the way to Yokohama, with the main party being given the responsibility of escorting the transport off American soil from California. Alexander questions why they need an escort in friendly territory, but Colonel Gil says it's simply a precaution while giving them a knowing look, which Lloyd doesn't pick up on. Boarding the plane, Jason, Lloyd and Nairi make bets on what the cargo is, with Nairi being suspiciously close to what it actually is. Dana takes up Nairi's bet. The trip to California is met with no issues, with Alexander having the rookie pilots stop ceaseless chatter, and they arrive at California. At the California airport, Dana references Quattro Bajeena in the second opening of Zeta Gundam and Lloyd asks her what's wrong, with Dana saying it's nothing. The Stallions take off, however this time they sortie without their heavier weapons, only having their assault cannons and combat knives. This annoys Lloyd greatly, but when Chiyoko says it isn't that big of a deal, Lloyd surprises everyone by agreeing and stopping his complaints.
Getting far enough from the shore, the Stallions are informed by their operator of five unknown IFFs heading right for them, and Alexander visually confirms two F-15Es and three F-16Cs with no markings and painted in dark colors. Being fired upon, the party is given clearance to intercept the TSFs. The team makes quick work of them, proving far too experienced and skilled for the mysterious assailants. Alexander and Dana agree on capturing a target, and the other two agree. Lloyd and Dana successfully manage to capture two TSFs, but they are informed of a self destruct signal coming off from them. Lloyd drops his, but Dana manages to rip out the cockpit block from the TSF before it explodes, and the party witness an explosion only capable from an S-11 self destruction device. Seemingly managing to save their prisoner, Dana is caught by surprise when, from directly behind her, a TSF arm reaches out and stabs the cockpit block in her hands with its knife before her F-18E is grabbed and shoved aside. The party is met with a mysterious unmarked TSF (an F-22A Raptor), but it breaks off and disappears into a horizon. Dana however barely manages to succeed an observation check and her suspicions are confirmed. It seems Crystal was the pilot of that unknown TSF. The session ends with Dana saying "Et tu, Crystal?" before they are forced to return to the California airbase.
And that about sums up every session so far of Muv-Luv Conative! I hope you enjoyed reading that extensive and long recap of the events of the story so far. I know there may be some hiccups with lore and what not, but me and my players have really enjoyed what we made so far, and I hope you do as well. I'll hopefully continue this once we get some more sessions done. Thank you for reading.
submitted by ShinSwappy to MuvLuv [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:26 Powerful-Employee-36 Batman's intelligent and invention technology feats.

So we all know Bruce Wayan is one of the most intelligent super genius characters in the DC universe.
So let's talk about his intelligence first (then the tech invention)
Geoff Johns confirmed that Bruce Wayne is definitively the 2nd smartest person on Earth. This automatically makes him more intelligent than everyone on Earth save for Lex Luthor, with an IQ of over 250.
Has one of the greatest minds in the entire DC Omniverse - Justice League (2018) #23
So let's some common misunderstanding about batman IQ being just 192.
That was never attributed to Batman, only Ted Kord.
anyway Batman automatically for being the second (only behind Lex) IQ in the Earth out him above Ryan Choi who have IQ 200 and and Hiro Okamura who have IQ over 210.
So now we have Batman IQ over at 210+ and possibly 250.
Batman is an Omni-Disciplinary Scientist and martial arts(Master of every scientific field known to man i.e. Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Lex Luthor), mastering “EVERY COURSE AND FIELD. EVERY SUBJECT AND TRADE.” and the worlds greatest detective and confirmed have all knowledge of science history.
He is the greatest strategist and tactician in the world.
Deduced what Brainiac 5 (most intelligent being in the 31st century Multiverse) missed.
Batman mastered every scientific discipline known to man, and beyond, of which there are between 600–800.
Figured out Zeta Beam (teleportation) technology in an instant that took the super-genius level Adam Strange years. 6th panel..
Batman is able to hack into a NASA satellite and transfer its information onto his servers.
He easily Easily hacked into Lexcorp and Darkseid's Hellspores.
Hacks Kryptonian computer in second and Hacks Apokolyptian computer.
Within seconds hacks an alien computer he doesn't even know the language of.
Hack even if someone discovered batman identity, he dosen't even worry about it, he just can manipulate someone fooling him on physiological thinking that he’s forced to put on the costume if he could fool that. Especially given how frequent mind-control is among Batman’s rogues.
He even once he’s exposed himself during a disinformation campaign.
Just one more crackpot conspiracy theory among a thousand others. More tabloid tittle tattle and craziness surrounding mad, bad Bruce Wayne. In a world where no one can be sure what’s real and what’s not.”
—Bruce Wayne
So firstly Batman is the one who build his technology by himself.
Just in the beginning, let me tell you Batman have created time travel Machine single handily and Program that Predicts the past, present and Future and every possibility.
Teleporter and Teleportation Via Watchtower he Designed
He created Haz-Bat a suit that Withstood the pull of a black hole.
Hack he created even his own element (feat like Tony Stark), Batman creates an element that has the same effects on Wraith that Kryptonite does to Superman(Yes, Superman says mineral, but Kryptonite is consistently classified as an element).
Built a device that can slow down time to the point that the Flash is barely moving or how he created Shrink Ray.
Batman tech.
1: Magnetism in Gloves for Adhesion.
2: Magnetizing Batarang (note: 3-D Collapsible Micro-Structure Material for Compact Storage).
3: Wallet-Sized Collapsible Suit.
4: Chemically Fueled Thrusters.
Proton Gun(A.K.A. Phaser, Disruptor, Particle Accelerator Gun, Ion Cannon, Proton Beam, Lightning Ray and Ray Gun)
5: Energy Pulse that Dismantles Mech.
6: Energy Cannon.
7: Gun Atomizes Concrete.
8: Ultraviolet Image Reproduction.
9: Microprocessor(7th Capsule). Clearly this is old and Batman has since upgraded.
10: Signal and Comms Jammer.
11: Voice & Sound Modulation/Duplication.
12: Finger Lasers.
13: Concussive Grenades.
ECM(Electronic Counter-Measures) Against Radar and Sonar
14: Radar and Acoustic Triangulation are useless.
15: Insider Suit Mimics [Flash’s Speedhttps://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-76e0dd71bda266c21b6c403f926744dc-lq).
16: Thermocouple for solar Energy Siphoning.
17: Energy Generated Constructs shields.
18: created Plasma Shield.
19: Decontamination of Irradiated Areas.
19: enchanted and night qmd Infrared and Thermal and X-Ray and heat vision and Ultraviolet Visions.
20: Life Detection.
21: Digital Invisibility.
22: Freeze Rays.
23: Echolocation.
24: Entire Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision
25: Underwater Suits.
26: GPS.
27: space Suit.
28: Space Adaptive Component.
29: Chest Mounted Sonic Cannon.
Remote Connection to Satellites, Phones, and Computers through the PAN(Personal Area Network
30: Gauntlets Absorb Energy.
31: EMP nullification Magnetic Rail Gun.
32: EMP equivalent to 50 Megaton Nuke (Most powerful Nuclear Weapon ever created) takes out OMACS.
33: Armor-Piercing Tasers, 200,000 Volt Tasers (between 20–75c what it takes to kill a human).
It able hurt Clayface.
34: Can Assume the Shape of Blades.
35: Holographic Emission Disguise and Holographic Projection into the Batcave
36: Holographic Emulation(Holographic Copy).
37: Holographic Projection Embedded in Gotham Street Lights.
38: Link to Batcave through Cowl.
39: Batman can simply wipe out the evidence of his identity by hacking though One of them is the supposed equal to Calculator who’s capable of taking over a super computer program, the other is the creator of Brother One.
40: The Batcave possesses multiple barriers that not only prevent teleporters from entering, but also prevents a hyper-intelligent Bizarro from taking over.
41: flying device with his normal suit.
42: Batman's cape is fire-proof that can also protect against other things.
43: Developing a cure for an alien virus:.
44: Developing a thing that can liquify Plastic Man.
45: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that prevents Green Lantern rings from working, (Justice League (2016) #29
46: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that stops Cyborg from moving, (Justice League (2016) #29
47: his cowl can see though invisible things.
48: His cowl automatically identifies people, has gadgets that can identify radiation and blood.
49: he Made a virus that disrupts atoms.
50: Has Cold Iron Fillings to disrupt magic.
51: Has a chemical that hypersaturates a person and can repair DNA.
52: his sound sonic Batarang and [hypersonic bomb like][https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/7/77/A318FFCB-ED50-4968-8A35-DF4C28D3FD39.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20190326145840).
53: His suit is insulated from radiation.
54: created a Batarang that nullifies healing factors.
55: Boots that allow him to walk on ceilings.
56: Made a biometric scanner out of goggles in moments.
57: His suit can fire an AoE sonic blast around itself.
58: He created gauntlets that can hack into devices, and are capable of reading energy levels.
59: another set that enhances his hitting power.
60: his cowl/gauntlets grants him extra Superhumanly enchanted senses like hearing and seeing more.
61: Gauntlets that fire out energy blast that pierce through Deathstrokes suit that’s made out of “Promethium Chain Mail, (Deathstroke (2016) #34).
62: Electric Fisticuffs, (Batman Incorporated (2011) #1).
63: there was once Flash and implemented tech into his suit that allows him to vibrate and phase through things and remember what a Speedster do while vibrating as [thoughts molecules][https://imgur.com/a/B3LH7Ii).
64: created a form of enhanced vision that lets him see through buildings and soiled stuff, (Talon #7).
65: Ultrasonic noise dampeners in his cowl that make him immune to the Canary Cryn (Vixen: Return of the Lion #5)
66: Hologram of a demonic bat, (Batman (1940) #464)
67: A unique gadget that mimics Darkseid's omega beams, but is line of wire that traps an opponent, (Batman The Dark Knight #2).
68: another Invisibility suit.
69: The Cowl also has x-ray vision - Detective Comics (2016) #937
70: Rigs explosives to take down a series of buildings - Batman and Robin Eternal #17
71: Blows up a large ice monster - Justice League: Endless Winter
72: created nth metal batarangs in case he has to fight incorporeal beings such ghosts - Batman Eternal #24
73: his Batarangs can disrupt energy shields - Deathstroke (2016) #32
74: Made a sonic grenade that nullifies a mind controlled crowd - Batman: Secret Files (2018) #2
75: created a device that turns any metal it touches into a supermagnet - Batman (2011
76: Batman cowl Can scan biology and in seconds know details of a foe down to the cellular level - All Star Batman #6
77: Can basically fly by gliding - Batman (2011) #10
78: An example of it in action - Detective Comics (2016) #988
79: [another Batman flight space-suit (yeah even though it look like, it's Have nothing with Batman beyond)][https://i.stack.imgur.com/89NTP.jpg).
80: another's advance one and also Batman cap have immunity to ice too.
Now all that above was some average batman technology feats but now the big cake.
1: Anti-matter Negative Zone Portal canon, literally it sends to Phantom Zone which is the infinite dimensionless void.
2: Re-created the Lazarus Pits in his Cave(Lazarus Pits can cure anything up to and including Death).
3: Perfected Cloning and Memory Transfers.
And this and this.
4: created Robot Duplicates of the Justice League with there powers.
5: Creates the AI J.A.R.V.I.S. for Pepper. It eventually becomes advanced enough to love, fully Sapient(Human-Like) Artificially Intelligent Alfred.
6: rebuild Asgard, Has a Base in the Moon and Base in Greece and Base in Prague and On Pluto and Crime Alley.
7: BATMAN created Omniversal Wormhole Inside of a Bullet, Capable of Ripping Apart Reality and destroy the source wall itself (and Omniversal feat).
8: Created a way to rewrite people cell by cell. Now a lot of people say that this is simply a side effect of Element X(Metal of Possibilty, capable of bringing the wielders will into being) but look at the three bubbles on the top right.
Yes, this chair. Built from Element X, allowed you to see people’s hearts....but then, you took it further, imagined greater. You built the Final Bat-Suit around the chair for yourself. Not just to determine people’s minds, but to change them, rewrite them cell by cell.”
This means that Element X allowed for reading hearts and minds, but so Batman went beyond and created a way to rewrite beings cell by cell. If it was just of Element X, it would have been explicitly stated.
9: Batman creates a universal translator which allows him to communicate with alien life in the universe.
10: He designs the Watchtower security system and then overrides it.
11: In Forever evil #6 Batman is able to break into the Watchtower by activating the manual override which he installed.
12: Created a compound that turns walls into liquid.
13: Anti-telepathy tech, Psychic Dampeners im his cowl.
14: Has made/acquired red solar guns, a large mech, magic chains and a formula that turns him into Doomsday, all to beat Superman, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
15: His final contigency are a series of satellites that will turn the Sun red, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
16: Planted slightly than moon-busting bombs on the moon just in case, Justice League (2018) #1
17: After having his memory wiped, the second time remeeting the Flash he had developed a device that violently sapped him of speedforce, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5
this is consistent , Developed technology that mimics the vibrational powers of DC speedsters and speed force.
18: Psychic Invisibility.
19: Chip that can influence the mind and force illusions of endless battles.
20: with the help of Lex Luthor, injustice leagues batman was able created machine allowed travel to different other universes, Injustice Year 5 #39 & #40 (~note: keep in mind the mine batman is far superior to injustice counterpart~).
21: Batman built a flying Batcave back in the day so that he and Robin could operate their vigilante mission from anywhere at anytime, without having to head deep into Gotham to refuel. The spaceship held most of what was needed from the cave and offered a form of transportation for the duo as well.
22: Batman literally created Red Giants, which continues microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems as Weapon against Superman.
Batman : “You like the knuckles, Clark. Each pod contains microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems
Batman can literally harvest entire red giant stars in deep space, shrink them down and bring them to Earth, and he’s still struggling to find clean, renewable energy?!.
“Our applied sciences division has been working on a clean, renewable energy source.”
It's consistent as he have done this twice.
23: he created Insider Suit that can Invisibility and Heat Vision and Quasi-Green Lantern mode and accuse to the speed force.
submitted by Powerful-Employee-36 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:22 Powerful-Employee-36 Batman's intelligent and invention technology feats.

So we all know Bruce Wayan is one of the most intelligent super genius characters in the DC universe.
So let's talk about his intelligence first (then the tech invention)
Geoff Johns confirmed that Bruce Wayne is definitively the 2nd smartest person on Earth. This automatically makes him more intelligent than everyone on Earth save for Lex Luthor, with an IQ of over 250.
Has one of the greatest minds in the entire DC Omniverse - Justice League (2018) #23
So let's some common misunderstanding about batman IQ being just 192.
That was never attributed to Batman, only Ted Kord.
anyway Batman automatically for being the second (only behind Lex) IQ in the Earth out him above Ryan Choi who have IQ 200 and and Hiro Okamura who have IQ over 210.
So now we have Batman IQ over at 210+ and possibly 250.
Batman is an Omni-Disciplinary Scientist and martial arts(Master of every scientific field known to man i.e. Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, Lex Luthor), mastering “EVERY COURSE AND FIELD. EVERY SUBJECT AND TRADE.” and the worlds greatest detective and confirmed have all knowledge of science history.
He is the greatest strategist and tactician in the world.
[Deduced what Brainiac 5 (most intelligent being in the 31st century Multiverse) missed][https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d440bfa51d428571dd0f7cc32f317d28-lq).
Batman mastered every scientific discipline known to man, and beyond, of which there are between 600–800.
Figured out Zeta Beam (teleportation) technology in an instant that took the super-genius level Adam Strange years. 6th panel..
Batman is able to hack into a NASA satellite and transfer its information onto his servers.
He easily Easily hacked into Lexcorp and Darkseid's Hellspores.
Hacks Kryptonian computer in second and Hacks Apokolyptian computer.
Within seconds hacks an alien computer.
Hack even if someone discovered batman identity, he dosen't even worry about it, he just can manipulate someone fooling him on physiological thinking that he’s forced to put on the costume if he could fool that. Especially given how frequent mind-control is among Batman’s rogues.
He even once he’s exposed himself during a disinformation campaign.
Just one more crackpot conspiracy theory among a thousand others. More tabloid tittle tattle and craziness surrounding mad, bad Bruce Wayne. In a world where no one can be sure what’s real and what’s not.”
—Bruce Wayne
So firstly Batman is the one who build his technology by himself.
Just in the beginning, let me tell you Batman have created time travel Machine single handily and Program that Predicts the past, present and Future and every possibility.
Teleporter and Teleportation Via Watchtower he Designed
He created Haz-Bat a suit that Withstood the pull of a black hole.
Hack he created even his own element (feat like Tony Stark), Batman creates an element that has the same effects on Wraith that Kryptonite does to Superman(Yes, Superman says mineral, but Kryptonite is consistently classified as an element).
Built a device that can slow down time to the point that the Flash is barely moving or how he created Shrink Ray.
Batman tech.
1: Magnetism in Gloves for Adhesion.
2: Magnetizing Batarang (note: 3-D Collapsible Micro-Structure Material for Compact Storage).
3: Wallet-Sized Collapsible Suit.
4: Chemically Fueled Thrusters.
Proton Gun(A.K.A. Phaser, Disruptor, Particle Accelerator Gun, Ion Cannon, Proton Beam, Lightning Ray and Ray Gun)
5: Energy Pulse that Dismantles Mech.
6: Energy Cannon.
7: Gun Atomizes Concrete.
8: Ultraviolet Image Reproduction.
9: Microprocessor(7th Capsule). Clearly this is old and Batman has since upgraded.
10: Signal and Comms Jammer.
11: Voice & Sound Modulation/Duplication.
12: Finger Lasers.
13: Concussive Grenades.
ECM(Electronic Counter-Measures) Against Radar and Sonar
14: Radar and Acoustic Triangulation are useless.
15: Insider Suit Mimics [Flash’s Speedhttps://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-76e0dd71bda266c21b6c403f926744dc-lq).
16: Thermocouple for solar Energy Siphoning.
17: Energy Generated Constructs shields.
18: created Plasma Shield.
19: Decontamination of Irradiated Areas.
19: enchanted and night qmd Infrared and Thermal and X-Ray and heat vision and Ultraviolet Visions.
20: Life Detection.
21: Digital Invisibility.
22: Freeze Rays.
23: Echolocation.
24: Entire Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision
25: Underwater Suits.
26: GPS.
27: space Suit.
28: Space Adaptive Component.
29: Chest Mounted Sonic Cannon.
Remote Connection to Satellites, Phones, and Computers through the PAN(Personal Area Network
30: Gauntlets Absorb Energy.
31: EMP nullification Magnetic Rail Gun.
32: EMP equivalent to 50 Megaton Nuke (Most powerful Nuclear Weapon ever created) takes out OMACS.
33: Armor-Piercing Tasers, 200,000 Volt Tasers (between 20–75c what it takes to kill a human).
It able hurt Clayface.
34: Can Assume the Shape of Blades.
35: Holographic Emission Disguise and Holographic Projection into the Batcave
36: Holographic Emulation(Holographic Copy).
37: Holographic Projection Embedded in Gotham Street Lights.
38: Link to Batcave through Cowl.
39: Batman can simply wipe out the evidence of his identity by hacking though One of them is the supposed equal to Calculator who’s capable of taking over a super computer program, the other is the creator of Brother One.
40: The Batcave possesses multiple barriers that not only prevent teleporters from entering, but also prevents a hyper-intelligent Bizarro from taking over.
41: flying device with his normal suit.
42: Batman's cape is fire-proof that can also protect against other things.
43: Developing a cure for an alien virus:.
44: Developing a thing that can liquify Plastic Man.
45: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that prevents Green Lantern rings from working, (Justice League (2016) #29
46: Made tech (stolen by Future Aquaman) that stops Cyborg from moving, (Justice League (2016) #29
47: his cowl can see though invisible things.
48: His cowl automatically identifies people, has gadgets that can identify radiation and blood.
49: he Made a virus that disrupts atoms.
50: Has Cold Iron Fillings to disrupt magic.
51: Has a chemical that hypersaturates a person and can repair DNA.
52: his sound sonic Batarang and [hypersonic bomb like][https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/7/77/A318FFCB-ED50-4968-8A35-DF4C28D3FD39.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20190326145840).
53: His suit is insulated from radiation.
54: created a Batarang that nullifies healing factors.
55: Boots that allow him to walk on ceilings.
56: Made a biometric scanner out of goggles in moments.
57: His suit can fire an AoE sonic blast around itself.
58: He created gauntlets that can hack into devices, and are capable of reading energy levels.
59: another set that enhances his hitting power.
60: his cowl/gauntlets grants him extra Superhumanly enchanted senses like hearing and seeing more.
61: Gauntlets that fire out energy blast that pierce through Deathstrokes suit that’s made out of “Promethium Chain Mail, (Deathstroke (2016) #34).
62: Electric Fisticuffs, (Batman Incorporated (2011) #1).
63: there was once Flash and implemented tech into his suit that allows him to vibrate and phase through things and remember what a Speedster do while vibrating as [thoughts molecules][https://imgur.com/a/B3LH7Ii).
64: created a form of enhanced vision that lets him see through buildings and soiled stuff, (Talon #7).
65: Ultrasonic noise dampeners in his cowl that make him immune to the Canary Cryn (Vixen: Return of the Lion #5)
66: Hologram of a demonic bat, (Batman (1940) #464)
67: A unique gadget that mimics Darkseid's omega beams, but is line of wire that traps an opponent, (Batman The Dark Knight #2).
68: another Invisibility suit.
69: The Cowl also has x-ray vision - Detective Comics (2016) #937
70: Rigs explosives to take down a series of buildings - Batman and Robin Eternal #17
71: Blows up a large ice monster - Justice League: Endless Winter
72: created nth metal batarangs in case he has to fight incorporeal beings such ghosts - Batman Eternal #24
73: his Batarangs can disrupt energy shields - Deathstroke (2016) #32
74: Made a sonic grenade that nullifies a mind controlled crowd - Batman: Secret Files (2018) #2
75: created a device that turns any metal it touches into a supermagnet - Batman (2011
76: Batman cowl Can scan biology and in seconds know details of a foe down to the cellular level - All Star Batman #6
77: Can basically fly by gliding - Batman (2011) #10
78: An example of it in action - Detective Comics (2016) #988
79: [another Batman flight space-suit (yeah even though it look like, it's Have nothing with Batman beyond)][https://i.stack.imgur.com/89NTP.jpg).
80: another's advance one and also Batman cap have immunity to ice too.
Now all that above was some average batman technology feats but now the big cake.
1: Anti-matter Negative Zone Portal canon, literally it sends to Phantom Zone which is the infinite dimensionless void.
2: Re-created the Lazarus Pits in his Cave(Lazarus Pits can cure anything up to and including Death).
3: Perfected Cloning and Memory Transfers.
And this and this.
4: created Robot Duplicates of the Justice League with there powers.
5: Creates the AI J.A.R.V.I.S. for Pepper. It eventually becomes advanced enough to love, fully Sapient(Human-Like) Artificially Intelligent Alfred.
6: rebuild Asgard, Has a Base in the Moon and Base in Greece and Base in Prague and On Pluto and Crime Alley.
7: BATMAN created Omniversal Wormhole Inside of a Bullet, Capable of Ripping Apart Reality and destroy the source wall itself (and Omniversal feat).
8: Created a way to rewrite people cell by cell. Now a lot of people say that this is simply a side effect of Element X(Metal of Possibilty, capable of bringing the wielders will into being) but look at the three bubbles on the top right.
Yes, this chair. Built from Element X, allowed you to see people’s hearts....but then, you took it further, imagined greater. You built the Final Bat-Suit around the chair for yourself. Not just to determine people’s minds, but to change them, rewrite them cell by cell.”
This means that Element X allowed for reading hearts and minds, but so Batman went beyond and created a way to rewrite beings cell by cell. If it was just of Element X, it would have been explicitly stated.
9: Batman creates a universal translator which allows him to communicate with alien life in the universe.
10: He designs the Watchtower security system and then overrides it.
11: In Forever evil #6 Batman is able to break into the Watchtower by activating the manual override which he installed.
12: Created a compound that turns walls into liquid.
13: Anti-telepathy tech, Psychic Dampeners im his cowl.
14: Has made/acquired red solar guns, a large mech, magic chains and a formula that turns him into Doomsday, all to beat Superman, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
15: His final contigency are a series of satellites that will turn the Sun red, Batman/Superman (2019) Annual #1
16: Planted slightly than moon-busting bombs on the moon just in case, Justice League (2018) #1
17: After having his memory wiped, the second time remeeting the Flash he had developed a device that violently sapped him of speedforce, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #5
this is consistent , Developed technology that mimics the vibrational powers of DC speedsters and speed force.
18: Psychic Invisibility.
19: Chip that can influence the mind and force illusions of endless battles.
20: with the help of Lex Luthor, injustice leagues batman was able created machine allowed travel to different other universes, Injustice Year 5 #39 & #40 (~note: keep in mind the mine batman is far superior to injustice counterpart~).
21: Batman built a flying Batcave back in the day so that he and Robin could operate their vigilante mission from anywhere at anytime, without having to head deep into Gotham to refuel. The spaceship held most of what was needed from the cave and offered a form of transportation for the duo as well.
22: Batman literally created Red Giants, which continues microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems as Weapon against Superman.
Batman : “You like the knuckles, Clark. Each pod contains microscopic red suns, collected from dead solar systems
Batman can literally harvest entire red giant stars in deep space, shrink them down and bring them to Earth, and he’s still struggling to find clean, renewable energy?!.
“Our applied sciences division has been working on a clean, renewable energy source.”
It's consistent as he have done this twice.
23: he created Insider Suit that can Invisibility and Heat Vision and Quasi-Green Lantern mode and accuse to the speed force.
submitted by Powerful-Employee-36 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:52 SLKRmeatrider 5* executor vs 7* leviathan counter(high relics not needed)

This works with a relic 4 bam(no zetas), r5 ig, r5 cad. It is pretty consistent with winning like 75% of matchups and even beats high relic sith pilots. I did not find this counter but I don’t see much people talking about it. So the opening lineup is: rc, xb, and slave 1. No need for tooth cause sith ships don’t hit hard. The turn order doesn’t matter that much but here is my mine. After they do their opening attacks:
  1. Use xb to call assist slave 1 on extinction bomber
  2. Slave 1 basic on bomber
  3. Rc assist call slave 1 on bomber
  4. If bomber is still taunting, mass assist on him, otherwise mass assist on fury
By this point you will have hit contract already. Just keep damaging/taking out the sith ships until next executor turn, which you will call out ig-2000. You don’t have to basic with slave 1 anymore, you can use his other 2 abilities. I used special 1 to clear foresight and special 2 to take out the ships usually. Sometimes you hit ult, sometimes you don’t. If you do, the battle is very easy, if you don’t the battle is still very winnable. Before leviathan hits ult you ideally want to have just mark 6 left which is usually the leviathan’s first reinforcement. He shouldn’t usually be a threat because of ig double tabs and slave 1 multi attacks.
submitted by SLKRmeatrider to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:21 pommejohn Discussion around Direction for newer accounts that have purchased all the LSBs from Jan till now

As the title states, I'm curious what people think about the direction and allocation of resources if you have purchased all available Light speed bundles since Jan of this year. I started playing at the very end of December because a friend has been playing since launch almost and i liked what i saw. Started off with the hyperspeed bundle and got to farming towards the first two journeys and JKR. was doing well and reaching my goals when suddenly something called light speed bundles dropped and i was floored, picked them up instantly and went straight to farming SLKR. fast forward to last week, i have a solid SLKR team, only three of those gold coins away from unlocking his ultimate, have myself a passable starkiller team, and a okay JKR team. The May the 4th bundles just dropped and ive snapped them up as well. Im sitting and 91 toons that are currently at relic 1-7, and quite a few ships in a decent spot.
With all that said this is what i would like to discuss. I have allot of toons that seem to be quite good from what im researching but im being pulled in a bunch of different directions. The general consensus that ive been seeing is that someone should focus attention on 1 project at a time, also that for the most part Galactic legends and or the Exectutor should be the main focus. the issue im having here is two fold, the much discussed Zeta crunch, and the fact that many of the teams i could build that are in higher tiers of Productivity are missing in a toon or two. my thinking is that if i stop the focus on GLs i can put some time and effort into building solid teams for GAC/Conquest/Guild events and reap greater rewards faster than if i just focused on meeting Reqs for GLs. For instance, after this last set of LSBs i have both Nightsisters, Geos, and Padme teams but no zetas on any of them, i could spend time farming up Merrin for the night sisters, and get Padme up to relic/ zeta her team. i also have most of the team for Commander Luke but dont have 3p0/chewie so i could spend time farming that. the list kind of goes on. Getting GAS, or JKLS, continuing the Darth Revan farm i was in the middle of, if i finish Merrin do i switch to farming the rest of the JKCK team, all of this still requiring a bunch of zetas.
Its a good problem to have and im actually having a blast theorizing over what to prioritize. I want to make it clear im not in any rush or disappointed in the lack of materials or zetas (though id happily take as many Zetas as i could). i should also mention i have the reqs completed for GL Rey, but currently my C3p0 and R2D2 are not up to snuff nor is Zorii. id love to hear what other people are doing after all these light speed bundles if they picked any up, or what anyone would do in my shoes. Thanks guys!
submitted by pommejohn to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:03 kdj00940 Manicures/Pedicures: should we get them?

I contracted nail fungus and athletes foot from my father when I was little. He’d come home from work and take his shoes off, and I’d scoot my little feet into his military boots and haplessly march around the room. It was precious, but it’s left me with a lifelong toenail fungus. I’m in my early 30s now, and on my 3rd or 4th roubd of oral Terbinafine treatment. And it’s working! Slowly. But the medication is working.
So my question is, should those of us with nail fungus forfeit the luxury of manicures and pedicures? All my life, I’ve never had a pedicure before, because of my nail fungus. I’ve always been self conscious, and also there’s a big part of me that feels it could be irresponsible to indulge in that way. I wouldn’t want to give another customer what I have, or be the reason nail fungus is going around at the salon. But I’m at a place in my life where I’ve actually really been wanting to be pampered. I want to have a pedicure and a manicure, and treat myself to this. It’s just that my nail fungus still hasn’t cleared yet.
What say you? Do you indulge in mani/pedis, even though you have fungus? Do you think I should continue to wait until my fungus clears before I do it? Am I over thinking?
submitted by kdj00940 to NailFungus [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 16:47 Lucky_6464 BrawlCap Presents: BSC 2024 May Power Rankings

BrawlCap Presents: BSC 2024 May Power Rankings
Hey everyone! It's Power Rankings time! Which means it's time to start some controversy on where each team will be placed in the Global Power Rankings. We have 20 teams to cover (and some teams that dropped out of the Top 20 as well) so let's not waste anymore time and get to the (rules of the) rankings!
The Thumbnail

The Power Ranking Rules

-I have changed the model I'm using a bit more this time and I did the best I could to get the best and most accurate results possible (it's not going to be perfect, but this was the best I could do for now).
-At least 6 EMEA teams, 4 NA & APAC teams and 3 SA teams will be in the rankings. The other 3 slots will be placed by 3 other teams from any region. No Mainland China teams will be covered until after the July Monthly Finals (I will cover Mainland China soon though).
-To not make the post super long, I'll only say a few sentences for each team including the teams that got cut from these rankings. I also might talk about some teams being underrated or overrated because even I don't agree with everything this model says. Yes I can have opinions on my own model.
-I ask that you all be civil in the comments and if you disagree with anything to not just say any negative stuff. Feel free to provide feedback as well as I'm open to suggestions on how to improve this model over time. No it's not perfect, but it's the best that I could come up with for now. I'll continue to improve it as the season goes on.
-I will not include teams like BC* Gaming since they don't have a complete roster yet. I might do some updated Power Rankings in the comments when they do sign someone as well as some other roster updates that might happen in the future. We'll see.
Alright NOW let's get into the rankings.

May Power Rankings (WARNING: Possibly Controversial)

May Power Rankings (Ranks 1-6)
#1 ZETA DIVISION: I have decided to put the defending champs back at #1 as their impressive performance this past month has got me wondering if they will repeat for a 4th straight year now. GeRo announcing that inso wasn't the main man behind the drafts does have me a bit terrified for the rest of EMEA, but they certainly won't have an easy time keeping this #1 spot. SK and HMBLE (and maybe even Oceanus) won't go easy on them in the next three months.
#2 Calabresos F/A: Being the only team in the World to win back to back Monthly Finals this year, they definitely had to be ranked higher. They did have a close call in the Grand Finals against the MiniPekkas and they are playing in the weakest of the four main regions, but this team is probably the best shot South America has at getting back in the win column in the World Finals. They have a pretty sizable lead and if they three-peat, they should be a lock for Worlds.
#3 Crazy Raccoon: Getting reverse swept is never fun, but I still think they are one of the best teams in the World despite the loss. If they weren't dealing with lag they probably would've repeat as well and maybe contested for that #1 spot. It was not meant to be, but hey they still have a solid lead on the APAC leaderboards and I don't see them slowing down anytime soon. Just gotta hope the lag doesn't kill them again and they should be good. Tensai on Max didn't work out for them in the end this month, but they'll be back.
#4 SK Gaming: This is a good team. This is a team that is likely going to be a legit contender for winning it all this year. The loss against HMBLE in the semis was a bit heartbreaking, but this was a loss against a really good team. Plus they beat Totem again in the rematch so they are definitely making Totem regret their decision on letting go Joker. I expect SK to be a top EMEA team the rest of the year and whoever faces them moving forward better watch out.
#5 HMBLE: Rounding out the Top 5 is a team I think could win it all one day this year in the EMEA region as they have gotten so close these past two months falling just short of the ultimate goal to both SK and ZETA. I don't see HMBLE slowing down anytime soon and I could see them easily claim a Worlds spot if they keep it up at this rate. I think their goal now is to just win a Monthly Final and then they would be satisfied.
#6 Tribe Gaming: Oh hey our first North American team! Yeah this region is actually turning out to be the chaotic one this year with so many of the top teams getting knocked out earlier than expected. Tribe were shut down by a rising JCT team in the Quarterfinals and while they still control 1st on the Leaderboards, it's a pretty tight race. Hopefully this month was just a fluke for the red and black and that they'll be back in top shape next month.
May Power Rankings (Ranks 7-12)
#7 Juan Carlos Team: Woah woah woah Lucky! This high? And my answer to that is, yes? I do think this is a team that deserves lots of love after seeing them dominate both Tribe and STMN in 4 sets and winning their first Monthly Final of the year together. I hope I'm not jinxing them, but this team is a Worlds contender if you ask me. secondbest is an underrated player and the rest of the team looks really solid too. Can't wait to see more protestos and ZETA sprays from secondbest as well as getting to see this team be the underdog NA team nobody expected would pop off to start the year.
#8 Oceanus Gaming: This is the only other EMEA team I would say has a shot at claiming one of the three Worlds spots that hasn't made it to Grands yet. They will one day with the way they've been playing. They have shown they can compete with the top teams like HMBLE and ZETA, but of the four they do seem to be the weakest. This team is still a threat however and I expect a Grand Finals appearance from them sometime this season if everything falls into place.
#9 F/A MiniPekkas: A solid performance overall as they managed to get revenge on SKC in a clean sweep. RDP wasn't much trouble for them and they did make their match against Calabresos look close. I would say if there is another South American team that could maybe be a contender for that Worlds spot, it's these guys. Either a Worlds spot or at least be a solid team by the time the LCQ happens. I might be overrating them a bit, but I could maybe see this team go deep if they keep this up.
#10 Reply Totem: Am I overrating this team? Probably. I still think they can be a good team overall and I don't think we should be too harsh on them for losing back to back matches against SK in the Quarterfinals. Do I think they can compete with the best of the best in the region? Probably not or at least not SK. I would like to see how well they can play against other teams in the Monthly Finals (if they ever get the chance to that is) and if they can't even beat them, that's when I would start worrying about this team qualifying even for the LCQ.
#11 Revenant Esports: I might be overrating them slightly above the team right below them in these rankings, but I think Revenant are still a pretty good team. I mean, just look at how well they handled Angelic this month. A nice sweep of revenge. They did unfortunately lose to NAVI who was looking really good in that entire Monthly Final, but they did keep it close despite the disadvantage they had ping wise. I do think they are still in the race for the second Worlds spot the rest of the season, but they will have to fight NAVI and Angelic for it. They can compete against those two so hopefully the bracket RNG is in their favor and they don't go up against Raccoon.
#12 NAVI: The roster change with Sizuku and moving closer to the servers for this month worked for NAVI this month! After a rough start to the season, NAVI managed to win it all on their first Monthly Final of the year which I'd say is pretty impressive. A win against Revenant and an upset against Crazy Raccoon does give me hope again that this team can maybe qualify for Worlds after all, but I would like to see how they do in the next month or two to see if they really are the real deal.
May Power Rankings (Ranks 13-20)
#13 STMN: This has been a wild and underwhelming season so far for STMN. I might be ranking them a bit too low with all the bracket RNG they suffered to start the year and they have shown they can beat the best in NA, but their loss against JCT has me a bit unsure if they can pull off qualifying directly to Worlds. They are pretty behind in the Leaderboards in 6th Place and it would take a collapse from either Tribe or JCT to even have a shot, but I still think this is a pretty good NA team that the model is definitely underrating. Maybe they'll be ranked higher if they win it all next month which I could see happen if they want it bad enough.
#14 Remaining 7 Esports: They may not have beaten a top team yet in the Monthly Finals as they have only beaten slightly weaker teams such as the Real Ones and West Coast, but they are securing points on the Leaderboards and look to contend for at least the LCQ this year. This is still a Top 5 NA team, but I think I might be overrating them just a bit here. They are still pretty good and hey getting points is the main objective here and they are doing a good job at that, but I would like to see if they can beat a good quality opponent like LCT or LG. Then I would maybe consider this team being pretty good if they make it to the postseason.
#15 Angelic: The 0 ping threat in APAC laid a big dud this month as they were only able to secure a single game against Revenant in the revenge match. They are still in a decent position hanging on to 2nd on the APAC Leaderboards, but one thing is kinda bothering me about this team. It seems that Kanga on the Mortis is their biggest strength, but clearly banning him has shut down Angelic or at least in this Monthly Final. If this team wants to possibly be the only non-Japanese team playing from APAC in the postseason, they gotta figure out a way to succeed without relying on Kanga Mortis and maybe even the ping advantage since teams like NAVI and Raccoon are playing from Hong Kong now to gain that advantage too.
#16 SKCalalas: Oof. After a solid first month, SKC just didn't show up this month in their matchup against the MiniPekkas, unable to take even a single game off of them. They still control one of two LCQ spots currently, but a win against the MiniPekkas would've likely given them a fighting chance to compete for that lone Worlds spot. I would be less worried if they made that match close, but they just didn't show up at all. I still think they can claim at least an LCQ spot for now, but man this was a brutal loss considering there aren't many chances for them to mess up especially with how few spots there are up for grabs.
#17 Luminosity: Lucky... why this low you might ask? And all I'm gonna say is, blame the model lol. Ok but for real even though I'm heavily underrating them here, I don't know if they are as good as they were the previous year. I would honestly debate them barely being in the Top 10 at this point since they haven't really beaten anyone super difficult besides maybe STMN in the Monthly Qualifiers, but that was a Best of 3. I want to see this team go all out next month and hopefully Patchy won't be gone again like he was last month in their elimination match. They may not be far behind from an LCQ spot, but they still got some work to do and they gotta make every moment count from now on.
#18 Team Queso: Probably the only team from the West side of South America that I think has a realistic shot at qualifying for the LCQ. So far in both Monthly Finals, they have usually gone up against another team from the West or a weaker team from Brazil in the Quarterfinals, beat them, and then lose to Calabresos in the Semifinals. While they are still a contender for an LCQ spot, I don't know if they will be able to qualify if this cycle somehow continues. Maybe if they beat a team ranked above them I would maybe consider them as a more legit contender, but for now they are my odd one out from South America. Still a good team overall, but I would love to see more from them in the next Monthly Final.
#19 Rival Esports: If you aren't too familiar with this new small org, they recently signed Never Back Down who are looking to still contend for an LCQ spot this year. The loss against Coco Loco in the Quarterfinals did hurt them a bit on the Leaderboards, but I still have some faith that they can turn it around. We all have seen what this team can do. If you saw the APAC B Stream and saw those sick Spiderman Buzz plays from Shu, you know this team can cook.
#20 Eclipsar Esport: This team replaces BC* Gaming since they recently cut Mewtu and still haven't found a third player yet to complete the roster. I also have to have 6 EMEA teams in the Power Rankings and Eclipsar are the next best team in EMEA after BC* so here they are at #20. They have qualified for the Monthly Finals twice and have shown they can keep up with the best. They did make the match against Oceanus competitive, but it wasn't meant to be unfortunately. I think they will continue to fight for an LCQ spot the rest of the season and I can't wait to see how this French group (and Mebius) continue for the next three seasons.

Teams that got Dropped

Spacestation Gaming: As the only team that got dropped (besides BC* Gaming), I have some question marks for this team on what they do moving forward. There is a good chance that Toast is no longer gonna play Brawl anymore with all the drama that happened recently and I don't know where they go moving forward. Even if they were still together I still don't see them as a very good team in NA or at least not competing for an LCQ spot anymore. Do they decide to keep going with Fade, RBM and Tuni, or do they maybe even consider the possibility of splitting up and playing elsewhere if they don't think they are gonna do well together? My honest answer, I think the latter happens. It's gonna suck since Spacestation just came back to the Brawl scene and this happens to them two months in, but I honestly think for the players it's the right call. If they do decide to stick together though, it's gonna be hard to climb out of the hole they are in. Let's see what happens though.
BC* Gaming: Again, only because this team doesn't have a third player right now as of me making this post. I bet they'll announce their new player within the next couple of days or so. I'm possibly thinking it will most likely be Filippo as I don't know who else they would sign at this point, but I could be wrong so take this with a grain of salt. This isn't a rumor or me confirming anything. This is just who I think they will sign for the second half of the season. Whoever they sign though, I hope they are able to keep up this momentum and possibly qualify for the LCQ this year. It's gonna be fun to watch.


Thanks for having to wait for me for another day. I'm so sorry for delaying these past couple of posts and I will make sure that I don't get something like this to ever happen again. Anyways, I hope you liked these Power Rankings and of course feel free to comment who you think I underrated or overrated. I know these aren't always perfect and these are easily the more controversial BrawlCap posts, but man do I love making these ranking posts. Again, please no harassing in the comments as that would make me sad. It's fine if you don't agree and I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on where all the teams should be ranked.
The Championship Challenge is still going on so if you want to compete in the Monthly Qualifiers next week (or just want to have 15 wins on your profile), you still have today to complete it. Plus I heard you get some sweet rewards for every time you win so you'll at least get something even if you don't think you'll beat the challenge. Best of luck to everyone playing in the Monthly Qualifiers next week!
Also a big thank you to all of you amazing people for helping us not only reach 2,000 members in this Subreddit, but we are in the Top 20 Esports Subreddits as of me making this post! This is a huge accomplishment for us and the entire mod team and I are very thankful for the continued support over the last couple of years. Let's keep this support going and become one of the best Esports Subreddits on the platform! I might have something planned for this special milestone, but you will have to wait and see what it is later this week so stay tuned!
Thanks again for reading this post! Don't forget to upvote, share, and feel free to follow me on Twitter as well (link to my Twitter will be below). Your support helps keep this series going and helps keep me motivated to make more content like this. One day I will make that transition to video... one day.
This is Lucky Buzzing Off, and I will see you Godzillians in the next post! Good Luck to everyone in the Cham


Champion Banners for each Region (@ESLBrawlStars)
All Team Logos and Country Flags were taken from Liquipedia
All Sprays from the Partnered Orgs were taken from the Supercell Fan Kit
All Slides were made by Lucky84 (go follow him on Twitter)
Sorry ReddySet. The thumbnail streak ends here. :(
submitted by Lucky_6464 to BrawlStarsEsports [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 13:03 pillowcase-of-eels [Music/Book] Emilie Autumn's Asylum, pt. 4 – The Great Biographical Bamboozling: a fanbase's quest to systematically debunk their idol's fantastical claims

🫖 Welcome back to the Asylum write-up. This is where you live now. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
In this installment, we finally take a closer look at how Emilie Autumn's hyper-loyal fanbase gradually started losing faith in her as, among other things, it became more and more apparent that she... wasn't exactly a reliable narrator – in her semi-autobiographical book, or in general.


Willow, weep for me Don't think I don't see This life I'm living in two But still it's something I must do I'm not unique in this Nor am I special, sweet, or kind I court a thousand smiles Yet I keep my own to hide behind (“Willow”, 2004 🎵)
I've previously referred to EA as an “expert vagueposter”, and this is relevant here.
For an artist who built her brand on a pledge of raw, rats-and-all honesty, EA has always been quite guarded about the specifics of her personal life. (Until her current partner, for instance, she always danced around calling anyone a boyfriend, even when the nature of the relationship was pretty obvious.) Her whole angle is telling “the truth”, but through whimsical fantasy. As early as the fairy-themed Enchant era, she had her own world, her own vernacular; she spoke in metaphors, in-jokes, and quirky anachronisms. Taxis were carriages, her electric keyboard was a harpsichord, she always capitalized Time and Art like Shakespeare does. On the Asylum forum, automatic word filters would change “fan” to “muffin”, “fairy” to “faerie”, “bra” to “teacup holder”, and “responsibility” to “ratsponsibility”.
She's a chatterbox who loves to share memories and funny anecdotes, but she usually keeps them short and sweet, Snapple-facts style. 📝 She's great at painting by touches in her storytelling, revealing just enough to let your imagination auto-complete the rest. 🔍 Even the most banal tidbits are very artfully told, very “on brand”, often dense with symbolism and foreshadowing – but also very abstracted.
She is especially elusive when it comes to her background and formative years. See the way she catches herself in this interview 📺📝 while describing her “favorite scar”, which is from an eel bite: “My – well, someone I knew... [gasp-laugh] had it as a pet, and...” (She was about to say “my sister”.)
In short, the way EA talks about her life is often very personal, but not all that candid – and sounds more like it's meant to provide a curated, coherent backstory for Emilie Autumn the character, rather than Emilie Autumn the person.
I'll tell the truth, all my songs Are pretty much the fucking same I'm not a fairy but I need More than this life, so I became This creature representing more to you Than just another girl... (“Swallow”, 2006 🎵)
In the beginning, this guardedness naturally contributed to the mystique. It made it all the more special when, once in a while, she would briefly drop the theatrics to share something earnest and relatively unfiltered. Like this composed, but vulnerable post from 2004 📝 about her father losing his battle to cancer, and her attempts at closure over their tense relationship. Or this 2012 anti-bullying campaign thing 📺 in which she opens up about being a target of intense physical bullying in elementary school, to a point that contributed to her being homeschooled at 9.
Fans in the early years were curious about her backstory, of course – but not too prodding or invasive, to my knowledge. I think there was an understanding that EA, like many performers, wanted to come across as human and approachable, while still cultivating an “aura” and retaining some privacy. But obviously, when she announced that she was writing a Tell-All Memoir in 2007, everyone was dying to read it. TEA TIME!


As we've learned, the original 2009 release of EA's book was highly anticipated, but somewhat tainted by a bunch of shipping delays and unfulfilled promises. From the start of her career, EA had always cultivated a close parasocial involvement with her audience; many fans had as deep an attachment to her, personally, as they did to her art. So, for instance, when EA tweeted about all the personal dedications she was lovingly writing in overdue books, only for the books to arrive many months later and unsigned with no tangible explanation, it wasn't simply frustrating: it was betrayal amongst kin!
Really, it wasn't so much about fans not getting what they paid for – it was about the lack of clear communication or genuine accountability. This is pure speculation on my part, but the poppycock that EA tweeted about signing the books strikes me as the panic-lie of someone who hadn't realized just how many heartfelt, personalized dedications she would actually have to write when she came home from tour. And then she just couldn't do it, because she was overworked, paralyzed, distracted, depressed, procrastinating, whatever. Which... you know... is unfortunate, but probably not unforgivable. Especially for a touring performer who is open and vocal about their mental health issues.
I'm confident that most fans would have been happy to tell her that her well-being meant more to them than an autograph, or something along those lines. Instead, EA's cagey and avoidant demeanor around this issue left fans very salty – and newly suspicious of their favorite artist's word.
Which was regrettable timing for EA, because they had just received their copies of her memoir.
Here's a cursory look at some key biographical points that didn't hold up to scrutiny when more and more vexed fans, over the years, started looking into them.
Content warning until end of post: family estrangement, death by fire, worsening physical health issues, mention of disordered eating / weight loss / thinspiration, and LIES! LIES! LIIIIIES!


Every fandom has its Holy Grail. Because a number of EA's early releases were limited pressings put out through now-defunct record labels, the EA fandom in its heyday was a collector's wonderland. 📝🦠 At the height of her popularity, the original Enchant jewelcase (the one with the puzzle-poster) could easily fetch around $500 dollars on eBay, unsigned. The handwritten lyrics of an Opheliac B-side went for $940 in 2009. Don't even ask me about the hard copies of her two poetry books: those never even popped up over the five or six years that I had various alerts set up for all EA-related listings.
But the true crown jewel of EA rarities is the untitled promo version of her (also virtually unfindable) 2001 instrumental debut On a Day... No one knows how many copies exist. The darn thing is so rare that it's not even listed on Discogs. For a while, the only picture of the elusive “Violin” promo CD that was circulated online was this one.🪞 Go ahead, click the link. Notice anything odd? That black box where one composer's birth year should be?
I'm not sure why the notorious hyper-fan who originally shared this picture on the forum in the early 2010s took it upon himself to censor it before posting. I wasn't able to pinpoint when or why people started questioning EA's age, but clearly, something had already transpired to let him know that not redacting said birth year might, uh... cause an upset. In any case: at some point, people started digging – and eventually, the unredacted version of the “Violin” tracklist (as well as public records and literal receipts from eBay auctions) would be brandished as one more piece of damning evidence that EA was indeed (gasp!) two years older than she claimed to be.
“Okay, and?” you shrug. “What's the big deal?” I'm shrugging too! What can I say? People don't like realizing they've been fooled, even about something stupid. I will note that EA's fall equinox birthday (hence her middle name “Autumn”, yes) had been somewhat significant in the fandom. Over the years, EA's birthdays had been marked by online release parties, Q&A's, community events, special merch sales... A number of fans liked donning her trademark cheek heart on September 22. It felt a bit uncanny to realize that she had been announcing a false age on those occasions. It wasn't “a big deal” so much as it was incredibly odd.
Other than being appalled that Self-Proclaimed Staunch Feminist EA would give in to the cult of youth and not cop up to her real age, many fans were just plain bewildered: who would commit so stubbornly to such an inconsequential lie? What was even the point of lying by two years only? Why did she think anyone would care that she was 28 rather than 26 when Opheliac came out? What was she possibly getting out of this...??
My completely speculative theory is that, whether it was her idea or her then-manager's, the lie originated as a marketing strategy early on in her career. The “Violin” demo was recorded in 1997, when EA was 19-going-on-20. Per the liner notes of On a Day... 📝, which came out when she was 22, the demo's purpose was to be “a sort of calling card in the classical music industry”. Evidently, that didn't work out; EA claims, in the same paragraph, to have walked out on a classical recording deal at 18 because they wouldn't give her enough creative control.
Talented and unique as she was, she was trying to break out in a notoriously elitist and innovation-resistant milieu – and unlike her, most of the 22-year-old classical violinists she was in competition with had actually graduated from their prestigious music schools. But you know what sells better than an ambitious college dropout in her early twenties? Tweaking the truth just so to market yourself as an unconventional wunderkind, barely out of her teens! Any rendition of a complex, learnèd musical piece sounds more intriguing and impressive if you think it was played by an especially young (and beautiful) person. 20 was plausible, close enough to her real age, barely a lie at all, and such a nice, round number for a debut album.
Notice how much of the On a Day... liner notes, linked above, center on her precociousness, her uniqueness, and her savant-like dedication to her craft – a focus that seems absent from the promo version (from what I can decipher in those potato-quality pictures, anyway). These talking points would provide the basis for a lot of her early self-promotion and budding stage persona in the Enchant years. Even though the EP failed to make EA a household name in the classical world, the wunderkind narrative was her “in” to grab the attention and heart of a broader audience.
And I guess she's been running with it ever since.


Oh, come on. Much as a fan may want to believe, isn't that a little on the nose? The anglophile with an obsession for tea, clocks, and madness... is literally related to Alice in Wonderland? 🔍 Curiouser and curiouser indeed.
EA came out as Emilie Autumn Liddell in The Book – of course – in a passage where she describes an interaction with a nurse. 📝 Note how she stresses the authenticity of her name, and how not-chosen it is (and the Alice connection, which just comes up organically) by disclosing it in a scene where she's filling out paperwork.
I'm pointing this out, because it would be tempting to allow room for creative license (and the slightest cringe) in a work of creative fiction based on personal experience. Buuut... TAFWG was not marketed as fiction. The main narrative in TAFWG, according to EA, is an actual fac-simile of the journals she kept during a harrowing stay at a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital following a suicide attempt. This is something that EA has stressed from the inception of the book (and throughout all subsequents re-issues, even as the main narrative was altered and reworked), even claiming that a legal team had advised her to redact some names to avoid potential lawsuits. So, no, she's not doing a bit there.
When, after it made the rounds a few times, it became apparent that the claim didn't really make sense 📝🔍, reactions were mixed. Some older, diplomatic fans downplayed it as a somewhat embarrassing, but harmless self-mythologizing – similar in nature to her insistence on calling her electric keyboard a “harpsichord”. Devout EA apologists (commonly referred to as “bootlickers” in an increasingly polarized fandom – oh, don't worry, we're getting to that!) invoked the “life as performance art” defense: when she said it was literally her first name, she meant it metaphorically, duh! And either way, she probably had her reasons.
But others took offense at the boldness of the lie, or simply became curious. Was Liddell even her name at all?
If you've checked the link just above, you already know the answer. Per the public California birth log (a somewhat demented invasion of privacy that could well have been avoided by... not repeatedly drawing attention to a name that someone in the book calls “right out of a movie”?) : yes, no, kind of.
EA was born Emily Autumn Fischkopf* on September 22, 1977. The name came from her father, a first-generation immigrant from Germany. Her maternal grandmother's maiden name was Liddell (but no, not that Liddell, or so remotely that it doesn't matter). EA may have had it legally changed at some point in the last decade, but as of 2012, based on the public log of foreign visitors to Brazil (where she toured that year), her passport still bore the name “Emily Autumn Fischkopf”.
*No, EA's birth name is not literally “Fischkopf”. It's a non-silly German name that begins with an F. I know that it's ridiculous to clutch my pearls about EA's peace of mind now, but triggering new and disquieting Google alerts for a name she clearly wants nothing to do with (and that you don't care about) just feels... distasteful? I don't know. That info has been floating around long enough, the point has been made; this write-up is not about EA's last name, but about the fiends we made along the way! So Fischkopf it is.
Let's track the evolution here! It appears that she went by “Autumn Fischkopf” for at least part of her formative years, if we are to believe the credits from Mark Ruffalo's middling film debut 📺 (she was the child actor's violin-playing body double) and this random article about a Nigel Kennedy performance in 1997. 🔍 (That last link – possibly her first ever mention in the press? – is a niche favorite of mine. Violin superstar Nigel Kennedy calls her a “talented fiddler”, which suggests that she did have some cred and promise in the classical milieu at a young age, and that there is at least some truth to her claims of being a wunderkind. It also cracks me up that, out of all the things she's reiterated over the years, “I was born in '79” was a lie, but “I was attacked by a pet eel” was fact-checked by Nigel Kennedy.)
At some point in her late teens, she dropped the Teutonic surname and adopted the French ending of her given name (she made it a “LIE”! how poetic) to form the moniker “Emilie Autumn”. I assume that's also when she started privately going by Emilie / EA for short.
So there you have it. The damning evidence. A performing artist... changed her name. To her grandmother's name. Riveting stuff!
And to think that her fans could have carried on naively believing “Autumn” was her last name, or assuming it was a romantic nom de scène she picked during her Ren Fair phase. Or perhaps, even, not thinking much about her name at all, like normal people.
But nooo, she just had to poke the hornet's nest by making a whole thing out of it.


If you've never encountered a method-acting con artist or a person who struggles with pathological lying (I'll let you decide for yourself which of these, if either, applies to EA), you probably believe that you'd spot them a mile away. And in my experience, that's exactly why you wouldn't! Whether it's compulsion or calculated strategy, successful fibbers rely on people's natural social cues (like their assumption of good faith, their confirmation bias, their empathy, their desire for validation, their fear of awkwardness, ...) to subtly direct the flow and tone of the conversation. This allows them to short-circuit potential questioning of their claims.
One such strategy, for instance, I call the “I-will-not-further-speak-about-the-incident maneuver”. Out of the blue, you drop a graphic and incisive one-liner about something horrific that happened to you, in a curt or flippant tone that throws the listener off and usually shuts them up – thus sparing you from having to back up your claim with any convincing specifics. I'm not saying that every person who does this is a liar. Horrific stuff does happen to people, and I'm not here to police how they're supposed to disclose it. I'm just saying that if you wanted to fabricate an obvious Tragic Backstory™ and smuggle it past otherwise rational, discerning and reasonably intelligent people, that would be one way to do it. Full disclosure: it does work better in person than it does over the internet, especially when you've kept a blog.
When EA curtly dropped this bomb on Twitter (in response to an innocuous fan question that mentioned her parents – the receipt has sadly been X'd out of existence), and every subsequent time a new fan found out about her family's tragic demise (“I had no idea!”), the response was typically one of shock and sadness – and, in a few heartbreaking cases, commiseration from other survivors of family-annihilating events.
Many fans already had a hunch that something was up with her family, of course. She hinted at neglect and possible abuse in her book and lyrics. A number of her fans also came from dysfunctional households, so her not wishing to elaborate on the topic would probably have been a non-issue. But now she's saying they're dead? All of them? In a FIRE?! Holy macaroni! And you know it must have been awful, because EA – the same woman who got a dozen bangers out of a three-month-long toxic relationship, and based over a decade of her work on one bad hospital stay – had never, not once, felt called to share a song or poem about how it might affect a person to... lose all of their entire immediate family to a fire. Hmm. Meanwhile, the handful of older fans who had been following her since Enchant and remembered her dad passing in 2004 gritted their teeth and rolled their eyes. “Do your research. That's all I can say.” (We'll get into the culture of censorship free speech regulation on the Asylum forum in due time.)
Before more and more embittered ex-fans started compiling and circulating the receipts in the early-mid-2010s, investigating the whole “dead family” thing was a lonely journey – a coming-of-age expedition for the critical-minded Plague Rat, trawling through free background check websites and old Wayback Machine archives, until you went “Welp, there it is, I guess” and suddenly felt older, stupider, and a little bit hollow inside.
Although I don't remember how I personally made my way to The Truth (lol) back in the day, I still have a vivid memory of the moment I found the Facebook profile of EA's Very Much Non-Deceased Mother. It was mostly posts about her costume design work. A few candid pictures with EA's siblings and their kids. Christmas, birthdays, a wedding. Just... aggressively normal stuff. It was bizarre, looking in on this family of cheerful strangers with familiar cheekbones. Knowing that, somewhere out there, was an estranged eldest daughter, who had run off years ago to become a fiddle-wielding rockstar – and was now passing them off as having all died a gruesome death, while her fans secretly stalked their family photos. (Because I know you'll be asking in the comments: yes, EA's family is aware. Her mother once posted a picture of young EA and her siblings on Pinterest, sarcastically captioned “After most of us were killed in the fire.” 📝)
Again, it's tempting to discount EA's remark as a metaphor for family estrangement, taken too literally by neurodivergent minors who just didn't understand performance art. Well. First of all, even as a metaphor... let's admit, once again, that that 2000s edginess has aged like fine milk. It's a little crass to make a “metaphor” out of a plausible, life-shattering trauma that other people actually have to live with. (Veronica lost a beloved house to a literal fire 🔍 during her tenure as a Crumpet, for instance; no one died, but that alone seemed pretty rough.)
But, more to the point, evidence suggests that EA also told this to real people in her real, off-stage life – such as her Trisol manager, who backed the claim on the official Asylum Forum in 2007. 📝 When questioned about this post on a renegade forum in 2013, he had this to say:
I was the fool in this case. EA made that up of course. It’s just one thing on a long list of things she made up. Let’s agree she’s very creative with facts if she wants people to believe a story. (...) I once had a short chat with [EA's mom] and I got the strong impression she wasn’t dead at the time. Haha.
(OK, dude, but did you or did you not sell fake EA tickets on a scammy website in 2008? Because we never did get the skinny on that.)
Fifteens years on, EA continues to insist, unprompted, that “the fire” destroyed her childhood drawings and baby pictures. 📝 This more recent Instagram post is like a Greatest Hits of her most notorious yarns, to a degree that's either premeditated trolling or a subconscious call for help. She casually, yet pointedly mentions her age in relation to a specific year... and specifically draws attention to the signature, one that she used well into the Enchant era. In doing so, she made me notice, for the first time, that the A blends into an F. As one could expect from an artsy, Renaissance-obsessed teenager, her OG signature was a freaking monogram for Emily Autumn Fischkopf. It's like “The Tell-Tale Heart” for the digital age! AM I THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS?? 🦠


Just for fun, here are other sundry “citation needed” facts that EA has claimed over the years. All are originally from the book unless sourced otherwise. Some of them may have been jokes, some of them might even be true! Whatever that word still means!


You know how whenever a musician starts behaving obnoxiously, old sages will come down from Mount Wisdom to advise disgruntled fans to “simply ignore [behavior]” and “just focus on the music”? Well, in the Asylum, “just focusing on the music” won't always preserve you from EA's shenanigans. This “claim” is a little different, but I've decided to include it because it is so odd, emblematic, and ultimately tragic. I also count it as “biographical”, because it involves a key tenet of EA's character sheet: the violin.
Being a kickass fiddler is one of EA's trademarks, and has always been central to her narrative; as of 2024, “world-class violinist” is still the first claim to fame she lists in the “Story” section of her official website. Which beggars the question: why won't she play it? And why won't she acknowledge that she's not playing it?
We got our hopes up in 2020, with that one post 📝 about her iconic 1885 Gand & Bernardel getting refurbished by a luthier – a thoughtful birthday surprise from her boyfriend – but despite the promising “More to come...” at the end of the caption, that turned out to be a false alarm. In truth, it may well have been over a decade since anyone has witnessed EA draw a single note from her cherished instrument.
The fact that Lord Autumn was able to sneak it out during lockdown without the Lady noticing tends to confirm that she hadn't been playing much behind the scenes. She seems to be under the impression that e-violin manufacturer Zeta is no longer in business (they did close down in 2010 🔍, but reopened under new management in 2012), which suggests that she hasn't been keeping up with the violin scene for a while. Besides, the fingernails don't lie. 🐀
As the live shows veered more theatrical with the release of Opheliac, the extended violin features from the Enchant era were cut to two main appearances per concert: “Face the Wall”, a seven-minute-short, Hendrixesque take on Arcangelo Corelli's “La Folia” – and “Unlaced”, an arpeggio-ed frenzy that was originally paired with a stilt-walking and ballet performance by the Crumpets. These two instrumental tracks remained a fixture on four successive tours. And on four successive tours, “Unlaced” was... well... clearly dubbed. 📺 She was holding her e-violin, her hands were playing the notes, but what was coming out of the speakers was indubitably the studio version.
There were possible explanations, of course. Some sound buffs pointed out that “Unlaced” has multiple violin layers, and that a live violin solo would have sounded harsh and unbalanced over the supporting tracks 🔍 – but then, why pick an unplayable song as a staple of the show?
The violin-miming wasn't even very hush-hush, she didn't try that hard to hide it – it was just never addressed or acknowledged. On “Unlaced”, Veronica was usually summoned to “play” the keyboard – and we knew that was make-believe, they had a whole skit about it. 📺 Ditto when EA would play the intro to a song, then get up from the keyboard as she started singing, and the harpsichord track just kept going. It was part of the theatrics, the suspension of disbelief; live playing just wasn't the focus.
Still, because playing two songs should have been in her wheelhouse, EA's choice to stand on stage and mime along with her own world-class violin skills was puzzling. We knew EA was capable of playing “Unlaced”: “Face the Wall” was proof enough that she could still shred like nobody's business, and some lucky fans got to hear her nerd out about pitch standards and rock some Bach at VIP showcases in 2011 (though it was always the same piece, and reportedly not always on point: “she made beginner mistakes, like weird jaw, wrist, elbow placement and tension...” 🐀). And sure, “Face the Wall” was an intense piece, but... it was one of two in the show. The same two, always. She was supposed to be classically trained...!
As EA's fabrications became more common knowledge among the fanbase, people took increasing issue with this odd staging choice – particularly after “Face the Wall” was retired partway through the 2011 tour, leaving only the pantomime, with nothing else happening on stage to distract from it. 📺 People started fixating on her constant and inexplicable tweaking of the truth. Fake name, fake age, fake promises, and now she was fake-fiddling and making a grand show of it? Was she outright mocking her audience, daring them to call her out? Milking a skill she had grown bored with, in the lowest-effort way possible, knowing that goo-goo-eyed fans would still pay to see it? Playing them the world's saddest song on the world's quietest e-violin?
The release of new album Fight Like a Girl in 2012 did little to soothe the Plague Rats' fiddle blues. The violin was much less prominent on FLAG than it had been on Opheliac and Enchant. There were almost no solos, which provided fewer opportunities for playing or miming on stage. “Unlaced” was retired from the touring setlist. One night in Texas during the 2012 tour, due to being on vocal rest, EA played the melody line of “Liar” on the violin. 📺 And that was pretty much the last time world-class violinist Emilie Autumn was heard playing her instrument, on stage or in recording – to the dismay of many fans who had loved her for it.
Can someone please grab this woman by her hand, lead her across her livingroom/bedroom/study, and point at that lonely forgotten dusty violin in a corner of hers so she remembers that she actually owns it? (🐀)
It was yet another bizarre, glaring inconsistency in EA's narrative that fans seemed expected to ignore. Another elephant in the padded room. (Personal anecdote that I don't have a receipt for: in early 2012, when I asked if there was a possibility of EA playing another baroque set for the VIP events on the upcoming tour, her then-manager responded that that wouldn't be possible because venues didn't have the proper acoustics.)
Through some her posts over the years , attentive fans pieced together the likely truth of EA's effective retirement as a violinist. It's actually quite sad, and may cast a different light on EA's artistic shift.
The 2011 tour was initially scheduled for late 2010. It was postponed because EA had been neglecting a jaw injury for years, and needed emergency surgery to avoid “serious and irreversible damage” to her one violin-holding jaw. 📝 She had the surgery early in September; in late November, she performed all over Latin America for six nights straight, and by January, she was back on tour. The same tour during which she made “beginner's mistakes” on the Bach partita, and retired “Face the Wall” for good after a few shows.
She underwent jaw surgery again in 2018, after three years of orthodontic treatment which she said had “prevented [her] from performing”. It was the first anyone was hearing of this (she said she hadn't been touring because she was writing the musical!), and it's as far as EA ever got in terms of half-addressing the obvious: that after dedicating a third of her time on Earth to her craft, after years of pushing through the pain night after night, rushing through recovery periods, and making compromises so the show could go on... she may not be physically able to play concert-level violin anymore.
Once again, something that should (and would) have elicited empathy and support from most fans turned into a point of frustration, speculation and mockery, for years – because EA continued to favor pretend-play and fantasy over the sobering, unglamorous truth. Well, at least everyone's unhappy.


submitted by pillowcase-of-eels to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:47 Feral404 Restocks, Reprints, and Ramba Ral

List of Online Retailers by Region
Users (and stores) are encouraged to post what they find as far as notable inventory or restocks, with a focus on North American based consumers. (ie, if it’s an Amazon.JP link then factor shipping into the price).
Third party and bootleg are welcome.
Promos, sales, and deals are also encouraged.
Welcome to the new format for the monthly In-Stock Megathread! We want to adapt the thread to the current times and bring back the old reprint thread that was community ran but died after Bandai stopped publishing their Japan Monthly Reprint form. This new reprint form will be based on North American order forms, so it will be more accurate to what you will have available here. We do have access to forms going out about six months, but the monthly one will be the finalized list before any kits are removed by Bandai
May 2024 North American Reprint
Remember that these will take a few months to arrive to North America
New Release
High Grade
Real Grade
RE100, FM
Master Grade
Perfect Grade
Super Deformed
No Grade, Entry Grade, Etc
Misc IP
submitted by Feral404 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:57 Phant0m_black MG Zeta Ver Ka Completed

MG Zeta Ver Ka Completed
Build experience-- This kit is easy if youve built mg and ver ka kits before but youll struggle if you are a beginner. Theres no dry transfers or stickers; all waterslides. This kit is not fun to build especially the torso. One major complaint I have with this kit is that the forearm pieces do not line up or fit; even Jabman025 pointed out this flaw. Not a lot of nubs on this kit but plastic feels fragile so watch out when you are trimming parts off the runners.
Whats the difference between this kit and zeta 2.0? The answer is this kit can stand without a stand, the wings are smaller, and can transform easier than 2.0. This kit does come with a stand or the mega cannon unlike 2.0.
Tools--I used godhand nippers, raser to clean up nubs and balancers to smooth pieces, enamel accent liner black, and top coat is Mr. Hobby Premium Smooth Clear Matt. The difference between smooth clear matt and just matt is smooth clear makes the kit look painted so of you use it on a kit with vibrant colors, your kit will look painted.
Final thoughts--Get this of you want a challenge to build or practice on wateralide decals. This kit is typically 70 USD and thats expensive for a ver ka kit with less accessories and a qc issue. Wait till the price drops because there are kits out there thats better and cheaper in price.
submitted by Phant0m_black to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:02 DaveMan1K Team Dark: Agents of GUN Paramount+ Series Pitch

~Original network~
~Premise~ With Robotnik currently out of the picture, his loyal assistant Agent Stone has unleashed his latest squadron of robots; the E-Series to spread across the world and expand Robotnik's empire in his absence. The Guardian Units of Nations deploy their latest recruit, Shadow the Hedgehog to prevent the E-Series from expanding Robotnik's reign. Along the way, he gains the aid of a master thief named Rouge the Bat, as well as news that two of the E-Series have gone rogue are also hunting down the rest of the models, each with their own personal goals.
~Cast~ Main
~Music~ All music is composed by Crispin Merrell
  1. Team Dark Title
  2. The Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog
  3. Glyphic Canyon
  4. Omega
  5. Escape from Grand Canyon
  6. Forest Patrol
  7. Rouge, Elusive Thief
  8. The Thief and Major
  9. Interrogation
  10. A New Member
  11. Creation and Deployment
  12. A Soul
  13. Mission Objective
  14. The Weak Link
  15. GUN Fortress
  16. Team Dark
  17. Snowy Scuffle
  18. Brothers in Arms
  19. Moment of Peace
  20. Zero to Kill
  21. The Ark
  22. Maria
  23. To the Desert
  24. Confronting Stone
  25. Dealer or Not?
  26. mkII
  27. Gamma
  28. Memories of a Brother
  29. Invasion
  30. Who are You?
submitted by DaveMan1K to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:42 DaveMan1K Team Dark: Agents of GUN Paramount+ Series Pitch

~Original network~
~Premise~ With Robotnik currently out of the picture, his loyal assistant Agent Stone has unleashed his latest squadron of robots; the E-Series to spread across the world and expand Robotnik's empire in his absence. The Guardian Units of Nations deploy their latest recruit, Shadow the Hedgehog to prevent the E-Series from expanding Robotnik's reign. Along the way, he gains the aid of a master thief named Rouge the Bat, as well as news that two of the E-Series have gone rogue are also hunting down the rest of the models, each with their own personal goals.
~Cast~ Main
~Music~ All music is composed by Crispin Merrell
  1. Team Dark Title
  2. The Ultimate Lifeform, Shadow the Hedgehog
  3. Glyphic Canyon
  4. Omega
  5. Escape from Grand Canyon
  6. Forest Patrol
  7. Rouge, Elusive Thief
  8. The Thief and Major
  9. Interrogation
  10. A New Member
  11. Creation and Deployment
  12. A Soul
  13. Mission Objective
  14. The Weak Link
  15. GUN Fortress
  16. Team Dark
  17. Snowy Scuffle
  18. Brothers in Arms
  19. Moment of Peace
  20. Zero to Kill
  21. The Ark
  22. Maria
  23. To the Desert
  24. Confronting Stone
  25. Dealer or Not?
  26. mkII
  27. Gamma
  28. Memories of a Brother
  29. Invasion
  30. Who are You?
submitted by DaveMan1K to SonicTheMovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:44 Lucky_6464 BrawlCap Presents: BSC 2024 April Monthly Finals Recap

BrawlCap Presents: BSC 2024 April Monthly Finals Recap
Oh boy! Time for Lucky's yap session for the April Monthly Finals! This was a pretty wacky weekend as we saw the return of the NAVINATION, the longest and probably most stressful EMEA Monthly Final we'll see all year, a team defending their title, and some... stuff happening in NA as well. No more yapping from me (in this segment at least). Let's get right to the results of the April Monthly Finals Recap!

Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific April Monthly Finals Results
Never Back Down VS. Coco Loco: I'm kinda surprised this wasn't shown on the main stream because this was a really fun back and forth battle. Those that didn't catch it over on the B Stream (shoutout to Sunny & wigglyspoo btw), Everything was looking pretty close and we even got some solid Buzz Hypercharge plays from Shu in the second set which was a highlight for me. Unfortunately, all that effort would lead to NBD dropping the final 2 sets and be eliminated by another pretty solid Coco team.
Team S1 VS. Crazy Raccoon: Give me one second while I go find my pretend shocked face. Crazy Raccoon makes quick work of TS1 by getting the clean 3-0 sweep and easily advanced to the Semis without really breaking a sweat. Deep down I wanted this match to end with at least TS1 winning a set, but we all knew Raccoon was the better team here.
Revenant Esports VS. Angelic: Angelic may have had a ping advantage against Revenant, but I think Revenant quickly found a way to easily defeat Angelic. Just don't let Kanga on the Mortis and you'll be fine. Kanga did bring out the Mortis on Safe Zone of all maps, but it didn't work in their favor unfortunately. Mortis would be banned in the next two sets and Angelic just couldn't do anything to respond back as Revenant gets their revenge and advances.
NAVI VS. 3R Gaming: So Sakura (formerly known as I see) wanted to get his revenge on a NAVI squad that was expected to go deep this month and ultimately he and 3RG just couldn't get anything going against them. Not even subbing in and out players worked for them. Maybe next time he'll get his revenge, but today is not his or 3RG's day.
Coco Loco VS. Crazy Raccoon: Coco may have went Loco in the previous match, but all that energy was not shown in the following match as Raccoon once again manages to claim another team with a nice 3-0 sweep. Not a clean sweep as they dropped a game in the first set, but now is their time to do what SK did last month and get that perfect 9-0 run and claim another Monthly Final crown.
Revenant Esports VS. NAVI: This was expected to be a pretty close matchup, but no shot were Revenant getting past NAVI with the ping advantage they had as they ended up moving to Hong Kong (where the servers are located for APAC) right before the event started. There were some moments where Revenant could've came back
Crazy Raccoon VS. NAVI: Things were looking good for Crazy Raccoon as they managed to dominate the first two sets and were looking to pull off the perfect 9-0 run, but things were slowly falling apart for them after that. After failing to clutch up in the 3rd set, the 4th set on Rustic Arcade was a neck and neck battle in the first two games before the lag finally hit Raccoon in the final game to force a Set 5. Not even Tensai on the Max could save Raccoon as NAVI would manage to pull off the reverse sweep and claim their first Monthly Final crown of the year. Unfortunate for Raccoon, but at least this match was very fun to watch.
Asia Pacific Leaderboards
Asia Pacific Winners - NAVI: Moving to Hong Kong was the right call for them as they not only managed to win the Monthly Finals, but they are now back in the race and currently sit in 4th place on the leaderboards. If they can keep this up, there is a good chance they could qualify directly to Worlds. The roster change has worked so far and I hope it continues going well for them moving forward. Let's just hope this season wasn't a fluke or anything.
Asia Pacific Losers - Crazy Raccoon's WIFI: Not exactly brutal or anything as they still sit comfortably in first place, but the lag that they had to deal with in that Grand Finals match against NAVI was really unfortunate. They likely win this Monthly Final if that doesn't happen, but eh it happens. They're still a good team and should still be the favorite to place 1st in APAC, but this did prevent the repeat from happening which would've been cool.
NOTE: Team S1 disbanded on April 29th, 2024. They will not be included in my next Power Rankings.


EMEA April Monthly Finals Results
SK Gaming VS. Reply Totem: I was expecting this match to at least be a bit more competitive than last time, but I expected SK to still come out on top. Totem improved their game, but they just didn't look good enough to beat SK. Especially after letting in an easy goal in the second set to help SK go up 2-0. Totem did manage to prevent a sweep from happening so at least they made some progress, but they definitely need to Eat, Sleep, Brawl and Repeat if they want a chance at claiming at least an LCQ spot this year.
HMBLE VS. F/A Kebap: Kebap nation is in shambles as they were unable to claim a single game against an elite HMBLE team. Being for real now, I'm not really surprised of this outcome. Happy Kebap made it here, but no matter who they faced I felt like they were not gonna do much this final. Free points for HMBLE.
ZETA DIVISION VS. BC* Gaming: Just sheer utter dominance from ZETA overall in this match as they finally looked like their former self in this match. Straight up dominating the first two sets before struggling a bit on Ring of Fire, but ZETA came out on top in a close battle and pulled off the 3-0 sweep. A good start to the day for ZETA.
Oceanus Gaming VS. Eclipsar Esport: I will give Eclipsar credit, they did make this into a competitive match. I had a feeling this would somehow be a bit closer than some might've thought, and I was honestly thought there would be a chance that Eclipsar would go up 2-1 after winning the first game of set 3. However a blunder in the final game (after dropping Game 2) would prevent that from happening and failing to take down Cube in the final game of Set 4 as he claimed the final ticks of percentage of the zone would end Eclipsar's run. A good effort from the Frenchmen (and Mebius) and despite the loss, I think they'll be back and one day get that Monthly Finals Match win.

Lucky's Yap Session (Warning: Lots of words & yapping)

Ok wow I'm looking at the VOD and we are only an hour and 40 minutes in a 5 hour and 25 minute VOD. These next three matches were super long and super intense to watch that I have no choice but to yap about them. If you hate reading, feel free to skip this part because I'm about to go pretty in depth with them.
SK Gaming VS. HMBLE: This Grand Finals rematch did not disappoint as the two current best teams in EMEA gave us a match we will definitely remember well for the rest of the year. The first set was pretty close and it looked like HMBLE were gonna run away in the final game, but a clutch last second kill on Lukii from Joker gave the first set win to SK. The second set also had a pretty close as it came down to another close game 3 battle, but HMBLE were able to clutch up and defend their safe and even it out. Set 3 had the first two games be close and split between the two (with even HMBLE getting all 29 gems in Game 2), but SK played a bit better overall in Game 3 and went up 2-1. Set 4 was close in every game with a nice comeback happening from HMBLE in Game 1, a close victory in Game 2 for SK, and HMBLE held on to the zone with barely any health left from everyone and forced a Set 5 in this thriller of a match. Game 1 of the final set saw SK get in the match point scenario despite the early goal from HMBLE and it looked like they were gonna seal Game 2 away as well. However a nice stop from HMBLE prevented the game winning goal from happening and HMBLE took us to a double match point with a goal in OT. After that SK looked like they ran out of steam as 2 quick goals from HMBLE in the final game sealed it for the Italian org and they ended up qualifying for their second straight Grand Finals appearance.
ZETA DIVISION VS. Oceanus Gaming: Another close battle between two solid teams in EMEA. We start off this match with a couple of close games in the first set on Rustic Arcade with ZETA and Oceanus splitting 1 game each, but Oceanus ran away with the gems in the final game to claim the first set. The second set was pretty easy for ZETA as them having Colette in their comp on Safe Zone pretty much sealed an easy win for them. New Horizons was looking pretty good for ZETA after a Game 1 win, but Game 2 was a nail biter that ended in Oceanus' favor and Game 3 was just pure dominance from Oceanus. Could they take down the former champs and secure a Grand Finals spot? Well let's find out in our 4th Set... which ended in a 1-1 tie which means they will have to replay it. I don't get this rule why is this still a thing? Can we make it so if a team wins two games they win the set? I miss that rule. Anyways, take two of the 4th set was a bit close as well and it looked like there was a chance Oceanus were gonna seal it, but a late stop in the final game prevented that and ZETA responded with the set clinching goal and force a 5th set, where ZETA would barely survive in Game 1 and secure a Game 2 deathless victory to advance to the Grand Finals. Another close one, but in the end ZETA came out on top and Oceanus will have to accept another Top 4 finish.
HMBLE VS. ZETA DIVISION: With both teams playing in separate rooms in the same building, it all comes down to this. The first set would see an almost comeback moment from ZETA in the first game, but it was not enough to take down the safe on Safe Zone. Game 2 didn't go well for them either as HMBLE just obliterated the safe with time to spare and secured the first set. Game 1 of Set 2 was a nail biter where we saw a comeback from ZETA and they won by 1% on Dueling Beetles in Hot Zone, but HMBLE would respond back with a nice 70%+ comeback of their own in the following game. Sucks Game 3 wasn't as intense, but hey ZETA won in the end so that means we got a tied ballgame. Set 3 on Belle's Rock was looking good for ZETA... for the first round. After that it just all fell apart for them as the next four rounds were claimed by HMBLE and the set was theirs (why was Nowy just standing in that corner for pretty much the whole game in Game 2?). Symantec's desk was shaking as another set win for HMBLE would mean it would get easily get karate chopped in half. Luckily for the table, HMBLE fell apart in the next two games on Rustic Arcade as they just couldn't find a way to hold off ZETA in gem count meaning the table survives... for now. Actually wait never mind the final set was quickly over as two pretty convincing wins from ZETA meant that they were back and they have claimed a Monthly Finals crown as well as getting back in the race for a Worlds spot. Symantec's desk sighs in relief as it will live another day.
I do not apologize for that yap session you just read, but I highly recommend you watch the VOD for these three matches if you haven't yet.

End of Yap Session

EMEA Leaderboards
EMEA Winners - ZETA DIVISION: See? I told y'all ZETA weren't washed. After a disappointing start to the season when they lost to HMBLE in the Quarterfinals, ZETA were able to step it up this month and managed to sweep BC*, barely beat Oceanus in a nail biter, and get revenge on HMBLE in the Grand Finals to claim their first Monthly Final Championship of the year. We also learned in the interview with GeRo that inso wasn't the one behind the drafts and to me that's pretty terrifying to know. ZETA should be a legit contender to win it all for a fourth straight year, but we'll see how they do the rest of the regular season.
EMEA Losers - FUT Esports: There wasn't really a clear cut loser that competed this month so I picked the best team that failed to qualify instead. This did hurt them quite a bit heading into the final 3 months as every match, set and game matters. This disappointing season resulted in Filippo leaving the team, but I would like to see how they will play with Rama now. It's gonna be interesting, but will they be able to qualify with this trio of Drage, OG and Rama?
NOTES: BC* Gaming parted ways with Mewtu on April 29th, 2024. BC* Gaming will not be included in the next BrawlCap Power Rankings if they don't find and announce their new third player by Saturday.

South America

South America April Monthly Finals Results
Calabresos F/A VS. Marruecos: The rematch went as well as you probably were expecting for Marruercos which is not very well, but it is an improvement from last time. At least they were able to take a set off of them, but Calabresos were just too good for them to handle. The quest to repeat as champions lives on.
Team Queso VS. Level Esports: Man was this a good match that was unfortunately casted in the B Stream, but hey we still got a fun match that ended in 15 games again. I won't yap about this one that much, but all I will say is that I did not expect this Level team to be this good and I think the other teams from the West should watch out for them moving forward. Meanwhile Queso were able to secure a double match point win and make another Top 4 appearance. Hope this isn't the last time we see Level play this good.
SKCalalas VS. F/A MiniPekkas: This was supposed to be the quarterfinals match to watch from this region. What the hell happened with SKC? Nothing was working for them at all the entire match. MiniPekkas dominated pretty much everywhere and this was just not a close match at the slightest. I had a feeling the MiniPekkas were gonna beat them here, but man did I not expect it to end with SKC not winning a game.
Reis Do PL VS. Olimpo Squad: A little surprise that I wasn't expecting here, but RDP played really well in their first Monthly Final together. This is definitely an underrated team and the newest addition in IceCrow has definitely made this team a bit better overall from what I've seen. Olimpo played alright and did manage to eek out a set win against them, but RDP was the better team overall in this match. Well played from RDP (but curse you for ruining my perfect SA bracket).
Calabresos F/A VS. Team Queso: Another team Calabresos had defeated in the previous Monthly Final... and it resulted in a sweep this time in favor of Calabresos. They were just simply the better team overall and I didn't feel like Queso were really gonna play that well against them. They managed to win a game at least, but now they are barely outside of an LCQ spot with the loss. Calabresos meanwhile are just one win away from claiming another Monthly Final crown.
F/A MiniPekkas VS. Reis Do PL: Ok not gonna lie, I did not expect this to be close at all with how much better I felt MiniPekkas were over RDP at the time, but this somehow managed to come down to the wire. Even though MiniPekkas did get the win in the end, I will give credit to RDP for giving it their all in this match by taking 2 sets off of some of the best players in the region. This is a team I wouldn't sleep on moving forward, but for now let's see how well the MiniPekkas will do in Grands.
Calabresos F/A VS. F/A MiniPekkas: Man the MiniPeakkas fought hard here, but they just didn't have enough juice left in them to take down Calabresos despite taking them to a fifth and final set. This win for Calabresos keeps their undefeated season alive and gives them a bigger lead for that only Worlds spot. The MiniPekkas may have lost here, but they at least managed to get back in the race and gain a pretty decent lead ahead of the team they just beat. This was a good month for both teams in the end so I'd say it's a win-win.
South America Leaderboards
South America Winners: Calabresos F/A (again) - Winning back to back Monthly Finals is never an easy task to pull off, but not when you are Calabresos apparently. The only match they did end up struggling with was in the MiniPekkas match, but other than that this Brazilian group managed to be the only team out of the four main regions to win their second straight Monthly Final. The best part is that they have a pretty sizable lead ahead of the rest of the competition and are in a good spot to claim that only Worlds spot. Can they keep this streak up, or will someone catch up to them?
South America Losers: SKCalalas - That quarterfinal loss hurts them a bit as a win against the MiniPekkas would've put them in a comfortable 2nd and they would've contended with Calabresos for that #1 spot in South America possibly. Now they have to fight for 2 LCQ spots with Queso and the MiniPekkas. They are in third and I could see Queso as the most likely outlier, but anything can happen in the next three Monthly Finals. They also gotta go back to the drawing board because whatever they planned for this month did not work at all.
NOTE: IceCrow barely turned 16 just in time for the Monthly Qualifiers to begin. He looked pretty good in his first Monthly Final overall. Do you think he could be a possible Rookie of the Year candidate by seasons end?

North America

North America April Monthly Finals Results
Tribe Gaming VS. Juan Carlos Team: What a shocker as the team that ended up winning this match was... Juan Carlos Team!? Huh? Am I reading that right? Did Juan Carlos Team really just not only beat one of the best teams in NA, but straight up owned them? Well I'll be I was not expecting that at all. JCT even looked like the better team in this match overall so I'd say a well deserved win for them. Guess Tribe isn't guaranteed a Worlds spot anymore after this month anymore, but hey that just means more chaos.
Real Ones VS. 512: The Real Ones were able to participate in this event and they managed to get an early lead against the team with only numbers as their name. Things were looking good for them until the next two sets where things started to go a bit downhill for them. The final set was a close call, but in the end 512 managed to come out on top and pulled off the reverse sweep. Never stop til you hear that bell ring folks because you never know when you'll start making a comeback.
Remaining 7 Esports VS. West Coast FA: Ok R7 came to play in this game as they not only managed to sweep West Coast, but they purely dominated them. West Coast couldn't even get a game off of them and only one of the games was actually pretty close with that game being Game 2 of the first set. Every other game was just, dominance from R7. I had a feeling they would win, but I did not expect this from them. We'll see if they can replicate that in the Semifinals now.
STMN VS. DC TEAM: Can someone tell me why this match was in A Stream and not the other match? I don't care both matches ended in 6-0 sweeps in the end the other match was likely going to be more interesting to watch. Anyways, yeah unsurprisingly STMN managed to get the clean 3-0 sweep against DC without breaking much of a sweat. This was just a warmup for them.
Juan Carlos Team VS. 512: 512 did put up a decent fight in the end, but it was not enough for them to secure a single set against Juan Carlos Team. They did manage to make a couple of the sets close at least, but JCT clearly showed us they were the better team. Als I just want to say the secondbest is underrated and I'm shocked he didn't get MVP in any of the matches they played this month.
Remaining 7 Esports VS. STMN: R7 did manage to show up for this match and it they did take the first set of the match against STMN. A dominant STMN win in Set 2 evened things out, but it looked like after taking Game 1 R7 could have a shot at upsetting them. STMN would wake up in the next two sets and claim another set before ultimately sealing the win in Set 4 when bobby sent his team to the Grand Finals with the game winning goal in OT (and as Bea who is my favorite Brawler :D).
Juan Carlos Team VS. STMN: This was an interesting David VS. Goliath match (in my opinion at least) and things immediately started off with a banger on Safe Zone as a every game ended pretty close overall, but a solid push from JCT near the end would seal the first set in their favor. The second set went towards STMN's favor despite a huge 100-1% win from JCT on Game 2 of Dueling Beetles. Then we saw some magic happen from JCT as a solid combo of Mico, Byron and Kit on Belle's Rock would easily help them claim the third set. The 4th set was looking good for STMN as they took the first set and were looking to force a Set 5, but JCT weren't gonna go down without a fight and managed to barely hold on to claim the 2nd game. A nail biting third game would ultimately end in JCT's favor as one last protesto and ZETA spray from secondbest comes out and JCT against all odds, win the Monthly Finals. A shocking end that would add more chaos to an already pretty chaotic region.
North America Leaderboards
North America Winners: Real Ones - They are simply in this spot just because they were able to play in the event at all. While it did unfortunately result in them getting reverse swept by 512 as well as lose a bit of prize money in the process, at least we can say that they were able to play in the event and get some cash out of it (even if they did get a prize money deduction).
North America Losers: Tribe Gaming - This was supposed to be another month where they would dominate up until the Grand Finals and have that classic rivalry match against STMN, but nope. They just had to not show up in the Quarterfinals and lose in 4 sets. With this lost, they are now just barely in first and only ahead of the team that beat them by two points. Now it's anyones game to claim that top spot instead of it being all but guaranteed to be Tribe's.
NOTE: Remaining 7 Esports released coach Peter Jeck and analyst lukluk23 on May 1st, 2024.

Biggest Winner & Loser

BIGGEST WINNER: Juan Carlos Team - The team with the best Free Agent logo in the scene managed to somehow not only beat Tribe, but they also managed to beat STMN as well and secured their first Monthly Final win of the year. A huge upset from them and causing a lot more chaos in North America than before. They are now in 2nd place in the North America Leaderboards and look poised to be a legit contender this year. I'm not sure how long this magic will last, but their performance has definitely intrigued me to put them in contender status. Watch out for this group in the next three or so months!
BIGGEST LOSER: tostadas - Yeah... I think we all know why. That was just, very unprofessional from him. I won't go into super detail about this situation because we all pretty much know about it and I would not like to bring it up, but I'm just super disappointed in him that he would even think of doing such a thing. Even if that tiebreaker did happen, there is a good chance they don't beat Luminosity and fail to qualify anyways. He has since deleted his socials and if I had to guess, he is likely going to quit competitive Brawl as a whole. So sorry for the victims that went through this situation, but I'm glad you guys were able to compete this month.

Did Lucky Cook This Month?

I actually somehow cooked this month! Everything was going well up until North America. Juan Carlos Team ruined what was supposed to be an amazing weekend for me in predictions, but in the end I got the same score as last month. My goal was to hit 100 correct predictions total throughout the 5 seasons and so far I'm at a pretty good pace. Hopefully I'm able to keep this up the rest of the regular season or else there is a chance I might have to oil up in the Fall. Not only would that be torture for me, but also for you guys... let's hope that doesn't happen though. If I win the challenge I might do some sort of giveaway to celebrate. Now you want me to win it huh? Well we still got 3 more months so we'll see what happens. Will Lucky win the Challenge or will he have to oil up?
Asia Pacific EMEA South America North America TOTAL
March 5/7 4/7 6/7 6/7 21/28
April 5/7 6/7 6/7 4/7 21/28
TOTAL 10/14 10/14 12/14 10/14 42/56


Thanks again for waiting an additional day for this Recap to release. I wanted to make sure it was gonna be a fun read for y'all and I hope you all liked it (that and I was sleep deprived from watching every match lol)! Of course feel free to give this an upvote, share and follow me on Twitter if you haven't yet. Would really appreciate the support!
I will release my Power Rankings on Saturday at the same time as I usually post all of my BrawlCaps so I hope you're looking forward to reading them! They might be a little controversial, but all I'm going to say is for you to just hear me out on them.
See you all on Saturday! Don't forget to compete in the Championship Challenge starting this Friday so you too can one day play in the Monthly Finals.
This is Lucky Buzzing Off, and I hope you all have a Roaring day! (this pun makes no sense, but idc)


Sans shush (@Brawl_esports)
PaiN shush (@Brawl_esports)
Pougamer (@Brawl_esports)
JCT Logo (@Brawl_esports)
Byron Pic (@Brawl_esports)
Mohtep Hydrated (@Brawl_esports)
Eat Sleep Brawl Repeat (@Brawl_esports)
ReddyHot (@Brawl_esports)
Tensai Max Jumpscare (@Brawl_Esports)
All Team Logos & Country Flags were taken from Liquipedia
All Sprays from the Partnered Orgs were taken from the Supercell Fan Kit
All "Graphics" were made by Lucky84 (go follow him on Twitter)
JCT logo is the best current Free Agent team logo! Prove me wrong.
submitted by Lucky_6464 to BrawlStarsEsports [link] [comments]
