Hcg zero ovulate after miscarriage

HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

2014.04.11 18:31 dabeezkneez HPT and OPK Line Scrutiny

Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. Thank you!

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2021.01.21 17:05 February2022Bumpers

A gathering place for February 2022 Bumpers. February due dates, January & March fence-sitters, and partners of bumpers welcome.

2024.06.07 21:36 Trick_Arugula_7037 What happens when your HCG is too high?

I am 5W2D today per my estimates. I got a positive opk test on 5/13, and a dye stealer (first time I tested) 5/30.
I’ve had a MMC with my first pregnancy, then a normal pregnancy that resulted in my LO, and now this one.
With my MMC, my HCG stalled out around 5.5 weeks and didn’t progress. With my pregnancy that gave me my LO, I didn’t have perfect doubling betas but I did double within 72 hours with early numbers. The numbers themselves were very low average but did what they needed to do. I think I reached 18k hcg when I was 7 weeks pregnancy.
I got blood tests done on Tuesday and today. What I’m noticing is my numbers are significantly higher than what Beta Base is saying is the median for HCG.
Assuming I ovulated on 5/15 (I usually do 2 days after a positive OPK), at 20DPO my HCG was 11,189, and at 23DPO my HCG is 21,109.
I’ve only read that low hCG can be an issue but upon a quick Dr Google consult, it says higher hCG can indicate molar pregnancies.
I have my dating scan scheduled for next Thursday, but does anyone have any more info with higher than average hCG numbers indicating any issues with pregnancy?
submitted by Trick_Arugula_7037 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:35 Twighla My Methotrexate journey with HCG 5600 on day 1. Hopefully this will be useful to someone one day

I have a PUL. Last period 4/18. Positive pregnancy test on 5/18, yay. Went to OBGYN on 5/22 for weird mucous greenish discharge. They didn’t want to do sonogram - too early. No urine or blood test either 🤷‍♀️ just the swab of the discharge that was coming from my cervix. Bleeding with some red blood and thumb size clots on 5/25, right after bad cramps. Went to ER. Ultrasound showed bilateral ovarian cysts (were not there in 2022), and no sac. HCG 4600. Slightly open cervix. Was told everything points to miscarriage. Bleeding stopped.
Redraw HCG 5/27 - 5300.
Repeat HCG 5600 on 5/29. Urged to go to ER. Repeat ultrasound found «Prominent hyperechoic region in the right cornua measuring 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.9 cm, with surrounding hypervascularity». Offered methotrexate vs removal of R tube. Because of the location part of the uterus would have to go too. I chose methotrexate, told I will need at least two doses, 4 days apart due to HCG level and location. First dose given.
Back for repeat HCG 4584 on 6/1. Planned second shot administered. I stated bleeding, like heavier more clotty period.
HCG check on 6/4 4215 (day 7; 8% decrease). Told to go to ER for third shot. Given 3rd shot with the warning that there cannot be more than 4 and that if 3rd does not work I would have to have a surgery.
Waiting to go for next HCG this Sunday 6/9.
Gearing for not good results and to advocate/argue with doctors. I understand protocols, and the need to follow them but just because my HCG is not dropping fast enough if not a good reason for me at this time. I would rather just monitor it. I realize there is a risk of bleeding and infection but honestly imho it is worth it vs 1 tube and another scar on my uterus (I had a C-section. and boy oh boy how lucky I was with that one looking back). I am 36.
I don't know what I am posting here for. To process all this? To have a record of all this? Every visit to ER is at least 4-5h of my life and is maddening. I am still working (I am a nurse), tho I missed a few shifts. When I am off I take care of my 1 y.o. I am overwhelmed, and angry and frustrated. What a fraking mess.
submitted by Twighla to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:04 United-Ad-9780 High Hcg

Just to give a little back story…. My husband (37M) and I (33F) have been TTC for about 7 months. We have done all the intial fertility testing. The HSG shows an inoculation( I think that is what my MD said) on my left side. I was given three options: surgery, IUI, or IVF. I have some amazing insurance through Progyny and so my husband and I made the decision to move forward with IVF.
So…. You know the saying, “when you make plans—God laughs.” Or something like that. Lol
My last menstrual cycle was on my birthday May 6th. My ovulation window was the following week. My husband and I did the “do” three times that week. I saw my MD the week after on the 20th. (This is when I got my diagnosis of the inoculation or whatever it’s called).
Then we went on vacay from May 30th-June 2. My next mestrual cycle was set to begin on May 31. IT NEVER CAME.
Took a test this Monday. And it was confusing. Because the first line which is the test line lit up so fast.
I called my fertility MD on Monday as well. Saw them on Tuesday for the initial hcg and progesterone. Followed up again on yesterday to make sure they have doubled.
Here are my results: Tuesday (6/4/24) 18 DPO Progesterone: 27.67 ng/mL Hcg: 2314 mIU/mL
Thursday (6/6/24) 20 DPO Hcg: 5366 miU/mL
Anyone else with similar numbers? Did you have a singleton? Or twins?
submitted by United-Ad-9780 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:49 Small-Environment-30 Bleeding possible ectopic?

I have passed blood clots and bleeding until now, it's been 13days now.
I don't believe anymore in my ob. She first declared I've completed miscarriage since she didn't see any yolk or sac. She even said that maybe I'm not totally pregnant so the paseed blood clots is maybe my menstrual period clot. She advice me to take a serum b-hcg.
After a week, i took my hcg and it result 274.22. I came back to my ob again and she's confused why it gets higher level, so she again examined me in ultrasound and again cannot found any yolk and sac.
So she claimed it could be ectopic pregnancy.
Is anyone can advice or help me what's really going on? I don't trust my ob anymore.
submitted by Small-Environment-30 to obgyn [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 11:54 drsaritaagarwal What are the common causes of infertility in women?

What are the common causes of infertility in women?
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. For women over the age of 35, this timeframe is reduced to six months. Infertility can result from issues with the woman, the man, or a combination of both. Let’s delve into some of the most common causes of infertility in women.

1. Ovulation Disorders

Ovulation disorders are among the most frequent causes of infertility in women. These disorders can prevent the release of eggs from the ovaries and include conditions such as:
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This hormonal imbalance affects ovulation and is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, excess hair growth, and obesity.
  • Hypothalamic Dysfunction: Stress, significant weight loss or gain, and excessive exercise can disrupt the hormones responsible for ovulation.
  • Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: Also known as early menopause, this condition occurs when the ovaries stop functioning properly before the age of 40.

2. Fallopian Tube Damage

The fallopian tubes play a crucial role in the fertilization process. Damage or blockages in the tubes can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Common causes of fallopian tube damage include:
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Often caused by sexually transmitted infections, PID can lead to scarring and blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  • Endometriosis: This condition involves the growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus, which can affect the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Previous Surgeries: Surgeries in the pelvic region, especially those involving the fallopian tubes, can result in scarring and adhesions.

3. Uterine or Cervical Issues

Abnormalities in the uterus or cervix can hinder the implantation of a fertilized egg or increase the likelihood of miscarriage. These issues can include:
  • Fibroids: Noncancerous growths in the uterus that can obstruct the fallopian tubes or interfere with implantation.
  • Polyps: Benign growths on the inner wall of the uterus that can affect fertility.
  • Congenital Abnormalities: Structural issues present from birth, such as a septate uterus, can impact fertility.
  • Cervical Stenosis: Narrowing of the cervix can make it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.

4. Age-Related Factors

As women age, the quantity and quality of their eggs decline. This natural process becomes more pronounced after the age of 35, significantly affecting fertility. Older women are also more likely to experience miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities in their pregnancies.

5. Unexplained Infertility

In some cases, infertility remains unexplained despite thorough evaluations. This can be one of the most frustrating diagnoses, as it provides no clear path for treatment. However, advances in reproductive medicine continue to offer hope and potential solutions for couples facing unexplained infertility.

Seeking Help and Treatment

If you are struggling with infertility, it is essential to seek help from a specialist who can guide you through the various diagnostic and treatment options available. At our clinic, we provide comprehensive Infertility Treatment in Pratap Nagar, Jaipur, tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Our services include:
  • Fertility Testing: Thorough assessments to identify potential causes of infertility.
  • Ovulation Induction: Medications to stimulate ovulation.
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): A procedure that places sperm directly into the uterus.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Assisted reproductive technology that involves fertilizing an egg outside the body and implanting it in the uterus.
  • Surgical Interventions: Procedures to correct structural issues affecting fertility.
Infertility can be a challenging and emotional journey, but with the right support and treatment, many women can achieve their dream of becoming mothers. If you have concerns about your fertility, don’t hesitate to reach out to our clinic for a consultation. Together, we can explore the best path forward and take steps toward building the family you desire.
submitted by drsaritaagarwal to u/drsaritaagarwal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:42 MaddieWolf99 Confusion with LH and HCG tests both being positive?

I had my first miscarriage April 27th-May7th. I started taking ovulation tests again once I stopped bleeding. I ovulated on the 27th of May. We of course made some baby batter during that time. My LH levels dropped back down as usual then all of a sudden the past 3 days it has risen up to almost my peak level again. My friend laughed and said did you take a LH or a HCG test? I said LH. She said take a HCG test for shits and giggles. I will note my breasts have become very sensitive again like when I was pregnant. Which I found odd but I didn’t think much of it because breast tenderness is also a sign of period. Now here’s where I got confused.. when I took the HCG tests there was the faintest positive line..
I’ve read so many different things including some doctors that studied women who continued to take ovulation test after their ovulation peaked.. the study showed that sometimes the LH test would respond positive (indicating a spike in LH) when in fact the test was picking up HCG levels not LH levels. Because they’re both similar the tests sometimes mixes them up. A lot of the women that had this happen to them ended up finding out they were pregnant within the weeks following.
Has anyone ever had this happen? I’m going to test in the morning. I’m just confused and wanting to know if this has happened to someone else. Because we’ve struggled to conceive for almost a year. So a part of me doesn’t believe there’s anyway I’m pregnant less than a month after I miscarried.
submitted by MaddieWolf99 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:08 May_6789 Miscarriage followed by ovulation. Is it plausible?

Trigger Warning: On May 26 I had a miscarriage. I was 5 weeks 3 days pregnant. I had my HCG drawn at the ER that morning. It was 53. Later that evening I returned to the ER as bleeding increased and the doctor did a bedside ultrasound where he confirmed a sac with blood in my uterus. The next day, May 27, I returned to the hospital for the third time for a scheduled vaginal ultrasound where the doctor confirmed there was no sign of pregnancy and no concern of ectopic. I must’ve passed the tissue overnight. It was a fairly textbook miscarriage. About 5 days after the bleeding originally started, I tested negative for pregnancy and my bloodwork results show HCG was 6 (May 30) and 0 a few days later.
However, that same day, I tested LH as the miscarriage bleeding had stopped. The LH strip was dark! I wasn’t expecting to ovulate only 5 days after my miscarriage started. However…this is the interesting part… had I not originally been pregnant and had I got a period, that day (May 30) would’ve been my ovulation day anyways (according to my app). So technically I didn’t miss an ovulation cycle?
Has anyone experienced ovulation this early after miscarriage? Should I consider the surge on May 30 to be ovulation? Could I be pregnant again that fast? We had sex on LH surge day May 30 and May 31 to maximize our chances of conceiving again. I know LH can surge if HCG is still detected but my HCG was 6 (which is the range - under 10 - my doctor wanted to see it drop to). Thanks in advance and appreciate being apart of this community ❤️.
submitted by May_6789 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:22 ivyandroses112233 Mounting gynecological issues have me anxious about having kids.

I am absolutely entering the time in life where kids are becoming the next step. I have a man who will be proposing before the end of this year, we have a house, we both have full time jobs.. my younger brother and his gf are expecting in September. My best friend in October. I am not really ready, but I probably would've said f it, let's stop using condoms, if I didn't just undergo a laproscopic myomectomy. My doctor says wait at least 1 year post surgery to get pregnant. I will need a c section because of the surgery I just had, fine, not thrilled about that but whatever. At least I get to pick my baby's birthday. I find out you are at risk for placenta accreta with scars on the uterus. I got upset and cried that I'll never get to be pregnant without fear if placenta issues and uterine rupture. If that already wasn't enough to bare, after my surgery I found out I only have one ovary and fallopian tube. My right ovary is healthy and has alot of follicles, I know I ovulate. My friend who's a nurse tells me that sometimes when you only have one organ it functions well to overcompensate for the lack. So maybe I'll have twins one day (high risk on top of high risk). I've read papers of people with one ovary and tube being infertile. I had scar adhesions on my uterus. On top of my gyno issues, my family is at risk for diabetes and heart disease, I lean on that side of the family. My dad recently had a severe stroke. I feel like it's irresponsible to pass on my genes. I have such negative feelings about having children when it was always something I wanted. I hate feeling this way and I feel like there's always fucking something. From the age of 11-26 I have ZERO issues. A normal like clockwork period every month, always ovulated every month. Ever since the discovery of the POSSIBLY CANCEROUS tumor in my uterus that I just had removed, it's been down hill.
I say all this to just vent but I honestly don't even know what to think anymore. I feel like if I do have a kid, they might be severely disabled and I'll just regret not listening to my gut telling me to give up hope.
Edit to add: my doctor says I should be able to conceive. But I have never tried, so who knows? A part of me feels like when the time is right it will all be fine. The dark part of me feels like there are alot of things working against me and to accept a life of pet animals and traveling instead.
submitted by ivyandroses112233 to waiting_to_try [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:59 space_b1rd 13 dpo super faint pos hcg 41

Hi there
long story short, we have been ttc 2 years, 3 iuis, one mmc, last iui cancelled because I ovulated on day 5 during my period so we decided to take a break from intensive trying this summer and wait for IVF.
Well I guess that didn’t work because after I was certain I was not pregnant this time (last time I got a positive at 9 dpo) I got a suuuuper faint line at 13 dpo today. I had been drinking etc too 😟
Went to get bloodwork today and my beta is 41. I am 4 weeks tomorrow. I may have ovulated late which might explain things but I am fairly sure I ovulated day 14. The fertility clinic said its fairly likely this is a chemical pregnancy, or an ectopic and they will repeat my beta on monday. I feel like now that I am thinking ectopic I have right lower quadrant pain but I am not sure it is in my head… its very mild.
Do we think an HCG of 41 with borderline progesterone one day before I am 14 dpo that this is a write off?
submitted by space_b1rd to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:41 OneGuidance1668 Tracing hcg out CD 6 (loss cycle)

Tracing hcg out CD 6 (loss cycle)
Anyone can share their hcg tracking to zero after the loss? I had max levels of 1400 and it got to 500 within a week. It’s CD 6 and my ovulation tests are total dye stealer, hoping to be able to trace ovulation (if it comes) this cycle ..
submitted by OneGuidance1668 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:05 Previous_Race8837 Hcg to drop?

How long did it take for your hcg to go down?
At the time of the medicated miscarriage mine was around 13k. 3 days after taking cytotec it was at 2k 3 days later (6days post cytotec) it was only at 1400.
Should it be falling faster? I had read 50% every 48 hours was normal.
This whole process is so lonely and hard. Thinking of all of you as I go through this.
submitted by Previous_Race8837 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:30 Regular-Problem-924 Didn't get SA due to HCG dropping.. can I get pregnant right now?

I was supposed to get an SA yesterday (5 weeks) but they couldn't see anything in the ultrasound and my hcg is dropping from last week. They said I could be having a miscarriage or it could be ectopic. He offered to still do the SA but I didn't want to go through with it if it wasn't needed (I had already been there 4 hours). I'm going tm to test the hcg and if it's dropping we are probably okay. If not, I'll drive pretty far on Saturday for an SA as it'll be too late the following Wed for me to do one as I'll be just over 6 weeks. If I get really bad pain, I'll go to the hospital to see if it is ectopic.
Anyway, assuming I'm having a miscarriage, can I get pregnant right now? Or soon? This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea how it works. Do I just edit for negative pregnancy test and then know I'll be at risk for getting pregnant after that?
submitted by Regular-Problem-924 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:00 Willing_Umpire_5178 So confused

Went in for my first ultrasound. Should be 12 weeks 4 days. Fetus measured 6 weeks 1 day no fetal heartbeat. They said it was too early to say it’s a miscarriage. I guess my sac measured 4mm but to say it’s a miscarriage it has to be 7mm or above. He said i could have ovulated later and we got the numbers wrong? But he thinks it might be a miscarriage. Got my blood work done to see what the hcg levels are, and I go back on Monday to see if they are going up or down. I am just so confused and heartbroken. I don’t know how to feel.
submitted by Willing_Umpire_5178 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:29 Karamelo_13 Ovulation 1 week after miscarriage

I transferred my remaining embryo and had a miscarriage at 6 weeks😞 It's been about 9 days since and now I am having ewcm and ovulation cramping on my right ovary. I usually always ovulate early in my cycle as well. Has anyone ovulated this early after miscarriage? Any successful pregnancies as well??
submitted by Karamelo_13 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:54 mackiec4 Possible Chemical Pregnancy after TFMR - HCG levels?

I’m wondering if anyone who had a CP after their TFMR could share what their HCG levels were? For context, I had my TFMR March 20th at 21 weeks due to severe oligohydramnios that was likely caused by PPROM. Had my period about 5.5 weeks later and then started tracking my LH levels. We had planned to hold off on trying that first “real” cycle, but my predicted ovulation time came and went with no even slight increase in LH, and so I assumed I was not ovulating that cycle. I ended up having a positive LH a little over a week late, and by that time it was a little too late for us to “be careful” so to speak. Not a huge deal-I’d been cleared by my OB and we had planned on trying the following cycle, so just a little earlier.
I ended up getting a positive pregnancy test 11DPO, and then went in for hcg testing on what should have been 4w4d and 4w6d (based on ovulation, not LMP). My first level was fine at 221, but my second only barely increased at 229. I am assuming this will be a chemical, but my midwife thinks since it’s not decreasing that we should still wait and see. She wants me to get another hcg test done next week and then I have an ultrasound scheduled for 6w6d to see what is going on.
Has anyone has similar hcg levels with their CP? I’m 5w today with no cramps or indication that I’ll start my period soon. I’m still nauseous a lot of the time and tired, which have been my only symptoms. Can’t say I am super hopeful, but also waiting until after the 6 week mark to see what’s going on makes me nervous (live in GA where 6 weeks/a heartbeat is the cutoff. Had to travel to DC for my termination).
submitted by mackiec4 to PregnancyAfterTFMR [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 13:22 NewFreeMan2021 Long time TRT User with hCG included in my protocol. Need advice about my hCG dosage and fertility.

Hey y’all, so I’ve been on TRT off and on for 12 years now. The first time was for 2 years just straight testosterone back in 2012, was single back then, and my primary care doc tested my T-Levels and found they were low so she prescribed me testosterone, just testosterone alone. 200 mg IM every 2 weeks. She never asked about fertility or anything. She was very inexperienced on the matter.
Well I quit after 2 years just stopped taking it and I felt great, no side effects from stopping. I’m in a long relationship and her and I try to conceive numerous times with zero success. We both go to fertility docs in 2019, and it was her that was infertile. My semen analysis was great, high volume and high motility, very few that were deformed. Well her and I split the year after a rocky patch and stagnation in the relationship.
About 6 months later I’m feeling rundown, depressed, tired, no libido, didn’t feel like socializing at all. I was very withdrawn due to the split. Well I decide to get back out there. I found a TRT clinic and got back on T. I felt great and on top of my game. I lost weight, I gained muscle, my confidence soared, I met many women and women were all over me. It was fun. My TRT clinic had me dialed in at 220 mg Cyp., 2000 IU hCG, and .5mg -1mg Anastrozole weekly. He put me at this hCG dosage because I told him I wanted to maintain my fertility.
Then the pandemic hit and I was switched to self injections due to the office being closed. Everything went fine and I maintained my dose. Well in 2021 there was a shortage of hCG and my teledoc at the clinic lowered my hCG to 1000 IU weekly. That’s where I’ve been ever since. At that dosage. Well I’m 40 now and I just started dating a wonderful woman 4 months ago who is 32 and she wants to have kids ASAP, as do I. I’ve long wanted to become a father. My questions are:
Is 1000 IU hCG a week sufficient to maintain fertility?
Has being on 1000 IU hCG a week damaged my fertility?
Will going back up 2000 IU hCG restore fertility if it was affected?
So many questions on my mind right and I want to say I appreciate it so much and feedback y’all can offer! :)
submitted by NewFreeMan2021 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:38 Alive_Pepper_1352 Our new hire at work was talking about one of the Kardashians (don't know which one and I don't care) and asking "If she'd had her baby yet" and stated that she (the new hire) "was sure she was going to have a miscarriage *or something* but I guess not."

Our new hire at work was talking about one of the Kardashians (don't know which one and I don't care) and asking
Well fuck me. I'm CD28 (and haven't ovulated) after another CP and had a miscarriage last year.
Let's throw miscarriage around like it's something that just happens, isn't traumatic or a big deal. Definitely not something I get to live through over and over.
submitted by Alive_Pepper_1352 to trollingforababy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:10 Pumpkin-cat4825 I'm a bit worried

I'm currently pregnant I'm experiencing some bleeding after I had a transvaginal ultrasound not enough to call an ambulance but enough to worry I went in for a check baby is measuring at 6 to 8 weeks and my hcg is in range at a bit more than 22 thousand when I went in for a check they rechecked it went down like a thousand but still in range my ob said she isn't concerned and she will run more tests and blood I've had miscarriages before so I'm a bit cautious about this stuff
submitted by Pumpkin-cat4825 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:10 Slydragonfruit I'm excited for this experience

I'm almost in my second trimester of pregnancy and I love feeling my crappy symptoms. They remind me I have something beautiful forming inside of me. I suffered a miscarriage early this year; three months after my husband and I got married. We got pregnant immediately after our wedding, but we didn't know.
I actively tested my ovulation cycle as soon as we could try again after my next period started, lo and behold! I have turned my life around to accommodate the one growing inside of me. I'm blessed to have something bigger than myself. When I lost my pregnancy symptoms during my first pregnancy, I was torn apart knowing something was wrong. I broke down crying when I got to see my second babies heartbeat on the monitor in the same time frame when I didn't see a heartbeat for my first.
I've learned to not be hard on myself, and now I crave every time we get to see our baby during ultrasounds. I can't wait to rock and sing to my angel, I sway with my hands on my belly & pray to her every single day. I feel so blessed. I just wanted to share.
submitted by Slydragonfruit to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:39 Ok-Team-839 Depressed about my Betas and just the situation I am in

TW: mention of pregnancy
So finally after a long long wait my 2nd FET of 2 embryos works and I test positive on 11dp5dt with a beta hcg of 1794. I was thrilled except that I was also having minor bleeding. At the ER they dont see anything in the ultrasound so tell me to go back as it may be too early.
Next beta done on 13dp5dt after around 45 hours and that instead of doubling is only 2301. Continuing to have spotting so this doesnt seem like any good news.
Any stories or advice from the folks here would be very helpful ! Very scared of miscarriage / ectopic.
To top it all I recently moved to US (after my embryo transfer in home country) and cant figure out the healthcare here. Unable to find a good OB-GYN in bay area who can give immediate appointments to handle my care.
submitted by Ok-Team-839 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:12 Karalyn87 I was supposed to have surgery today

I was supposed to have a laparoscopy to remove a relatively small, benign ovarian cyst today per a fertility specialist who recommended we have that done if we want to move forward with treatments. Two days ago I had pre-op blood work to test for pregnancy and it was positive (HCG 16), which would have been maybe 8 DPO so the low result makes sense. I was so excited, and still feel good… but reality hit. I get my second blood work done tomorrow, and I know it could go either way. I want so badly for this to be our baby. I did at home tests yesterday and today and saw a darker line this morning. I’ve had two miscarriages; my first was a MMC that ended in a D&C at 10 weeks last year and my second was at 7 weeks just after a healthy ultrasound this past January. Just wanted to share in case anyone relates to this moment of intense, mixed emotions…thanks for reading <3
submitted by Karalyn87 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:54 Weird_Ocelot_1880 OPK Chart Help- Anovulation? Something Else?

OPK Chart Help- Anovulation? Something Else?
I could use some opinions on my OPK chart as it's so different from any other LH testing I've done before. I always use the Easy@Home and typically have a fairly standard pattern where my levels are quite low, and then have a quick surge that will last 1-1.5 days. I usually ovulate by CD20 (average cycle length is 31-34 days).
This cycle my LH levels are all over the place. I have never had such erratic levels, changing rapidly within a few hours. I have been doing 3-4 hour holds, so the urine is not diluted. Unfortunately, I did not track BBT this month as I have always consistently ovulated & wanted to give myself a break from tracking (jokes on me).
Has anyone seen a cycle like this? Is this probably anovulation?
Other notes:
  • Higher than average AMH levels, but do not have PCOS. I was told ovaries + follicles appear totally normal on ultrasound.
  • LH:FSH ratio was typical at the beginning of the month (day 3) (4.3 IU/L: 4.9 IU/L)
  • Estradiol was normal day 3 (98 pmol/L or 28.3 pg/ml)
  • I had a HyCoSy done at CD6, where I was told everything looked normal & that I would ovulate from my left side.
  • Abundance of EWCM, mild cramps, and mild acne starting around CD 15, but discharge is beginning to dry up now (CD 18)
  • This is my third cycle following an ectopic pregnancy treated with methotrexate. The first cycle is hard to tell how normal it was as I got my LH a week after hCG hit 0 & my cycle was 2 weeks later. The second cycle I got my LH surge on CD 18/19 with my cycle 2 weeks later.
submitted by Weird_Ocelot_1880 to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]
